The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

The new Toyota Highlander will be available on May 31

Recently, it was learned that the new Highlander is expected to be officially launched on May 31. This upgrade focuses on interior materials, intelligent configuration, and sound insulation effects. These improvements are based on the feedback from users of the current model.

The new Toyota Highlander will be available on May 31

In terms of interior, the new Highlander will be equipped with brushed metal trim panels and perforated NAPA leather seats, adding "exclusive seat adjustment buttons" and "smart touch warm light reading lights" to enhance ride comfort and luxury. In terms of intelligence, the new car is equipped with a 12.3-inch all-LCD instrument panel, with three display modes synchronized with the driving mode. The remote control function of the mobile phone has also been enhanced, with the addition of remote start headlights and honks, as well as remote control of the door and tailgate, which improves the convenience of using the car.

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

In response to the sound insulation problem of the current model, the new Highlander has increased the density and thickness of sound insulation materials in key areas such as the dashboard, front floor, second floor, trunk floor and central passage, respectively, by 80% and 83%. It also promotes that it will bring an "ethereal and quiet" interior environment, reflecting the manufacturer’s emphasis on improving the driving experience.

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry, suggested strengthening the "smart transformation" of the food manufacturing industry and accelerating the development

On March 5, the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress was grandly opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In his second year in office, Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and wine designer of the wine design department of the Shede Wine Industry Production Technology Center, brought 5 suggestions in the fields of new quality productivity, Baijiu internationalization, and regional development, actively responding to industry and social concerns. Among them, "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Work of Intelligent Reform and Digital Transformation in the Food Manufacturing Industry" are closely related to the high-quality development of the food manufacturing industry.

Chen Borong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry

At present, the food manufacturing industry is in a critical period of development from traditional to modern, from artificial to intelligent, and from experience to science. These topics that Chen Berong focuses on not only reflect the industry’s in-depth thinking on moving towards high-quality development, but also reflect the determination and responsibility of the wine industry to promote the intelligent upgrade of the wine industry, develop new quality productivity, help China Baijiu go global, and promote social and economic development.

Focusing on cultivating new quality productivity and gathering new impetus for high-quality development

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important arrangements to accelerate the construction of a digital China, emphasizing the construction of a modern industrial system, the promotion of new industrialization, and the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As one of the basic industries of the national economy, the food manufacturing industry is constantly accelerating the process of digital intelligence. In particular, the Baijiu industry has vigorously carried out informatization and digital construction in the past ten years, and comprehensively improved the intelligence level of R & D, production, marketing, management and service. Among them, Baijiu leading enterprises have accumulated a lot of practical experience.

As a frontline worker in Baijiu’s scientific research, Chen Berong deeply understands the key role that "smart transformation and digital transformation" plays in the development of Baijiu’s industry. In order to improve the intelligent level of the industry and promote the full-link transformation and upgrading of enterprises, Chen Berong put forward the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Smart Transformation and Digital Transformation of the Food Manufacturing Industry" at the two sessions this year. When it is implemented, it is recommended to take the Baijiu industry first and choose parks with better basic conditions to carry out pilots, such as Sichuan Tuopai Green Ecological Food Industrial Park. She suggested building industry traceability standards, guiding enterprises to build traceability systems, improving industry service quality, and opening up industry data assets, ensuring intelligent manufacturing levels, improving industry production efficiency, and strengthening national policy guidance and talent training. She also suggested actively exploring and promoting the Chuanjiuyuan universe project to enhance the industry’s innovative layout.

At the same time, Chen Berong is concerned about the current imbalance in the level of digital intelligence promotion in the industry, and the high participation threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized wine merchants, which is a pain point related to the overall high-quality development of the industry. To this end, she put forward the "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity". She suggested that we should increase the policies and financial support for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry and the circulation industry, support the establishment of public DataRocks in the wine industry, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia and research, and cultivate professional talents. At the same time, we should formulate and improve relevant standards for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry to ensure the standardization and safety of

It is worth noting that a number of wine industry representatives put forward suggestions on the development of new quality productivity at the two sessions, which is undoubtedly a positive reflection and response to the higher level and more sustainable development of our country’s wine industry. It is foreseeable that with the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, new technologies and new models will be more widely used in the wine industry, injecting new impetus into the sustainable prosperity and development of the industry.

Fosun and Yuyuan are deeply empowered and willing to forge new engines for the development of the wine industry

The development history of Baijiu is the history of innovation in winemaking technology. In the current wave of intelligence and digitalization, China’s wine industry focuses on technological innovation, technological research and development, and enhances its core competitiveness. Among them, famous wine enterprises play a leading role.

As a famous wine enterprise in China and one of the six golden flowers of Sichuan wine, Shede Wine Industry has taken "science and technology innovation drive" as one of the top strategies under the guidance of the science and technology innovation strategy of Fosun and Yuyuan. From hiring chief scientists, cultivating scientific research talents, building high-energy scientific research teams, to building the three major industry-university-research innovation platforms of "China Shede Aging Wine Research Institute", "China Ecological Brewing Industry Technology Research Institute" and "Sichuan Wine and Grain Industry Technology Research Institute", Shede Wine Industry has provided strong technical support for the development of science and technology innovation work.

In recent years, Shede Wine Industry has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence. By continuously optimizing the production supporting facilities and equipment such as three-dimensional warehouses, new water purification workshops, wine storage equipment, and filling equipment, Shede Wine Industry has improved the level of factory intelligence and promoted the improvement of production and operation quality and efficiency. Not only that, Shede Wine Industry closely combines "ecological brewing" with the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, and is committed to empowering the green development of enterprises with technological upgrades. For example, in 2022, the company invested in the biogas purification of biological natural gas in wastewater treatment stations. Since it was put into operation, it has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6,000 tons every year, effectively purified and utilized about 3 million cubic meters of natural gas, and saved about 6 million yuan in gas purchase costs. Due to its good results in carbon reduction and efficiency, the project was successfully selected into the "2023 Model Case of China’s Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergy" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

At the same time, Shede Wine Industry is also committed to applying digital means to create a deep consumer experience, not only pioneering "dynamic wine age" in the industry, but also realizing the visualization, dynamics and transparency of wine age through digital means. It also pioneered the innovation and implementation of the high-quality Baijiu full-link grading traceability system based on blockchain technology, realizing the traceability and closure of Shede Old Wine from raw grain, brewing, storage, packaging, circulation to consumption, etc., bringing users a high-quality consumption experience of true vintage and true old wine.

Thousands of sails are competing for the "new" line, and the tide is surging in the east like a rainbow. As a contemporary advanced productive force, the new quality productive force will continue to release strong momentum with the in-depth promotion of scientific and technological innovation. Represented by Shede Wine Industry, many leading enterprises have anchored technological research and development and are committed to promoting the technological progress and digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of the industry, and together contribute more to accelerating the cultivation and development of the new quality productive force.


Cars are comparable to "BBA" but are being chased by Internet Tech Giants. Where is the profit point of NIO that lacks "core"?

  "Investor Network" Wen Xia Jing 

  According to the latest operating data released by NIO (NYSE: NIO), the company delivered 20,060 vehicles from January to March this year, an increase of 423% year-on-year, and successfully achieved the goal of achieving 20,000 deliveries in Quarter 1 predicted by Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO. However, at the same time as the good news, NIO encountered the embarrassment of chip shortage: the NIO foundry Hefei Jianghuai Manufacturing Plant stopped production for 5 days, affecting the production of at least 500-1000 vehicles.

  Li Bin admitted that due to the impact of the supply chain (chips and batteries), NIO’s monthly production capacity of 7,500 vehicles is also under pressure.

  It is worth noting that NIO, one of China’s "three heroes of new energy vehicle manufacturing", is still in a state of heavy losses. NIO’s current situation is that, on the one hand, the production capacity is constrained by the shortage of chips, and the operating pressure is overwhelmed by the haze; on the other hand, the car manufacturing track is already crowded with Internet bosses who "show their muscles", and the competition drama can be imagined. 

  NIO, whose share price once fell to the "delisting red line" of $1, has just "come back to life" from the brink of danger, but the pressure it faces has not eased. Under the dilemma of "internal and external troubles", how can Li Bin and NIO break through the dilemma of "profitability difficulty"?

  Under the gamble, the gross profit margin turned positive, and the huge loss was still "leading" the new car-making forces 

  NIO is the company with the highest monthly delivery volume of "new car forces". In February this year, its delivery volume was 5578 vehicles, which was 2.4 times that of Li Auto, which is also a new car force, and 2.5 times that of XPeng Motors. It ranked among the top ten luxury car sales and once surpassed luxury car companies such as Land Rover and Porsche.

  However, before April 2020, NIO was on the verge of "dying" due to its high debt.

  As we all know, the delivery volume of the automobile industry is equal to the sales volume. It stands to reason that as the company with the largest monthly sales volume, the profit should be the largest. But this is not the case. Although NIO leads China’s new energy vehicle industry by its own sales and is dubbed "China Tesla", the continuous loss and the reality of "selling one at a loss" once caused NIO’s share price to fall to the "delisting red line" of $1.

  Just as Li Bin and his NIO were struggling, the Hefei Municipal Government and the 7 billion reached a gambling agreement with NIO.

  The agreement stipulates that NIO will invest in the acquisition and establishment of NIO China, requiring NIO China to generate revenue of 14.80 billion yuan in 2020, 120 billion yuan in 2024, and list 6-8 new models, and achieve total revenue of 420 billion yuan from 2020 to 2025.

  The money brought by this bet saved NIO in times of crisis, but this step-by-step implementation and batch arrival requirements and agreements also made Li Bin and his NIO dare not slack in the slightest.

  From the financial report released by NIO, there are many bright spots in NIO’s financial report in 2020. NIO’s total revenue in 2020 reached 16.258 billion (RMB, the same below), an increase of 107.8% year-on-year; among them, the gross profit margin rose from -7.4% in Quarter 1 to 17.2% in the fourth quarter, and the annual gross profit margin for the whole year was 11.5%. This is the first time that NIO has turned positive after being listed for three years.

  But even so, NIO’s full-year net loss in 2020 was as high as 5.304 billion, and the 11.295 billion of losses compared to 2019 was significantly narrowed, but it was still a reality that NIO was not profitable.

  Compared with Li Auto, which is the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, Li Auto’s annual revenue in 2020 was 9.461 billion, an increase of 3231.33% year-on-year, and the loss was only 152 million; NIO’s revenue was 1.3 times the ideal, but the loss was 35 times!

  Under the background of obtaining local government investment 7 billion, NIO has achieved a significant increase in revenue and a positive gross profit margin, which is a seemingly bright "answer sheet". In theory, NIO can increase profits as long as it increases delivery, thereby reducing losses and achieving profitability. However, judging from NIO’s current core shortage dilemma and further planning in 2021, the outlook for NIO to achieve profitability is not optimistic.

  Is the high cost pushing the "power exchange model" 42.50 billion cash flow enough to burn? 

  In early March, NIO announced that it currently has cash reserves 42.45 billion (including cash and cash equivalents, restricted currency cash, and short-term investments).

  Even if the funds are abundant, the amount of money Li Bin plans to "burn" is not small, judging from the new layout for 2021 announced by Li Bin at the earnings conference.

  Li Bin declared that in 2021, NIO plans to "improve the efficiency of the system", specifically, from research and development, sales, and the establishment of replacement stations and the improvement of the charging and replacement mode. Li Bin said that he plans to invest 5 billion research and development expenses in 2021, and build 20 new NIO centers and 120 NIO spaces; in addition, NIO still insists on the "replacement mode" different from Tesla’s charging mode, and plans to build more than 500 replacement stations and improve the charging mode in China in 2021, establishing 600 supercharging stations and 15,000 destination charging piles.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule believes that NIO’s power exchange model has a bright future. "Although the power exchange model is different from Tesla’s charging model, it has new opportunities."

  Zhang Shule said that because the benefits of the power exchange model are obvious, its charging speed is fast, and it can form an efficient turnaround rate of car "charging", which is far more convenient than the use of charging piles for electric vehicles to occupy parking spaces. It is also more suitable for the promotion of the core areas where parking spaces are tight and electric vehicle charging demand is high. "At present, the state has also increased its support in the field of new energy vehicles, and electric vehicles have entered a rapid popularization stage in China, so the power exchange model has a strong application prospect." 

  Although the outlook for the power swap model is promising, NIO’s path to profitability remains uncertain.

  Zhang Xiang, a member of MIIT’s new industrialization capacity building "Changfeng" plan, a think tank for new energy and intelligent connected automobile industry experts, told Investor Network that NIO’s power exchange model is the core competitiveness of the future. Because it provides users with new experiences and choices.

  "But the current power exchange is a loss, and it will still be in a state of loss in the next few years." Zhang Xiang believes that the main reason why NIO cannot make a profit is that the construction investment of the replacement station is too large, and the lack of NIO’s inventory makes the utilization rate of the replacement station not high enough to subsidize the investment profitably. Zhang Xiang said, "NIO can only sell cars if it wants to make a profit. By raising the price of vehicles, it can obtain high profits to make up for the loss."

  NIO’s goals are lofty and its vision is perfect, but the reality is very skinny: on the one hand, it does not follow the popular route and adheres to the high-end market; on the other hand, in the face of a large number of losses, it also increases investment and insists on the development of the power replacement model.

  This could be said to be a dilemma for NIO. Although NIO’s losses narrowed in 2020, the main reason was the reduction in R & D investment and the construction of power station stations in 2020. If NIO wanted to make money, it had to "sell cars" in large quantities, but the cars it sold were only for the high-end market.

  Investor Network learned from NIO’s official website that the price of NIO’s models is more than 300,000 yuan. According to data from China Automotive Industry, NIO’s SUV ES8 surpassed BMW X5 for the first time in Shanghai in January 2021, becoming the first among medium and large SUV vehicles above 400,000. It can be said that as a car company, NIO can already rival traditional luxury car manufacturers such as "BBA (BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi) ".

  However, this "burning money" dilemma of "selling while losing money" makes it all the more difficult for NIO to turn a profit.

  Technology bosses get together to build cars NIO comparative advantage 

  The next trend in the internet is cars.

  According to the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) " document, the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 20% of the total sales of new cars in 2025. According to the statistics of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers in early January, the cumulative sales of our country’s automobile industry in 2020 were 2527.2 million, and the sales of new energy vehicles were 1.367 million.

  If the total sales of new cars in 2025 is 25 million, it means that the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 5 million. From 1.30 million to 5 million This means that new energy vehicles will have great market demand, and the new trend of making money will naturally attract the pursuit of Internet bosses.

  Recently, Lei Jun led Xiaomi into the new energy vehicle industry, intending to open up a new world in the automotive industry. Previously, large Internet companies such as Baidu and Apple have announced their entry in a high-profile manner.

  Although NIO has seized the trend and become one of the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, it does not have a strong corporate background similar to Baidu and Xiaomi, and NIO is in the dilemma of lack of core and loss.

  Even so, Li Bin still seemed full of confidence. He said at the "WISE 2020 King of the New Economy" conference that NIO is not just a car company, but also a car-oriented community, a community that shares joy and grows together.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule told that although NIO has performed well in the field of domestic electric vehicles before, the main reason is the lack of strong competitors. However, with Baidu, Xiaomi and other Internet technology companies and various traditional car companies entering the new energy vehicles and even higher-dimensional smart cars, NIO’s future competitiveness will be greatly challenged.

  Zhang Shule believes that there will be a bubble in Internet car building, that is, the current artificial intelligence technology and vehicle to everything vehicle part are still in the exploratory stage, and it is inevitable that there will be PPT car building (that is, conceptual car building). However, with the technical background of Internet Tech Giants, there is no big problem for companies like Baidu and Xiaomi, because Internet companies have scientific and technological concepts, such as Baidu is to install "brains" for electric vehicles, and Xiaomi is a hardware retail distributor, forming a combination model to create cost-effective electric vehicles.

  Perhaps for NIO, finding a way to make a profit, get out of the loss dilemma, reach a gambling agreement, and avoid being acquired are the most practical problems it needs to solve urgently. (Produced by Thinking Finance) ■


BYD’s new car named Qin PLUS unveiled at Guangzhou Auto Show.

  A few days ago, Aika Automobile was informed that the brand-new Yadi sedan that flowed out recently was officially named Qin PLUS. The design of the new car is in the same strain as that of Han, but it is younger and more refined. Qin PLUS is another masterpiece of BYD in the field of cars after Han Dynasty. According to informed sources, the new car will be officially unveiled at the 2020 Guangzhou Auto Show.

  First of all, from the front face, BYD Qin PLUS incorporates brand-new design elements on the basis of the design language of "Dragon Face". The larger "Dragon Mouth" front grille and the newly designed "Dragon Armor" bring strong sensory impact. The waistline on the side of the car is full and full of tension, and the transition between the front face and the side wall is clear and clear, highlighting the "sculpture sense" of the car body design; The size of the multi-strip aluminum alloy rim is further increased and looks more sporty.

  It can be seen from the tail that this brand-new car is very impactful in visual effect. The horizontal lines and downward curved curve design of the tail widen the overall visual effect. The straight through LED taillights are a highlight, and the overall shape is more slender. The light groups on both sides are as sharp as dragon claws, which is very recognizable. Slogan above the taillights adopts the latest font design, which is more design-oriented.

  In terms of power, BYD Qin PLUS is expected to adopt the super hybrid technology just released, equipped with a 1.5L high-efficiency engine dedicated to Xiaoyun-Plug-in, which is specially built for DM-i super hybrid technology, with a thermal efficiency as high as 43%. Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine has an ultra-high compression ratio of 15.5, which increases the stroke-cylinder diameter ratio. Atkinson cycle is adopted, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system is equipped, and a series of friction reduction measures are supplemented, and the engine control system is optimized. In addition, this system can also bring excellent NVH performance.

Equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system, Qin L Beijing Auto Show was officially unveiled.

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Niuche. com learned from BYD officials that BYD’s new compact car, Qin L, will officially meet with consumers at the Beijing Auto Show on April 25, and the new car will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system. It is understood that the price of the new car will be around 120,000 yuan.

In design, BYD Qin (parameter picture) L adopts the latest family design of "New Country Tide and Beauty Aesthetics", which is younger and more refined visually. The interior of the huge middle net adopts dot matrix design, and the grille on both sides stretches the width of the whole front face. At the same time, the headlights of the new car are very sharp and connected by light strips, which is visually very scientific and technological.

The side line of the new car runs from the headlights to the back door, and the B-pillar and C-pillar are designed in a hidden way, combined with the slip-back design, which makes the whole car younger. At the same time, the new car is equipped with multi-frame wheels, which is more visually sporty. In terms of vehicle size, the length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm, 1900mm and 1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm. Compared with Qin PLUS currently on sale (length, width and height: 4765/1837/1495mm, wheelbase: 2718mm), Qin L is larger as a whole.

At the rear of the car, the new car adopts a penetrating taillight group, and the rear enclosure is also treated in a sporty style. It is worth mentioning that the tail of the new car is also equipped with a luminous "BYD" English logo. In terms of car body color matching, BYD Qin L will provide four car body colors: Bingpo Green, Jianyao Purple, Runyu White and Tea Crystal Grey.

In terms of interior, Qin L adopts the latest design concept of the family, which is visually simpler and more layered. The interior of the three-position multi-function steering wheel is decorated with brown elements, which looks good. The full LCD instrument panel is embedded in the central control panel, and the 15.6-inch central control large screen supports rotation. At the same time, it is equipped with DiLink intelligent network connection system, which supports functions such as customized navigation in Gaode, karaoke function, Himalayan music, cool me/cool dog music, BYD market, car WeChat/Tik Tok and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the new car does not completely cancel the physical buttons. The physical buttons such as start, driving mode, air conditioning control and volume adjustment are integrated around the new BYD Heart crystal ball head shift lever, which is convenient for users to operate quickly.

In terms of power, Qin L will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology, in which the maximum power of the 1.5L engine is 74kW and the maximum power of the motor is 160kW. The new car is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery from Fudi, Zhengzhou. The battery provides 15.874kWh and 10.08kWh for consumers to choose, and the corresponding pure electric cruising range is 90km and 60km respectively. It is understood that the comprehensive battery life of the new car can reach 2000km.

2024 Beijing Auto Show: Jetway Traveler’s Seven-seat Edition debuted.

  [car home New Car Launches] At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, the (|) seven-seat model made its debut. The body length of the new car reached 5034mm, and the wheelbase was still 2800 mm. The car adopted a seven-seat layout. In terms of power, the new car was equipped with a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 187 kW.

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  As Chery’s version of "Land Rover Defender", Jetway Traveler’s extended 7-seat version adopts the idea of Land Rover Defender’s 130 version, and the car body size is extended by 249mm to 5034mm under the condition of unchanged wheelbase, so that the length, width and height of the whole car are 5034/2006/1880(1915)mm and the wheelbase is 2800mm respectively, and the 7-seat layout is adopted in the car, further broadening the user group of Jetway Traveler.

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  In appearance, the front face of the car is consistent with the five-seat version on sale. The net is inlaid with the brand logo of "JETOUR" and connected with the headlights. The distinctive headlight group style is impressive. The posture of the whole vehicle is vigorous, with sharp lines and full profile coexisting. The tail is also equipped with a classic "small schoolbag", while the vertical taillights are wrapped in a black frame, showing off-road temperament.

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  According to the application information, the car can choose special traction devices including towing hook hole, connecting ball head, electric connector, etc. The approach angle/departure angle is 28 degrees /17 degrees, and the maximum total traction mass is 1600kg. In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a 2.0T engine of model SQRF4J20, with a maximum power of 254 HP (187kW) and a declared fuel consumption of 9.83L/100km. (Compile/car home Duandi)

The official announcement: Volvo will stop production of diesel vehicles next year, and the overall electrification transformation will accelerate.

Nowadays, with the gradual increase of the market share of new energy products, major car companies have also accelerated the layout of this market. For example, Dongfeng Honda is about to launch a brand-new independent brand of new energy; Hyundai wants to join hands with BAIC Group to develop electric vehicles; Volkswagen cooperates with Xpeng Motors to develop pure electric vehicles.

It has to be admitted that joint venture brands have been involved in the "spring tide" of new energy. Volvo, as a luxury brand that laid out new energy routes earlier, also began to speed up on the road of full electrification. Recently, Volvo officially announced that it will stop production of diesel vehicles in early 2024. This means that it is a step closer to achieving full electrification. At the same time, Volvo will become the first mainstream traditional manufacturer to completely abandon diesel vehicles.

It should be noted that until 2019, diesel models will still be Volvo’s main market in Europe. With high reliability, low noise and low fuel consumption, Volvo’s diesel models are widely recognized in the European market. However, according to relevant data, with the rise of new energy vehicles, the market share of Volvo diesel models has also dropped from 50% in 2015 to 14.1% in July 2023.

Previously, Volvo Cars said that by 2030, the company plans to sell only all-electric vehicles; By 2040, the goal will be to become a carbon neutral company. Volvo’s decision to stop production of diesel vehicles has made people full of confidence in Volvo’s future new energy development.

In addition, Volvo sold its shares in the internal combustion engine development company as early as last year, saying that it would not invest any more money in new internal combustion engines. Moreover, Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo, said: "Electric powertrain is our future, and the company is fully focused on building a series of superior and pure electric vehicles to meet all the expectations of customers for Volvo." It is not difficult to find that Volvo’s determination to transform into electricity is great.

Not only that, Volvo will launch two pure electric SUVs in the next few months, namely Volvo EX90 and EX30, to meet consumers’ demand for Volvo’s new energy products. At the same time, Volvo also announced in August that Volvo EM90, Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, will be launched in the world on November 12th this year, and the reservation in Chinese mainland will be started simultaneously.

Known as "the safest and most secure pure electric SUV ever", Volvo EX90 appeared in the domestic market as early as April this year, and the new car will be listed in China market in 2024. It is reported that the Volvo EX90 is based on the Volvo SPA2 platform and has a good performance in terms of performance.

Another luxury pure electric small SUV, Volvo EX30, also made its world debut as early as June this year. The car is priced at 34,950 US dollars (about 249,000 yuan) in the US market and 36,000 euros (about 274,000 yuan) in the European market. In the China market, the pricing of Volvo EX30 may be more "people-friendly". Volvo EX30 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA, and smar Elf #1 is also from this platform.

As Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, Volvo EM90 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA. It is expected to be driven by dual-motor four-wheel drive, and is expected to be equipped with ternary lithium batteries and the latest Kirin batteries. The pure electric cruising range is expected to be around 800km.

In the eyes of Volvo CEO Luo Wenjin, electric power systems are superior to internal combustion engines. They produce less noise, less vibration, lower maintenance costs for customers and zero exhaust emissions. Therefore, whether from the point of view of consumers’ later consumption or Volvo’s goal of coping with climate change, electric vehicles are the best choice.

In the era of fuel vehicles, Volvo is the leader of automobile safety. In the new energy era, Volvo will sublimate safety into new energy vehicles and become the "leader" of new energy vehicle safety. You know, as early as April this year, Volvo released the World Tree Intelligent Security System, which combines the trend of electrification and intelligence to realize the inheritance and evolution of security.

Write it at the end

The debut of Volvo EX90 and Volvo EX30 indicates that Volvo has begun to accelerate on the new energy track. The suspension of diesel models is Volvo’s determination to fully electrify the outside world. Next, Volvo EM90 will be unveiled soon, which further enriches Volvo’s new energy product matrix.

(This article was originally produced by Wenwu Lane New Media Studio, please indicate the source: Wenwu Lane, author: Xia Mu)

Observation of 2024 Beijing Auto Show: Those popular new energy cars

  [car home Information] The 2024 Beijing Auto Show has officially entered the public day. As a huge event in the automobile circle, more than 200 new cars are competing for beauty at this auto show. In order to let you know more about many popular cars in this auto show, this auto show observation brings you the hottest 10 new energy cars during the auto show.

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◆ Xiaomi SU7

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  If we say which brand has the highest attention and the largest number of people waiting in line at the booth, it must be Xiaomi booth and (|). On the day of the auto show, Lei Jun announced that 28 days after the official release of Xiaomi SU7, 75,723 units were locked and 5,781 units had been delivered. It is understood that among lock users, female direct buyers account for 28%. According to preliminary research, considering gifts or purchases for family members, it is expected that the proportion of female car owners will reach 40%-50%. In addition, BBA users account for 29% of lock users of Xiaomi SU7. Support for wireless CarPlay and iPad boarding has also made Xiaomi SU7 the first choice for many Apple users to buy cars, accounting for 51.9% of Apple users. According to the survey, many Apple mobile phone users are also users of Mijia products.

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  Briefly reviewing this car, it was listed on March 28th, and five models were launched, with a price of 215,900-299,900 yuan. In terms of color matching, 9 colors are provided, including Gulf Blue, Lava Orange, Elegant Grey, Meteor Blue, Xiaguang Purple, Olive Green, Cambrian Rock Grey, Pearl White and Diamond Black.

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  In terms of car system, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will be installed in the car system of SU7. Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with Snapdragon 8295 chip, and the Xiaomi tablet can be seamlessly mounted on the car, which is used as the rear expansion screen. Xiaomi SU7 supports five-screen linkage, and its application ecology covers mainstream in-vehicle applications, tablet applications and mobile phone applications, supports CarPlay and airplay, and supports Apple iPad to get on the bus. In the intelligent driving part, the car will be equipped with two NVIDIA Orin chips, and its comprehensive computing power can reach 508TOPS. The official said that Xiaomi’s intelligent driving is self-developed and adopts adaptive BEV zoom technology.

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  The whole vehicle is equipped with rich ecological expansion interfaces. The ever-changing central control panel can be expanded from top to bottom, left and right sides. The ever-changing center console, fragrance/intercom/speaker can be changed at will. The physical buttons are left in the central control screen, and above the central control screen is an intelligent double dial, which can display information such as vehicle speed and mileage to increase driving pleasure. Back seat flat bracket, Xiaomi flat /iPad easy to get on the bus. Xiaomi SU7 supports five-screen linkage, and its application ecology covers mainstream in-vehicle applications, tablet applications and mobile phone applications, supports CarPlay and airplay, and supports Apple iPad to get on the bus.

  In the power part, the maximum power of Xiaomi SU7 dual-motor version is 673 HP, the peak torque is 838 Nm, the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 2.78 seconds, and the top speed is 210 km/h. It is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 101kWh, and the cruising range of CLTC is 800km. The new car adopts low-temperature high-power battery technology, and the discharge power of low-temperature battery at MINUS 15 degrees is greatly improved. The single-motor version has a maximum power of 299 HP, an acceleration time of 5.28 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, a Foday Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery with a capacity of 73.6kWh, and a CLTC cruising range of 700km. The new car is also equipped with sports sound. With BOOST mode, 20-second peak torque output and ejection start.

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  It is reported that in 2024, Xiaomi SU7 will accelerate in delivery, service and OTA. The standard version and Pro version originally planned to be delivered at the end of April have been advanced to April 18th, and the Pro version will be delivered at the end of May, and the delivery is expected to exceed 10,000 units in June. In 2024, the annual delivery target of Xiaomi SU7 has been raised to 100,000 units. In order to improve the delivery speed and quality, Xiaomi Automobile is accelerating the site selection and opening. It is estimated that by the end of 2024, Xiaomi Automobile’s sales and service outlets will cover all provincial-level administrative regions in China, and it is planned to open 219 sales stores in 46 cities and 139 service centers in 82 cities. In addition, Xiaomi Automobile plans to carry out the first OTA after the new car is released in May, such as online wireless CarPlay function, end-to-end parking service and other intelligent driving experiences. The second OTA will be held at the end of May, and version 1.2 will officially release the NOA function of cities, taking the lead in opening 10 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Xi ‘an and Wuhan, and will be opened nationwide in August.

◆ BYD Qin l

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  After watching Xiaomi SU7, let’s take a look at BYD Qin L, which is a very hot new energy car at this auto show. As a brand-new model of this brand, with the listing of this car in the future, it will form a two-car pattern with Qin PLUS to meet the needs of different users. The new car adopts the "New Country Tide and Beauty Aesthetics", and the interior of the large-size front grille is supplemented with dot-matrix elements for makeup, with outstanding visual effects. At the same time, the headlight group is narrow and sharp, which is highly integrated with the luminous "dragon beard" on the top. The integrated design not only makes the dragon face more stereoscopic, but also magnifies the horizontal visual effect of the front face.

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  From the side of the car body, its waistline runs through the front fender to the back door, which makes the car body more slender. With the concave rib line under the door, it creates a three-dimensional cutting effect and highlights the sense of strength of the whole car. At the same time, it adopts a slip-back design, showing a "low-lying" posture and being younger. On the tail side, the wide back shoulder design not only echoes the front face, but also increases the muscular feeling of the body contour. At the same time, the car uses a penetrating taillight shape, inspired by Chinese knots, and the recognition is full. In terms of vehicle size, its length, width and height are 4830/1900/1495mm and its wheelbase is 2790mm respectively.

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  As for the interior, Qin L’s interior design is inspired by China landscape painting. The agility of oriental landscape and modern technology are combined to create a "landscape painting cockpit" with elegant style. Specifically, the new car uses an embedded large-size LCD instrument with an iconic rotatable central control panel, which makes this car look very scientific and technological. At the same time, the new style of three-spoke multi-function steering wheel and wireless mobile phone charging are added to meet the needs of current users.

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a motor, with BYD’s fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology. The maximum power of the engine is 74 kW, and the maximum power of the motor is 160 kW. Compared with the current DM-i hybrid system of Qin PLUS, this one on Qin L further improves the working efficiency of the engine, thus achieving lower fuel consumption. Qin L will adopt the suspension form of front McPherson and rear+multi-links, which should be better than Qin PLUS in handling and comfort. The new car is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery from Fudi, Zhengzhou. The battery provides 15.874kWh and 10.08kWh for consumers to choose, corresponding to the pure electric cruising range of WLTC of 90km and 60km respectively.

  It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of this year, BYD Qin PLUS DM-i model shocked the domestic auto market at a price of 79,800 yuan, and Qin L, which is more PLUS than Qin PLUS, is about to debut. This car will have a larger body size than Qin PLUS, and the overall texture of the interior will be more advanced. At the same time, the brand-new fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology will bring consumers lower fuel consumption and longer comprehensive endurance performance. According to the previous information, the price of the car may be more than 120,000 yuan. After entering the market, it will compete with the models with the same price as Deep Blue SL03 and Zero Run C01.

◆ Looking up at U7

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Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  After watching BYD Qin L, let’s take a look at Wangwang U7, which is positioned as a large car. The new car uses a design language similar to Wangwang U9, equipped with a very exaggerated C-shaped headlight group, with a far and near headlight group above it and a circle of LED strip around it. There are raised ribs on the hood of the engine, and the visual impact of the whole front is extremely strong. At first glance, it is a troublesome guy. In addition, there is a small bump on the roof, and the inside should be a laser radar.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  From the side of the car body, the new car is equipped with large-size wheels with low wind resistance. The car body lines are slender and smooth, and the overall appearance is relatively low. The front fender is equipped with a diversion groove design. The new car is designed with a hidden door handle, and a charging port can be seen at the left rear of the car body. From the rear of the car, the car uses a penetrating taillight, which looks full of technology and looks up at the LOGO in the middle. The multi-layer rear surround design below improves the layering of the rear of the car.

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  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5265/1998/1517mm and the wheelbase is 3160mm respectively. In terms of power, the car will be equipped with an easy square platform and four motors, each with a maximum power of 326 HP and a total power of 1306 HP. Although the new car has a curb weight of 3.095 tons, its top speed can still reach 270 km/h.

  As the flagship brand of BYD’s impact on high-end, looking forward to the popularity of U8 has given the brand confidence to further try the Red Sea in the million-level market. Therefore, in the highly competitive car market, Looking Up to U7 came into being, aiming to share a slice of the large and medium-sized luxury car market with traditional luxury brands such as Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series and Porsche Panamera. No matter the design or the power level, looking up at U7 is undoubtedly a new species in this class. The new energy era has given car companies more imagination and space to play, and also challenged traditional luxury brands in design ideas and product performance. Judging from the book data, looking up to U7 is not at all worried about the products of traditional ultra-luxury brands, but at the user level, how to successfully spoil the market in this relatively conservative market level and let consumers take the initiative to choose a domestic car with over one million yuan, the product strength itself and marketing are obviously indispensable.

◆ Mazda EZ-6

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Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

  At this auto show, Changan Mazda brought a brand-new model-EZ-6 based on Changan EPA hybrid platform. The new car is positioned as a medium-sized car and is expected to be officially launched in the second half of the year. Mazda EZ-6 continues the design style of Mazda family. The biggest highlight of the front face is that the classic Mazda wing adopts luminous design and uses headlights that run through the running water grille, which continues the concept of soul movement as a whole.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

  On the side of the car body, the car has a hidden door handle and offers two 19-inch aluminum alloy wheels, which also adopt a low wind resistance design. The new car body lines are full of strength and dynamic waistline. Just like other Mazda models, the dynamic beauty can be displayed by relying on the body lines. The taillights of vehicles are through-designed, and four round barrel lamp groups are added on both sides of the taillights, which is also a tribute to the classic design of the brand. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 4921/1890/1485mm respectively.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

  In terms of interior, the dashboard of the car adopts a suspended design shape as a whole, and the overall style is also close to electrification. In terms of materials, the car will be made of Alcantara and will be decorated with matt chrome trim to enhance the sense of exquisiteness. The high-profile models will use the "Red Deer Brown" interior color, while the basic models will use the "Heron Feather White" color.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

  In terms of intelligence, the car will be equipped with a 14.6-inch LCD screen, and the car system adopts 8155 chips to integrate the control of air conditioning, seats, entertainment and other functions. The car will also be equipped with a 14-speaker Sony audio system, 64-color ambient lights, front zero-gravity seats, and the cockpit also supports 13 scene mode switching. It is worth mentioning that the car also has a panoramic canopy and will provide automatic or manual sunshade. It can be seen that Mazda EZ-6, which was born in Changan EPA hybrid platform, has been greatly improved in terms of body size and interior texture, and its appearance has also maintained Mazda’s online design level. At the same time, after replacing the new energy assembly, it will quickly enter the new energy market in full swing, and get a slice of it to enhance brand sales and brand popularity.

◆ BYD Seal 06 DM-i

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  In addition to the Qin L of Wang Chaowang mentioned above, there is also a brand-new medium-sized car-Seal 06 DM-i in BYD Ocean Network, which will be listed in the second quarter of this year. Looking at the appearance, the new car adopts the brand-new design concept of BYD Ocean Series. The closed front shape is matched with LED light groups with corners on both sides and the sharp cooling openings on both sides of the front enclosure, which presents a very dynamic style as a whole.

BYD Seals 06 2024 160kW

BYD Seals 06 2024 160kW

  On the side of the car body, the new car adopts a slightly slip-back design, which looks very compact and round as a whole. In the rear part, the new car adopts the popular penetrating taillight group, and the taillights on both sides adopt a drop-shaped design, which, together with the transparent lamp shell, makes the new car show a fashionable and dynamic attribute. The rear enclosure uses a double-layer and double-color design, which shows the sharpness of the rear diffuser and further enhances the dynamic atmosphere of the new car.

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  In terms of interior, the interior of the new car follows BYD’s family style, with full LCD instrument panel and large-size central control screen design. The new car adopts a large number of curved designs on the door panels and seat surfaces, supplemented by a small amount of blue embellishment, which makes the overall atmosphere of the interior more elegant and fashionable. Different from BYD Seal, the shift area of the new car adopts a circular design, the small gear handle looks very delicate, and various function buttons surround the gear handle, which greatly improves the interior texture.

   In terms of power, Seal 06DM-i adopts a plug-in hybrid power system consisting of a 1.5L engine with a model of BYD472QC, in which the maximum power of the engine is 74 kW. The new car offers two sets of power versions, equipped with a 10.08kWh battery version, with a maximum motor power of 120 kW and a maximum torque of 210 Nm. The pure electric cruising range of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (WLTC) is 60km;. Equipped with 15.874kWh battery version, the motor has a maximum power of 160 kW and a maximum torque of 260 Nm, and the pure electric cruising range of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (WLTC) can reach 90km.

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height are 4830/1875/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2790mm respectively. According to the official information, the size of Seal 06DM-i is just stuck between destroyer 05 and Seal DM-i of BYD Ocean Network, which completes the product sequence of the car. It is worth waiting for friends who want to buy an economical family car in the near future.

◆ Wuling Xingguang EV

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  After seeing so many new cars that haven’t been listed yet, let’s take a look at the Wuling Xingguang EV, which just released the price at the auto show. It has launched two models in total, with the price range of 9.98-10.98 million yuan. Looking back briefly, Wuling Xingguang EV adopts the aesthetic design concept of star wing, and the electric version is equipped with a closed grille and split headlights, but the penetrating LED strip on the plug-in version is replaced by LED daytime running lights with long and narrow shapes on both sides. The lower enclosure is equipped with a penetrating black kit, which is integrated with the headlight groups on both sides, further enhancing the sense of movement.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The design of the side and rear of the car body is consistent with the plug-in version. The lines on the side of the car body are soft and smooth. The low-profile model is equipped with 17-inch rims and the high-profile model is 18 inches. In terms of the tail, the sharp penetrating taillights have a certain sense of the future, and they are surrounded by a large area of black under them, and the overall style is very sporty. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 4835/1860/1515mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2800mm.

SAIC-GM-Wuling Starlight 2024 pure electric low distribution

  In terms of interior, the new car offers two interior colors: dark black and light sand color matching. The car is equipped with an 8.8-inch LCD instrument, the low-profile model is equipped with a 10.1-inch central control panel, and the high-profile model is 15.6 inches. Some commonly used physical buttons are still reserved in the car. The center console adopts relatively straight lines, supplemented by piano paint panel and metal decoration, creating a good visual layering. The car system has built-in rich social entertainment software such as iQiyi and QQ music.

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  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 136-horsepower single motor with a maximum speed of 150 km/h. The battery is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery, with cruising range of 410km and 510km. From the above, we can see that in the 100,000-level price range, Wuling Xingguang pure electric version really has few rivals. Take Qin PLUS as an example, the lowest starting price of pure electric version has reached 109,800 yuan, although the price is consistent with the high match of Wuling Xingguang pure electric version, Wuling Xingguang will win regardless of the body size or CLTC cruising range. According to the official data, the sales volume of Wuling Xingguang plug-in hybrid version has exceeded 52,000 units in the five months since its listing, and whether the pure electric version listed this time will replicate the results of the plug-in hybrid version remains to be seen.

◆ Enjoy the world S9

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  Enjoy the world S9, which is positioned as a medium and large car, is the first "smart car" jointly launched by Huawei and BAIC. According to the previous information, the car will be listed within the year and will also enter Huawei channel sales in the future. The new car adopts a rather concise design language, and the wedge-shaped headlight group+penetrating light belt widens the visual width of the front of the car. The front enclosure of the new car is equipped with a wide trapezoidal vent, and the design of diversion groove is integrated under the headlights to create a certain sports atmosphere.

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  Coming to the side of the car, as a medium and large car, the roof line of the new car is slender and very smooth, and the overall visual effect is elegant and atmospheric. On the tail side, the new car uses penetrating taillights, and there is a design similar to duckling tail on the trunk cover. The lower enclosure design is simple, and the diffuser and other shapes are not used.

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 5160/1987/1486mm and the wheelbase is 3050 mm. In terms of power, according to different models, the car will provide two versions of single motor and dual motor for consumers to choose from in the future. The former is equipped with TZ210XYA03 drive motor produced by Huawei Digital Energy Technology Co., Ltd., with a maximum power of 227 kW; The latter is equipped with front and rear dual motors YS210XYA03 and TZ210XYA03 produced by Huawei Digital Energy Technology Co., Ltd., with maximum power of 158 kW and 227 kW respectively. According to some news we have got at present, the future price of Enjoy World S9 may reach about 500,000, and its price has entered the price range of luxury medium and large cars. Compared with competing products of overseas brands at the same level, Enjoying S9 benefits from Huawei’s technical empowerment and should have obvious advantages in the field of intelligence.

◆ Lingke 07 EM-P

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Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P 126 Long Life Ultra

  The Lexus 07 EM-P, which is positioned as a medium-sized car, opened for pre-sale at this auto show, with a pre-sale price range of 180,000-210,000 yuan. At the same time, the new car is expected to be listed in May and delivered as soon as it is listed. The LEEK 07 EM-P is built on CMA Evo architecture, which continues the shape of LEEK 08 in the design of headlight group. A pair of H-shaped "Dawn Light" LED daytime running lights are very recognizable, and there is a penetrating headlight group below, with far and near lights on both sides and LED strip in the middle. The overall shape of the front of the car is relatively round, and the lower enclosure is equipped with a large-size air inlet, which is connected with the diversion grooves on both sides, giving a full sense of movement.

Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P Trial Car

Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P Trial Car

  From the side of the car body, the ABC column and the roof are designed in black, which can reduce the visual center of gravity of the whole car. The new car is equipped with a hidden door handle, and the rim is designed in black and white, which is very cool. From the rear of the car, the new car adopts the popular penetrating taillights, and there are four rectangular protrusions in the middle to further enhance the recognition. The rear of the car is equipped with a black spoiler and a large black rear surround, which shows a good sports atmosphere. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4827/1900/1480mm and its wheelbase is 2843 mm.

Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P

  In terms of interior, the new car continues the design style of Lectra 08 as a whole, equipped with a rectangular 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel and a 15.4-inch central control screen with ultra-narrow bezel design and 2.5K resolution, and equipped with LYNK Flyme Auto Meizu car system. The steering wheel adopts two-color design with oval metal decoration in the middle, and the overall shape is very avant-garde. The lower part of the center console is equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging board, and two cup holders are equipped under the rear cover.

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  In addition, the new car will also be equipped with Nappa leather seats, and the front and rear four seats support heating, massage and ventilation. There are three massage strengths and seven massage modes to choose from. In addition, the metal backboard is added to the back of the rear seat, which can improve the support stability and enhance the puncture resistance. It is worth mentioning that the new car will also be the first to take the Lectra Co Pad. The official said that it has the functions of controllable car, entertainment and care. In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine and a motor. The maximum power of the engine is 163 horsepower.

  Perhaps many people have different opinions on the design of Lectra, some people think it is very individual, while others can’t accept it. However, the design of LECK 07 is more sporty and more acceptable to the public while maintaining the family characteristics of LECK. Borderless windows and pad magnetic bracket are also its highlights.

◆ Chery Fengyun A9

Chery Automobile Fengyun A9 2023 concept car

Chery Automobile Fengyun A9 2023 concept car

  As the flagship car of Chery, Fengyun A9, which is positioned as a medium and large car, has a closed front face, which cancels the dot-matrix "light grille" on the previous model, and the interior details of headlights on both sides are more abundant, and ventilation holes are added on both sides of the front surround. On the side and tail, some details have also been adjusted, such as the application of a new style of wheels, the cancellation of hidden door handles, and the replacement of chrome decoration.

  The new car adopts front double wishbone+rear five-bar suspension, and the addition of CDC magnetic suspension makes driving feel more comfortable. Power can achieve 0-100km/h acceleration time of 5 seconds, pure electric cruising range of 200km, comprehensive cruising range of more than 1400km. The official revealed that its length is nearly 5 meters and its wheelbase is nearly 3 meters. It is reported that the car will also have L3-level intelligent driver assistance system, and it is expected to be listed in 2025.

  At this year’s auto show, Chery Group jointly participated in the exhibition, including Chery brand, Xingtu brand, iCAR brand and Jietu brand. It can be seen from the release and display of models that the main feature is comprehensive new energy. At the same time, Chery official said that its future goal is that the sales volume of hybrid plus pure electricity should not be less than 1/3 of the group’s sales volume, and Chery Fengyun series will launch 11 products within two years. So if you have plans to change cars/buy more cars in the last year or two, you can wait and see what surprises Chery will bring us.

◆ Tengshi Z9GT

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi Z9 2024 GT Pure Electric Edition

  At the end of the article, let’s take a look at the new flagship hunting model of Tengshi brand-Z9GT, which provides a hybrid version of pure electricity and plug-in. Z series is a sedan series of Tengshi family, 9 stands for flagship model, and GT suffix is English abbreviation of Grand Tourer, which is expected to be listed in the middle of the year. Tengshi Z9GT is the first vehicle whose Tengshi design evolved from π-Motion design language to Elegance in motion design concept. The front face of the new car adopts the design language of solar corona, and the overall shape is simple and dynamic. In detail, the new car integrates smart devices such as lidar, AGS active air intake grille, millimeter-wave radar and ACC driver-assisted radar into the grille area of the front face, achieving the design philosophy of "form following function". In addition, the car also adopts the design of double-star crown headlights, and the multi-functional combination headlights include far and near headlights and the intelligent driving function of DLP pixel headlights.

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi Z9 2024 GT Pure Electric Edition

  On the side of the car body, the new car takes elegance as the design principle, and adopts the backward design of the center of gravity to shape the body posture that stretches backwards. The proportion of the car body is more than 3 times the axle ratio and nearly 2 times the wheel height ratio, which not only shapes the stretching proportion of the car body, but also emphasizes the dynamic and sports performance of the vehicle. The car’s lateral center of gravity is lower, and the driving center of gravity moves backward, creating a backward-leaning posture. In the rear part, Tengshi Z9GT presents a FASTBACK tail posture, which is equipped with an aircraft-type roof hollowed-out spoiler and an active rear spoiler, and is equipped with high-position brake lights and low-position pilot lights, showing good sports attributes. The horizontal line design at the rear of the vehicle makes it lower and wider visually, and echoes the front face with a symmetrical sense of order.

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5180/1990/1500(1480)mm and the wheelbase is 3125mm. In terms of power, Tengshi Z9GT pure electric version will be driven by front and rear three motors. The maximum power of the front motor is 230kW, the maximum power of the rear two motors is 240kW and 240kW, the combined maximum power is 710kW, and the maximum speed is 240 km/h. In addition, the car will use lithium iron phosphate battery from Foday, Jinan, but the official has not released the cruising range data of the car.

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi Z9 2024 GT Pure Electric Edition

   Tengshi Z9GT, as the flagship model of pure electric hunting equipment under the brand, officially announced that it will bid for Porsche Panamera. On the whole, the positioning of the two cars in their respective brands does have similarities, and at the same time, on the intelligent level, Tengshi Z9GT also shows strong product strength. However, it should be noted that, in terms of the current Tengshi brand power, although Tengshi Z9GT is the flagship model, it still can’t arouse the purchasing desire of its target consumers. The reason is because of the differences in brand power and brand awareness between the two. The follow-up Tengshi brand still needs to create a better sense of use experience and ritual in terms of luxury and comfort configuration, in order to truly become the car purchase choice of target users.

◆ Full text summary

  This paper analyzes the popular new energy cars at this Beijing Auto Show for you, including several models that have been listed but are still hot. Having said that, are there any models you have been paying attention to? Welcome to discuss in the comments section. Next, we will bring you more auto show observation series articles, so stay tuned! (Compile/car home Zhouyi)

Chery Tiggo 9 will be listed soon, which is the choice of medium-sized SUV with both luxury and power.

According to recent news, the highly anticipated Chery Tiggo 9 will be officially listed in late May. As the flagship SUV of Chery Tiggo family, this medium-sized SUV has attracted great attention in the market for its excellent design, luxurious interior and excellent performance. Tiggo 9 will provide 5-seat and 7-seat seat layouts for consumers to choose from, and the pre-sale price range is 155,000-175,000 yuan.

From the design point of view, Tiggo 9 exudes a strong sense of advanced. The overall modeling atmosphere is stable, the grid of China Net adopts family design, and Chery Logo has luminous effect at night, which is unique and dynamic. LED headlights are designed with an open corner, which is connected with the China Net. The high-equipped models are equipped with matrix LED headlights, which provides better lighting effect for driving at night. The side of the car body adopts two-color roof design, hidden door handle and privacy glass, which shows fashion and privacy. The tail has a strong sense of layering, the penetrating taillights are decorated with black decorative plates, the spoiler tail design increases the sense of movement, and the hidden exhaust port highlights the exquisite treatment of details.

The interior design of Tiggo 9 is also amazing, which fully demonstrates the sense of luxury. The car is covered with a large area of soft and leather, and the instrument panel is matched with a wooden decorative board to create a high-end atmosphere. The cockpit is equipped with double 12.3-inch suspended dual screens, and the car system is equipped with 8155 chips. The central control panel integrates a lot of functions, which makes the layout of buttons in the car simple and full of scientific sense.

In terms of seats, Tiggo 9 offers five-seat and seven-seat layouts for consumers to choose from. The seat is wrapped in real leather and decorated with exquisite stitches, which not only shows the sense of luxury, but also provides excellent support and wrapping. Punching the surface of the seat not only improves the texture, but also enhances the air permeability of the seat, providing a more comfortable experience for riding.

In terms of power, Tiggo 9 is equipped with Kunpeng Power 2.0TGDI engine, which has been widely used in other models of Chery brand. The maximum power reaches 192kW and the peak torque reaches 400 n m. The model released at the pre-sale price is equipped with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox, and there are also models equipped with an 8-speed automatic gearbox to choose from. This enables the Tiggo 9 to find a balance between power output and fuel economy, bringing excellent driving experience to drivers.

In addition to the traditional power system, Chery also released the Tiggo 9 C-DM model at the Shanghai Auto Show, which is equipped with the Kunpeng ultra-performance electric hybrid C-DM system. The system consists of special engine for electric hybrid, special gearbox for electric hybrid and special battery management system for electric hybrid. It is equipped with the fifth-generation ACTECO 1.5TGDI high-efficiency hybrid engine, with a power of 115kW and a maximum torque of 220 N m. The super electric hybrid DHT gearbox adopts the mode of "double motor drive+3-speed DHT", the transmission efficiency is over 97.6%, and the output torque at the wheel end can reach 4000N·m, achieving strong power output at full speed. The release of Tiggo 9 C-DM provides more choices for consumers who pursue environmental protection and high performance.

To sum up, Chery Tiggo 9, as the flagship SUV of the Tiggo family, has become a model of concern in the medium-sized SUV market with its luxurious design, exquisite and comfortable interior and strong and reliable power performance. No matter from the brand reputation or product strength, Tiggo 9 is a worthy choice. If you are looking for a medium-sized SUV with luxury and power, Chery Tiggo 9 will be your wise car purchase decision.

After playing bad cards for a year, Krypton threw the king bomb today.

A press conference made this new brand, which has just been established for more than a year, win the applause of the owners again after facing the trust crisis of the owners for more than half a year. Of course, many people say that this is just a promise to fulfill. The crotch that was once extremely embarrassing should really be explained to the owners, and this account of more than 20,000 owners has made them pay more than 300 million yuan in tuition fees.

Let’s look at the key contents announced by Krypton at this conference:

△ Qualcomm 8155 architecture cockpit, all car owners 0 yuan upgrade.

△ The new car introduces lightning switching function, and the dual-motor four-wheel drive model can cut off the front motor to realize power-saving driving with rear drive.

△ Intelligent anti-skid function upgrade, OTA comprehensive upgrade

△ A new version -ME version is launched, with a price of 349,000 yuan, which is 40,000 yuan cheaper than the top version of YOU.

△ Introducing smart Bluetooth keys, all car owners can get them for free.

As the first user of Krypton 001, I am undoubtedly excited. As for the excitement of other car owners, we can see that they have the same feelings as me from the extremely crowded app, the new travel app and the constant cheers at the press conference.

As the owner of Krypton 001, why are you a little excited this time?

After Weilai and Lantiu successively released the policy that old car owners pay to upgrade the 8155 chip, the pressure faced this time is unprecedented. The pressure is not a pricing strategy, nor is it the experience after 8155 optimization, but the car of the 820AP platform still has poor experience and bugs after many rounds of OTA, and the word-of-mouth crisis of extreme krypton is derived from this. If you choose to pay for the upgrade, users will obviously have the feeling of backstab.

Free 8155 upgrade is undoubtedly the best way to save word of mouth. And if the 8155 platform and the 820 platform coexist, there will undoubtedly be double pressure for the development of extremely krypton cockpit. Undoubtedly, it will be a more efficient choice to upgrade all the more than 20,000 kryptons to 8155, and only update one version of the system in the future.

It is reported that the cost of a set of 8155 control motherboard will come to about 2-3,000 yuan. At the press conference, Extreme Krypton also announced that the upgrade cost exceeded 300 million yuan. Extreme Krypton paid a high trial and error fee for this, but the word of mouth in return is undoubtedly more valuable. It will pave the way for the software team to focus on optimization in the future.

There is another point that you may overlook. The 8155 chip is also a necessary option for Krypton 001, because in the future, the high-order pilot-assisted driving ability of Krypton depends on the processing of perception by eyeQ5 chip, and the powerful display image processing of 8155 is also an element (vehicle display). Although 8155 does not participate in the algorithm of assisted driving, it will present the images of assisted driving in the cabin, and the computing power of 820 is obviously tight.

Therefore, whether from the user’s word of mouth, research and development costs and future driving assistance, this account is extremely clear, and this money must be spent, and this fee must be exempted.

About the experience of the 8155 car, we will also have a detailed video release soon.

The same situation as the previous smart cockpit was spit out is the assisted driving ability of the polar krypton 001. After the release of version 2.0 OTA in April, only ACC can provide polar krypton, and the single function and poor sense of body really can’t satisfy the majority of car owners.

In this OTA, the functions of LCC navigation assistance, antelope avoidance, matrix headlights and so on have been added. In addition, the previous AEB and FCTA pedestrian anti-collision functions have basically achieved L2-level assisted driving.

However, there are some regrets, for example, the rear blind spot reminder called by the majority of car owners is still not equipped, the auxiliary function of lighting and parallel line, and the ability to remotely enter and leave the parking space vertically promised by An Conghui before are still not equipped.

We will show you the specific experience of this L2-level assisted driving by video in these two days.

What I want to say here is that it seems that the assisted driving upgrade of Krypton 001 has no bright spot in the industry, but it also responds to the negative news of the previous cooperation between Krypton and Mobileye on the Internet.

Before, many people in the industry questioned eyeQ5′ s final driving assistance ability. Mobileye’s consistent black box OEM method represented extreme krypton and did not seem to take the initiative.

And Chen Qi, vice president in charge of intelligent driving research and development with Krypton (former founder of Huawei’s autonomous driving team and former minister of autonomous driving research and development department-what a big boss! In the communication, we learned that the cooperation between Mobileye and Krypton in eyeQ5 is not a simple OEM model, but the two companies jointly participate in the research and development of perception and algorithms and jointly promote the matching with Krypton 001.

The research and development progress of eyeQ5 has been delayed, and the test progress of Israeli R&D personnel and krypton engineers in Hangzhou has been affected by the epidemic, and personnel exchanges and experiments have been delayed to varying degrees. In order to solve this problem, Krypton has sent people to Israel, and people from Mobileye headquarters have also come to Hangzhou and Ningbo from Israel to work together to promote research and development.

Chen Qi said that Krypton’s current R&D team has a scale of 500 people, and the cooperation with Moileye has been carried out in an orderly manner. In the future, Krypton will indeed walk on two legs, and the cooperation with Mobileye will continue, and at the same time, it is also vigorously carrying out full-stack self-research.

He believes that Moileye is still the top autopilot solution company in the world, and hopes that everyone will maintain confidence in the next improvement of the assisted driving ability of Krypton 001.

I believe that Chen Qi’s presence will also give our riders a reassurance.

The focus of this conference is to launch a new version of ME, which can be understood as a simple version of YOU, dual motors, 100-degree battery, and cancel some high-end configurations (such as electric doors that have been criticized for a long time), with a price of 349,000 yuan. Combined with the lightning switching function just released by Krypton, this car can not only have the acceleration ability of 3.8 seconds in four-wheel drive, but also have the endurance ability of more than 700km in two-wheel drive.

Really fragrant, as an old car owner, I really envy it. I had to choose WE712 for battery life, but now, battery life and performance can be taken into account.

And the Bluetooth key, needless to say, the negative Bluetooth key of mobile phone has finally been freed this time, and it is also free.

Ok, let’s stop talking about this conference of Krypton 711. I haven’t sent a video about this experience yet, but I still hope to experience the 8155 car I just upgraded today and restore a "new" Krypton 001 to everyone as much as possible.