How does SHEIN break the monopoly pattern of international fashion brands with flexible supply chain?

In the global fashion industry, fierce market competition and the increasingly diversified needs of consumers are constantly reshaping the pattern of the industry. European and American markets have been dominated by international brands for a long time, and the entry threshold and challenges of China brands are self-evident. However, in a few decades, SHEIN has sprung up suddenly. With its unique business model and subversive supply chain management, it has successfully broken the monopoly position of international brands in Europe and the United States and become a unicorn brand in the fashion field.

So the question is, how did SHEIN do it?

In fact, hundreds of years of foreign commercial culture and fashion culture have spawned a series of foreign brands that have existed for decades, and they have certain first-Mover advantages compared with domestic brands in terms of technical details and product quality. However, this long-term accumulation has also led to the relative complexity and inflexibility of its organizational structure and operation mode, which is often called "cumbersome".

"Clumsy" is actually relative. Take Zara as an example, although it has shown the characteristics of efficient operation in many aspects. For example, it adopts SPA mode, characterized by high turnover rate and high profit rate, and captures the trend information from physical stores, fashion magazines, fashion shows and other channels and quickly transforms it into design inspiration. Nevertheless, Zara still represents a mature and large-scale industry model, and there is still room for further improvement in flexibility and rapid response.

Compared with traditional fashion brands, the operation mode displayed by SHEIN presents a completely different style. Because sales are entirely based on online retail, real-time feedback of information is more direct and efficient. In the production process of ordering, the small order adopted by SHEIN can be more sensitive. Usually, 100-200 products are produced on a small scale and put into the market for testing. If the sales trend is good, the order will be returned immediately, but if the sales are not up to expectations, the production will be suspended. And ZARA’s first order should be at least 500-1000 pieces.

SHEIN also actively uses its own technological advantages and experience to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as clothing manufacturing. Due to the flexible supply chain mode of on-demand production, the whole link is upgraded from front-end fashion trend, design and development, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, which brings about the improvement of the whole efficiency.

Before cooperating with SHEIN, most of these factories did not have the ability of systematization and intelligence, and most of them relied on manual work, Excel, mail and other traditional ways to arrange production, which was very inefficient and did not have competitive advantages in the industry. However, after cooperating with SHEIN, they completed the transformation into a digital factory with full chain digitalization, which greatly reduced the waste of materials and the waiting time of workers. Based on demand supply, the inventory rate of brands can be reduced to low single digits, while the average unsold inventory level of other brands in the industry is 30%.

SHEIN, a technology-driven flexible on-demand supply chain, not only improves industrial efficiency, reduces waste, but also helps to protect the environment. At the same time, due to the cost reduction caused by waste reduction and efficiency improvement, brands can give back 100% of these values to end consumers, share the created value with consumers, and greatly reduce the sales price of goods.

This "small order and quick response" model gives SHEIN a significant advantage, which is reflected in higher commodity turnover rate and finer inventory management. It enables SHEIN to more accurately test and quickly capture the explosive potential styles in the market, while almost avoiding the risk of excessive inventory. In the view of Boston Consulting Group, this agility of on-demand fashion has become the source of competitive advantage in the fashion industry, and the agile supply chain model represented by SHEIN has become an irresistible trend of the industry, which is gradually changing the rules of the game of the global fashion industry and leading the industry to develop in a more efficient and sustainable direction.


TOP200 list of sales of real estate enterprises in China in 2019

Source: real estate people’s words
☉ Wen/Kerui Research Center
List revision instructions
This year is the 11th year that Kerui compiled the sales list of China real estate enterprises, from the initial TOP20 to TOP50, TOP100 and TOP200;; From the single sales list to the launch of the trading list representing trading ability and the equity list of investment ability, we have been truly, rigorously and fairly recording the industry changes, pattern evolution and model innovation in the past 10 years.
Since January 2019, on the basis of the original sales flow list and equity list, we have added a sales full-caliber list. Full-scale sales refers to the statistical method that all projects of enterprise groups and joint ventures and associated companies are included in the performance, regardless of the proportion of equity and whether they are trading. Because the agent construction belongs to the export management behavior, the sales performance generated by the agent construction is not included in the full-caliber list data. The full-caliber list reflects the enterprise’s urban layout and project expansion ability.
The trading list is based on enterprise trading, that is, if a project is jointly developed by a number of housing enterprises, the performance of the project is only classified as trading enterprises. It reflects the marketing and trading ability of the enterprise, and the sales performance generated by the enterprise’s agent construction is included in the statistics of trading caliber.
The equity list is based on the proportion of corporate equity, that is, if a project cooperates with a number of housing enterprises, the performance of the project will be included in the corresponding enterprises according to the proportion of equity. It reflects the financial strength and investment ability of the enterprise. (Note: The data of equity caliber does not include the equity of the parent company and related parties, and the employee’s follow-up investment)
In view of the fact that most listed real estate enterprises have changed the caliber of performance announcement from consolidated statement to full caliber, readers who need to compare with the data released by listed companies can refer to the full caliber list.
List interpretation
In 2019, the cumulative equity sales amount of TOP100 real estate enterprises increased by 6.5% year-on-year, far less than 40.5% in 2017 and 35.1% in 2018. By the end of December, most large-scale housing enterprises have achieved their annual performance targets, but the overall overfulfilled rate is not as good as that in 2016 and 2017.
On the whole, the market environment for the industry to maintain long-term and stable development has become clear. It is expected that the overall scale growth of enterprises will continue to rise steadily in 2020, and the differentiation pattern within the top 100 housing enterprises will also be continued. While the sales threshold of real estate enterprises in each echelon is further improved and the competition is intensified, TOP30 will become an important watershed for scale development.
Overall performance: the growth rate of the industry slowed down significantly.
Better performance in the second and fourth quarters
In 2019, with the central government’s clear goal of "stabilizing land prices, stabilizing housing prices and stabilizing expectations", market regulation tends to be normalized, the credit level gradually tightens, and the real estate market develops steadily and healthily. As of the end of December, the cumulative equity sales amount of TOP100 real estate enterprises increased by 6.5% year-on-year, which was less than 40.5% in 2017 and 35.1% in 2018. The growth rate of the overall scale of the industry has slowed down significantly compared with the previous two years, and the growth of the top 100 housing enterprises has "stalled".
Judging from the annual performance trend, the overall sales performance of the top 100 real estate enterprises in the second and fourth quarters of this year was better, and the scale of equity sales increased by 7.5% and 11.7% respectively compared with the same period of last year. Among them, the "Xiaoyangchun" market in the first and second quarters, especially in March and April, increased the market enthusiasm, and the monthly year-on-year growth rate rebounded significantly from the beginning of the year. After the second half of the year, enterprises increased their supply, and the year-on-year growth rate of performance also showed a rebound trend. Especially since September, it has coincided with the peak of supply at the end of the year, and the performance of enterprises has stabilized and rebounded under the promotion of both pushing and marketing efforts.
But on the whole, the real market situation is not as optimistic as the growth rate of corporate performance. At present, the market pressure of chemical industry still exists, and the overall chemical industry rate is still relatively low. Judging from the push and de-transformation of real estate enterprises throughout the year, the average single-plate production capacity of large-scale real estate enterprises in 2019 decreased compared with that in 2018, and the performance growth mainly depended on the increase in the number of projects on sale.
Concentration: echelon differentiation pattern intensifies
TOP30 scale development watershed
By the end of 2019, the concentration of equity sales amount of TOP3, TOP10, TOP30, TOP50 and TOP100 housing enterprises had reached nearly 9.5%, 21.4%, 35.7%, 43.5% and 53% respectively. In terms of echelons, while the overall growth rate of the industry has slowed down, the differentiation pattern of housing enterprises in the top 100 echelons has intensified.
Among them, the scale growth of leading real estate enterprises slowed down and the concentration decreased slightly under the strategy of improving quality control speed. TOP4-10, TOP11-20 echelon scale enterprises have increased in concentration, and echelon competition has intensified, while the concentration of TOP21-30 echelon housing enterprises is basically the same. On the whole, TOP30 echelon housing enterprises benefit from the scale effect, national layout and relatively mature internal control mechanism, and have more industry competitiveness and room for further improvement in the future. With the rapid accumulation of resources in the real estate market to advantageous enterprises, TOP30 housing enterprises have become a watershed in the scale development of housing enterprises.
It is worth noting that after TOP30 in 2019, the concentration of housing enterprises in each echelon showed a downward trend compared with that in 2018. The concentration of the TOP31-50, TOP51-100 and TOP101-200 echelons has declined, and the internal rankings of the echelons will change more frequently as the competition pattern further intensifies.
Threshold for listing: amount of equity of TOP100 housing enterprises
The threshold has dropped, and the expansion of 100 billion housing enterprises has slowed down.
In 2019, the threshold of equity sales amount of real estate enterprises in each echelon of TOP50 increased slightly compared with the same period of last year. Among them, the threshold of the equity amount of TOP10 housing enterprises reached 170.35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.8%. The threshold of equity amount of TOP20 and TOP30 real estate enterprises is 111 billion yuan and 82.52 billion yuan respectively, and the threshold increase is 12% and 3.6% respectively. The competition pattern of TOP50 housing enterprises has intensified, and the threshold of equity amount has increased by 7.6% compared with the same period of last year to 51.71 billion yuan. By the end of December, the threshold of the equity amount of TOP100 enterprises in each echelon was reduced from 20.4 billion yuan last year to 18.78 billion yuan, while the threshold of TOP200 enterprises remained at around 6 billion yuan.
In addition, by the end of 2019, the number of full-caliber 100 billion housing enterprises increased by only 4 to 34 compared with the same period of last year, and the number of housing enterprises with a scale of 50-100 billion reached 33. Compared with the high increase in the previous two years, in 2019, under the background of slowing down the growth rate of the industry scale, the number of newly added 100 billion housing enterprises dropped significantly, and the expansion of large-scale housing enterprises slowed down.
Corporate performance: the leading housing enterprises grew steadily.
Evergrande ranked first in the equity list.
By the end of 2019, the full-caliber sales of the four leading real estate enterprises had exceeded 550 billion yuan, but the growth rate slowed down significantly compared with the same period in 2018. Among TOP4 housing enterprises, Evergrande achieved remarkable results through price reduction promotion in September and October, especially in October, when it achieved a monthly performance of 90.3 billion yuan. By the end of the year, the accumulated sales amount of full caliber was 608 billion yuan, exceeding the annual target of 600 billion yuan for the whole year, and the scale of equity sales ranked first in the industry.
Sunac, on the other hand, broke through 500 billion yuan for the first time by virtue of its merger and acquisition advantages, abundant sales volume and high-quality product quality, and its monthly sales for three consecutive months from September to November remained above 60 billion yuan. In 2019, the total sales amount of full caliber was 555.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of over 20%, which exceeded the annual sales target of 550 billion yuan. It is worth noting that, in addition to TOP4 housing enterprises, Poly is also close behind, and its full-scale performance this year exceeds 470 billion yuan.
Target completion rate: the vast majority of housing enterprises
Achieve the annual target as scheduled
Judging from the completion of corporate goals in 2019, most housing enterprises that set performance targets during the year have achieved their annual performance targets. Among them, 9 housing enterprises such as Shimao, Longhu, Sunshine City, Jinke, Zhongliang, Yuzhou and Baolong performed well, and completed the annual target ahead of schedule as early as November. By the end of December, the target completion rates of eight real estate enterprises, including Shimao, Sunshine City, Jinke, Zhongliang, Zhongjun and Jianye, were all above 115%.
On the whole, however, in recent years, regulation and control have continued, the overall market turnover rate is less than expected, and the target completion rate of housing enterprises has been decreasing year by year. Compared with 2016 and 2017, the target completion rate of nearly 80% of housing enterprises exceeded 110%, and the number of housing enterprises in this area decreased significantly in 2019. This year, the target completion rate of only half of housing enterprises is concentrated between 100% and 110%. We believe that under the background that the overall target growth rate of housing enterprises has slowed down and the average target growth rate has dropped from 41% in 2018 to 20%, although most housing enterprises have achieved their annual performance targets in 2019, their overall performance is not as good as that in 2016 and 2017.
Quality of growth: increased cooperation and decreased rights and interests.
The high-quality growth of enterprises should be paid more attention.
As can be seen from the data of the equity list, the overall project cooperation in the industry has increased in recent years, and the equity ratio of the sales amount of TOP100 housing enterprises has dropped from 85% in 2016 to about 75% at present. On the one hand, under the current industry background of high land price, tight funds for housing enterprises, increasing difficulty in land acquisition and development risks, cooperative development between housing enterprises has become the norm. On the other hand, under the current market background, more small-scale enterprises choose to expand the full-scale performance scale through cooperative development, and the overall equity ratio is correspondingly reduced.
However, we believe that in recent years, under the industry development trend of continuous policy regulation, slow growth of enterprise scale, leading real estate enterprises improving quality control speed and pursuing high-quality growth, the era of real estate enterprises blindly pursuing full-caliber sales scale has passed. Based on the increase of current project cooperation, the caliber of sales manipulation and equity can better reflect the marketing, operation and investment capabilities of enterprises, and should be paid more attention. For example, Country Garden, China Resources, Sunshine City, R&F, Kaisa and other enterprises all choose to disclose their equity performance, which also shows that their management has paid more attention to the high-quality growth of their performance while developing their scale.
Outlook: Enterprise Development Outlook in 2020
Looking forward to 2020, the main tone of the central government’s policy of "housing without speculation and keeping the word steady" will not change, and the central government will also strictly control financial risks. Stability will remain the top priority of real estate policy regulation in the next stage. At the enterprise level, although the overall market is under pressure, the environment for the industry to maintain long-term stable development has become clear. It is expected that the overall scale growth of large-scale housing enterprises will enter a stable period in the future. In the market adjustment period, the financing environment of housing enterprises will continue to operate at a low level, and corporate investment will remain cautious. In addition, with the return of residential products to the essence of living, more housing enterprises will exert their efforts from the product side in the future to enhance the competitiveness of their products through standardized product systems, refined products and intelligent construction.
Market: financial control, risk prevention and stability are the main tone.
Judging from the trend of industrial policies, the main tone of the central government’s "staying in the house without speculation, keeping the word steady" will not change in 2020, and stability will remain the top priority of real estate regulation and control policies in the next stage. On the one hand, the real estate industry is the most important area of deleveraging at this stage, and the central government will control financial risks to ensure that systematic financial risks do not occur. Monetary policy will be moderately tight to avoid flooding, but structural easing is expected. At the same time, with the downward movement of LPR interest rate center, the mortgage interest rate will also decrease steadily. On the other hand, local regulation will remain "loose outside and tight inside", the new talent policy will continue to exert its strength, and the "four limits" regulation will be partially relaxed, but the overall policy environment will continue to be tight.
Based on this, the overall transaction scale in 2020 is expected to be the same as this year or slightly increase, and the market of cities with different energy levels will be relatively independent. The property market in first-tier cities is expected to heat up slightly, while the overall stability of second-tier cities will continue, and the callback pressure will mainly focus on most third-and fourth-tier cities with serious overdraft demand in the early stage and lack of fundamental support. On the other hand, the investment in real estate development will keep a steady and slightly declining trend, and the acceleration of construction and completion will provide solid support for it. The cumulative growth rate of newly started area will gradually decline. Due to the tight capital and low base, the growth rate of land acquisition area will continue to rise, but the growth rate is relatively limited.
Performance: the scale growth tends to be stable, and the high-quality development of enterprises is the key.
Although the overall market pressure will be reduced in 2019, the market environment for the industry to maintain long-term stable development has become clear. It is expected that the overall scale growth of enterprises will enter a stable period in 2020, and the overall growth will remain stable. At the same time, the competition among echelon housing enterprises in the top 100 will intensify, and the differentiation pattern will also continue. Under such an industry background and competitive pattern, the strategy of housing enterprises should be based on prudence and stability. For housing enterprises, preventing risks and better adapting to market adjustment are the top priority.
At present, the era of housing enterprises blindly pursuing full-caliber sales scale has passed, and the development focus of enterprises has gradually shifted from "increment" to "quality improvement". While the overall target growth rate of housing enterprises is slowing down, the industry will also pay more attention to the high-quality growth of performance. In the context of market pressure, the growth of enterprise sales scale can not simply depend on the increase of supply, and the fierce industry competition in the future will put forward higher requirements for the organization, control and operation of housing enterprises themselves. Urban layout, brand effect, project quality and product strength will all be important components of the future core competitiveness of housing enterprises.
Investment: cash is king, and new investment continues to be cautious.
In 2020, the investment of housing enterprises will remain cautious, and differentiation, focus and prudence are the main themes. First of all, under the background of loose policies and tight financing, the cash pressure of most enterprises has increased sharply. It is expected that the investment attitude of enterprises will continue the conservative trend in the past two years, and land acquisition will return to rationality. Secondly, as the land market cools down and the comparable land price tends to fall, the land market in different cities may be divided, and some cities with "the bottom line has not fallen and is expected to decline" may make concessions under local financial pressure. On the whole, the overall investment rhythm in 2020 will show a situation of "loose before and tight after". If the land acquired before the year can be listed within the year, it will still be attractive to enterprises with high turnover.
In the choice of cities, contraction, focus and regional deep cultivation will be the main strategic directions for the future layout of housing enterprises. In 2020, we should focus on first-and second-tier cities and provincial capital cities with rebounding market. In the choice of third-and fourth-tier cities, we should avoid full coverage and excessive sinking, be alert to the irrational rise of land prices and serious population loss in the early stage, and focus on the third-and fourth-tier cities with industrial support under the dividend of the city circle, such as the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the satellite cities in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. From the perspective of rotation, after a wave of adjustment in the third-and fourth-tier cities around the core of these rings, the future development prospects are still huge under the impetus of urban agglomeration and urban agglomeration dividends.
Financing: The financing environment is low, and the hematopoietic capacity of the enterprise itself is the key.
After the first quarter of 2019, the financing environment of housing enterprises is basically at the bottom, and the financing difficulty of housing enterprises has increased significantly after the window period. It is expected that the financing of housing enterprises will remain at a low level in the short term. From the perspective of financing costs, the financing costs of most enterprises are rising in 2019, mainly because the financing costs at home and abroad, especially the cost of issuing bonds abroad, continue to rise. And affected by the continuous increase of domestic financing restrictions, the proportion of overseas financing of enterprises has also continued to increase. It is expected that the financing cost of housing enterprises will continue to remain at a high level in the future.
In terms of financing channels, traditional financing channels such as trust loans, bank loans, corporate bonds and overseas debts are subject to more and more restrictions. Although the financing scale of asset securitization products has increased, it is still limited for the overall financing relief of housing enterprises. On the other hand, although the listing fever continued in 2019, the number of newly listed real estate enterprises continued to remain at a high level. But for housing enterprises, listing does not mean that it is a matter of course. From the perspective of long-term development, how to improve the repayment ability of enterprises, optimize their own financial structure, achieve high-quality development, and gain recognition from the capital market determines the ultimate benefit of housing enterprises’ listing.
Products: The housing returns to the essence of living, and the era of product bonus is coming.
At present, most large-scale housing enterprises have begun to cultivate deeply after completing the national layout, and the product war of housing enterprises has begun. As residential products begin to return to the essence of living, more housing enterprises will exert their strength from the product side and seek profit increase by creating product premiums. We believe that the product development of real estate enterprises in the future will have the following major trends:
First of all, more and more housing enterprises will focus on the standardization of product systems and promote the digital application of real estate. While strengthening the collaborative mechanism, we will further improve work efficiency and empower data-driven decision-making and production integration. Secondly, the change of customer demand accelerates the spatial innovation of residential units, and the customization and refinement of residential products will become a trend in the future. In the future, the continuous release of demand for diversification and improvement will force housing enterprises to accelerate the spatial innovation and refined development of product units. Third, in the pursuit of a better life, buyers’ measurement of living experience will gradually extend from the apartment type itself to the construction and operation of residential community space. The construction and operation of residential community space will also become one of the main selling points of future housing projects. Finally, with the increasing number of young buyers, the acceptance and recognition of intelligence will also be significantly improved. With the help of science and technology, smart homes and smart communities will be more used in projects, and the wave of product intelligence will continue.
Diversification: strategic convergence and focus, with real estate business as the axis extension.
In recent years, many large-scale housing enterprises have contracted diversified businesses and focused on the development of their main businesses through strategic adjustment. In the future, the overall diversification strategy of enterprises will become more cautious. On the one hand, it is difficult for some housing enterprises to find a suitable profit model for their diversified businesses, and the input-output efficiency is less than expected, thus dragging down the overall development of enterprises. Timely divestiture is a reasonable choice under the strategic contraction of housing enterprises. On the other hand, in the process of continuous exploration and trial and error of diversified business development, housing enterprises will pay more attention to tapping the potential of strong business, realize the effective allocation of resources, strengthen the focus and give play to their strong advantages. The diversified business of enterprises will still focus on the ecological business of real estate, with a clearer development direction and closer synergy with the main business of real estate.

Dermatologists teach you four steps to build an "Apple Woman"

  (Health Times reporter Jing Xuetao) "You are my little apple, and I can’t love you too much …" A song "Little Apple" by China’s men’s group Chopsticks Brothers is popular all over China, and its catchy lyrics are also deeply rooted in people’s hearts. "Little Apple" also vividly summarizes the definition of healthy beauty in China. So how can we become an "apple woman" with rosy complexion and skin like jelly? The reporter went to the dermatology department of Wangjing Hospital of Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and inquired about several beautiful secrets with Director Shu Youlian.

  Dry, just drinking water is not enough

  Spring is very dry. In order to alleviate the feeling of dryness, people "naturally" think that drinking more water can replenish water. Director Shu Youlian said that this is a wrong concept. People drink water to replenish water consumption and promote metabolism. Drinking too much water for a long time or drinking a lot of water for a short time, the human body must use urine and sweat to discharge excess water, causing a burden on the kidneys.

  To relieve dryness, we should give priority to food supplement and eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables belong to yin-nourishing foods, which have the functions of nourishing body fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat and relaxing bowels. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, which can clear heat and purge fire, moisten intestines and clear lung, not only supplement body fluids and vitamins, but also improve the adverse effects of dryness on human body.

  Wash your face with cold water.

  Many people advocate washing your face with cold water. They think that on the one hand, stimulating facial skin with cold water can improve the adaptability of human body to cold, and then enhance immunity, which is good for health. On the other hand, washing your face with cold water can shrink pores and tighten skin. Director Shu Youlian believes that washing your face with warm water is the basis of skin care. The skin on the face is delicate and should be taken good care of, not stimulated. Using warm water when washing your face can make your skin open pores, discharge stolen goods, and secrete oil to lock moisture, thus forming a protective layer of your skin. In addition, the shrinking process of pores is very fast, almost at the same time, so there is no need to wash your face alternately with hot and cold water in order to converge pores, and alternating hot and cold can easily lead to the phenomenon of red blood on your face, which may be aggravated for people with sensitive skin.

  Combine inside and outside to create hair.

  In spring, many people’s hair will also appear dry and dull. "Hair is like a crop. If you treat it well, it will treat you well," Director Shu Youlian said with a smile. "If you want to have a beautiful hair, you have to combine the inside and the outside."

  From the inside, first of all, we should eat on time, balance nutrition, ensure the time and quality of sleep, relax and have a good mental state. Secondly, in terms of diet, we should pay attention to iron supplementation. Iron is an essential trace element in the human body, but now people are generally deficient in iron. Malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia caused by long-term iron deficiency will lead to dry and split hair, loss of luster and even large-scale hair loss. In this regard, you can choose to stir-fry in an iron pan or eat iron-containing soy sauce to supplement iron.

  From the outside, in the usual shampoo and hair care, we should try to choose big brands with quality assurance and use less shampoo with oil control effect. After washing your hair, you should squeeze the water out with a dry towel by gentle pressure before using the hair dryer, so as to shorten the use time of the hair dryer as much as possible, and the distance between the hair dryers is better, preferably 15cm-17cm.

  Take a bath, don’t wash too clean.

  There is a layer of basal cells deep in human epidermis, which differentiate into keratinocytes day and night. These keratinocytes protect the whole body, gradually move to the surface and die during metabolism, and the outermost aged keratinocytes will naturally fall off in pieces. Daily bathing can wash away the skin scale mixed with the stratum corneum and skin sweat, which has a certain protective effect on the skin.

  There are some people who love cleanliness, take a bath too often, and they are worried that they will not be clean. They often wash their bodies with rubbing towels and exfoliating bath lotion. Director Shu Youlian said that there is a layer of oil on the surface of human skin, which can protect and moisturize the skin. The frequency of showering is too high, especially the frequent use of bath towel or shower gel will inevitably destroy the oil layer, leading to dry skin, itching and other symptoms, and easy to make the skin age early.

Jilin provincial party and government delegation came to Tianjin to inspect the symposium on cooperation and exchange between the two provinces and cities, and held a speech by Chen Miner Jing Junhai,

  (Reporter Yu Chunfeng, Liu Guodong Mizhe) On November 6-7, the party and government delegation of Jilin Province visited Tianjin, and the two provinces and cities held a symposium on cooperation and exchange, and signed the Framework Agreement of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and Changchun Municipal People’s Government on Comprehensively Deepening Counterpart Cooperation.

  Chen Miner, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the forum and delivered a speech. Jing Junhai, secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, attended and delivered a speech. Hu Yuting, Deputy Secretary of Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Governor, and Zhang Gong, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor respectively introduced the economic and social development of the two provinces and cities and deepened cooperation and exchanges between Tianjin and Kyrgyzstan. CPPCC Chairman Wang Changsong attended.


  景俊海代表吉林省委、省政府,向天津市长期以来给予吉林省的支持帮助表示衷心感谢。他说,天津在党和国家发展全局中具有重要战略地位。近年来,天津一以贯之践行习近平总书记“三个着力”重要指示要求,深入实施高质量发展“十项行动”,全面建设社会主义现代化大都市不断取得新进展新成效。天津的好经验好做法,值得我们认真学习借鉴。吉林和天津渊源深厚、互动频繁,特别是通过天津长春对口合作,收获了兄弟般的深情厚谊和丰硕合作成果。当前,吉林正在深入贯彻习近平总书记在新时代推动东北全面振兴座谈会上的重要讲话精神和中共中央政治局10月27日会议精神,奋力走出高质量发展、可持续振兴新路。我们愿进一步加强同京津冀协同发展战略对接,与天津携手服务和融入新发展格局,在新起点上共谱吉津合作新篇章。一是携手拓展对外开放空间,深化经贸交流合作,不断提升开放发展水平。二是携手构筑先进制造业高地,在重点领域深化合作,更好实现产业配套和产业链互补。三是携手推动粮肉产销协作,深化“津粮吉储”“津肉吉供”,Let more Jilin high-quality food enter the family kitchen, the people’s dining table and the people’s pockets. Fourth, work together to tap the consumption potential of cultural tourism, launch more high-quality cultural tourism products and tourism boutique routes, and better meet the consumption needs of the people.

  According to the agreement, our city and Changchun will comprehensively promote cooperation in the fields of modern agriculture, strategic emerging industries, scientific and technological innovation, opening up, economic and trade tourism, financial services, ecological protection, and cadres and talents.

  During their stay in Tianjin, the party and government delegation of Jilin Province inspected Tasly Holding Group Co., Ltd. to learn about enterprise innovation and development, industrial system construction and intelligent manufacturing technology.

  Zhang Enhui, Li Wei, Li Guoqiang and Wang Zilian, leaders of Jilin Province and Changchun City, and Liu Huawen, secretary general of the provincial government; City leaders Wang Lijun, Zhu Peng, Zhang Ling and Meng Qingsong, Secretary General of the municipal government, attended related activities.

From tomorrow, these new rules will bring great changes to your life!

  Central adjustment of pension funds, sharp reduction of import tariffs on daily necessities, and cancellation of "roaming" of traffic … … July is approaching, and a number of new regulations will be implemented soon. It’s about your life and mine. Come and get to know it ~

  Central adjustment of endowment insurance fund

  Pension payment is more secure.

  On July 1st, China officially implemented the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds. After the implementation of the new system,As enterprises and individual employees, the payment is still implemented in accordance with the current policy, and there is no need to pay extra, and it will not affect the personal treatment of retirees.

  Prior to this, the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees in China was implemented at the provincial level. As far as the whole country is concerned, the income of the old-age insurance fund exceeds the expenditure. However, due to the unbalanced economic development and large population structure differences in various regions of China, the income and expenditure and balance of the basic old-age insurance fund in all areas are also unbalanced.

  Therefore, the implementation of the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds can increase the overall anti-risk ability of the endowment insurance system, make the timely and full payment of pensions in various places more secure, and thus help promote the sustainable development of the basic endowment insurance system for enterprise employees nationwide.

  Central Bank targeted cuts to required reserve ratios 0.5 percentage points

  Release about 700 billion yuan of funds.

  Since July 5,The central bank lowered the RMB deposit reserve ratio of large state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, postal savings banks, city commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks and foreign banks by 0.5 percentage points, further promoted the market-oriented and legalized "debt-to-equity swap" and increased support for small and micro enterprises.

  Targeted cuts to required reserve ratios, which supports the market-oriented rule of law and "debt-to-equity swap", can release about 500 billion yuan; Targeted cuts to required reserve ratios, which supports small and micro enterprises, can release about 200 billion yuan, which is mainly used to support relevant banks to explore the small and micro enterprise market and issue loans to small and micro enterprises, further alleviating the problem of financing difficulties and high financing costs for small and micro enterprises.

  2018 edition of foreign investment access

  Negative list release

  From July 28,A series of restrictions on foreign investment in banking, securities, automobile manufacturing, power grid construction, railway trunk road network construction and chain gas station construction will be lifted.The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce recently released the negative list of foreign investment access in 2018, and launched a new round of opening-up measures in 22 fields including finance, infrastructure, transportation and trade circulation.

  The Special Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment Access (Negative List) (2018 Edition) is a revision of the negative list of foreign investment access in the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (revised in 2017) and is published separately. In 2018, the length of the negative list was reduced from 63 to 48, and a series of major opening measures were introduced.

  Import tariffs on daily necessities have been greatly reduced.

  Consumers get benefits.

  From July 1st, the import tariffs on consumer goods will be lowered to a large extent to better meet the diversified consumption needs of domestic residents.Reduce the average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes and hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products from 15.9% to 7.1%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators from 20.5% to 8%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing and some medical and health products will be reduced from 8.4% to 2.9%. The downward adjustment is basically above 50%.

  These kinds of daily necessities are mainly concentrated in the field of imported consumer goods with characteristics and advantages where China people’s demand is relatively concentrated, which will undoubtedly bring great benefits to the people, and will also force relevant manufacturers in China to speed up supply-side reform, improve product quality and promote industrial upgrading. Foreign enterprises will also gain a bigger market from it, which will be a win-win result.

  Import tariffs on automobiles have been considerably reduced.

  The tax on car purchase has been significantly reduced.

  Since July 1, 2018, China will significantly reduce the import tariffs on automobiles. Reduce the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% respectively to 15%;Reduce the tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% to 6%.. The reduction of import tariffs on automobiles is an important measure to further expand China’s reform and opening up. After the tax reduction, the average tax rate of China’s automobile is 13.8%, and the average tax rate of parts is 6%, which is in line with the reality of China’s automobile industry.

  Take an imported car with a customs declaration price of 300,000 yuan as an example. Under the previous tariff rate of 25%, its tariff was 75,000 yuan. Based on the tax rate of 15%, the tariff is 45,000 yuan, and the consumption tax and value-added tax will be reduced accordingly, and the overall tax and fee can be saved by more than 40,000 yuan.

  National railway readjustment map

  The maximum fare discount is 6.5%

  Three months after the last map adjustment, the railway department will implement the train diagram adjustment in the second phase of this year from July 1, with the overall policy of "to meet the requirements of high-quality economic and social development". At the same time, from July 5, some high-speed train emus will be optimized and adjusted.

  After this map adjustment,The "EMU Train Marketization Plan" will be implemented, and daily maps, weekend maps and peak maps will be arranged. At the same time, flexible fares are implemented.From July 5th this year, we will optimize the published fares of high-speed trains running at speeds of 200-250km/h on the six sections of lines from Hefei to Wuhan, from Wuhan to Yichang, from Guiyang to Guangzhou, from Liuzhou to Nanning, from Shanghai to Nanjing and from Nanjing to Hangzhou, and announce the fares as the maximum price limit, with the maximum discount of 6.5%. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  In addition, after this map adjustment, the daily number of national railway "Fuxing" EMUs will increase from the current 114.5 pairs to 170.5 pairs, and 16 long-formed "Fuxing" EMUs will also be put into operation for the first time.

  Regulations on Operation and Management of Urban Rail Transit

  It will be implemented on July 1.

  The "Regulations on the Operation and Management of Urban Rail Transit" issued by the Ministry of Transport will be implemented on July 1 this year. The Regulations put forward requirements for the operation and management of urban rail transit in China from four aspects: management, service, safety and emergency.

  The "Regulations" refine the content of the special article on operation services and straighten out the connection between operation and preliminary planning. Establish a safety assessment system for urban rail transit before the initial operation, before the formal operation and during the operation. Clarify the management of employees, access to facilities and equipment, operation and maintenance management, management and control of potential risks and other related requirements.

  The "Regulations" also clarify the relevant procedural requirements for operations within the scope of urban rail transit protection zones, requiring operating units to formulate safety protection plans and dynamically monitor the areas affected by operations. Clarify the relevant requirements for the operation inspection of protected areas, stipulate the disposal of obstacles and violations of buildings (structures) along the ground and overhead lines, and strengthen the protection of urban rail transit lines.

  Traffic roaming will be cancelled.

  You don’t have to change your number when you live outside your home.

  China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom announced that the roaming charges (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan traffic) will be cancelled from July 1st, and the traffic of mobile phone users in the province will be upgraded to domestic traffic.Mobile phone traffic will no longer distinguish between the province, outside the province/local and national.. Since the "long-distance" call fee was completely abolished in September last year, there will be no difference in the main fees generated by the use of mobile phone numbers in all parts of the country (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) except the difference in attribution. Users who go to work and study outside the number home can save the trouble of changing their mobile phone numbers.

  At the same time, some package traffic does not support upgrading to national traffic: regional preferential packages based on base station positioning (the largest range is smaller than the local network), including community packages, subway traffic packages and airport traffic packages, are not included in this adjustment.

  Degree of higher education in China

  The fees for certification services were completely cancelled.

  According to the notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance,From July 1st, China will completely cancel the fees for domestic higher education degree certification services.

  After the cancellation of the domestic higher education academic degree certification service fees, the academic degrees that have been registered in the relevant databases of college students’ academic information management system and degree information management system will be subject to online inquiry and electronic certification in principle. Previously, the Ministry of Education has connected the academic degree information database to the national data sharing and exchange platform.

  In the next step, the Ministry of Education will vigorously promote the electronic inquiry authentication service, further simplify the service process, improve the service quality, and better meet the social needs such as data inquiry of domestic higher education degree certificates.

  Individual tax policy encourages researchers.

  Recently, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China issued the Notice on the Collection and Management of Individual Income Tax on the Cash Rewards for Scientific and Technological Personnel Obtaining Post Scientific and Technological Achievements, in order to implement the Notice on the Individual Income Tax Policy on the Cash Rewards for Scientific and Technological Personnel Obtaining Post Scientific and Technological Achievements issued by the Ministry of Finance, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology at the end of May this year.

  According to the Notice,Cash rewards given to scientific and technical personnel from the income from the transformation of post scientific and technological achievements can be reduced by 50% and included in the "salary and salary income" of scientific and technical personnel in the current month.. The "Announcement" further clarified the relevant operational issues, so that taxpayers can accurately understand and enjoy policies and standardize tax returns in time. The Announcement shall come into force on July 1, 2018. (Comprehensive People’s Network)

The 2023 Jiangsu Weiye Cup International Table Tennis Grand Prix came to a successful conclusion.

In December, we feel the breath of winter and look forward to the arrival of the New Year. On this exciting day, the 2023 "Jiangsu Weiye Cup" International Table Tennis Grand Prix came to a successful conclusion in Wujin Gymnasium. This competition is guided by Wujin District Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism. Sponsored by Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group and Jiangsu Table Tennis Association; Wujin District Table Tennis Association; Co-organized by Changzhou Haohao Sports Culture Communication Co., Ltd., it attracted 143 athletes from 18 international teams including Cambodia and Malaysia and 16 Changzhou teams. The world famous Ochalov participated in the war on behalf of Jiangsu Weiye, which was full of popularity and was warmly welcomed by referees, athletes, staff and local people.

At 7:40 am on the 9th, the opening ceremony started on time, presided over by Bian Shuguang, deputy director of Wujin District Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Tourism, and Zuo An, executive vice chairman of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association; Wang Weiming, Chairman of Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group, Vice President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association and President of Wujin District Table Tennis Association; Honorary presidents of Wujin Table Tennis Association Zang Jianzhong and Shan Junchu; Huang Biao, deputy leader of the national table tennis team; Chen Yongping, Hua Jiankun, Hu Jianhong and Huang Yuliang, vice presidents of Wujin Table Tennis Association, attended the opening ceremony. After the flag-raising ceremony, President Wang Weiming, as the host, extended a warm welcome to the athletes and spectators who came to participate in the competition, thanked the staff for their behind-the-scenes work, and promised to continue holding such competitions on Saturday and Sunday in the second week of December every year. Then the referee took the oath on behalf of Cao Wenqin and the athlete on behalf of Wang Qikai. Finally, Mr. Zang Jianzhong, honorary president of Wujin District Table Tennis Association, announced the opening.

The following competitions were ups and downs and exciting. One by one, the masters with exquisite skills and first-class level showed a wonderful confrontation, which brought wonderful enjoyment and harvest to the vast number of table tennis friends. Jiangsu Sports Leisure Channel and online live broadcast platform "Ping-Pong Jianghu" broadcast the two-day game live. Only the "Ping-Pong Jianghu" live broadcast platform has accumulated 1.6 million people to watch the game in two days, and more than 6,000 people are online at the peak, which makes people deeply appreciate the charm of the national ping-pong.

After the official competition, Mr. Wang Weiming, Chairman of Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group, and Ochalov held an exhibition competition for the audience.

After two days of fierce competition, the top four teams in Changzhou Group were Pengda Electric, Jiangsu Weiye, Changzhou Anzhidun Li Zhuo and Shuxiang Shijia Garden, and the teams tied for fifth place were Songyuan Precision, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Liyang Dainifei and Jiangsu Xuehu. Mr. shi jun, Vice President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, presented awards to the team that won the fourth place and tied for the fifth place; Mr. Wang Weiming, Chairman of Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group, Vice President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association and President of Wujin Table Tennis Association, presented awards to the third and second place; Mr. Ju Minjun, Director of Wujin District Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism Bureau, presented awards to the champion; The top four teams in the international group are: Jiangsu Weiye, Yihe Doors and Windows, Zhongyifeng Construction and Pengda Electric Appliances, and the teams tied for fifth place are Changzhou Kangaroo Dad Training Camp, Nanjing Simiminglai, Yixing Gaocheng Table Tennis Association and Yixing Yingfutai. Mr. Xu Jianrong, Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, presented awards to the team that won the fourth place and tied for the fifth place; Mr. Tao Xin, executive vice president of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, and Mr. Zuo An, president of Jiangsu Table Tennis Club Federation, presented awards to the third and second runners-up; Mr. Wang Xianghong, President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, presented the prize to the champion.

Mr. Ju Minjun, director of Wujin District Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism, and many leaders of the Provincial Table Tennis Association came to the scene to watch the game. The leaders of the Provincial Table Tennis Association said that this competition was the largest folk competition held in China in recent years, and fully affirmed the working ability of Wujin Table Tennis Association. The whole competition process was organized in a standardized and orderly manner, and the referees were professional and conscientious.

At the closing ceremony, President Wang once again fully affirmed the organization of this competition, and said that he would sum up the experience of this grand prix. Next year, international professional groups and amateur groups will be added to attract more table tennis experts to participate in the competition, and strive to make the annual "Jiangsu Weiye" competition into an event where you can learn the game, make friends and feel at home.

Analysis Report of China Tourism Market in the First Half of 2023

Image source @ vision china

Wen | maidian

Since the beginning of 2023, influenced by multiple factors such as favorable macro policies and good economic development, the tourism market has been resilient and growing continuously during the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, May Day and Dragon Boat Festival holidays, and the "Mid-term Examination" report card is eye-catching. According to the data of domestic tourism in the first half of 2023 released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first half of the year, the total number of domestic tourists was 2.384 billion, an increase of 929 million over the same period of the previous year and a year-on-year increase of 63.9%; Domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) was 2.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.12 trillion yuan or 95.9% over the previous year. It can be seen that the number of domestic tourists and income increased significantly in the first half of the year, and the tourism industry entered a new channel of comprehensive recovery.

1. Domestic tourism data in the first half of the year: the number of visitors and tourism revenue "double growth" year-on-year, but there is still a certain gap with the same period in 2019.

Domestic tourist arrivals: According to the data released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 2.384 billion, an increase of 929 million over the same period of the previous year and a year-on-year increase of 63.9%. Among them, the number of domestic tourists of urban residents was 1.859 billion, a year-on-year increase of 70.4%; The number of domestic tourists of rural residents was 525 million, a year-on-year increase of 44.2%. Quarterly: In the first quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.216 billion, a year-on-year increase of 46.5%. In the second quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.168 billion, an increase of 86.9%.

Comparing the number of tourists in each quarter from 2020-2023Q2, the number of tourists in 2023Q1 and 2023Q2 reached a new high in four years, and the number of tourists recovered obviously in the first half of 2023. Further comparison with the tourism situation in the first half of 2019: the number of domestic tourists in the first half of 2019 was 3.08 billion. By comparison, there is still a certain gap between the number of domestic tourists in the first half of 2023 and the same period in 2019, and it has returned to 77.40% of the same period in 2019.

Domestic tourism revenue: In the first half of 2023, domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) was 2.30 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.12 trillion yuan or 95.9% over the previous year. Among them, urban residents spent 1.98 trillion yuan on travel, a year-on-year increase of 108.9%; Rural residents spent 0.32 trillion yuan on outings, a year-on-year increase of 41.5%.

Comparing the domestic tourism revenue from H1 in 2019 to H1 in 2023: In 2023, the domestic tourism revenue increased significantly, which was the highest since 2020. However, compared with 2019H1, the difference was 0.48 trillion yuan, and it recovered to 82.73% of 2019H1.

2. Inbound and outbound tourism in the first half of the year: the prosperity index of outbound and inbound tourism markets both exceeded the same period in 2019; The per capita consumption of outbound travel increased significantly, and "Hong Kong and Macao" led the recovery process of outbound travel; The number of entry-exit personnel increased by about 170% year-on-year.

According to the data of China Outbound Tourism Market Prosperity Report and China Inbound Tourism Market Prosperity Report released by the World Tourism Alliance in the first half of 2023, the outbound tourism prosperity index in the first half of 2023 was 28, which was 21 higher than that in the same period of 2019, and the outbound tourism was "U-shaped" and gradually recovered, instead of bottoming out quickly; In the first half of 2023, the inbound tourism boom index was 15, which was 13 index points higher than that in the first half of 2019 before the epidemic. However, due to the relatively complicated approval process of international route adjustment, the fragmented service chain of inbound tourism products, the closure of inbound tourism enterprises and the serious brain drain, it is difficult for the inbound tourism market to reach the level of 2019 in the short to medium term, showing a trend of "orderly recovery and fluctuating recovery".

According to the latest data of Alipay’s outbound platform: From January to June 2023, the per capita consumption of Alipay users for outbound travel increased by 24% compared with 2019. In terms of popular destinations, in the first half of 2023, the top ten outbound destinations in terms of transaction volume were: China, Hong Kong, China, Macau, Japan, Thailand, France, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Britain and Xinjiapo. China tourists have once again become an important force driving global tourism and offline consumption. Judging from the number of outbound tourists, the top ten tourist destinations are Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Hangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Chengdu and Wuhan. It can be seen that outbound travel is mainly concentrated in first-tier and new first-tier cities, and the five cities of Greater Bay Area, the "Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Foshan-Dongzhu", are also the main force of outbound travel.

Since the beginning of 2023, the National Immigration Bureau has continuously optimized and adjusted the exit and entry management policies: on February 20th, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area mainland cities implemented the endorsement policy for talents traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macao on a pilot basis, and on May 15th, 2023, it fully resumed the implementation of four measures, including the "National General Office" for mainland residents to travel to Hong Kong and Macao. With the convenient optimization of Hong Kong and Macao tourism policies, many provinces in China have organized a number of Hong Kong and Macao tour groups, and the number of mainland tourists entering Hong Kong and Macao has been rising. According to the data released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, in the first half of 2023, there were nearly 13 million visitors to Hong Kong, including about 10 million mainland visitors, accounting for about 77%.

In addition, according to the latest data released by the National Immigration Bureau: in the first half of 2023, a total of 168 million entry-exit personnel were inspected, an increase of 169.6% year-on-year; More than 10 million ordinary passports were issued, a year-on-year increase of 2647.5%; 42.798 million endorsements of entry and exit documents for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were issued, up by 1509% year-on-year, which further reflected the strong recovery of China’s entry and exit tourism.

1. Tourism data of some provinces in the first half of the year

According to the incomplete statistics of Maidian Research Institute, as of July 24th, nine provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions) have published the tourism data of the first half of the year. Compared with the same period in 2022, due to the low base in 2022, the number of tourists and tourism revenue in all provinces and regions showed positive growth, and the overall recovery was obvious.

Compared with other provinces, Yunnan Province ranks first among nine provinces and cities in terms of tourism reception and tourism revenue, with 539 million tourists received and total tourism revenue of 693.4 billion yuan, both exceeding the same period in 2019. In 2023, Yunnan Province launched "There is a Life Called Yunnan", and in just four months, the whole network read more than 9 billion people, which continued to ferment and extend, such as cooperating with China Tourism News to column "There is a Life Called Yunnan" and planning to publish 10 boutique tourist routes of "There is a Life Called Yunnan, Traveling to Yunnan in a Cool Summer". Behind this phenomenon, on the one hand, it reflects the strong recovery of the tourism market in Yunnan Province, on the other hand, it also represents the future shift of the tourism model-paying more attention to life and experiencing holidays in depth.

In the first half of 2023, the cultural tourism market in Jiangsu Province was "bright", receiving 478 million domestic and foreign tourists, up 98.3% year-on-year, achieving a total tourism revenue of 610 billion yuan, up 83.5% year-on-year, and its recovery was better than that of the whole country. In addition, according to the business data of UnionPay, the total consumption of cultural tourism in Jiangsu Province in the first half of the year was 252.359 billion yuan, up 31.8% year-on-year, accounting for 10.2% of the country, ranking first in the country. The achievement of these achievements is closely related to the series of supporting policies of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, such as the introduction of the "15 Articles of Suzhou Culture and Tourism" policy, the arrangement of special funds of 90 million yuan to support 130 projects, and the award of 26 million yuan to travel agencies and grade travel homestays, so as to fully promote the comprehensive recovery of the cultural and tourism market in the province.

2. Tourism data of some cities in the first half of the year

At the city level, according to incomplete statistics, six cities released tourism data in the first half of the year: the number of tourists and income of each city showed "double growth", with the growth of key tourist cities such as Zhangjiajie and Sanya being the most obvious. Taking Zhangjiajie as an example, in the first half of 2023, the city received a total of 18.8922 million domestic and foreign tourists, an increase of 185.40% year-on-year; Tourism revenue reached 25.268 billion yuan, up 162.86% year-on-year. It can be seen that the number of tourists and tourism revenue both increased by over 100% year-on-year. As early as the end of 2022, Zhangjiajie declared "2023 as the year of comprehensive tourism recovery in the city", held the cultural tourism consumption season in May, issued the "Implementation Plan of Zhangjiajie Tourism Marketing Award in 2023" in June, and will hold the first China (Zhangjiajie) conference series in September, so as to comprehensively promote the city’s tourism recovery through "consumption season, conference and marketing award" and other measures.

1. Performance of tourism data of each holiday

According to the data of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, during the four holidays of Spring Festival, Qingming, May Day and Dragon Boat Festival in the first half of this year, the number of domestic tourists increased by 23.1%, 22.7%, 70.8% and 32.3% respectively, and the domestic tourism revenue increased strongly by 30.0%, 29.1%, 128.9% and 44.5% respectively. The resilience and continuous growth of the tourism market have dominated the basic pattern of comprehensive recovery of the domestic tourism market.

Further from the comparison between the holidays and the same period in 2019, according to the comparable caliber, during the Spring Festival, May Day and Dragon Boat Festival, the number of domestic tourists recovered to 88.6%, 119.09% and 112.80% of the same period in 2019 respectively, and the domestic tourism income recovered to 73.1%, 100.66% and 94.90% of the same period in 2019 respectively. It can be seen that the May Day holiday is a turning point (the number of trips and tourism income both exceed the pre-epidemic level), which indicates that the domestic tourism market has fully recovered and turned into normal development. From the analysis of the May Day holiday data in various provinces and cities, the trend of "recovery and turning point" is further reflected. For example, the number of tourists and income in nine provinces and regions such as Yunnan, Shandong, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia and Jilin have all recovered or exceeded the level of the May Day holiday in 2019, and the per capita tourism expenditure in Beijing, Hainan, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Hunan has exceeded 1,000 yuan.

2. The characteristics of the holiday tourism market

During the Spring Festival holiday, the long-distance tourism market led the recovery, and "annual taste tour", ice and snow tour and quality holiday were sought after. According to Ctrip data, cross-border air ticket orders for the Spring Festival in 2023 increased by more than 4 times; According to the data of Qunar platform, the average radius of tourists’ travel during the Spring Festival increased by over 50% compared with 2022, and the travel distance of each passenger increased by an average of 400 kilometers compared with last year. At the same time, influenced by China’s traditional Chinese New Year customs, seasons and other factors, visiting temple fairs, experiencing ice and snow sports, punching in cultural exhibitions, and participating in non-legacy folk activities are still hot topics for Spring Festival travel.

During the Qingming holiday, the local outing and "one-day spring outing" are hot. Qingming holiday in 2023 is a one-day holiday, so local and close-up "one-day spring outing" has become the choice of most people. According to the data of Ctrip. com, the booking volume of one-day tour products in Qingming holiday has increased by more than 5 times compared with the same period of last year, and short-distance travel is hot, and the order for self-driving car rental has increased by more than 10 times year-on-year. In addition, the Qingming holiday coincides with the "spring blossoms" season all over the country, and outdoor activities such as hiking, mountaineering, flower viewing and camping are also popular.

During the May Day holiday, the scene of "people following the crowd" reappeared in scenic spots, and the popularity of cross-city and inter-provincial tourism increased significantly. The popularity of traditional popular tourist destinations did not decrease, and the emerging online celebrity cities "broke the circle", and parent-child play, non-legacy, leisure vacation and rural tourism were favored. During the "May 1" period, the country welcomed the "blowout" travel of tourists, and the passenger flow in many places broke through the historical record one after another. The scene of "people following the crowd" in popular attractions such as Hangzhou West Lake, Nanjing Confucius Temple and Beijing Summer Palace reappeared. According to Ctrip’s "May 1 Travel Data Report in 2023", the flight distance of users during the "May 1" holiday reached a four-year peak, the travel radius increased by 25% compared with the same period of last year, and inter-provincial hotel bookings accounted for over 70%. From the destination point of view, Beijing, Hangzhou, Dali, Xiamen and other places are still hot, and online celebrity cities such as Chongqing, Changsha and Zibo, and minority destinations such as Changxing and Xianju have attracted much attention.

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, domestic tourism demand continues to recover, inbound and outbound tours meet a small climax, people return to life, and theme tours such as folk experience tours, leisure tours that pursue a sense of relaxation, cultural tours of music festivals and art exhibitions and performing theatres, and citywalk are favored. According to the data of the Dragon Boat Festival travel report released by Ctrip, Qunar, Feizhu, Mama Donkey and Tongcheng, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is mainly short and medium-distance, and the booking of Zhou Bianyou with short trip and convenient transportation is hot. At the same time, the inbound and outbound tourism market ushered in a small climax during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. According to the data of the National Immigration Bureau, the number of people entering and leaving the country recovered to more than 60% in 2019. From the perspective of product selection, unlike the "special forces" punch-in tour on May 1, tourists return to life during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and the "relaxation" tour is hot. At the same time, the traditional culture represented by dragon boat races, dumplings, and garden parties, and the trend culture represented by music festivals and art exhibitions have their own magical powers, bringing rich tourism consumption choices to domestic tourists.

2023 is a year of vigorous and comprehensive recovery of the tourism industry. Tourism practitioners are trying to find a breakthrough through various efforts, "both adapting and changing", so hot spots in the tourism market frequently occur in the first half of 2023. It is beneficial and enlightening for government departments, industry managers, enterprise market players and service practitioners to gain insight into the new trend of tourism industry, explore the new fashion of tourism consumption, and study new ways of playing tourism through new tourism words and phenomena.

Hot spot 1: "Director online celebrity" —— Fancy endorsement by the directors of local cultural tourism bureaus, and new exploration of tourism marketing.

Hot spot 2: "Cooking tea around the stove"-ceremonial consumption, tourism atmosphere economy, new formats driving new consumption

Hot spot 3: "Secret Box in the Prosperous Tang Dynasty"-IP cultivation of cultural tourism, deep experience and interaction of tourism, and promotion of national marketing.

Hot spot 4: "Go into Zi to catch the roast"-gourmet tour, and mass consumption is still an important force driving the recovery of the consumer market.

Hot spot 5: "Temple tourism"-escape from pressure and spiritual sustenance, and the demand for spiritual meditation and healing tourism products is strong.

Hot spot 6: "Village Super and Village BA"-National Movement, Integration of Sports and Tourism to Promote the Development of Rural Tourism Economy

Hotspot 7: "Special Forces Travel" VS "City Walk"-High-intensity and fast-paced special forces travel vs urban deep immersion experience tour, after retaliatory and compensatory tourism, the change from quantity to quality.

Hot spot 8: "Concert Economy"-The integration of "performing arts and tourism" will stimulate the economic growth of urban tourism industry chain.

Taking stock of the hot topics and phenomena in the tourism market in the first half of 2023, we can find that with the normalization of travel, the recovery of the cultural tourism market is fierce, and the phenomenon of "special forces" retaliatory and compensatory tourism consumption is frequent; After the opening up, the competition in the tourism market has become more intense, which is evidenced by the fact that the directors of local cultural tourism bureaus have endorsed local tourism and robbed market traffic. Diversified tourism consumption demands, such as "cooking tea around the stove", "interactive experience tour in the prosperous Tang Dynasty", "spiritual healing tour in the temple", "special forces", "Citywalk" immersed city tour, "going to a city for a concert" and so on, have inspired local governments and tourism market entities to constantly innovate the supply of products and services. The recovery of tourism consumption market is gradual, with high-frequency and low-price mass tourism consumption taking the lead, while the recovery of low-frequency and high-price long-distance travel and outbound travel is relatively slow; The phenomenon of stratification of tourism consumption is more prominent, and "consumption degradation" and "consumption upgrading" coexist at the same time. Some people seek "special forces tour" with high cost performance, while others pay for "a sky-high concert ticket".

In the first half of 2023, the overall tourism market showed a trend of high opening and steady walking: the number of domestic tourists was 94.23% of the whole year of 2022 (2.53 billion); Domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) is 2.30 trillion yuan, 0.26 trillion yuan higher than the whole year of 2022 (2.04 trillion yuan), that is, "it takes half a year to complete the performance of the whole year of 2022". In addition, according to the semi-annual performance pre-announcement of tourism listed companies, according to statistics, nearly 40% of enterprises have recovered or even exceeded the profit level before 2020. It can be seen that the recovery of domestic tourism market has been established, but the recovery of inbound and outbound tourism is slow due to many factors such as routes, visas and family financial situation.

Looking forward to the second half of the year, we will usher in the traditional tourist season-summer vacation and the Mid-Autumn Festival and Eleventh Holidays. At present, the summer tourism season is coming. From the demand side, there is a strong demand for theme tours such as parent-child tours, study tours and summer vacations. According to the summer travel order data released by OTA platforms such as Ctrip and Tuniu, by the middle and late June, summer parent-child travel orders accounted for more than 30% of summer orders, up more than 7 times year-on-year, basically returning to the pre-epidemic level; The booking volume of research products has exceeded the same period in 2019; The search heat of summer country tour is more than 20% in the same period of 2019. In terms of outbound travel, the popularity of summer travel bookings in Hong Kong and Macao has soared, and Europe has become the main destination for summer outbound travel. Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and other products are highly popular. From the perspective of the supply side, the cultural travel merchants are "gearing up", actively adapting to the consumption trend, promoting the iteration of traditional formats, timely launching explosive new products and new formats that meet the expectations of mass summer consumption, and continuously expanding effective supply. Tourist destinations have launched fancy activities such as music festivals, beer festivals and concerts in order to attract more young customers in the summer. On the policy side, in view of the difficulty in booking tourist attractions, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Notice on Further Improving the Open Management Level of Summer Tourist Attractions to make arrangements for booking management, flexible supply, product innovation and market order, so as to better meet the tourism needs of the broad masses of the people. At the same time, local governments have intensively introduced measures such as issuing tourist vouchers and preferential tickets for scenic spots to further explore the local summer tourism market and actively guide tourism consumption.

The "booming supply and demand" of the summer tourism market, policy blessing and consumption promotion are expected to reach the peak of domestic travel throughout the year, and will also lay an excellent foundation for the comprehensive recovery of the domestic tourism market in the second half of the year. Comparing the tourism data in the first half of 2023 with the domestic tourism data in the whole year of 2019-the number of tourists reached 6.006 billion and the total tourism revenue was 6.63 trillion yuan. To reach the level of 2019, there is still "catching up space" of "3.676 billion passengers and 4.33 trillion yuan" in the second half of the year. The pressure is self-evident, and the challenge is still severe. Whether we can create another miracle will not only test the development resilience and vitality of the "invisible hand", but also test the wisdom and ability of the "visible hand".

Learn these 8 fashion suggestions and life attitudes, and I believe you will know what to buy and wear.

Fashion dress is a commonplace topic, and it will never end.

Because as a fashionable and beautiful woman, we need to pay attention to it all the time.

Only constant learning and charging, only constant appreciation and promotion,

Only by constantly practicing, cultivating and growing according to one’s own temperament and style,

We can make our hearts richer and our eyes improved, and our clothes will be more stylish and tasteful.

I hope I can give you some inspiration and a guide to wear.

Let you know what to buy and choose in every occasion, and wear it correctly.

Even if you wear it at a low price, you can still wear a full sense of fashion because of your fashionable vision and taste.

1. We often say that the trend is perishable and the style lasts forever. What exactly is the style?

Style should be comfortable, time-consuming, and personal. It looks as if you haven’t carefully prepared it, but wearing the most suitable and beautiful self and your own style will make you confident.

2. What are the most worthwhile fashion items?

Be sure to buy a good pair of jeans.

Be sure to buy a good ready-to-wear coat.

A white t-shirt with a pattern,

I think a dress is also necessary to give you confidence.

A skirt that makes you confident, a skirt that can swing at will,

A little sexy skirt, so you can wear it all day and night.

3. Suggestions for working moms:

Just be yourself, don’t exaggerate, don’t dress too hard, just find something that suits you, I think this is the best way.

A pair of beautiful sunglasses is also worth investing, so even if you stay up all night with your children, it can help you hide your fatigue.

A fashionable and large-capacity bag is also very important, so that all the small things that children need can be packed. Every mother who works and takes care of children knows this need.

4. How important are fashion trends for women?

I don’t think fashion is a trend. For everyone, what suits you and makes you feel comfortable is the best fashion.

It is also important to learn to invest in important classic items that are commonly used, so that you can wear them all the time.

Add some fashionable elements that are popular in the season, so that classics can be matched with fashion. I think this is the most important fashion to wear.

5. What is the most error-prone and suitable for various occasions?

I think dresses are very good. These skirts are very easy to wear. Just put them in, zip them up, and then you can go out. No matter day or night, whether you go to the office or have an appointment at night, you can do it quickly with one button.

For example, if you date your husband, the most suitable dress is a sexy skirt, which makes you feel confident and sexy at the same time. Being sexy is not only for your partner, but also for yourself.

6, for accessories: the best travel model for smart and cool women; The simpler the better, a cool handbag, a set of clothes representing one’s temperament and style, and then all kinds of cool and stylish clothes;

If you are a delicate woman, you should learn to consider the importance of all kinds of ornaments and embellishments, because those can invisibly enhance your aesthetic feeling and fashion attitude and make you move forward with more confidence.

7, for women’s maintenance: sleep is very important, try to sleep better.

Drink more water, cultivate more hobbies and fun, such as listening to some good music, and learn to enjoy all the processes that seem to make you relaxed and comfortable, because it is also a kind of healing and relaxation.

Because as a woman, the process is interesting and important.

When you go out, you should care about your image. When you go out, you should wear decent clothes, take good care of your hair and make up.

Women must learn to enjoy all the processes that make you better: have a good sleep, drink plenty of water, take care of yourself, cultivate your hobbies, let yourself learn and know in an all-round way, and make your heart full and full.

All seemingly useless efforts are actually the process of enriching your heart and healing yourself.

A woman’s heart is full, her heart is happy and beautiful, and she lives fully. I understand that you are getting better and better.

In fact, everything will get better with the surroundings.

Always remember: because you get better first, you will get better life and everything slowly.

8. Women’s best fashion advice and attitude towards life is: Learn to love yourself. You dress up for yourself, not for anyone else, dress up carefully, make yourself feel better and be the best you can be.

Announced: 8 kinds of weight-loss exercises that consume the most calories

It’s autumn season again, but look at your belly, how dare you gain weight again? Here I recommend 8 kinds of exercises that consume the most calories, so that you can lose weight and eat well!


Running running

"Running is one of the best calorie burners out there, ” certified personal trainer Daniel Saltos says. An average person can burn anywhere from 500 to 1000 in one hour of running. “Speed, pace, and endurance are all factors that can impact this range. But running uses every muscle group in the body, allowing you to burn more calories."

Daniel Saltos, a professional personal trainer, said: "Running is one of the most calorie-consuming exercises." Ordinary people can burn 500 to 1000 calories after running for an hour. Saltos pointed out: "Speed, rhythm and endurance are all factors that affect calorie consumption. But running will use all the muscle groups of the whole body, which will make you burn more calories. "

Swimming swimming

Swimming is a low-impact workout that also targets multiple muscle groups. “In just 30 minutes of swimming, an average person can burn 200 to 300 calories,” Saltos says. Swimming also improves cardiovascular health, builds endurance, and increases strength—all great reasons to want to hop in the water.

Swimming is a low-intensity exercise, and it also uses multiple muscle groups. Saltos said: "The average person can burn 200 to 300 calories in 30 minutes." Swimming can also improve cardiovascular health, enhance endurance and strength, which are all good reasons to urge you to swim.

Cycling cycling

There’s nothing like a nice evening bike ride when the weather’s nice, and it’s actually a great workout for you as well. A long, steady bike ride can burn up to 500 to 700 calories in an hour, Saltos says.

Riding on a sunny night is perfect, and it is also a good exercise. Saltos said that cycling at a constant speed for up to an hour can burn 500 to 700 calories.

High intensity interval training (hiit) high intensity interval training

If you want intensity, HIIT exercises provide exactly that. These workouts involve working hard in intervals, then resting. Because your heart rate will stay elevated, you’ll burn more calories in less time. “On average, a person will burn 400 to 600 calories in 30 minutes,” Saltos says.

If you want to improve your intensity, then high-intensity interval training is very suitable for you. This training method is to do high-intensity exercise at intervals and take a break between the two groups. Because your heart rate will remain high, you will burn more calories in a shorter time. Salrose pointed out: "Doing high-intensity interval training for 30 minutes can consume 400 to 600 calories on average."

Jumping rope skipping rope

This childhood activity can actually do wonders for your health. “Jumping rope is great for strengthening the lower and upper body while improving endu rance and cardiovascular fitness,” Saltos says. It also improves your coordination, because your mind has to work while you jump. Jumping rope can burn 600 to 1000 calories in an hour.

Skipping rope as a childhood activity is actually very good for your health. Saltos said: "Jumping rope is very helpful for strengthening the strength of the upper body and lower limbs, and it can also improve endurance and cardiovascular health." Skipping rope can also enhance your coordination, because you have to use your head when skipping rope. Skipping rope can burn 600 to 1000 calories in an hour.

Strength training strength training

Strength training is one of the most efficient ways to burn more calories. “One hour of strength training can burn 300 to 400 calories on average, but you’ll continue to burn more calories throughout the day because of the EPOC effect,’” Saltos says. The EPOC effect, also known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, represents an increase in metabolism that occurs after strength training linked to the consumption of oxygen that is required to help restore the muscles.

Strength training is one of the most effective ways to burn calories. Saltos said: "Strength training can burn an average of 300 to 400 calories in one hour, and you will burn more calories later because of the effect of excessive oxygen consumption after exercise." The effect of excessive oxygen consumption after exercise means that oxygen consumption after strength training will accelerate metabolism and help muscle recovery.

Boxing boxing

Not only is boxing a great way to release pent up energy, but it also helps improve balance, boost endurance, and strengthens the upper body and core. “Boxing helps you get a good calorie burn, too, with the average person burning up 500 to 800 calories in an hour session,” Saltos says.

Boxing is not only a good way to release excess energy, but also helps to improve balance, enhance endurance and strengthen upper body and core strength. Saltos said: "Boxing can also help you consume a lot of calories. Boxing for one hour can make ordinary people consume 500 to 800 calories."

Rowing rowing

The pushing and pulling motion of rowing machines targets multiple muscle groups including the arms, core, and back, helping you to burn more calories. “An hour of rowing will burn 400 to 600 calories on average,” Saltos says.

The push-pull action of rowing machine will use multiple muscle groups including arms, core and back, thus helping you to consume more calories. Saltos said: "Rowing for an hour can consume an average of 400 to 600 calories."

English source: Yahoo News

Translation & Editor: Dany

Source: China Daily.


Source: Fashion Headline Network

The commercial potential and consumption power of 12 cities in China have developed to a point that cannot be ignored, and they must be analyzed, compared and re-examined.

Author | Drizzie

Although China is the pillar market of the current global fashion industry, which has contributed to the growth dividend in the past five years, there are still a lot of uncultivated land here.

When e-commerce platforms such as Pinduoduo entered the mainstream competition track with the sinking market consumption power, luxury fashion groups began to re-understand and deeply understand the special market form of China, and attached importance to the purchasing power of the middle class in markets outside the first-tier cities.

On the other hand, in the past ten years, the vast majority of fashion brands have captured the four first-tier consumer cities of "North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen", and their market roles have been basically established.

It is the general trend for some head brands to transform the brand recognition gained in China in the past few years into actual market share, improve profit margins and achieve a smooth soft landing, and expand the sinking market.

Kering real estate director Sergi Villar said last year that five luxury brands under the Group will open 14 new stores in six cities in China, Shanghai, Dalian, Kunming, Wuhan, Shenyang and Wuxi, all of which are new first-tier or second-tier cities except Shanghai. This move is considered by the industry as a signal that leading luxury enterprises are sinking their channels.

So the question now is, what other cities in China have the potential for fashion business? In order to do a good job in the next expansion, the brand must first really understand China, a vast, densely populated, culturally diverse and complex market.

According to the Fashion Business News, Vogue Business in China, a fashion industry media owned by Condé Nast China, will release the 2020 "New Fashion Capital Index Report" on November 21st, which is also the first city research index report and city index ranking in the industry. In cooperation with consulting firm EY Parthenon, this report conducted in-depth desk research and data analysis on 12 cities in China in the first issue of the 2020 edition of the New Fashion Capital Index Report.

Vogue Business in China will release the 2020 "New Fashion Capital Index Report" on November 21st, which is also the first city research index report and city index ranking in the industry.

Different from the general comprehensive ranking of new first-tier cities in some previous reports, this report makes a more specific comparison and analysis of urban fashion power. The report divides the new fashion capital index into five first-level dimensions, namely, fashion consumption power, fashion business potential, fashion cultural charm, fashion innovation talent and fashion development power, which provides quantitative standards for consumers and industry professionals to feel about these cities.

This dimension division will help industry professionals to identify the differences between Chengdu, Nanjing and Hangzhou, and provide reference for industry practitioners to formulate future business development strategies and expansion paths.

Vogue Business in China will also hold a summit for the release of the 2020 "New Fashion Capital Index Report", initiated by Bao Yimin, editorial director of Vogue Business in China, and discuss with industry experts, business and cultural leaders how the city can achieve new breakthroughs.

It is worth noting that the summit will also be located in Chengdu, and guests will be invited to discuss in depth the lessons of Chengdu’s fashion development.

▌ Cultural power is the background color of fashion cities.

Choosing Chengdu as the release place of this report is better than the particularity of fashion culture in this popular city.

This city has become one of the most fashionable young people’s gathering places in China. With the help of street shooting and social media, it shows the dress style of young people in China. They can accept very diverse brands, not just big brands.

In addition to dress, the lifestyle of young people in Chengdu is actually very diverse, including rich nightlife, food, rap music, etc. They are open-minded about enjoyment and self-display. This also causes them to be very decisive when shopping, pay attention to decoration and self-expression, and their aesthetics are romantic.

Choosing Chengdu as the release place of this report is better than the particularity of fashion culture in this popular city.

In contrast, although cities such as Shenyang and Dalian have strong consumption power, they may be second only to Chengdu and Hangzhou in the whole country, but their fashion and cultural power is short-board. Bao Yimin told WeChat WeChat official account LADYMAX, "What they lack is a fashionable and cultural environment, and cultural activities are relatively scarce. If you go to Dalian today, consumers will find that the most famous shopping center in Dalian is actually very similar to Beijing SKP or Shanghai Henglong, and the excavation of fashion culture in this city will be relatively small. "

He believes that although everyone knows that Chengdu is a very interesting, famous and consuming city, they seldom realize that it is not only unilaterally strong, but also has strong comprehensive strength, and the overall development, especially the development of young and cool culture, is very leading.

"Because Chengdu has a very unique culture, it has also attracted the attention of many big brands. For example, Chanel will hold a show and regard Chengdu as the first important entry point. Therefore, the combination of consumption and culture makes Chengdu a very attractive city, at least for fashion. "

In fact, the consumption power of many cities in China is very strong, otherwise it is impossible to contribute at least 30% of the consumption power to the sales of luxury goods in the world. However, consumption itself is not the main reason for the future fashion capital. China’s strong economy will naturally lead to strong consumption.

The real fashion cultural power represents everyone’s living standard and high sensitivity to fashion, which is embodied in cultural and creative industries, fashion weeks, art galleries, cafes, etc. The growth of these cultures will make the city lively and interesting.

To this end, the New Fashion Capital Index Report also gives 30% weight to fashion culture in five dimensions, which is heavier than other projects. Fashion consumption power is a "hard" number, while fashion culture is the background color and the depth of development. When the consumption power has increased to a certain extent, the importance of cultivating fashion culture has begun to be emphasized.

Bao Yimin also admitted that one of the biggest breakthroughs in the report is to digitize fashion culture, which is very abstract and emotional, so how to digitize and score abstract and emotional fashion culture is the key issue. Therefore, this report analyzes the cultural activities such as cafes and bars in each city and the local government’s measures to promote fashion. "This is to see where the roots of fashion culture are, and we have to dig deeper."

In addition to quantitative analysis, the New Fashion Capital Index Report also conducted in-depth interviews with two or three local opinion leaders and experts in 12 cities, and conducted research on fashion hot spots in different cities, supplementing the content of qualitative research.

Another thing worth mentioning is "the power of fashion development". "Fashion development power" involves the government’s support for the fashion industry, the city’s own scientific and technological level and capital strength.

"The development of the city needs the support of the government, so the report will give a score on how much the local government uses in the development of the fashion industry, that is to say, how much money it spent, what kind of fashion culture-related exhibitions it sponsored or held, and how many local art galleries or forums they participated in. This dimension was not available before (in many reports), and government participation can indeed be digitized because its behavior is open. "

If the government’s development plan includes training creative talents such as fashion designers, opening pop-up shop or holding forums, it can make every local fashion culture grow and the attractiveness of the city will be qualitatively improved.

Chengdu and Hangzhou are attractive to the surrounding cities, which leads to the further improvement of urban consumption power and the formation of a positive cycle. Data show that during the Eleventh Golden Week, Chengdu became one of the most popular tourist destination cities, receiving a total of 20.17 million tourists, up 32.7% year-on-year. The average daily passenger flow of Chengdu shopping malls approached the 40,000 mark, up 33.5% from the previous week.

In this dimension, Wuhan is also a special role. Wuhan was originally a very young city belonging to students, but under the government policy bonus after the epidemic, Wuhan’s fashion potential may accelerate.

Wuhan is a very young city that belongs to students, and it will also benefit from the government’s policy dividend after the epidemic.

A very high proportion of young people in this city are the basis of fashion development, and they are also the consumer groups pursued by the global fashion industry today. Bao Yimin explained that, first, students account for a large proportion in Wuhan’s population structure, which leads to a great relationship between the popularity of brands in Wuhan and what students can consume and may like. When the student population is at least more than half, Wuhan can basically be regarded as a university town, so students’ market reaction can clearly reflect what brand is suitable for college students, or what brand college students are chasing.

▌ The next step in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

While some cities are rising, Bao Yimin is also optimistic about the next step of going north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. He thinks that there is actually a second wave of middle class demand rising in China’s consumption. With the rise of new cities, the four cities of Guangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will still play a very important role.

If we refer to Milan, Tokyo, new york and Paris as the first-class cities of fashion capital, their development is mostly due to their important roles, such as Fashion Week. Big cities still have the greatest media and population attraction, and they will always play the role of "boss". At least next year, the whole world will be watching the contribution of local consumption in China to fashion development, so the potential of Guangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will not be weakened in two or three years.

Fashion is a constant pursuit of new industries, and brands certainly hope to find new markets outside the North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and these 12 cities offer more possibilities. Bao Yimin predicted that if life can’t return to normal next year, the future global fashion week will probably be released from China. For the sake of uniqueness, brands may not choose to go to the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, so the new fashion capital will gradually be favored by international brands.

Cities such as Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shenyang and Xi ‘an are providing China with more possibilities for the development of fashion industry.

The 12 cities in this report only selected representative cities in various regions of the country to conduct a sample survey, sketching the general appearance of the current domestic urban fashion development, which does not mean that the report has given a closed definition for the fashion capital of China. In view of the fashion development of more different ladder cities, Vogue Business in China plans to launch a city report every year from this year to track and investigate the progress of China’s urban fashion development.