Can you tell these derivative models of the F-35 from the "Lightning II" family?

  According to the report of Flight International on April 16th, the US Navy and Marine Corps successfully completed the first test of the concept of "lightning carrier". Twenty F-35B fighters with short take-off and vertical landing took off from the US Navy "Tripoli" amphibious assault ship to perform fast-paced operations.

  The concept of "Lightning Carrier" was formally put forward in 2016, based on the existing "F-35B vertical takeoff and landing aircraft+amphibious assault ship" model of the US military. The name of "Lightning" in the concept comes from the F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, and F-35B is just one of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) models.

  F-35 "Lightning II" Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is a single-seat single-engine multi-role fighter and a low-order auxiliary aircraft of F-22. It has strong stealth capability, advanced avionics system and certain supersonic cruise capability, and is mainly used for frontline support, target bombing, air defense interception and other tasks. It is divided into three types: conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL)F-35A, short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL)F-35B and carrier-based (CV)F-35C. Undoubtedly, in the future competition for air superiority, F-35, as one of the world’s advanced fifth-generation aircraft, has a very high photogenic rate. So how do you distinguish them in appearance?


  plane emblem/logo

  The F-35 "Lightning II" Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) was mainly developed by Lockheed Martin of the United States, and eight countries including Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Turkey, Australia and Canada participated in the development, with a total cost of $276 billion.

  In addition to R&D abroad, South Korea, Japan and Israel also vigorously purchased the F-35 to enhance the overall air combat capability. Therefore, according to the current data, a total of 12 countries have decided to equip the F-35:

  According to the above picture, there is Israel’s Star of David emblem above the wing, which is an F-35A. (Architecture A, called F-35I, shows the F-35A fighter equipped by Israel Air Force. )



  The U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps are equipped with three types of F-35 fighters, which are not a panacea according to their badges. If it is an F-35 equipped by the US military itself, it can be roughly distinguished by the characters in the belly position below the horizontal tail:

  1. Symbol of the United States Air Force (F-35A of the United States Air Force)

  2.NAVY (F-35C of the US Navy)

  3.MARINES (The United States Marine Corps purchased two models, F-35B and F-35C).

  In addition, there are several F-35Cs in the US Navy that also say "MARINES". But what should I do if I can’t see the military emblem or characters from the photo point of view? This uses the "shape resolution method".


  wing span

  Both F-35A and F-35B have a wingspan of 10.7 meters, while F-35C adopts a large wingspan design to reduce the landing speed, and the wingspan is increased to 13.1 meters and can be folded, which is the largest of the three sub-models.


  nose gear

  In order to withstand the impact of the ship, the F-35C has thickened the front landing gear, and changed from the basic single-wheel landing gear to the two-wheel landing gear, and the front landing gear has the unique ejection pull rod of the ejection take-off fighter. The following figure shows F-35A, F-35B and F-35C in turn.


  Landing tail hook

  The landing of the F-35C needs to be stopped, and a repeatedly used stern hook is equipped under the engine. Although the F-35A will also be equipped with crash landing tail hook, it is currently testing the tail hook crash landing, and even if it is installed, it will be one-off.



  The leading edge of the main wing of the F-35C is moved forward to increase the wing area, which leads to the strake wing in both the F-35A and the F-35B, but it is cancelled on the F-35C. The following figure shows F-35A, F-35B and F-35C in turn.



  F-35B is a short takeoff/vertical takeoff and landing type. Due to the special requirements of takeoff and landing mode, the engine of this type adopts a lift fan device. When viewed from the top, the rear of the cockpit is flat, and the upper cover of the lift fan and the cover plate of the auxiliary air inlet will open upward during the takeoff and landing.


  Machine gun

  The F-35A is the only one of the three sub-models, which adopts the built-in gun design and is equipped with a GAU-22/A four-tube 25mm gatling built-in gun. Therefore, there is an obvious protrusion on the front upper part of the left wing of the fuselage, which is a remarkable feature of the A-type aircraft. F-35B and F-35C are not equipped with fixed cannon, so it is enough to mount the cannon pod on the belly line when necessary.


  Verifier, test aircraft and

  Low speed initial production aircraft

  The test aircraft and the initial low-speed production F-35 are usually numbered on the fuselage. For example, before the mass production of the F-35A, the aircraft fuselage numbers AA-01, AF-01 to AF-07 were even directly marked with F-35A, all of which contained "A"; F-35B has BF-01 to BF-04 with "B" in them; F-35C has CF-01 to CF-05 before the first mass-produced CF-06, all with "C".

12-year-old children send 5-year-old children to the police station.

At 19 o’clock on February 21,

A boy in his early teens.With a little boy of four or five years old.

Came to Zhanyi Public Security Bureau

Jinlong police station duty room

Tell the police

"Uncle, this child is lost."

The police know the situation and know that

The big boy’s surname is Han

It’s Xiping Primary School in Zhanyi District.

A sixth-grade student

See this little boy in the street.

Standing alone in the street crying

Go forward and ask.

I learned that the little boy and grandma got lost when they went to the street.

He took him to the police station.

Hope the police uncle.

Can help the little boy find his grandmother

The police immediately gave a verbal praise to Xiao Han.

After seeing off Han provided.

The police brought oranges for the little boy.

And played a game with him.

After the little boy’s mood stabilized,

Information about him and his family

It was also successfully "set out" by the police.

The little boy’s surname is Dong.

I am five years old this year.

When I was working with my grandmother from Kirin to Zhanyi

Get separated in the street

The police then contacted the child’s family.

in a moment

The father of the child rushed to the police station.

After confirming the identity

The police handed the child over to his father.

After subsequent understanding

During the winter vacation

After school starts.

The police station and school will praise Xiao Han.


After 11 years of running, I have these six insights.

The longer you run, the more you can feel. Running can make people feel free and liberated, release the pressure and tension of the body, and make people’s emotions relaxed and relaxed.

In the process of running, people canThinking and reflectionThis is one of the reasons why many runners love running. Running can make people jump out of the daily chores, precipitate their thinking, and meditate on their own life, work, interpersonal relationships and other issues. Especially in the process of running for a long time, the body will enter an automatic state, and the brain will have more space to reflect and think.

It has been about eleven or twelve years since I started running. With the increase of running time, running not only changes my body, but also slowly I find that many concepts are changing, and many concepts are even quite different from those when I started running.

Enjoy the running process more and more

Running, like any other skill, takes time and experience to master. It’s true that I just started the ordeal of running, and I can’t talk about enjoying it.

But when you keep running, you will gradually improve your skill level, so that you can more easily enter the state of "enjoying" loudly and experience more fun and sense of accomplishment.

In addition, the positive impact of running on physical and mental health also makes meEnjoy running more.. For example, running can release chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine, which can improve mood and happiness.

Running is an exercise with long-term benefits. When we insist on running, we will enjoy this process better and get more sense of accomplishment and motivation from it, which will make you stronger, healthier and more confident.

Patience is very important in running.

First of all, in running, it is difficult to see rapid and significant progress in a short time. However, if you can persist and be patient and gradually adapt to running, you will find that your skills and physical fitness are slowly improving. Since running is a long-term exercise form, when you accumulate experience and persist,Patience becomes one of the keys to success..

Secondly, some difficulties need to be overcome in running, such as external environment, climate change and personal fatigue. When you can be patient and solve difficulties, your self-confidence and perseverance will be significantly improved.

Patience is also needed in training and competition, which includes full preparation, planning your own plan and keeping calm. If you are anxious and lack rational thinking, you may be mobilized too early in the competition or training, and you will not achieve your best performance. Maintaining a patient, stable and positive attitude is the key to achieving the best results.

In a word, running needs long-term investment, hard training and high self-discipline. On the road of running, having patience can help you stick to it and overcome unexpected things and difficulties.

The process of running is as important as the result.

When you start running, you will pay more attention to the process objectives of running, such as your skills, posture and breathing during running, and optimize your performance according to these. By improving your running skills, you can improve your running efficiency and make running more relaxed and comfortable. By paying attention to the process goal, you can enjoy the running process and feel happy during the exercise.

Beginners usually set some goals in order to persist in running, such as completing a 5-kilometer running plan. Running distance is one of the easiest criteria for beginners to measure their progress. They will gradually improve their endurance and running speed, and constantly challenge longer distances and higher difficulties.

When you have some running experience, you will pay more attention to the result goal.For example, they will pursue higher speed and better performance, and pay attention to quantitative indicators such as competitive ranking or running performance. Will pay more attention to their own skills and training methods in order to achieve better performance and higher ranking, such as participating in marathons or other competitive exercise programs.

Although it is very important to achieve these goals, paying too much attention to the outcome goals will make you ignore many successful experiences in the process and lead to excessive anxiety and loss.

Runners at each stage have different concerns in running, because their goals and experience levels are different. When running, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they complement each other.

When you gradually optimize your performance by paying attention to the process goal and achieve the result goal, you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment and motivation, so that you can keep exercising for a longer time.

Therefore, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they should be balanced during running.

I prefer jogging now.

When you run for a long time or have formed a stable habit, you will prefer jogging.

As you get older and run longer,More and more people will find that jogging is a good way to relieve fatigue and restore physical strength.. In addition, jogging can also reduce the risk of injury and make sports healthier and safer.

An important benefit of jogging is that you can easily keep your training plan when you are easily tired or tired. When I run at a jogging speed, I have time to clear my mind, which is closely related, and I am immersed in the deep experience because of the abundant oxygen supply.

To a certain extent, slow running is really not as exciting as fast running. However, the most important thing in running is to enjoy the process and stick to it. No matter what form you insist on running, you can achieve the goal of pursuing exercise and health.

Therefore, if you like jogging and can keep the habit of running, it is a good choice to continue jogging.

Pay attention to the quality of running rather than the quantity.

In modern society, with the enhancement of people’s health awareness, running has become a widely popular fitness method. However, for many people, running is not only for health, but also a manifestation of competition and pursuit of higher achievements. Therefore, many people are obsessed with the quantity and speed of running and ignore the importance of running quality.

In fact, the quality of running includes not only the posture, breathing and rhythm of running, but also the meaning and purpose of running. Running should not only exist to achieve a certain goal, but should become a way of life and a way to enjoy life.

If we blindly pursue the quantity and speed of running, then we will easily fall into the burden of running and lose the happiness and pleasure brought by running itself. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running.Let running become a way to enjoy life, not a pressure and burden..

In the process of running, we can appropriately slow down the speed, slow down the breathing, and adapt our body and mind to the running process. At the same time, we can also pay more attention to the posture and breathing mode of running, so that running can become a process of relaxation and enjoyment.

Experienced runners will not run at all costs for the amount of running, nor will they force themselves to complete the 30-kilometer long-distance training under the condition of physical fatigue. Instead, they should suspend training when their state declines.

In a word, running should not be a burden, but a way to enjoy life. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running and make running a pleasant and happy lifestyle.

Running makes people more stable.

Running can not only exercise the body, but also exercise willpower and self-control. In the process of running, people need to overcome fatigue and discomfort and persist in completing the whole exercise process. This persistent spirit and self-control ability will also play an active role in daily life, making people more stable and firm.

Modern people have a fast pace of life and often feel pressure and anxiety. butRunning is a kind of exercise that can help people relieve stress and anxiety.. Through running, people can release the negative emotions accumulated in the body, and at the same time, they can promote the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine in the body, thus helping to improve their emotional state and mental health.

Running can make people feel physical strength and self-confidence, which helps to improve people’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Through running, people can gradually improve their running performance and enjoy the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction brought by sports, thus becoming more calm and confident psychologically.

In a word, running can improve people’s physical health, mental health and emotion. Long-term running can make people reflect and think better, gain a deeper understanding and improve their self-awareness and self-management ability.

What do you feel after running? Welcome to share!

The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry

  The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry | geography of overseas automobile market

  Xiao yisi

  "The market share of pure electric vehicles can only account for 30% at most, and the remaining market share will be occupied by hybrid vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and fuel vehicles." Recently, Akio Toyoda, chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation, once again "shelled" pure trams. He said that because of the lack of charging facilities, about 1 billion people in the world could not use electric vehicles, so a single pure electric vehicle could not provide transportation services for everyone.

  In addition, Akio Toyoda also said that giving up fuel vehicles and choosing electric vehicles should be decided by customers, not by policies or regulations.

  Judging from the recently released data, it seems that Toyota Motor is quite likely to win in this new and old energy dispute, and has made outstanding achievements in profitability, company market value and global sales. Take the company’s market value as an example. On the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  As a pearl of Japanese automobile industry, Toyota is almost the vane of the development of the whole Japanese automobile market. Completely different from the streetscape where various brands of electric vehicles are constantly shuttling in Shanghai, when the First Financial Reporter walks on the streets of Japan at the end of 2023, the chances of seeing new energy vehicles are very small, and even Tesla is close to disappearing here. Instead, K-car (ultra-small car with a displacement of no more than 0.66L) or Toyota Erffa, which are nicknamed "Old Man Le" and "grocery cart" in China market, can be seen everywhere.

  Here, it is obviously too early to talk about the end of the era of fuel vehicles. "It is no exaggeration to say that what Japanese cars were like when I first came to Japan 25 years ago, and what they are now, but the cars are new, and the consumption concept is still the same as before." Wang Li, chief operating officer of Hongqi Japan Experience Center, said in an interview with China Business News recently that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is very low, coupled with the low willingness of Japanese car companies to transform, never deliberately promoting electric vehicles and poor charging infrastructure.

  According to the data of Japan Automobile Sales Association Federation and Japan National Mini-car Association Federation, the sales of new cars (including mini-cars) in Japan reached 4.78 million in 2023, up 13.8% year-on-year, the first growth in five years, but it still failed to surpass the level before the epidemic in 2019. While the auto market is improving, the data released by Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, show that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is less than 3% in 2023, which is not only far lower than that in China and Europe, but even lower than that in Canada, Mexico, South Korea and other countries.

  It is the low penetration rate of new energy vehicles that makes many car companies see opportunities in the Japanese market. Tesla and BYD have successively entered the "forbidden import area" of Japan. Previously, according to Japanese media reports, SAIC-GM-Wuling has also investigated the Japanese market, and there are plans to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. In 2023, the import of pure electric vehicles by foreign car companies in Japan exceeded 20,000 vehicles for the first time, reaching 22,890 vehicles, up nearly 60% year-on-year. Among the imported manufacturers, Tesla and BYD were among the top, while the pure electric vehicles imported by Japan just exceeded 10,000 vehicles in 2022.

  It is true that the quantity of imported pure electric vehicles is still very low compared with the annual automobile sales in Japan. It is still difficult to decide whether it will be a single spark that started a prairie fire or a fleeting meteor. Just as in the face of the changing trend of global car electrification, whether the Japanese domestic market and the whole automobile industry it has cultivated are the afterglow of the empire or the sober-up after everyone is drunk remains to be concluded.

  Automobile kingdom on internal combustion engine

  Although the Japanese automobile industry has a history of more than 100 years, the real story basically begins with Ford entering Japan.

  In 1925, Ford began to assemble the Ford Model T, which was popular all over the world, followed by General Motors and Chrysler, and came to Japan to set up companies to assemble and sell cars. In the following ten years, the embryonic Japanese automobile market was almost monopolized by the three major American automobile companies. However, American auto companies have also brought technology and manufacturing management experience to the Japanese auto market.

  Looking closely at the development history of Japanese automobile industry, the government’s protection policy is essential. In 1936, Japan promulgated the Automobile Manufacturing Law, which prohibited foreign automobile companies from entering Japan, and Ford and GM were forced to withdraw. However, Japanese local car companies are increasing day by day, and today’s global champion Toyota Motor was established in 1937.

  The early development of Japanese car companies was mainly based on imitation. Toyota’s early AA cars and SA cars were based on Chrysler Airflow and Volkswagen Beetle.

  In order to avoid the impact of imported cars from Europe and the United States, since 1951, the Japanese government has also set high tariff barriers on imported cars, while strictly prohibiting overseas capital from directly investing in the Japanese automobile industry. The protection policy is superimposed on the popularity of local automobile consumption brought by Japan’s economic prosperity. Since the 1960s, Japan’s automobile industry has risen rapidly, and the local sales volume has jumped from 400,000 vehicles in 1960 to 4 million vehicles in 1970, achieving a tenfold high-speed growth. In 1966, Japan’s automobile production surpassed that of Britain and squeezed into the top three positions in the world.

  The second take-off of Japanese cars benefited from two oil crises. In the 1970s, Japanese cars were not satisfied with the local market and began to expand overseas. At this time, it coincided with the soaring oil price, and the price of crude oil rose from $3.3/barrel in 1973 to $36.8/barrel in 1980. The economical and fuel-efficient characteristics of Japanese cars made them popular all over the world, and opened up the American market advocating high horsepower in one fell swoop. Coupled with the cost reduction brought by lean manufacturing, Japan’s total automobile output exceeded 11 million in 1980, surpassing the United States to become the largest automobile producer and exporter.

  Since then, in order to avoid trade friction and further reduce production costs, Japan has replaced the simple export trade model by setting up factories overseas to directly produce or assemble cars. By 2015, the overseas production scale of Japanese cars has reached 18.09 million, almost twice that of domestic 9.28 million.

  In Japan, the semiconductor and home appliance industries have not lagged behind one after another, and the automobile industry is very important to Japan. At present, it is the largest pillar industry in Japan, accounting for about 10% of Japan’s total GDP and 40%~50% of its industrial output value. There are 78 factories in 22 prefectures and counties in Japan, with more than 5.5 million related employees.

  At the same time, with the development of Japan’s automobile industry, the consumption concept that used to be proud of owning an American car has already changed. The Japanese auto market has become a "forbidden place to import", and over 90% of the local market share has been occupied by Japanese auto companies. In 2023, the top ten automobile sales in Japan were all Japanese brands, including Toyota, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Honda and Nissan, among which a single Toyota brand occupied 26.5% of the market. In addition to local brands, there are almost only European brands that can be seen on Japanese streets, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Volvo.

  Traditional fuel vehicles have made Japan’s automobile industry, but Japanese cars have also generated great inertia, which makes it difficult for them to "turn around like an elephant" in the face of global automobile electrification transformation.

  Trapped in the transformation of new energy sources

  "There is almost no publicity about new energy vehicles on traditional communication platforms such as TV and mailbox." An international student who has lived in Japan for a long time told reporters that the information of trams will only appear on the Internet, which is very fragmented compared with the domestic situation.

  According to Rho Motion, a market research company, the global sales of electric vehicles in 2023 was about 13.6 million, up 31% year-on-year, of which 9.5 million were pure electric vehicles. In terms of market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China reached 9.495 million, accounting for nearly 70% of the global market. In Japanese market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles is less than a fraction of that of China market. In 2023, the sales volume of pure electric vehicles just exceeded 20,000.

  As a big automobile country, Japan is not only a "forbidden place for import" but also a "forbidden place for new energy". There are almost no electric cars on the road, and even Tesla Model Y, whose sales volume won the championship for the first time in 2023, has to be defeated in the Japanese market. In 2021, Tesla sold a total of 5,200 cars in Japan and only 1,900 cars in 2020.

  Tesla’s difficulty in selling in Japan can also be seen from the price of Model Y in Japan, which is almost second only to China, the world’s most "rolled" new energy market.

  "Japan has accumulated nearly a hundred years in the traditional internal combustion engine track, and it has achieved today’s achievements. Once you turn around and turn to new energy vehicles, it will involve more than 5 million families. This is not only a problem in the automobile industry, but also a social problem. " A Japanese car dealer investor told reporters.

  Akio Toyoda has repeatedly stressed the unemployment cost caused by Japan’s automobile transformation. Earlier, Akio Toyoda declared that if Japan began to implement the "carbon neutral" plan focusing on electric vehicles, Japan would lose 5.5 million jobs and 8 million new car production capacity by 2030.

  Wang Li told reporters that Aichi Prefecture in Nagoya is the location of a famous Japanese automobile industry cluster, where hundreds of Toyota parts suppliers gather. Once the electric vehicles are transformed, the whereabouts of these suppliers and local industries in Aichi Prefecture will be a big problem.

  On the other hand, Japanese car companies headed by Toyota have repeatedly missed the electrification technology tree, which has further delayed its transformation process. In fact, it is not too late for Japanese cars to develop and explore new energy sources. Japan is one of the earliest countries to lay out batteries. As early as the 1990s, Japan had the first generation of "Big Three" composed of Panasonic, Sanyo and Sony. By the beginning of the 21st century, Japanese companies have produced nearly 90% of the world’s consumer lithium batteries. In 1997, Toyota introduced the world’s first mass-produced hybrid Prius, and in 2010, Nissan listed the world’s first mass-produced LEAF for pure electric vehicles.

  But around 2010, Japanese auto giants headed by Toyota once believed that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were the future. Mirai hydrogen fuel cell model launched by Toyota in 2014 is a representative event. Akio Toyoda has repeatedly "advocated" that lithium battery electric vehicles are not really clean energy, and the real new energy vehicles are actually hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. He believes that the world’s mainstream optimism about electric vehicles is likely to be a misunderstanding.

  This concept makes the Japanese battery industry chain bet on hydrogen fuel cells, but ignores the investment in lithium-ion power batteries. Because of this, Japanese cars missed the first half of the development of global electric vehicles.

  At present, the patent share of Japanese car giants represented by Toyota in the field of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles exceeds 74%, and it involves core fields. However, only technology has no market, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles simply cannot stand on their feet. By the end of 2022, the total number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in major countries in the world was 67,315, of which only 8,150 were in Japan.

  "There is a hydrogen refueling station within one kilometer of my home, so I can occasionally see several hydrogen fuel cell cars, which are basically not seen in other places." Wang Li said.

  Based on this, the above-mentioned investors told reporters that there are very few choices of electric vehicles in the Japanese auto market, and ordinary consumers have little knowledge of electric vehicles. The new energy vehicle market has not been cultivated at all.

  Foreign brands take advantage of the situation to attack

  However, the wheel of the times is rolling forward, and many countries around the world have identified electrification as the main direction of new energy vehicle reform in the future. The Japanese government, which was hesitant, also set the goal of "no burning" in early 2021, and announced that by 2035, 100% of the new cars sold will be electric vehicles.

  In terms of subsidies for consumers to buy cars, Japan has also raised the maximum subsidy for pure electric vehicles from 400,000 yen to 800,000 yen, for plug-in hybrid vehicles from 200,000 yen to 400,000 yen, and for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles from 2.25 million yen to 2.5 million yen.

  With the support of policies, the reporter learned from the consulting firm Kearney that the Japanese market is expected to turn to electric vehicles steadily in the future. By 2025, the penetration rate of electric vehicles (including pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles) will increase from 3% in 2021 to 8%, and further increase to 35% in 2035, when the global penetration rate of electric vehicles is expected to reach 27%.

  In this context, foreign brands are gradually knocking on the door of Japan, a "forbidden place for imports", through new energy sources. Tesla opened the first local delivery center in Tokyo, Japan in November 2021 and began to deliver Model 3. In September 2022, Tesla officially announced that its current best-selling model Model Y has also landed in the Japanese market and opened a reservation.

  BYD also officially entered the Japanese market on July 21st, 2022, becoming the second China automobile brand to enter Japan after FAW Hongqi.

  "BYD’s entry into the Japanese passenger car market is a trend." BYD told the First Financial Reporter that on the one hand, the penetration of new energy vehicles in Japan is low, which shows from the side that there are still huge growth potential and industry opportunities in the Japanese electric vehicle market, and the Japanese government is committed to promoting automobile electrification, providing certain car purchase subsidies for electric vehicles, and actively encouraging more enterprises to participate in the construction of charging facilities. On the other hand, BYD has a good market base and brand base in Japan. In 1999, BYD started to serve Japanese customers with rechargeable batteries. Subsequently, BYD’s pure electric commercial vehicles, energy storage and other businesses were successfully carried out in Japan, accumulating a good market foundation and brand foundation.

  So far, BYD has opened 17 stores in Japan, distributed in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Fukuoka and other places, and plans to open more than 100 stores in Japan by the end of 2025. At present, BYD has listed BYD ATTO 3 and BYD DOLPHIN in Japan, and will soon launch BYD SEAL and other products.

  Previously, according to Japanese media reports, I took a fancy to Japan’s huge K-car market. SAIC-GM-Wuling also investigated the Japanese market and planned to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. Because of the narrow roads in Japan and the limited parking space resources in Japan, mini-cars have been selling very well in Japan, and Hongguang MINI EV is expected to sell much cheaper in Japan than mini-cars made by local Japanese companies. But for some reason, SAIC-GM-Wuling has not officially announced its entry into the Japanese market.

  Although the absolute value of electric vehicle sales of foreign manufacturers in Japan is still very small, the year-on-year growth rate is very fast. In 2022, the sales of pure electric vehicles by foreign manufacturers in Japan exceeded 10,000 vehicles for the first time, and in 2023, the data exceeded 20,000 vehicles. The proportion of pure electric vehicles imported by foreign manufacturers also reached a new high, reaching 9.2%. Among them, BYD delivered 1,237 vehicles in Japan in the first year.

  Compared with the total sales of more than 3 million vehicles in the whole year, BYD’s sales in Japan are almost negligible, but Chairman Wang Chuanfu attaches great importance to the Japanese market. According to relevant reports, in October 2023, Wang Chuanfu personally attended a dealer meeting in the port area of Tokyo. Recently, BYD Japanese dealers also came to Shenzhen for communication.

  For the arrival of BYD, the largest publishing house in Japan, Nikkei BP, also dismantled the seal of BYD, and published a book, including BYD’s 3.0 platform, Sandian, CTB battery pack and body structure integration, etc., and the price was as high as 880,000 yen (equivalent to 43,000 yuan).

  On the contrary, Japanese cars have gradually lost power in China, the fastest-growing new energy market. In 2023, the share of Japanese brands in China market fell to 17%, the lowest level in three years, and in 2020, it was 24.1%. In terms of brands, Toyota’s sales in China in 2023 was 1,907,600 units, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%; Nissan’s sales in China were 793,800 units, down 24% year-on-year; Honda’s sales in China were 1,234,200 vehicles, down 10.1% year-on-year.

  Will there be a "Nokia moment"?

  On December 17, 2020, at the year-end press conference of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Akio Toyoda, as the president, publicly "shelled" electric vehicles, saying that electric vehicles were over-hyped. He believed that with the advent of the electric vehicle revolution, many enterprises would die, many investments would be wasted, and more carbon dioxide would be released in this process.

  When such remarks came out, it triggered a lot of discussion in the industry. On December 21st of that year, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, forwarded the above remarks and wrote a story about Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia, implying that Toyota was compared to Nokia in the era of smart phones.

  Previously, there has been a discussion in the industry about whether traditional car companies will be subverted like Nokia. The sales of new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, eroding the basic disk of traditional fuel vehicles, which also makes many traditional car companies more and more anxious. Tesla CEO Musk, who holds a completely opposite view to Akio Toyoda, warned that if traditional car companies do not quickly transform into electric vehicles, they will be eliminated, just as Kodak, the film giant of that year, was abandoned by the digital age.

  In this context, China’s new energy vehicles are not only entering the Japanese domestic market, but also entering the Southeast Asian market occupied by Japanese cars.

  Climate Group, an international non-profit climate group, once published an independent report saying that if Japan cannot switch to pure electric vehicles in time, it will lose half of its automobile exports and 1.72 million jobs by 2030; By 2040, it will lose 14% of GDP and 80 trillion yen in profits (equivalent to 3.88 trillion yuan).

  However, it is worth noting that although Japanese cars have suffered setbacks in China market, they have prospered in other markets, especially the achievements of Japanese cars in 2023 have given them more confidence in resisting electric vehicles. In terms of sales volume, Toyota is still the overlord in the era of fuel vehicles. In 2023, the global sales volume is expected to reach 10.65 million units, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years. In terms of financial performance, Toyota expects that in the latest fiscal year ending in March this year, the company’s consolidated operating profit will increase by more than 60% year-on-year, reaching 4.5 trillion yen (about 30.5 billion US dollars). If realized, Toyota will become the first Japanese company with an operating profit of more than 4 trillion yen. In terms of the company’s market value, on the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  In addition to Toyota, in the third quarter of 2023, Honda’s net profit also reached 253.2 billion yen, a year-on-year increase of 34%; Nissan’s net profit was 190.7 billion yen, up 173.3% year-on-year.

  For Japanese cars, the global market for traditional fuel vehicles is still large enough. However, in order to cope with the trend of electrification in the future, Japanese car companies such as Toyota have to be wrapped up in transformation, although electric vehicles are bombarded every three to five times. In May last year, Toyota announced that it would invest 5 trillion yen in related fields of pure electric vehicles (EV) by 2030, which increased by 1 trillion yen on the previous plan. Honda, which is famous for its engine technology, has formulated the most radical electrification strategy among the "top three Japanese companies", that is, only electric vehicles will be sold in the global market by 2040. Among them, in the China market, Honda will not launch new fuel vehicles by 2030, and 100% of new car sales will be pure electric vehicles by 2035.

  On January 29th, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. also announced that it will independently produce lithium iron phosphate batteries that do not use expensive materials such as nickel, and strive to be installed in pure electric vehicles launched by emerging countries after 2026. Nissan’s move is intended to reduce the cost of batteries by 20-30%, reduce the price of pure electric vehicles, and accelerate the popularization in emerging market countries.

  "In terms of market share of power battery, a key component of electric vehicles, Japan has been left far behind by China and South Korea. If Japan wants to play a’ turnaround’, it is necessary to see the next generation of battery technology. " Hu Qichao, founder and CEO of SESI Corporation (SES), which focuses on mixed lithium metal batteries, pointed out to the First Financial Reporter.

  At present, in the transformation of new energy vehicles, Japanese cars still hold two cards, namely solid-state batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. Solid-state battery has always been regarded as the next generation battery technology for electric vehicles. The First Financial Reporter learned from the global patent database of Wisdom Bud that Japan is in a leading position in terms of technology source and layout. In terms of patent distribution, Japan accounts for about 30.4% of the global total, followed by China, the United States, Europe and South Korea, accounting for about 26.2%, 14.4%, 5.2% and 3.9% respectively.

  Toyota also regards the solid-state battery, whose energy density is expected to be greatly increased, as the key to overtaking in the curve on the electrified track. Investors’ high expectations for the commercialization of solid-state batteries and taking advantage of hydrogen fuel cells have also supported Toyota’s share price rise this year.

  For the Japanese automobile empire, which relies heavily on the traditional internal combustion engine, some people think that it is only the afterglow of the sunset, but some people also point out that it is sober under the fanatical transformation. Zhu Huarong, chairman of Chang ‘an Group, mentioned not long ago that foreign brands are waiting for the best opportunity. Once they are transformed, with the resources they have and the global market, their rise cannot be underestimated.

  In 2023, the global automobile sales will be between 79 million and 81 million, and the new energy penetration rate will be around 17%, while the new energy penetration rate in the global market except China will be only around 8%. It is foreseeable that the end of the automotive electrification reform has not yet come, and it will still be a protracted war.

How does SHEIN break the monopoly pattern of international fashion brands with flexible supply chain?

In the global fashion industry, fierce market competition and the increasingly diversified needs of consumers are constantly reshaping the pattern of the industry. European and American markets have been dominated by international brands for a long time, and the entry threshold and challenges of China brands are self-evident. However, in a few decades, SHEIN has sprung up suddenly. With its unique business model and subversive supply chain management, it has successfully broken the monopoly position of international brands in Europe and the United States and become a unicorn brand in the fashion field.

So the question is, how did SHEIN do it?

In fact, hundreds of years of foreign commercial culture and fashion culture have spawned a series of foreign brands that have existed for decades, and they have certain first-Mover advantages compared with domestic brands in terms of technical details and product quality. However, this long-term accumulation has also led to the relative complexity and inflexibility of its organizational structure and operation mode, which is often called "cumbersome".

"Clumsy" is actually relative. Take Zara as an example, although it has shown the characteristics of efficient operation in many aspects. For example, it adopts SPA mode, characterized by high turnover rate and high profit rate, and captures the trend information from physical stores, fashion magazines, fashion shows and other channels and quickly transforms it into design inspiration. Nevertheless, Zara still represents a mature and large-scale industry model, and there is still room for further improvement in flexibility and rapid response.

Compared with traditional fashion brands, the operation mode displayed by SHEIN presents a completely different style. Because sales are entirely based on online retail, real-time feedback of information is more direct and efficient. In the production process of ordering, the small order adopted by SHEIN can be more sensitive. Usually, 100-200 products are produced on a small scale and put into the market for testing. If the sales trend is good, the order will be returned immediately, but if the sales are not up to expectations, the production will be suspended. And ZARA’s first order should be at least 500-1000 pieces.

SHEIN also actively uses its own technological advantages and experience to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as clothing manufacturing. Due to the flexible supply chain mode of on-demand production, the whole link is upgraded from front-end fashion trend, design and development, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, which brings about the improvement of the whole efficiency.

Before cooperating with SHEIN, most of these factories did not have the ability of systematization and intelligence, and most of them relied on manual work, Excel, mail and other traditional ways to arrange production, which was very inefficient and did not have competitive advantages in the industry. However, after cooperating with SHEIN, they completed the transformation into a digital factory with full chain digitalization, which greatly reduced the waste of materials and the waiting time of workers. Based on demand supply, the inventory rate of brands can be reduced to low single digits, while the average unsold inventory level of other brands in the industry is 30%.

SHEIN, a technology-driven flexible on-demand supply chain, not only improves industrial efficiency, reduces waste, but also helps to protect the environment. At the same time, due to the cost reduction caused by waste reduction and efficiency improvement, brands can give back 100% of these values to end consumers, share the created value with consumers, and greatly reduce the sales price of goods.

This "small order and quick response" model gives SHEIN a significant advantage, which is reflected in higher commodity turnover rate and finer inventory management. It enables SHEIN to more accurately test and quickly capture the explosive potential styles in the market, while almost avoiding the risk of excessive inventory. In the view of Boston Consulting Group, this agility of on-demand fashion has become the source of competitive advantage in the fashion industry, and the agile supply chain model represented by SHEIN has become an irresistible trend of the industry, which is gradually changing the rules of the game of the global fashion industry and leading the industry to develop in a more efficient and sustainable direction.


China’s financial opening up has made two big hits. This blue ocean opportunity, Americans are afraid to fall behind.

  Just two days after the news of French, German, Japanese and other commercial banks and insurance institutions applying to land in China came out, two more news came: First, on May 2, the Central Bank of China confirmed that the first foreign-funded payment institution had applied to the Central Bank of China for business. This means that foreign payment institutions have taken the first step to enter the China market. Second, on the same day, it was reported that a foreign company had started to apply for a credit investigation license in China.

  This is the embodiment of China’s further financial opening.

  Let’s look at the company that applied for third-party payment, named WorldFirst, which is a British-funded company. In April 2018, WorldFirst just launched the first collection product for cross-border B2B sellers in China — — World Account to solve the problem of cross-border payment for cross-border e-commerce sellers, so it is very important to obtain a third-party payment license in China, otherwise, the development of China market will be limited. The application of WorldFirst to the Bank of China for a cross-border business payment license indicates that China’s financial opening is expected to go further in the field of third-party payment.

  The company that applied for the credit information business license is even bigger. Yiborui Company, headquartered in Ireland, is a giant of credit information business in the world, with business all over the world and huge branches in the United States.

  Generally speaking, if the central bank confirms the receipt of the application, it means that the central bank has actually started the process of approval. Therefore, these two cases, some low-key applications, were officially confirmed, which means that China’s financial opening-up is real, and it is a fence to cut the knife and cut the flesh.

  The third-party payment market in China has achieved great success in recent years. The well-known third-party payment companies represented by WeChat and Alipay have made eye-catching profits in this field. Ant Financial has mastered Alipay, and its valuation has surpassed many financial companies in the United States by hundreds of billions of dollars. However, the size of WeChat Tenpay is not inferior to Alipay. Of course, its actual valuation should also be around here. Even so, China’s third-party payment market still has great potential to be tapped. For China’s huge domestic third-party payment market, foreign capital used to be out of reach. But now it seems that soon, foreign capital can come in to participate in the competition and share a piece of the action.

  The credit investigation market in China has just started. There is a vast space for both corporate credit investigation and personal credit investigation, and many aspects are still blank. I am afraid the market potential in this respect is no less than that of third-party payment. Different from third-party payment, there is no strong competitive opponent in China in this respect, that is to say, if foreign capital comes in, it is basically a blue ocean with huge profits.

  Therefore, China’s opening up in these two areas is really very bold and courageous.

  No wonder countries, especially several developed countries, have been acting so frequently recently.As long as they have some market judgment, they will never ignore the huge space of China’s financial market. Whoever falls behind in the process of opening China’s financial market will lose half of the future first. From a global perspective, I am afraid that the two major financial opening dividends that China wants most are American companies. Let’s look at the third-party payment market in China, which is the big fat that companies with payment services in the United States, such as Apple and paypal, want to get. Apple has previously entered the payment market in China through the cooperation with China UnionPay, but after all, it is a four-way payment, and its business development is not satisfactory. Therefore, in the competition with WeChat and Alipay, Apple, which is far behind, should dream of getting a third-party payment license in China.

  Needless to say, the three major rating agencies in the United States, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investment Services and Fitch Ratings Limited, are all giants in the global credit reporting field. If they can’t successfully enter the credit reporting market in China, or lag behind other competitors in the pace of entering China, they will probably have a great adverse impact on their future competitiveness.

  However, if American companies really lag behind their western counterparts, it is not China’s fault. China people believe in "making money with harmony". After all, the United States initiated a trade war with China, and public opinion in China could hardly accept the result: open these fields and let those guys who threw stones at themselves happily take away the benefits. Needless to say, no one has the guts!

  (The author is an international critical commentator Si Hai)

Rooster time! Lock the movie channel, melt the media and hit the Golden Rooster Award live.

Special feature of 1905 film network New Year’s greetings from the rooster, see Xiamen again! In 2021, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Chinese films hit hard from December 28th to December 30th.

For the third year in a row, the film channel and Xiamen Radio and Television jointly launched a live broadcast of this event.

Comprehensive upgrade, brand-new revision. More seats, more panoramic views, stronger lineup, and 5 sections of 5G panoramic view of Golden Rooster.

"Direct Golden Rooster Award"

1 stop to the light and shadow event.

Forum+film festival+new film conference, live direct attack,The main creative netizens talked and shared the "golden" taste,The opening ceremony and the nomination ceremony kicked off.The red carpet, closing ceremony and award ceremony gathered stars.


Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Honorary Shadowman Joined the host lineup of the closing ceremony:Golden Rooster Award+Hundred Flowers Award Winner,Two Golden Rooster Awards+Two Hundred Flowers Award Winners,Hundred Flowers Award winner,Co-hosted with the host of the movie channel,Invite you to witness the glory moment of China film of the year.

[Stars and Seas]

3 Days 3 Nightlife Experience+Creative Collection

Youth has its own yearning for youth;Dreams have their own power!The film channel "Stars and Seas" Young Actor Selection SchemeNew upgrade in 2021,Assemble and stand by one day in advance, and present it on-the-spot for three days and three nights.

Life is the examination room, and there is learning everywhere.40 young actors were newly selected.Immerse yourself in real life and experience the true meaning of performance.

Go deep into the grassroots, change identity and test morality and art;Growth mutual learning and surprise guidance for mysterious guests;Ready to go, the closing party will make a new appearance.

[Movie Channel M List]

2021 Dapandian

2021, which line makes you laugh?Which picture makes you cry?What other performances shocked your heart?

The 2021 China Movie M Big Data Report will be released on December 29th.Professional data+authoritative experts selected China films of the year,M list honor 2021 China filmmakers report card,The filmmaker made a New Year’s resolution during the visit, review and prospect.

[40th Anniversary of Golden Rooster Award]x "Golden Rooster in Xiamen"

Chinese film golden rooster award x Xiamen special economic zone,Holding hands for the third time, welcoming 40 years old together.

Zhengqing, the Golden Rooster Award of Chinese Film, has a full record of all previous Huacai;Dialogue with honorary filmmakers to construct a brief oral history of China’s films;Zhengpengbo Xiamen assembled a new journey of "the 14th Five-Year Plan";Punch in Xiamen landmarks and scan the evolution of the special economic zone era.

The majestic cock, the dawn of the east.

Glory moment, panoramic view.

Lock in the media platforms of movie channels on the same day,Every aspect of the Golden Rooster Award is wonderful, and we will see you there!

On December 14th, the movie channel broadcast the wonderful kung fu film Eighteen Martial Arts.

Special feature of 1905 film networkIf you like watching action movies, you must know the four major action design teams in Hong Kong:
Chengjiaban, Hongjiaban, Liujiaban and Yuanjiaban.
In the glorious era of Shaw, movies were branded with the Kung Fu of Liu Bannan School under the leadership of Liu Jialiang.
Unlike other kung fu movies, which only focus on one kind of kung fu, you must not miss this movie for weapons fans.
At 14:40 today, the movie "Eighteen Martial Arts" will be broadcast for you by the movie channel, with the same title, which vividly depicts the "Eighteen Military Instruments" in the kung fu world for us.
Poster of Eighteen Martial Arts
The cast of Eighteen Martial Arts is luxurious.
Liu Jialiang, a martial artist who has multiple roles as director, actor, screenwriter and action director, plays a leading role in the film, bringing Liu Jiarong, Liu Jiahui, Kara Wai and other Liu Jiaban kung fu stars to show us the real kung fu from hard bridge to hard horse.
Like Liu Jialiang’s other films, Eighteen Martial Arts upholds his martial arts design of sticking to the authentic Shaolin Nanpai Kung Fu, paying attention to seeing the move and dismantling it, and practicing it with one move and one style.
Fighting in a narrow space is a test of skill.
The design of small spaces, such as fighting in the attic and fighting in narrow lanes, fighting space in mid-air and in the middle of the water is unparalleled.
Fang Shaoqing (Kara Wai) and Shi Shu (Liu Jiahui), Mao Shantan Lei Yong (Liu Jiarong) and the sorcerer’s altar iron monkey (Hou Yaozong) test each other. I know you are dark, and the duel with each other’s magical powers can be described as wonderful.
However, the biggest attraction of Eighteen Martial Arts is undoubtedly eighteen weapons.
As a descendant of Huang Feihong’s fourth-generation Hongquan, Liu Jialiang won his father’s biography since childhood. He loves Kung Fu and will study weapons, techniques and methods of actual combat in the rest of the time. It can be said that he is proficient in everything and has developed a martial arts foundation.
Liu Jialiang, who is a hundred schools of thought, is almost the only person who can show the essence of Chinese "Eighteen Martial Arts".
In the movie Eighteen Martial Arts, all kinds of martial arts weapons are basically included.
In a summary of the Hong Kong film database, 18 kinds of weapons used in Eighteen Martial Arts are listed: rope dart, Shuang Hu hook sword, double hammer, double axe, snake halberd, closed knife, double knife, straight knife, single knife, cherry blossom gun, three-section iron whip, double dagger, double crutches, monk shovel, scepter, trident, butterfly sword and three-section scepter.
Especially in the last ten minutes, the weapons war between Liu Jialiang and Liu Jiarong was the most wonderful.
First, there is the killing of Daguan Dao against Double Dao and Sakura Gun against Double Dao.
There will be a knife-to-sword short weapon confrontation.
The three-section whip with integrated attack and defense vs the flexible double dagger can be described as inseparable.
Crescent shovel’s situation is closely linked with each other, while the single-headed stick is both rigid and flexible, flexible and not sluggish, and it has been used repeatedly.
Especially in the end, the combination lineup of "three-stick broken rattan card+The Lancet" is even more exciting.
The pure kung fu duel that lasted for 10 minutes was never repeated, and the mutual interaction between weapons made people stunned.
"Develop martial arts and get rid of superstition."
This idea also runs through Liu Jialiang’s films and life.
As early as in Liu Jialiang’s debut, Magic Strike, he introduced the theme of illusion.
The "immortal possessed and invulnerable" claimed by Shenda altar is just a mysterious stunt, which has already lost to the Five-Shaped Boxing.
Yu Wang’s Five-Shaped Boxing shows the charm of the snake, the tiger’s overbearing ferocity, the crane’s lightness and agility, the leopard’s pursuit and the dragon’s wandering changes.
Seven years later, Liu Jialiang took the illusion theme again. In the film Eighteen Martial Arts, which tells the story of eunuch general manager Li Lianying instigating the Boxer Rebellion to beat the gods, Maoshan and warlock three altars and eliminate the traitor’s second helmsman, Leigong (Liu Jialiang), he still retained his idea that "all feudal superstitions are not credible in front of kung fu".
The golden bell jar of the sacred altar, the puppet technique of the Maoshan altar, and the pupil technique of the warlock altar …
Opening the altar, doing it, lowering the head and getting into the upper body are also true and false, which is quite fancy.
But these strange tricks are just deceptive gimmicks, and the real power is kung fu itself.
The film Eighteen Martial Arts is full of Liu Jialiang’s original intention of defending authentic martial arts and attacking crooked ways.
Liu Jialiang takes Kung Fu as the core, takes the real Kung Fu of hard bridge and hard horse as the call, and tells all about the knowledge and spirit of Kung Fu through eighteen weapons.
At 14:40 on December 14th, the movie channel will broadcast Eighteen Martial Arts for you. This movie, which can be called a textbook of cold weapons, will reveal the meaning of Eighteen Martial Arts for you.

2024 "China

On December 18th, 2024, the theme logo design competition of "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" was launched in Changzhi City. Vice Governor Tang Zhiping, Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong and Indonesian Ambassador to China Zhou Haoli attended the launching ceremony and delivered speeches. Brunei Ambassador to China Rahmani, Myanmar Ambassador to China Wu Ding Maorui, Laos Ambassador to China Song Peng, Thai Embassy Chargé d ‘affaires Benjamin and other ASEAN diplomatic envoys in China and ASEAN students in Shanxi attended the event. The launching ceremony was presided over by Shi Zhongjun, Secretary General of China-ASEAN Center.
2024 is "China-ASEAN People-to-People Exchange Year". As an important part of the People-to-People Exchange Year, the theme logo design competition was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-ASEAN Center, and was undertaken by the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, aiming at enhancing the people-to-people exchange and friendship between China and ASEAN countries and expanding the appeal, popularity and influence of the People-to-People Exchange Year. Taking advantage of this activity, Changzhi City simultaneously held a series of activities, such as the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage+cultural creation, the exhibition of the first cultural creation competition, and the cultural and creative industry cooperation and exchange meeting, to publicize and promote Changzhi in an all-round and multi-angle way, to help people communicate and promote economic and trade exchanges.
On December 17th, Tang Zhiping met with Chinese and foreign guests attending the launching ceremony of the theme logo design competition of 2024 "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" in Changzhi. (Li Jiaming)

"I" can get the first place in the exam but I don’t like studying. Why?


  Nowadays, parents are anxious when it comes to their children’s study. They generally feel that their children don’t like to study and do their homework, which often leads to "war at home" because of urging their children to study, especially the parents of some students with good academic performance, which also reflects that their children don’t like to study. Why? An Fuhai, a professor at the Teacher Development Research Center of Hangzhou Normal University, interviewed students in some schools in view of this phenomenon, hoping that the conclusions will enlighten our current educational predicament.

1. "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The disharmony behind it

  Reporter: Generally speaking, people think that children who don’t like learning are children with poor academic performance and bad study habits. But now many excellent primary and middle school students, even the first students in many classes, don’t like studying. Why is this?

  An Fuhai: At the end of 2019, a class of junior high school students in a middle school sports meeting in Shenzhen typed "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The banner, once circulated, has gained a lot of resonance. Many primary and middle school students shouted "What a talent! Say ‘ Working people ’ The voice of ". The implication is that they don’t like learning either. The banner and the shouts of the adherents made the adults laugh, but the laughter was full of sadness. It was also during that time that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced the test results of programme for international student assessment 2018 PISA2018. In the sampling test of 15-year-old students in 79 participating countries (regions), we achieved excellent results in three subjects (reading, mathematics and science). However, different from the "Celebration" after the announcement of our first prize in 2009 and 2012, the education sector began to rationally reflect on the problems exposed by the PISA test, including education balance, shortage of teachers, study time and teaching methods. In my opinion, we should also think deeply about the relationship between our students’ learning status and academic performance. Because the current situation of students’ learning tells us that there is a disharmony between their learning status and academic performance, that is, they have good academic performance but do not like learning.

  Reporter: Common sense tells us that you can get good grades only if you like to study.

  An Fuhai:After all, the results are obtained by the students themselves, so it is necessary to listen to the voices of the parties. With this "common sense", I randomly interviewed 60 students from three middle schools who participated in the 2018 PISA test. "Do you like studying? Will learning make you feel happy? " When hearing this question, most students just laughed and didn’t answer. The students’ answers mainly focus on these aspects: "Hehe, it’s ok"; "Like, not to mention, it should be said to be liked"; "Not very much"; "Study, homework, I immediately feel worse when I hear these two words"; "There are people who like to learn? Crazy, it must be crazy. " The number of students who answered "not bad" in each school is very small.

  In fact, the data that students’ learning satisfaction in four provinces and cities in China ranks 61st among the participating countries (regions) has fully explained that good grades do not necessarily love learning. In addition, the PISA2018 test results also show that the learning efficiency of students in reading, mathematics and science in four provinces and cities in China and their sense of belonging to the school are also relatively low in the participating countries (regions). In other words, students not only dislike learning, but also have no sense of belonging to the school. In fact, this conclusion doesn’t need PISA test to tell us at all. Just walk into a school to observe a few classes or interview some students and teachers to get a similar understanding.

2. Every time except sleeping and eating time is filled with study.

  Reporter: I don’t like learning, and my learning efficiency is relatively low. Why can I get the "first" grade?

  An Fuhai:Prolonging study time is our magic weapon to win. Although the PISA2018 test results show that the average classroom study time of students in four provinces and cities in China ranks fourth among the participating countries (regions). However, the statistics here are only the study time arranged by the school, and the students’ extracurricular independent study time is not included. As we all know, Chinese students, especially those in big cities, spend an amazing amount of extra-curricular study time. It is learned from these three schools that most students spend about 3 hours a day after class in a week, with a total of 15 hours in five days; The study time for two days on weekends is about 8 hours. In this way, the total study time of Chinese students per week will definitely be far ahead among the 79 participating countries (regions). The PISA test results in 2012 also showed this problem. The Shanghai team represented the mainland of China in the total score of mathematics, reading and science, but it also won another first place, that is, the study time is the longest, with 13.8 hours per week, which is about 20 hours together with extracurricular tutoring, while the average of OECD countries is 7.8 hours.

  If you think this statistic is not convincing enough, let’s take a look at the situation that parents attach importance to their children’s education. Most parents in China attach importance to education, and the most prominent performance is to enroll their children in various remedial classes from kindergarten. Statistics show that in 2019, families in Hangzhou spent 20,000-40,000 yuan on children’s extracurricular tutoring every year, and it rose to 30,000-50,000 yuan in 2020. Almost every family gives tutoring to their children, ranging from three to five or six. Parents’ high investment in education is enough for students to fill up their studies at every time except insufficient sleep time and hot meal time.

  Reporter: Yes, primary and secondary school students are not getting enough sleep, and the myopia rate and obesity rate are increasing. People from all walks of life have been calling for these problems in recent years, but they have not been improved.

  An Fuhai:Although several PISA tests have made China students’ excellent achievements proud, there are huge time costs, physical overdrafts and heavy costs for students to lose interest in learning. According to the survey in 2020, the average myopia rate of primary school students in China is about 36%, that of junior high school students is 71.6%, and that of senior high school students is 81%. The key point is that high myopia above 600 degrees accounts for 28% of the 81% myopia of senior high school students. In addition, the number of students suffering from depression in many key middle schools is increasing, and the number of students who commit suicide or have thought about suicide is also increasing year by year. Whether it is for families, individuals or the whole country, such a fact is too cruel, and such a price is unbearable for us.

3. I hate school and study, even if I get into a prestigious school, it is difficult to create outstanding achievements.

  Reporter: Primary and middle school students get up the earliest, go to bed the latest, and work hard to get good grades, but in the end they don’t like learning. This phenomenon is really worrying. But maybe many parents don’t think so. In their view, as long as children get the first place in the exam, they can go to a good university and have a good job, so all the physical and mental efforts seem to be worth it.

  An Fuhai:The good expectation of "Jackie Chan becomes a phoenix", the learning goal of "score first" and the learning process of repeated training make students hate learning, school and even knowledge, which seems nothing to some parents. However, we should deeply realize that a considerable number of seemingly excellent students are forced to study under various external pressures. Once the pressure is lifted, they will inevitably evade learning. What will be the future of those students who evade learning? This is not a disease-free groan and melodramatic sadness, but a problem that deserves our deep thought more than paying attention to score ranking. If a student hates school and doesn’t like studying, even if he can be admitted to a prestigious school in the future, it will be difficult to create outstanding achievements. Because he has no enthusiasm for learning and can’t experience the happiness of learning, it is impossible to devote more time and energy to studying what he has learned. We have learned a lesson in this respect. China began to participate in international Olympic mathematics competitions around 1985, including physics competitions, biology competitions and computer competitions. There are many winners every year, from 1985 to now for more than 30 years. Many foreign child prodigies who competed on the same stage as China’s child prodigies have become everyone in all fields, but we seldom contribute to the world. Take Tao Zhexuan, an Australian-born Chinese mathematician and winner of the Fields Medal for Mathematics, as an example. He was less than 13 years old when he won the Olympic gold medal in 1988. At that time, many students in China also won Olympic medals.However, few people have made such outstanding achievements as Tao Zhexuan, and most of them have been far away from mathematics.

  Reporter: How important is it for the growth of students to love learning and be full of interest and enthusiasm for learning?

  An Fuhai:The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed to improve the national innovation system and accelerate the construction of a powerful country through science and technology during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. It can be said that to achieve such a great goal, we need to cultivate innovative talents through education. Active interest in learning and pleasant learning experience are the internal motivation of learning, the foundation of healthy personality and the necessity of innovative talents. Interest is the best teacher. Once a person has a strong interest in something, he will take the initiative to seek knowledge, explore and practice. The positive emotion and pleasant experience generated in the process of seeking knowledge, exploration and practice will further promote new seeking knowledge, exploration and practice, which will lead learners to a happy road of learning and exploration. Therefore, parents should let go of their anxiety and leave more free time and space for their children to fully develop their interests, so that they can love learning and grow up healthily with happy emotions and positive experiences. Schools should pay less attention to some problem-solving skills and high-scoring cheats, and pay more attention to the laws of students’ physical and mental development and the mechanism of learning. Starting from students’ interest in learning, they should awaken students’ intrinsic learning motivation and lofty pursuit of life, so that they can actively explore the unknown world with happy learning emotions and happy learning experiences.