The music synthesis has come up with a new trick! The official publicity lineup of "Come and See Our Concert" has caused controversy

In the current variety show market, music variety shows were not uncommon, and even began to appear homogeneous. In order to attract more audiences, the music comprehensive program team had created different concepts, which were mostly divided into rock, folk, pop, electronic music, and so on according to the type of music.

The recent broadcast of a music synthesis "Come and See Our Concert" has innovated in the form of performance, emphasizing that "Full Open Mai" gives the audience a closer experience of live music. At the moment of the epidemic, people have not walked into the stadium for a long time to feel the power of the chorus at the concert, and the program concept is to capture the audience’s miss for live music, which naturally has an advantage over other music complexes.

The lineup of the show has also been announced recently, covering Chinese singers of all ages, including old, middle-aged and young, and performing in the form of a combination. Zhang Xinzhe, Wu Sikai, Dai Penny and other classic singers and songwriters come together to believe that they can evoke many people’s youthful memories. Pin Guan, who once played a popular short video platform with the song "The Door Is Not Locked", will also be on the stage with his friends.

Most of these singers are representatives of the popularity of songs, and their songs have spread all over the streets, but no one cares about the singers themselves. In such a collection that focuses on the strength of the scene, I don’t know if they can become popular again.

However, when it comes to "turning red", the 07 fast men who are also in the show lineup may have more experience. After the draft fever more than ten years ago faded, familiar names such as Chen Chusheng, Land Rover, Wang Yixin, and Zhang Yuan were gradually forgotten by people. Some of them adhered to their musical dreams, some switched to filmmaking, and some gradually retired… It was only recently that the fast men returned to the public eye with a reality show. The originally unpopular slow variety show exploded, and the Douban score was as high as 9.7, which also gave the 07 fast men unprecedented attention.

Regardless of the singing ability, the plot of the brothers’ reunion on the stage for many years is enough to attract the audience. After going through their own complicated lives, the brothers can still get together, and the "brotherhood" between them is the key to the recent popularity, and it is also the focus of the program’s promotion. The slogan of the fast man of the year on the promotional poster is also to attract a wave of nostalgic fans and expand the audience.

The show gathered a lot of powerful singers, and naturally also needed traffic blessing, so the new generation of singers was indispensable. However, after the official announcement of the lineup, the appearance of Zhou Zhennan and the little devil caused a lot of controversy. Zhou Zhennan and Cai Weize of the same company formed a "47" group to perform together. Due to the previous incident of Zhou Zhennan’s father being sued, many audiences did not have a good impression of him. The comments even called it "mouse shit spoiled a pot of porridge", and such a poorly reviewed artist had a more or less negative impact on the show’s ratings.

Due to his irrational fans and exaggerated costumes and makeup, the little ghost Wang Linkai has also been controversial from all sides. His performance style on the stage is exaggerated, and the action of "air guitar" is mocked out of the circle, and most people say they cannot appreciate it. The punk style image that the little ghost has maintained for a long time is not very suitable for the positioning of the show "All Open Mai Power Singing General", and his singing skills are not the focus of his performance. In fact, his performance form is greater than the content. The lack of nutritious lyrics has been criticized, and most fans are attracted by the appearance of niche subcultures. If the little ghost still performs in the show in the usual unoriginal way, it will inevitably lead to a wider discussion and criticism.

However, the program team also put a lot of effort into arranging the lineup, and the partners of the two traffic students are Cai Weize and Zhang Bichen. Although Cai Weize also made his debut in the Son of Tomorrow series, as the lead singer of the band at the same time, he has good singing skills, and Zhang Bichen is recognized by the circle and the audience as a strong singer. The cooperation of partners during the performance can also enrich the stage effect to a certain extent, and more importantly, the collision of different types of musicians can increase the topic and accumulate heat for the program.

Such an attempt to make a real "concert effect" is undoubtedly ambitious, and inviting a group of veteran singers is proof. While the controversial artists have a negative impact on the show, they have actually attracted more attention to the show, virtually creating momentum for go LIVE. With the cooperation of the artists’ own traffic and the promotion of the show, many people have noticed this new music synthesis that is about to go LIVE. And whether the concert can be moved into the variety stage as mentioned in the promotion, we will see after the show goes LIVE.

Cars are comparable to "BBA" but are being chased by Internet Tech Giants. Where is the profit point of NIO that lacks "core"?

  "Investor Network" Wen Xia Jing 

  According to the latest operating data released by NIO (NYSE: NIO), the company delivered 20,060 vehicles from January to March this year, an increase of 423% year-on-year, and successfully achieved the goal of achieving 20,000 deliveries in Quarter 1 predicted by Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO. However, at the same time as the good news, NIO encountered the embarrassment of chip shortage: the NIO foundry Hefei Jianghuai Manufacturing Plant stopped production for 5 days, affecting the production of at least 500-1000 vehicles.

  Li Bin admitted that due to the impact of the supply chain (chips and batteries), NIO’s monthly production capacity of 7,500 vehicles is also under pressure.

  It is worth noting that NIO, one of China’s "three heroes of new energy vehicle manufacturing", is still in a state of heavy losses. NIO’s current situation is that, on the one hand, the production capacity is constrained by the shortage of chips, and the operating pressure is overwhelmed by the haze; on the other hand, the car manufacturing track is already crowded with Internet bosses who "show their muscles", and the competition drama can be imagined. 

  NIO, whose share price once fell to the "delisting red line" of $1, has just "come back to life" from the brink of danger, but the pressure it faces has not eased. Under the dilemma of "internal and external troubles", how can Li Bin and NIO break through the dilemma of "profitability difficulty"?

  Under the gamble, the gross profit margin turned positive, and the huge loss was still "leading" the new car-making forces 

  NIO is the company with the highest monthly delivery volume of "new car forces". In February this year, its delivery volume was 5578 vehicles, which was 2.4 times that of Li Auto, which is also a new car force, and 2.5 times that of XPeng Motors. It ranked among the top ten luxury car sales and once surpassed luxury car companies such as Land Rover and Porsche.

  However, before April 2020, NIO was on the verge of "dying" due to its high debt.

  As we all know, the delivery volume of the automobile industry is equal to the sales volume. It stands to reason that as the company with the largest monthly sales volume, the profit should be the largest. But this is not the case. Although NIO leads China’s new energy vehicle industry by its own sales and is dubbed "China Tesla", the continuous loss and the reality of "selling one at a loss" once caused NIO’s share price to fall to the "delisting red line" of $1.

  Just as Li Bin and his NIO were struggling, the Hefei Municipal Government and the 7 billion reached a gambling agreement with NIO.

  The agreement stipulates that NIO will invest in the acquisition and establishment of NIO China, requiring NIO China to generate revenue of 14.80 billion yuan in 2020, 120 billion yuan in 2024, and list 6-8 new models, and achieve total revenue of 420 billion yuan from 2020 to 2025.

  The money brought by this bet saved NIO in times of crisis, but this step-by-step implementation and batch arrival requirements and agreements also made Li Bin and his NIO dare not slack in the slightest.

  From the financial report released by NIO, there are many bright spots in NIO’s financial report in 2020. NIO’s total revenue in 2020 reached 16.258 billion (RMB, the same below), an increase of 107.8% year-on-year; among them, the gross profit margin rose from -7.4% in Quarter 1 to 17.2% in the fourth quarter, and the annual gross profit margin for the whole year was 11.5%. This is the first time that NIO has turned positive after being listed for three years.

  But even so, NIO’s full-year net loss in 2020 was as high as 5.304 billion, and the 11.295 billion of losses compared to 2019 was significantly narrowed, but it was still a reality that NIO was not profitable.

  Compared with Li Auto, which is the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, Li Auto’s annual revenue in 2020 was 9.461 billion, an increase of 3231.33% year-on-year, and the loss was only 152 million; NIO’s revenue was 1.3 times the ideal, but the loss was 35 times!

  Under the background of obtaining local government investment 7 billion, NIO has achieved a significant increase in revenue and a positive gross profit margin, which is a seemingly bright "answer sheet". In theory, NIO can increase profits as long as it increases delivery, thereby reducing losses and achieving profitability. However, judging from NIO’s current core shortage dilemma and further planning in 2021, the outlook for NIO to achieve profitability is not optimistic.

  Is the high cost pushing the "power exchange model" 42.50 billion cash flow enough to burn? 

  In early March, NIO announced that it currently has cash reserves 42.45 billion (including cash and cash equivalents, restricted currency cash, and short-term investments).

  Even if the funds are abundant, the amount of money Li Bin plans to "burn" is not small, judging from the new layout for 2021 announced by Li Bin at the earnings conference.

  Li Bin declared that in 2021, NIO plans to "improve the efficiency of the system", specifically, from research and development, sales, and the establishment of replacement stations and the improvement of the charging and replacement mode. Li Bin said that he plans to invest 5 billion research and development expenses in 2021, and build 20 new NIO centers and 120 NIO spaces; in addition, NIO still insists on the "replacement mode" different from Tesla’s charging mode, and plans to build more than 500 replacement stations and improve the charging mode in China in 2021, establishing 600 supercharging stations and 15,000 destination charging piles.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule believes that NIO’s power exchange model has a bright future. "Although the power exchange model is different from Tesla’s charging model, it has new opportunities."

  Zhang Shule said that because the benefits of the power exchange model are obvious, its charging speed is fast, and it can form an efficient turnaround rate of car "charging", which is far more convenient than the use of charging piles for electric vehicles to occupy parking spaces. It is also more suitable for the promotion of the core areas where parking spaces are tight and electric vehicle charging demand is high. "At present, the state has also increased its support in the field of new energy vehicles, and electric vehicles have entered a rapid popularization stage in China, so the power exchange model has a strong application prospect." 

  Although the outlook for the power swap model is promising, NIO’s path to profitability remains uncertain.

  Zhang Xiang, a member of MIIT’s new industrialization capacity building "Changfeng" plan, a think tank for new energy and intelligent connected automobile industry experts, told Investor Network that NIO’s power exchange model is the core competitiveness of the future. Because it provides users with new experiences and choices.

  "But the current power exchange is a loss, and it will still be in a state of loss in the next few years." Zhang Xiang believes that the main reason why NIO cannot make a profit is that the construction investment of the replacement station is too large, and the lack of NIO’s inventory makes the utilization rate of the replacement station not high enough to subsidize the investment profitably. Zhang Xiang said, "NIO can only sell cars if it wants to make a profit. By raising the price of vehicles, it can obtain high profits to make up for the loss."

  NIO’s goals are lofty and its vision is perfect, but the reality is very skinny: on the one hand, it does not follow the popular route and adheres to the high-end market; on the other hand, in the face of a large number of losses, it also increases investment and insists on the development of the power replacement model.

  This could be said to be a dilemma for NIO. Although NIO’s losses narrowed in 2020, the main reason was the reduction in R & D investment and the construction of power station stations in 2020. If NIO wanted to make money, it had to "sell cars" in large quantities, but the cars it sold were only for the high-end market.

  Investor Network learned from NIO’s official website that the price of NIO’s models is more than 300,000 yuan. According to data from China Automotive Industry, NIO’s SUV ES8 surpassed BMW X5 for the first time in Shanghai in January 2021, becoming the first among medium and large SUV vehicles above 400,000. It can be said that as a car company, NIO can already rival traditional luxury car manufacturers such as "BBA (BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi) ".

  However, this "burning money" dilemma of "selling while losing money" makes it all the more difficult for NIO to turn a profit.

  Technology bosses get together to build cars NIO comparative advantage 

  The next trend in the internet is cars.

  According to the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) " document, the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 20% of the total sales of new cars in 2025. According to the statistics of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers in early January, the cumulative sales of our country’s automobile industry in 2020 were 2527.2 million, and the sales of new energy vehicles were 1.367 million.

  If the total sales of new cars in 2025 is 25 million, it means that the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 5 million. From 1.30 million to 5 million This means that new energy vehicles will have great market demand, and the new trend of making money will naturally attract the pursuit of Internet bosses.

  Recently, Lei Jun led Xiaomi into the new energy vehicle industry, intending to open up a new world in the automotive industry. Previously, large Internet companies such as Baidu and Apple have announced their entry in a high-profile manner.

  Although NIO has seized the trend and become one of the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, it does not have a strong corporate background similar to Baidu and Xiaomi, and NIO is in the dilemma of lack of core and loss.

  Even so, Li Bin still seemed full of confidence. He said at the "WISE 2020 King of the New Economy" conference that NIO is not just a car company, but also a car-oriented community, a community that shares joy and grows together.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule told that although NIO has performed well in the field of domestic electric vehicles before, the main reason is the lack of strong competitors. However, with Baidu, Xiaomi and other Internet technology companies and various traditional car companies entering the new energy vehicles and even higher-dimensional smart cars, NIO’s future competitiveness will be greatly challenged.

  Zhang Shule believes that there will be a bubble in Internet car building, that is, the current artificial intelligence technology and vehicle to everything vehicle part are still in the exploratory stage, and it is inevitable that there will be PPT car building (that is, conceptual car building). However, with the technical background of Internet Tech Giants, there is no big problem for companies like Baidu and Xiaomi, because Internet companies have scientific and technological concepts, such as Baidu is to install "brains" for electric vehicles, and Xiaomi is a hardware retail distributor, forming a combination model to create cost-effective electric vehicles.

  Perhaps for NIO, finding a way to make a profit, get out of the loss dilemma, reach a gambling agreement, and avoid being acquired are the most practical problems it needs to solve urgently. (Produced by Thinking Finance) ■


Starway Eta Ursae Majoris goes to sea and goes to the west. High-end intelligence goes to the world | Steam cover

Steam potential Auto-First| Zhang Chi

History is a cycle. Zheng He’s voyage to the Western Ocean 600 years ago opened China’s eyes to the world and made the world know about China. Today, 600 years later, many industries in China have started a brand-new "voyage to the West".

For most of the past century, cars have been imported, and China people can only look up and follow them.

Taking the automobile industry revolution led by new energy and intelligence as an opportunity, China brand cars have an excellent time to change lanes and overtake.

In the first quarter of this year, China’s total automobile export volume reached a new high, surpassing Germany and Japan, and became the world’s first in export.

Chery, as a leader in China’s automobile export, recently created the column "See the World with Eta Ursae Majoris" by its high-end brand Xingtu, which made more overseas consumers know about China automobile and raised a strong sense of national pride in China people’s hearts. This overseas column created by Starway has created many firsts of the brand: driving a Chinese blue brand vehicle in the Middle East for the first time; The first China international live broadcast; The first outdoor international broadcast of Gobi Desert; The first outdoor international live broadcast of Kuwait Sea.

At present, the total exposure of the project has reached more than 900 million times, attracting more than 16 million user interactions, setting off a car boom in China overseas, and the charm of intelligent manufacturing in China has been greatly demonstrated.

Starway takes the domestic market as the cornerstone and the international market as the transition. The two main lines fight side by side, and the two potential energies empower each other. With the multi-dimensional cooperation of market and brand, it will create a different road for China brand to rise.

Change lanes, overtake and sail out to sea.

In the future, China brand will definitely be born into a world-class automobile brand, and this idea has sprouted in the minds of China autobots.

China brand cars have never stopped exploring the sea and brand promotion, and have made many rounds of attempts. It is common for them to fail and hit a wall.

The automobile industry chain and intelligent manufacturing system, which grew up with the automobile market in China, nourished the automobile brands in China. In 2023, the watershed event of China automobile going overseas has appeared. I still remember that the shock of 2,000 overseas friends and dealers gathered at the Chery booth at the Shanghai Auto Show in April showed Chery’s outstanding performance and strong atmosphere in overseas markets, and it was also a prelude for China automobile to become a world-class brand.

Why can China become the largest automobile exporter today, and China brand cars can be sold for more than 400,000 yuan? What is the logic behind it?

China brand has obvious advantages in new energy and intelligence at the time of new energy transformation and profound changes in the automobile industry. The market share of China brand in China market is over 50%, and the new energy penetration rate of autonomous passenger cars is also over 50%. In many market segments, China brand cars have begun to become the leader.

In 1908, Ford Model T led the first automobile industry revolution, and then Toyota’s lean production promoted the second automobile industry revolution. The third industrial revolution is already on the way.

In the global automobile industry chain, China brand has been doing dirty work for too long, and needs to share more harvest fruits. The revolution of the automobile industry will be an excellent time to reshuffle the cards and upgrade the brand of China.

Eta Ursae Majoris was born at the right time.

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Group, once compared Chery to Volkswagen and Starway to Audi. Yin Tongyue said: "Xingtu is the pinnacle of the brand pyramid of Chery Group, and it is a global high-end strategic brand of Chery facing the future layout. It must be duty-bound to lead Chery’s mission of technological breakthrough and brand promotion".

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is the first strategic product in Starway Development Phase 2.0, which bears the heavy responsibility of "market breakthrough, user breakthrough and brand breakthrough".

In fact, China’s automobile market is diversified, and the barrier for consumers to choose independent high-end products has gradually broken the ice. Behind it is the real improvement of the quality of China brand automobile products. More importantly, in terms of design, configuration and intelligence, China brand has crushed the joint venture brand. Even though the price has gone up, it still has a super high quality-price ratio.

Pre-sale in Eta Ursae Majoris is a highlight moment, with 12,900 pre-sale orders and 5,118 large users in a short time. Up to now, in Eta Ursae Majoris’s sales structure, four-wheel drive models account for 64%, which is the best-selling China car in the four-wheel drive version within 200,000 yuan, which further robs the joint venture brand of the right to speak on four-wheel drive pricing. Moreover, the portrait of users in Eta Ursae Majoris has also ushered in an upward leap, accounting for more than 70% of the purchases, more than half of which are joint venture luxury users, and 9% of users once owned BBA. These data indicate that there are a group of people in the market who dare to break the inherent cognition, be good at thinking and have the courage to choose China products, which is also an important foundation for Star Road and even China brand to form market breakthroughs and user breakthroughs.

Chery is partial to Starway, and all new technologies are the first to bring it. Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is the first product of Eta Ursae Majoris 2025 Laboratory’s scientific research achievements. It was born in M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, which won the special award of the third China Automobile Fengyun Festival by China Radio and Television General Station. It is the first product of this architecture and the first product put into production by a brand-new smart factory. Of course, Eta Ursae Majoris has lived up to expectations. It is a car with the brand positioning of "smart, trendy and energetic", which will effectively promote the landing of brand image and form a brand breakthrough.

150,000-200,000 yuan, the market is full of water and fish.

In addition to its excellent technology, it enjoys the advantage of equal rights in technology. In fact, Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic traditional energy passenger car market of 150,000-200,000 yuan is the second market segment. Among them, there are many well-known mainstream joint venture brands such as Tiguan L and CRV. Some people will say, why is Starway wrestling with them?

Design is the translator of the brand, and Starway Eta Ursae Majoris won the 16th American IDA Design Gold Award for its excellent appearance interpretation. IDA International Design Award is one of the four top industrial design awards in the world. In recent two years, the models that have the chance to win IDA Gold Award in the automobile field are basically ultra-luxury brands, and Starway can win the award of changing items, which represents the real rise of automobile design in China.

In fact, Starway has surpassed many joint venture brands in the sense of new energy in appearance, exquisite interior and driving quality of chassis. The flying fish super-sensing chassis adopted by it combines a series of advanced equipment, such as CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft Stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, intelligent brake-by-wire system, freewheeling steering system, etc. Many technologies are also difficult to see on 400,000-class vehicles. This chassis has truly achieved the luxury driving control quality of "starting without looking up, braking without nodding, turning without tilting, bumping without sprinkling water". In addition, with the functions of all-terrain technology system and all-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, the vehicle’s passability and ability to get rid of difficulties are ahead of the same level.

Moreover, 200,000 yuan can enjoy the co-driver’s queen’s seat, L2 driver’s assistance, Sony stereo and Qualcomm 8155 chip configuration, which is unimaginable in joint venture brands. With the luxury quality of 400,000 yuan, Eta Ursae Majoris launched a "luxury equal rights" campaign for 200,000 yuan SUVs on the market, which is the most cost-effective SUV within 200,000 yuan.

The sense of value is universal. Starway is replacing BBA in some overseas markets, and even "BBE" in some countries. Starway is one of the rare China brands whose overseas sales and prices are higher than domestic ones, and their excellent performance is positively affecting the cognition of domestic consumers. As the cornerstone of sales, domestic sales have made the star road stable and far-reaching. At present, Xingtu brand has formed a positive cycle, and it is forming a unique high-end model of its own brand through the efforts of domestic and international dual markets to build a brand upward.

Concept of steam potential: Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic and international dual kinetic energy has gradually become a new trend

Farmers who are simple and lack of ability will not lose their time in the world, and they will not lose their geographical position in the world. They will get people in harmony and never waste everything. 2,300 years ago, Xunzi, a great Chinese philosopher, told us that it is necessary to make the best use of the right time, the right place and the right people in order to succeed in business. China’s automobile brand is facing a golden opportunity of "harmony between the right time and the right people".

If China brand tried many rounds of brand promotion more than ten years ago, and even went out and hit a wall, it was a tuition fee that had to be paid. Then Eta Ursae Majoris’s voyage to the sea is more like Zheng He’s taking China’s tea and porcelain to other parts of the world 600 years ago, so that the world can appreciate China’s manufacturing and another understanding of automobiles. Eta Ursae Majoris and even Xingtu brand, driven by the dual kinetic energy of domestic and international markets, is becoming a new fashion of China brand cars.

The sales volume of M5 in Wenjie broke out, benefiting upstream suppliers such as Changying Precision.

  As one of the hottest models on the market at present, the M5 has been creating miracles since it was delivered in March this year.

  In March of this year, the M5, which was just delivered, got rid of 3045 sets of sales, ranking fifth in the mid-to-high-end electric SUV market of more than 200,000 units in that month, just ahead of Model Y, Li ONE, BYD Tang and Weilai ES6;

  In April this year, under the influence of the epidemic situation in COVID-19, the sales volume of M5 in the sector continued to climb, reaching 3,245 units, and it also rose to the third place in the middle and high-grade electric SUV market of more than 200,000 units in that month.

  In May of this year, the market sales of the M5 in Wenjie really broke out, with monthly sales exceeding 10,000 units, reaching 10,500 units, up by 273.97% year-on-year, and the delivery of a single model of innovative brand broke the fastest record of 10,000 units.

  One of the reasons why Wujie M5 has such an eye-catching market performance is that this model is the first car of AITO, a high-end brand jointly built by Celeste and Huawei. As a model jointly developed by Huawei and Celeste, AITO Wujie M5 is also the first car equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit. The core power comes from Huawei’s Drive ONE pure electric drive range extension platform, and the whole car is also deeply involved in R&D and manufacturing by Huawei.

  With the outbreak of M5, the related industrial chain enterprises will also usher in "spring".

  Recently, some media listed the supporting suppliers of M5 core components in the form of charts, including dozens of enterprises such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Changying Precision and Zhilv Technology, most of which are domestic manufacturers.

  According to the chart, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited mainly provides the battery CELL for Wujie M5, and Changying Precision provides the electric connection bus and the battery box for Wujie M5. It is estimated that the bicycle ASP will exceed 3,000 yuan.

  It is understood that in new energy vehicles, Changying Precision is not only a leading connector supplier in the industry, but also a leading manufacturer of power battery boxes. The lightweight all-aluminum structure pack box produced by the company can realize IP68 dustproof and waterproof, which is the "toon" purchased by various power battery enterprises.

  (This article is for reference only, does not constitute a basis for buying and selling, and the risk of entering the market is at your own risk. )


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The Tiggo 8 PLUS bought in line is worth more than Highlander!

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Give you the most needed decent test tiggo 8 PLUS 290T Evaluation Editor-Yu Shuo:

I can fully understand why this car is so popular, and it has shown great persuasiveness from configuration to test data. However, in terms of vehicle drivability, it is still difficult for me to give it a high score. In the final analysis, it is still the sentence "Cars are used for driving", which is my expectation for Chery’s future products.

Evaluation Editor-Zhang Yijia:

After the test drive of the Tiggo 8 PLUS, it gave me a great feeling. Personally, I think Chery knows the psychology of consumers in China very well, at least in terms of data performance and configuration, it can meet the needs of most consumers.

Evaluation editor:

Most of the results are better than the three popular SUVs of China brand tested before, especially the on-wheel power data, acceleration and braking results. However, its noise performance also exposes some shortcomings, and coupled with the moderate driving experience, this product still has many places to be further optimized.

Looking forward to the starting of U8/U9: Four motors are leading BYD to "take off"

After several months’ fermentation, the first million-level new energy hard-core off-road vehicle-U8, and the first million-level pure electric performance super-running vehicle-U9 officially ushered in the first launch, and the new brand’s "Easy Sifang" core technology was released simultaneously. From the perspective of consumers, these two cars not only broke the price ceiling of domestic products in the automotive field, but also represented domestic products in the field of new energy technology research and development and application, and reached a new global leading height.

Without much gossip, today we will focus on what new inspirations the core technology of "Easy Sifang" has for new energy technology innovation. And, two million-class new energy vehicles, how do you expect U8 to "reduce dimensions and attack" traditional hard-core off-road? Looking up at U9 how to subvert the imagination space of new energy super-running?

 ● "Easy Sifang" platform: four-motor four-wheel drive technology that subverts imagination

To correctly understand the "Easy Sifang" technology platform, we must first understand the driving mode of passenger cars. First of all, the fuel car, regardless of whether it is a front drive, a rear drive or a four-wheel drive, or a 6X6 car like AMG G63, is essentially an internal combustion engine that drives the wheels at the same time through the power distribution of the transmission mechanism. Unlike pure electricity, a motor represents an independent power source. At present, in active products, two-wheel drive is one motor (front or rear), and four-wheel drive is two motors (front+rear).

All the above is nonsense, but it is the basis of understanding the "easy quartet" technology platform. The platform will all use four independent motors (the front axle dual motors are an assembly, and the rear axle dual motors are an assembly), and the four wheels will be driven by the reducer, the half shaft and the universal joint respectively, so that each wheel will have its own steering, rotating speed and traction distribution (collectively referred to as four-wheel dynamics), which indicates that the electronic control system can independently control the wheels with higher freedom and accuracy, and the resulting function expansion and characteristic reconstruction are not the same for a fuel vehicle with a single power source.

For example, the traditional four-wheel drive system of a fuel vehicle requires the transfer case (or central differential) and the front/rear differential to transmit the power from the transmission to the front and rear wheels, and the more comprehensive the four-wheel drive, the more hardware modules are needed, including low-speed creep, tank U-turn, front and rear differential lock and so on. However, the four-motor-driven four-wheel drive system can fully realize these functions without complicated transmission-locking mechanism. For example, in the face of the theoretical special scene of "three wheels suspended", the traditional four-wheel drive must lock all the front/middle/rear differential locks to ensure traction, while the four-motor drive only needs to provide power output to the motor with adhesion.

At the same time, the structural redundancy of the traditional four-wheel drive system also greatly reduces the perception speed and accuracy of the whole vehicle, because it takes response time from the electronic control to the execution of the mechanical system, and the more complex the structure, the more so, which we usually call hysteresis. However, the four-motor drive has no power distribution mechanism at all, even the clutch and transmission. The power output by the motor directly goes to the wheels through the reducer and half shaft, and the response speed is millisecond. This not only has accurate vector control for the traction of the vehicle at high speed (similar to overspeed vector four-wheel drive), but also can make the other three wheels control the vehicle forward with more reasonable traction through special electronic control execution program, thus ensuring the stability of the vehicle. You can understand it as a "three-wheel drive mode" specially prepared for tire puncture.

 ● Looking up at U8 & Looking up at U9: New Enlightenment of Off-road Vehicle & Super-running

So specific to the product level, what are the "outrageous" technical applications and special functions of looking up at U8 and U9 from the "Easy Sifang" technology platform?

First of all, in terms of parameters, the official data show that the maximum power of a single motor of this electric drive system is 220-240kW, the maximum torque is 320-420Nm, and the maximum rotation speed is 20500rpm. The torque amplification after passing through the reducer is undoubtedly amazing. The acceleration time of 0-100km/h on looking up U8 is 3s, and 2s+ "breaking a hundred" can be achieved on super-running U9. After all, the book data is already above 1100 horsepower, and the power is no longer a short board that limits the acceleration ability.

Then look up at U8, which is a hard-core off-road vehicle built on a non-load-bearing body. From the chassis structure, we can see that the dual motor modules on the front and rear axles and the blade batteries on the chassis are directly installed on the longitudinal beam, which is completely different from the Tang EV with a load-bearing body. In addition, the platform also supports hybrid expansion, that is, an internal combustion engine can be installed above the front axle. Although the details are not clear for the time being, my personal guess is that it should be the extended range mode. For this four-motor four-wheel drive, it is of little significance to drive the whole engine directly.

As for the necessary functions of hard-core off-road vehicles, thanks to the independent control attributes brought by four motors, it is hoped that U8 can get out of trouble by "one leg" even if three wheels are suspended, because TA does not have to consider the idling problem caused by differential (4H/4L, crawling mode and three locks are all floating clouds).

On this basis, looking up at U8, there are many very hard-core function extensions, such as "genuine tanks turn around". The traditional hard-core off-road tank turns around by locking the wheel on one side into a circle and turning the wheel on the other side, which is different from looking up at U8. TA can turn the left and right wheels in the opposite direction, thus turning around the center of the vehicle. In principle, as long as the space is slightly longer than 5 meters (actually, it should be the diagonal length of the vehicle), it can directly turn around in circles, which is exactly the same as the tank with crawler.

In addition, we know that the three-electric system of pure electric vehicle does not need to be powered by intake air (oxygen) and gasoline combustion like the internal combustion engine, so the whole power system can be completely closed; At the same time, the structure of the non-load-bearing car allows the body-in-white part to be highly closed. Therefore, the cockpit airtightness reaching IP68 level is also applied to this U8, and even the emergency floating ability can be obtained by virtue of the four-wheel independent vector control function, which is an unimaginable function of fuel vehicles.

After looking up at U8, let’s take a look at the super sports car endowed by the "Easy Sifang" platform-what unique BUFF do you look up to U9?

For supercars, the most important test for manufacturers is the traction control in high-speed state, which is undoubtedly a natural advantage for four-motor four-wheel drive. For example, when dealing with high-speed right corners, traditional sports cars need complex and efficient electronic control actuators to realize the overspeed of the left wheel, that is, vector four-wheel drive. It is much simpler to look up at U9, and this function can be realized only by accurately controlling the left and right wheel motors. Even if there is no steering system, vector steering can be realized by the motor. After all, it is ok to turn around in place, and vector steering is the basic operation.

In addition, U9 also has "Sao operation" in the braking system. In addition to the brake discs and calipers on four wheels, the electric drive system can also achieve active braking at the electric drive level through positive and negative electric control torque output. Even, you can achieve a braking distance of less than 40m and an agile steering ability of less than 12m while the steering gear and brakes are not working. You can understand it as "engine braking technology" on new energy vehicles.

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From dynasty series to ocean network, and now looking up to brands, automobiles show us the deep leap of enterprises from the leader of new energy vehicles to the leader of new energy technologies. In particular, the four-motor four-wheel drive technology brought by the "Easy Sifang" platform is undoubtedly an inspiring thinking innovation for the electrification innovation of hard-core off-road and super sports cars. On the other hand, the success of looking forward to it represents the great victory of the "technology, industry and trade" route of contemporary China enterprises, and it is also the pillar of China manufacturing based on the future.

Full of stamina! The new style of Starway Chasing the Wind appeared in 4S shop, and M38T was officially named "Eta Ursae Majoris" in Chinese.

For Chery, Xingtu brand is a second venture. Before that, Ruiqi high-end brand was launched, but it ended in snow storage. For Chery, Xingtu brand, which started a second venture, naturally cannot be allowed to fail. This time, it learned a lesson, took SUV as the breakthrough point, and gradually spread. Although the sales volume was not very bright, it was a step by step to continuously improve the existing models. At the same time, its 2.0 strategy was officially launched. The Atlanti X mass production concept car released at Chengdu Auto Show was M38T.(Pictures and texts shall not be used or reproduced without my permission)

Let’s take a look at the first car you can experience, that is, the brand-new car chasing the wind. The real car that arrived at the store only photographed the front end. Fortunately, the focus of the appearance change is really concentrated on the front end, mainly the front bumper part, which is very close to the grille of the Eta Ursae Majoris production version (that is, the model with the project number M38T), and of course it can’t be completely consistent. After all, chasing the wind is the nature of later follow-up, and Eta Ursae Majoris is the original design. Just chasing the wind means that the production car directly modifies the exterior interior and adds a powertrain, so the listing speed is faster. From this, it is judged that the subsequent Lingyun/Lingyun S and Lanyue may move closer to this style. Of course, this is only a logical judgment based on the unification of family modeling, which does not represent official information.

The interior is very surprising, which is much more eye-catching than the previous test car. The blue, white and black three-color matching scheme is enabled, especially the white part in the middle is very eye-catching. The whole interior is basically the same as that of Tiggo 8Pro and Oumengda except for the steering wheel (exactly the same as that of Eta Ursae Majoris) and the shift interface modification. In addition, the air outlet of the through air conditioner and the trim panel edge of the door buckle are all equipped with orange decorative lines, which makes the whole interior atmosphere look relatively younger.

At the same time, there was also a fully blackened interior. The seat and the auxiliary instrument panel have been able to see the idea of full blackening. At the same time, pay attention to the shape of the chair surface. It is not the version on the previous test car, and it is exactly the same as the new generation of Tiggo 7Plus seats exposed at the Chengdu Auto Show. It seems that this seat will also be fully promoted. Of course, the chair surface itself is slightly different. Personally, consumers can choose all-black and blue-and-white color matching interiors. After all, everyone has different tastes, which does not mean that all-black interiors are available.

There is no suspense in terms of power. At present, there are three fuel versions of 230T(1.5TCI engine), 300T(1.6TGDI deep gantry version) and 400T(2.0TGDI engine) declared in the catalogue. As for whether ET-i will continue on the new model, there is no official hammer at present, so I won’t do too much speculation here. In theory, it should be all switched, and the rest is the official listing time. At present, there is no official information disclosure, but the possibility of this year is very great. Otherwise, it is too early for the real car to appear in the 4S shop (it is stated that this is not a production car to the store, this is the Star Road 4S shop around Wuhu headquarters, which should be passing by).

The line of sight turns back to Chengdu Auto Show. Just a few hours ago, Starway officially released the official Chinese naming of M38T, named "Eta Ursae Majoris", which is the production version of the Eta Ursae Majoris concept car at the Shanghai Auto Show. But to be honest, the difference is too big, so it can only be said that it is a continuation of the naming, and the style still depends on the Atlanti X production concept car unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show. Because the author is not on the scene, I am quite curious why it says "Please pay attention to the appearance in September" on the background screen. It’s already the end of August, so is there any official activity in September? Will the official mass-produced Eta Ursae Majoris model be exposed?

Previously, the CDC adjustable suspension photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 (that is, Tiggo 9) platform was finally officially hammered. Although it was mentioned by M38T, the two platforms shared, and there were spy photos of the real vehicle, it can be confirmed that the follow-up Chery high-end models will follow up one after another, not only the Star Road brand can be used. As for the double hydraulic suspension mentioned later, the entity spy photos were also photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 platform. Combined with the stable handling of the original M3X Pro Mars architecture, Star Road

Another focus is the new generation of power technology. From the perspective of the chassis on the far right, it is obviously a plug-in hybrid version. Indeed, the official information of the plug-in hybrid version and the extended range version was mentioned before the mass production car in Eta Ursae Majoris. It can be clear that the chassis layout is close to that of the Tiggo 8Plus Kunpeng e+, but the size and specifications of the battery pack seem to be expanded, indicating that the pure electric cruising range can be increased further.

After enlarging the picture, there are two pieces of information worthy of attention, all of which are related to the transmission link. The first is the hybrid version, and the effective thermal efficiency exceeds 43% (this part is very important, and many propaganda mentions theoretical thermal efficiency, even 50% of the thermal efficiency dares to shout out, which is really not afraid of the wind). This is obviously for the new plug-in hybrid version, followed by the 3DHT hybrid special transmission. It is mentioned that the power is greater than 165K w and the rim torque is greater than 4000Nm. If nothing else, at least the speculation of 3DTH is correct. Yesterday, I just mentioned the relevant information of Chery’s three 1-speed DHT hybrid special transmissions. At that time, it was analyzed that 3DT may be exclusive to models like Starway, and the cost is slightly higher, but it is consistent with its positioning. It is said that some spare parts manufacturers have been informed that the 1DHT130 transmission may be enabled in the Tiggo 8 series.

The most eye-catching thing is the appearance of the 8AT transmission. Before that, the author only photographed the full moon 8AT test vehicle, and it was filmed once. Later, Chery officially showed the physical prototype of the 8AT, but it is not yet clear whether the 8AT transmission mentioned by Eta Ursae Majoris is self-produced or purchased. The key is that there is no mass production schedule of the 8AT, so we can’t make a corresponding judgment, and we can only wait for the subsequent official to reveal the answer, at least for now.

Starting from 88,800 yuan, how does King Kong Gun stir the low-end pickup market?

  Original title: Starting from 88,800 yuan, how does King Kong Gun stir the low-end pickup market?

  "Thanks toThe high self-sufficiency rate of spare parts and the supply chain crisis such as chips have little impact on the Great Wall pickup truck. Zhang Hao Bao, CEO of Great Wall Motor pickup brand, told Time Finance.

  Recently, Great Wall Motor’s commercial pickup king kong gun was officially listed. It is reported that the car provides two kinds of power, gasoline and diesel, and there are many different versions of two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive. The gasoline model starts at 88,800 yuan and the diesel model starts at 95,800 yuan.

  "King Kong cannon is a strategic model of the Great Wall pickup truck, which is of great significance." Zhang Hao Bao, CEO of Great Wall Motor pickup brand, told Time Finance at the Guangdong linkage listing conference held on April 7th.

  Source | Great Wall Motor official website

  Some insiders said that from the perspective of the pricing and product strength of King Kong Gun, Great Wall Gun has high hopes for this car. In addition to refreshing its past brand impression, it also wants to subvert the domestic pickup market segment.

  Different from the previous pickup truck shape, the appearance of King Kong Gun is more fashionable and the overall recognition is stronger. Its front face adopts a honeycomb air intake grille, and the periphery is decorated with thick chrome trim strips, so the overall temperament is tough. The details such as the waistline and front and rear wheel eyebrows make the new car more exquisite.

  "King Kong Gun focuses on creating a core label that is solid, durable, economical and convenient." Previously, the top management of the Great Wall pickup truck once said. King Kong Cannon has three kinds of containers: standard box, long box and flat bottom. The long box model has a 1.82-meter super-large container, and at the same time, details such as low cargo platform and container lighting are added. The turning diameter of 11.9 meters makes the new car more flexible in turning and turning around. In addition to the flat box model, the functions such as the cargo box light that can be turned on by the center console button, the car system that supports FOTA upgrade, the 360 panoramic image, the whole car radar and tire pressure monitoring also make the King Kong gun more practical and functional.

  In terms of power, the King Kong Gun is equipped with a power combination of 2.0T+6MT, the GW4C20B gasoline engine is mature and reliable, with a peak torque of 360N·m, and the high-power version of GW4D20M diesel engine has a peak torque of 400 N m.. On April 7th, when Time Finance tried to ride the King Kong Gun, it was found that the noise of its powertrain was low, and the performance of the King Kong Gun was not bad in terms of road feeling and vibration filtering.

  Source | Great Wall Motor official website

  Some insiders said that with the product strength and pricing of King Kong Gun, it may have a good market performance in the future. It is worth mentioning that, as the leader of the domestic pickup truck market, the Great Wall pickup truck sold 233,000 vehicles in 2021, including 43,599 overseas vehicles, up 119% year-on-year. Previously, Cui Xiaohui, general manager of the Great Wall pickup truck brand, revealed that "the goal of the Great Wall pickup truck in 2025 is to achieve 500,000 vehicle sales, ranking among the top three pickup truck sales in the world".

  "Thanks to the high self-sufficiency rate of parts of Great Wall Motor, the impact of supply chain crisis such as chips on Great Wall pickup trucks is not great." Zhang Hao Bao told Time Finance that in terms of pickup truck policy, Great Wall pickup truck also cooperated with China Automobile Association, Passenger Association and pickup truck friends to promote the introduction of new pickup truck standards, prepare for the establishment of pickup truck association and promote the lifting of pickup truck policy. According to statistics, at present, more than 70% cities in China have relaxed the restrictions on pickup trucks entering the city.

How to choose Haval Xiaolong/Xiaolong MAX? Competing for the "cognitive third place" in the new energy market

New image, new weather, super intelligent Haval Xiaolong MAX

When it comes to the Great Wall Haval, everyone must think of many SUV models, such as Big Dog, Beast, H6 and so on, which are all very good sales models in the Haval brand. However, the Haval Snapdragon MAX we tested this time is not quite the same.

Let me tell you about the identity of this car first. Haval Snapdragon is a brand-new single product under the Haval brand, which is not in the same sales network as the previous models sold by Haval, and adopts the mode of sub-network sales. That is to say, Haval Snapdragon has its own 4S store and sales network, and has its own brand-new image. At present, there are two models of Haval Snapdragon, namely Haval Snapdragon MAX and Haval Snapdragon. Today, we test drive Haval Snapdragon MAX.

It’s not hard to see that it still has the shadow of the Great Wall series, but the whole design concept is completely different. Haval Snapdragon MAX is inspired by fighter planes and adopts a minimalist design style, which makes the body more integrated. The air intake grille adopts lattice diffusion design, which not only ensures practicality but also does not destroy the overall aesthetic feeling.

In terms of body size, Haval Snapdragon MAX has a length, width and height of 4758*1895*1725mm and a wheelbase of 2800mm, which has reached the leading level in the same class. The design of the rear of the car is full of three-dimensional sense. Many components, including the taillights, are geometrically multi-faceted. A large number of black decorations are applied to the bumper below, and the exhaust is hidden.

The design inside the car is even more eye-catching. From left to right, it adopts a penetrating display design, which consists of a 12.3-inch full-color LCD central control screen+a 12.3-inch full-color LCD auxiliary driving screen+a 12.3-inch full-color LCD instrument. The three screens will not interfere with each other, and can also support four-screen linkage. As for the fourth screen, it is the huge W-HUD head-up display in front of the car, and the vehicle driving data and navigation information will be projected on the windshield.

Moreover, the display effect of these three screens is very delicate, which is better than that of Apple’s tablet computer. The response speed is very sensitive, and it supports voice control. Moreover, the response speed of voice control is very fast, and chatting with the co-pilot will not be followed, which can accurately identify voice commands.

There are as many as 32 storage spaces in the whole vehicle, and there are two storage platforms in the middle of the console, one of which supports wireless charging of mobile phones. The design of changing the handle into a bosom block not only saves space, but also makes the operation more convenient. Haval Snapdragon MAX also comes with the latest coffee intelligent system of Great Wall, and the top model has 22 sensors, which supports L2+ intelligent driving assistance.

One of the biggest highlights of the power is that it is equipped with the newly developed Hi4 four-wheel drive system of Great Wall Motor, which adopts the peak-level brand-new power technology and is the first vehicle equipped with a brand-new hybrid architecture Hi4. The whole power system consists of a 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and two front and rear drive motors, which are matched with a 2-speed DHT hybrid special gearbox. The comprehensive power of the system is 205kW, and the comprehensive torque is 585 N m. It takes only 6.8 seconds to accelerate at zero speed.

Hi4, a new hybrid architecture, adopts the innovative configuration of series-parallel electric four-wheel drive with two motors at the front and rear axles to realize intelligent dynamic switching of three engines and nine modes, which can cope with most road conditions in China. In bad weather such as rain and snow, it can also play a very high dynamic stability by matching the front and rear motors.

Haval Xiaolong MAX and NEDC have a pure electric cruising range of 105km, the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 1.78L/100km, and the fuel consumption of WLTC feed is as low as 5.5L/100km. The battery is designed with laminated bipolar ears, and the anode of the battery cell is made of NCM polycrystalline material, which makes the power battery have stronger fast charging ability. It has 33kW DC fast charging, and the power is from 30% to 80%, and the fast charging takes only 26 minutes.

Therefore, Haval Snapdragon MAX really gives you a brand-new feeling, new power, new design and new intelligent system. The spatial performance is also excellent in the same level, and at the same time, it has three core technologies: coffee intelligence, coffee smart driving and new hybrid architecture Hi4, which greatly increases the competitiveness of products. It is expected to be listed in mid-May, and interested friends can enter the store for test drive. However, the official claims that Haval Snapdragon owns "four-wheel drive experience, two-wheel drive price, four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive energy consumption". How much do you guess this car will sell?

For more test drive experience, please check out the video: Han Gongzi Driving Road | Test Drive Xiaolong Max: "HI4" Tamping the electric four-wheel drive to carry out the people-friendly to the end.

Equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system, Qin L Beijing Auto Show was officially unveiled.

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Niuche. com learned from BYD officials that BYD’s new compact car, Qin L, will officially meet with consumers at the Beijing Auto Show on April 25, and the new car will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system. It is understood that the price of the new car will be around 120,000 yuan.

In design, BYD Qin (parameter picture) L adopts the latest family design of "New Country Tide and Beauty Aesthetics", which is younger and more refined visually. The interior of the huge middle net adopts dot matrix design, and the grille on both sides stretches the width of the whole front face. At the same time, the headlights of the new car are very sharp and connected by light strips, which is visually very scientific and technological.

The side line of the new car runs from the headlights to the back door, and the B-pillar and C-pillar are designed in a hidden way, combined with the slip-back design, which makes the whole car younger. At the same time, the new car is equipped with multi-frame wheels, which is more visually sporty. In terms of vehicle size, the length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm, 1900mm and 1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm. Compared with Qin PLUS currently on sale (length, width and height: 4765/1837/1495mm, wheelbase: 2718mm), Qin L is larger as a whole.

At the rear of the car, the new car adopts a penetrating taillight group, and the rear enclosure is also treated in a sporty style. It is worth mentioning that the tail of the new car is also equipped with a luminous "BYD" English logo. In terms of car body color matching, BYD Qin L will provide four car body colors: Bingpo Green, Jianyao Purple, Runyu White and Tea Crystal Grey.

In terms of interior, Qin L adopts the latest design concept of the family, which is visually simpler and more layered. The interior of the three-position multi-function steering wheel is decorated with brown elements, which looks good. The full LCD instrument panel is embedded in the central control panel, and the 15.6-inch central control large screen supports rotation. At the same time, it is equipped with DiLink intelligent network connection system, which supports functions such as customized navigation in Gaode, karaoke function, Himalayan music, cool me/cool dog music, BYD market, car WeChat/Tik Tok and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the new car does not completely cancel the physical buttons. The physical buttons such as start, driving mode, air conditioning control and volume adjustment are integrated around the new BYD Heart crystal ball head shift lever, which is convenient for users to operate quickly.

In terms of power, Qin L will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology, in which the maximum power of the 1.5L engine is 74kW and the maximum power of the motor is 160kW. The new car is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery from Fudi, Zhengzhou. The battery provides 15.874kWh and 10.08kWh for consumers to choose, and the corresponding pure electric cruising range is 90km and 60km respectively. It is understood that the comprehensive battery life of the new car can reach 2000km.