Jilin provincial party and government delegation came to Tianjin to inspect the symposium on cooperation and exchange between the two provinces and cities, and held a speech by Chen Miner Jing Junhai,

  (Reporter Yu Chunfeng, Liu Guodong Mizhe) On November 6-7, the party and government delegation of Jilin Province visited Tianjin, and the two provinces and cities held a symposium on cooperation and exchange, and signed the Framework Agreement of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and Changchun Municipal People’s Government on Comprehensively Deepening Counterpart Cooperation.

  Chen Miner, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the forum and delivered a speech. Jing Junhai, secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, attended and delivered a speech. Hu Yuting, Deputy Secretary of Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Governor, and Zhang Gong, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor respectively introduced the economic and social development of the two provinces and cities and deepened cooperation and exchanges between Tianjin and Kyrgyzstan. CPPCC Chairman Wang Changsong attended.


  景俊海代表吉林省委、省政府,向天津市长期以来给予吉林省的支持帮助表示衷心感谢。他说,天津在党和国家发展全局中具有重要战略地位。近年来,天津一以贯之践行习近平总书记“三个着力”重要指示要求,深入实施高质量发展“十项行动”,全面建设社会主义现代化大都市不断取得新进展新成效。天津的好经验好做法,值得我们认真学习借鉴。吉林和天津渊源深厚、互动频繁,特别是通过天津长春对口合作,收获了兄弟般的深情厚谊和丰硕合作成果。当前,吉林正在深入贯彻习近平总书记在新时代推动东北全面振兴座谈会上的重要讲话精神和中共中央政治局10月27日会议精神,奋力走出高质量发展、可持续振兴新路。我们愿进一步加强同京津冀协同发展战略对接,与天津携手服务和融入新发展格局,在新起点上共谱吉津合作新篇章。一是携手拓展对外开放空间,深化经贸交流合作,不断提升开放发展水平。二是携手构筑先进制造业高地,在重点领域深化合作,更好实现产业配套和产业链互补。三是携手推动粮肉产销协作,深化“津粮吉储”“津肉吉供”,Let more Jilin high-quality food enter the family kitchen, the people’s dining table and the people’s pockets. Fourth, work together to tap the consumption potential of cultural tourism, launch more high-quality cultural tourism products and tourism boutique routes, and better meet the consumption needs of the people.

  According to the agreement, our city and Changchun will comprehensively promote cooperation in the fields of modern agriculture, strategic emerging industries, scientific and technological innovation, opening up, economic and trade tourism, financial services, ecological protection, and cadres and talents.

  During their stay in Tianjin, the party and government delegation of Jilin Province inspected Tasly Holding Group Co., Ltd. to learn about enterprise innovation and development, industrial system construction and intelligent manufacturing technology.

  Zhang Enhui, Li Wei, Li Guoqiang and Wang Zilian, leaders of Jilin Province and Changchun City, and Liu Huawen, secretary general of the provincial government; City leaders Wang Lijun, Zhu Peng, Zhang Ling and Meng Qingsong, Secretary General of the municipal government, attended related activities.

Korean Confucian Academy witnessing the exchange of civilizations

  Over the years, around the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese medicine and Korean medicine, printing and Confucian classic engraving, many public hot topics have emerged. Among them, there are many misinformation, and common-sense mistakes like confusing world heritage, intangible heritage and memory engineering are also common. At this time, instead of deliberately entangled in "squatting", it is better to calm down at the same time and build a multi-dimensional coordinate system of "beauty of beauty, beauty of beauty" to improve the appreciation level of tolerance and mutual learning.

  3. Visit five academies in Korea.

  In 2011, the Korean government selected 9 representative colleges from the existing 637 colleges to apply for the World Heritage. I remember that when I read the English version of Korea’s related application documents, I couldn’t understand "Seowon". After reading it carefully, I suddenly realized that this word is not the transliteration of Chinese "Academy" from Korean and then translated into English.

  After nine years of hard work, the Confucian Academy project declared by South Korea has finally been included in the World Heritage List. What are these Confucian academies in Korea like now? What is the unique value? Over the years, I have been to South Korea three times, walking in Gyeongsang Road, which was among the eight roads of Lee’s North Korean dynasty, and visited five academies.

  Among the five academies, Pingshan Academy, located near Hehui Village, a world heritage site in Anton City, still lingers on my mind when I visit them again and again. Nowadays, tourists who come to Hehui Village can take a country road to Pingshan College for a short stay if they are still interested, but they don’t know that there is a dirt road in Hehui Village, which winds into the mountains through the rice fields at the head of the village. Walking among them, if you go up the mountain yin road and overlook the Luodong River, it flows slowly, and you stop and go, as if you were sailing with the water, and the mountains and rivers set each other off, which makes people overwhelmed. About an hour later, I arrived in front of this academy, which was built in 1613. Pingshan Academy is named after the picturesque mountains on the other side, which is generally similar to other academies’ regulations, but the special environment makes this place particularly spacious and spacious. At dusk, I boarded the building opposite to the evening, and when I looked around, the river rippled with golden waves, and the light and shadow on the other side of the cliff were displaced. The scenery was quite artistic in Du Fu’s poem, "The emerald screen should be right at night, and the white valley will swim deeply."

  Hidden in the mountains, Yun Shenchu

  Among these five academies, Shaoxiu Academy in Yeongju is the oldest, which was founded by the great scholar Li Kun (1501— 1570) was founded in 1543, initially named "Baiyundong Academy", located outside the entrance of Xiaobaishan National Park in South Korea. Perhaps because of the reconstruction of the old Buddhist temple site, the pattern of Shaoxiu Academy is quite different from other academies, and there is no clear correspondence between the lecture space and the sacrifice space, and the setting of the lent houses and lecture halls is also slightly scattered. However, it was recognized by Korean scholars as the first academy on the Korean peninsula because it had two functions of giving lectures and offering sacrifices at the earliest.

  After leaving Shaoxiu Academy, I followed the footsteps of "Haidong Zhuzi" Li Yun, from Rongzhou to Anton, and went to Taoshan Academy, which was founded in 1561. In terms of scale, it is the largest of several Korean academies I have visited; According to the situation, this academy is backed by the lush Taoshan Mountain, and faces the mighty Luodong River in front. Cangshan Mountain has clear water, and the river is full of color and charm. After several years, I still remember that when I visited that day, it was raining cats and dogs, and I couldn’t help feeling that Taoshan Academy was really the first holy land of Confucianism in the Li Dynasty.

  As for Yushan Academy and Daodong Academy, they are quite like two deep valleys and orchids. One is located in the outer suburb of Gyeongju, a thousand-year-old ancient capital, and one is hidden in the most remote Dacheng County of Daegu City. Jade Mountain Academy in Gyeongju, contrary to the traditional practice of sitting south facing north, has adopted the pattern of sitting east facing west, with small building volume and very compact layout. Daodong Academy in Dacheng County faces Luodong River, accompanied by towering ginkgo biloba in front of the door, and the pavilion at the entrance is named Shuiyue Building, which makes people wonder that if they visit on the night of "full moon on March 5", they can see the scenery of "and the moon comes running up the river".

  Might as well "beauty of beauty"

  The two most famous academies in China — — Bailudong Academy and Songyang Academy were included in the World Heritage List in 1996 and 2010 respectively as part of the "Heaven and Earth" historical buildings in Lushan and Dengfeng. As for the Confucian Academy in South Korea, the system imitates China’s early academy, and even its original Baiyundong Academy imitates the Lushan Bailudong Academy reconstructed by Zhu Xi in name. It should be noted that the English name of Korean heritage project is "Seowon, Korean Neo-Confucian Academies". If Neo-Confucian is translated into "neo-Confucianism" or "neo-Confucianism" without thinking, then the complexity of the meaning of "neo-Confucianism" in Chinese context is ignored, so it is better to follow the Chinese tradition and call it "Korean Confucian Academy".

  Lee’s Korean dynasty worshiped Confucianism, but as the scholar Ge Zhaoguang said, we can’t simply confuse the traditions of several East Asian countries. Specific to the Confucian Academy in Korea, the architectural layout refers to the configuration form of "Korean Mountain Temple" which was listed as a world heritage last year. Under the same social background and land use conditions, these academies have formed a completely different architectural model from mountain temples. Therefore, it has a direct role in promoting the formation of the so-called "true landscape" landscape concept of the Korean dynasty after the 18th century.

  Stones from other mountains can attack jade. The sense of solemnity that Korean academies continue to maintain is a relatively intact part of their cultural heritage of East Asian academies. This is also where we should study now. It is said that there are as many as 15,000 teenagers who go to Shaoxiu Academy to study traditional etiquette for three days every year. I still remember coming to Taoshan Academy, which is far away from the small town of Anton, on a non-weekend time six years ago. At that time, it was raining heavily, but a group of primary school students who were wearing raincoats but wet from head to toe came to visit. Under the guidance of the staff dressed in Confucian clothes, the children chirped into the Canon Church, and after a while they began to listen and read. In the quiet, they looked solemn and dignified, and the moment when the wind and rain sounded like reading was quite antique (see Figure 2).

      (Qiao Lujing text/map)

From tomorrow, these new rules will bring great changes to your life!

  Central adjustment of pension funds, sharp reduction of import tariffs on daily necessities, and cancellation of "roaming" of traffic … … July is approaching, and a number of new regulations will be implemented soon. It’s about your life and mine. Come and get to know it ~

  Central adjustment of endowment insurance fund

  Pension payment is more secure.

  On July 1st, China officially implemented the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds. After the implementation of the new system,As enterprises and individual employees, the payment is still implemented in accordance with the current policy, and there is no need to pay extra, and it will not affect the personal treatment of retirees.

  Prior to this, the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees in China was implemented at the provincial level. As far as the whole country is concerned, the income of the old-age insurance fund exceeds the expenditure. However, due to the unbalanced economic development and large population structure differences in various regions of China, the income and expenditure and balance of the basic old-age insurance fund in all areas are also unbalanced.

  Therefore, the implementation of the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds can increase the overall anti-risk ability of the endowment insurance system, make the timely and full payment of pensions in various places more secure, and thus help promote the sustainable development of the basic endowment insurance system for enterprise employees nationwide.

  Central Bank targeted cuts to required reserve ratios 0.5 percentage points

  Release about 700 billion yuan of funds.

  Since July 5,The central bank lowered the RMB deposit reserve ratio of large state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, postal savings banks, city commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks and foreign banks by 0.5 percentage points, further promoted the market-oriented and legalized "debt-to-equity swap" and increased support for small and micro enterprises.

  Targeted cuts to required reserve ratios, which supports the market-oriented rule of law and "debt-to-equity swap", can release about 500 billion yuan; Targeted cuts to required reserve ratios, which supports small and micro enterprises, can release about 200 billion yuan, which is mainly used to support relevant banks to explore the small and micro enterprise market and issue loans to small and micro enterprises, further alleviating the problem of financing difficulties and high financing costs for small and micro enterprises.

  2018 edition of foreign investment access

  Negative list release

  From July 28,A series of restrictions on foreign investment in banking, securities, automobile manufacturing, power grid construction, railway trunk road network construction and chain gas station construction will be lifted.The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce recently released the negative list of foreign investment access in 2018, and launched a new round of opening-up measures in 22 fields including finance, infrastructure, transportation and trade circulation.

  The Special Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment Access (Negative List) (2018 Edition) is a revision of the negative list of foreign investment access in the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (revised in 2017) and is published separately. In 2018, the length of the negative list was reduced from 63 to 48, and a series of major opening measures were introduced.

  Import tariffs on daily necessities have been greatly reduced.

  Consumers get benefits.

  From July 1st, the import tariffs on consumer goods will be lowered to a large extent to better meet the diversified consumption needs of domestic residents.Reduce the average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes and hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products from 15.9% to 7.1%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators from 20.5% to 8%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing and some medical and health products will be reduced from 8.4% to 2.9%. The downward adjustment is basically above 50%.

  These kinds of daily necessities are mainly concentrated in the field of imported consumer goods with characteristics and advantages where China people’s demand is relatively concentrated, which will undoubtedly bring great benefits to the people, and will also force relevant manufacturers in China to speed up supply-side reform, improve product quality and promote industrial upgrading. Foreign enterprises will also gain a bigger market from it, which will be a win-win result.

  Import tariffs on automobiles have been considerably reduced.

  The tax on car purchase has been significantly reduced.

  Since July 1, 2018, China will significantly reduce the import tariffs on automobiles. Reduce the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% respectively to 15%;Reduce the tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% to 6%.. The reduction of import tariffs on automobiles is an important measure to further expand China’s reform and opening up. After the tax reduction, the average tax rate of China’s automobile is 13.8%, and the average tax rate of parts is 6%, which is in line with the reality of China’s automobile industry.

  Take an imported car with a customs declaration price of 300,000 yuan as an example. Under the previous tariff rate of 25%, its tariff was 75,000 yuan. Based on the tax rate of 15%, the tariff is 45,000 yuan, and the consumption tax and value-added tax will be reduced accordingly, and the overall tax and fee can be saved by more than 40,000 yuan.

  National railway readjustment map

  The maximum fare discount is 6.5%

  Three months after the last map adjustment, the railway department will implement the train diagram adjustment in the second phase of this year from July 1, with the overall policy of "to meet the requirements of high-quality economic and social development". At the same time, from July 5, some high-speed train emus will be optimized and adjusted.

  After this map adjustment,The "EMU Train Marketization Plan" will be implemented, and daily maps, weekend maps and peak maps will be arranged. At the same time, flexible fares are implemented.From July 5th this year, we will optimize the published fares of high-speed trains running at speeds of 200-250km/h on the six sections of lines from Hefei to Wuhan, from Wuhan to Yichang, from Guiyang to Guangzhou, from Liuzhou to Nanning, from Shanghai to Nanjing and from Nanjing to Hangzhou, and announce the fares as the maximum price limit, with the maximum discount of 6.5%. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  In addition, after this map adjustment, the daily number of national railway "Fuxing" EMUs will increase from the current 114.5 pairs to 170.5 pairs, and 16 long-formed "Fuxing" EMUs will also be put into operation for the first time.

  Regulations on Operation and Management of Urban Rail Transit

  It will be implemented on July 1.

  The "Regulations on the Operation and Management of Urban Rail Transit" issued by the Ministry of Transport will be implemented on July 1 this year. The Regulations put forward requirements for the operation and management of urban rail transit in China from four aspects: management, service, safety and emergency.

  The "Regulations" refine the content of the special article on operation services and straighten out the connection between operation and preliminary planning. Establish a safety assessment system for urban rail transit before the initial operation, before the formal operation and during the operation. Clarify the management of employees, access to facilities and equipment, operation and maintenance management, management and control of potential risks and other related requirements.

  The "Regulations" also clarify the relevant procedural requirements for operations within the scope of urban rail transit protection zones, requiring operating units to formulate safety protection plans and dynamically monitor the areas affected by operations. Clarify the relevant requirements for the operation inspection of protected areas, stipulate the disposal of obstacles and violations of buildings (structures) along the ground and overhead lines, and strengthen the protection of urban rail transit lines.

  Traffic roaming will be cancelled.

  You don’t have to change your number when you live outside your home.

  China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom announced that the roaming charges (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan traffic) will be cancelled from July 1st, and the traffic of mobile phone users in the province will be upgraded to domestic traffic.Mobile phone traffic will no longer distinguish between the province, outside the province/local and national.. Since the "long-distance" call fee was completely abolished in September last year, there will be no difference in the main fees generated by the use of mobile phone numbers in all parts of the country (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) except the difference in attribution. Users who go to work and study outside the number home can save the trouble of changing their mobile phone numbers.

  At the same time, some package traffic does not support upgrading to national traffic: regional preferential packages based on base station positioning (the largest range is smaller than the local network), including community packages, subway traffic packages and airport traffic packages, are not included in this adjustment.

  Degree of higher education in China

  The fees for certification services were completely cancelled.

  According to the notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance,From July 1st, China will completely cancel the fees for domestic higher education degree certification services.

  After the cancellation of the domestic higher education academic degree certification service fees, the academic degrees that have been registered in the relevant databases of college students’ academic information management system and degree information management system will be subject to online inquiry and electronic certification in principle. Previously, the Ministry of Education has connected the academic degree information database to the national data sharing and exchange platform.

  In the next step, the Ministry of Education will vigorously promote the electronic inquiry authentication service, further simplify the service process, improve the service quality, and better meet the social needs such as data inquiry of domestic higher education degree certificates.

  Individual tax policy encourages researchers.

  Recently, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China issued the Notice on the Collection and Management of Individual Income Tax on the Cash Rewards for Scientific and Technological Personnel Obtaining Post Scientific and Technological Achievements, in order to implement the Notice on the Individual Income Tax Policy on the Cash Rewards for Scientific and Technological Personnel Obtaining Post Scientific and Technological Achievements issued by the Ministry of Finance, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology at the end of May this year.

  According to the Notice,Cash rewards given to scientific and technical personnel from the income from the transformation of post scientific and technological achievements can be reduced by 50% and included in the "salary and salary income" of scientific and technical personnel in the current month.. The "Announcement" further clarified the relevant operational issues, so that taxpayers can accurately understand and enjoy policies and standardize tax returns in time. The Announcement shall come into force on July 1, 2018. (Comprehensive People’s Network)

A domestic football match was scolded by a hot search. What happened?

Source: China News Network

On the 8th, a topic entry named # Match-fixing in the Final of Guangdong National Games # occupied a high position in Weibo’s hot search for a long time. As of press time, the reading volume of this topic exceeded 140 million, and nearly 9,000 people participated in the discussion.

From the perspective of competitive sports, this game is not a high-level event. If there are no special circumstances, it will not attract so much public attention to a great extent.

However, looking at the comment area, everyone has a hot discussion.

It’s the darkest hour of football in China, except for the 15-year-old boys.This is a sentence left by a netizen in the topic discussion area.

In the eyes of professional football media, there are also problems in this game. “After watching the replay of the game, there is indeed a suspicion of match-fixing, which supports a thorough investigation."

Everyone’s response is filled with the most emotions, which are helplessness and anger. In other words, today, football in China is still at a low ebb, and this game has poked a lot of people who care about football in China.

Let’s get to know the situation of this game first.

The match was held on August 7th, 2022. It was the men’s B Group A final of the 16th Guangdong Sports Games, and was played between Qingyuan team and Guangzhou team. There was no abnormal situation after the start of the game. In the second half, Qingyuan team took the lead 3-1.

But since then, the Qingyuan team seems to be like a "power outage." Goalkeepers and defenders pass the ball at will in the backcourt and are directly intercepted by opponents; When the Guangzhou team launched the attack, the Qingyuan team defender did not seem to stop the football from entering the goal; According to the camera, several Qingyuan team players started the "walking" mode on the court …

In the end, Guangzhou defeated Qingyuan 5-3 to win the championship.

After the video of this game exploded on social media, Dong Lu, a well-known football media person, used "weird 13 minutes" to describe what happened on the field.

While the outside world is discussing the game,The Chinese Football Association officially announced the launch of an investigation into the game.. The announcement said that in this competition, the performance of athletes from both sides on the field was widely questioned by public opinion, which aroused the concern of all sectors of society. China Football Association attaches great importance to this and starts the investigation procedure, and will form an investigation team with the participation of the Competition Department, the Discipline Inspection Department and other departments, and will go to Guangzhou for investigation on August 8.

It is not what China football wants to cause a heated discussion in such a way.

This year’s poor World Cup preliminaries once again put the national football team into an "infinite loop", and many fans didn’t know how to face the China football that had been in the trough for a while.

In fact, there has been a lot of news about football in China recently.

The Chinese Super League officially resumed the home and away game system. For professional teams and clubs, the home game was opened for a long time, and when familiar spectators entered the stadium again, it brought more positive signals to the team’s operation.

In the East Asia Cup competition that ended at the end of July, the China Men’s Football Team with "U23 National Team" as the main team won the third place.

Although only four teams participated in the East Asia Cup, this ranking did not satisfy the Chinese people. However, the original intention of sending young players out to increase the experience of the competition and taking this opportunity to upgrade is no problem. In the second round, the national football selection team drew with Japan. The game data still shows that there is a big strength gap between the two sides, but with courage and perseverance, the young players can gain confidence and bring some comfort to the depressed football in China.

When facing the pressure and challenges, face the difficulties and use your own efforts to resist the difficulties. Even if you fail to win the game, you will gain confidence. This may be a more realistic idea, and it is also the most needed for today’s China football.

At present, the official has been involved in the investigation of this controversial competition, but the final result has not yet been released. As for whether it is the "fake ball" mentioned by everyone, we still don’t argue.

A few days ago, the first China Youth Football League started. Wang Dengfeng, deputy director of the China Youth Football League Office and director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Ministry of Education, said, "Whether more and more children can play football is a key issue facing China football at this stage."

As the future of football in China, youth football plays an important role. Please keep it simple and away from the distractions. Only in this way can we help the development of football in China.

More than 100 players in the 9th Henan "Public Servant Cup" Table Tennis Finals.

Let’s compete with each other with passion and exchange ideas. On December 9th, the 9th Henan "Public Servant Cup" table tennis competition finals started in Huiji Campus of Zhengzhou University. More than 100 table tennis fans from 20 teams who stood out from the provincial and provincial competitions gathered here to discuss and exchange ideas and enjoy the health and happiness brought by participating in table tennis.

The 9th Henan Public Servant Cup Table Tennis Finals was hosted by Henan Provincial Sports Bureau, directly under the authority Working Committee of Henan Provincial Party Committee and Henan Provincial Sports Association for the Elderly, and undertaken by Zhengzhou University Sports Institute, Henan Table Tennis Association and Table Tennis Committee of Henan Provincial Sports Association for the Elderly. Like previous competitions, this competition adopts the system of regional trials and finals. The provincial competition was held in Zhengzhou in mid-October, and 10 teams including the Provincial Finance and Taxation United Team, the Provincial Table Tennis Association and the Provincial Third Division United Team were selected to enter the finals. The provincial city division was held in Nanyang in mid-November, and 10 teams including Xinyang, Xinxiang and Kaifeng were selected to enter the finals. Among them, the players of the provincial team are civil servants at or above the deputy department level, including retired; The players of the provincial municipal teams are civil servants at or above the deputy municipal level, including retired.

Small silver balls, full of strength, unite and promote friendship. Founded in 2014, Henan Public Servant Cup Table Tennis Tournament is held once a year. In the past ten years, the majority of leading cadres who participated in the "Public Servant Cup" table tennis tournament have exchanged handshakes in the table tennis arena, actively and actively kept fit after work, and promoted the cadres and workers around them to participate in fitness and scientific fitness. The event also effectively promoted the promotion and popularization of table tennis in our province, attracting nearly 4000 people to participate in it, becoming an important sports brand event affecting Henan and even the whole country.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Henan Senior Sports Association, the conditions of the ninth "Public Servant Cup" table tennis tournament have been adjusted. Compared with previous competitions, there are more teams participating, and the number of participating units in the two division trials exceeds the previous ones. All localities and units pay more attention to it, providing better service guarantee for the contestants. The competitive level of each participating team is stronger, and a number of new forces have emerged through this competition, and the competition scene is more intense.

Zhengguan journalist Chen Kai correspondent Wang Jinbang Wen/Tu


# History

Bigan, the god of wealth, is a god of wealth in Chinese folk belief, expressing the good wishes of the working people in China to ward off evil spirits and disasters and welcome good fortune. His surname is Biganzi. Bi was born in Ganmoyi (now Weihui, Henan), the second son of Wen Ding, the Shang emperor, and the uncle of Di Xin (Shang Zhouwang), the younger brother of Di Yi.

Bigan was born in the Seventh Sacrifice of Yinwuyi Bingzi (the 4th day of April in the summer calendar in 1125 BC) and died in 1063 BC. He was an important official of the Shang royal family and worshipped Shao Shi (the prime minister). He assisted two emperors all his life. At the age of 20, he assisted Di Yi, the king of Shang, with a high position as a teacher, and Di Xin (Yin Zhou Wang) was entrusted with the orphans.

He assisted Wang Zhongjun, the emperor of Shang Dynasty, in patriotism, pleading for the people and daring to speak out and remonstrate, and was called "an eternal loyal minister". After Zhou Wang dug his heart, he became a careless person because his heart was hollowed out, so he was careless and impartial, and was regarded as the God of Wealth by later generations. He was the first God of Wealth worshipped by the people and widely praised and worshipped by the world.

Di Yi was assisted by Di Xin, who had been in politics for more than 40 years. He advocated reducing taxes and corvees, encouraging the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, advocating smelting and casting, and enriching Qiang Bing. At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Di Xin (Zhou Wang) was tyrannical and dissolute, extorting and extorting money, sighing for the Lord, refusing to remonstrate, not being loyal, fearing death, not being brave, remonstrating, not using it, dying, and being loyal, so he went to the Star Tower to remonstrate for three days.

He asked why he relied on benevolence and righteousness more than he did on dry days, so he relied on anger. He said that I heard that saints have seven minds and believe in everything. Then he killed Bigan and dissected his heart, at the age of 64. After Bigan’s death, Zhou Wang sent someone to Bigan’s home to exterminate his family. There were two pregnant concubines in Bigan’s family, and one was caught and brutally executed.

Bigan’s wife, Chen, managed to escape in order to save the baby in her womb. Soldiers who sympathized with them secretly released her and four handmaids. They left the capital together to sing songs and went to live in seclusion in the mountains. Later, they gave birth to a boy, and now they call this cave "Linmu Cave".

Soldiers in Zhou Wang searched the descendants of Bigan everywhere. When they found them, they asked what the child’s name was. Mrs Bigan lived in the forest, and there was a mountain spring around the forest, so they told the soldiers that the child was called Lin Quan. Later, Zhou Wuwang defeated Zhou Wang, found Mrs Bigan and her children, and named the child Lin Jian, who was the ancestor of Lin.

The theme song "Burning" of the torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Games was released.

Source: WeChat WeChat official account, 19th Asian Games.





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    On September 10th, the theme song "Burning" and its MV of the torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Games were officially released.

    The torch relay is an important part of the cultural activities of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and it is also an important way to spread the Olympic spirit, publicize and promote the Asian Games, and promote the host city and the co-host city.

    On September 8, the launching ceremony of the torch relay for the Hangzhou Asian Games was held in Yongjin Park Square, Hangzhou, and it is currently being carried out in 11 cities in Zhejiang Province. As an important medium of the torch relay, the theme songs of the torch relay play an important role in enhancing the influence of the torch relay and promoting the torch relay activities.

    The theme song "Burning" released this time is composed by Pang Long and Kong Fandong, and written by Pang Long. The melody of the whole song is passionate and catchy, and the lyrics are exciting and inspiring, showing the fighting spirit in the competition; The arrangement combines light electronic music and heavy rock music, giving people a passionate feeling.

    Also released with the theme song "Burning" is the MV of this song. The performance was performed by YiBo, a young singer, actor and skateboarding promotion ambassador of China. Through the interpretation of the men’s 4× 100m relay teams in YiBo and China, the whole MV, combined with the related scenes of the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games, embodies the goal of "China’s characteristics, Asian style and splendor", highlights the charm and achievements of poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River and the wisdom of Hangzhou, conveys the expectation of not being afraid of challenges, welcoming beauty and forging ahead together, and expresses praise for peace, unity, dream, inheritance, courage and strength, which inspires all sectors of society to be full of enthusiasm.

    Young man, the first car! Xiaomi applied for the first automobile SU7 trademark: the price starts from 190,000 yuan.

    On December 1 ST, according to the website of Tianyancha,Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. applied for registration of the trademark "XIAOMI SU7" on November 15th, 2023, which is classified as fitness equipment internationally, and it is still in the stage of substantive examination.

    Source: Tianyancha

    In the latest batch of new car declaration catalogue published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last month, Xiaomi SU7, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, officially completed the declaration, and it is expected to be listed in 2024. Once the news came out, it immediately set off a discussion upsurge on the Internet. Both rims and non-rims were very interested in Xiaomi’s car-making, and launched a round of discussion around its exposed appearance parameters. The heat can be said to be the same for a while.

    Subsequently, more specific model information of Xiaomi Automobile was exposed.It is reported that the first model of Xiaomi Automobile is divided into four versions, namely, the standard version, the Pro version, the Max version, and the track version that is not sold in batches. The price range is concentrated in 190,000-300,000 yuan.The production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile in the first year is less than 70,000 units, and the first batch of cars will be sold in first-and second-tier cities first.

    The span of the price range of 190,000-300,000 yuan is not small. It seems that Xiaomi still wants to make a fuss about the configuration of different models. Lei guessed that the price of the standard version may be 190,000 yuan, which is mainly used to lower the threshold for users to start and attract more prospective car owners who are still waiting to see. Pro and Max versions are divided into different versions through differences in intelligent driving and battery life. As for the track version, because of its characteristics of not mass production and sales, I believe it must be prepared for the most loyal rice noodles.

    Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

    In addition to the full vehicle configuration, the car system and intelligent cockpit are undoubtedly the biggest selling points of Xiaomi SU7.With the 澎湃 OS system released this year, it is very exciting to see how far the interaction between people, mobile phones and cars can go. In terms of intelligent driving, although we still don’t know the relevant information, as the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, I believe that Xiaomi definitely wants to make the first shot, and the configuration will not disappoint everyone.

    Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, once said that the progress of Xiaomi Automobile has exceeded expectations, and the mass production target will remain unchanged in the first half of next year, followed by the second winter test. According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the name of the two new models of Xiaomi Automobile is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., which also means that BAIC will become the OEM of Xiaomi Automobile. With the help of BAIC, the production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile is believed to be not too big. problem.

    According to the latest news,At the end of December this year, Xiaomi Automobile will hold a technical conference, at which time everyone can fully understand all the information of Xiaomi SU7. The question is, if you can start with Xiaomi SU7 for 190,000 yuan, will you consider it?

    Cover source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

    History and facts, the truth is always in the fog.

    # Article Starting Challenge #

    Yao and Shun are two kings mythologized by ancient scholars. There is a saying in Mencius Teng Wengong: "Mencius is kind in nature, and his words must be called Yao and Shun." It can be seen that in Mencius’ mind, Yao and Shun are the best examples of human nature. "Historical Records of Five Emperors" also recorded Yao and Shun’s abdication. However, in the Chronicle of Ancient Bamboo Books, it is described as "Shun imprisoned Yao, and suppressed Dan Zhu again, so as not to meet his father". Shun imprisoned Yao and exiled Dan Zhu so that he could not meet his father (Yao). There are also the following contents in "Han Feizi Shuo Yi": Shun forced Yao, Yu forced Shun, Tang Fang Jie, and Wu Wang cut Zhou; These four kings, people and ministers regicide, are also famous all over the world. It’s so straightforward that it doesn’t have to be translated into vernacular.

    The same thing, two completely opposite versions, who do we believe? From the perceptual point of view, we are more inclined to believe in the elegance and mind of the ancient emperors in the theory of abdication; But rationally speaking, the records in Annals of Ancient Bamboo Books are more in line with human nature and logic. In ancient times, the productivity was extremely low, and there was no so-called etiquette and law to restrain people. It was entirely possible for people, tribes and tribes, to conduct activities in a way similar to that of wild animals. Imagine that in the primitive times when the means of production and living were extremely scarce, once the surrounding environment could not provide enough food, the possibility of fighting between tribes for survival resources would be infinite. We can even think that the premeditated killing or plundering of the labor force population that has been or will be formed in hostile tribes should be the normal state of human life in that era. If we substitute the later nomadic people, it feels really similar. Therefore, the behavior of human beings in that era should be more inclined to the barbaric side, rather than the ideal state that we traditionally think.

    In Historical Records and Annals of Bamboo Books, Yu is regarded as the first place in the chronology of Xia Dynasty. And the former recorded Yu’s much more detailed deeds relative to his descendants, including water conservancy, Kyushu, succession and so on. Except Xia Qi, most of the records of the leaders in the whole Xia Benji were XX collapse and XX standing. There is also a passage in Historical Records: Emperor Yudong made a hunting tour, but it collapsed when he was arrested. Grant benefits to the world. After three years of mourning, the son of Emperor Yu was enlightened and settled in the Yang of ji shan. Yuzi is a wise man, and the world is interested. On the whole, it means that Yu is also giving in, but his son Qi is too good to be at home. This is in line with the world outlook of ancient mainstream consciousness. Then let’s take a look at how the Annals of Bamboo Books are written: Yudu Yangcheng. One sentence; Forty-five years of Yu Li. Two sentences. This Yu is gone! Then there is: the emperor said "will". Yi gan qi position, qi kill it. The last few words have a lot of information, which is very similar to many events in our history. Let’s take a look at the simple sentence in The Songs of the South: Enlightening the generation and benefiting the future. During the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, the word Hou had the meaning of Wang.

    Personally, I believe in words less. Of course, this is not psychological gloom or anything, because I have read a passage before, and I can’t remember it specifically. It probably means that the longer the history is from us, the more detailed it is, the greater the possibility of fabrication and the lower its credibility. This is very reasonable, even if modern people restore things before 2000, they must use historical materials to confirm each other to get a relatively reasonable result, not to mention the ancients who restored things more than 2000 years ago. And the record of Dayu in Historical Records is just like taking a guest, so it’s not very reliable to think about it.

    Although we have been unable to research the specific events, judging from all kinds of struggles for power and position in the history of China, the events recorded in the Annals of Bamboo Records can not be completely restored, but it is estimated that they are not too far apart.

    People or things in remote ancient times have been passed down to this day. As I said before, there may be people, and things have definitely changed beyond recognition, but we can be sure that they are our common ancestors and the source of China.

    Up to now, the word "China", the earliest archaeological discovery, originated from a bronze ware presented to Zhou Chengwang by a nobleman named He in the Western Zhou Dynasty. We now call it "He Zun" with the following sentence: Yu Qi lives in China. At this time, the meaning of the word China refers to the center of the world. At that time, people’s concept was that the sky was round and the place was like a cover, and the place was like a chess game. It can be said that the significance of China at this time is not only geographical, but also civilized: all the people living here are civilized people, the highest class, and there are also people and savages in the rites of Zhou.

    Therefore, in ancient history, if someone talks about "China", it means not only this land, but also that it is the place with the highest level of civilization, the world lighthouse, and the air is sweet. Here is an interesting topic to insert. After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, when the two sides signed the treaty of shimonoseki, the contracting parties had to call themselves "China" in the treaty. Japan resolutely refused to do it, saying that you were beaten down by me now, but not as bad as me. Where is China and I am China? It should be noted that it was already 1895, and the Westernization Movement of the Manchu government and the Meiji Restoration in Japan had been around 30 years, but their understanding of "China" was still from the perspective of civilization.

    Knowing the original concept of China, how did she come into being?

    As we know, Oracle Bone Inscriptions was written in the Shang Dynasty, and Oracle bones were used for divination, and sacrifices were often used in divination. According to the study of unearthed Oracle Bone Inscriptions films, there are about 1,300 pieces of Oracle bones that record human sacrifices, including nearly 2,000 Oracle inscriptions. In the archaeological process of Yin Ruins, a large number of abnormal human skeletons were unearthed. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 4000 people, that is to say, there are at least more than 100 abnormal deaths per square kilometer in Yinxu alone. To know that Yin started to be the capital of Shang Dynasty since Pan Geng, and the capital of Shang Dynasty changed several times before, it is not difficult to speculate how many savage human sacrifices there were before.

    And sacrifice, at that time, should be the most important thing. Who are the people who can sacrifice to heaven? Only our business people. From the contents of Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s deciphering unearthed, we know that Shang often made foreign expeditions. In Di Xin’s period, there was an Oracle bone which recorded "Di Xin’s Ten Sacrifices to Cut People’s Square". Some of the unlucky prisoners who came back from the war will be sacrificed to please God. This leads to a problem. Businessmen think that only themselves are destiny, or simply put, only businessmen are human beings, and people outside businessmen are not human beings. They can all be sacrificed to heaven, no different from pigs, cattle and sheep. As a "square" at that time, Zhou was inferior to Shang in terms of population and force, so it had to unite with other "squares" to fight against the behemoth of Shang.

    "Zhou Wuwang led the Western vassals to attack Yin and was defeated by the wild" (Annals of Ancient Bamboo Books). One of the important reasons why the Western vassals here, or tribal leaders, are willing to let the Zhou people command in a unified way and jointly attack the merchants is that Zhou put forward the concept of "common ownership of the world": I, the king of Zhou, am a herder of Heaven, and I won’t beat you and him as easily as the Yin merchants. Summarized by a well-known sentence in the Book of Songs: Under the whole world, is it the land of kings? Leading the land, is it a king? Everyone is the same. Zhou people won’t take you to worship heaven with pigs, cattle and sheep.

    If we say that before Zhou defeated Shang, the civilization in China was still a discrete community separated from each other, then marked by the cutting of King Wu, the scattered fires of civilization in the Central Plains finally gathered together and began to release dazzling brilliance. This is the country of the central government, the crown of civilization, and China.

    Zhang Xuesong: Culture is not high and low, it can enter the audience’s heart through artistic expression.

    Chao News Client Reporter Chen Tangdi

    Zhang Xuesong, director of Zhejiang Song and Dance Theatre of Zhejiang Performing Arts Group, was born in 1980s. He became attached to dance at the age of 6, entered an art school at the age of 9, joined the army as a soldier at the age of 14, entered the Dance Academy of Minzu University of China at the age of 16, entered Beijing Modern Dance Company at the age of 20, joined the New Point Dance Workshop under the Singapore Arts Council at the age of 21, joined Zhejiang Song and Dance Theatre at the age of 27, and became a director at the age of 35. She has been in close contact with art for more than 30 years.

    During her career as a director, her works have been fruitful: the G20 Summit cultural performance "What I remember most is Hangzhou", the fire collection ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the welcoming ceremony of the Asian Games airport, and the closing ceremony of the Asian Games. It’s hard to imagine that this 85-year-old beauty from Northeast China has so much energy hidden in her body. As one of the three directors among the 22 students of the second batch of "1111" talents for stage art in Zhejiang Province, what are the inspirations and receipts from the tutors’ lectures and the observation of Xi ‘an Art Festival? Let’s listen together.

    The first time I saw Zhang Xuesong was in the photo of the tutor of "1111" talents teaching. Her attentive expression in class and confident eyes facing the camera suddenly attracted me. So I looked through the students’ information and Baidu’s information. It turned out that she was a director and also directed the G20 Hangzhou Summit and the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

    During the interview, there was a girl’s hearty voice on the other end of the phone. When asked if she would go to Xi ‘an to watch Zhang Yimou’s play Boundless, she frankly said that she almost didn’t see the performance, but the stage art experience she learned in Xi ‘an benefited a lot.

    In Zhang Xuesong’s view, Xi ‘an is a city with a highly developed cultural tourism industry. The stage art works of cultural tourism are everywhere. Those stage plays reflect the history and culture of Xi ‘an all the time and present them to the audience in a visual and artistic three-dimensional way. Whether you are an artistic observer in the spring or an ordinary audience, you can feel the unique local artistic aesthetics and understand the historical and cultural heritage in various works.

    For example, in the stage art drama "The Legend of Camel Bell", we dig deep into the traditional culture of the Tang Dynasty, trace the trail of the camel team on the Silk Road, and spread the cultural legend of Xi ‘an’s most glorious historical period with positive energy. "Walking in the city of Xi ‘an, you can always understand the culture of the city of Xi ‘an through these stage plays, and all the stage plays are basically sold out. You can deeply feel that the original culture is not high and low, but it can enter the hearts of the audience through this artistic expression, which has greatly inspired my career. "

    At the end of the interview, she said that she was very grateful to the instructor of the "1111" training, which not only helped her learn other art categories, but more importantly, broadened her horizons and opened up other art majors, which benefited a lot from the instructor’s teaching. "Art has no boundaries, and aesthetics is interoperable. In the teaching of these majors, they not only add inspiration to the direction of artistic creation, but also feel their perseverance in art and their state of mind when encountering setbacks and difficulties. "

    (Image provided by the respondent)

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