2024 "China

On December 18th, 2024, the theme logo design competition of "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" was launched in Changzhi City. Vice Governor Tang Zhiping, Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong and Indonesian Ambassador to China Zhou Haoli attended the launching ceremony and delivered speeches. Brunei Ambassador to China Rahmani, Myanmar Ambassador to China Wu Ding Maorui, Laos Ambassador to China Song Peng, Thai Embassy Chargé d ‘affaires Benjamin and other ASEAN diplomatic envoys in China and ASEAN students in Shanxi attended the event. The launching ceremony was presided over by Shi Zhongjun, Secretary General of China-ASEAN Center.
2024 is "China-ASEAN People-to-People Exchange Year". As an important part of the People-to-People Exchange Year, the theme logo design competition was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-ASEAN Center, and was undertaken by the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, aiming at enhancing the people-to-people exchange and friendship between China and ASEAN countries and expanding the appeal, popularity and influence of the People-to-People Exchange Year. Taking advantage of this activity, Changzhi City simultaneously held a series of activities, such as the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage+cultural creation, the exhibition of the first cultural creation competition, and the cultural and creative industry cooperation and exchange meeting, to publicize and promote Changzhi in an all-round and multi-angle way, to help people communicate and promote economic and trade exchanges.
On December 17th, Tang Zhiping met with Chinese and foreign guests attending the launching ceremony of the theme logo design competition of 2024 "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" in Changzhi. (Li Jiaming)

A domestic football match was scolded by a hot search. What happened?

Source: China News Network

On the 8th, a topic entry named # Match-fixing in the Final of Guangdong National Games # occupied a high position in Weibo’s hot search for a long time. As of press time, the reading volume of this topic exceeded 140 million, and nearly 9,000 people participated in the discussion.

From the perspective of competitive sports, this game is not a high-level event. If there are no special circumstances, it will not attract so much public attention to a great extent.

However, looking at the comment area, everyone has a hot discussion.

It’s the darkest hour of football in China, except for the 15-year-old boys.This is a sentence left by a netizen in the topic discussion area.

In the eyes of professional football media, there are also problems in this game. “After watching the replay of the game, there is indeed a suspicion of match-fixing, which supports a thorough investigation."

Everyone’s response is filled with the most emotions, which are helplessness and anger. In other words, today, football in China is still at a low ebb, and this game has poked a lot of people who care about football in China.

Let’s get to know the situation of this game first.

The match was held on August 7th, 2022. It was the men’s B Group A final of the 16th Guangdong Sports Games, and was played between Qingyuan team and Guangzhou team. There was no abnormal situation after the start of the game. In the second half, Qingyuan team took the lead 3-1.

But since then, the Qingyuan team seems to be like a "power outage." Goalkeepers and defenders pass the ball at will in the backcourt and are directly intercepted by opponents; When the Guangzhou team launched the attack, the Qingyuan team defender did not seem to stop the football from entering the goal; According to the camera, several Qingyuan team players started the "walking" mode on the court …

In the end, Guangzhou defeated Qingyuan 5-3 to win the championship.

After the video of this game exploded on social media, Dong Lu, a well-known football media person, used "weird 13 minutes" to describe what happened on the field.

While the outside world is discussing the game,The Chinese Football Association officially announced the launch of an investigation into the game.. The announcement said that in this competition, the performance of athletes from both sides on the field was widely questioned by public opinion, which aroused the concern of all sectors of society. China Football Association attaches great importance to this and starts the investigation procedure, and will form an investigation team with the participation of the Competition Department, the Discipline Inspection Department and other departments, and will go to Guangzhou for investigation on August 8.

It is not what China football wants to cause a heated discussion in such a way.

This year’s poor World Cup preliminaries once again put the national football team into an "infinite loop", and many fans didn’t know how to face the China football that had been in the trough for a while.

In fact, there has been a lot of news about football in China recently.

The Chinese Super League officially resumed the home and away game system. For professional teams and clubs, the home game was opened for a long time, and when familiar spectators entered the stadium again, it brought more positive signals to the team’s operation.

In the East Asia Cup competition that ended at the end of July, the China Men’s Football Team with "U23 National Team" as the main team won the third place.

Although only four teams participated in the East Asia Cup, this ranking did not satisfy the Chinese people. However, the original intention of sending young players out to increase the experience of the competition and taking this opportunity to upgrade is no problem. In the second round, the national football selection team drew with Japan. The game data still shows that there is a big strength gap between the two sides, but with courage and perseverance, the young players can gain confidence and bring some comfort to the depressed football in China.

When facing the pressure and challenges, face the difficulties and use your own efforts to resist the difficulties. Even if you fail to win the game, you will gain confidence. This may be a more realistic idea, and it is also the most needed for today’s China football.

At present, the official has been involved in the investigation of this controversial competition, but the final result has not yet been released. As for whether it is the "fake ball" mentioned by everyone, we still don’t argue.

A few days ago, the first China Youth Football League started. Wang Dengfeng, deputy director of the China Youth Football League Office and director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Ministry of Education, said, "Whether more and more children can play football is a key issue facing China football at this stage."

As the future of football in China, youth football plays an important role. Please keep it simple and away from the distractions. Only in this way can we help the development of football in China.

More than 100 players in the 9th Henan "Public Servant Cup" Table Tennis Finals.

Let’s compete with each other with passion and exchange ideas. On December 9th, the 9th Henan "Public Servant Cup" table tennis competition finals started in Huiji Campus of Zhengzhou University. More than 100 table tennis fans from 20 teams who stood out from the provincial and provincial competitions gathered here to discuss and exchange ideas and enjoy the health and happiness brought by participating in table tennis.

The 9th Henan Public Servant Cup Table Tennis Finals was hosted by Henan Provincial Sports Bureau, directly under the authority Working Committee of Henan Provincial Party Committee and Henan Provincial Sports Association for the Elderly, and undertaken by Zhengzhou University Sports Institute, Henan Table Tennis Association and Table Tennis Committee of Henan Provincial Sports Association for the Elderly. Like previous competitions, this competition adopts the system of regional trials and finals. The provincial competition was held in Zhengzhou in mid-October, and 10 teams including the Provincial Finance and Taxation United Team, the Provincial Table Tennis Association and the Provincial Third Division United Team were selected to enter the finals. The provincial city division was held in Nanyang in mid-November, and 10 teams including Xinyang, Xinxiang and Kaifeng were selected to enter the finals. Among them, the players of the provincial team are civil servants at or above the deputy department level, including retired; The players of the provincial municipal teams are civil servants at or above the deputy municipal level, including retired.

Small silver balls, full of strength, unite and promote friendship. Founded in 2014, Henan Public Servant Cup Table Tennis Tournament is held once a year. In the past ten years, the majority of leading cadres who participated in the "Public Servant Cup" table tennis tournament have exchanged handshakes in the table tennis arena, actively and actively kept fit after work, and promoted the cadres and workers around them to participate in fitness and scientific fitness. The event also effectively promoted the promotion and popularization of table tennis in our province, attracting nearly 4000 people to participate in it, becoming an important sports brand event affecting Henan and even the whole country.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Henan Senior Sports Association, the conditions of the ninth "Public Servant Cup" table tennis tournament have been adjusted. Compared with previous competitions, there are more teams participating, and the number of participating units in the two division trials exceeds the previous ones. All localities and units pay more attention to it, providing better service guarantee for the contestants. The competitive level of each participating team is stronger, and a number of new forces have emerged through this competition, and the competition scene is more intense.

Zhengguan journalist Chen Kai correspondent Wang Jinbang Wen/Tu


The best way to improve yourself: exercise (permanent collection is recommended)

Remember Xiao Ruoteng, a gymnast who regretted missing the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games and applauded her opponent with lonely eyes?

This gymnast, who won the gold medal in the men’s individual all-around gymnastics in the 14th National Games, is not only heroic in the sports field, but also a "treasure boy" in life.

He is keen on rap, likes to make his own coffee, and even is the "Teacher Tony" in the gymnastics team …

He not only loves literature and art, but also personally participates in the creation of lyrics. "Taking Dreams as Horses" is what he did after the Olympic Games.

Xiao Ruoteng, who is so versatile in literature and art, really broke our stereotype of athletes.

What kind of mind is simple and limbs are developed?

People with truly developed limbs will not have a simple mind.

Most of those who live a sober life and work well have created strong enough brains through sports.

However, with the increasing convenience of life, most people exercise less and less, and many diseases are getting younger and younger.

Paying attention to exercise and keeping fit with your heart can’t be ignored.

As the Prime Minister of Qin said during the Warring States Period:

"Running water does not rot, and the household axis is not awkward and moving."

What’s more, exercise can not only strengthen our physique and give us a better external image, but also benefit our brains.

Exercise can make you think clearly.

From Su Dongpo, a great poet in the Song Dynasty, to Bernard Shaw, a famous dramatist, many celebrities, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, have a special liking for sports.

Thinker Rousseau also said:

"Walking promotes my thoughts, and my body must keep moving before my brain will start."

When your mind comes to a dead end, stop thinking and let your body move.

The brain is often like opening another door, which makes people suddenly enlightened.

So is the pianist Beethoven.

Every day after lunch, Beethoven would go out for a walk with a pencil and a pile of paper, and sometimes he would not come back until dusk.

For Beethoven, walking is a conversation with God, a blend with nature, and a moment of inspiration for generate at any time.

Once, he walked with his friends, but gradually, he was immersed in his own thoughts, thinking while exercising.

Until nightfall, Beethoven was pleasantly surprised: "I found the theme!" "

Then he flew home and played a new movement on the piano.

It can be seen that exercise can not only make people gain the vitality of the body, but also get better exercise in their minds.

This is not a case.

In 1990, a famous biologist did an experiment like this:

After six months of aerobic exercise, a group of people who don’t like sports at ordinary times have obviously improved their thinking ability.

When this conclusion was published in Nature, more scholars did related research.

The results show that exercise can really improve the working efficiency of the nervous system and make people smarter.

Because when we exercise, the blood circulation is improved and more oxygen enters the brain, so the working environment of the brain is improved and the thinking is naturally more agile.

More importantly, when we exercise, we will produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that can bring energy and motivation to people.

It is like a bridge connecting brain nerve cells. The more it secretes, the wider the bridge deck, and the more information it can flow.

Therefore, after exercise, we will feel clear thinking and quick brain response.

No wonder the writer Goethe once sighed:

"My most precious thoughts and their best expressions all appeared when I was walking."

Exercise can broaden our thinking, make our energy flow and make people smarter.

Exercise is the best way to "sit still"

Lu You, who wrote "eighty-year-old is still healthy, learning to irrigate the garden all his life", has created countless poems in his life and handed down more than 9,000 poems, and is also a beneficiary who loves sports.

In the army, he studied martial arts; When he was in the country, he cut grass and collected firewood; When outdoors, climbing mountains is one of his hobbies.

In his later years, he chose "blazing" to keep fit.

The hobby of sports made Lu You gain a good physique, which made him live a long life at the age of war and chaos and food and clothing difficulties, at the age of 84.

It also gave him a strong concentration, which was used to create poems, with high yield and high quality, and occupied an important position in the poetry circle of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Writer lev tolstoy said:

"It is extremely painful for a person who is immersed in mental work if he doesn’t move his limbs often."

Because exercise is the best way to strengthen the brain, with proper exercise, our body will secrete a substance called adrenaline.

It can help us find the best state of attention.

Researchers at the University of Illinois conducted a series of tests on 20 9-year-old students.

They found that students who have just finished participating in sports activities pay more attention to answering questions than students who have not participated in sports.

The "Zero Time Sports Plan" implemented by a middle school near Chicago also confirmed this point.

Let the students get to school early and do sports before the formal class.

Until the heartbeat reaches the highest value or 70% of the maximum oxygen uptake.

At this time, the class began, and the effect of the class was obviously improved, especially the concentration was obviously improved.

It is no wonder that in the TV series "The Ideal City", Su Xiao, the hostess, often thinks while skipping rope when she encounters bottlenecks in her work.

It is worth noting that adrenaline is "melodramatic".

Too little secretion will make people feel bored and even tired;

If you secrete too much, you will be too excited and unable to calm down and do things.

Only by secreting just the right amount of adrenaline, so that our brain is at the critical point of relaxation and tension, our attention will be at its best.

Therefore, scientific exercise, mastering the degree of exercise, can maximize our concentration.

Let’s listen to everything we learn, sit still and learn well.

Exercise can best make you "remember"

"In fact, we have done other experiments before. Whether it is moderate intensity or high intensity aerobic training, they can improve the short-term memory and long-term memory of ordinary people.

As long as you can run for 15 minutes for a long time, the effect will be obvious. "

This is the result of a follow-up experiment by Dr. Paul Lopley, director of the Sports and Memory Laboratory of the University of Mississippi, and his colleagues.

In this experiment, Dr. Paul Lopley selected 24 participants aged 18 to 35.

They memorized 15 complicated new words with the same difficulty before, during and after running.

The final result shows that participants’ memory will be significantly improved after 15 minutes of moderate-intensity running.

Indeed, in the ceaseless progress of mankind, more and more people find that "moving quotient" is of great help to our memory.

Some people have studied and summarized the trends of the top candidates in the college entrance examination in recent years, and found that nearly 60% of schoolmasters love sports.

Professor Wang Zongping, director of the Center for Business Studies at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, put forward the view that "business development stimulates the top students in the college entrance examination":

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is the champion of the college entrance examination who likes sports who took an hour out of 10 hours of cultural study for sports and activated their bodies;

Let the blood flow faster, the spirit is more full, and the learning efficiency is higher. "

Among them, exercise will also stimulate the hippocampus, a key brain area that affects learning and memory, and promote the increase of serotonin.

Serotonin can effectively stimulate the communication of neurons, feed back to the hippocampus, and promote the formation and enhancement of new memories.

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences once reported that:

"Compared with their sedentary peers, the hippocampus of those who exercise regularly has increased by 2%."

Therefore, don’t cherish the idea of "valuing wisdom over body", and don’t think that a person is born smart or not.

As Plato said:

"In order to make human beings have a successful life, God provides two channels-education and sports."

Nowadays, more and more people combine these two methods to create amazing results.

Your body is the beginning of everything.

Lv Zhengcao, a former minister of the Ministry of Railways who can still play tennis in his eighties and is light and agile, said:

"All departments of the human body use it to enter, and use it to retreat.

Therefore, we should not only pay attention to physical exercise, but also pay attention to brain activity, so as to effectively delay aging. "

Exercise itself is a kind of cure. When sweat flows down, it cures all fatigue, clears the mind and makes people happy.

1. When your thoughts are not smooth, just put on your running shoes and start.

Looking back on life, we will find that when we stay in the thoughts of solving a problem for a long time, it is easy to get stuck.

It is said that "people who can rest will work", but rest is not doing nothing in a narrow sense. Changing the environment for the brain is also brain-strengthening.

Putting down what you are doing for a while and exercising will make your mind clear, and maybe there will be innovative discoveries.

For example, choosing sports that require quick response can help us build good hand-eye coordination.

Similar to table tennis, badminton and other sports, you need to stay calm and focus on sports, which can make your brain fully relaxed.

Therefore, after exercise, the wall of thinking will no longer be so indestructible, and even "turn around" and have new ideas.

2. When you are in a bad mood, move consciously.

Scientist Einstein said:

"I like walking all my life, and sports have brought me endless fun."

Because dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin produced during exercise can not only enhance our memory, improve our thinking ability, make us more focused, but also make our mood happy.

Therefore, after proper exercise, we will feel calm, clear-headed and even have a happy sense of accomplishment at work.

The so-called: "activities are well-organized, and the five internal organs are self-harmonious."

When you are in a bad mood, consciously let yourself move.

Go out for a walk and visit the park, so that these substances produced in the body can arouse our positive emotions.

Let us have a better state, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.

Exercise is not only an indispensable way to keep in good health, but also can exercise the brain, make us smarter and make our life different.

If you have missed the plum appointment, don’t take the peach blossom again.

Going out, now is the best time.

OrderWatchingLet’s move together.

Take some time out in the busy, and leave some energy in the hurry.

Under the tempering of life, the body is treated well by time, and the brain is getting smarter and smarter.

Such years, quiet and calm, unhurried, beautiful!

Exercise can really fight cancer, The Lancet: Three kinds of exercise are cost-effective, and running is only the third.

After fighting cancer for five years, he beat cancer!

In 2013, Henan Youth Construction unfortunately detected esophageal cancer, which is already in the middle and late stage. The doctor told him to live for half a year at most.

In order to survive, he underwent surgery to remove his esophagus by 14 centimeters, leaving a scar of more than 30 centimeters on his body. He received more than 25 times of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and his weight dropped from more than 100 kilograms to more than 80 kilograms. His condition was finally barely stable. He was discharged from the hospital.

Leaving the hospital does not mean the success of anti-cancer, but the beginning of another battle.Generally speaking, a cancer is cured if it does not recur for 5 years after treatment.. On that day, Shi Jianshe wrote in his diary "This is the real beginning of anti-cancer".

Just discharged from hospital, he was in poor health. In order to improve his immunity, he decided to start running. Everything is difficult at the beginning, ordinary people can run easily, but for time construction, it is just like torture. On the first day of running, it was only three hundred steps on the road, and his heart was pounding, his legs were weak and he couldn’t breathe. ……

But he didn’t give up, and he still insisted on running the next day, although like the first day, he couldn’t breathe without "running" a few steps. In his view, it is enough to be lucky to make progress every day. He thinks, "As long as I run 3 to 5 meters more than the day before, it is victory."

In this way, he insisted on going out to run every day. After one year, he was able to run 5 kilometers every day, and even developed abdominal muscles afterwards. In 2017, by chance, he took part in the 24-kilometer race, which took 2 hours and 31 minutes. The runners who participated in the race simply didn’t see it, but Shi Jianshe turned out to be a cancer patient. Since then, he has never stopped running marathons and participated in one race after another.

In 2018, Shi Jianshe went to the hospital for review. The doctor told him that his condition was very stable and the probability of recurrence was very small. When the big stone in Jian Jian’s heart fell, he felt that running had changed a lot and gave him anti-cancer strength.

University of Copenhagen, DenmarkIn an experiment, the researchers divided the mice with cancer into two groups, one group did high-intensity exercise in the roller, and the other group did not do any exercise. It turns out that,Compared with the non-exercise group, the tumor in the exercise group has shrunk by nearly 50%.

In this regard, the researchers believe that the adrenaline secretion in mice can be greatly increased during exercise, and then NK cells in the blood can be activated. Once traces of cancer cells are found, they will be eliminated immediately. Moreover, interleukin-6 chemical signal will be produced in muscle during exercise, which can help NK cells locate cancer cells more accurately.

From the observational study, cancer patients with strong exercise ability also have longer survival time..

The National Institutes of Health selected 233,000 subjects aged 50-71 to conduct a questionnaire survey. The survey included whether there was any inconvenience in legs and feet, such as walking slowly and being unable to walk. Through the analysis, it is found that cancer patients are 42% and 24% more likely to walk slowly and be disabled than healthy people.Among patients with cancer, the risk of death of the slowest walker is more than twice as high as that of the fastest walker.

Since exercise can help fight cancer, what exercise is suitable for cancer patients? Or you can consider these three sports.

The Lancet.After a 10-year follow-up of 80,000 people, the magazine found three kinds of sports with high cost performance, such as tennis and badminton, which can reduce the cost.47%Risk of all-cause death; Swimming can reduce28%Risk of all-cause death; Aerobic exercise such as running can reduce27%All-cause death risk.

1. Swing movement

Swing can stimulate the shoulder muscles and arm muscles, which can strengthen the muscle strength of the two parts. And in the process of exercise, it is always in a state of rapid movement. This action requires the coordination of all muscles, which can make the leg muscles get a good exercise.

The brain also needs to think during the swing, which has a certain brain-strengthening effect, and the eyes need to be constantly adjusted during the exercise, which can help strengthen the blood supply and metabolism of eyeball tissue.

2. Swimming

Academician Tang Zhaoyou of China Academy of EngineeringIt is believed that swimming is the best anti-cancer exercise. In the process of swimming, it can promote the secretion of dopamine in the body, and dopamine has the function of inhibiting tumors and regulating immunity. However, attention should be paid to moderate swimming, and excessive swimming will have the opposite effect.

3. Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise can help improve myocardial antioxidant capacity, change related adipocytokines, improve blood lipid and enhance immune function, etc. During exercise, it can increase hormone secretion beneficial to physical and mental health and keep immune function in a good range.

Although exercise can bring many benefits to the body, we should pay attention to keeping scientific methods when exercising. These four things must be paid attention to.

1. Warm up before exercise.

You need to do it before doing any exercise.10~15 minutesWarm-up, including walking, muscle stretching and joint activities.

2. Achieve exercise intensity

To judge the intensity of exercise, it is necessary to take heart rate as an index, which generally needs to be achieved during exercise.60~85%The maximum heart rate, the reference value of the maximum heart rate of healthy young people is 220- years, and the elderly patients can use 170- years.

3, insist on exercise time

The exercise intensity of 70% maximum heart rate should be sustained.20~30 minutesAbove this intensity, it can be carried out for 10~15 minutes, and below it, it can be carried out for 45~60 minutes.

4. Keep exercising for a long time

The exercise frequency needs to be adjusted according to the intensity and duration. The higher the intensity and the longer the duration, the lower the frequency can be. Generally moderate-intensity exercise should be carried out at least once a week.3~4 timesInsist onMore than 12 weeksIn order to get better results.

There is no doubt that exercise can bring health benefits, but you must pay attention to keeping the right way to exercise. Have you learned all the above precautions? # Number One Weekly #


[1] "[Health] How to exercise scientifically, come and understand quickly! National Health 12320 2015-07-15

[2] The Gospel of Cancer Patients: Research says that physical exercise helps to shrink tumors. World Wide Web 2016-02-17

[3]Chekroud S R , Ralitza G , Zheutlin A B , et al. Association between physical exercise and mental health in 1·2 million individuals in the USA between 2011 and 2015: a cross-sectional study[J]. Lancet Psychiatry, 2018:S221503661830227X-.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

Learn these 8 fashion suggestions and life attitudes, and I believe you will know what to buy and wear.

Fashion dress is a commonplace topic, and it will never end.

Because as a fashionable and beautiful woman, we need to pay attention to it all the time.

Only constant learning and charging, only constant appreciation and promotion,

Only by constantly practicing, cultivating and growing according to one’s own temperament and style,

We can make our hearts richer and our eyes improved, and our clothes will be more stylish and tasteful.

I hope I can give you some inspiration and a guide to wear.

Let you know what to buy and choose in every occasion, and wear it correctly.

Even if you wear it at a low price, you can still wear a full sense of fashion because of your fashionable vision and taste.

1. We often say that the trend is perishable and the style lasts forever. What exactly is the style?

Style should be comfortable, time-consuming, and personal. It looks as if you haven’t carefully prepared it, but wearing the most suitable and beautiful self and your own style will make you confident.

2. What are the most worthwhile fashion items?

Be sure to buy a good pair of jeans.

Be sure to buy a good ready-to-wear coat.

A white t-shirt with a pattern,

I think a dress is also necessary to give you confidence.

A skirt that makes you confident, a skirt that can swing at will,

A little sexy skirt, so you can wear it all day and night.

3. Suggestions for working moms:

Just be yourself, don’t exaggerate, don’t dress too hard, just find something that suits you, I think this is the best way.

A pair of beautiful sunglasses is also worth investing, so even if you stay up all night with your children, it can help you hide your fatigue.

A fashionable and large-capacity bag is also very important, so that all the small things that children need can be packed. Every mother who works and takes care of children knows this need.

4. How important are fashion trends for women?

I don’t think fashion is a trend. For everyone, what suits you and makes you feel comfortable is the best fashion.

It is also important to learn to invest in important classic items that are commonly used, so that you can wear them all the time.

Add some fashionable elements that are popular in the season, so that classics can be matched with fashion. I think this is the most important fashion to wear.

5. What is the most error-prone and suitable for various occasions?

I think dresses are very good. These skirts are very easy to wear. Just put them in, zip them up, and then you can go out. No matter day or night, whether you go to the office or have an appointment at night, you can do it quickly with one button.

For example, if you date your husband, the most suitable dress is a sexy skirt, which makes you feel confident and sexy at the same time. Being sexy is not only for your partner, but also for yourself.

6, for accessories: the best travel model for smart and cool women; The simpler the better, a cool handbag, a set of clothes representing one’s temperament and style, and then all kinds of cool and stylish clothes;

If you are a delicate woman, you should learn to consider the importance of all kinds of ornaments and embellishments, because those can invisibly enhance your aesthetic feeling and fashion attitude and make you move forward with more confidence.

7, for women’s maintenance: sleep is very important, try to sleep better.

Drink more water, cultivate more hobbies and fun, such as listening to some good music, and learn to enjoy all the processes that seem to make you relaxed and comfortable, because it is also a kind of healing and relaxation.

Because as a woman, the process is interesting and important.

When you go out, you should care about your image. When you go out, you should wear decent clothes, take good care of your hair and make up.

Women must learn to enjoy all the processes that make you better: have a good sleep, drink plenty of water, take care of yourself, cultivate your hobbies, let yourself learn and know in an all-round way, and make your heart full and full.

All seemingly useless efforts are actually the process of enriching your heart and healing yourself.

A woman’s heart is full, her heart is happy and beautiful, and she lives fully. I understand that you are getting better and better.

In fact, everything will get better with the surroundings.

Always remember: because you get better first, you will get better life and everything slowly.

8. Women’s best fashion advice and attitude towards life is: Learn to love yourself. You dress up for yourself, not for anyone else, dress up carefully, make yourself feel better and be the best you can be.

Shanghai focuses on "Eight Fashion Products" and builds "Fashion Capital"

Shanghai will focus on "Eight Fashion Products", that is, eight categories of fashion consumer goods, further strengthen the chain, build a high-quality innovative supply system, and strive to become a fashion production place, trend gathering place, innovation source and consumption leading place in 2025, and promote the scale of fashion consumer goods industry to reach 520 billion yuan.

The Action Plan for High-quality Development of Fashion Consumer Goods Industry in Shanghai (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) was announced yesterday, which clarified the path for Shanghai to build a "fashion capital".

Cultivate a group of leading enterprises of billions and billions.

Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry has always been profound and rich in atmosphere. "Shanghai brand" and "Shanghai goods" are well-known throughout the country and have strong capabilities in global consumption resource allocation and consumption innovation. In 2021, the scale of Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry reached 433.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%; The accelerated transformation and upgrading of industrial structure and the strong combination of fashion and scientific and technological advantages have laid a solid foundation for further building a "fashion capital".

The "Eight Fashion Products" that Shanghai will focus on in the next step refer to the top products of clothing, cosmetics, exquisite food, excellent sports products, smart products, quality products of life, exquisite crafts and digital fashion products. They are not only the key areas of all kinds of first stores, first shows and first exhibitions, but also an important component of the "total retail sales of social consumer goods", an important indicator of macroeconomic operation. Statistics show that in the first 11 months of this year, the city introduced 982 first stores of various types, most of which belong to the category of "eight fashion products"; At the same time, among the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the city in 2021, "fashion eight products" accounted for over 70%. Therefore, promoting the high-quality development of fashion consumer goods industry will play an important role in building an "initial economy" ecological chain, further enriching the supply of consumer goods market and accelerating the construction of an international consumption center city.

According to Shanghai’s new Action Plan, by 2025, we will strive to establish the status of "Fashion Capital" that leads the fashion and defines the trend, build a trillion-dollar consumer market of fashion consumer goods with demonstration and leading role, and realize an industrial scale of over 520 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 5%. The Action Plan proposes that by 2025, three to five leading enterprise groups with operating income of 100 billion yuan, 20 head enterprise groups with operating income of 10 billion yuan and 200 key enterprises with operating income of 1 billion yuan will be cultivated; Construction of 10 smart factories in the fashion consumer goods industry, 100 digital application scenarios of fashion consumer goods industry characteristics, and 1,000 integration scenarios of fashion consumer goods with shopping, service and culture; We will build three to five characteristic industrial parks for fashion consumer goods, develop a number of municipal-level boutique parks and fashion creativity demonstration spaces, and form national-level industry characteristic regions and industrial clusters.

"Ten Actions" to Enhance Core Competitiveness in an All-round Way

In order to achieve the above goals and comprehensively enhance the overall efficiency and core competitiveness of the fashion consumer goods industry, Shanghai will implement ten major actions around three special projects in the next few years.

In terms of "Special Project for Promoting Digital Innovation and Upgrading", Shanghai will implement "new strategic source action of scientific and technological research and development, new empowerment action of digital manufacturing, new leading action of brand building and new efficiency-enhancing action of creative design", focusing on key core technological breakthroughs and promoting the application of technologies such as digital twins in all aspects of consumer goods. In fact, digitalization will play a key role in the future development of Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry. Among the "Eight Fashion Products" that Shanghai focuses on, there are "smart products" mainly based on hardware and "digital fashion products" mainly based on software and service forms. The Action Plan makes it clear that Shanghai will encourage enterprises to develop virtual fashion, focusing on digital fashion, digital virtual people and personalized, high-flow and multi-interface virtual applications.

Around the "Special Project for Optimizing and Upgrading Carrier Scenes", Shanghai will implement three actions. First of all, according to the new version of Shanghai Industrial Map, we will build a "1+9" and "Fashion Nebula" industrial space with the central city as the core and nine surrounding cities such as Pudong and Minhang, and develop three characteristic parks: Oriental Beauty Valley Beauty Park, Xinshishang Urban Industrial Park and Jiangnan Zhizao International Design Port. At the same time, a new integration action of consumption scenes will be implemented to guide enterprises to carry out the integration layout of online and offline consumption scenes. In addition, support the traditional "national tide" to upgrade with new technologies and new ideas.

In order to build a perfect fashion ecosystem, Shanghai will also introduce and cultivate a group of leading talents in the fashion consumer goods industry, formulate the selection criteria for "Shanghai Fashion Products" and start the certification, and will also publicize and promote the overall image of "Shanghai IP" and the global new product launching place, so as to expand the industrial brand of fashion consumer goods as a whole.

Author: Zhang Yi

Editor: Shi Wei

Source: vision china

Building a country by culture | What is culture?

About what is culture, my favorite answer is a four-sentence summary by writer Liang Xiaosheng:

Cultivation rooted in the heart;

Consciousness without reminding;

Freedom based on constraints;

Kindness for others.


May Day was brushed aside by the Liu Shishi incident.

Judy, a flight attendant, told an interesting story about Liu Shishi at the Weibo.

Judy often meets all kinds of big coffee and stars because she is a flight attendant and serves on the plane. But none of these big coffees and stars left a deep impression on her. Until a few days ago, she met Liu Shishi.

On that day, Liu Shishi took the first class. When Judy went to tidy up the first class after the plane landed, she was surprised to find that the quilt on Liu Shishi’s seat was neatly folded.

Judy was shocked at once: "In the past, all the guests in the first class rolled up their quilts and left under their feet. I didn’t expect the poems to be neatly stacked. I was so touched." 」

People who fly first class are usually people of great status, but you see, there are so few people who fold quilts.Once in a while, the stewardess will be moved for a long time.


On May Day, I met a wandering singer when I was shopping with my mother.

After listening to a song, I went over and threw five yuan change into the hat.

But then, my mother’s behavior surprised me. She went to the hat, crouched down slowly, gently put two coins in the hat, and nodded to the wandering singer with a smile.

My mother didn’t read much. But this moment: I really lost her too much.

Comparing these things, I think of a sentence from Bai Yansong:

"Whether a person has a culture or not does not depend on how high his educational background is. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture; People without education are not necessarily uneducated. 」

Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different.


Wu Xiao Xian told another touching story.

Once, he followed the boss to talk about business, and at lunch, he ordered a table in the hotel. Halfway through the meal, the waiter served a special dish, and the boss said politely, "thank you, we don’t need any more dishes." 」

The waiter explained, "This dish is free. The boss still smiled and replied: "We don’t want it for free, we can’t eat it, it’s a waste. After the meal, the boss wrapped the leftovers.

On the way back to the company, the boss drove slowly, as if looking at something. When Wu Xiao Xian was wondering, the boss stopped the car, picked up the packed food, got off the bus and walked over to a beggar, and handed it over with his hands.

What is culture? This is culture.

Culture is self-cultivation rooted in the heart.


I read a story in People’s Daily.

On the weekend, my nephew followed a Chinese to go fishing in Sydney, Australia.

Every time you cast a net, you always get something. But every time the net is pulled up, the Chinese always pick it up and throw most of its shrimps and crabs back into the sea.

His nephew was puzzled: "I finally hit it, why did you throw it back?" The Chinese replied, "Only fish and shrimp that meet the specified size can be caught. 」

His nephew said, "You are far away on the high seas, and no one can care about you."? The Chinese smiled faintly: "Not everything needs to be reminded and urged by others! 」

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is consciousness without reminding.


What is freedom?

Many people’s understanding is that freedom is to let yourself do what you want freely. But people who think like this don’t know what real freedom is.

Linda, a Chinese-American writer, wrote a book "Worry in the Deep History", which presents the fact that the United States is not only the freest country in the world, but also the least free country in the world.

On one occasion, he accompanied his friends from China to visit the Grand Canyon of the United States.

My friend picked up the coke can and wanted to throw it into the grand canyon: "What a pity not to do something in such a deep canyon! Linda was shocked and quickly stopped: "This is illegal. "The world’s freest America, in fact, is full of freedom:

It is illegal to hold an open bottle in the street.

It is illegal for parents to slap their children when they cry.

Even telling dirty jokes in the office is illegal.

….. Many people in China don’t understand why the United States has so many constraints. In fact, it is precisely because of so many constraints that American freedom has been created.

The philosopher Mill said, "Constraints are the mother of freedom. Personal freedom must be based on not infringing on the freedom of others. 」

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is freedom based on constraints.


There was once a wise man who taught his disciples to break glass products and put them into garbage bags, and wrote on them with a pen: "There are glass fragments inside, which are dangerous!" In this way, people who pick up garbage won’t scratch their fingers.

The mineral water bottles after drinking drinks are also emptied and tightened, which is convenient for waste recyclers to collect.

You ask me what is culture? This is culture. Culture is kindness for others.

When you go to the toilet, think of the next person who goes to the toilet.

When throwing garbage, think of the next garbage collector.

……No matter what you do, you must think of the next person.


Xia Yan, a dramatist, was in great pain before he died. The secretary said, "I’ll call the doctor. "Just as he was about to open the door, Xia Yan opened his eyes and said with difficulty," No, please. Then he passed out and never woke up.

"Not call, please. "Xia Lao changed a word, but moved a building.

Do you know how Liang Qichao died?

He died in a medical accident at Union Medical College Hospital: the doctor cut the left kidney that should have been removed into the right kidney.

Before he died, Liang Qichao did not curse the doctor, but told his family: "Never tell the media or publish it. The people have just begun to believe in western medicine, and if they know about me, they will inevitably retreat. 」

Xia Lao Liang Lao is the truly literate person.A true cultural person should have four qualities:

Cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others.

Think about how often we can have conscious introspection without being reminded by others, and we can think of and help others as much as possible.

The pictures and texts come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the author.

Delete if there is any copyright contact.

There are 37 games in Changyou this year. Let’s talk about this one.

This year, we reported on Changyou’s new action. This old factory is uncharacteristically conducting game tests frequently.

Moreover, this momentum has not subsided until recently. Changyou has tested 37 games overseas in the past six months.(It refers to the package of the game, including the package that has been removed from the shelf, and there may be different packages but the same content.).

Partial test inclusion

Most of the games tested are light and moderate, and one of them, Covenant of Victory, which is a casual SLG game, looks quite distinctive.

Today I’m going to talk about Covenant of Victory.

At present, it is speculated that this game is still in the stage of gameplay verification.

Its art materials are highly consistent with the previously tested product "Dispute of Homeland", and many explosive games can be seen at the gameplay level.

The Covenant of Victory is special because it mixes a lot of small games. In this game, you can see open boxes, strong chess, merge-2 and other gameplay, all of which are light and moderate categories, or the types of gameplay that are often seen in WeChat games.

Gameplay fusion is nothing new, and the above-mentioned open-box gameplay has also spawned many types of innovative fusion.

Just as mixing wine needs to choose a base wine, so the integration of gameplay also needs to choose a base. In the process of "A+B", no matter how many elements are added later, the core gameplay should not change.

The Covenant of Victory is somewhat divorced from this logic.

Although it still retains SLG’s marching, team matching and other gameplay, it is difficult to define after the experience, whether it still takes SLG as the core gameplay or has been diluted into an open box game.

This game just takes the difficult definition of this experience as the highlight.

The Covenant of Victory mentioned the words "zero waiting time" and "random recruitment" in the game introduction. It is hard to imagine that such an experience will appear on a SLG.

It can be clearly seen from the cultivation of gameplay that SLG is often inseparable from the framework of card games in design.(including the card drawing, training and team matching of military commanders)The card game also determines the common commercialization mode of SLG. No matter how the theme or gameplay changes, the deep cultivation game is always the same.

Covenant of Victory, on the other hand, makes the cultivation of cards more simple. The game gave up the traditional way of drawing cards, but adopted the simplest synthetic gameplay. The same way of playing is rare, which can be seen in crazy games’s Crazy Fight Monsters. This game is now out of service, which means that there has been no successful case of this design.

Merge-2′ s synthetic gameplay is easy to use. Players can get monster eggs by placing hanging machines or paying fees, and instantly generate monsters of different classes. Two monsters of the same class can be synthesized. There is a probability of successfully synthesizing a high-class monster, and there is also a probability of failing to generate a slime. slime can only be used to upgrade the level of other monsters. Simply put, this can only be regarded as a form of casual games.

This kind of cultivating gameplay can be done long enough-there is no fixed synthesis formula in the game, which means that even if the player synthesizes a high-grade monster, he doesn’t know in advance whether it is the one he wants, and the game will rise exponentially. Moreover, no matter whether the player wants to synthesize a monster or obtain a slime, different purposes can only be achieved through the operation of "incubating eggs". The reason why the formation line of the game is longer is simply because of the influence of randomness, which leads to the loss of efficiency of the player’s formation decision.

At the same time, this kind of gameplay does not have depth-the way to cultivate magic objects only retains "upgrade", and designs such as equipment and magic objects are abandoned. Although lightness is the trend of SLG now, if most products work hard on fur to attract players, then "Covenant of Victory" has gone deep into the bone marrow, and even seems a bit dull.

The relatively mild card game also affects the core game of Covenant of Victory, which makes its weight shift from SLG to placing cards.

The cultivated monsters can be matched with teams and play a role in the SLG battlefield. Convention of Victory uses the traditional COK-like framework and still has the characteristics of point-to-point marching and inspection tasks. However, although "Covenant of Victory" has designed legion skills for each monster, the content of SLG fighting in the game has not yet been produced, and the fighting process is only PV video, which has nothing to do with the team in which the player plays.

Now the PVP game of Covenant of Victory is more like inheriting from the open-box game, instead of thinking about moving closer to SLG. In the game, the content of playing cards is made. Players can choose to play a monster and form a two-person team with the Lord. They can play against other players by consuming admission tickets and finally get rewards according to the points ranking.

Similarly, "Covenant of Victory" provides two ways of conscription, and adds randomness to one of them.

One is the combination of strong chess, which is not only the main way for players to recruit, but also the embodiment of randomness. Players will harvest a certain number of dice by hanging up and SLG killing wild monsters, and will randomly get different kinds of soldiers or gold coins after throwing them on the chessboard. It is difficult for a player to get a specified kind of soldiers simply by rolling dice, but he can also use special dice to roll a specified number of points, which may become one of the paid contents in the future.

The efficiency of conscription may be limited, but the benefits will be higher. As players roll dice more and more times, the level of the chessboard will increase, and the number of soldiers won will also increase each time.

The other is to use gold coins to buy soldiers of specified types directly, which also eliminates the waiting link for training soldiers. However, this recruitment method has a limited amount, and only a certain number of soldiers can be purchased every three days. This will not become the main means of conscription, but can only play an auxiliary role.

If you formally join the SLG gameplay, it will be difficult for players to get the arms they want, which also means spending more time accumulating troops. Perhaps the game of strong chess itself is mild, but it will become more severe when applied to SLG game.

In addition, Covenant of Victory changed SLG’s urban construction play into the form of opening boxes, and the play experience also changed from the original macro "strategic management" to the relatively micro "role development".

Urban construction play is the key to control the game rhythm in conventional SLG. Players need to spend time waiting for the building to be completed, and they also need to follow the order to unlock the upgrade conditions. In this process, you can use acceleration props or unlock the construction queue to improve the construction efficiency, which also provides a commercial space for the game.

However, "Covenant of Victory" directly abandoned the concept of "urban construction", and players only need to keep opening boxes to get buildings, thus saving the time waiting for construction.

These buildings are not only functional. They also need to be regarded as "equipment", and at the same time affect the value of the Lord’s combat power, and the Lord’s combat power determines whether the player can continue to advance the task progress.

Just like the box-opening game, players get stronger buildings in the process of constantly opening boxes, and choose to replace them or sell them. After selling the treasure chest, you can get gold coins and upgrade the treasure chest level. Gold coins are the only resource in the game.(excluding paid content)The level of treasure chest determines the probability of high-quality buildings.

"Covenant of Victory" basically restored the game experience of opening boxes, and made the threshold lower, and provided treasure boxes to players through a series of ways, such as hanging up, completing tasks, and killing wild monsters.

In particular, the design of hanging up the machine will not exist in many open-box games, because as long as the process is properly designed, players will not "encounter no boxes to open" in the early stage of the game, and the Covenant of Victory still adds the guarantee measures.

Nowadays, the game of opening boxes has a very high popularity in domestic and foreign markets, and it has also been sought after by many manufacturers. For example, "Seeking the Way", which is a mutual entertainment of Sanqi, has been a great success in the WeChat game, and it has also achieved good results in using the App to go to sea. Recently, it is also preparing to launch a new product "Little Fight". What can be recognized is that this gameplay originated from the WeChat game and has potential on the App side.

Compared with the traditional SLG gameplay, opening a box is likely to extend the player’s online time. In other words, it is difficult for players to have nothing to do. As long as they are willing to spend time, they will definitely gain combat power improvement or resource accumulation, and they will basically not be discouraged by the game control progress. For reference, the producer of "Crazy Knights", which opened the box, once revealed the initial data of the operation, and the average online time of users reached 60 minutes.(It may also be influenced by small game platforms).

The online time of a player may not be the standard to measure whether an SLG is excellent or not, but it often means that it brings a continuous sense of growth to the player, and this more direct and intense stimulation may better retain the player.

In addition to bringing advantages, it also takes a certain price to join the open box game, the most obvious thing is to reduce the weight of resources. This is also very important for SLG. When the fun of resource production, distribution and consumption is no longer provided in the game, players may lose their sense of purpose in SLG gameplay.

Generally speaking, the Covenant of Victory is still a product in its infancy, and the game experience focuses on single-player play.

However, don’t forget that when the open-box game is in the fierce competition of innovation, when everyone is thinking about how to use the open-box game as the base, few games have used it as an auxiliary game so far. As for the feasibility of this innovative direction of integration with SLG, it remains to be seen.

Precautions for swimming

Prevention of athlete’s foot The water quality in the public swimming pool may be unclean, and swimming may cause athlete’s foot or cause pinkeye. It is best to take a bath, rinse your mouth and drop eye drops in time after swimming.

Pay attention to protect your hair. If you use a tight silicone swimming cap when swimming, your hair will be damaged. It is best to wear a swimming cap suitable for your head shape and avoid wearing it for a long time. You can take off your swimming cap and rest after swimming for a while, which can let your hair breathe and help your body recover.

To prevent cramps and drowning, get ready to go into the water before swimming. First, do warm-up exercises for the body. Second, let the body adapt to the water temperature to avoid cramps when entering the water. In addition, swimming consumes a lot of energy to avoid excessive exercise, and physical exhaustion can also cause drowning.

People who swim for a long time to prevent otitis media may have otitis media because their ears are soaked in water for a long time or there are many bacteria in the water. In addition, soaking the body in water for a long time is easy to cause discomfort such as arthritis.

It is best to swim three times a week. If you swim too many times, your body will not get enough rest and recovery, which is not good for your health.