Chen Edison said that marriage is just a piece of paper. Does true love really not require a certificate?

  Does the meaning of marriage really lie in a marriage contract? Edison Chen gave a free and easy answer: "Marriage is a piece of paper, and I think the most important thing is the relationship." He, who already has a love crystal with Qin Shupei, was asked in an interview whether he would take his relationship with his girlfriend further. Chen Edison’s attitude was clearly indifferent.

  There was no end to the topic of marriage and love. As soon as Edison Chen’s remarks came out, the Penguin Q & A platform immediately triggered a heated debate about "two people have real feelings, do they still need to get a marriage license?"

  After reading the answers from the netizens above, people can’t help but sigh. Maybe those netizens who think they don’t need to get a certificate have some truth. But should a man who doesn’t marry you believe that he loves you? Let’s take a look at the attitudes of emotional experts on this issue.

  Indeed, in today’s complex society, feelings are a game. Furthermore, this society is developing better and better, and people are increasingly yearning for single aristocrats.However, whether a man marries or not and whether he loves you or not are sometimes not directly related to this extent.

  A man who doesn’t want to get married can love you very much, there is no doubt about this. Loving you and not wanting to marry you are sometimes two different things. Of course, when you meet such a man, you can only talk about love with him, not the best marriage partner. If you don’t want to waste time, it is best to end this love quickly. After all, a woman values marriage very much, and only when you have a home can you feel warm.Therefore, you should believe that a man who doesn’t want to marry you loves you, but that’s all.

  Whether to get married or not and whether to love you or not may really be two things. Seeing this, we might as well open our minds. If the marriage certificate is valid for 8 years, will you renew it after it expires? For this issue, netizens have different opinions.

  Emotional Q & A Talent: Siege

  If the marriage license valid period of 8 years, after the expiration of I will renew!Why not renew the marriage? If there are no reasons or excuses for not surviving the marriage, and if there are no issues of principle, why not continue the marriage?A lifetime of life requires countless eight years to complete, such a life is happy.

  Therefore, no matter how many years the valid period of the marriage certificate is, there is no valid period for marriage and feelings, or the valid period for feelings and responsibilities is a lifetime. The marriage certificate is just a certificate, it cannot determine the quality of life, its only function is only a proof, proving the legitimacy and validity of the marriage. If there is no emotion, what is the meaning of even a valid period of life?

  Tencent Qi’ehao: Magic Dragon Girl

  If the relationship between husband and wife also becomes a contractual relationship. And the valid period is 8 years. I think I will choose to be single. Because I don’t want to choose someone else when I am young, and be chosen by others when I am old. The relationship between husband and wife is a kind of kinship without blood relationship, and it is not easy to maintain it unchanged. Now I have to put an 8-year valid period on it.I really don’t like this kind of relationship anymore. Instead of living in such a relationship without legal protection, it is better to have a happy life. Although obligations and responsibilities have been cancelled, it is better to be more thorough.

  Be myself. If even the relationship between husband and wife has a time limit, then there will be too many variables in these 8 years. Unequal treaties will also take the opportunity to have a market. I don’t like to love and be loved with purpose. So, if so, I would rather choose to live alone.

  Emotional Q & A Expert: Writer Hui Yongsheng

  If the valid period is 8 years, someone may leave because of it. Loving is still loving, not loving, 8 years is a bit long.

  For loving couples, the love is deep over time, regardless of the length of the marriage certificate, their love still runs deep. A marriage certificate is nothing more than a piece of paper to them, just a kind of proof from outsiders. But for other couples themselves, it doesn’t matter, the years can be learned, the existence or absence of this marriage certificate does not affect their feelings. Some couples have gone through 50 or 60 years of ups and downs together, and the marriage certificate has been moth-eaten and blistered, so what?

  On the contrary, some couples who were carried away by love because of the wrong choice at the beginning, and two people walked together on a whim, 8 years was too long for them. In these eight years, I don’t know how many times they quarreled, how many times they fought, and how many times they had to go to divorce. If the valid period is reached, they are eager to leave early and break up.

  This is also a relief for men and women who are emotionally divided.

  In the past, when people regarded divorce as a foreign object, I don’t know how many women were tied up in a painful life by marriage and had no way to leave at all. Many rural women have ended up on a dead end as a result. Now, with the opening of people’s minds, women’s pursuit of independence and a happy life has become a trend. Many couples who live in discord choose to divorce and regain their freedom.

  Emotions are sweet and sour, just like people know when they drink water. Even if the marriage certificate is valid for life, it cannot stop divorced men and women. Happy love has little to do with the marriage certificate, the key lies in people’s hearts.

  When it comes to marriage, an interesting thing suddenly comes to mind here. Not long ago, on a dating show, a handsome guy from Chongqing said that he only eats clear soup when he eats hot pot. Unexpectedly, the female guests questioned that he was less masculine and chose to turn off the lights one after another. Isn’t it not a man if you don’t eat spicy food?

  The netizens of Penguin Q & A tell you that whether you eat spicy food or not has nothing to do with whether you are a man!

  Tencent Qi’ehao: Mind Story

  Suppose someone else also said that a girl was not a real girl because she liked spicy food, what would she think? This question is like before, as long as a girl is stronger and has a larger appetite, she will be called a "woman man".Although some names are not malicious, when we freely use our own ideas to define others, have we ever thought that this kind of thing itself will have a different impact on others?

  Secondly, I think whether it is a real man or not has nothing to do with whether you can eat spicy food. This may be due to your body, preferences, living environment, etc. I think it is also amazing to turn off the lights because of your eating habits. If you don’t like it, you can say it directly. No one scolds you.

  Then again, now many people do have extreme disgust because of a certain action of others, but sometimes it is really an unintentional act of others. Before I knew a boy, walking all kinds of burnt buns, some people would say his mother, but really when you encounter something, he will always do his best to help you, while those who usually say that their boyfriend is full of strength will have no news. I think this kind of person can help you at a critical time without care, and usually keeps a friendly distance from girls. Such a person is a real man and a gentleman. But in real life, there are too few such boys, and most of them are so-called "real men".

  But in fact, this can’t be blamed on them, everyone is just assimilated by the worldly vision, so they always look at the people around them with a rigid vision.The world doesn’t need too many "real men", nor does it need too many colored glasses. Reject the so-called double standard, reject this worldly similarity of vision.

31-Year-old Yang Zi: Behind the controversy over appearance is the entanglement and breakthrough between her and Song Dandan’s evaluation

[Introduction] Recently, a recent photo of 31-year-old popular actress Yang Zi has sparked heated discussions on the Internet, with the focus on her appearance and acting evaluation. On the one hand, Yang Zi appeared in the live stream in an elegant long dress to show her increasingly mature female charm; on the other hand, some netizens have resurfaced doubts about her appearance, believing that she relies too much on beauty filters, and even questions the stability of her acting skills. All this controversy seems to be reminiscent of Song Dandan’s comment on Yang Zi many years ago – "All my life I have grown up like this will not be in vain". However, is this really the case? Is Yang Zi really trapped in this comment and can’t break free? This article will deeply analyze the controversy between Yang Zi’s appearance and acting skills, revealing the interweaving of his growth process and public expectations.

[1. Yang Zi in the live stream: Beauty and controversy coexist]

Recently, Yang Zi’s appearance in the live stream of a certain brand has undoubtedly added a new page to her beauty profile. She is dressed in a flowing long dress, with a high split design to highlight her graceful figure, and her long hair is like a waterfall, showing her gentle temperament. However, this beauty has not been unanimously praised, but has instead triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Some people believe that Yang Zi’s beauty is constantly improving, and she is a strong competitor for one of the "four beautiful women" of contemporary times. Others point out that her beauty is not derived from nature, but from the combination of makeup, lighting and beauty filters. Especially in the screenshots of the live stream, Yang Zi’s face showed stiffness, puffiness, and obvious nasolabial folds, which formed a sharp contrast with the usual image, which made many netizens exclaim: "Is this still the Yang Zi we know?"

[2. Yang Zi’s appearance changes: from the girl next door to the fashion darling]

Looking back on Yang Zi’s acting career, her appearance changes are like a mirror, reflecting the evolution of the entertainment industry’s aesthetics and the imprint of personal growth. During her childhood, Yang Zi entered the public eye with the corner of "Xia Xue" in "Family with Children". At that time, although her facial features were not exquisite, she won the love of the audience with her lively and lovely temperament. As she grew older, Yang Zi began to pursue the standard of a beautiful woman in her mind, and her image has undergone several transformations. She is sometimes fresh and refined, sometimes heavy makeup, sometimes mature and elegant, sometimes a little old-fashioned. The ups and downs of this state undoubtedly exacerbated the controversy over her appearance.

[3. The balance between acting skills and appearance: How does Yang Zi choose?]

In the entertainment industry, appearance and acting skills are like two sides of the same coin, and their importance is often weighed against the balance of public opinion. For Yang Zi, although her appearance is controversial, her solid acting skills have always been the cornerstone of her foothold in the entertainment industry. From Hu Xiangxiang in "Zhan Changsha", to Jin Mi in "Honey Sinks Like Frost", to Tong Nian in "Dear, Love", Yang Zi has proved his acting strength with one work after another. As netizens said: "Even if the facial features are not outstanding enough, as long as the acting skills are online, you can have a place in the entertainment industry." However, between Yang Zi’s pursuit of beauty and the public’s expectations for her acting skills, there always seems to be an invisible rope involved, making her swing between her pursuit of beauty and her adherence to acting skills.

[IV. Evaluation of Song Dandan: Bondage or Incentive?]

When it comes to the controversy over Yang Zi’s appearance, I have to mention Song Dandan’s evaluation of her: "All my life I have grown up like this has not been in vain." This sentence was once seen as a denial of Yang Zi’s appearance, and even interpreted as a kind of restraint on Yang Zi’s acting path. However, from another perspective, is this not a recognition of Yang Zi’s unique charm? In the entertainment industry, beauty is not the same, as Yang Zi himself said: "I do have a certain desire for beauty and self-identification needs, but I hope to improve my acting skills and create more dazzling results in the entertainment industry." Perhaps, Song Dandan’s evaluation is not a constraint, but prompts Yang Zi to stand up more firmly with her acting skills and respond to external doubts about her appearance with strength.

[5. Yang Zi’s Future: Breaking Evaluation and Embracing the Beauty of Diversity]

Faced with the dual test of appearance and acting skills, how should Yang Zi go in the future? The answer may lie in breaking the inherent evaluation of the outside world and embracing the diversity of beauty. First, she needs to recognize that beauty is not limited to the appearance, but also includes the inner temperament, talent and personality charm. Just as she was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the early days with her kind, intelligent and sensible image, these characteristics also make up her unique beauty. Second, Yang Zi should insist on improving her acting skills and prove her strength with more deeply rooted characters, rather than being too torn by the height of her appearance. Finally, she needs to learn to accept and appreciate every aspect of herself, whether it is pure, mature or slightly flawed, which is an indispensable part of her true and three-dimensional image.

[Conclusion] Yang Zi’s acting journey is a journey of dancing with the controversy of appearance. Facing the judgment of her appearance by the outside world, she is not only "trapped" in Song Dandan’s evaluation, but also constantly strives to break free from the shackles of evaluation and prove her value with her acting skills and strength. In this process, Yang Zi not only shows the survival wisdom of women in the entertainment industry, but also provides the public with a new perspective to examine and understand beauty. Perhaps, true beauty is not about the evaluation of others, but how individuals define and live their own beauty. Yang Zi’s story tells us that only by embracing the beauty of diversity can we find our own light in the controversy and praise.

Responsible editor:

The largest charity performance in Hong Kong history, Andy Lau thanked the artists for their support (Photos)

The artists shouted together, "Sichuan, come on!"

Andy thanks everyone for supporting his advocacy

Hui Zhi’an and Cheng Xiuwen

  Yesterday at 14:30, at the initiative of Andy Lau, the 8-hour non-stop charity show "May 12 Care Action in the Performing Arts Industry" initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association was held at Central World, West Kowloon, Hong Kong. The show was the largest charity performance in Hong Kong’s history. Hong Kong artists came out in full force, Jackie Chan, Chow Xingchi, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Alan Tam, Liming, etc.; the mainland also went to Zhang Guoli, Zhou Xun, Sun Nan and other big names to cheer; Taiwanese artists Cai Qin, Zhang Xinzhe, Liu Ruoying, etc. were not to be left behind. A total of more than 500 people from the performing arts industry participated in the charity show.

  In the end, the charity show raised more than 31.80 million Hong Kong dollars, and the Hong Kong entertainment industry, known as a mess of sand, became united. Advocate Andy Lau knelt down to all the artists on the stage at the end and thanked everyone for their support. "Sichuan, come on! China, come on!" The cry has been floating in the sky over Hong Kong. All Hong Kong people promise to be with the people of Sichuan and help the people of Sichuan rebuild their homeland.

  Artists sing "Promise" in unison

  As an important event of the "May 12 Action for the Performing Arts", yesterday’s charity show gathered hundreds of artists from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan for a marathon performance to help raise funds for disaster relief. The show was co-hosted by Cheng Yuling, Zeng Zhiwei, Wu Xiaoli, Zhang Guoli and others. At 14:28, the Hong Kong performing arts charity show officially opened, and all the artists observed a minute of silence. At 14:30, the performance kicked off with the voice of all the artists "Sichuan, come on! China, come on!" The artists sang the theme song of the show – "Promise".

  "… Everyone will have fear. Facing the dark corner, I will not hide for you no matter how hard it is. I want you to regain your original life, and I have confirmed the promise of this lifetime." At the scene, every artist wore a black T-shirt with the word "No" on the T-shirt. The artists swore on the spot: "We promise to work together to fight the disaster and save Sichuan!" "This is a promise. We Hong Kong people promise that no matter what happens to you, we will never give up and support you!"

  Jackie Chan Andy Lau talks about the disaster area

  In the face of the disaster, Chinese people all over the world have given great love, and everyone in the entertainment industry has also contributed money. Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and others also went to the disaster area to deliver supplies to the affected people and cheer them on. Yesterday, Jackie Chan and Andy Lau told the audience about their experiences in the disaster area. Jackie Chan said: "I arrived in the disaster area the next day. I saw trolleys, rickshaws and bicycles delivering supplies to the disaster area. I was very touched. When I arrived in London, I saw that both international students and foreigners were lining up to donate, which also touched me. Everyone offered a helping hand, so I believe that as long as we work hard, we can overcome all difficulties."

  Andy added: "I went there a few days ago, and when we arrived at the disaster area, they said to me, ‘It’s dangerous here, you go back’. In times of danger, they think of our safety, and I think this love is a big love. I was shocked by everything in the disaster area, and they faced it calmly. In their eyes, I saw persistence and their determination to build a better home."

NIO Quarterly Report: Revenue 17.10 billion Operating Loss 6.60 billion Delivered 5,045 Vehicles

  Source, Lei Di

  Lei, Lei Jianping, March 5

  NIO Group (NYSE: NIO; HKEx: 9866; SGX: NIO) today released financial results. The financial report shows that NIO’s full-year revenue in 2023 is 55.6179 billion yuan (7.8336 billion US dollars), an increase of 12.9% from 49.269 billion yuan in the previous year.

  NIO delivered 160,038 vehicles in 2023, an increase of 30.7% over 2022.

  NIO’s gross profit in 2023 was 3.0518 billion yuan (429.80 million USD), down 40.7% from the previous year; gross margin was 5.5%, compared to 10.4% in the previous year.

  NIO’s 2023 operating loss was 22.6552 billion yuan (US $3.1909 billion), up 44.8% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted operating loss (non-GAAP) in 2023 was 20.2861 billion yuan (US $2.8572 billion), up 52% from the previous year.

  NIO’s net loss for 2023 was 20.7198 billion yuan (US $2.9183 billion), up 43.5% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) for the full year 2023 was 18.3507 billion yuan (US $2.5846 billion), up 51.1% from the previous year.

  Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, said that in 2023, NIO set a new record for the delivery of 160,038 vehicles. On 2023 NIO Day, we launched the intelligent electric executive flagship ET9, showcasing a series of latest technologies such as self-developed AD chips, global 900V architecture, intelligent chassis system and other industries. "

  "We are about to start delivering the NIO 2024 model, which is equipped with the most powerful computing power in the production car, and continue to improve the user’s driving and digital experience. At the same time, we plan to introduce the NOP + urban pilot auxiliary feature to all NT2.0 users in the second quarter. Continued investment in technology, power exchange network and user community will enhance our advantage in future competition," said Li Bin.

  "Our automotive gross margin continues to grow, reaching 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023," said Beng Wei, NIO’s chief financial officer. "In December 2023, we completed a $2.20 billion strategic equity investment from CYVN, underscoring our unique positioning and competitiveness in the global smart electric vehicle industry. Looking to 2024, we will focus on high-priority business objectives, improve system capabilities, and further optimize cost management efficiency."

  NIO Q4 revenue 17.10 billion up 6.5%

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 revenue 17.1032 billion ($2.4089 billion), up 6.5% from $16.06 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022 and down 10.3% from $19.10 billion in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s vehicle sales for the fourth quarter of 2023 were 15.4387 billion yuan ($2.1745 billion), up 4.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and down 11.3% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO delivered 50,045 vehicles in the fourth quarter of 2023, including 33,679 high-end smart electric SUVs and 16,366 high-end smart electric sedans, an increase of 25.0% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 9.7% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO delivered 10,055 vehicles in January 2024 and 8,132 vehicles in February 2024. As of February 29, 2024, NIO’s cumulative deliveries reached 467,781 vehicles.

  Just completed $2.20 billion equity financing

  NIO has applied to the competent authorities in Anhui Province to complete the filing of investment projects for pure electric passenger vehicles, and has been included in the directory of automobile manufacturers of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  On 27 December 2023, NIO completed a US $2.20 billion strategic equity investment from Abu Dhabi-based investor CYVN Investments RSC Ltd (‘CYVN’). Together with the transaction previously completed in July 2023, CYVN beneficially holds approximately 20.1% of the total issued and outstanding shares of the Company.

  On February 7, 2024, NIO appointed Eddy Georges Skaf and Nicholas Paul Collins as new directors to the company’s board of directors. In addition, on the same day, James Gordon Mitchell resigned as a director of the company.

  On February 1, 2024, NIO completed the Offer of Repurchase Rights relating to its 0.00% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 (the’Notes’). The aggregate principal amount of the Notes validly filed and unwithdrawn prior to the closing of the Offer of Repurchase Rights is $300 million. After the Repurchase Settlement, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes remains outstanding at $910,000 and continues to be subject to the existing terms of the Deed and the Notes.

  NIO Q4 cost 15.80 billion increased by 2%

  NIO cost $15.80 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 2% from $15.40 billion in the same period last year.

  NIO Q4 Gross 1.279 billion Gross Margin 7.5%

  NIO’s gross profit for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 1.2792 billion yuan (180.20 million USD), an increase of 105.7% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 16% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s gross margin was 7.5% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 3.9% in the fourth quarter of 2022 and 8% in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s automotive gross margin was 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 6.8% in the fourth quarter of 2022 and 11% in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO Q4 expenses 7.90 billion increased by 7%

  NIO’s expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were $7.90 billion, up 7% from $7.36 billion in the same period last year and up 24% from $6.37 billion in the previous quarter.

  NIO’s research and development expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were 3.9721 billion yuan (US $559.50 million), a decrease of 0.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and an increase of 30.7% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive expenses, research and development expenses (non-GAAP) were 3.6164 billion yuan (US $509.40 million), an increase of 1.8% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 36.8% from the third quarter of 2023.

  R & D expenses remained relatively stable compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. R & D expenses increased compared to the third quarter of 2023, mainly due to higher design and development costs for new products and technologies and higher personnel costs in the R & D department.

  NIO’s R & D expenses for the full year 2023 were 13.4314 billion yuan (US $1.8918 billion), up 23.9% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, R & D expenses (non-GAAP) were 11.9142 billion yuan (US $1.6781 billion), up 25.2% from the previous year.

  NIO’s selling, general and administrative expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were $3.9727 billion ($559.50 million), up 12.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 10.1% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive expenses, selling, general and administrative expenses (non-GAAP) were $3.7815 billion ($532.60 million), up 16.1% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 10.4% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s selling, general and administrative expenses in 2023 were $12.8846 billion ($1.8148 billion), up 22.3% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, selling, general and administrative expenses (non-GAAP) were 12.1167 billion ($1.7066 billion), up 25.8% from the previous year.

  NIO Q4 operating loss 6.6253 billion operating margin -39%

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 operating loss 6.6253 billion ($933.20 million), down 1.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 36.8% from the third quarter of 2023.

  Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted operating loss (non-GAAP) for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 6.0593 billion ($853.40 million), an increase of 0.7% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 42.9% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO Q4 net loss 5.3677 billion narrowed year-on-year

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 net loss was 5.3677 billion ($756 million), down 7.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 17.8% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive charges, the adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 4.8017 billion($676.30 million), down 5.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 21.5% from the third quarter of 2023.

  As of December 31, 2023, NIO held cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, short-term investments and long-term time deposits of $57.30 billion (USD 8.10 billion).

  NIO expects Quarter 1 vehicle deliveries in 2024 to be between 31,000 and 33,000, a decrease of about 0.1% from the same quarter in 2023 to an increase of about 6.3%.

  NIO expects Quarter 1 revenue in 2024 to be between 10.499 billion yuan ($1.479 billion) and 11.087 billion yuan ($1.562 billion), a decrease of about 1.7% from the same quarter in 2023 to an increase of about 3.8%.

Lynk & Co New 09EM

  Lynk & Co’s flagship SUV, the new 09EM-P, launched two six-seat and two seven-seat models, priced from 307,800 yuan to 347,800 yuan. It is understood that the new car has been improved in terms of chassis materials, handling performance, space comfort and safety performance. So, which model is more suitable for purchase?

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image001

  The new 09EM-P inherits the family classic design of the Lynk & Co brand "Urban Opposition Aesthetics". The middle grid grille that occupies a large area of the front of the car adopts a straight waterfall design, which has been blackened and treated with luxury and visual impact. The headlight group still adopts the iconic and sharp split design, which has a good recognition after lighting. There are large-size air intakes on both sides of the front of the car. The interior is embellished with chrome-plated trims to enhance the texture of the front face. The side shape of the new 09EM-P is very tough, and the rich line design presents a good light and shadow effect. The segmented waist line design is matched with blackened decorative pieces around the windows, which has a strong sense of movement. On the tail side, the taillight adopts a through design, and the layout of the internal light group module is more personalized. The exhaust layout is concealed and a bright black diffuser is added.   

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image002

  Entering the car, the panoramic island cockpit reflects a symmetrical beauty. The 12.3-inch smart LCD instrument is paired with a 15.4-inch central control screen, which has a good sense of technology. In terms of power, relying on the Lynk & Co EM-P super range-extended electric solution, the new 09EM-P is equipped with 2.0T + 3DHT + three-motor layout. The maximum output power of the power system is 408kW, and the maximum output torque is 844N · m. It can achieve a CLTC pure electric cruising range of 190km, and a CLTC comprehensive cruising range of up to 1430km. The whole system is equipped with FYRA-E intelligent electric four-wheel drive system as standard, providing 7 dynamic driving modes.

  The seven-seat version of the new 09EM-P has two models, namely the seven-seat PLUS and the seven-seat PRO, priced at 307,800 yuan and 317,800 yuan. The two models have little difference in configuration, mainly reflected in some comfort configurations and atmosphere creation. 

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image003

  Specifically, first of all, in terms of safety, the seven-seat version comes standard with front dual airbags, front side airbags, head air curtains (one row to three rows on the side), RP roll protection system, front pre-tightening force-limiting seat belts, ESP9.3 HEV body stability control system, CBC curve control system, DTV dynamic torque control system, ARP anti-roll protection system, front/rear parking assistance early warning system, 360 ° panoramic imaging system, 180 ° transparent chassis system, steering assistance image, and vehicle theft reminder and tracking. In terms of intelligent driver assistance system, the car is uniformly equipped with 1 forward camera, 1 rear camera, 4 surround view cameras, 5 millimeter wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars. Other features come standard with DAC driver fatigue warning system, DMS driver status monitoring system, TSR traffic sign recognition system, FCW forward collision warning system, AEB active emergency brake assist system (with pedestrian identification), CVW vehicle rapid approach warning system, RCTA rear lateral oncoming warning system, TAA car active deflection system, etc. In the external configuration part, the new 09EM-P comes standard with AFS headlight follow-up steering system, ADB intelligent matrix high beam control system, AHB-C intelligent far and near light control system, adaptive headlights (low beam mode adjustment), sliding openable panoramic sunroof, first row of double-layer sound insulation glass, second row of double-layer sound insulation privacy glass, third row of privacy glass, electric trunk tailgate, exterior rearview mirror electric folding & heating & memory, etc.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image004

  Internal configuration part, the new car comes standard with leather multi-function physical button steering wheel, automatic anti-glare frameless rearview mirror, NAPPA leather seat, electric 12-way main and passenger seat adjustment (including 4-way electric waist rest), main driver seat memory function, front seat heating & ventilation function, dual temperature zone automatic air conditioning, passenger compartment PTC heating, glove box refrigeration function, active cockpit cleaning system, rain sensing integrated water spray system wiper, rain sensing sunroof & window closing, keyless entry & start system, 12.3-inch smart LCD meter, 15.4-inch central control screen, high fidelity audio (10), car 5G network, car Wifi hotspot, four-tone area voice interaction system, mobile APP remote control system, mobile phone wireless charging function and other configurations …   

  In terms of specific differences, the seven-seat PRO is 10,000 yuan more expensive than the seven-seat PLUS version. The electric adjustment of the main and auxiliary seats is upgraded from 12 to 16 (including 4-way electric lumbar support + flank support + seat cushion extension). The number of high fidelity audio is increased from 10 to 14 and adjusted to BOSE luxury audio. There are more front seat massage functions, second-row seat heating functions, AQS air quality management system, 12.8-inch full-color W-HUD head-up display, ANC active noise reduction system, streamer coral ambient light, and high definition driving recorder. 

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image005

  In addition, the seven-seat PRO version can also be selected to the performance package, which includes dual-cavity air suspension, CCD continuously adjustable electronically controlled vibration damping system, multi-function electronic sun visor, main driver motor pre-tensioned seat belt, exterior rearview mirror welcome light, exterior rearview mirror automatic anti-glare – main driver side, NAPPA leather steering wheel, steering wheel electric four-way adjustment & heating & memory, rear passenger seat electric adjustment, front foldable aviation headrest, third-row seat electric folding and recovery, four-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, PM2.5 air quality detection system, Ocean Mystery fragrance system, second-row door side sunshade, and second-row air conditioning control screen.   

  The six-seat version has six-seat HALO and six-seat ULTRA models, priced at 327,800 yuan and 347,800 yuan respectively. On the basis of the configuration of the seven-seat PRO version, the six-seat HALO adds the pre-tensioned seat belt of the main driver motor, the welcome light of the outer rearview mirror, the automatic anti-glare of the outer rearview mirror – the main driver side, the electric four-way adjustment multi-function steering wheel, NAPPA leather steering wheel, steering wheel heating & memory, the electric leg support of the passenger seat, the memory function of the passenger seat, the function of one row of two rows to form a bed, the electric adjustment of the rear row of the passenger seat, the small table board of the rear row of the passenger seat, the ventilation & massage & lumbar support function of the second row of seats, the electric folding and recovery of the third row of seats, the automatic air conditioning in the four-temperature zone, the PM2.5 air quality detection system, the ocean mystery fragrance system, the second row of door side sunshades and the second row of air conditioning control screens.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image006

  In terms of the adjustment of the main and auxiliary seats, the six-seat version is equipped with the main driver electric 12-way (including 4-way electric waist support) and electric 14-way (including 4-way electric waist support + 4-way electric leg support), and the second row of seat adjustment is electric 4-way. Finally, look at the six-seat ULTRA model. As the top model, this car has only more CCD continuously adjustable electronically controlled vibration reduction system and dual-cavity air suspension system than the six-seat HALO version.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image007

  Since consumers have their own needs for the purchase of the seven-seat version or the six-seat version, the two versions can be purchased on demand. Specific to the model part, among the seven-seat versions, the PRO model has a higher technological configuration and a sense of luxury atmosphere. Consumers who pursue these two points can choose this model. After all, the price difference of 10,000 yuan is more cost-effective. If you only want seven seats, the PLUS version is enough for daily use if other functions don’t matter; and in terms of the six-seat version, the configuration of the two models will be richer. If you want air suspension, you can directly choose the ULTRA model. (Source: Lynk & Co Automotive)

Jackie Chan celebrates his 70th birthday, reviewing Jackie Chan in the eyes of 10 Chinese and foreign superstars

1905 movie network feature April 7, 2024 is my 70th birthday.In a blink of an eye, the kung fu superstars who grew up with several generations have also entered their infancy.

Not long ago, Jackie Chan’s appearance at an event triggered a heated debate on the whole network.A head of silver hair, gray beard, let countless fans sigh that the years are not forgiving.

But after learning about it, I found that this look was necessary for the filming of the new play "Strange Family".Jackie Chan will play an elderly man with Alzheimer’s disease in it.

Some netizens posted a Reuters video shot by "Strange Family", showing that 70-year-old Jackie Chan is still filming.Hearing the cheers of the onlookers, he also showed his trademark smile and waved in response.

"Big brother is still that big brother"!

This new film is just one of more than a dozen works on Jackie Chan’s to-be/to-be-shown list.At the age of 70, he still maintains a strong creative passion and a pure heart for movies.Except for Jackie Chan, few people can do it.

After 61 years of debut, he has produced more than 200 works, becoming the first Chinese to win the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement.Everyone knowsJackie ChanIt has long been the first Chinese film to shine in the worldA business card.

How influential Jackie Chan really is, let’s take a look at what 10 Chinese and foreign superstars see in his eyes.You know why: there is only one Jackie Chan in the world!

From studying at the age of 8 to becoming an international superstar, brother Hung Jinbao is a witness to Jackie Chan’s path to acting.Jackie Chan once said: "Others call me big brother, but I call him big brother."

Others talk about Jackie Chan always talking about hard work and achievement, while Samuel Hung is always concerned about his health and well-being.

"It’s really not easy to debut for 60 years and be so successful, but the most important thing is to be healthy, come when you can, and don’t force it if you can’t."

When asked recently what he thought of Jackie Chan’s "old state", he also responded domineering: "Who is not old? Everyone will be old! He is so happy and healthy, isn’t that okay?"

"Double Monday Cheng" jointly witnessed the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, and Chow Yun-fat also bluntly said that Jackie Chan was his idol:

"Jackie Chan is not only my idol, but also the idol of the whole world."

"Because he represents not only Hong Kong, but also the hard-working spirit of the Chinese people. With this hard-working spirit, he let people all over the world know Jackie Chan’s name."

As one of the winners of Jackie Chan’s Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award, Michelle Yeoh recalls the past of working with Jackie Chan in the 1990s, which is still vivid in her mind.

"Jackie Chan seems to have unlocked the secret of everlasting youth, and he is still as honest, funny and thoughtful as he was when I first met him 30 years ago. Although time has moved forward, he has never changed."

In order to give action filmmakers the recognition and respect they deserve, Jackie Chan founded the International Action Film Week in 2015, and the first Best Action Actor was awarded to starring Wu Jing.

In his acceptance speech, Wu Jing emotionally recounted the significance of Jackie Chan to every action filmmaker.

"Action movies are about conveying emotions to the audience through action. Jackie Chan is a master in this regard. I am still imitating it. Big brother jumps more buildings than I walk."

"I will remember Big Brother’s words: the life of an action actor is short, so be an actor who can fight."

Supporting newcomers is what Jackie Chan insists on doing. He has more than once called Nicholas Tse his successor, for which the latter has always been grateful:

"When I was young, I was a fan of Jackie Chan. When I grew up, I was lucky enough to have Jackie Chan make a cameo in my first action movie. In the end, it was because of him that he achieved a good box office.

He always says that he wants to help the younger generation and give young people opportunities, which is very rare in this circle. "

From China to Hollywood, Jackie Chan has had a profound impact on a large number of filmmakers with his classic films.

Quentin is one of them. In 1995, Quentin Tarantino was invited to present Jackie Chan with the MTV Lifetime Achievement Award, and in the award speech he was generous with praise: "Jackie Chan is my hero forever" and "the greatest actor in the history of film".

"When you see a Jackie Chan movie, you want to be him. He’s the best filmmaker in the world and the best action comedian since talkie."

Like Jackie Chan, Tom Cruise is also known in the circle as "Desperate Saburo". His obsession with difficult action dramas also makes him cherish Jackie Chan heroes.

"His action movies are unparalleled, and he himself is unique."

"I have a lot of admiration for what he does, and I have something in common with him. We both want to give the audience a unique experience, and we all want to do our best for the audience."

In 2022, Brad Pitt made his first foray into action comedy. In an interview, he revealed that he has always been a huge fan of Jackie Chan, and the film was also deeply influenced by him.

"I’ve always been a huge fan of Jackie Chan, and the director and I have been talking about him for the past decade or so.

He is just like a contemporary, he is really talented, and can even be said to be a genius who is far underestimated. "


Hollywood action star Stallone is Jackie Chan’s friend. Having starred in a large number of action classics, he is also amazed by Jackie Chan’s hard work and dedication.

"I think Jackie Chan’s movie is the ultimate stuntman can do, it’s unbelievable, even if he gets hurt, he has to give everything."

"He’s really a master. He paid a great price, and that’s why his work can become a classic."

Zhang Yimou, an internationally renowned Chinese filmmaker, has never had a film collaboration with Jackie Chan, but his brief encounter at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was enough to impress him.

"At the closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, Jackie Chan was invited to sing a song, and he came to every rehearsal. The kind of rehearsal in the Olympic Games, thousands of people waited for a long time and only appeared for three minutes, but he worked hard on the stage and rehearsed with other actors. That’s how he did everything seriously to influence the people around him."

In 2005, Jackie Chan and Zhang Yimou won the Shanghai Film Festival Chinese Film Outstanding Contribution Award

"He is very dedicated at work, and his love for environmental protection, charity, and everything in life is still influencing a new generation of young people."

"There is only one Jackie Chan in the world, and it cannot be repeated. He is the pride of our Chinese people."

Indeed, whether in terms of popularity, influence or the classic degree of the work, Jackie Chan is a unique presence among Chinese filmmakers.

In an era when technology and equipment lagged far behind Hollywood, Jackie Chan made a name for himself with his unique style of action and dedication.

Not only the above-mentioned few, Schwarzenegger,,,, and other well-known movie stars have publicly expressed their admiration and love for Jackie Chan.

"Long’s Comedy" leads the trend of action movies around the world, and the family class he trains has become a mainstay of the industry.

In Hollywood movies, Jackie Chan refuses to play a Facebook character or villain, hoping to use his work to change prejudice and show the world the positive side of Chinese sunshine.

In his life, he has always been full of positive energy, adhering to environmental protection and public welfare undertakings for decades, and giving back the support and love of global audiences with actions.

In the face of age, Jackie Chan once said frankly, Of course I can retire, but making movies is interesting, and I want to make more movies.

"As long as I can still play and do it, I will definitely hope to make a movie for the audience every year!"

There is a line to the theme song of "Police Story" that goes like this: "Bet your life and leave a heroic story."

For Jackie Chan, the age of 70 is just the beginning of the next story.

For those of us who grew up watching Jackie Chan movies, we can still see how fortunate Jackie Chan’s new works are, as if our youth has never aged.

In the coming days, let’s look forward to the world’s only Jackie Chan, continuing the unique legend!

Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition was commercially available in the fourth quarter, and developer beta was launched in the second quarter.

On January 18th, at the Eco Thousand Sails Sailing Ceremony held this afternoon, Huawei announced that the NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition System Developer Preview Edition is open for application.

IT House learned from the press conference that Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will launch the developer beta program in Q2 (second quarter).

Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will be realized.

Huawei has launched the NEXT Developer Preview Beta recruitment on January 15, and currently supportsHUAWEI Mate 60Mate 60 Pro, Mate X5 model registration. The HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Preview will no longer be compatible with open-source applications, only supporting kernel and system applications.

Huawei also revealed that it expects to have 5,000 apps completed native Hongmeng development by the end of this year.

Huawei announced that it has launched the 7 billion + RMB "Shining Star Plan" to continue to encourage ecological innovation such as Hongmeng native applications, meta services, and SDKs.

Related reading:

"Huawei Releases HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition, Developer Preview Open Application"

"Huawei Hongmeng Galaxy Edition system interface debut: HarmonyOS NEXT new control center, colorful color scheme"

"Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Preview Official Page Launched, Key Development Features Announced"

Hengchi 5 completed the declaration, a famous brand became a highlight, and the opponent was Special Model Y!

Hengda’s meaning is also very simple, that is, the first car does not take risks and seeks stability, and occupies the market through high cost performance.

(3) In what way will Hengchi 5 open against the benchmark X1 and Model Y?

Evergrande 5’s positioning is very special. In terms of size, its opponent should be Tesla Model Y, but it chose to "reduce its value" to enter the compact SUV market.

And its performance is indeed not particularly outstanding. The maximum driving power of the new motor is 150kW, which is basically the same as the output power of the 2.0T engine. Considering that the motor can output the maximum torque at the first time, the urban acceleration performance may be slightly stronger than that of the traditional 2.0T fuel car. But it is not outstanding in electric vehicles. For example, the maximum output power of the Tesla Model Y reaches 220kW, and it only takes 6.9 seconds to complete 0-100km/h acceleration, which is considered a steel cannon (parameter | inquiry) level. Therefore, for users who have high expectations for the performance of electric vehicles, the Hengchi 5 may not be so outstanding.

However, the relatively weak performance of electric vehicles gives it a more energy-saving performance. The comprehensive battery life of the new car can reach 700km, which is still outstanding.

The other competitors of the Hengchi 5 were officially "identified" as joint-venture luxury SUVs such as the Audi Q3 (parameters | inquiry) and the BMW X1 (parameters | inquiry). To be honest, the comparison was not great, these two cars were both entry-level SUVs, while the Hengchi 5 was actually close to the mid-size SUV. Its space was significantly larger and the configuration was higher.

But when it comes to brand recognition, Audi and BMW have been in business for so many years, and it is not so easy to shake. Therefore, the "official goal" of Hengchi 5 is very suspicious of "touching porcelain", which we will not mention.

(4) Kung Fu shooting

According to the previous information, the price of Hengchi 5 will be below 200,000 yuan, which has actually filled the price/performance ratio. After all, the body close to the medium-sized SUV, the reliable three-electric system, the solid quality control and adjustment, and the good appearance and intelligent performance, the home is still very suitable.

It can be seen that Evergrande has indeed put enough effort into this car. As for whether it can become a hit, it depends on the follow-up market performance, let’s wait and see.

(Text/rider number, Kung Fu car)

From innovation to subsidies, what is the situation of community group buying now?

  The sudden entry of the "giant" broke the development rhythm of the entire community group buying track, and the rules of the game changed accordingly. The industry changed from "fighting for innovation", "fighting for execution" to "fighting for capital" and "fighting for subsidies". It is not surprising that Tongcheng Life has embarked on an inverted "V" shaped trajectory from rise to fall.

  The "giants" are still rolling in the track of community group buying, but the start-up company that started first was "easily" crushed. On the morning of July 7, the community group buying platform Tongcheng Life (now renamed Honey Orange Life) officially declared bankruptcy. According to reporters, its founder, chairperson and CEO He Pengyu was still in talks with suppliers that night. During the meeting for more than 4 hours, he cried several times and promised to try his best to pay off the debt, but he was unable to recover.

  On the community group buying track, Tongcheng Life is not the first company to declare bankruptcy, but because of its high reputation, its bankruptcy was called "the first case of community group buying bankruptcy" by the media, causing industry shock.

  Why did Tongcheng Life "die suddenly"? What is the situation of community group buying now? The reporter interviewed some people familiar with the matter.

  Shift from innovation to subsidies

  The usual cause of company bankruptcies is poor management, but Tongcheng Life, which was established in January 2018 and belongs to Suzhou Fresh Orange Technology Co., Ltd., is obviously not one of them. The inverted "V" trajectory of Tongcheng Life from rise to rapid "fall" can be clearly seen in the internal letter sent by He Pengyu to employees and suppliers. According to He Pengyu’s open letter, in only about a year and a half, "Tongcheng Life has achieved the front-end performance of the contract and entered a healthy development stage."

  At that time, Tongcheng Life was still a star on the community group buying track, which was recognized by many investment institutions. According to reports, Tongcheng Life received 4 rounds of financing in a row in 2019, ranging from tens of millions of yuan to 100 million US dollars. In June 2020, Tongcheng Life announced the completion of 200 million US dollars C round of financing. According to public reports, its valuation before bankruptcy was about 1 billion US dollars, which can be regarded as a small and beautiful start-up company.

  In the past two years or so, the community group buying model developed from fresh food e-commerce has rapidly developed into a new format in the e-commerce industry, providing a new way for the development of farmers and rich farmers and the absorption of flexible employment in cities and towns, and attracting a large number of entrepreneurial teams. Ten Hui Tuan, Xingsheng Preferred and Tongcheng Life are the three fastest teams, once known as the "old three groups" by the outside world.

  However, the booming community group buying market has also attracted "giants" to enter the market. Since September 2020, Ali, Meituan, Didi, Pinduoduo and others have resorted to price war "big killers", and "1 cent to buy vegetables" has become popular. Even the vendors in the vegetable market have felt the pressure.

  The sudden entry of "giants" broke the development rhythm of the entire community group buying track, and the rules of the game changed accordingly. The industry changed from "fighting for innovation" and "fighting for execution" to "fighting for capital" and "fighting for subsidies".

  According to the reporter’s understanding, in the face of the sudden arrival of the survival crisis, Tongcheng Life has also struggled, seeking capital mergers and acquisitions while striving for performance. It has discussed acquisition intentions with, Ali, ByteDance, Meituan, etc., and even has a team settled in for due diligence, but ultimately failed due to changes in the industry trend.

  Li Ming (a pseudonym), a former executive of Tongcheng Life, told reporters that "at the end of June, Tongcheng Life also hoped to get better business data through increased marketing efforts, so as to obtain the olive branch of a’giant ‘merger, but unfortunately it was rejected again. Later, due to the expiration of the brand authorization, the executive decided to start a name change and strategic transformation to make a comeback. Unfortunately, at this time, the supplier began to concentrate on the run to collect payment, which eventually led to the collapse of the capital chain."

  At present, community group buying is still in the stage of rapid expansion and growth. Meituan (Meituan Preferred), Pinduoduo, and Didi (Orange Heart Preferred) have occupied the top position, and Xingsheng Preferred and Ten Hui Tuan have also been incorporated by and Ali. After the departure of Tongcheng Life, community group buying has become a game for "giants".

  After the shopping, the industry will lose a lot.

  After the community group buying track fully entered the era of "giants", price-fighting and long-term rebates became the norm, and no one could achieve positive benefits in the short term. Service innovation and experience innovation on the user side stagnated, and the entire industry suffered serious internal friction.

  It is understood that the profit margin of the community group buying industry has rapidly declined from profit to loss. Li Ming revealed that before the "giant" entered the market (before September 2020), the monthly sales of platforms like Tongcheng Life were between 800 million yuan and 1.20 billion yuan, and the gross profit was about 20%. After the "giant" entered, with the huge subsidies for consumers and the competition for the "head", the monthly revenue of the platform fell by up to 80%, and the gross profit directly became negative. The entire community group buying market also further slid into the quagmire of industry-wide losses.

  In December 2020, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Commerce jointly organized an administrative guidance meeting to standardize the order of community group buying, which was attended by six Internet platform companies including Alibaba, Tencent,, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and Didi. At the meeting, the community group buying "nine must not" was proposed. In March this year, the operating entities behind five community group buying platforms including Meituan Preferred (Shenzhen Meituan Preferred Technology Co., Ltd.) were fined 1.50 million yuan for suspected unfair price behavior.

  But this still failed to curb the expansion of the "giants". On the one hand, they "hide their positions" and continue to engage in similar "1 cent" activities. On the other hand, they seize the end point market by greatly increasing the commission rewards and subsidies for the "heads". Li Ming said that at present, the rewards and subsidies given by several giants to community groups buying end point "heads" have reached a maximum level of 15% to 18%, basically subsidizing the platform’s own income. This is already irrational competition and is suspected of disguised price war.

  On July 8, the reporter inquired about some community group buying platforms, not only the activity of "15 eggs clocked in 5 days", but also 1.25 yuan a catty of sand sweet potatoes and 0.99 yuan a red dragon fruit. On the community fresh platform, similar red dragon fruits cost about 4 yuan to 5 yuan each, and sand sweet potatoes cost 5 yuan a catty, which is much higher than the community group buying platform.

  Behind the shopping prices and subsidies is the huge loss of the entire industry. According to public reports, Meituan’s adjusted net loss reached 3.892 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year, and Meituan’s investment in the community group buying business was about 10 billion yuan, which is expected to reach 20 billion yuan this year. In the first quarter, Pinduoduo’s gross profit fell to 49.74%. Pinduoduo invested about 6 billion yuan in buying vegetables in Duoduo, and will increase investment in 2021.

  Under the mess, suppliers are affected

  From thriving performance to being forced to declare bankruptcy and exit, the closure of Tongcheng Life is not only regrettable, but also leaves a trail of chicken feathers.

  In the early morning of July 8, He Pengyu issued an open letter through his personal Moments, proposing three solutions to the bankruptcy of Tongcheng Life: to maximize the protection of the rights and interests of all creditors within the scope of the law; to make every effort to preserve existing assets, hand them over to the court for proper storage and treatment, and actively cooperate with the government’s guidance to offset debts with company assets; if the assets are not enough to offset debts, He Pengyu promises to start a business again, "I will record every debt clearly, and use all my personal efforts to repay debts."

  It is also understood that on July 8, Tongcheng Life issued a repayment plan for the supplier before initiating the bankruptcy liquidation process. Previously, it had paid employees’ salaries in June and also promised to pay social security for employees in the future.

  Although the entrepreneurial team of Tongcheng Life tried their best to make up for it, there were still many vegetable farmers, small traders, and even large and medium-sized suppliers who did not receive the payment on time.

  A livestock company has cooperated with Tongcheng Life to supply egg products since 2019, and it was owed nearly 800,000 yuan. After the crisis broke out in Tongcheng Life, Mr. Wang, the person in charge of the company, came to ask for the arrears. "There are hundreds of egg farmers behind me, so I have to come to collect debts."

  According to the latest situation, on July 8, Tongcheng Life has started to repay some of the suppliers’ debts in advance, and the rest will be allocated by the court after the bankruptcy liquidation process starts. The work is still being carried out in an orderly manner.

  As of the morning of July 9, there were more than 600 suppliers who had reached repayment agreements with Orange Technology, mainly from the financing loans raised by He Pengyu and his team.

  On July 9, Mr. Wang booked a return ticket with a repayment agreement. But next time, if there is another community group buying platform flash crash, will the suppliers be so lucky?

Didi is actually running

"Big factories should lower their profile, so that they can do a good job in the’big ‘business of’a few taels of silver’ among all living beings."

Author/Xuan Qing

On the night of November 27, Didi Chuxing experienced "system paralysis". The Didi Chuxing APP in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places could not be used, and the map could not be loaded. Some netizens said that after using Didi to call the online car-hailing, the APP suddenly could not be used, and the driver could not find the passenger. On the morning of the 28th, Didi Chuxing issued an apology, saying that after the technical team repaired overnight, some Didi online car-hailing services had been restored.

This Didi system crash is a total paralysis. Not only the user side cannot be used normally, but also the driver side and Didi’s intranet have problems. It is reported that the functional paralysis lasted for nearly 12 hours, which is also the longest failure of Didi Chuxing in recent years. It is identified as P0 level (P0 level failure is the most serious, with the greatest impact, and important functions related to core business are not available).

It was not until the 29th that Didi officially released the investigation results, saying that the cause of the accident was "the failure of the underlying system software", and all services of the Didi App have been restored.

So far, the first large-scale technical obstacles for the largest online car-hailing company on the whole network have been temporarily ended.

Interestingly, after an Internet company suffered a major failure of network technology and calmed down the storm for two days and one night, it triggered an "avalanche" effect.


Credit plummets, runs begin

After the incident, perhaps Didi’s public relations response to the crisis was lagging behind. When users did not receive reliable feedback at the first time, there was a panic of cashing in. The topics of "a driver’s income exceeded 69 billion yuan" and "some Didi drivers began to withdraw cash" suddenly rushed to the hot search, triggering a chain reaction.

On the afternoon of the 28th, some Didi drivers began to withdraw cash and advertise it in the internal group.

"Everyone in the group is saying that Didi has collapsed. It’s not a problem of a few cities. The situation of collapse is still varied. Some people can’t open the map, some people can’t hear the voice instructions, and some people have been cancelled more than a dozen orders for no reason." The driver reported that due to system obstacles, he is very worried about illegal deduction points and misjudgment, so he will not take orders easily.

The most important thing is that some time ago, Didi changed the withdrawal rules. Drivers with level L1 cannot withdraw cash every day, which makes some drivers very angry: "Now there is a problem with the system again, and our attendance points are affected. If the account money is less, who can tell?"

There are also drivers who hope to take advantage of the "loophole" in the system to withdraw cash as soon as possible. "The maximum withdrawal is 3 times on the same day, and each time it does not exceed 5,000 yuan. If someone wants to take the opportunity, they can withdraw as much as they want." Even if they can’t bring it up, they also consider transferring to financial management to buy Didi’s own "Didi Kumquat Treasure". In short, they cannot keep all the funds in the account.

This is not the first time that Didi owners have questioned the withdrawal rules, but the system paralysis has once again touched the sensitive nerves of drivers who have run wild due to the "overlord clause".

It is unfair that so much money is being put into the Didi system for free. Previously, many drivers claimed that they were not given withdrawal rules when they registered with Didi, nor were they told whether the funds in their accounts were eligible for deposit, nor did they sign relevant agreements.

Over the ownership of funds and safety issues, Didi has been unable to establish a trust relationship with the majority of drivers. There was a post on the Internet of "clever withdrawal" and "looking for withdrawal loopholes", which also shows that the two sides are in a state of departure from defense.


The trick behind the withdrawal

While Didi drivers are frantically withdrawing cash, many netizens are also reflecting on how to ensure the safety of funds if the online car-hailing platform is paralyzed. At present, major online car-hailing payment and capital account platforms have restrictions on withdrawal time and quota.

Some platforms even play "trick". Some drivers find that when using a certain platform, if they choose to withdraw cash, the system will display "need to wait", and when the time is up, it will become "outdated"; some drivers want to withdraw and cancel the account, but the customer service says that the withdrawal is limited to 20 minutes, and if they want to cancel, they must have "zero balance".

Such as disordered withdrawal time, delayed arrival of money, and indiscriminate deduction of performance are common problems in the current online car-hailing market. No matter what kind of business model, old drivers have also begun to be vigilant, because the "harsh" of online car-hailing platforms in terms of money is often a precursor to the collapse of the company. Such as Zebra, Yidao, Wanshun, Jiqi and other online car-hailing platforms, there have been situations where "it is difficult to withdraw cash, there are many tricks, and playing tricks".

Previously, there was a "partner model" that was popular in the car circle, that is, the driver signed a water withholding agreement with the leasing company and paid the service fee. The online car-hailing aggregation platform deducted the running income from the driver’s account to the leasing company’s account every week, and the leasing company earned this running money. This low-threshold rent has attracted a large number of small white drivers to join the small platform, but many people report that only the account balance can be seen at the settlement, and there is no withdrawal permission. The leasing company will return the remaining after the fee is deducted the next month.

Autonavi Maps and Baidu Maps are typical "aggregation platforms". On Autonavi alone, more than a dozen online car-hailing platforms have been aggregated, but the safety factor of these small online car-hailing platforms is too low. From consumers placing orders to drivers receiving orders, and then to the platform settling funds for drivers, there is no problem with this closed-loop transaction itself. But since leasing companies involve capital precipitation, it is likely to form a so-called "capital pool".

According to industry sources, the online car-hailing platform has touched the "second settlement" red line of supervision by transferring customer funds without obtaining the "Payment Business License" and then settling the settlement with the platform’s secondary merchants by the online platform. There are potential operational or financial risks.

According to relevant data, there are currently 330 online car-hailing platform companies across the country that have obtained business licenses, but September data shows that 59 platforms have not transmitted data for more than 180 days. Most small and medium-sized online car-hailing platforms do not have "payment business" licenses. Many are on the verge of elimination, and the safety of funds is even more difficult to avoid.

As insiders say, many small ride-hailing platforms use the "guise of the Internet" to lure drivers into joining, but in fact they are doing illegal fund-raising.


Platform versus driver

From a deeper perspective, the "twisting" relationship between online car-hailing platforms and drivers has become more and more intense. "No matter which platform, the draw is more than 30%. And there are a lot of tricks in the delivery of orders." A driver who went to Beijing’s online car-hailing revealed that now the commission of Didi, Baidu and Autonavi has been continuously increased, and there have been problems such as opaque delivery orders, long-distance delivery orders, mandatory delivery orders, and no delivery orders during peak periods.

"This year’s business is too difficult, the number of orders is reduced, the commission is too high, and there are all kinds of algorithmic traps." Mr. Liu, an online ride-hailing driver, said that many platforms will "kill the goose and get the egg", and continue to take up the ante when they know that the driver is not making money or losing money.

"The platform knows very well that many Xiaobai drivers have signed a one-year lease contract, and even if they can’t do it, they will insist on expiring for one year, so the company has no fear." Mr. Liu said that no matter which city in the country, the online ride-hailing algorithm is suppressing the enthusiasm of drivers, and drivers are more willing to choose to take orders.

Users are not immune to the platform’s confrontation with drivers. Many users find that the cost of hailing a taxi during peak periods is one to three times that of usual, and even if the fare continues to increase, few drivers take orders. "During peak periods, we only take large orders over 20 kilometers, and we do not take short-distance orders." Some drivers said that when the platform’s commission is too high, they will start to take selective orders, so as not to "run more, lose more."

From the point of view of Didi withdrawal, there are many thunder in the growth of the online car-hailing platform, which is "picking up wool" from each other. When it is a win-win situation, each company is happy, and when it is in trouble, they are rushing away. How to cultivate a well-regulated, honest and compliant online car-hailing market requires the patience and sincerity of the platform.

Didi said in its latest announcement that the relevant losses will be calculated normally, and the payment will be made up one after another, and the driver’s word-of-mouth value and travel points will also be calculated normally, and the display will be resumed one after another. To show its sincerity, Didi’s "10 yuan apology subsidy" has been distributed across the network, hoping to restore its word-of-mouth. This is also a reassurance for everyone.

We hope that the big factories will lower their stance. Because only in this way can they do a "big" business of "a few taels of silver" among all living beings.