Surprised! What is the principle that chewing gum can open coconuts?


 Can chewing gum really open coconuts by rubbing it into a cone? (Video screenshot)

  The scorching summer is a good time to drink coconut milk and eat coconut meat. Here is an interesting question: If you only have durian, rubber band and chewing gum at hand, which one do you think you can choose to open a coconut quickly?

  You may not imagine that researchers will tell you that opening coconuts with chewing gum is one of the simplest and most feasible methods.

  If you want to know the principle, you need to know all kinds of substances of non-Newtonian fluid and Newtonian fluid.

  Inflatable fluid: eat soft but not hard

  — — Chewing gum, starch solution, wet sand on the beach and concrete slurry belong to expansive fluids.

  What is the correct posture to open coconuts with chewing gum?

  First, knead a few pieces of chewing gum into a cone, then put the tip up and the bottom flat on the table, then hold the coconut to a certain height with your hands and hit it hard on the chewing gum. We will find that chewing gum will not be smashed flat, but will break a hole in the coconut. Repeat this several times, and the coconut can be broken.

  Why on earth does chewing gum have such magical power? In fact, the principle is — — Non-newtonian fluid principle. There is a gum-based component in chewing gum, which belongs to the shear thickening fluid in non-Newtonian fluid. The viscosity of this fluid will increase under the action of a large external force, and the greater the external force, the greater the viscosity.

  When the coconut hits the chewing gum at high speed, the viscosity of the chewing gum increases rapidly, and at this time it behaves as hard as a solid, thus piercing the hard shell of the coconut. Once the external force is withdrawn, it will return to the nature of liquid. If the external force is small and slow, it will behave like an ordinary liquid with fluidity. It’s really a soft guy.

  When this fluid thickens, its volume will expand slightly, so the shear thickening fluid is also called expansive fluid. Starch solution, wet sand on the beach and concrete slurry all belong to this kind of fluid.

  The change of viscosity of expansive fluid is related to its internal structure. That is, when shear thickening occurs, a certain structure is formed inside the fluid.

  Expansive fluid is usually a multiphase mixture, such as wet sand on the beach, which is a mixture of sand and water. When there is no external force or the external force is very small, the irregular sand grains are densely packed, and water can be evenly filled in the gaps between the sand grains to play the role of lubricant. When someone steps on the sand, the original tightly packed structure is destroyed, and the "dislocation" between the sand grains will increase the volume; At the same time, the water is forced to move around, and the flow is disordered, and the resistance will increase, and the flow of sand is more difficult because of the loss of lubricant. Therefore, the sand surface infiltrated by seawater on the beach is easier to walk than dry sand, because this characteristic of wet sand will make our feet less prone to sink.

  Bingham fluid: sometimes like a solid, sometimes like a liquid.

  — — Toothpaste, facial cleanser and hand cream belong to Bingham fluid.

  Since there is non-Newtonian fluid, there must be Newtonian fluid. Fluids whose shear stress and shear rate conform to Newtonian fluid formula belong to Newtonian fluid. Water and air are Newtonian fluids, and their shear stress is directly proportional to the shear rate.

  Any fluid whose shear force and shear rate do not conform to Newtonian fluid formula is called non-Newtonian fluid. Besides expansive fluid, non-Newtonian fluid also includes pseudoplastic fluid and Bingham fluid. All kinds of sauces, oils, polymer solutions, mud in the kitchen, and even blood and cell fluids in organisms are non-Newtonian fluids.

  The shear stress and shear rate of Bingham fluid are also linear, but unlike Newtonian fluid, it has a yield stress, and it will flow only when the external force is greater than the yield stress.

  The most typical Bingham fluid is toothpaste. When there is no external force, it looks like a solid. Only when we squeeze toothpaste hard, it will "flow" out of the tube, and when it is squeezed into the toothbrush, it can still maintain a certain shape without "falling down". If you don’t squeeze it, it won’t come out even if you turn the toothpaste tube upside down.

  Similarly, we can infer that things like facial cleanser and hand cream are also Bingham fluids. The paint used in buildings also needs to be designed as Bingham fluid. We require that it can flow when mixing and painting, and at the same time, it will not flow down from the wall because of gravity after being painted on the wall, that is to say, the yield stress of the paint should be greater than its own gravity.

  Like expansive fluid, Bingham fluid is a multiphase mixture. It is generally believed that the fillers in Bingham fluid form a three-dimensional network structure, which has certain strength and can resist low external forces; When the external force is large enough, the three-dimensional structure is destroyed and the filler will flow with the solvent.

  Pseudoplastic fluid: bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

  — — Blood, magma, yogurt, tomato sauce and shampoo are pseudoplastic fluids.

  If expansive fluid is soft and hard, then pseudoplastic fluid is a bully. Pseudo-plastic fluid shows the opposite properties to dilatant fluid, and its viscosity remains constant at low shear rate, but decreases with the increase of shear rate. That is to say, the greater the external force applied to it, the smaller the viscosity it shows. So it is also called shear thinning fluid.

  Many polymer liquids belong to this kind of fluid. The viscosity of a fluid can be understood as the friction between molecules in the fluid, and the greater the friction, the greater the viscosity. Solute in polymer liquid is a kind of molecule with large molecular mass and long structure. Without external force, they are usually in a curled state, and the molecules may entangle and collide with each other, resulting in high friction. When there is an external force, the curled molecules will spread along the direction of shear force, and the molecules will be arranged in parallel, so the friction between them will be reduced, and thus the viscosity will be reduced.

  Blood, magma, yogurt, tomato sauce and shampoo all belong to pseudoplastic fluids. When we stir yogurt or tomato sauce slowly, we will find it more difficult, but when we stir it quickly, it will be easier. In fact, this is the reason above.

  Pseudoplastic fluid has another interesting phenomenon — — Kay effect. When a beam of pseudoplastic fluid with high viscosity hits a solid surface, the solid surface will bounce the liquid beam back upward.

  Observing the experimental phenomenon carefully, it is not difficult to find that a layer of fluid always accumulates below the rebounding water flow. Combined with the properties of pseudoplastic fluid, the whole process should be like this: the rapidly falling liquid jet impacts the viscous fluid pile below, and the viscosity of the fluid surface becomes smaller due to the impact force, forming a dimple-shaped pit after the impact. At the same time, the surface with reduced viscosity acts as a lubricant, and finally the falling liquid jet is bounced out.

  (Cai Dongmin)

The latest research confirms that eating more fruits and vegetables is beneficial to prevent diabetes.

  Beijing Science and Technology Daily, July 9th (Reporter Liu Yuanyuan correspondent Feng Yi) Can eating more fruits and vegetables really prevent diabetes? The latest scientific research gives the answer.

  The reporter learned from West Lake University that Professor Zheng Jusheng from the School of Life Sciences of this school, together with more than 40 nutritionists in Europe, proved from the perspective of blood nutritional markers that eating more fruits and vegetables is conducive to preventing diabetes (this article refers to type 2 diabetes).

  The study concluded that if you eat 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day, the risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25%. This provides valuable suggestions and references for dietary guidance in the field of public health. The research results were published online in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on July 9th, Beijing time.

  "We have tracked and recorded more than 10,000 cases of diabetes in eight European countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Denmark, and compared more than 13,000 healthy people. From the perspective of nutritional markers, we found that eating more fruits and vegetables really plays a positive role in preventing diabetes." As the first author of the paper, Zheng Yusheng said.

  In this study, the research team recorded seven kinds of nutrients in the blood of the experimental population, including vitamin C and six kinds of carotene. These seven blood indexes have been proved to be nutritional markers corresponding to the effective intake of vegetables and fruits. Generally speaking, the more fruits and vegetables are consumed, the higher the content of these seven indicators in the human body.

  Through regular measurement and tracking, the research team found that the higher the nutritional markers in the body, the lower the risk of diabetes, which shows that eating more fruits and vegetables can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes. Statistics show that the seven nutritional markers have increased by a standardized unit — — The risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25% if you consume 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day.

  According to reports, more than 10,000 diabetic cases and 13,000 healthy control groups were screened from more than 400,000 people through nearly 10 years of follow-up, so there are long-term data to support the reliability and stability of the conclusion.

  "Many teams have done similar research before. Some teams use questionnaires, which may have the subjective will of the experimenters, so there may be errors in the experimental results. The samples of other research teams may be only a few hundred people, and the tracking time is relatively short, so the statistical data is not representative. This study has a large sample of participants and a long experimental time, and it is of great significance in the field of public health to verify the results through a more scientific method. " Zheng Yusheng said.

Xinhua All Media+Fufu "Rabbit" Celebrate Reunion "Yuan" Open a New Bureau —— Scan of Celebrating Lantern Festival in Various Places

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 5thTitle: Fu "Rabbit" celebrates reunion and Yuan "opens a new game — — Scanning of celebrating Lantern Festival in various places

  Xinhua news agency reporter

  In the year of Guimao Rabbit, the Lantern Festival in beginning of spring is happy. In the past few days, the splendid lanterns in Qingdao, Shandong Province have lit up Nanlao Street, the non-legacy fire dragon in Jianshi, Hubei Province has been very lively, and the fish lanterns in Shexian County, Anhui Province have been swimming to pray for good weather … …

  Having Lantern Festival and celebrating reunion, people use colorful activities to express their good expectations for the new year and start a new life full of vitality and confidence.

  The land of China is full of fun.

  Solve riddles on the lanterns, Ice Lantern Watching, Song and Dance Performance & HELIP; … The lanterns are bright and colorful, and they walk into the Chinese Baroque historical and cultural block in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. Although the weather is still a little cold, the enthusiastic and festive activities such as guzheng playing, fitness dragon dancing, yangko dancing and Tai Chi umbrella performance attract many tourists to cheer.

  "The festive atmosphere is really good. I feel the charm of this city with my family." Gao Jiajia, a tourist who came to Harbin from Henan, said.

  Thousands of miles away, as the main venue of Guangfu Temple Fair, Zhongyou Square, located in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, is also very lively at the moment.

  At the Guangfu Temple Fair, which opened on the day of the Lantern Festival and lasted for 7 days, visitors can not only watch performances such as Han and Tang dances, acrobatics and martial arts, but also experience intangible items such as Guangcai and Landiao, and feast their eyes on the food area with rich characteristics.

  For this year’s Guangfu Temple Fair, Guangzhou citizen Xie Jiajun has been waiting for a long time: "Guangfu Temple Fair is a childhood memory of many young people, and now the temple fair has experienced more projects. Traditional festivals are just fun for everyone to spend together! "

  North and south of the great river, inside and outside the Great Wall, there are traditional Lantern Festival projects, but also local unique and jubilant folk performances.

  In the streets of Qingxu County, Shanxi Province, the vivid back stick performance makes people stare: I saw a burly man carrying an iron bar with soft steps and walking slowly, and the children lifted on the iron bar were dressed in gorgeous costumes, driving two long sleeves to dance … …

  On February 5 th, a back stick performance was performed on the streets of Qingxu County, Shanxi Province.

  In Wangmantian Village, Xitou Town, Shexian County, Anhui Province, the custom of playing with fish lanterns has a history of hundreds of years. With the gorgeous fireworks blooming in the air, and the sound of gongs and drums, the fish lights with flashing scales and fins are surrounded by the crowd, and they file out of their ancestral halls, and follow the lights to lead them through the streets and lanes, or jump up and down, or swing left and right … …

  In Tacheng, Xinjiang, which is located in the northwest border of the motherland, the social fire performance team composed of Han, Kazak, Uygur, Daur and other multi-ethnic people has a long queue, and traditional performances such as dragon dance, lion dance, yangko and dry boat take turns to compete. Yi Meihong, a Daur performer, said: "Nowadays, the people of all ethnic groups are getting more and more prosperous. We should pass on the traditional culture and express our beautiful vision for the future life in this way."

  The most delicious thing in the world is reunion.

  In Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou, colorful lanterns full of annual flavor are blooming under the cover of night: a large orange tree lantern symbolizing harmony, happiness and good luck, a blessing corridor decorated with hundreds of lanterns, and a lifelike jade rabbit theme lantern & HELIP; …

  Yang Ligang, a 28-year-old boy from Hubei province, took a photo with his parents next to a lantern with a blessing. "I took my parents to spend the New Year in Guangzhou for the first time since graduation and wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. I hope that the new year will be full of blessings. "

  In the custom of China people, they eat Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, which are round and full, and the products are reunion, happiness, harmony and peace.

  In Harbin, the "Ice City", dozens of international students from more than ten countries, such as Russia, South Korea, Pakistan and Thailand, went to solve riddles on the lanterns, made lanterns and watched traditional performances with local people.

  Mu Anwei, a Pakistani student who ate Yuanxiao for the first time, likes black sesame stuffing best. "Through this Lantern Festival, I learned more about the traditional culture of China. It turns out that this is the taste of reunion and has a feeling of home. "

  The full moon brings people together, brightening the whole of heaven.

  At 6 o’clock in the morning on the 5th, a large number of passengers waiting to open the gate for customs clearance had already gathered outside the gates of land ports such as Futian, Shenzhen Bay and Wenjindu. At the scene of Shenzhen Bay Port, the red lanterns hanging high are swaying with the wind, and the brisk pace and happy smile smell of reunion everywhere.

  Shenzhen Bay Port on February 4th.

  There is a kind of persistence for the reunion of more people.

  Shenzhen Huanggang Port, Luohu Port and Liantang Port will resume operation on the 6th, when the Shenzhen-Hong Kong land port will be fully restored. The resumption of customs clearance is just around the corner. On the 5th, the entry-exit inspection hall at Luohu Port was extremely busy, and staff in different positions were busy for safe and smooth customs clearance.

  More than 20 folk activities, such as lantern festival, non-legacy performance, drone light show and fireworks show, are being staged in the ancient county of Taiyuan.

  There are 32 large light groups in the ancient county, 210 street merchants supply power, and the lighting facilities in the street … … In order to let tourists experience the colorful Lantern Festival, State Grid Taiyuan Power Supply Company organized more than 30 power-saving employees to stay on the spot during key hours, strengthened the inspection of line equipment, assisted the scenic spot operating units in advance to investigate the hidden dangers of power consumption, and made every effort to ensure power supply safety.

  The New Year’s struggle is just in time.

  Lantern Festival is the end of the Spring Festival and the beginning of a new chapter.

  At 5 o’clock on the 5th, before dawn, Wang Anquan came to the morning market of Hongzhuan Street in Harbin, Heilongjiang, and put fresh live fish on the stall. At 7 o’clock, people in the morning market gradually increased. On the fifteenth day of the first month, many citizens came to buy goods, and many tourists came here to experience the morning market in Northeast China. "Business is good this year and there are many customers." He said.

  Various flavors of Yuanxiao, fried cakes just out of the pot … … Ms. Yang, a tourist from Shanghai, said excitedly: "I didn’t expect the morning market to be so lively. I bought fried dough sticks, frozen pears and big porridge to taste with my family."

  The Lantern Festival in the morning market of Hongzhuan Street in Harbin is popular. Xinhua News Agency reporter Dai Jinyu photo

  The world is warm in spring, and the struggle is at the right time.

  Although it is the Lantern Festival, all production lines are running in an orderly way in the workshop of CLP Wuhu diamond aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. located in Wuhu Aviation Industrial Park, Anhui Province. This is an enterprise that produces light navigable aircraft. Not long ago, the company’s 100th DA42NG aircraft rolled off the assembly line and was successfully delivered.

  "In order to speed up the research and development progress of domestic engines, many departments have worked overtime in recent days, and they have worked hard to overcome technical difficulties and seize the construction period." Huang Renjin, assistant director of the production center of the company’s Tongfei Division, said.

  On the land of China, a new picture of production and life is slowly unfolding:

  At the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, the labor market in various places has accelerated to pick up. After the Lantern Festival, the employment of enterprises and the job search of laborers are expected to reach a climax. As a populous county and a labor export county in Shanxi, there are more than 50 recruitment publicity materials in the employment service hall of Linxian County, Shanxi Province. The recruitment information of enterprises is scrolled on the big screen, and people come to consult in an endless stream.

  Ma Yongzhen, the head of a human resources company in Linxian County, is busy with recruitment. "In the past few days, 160 people have been transported to Qingdao and Nantong." Ma Yongzhen said that the third batch of migrant workers will be sent to other places on January 16.

  In the spring ploughing season, after the reunion dinner, the workers in the workshop of Xinjiang Tacheng Tianjin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in water-saving irrigation equipment, worked overtime to produce at full capacity.

  "In January this year, farmers placed orders, two months earlier than in previous years. The production line of the enterprise has not stopped since the Spring Festival. " Li Tanping, the company’s production director, said.

  Full of vitality, strive to be a "rabbit".

  Under the bright full moon and bright lanterns, let’s unite and forge ahead in the new year and write the most beautiful times.

[Concern] How to taste glutinous rice balls healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

The following article comes from the language of nutrition and economy, written by Gao Yun.

Nutrition and economy.

Pure popular science nutrition

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, also known as the "Shangyuan Festival", which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, setting off fireworks and other activities have existed since ancient times and have been passed down to this day.






Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)


I believe that many foodies have already prepared all kinds of dumplings at home, and I look forward to the scene of family members sitting together and eating dumplings. Whether in the north or the south, eating glutinous rice balls is an essential highlight of the Lantern Festival. The difference is that it is called "Yuanxiao" in the north and "Tangyuan" in the south. Many people who pay attention to customs think that "Lantern Festival is not counted without eating glutinous rice balls". How can we enjoy glutinous rice balls while taking care of our health?

Note the "stuffing" trap

The fillings of Yuanxiao are generally green red silk, peanuts, sesame oil, jam, sugar, etc. The fillings of glutinous rice balls are generally bean paste, black sesame, shepherd’s purse, pork and so on. The two methods are different, but the main component of the crust is glutinous rice flour, and the stuffing also contains more oil (nuts such as sesame seeds and peanuts, chocolate and lard, etc.), so whether it is Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, the heat is very high. As the folk song goes, "Tangyuan can be used as tea rice", and three medium-sized Tangyuan (1/2) are equivalent to the carbohydrate of half a bowl of rice. The energy of two black sesame dumplings is about 300 kilocalories, with 16.4 grams of fat and less other nutrients. Eating more will increase energy and fat intake. Moreover, the starch contained in glutinous rice is amylopectin, which is not easy to digest and absorb in the stomach. Therefore, no matter from the aspects of energy intake or digestion, it is not appropriate to eat dumplings as a staple food in large quantities.

Sugar control is very important.

Although compared with the traditional glutinous rice balls, sugar substitutes are used in making sugar-free glutinous rice balls, the glycemic index of white glutinous rice, black glutinous rice, sticky millet and rhubarb rice is around 100, and the blood sugar rises rapidly. Even sugar-free dumplings are recommended for diabetics to eat as little as possible. In addition, you can eat some vegetables or protein-rich food before eating glutinous rice balls, which will help reduce the blood sugar reaction after meals.

Prevent accidents

1. For the elderly, due to the gradual decline of digestive function, especially the slow swallowing reflex of the elderly, they may get stuck in their throats because they eat more urgently, resulting in difficulty in breathing and even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must chew slowly when eating dumplings.

2. For infants, if the baby at home is under three years old, it is recommended not to let him try glutinous rice balls easily. After all, glutinous rice balls are mainly made of glutinous rice. If they are eaten by a baby under one year old, they may stick to the esophagus and have the risk of blocking the respiratory tract. If it is a one-or two-year-old baby, it is still not easy to bite peanuts and other fillings in the glutinous rice balls to prevent suffocation. In addition, because the baby’s digestive function is still weak and the swallowing reflex is not well developed, even if the baby over three years old is given glutinous rice balls, parents must look after them. It is best to divide the glutinous rice balls into small pieces in advance to prevent accidents. If your baby is suffering from respiratory diseases, such as cough, you should also eat dumplings as little as possible to prevent the illness from aggravating.

The glutinous rice balls that have just come out of the pot are steaming, so remember to taste them slowly and slowly to avoid burning your mouth. Just eat two or three medium-sized snacks at a time, and don’t be greedy for Doha! Finally, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, a happy family and a reunion!

Expert business card

Wu Ping

Tongji hospital affiliated to Tongji University

Director and chief physician of nutrition department

Tutor of medical doctor and master students

Expert clinic: Thursday morning

Director of Nutrition Department of tongji hospital, affiliated to Tongji University, expert of Oriental TV’s "Famous Doctors Keep Healthy" and major TV stations in Shanghai, top ten communication stars of nutrition science in China in 2019, member of the Standing Committee of Nutrition Committee of Chinese Women Medical Doctors Association, expert member of Shanghai Nutrition Quality Control Center, director of the Council of Shanghai Nutrition Society, and member of Chinese and Western Nutrition Group of Cancer Nutrition Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association. Member of the Second Committee of Weight Loss and Surgical Metabolism Branch of China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, member of the Standing Committee of the First Committee of Nutrition and Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, member of Shanghai Branch of China Heart Rehabilitation Alliance, member of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association Medical Science Popularization Branch, member of Shanghai Heart Rehabilitation Committee, scientific consultant of People’s Network "Popular Science China", part-time professor of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center of Shanghai Health Medical College, He is a member of the Expert Volunteer Group of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center, a member of the Expert Group of Health and Medical Communication Center of School of Media and Communication of Jiaotong University, a member of the Medical Popular Science Committee of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association, a member of the Medical Communication Committee of the Science Popularization Medical Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and a quality control leader of the nutrition specialty in Putuo District. More than 30 papers have been published in core journals by the first author or correspondent, including 4 papers in SCI English and 6 papers in Chinese series, and won the second prize of excellent papers in the 13th and 14th National Conference on Clinical Nutrition for two consecutive times.

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Specialist Clinic

Figure | The above is the copyright map.

Wen | Nutrition Department Wu Ping Gao Yun

Editorial | Propaganda Department

Guess you want to see it

Expectant mothers enjoy crabs well. When "fitness people" encounter mala Tang "double reduction", they will not reduce nutrition and supplement nutrients, which will help eye health.

Tongji hospital was founded in 1900 by German doctor erich Baolong, and tongji hospital is the only third-class first-class general hospital in Putuo District. The annual number of outpatient and emergency services exceeds 2 million. It has the most important disciplines of orthopedics and psychiatry in Shanghai, the key disciplines of cardiovascular medicine in Shanghai, the key specialties of spinal surgery, psychosomatic medicine and gastroenterology in Shanghai, and the demonstration department of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. Realize the selection of emergency and critical care disciplines, geriatrics, laboratory medicine and clinical medicine disciplines into the Shanghai municipal platform discipline construction plan; There are three dominant disciplines in the hospital: sports-nerve-spirit discipline group led by orthopedics, circulation-respiration-chest discipline group led by cardiology, and digestive-general surgery-endocrinology discipline group led by gastroenterology. As well as hematology-tumor-imaging-pathology-laboratory discipline group led by hematology department and obstetrics-gynecology-urology-kidney-reproduction discipline group led by obstetrics and gynecology department. The hospital integrates the advantages of disciplines, and based on multidisciplinary cooperation, the treatment system for refractory and relapsed hematological malignancies established by the Department of Hematology was selected into the national key clinical discipline construction project. And successfully built three national-level centers-advanced stroke center, chest pain center and trauma treatment center, and became a large-scale comprehensive diagnosis and treatment center for critical and intractable diseases in northwest Shanghai. It has established a national-level international scientific and technological cooperation base-the International Joint Research Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, and the Sino-US Joint Research Base for Stem Cells.It has a high-level expert team represented by the national key R&D plan, the 973 chief scientist and the national 100 million talents project. Undertake more than 20 national key projects such as national key R&D plan and 973 plan. The achievements have been published in top international authoritative academic journals such as Nature, Science and Cell. Won the second prize of national natural science, the first prize of natural science of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Award, the first prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, the outstanding contribution award of Shanghai medical development and the achievement promotion award of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award.

As a century-old modern hospital, tongji hospital is dedicated to superb medical skills, and has formed a warm "home" culture with Tongji characteristics and a healthy communication culture that serves the people wholeheartedly. With the spirit of helping others and the world, he has given full play to Tongji people’s broad mind of "sharing the same boat with one heart and one mind" in previous major rescue and disaster relief, international aid and poverty alleviation, and spread Tongji’s patriotic feelings all over the earth.

Original title: "[Concern] How to taste dumplings healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month? 》

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Chinese billiards "walking on two legs" with both internationalization and popularization in mind

China News Service, Yushan, Jiangxi, December 10 (Wang Zumin, Jiang Tao) The 6th China Billiards Association (CBSA) Chinese Billiards World Championships is being held in Yushan County, Jiangxi Province. The reporter learned here that as a billiards project with independent intellectual property rights in China, the future development of Chinese billiards will not only continue to accelerate the process of internationalization, but also be more grounded and cultivate its future development soil with popularization.
Chinese billiards became popular rapidly in China after it came out in 1980s. In 2012, China’s State Sports General Administration and China Billiards Association named this new type of billiards as "Chinese Billiards", and the Chinese billiards movement was on the right track.
The CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship, initiated by China Billiards Association in 2015, is the largest and highest-level Chinese billiards tournament in the world. The success of this event has accelerated the internationalization of Chinese billiards.
A total of 496 players from 41 countries and regions participated in this Chinese billiards World Championships, and the scale of participation reached a new high, with a total prize of 10.43 million yuan (RMB, the same below).
Wang Xiaojiong, executive deputy secretary-general of China Billiards Association, said in an interview with China News Service that billiards associations and players in various countries and regions around the world are increasingly favoring Chinese billiards, and the expansion of the prize money scale of this competition also shows the market’s love for this project.
In addition to the World Championships, the Chinese billiards international professional league came into being in 2022. The event includes China Open, International Classic, International Grand Prix and International Open. From November 2022 to October 2023, more than 1,000 players from dozens of countries experienced the charm and fun of Chinese billiards in international professional leagues.
Going abroad is another big step in the internationalization of Chinese billiards.
Since the international grand prix, Star Brand has cooperated with some overseas billiards organizations to hold overseas trials of Chinese billiards international professional league. At present, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, Australia and other countries have held overseas trials, further expanding the international influence of Chinese billiards.
It is reported that after the completion of Yushan International Billiards College, billiards associations in many countries and regions contacted China Billiards Association, hoping to send players or referees to the college for training. More and more countries and regions began to incorporate Chinese billiards into the local billiards sports system, and Chinese billiards became an important part of the world billiards sports.
While accelerating the internationalization of Chinese billiards, China Billiards Association will also promote the popularization of Chinese billiards. Wang Xiaotong said that in the future, the China-Taiwan Association will hold some amateur events or activities so that people who love Chinese billiards can participate in them. On the one hand, it will help promote national fitness, on the other hand, it will also cultivate the soil for the future development of Chinese billiards.
According to Wang Xiaotong, starting from 2024, the system of Chinese billiards professional events will be more perfect, and the China-Taiwan Association will further strengthen cooperation with relevant institutions and enterprises. It is estimated that there will be no less than 8 events in the whole year, and the total prize money will be from 1 million yuan to more than 10 million yuan. (End)

"Warm management" of Beijing Sports Lottery Store warms people’s hearts.

In the cold winter, Beijing is freezing. In order to provide a warm haven and resting place for lottery buyers and pedestrians who travel in the cold, Beijing Sports Lottery stores have started "warm management" one after another, helping everyone dispel the cold and protect their health with warm environment layout and enthusiastic service.

Sphygmomanometer plays a big role

"Small seeks you this incredibly have a sphygmomanometer? Then I have to test it. " Another lottery buyer who walked into the 36245 Sports Lottery Store in Haidian District in the cold wind quickly found the electronic sphygmomanometer specially placed in a conspicuous position by the agent Mr. Mou, and took the initiative to ask for blood pressure measurement.

In September 2023, Beijing Sports Lottery launched the "Healthy China Healthy Sports Lottery" activity, and established the Beijing Sports Lottery Health Benefit Station through the form of "Sports Lottery+Medical Care". Beijing Sports Lottery has equipped the first batch of 80 health benefit stations with electronic sphygmomanometer, oximeter and body fat scale as convenience facilities in the sports lottery health benefit station for use in the store. This winter, these health facilities played a big role. Mr. Mou told reporters: "Our store has an electronic sphygmomanometer sent by Beijing Sports Lottery Center, and my wife has a nurse qualification certificate. She is very concerned about the health of lottery buyers on weekdays and has been thinking about how to serve everyone as much as possible."

"Cold weather is very unfriendly to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. After Beijing cooled down this year, I put the sphygmomanometer in a conspicuous position in the store, which is convenient for the lottery buyers to test themselves. For older people, as well as tourists from the south, I will take the initiative to persuade them to measure their blood pressure and pay attention to their health. " Mr. Yan said.

Hot ginger soup to create a warm haven

No matter how windy and slippery the road is, there are always some people who have to go out. The Beijing Sports Lottery Store with sufficient heating and hot water can be their warm haven. "The people in this store are very good. I am actually waiting for someone nearby. The little girl said to let me come in to warm up and have a cup of hot water. It’s still warm in the house, but the enthusiasm of sports lottery is warmer and warmer in my heart. " In the 43276 Sports Lottery Store in Yongledian Town, Tongzhou District, an uncle praised the salesman Li Hongyan.

"There is no heating in the sports lottery store, but I turn on the air conditioner every day. The store is as warm as spring, and many people who go to the market will come to my store to rest." Li Hongyan said, I am warm to every guest who comes in, even if they are not here to buy lottery tickets, but just to take shelter, drink water or borrow a pump.

There are many sports lottery shops in Beijing, like Li Hongyan, which prepare hot water in their shops to provide a safe haven for their guests. Others specially cooked ginger soup at home and took it to the store in a thermos. "It is said that drinking ginger soup can better drive away the cold and prevent colds, so I have prepared some for people in need. It is not easy for people to go out in cold weather, and good health is very important. " Li Yong, a consignment agent in Tongzhou District, said.

Warm service can drive away the cold.

A cup of hot water can warm your hands, a warm room can warm your body, and a warm word can warm your heart. When it snowed before, many Beijing Sports Lottery people not only swept away the snow and ice in front of the door, but also swept the road at the door together with the snow in the nearby community, and laid anti-skid mats in the store, posted anti-skid tips, and used warm words and temperature service to drive away the cold for the guests who entered the door; In Yanqing District, which is colder than the urban area of Beijing, when it was found that heating and air conditioning could not effectively raise the temperature in the store, the Sports Lottery Store No.48022 decided to temporarily add a salesperson to reduce the waiting time of lottery buyers. There are also physical stores that strive to consider the possible needs of lottery buyers and prepare facilities in place. For example, umbrellas, chargers with various interfaces, band-AIDS, cold medicine, shoe polish and brush, disposable handbags, newspapers and magazines, chewing gum, etc. are always available.

It’s warmer in Leng Qing, and the cold wind can’t blow away the light and heat of sports lottery. In the new year, Beijing Sports Lottery and the respectable and lovely Beijing Sports Lottery people will continue to send more true feelings and warmth to the lottery buyers and the society. (From January 30th, China Sports Daily, 08 edition) 

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New Year’s Eve has a strong flavor (going to the grassroots in the New Year and basking in my family’s New Year’s Eve)

Editor’s note: New Year’s Eve carries the most sincere expectations and the strongest affection in a year. On this New Year’s Eve, in Wushi County, Xinjiang, the resident cadres who stuck to their posts ate pilaf; In Jiaozhou, Shandong Province, the father and son who got rid of poverty set new goals; In Mohe, Heilongjiang, tourists experience the culture of Northeast China in the Arctic Village. In Jiangjin, Chongqing, the New Year’s Eve dinner for poverty-stricken farmers is much richer than in previous years. In Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, villagers who moved from ex situ to help the poor had a reunion dinner in their new houses. In Huangpu District, Guangzhou, the left-behind workers spend the New Year in a foreign land … This special and unforgettable New Year’s Eve dinner is a review and tribute to past efforts, but also a prospect and expectation for a new beginning.
Race against time and keep pace with history. In 2020, we will build a well-off society in an all-round way; In 2020, it is also the year of decisive battle against poverty. Strugglers in the new era, let’s continue to unite as one and work hard to move forward rain or shine!
Xinjiang Wushi Resident Task Force
It’s so happy that the villagers are all out of poverty and staying in the village.
Our reporter Yang Mingfang altak
On the 24th, Lunar New Year’s Eve. In Kumbulong Village, Aotebeixi Township, Wushi County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, the flavor of the year is strong in the village committee courtyard.
"Dinner!" Zhu Lidong, the general leader of the "Visiting Huiju" of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Autonomous Region in Wushi County, the first secretary of Kumbulong Village and the captain of the resident team, has a loud voice and greets the team members to hurry to the table. During the Spring Festival this year, all 12 members of the task force stayed in the village for the New Year.
A pot of pilaf and half a sheep, a pot of green tea makes a short story. "Everyone can’t go home for the New Year, so they have a reunion dinner in the village." Zhu Lidong served everyone a bowl of delicious hand-grabbed rice. What makes Zhu Lidong feel gratified is the change in the village. In recent years, the task force has helped villagers get rid of poverty and become rich by promoting the quality and efficiency of the forest and fruit industry, and the per capita annual income has increased from 9,000 yuan in 2017 to 13,000 yuan.
After graduating from graduate school, Zhao Dachuan, a young man from Shandong Province, worked in the Forestry and Grass Bureau of the autonomous region and was sent to stay in the village. This is his third Spring Festival in the village. "As a poverty alleviation specialist, what makes me most happy is that at the end of 2019, 32 poor households in the village were all lifted out of poverty."
There is a special little guest at the dinner table-Zhu Yuxin, the 6-year-old daughter of team member Zhu Yuefeng. Zhu Yuxin said that after Dad came to the village, he became very busy, and sometimes he didn’t have time to video with her. "Mom took care of her little brother at home, so I came to accompany Dad!"
After listening to Zhu Yuxin’s little friend’s words, Ainiwal Anshan, the vice captain of the task force, smiled lovingly. This year is the fifth year for Ainiwal to stay in the village. In the work in the village, what makes Ainiwal feel the most is the change in the village; What warms him most is the family-like atmosphere among the members working in the village. "The members come from three different nationalities, just like a family. We usually work together, regardless of you and me."
"They left their homes and businesses to do good things for the people. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts." Aminah M Kadir, a local cook hired by the team, has been helping the team for almost five years. In her and the villagers’ hearts, the resident team members have already become relatives.
This Spring Festival, not only Kumbulong village, but also more than 70,000 village cadres from 12,000 "visiting and gathering" teams in Xinjiang, most of them stick to their posts and look forward to handing over a satisfactory answer sheet in the year of decisive battle against poverty.
Yang Wei ‘an and Yang Xiaoliang, Jiaozhou, Shandong Province
Set a new goal for poverty alleviation New Year’s Eve.
Our reporter Pan Junqiang
On New Year’s Eve, every household in Songjiatun Village, Jiaolai Street, jiaozhou city City, Shandong Province, was happy with Spring Festival couplets and blessings.
"Old man, take this dumpling out." The voice of his wife, Zhang Guirong, flew out of the house, full of anger. In the yard, Yang Wei ‘an was chatting with his neighbor. He answered, went into the main room and brought a whole set of dumplings with sorghum stalks into the side room. This is his family’s New Year’s Eve. The old couple are over 70 years old and still healthy and tough.
"Go, show you the new year’s goods prepared by my family." Zhang Guirong got up and pushed open the side door. The aroma was fragrant, fried yellow croaker, rice cake with dates, and Jiaodong big cake. She opened the refrigerator, chicken legs, dried shrimps, fish … all kinds. "Before the Chinese New Year, it was difficult to eat a decent jiaozi." Zhang Guirong said. Nowadays, it is not only the Spring Festival couplets on her door that are booming, but also the better days. Four years ago, Yang Wei ‘an and his son Yang Xiaoliang got rid of poverty together. It was not easy to get back to poverty at the beginning, but now they are stable, have something to do and have a deposit. "Thanks to the help of the party and the government, we have a good day today." Yang Weian was filled with emotion.
It was getting dark and my son Yang Xiaoliang came. My son separated after he got married, but it was less than 200 meters away from Yang Wei. On New Year’s Eve every year, Yang Xiaoliang’s family comes to spend the New Year with the old couple.
On the New Year’s Eve dinner, the father and son sat on the kang, guarding jiaozi, and Yang Wei ‘an scalded the wine, chanting, "jiaozi drinks wine, and the more you eat, the more you have!"
After half a bowl of wine, Yang Weian opened his mouth. Sixteen years ago, a car accident caused Yang Xiaoliang to suffer from a comminuted skull fracture, blindness in his left eye and disability. Parents are old, and Yang Xiaoliang can’t do heavy work. His daughter-in-law takes care of him and his children at home, and occasionally takes time out to do odd jobs to subsidize the family.
The reason for the change is that Yang Xiaoliang wants her daughter to continue to study hard. The prostitute has been studying very well. "After high school, it is more expensive to pay tuition fees to buy materials than in primary and secondary schools." Yang Xiaoliang said that he thought about it for a long time and felt that raising sheep was the most suitable. "I have to thank the poverty alleviation cadres, help me apply for a poverty alleviation fund of 3,500 yuan, and buy a male, five mothers and six sheep. This is the seed of poverty alleviation; I have to thank the technicians of the animal husbandry and epidemic prevention departments for giving us free guidance. " Now, my daughter is in her senior year and has just taken the postgraduate exam.
Now, there are more than 70 sheep at home. Yang Weian told Yang Xiaoliang that this year we will work harder to get rid of poverty and strive to get rich.
Heilongjiang Mohe nonlocal tourists
Meet in Beiji Village and Experience the Year of Northeast China.
Our reporter Fiona Fang.
"Happy New Year! Give everyone a free New Year’s Eve dinner tonight! " On the morning of New Year’s Eve, in Arctic Village, Mohe City, Heilongjiang Province, he ye, the proprietress of the Youth Hostel’s Friends’ Home, set out. While introducing the activities in the evening to tourists, she filled the table with candy and nuts, and handed out a few to everyone.
It is the practice in the store to provide delicious New Year’s Eve dinner for everyone.
Li Xiaoyun, a volunteer who helps in the store, is from Guangzhou. A month ago, she accidentally saw the information that the store was recruiting volunteers to be responsible for the reception at the front desk, so she went there with pleasure. Her job includes food and accommodation, and she can visit the Arctic Village after work. "I just want to experience the year here." She said that she experienced a lot of northeast folk customs this time, and she also learned to pack jiaozi with the proprietress.
Chicken stewed mushrooms, a bumper harvest, pot-wrapped meat … At 5 pm, the New Year’s Eve dinner was officially opened, and delicious food was served one after another. The atmosphere of 2008 allowed people who had never met each other to get to know each other quickly and come to raise your glass together.
Hu Li, a tourist from Jiangsu, is the third time to come back to the Arctic Village. "I can’t play enough at once. The most important thing is that I really miss the food here." Said, and he picked up a frozen pear on the table, "this thing, we can’t eat it at all. Bite it down, it’s sweet and icy, and it tastes great! "
Behind the good tourism experience is the efforts made by Mohe municipal government to optimize the tourism market.
"Since December 20th last year, it is still hard to get a ticket to open a train from Harbin to Mohe every day. We set up a comprehensive administrative law enforcement brigade to make unannounced visits to scenic spots, find problems in advance and solve them well, and improve the comfort of tourism. " Feng Guangqing, Party Secretary and Director of Mohe Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism, said.
During dinner, Hu Li discussed with his friends and went to other scenic spots in Heilongjiang in summer.
"Let’s drink to the Arctic Village and have a happy New Year!" There was laughter in the room, and under the inky night sky, gorgeous fireworks lit up this tourist hotspot in the northernmost part of the motherland.
Chongqing Jiangjin Poverty Alleviation Farmer Yang Wanliang
Life is easy, and the annual meal is rich.
Our reporter Liu Xinwu
One yard, two houses. On one side is an adobe house, and the wooden door creaks when touched. On one side is a new house with white walls and black tiles, and the "New Year’s Eve" is here.
As soon as the reporter entered the room, Yang Wanliang was enthusiastic, and oranges and sweets piled up on the table. The joy of the New Year is full of joy in Yang Wanliang’s face. "Now the days are better and the annual meal is richer!" Yang Wanliang dragged everyone around the house. There was a big barrel in the kitchen. When the lid was lifted, the bacon smelled delicious. In the vegetable garden, cabbage, radish and lettuce grow well.
Braised pork smells delicious, boiled fish is fresh and tender, and lettuce leaves are green and appetizing … This year, Yang Wanliang’s family reunion dinner is much richer than in previous years.
Piluo Village, where Yang Wanliang lives, is located in the south of Yongxing Town, jiangjin district, Chongqing, with high mountains and steep slopes. It was once a poor village at the municipal level, and 1/10 of them were poor households. Yang Wanliang was one of them. In order to help poor households increase their income, the village has formulated a "one household, one policy" assistance plan. At first, Yang Wanliang didn’t buy it, waiting for "relief". "Forget developing the industry, can you help me buy a mobile phone?"
Help the poor first. Knowing the situation, Xu Yuanfeng, the first secretary in the village, intends to "stimulate" him and take him to visit poverty-stricken households. Seeing someone else’s new house, Yang Wanliang’s expression is somewhat complicated.
After repeated persuasion, Yang Wanliang was determined to "do it". After careful comparison, he decided to raise chickens. The village helped him to contact and buy chicken seedlings, and asked experienced farmers to teach him by hand. Yang Wanliang raised 50 chickens in the first batch and got a grant. The agricultural cooperative helped him introduce buyers. With the help of policies, Yang Wanliang spent less than 20,000 yuan to build a new house. There are also public welfare posts in the village to help employment. In March 2019, he became a road cleaner with a monthly salary of more than 1,000 yuan. At the end of the year, Yang Wanliang calculated an account, earning 4,000 yuan from selling livestock and 10,000 yuan from sweeping the floor. Together with the income from selling chickens, he has earned more than 20,000 yuan in one year.
In the second half of last year, Yang Wanliang got rid of poverty and took off his hat. In order to facilitate contact, he bought a smart phone and learned to use WeChat. "It’s so convenient, and you can video chat!"
Villagers who moved in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province
After eating this meal, it is a family.
Our reporter Chen Yuanyuan.
On New Year’s Eve, in the centralized resettlement site for ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation in Huachong Village, Longmen Town, Lukou District, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, villager Huang Yousheng had a special reunion dinner. Not only his family, but also his neighbors and village cadres had dinner.
Referring to the change of living conditions, Huang Yousheng found out the photos of the old house. "My hometown is an adobe house, and the air leaks and the rain leaks." At the end of 2017, Huang Yousheng’s family moved into a new house at the resettlement site. "Now the house is big, and the income of the couple working together with poverty alleviation and dividends from the village industry is more than 50,000 yuan a year." Huang Yousheng’s neighbors are all villagers who moved from Huachong Village to help the poor. There are 8 households with 21 people, and now they have all got rid of poverty.
Huang Yousheng’s father was seriously ill and his son was sick. The burden of life once overwhelmed him. "Now I am not poor. This year is a good year, and there will be more hope in the coming year."
Into the resettlement site, hung red lanterns, brand-new Spring Festival couplets, put up a shed in front of the house, and put a brazier in the middle of the shed, which is warm and clean.
In the greenhouse, the drama has begun. Jinghu solo, Huagu Opera, Pop Songs … Wei Libin, a staff member of the literary squad of Zhuzhou Drama Heritage Center, performed six grounded programs with his team members in one breath. At the end of the performance, some villagers were not satisfied, so they simply went on stage and said a jingle: "The working team sent by the district was tired for poverty alleviation. They climbed high slopes in five years of cold and summer and tried their best to build a golden nest."
The kitchen is next to the stage, and the local cookhouse squad with the best reputation personally cooks. I heard that it was a holiday for poor households. Master Fu Lima promised: "I have to cook this meal. Everyone comes from different places and eats this meal, which is a family." The menu design is also satisfying, symbolizing the "family photo" of reunion, and the braised pork of happiness … 12 dishes, 8 tables of banquets, everything is complete.
Chen Xiangquan, an idle villager, came to help from another resettlement site early in the morning. In the past, Lao Chen earned less than 10 thousand yuan. "I am still young, how can I not live a good life?" Now, Lao Chengan raises and does business, earning nearly 80,000 yuan a year. When Mr. Chen was mentioned, everyone in the village gave a thumbs up.
The new year breeds new hope. Wang Shuai, director of the Poverty Alleviation Office in Qikou District, said: "This year, we are heading for a well-off society in an all-round way, so that everyone’s life will flourish."
Guangzhou Huangpu left-behind workers
Stick to a foreign land on the construction site for the New Year.
Our reporter Li Gang
On New Year’s Eve, Pan Qingyu from Guilin, Guangxi, and more than 10 left-behind workers walked into the canteen of the construction site at the Nano Valley site of China Construction Railway Investment Rail Transit Company in Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong. At the age of 23, this year is the first time that he left his parents to spend the New Year in another country, so it is inevitable that he will miss home. But I am not lonely when I am talking and laughing with my workmates.
According to Guangdong customs, on New Year’s Eve morning, Pan Qingyu put on new clothes and went to the nearby Guangzhou Knowledge City Flower Market with his workers. When in Rome, he did as the Romans do, chose a pot of azaleas, bought Spring Festival couplets and the word "Fu", went back to the construction site to carefully tidy up the dormitory, put up Spring Festival couplets and put flowers on it, and it was really the New Year.
After the New Year’s dinner, the workers arrived, everyone gathered together, poured drinks and clinked glasses, and the atmosphere of the festival group year immediately came up.
Unlike Pan Qingyu’s family’s new year’s big dish, today’s reunion dinner is just a pot of vegetables. A table is a pot, and a pot is a table. Not only he, but even Li Changbiao, the warehouse property manager who has worked outside for more than 30 years, has never seen this kind of New Year’s dinner. The most conspicuous thing in the "big pot dish" is a whole grouper, as well as big crabs, shrimps, boiled chicken, roasted goose, mushrooms, oily tofu and more than 10 hard dishes, which make a big pot full. This is the characteristic of the coastal areas of southern Guangdong, where one pot and one table are full, and through a pot full of layered dishes, it means reunion and wealth, hoping for a bumper harvest.
Pan Qingyu told reporters that before the holiday, he had delivered the company’s Spring Festival gift package to his home, and bought a lot of new year’s goods online and sent them directly to his home, expressing his wishes to his parents through WeChat transfer.
The New Year’s Eve dinner is indispensable in Guangdong, and everyone present has a share. Xiao Huajun and Wang Linhai, security guards from Ji ‘an, Jiangxi Province, were very happy to receive the red seal from the managers. Xiao Huajun said that he hasn’t received lucky money for many years, and this letter made him seem to have returned to his childhood.
"Before the Chinese New Year, the company cancelled all kinds of dinners, but this meal for left-behind workers must not be saved." Hu Yangping, chairman of the labor union of China Construction Railway Rail Transit Company, said that the company’s development today was created by workers with their hands.
Figure ①: Tourists enjoy the New Year’s Eve dinner in Arctic Village, Mohe, Heilongjiang.
Photo by Li Xiaoyun (People’s Vision)
Fig. 2: Members of the Xinjiang Forestry and Grassland Bureau’s team in Kumbulong Village, Aotebeixi Township, Wushi County, Aksu Prefecture gather to celebrate the Spring Festival.
Our reporter Yang Mingfang photo
Figure ③: Staff and children of poverty relief office in Lukou District, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province make decorations for the Spring Festival.
Figure ④: Village cadres and villagers are preparing for the New Year’s Eve dinner in the centralized resettlement site for ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation in Huachong Village, Longmen Town, Lukou District.
Zhu Gangshe (People’s Vision)
Layout design: Cai Huawei
People’s Daily (January 25, 2020, 02 edition)

Beauty of chongqing wants a high-profile response from the unspoken rule Zhang Yimou? (figure)

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

  Excerpts from Yiyi’s blog:

  First, the hidden rules

  If one day Zhang Yimou suddenly wants to hide me, I think I will go without saying anything! Maybe, I can go to Hollywood for decades. God ~ Give me a hidden rule when I have to, but only if you keep your word, I don’t want to be Yu Zhang!

  Second, the sex scandal

  Women can also use men to succeed in the upper position. For example, I took nude photos, but I don’t know where to send them. If John Woo says, call me to take Red Cliff 2. The premise is to send nude photos, I must send them! Is there a master planner who can teach me how to send it so that I can become popular?

  Third, selling privacy

  I really want to find someone to give me a lot of money, and then I’ll make myself beautiful! To be the first beauty in China, after all, I think I still have this foundation, and then the privacy is absolutely red!

  Fourth, the mouth is crazy.

  You can learn from Sister Furong’s madness, and you can learn from Lan Dong and mean girls’s nonsense, and your popularity will definitely rise. In fact, I also want to say that I want to find a boss to support me, give me money, give me a car, give me a house, I will give you health and give you happiness! Has anyone come to sign up? Finally, I just want to say that a good planner is the most important thing. I want to find a planner, and we will plan it well. Then I will go up and you will follow me. To succeed is to do whatever it takes, which has nothing to do with spiritual beauty!

  Follow-up blog:

  On June 1st, we will do what we want to do in this limited life, and those who leave regrets in life are stupid people. He’s a walking corpse.

  Today, June 12th, I found myself on the home page. I was surprised, hehe! I think this propaganda method is really good, and the click of blog has increased at once!

  On June 13th, we only try our best to achieve everything when we are young. The first person to eat grapes is the strong one, that is, the winner. If you lose, if you can’t eat grapes, you will always be a frog in the well.

  I was completely demonized by you on June 14th, so those bosses left me messages. Should I thank you? My mailbox is full of all kinds of adoption conditions. I don’t know if some of these people also scolded me on the blog and pretended to be good people to support me there.

Editor: Zhang Renhe

China’s financial opening up has made two big hits. This blue ocean opportunity, Americans are afraid to fall behind.

  Just two days after the news of French, German, Japanese and other commercial banks and insurance institutions applying to land in China came out, two more news came: First, on May 2, the Central Bank of China confirmed that the first foreign-funded payment institution had applied to the Central Bank of China for business. This means that foreign payment institutions have taken the first step to enter the China market. Second, on the same day, it was reported that a foreign company had started to apply for a credit investigation license in China.

  This is the embodiment of China’s further financial opening.

  Let’s look at the company that applied for third-party payment, named WorldFirst, which is a British-funded company. In April 2018, WorldFirst just launched the first collection product for cross-border B2B sellers in China — — World Account to solve the problem of cross-border payment for cross-border e-commerce sellers, so it is very important to obtain a third-party payment license in China, otherwise, the development of China market will be limited. The application of WorldFirst to the Bank of China for a cross-border business payment license indicates that China’s financial opening is expected to go further in the field of third-party payment.

  The company that applied for the credit information business license is even bigger. Yiborui Company, headquartered in Ireland, is a giant of credit information business in the world, with business all over the world and huge branches in the United States.

  Generally speaking, if the central bank confirms the receipt of the application, it means that the central bank has actually started the process of approval. Therefore, these two cases, some low-key applications, were officially confirmed, which means that China’s financial opening-up is real, and it is a fence to cut the knife and cut the flesh.

  The third-party payment market in China has achieved great success in recent years. The well-known third-party payment companies represented by WeChat and Alipay have made eye-catching profits in this field. Ant Financial has mastered Alipay, and its valuation has surpassed many financial companies in the United States by hundreds of billions of dollars. However, the size of WeChat Tenpay is not inferior to Alipay. Of course, its actual valuation should also be around here. Even so, China’s third-party payment market still has great potential to be tapped. For China’s huge domestic third-party payment market, foreign capital used to be out of reach. But now it seems that soon, foreign capital can come in to participate in the competition and share a piece of the action.

  The credit investigation market in China has just started. There is a vast space for both corporate credit investigation and personal credit investigation, and many aspects are still blank. I am afraid the market potential in this respect is no less than that of third-party payment. Different from third-party payment, there is no strong competitive opponent in China in this respect, that is to say, if foreign capital comes in, it is basically a blue ocean with huge profits.

  Therefore, China’s opening up in these two areas is really very bold and courageous.

  No wonder countries, especially several developed countries, have been acting so frequently recently.As long as they have some market judgment, they will never ignore the huge space of China’s financial market. Whoever falls behind in the process of opening China’s financial market will lose half of the future first. From a global perspective, I am afraid that the two major financial opening dividends that China wants most are American companies. Let’s look at the third-party payment market in China, which is the big fat that companies with payment services in the United States, such as Apple and paypal, want to get. Apple has previously entered the payment market in China through the cooperation with China UnionPay, but after all, it is a four-way payment, and its business development is not satisfactory. Therefore, in the competition with WeChat and Alipay, Apple, which is far behind, should dream of getting a third-party payment license in China.

  Needless to say, the three major rating agencies in the United States, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investment Services and Fitch Ratings Limited, are all giants in the global credit reporting field. If they can’t successfully enter the credit reporting market in China, or lag behind other competitors in the pace of entering China, they will probably have a great adverse impact on their future competitiveness.

  However, if American companies really lag behind their western counterparts, it is not China’s fault. China people believe in "making money with harmony". After all, the United States initiated a trade war with China, and public opinion in China could hardly accept the result: open these fields and let those guys who threw stones at themselves happily take away the benefits. Needless to say, no one has the guts!

  (The author is an international critical commentator Si Hai)

"I saw Uncle Deng’s cooking." In 1972, I spent the New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home.


    In 1972, I visited Deng Xiaoping in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and spent an unforgettable New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home. Deng Xiaoping’s cooking skills, Zhuo Lin’s enthusiasm, and his friendship with Deng Lin’s brother and sister all remain fresh in my memory.

    Visiting relatives in Nanchang on New Year’s Day

    On the eve of New Year’s Day in 1972, my sisters Da Rong and Er Rong went to Nanchang from Linchuan County, Jiangxi Province to visit Uncle Deng Xiaoping. I remember that it was a cold winter. There was a layer of mist on the boundless Ganjiang River, and no ship was seen. The distant mountains were gray, and the vegetation along the river was withered and trembling in the cold wind. We came to the guest house of the provincial party Committee by the Ganjiang River, which is the designated meeting place.

    It is said that after Deng Bobo and his family came to Jiangxi, they lived in a small building of Nanchang Infantry School. There was no heating or hot water in the building. When they wanted to take a bath, the old man had to boil the bath water downstairs and carry it to the bathroom upstairs in buckets, which was inconvenient. Moreover, it was easy for the old man to catch a cold when taking a bath in winter. This problem dragged on for a long time. When Huang Zhizhen, a former veteran cadre of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, learned about it, he made arrangements for Deng Bobo’s family to take a hot bath in the provincial party committee guest house every weekend. When I came to the guest house, Uncle Deng Xiaoping’s family happened to take a bath here.

    In the living room on the second floor of the hostel, we first met Aunt Zhuo Lin, Deng Lin and Mao Mao, who had just taken a bath and were combing their hair. Uncle Deng asked them to wash first and then wash themselves. When I saw Aunt Zhuo Lin, my sister and I were filled with emotion and tears. Aunt Zhuo Lin and my mother Xiao Li were good friends during the Yan ‘an period, and they had a lot of contacts. Uncle Deng came out of the shower and was very happy to see us coming. Perhaps it was because he had just taken a shower and his face was flushed and radiant. He speaks Sichuan dialect, and we also speak Sichuan dialect, because we grew up in Chengdu and have a local accent. Visiting Uncle Deng has always been our wish. Our family has a good relationship with Uncle Deng’s family, and their children grew up together. First, we reported to Liu Junxiu, deputy director of Jiangxi Revolutionary Committee, who worked in the Jinsui Military Region with my father Li Jingquan during the War of Resistance against Japan period. Our wish was realized through the contact between Uncle Liu and Uncle Deng’s family.

    Uncle Deng asked about our work and life with concern. I told him that my sister and I came to Jiangxi in 1969 and settled down in my father’s hometown, Linchuan County, to work as farmers, relying entirely on earning work points to support ourselves. Speaking of which, my sister and I took out two fish brought from our hometown, which were caught by the villagers from our pond, and some eggs saved. I told Uncle Deng that these are all fruits of labor. Please accept them for the whole family to taste. Seeing that it was getting late, we were ready to leave. On hearing this, Uncle Deng immediately said, "Don’t go today, come to our house for a few days."

    Chinese New Year at Uncle Deng’s house? The Provincial Revolutionary Committee may not agree, and I am also afraid of bringing trouble to the Deng Bobo family. "I’m afraid of you. You are all little dolls. Tomorrow is the New Year. How can you go?" Uncle Deng said. Aunt Zhuo Lin also said, "You have come a long way, but you haven’t finished yet. Come home with us and spend the New Year together. Don’t worry, I’ll tell them that I can stay at home. "

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