China won the world’s top championship first, and foreign drivers were scolded for waving five-star red flags.

[Text/Observer Network Xu Ganang]

Recently, a great event happened in the domestic automobile circle: at the Moroccan station, the first stop of the 2019 World Touring Car Competition (WTCR) which ended on April 7, the first place was a China brand car: Geely Link.

It is worth mentioning that this is also the first time that China automobile brand has entered the stage of the top international RV race.China won the first place at its first show.The Swedish driver bjork, who was driving this Lectra racing car, exclaimed that it was "completely unexpected", climbed onto the roof of Thed Bj?rk after the race and waved a five-star red flag.

Bjork standing on the Lectra 03 waving a five-star red flag is from WTCR.

Video/Observer Network Zhang Yiqing

For his behavior, some netizens made a discordant voice and thought that this flag was "arranged" by Geely.

Today, Weibo certified @ Geely Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely Automobile Group, to come forward, and called a netizen who questioned this matter alone, saying: The national flag was not prepared by Geely, but was brought by the spectators on the spot; When interviewed after the race, bjork said that he felt the fans’ love for racing and their support for the team and him, and he waved the five-star red flag happily without hesitation. "If you don’t applaud, there is no need to boo."

According to Autosport, the media in the field of racing, in the first race of WTCR 2019 held at Marrakech circuit in Morocco from April 6 to 7, four drivers of Swedish Cyan Racing team drove four Geely Racing cars.In the three races, Lectra 03 was on the podium.: I won the runner-up in the first race and the third place in the second race.In the end, he won the championship in the third race.

According to China Racing Miscellaneous Affairs, before this WTCR, no car brand from China dared to challenge the international top touring car race, but Lectra took the lead in taking the first step, winning the first championship this season in the world’s top race, which also made China manufacturing further reach the world peak.

Link 03 Figure from WTCR

After the game, judging from the video pictures circulating on the Internet,Bjork, holding a five-star red flag, stood on the roof and held his head high.In the end, bjork and Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely, jointly took the stage to receive the award.

Figure from Twitter

This incident attracted the discordant voice of some netizens on Weibo. On the 10th, Weibo certified Vice President of Geely Automobile Group @ Geely Yang Xueliang.Alone @A netizen, the latter said on the 9 th, "These days, it’s almost time to brush the screen for any world champion. No one from China in the whole team has called a foreigner to wave a five-star red flag." This netizen believes that the five-star red flag was provided by Geely to the drivers, and the latter also spent 100 million yuan, which was "quite worthwhile".

The netizen wrote a message under the Weibo: "I can’t see others being better than myself, but I think it’s natural to see foreigners being better than myself." "You can do it!" "Let’s rub the heat in another way."

Yang Xueliang replied that it is not a day’s work to participate in the world’s top events and build a successful team, nor can it be achieved by just paying money. No long-term comeback, no progress, no broad-minded mind,It is difficult for foreigners to wave the flag.

At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Yang Xueliang once again issued a document to respond to the "foreign drivers holding five-star red flags".

Observer Network has noticed that many foreign auto media and self-media are also very concerned about winning the championship. Even the official Twitter of WTCR sent a message to congratulate China automobile brands.

WTCR official Twitter

Dutch RTL TV station

Since the media in the field of racing, this number of fans is 34,000.

In 2010, Geely Group acquired 100% equity of Volvo Car and related assets for US$ 1.8 billion, and the latter, including intellectual property rights, was owned by Geely Group. The engine of the Lectra 03 was also jointly developed by Geely and Volvo.

Observer. com noted that bjork also expressed his recognition of China automobile brand in an interview with WTCR after the game.

Bjork was interviewed from WTCR video screenshot

Bjork mentioned the problem of Link 03. In the third race of this competition, Cyan Racing team had two Lectra 03 cars that did not finish the race for some reason. Bjork expressed a little worry. "Because all four cars are the same car, problems in one car may appear in another car immediately."

This article is an exclusive manuscript of Observer. It cannot be reproduced without authorization.

"Actor in Place" From Shi Baiyu to Chen Youwei, it is really important to have a good play.

It is a great challenge for the idol Chen Youwei to participate in Actor in Place. In previous programs, from YeHua in to the sky kingdom to King Guo in Empresses in the Palace, Chen Youwei was criticized by the director, but the latest program ushered in a reversal.

Successfully joined the crew directed by Chen Kaige, and Chen Youwei played "Pass the Customs" with Ren Min and Dong Siyi. In this clip, Ren Min and Chen Youwei were actually two smugglers with goods under the cover of students.

Although "Pass the Customs" is not long, it contains a lot of information. Teenagers’ rebellion, young people’s love entanglements, and teenagers’ reckless bravery are all presented in this clip.

After the performance of "Pass the Customs", it was well recognized by the director and the audience, especially the picture of Chen Youwei running, which was very emotional. Therefore, after the latest issue of "Actors in Place" was broadcast, many viewers also said that Chen Youwei really chose the right role this time.

Not only that, Tung shing Yee also bluntly said in the program that the positioning of the three actors in the whole "Pass" is very accurate, and the harmony of the whole segment is the main reason why "Pass" successfully attracts the audience’s attention.

After the review, Tung shing Yee suggested that Chen Youwei should hug the two actresses around him. This time, Chen Youwei also had no idol burden at all, and gave Ren Min and Dong Siyi a "straight man" hug.

Indeed, in the process of an actor’s acting, a good "play partner" is still very important. Undoubtedly, Ren Min, born in 1999, is a young actress. Her performance this time is not only to let the audience see her own brilliance, but also to be more rare, her own light is dazzling, but it will not hide the brilliance of her opponent’s actors. This is really not easy.

In the first episode of "Actor in Place", Ren Min’s partner Shi Baiyu starred in Better Days’s segment, and Ren Min’s acting skills were also quite recognized. Her market was initially rated as S-class. After Better Days’s performance, she still got the S card, and even watched Better Days’s segment. It was an intuitive feeling that, to some extent, Ren Min was driving Shi Baiyu’s emotions. In the end, Ren Min and Shi Baiyu were also a win-win situation, and both of them kept up.

The same is true of this "Pass", and Chen Youwei’s progress is obvious to all. When Chen Youwei plays with other young actors, the effect is that Chen Youwei is dragging down his teammates. But this time, in Pass, Ren Min, Dong Siyi and Chen Youwei all perform their own personalities, and they complement each other, which finally makes the whole picture very amazing.

As a young actor, although Ren Min’s face value is very "idol", from Yi Yao in the movie "A River of Sorrow" to Princess Hui Rou in the TV series "Qingpingle", the role played by Ren Min is not a simple idol. Perhaps it is the positioning when she debuted that she has never played a silly idol drama. Therefore, Ren Min’s acting skills are not flattering and will not make the audience feel that she is using her face value to make up for her acting skills.

However, it is precisely because idol dramas are rarely performed that Ren Min’s popularity in the entertainment circle is not very high. Even compared with Chen Youwei, her popularity is slightly inferior. This time, it is also a good thing for Ren Min to participate in the program "Actor in Place". Because of the popularity of the program itself, the popularity of the actors has also increased and attracted more attention. In the program, some producers bluntly said that Ren Min is very aura.

A good film and television drama actually needs the actors to fulfill each other, and a popular variety show actually needs to be "mashed up" to attract the audience’s attention. A good play partner like Ren Min, coupled with Chen Youwei’s controversial points, and their mix and match combination, finally presents a good screen effect.

In this kind of competitive performance program, the actors can collide with each other and eventually the audience will buy it. For example, in previous programs, Yan Zidong and Caiqi Yang performed "The Kiss of Pranks". At that time, when it was broadcast, both the director and the audience felt that the performance was very real and the effect presented was very comfortable.

In "Pass the Customs", Ren Min relies on acting skills, Chen Youwei relies on the advantages of facial features and movements, and Dong Siyi relies on the simple temperament of the girl next door. The highlights of each other are integrated without conflict, which makes a relatively successful work. Whether it is Chen Youwei, Dong Siyi or Ren Min, they can present such a work, which is also a kind of mutual fulfillment for three people. Text/Chen Wei is cool

"Cloud Life" electronic products such as tablet computers and notebook computers sell well.

Zhang Xinxin, a student from Wenquan Village, Andi Town, yinan county City, Linyi City, Shandong Province, has a difficult family life. He used to need to borrow someone else’s mobile phone to attend the "air class" offered by the school. The picture shows a volunteer from yinan county Da Ai Yimeng Volunteer Service Team (right) sending a tablet computer to Zhang Xinxin and teaching her how to use it. Photo by Du Yubao (People’s Vision)

Students are reading personalized books recommended by e-readers. Photo by Shi Yalei (people’s picture)

  The COVID-19 epidemic has had a great impact on consumption in China in the first quarter of this year. The data shows that from January to February, the total retail sales of consumer goods nationwide decreased by 20.5% year-on-year. However, in the "home" life and "cloud" life, the sales of some consumer electronic products have increased against the trend, which has become a bright color when consumption is cold in the short term. Green consumer products represented by electronic products are helping to boost consumption and consumption upgrading.

  Electronic products sell well against the trend

  "Kindle reader, Bluetooth speaker … …” Zach Li, an engineer working in Beijing, found that he spent the most on electronic products besides daily necessities such as rice, oil and salt.

  "Reading, games and music are all long-term learning and entertainment activities for epidemic prevention at home, and these electronic products make it long and boring ‘ Zhai ’ Life adds interest. " Zach Li said.

  When consumption was cold due to the epidemic, "cloud life" drove the sales of some consumer electronic products to increase greatly, and the supply of emerging products continued to increase, allowing many new formats to develop against the trend.

  Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that from January to February this year, the demand for electronic products such as 3D printing equipment, smart watches and smart bracelets increased rapidly, and the output increased significantly year-on-year, with growth rates of 101.0%, 119.7% and 45.1% respectively. The growth momentum of emerging kinetic energy has not changed.

  On several major e-commerce platforms, the sales of electronic products have also increased. In February, notebook computers, tablet computers, printers and smart cameras became hot items on e-commerce platforms such as and JD.COM, and some products were even out of stock. Perhaps it is precisely because of the new consumer demand generated by the epidemic that many consumer electronics companies choose to release their new products in the near future. Among them, Apple recently launched a new tablet iPad Pro and computer Macbook Air, which received wide attention.

  Smartphones hit bottom and rebounded.

  The situation of epidemic prevention and control in China continues to improve, and the consumer market is recovering with the warm spring. At the same time, related enterprises have also actively launched "self-help".

  In the field of smart phones, the rebound and recovery of consumption are more obvious. Previously, affected by the epidemic, many mobile phone manufacturers closed their factories, and normal mobile phone production could not be guaranteed. Under the background of the whole society’s resumption of work and production, the mobile phone industry is increasing its productivity, and the output is gradually approaching the normal level. Recently, many mobile phone manufacturers, such as Huawei, have said that they are fully restoring the supply chain to ensure market supply.

  A person in charge of a mobile phone manufacturer said that from the sales performance at the beginning of March, the sales volume of smart phones in China has approached or even exceeded the same period last year. Industry insiders predict that the domestic 5G smartphone market is expected to resume its growth momentum in the second quarter of this year.

  While increasing horsepower to ensure production, the release of new machines by major manufacturers has also been carried out one after another. Since late February, the listing speed of new 5G mobile phones has obviously accelerated. According to the data of China Information and Communication Research Institute, there were 16 new models listed in February this year, including 11 5G mobile phones. Recently, Huawei held an online conference to release three P40 series mobile phones to the world — — P40, P40 Pro and P40 Pro+. It is worth mentioning that this model is equipped with the HMS Apps terminal cloud service ecosystem independently developed by Huawei.

  Experts said that in the fields covered by "new infrastructure", 5G is considered to be the top priority, and the industrial chain extended by 5G will also be rapidly driven. Thanks to the acceleration of "new infrastructure", the construction of 5G infrastructure and the improvement of 5G communication environment will further stimulate the recovery of the industry and promote the arrival of the "replacement tide" of 5G mobile phones.

  Create a new consumption format

  In order to better release the new consumption potential, in recent days, the central and local governments have successively introduced a series of measures to promote consumption to promote consumption in electronic products and other fields.

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 23 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Consumption Expansion and Upgrading to Accelerate the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market", increased support for electronic products and other fields, and proposed to encourage green smart consumption, accelerate the improvement of recycling networks in the fields of home appliances and consumer electronic products, and encourage enterprises to use technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to promote the intelligent upgrading of various electronic products.

  At the same time, many governments have accelerated the introduction of preferential measures to encourage green and smart consumption and promote product upgrading through measures such as issuing consumer subsidies and replacing old electronic products with new ones. Many e-commerce platforms have also launched promotional activities such as home appliances and electronic products.

  Experts said that in this COVID-19 epidemic, new consumption formats and new consumption models represented by electronic products showed strong growth potential. With the progress of science and technology and the acceleration of the updating of consumption concepts, the upgrading and intelligent upgrading of electronic consumer goods and other products will enter a fast-paced stage. How to cultivate and grow the new consumption and upgrading consumption power generated by the epidemic, and how to realize the long-term development of short-term products is a new test faced by the government and enterprises, which is of great significance for stimulating the formation of new kinetic energy and promoting steady economic growth.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to clarify rumors that had been exposed to shopping with his ex-girlfriend Lv Lijun.

At 11: 00 a.m. on January 3rd, Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to clarify the rumor of getting back together with Lv Lijun. He said that he and Lv Lijun had not seen each other for many years. This time, Lv Lijun asked for something from himself, and the two of them signed the relevant transaction documents in the office building, which was not the rumor of "shopping", and stressed that they were only the parents of a pair of children with Lv Lijun, and there was no other relationship. It is reported that Liu Luanxiong was photographed shopping with his ex-girlfriend Lv Lijun, which caused a heated discussion. On December 31st last year, Liu Luanxiong issued a clarification statement.

Schwarzenegger, the new Terminator, leads the creative team in SDCC Comic-Con.

Schwarzenegger and Hamilton

1905 movie network news On July 18th, North American time, Arnold Schwarzenegger, linda hamilton, director tim miller and many other masters brought their new films (provisional translations) to SDCC Comic-Con. In addition to a brand-new behind-the-scenes production special, the Terminator crew also announced that edward furlong, who plays kate connor in the film, will return to play in the headquarters for the first time.

In this special edition, directors tim miller, Schwarzenegger and linda hamilton appeared in turn to recommend the highlights of the film for fans. The whole film continues the hard-core fighting style of the series, and has been upgraded on this basis. Various blasting melee scenes are dazzling and shocking. Although James Cameron was absent from the event, in the special edition, Cameron said that the latest Terminator would bring "adrenaline rush" to the audience, and "Card God" also praised director tim miller for filming the original style of the series.

Terminator: Dark Fate also announced another heavy news in SDCC activities: edward furlong, the actor who plays the young kate connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, will return to Terminator: Dark Fate this time. This is the first time that edward furlong has returned to star in this series of films after Terminator 2.

Creative group photo

In Terminator: Dark Fate (tentative translation), Arnold Schwarzenegger, the soul figure, made a heavy return as the "Terminator T-800" for the sixth time. Linda hamilton will once again play the role of Sarah Connor, the first female host. As the "father of the Terminator", Cameron is the screenwriter and producer himself. The reunion of the series of golden triangle also makes this terminator’s latest work more exciting.


In this SDCC activity, Arnold, who is about to celebrate his 72nd birthday, is full of energy, not only in a good mood, but also praises the SDCC comic exhibition as a good place to promote movies. And linda hamilton, the heroine, is still in excellent spirits. At the event, Linda was domineering, and she kissed the "governor" on her own initiative, causing an uproar. I wonder if the two of them will join hands to fight against the villains again.

Mackenzie davis, a former actor, plays the biochemical Grace in Terminator: Dark Fate, protecting Dany, a dark-haired girl played by Natalia Reyes. Mackenzie spoke highly of linda hamilton in the interview. When asked who would win the battle for the actress in the cast, Mackenzie replied without hesitation; "Linda will win because she has a strong inner spiritual strength."

Mackenzie Davis

It is reported that Terminator: Dark Fate (temporarily translated) follows Terminator 2: Judgment Day in the plot and forms Cameron’s orthodox Terminator Trilogy together with the first two films. The film will be released in North America on November 1, 2019. I believe that it will once again set off a classic frenzy, which will bring new shock and emotion to thousands of fans.

CCTV approved the rise of "pet blind box": this is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment.

CCTV News:On May 3, some netizens reported that a "pet blind box" was collected and delivered at a courier station in Chengdu, Sichuan, and the kittens and puppies in cages were dying. Some caring people in Chengdu immediately organized rescue. A caring person who participated in the on-site rescue said that the delivery place of these cats and dogs was Chengdu Sanlian Flower and Bird Market, and the merchants delivered live pets to the buyers in the name of selling "blind boxes".

At 22: 30 on May 3, the reporter arrived at Xiqiao West Street, Chengdu Railway Station. The scene was filled with the cries of cats and dogs, which came from cages on the ground.

Chen Yulian, head of Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center:This car pulled a car (cats and dogs) over, and then we followed. They just (turn) the car (cats and dogs) onto this car. Let’s take a look at this van. It’s completely closed. Close the two back doors, and all the cats and dogs must be locked inside.

Subsequently, the two trucks were stopped by volunteers in the rescue center and called the police. The reporter saw that a woven bag was put on the outside of each cage, and ZTO Express’s express bill was posted on each bag. After stopping the van, the volunteers tore a piece of each woven pocket to give the kittens and puppies air and water to drink. Subsequently, the reporter found the person in charge of the express delivery site to understand the situation.

Soon, the police of the local police station and the staff of the street office have arrived at the scene. In the early morning of May 4, these kittens and puppies were safely transferred, and law enforcement officers began to verify the information.

Chengdu Postal Administration: It will be put on file for handling.

The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Postal Administration said yesterday (May 5) that the postal administration immediately launched an investigation after paying attention to the situation of "delivering blind boxes for pets". For the behavior of the courier outlet suspected of illegally receiving and sending live animals, it will be put on file and the handling of the case will be disclosed in a timely manner according to law. At present, the local animal inspection department in Chengdu has temporarily detained all cats and dogs according to law, and temporarily placed them for inspection.

In addition, the ZTO Express company involved also issued a notice saying that these live animals were sold online by e-commerce customers of the platform, and were illegally collected by Lotus Pond outlets in Chengdu, ZTO Express. At present, the express collection business of this outlet has been suspended, and the person in charge of delivery safety of ZTO Express Sichuan Provincial Management Center has been suspended for inspection.

The transportation and delivery of live animals has been clearly stipulated by law.

Since May 1 this year, the Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention has been implemented, and there are clear legal provisions on the transportation and delivery of live animals. On March 19th last year, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice, demanding to regulate the delivery of live animals, severely crack down on the illegal delivery of wild animals and their products, and strictly regulate the delivery of live animals other than protected wild animals. Then, whether the merchants and platforms selling "pet blind boxes" and the express delivery responsible for transportation are illegal, experts have given corresponding interpretations.

Respect the law and refuse the blind box "out of line"

The rise of blind box economy is largely due to satisfying consumers’ curiosity and surprise about uncertainty. However, using blind boxed animals to build some people’s happiness on the basis of animal suffering or even loss of life is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment. Merchants must abide by the relevant laws and regulations on the delivery of live animals, and courier companies should not knowingly commit crimes.Respect for human nature, respect for the law, and people’s hearts are not blind, so there will be no such bad and out-of-line blind box.

Sixteen years’ performance of duties is the drum of "reading for all" and the use of reading to build the spiritual realm of the nation

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  Beijing, March 11th (Reporter Yang Peiying) In an interview with Committee member Zhu Yongxin for nearly an hour, the two most frequently mentioned words were "reading".

  From "the image spokesman of reading for all" to the active explorer of new education, to launching the "Reading for the Future Plan" and calling on more reading promoters, the personal practice of reading and the drum call for reading for all have become a part of Zhu Yongxin’s life. Whether busy at work or on a business trip, reading and writing at 5 o’clock every morning is his unshakable habit.

  Since the two sessions in 2003, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, has called for the establishment of a "national reading festival" for 16 consecutive years, taking reading for all as a national strategy, establishing a national reading fund, establishing a national reading promotion committee, and strengthening the construction of community libraries … … A series of proposals and suggestions on reading.

  In order to make children grow up better, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, wrote "an initiative to be a happy scholar." Photo by Future Network reporter Yang Peiying.

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  For 16 years, we have consistently carried out the "Reading Festival" to the end.

  It has been consistent for 16 consecutive years, and there are really not many representatives or members who advocate a topic.

  At the two sessions this year, Committee member Zhu Yongxin once again put forward a proposal on establishing a national reading festival. He said that the National Reading Festival is to promote reading in daily life to a ceremony. "Just as the two sessions are the political Spring Festival of China people, the National Reading Festival should also become the spiritual Spring Festival of China people."

  After sixteen years of consistent persistence, Zhu Yongxin clearly knows the important role of reading in life. His most classic sentence "A person’s spiritual development history is his reading history, and a nation’s spiritual realm depends on its reading level." This paper profoundly expounds the important significance of reading to human growth and national development. Zhu Yongxin believes that there are many paths and methods to improve national quality, but the cheapest, most direct and most basic one is reading.

  At present, the proposal to establish a national reading festival and advocate reading for all has been jointly appealed by more than 100 members of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

  In order to promote comprehensive reading, this year, Zhu Yongxin also submitted a proposal on "promoting high-speed rail reading". In Zhu Yongxin’s view, high-speed rail has become a part of people’s lives, but at present, the reading materials provided on high-speed rail are very limited, and the quality and quantity are not optimistic. "These public readings are an important way to spread reading culture, which can effectively enhance people’s reading awareness and encourage people to develop reading habits." Zhu Yongxin believes that China is the largest and most advanced high-speed rail country in the world, and the high-speed rail carriages are comfortable, hygienic and safe, providing a good reading environment. At such a time, you can read with peace of mind, and the establishment of such a system can enable the people to develop better habits.

  Although the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, in Zhu Yongxin’s view, in-depth reading may not be enough. The most fundamental reason is that the whole society’s understanding of reading has not really reached the designated position. In terms of education, examination is still regarded as an important direction to a great extent, and reading has not received due attention.

  But Zhu Yongxin believes that the efforts will not be disappointed. In the diary of member Zhu Yongxin published in the newspaper of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, he wrote — — Carry the reading festival to the end, and I will continue to work hard for reading drums and shouts.

  Children’s reading determines the future of the nation.

  In life, Zhu Yongxin also practices the habit of reading every day with such persistence and perseverance.

  Get up at about five o’clock every morning, insist on writing and reading, and you must take all kinds of books you read with you every trip, and recommend a good book worth reading in Weibo every day.

  Zhu Yongxin told the reporter of that good habits are the best wealth in a person’s life. "It’s basically very quiet from five in the morning to eight in the morning, and no one bothers you, no work, no phone calls. You can calm down and write."

  There is still a long way to go to get people to develop the habit of reading. At the end of 2017, Zhu Yongxin’s Institute of New Education and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League launched the "Reading the Future, Children’s Reading Program". Zhu Yongxin said that he hopes to train more promoters who take teenagers to read, so that more people can become reading volunteers and promoters.

  Zhu Yongxin believes that "the length of childhood determines the height of a country. The depth of children’s reading determines the height of national spirit. In this sense, children’s reading determines the future of the nation. "

  Reading ability is very important for children’s growth. "By reading, he can go to a wider world, see things outside him, and see from ancient times to the present, from the middle to the outside, and he will see farther, which will give him a better vision. Secondly, his writing ability is not only writing, but also thinking ability. Real writing begins with thinking and writing.

  However, in the era of mobile internet, mobile phone reading can be seen everywhere, and many people don’t have a lot of time to settle down and read and write. For teenagers known as "Internet aborigines", it has become the norm to acquire knowledge through mobile phones and mobile terminals.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, the trend of digital reading is irreversible, and it is understandable for children to accept digital reading. However, he still advocates that paper reading should not be thrown away, especially primary and secondary school students should learn to read paper books quietly as much as possible and form such a habit, because excessive dependence on electronic media will make it difficult for children to really concentrate, and in addition, it will have some adverse effects on eyes, thinking and attention.

  Promote children and adults to read together, and the government promotes bibliography development

  In reality, many primary and middle school students have a heavy academic burden and don’t have much time to settle down and study. A reading survey for primary and secondary school students, teachers and parents shows that 74.85% of children like reading, but more than half of them have no time to read. In the question "What is the reason that prevents you from reading?" In the middle school, 50.59% of the children said that they had "heavy studies and no time and energy" to read, and "the problem of heavy extracurricular burden of primary and secondary school students" was even written into the 2018 government work report.

  In this regard, Zhu Yongxin believes that the heavy academic burden is on the one hand, and the key point is that many parents don’t realize the importance of reading. They prefer to spend their time in tutoring and learning a lot of repetitive content in the classroom. From the perspective of school education, there are a little more simple exercises and repetitive exercises, which really makes students have less time to study. It is also necessary to change our classroom and change our working methods.

  In order to let children know what good books are, since Zhu Yongxin became the provost of Suzhou University in 1993, he has promoted reading in the whole school by recommending bibliographies. Over the years, Zhu Yongxin has been doing the research and development of recommendation books.

  Since April, 2011, Zhu Yongxin and his new reading research have successively published basic reading books for primary school students in China, basic reading books for children in China, basic reading books for middle school students in China, basic reading books for entrepreneurs in China, basic reading books for primary and secondary school teachers in China and basic reading books for parents in China.

  Zhu Yongxin thinks that the development of bibliographies is a particularly important task. In the information age, the richer the information, the easier it is for people to get lost. The development of bibliography is to provide a scientific catering plan with comprehensive nutrition for a person’s spirit, which is convenient for people to follow the map. He suggested that the government further promote the research of various reading majors, promote the development of bibliographies, purchase services for the research results of various professional non-governmental organizations, and promote the deepening of reading in time.

  In the face of the current situation that more and more children prefer online games to reading, Zhu Yongxin believes that no child is born to like this and that, which requires parents’ guidance and parent-child reading to cultivate children’s reading habits.

  "This is the most effective way. Many of our mothers buy a lot of books and throw them to them. He may not be interested in reading them. You can discuss them with your children, inspire them together, ask him questions, and discuss them with him. You may take him to study. In addition, you should look for books he likes. Every child has a different appetite. If you can find books that suit his appetite, you may take him to the book world. If you find them from the beginning, you are not interested.

  In this year’s proposal, Zhu Yongxin also suggested taking children as the center and promoting children’s reading with adults. Zhu Yongxin hopes that children can love paper reading through parent-child reading, teacher-student reading and team reading, so that reading promotion can directly and effectively influence the development of reading habits of adults around children through children’s influence and supervision.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, it is also very important to guide parents’ education. Zhu Yongxin pointed out that the most important thing is that parents should be role models for their children, parents should grow up with their children, and parents should know what kind of education is good.

  Advocating reading for all is the spiritual index to cultivate cultural self-confidence and realize national rejuvenation. More persistent watchmen are needed to drum up and shout around the atmosphere of reading for all.

Today’s SMG football recommendation: How to use ChatGPT to balance the director: Las Palmas vs Atletico Madrid

A new version of AI analysis, real-time update of the latest data, such as Poisson distribution method, Margin model, Bernoulli’s law of large numbers and other big data analysis, high efficiency, accurate algorithm!

In football analysis, no one can guarantee a 100% winning rate. However, AI can increase its chances of winning by continuous learning, improvement and adaptation. Focus on long-term analysis strategies and treat every decision with a steady and firm attitude.

The latest research confirms that eating more fruits and vegetables is beneficial to prevent diabetes.

  Beijing Science and Technology Daily, July 9th (Reporter Liu Yuanyuan correspondent Feng Yi) Can eating more fruits and vegetables really prevent diabetes? The latest scientific research gives the answer.

  The reporter learned from West Lake University that Professor Zheng Jusheng from the School of Life Sciences of this school, together with more than 40 nutritionists in Europe, proved from the perspective of blood nutritional markers that eating more fruits and vegetables is conducive to preventing diabetes (this article refers to type 2 diabetes).

  The study concluded that if you eat 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day, the risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25%. This provides valuable suggestions and references for dietary guidance in the field of public health. The research results were published online in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on July 9th, Beijing time.

  "We have tracked and recorded more than 10,000 cases of diabetes in eight European countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Denmark, and compared more than 13,000 healthy people. From the perspective of nutritional markers, we found that eating more fruits and vegetables really plays a positive role in preventing diabetes." As the first author of the paper, Zheng Yusheng said.

  In this study, the research team recorded seven kinds of nutrients in the blood of the experimental population, including vitamin C and six kinds of carotene. These seven blood indexes have been proved to be nutritional markers corresponding to the effective intake of vegetables and fruits. Generally speaking, the more fruits and vegetables are consumed, the higher the content of these seven indicators in the human body.

  Through regular measurement and tracking, the research team found that the higher the nutritional markers in the body, the lower the risk of diabetes, which shows that eating more fruits and vegetables can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes. Statistics show that the seven nutritional markers have increased by a standardized unit — — The risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25% if you consume 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day.

  According to reports, more than 10,000 diabetic cases and 13,000 healthy control groups were screened from more than 400,000 people through nearly 10 years of follow-up, so there are long-term data to support the reliability and stability of the conclusion.

  "Many teams have done similar research before. Some teams use questionnaires, which may have the subjective will of the experimenters, so there may be errors in the experimental results. The samples of other research teams may be only a few hundred people, and the tracking time is relatively short, so the statistical data is not representative. This study has a large sample of participants and a long experimental time, and it is of great significance in the field of public health to verify the results through a more scientific method. " Zheng Yusheng said.

12-year-old children send 5-year-old children to the police station.

At 19 o’clock on February 21,

A boy in his early teens.With a little boy of four or five years old.

Came to Zhanyi Public Security Bureau

Jinlong police station duty room

Tell the police

"Uncle, this child is lost."

The police know the situation and know that

The big boy’s surname is Han

It’s Xiping Primary School in Zhanyi District.

A sixth-grade student

See this little boy in the street.

Standing alone in the street crying

Go forward and ask.

I learned that the little boy and grandma got lost when they went to the street.

He took him to the police station.

Hope the police uncle.

Can help the little boy find his grandmother

The police immediately gave a verbal praise to Xiao Han.

After seeing off Han provided.

The police brought oranges for the little boy.

And played a game with him.

After the little boy’s mood stabilized,

Information about him and his family

It was also successfully "set out" by the police.

The little boy’s surname is Dong.

I am five years old this year.

When I was working with my grandmother from Kirin to Zhanyi

Get separated in the street

The police then contacted the child’s family.

in a moment

The father of the child rushed to the police station.

After confirming the identity

The police handed the child over to his father.

After subsequent understanding

During the winter vacation

After school starts.

The police station and school will praise Xiao Han.
