Bai Yansong: Are soccer and soccer the same sport in China?

On July 19th, Bai Yansong paid attention to the "football road, how should China go?" in CCTV’s "News 1+1" program. Among them, the golden sentence is constant. Some words may sound a little harsh, but we can understand the helplessness of many experienced fans who can only have fun in the midst of years of pursuing love and constant loss. The so-called "love is deep and responsibility is urgent".

Let’s listen to what Yansong said ~

"I don’t want to talk about China football and everyone laughs."

When it comes to football in China, everyone will be happy and tell many jokes. In fact, I don’t want everyone to laugh when talking about China football, but China football has tortured fans for so many years, and I think we have some capital to laugh now. What can we do if we don’t smile?

But we really don’t want to laugh. We really want China football to develop better. But how to develop?

"How can China football develop without a stadium and a good coach?"

There is a survey: What do you think is the most important thing for China football to be strong? I think two figures are too low: 3% people choose.Build more stadiums, and 3% of people choose.Training of grass-roots coachesThis ratio is too low.

Let’s take a look at the goal of China Football Association: to expand the training scale of coaches year by year. By 2020, the total number of certified coaches in China will reach 70,000. Note that it is to strive to achieve it by 2020, which is quite different from the fact that 100 children in Iceland may have a good coach to take care of them.

There are also people who study football in China now, but after graduating in four years, they can’t get a certificate, and then they may be assigned to a school and stop teaching football and become ordinary physical education teachers.

Without a stadium and a good coach, it is almost impossible to make football in China the same sport as football.

"Playing football well has nothing to do with the population."

I often hear people in China say that 1.4 billion people can’t find 11 players. The four most populous countries in the world rank first in China, second in India, third in the United States and fourth in Indonesia. Except for the United States, which often enters the World Cup, the remaining three countries are not good at playing football, so it has nothing to do with the population.

What does that have to do with anything? CCTV 5, the sports channel, made a 20-episode feature film called Football Road before the World Cup. Frankly speaking, after the World Cup, I watched it again, and I saw that my blood was boiling and I often became very quiet. How about football in China? Is China football and football a sport after all, and how can they become the same sport?

"The goal of the national team competition in 2018 has almost not been completed."

Next, let’s look at the goals of the national team. The Chinese Football Association’s Action Plan for 2020 has drawn up three goals for the national team in 2018:

The goal of FIFA U20 World Cup was to strive to participate, but I didn’t go.;

FIFA U17′ s goal was to compete, but it didn’t go.;

The goal of U23 Asian Championship was to enter the top eight, but failed.!

In other words, the goal of the 2018 competition was almost not completed. The goal of the 2019 competition is to enter the top four of the Asian Cup. Can it be completed? Frankly, I’m not optimistic.

"We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about China football."

I really hope that all football players in China can take a good look at the 20 episodes of Football Road on Sports Channel. After reading it, we will all be the beneficiaries. We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about football in China. Frankly speaking, how lively the World Cup is, we are just passers-by, just a group of spectators. Only when China football is really well done and China football and football become the same sport, will we be really happy.

Want to see more suggestions from Bai Yansong about the development of football in China, click to watch the full video ↓↓↓

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Last day! When the annual tax settlement ends, the tax refund will be wasted if it is not received.

  Beijing, China, June 30 (Reporter Li Jinlei) On June 30, it was the last day of the annual calculation of comprehensive income of individual tax in 2019. If you don’t apply for tax refund, you should pay close attention to it, otherwise it will be wasted if you don’t get it. Those who have not paid the overdue tax should also pay close attention to it, otherwise they will face fines and late fees, which will also affect their personal credit.

  Last day of annual tax settlement

  The annual remittance of comprehensive income from individual tax in 2019 will be handled from March 1 to June 30, 2020. June 30th is the last day for annual settlement.

  The so-called annual tax calculation is to "combine the annual income and calculate the tax on an annual basis", and then refund more and make up less. That is to say, the four incomes of wages and salaries, labor remuneration, manuscript remuneration and royalties are combined into "comprehensive income", and the individual tax is calculated on an annual basis.

  The specific calculation formula is as follows:

  In 2019, the tax payable or refundable is calculated = [(comprehensive income-60,000 yuan-special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold"-special additional deductions such as children’s education-other deductions determined according to law-donation) × applicable tax rate-quick deduction]-prepaid tax in 2019

  Personal income tax rate table.

  If you don’t get a tax refund, you’ll be wasted.

  Who can get a tax refund? As long as you pay more taxes in advance because of insufficient deduction or undeclared deduction, taxpayers can apply for tax refund regardless of their income or the amount of tax refund.

  For example, your comprehensive annual income in 2019 is less than 60,000 yuan, but your income is relatively high in a certain month, and you can get a tax refund if you pay a tax in advance.

  For example, Xiao Ming received a salary of 10,000 yuan in January, and an individual paid "three insurances and one gold" of 2,000 yuan. Assuming there is no special additional deduction, he will pay a tax 90 yuan in advance; In other months, the monthly salary is 4000 yuan, and there is no need to pay taxes in advance. Throughout the year, because taxpayers’ annual income is less than 60,000 yuan, they don’t need to pay taxes, so they can apply for a refund of 90 yuan tax paid in advance.

  For another example, if you didn’t declare to enjoy the six new special additional deductions (children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly) in 2019, you may also get a tax refund after the declaration.

  For example, Lao Wang’s monthly salary is 10,000 yuan, and the individual pays 2,000 yuan for "three insurances and one gold". According to the regulations, two children who go to primary school can enjoy a special additional deduction of 2,000 yuan per month (24,000 yuan for the whole year). However, because it was not reported in the prepayment link, the special additional deduction for children’s education was not deducted when calculating the tax, and the tax was paid in advance for 1080 yuan in the whole year. After filling in the relevant information in the annual settlement, it can supplement and deduct 24,000 yuan. After deduction, it should pay a tax of 360 yuan for the whole year, and it can apply for tax refund in 720 yuan according to regulations.

  If you can get a tax refund, but you don’t declare it, the money will be wasted. Of course, it should be noted that the tax refund can be waived without any responsibility.

  Screenshot of tax refund received by netizens in Weibo.

  Failure to pay taxes will result in fines and late fees.

  Although the tax refund can be waived, the tax payment cannot be waived. If you need to pay back taxes, you must make an annual settlement.

  Who needs to pay taxes? That is to say, taxpayers whose comprehensive annual income exceeds 120,000 yuan and whose annual amount of supplementary tax is above 400 yuan need to pay supplementary tax.

  There may be small partners who see that they have to pay taxes and want to ignore them. However, this kind of escape mentality is not desirable. If the tax is not paid on time, the consequences will be more serious. Don’t be fined, and you will have to pay a late fee, which will affect your personal credit.

  State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China said, if you should pay taxes, it is your obligation to handle the annual remittance. If you don’t pay the tax, you may face tax administrative punishment and record it in your personal tax credit file.

  According to Article 62 of the Tax Administration Law, if a taxpayer fails to file tax returns and submit tax information within the prescribed time limit, the tax authorities shall order it to make corrections within a time limit and may impose a fine of less than 2,000 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan may be imposed, and taxes shall be recovered and late fees shall be imposed. For late payment fees, from the date when the payment deadline is exceeded, five ten thousandths of the overdue tax will be charged on a daily basis.

  Tax data map. Zhongxin. com reporter Li Jinlei

  Don’t trust the so-called "secret" of tax refund

  In the process of annual tax settlement, some people are unwilling to see that others can get a tax refund, but their own tax refund amount is 0, so they make a bad idea, believe in the "tax refund strategy" and "tax refund tips" circulating on the Internet, and make a false declaration.

  A case published by Zhejiang Taxation Bureau shows that taxpayer Zhang, according to the system trial calculation, should get a tax refund in 0 yuan, but he applied for a tax refund of 202.12 yuan by falsely reporting the special additional deduction for his serious illness medical treatment in 2019. In the daily monitoring, the tax department found that Zhang’s special additional deduction data was doubtful, and contacted Zhang for verification, requesting relevant retained information, but Zhang could not provide it. In the end, the tax department informed Zhang of the legal responsibility for not submitting the special additional deduction information truthfully, and advised Zhang to correct the declaration in time.

  The tax department reminds that taxpayers need to declare the annual tax refund, and individuals should be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the declared information. Don’t believe in the so-called "tax refund tips" passed on the Internet and orally, so as to avoid false declarations or false declarations that violate the provisions of the tax law.

  Have you settled the annual tax? Is it a tax refund or a tax payment? (End)

Does domestic OA software enter the 3.0 era? Huatian Power OA system has already released its 4.0 advantage.

OA office system plays an important role in modern enterprise operation. With the change of market and the diversification of office demand, OA office system is facing the challenge of experience upgrade. Insiders pointed out that the domestic OA software industry has now entered the 3.0 era, and OA vendors are "shuffling" in the fierce competition. However, market observation found that the requirements for OA software in the 3.0 era are not high, and brands such as Huatian Power have already released the advantages of 4.0.
3.0 era cooperated with OA to realize the integration of technology and demand.
"The OA system in the period of 1.0 is only a concept, mainly based on the application of reports and documents. In those years of 2.0, the OA system solved the basic cooperative office problems of enterprises. Nowadays, in the era of 3.0, multi-party system integration and data fusion are pursued, and the mobile office mode is realized. The pressure on manufacturers is not small, and a large number of cooperative management OA system brands at the low end of technology will be eliminated in the process."
The opinions of the insiders have been affirmed by some people, and it can be seen that the popular collaborative management OA system brand has indeed reached the 3.0 standard. Taking Huatian Power Collaborative OA System as an example, the system uses EAI technology to establish application interface layer, application integration layer, process integration layer and user interaction layer. When a document is filled in the collaborative management OA system, it will automatically flow to the ERP system to extract the required data, and then it will be approved in the collaborative management OA system, and then it will flow to the ERP system for processing, thus realizing data integration with CRM, ERP, HRM, SCM and financial software.
However, as far as Huatian Power Collaborative OA system is concerned, the requirement of collaborative management OA system in the 3.0 era is not a challenge. The system allows users to upgrade their software systems independently and flexibly, and at the same time, obtaining service guarantee is the key to breakthrough development.
Huatian Power Collaborative OA System Releases the Efficiency of 4.0 Era
Huatian Power OA believes that whether it is big data or cloud office, for operators, these interconnected technologies support office efficiency, but the enterprise user experience lies in whether a set of collaborative management OA system can be used for a long time at a reasonable or even reduced cost, which requires the flexibility and independent upgrading strength of collaborative management OA system.
"Huatian Power Collaborative OA System is currently able to surpass the above-mentioned experience needs of the 3.0 era system."
Huatian Power Collaborative OA System adopts J2EE+SOA+MVC+WebService technology, and forms "Rubik’s Cube Architecture" with framework+component system. Users can build personalized business modules by themselves, realize dynamic deployment, upgrade and expansion without code-level operation, and realize on-demand management.
In addition, the pages developed by Huatian Power Collaborative OA System based on interfaces are separated from the complex page logic of the old framework by refining the interfaces, and the calling relationship between each page module is well sorted out, which combines the approval process with the process management. It is an open business modeling tool and realizes the unified management and continuous optimization of office processes and business processes.
Huatian Power goes deep into service to enhance user experience.
Consumption upgrading is being reflected in all walks of life, and users are pursuing consumption quality, which also means that product quality is guaranteed and services should be in place in time. In this regard, Huatian Power, which entered the 4.0 era, made in-depth innovation in service.
Among the specific services, Huatian Power provides "six service contents", such as customized service, which can analyze the logical changes of data according to the specific office mode of customers and help users organize them into practical, personal and low-cost solutions for free; And "upgrade service" is the advanced product that Huatian Power and OA system can achieve, so that customers can enjoy the upgraded service with the system upgrade; Other services such as "secondary development", "consultation" and "tracking" are all aimed at ensuring the in-depth service of users, so that the collaborative management OA system project application can really land. If there is still demand, Huatian Power can cooperate with users at a higher level, not only becoming a supplier of customers, but also becoming a strategic partner that customers can trust.
It is not difficult to see that Huatian Power Collaborative OA not only meets the system standards of the 3.0 era, but also has gradually released the office efficiency of the 4.0 era from the aspects of operation upgrade and service experience, and users have the right to speak in their own upgrade operations. Perhaps this is the important reason why Huatian Power Collaborative OA has been favored by enterprise users in recent years.

Xinhua All Media+Fufu "Rabbit" Celebrate Reunion "Yuan" Open a New Bureau —— Scan of Celebrating Lantern Festival in Various Places

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 5thTitle: Fu "Rabbit" celebrates reunion and Yuan "opens a new game — — Scanning of celebrating Lantern Festival in various places

  Xinhua news agency reporter

  In the year of Guimao Rabbit, the Lantern Festival in beginning of spring is happy. In the past few days, the splendid lanterns in Qingdao, Shandong Province have lit up Nanlao Street, the non-legacy fire dragon in Jianshi, Hubei Province has been very lively, and the fish lanterns in Shexian County, Anhui Province have been swimming to pray for good weather … …

  Having Lantern Festival and celebrating reunion, people use colorful activities to express their good expectations for the new year and start a new life full of vitality and confidence.

  The land of China is full of fun.

  Solve riddles on the lanterns, Ice Lantern Watching, Song and Dance Performance & HELIP; … The lanterns are bright and colorful, and they walk into the Chinese Baroque historical and cultural block in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. Although the weather is still a little cold, the enthusiastic and festive activities such as guzheng playing, fitness dragon dancing, yangko dancing and Tai Chi umbrella performance attract many tourists to cheer.

  "The festive atmosphere is really good. I feel the charm of this city with my family." Gao Jiajia, a tourist who came to Harbin from Henan, said.

  Thousands of miles away, as the main venue of Guangfu Temple Fair, Zhongyou Square, located in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, is also very lively at the moment.

  At the Guangfu Temple Fair, which opened on the day of the Lantern Festival and lasted for 7 days, visitors can not only watch performances such as Han and Tang dances, acrobatics and martial arts, but also experience intangible items such as Guangcai and Landiao, and feast their eyes on the food area with rich characteristics.

  For this year’s Guangfu Temple Fair, Guangzhou citizen Xie Jiajun has been waiting for a long time: "Guangfu Temple Fair is a childhood memory of many young people, and now the temple fair has experienced more projects. Traditional festivals are just fun for everyone to spend together! "

  North and south of the great river, inside and outside the Great Wall, there are traditional Lantern Festival projects, but also local unique and jubilant folk performances.

  In the streets of Qingxu County, Shanxi Province, the vivid back stick performance makes people stare: I saw a burly man carrying an iron bar with soft steps and walking slowly, and the children lifted on the iron bar were dressed in gorgeous costumes, driving two long sleeves to dance … …

  On February 5 th, a back stick performance was performed on the streets of Qingxu County, Shanxi Province.

  In Wangmantian Village, Xitou Town, Shexian County, Anhui Province, the custom of playing with fish lanterns has a history of hundreds of years. With the gorgeous fireworks blooming in the air, and the sound of gongs and drums, the fish lights with flashing scales and fins are surrounded by the crowd, and they file out of their ancestral halls, and follow the lights to lead them through the streets and lanes, or jump up and down, or swing left and right … …

  In Tacheng, Xinjiang, which is located in the northwest border of the motherland, the social fire performance team composed of Han, Kazak, Uygur, Daur and other multi-ethnic people has a long queue, and traditional performances such as dragon dance, lion dance, yangko and dry boat take turns to compete. Yi Meihong, a Daur performer, said: "Nowadays, the people of all ethnic groups are getting more and more prosperous. We should pass on the traditional culture and express our beautiful vision for the future life in this way."

  The most delicious thing in the world is reunion.

  In Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou, colorful lanterns full of annual flavor are blooming under the cover of night: a large orange tree lantern symbolizing harmony, happiness and good luck, a blessing corridor decorated with hundreds of lanterns, and a lifelike jade rabbit theme lantern & HELIP; …

  Yang Ligang, a 28-year-old boy from Hubei province, took a photo with his parents next to a lantern with a blessing. "I took my parents to spend the New Year in Guangzhou for the first time since graduation and wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. I hope that the new year will be full of blessings. "

  In the custom of China people, they eat Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, which are round and full, and the products are reunion, happiness, harmony and peace.

  In Harbin, the "Ice City", dozens of international students from more than ten countries, such as Russia, South Korea, Pakistan and Thailand, went to solve riddles on the lanterns, made lanterns and watched traditional performances with local people.

  Mu Anwei, a Pakistani student who ate Yuanxiao for the first time, likes black sesame stuffing best. "Through this Lantern Festival, I learned more about the traditional culture of China. It turns out that this is the taste of reunion and has a feeling of home. "

  The full moon brings people together, brightening the whole of heaven.

  At 6 o’clock in the morning on the 5th, a large number of passengers waiting to open the gate for customs clearance had already gathered outside the gates of land ports such as Futian, Shenzhen Bay and Wenjindu. At the scene of Shenzhen Bay Port, the red lanterns hanging high are swaying with the wind, and the brisk pace and happy smile smell of reunion everywhere.

  Shenzhen Bay Port on February 4th.

  There is a kind of persistence for the reunion of more people.

  Shenzhen Huanggang Port, Luohu Port and Liantang Port will resume operation on the 6th, when the Shenzhen-Hong Kong land port will be fully restored. The resumption of customs clearance is just around the corner. On the 5th, the entry-exit inspection hall at Luohu Port was extremely busy, and staff in different positions were busy for safe and smooth customs clearance.

  More than 20 folk activities, such as lantern festival, non-legacy performance, drone light show and fireworks show, are being staged in the ancient county of Taiyuan.

  There are 32 large light groups in the ancient county, 210 street merchants supply power, and the lighting facilities in the street … … In order to let tourists experience the colorful Lantern Festival, State Grid Taiyuan Power Supply Company organized more than 30 power-saving employees to stay on the spot during key hours, strengthened the inspection of line equipment, assisted the scenic spot operating units in advance to investigate the hidden dangers of power consumption, and made every effort to ensure power supply safety.

  The New Year’s struggle is just in time.

  Lantern Festival is the end of the Spring Festival and the beginning of a new chapter.

  At 5 o’clock on the 5th, before dawn, Wang Anquan came to the morning market of Hongzhuan Street in Harbin, Heilongjiang, and put fresh live fish on the stall. At 7 o’clock, people in the morning market gradually increased. On the fifteenth day of the first month, many citizens came to buy goods, and many tourists came here to experience the morning market in Northeast China. "Business is good this year and there are many customers." He said.

  Various flavors of Yuanxiao, fried cakes just out of the pot … … Ms. Yang, a tourist from Shanghai, said excitedly: "I didn’t expect the morning market to be so lively. I bought fried dough sticks, frozen pears and big porridge to taste with my family."

  The Lantern Festival in the morning market of Hongzhuan Street in Harbin is popular. Xinhua News Agency reporter Dai Jinyu photo

  The world is warm in spring, and the struggle is at the right time.

  Although it is the Lantern Festival, all production lines are running in an orderly way in the workshop of CLP Wuhu diamond aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. located in Wuhu Aviation Industrial Park, Anhui Province. This is an enterprise that produces light navigable aircraft. Not long ago, the company’s 100th DA42NG aircraft rolled off the assembly line and was successfully delivered.

  "In order to speed up the research and development progress of domestic engines, many departments have worked overtime in recent days, and they have worked hard to overcome technical difficulties and seize the construction period." Huang Renjin, assistant director of the production center of the company’s Tongfei Division, said.

  On the land of China, a new picture of production and life is slowly unfolding:

  At the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, the labor market in various places has accelerated to pick up. After the Lantern Festival, the employment of enterprises and the job search of laborers are expected to reach a climax. As a populous county and a labor export county in Shanxi, there are more than 50 recruitment publicity materials in the employment service hall of Linxian County, Shanxi Province. The recruitment information of enterprises is scrolled on the big screen, and people come to consult in an endless stream.

  Ma Yongzhen, the head of a human resources company in Linxian County, is busy with recruitment. "In the past few days, 160 people have been transported to Qingdao and Nantong." Ma Yongzhen said that the third batch of migrant workers will be sent to other places on January 16.

  In the spring ploughing season, after the reunion dinner, the workers in the workshop of Xinjiang Tacheng Tianjin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in water-saving irrigation equipment, worked overtime to produce at full capacity.

  "In January this year, farmers placed orders, two months earlier than in previous years. The production line of the enterprise has not stopped since the Spring Festival. " Li Tanping, the company’s production director, said.

  Full of vitality, strive to be a "rabbit".

  Under the bright full moon and bright lanterns, let’s unite and forge ahead in the new year and write the most beautiful times.

12-year-old children send 5-year-old children to the police station.

At 19 o’clock on February 21,

A boy in his early teens.With a little boy of four or five years old.

Came to Zhanyi Public Security Bureau

Jinlong police station duty room

Tell the police

"Uncle, this child is lost."

The police know the situation and know that

The big boy’s surname is Han

It’s Xiping Primary School in Zhanyi District.

A sixth-grade student

See this little boy in the street.

Standing alone in the street crying

Go forward and ask.

I learned that the little boy and grandma got lost when they went to the street.

He took him to the police station.

Hope the police uncle.

Can help the little boy find his grandmother

The police immediately gave a verbal praise to Xiao Han.

After seeing off Han provided.

The police brought oranges for the little boy.

And played a game with him.

After the little boy’s mood stabilized,

Information about him and his family

It was also successfully "set out" by the police.

The little boy’s surname is Dong.

I am five years old this year.

When I was working with my grandmother from Kirin to Zhanyi

Get separated in the street

The police then contacted the child’s family.

in a moment

The father of the child rushed to the police station.

After confirming the identity

The police handed the child over to his father.

After subsequent understanding

During the winter vacation

After school starts.

The police station and school will praise Xiao Han.


China Women’s Volleyball Team is a heroic group. Lang Ping once said: This senior volleyball player from Shanghai should not be forgotten!

Under the epidemic situation, after nearly 580 days of waiting, China women’s volleyball team finally ushered in its first official match. On May 1st, China women’s volleyball team will take part in the test match of Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan, against the host team Japan. This is the first time that China women’s volleyball team has participated in the official competition since September 2019.

Before going to Japan, China women’s volleyball team had a 50-day special training at Zhangzhou Sports Training Base in Fujian. In the south area of the base, next to the No.1 Hall of China Women’s Volleyball Team, which is full of the flavor of the 1980s, a tombstone stood quietly for 30 years accompanied by two junipers. The tombstone reads: A pioneer of volleyball in China is buried here.

The deceased was Jiaxiang Qian, a famous Shanghai volleyball player, who had been focusing on volleyball all his life and was called "volleyball money". He is also the third head coach in the history of women’s volleyball in China, and has served as the director of the Volleyball Department of the State Sports Commission, the secretary-general and vice-chairman of the China Volleyball Association.

In 1970s, Jiaxiang Qian was appointed by the State Sports Commission at that time to choose Zhangzhou as the volleyball training ground, and transferred his team to this "national training". Therefore, Zhangzhou base not only helped women volleyball team to stage the glory of "five consecutive championships", but also witnessed the great cause of "ten champions" in the future, and became the eternal "mother’s family" of China women volleyball team.

Golden bamboo shed

"The leaders attach importance to it, the masses love it, the products are rich and the climate is pleasant. This is the superior condition for Zhangzhou to build a volleyball base." Zhong Jiaqi, the old director of Fujian Zhangzhou Sports Training Base, remembered these 16 words clearly. He is 87 years old and still has a loud voice and clear logic. Zhong Jiaqi, a Shanghainese, came to Fujian with the South Service Group in his early years. At the age of 25, he became the first director of Zhangzhou Sports Commission, and worked as the head of the base for 17 years, working with Jiaxiang Qian for many years.

At that time, Premier Zhou Enlai proposed that "sports should be revived". Wang Meng, then director of the State Sports Commission, recalled Zhang Zhihuai, Jiaxiang Qian and other "professionals" from the cadre school.

At that time, the Japanese women’s volleyball team, known as the "Oriental Witch", dominated the women’s volleyball world. In November, 1964, Hirofumi Komatsu visited China for the first time and was received twice by Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister of the State Council, China. On April 21, 1965, at the invitation of Premier Zhou Enlai, Dasongbowen came to Shanghai for a one-month special training for China women’s volleyball team, accompanied by Jiaxiang Qian. The "Devil Training" of Dasong Bowen instilled the concept of "being strict, being difficult, starting from actual combat and training with a large amount of exercise" into China women’s volleyball girls, which was like an awakening for China women’s volleyball team that started from scratch at that time.

After that, the State Sports Commission decided to build a volleyball training base, and Jiaxiang Qian, who was the director of the volleyball department, went to the south to inspect and choose a place to build the base. At the time of the "Cultural Revolution", some local leaders paid attention to it, but it was "congenitally deficient"; In some places, the natural conditions meet, but the leaders know little about volleyball. Some officials even ask: "Is it beneficial to build a base for agriculture and industry?"

Caption: The "Bamboo Shed Pavilion" was built in 1972, from which the China women’s volleyball team worked hard and practiced their skills, and the China women’s volleyball team stepped onto the podium of the world champion.

Zhang Ran, former vice captain of China Men’s Volleyball Team, recommended his hometown-Zhangzhou, Fujian to Jiaxiang Qian. The average annual temperature here is 21 degrees Celsius, and it is not cold in winter, which is beneficial for athletes to recover their physical fitness after high-intensity training. Volleyball is also very popular in the local area. After the founding of New China, there were 800 amateur men’s and women’s volleyball teams here at the same time, which is the "hometown of volleyball". After reporting to the State Sports Commission and obtaining approval, Jiaxiang Qian decided to make a field trip.

The news that "the volleyball team should choose a base" was sent back to Fujian. Yu Kezhao, then commander of Longxi Military Division, member of the Standing Committee of Zhangzhou District Committee and director of the Sports Commission, was in command. The local finance allocated 30,000 yuan and decided to "make a look" before the inspectors of the State Sports Commission arrived. According to the introduction of people who have participated in the construction of bamboo shed, Yu Kezhao asked his people to mobilize thousands of militiamen, cut down tens of thousands of bamboo to build bamboo shed in Nanjing mountain area of Zhangzhou, and finally built a shed covering six volleyball courts with local bamboo.

After arriving in Zhangzhou, Jiaxiang Qian was tempted after visiting the bamboo shed. During reporting the plan to build a volleyball base in Zhangzhou, he transferred 12 young men’s and women’s volleyball teams to Zhangzhou in the name of the Volleyball Department of the State Sports Commission to start experimental training. Zhong Jiaqi remembers that in December 1972, 12 national volleyball teams gathered in Zhangzhou, and the first national youth volleyball winter training was held in the "bamboo shed" with simple conditions. The purpose of this training is to revitalize China volleyball and focus on training excellent sports teams. At that time, all kinds of statistical tables and notices were posted at the entrance of the station, and the average time of intensive practice for each team exceeded 7 hours every day.

Caption: Jiaxiang Qian and Zhang Ran were both members of the first national volleyball training team in winter. (Source: China Women’s Volleyball Tengfei Memorial Hall)

Once it is found that some teams have good training effects, Jiaxiang Qian will convene a meeting of coaches of all teams in the evening to impart good experiences to all teams in time. "This is our advantage at that time, the national chess game, you chase me, you learn from me, there is no secret between each other. I taught him my good method, and I learned his good method, and everyone made progress together. " Speaking of the enthusiasm of training in those days, Zhong Jiaqi’s eyes were bright and his tone rose several times. "Old money is an expert. He is grasping real things, not shouting empty slogans. It is useless to shout slogans, and training can solve problems. "

Jiaxiang Qian is an expert in technology and well-known in management. On Women’s Day in 1973, the team leader of Heilongjiang Women’s Volleyball Team gave the girls a half-day holiday, but I didn’t expect Jiaxiang Qian to "inspect the post". Under his rebuke, the team leader panicked: "We will make up for this half-day in the evening." That night, the girls returned to the stadium, tumbling and fighting, and practiced until 2 o’clock the next morning, when Jiaxiang Qian came into the gym-he came to check the make-up lessons. The Heilongjiang Women’s Volleyball Team, which took more than half a day off, stayed up all night and practiced until the East was white, which deeply touched the athletes of other teams and put them into intense training.

Caption: Zhong Jiaqi (first from the right) is the old director of the base, and Jiaxiang Qian is a good partner. "Training lasts for three months every year, and we discuss our work together every day."

Zhong Jiaqi remembers very clearly that in the first year of Zhangzhou training, the Bayi team and the Shanghai team with excellent conditions did not participate. After the training, the Liaoning team went home and passed by Beijing for a game, and the Bayi team was completely defeated; Similarly, the Shanghai team also lost to the passing Jiangsu team and Zhejiang team. In the second year of national training, Bayi team and Shanghai team volunteered to participate.

The first national training camp was successful, and the training atmosphere of hard struggle formed during it was called "bamboo shed spirit" by the sports community.

Open the door and train.

After the completion of Zhangzhou base, the national volleyball team "opened the door to train" here. As soon as the weekend arrives, the small gymnasium in the south area of the base is full of people, which is as lively as Chinese New Year. The audience who came to watch the volleyball match helped the old and took care of the young, sitting on the floor, including the PLA, workers and farmers. A wonderful spike, an effective block, can attract applause from the scene, and it is enjoyable.

Caption: The women’s volleyball team trained in that year entered various counties and cities in Zhangzhou to experience the feeling of actual combat.

In the 1970s, it was undoubtedly a blessing for ordinary people to watch high-level volleyball matches on the spot without TV sets. In addition to Zhangzhou City, Jiaxiang Qian also led a team to Zhangpu County and Longhai County to play games. Once I went to Fotan town, there was an open-air basketball court in the town, surrounded by private houses. During the game, the upstairs and downstairs were full of people, and the audience was crowded with people, and the cheers were like the tide. That competition left a photo, which was a picture of the crowd waving and encouraging to the athletes.

In summing up the growth law of players and teams, Jiaxiang Qian once had a judgment: national players "take three years to form, five years to become useful, and eight years to become useful", three years to lay the foundation and become qualified provincial athletes, five years to become the main force of the national first-class team, and after eight years of tempering, they become candidates for the national team. For a team, to be effective, it is necessary to play more than 200 domestic games and more than 100 international games every year.

Where did so many competitions come from? Jiaxiang Qian’s answer is: practice is the competition, and competition promotes practice. So every weekend, he organizes open-door competitions and training. At the same time, it is also to make young players less arrogant and arrogant. With more audiences, athletes will practice harder.

In the era of planned economy, the meat, rice and eggs in the base need to be allocated. There is another consideration in open training, which is to solve the problem of feeding the trainees. Also invited to watch the training were the heads of supply and marketing cooperatives in Zhangzhou counties and other units. Watching the ball flying all over the court, the players dived and tumbled again and again, and sweat, blood and concrete mixed together. Those responsible persons were all moved by the hard work of the women’s volleyball girls and said, "Let me know what the training team lacks."

In Zhong Jiaqi’s view, "the effect of this kind of open-door training for old money is very good. The atmosphere of the competition has been greatly improved. Everyone is chasing after me, not giving up, making rapid progress, and talents are thus selected. " After four years of winter training in Zhangzhou, the technical and tactical level of volleyball in China has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the opportunity to re-establish the national women’s volleyball team is ripe. In the spring of 1976, Yuan Weimin, the coach of the national women’s volleyball team, came to Zhangzhou base to choose a general, and Jiaxiang Qian mobilized all teams to actively train talents for the national team. Cao Huiying, Chen Zhaodi, Yang Xi and others participated in the first batch of training in Zhangzhou.

In 1979, in order to rush out of Asia, China women’s volleyball team took the Japanese and South Korean teams as catch-up targets. Jiaxiang Qian hung the slogan "Fight hard for three to five years and defeat Japan and South Korea" on the wall of the training hall.

Caption: In those days, China women’s volleyball players practiced their skills in the bamboo shed.

Japan has noticed the progress of China women’s volleyball team. In 1980, Shigeo Yamada, Minister of Strengthening Department of Japan Volleyball Association, led the second Japanese team to visit China and came to Zhangzhou. He said to Jiaxiang Qian, "Mr. Qian, you are very good at choosing a site. It is the same latitude as Cuba, and 25 degrees north latitude is the golden climate ecological belt. Training here can improve the bounce."

Jiaxiang Qian didn’t expect this at all, but the progress of volleyball in China proved that the location of Zhangzhou base was correct. The State Sports Commission mobilized six first-class teams to face the Japanese second team. In the first six games, the China team won all the games, and finally 17 wins and 7 losses. Shigeo Yamada commented at that time: As far as the base facilities are concerned, it is only the level of Japan in the 1950s, but the practice of centralized team training and national chess competition for sending players is the first in the world.

Zhong Jiaqi said with emotion: "Through the national training at the base, six teams in China have reached or even surpassed the level of the Japanese national second team. Do you think the level of the China women’s volleyball national team can be low at this time?"

On November 16th, 1981, China women’s volleyball team won the third Women’s Volleyball World Cup, achieving a breakthrough in China’s three goals. At this time, the Zhangzhou base, which was established for 9 years, gradually became known to outsiders, and foreign media called it a "secret base". Subsequently, China Women’s Volleyball Team began the journey of "five consecutive championships", and several generations of China women’s volleyball team made it a well-deserved "cradle of champions".

Loyal souls stay in the cradle

In June 1978, Zhong Jiaqi, who had been away from the Sports Commission for 14 years, was given high hopes and returned to Zhangzhou Sports Training Base as the director. At that time, China women’s volleyball team had just been reorganized for more than a year.

"How to ensure that athletes can have sufficient nutrition when they receive large-scale training, so that they can eat well, eat satisfactorily, and practice better?" Zhong Jiaqi and Jiaxiang Qian, who have been athletes, hit it off: We must do a good job in ensuring the life service of athletes.

During the early training period, there were hard-trained teams dragging their seats, and as a result, they could only eat cold leftovers when they returned to the cafeteria. "Jiaxiang Qian was very angry at the time and made it clear to me that the last sports team that finished training should not only eat hot dishes and hot meals, but also eat better than the team that finished training early!" Zhong Jiaqi introduced that by strengthening the management of canteens, all teams are also guided to train hard.

Jiaxiang Qian also took the chef to the training ground and let the chef watch the team members’ hard training. "Once it was close to dinner, I watched the China women’s volleyball training at the venue, and Lang Ping was hungry and wanted to hit 100 good shots. Eat after practice, and eat after class if you don’t practice well. Not only her, but every member of the China Women’s Volleyball Team is so hard. " Yan Wenzhong, an old chef, recalled that by approaching the women’s volleyball players, the base staff had a sense of responsibility as a "family member". "As long as the team is still training, our chef will never rush and never leave early." Today, Zhangzhou base still has the tradition of letting the team that finishes class at the latest eat the best meals.

Caption: Before retiring, Yan Wenzhong was the head chef of the base, and once specially launched the "China Women’s Volleyball Recipe" to ensure that the soldiers could "eat" after hard training.

"When Lang Ping was a team member, the women’s volleyball team had mung bean soup at noon and longan porridge at night. Just after exercise, you can drink sour plum soup to appetize, and nutritious things can be eaten." Yan Wenzhong said that under the influence of Jiaxiang Qian, he will also take the initiative to observe the eating habits of athletes and keep them in mind silently: Yuan Weimin loves seafood, Zheng Meizhu and Hou Yuzhu are used to sweet and sour taste, Lang Ping is the most appetizing to eat tomatoes mixed with sugar, Chen Yaqiong is the most fascinated by oyster frying, Lai Yawen and Su Huijuan have a preference for grouper and stewed pigeon soup …

When the conditions in Zhangzhou base were difficult, many homesick women volleyball girls would secretly shed tears during the Spring Festival. Jiaxiang Qian arranged recreational activities while doing the girls’ ideological work with the coaches. At the Spring Festival party, the girls wrote and performed their own programs, and Lao Qian also performed on the stage, which made the girls laugh. For 13 Spring Festival holidays, Jiaxiang Qian spent the holidays with the team at the base.

In the spring of 1990, Zhangzhou began to welcome the winter training of the first-class national women’s volleyball team. The staff had already made the bed for Jiaxiang Qian and waited for him to command the national training again. Unexpectedly, the bad news came suddenly: 64-year-old Jiaxiang Qian died unexpectedly in Beijing. On his deathbed, he told me to scatter half of his ashes in Zhangzhou Sports Training Base.

Wang Jiawei, the former coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, greatly admired his predecessor Jiaxiang Qian. In 1998, he led all the men’s volleyball soldiers to pay homage to Jiaxiang Qian’s tomb. This China Men’s Volleyball Team led the team to regain the Asian Championship after 18 years’ absence, successfully defended its title in the Asian Championship in 1999, and won the Asian Championship in 1998, winning the triple crown in Asia. Wang Jiawei also funded the renovation of Qian Lao’s tombstone in the base.

Caption: Wang Jiawei (first from left), former head coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, reveres his predecessor Jiaxiang Qian.

Lang Ping is also in Zhangzhou base, "Xiao He just showed his sharp corner". Lang Ping’s Autobiography published in 1999 has such a passage on page 82: "There is also our old-timer Comrade Jiaxiang Qian, who did a lot of work for the take-off of the women’s volleyball team, and he was still running for the cause of the women’s volleyball team until he died of serious illness. Therefore, as long as I have the ability, I have to contribute everything I can to the China women’s volleyball team. "

Wang Erkang, a former honorary team leader of China Men’s Volleyball Team, said: "China Women’s Volleyball Team is a heroic group, especially in the low valley, there are still a group of people who work silently without paying back. It is because of their silent efforts that China women’s volleyball team has achieved today. In my impression, Jiaxiang Qian is a predecessor who should not be easily forgotten. "

This spring, flowers are sent to Jiaxiang Qian’s grave from time to time, and evergreen cypress trees are flourishing, which is as endless as the spirit of women’s volleyball.

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Hua

Author: Liu Xueyan Chen Hua Shi Jiani

Text Editor: Chen Hua

Title source: Haishar

[Kangbao beauty you shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects the "drunk" beautiful sunset.

Author: Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

Recently, in Wujiadi Village, Lujiaying Township, kangbao county, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, photographers photographed the scenery of sunset melting gold and sunset clouds, which was beautiful. Guan Xin

Source: Zhangjiakou Learning Platform, kangbao county Rong Media Center.

Editor: Yin Zhongjie, Lv Wenlin

Audit: Wang Haijun

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory released the weather forecast for the next three days on February 3:

February 4 th: cloudy to light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-26℃ ~-7℃;

February 5: light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-20℃ ~-10℃;

February 6th: The light snow turned cloudy, and the northwest wind changed from 3-4 to 4-5, at-21℃ ~-11℃.

The meteorological grade of forest and grassland fire danger is Grade III, with moderate humidity and moderate danger, which needs attention.

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[Kangbao Beauty You Shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects "drunken" beauty sunset. com letter Kangbao touches the original text.

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The holiday is approaching, and the "shopping" mode is opened. The Shiji high-speed railway opens and the delicious food along the way is waiting for you.

  CCTV News:The New Year holiday is approaching, and many people plan to travel by high-speed rail during the holiday. Now you may have another choice. On the 28th, the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway was officially opened for operation, and the travel time between the two places was further shortened. At 8: 00 am on the 28th, the first train from Shijiazhuang Station started and arrived at Jinan West Station at 10: 07 am as scheduled.

  Food is waiting for you along the way.

  After the opening of the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway, the journey from Shijiazhuang to Jinan will be shortened from 4 hours to 120 minutes, and it will only take 5 hours to Qingdao. That is to say, you can take a train from Shijiazhuang in the morning and have a seafood dinner at noon! What must-eat foods are there along the way?

  In Shijiazhuang, cold palace noodles are an essential food.The noodles in Gaocheng Palace in Shijiazhuang are only 0.7 mm in diameter. Although the noodles are thin, they are hollow in the middle. The first choice for making cold noodles is Gaocheng Palace Noodles. The production of Gaocheng Palace Noodles began in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty, and it was listed as the best imperial food in Qing Dynasty because of its fine craftsmanship and unique flavor, so it was called Palace Noodles.Gaocheng Palace is soft and smooth, and it is not bad for cooking, so it is loved by many people.

  The train went all the way to the east and came to Xinji. Xinji Crispy Sugar is a famous folk snack in Hebei. xinji city has been called Shulu County since Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty. Since ancient times, it has the reputation of poetry and painting, so it is also called.Golden deer crisp candy. It is made by traditional technology, with obvious layering. A crisp candy can reach 6561 layers, also known as thousand-layer crisp. The crisp candy is yellowish in color, shaped like a twist, delicate and delicate like a handicraft, and tastes crisp, fragrant, crisp, sweet, crisp but not scattered, crisp but not broken, sweet but not greasy.

  From Xinji to the east, after Hengshui and Jingzhou, you came to Dezhou, where you must have heard of braised chicken. Many people know that braised chicken is delicious, but few people know its birth process."Dezhou spiced boneless braised chicken" originated in the Ming Dynasty, was founded in the Qing Dynasty, spread in the Republic of China, and flourished today, with a history of more than 300 years. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Dezhou, as an important transit point of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, followed the river from Kyoto to nine provinces.In 2014, the production skills of Dezhou braised chicken were included in the national intangible cultural heritage representative project.

  Don’t miss the beautiful scenery along the way

  The opening of the Shijie high-speed railway opens the "shopping" mode. Besides the delicious food along the way, the beautiful scenery is also something you can’t miss.

  In Shijiazhuang,Zhengding Rongguo Mansion is a place you can’t miss. It is also the shooting location of the 87th edition of A Dream of Red Mansions. It broke ground in 1984 and was opened in 1986. It covers a total area of 37,000 square meters and is divided into two parts: Rongguo Mansion and Ningrong Street. Completely in accordance with the description in the classical literary masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansions, it was jointly demonstrated by experts in redology and ancient architecture, and was strictly designed and built with reference to the prevailing norms of wooden buildings in China in the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty Code.

  At the same time, Zhengding is also the birthplace of Yuanqu. Nowadays, in Zhengding Yuanqu Museum, there are not only more than a dozen musical instruments accompanied by Yuanqu, such as drums, suona, zhongruan, pipa, etc., but also the script form of Yuanzaju and the five palaces, four tones and qupai of formal singing are illustrated on the exhibition wall. When you walk in here, people will always involuntarily sing along with the Yuanqu minor played in the museum.

  I came to Gaocheng, the hometown of palace lanterns.Traditional Gaocheng Palace lanterns are all hand-made, and the process is extremely complicated, such as making the base, sawing bamboo pieces, scraping bamboo strips, punching bamboo holes and piercing bamboo strips … … Among the 56 processes, the most critical one is scraping bamboo strips. If the bamboo strips are scraped unevenly, the radian will be different after bending, and the lanterns will not be round.Want to make lanterns round and good, every step is very elegant.

  The train continues eastward to Xinji, which is the northern leather capital of China and Xinji International Leather City. Since its opening in 2010, it has settled in 1,200 enterprises, 32 world famous brands, more than 100 national brands and provincial brands.

  The last stop of Shijike Passenger Dedicated Line in Hebei is Jingzhou Station, and the first stop after entering Shandong is Dezhou East Station.In this border area between Hebei and Shandong, the culture is of the same origin. In the Han Dynasty, it belonged to Guang Chuan, and it was also the hometown of Dong Zhongshu, a great scholar in the Han Dynasty. There are Jingzhou Tower, Gao’s tombs, Feng’s tombs and Dong Zi Cultural Park in Jingzhou.

  The train enters Jinan, which is a famous spring city. When you come to the spring city, the first thing you experience is the spring water.The 800 springs in Jinan are divided into ten spring groups, such as Baotu Spring and Black Tiger Spring. The ten spring cities, such as Chaoran Zhiyuan, Minghu Tingqu and Quanshuiren, are beautiful. The most famous one is Baotu Spring, which ranks first among all springs in Jinan. According to legend, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty went down to the south of the Yangtze River and drank his own Yuquan water in Beijing along the way. When he tasted Baotu Spring water, he immediately changed the water and named Baotu Spring "the first spring in the world".

"Warm management" of Beijing Sports Lottery Store warms people’s hearts.

In the cold winter, Beijing is freezing. In order to provide a warm haven and resting place for lottery buyers and pedestrians who travel in the cold, Beijing Sports Lottery stores have started "warm management" one after another, helping everyone dispel the cold and protect their health with warm environment layout and enthusiastic service.

Sphygmomanometer plays a big role

"Small seeks you this incredibly have a sphygmomanometer? Then I have to test it. " Another lottery buyer who walked into the 36245 Sports Lottery Store in Haidian District in the cold wind quickly found the electronic sphygmomanometer specially placed in a conspicuous position by the agent Mr. Mou, and took the initiative to ask for blood pressure measurement.

In September 2023, Beijing Sports Lottery launched the "Healthy China Healthy Sports Lottery" activity, and established the Beijing Sports Lottery Health Benefit Station through the form of "Sports Lottery+Medical Care". Beijing Sports Lottery has equipped the first batch of 80 health benefit stations with electronic sphygmomanometer, oximeter and body fat scale as convenience facilities in the sports lottery health benefit station for use in the store. This winter, these health facilities played a big role. Mr. Mou told reporters: "Our store has an electronic sphygmomanometer sent by Beijing Sports Lottery Center, and my wife has a nurse qualification certificate. She is very concerned about the health of lottery buyers on weekdays and has been thinking about how to serve everyone as much as possible."

"Cold weather is very unfriendly to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. After Beijing cooled down this year, I put the sphygmomanometer in a conspicuous position in the store, which is convenient for the lottery buyers to test themselves. For older people, as well as tourists from the south, I will take the initiative to persuade them to measure their blood pressure and pay attention to their health. " Mr. Yan said.

Hot ginger soup to create a warm haven

No matter how windy and slippery the road is, there are always some people who have to go out. The Beijing Sports Lottery Store with sufficient heating and hot water can be their warm haven. "The people in this store are very good. I am actually waiting for someone nearby. The little girl said to let me come in to warm up and have a cup of hot water. It’s still warm in the house, but the enthusiasm of sports lottery is warmer and warmer in my heart. " In the 43276 Sports Lottery Store in Yongledian Town, Tongzhou District, an uncle praised the salesman Li Hongyan.

"There is no heating in the sports lottery store, but I turn on the air conditioner every day. The store is as warm as spring, and many people who go to the market will come to my store to rest." Li Hongyan said, I am warm to every guest who comes in, even if they are not here to buy lottery tickets, but just to take shelter, drink water or borrow a pump.

There are many sports lottery shops in Beijing, like Li Hongyan, which prepare hot water in their shops to provide a safe haven for their guests. Others specially cooked ginger soup at home and took it to the store in a thermos. "It is said that drinking ginger soup can better drive away the cold and prevent colds, so I have prepared some for people in need. It is not easy for people to go out in cold weather, and good health is very important. " Li Yong, a consignment agent in Tongzhou District, said.

Warm service can drive away the cold.

A cup of hot water can warm your hands, a warm room can warm your body, and a warm word can warm your heart. When it snowed before, many Beijing Sports Lottery people not only swept away the snow and ice in front of the door, but also swept the road at the door together with the snow in the nearby community, and laid anti-skid mats in the store, posted anti-skid tips, and used warm words and temperature service to drive away the cold for the guests who entered the door; In Yanqing District, which is colder than the urban area of Beijing, when it was found that heating and air conditioning could not effectively raise the temperature in the store, the Sports Lottery Store No.48022 decided to temporarily add a salesperson to reduce the waiting time of lottery buyers. There are also physical stores that strive to consider the possible needs of lottery buyers and prepare facilities in place. For example, umbrellas, chargers with various interfaces, band-AIDS, cold medicine, shoe polish and brush, disposable handbags, newspapers and magazines, chewing gum, etc. are always available.

It’s warmer in Leng Qing, and the cold wind can’t blow away the light and heat of sports lottery. In the new year, Beijing Sports Lottery and the respectable and lovely Beijing Sports Lottery people will continue to send more true feelings and warmth to the lottery buyers and the society. (From January 30th, China Sports Daily, 08 edition) 

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The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry

  The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry | geography of overseas automobile market

  Xiao yisi

  "The market share of pure electric vehicles can only account for 30% at most, and the remaining market share will be occupied by hybrid vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and fuel vehicles." Recently, Akio Toyoda, chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation, once again "shelled" pure trams. He said that because of the lack of charging facilities, about 1 billion people in the world could not use electric vehicles, so a single pure electric vehicle could not provide transportation services for everyone.

  In addition, Akio Toyoda also said that giving up fuel vehicles and choosing electric vehicles should be decided by customers, not by policies or regulations.

  Judging from the recently released data, it seems that Toyota Motor is quite likely to win in this new and old energy dispute, and has made outstanding achievements in profitability, company market value and global sales. Take the company’s market value as an example. On the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  As a pearl of Japanese automobile industry, Toyota is almost the vane of the development of the whole Japanese automobile market. Completely different from the streetscape where various brands of electric vehicles are constantly shuttling in Shanghai, when the First Financial Reporter walks on the streets of Japan at the end of 2023, the chances of seeing new energy vehicles are very small, and even Tesla is close to disappearing here. Instead, K-car (ultra-small car with a displacement of no more than 0.66L) or Toyota Erffa, which are nicknamed "Old Man Le" and "grocery cart" in China market, can be seen everywhere.

  Here, it is obviously too early to talk about the end of the era of fuel vehicles. "It is no exaggeration to say that what Japanese cars were like when I first came to Japan 25 years ago, and what they are now, but the cars are new, and the consumption concept is still the same as before." Wang Li, chief operating officer of Hongqi Japan Experience Center, said in an interview with China Business News recently that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is very low, coupled with the low willingness of Japanese car companies to transform, never deliberately promoting electric vehicles and poor charging infrastructure.

  According to the data of Japan Automobile Sales Association Federation and Japan National Mini-car Association Federation, the sales of new cars (including mini-cars) in Japan reached 4.78 million in 2023, up 13.8% year-on-year, the first growth in five years, but it still failed to surpass the level before the epidemic in 2019. While the auto market is improving, the data released by Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, show that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is less than 3% in 2023, which is not only far lower than that in China and Europe, but even lower than that in Canada, Mexico, South Korea and other countries.

  It is the low penetration rate of new energy vehicles that makes many car companies see opportunities in the Japanese market. Tesla and BYD have successively entered the "forbidden import area" of Japan. Previously, according to Japanese media reports, SAIC-GM-Wuling has also investigated the Japanese market, and there are plans to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. In 2023, the import of pure electric vehicles by foreign car companies in Japan exceeded 20,000 vehicles for the first time, reaching 22,890 vehicles, up nearly 60% year-on-year. Among the imported manufacturers, Tesla and BYD were among the top, while the pure electric vehicles imported by Japan just exceeded 10,000 vehicles in 2022.

  It is true that the quantity of imported pure electric vehicles is still very low compared with the annual automobile sales in Japan. It is still difficult to decide whether it will be a single spark that started a prairie fire or a fleeting meteor. Just as in the face of the changing trend of global car electrification, whether the Japanese domestic market and the whole automobile industry it has cultivated are the afterglow of the empire or the sober-up after everyone is drunk remains to be concluded.

  Automobile kingdom on internal combustion engine

  Although the Japanese automobile industry has a history of more than 100 years, the real story basically begins with Ford entering Japan.

  In 1925, Ford began to assemble the Ford Model T, which was popular all over the world, followed by General Motors and Chrysler, and came to Japan to set up companies to assemble and sell cars. In the following ten years, the embryonic Japanese automobile market was almost monopolized by the three major American automobile companies. However, American auto companies have also brought technology and manufacturing management experience to the Japanese auto market.

  Looking closely at the development history of Japanese automobile industry, the government’s protection policy is essential. In 1936, Japan promulgated the Automobile Manufacturing Law, which prohibited foreign automobile companies from entering Japan, and Ford and GM were forced to withdraw. However, Japanese local car companies are increasing day by day, and today’s global champion Toyota Motor was established in 1937.

  The early development of Japanese car companies was mainly based on imitation. Toyota’s early AA cars and SA cars were based on Chrysler Airflow and Volkswagen Beetle.

  In order to avoid the impact of imported cars from Europe and the United States, since 1951, the Japanese government has also set high tariff barriers on imported cars, while strictly prohibiting overseas capital from directly investing in the Japanese automobile industry. The protection policy is superimposed on the popularity of local automobile consumption brought by Japan’s economic prosperity. Since the 1960s, Japan’s automobile industry has risen rapidly, and the local sales volume has jumped from 400,000 vehicles in 1960 to 4 million vehicles in 1970, achieving a tenfold high-speed growth. In 1966, Japan’s automobile production surpassed that of Britain and squeezed into the top three positions in the world.

  The second take-off of Japanese cars benefited from two oil crises. In the 1970s, Japanese cars were not satisfied with the local market and began to expand overseas. At this time, it coincided with the soaring oil price, and the price of crude oil rose from $3.3/barrel in 1973 to $36.8/barrel in 1980. The economical and fuel-efficient characteristics of Japanese cars made them popular all over the world, and opened up the American market advocating high horsepower in one fell swoop. Coupled with the cost reduction brought by lean manufacturing, Japan’s total automobile output exceeded 11 million in 1980, surpassing the United States to become the largest automobile producer and exporter.

  Since then, in order to avoid trade friction and further reduce production costs, Japan has replaced the simple export trade model by setting up factories overseas to directly produce or assemble cars. By 2015, the overseas production scale of Japanese cars has reached 18.09 million, almost twice that of domestic 9.28 million.

  In Japan, the semiconductor and home appliance industries have not lagged behind one after another, and the automobile industry is very important to Japan. At present, it is the largest pillar industry in Japan, accounting for about 10% of Japan’s total GDP and 40%~50% of its industrial output value. There are 78 factories in 22 prefectures and counties in Japan, with more than 5.5 million related employees.

  At the same time, with the development of Japan’s automobile industry, the consumption concept that used to be proud of owning an American car has already changed. The Japanese auto market has become a "forbidden place to import", and over 90% of the local market share has been occupied by Japanese auto companies. In 2023, the top ten automobile sales in Japan were all Japanese brands, including Toyota, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Honda and Nissan, among which a single Toyota brand occupied 26.5% of the market. In addition to local brands, there are almost only European brands that can be seen on Japanese streets, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Volvo.

  Traditional fuel vehicles have made Japan’s automobile industry, but Japanese cars have also generated great inertia, which makes it difficult for them to "turn around like an elephant" in the face of global automobile electrification transformation.

  Trapped in the transformation of new energy sources

  "There is almost no publicity about new energy vehicles on traditional communication platforms such as TV and mailbox." An international student who has lived in Japan for a long time told reporters that the information of trams will only appear on the Internet, which is very fragmented compared with the domestic situation.

  According to Rho Motion, a market research company, the global sales of electric vehicles in 2023 was about 13.6 million, up 31% year-on-year, of which 9.5 million were pure electric vehicles. In terms of market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China reached 9.495 million, accounting for nearly 70% of the global market. In Japanese market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles is less than a fraction of that of China market. In 2023, the sales volume of pure electric vehicles just exceeded 20,000.

  As a big automobile country, Japan is not only a "forbidden place for import" but also a "forbidden place for new energy". There are almost no electric cars on the road, and even Tesla Model Y, whose sales volume won the championship for the first time in 2023, has to be defeated in the Japanese market. In 2021, Tesla sold a total of 5,200 cars in Japan and only 1,900 cars in 2020.

  Tesla’s difficulty in selling in Japan can also be seen from the price of Model Y in Japan, which is almost second only to China, the world’s most "rolled" new energy market.

  "Japan has accumulated nearly a hundred years in the traditional internal combustion engine track, and it has achieved today’s achievements. Once you turn around and turn to new energy vehicles, it will involve more than 5 million families. This is not only a problem in the automobile industry, but also a social problem. " A Japanese car dealer investor told reporters.

  Akio Toyoda has repeatedly stressed the unemployment cost caused by Japan’s automobile transformation. Earlier, Akio Toyoda declared that if Japan began to implement the "carbon neutral" plan focusing on electric vehicles, Japan would lose 5.5 million jobs and 8 million new car production capacity by 2030.

  Wang Li told reporters that Aichi Prefecture in Nagoya is the location of a famous Japanese automobile industry cluster, where hundreds of Toyota parts suppliers gather. Once the electric vehicles are transformed, the whereabouts of these suppliers and local industries in Aichi Prefecture will be a big problem.

  On the other hand, Japanese car companies headed by Toyota have repeatedly missed the electrification technology tree, which has further delayed its transformation process. In fact, it is not too late for Japanese cars to develop and explore new energy sources. Japan is one of the earliest countries to lay out batteries. As early as the 1990s, Japan had the first generation of "Big Three" composed of Panasonic, Sanyo and Sony. By the beginning of the 21st century, Japanese companies have produced nearly 90% of the world’s consumer lithium batteries. In 1997, Toyota introduced the world’s first mass-produced hybrid Prius, and in 2010, Nissan listed the world’s first mass-produced LEAF for pure electric vehicles.

  But around 2010, Japanese auto giants headed by Toyota once believed that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were the future. Mirai hydrogen fuel cell model launched by Toyota in 2014 is a representative event. Akio Toyoda has repeatedly "advocated" that lithium battery electric vehicles are not really clean energy, and the real new energy vehicles are actually hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. He believes that the world’s mainstream optimism about electric vehicles is likely to be a misunderstanding.

  This concept makes the Japanese battery industry chain bet on hydrogen fuel cells, but ignores the investment in lithium-ion power batteries. Because of this, Japanese cars missed the first half of the development of global electric vehicles.

  At present, the patent share of Japanese car giants represented by Toyota in the field of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles exceeds 74%, and it involves core fields. However, only technology has no market, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles simply cannot stand on their feet. By the end of 2022, the total number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in major countries in the world was 67,315, of which only 8,150 were in Japan.

  "There is a hydrogen refueling station within one kilometer of my home, so I can occasionally see several hydrogen fuel cell cars, which are basically not seen in other places." Wang Li said.

  Based on this, the above-mentioned investors told reporters that there are very few choices of electric vehicles in the Japanese auto market, and ordinary consumers have little knowledge of electric vehicles. The new energy vehicle market has not been cultivated at all.

  Foreign brands take advantage of the situation to attack

  However, the wheel of the times is rolling forward, and many countries around the world have identified electrification as the main direction of new energy vehicle reform in the future. The Japanese government, which was hesitant, also set the goal of "no burning" in early 2021, and announced that by 2035, 100% of the new cars sold will be electric vehicles.

  In terms of subsidies for consumers to buy cars, Japan has also raised the maximum subsidy for pure electric vehicles from 400,000 yen to 800,000 yen, for plug-in hybrid vehicles from 200,000 yen to 400,000 yen, and for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles from 2.25 million yen to 2.5 million yen.

  With the support of policies, the reporter learned from the consulting firm Kearney that the Japanese market is expected to turn to electric vehicles steadily in the future. By 2025, the penetration rate of electric vehicles (including pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles) will increase from 3% in 2021 to 8%, and further increase to 35% in 2035, when the global penetration rate of electric vehicles is expected to reach 27%.

  In this context, foreign brands are gradually knocking on the door of Japan, a "forbidden place for imports", through new energy sources. Tesla opened the first local delivery center in Tokyo, Japan in November 2021 and began to deliver Model 3. In September 2022, Tesla officially announced that its current best-selling model Model Y has also landed in the Japanese market and opened a reservation.

  BYD also officially entered the Japanese market on July 21st, 2022, becoming the second China automobile brand to enter Japan after FAW Hongqi.

  "BYD’s entry into the Japanese passenger car market is a trend." BYD told the First Financial Reporter that on the one hand, the penetration of new energy vehicles in Japan is low, which shows from the side that there are still huge growth potential and industry opportunities in the Japanese electric vehicle market, and the Japanese government is committed to promoting automobile electrification, providing certain car purchase subsidies for electric vehicles, and actively encouraging more enterprises to participate in the construction of charging facilities. On the other hand, BYD has a good market base and brand base in Japan. In 1999, BYD started to serve Japanese customers with rechargeable batteries. Subsequently, BYD’s pure electric commercial vehicles, energy storage and other businesses were successfully carried out in Japan, accumulating a good market foundation and brand foundation.

  So far, BYD has opened 17 stores in Japan, distributed in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Fukuoka and other places, and plans to open more than 100 stores in Japan by the end of 2025. At present, BYD has listed BYD ATTO 3 and BYD DOLPHIN in Japan, and will soon launch BYD SEAL and other products.

  Previously, according to Japanese media reports, I took a fancy to Japan’s huge K-car market. SAIC-GM-Wuling also investigated the Japanese market and planned to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. Because of the narrow roads in Japan and the limited parking space resources in Japan, mini-cars have been selling very well in Japan, and Hongguang MINI EV is expected to sell much cheaper in Japan than mini-cars made by local Japanese companies. But for some reason, SAIC-GM-Wuling has not officially announced its entry into the Japanese market.

  Although the absolute value of electric vehicle sales of foreign manufacturers in Japan is still very small, the year-on-year growth rate is very fast. In 2022, the sales of pure electric vehicles by foreign manufacturers in Japan exceeded 10,000 vehicles for the first time, and in 2023, the data exceeded 20,000 vehicles. The proportion of pure electric vehicles imported by foreign manufacturers also reached a new high, reaching 9.2%. Among them, BYD delivered 1,237 vehicles in Japan in the first year.

  Compared with the total sales of more than 3 million vehicles in the whole year, BYD’s sales in Japan are almost negligible, but Chairman Wang Chuanfu attaches great importance to the Japanese market. According to relevant reports, in October 2023, Wang Chuanfu personally attended a dealer meeting in the port area of Tokyo. Recently, BYD Japanese dealers also came to Shenzhen for communication.

  For the arrival of BYD, the largest publishing house in Japan, Nikkei BP, also dismantled the seal of BYD, and published a book, including BYD’s 3.0 platform, Sandian, CTB battery pack and body structure integration, etc., and the price was as high as 880,000 yen (equivalent to 43,000 yuan).

  On the contrary, Japanese cars have gradually lost power in China, the fastest-growing new energy market. In 2023, the share of Japanese brands in China market fell to 17%, the lowest level in three years, and in 2020, it was 24.1%. In terms of brands, Toyota’s sales in China in 2023 was 1,907,600 units, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%; Nissan’s sales in China were 793,800 units, down 24% year-on-year; Honda’s sales in China were 1,234,200 vehicles, down 10.1% year-on-year.

  Will there be a "Nokia moment"?

  On December 17, 2020, at the year-end press conference of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Akio Toyoda, as the president, publicly "shelled" electric vehicles, saying that electric vehicles were over-hyped. He believed that with the advent of the electric vehicle revolution, many enterprises would die, many investments would be wasted, and more carbon dioxide would be released in this process.

  When such remarks came out, it triggered a lot of discussion in the industry. On December 21st of that year, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, forwarded the above remarks and wrote a story about Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia, implying that Toyota was compared to Nokia in the era of smart phones.

  Previously, there has been a discussion in the industry about whether traditional car companies will be subverted like Nokia. The sales of new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, eroding the basic disk of traditional fuel vehicles, which also makes many traditional car companies more and more anxious. Tesla CEO Musk, who holds a completely opposite view to Akio Toyoda, warned that if traditional car companies do not quickly transform into electric vehicles, they will be eliminated, just as Kodak, the film giant of that year, was abandoned by the digital age.

  In this context, China’s new energy vehicles are not only entering the Japanese domestic market, but also entering the Southeast Asian market occupied by Japanese cars.

  Climate Group, an international non-profit climate group, once published an independent report saying that if Japan cannot switch to pure electric vehicles in time, it will lose half of its automobile exports and 1.72 million jobs by 2030; By 2040, it will lose 14% of GDP and 80 trillion yen in profits (equivalent to 3.88 trillion yuan).

  However, it is worth noting that although Japanese cars have suffered setbacks in China market, they have prospered in other markets, especially the achievements of Japanese cars in 2023 have given them more confidence in resisting electric vehicles. In terms of sales volume, Toyota is still the overlord in the era of fuel vehicles. In 2023, the global sales volume is expected to reach 10.65 million units, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years. In terms of financial performance, Toyota expects that in the latest fiscal year ending in March this year, the company’s consolidated operating profit will increase by more than 60% year-on-year, reaching 4.5 trillion yen (about 30.5 billion US dollars). If realized, Toyota will become the first Japanese company with an operating profit of more than 4 trillion yen. In terms of the company’s market value, on the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  In addition to Toyota, in the third quarter of 2023, Honda’s net profit also reached 253.2 billion yen, a year-on-year increase of 34%; Nissan’s net profit was 190.7 billion yen, up 173.3% year-on-year.

  For Japanese cars, the global market for traditional fuel vehicles is still large enough. However, in order to cope with the trend of electrification in the future, Japanese car companies such as Toyota have to be wrapped up in transformation, although electric vehicles are bombarded every three to five times. In May last year, Toyota announced that it would invest 5 trillion yen in related fields of pure electric vehicles (EV) by 2030, which increased by 1 trillion yen on the previous plan. Honda, which is famous for its engine technology, has formulated the most radical electrification strategy among the "top three Japanese companies", that is, only electric vehicles will be sold in the global market by 2040. Among them, in the China market, Honda will not launch new fuel vehicles by 2030, and 100% of new car sales will be pure electric vehicles by 2035.

  On January 29th, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. also announced that it will independently produce lithium iron phosphate batteries that do not use expensive materials such as nickel, and strive to be installed in pure electric vehicles launched by emerging countries after 2026. Nissan’s move is intended to reduce the cost of batteries by 20-30%, reduce the price of pure electric vehicles, and accelerate the popularization in emerging market countries.

  "In terms of market share of power battery, a key component of electric vehicles, Japan has been left far behind by China and South Korea. If Japan wants to play a’ turnaround’, it is necessary to see the next generation of battery technology. " Hu Qichao, founder and CEO of SESI Corporation (SES), which focuses on mixed lithium metal batteries, pointed out to the First Financial Reporter.

  At present, in the transformation of new energy vehicles, Japanese cars still hold two cards, namely solid-state batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. Solid-state battery has always been regarded as the next generation battery technology for electric vehicles. The First Financial Reporter learned from the global patent database of Wisdom Bud that Japan is in a leading position in terms of technology source and layout. In terms of patent distribution, Japan accounts for about 30.4% of the global total, followed by China, the United States, Europe and South Korea, accounting for about 26.2%, 14.4%, 5.2% and 3.9% respectively.

  Toyota also regards the solid-state battery, whose energy density is expected to be greatly increased, as the key to overtaking in the curve on the electrified track. Investors’ high expectations for the commercialization of solid-state batteries and taking advantage of hydrogen fuel cells have also supported Toyota’s share price rise this year.

  For the Japanese automobile empire, which relies heavily on the traditional internal combustion engine, some people think that it is only the afterglow of the sunset, but some people also point out that it is sober under the fanatical transformation. Zhu Huarong, chairman of Chang ‘an Group, mentioned not long ago that foreign brands are waiting for the best opportunity. Once they are transformed, with the resources they have and the global market, their rise cannot be underestimated.

  In 2023, the global automobile sales will be between 79 million and 81 million, and the new energy penetration rate will be around 17%, while the new energy penetration rate in the global market except China will be only around 8%. It is foreseeable that the end of the automotive electrification reform has not yet come, and it will still be a protracted war.