The press conference of CCTV’s 2017 rule of law figure selection activity and award ceremony was held in Beijing.

  CCTV News: On November 9, 2017, "The Spirit of the Constitution and the Power of the Rule of Law — — The press conference of CCTV’s 2017 rule of law figure selection activity and award ceremony was held in the Ministry of Justice.

  CCTV’s annual selection of rule-of-law figures is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, the National Law Popularization Office and CCTV, and undertaken by the Social and Legal Channel of CCTV. For a long time, with the strong support of the Central Political and Legal Committee, the General Office of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, china law society and other units, this activity has become an important window for the legal education of the whole people and an important platform for CCTV to publicize the law. Especially since the implementation of the great strategy of ruling the country by law, the selection activities have kept pace with the times and made continuous contributions to the construction of China ruled by law.

  In 2017, the selection and awarding activities coincided with the successful convening of The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which was a major event in the field of publicity and education on the rule of law after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and an important opportunity to study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

  On the day of the press conference, leaders from various ministries and commissions, representatives of members of this year’s supervision committee for the selection of legal figures, and more than 40 media in Beijing gathered together to learn more about the specific content of this event.

Moderator Wang Xiaolei

Moderator Wang Xiaolei

Press conference site

Press conference site

  With the theme of "the spirit of the Constitution and the power of the rule of law", CCTV’s 2017 annual selection campaign selected 24 groups of candidates for "the rule of law", 5 groups of candidates for "the most influential network of the year", 1 candidate for "the media of the year" and 5 candidates for "the hero of the year". The deeds of these short-listed candidates represent the achievements made in the construction of CCTV2017 rule of law candidates’ photos in the past year in various fields of rule of law, such as legislation, law enforcement, justice, law popularization, etc., and show and interpret the pace of the rule of law process in China in 2017 from different angles, focusing on grassroots legal workers who are "grounded, dare to take responsibility and do something" in ordinary posts.

CCTV2017 rule of law candidate photo wall

CCTV2017 rule of law candidate photo wall

Photo wall of CCTV2017 Rule of Law Person Selection Supervision Committee

Photo wall of CCTV2017 Rule of Law Person Selection Supervision Committee

  Among them, there is Hu Binyong, an economic investigation policeman who directed the detection of major financial cases such as the Xu Xiang case; Chen Changyi, a judge who has the courage to take responsibility, dare to innovate and handle conscience cases; Bi Dongyun, a people’s prosecutor who is physically disabled and determined to return lost children to society with love; Lin Jiande, a 95-year-old man who has been compulsory for 30 years; Peng Xubang, a lawyer who leads the team to take root at the grassroots level and is committed to serving the people in difficulty in the frontier; Shi Weidong, who is willing to pave the way for the reform of the judicial system; Solve thousands of troubles and be a confidant of the people; Miao Zhibin, the guardian of the "tip of the tongue" of ordinary people; Yang Huizhi, National Model People’s Mediator; Chen Yanli, who earnestly safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the people by correcting illegal and improper administrative acts in ordinary administrative reconsideration jobs; Shi Fumao, a lawyer who has defended migrant workers’ rights for thirteen years and took nothing, and so on. In them, we feel the pulse of China ruled by law.

24 groups of candidates for "Rule of Law Person of the Year"

24 groups of candidates for "Rule of Law Person of the Year"

  In this year’s selection of people ruled by law, the award of "People with the Most Network Influence of the Year" was also set up. The candidates include Meng Qingtian, deputy director of the Anti-kidnapping Office of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Guo Lin, the first prosecutor of the Yuhuan case in Liaocheng, Shandong Province, the "Guardian Plan 2017" anti-fraud public welfare action, the Internet security volunteer alliance, and the "online celebrity" police group portrait who popularized the law through the Internet.

Five groups of "the most influential online candidates of the year"

Five groups of "the most influential online candidates of the year"

  In addition, WeChat official account, the WeChat of People’s Daily, was selected as the candidate of "Tribute to the Media of the Year" because it adhered to its own value orientation, and was "distinctive" in terms of stand, viewpoint and judgment, which reflected the characteristics different from those of grassroots accounts, played a guiding role in public opinion, conveyed mainstream values and aroused netizens’ thinking.

One candidate for "Tribute to the Media of the Year"

One candidate for "Tribute to the Media of the Year"

  Among the candidates for the rule of law in CCTV in 2017, there are several heroes who have sacrificed their jobs, including: Tang Honglin, the director of the Sixth Prison District of Bazhong Prison in Sichuan Province, who suddenly fell ill while going to handle the work related to the party organization in the prison area and died after being rescued, at the age of 37; Cai Songsong, a policeman stationed in Shiqiao Police Station by the Traffic Police Brigade of Luxian Public Security Bureau in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, died unfortunately to save two children from drowning during the Spring Festival, at the age of 31 … … Life is gone, and faith lives on. Their choice at the critical moment is worth remembering and paying tribute to.

Five candidates for "Honor Hero of the Year"

Five candidates for "Honor Hero of the Year"

  Starting from November 9th, 35 groups of propaganda films of candidates (units) will be broadcasted on CCTV Social and Legal Channel, and publicized on CCTV, Legal Network, China Police Network, China Court Network, Justice Network, Sina Weibo, Tencent Video, Iqiyi and other online platforms. The final winners will be announced on December 4th, National Constitution Day.

  In order to expand the influence of this event, from November 9, the official WeChat public platform of "CCTV Society and Law" and "CCTV Rule of Law Person of the Year" Weibo will comprehensively launch the online interactive activities of "CCTV2017 Rule of Law Award Ceremony", including the cross-platform dissemination and promotion of candidates’ deeds, posters and videos; Interactive H5 (helping the rule of law in China and praising the rule of law figures) participation and forwarding; Two new media live broadcasts of the press conference and the award ceremony; Watch the multi-screen interaction of the award ceremony "WeChat Shake", and cooperate with CCTV to conduct online publicity and broadcast of candidates. Professional websites such as China Law Popularization Network will also make special topics for the short-listed candidates and promote them. The major video live broadcast platforms will also make special topics for this selection activity and promote it.

The live broadcast of new media on eight platforms lasts for 180 minutes. The picture shows the electronic sign-in session of guests.

The live broadcast of new media on eight platforms lasts for 180 minutes. The picture shows the electronic sign-in session of guests.

  At the press conference, Wang Xiaoguang, the representative of the organizer and director of the Legal Publicity Department of the Ministry of Justice, and Wang Guangling, director of the social and legal channel of CCTV, delivered speeches respectively. Tong Ning, deputy director of the Social and Legal Channel of CCTV, explained the overall design of this award ceremony. Cha Qingjiu, director of the Propaganda Classroom of the Central Political and Legal Committee, Zhong Xuequan, inspector of the Information Bureau of the General Office of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), Ye Jian, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Supreme People’s Court, Chen Youxian, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Guo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Press Center of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, Xin Tian, Deputy Director of the Administrative Reconsideration Department of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, and Lv Xinghuan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of china law society Organs, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Personnel Department, respectively made detailed introductions on the selection of candidates this year. Zhang Yi, member of the Selection Supervision Committee, deputy director of the Political and Cultural Department of People’s Daily, and Cai Xiaolin, director of Voice of China in china national radio, were invited to participate in the activities as representatives of the current members and made speeches.

Speech by Wang Xiaoguang, Director of the Legal Publicity Department of the Ministry of Justice

Speech by Wang Xiaoguang, Director of the Legal Publicity Department of the Ministry of Justice

Speech by Wang Guangling, Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV

Speech by Wang Guangling, Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV

Tong Ning, Deputy Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV, spoke.

Tong Ning, Deputy Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV, spoke.

Cha Qingjiu, director of the Propaganda Classroom of the Central Political and Legal Committee, spoke.

Cha Qingjiu, director of the Propaganda Classroom of the Central Political and Legal Committee, spoke.

Zhong Xuequan, inspector of the Information Bureau of the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) General Office, spoke.

Zhong Xuequan, inspector of the Information Bureau of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) General Office, spoke.

Ye Jian, Minister of Mission Department of the Supreme People's Court Political Department, spoke.

Ye Jian, Minister of Mission Department of the Supreme People’s Court Political Department, spoke.

Chen Youxian, Minister of Propaganda Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Political Department, spoke.

Chen Youxian, Minister of Propaganda Department of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate Political Department, spoke.

Guo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Press Center of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, spoke.

Guo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Press Center of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, spoke.

Xin Tian, Deputy Director of the Administrative Reconsideration Department of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, spoke.

Xin Tian, Deputy Director of the Administrative Reconsideration Department of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, spoke.

20. Lu Xinghuan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of china law society, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Personnel Department, spoke.

20. Lu Xinghuan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of china law society, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Personnel Department, spoke.

The organizer's representative issued a letter of appointment to the judge's representative.

The organizer’s representative issued a letter of appointment to the judge’s representative.

  After 17 years’ growth, the "CCTV Person of the Year under the Rule of Law" selection activity has become the first brand in the field of CCTV’s rule of law propaganda. Inspired by the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, this activity will surely adhere to the great concept of "Do not forget your initiative mind, remember the mission", hold high the great banner of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, win the decisive victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way, win the great victory of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Launching ceremony site

Launching ceremony site

  "The spirit of the Constitution and the power of the rule of law — — CCTV’s 2017 Award Ceremony for Rule of Law Persons will be broadcast on CCTV-1 and CCTV-12 in prime time on the evening of December 4.

Won the first place in quality, and the reliability of M5 in the industry market was double certified.

 In recent years, China’s new energy vehicle industry has developed at a high speed, and many new energy vehicles launched in the market have also been closely watched by consumers. When it comes to new energy vehicles, battery safety is definitely the most concerned factor for users. Among them, M5, a subsidiary of AITO, has conquered many consumers with its good battery safety strength, which has been fully affirmed by the market once it is listed. So, how safe is this car? Let’s explore it together!

HUAWEI ADS 2.0 provides a better travel experience.

With the gradual enrichment of the functions of advanced assisted driving system, adaptive cruise, lane departure warning, lane keeping and other advanced assisted driving functions are also carried on more and more vehicles, and the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition is no exception. It is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and has 27 sensing hardware, including 1 overhead laser radar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 lateral and backward vision sensing high-definition camera sets and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can accurately identify vehicles, pedestrians, traffic facilities and signs, piles and so on, making travel safer, easier and more enjoyable. Moreover, in the AEB night limit test in car home before, the version of Wujie M5 Zhijia realized accurate identification and braking at a high speed of 80km/h in the side rollover scene, which perfectly avoided collision and was far ahead of the opponent.

Even in the face of complex scenes such as night, rain, snow, fog and dimly lit tunnels, the laser+millimeter wave radar equipped with the M5 version of Zhijie can easily identify moving and static targets. The longest detection distance reaches about 200m, and the maximum horizontal detection angle reaches 120. Simply put, the rapid intervention reaction can be recognized within 200 m, so that the car can see and understand, stop and drive better. In this way, whether you encounter pedestrians crossing the road, children entering the street from parked cars, or cyclists jumping out from the guardrail, with the blessing of such an active safety system, the M5 intelligent driving version can easily avoid it and prevent accidents.

"Five-star" safety battery, forming a different safety fortress

The reliability and safety of batteries have always been the focus of consumers of new energy products, and the M5 has obvious advantages in this respect. The battery of Wenjie M5 is the first in the industry to implement the technical standard for covering the positive and negative electrodes of the battery, and the covering performance of the battery core is fully inspected, thus ensuring the safety performance of the battery to the greatest extent.

On this basis, relying on the design requirements and acceptance standards of Huawei Intelligent Vehicle Selection which are higher than the industry standards, Wujie M5 adopts a five-fold protection structure design in the battery pack of the whole vehicle, which can effectively resist the impact energy of obstacles when the vehicle collides with the bottom, so as to protect the internal battery cells from deformation to the greatest extent, and the single battery cells will not catch fire when deformed. In case of single battery failure, the whole vehicle will be cut off, the liquid cooling will be active, the exhaust valve will be opened and the subsequent spread will be prevented, and an open flame will never be seen. In the research and development stage, the battery pack will undergo 150+ rigorous tests, covering many usage scenarios such as safety, life and storage. Among them, 25 rigorous safety and reliability tests and 10 safety and reliability tests have far exceeded the national standard requirements. There is no need to worry about battery safety in daily high-pressure car washing, speeding bumps, and rubbing accidents.

In addition to these passive safety, the M5 Smart Drive Edition is also equipped with cloud battery health management. So, what is a cloud battery management system? Generally speaking, this system can realize intelligent monitoring and management remotely in the cloud. With it, which battery of the car has a problem and which battery is abnormally powered off, it will give an early warning reminder in advance, and it will not wait until the battery failure alarm of the whole vehicle suddenly falls on the road, causing an accident, which is extremely intimate.

Recently, China Automobile Quality Network published the "Quality Ranking of New Energy Medium-sized SUV in 2023" list, and the M5 won the first place in the list, and its reliability was once again certified by the authority at the industry level. Jinbei Silver Cup is not as good as users’ reputation, and its strong security strength has been quickly recognized by the market and the public, which is also embodied in the sales volume. According to the official data, in 2023, the M5 has achieved a cumulative sales volume of 120,000+,which is very popular among consumers.

In order to enable consumers to drive their cars as soon as possible, the M5 series has been decided recently. It can be picked up in less than two weeks without going through a long waiting period, and a new car can be driven before the Spring Festival to get an intelligent and reliable travel experience. If you want to buy a safe and reliable new energy vehicle, the M5 series will be a good choice!

The first OTA heavy upgrade! Yu Chengdong: The M5 intelligent driving version AEB active braking is far ahead.

On August 2nd, a few days ago, AITO’s M5 Smart Driving Edition ushered in the first OTA upgrade, including the opening of NCA in five cities of Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Chongqing, the full opening of cruise assistance in urban lanes, and the upgrade of intelligent parking assistance.

Today, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG, and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, issued a document introducing the highlights of this OTA upgrade, such as "The LCC of the national expressway city is fully open, so that the car can follow the car, start and stop independently, and handle traffic jams as skillfully as an’ old driver’".

Yu Chengdong also pointed out that the intelligent driving version of Wujie M5 not only has the far-ahead AEB active braking ability, but also can identify dangers and avoid obstacles in advance in the intelligent driving mode.

It is understood that the Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition was launched in April this year, providing two kinds of power options: extended program and pure electricity. Among them, the price of the extended program intelligent driving edition is 278,900 yuan, and the four-wheel drive intelligent driving edition is 299,800 yuan; The pure electric version is 289,800 yuan for the rear-drive intelligent driving version and 309,800 yuan for the four-wheel drive intelligent driving version.

Compared with the old M5, the intelligent driving version complements the short board of assisted driving. The car is the first to be equipped with Huawei ADS 2.0 intelligent driving system. The hardware consists of 1 laser radar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 camera groups and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can achieve 360 full coverage and all-weather perception, and the farthest detection distance reaches 200 meters.

Huawei’s 600kW super-charged pile exposure can replenish 100 kWh in 10 minutes, which is more than twice as fast as Tesla.

In recent days, Huawei’s new overcharge station in Bantian, Shenzhen has been exposed. There are 8 super-filled piles in this site, which are only used for Huawei’s internal testing at present. The nameplate of super-filled pile is very scary, which impressively says that the output voltage range is 200-1000V, the maximum output current is 600A, and the maximum output power is 600kW. Moreover, Huawei didn’t "steal and play tricks" like some new forces. It used two guns to "make up" 600kW, and adopted a single-pile single-gun design.

When competitors are still rolling 800V voltage and 360kW charging power, Huawei directly pulled to 1000V and 600kW, which can be said to increase the power of over-filled piles by one dimension.

How does Huawei achieve greater charging power by leaps and bounds? What does the appearance of 600kW over-filled pile mean? Let the Kung Fu car show you around.

(1) 100 degrees in 10 minutes, more than twice as fast as Tesla V3?

First of all, we have to figure out what is the concept of 600kW overcharge. Let’s just say that ordinary household slow charging is generally 7kW, and Huawei’s overcharging speed is nearly 100 times that of household slow charging. The power of State Grid charging piles is generally 40 ~ 60 kW, and 600KW is more than ten times that.

Tesla V3, which is talked about by fans, is overcharged, with a maximum power of 250kW, which allows Model 3 to travel 250 kilometers in 15 minutes. The charging speed of Huawei’s 600kW overcharge is more than twice that of V3. Theoretically, it can charge 100 kWh in 10 minutes, and it can fill the Qian Shan Cui of Han EV with a battery life of more than 700 kilometers in a little more than 10 minutes.

Since the advantage of overcharge is so great? Then why don’t other car companies do the 600kW overcharge like Huawei? Of course, I don’t want to do it, but I can’t do it.

To increase the charging power, it is necessary to increase the charging voltage or current. Increasing the voltage will make the arc problem more serious, and at the same time, higher requirements are put forward for the performance of high voltage DC relay, such as withstand voltage grade and current carrying capacity. Increasing the current will lead to thicker cables and greater heat loss, and even female drivers may not be able to carry charging piles.

The technical difficulty is too high, which is also the reason why the ultra-high power overcharge can not be popularized.

Judging from the current situation, Huawei, as a technical madman, seems to have initially found the answer. According to Huawei official website’s introduction, this new type of over-charged pile is called "FusionCharge DC Super Fast Charging Terminal", and a special liquid cooling structure is introduced to solve the problem of excessive heating under high current, and at the same time, the cable weight is reduced by 50%, which can be easily controlled by ordinary drivers.

In terms of high voltage realization, Huawei has developed a set of "kilovolt high voltage" full-stack power domain solution, which not only includes electric drive boosting and high voltage thermal management at the automobile end, but also includes ultra-high voltage realization at the charging pile end. After all, Huawei itself started as a power electronic device, and it is also an authority in the field of inverter servo. It can be said that it is a great advantage to make super-filled piles.

Other car companies are miserable. They rely more on suppliers, but suppliers are less likely to vigorously develop new technologies to impact their existing businesses. In this way, Huawei’s 600kW may be super-charged and exclusive for a long time.

(2) Ask M9 to take the lead, and Aouita and Polar Fox will have soup?

Now that the 600kW over-filled pile has come out? So which cars can be used? At present, the polar fox Alpha S and Aouita 11, which adopt Huawei HI technology, should bear the brunt.

According to the previous news, the Extreme Fox Alpha S Huawei HI Edition is equipped with an 800V high-voltage fast charging platform and a 480kW low-temperature pulse speed heating function, which can enter the state at the moment when the charging gun is inserted. Because Aouita 11 is compatible with the design of single motor, it adopts a 750V high-voltage fast charging platform, which can also charge for 10 minutes and increase the battery life by 200km.

These two models are the highest-end models of Huawei, but strictly speaking, they can’t play the full strength of 600kW overcharge, which is determined by the electrification platform of the model.

Not surprisingly, the first model to take the 1000V high-voltage platform will be Huawei’s flagship SUV M9. With the 600kW overcharge blessing, its recharge ability is naturally no longer worrying.

For the first time, the M9 will be equipped with a complete Huawei advanced assisted driving solution, which is the advanced version of the set on Huawei HI Edition of Extreme Fox Alpha S.. With the help of a new generation of lidar and intelligent driving chips, the computing power and perception ability have been greatly improved, and with the help of more mature algorithms, there is no doubt that it will stabilize the first echelon of intelligent driving in China.

The new car will also be pre-installed with HarmonyOS OS3 system, which can realize the functions of super desktop, PC dual-screen collaboration, adaptive adjustment of HUD height, intelligent car search and so on. The HUD can be adjusted adaptively according to the driver’s sitting posture, the PC dual-screen cooperation can make the new car "mobile office" in seconds, and even the Tik Tok can be controlled through the steering wheel, and the time dynamic wallpaper will change actively according to the climate and time.

In short, if you are interested in smart technology after all, Huawei’s new flagship SUV will never be disappointing. It is the ceiling.

(3) The journey and power exchange are all gone, and Huawei is playing with the bottom of the pot?

The greater significance of Huawei’s mass production of 600kW overcharge may lie in the impact on other "transition" routes. It has to be said that although the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China has exceeded 30%, the growth rate of pure electric vehicles is not as good as that of plug-in hybrid and extended-range electric vehicles, and many car companies are eager to change the power mode.

The most critical point is the "mileage anxiety" of electric vehicles. The battery life of a new generation of electric vehicles is not low. Take the deep blue SL03 as an example. For less than 200,000 yuan, you can buy a pure electric version with a battery life of 705km. Even if the battery life is discounted under special circumstances, it is not a problem to run 600km.

Can a fuel truck run 600km with a tank of oil? In fact, it is also very mysterious. Take "Divine Car" Sylphy as an example, its fuel tank volume is 47L, and the fuel consumption in urban areas is about 7.5L/100km, so the battery life will exceed 600km. But this is one of the most fuel-efficient A-class family cars. In fact, most of the best-selling cars and SUVs can only run about 550km per tank of oil.

In other words, the battery life of electric vehicles is actually not weak, and the real difficulty lies in replenishing energy. On the one hand, charging stations are not as ubiquitous as gas stations, on the other hand, the charging speed can’t keep up. One car often occupies the charging pile for more than an hour, and other cars can only stare.

Changing electricity can solve this problem to a certain extent, but at the cost of higher requirements for battery design and greater investment in infrastructure, just changing the battery reserve of the power station is not a small expense.

Distance can also solve some problems. Usually, electricity is used in urban areas, and oil is used in high-speed situations, so you don’t have to worry about running out of batteries. However, the two systems of oil and electricity take up a lot of space and cost in parallel, and most people will choose to use electricity mainly (after all, electricity is cheap), so the pressure on the battery will be greater and the frequency of charging will increase greatly.

Comparatively speaking, ultra-high power overcharge may be a better answer. The charging sales volume of Huawei’s 600kW fast charging station is more than ten times that of ordinary State Grid charging station and more than twice that of Tesla V3 fast charging station, which means it can accommodate more electric vehicles. At the same time, it can replenish 400km in 5 minutes, and consumers’ confidence will be more sufficient, and their anxiety will be greatly reduced.

From this perspective, Huawei has actually come to the bottom of the pot. It seems that you are engaged in technical climbing inadvertently, but actually you are indirectly attacking your opponent.

(4) Kung Fu is angry

Finally, many people think that 600kW over-filled piles can only be used by specific vehicles, but this is not the case. Charging piles can be "backwards compatibility", whether it is 250kW, 350kW, 450kW overcharge or 600kW overcharge, they can be synchronized and compatible.

In other words, don’t worry about Huawei’s overcharge. The biggest suspense now is what advantages Huawei can achieve through this technology.

I have to say that after Huawei entered the market, it added more scientific and technological ideas to the automobile industry.

Can Aouita from Huawei enter the channel of Yu Chengdong?

Wen | Lu Jiu Business Review

There are more and more new energy vehicles with Huawei as their selling point, from the polar fox to the world and then to Aouita. 

Lu Jiu Business Review learned that Aouita will start a test drive in the near future. In early September, its mass production vehicles will arrive one after another, and a centralized test drive meeting will be held in Beijing. At present, the shops in Aouita are still displaying non-mass production engineering vehicles.

Aouita’s official entry into the market will mark the emergence of another car company that has deeply branded Huawei.

However, the biggest question now is: Can Aouita enter Huawei’s sales network and enjoy the same treatment as the media? After all, Aouita now has too few stores of its own, only 11.

According to national business daily, Tan Benhong, CEO of Aouita, said in an interview, "We are talking about the way of channel cooperation with Huawei, but not on behalf of sales. When the scale of our channels has not been fully reached, (Huawei) will help us, but it is not a substitute."

However, everyone who knows Huawei knows that Huawei’s terminal belongs to Yu Chengdong’s sphere of influence, while Aouita’s cooperation is Xu Zhijun on the platform.

How much weight does Aouita have in Huawei?

Since its birth, Aouita has always brought its own aura and attracted much attention. 

According to public information, Aouita was jointly built by Changan, Huawei and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. Changan led the vehicle design and development, Huawei was responsible for intelligent electric technology, while Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited was responsible for providing batteries. The three companies jointly built a CHN platform to empower Aouita.

However, it is strange that there is no Huawei among the shareholders of Aouita Company.

According to Aiqicha’s data, Aouita Science and Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. is backed by eight companies, including Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Chongqing Changan and Shanghai Weilai. The capital contribution of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited is RMB 280 million, Chongqing Changan is RMB 275 million and Weilai is RMB 13.3 million.

I didn’t see the shadow of Huawei, that is to say, in Aouita’s case, Huawei only gave technology and didn’t pay.

There is a big difference between Aouita’s external release and the press. Whether it is the strategic signing conference of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Huawei and Changan Automobile, or the Chongqing Auto Show on June 25th, the specifications attended are quite high. In addition to Tan Benhong, Chairman of Aouita, Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Changan Automobile, Xu Zhijun, Chairman of Huawei, and Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited often come out of the platform.

In addition, Aouita’s product launch can also show another clue.

At the Aouita 11 product launch conference on August 8th, Tan Benhong, the chairman, came out to introduce Aouita 11, and three bosses stood on the platform by video.

In contrast, the press conferences of M5 and M7 were introduced by Huawei’s Yu Chengdong as the leading actor, and Selis’s presence was not high.

On June 25th, when Aouita signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Huawei, Chi Linchun, president of BU Marketing and Sales Service Department of Huawei’s smart car solution, said that Aouita was the heavyweight model of Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution.

According to Lu Jiu’s business review, before and after the product launch on August 8th, Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei BU and president of intelligent driving solution product line, also visited Chongqing Times Tianjie Experience Center in Aouita and introduced Aouita 11.

In terms of leadership specifications, Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman of Huawei, endorsed the platform, and the relevant person in charge of Che BU also came forward to promote it vigorously; In the depth of cooperation, Aouita and Huawei have cooperated heavily in the whole stack, and Aouita also has the trademark authorization of Huawei HI, but whether Aouita can enter the Huawei channel has not been confirmed.

Previously, the media reported one after another that the two sides were actively implementing the preparations for entering their store channels. On August 30, national business daily reported that Tan Benhong said: "We are talking about the way of channel cooperation with Huawei, but not on behalf of sales. It is when the number and scale of our channels have not been fully reached, (Huawei) will help us, but it is not a substitute."

Lu Jiu’s business review found that the so-called two sides are actively implementing the store channel, which was unilaterally announced by Aouita, and Huawei has never spoken to the outside world.

Intriguingly, we haven’t seen the shadow of Yu Chengdong in the cooperation activities between Huawei and Aouita.

On important occasions such as cooperation signing and press conference in Aouita, Xu Zhijun, rotating chairman of Huawei, and heads of various departments of Auto BU attended, but Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei BG, CEO of smart car solution BU and director of IRB of smart terminal and smart car parts, never showed up.

Lu Jiu’s business review noted that there was a similar situation in the cooperation with BAIC. Huawei cooperated with BAIC very early, and signed a contract in 2017, and then signed three contracts. Huawei was mainly attended by Xu Zhijun and Wang Jun, and Yu Chengdong never showed up. Yu Chengdong didn’t appear until the release of Alpha S, the polar fox. Yu Chengdong attended the cooperation between Huawei and the international community.

Therefore, do Aouita and Wen Jie belong to different spheres of influence within Huawei?

"China content" is high, but it can’t enter the Huawei channel?

Huawei’s channels have always made car companies drool.

On the evening of September 1st, according to Sellers’ production and sales express, the sales of Jiejie automobile, which cooperated with Huawei, exceeded 10,000 in August.

Asking for big sales is inseparable from Huawei’s channel empowerment.

According to public data, as of August 25, there were 781 sales centers in 190 cities, including 163 user centers and 618 Huawei sales stores.

Huawei also regards its own channels as an important part of empowering automobile brands. According to the data learned by Lujiu Business Review in Huawei in July, Huawei has 12 flagship stores, 116 smart life houses, 5,000 authorized experience stores and more than 60,000 retail positions. Importantly, these stores are all in shopping centers, which are highly matched with the demand of new energy automobile stores.

Whether it can enter Huawei’s sales channels or not, for a long time, there has been no exact news from Aouita, and the caliber of store sales is different.

The salesperson of a Huawei store in Beijing believes that it is impossible for Aouita to sell through Huawei’s channels. "People are an independent brand, and Huawei is the model of HUEWEI Inside. Huawei is only its supplier, so it is impossible to sell through Huawei’s channels."

Aouita’s Suzhou sales staff also said that it is impossible for Aouita to sell in Huawei stores for the same reason as Huawei stores. "Because Aouita is a brand new brand, it will still sell itself."

"Our major shareholders are Changan and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, and Huawei is not a major shareholder. Why do you sell it in his store?" The person in charge of Aouita’s Beijing sales store said.

"Huawei actually doesn’t have a few good shops. Many people want to buy Huawei mobile phones. They will search Huawei’s stores in the shopping malls and go directly. Huawei stores don’t have to find the location of big passengers. But the car is different. The new brand still needs a big passenger flow position to attract customers to see the car. " The person in charge of Aouita Suzhou Store said.

Although it is indicated that the channel will not borrow Huawei, the sales in Aouita emphasize the relationship with Huawei and their own "Chinese content".

"We use a complete set of HUAWEI Inside solutions, including car systems, assisted driving, laser radar, as well as Huawei’s motors and Huawei’s drive system. Now there is no second company in the industry that has such a deep cooperation with Huawei." The sales person in charge of the Beijing store said. He believes that the cooperation between Huawei and the international community is not as deep as that of Aouita.

In order to strengthen the content of Chinese, the Suzhou store manager particularly emphasized the hierarchical relationship between Yu Chengdong (pushing the question circle) and Xu Zhijun (platform Aouita). "Huawei’s boss platform is only Aouita. After our conference, many people asked why there was no Yu Chengdong, but later found out that Yu Chengdong’s level was actually lower than Xu Zhijun."

Behind Aouita and Wen Jie

In a phone minutes of Huawei’s in-depth interpretation of intelligent driving, Huawei introduced that there are three modes of cooperation: Tier1 (traditional parts supplier mode, supplying intelligent parts for car companies), HI mode (Huawei Inside mode) and intelligent selection mode.

Among them, Huawei’s intelligent selection mode is the fastest, because almost the layout of the whole vehicle is coordinated by Huawei, and the gross profit contributed by the intelligent selection mode is relatively high. In contrast, "HI mode will have less gross profit, because the cost of HI mode itself is high, but the pricing cannot be particularly high."

According to the data, the current cooperation between BAIC and Huawei is HI mode, and may consider participating in the intelligent selection mode in the future. Moreover, there are many car factories that cooperate with Huawei in HI mode, including GAC and Audi.

According to this summary, HI mode is the main mode of ADS (Huawei Autopilot). But HI is not the most prominent module for intelligent selection. Therefore, from the perspective of the entire car BU, Huawei currently attaches the most importance to smart selection, while ADS attaches the most importance to HI.

Based on these paragraphs, we can see that the gross profit of HI mode is low, and Huawei pays more attention to smart selection, which may be the reason why Aouita has made slow progress in entering Huawei’s channel.

Moreover, the autopilot data of the model will be open to Huawei, but in HI mode, the cooperative manufacturers will carry the corresponding data in their own data closed loop and will not share it with Huawei.

In the cooperation mode, the intelligent selection mode is far from the HI mode.

Lu Jiu’s business review learned that Huawei Automotive Intelligent Selection and HI belonged to different departments at the earliest.

In May 2019, Huawei’s Smart Car Business Unit (IAS BU) was formally established. This department was originally affiliated to the ICT Management Committee, with Wang Jun as its president and Xu Zhijun as its top leader. On September 2, 2021, Huawei was re-appointed, and Yu Chengdong became the CEO of Huawei’s smart car solution BU.

Prior to this, Huawei’s smart cockpit business belonged to IAS BU, HiCar, vehicle-mounted 5G communication and other businesses, belonging to the consumer business group and under the control of Yu Chengdong. Huawei combined these two businesses into one, and both of them were placed under Yu Chengdong. According to the analysis of people familiar with the situation, the main purpose of this move is to improve the implementation and operational efficiency within the group.

The source said that the earliest signing subjects of Huawei’s cooperation with BAIC and Aouita were Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.; And the cooperation with Xiaokang Sailis, the signing subject is Huawei Terminal Co., Ltd.. Behind this are two companies.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., which provides software and hardware solutions, has a great weight in HI mode, and is the business that Xu Zhijun was in charge of before; The Huawei terminal resource Hicar Huawei Intelligent Selection is led by Yu Chengdong and belongs to the consumer BG. Although it is now under the control of Yu Chengdong, there is inevitably a difference in the relationship between "biological and adoption".

Whether Huawei’s full-stack car solutions can be sold in Huawei’s terminal channels depends on Yu Chengdong.

Huawei has a rotating chairman system. During the rotating period, the rotating chairman is the top leader of the company. Each rotating chairman has a term of six months, so it is difficult to have a lasting influence on the following departments. Therefore, whether the channel sells Aouita or not depends on Yu Chengdong.

About cars, Xu Zhijun and Yu Chengdong have different ideas, which are on the table and have been reported by the media. Yu Chengdong wants to build a car, but Xu Zhijun doesn’t want to build a car.

It is Yu Chengdong’s specialty to engage in consumer business. Huawei has so many channels that it has great advantages in making cars. However, if Huawei goes out on its own, car companies will be more jealous, and Huawei’s car solutions will be even harder to sell. This business was in the charge of Xu Zhijun before.

Rong Hui, former vice president of Beijing Automotive Group New Technology Research Institute and CEO of Huihui Technology, once revealed that Huawei’s smart car solution will cost about 40,000 pieces in cooperation with Huawei. He estimated that Huawei’s profit will be at least 15,000 pieces.

How much can Huawei earn by selling a car?

According to media reports, according to the information disclosed by Huawei executives before, the share between Huawei and Sellers is about 1:9, and the price of M5 is around 300,000. Huawei can get 30,000 for a car, of which 20% is the technology licensing fee, which is about 6,000 yuan, and the rest is the store income.

HI mode Huawei earns a lot, but the investment in intelligent driving research and development has been very large, and many car companies are jealous of Huawei. In contrast, the smart selection model is easy to earn, and car companies are also willing. Huawei was blocked by the United States, and there was no mobile phone to sell in the store. With a car, it just met the shopkeepers who had no goods to sell.

In August, in an article in Huawei’s internal forum, "The management policy of the whole company should shift from pursuing scale to pursuing profit and cash flow", Ren Zhengfei mentioned that smart car solutions should not spread a complete front, and it is necessary to reduce the research budget and strengthen the business closed loop.

Huawei BU has invested a lot in autonomous driving. To achieve a closed-loop business, it is obvious that the pressure of intelligent selection mode is less.

Self-built channels are difficult to support sales.

So far, there are only 11 stores in Aouita.

On August 8, 2022, when a press conference was held in Aouita, Tan Benhong said that the first batch of sales centers in Aouita will land in 10 cities and will officially open on August 8. This year, experience centers and service outlets will be stationed in 100 cities.

On September 1st, Lujiu Business Review was found in official website, Aouita. It is still the original 10 cities, and there are two in Chongqing, with a total of 11 direct stores. According to interviews and telephone calls, most of these stores opened in August. The person in charge of Suzhou sales told Lu Jiu Business Review that the Suzhou store only has an outreach booth at present, and the store will not open until October.

Offline stores have a great impetus to automobile sales, and the speed of building offline stores in Aouita is somewhat slow.

Although new energy car companies are now learning Tesla and booking cars online, offline experience stores are extremely important support. Without the experience of offline stores, it is difficult for car owners to book cars directly online.

Li Xiang once said that with or without stores in a city, the market share will be eight times different.

According to public reports, by September, 2022, LI had 265 retail stores covering 118 cities in China, and 316 after-sales maintenance centers and authorized car body and painting centers covering 226 cities. Weilai official website shows that Weilai has 402 service outlets nationwide.

Just eleven stores, certainly difficult to support Aouita’s ambition, the number of existing stores is far from enough.

As early as June this year, Aouita said that in terms of channels, it will adopt the modes of self-construction and partner joining, and plans to cover 110 cities in the year, and simultaneously promote the entry into Huawei stores.

But now it seems that this progress is a bit slow.

Large shopping centers are currently the best choice for new energy car companies to sell stores. However, it will not be fast to find a suitable shop in the shopping center, negotiate with the shopping center, decorate and move in.

Changan Automobile, behind Aouita, can’t help in the channel. First of all, Aouita is an independent company, and Changan Automobile is not a major shareholder. In addition, the main channel of Chang ‘an is in 4S stores, and the tonality of new energy vehicles owned by Chang ‘an is quite different from that of Aouita.

According to the survey of CMB International Securities, the ability of shopping centers to absorb new energy sales stores is also limited. First, because the stores of new energy auto companies are on the ground floor, the supply area is limited. In addition, new energy auto stores do not contribute much to passenger flow, so shopping centers must maintain the correct combination to increase passenger flow.

"When you go to the mall now, you can see that as long as there is a large flow of people, cars are basically contracted. Now the better bunks have actually been chosen almost, and it is more difficult to find a berth now. " The person in charge of the Suzhou store told Lu Jiu Business Review on the phone.

Since it is difficult to support the ideal sales volume by its own channels at present, Huawei’s channels are more and more important for Aouita. Can we get in or not? Aouita and the industry are waiting for Huawei’s answer. How to coordinate the resources between HI mode and Smart Choice mode and build Huawei’s core competence in the new energy automobile industry? This is also a proposition that Huawei must face seriously.

"Destroy" Hua Xizi, only need a Li Jiaqi?

Original title: "Destroy" Hua Xizi, only need a Li Jiaqi?

Weibo hot search list these two days, almost all occupied by Li Jiaqi.

From the live broadcast of netizens-crying and apologizing-continuing to lose powder, Li Jiaqi’s road popularity has gradually collapsed.

Moreover, Li Jiaqi’s mistake has pushed Hua Xizi to the forefront.


I believe many people have seen the video of Li Jiaqi live broadcast of netizens.

Brand Jun will give you a summary again. The reason is that when Li Jiaqi sold Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in the live broadcast room, some consumers questioned that Huaxizi was getting more and more expensive.

Originally, it was nothing. It is common for consumers to spit out that products are expensive or cheap. As a result, Li Jiaqi suddenly exploded and started a series of outputs, which directly silenced all the workers in the live broadcast room:

"Where is expensive? It has been this price for so many years, don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. "

"Domestic brands are very difficult. Where is 79 yuan expensive?"

"Sometimes I find my own reasons. Well, after so many years, my salary has not risen, and I have worked hard."

Looking at these words alone has made people speechless, and it is really unique to match his impatient, preaching and got expression at that time.

Soon, Li Jiaqi suffered a lot of netizens’ strong spit: Why not eat minced meat here?

At the same time, Hua Xizi, who Li Jiaqi claimed "never raised prices", was also sent to the hot search list.

There is a high degree of discussion about whether 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil of Hua Xizi is expensive, whether the price of Hua Xizi has increased or not, and whether the product value of Hua Xizi is worth the price. Some netizens have calculated that each gram of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil is as high as 980 yuan, and they can buy two grams of gold.

Hua Xizi has also become the exclusive "monetary unit" for migrant workers, 1 Hua Xizi =79 yuan:

"I ate 1.1 flowers for dinner today and will continue to cook by myself tomorrow."

"I drank 0.2 flowers of milk tea today."

"If you add a class on Sunday, you can only earn 1.5 flowers."


I didn’t expect that after the entertainment star measurement unit "208W", there is also a measurement unit for exclusive workers!

So, is Hua Xizi, who was searched by Li Jiaqi, wronged?


When Li Jiaqi "shouted" for Hua Xizi in the live broadcast room, he said this sentence:

I have been following Hua Xizi for many years, and I know how it got up. I almost took Hua Xizi’s surname as Li.

Indeed, from no one cares about it to well-known domestic products, Hua Xizi can be said to be famous by Li Jiaqi.

Hua Xizi is a make-up brand that was born in 2017, and Hua Xizi in the initial stage is still in a state of no interest.

In 2018, the popularity of Li Jiaqi soared, and the core product "Air Honey Powder" of Hua Xizi also appeared in the live broadcast room of Li Jiaqi for the first time.

Since then, from honey powder to lipstick to other categories, Hua Xizi has appeared in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi more and more times, and her fame is getting higher and higher under the banner of "cheap domestic products".

In September 2019, Li Jiaqi became the chief recommender of Hua Xizi, and the cooperation between them became closer and closer.

According to the data, in 2020, there will be 77 Huaxizi in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and during June-December of the same year, Huaxizi is the brand with the largest sales volume of live broadcast.

From August to September this year, Hua Xizi still appeared frequently in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi with a frequency of five times a month.

Not only that, Li Jiaqi himself also directly participated in the design and development of Hua Xizi, and had a huge right to speak or even a veto over Hua Xizi’s products.

Even Fei Man, the co-founder of Hua Xizi, personally admitted that the sales growth of Hua Xizi could not be separated from the cooperation with Li Jiaqi.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration for Li Jiaqi to say that "Hua Xizi is almost surnamed Li".

The interest chain between Li Jiaqi and Hua Xizi is tightly bound, and the rebate to Li Jiaqi from Wang Chuan Hua Xizi is as high as 60%-80%, even more than 100%.

Although Hua Xizi’s official quickly denied the rumor, it is not difficult to see from the deep binding between the two over the years that Hua Xizi’s profit share to Li Jiaqi is more substantial than that of ordinary brands.


Hua Xizi is very dependent on Li Jiaqi, and to a great extent, both of them have formed a trend of "one glory and one loss".

Li Jiaqi glory, HuaXiZi followed with a lot of light, and Li Jiaqi’s words, also can almost kill HuaXiZi half-life.

Even the brand was aware of this problem and tried to break away from Li Jiaqi’s influence, but failed. Hua Xizi’s new product was launched and never left the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi.

In this storm, Hua Xizi was a little wronged, but not much.

What’s more, Huaxizi itself did not impress consumers with its strength in products, but put more energy into marketing.

Everyone spits out not only the eyebrow pencil, but also all kinds of makeup products of Hua Xizi.

"Lipstick is hard to use", "The same amount of loose powder is more expensive than Chanel" and "the product is overpriced" … Hua Xizi’s products have been complained by consumers, and it was not built in a day. 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil is just the fuse.

In the final analysis, whether relying on the anchor KOL or relying on marketing to open up popularity, we will eventually return to the product itself and make a truly conscience product from the consumer’s point of view.

With the support of consumers and the confidence brought by excellent products, the brand can stand on its feet for a long time. At least, it won’t roll over because of a few words from others.

Editor in charge:

With a price of $11.5 per share and a total market value of $9.724 billion, LI wants to ring the bell on the American Stock Exchange with Li (LI).

Text | Car Story Green Lemon

At 21: 00 on July 30th, Beijing time, the LI built by Li Xiang was officially listed on NASDAQ. The issue price is $11.5 per share, with a total market value of $9.724 billion, 95 million shares in circulation and 846 million shares in total. LI became the second new car-making force to successfully IPO in the United States after Weilai.

It is reported that the subscription of LI in the pre-listing period was very good, which not only ended the subscription in advance, but also rang the bell on Nasdaq one day earlier.

At 21: 00 p.m. on July 30th, Beijing time, LI was officially listed on NASDAQ. The stock code is LI, and the issue price is $1.15/share. The pre-market value is $9.724 billion, the circulating market value is 1.092 billion yuan, the circulating share capital is 95 million shares, and the total share capital is 846 million shares.

So far, apart from Weilai, LI has become the second new car-making force to successfully go public in the United States. At the same time, for Li Xiang, the founder, his second personal entrepreneurial project was listed on Nasdaq after the car.

In fact, since the day LI was born, IPO has been no secret, but what has not been confirmed is where it will be chosen.

It was not until July 10th this year that LI officially submitted a prospectus to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States, and the listing location was really hammered.

According to this prospectus, in terms of ownership structure, LI is divided into A shares and B shares. Among them, Li Xiang, as the largest natural person shareholder in LI, holds about 356 million A and B shares, accounting for about 25.1% of the total share capital and having 70.3% of the voting rights; Wang Xing (and Meituan) is the second largest shareholder in LI, holding 332 million A shares, accounting for 23.5% of the total share capital, but only 9.3% of the voting rights; Shen Yanan, co-founder and president of LI, holds 1.1% A shares and has 0.4% voting rights; Li Tie, the co-founder and CFO, holds 1.0% of A shares and has 0.4% of voting rights.

In addition, in terms of institutional shareholding, Amp Lee Ltd (which Li wants to enjoy through trust) holds 25.1% of Class A shares; Zijin Global Fund holds 8.9% shares and has 3.5% voting rights; Rainbow Six Limited holds 6.1% shares and has 2.4% voting rights; Inspired Elite Investments Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Meituan) holds 14.5% of the shares and has 5.8% of the voting rights.

Through the AB-share structure design, Li wants to achieve absolute control over LI. This is also conducive to the flat operation of this innovative company in the operation process and helps to achieve extremely fast response.

Based on the calculation of initial public offering, LI raised 1,092.5 million US dollars. For this fund, LI said in the prospectus earlier that it will be used for the research and development of new products and the company’s working capital.

According to sales data, in the second quarter of this year, LI delivered a total of 6,604 new cars, an increase of 128% compared with 2,896 in the first quarter. Its revenue in the second quarter also increased by 128.6% compared with the first quarter. The gross profit margin increased from 8% in the first quarter to 13.3% in the second quarter.

Better-than-expected data also made investors optimistic about LI.

Just at the time of LI’s official listing tonight, Jingwei Zhang Ying said on the social platform: "Congratulations to Li Xiang, congratulations to the ideal. For early investors, the most important thing is always people, and excellent founders are greater than everything."

As the main investor of LI A round, Cao Yi, the founding partner of the source code, also said in an interview: "The huge industry, the big bottom changes are gestating, the S-class entrepreneurs, the excellent business natural attributes, etc. are all in LI. You can see it on this company."

Of course, listing is only a phased goal in the initial stage of LI’s Long March. Its achievement does not mean that LI can breathe a sigh of relief. There are still more problems waiting for Li Xiang (LI) in product quality control, new vehicle research and development, and the expansion of intelligent network. In addition, compared with the product side, how to improve the soft power of the server also tests the comprehensive strength of how LI grabs orders from competing products.

The State Council’s joint defense and control mechanism: resolutely oppose "one letter and one release"

  At the press conference held by the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council on the 17th, Mi Feng, spokesman of National Health Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department, said that it is necessary to accurately understand and grasp the deployment measures to optimize prevention and control work, and resolutely oppose two tendencies, that is, to continuously rectify layers of overweight, prevent "one letter from being sealed", and oppose irresponsible attitudes, prevent "one release", ensure that the 20 measures are implemented to the letter, and ensure the safety and health of the people.

  Will it cause hidden risk if we no longer judge the secret connection?

  Regarding the social concern that it is no longer necessary to judge whether the secret connection will cause hidden risks, Shen Hongbing, deputy director of the National Bureau for Disease Control and Prevention and academician of China Academy of Engineering, said that this is a more scientific and accurate prevention and control measure based on the risk of infection, and this group of people is no longer isolated centrally, in order to make more effective use of prevention and control resources and service guarantee resources such as diversion and isolation.

  He said that at present, in some places, it is not necessary to directly judge the secret connection as secret connection and carry out upgrading control. "At the same time as canceling the judgment of the secret connection, all localities should make quick judgment, quick detection and quick control for the secret connection. Once the nucleic acid test of the close contact person is positive, it is necessary to further carry out the investigation and control of the close contact person at the first time, which has higher work requirements. "

  Will the cancellation of the medium-risk area affect the precise prevention and control?

  "In order to minimize the control of unnecessary regional personnel, 20 optimization measures canceled the judgment of medium-risk areas." Wang Liping, a researcher at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of China, said that this set a higher standard for the handling of epidemic situations in various places, requiring more accurate and efficient epidemiological investigation and risk assessment. Regarding the nucleic acid detection and control measures in high-risk areas, it is still implemented according to the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan. It is required to carry out nucleic acid detection three days before the implementation of the closure control, and the frequency of subsequent detection can be determined according to the results of the first three tests. Within 24 hours before the cancellation of management, a full-time nucleic acid test in the area should be completed.

  Wang Liping stressed that the elderly, minors, pregnant women, disabled people, people with mobility difficulties, hemodialysis patients, mental patients and patients with chronic diseases living alone in the closed management area should be well arranged to provide them with better living and medical supplies.

  Does it mean that the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 patients should be classified in the future?

  Guo Yanhong, director of the Medical Emergency Department of National Health Commission, said that one of the 20 measures is to strengthen the construction of medical resources, which is also a specific requirement for dealing with the epidemic faster, better and more efficiently in combination with the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, and is also an important measure to better coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and daily medical service guarantee and persist in improving the quality of medical services.

  Guo Yanhong said that since the outbreak, we have strengthened capacity building and classified treatment of patients from three aspects. First, all localities are required to designate hospitals with strong comprehensive ability and high treatment level as designated hospitals. Designated hospitals should be equipped with beds for treatment according to the local population size, and ICU beds should reach 10% of the total number of beds. Second, strengthen the construction of shelter hospitals. Third, hospitals above the second level are required to set up fever clinics, so that they should be all set up and open, and the responsibility system for first diagnosis should be strictly implemented. Once suspicious patients are found, they should be screened as soon as possible. If they are positive, they should be quickly transferred to designated hospitals or shelter hospitals for treatment.

  What are the requirements for regional nucleic acid detection after local epidemic?

  Shen Hongbing pointed out that if there are only sporadic infected people in the local epidemic and the transmission chain is clear, when there is no risk of community transmission, it is generally not necessary to carry out all-staff nucleic acid testing according to administrative regions; When there is a risk of spread of the epidemic, the district where the epidemic is located can carry out a full-time nucleic acid test every day according to the risk assessment results. After three consecutive nucleic acid tests without social infection, a full-time nucleic acid test will be carried out every three days. If there is no social infection, the full-time nucleic acid test can be stopped.

  "For other areas where infected people have frequent activities and long stay, a certain area can be designated to carry out full-time nucleic acid testing based on flow research." Shen Hongbing said that in principle, all staff nucleic acid testing should be carried out once a day, and three consecutive nucleic acid tests without social infection can stop all staff nucleic acid testing.

  Inter-provincial tourism management activities are no longer linked with risk areas. How is it specifically stipulated?

  Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Notice on Further Optimizing the Prevention and Control Measures of Epidemic Situation in COVID-19, and doing a good job in prevention and control of cultural and tourism industries scientifically and accurately. It is clear that inter-provincial tourism business activities will no longer be linked with risk areas. In this regard, Li Xiaoyong, deputy director of the Market Management Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that the document also requires local cultural and tourism departments to actively guide inter-provincial tourists to take the initiative to conduct nucleic acid testing in accordance with the requirements of "landing inspection" for inter-provincial migrants.

  Regarding the social concern about checking nucleic acid test certificates in public places, Shen Hongbing said that special people such as infants under 3 years old can be exempted from checking negative nucleic acid test certificates. Cross-regional migrants should take the plane, high-speed rail, train, inter-provincial long-distance bus, inter-provincial passenger ship and other means of transportation with negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours. After arriving at the destination, they should carry out "landing inspection" according to territorial requirements. Those who stay in hotels and enter tourist attractions need to check the health code and negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours.

  What is the role played by the special classes in various places to rectify the problem of "layers of overweight"?

  According to Shen Hongbing, since the publication of the 20 measures on the 11th, from the information data of the official website of National Health Commission "Nine No Public Message Boards for Epidemic Prevention and Control", the number of complaints from the masses has dropped significantly, from 3,306 on the 11th to 2014 on the 16th, with a drop of 39%.

  Shen Hongbing pointed out that the problems are mainly concentrated in three aspects: first, restrictive measures such as forced repatriation and isolation are taken for people from low-risk areas, accounting for 25%; The second is to expand the restricted travel range from high-risk areas to other areas at will, accounting for 23%; The third is to expand the scope of risk personnel who take isolation and control measures at will, accounting for 18%.

  "As of 12: 00 on the 17th, rectification ‘ Layer by layer plus code ’ The problem class has transferred a total of 130,000 clues to complaints from local people, and the completion rate is 99%. It should be said that the effect is very remarkable. " Shen Hongbing said.

  (Beijing, November 17 th, by reporter Jin Zhenya)

CCTV approved the rise of "pet blind box": this is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment.

CCTV News:On May 3, some netizens reported that a "pet blind box" was collected and delivered at a courier station in Chengdu, Sichuan, and the kittens and puppies in cages were dying. Some caring people in Chengdu immediately organized rescue. A caring person who participated in the on-site rescue said that the delivery place of these cats and dogs was Chengdu Sanlian Flower and Bird Market, and the merchants delivered live pets to the buyers in the name of selling "blind boxes".

At 22: 30 on May 3, the reporter arrived at Xiqiao West Street, Chengdu Railway Station. The scene was filled with the cries of cats and dogs, which came from cages on the ground.

Chen Yulian, head of Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center:This car pulled a car (cats and dogs) over, and then we followed. They just (turn) the car (cats and dogs) onto this car. Let’s take a look at this van. It’s completely closed. Close the two back doors, and all the cats and dogs must be locked inside.

Subsequently, the two trucks were stopped by volunteers in the rescue center and called the police. The reporter saw that a woven bag was put on the outside of each cage, and ZTO Express’s express bill was posted on each bag. After stopping the van, the volunteers tore a piece of each woven pocket to give the kittens and puppies air and water to drink. Subsequently, the reporter found the person in charge of the express delivery site to understand the situation.

Soon, the police of the local police station and the staff of the street office have arrived at the scene. In the early morning of May 4, these kittens and puppies were safely transferred, and law enforcement officers began to verify the information.

Chengdu Postal Administration: It will be put on file for handling.

The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Postal Administration said yesterday (May 5) that the postal administration immediately launched an investigation after paying attention to the situation of "delivering blind boxes for pets". For the behavior of the courier outlet suspected of illegally receiving and sending live animals, it will be put on file and the handling of the case will be disclosed in a timely manner according to law. At present, the local animal inspection department in Chengdu has temporarily detained all cats and dogs according to law, and temporarily placed them for inspection.

In addition, the ZTO Express company involved also issued a notice saying that these live animals were sold online by e-commerce customers of the platform, and were illegally collected by Lotus Pond outlets in Chengdu, ZTO Express. At present, the express collection business of this outlet has been suspended, and the person in charge of delivery safety of ZTO Express Sichuan Provincial Management Center has been suspended for inspection.

The transportation and delivery of live animals has been clearly stipulated by law.

Since May 1 this year, the Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention has been implemented, and there are clear legal provisions on the transportation and delivery of live animals. On March 19th last year, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice, demanding to regulate the delivery of live animals, severely crack down on the illegal delivery of wild animals and their products, and strictly regulate the delivery of live animals other than protected wild animals. Then, whether the merchants and platforms selling "pet blind boxes" and the express delivery responsible for transportation are illegal, experts have given corresponding interpretations.

Respect the law and refuse the blind box "out of line"

The rise of blind box economy is largely due to satisfying consumers’ curiosity and surprise about uncertainty. However, using blind boxed animals to build some people’s happiness on the basis of animal suffering or even loss of life is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment. Merchants must abide by the relevant laws and regulations on the delivery of live animals, and courier companies should not knowingly commit crimes.Respect for human nature, respect for the law, and people’s hearts are not blind, so there will be no such bad and out-of-line blind box.

Major national science and technology projects help oil and gas development enter a new era.

  CCTV News:On April 27th, the national science and technology major special series news release activities — — The press conference of "Large Oil and Gas Fields and Coalbed Methane Development" was held in the Ministry of Science and Technology. Experts from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the head of the oil and gas development project and the technical chief attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters.

  Chen Chuanhong, director of the Major Special Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, presided over the press conference, introduced the overall progress of major national science and technology projects, and pointed out that as an important starting point for implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, the oil and gas development project produced a number of major landmark achievements in the organization and implementation process, and achieved remarkable economic and social benefits, which opened up a new industrial development direction in the oil and gas energy field, effectively supported the national energy security, and significantly improved the upstream scientific and technological innovation capability of the petroleum industry.

  Li Fanrong, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, introduced the overall implementation progress of the oil and gas development project. Oil and gas development project is the only major national science and technology project organized and implemented by enterprises. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and under the organization and coordination of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance, we will adhere to the innovation-driven strategy, practice the scientific and technological research mode with enterprises as the main body and Industry-University-Research as the combination, gather the superior forces of the whole society for collaborative innovation, strengthen the combination of projects and demonstration projects, and comprehensively complete the overall goals and tasks of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan and the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. The three ministries and industry experts spoke highly of the organization, management and implementation of the special project.

  Since the implementation of the special project, significant progress has been made in six major areas, including onshore oil and gas exploration, onshore oil and gas development, engineering technology, offshore oil and gas exploration and development, overseas oil and gas exploration and development and unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, with remarkable results.

  First, six major technical series and 20 key technologies have been formed, 13 major equipment have been developed and 22 demonstration projects have been built, and China’s oil and gas exploration and development has entered a new era of innovation and development.

  The second is to ensure that China’s oil production is rising steadily and natural gas production is developing by leaps and bounds. The output of crude oil increased steadily from 185 million tons in 2007 to 198 million tons in 2016, and remained the fifth largest oil producer. Natural gas production rose rapidly from 67.7 billion cubic meters in 2007 to 137.1 billion cubic meters in 2016, making it the sixth largest gas producer in the world.

  Third, it has promoted the construction of national innovation system and enhanced China’s oil and gas independent innovation capability. It has formed a high-level R&D team with 100 enterprises covering the upstream technology of the petroleum industry, more than 50 universities of the Ministry of Education and more than 20 research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Construction of 9 national, 23 provincial key laboratories and R&D centers and other high-level innovation platforms. Related achievements won 3 national special prizes for scientific and technological progress, 5 first prizes and 19 second prizes, applied for 2,143 invention patents, formulated 185 national and industry standards, and registered 722 software copyrights.

  Academician Jia Chengzao, the chief technical engineer, mainly introduced the great progress in the exploration and development technology of marine and deep natural gas in China. Through special research, China has made substantial breakthroughs in marine and deep natural gas exploration and development technology, discovered and built a number of large gas fields, realized the leap-forward development of natural gas production, guaranteed national energy security, and promoted social and economic development and the construction of beautiful China.

  First, a series of international advanced natural gas exploration and development technologies have been formed, and a number of large gas fields have been discovered and built.

  First, innovative development of major technologies for marine carbonate oil and gas exploration and development, the discovery and construction of Anyue super-large gas field with the oldest geological age, Yuanba deep reef gas field and Puguang high-sulfur gas field in Sichuan Basin, and the growth of carbonate natural gas reserves in Tarim and Ordos basins.

  Second, the development of deep natural gas accumulation theory and exploration and development technology in foreland thrust belt, especially the conquest of major exploration technologies such as deep-seated wide-line large-scale seismic acquisition and prestack depth migration in complex mountainous areas, has expanded the depth of natural gas exploration and development in Kuqa thrust belt to 8,000 meters, and found six large gas fields with a production capacity of 26 billion cubic meters under extremely thick saline strata, ensuring the safe and stable gas supply of "West-to-East Gas Transmission".

  Third, major breakthroughs have been made in exploration and development technologies of unconventional natural gas such as tight sandstone gas and shale gas, and unconventional natural gas has become an important part of China’s natural gas production. For example, breakthroughs have been made in key technologies such as tight sandstone gas accumulation theory and reservoir fracturing reconstruction, which has realized the effective development of Sulige large tight sandstone gas field, with an output of 22 billion cubic meters in 2016; Technologies such as multi-stage fracturing and industrial development of horizontal wells have supported the effective development of shale gas fields such as Fuling and Changning-Weiyuan, with an output of 7.8 billion cubic meters in 2016.

  Fourth, China has made great progress in key technologies and equipment for offshore deep-water exploration and development, discovered large gas fields such as Lingshui 17-2, and successfully developed the first deep-water gas field in the South China Sea — Liwan 3-1.

  Since the implementation of the special project, China’s natural gas industry has achieved leap-forward development, and the accumulated proven geological reserves have doubled, from 6.1 trillion cubic meters at the end of 2007 to 12.98 trillion cubic meters in 2016, and the world ranking has risen from 14th to 9th. The annual output of natural gas in China has doubled, from 67.7 billion cubic meters in 2007 to 137.1 billion cubic meters in 2016, and the world ranking has risen from ninth to sixth. The proportion of natural gas in the primary energy consumption structure increased from 3% to 6%, and increased to 8.3 ~ 10% at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Make great contributions to China’s energy structure optimization and environmental improvement.

  In addition, the exploration and development of offshore deep-water natural gas in China has made great contributions to safeguarding China’s maritime rights and interests and implementing the national marine strategy; It has cultivated new industries such as the development of unconventional natural gas resources such as shale gas and coalbed methane in China, such as the development of marine shale gas in the south, which has guaranteed the gas consumption of local industries and residents and promoted the development of local economy; The large-scale development of coalbed methane has become an important clean energy in Shanxi Province, and has made important contributions to the development of low-carbon and green economy.

  During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, we will further strengthen the theoretical and technical research on natural gas exploration and development, constantly overcome the bottleneck technologies of deep-seated onshore, deep-water offshore and unconventional natural gas exploration and development, provide technical support for ensuring the steady growth of national natural gas reserves and production, and promote the further optimization of national energy structure and the sustained and stable development of national economy.