The future of NIO is ecological?

Article | Interesting understanding of business, Li Wenqi

In addition to selling cars, what else can car companies sell? The answer may subvert your perception.

Recently, Huiding Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huiding Insurance Brokerage") changed its corporate name to NIO Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. This move has attracted widespread attention because it is understood by industry insiders as the acceleration of NIO’s layout in the insurance sector.

Image credit: Qichacha

In recent years, not only NIO, but also the number of new energy vehicle companies that value the auto insurance market has gradually increased. Xiaopeng, Ideal, BYD and Tesla have all made plans.

Dong Hao, a veteran in the automotive industry, said that compared with traditional property insurance companies, new energy vehicle companies entering the new energy vehicle insurance market have more advantages in vehicle loss assessment and insurance premium estimation. Car companies can use this as a service breakthrough point and develop more high-profit after-car ecosystem services.

But just like the two sides of the coin, can the beautiful new energy auto insurance really help NIO develop the after-car ecosystem? And, how much support will the continuous cross-border NIO give to the auto insurance business after the launch of mobile phones, charging piles and other products? This may be the point that the current industry pays more attention to.

01. Crowded car insurance track, NIO is catching up

According to the latest statistics released by the Ministry of Public Security, as of the end of September 2023, the national new energy vehicle ownership reached 18.21 million, accounting for 5.5% of the car ownership. From the first to the third quarter of 2023, 5.198 million new energy vehicles were registered nationwide, an increase of 40% year-on-year, accounting for 28.5% of the new car registration.

There is no doubt that the outbreak of the new energy vehicle market has made new energy vehicle insurance a huge blue ocean market. Soochow Securities estimates that by 2025, the scale of new energy vehicle insurance premiums will reach 186.50 billion yuan, accounting for 17.9% of the total proportion of vehicle insurance premiums; by 2030, this scale will reach 454.10 billion yuan, accounting for 32.1% of the proportion of vehicle insurance premiums.

For this huge and promising market, a number of new energy vehicle companies have entered the market.

In July 2018, XPeng Motors established Guangzhou XPeng Motors Insurance Agency, which was later renamed Guangzhou Smart Choice Consulting Services Co., Ltd.; in 2020, Tesla Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. was established in Shanghai; Li Auto also fully acquired Yinjian Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. in June last year, and later changed its name to Beijing Ideal Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. At the 2022 Annual General Meeting, BYD Chairperson Wang Chuanfu said that BYD would enter the new energy automobile insurance industry.

There are many benefits to the deployment of new energy vehicles in the field of auto insurance – after obtaining the relevant insurance license, new energy vehicle companies can configure insurance through car owners to form a complete closed loop of car manufacturing, sales, and after-sales services, which is expected to become a new profit growth point for car companies.

In this context, it is logical for NIO to accelerate the layout of insurance. As early as the beginning of 2022, NIO invested in the establishment of NIO Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 50 million yuan; but unfortunately, until the company was cancelled, the company did not obtain relevant qualifications, let alone carry out related insurance business.

The reason is actually very simple. Insurance qualifications themselves are a scarce resource. In recent years, the insurance intermediary market has developed rapidly, but there are also pain points of uneven operation quality of intermediaries. Regulators have tightened the approval of insurance intermediary licenses.

But this did not discourage NIO’s determination to explore the insurance market, and instead looked for a "curve" entry route. In December 2022, Anhui NIO Data Technology Co., Ltd., controlled by NIO founder Li Bin, wholly invested in Huiding Insurance Brokerage, and then the original executives also withdrew one after another. It was not until September this year that Huiding Insurance Brokerage changed its name to NIO Insurance Brokerage, and NIO finally went official in its own insurance business.

Picture source: NIO Insurance Broker official website

For this acquisition, NIO did not disclose the specific transaction amount. But according to the market situation, it will not be too low. For example, when BYD transferred 100% equity of Yi’an Property Insurance this year, it spent 4 billion yuan to invest in insurance licenses with higher "gold content". In this regard, some market analysts said that the application for relevant license qualifications in the insurance industry is relatively long. NIO’s operation of Huiding Insurance Brokerage is behind "using money for time". It is naturally easier to buy chickens and lay eggs than to raise big chickens and then lay eggs.

"But the insurance industry is more complicated, and it’s not a one-day job." Zhang Xiang, a visiting professor at the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology and an automotive industry research institute, said to "Interesting Business": "NIO obtains qualifications through acquisitions, and then opens up sales, insurance, after-sales and other links. For the insurance business, it can deeply cultivate the precise customer group, which is a big advantage. But it should be noted that new energy vehicle insurance is not a profitable business at the moment."

02. Is there enough "ammunition"?

The license qualification is grafted through the "banknote ability", and the subsequent challenges that NIO has to face are the financial ability, technical ability and network layout. No matter what, stronger "banknote ability" is required. "Especially the financial ability level is a big test for new energy vehicle companies," said Mr. Fei, an industry insider.

Because behind the blue ocean of new energy vehicle insurance, there is a hidden high compensation pressure and the resulting general loss. Shenwan Hongyuan Group’s research report shows that the current new energy vehicle insurance compensation rate generally exceeds 85%, and the industry is facing greater underwriting loss pressure.

Zeng Yi, general manager of China Pacific Insurance Property and Casualty Insurance, has also publicly stated that the insurance rate of new energy vehicles is nearly double that of fuel vehicles, and the year-on-year increase in automobile travel in the first half of this year has posed a certain pressure on the underwriting cost of new energy vehicles. China Pacific Insurance’s 2022 interim results show that the new energy vehicle insurance premium grew rapidly in the first half of last year, accounting for 6.6%. However, the new energy vehicles underwritten by Pacific Insurance Property and Casualty Insurance are still losing money.

A set of data obtained by the reporter of the Economic Observer also shows that the insurance rate and compensation rate of new energy vehicles are at a high level. In the first half of 2023, the number of new energy vehicle insurance settled compensation cases increased by 1021.9% year-on-year, and the average compensation for resolved cases was 5801 yuan, an increase of 764 yuan compared with the same period in 2022. However, the average insurance premium for new energy vehicle insurance was only 4081 yuan, a decrease of 47 yuan compared with 2022.

All kinds of phenomena have confirmed that the new energy compensation amount is currently much higher than the insurance premium income. This also means that all players entering the new energy vehicle insurance field must prepare sufficient ammunition. So, is NIO ready?

At the end of August this year, NIO-SW (09866) announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended in the first half of 2023. Data show that NIO’s revenue in the second quarter of 2023 was 8.7717 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.8%; gross profit was 870 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 93.5%; net loss was 6.0558 billion yuan, an increase of 119.6%; adjusted net loss was 5.4457 billion yuan, an increase of 140.2%.

Image source: Screenshot of earnings report

From the perspective of the general environment, new car-making forces have shown varying degrees of losses; in the first half of this year, Li Auto’s total revenue was 47.44 billion yuan, and its net loss was 3.24 billion yuan. In comparison, NIO’s loss situation is much more serious.

According to the annual report of NIO-SW (09866), between 2018 and 2022, although NIO’s total revenue is growing, it has been in a state of loss. The losses in the five years were 23.328 billion yuan, 11.413 billion yuan, 5.3041 billion yuan, 4.02 billion yuan and 144.37 yuan. By the first half of this year, NIO’s net loss has exceeded 10 billion yuan, which is 10.926 billion yuan.

What can be seen is that in the context of the recovery of the new energy vehicle market in the first half of this year, NIO still maintained a situation where revenue and gross profit continued to decline and losses continued to expand. Whether it is a single quarter or the entire first half of the year, NIO’s net profit attributable to the parent set a record low for the same period in history.

In terms of delivery, NIO’s situation is also not optimistic. According to public data, NIO delivered 15,641 vehicles in September this year, an increase of 43.8% year-on-year and a decrease of 20% month-on-month. It was the most severe decline in the sales list of new energy vehicles in September.

Revenue decline, delivery decline, but NIO did not reduce investment. According to the financial report data, in the second quarter of this year, NIO’s development investment reached 3.34 billion yuan, close to Tesla’s 3.98 billion yuan, but significantly higher than the ideal 2.43 billion yuan and XPeng Motors 1.37 billion yuan. Statistics can be seen from the previous data, starting from the fourth quarter of 2022, NIO’s R & D expenses have exceeded 3 billion yuan for three consecutive quarters.

It is equivalent to saying that behind NIO’s bet on auto insurance, NIO’s own financial performance and delivery are not optimistic. In the future, whether it can provide support at the auto insurance level depends on the importance of the business in the NIO ecosystem.

"If NIO’s main business is doing very well and can give greater support to the auto insurance business, then overall, auto insurance must be the icing on the cake for NIO," Mr. Fei added: "On the contrary, if its own losses increase, coupled with the high underwriting pressure of auto insurance, the pressure on NIO will be relatively large in the short term."

03. Crossing the border all the way, what is NIO in a hurry?

To the outside world, NIO is less and less like a car company. This indifference is mainly due to NIO’s full range of crossovers – mobile phones, charging stations and now car insurance business.

In June this year, it was reported that the NIO mobile phone had passed the MIIT radio approval; as expected, on September 21, NIO Innovation and Technology Day, NIO released the first ship mobile phone, NIO Phone. According to Li Bin, "NIO makes mobile phones not because mobile phone companies cross the border into the automotive industry, nor do they rely on mobile phones to make money, but NIO users need a mobile phone that is undoubtedly linked to NIO."

But in the eyes of many users, this is not the case. On social platforms, many netizens complained that "it is easier to adapt NIO to more models. The probability of buying another mobile phone alone is not high, and buying a car and giving a mobile phone is almost the same." "It is obviously something that can be done by an app, but you have to develop a mobile phone!" The topic of who the NIO mobile phone is sold to has also triggered widespread discussion.

Image source: Weibo

In addition to the heavy injection of mobile phones, NIO also continues to invest in the field of supplementary energy. By the end of 2022, NIO had 1,315 replacement stations; in early 2023, Li Bin put down his big talk and wanted to build another 1,000 replacement stations. According to NIO’s official data, as of October 20, NIO has arranged a total of 1,969 replacement stations, 3,252 charging stations, and 936,544 third-party charging piles.

Industry analyst Yu Shengmei said that the current construction of power stations is fragmented and chaotic, and the industry is expected to enter the fast lane after the establishment of the national standard. Whoever has the first-mover advantage will be able to enjoy the dividends first.

But at present, it is difficult for the NIO power exchange model to rely on itself to make profits in the short term. According to the calculation of Oriental Securities, generally speaking, the power station reaches break-even, and the utilization rate is about 20% or more, that is, each station needs to serve 88 times a day to barely make a loss. According to NIO President Shen Fei, the break-even line of NIO power station is about 50-60 orders a day, and the current average daily order volume of NIO power station is 35-36 orders.

From a product perspective, this is indeed a good story, but so far, this good story has not brought much benefit in business practice.

As early as 2013, Tesla had experimented with replacing power stations in the United States, but was troubled by factors such as construction costs and profitability, and finally chose to give up. Similarly, behind the replacement of power by NIO owners is the reality that NIO "keeps changing power and loses money". Because the cost of adding replacement stations is extremely high, it is a typical asset-heavy business.

The data shows that the cost of the first generation of NIO substation is about 250-3 million, about 205 are established, and the cost of the second generation substation is 1.50 million yuan, and the number is 1100. According to this data, NIO has roughly invested more than 5 billion yuan in the substation.

Since June this year, NIO’s third-generation power station has maintained a construction speed of 120-150 seats per month. If the cost of the second-generation power station is estimated, NIO’s investment in the construction of power stations in 2023 is expected to be more than 1.50 billion yuan.

In addition to power station equipment, battery storage, battery depreciation, etc., it also requires personnel costs, site expenses, and commercial electricity bills. This is equivalent to saying that NIO has invested more than 10 billion yuan in power station replacement.

Moreover, this business, which was originally intended to be blessed by NIO’s "service", has also become a point of complaint for car owners. In April this year, NIO made adjustments to user rights and interests. Since June 1, the number of free power changes for the first owners of some models has been adjusted to 4 times per month. Previously, this right corresponded to 4-6 free power changes per month according to whether charging piles were installed.

According to NIO’s explanation, free power exchanges will gradually decline until they are fully charged on demand. From a business perspective, this is understandable, but at the same time, such adjustments also make NIO, which has always won by "service", more passive.

Auto insurance, mobile phones, and energy supplementation systems are all major projects worth tens of billions of dollars. At present, whether it is just starting auto insurance, mobile phones that have already launched products, or power stations that have invested tens of billions of dollars, they have not brought profits to NIO. Instead, they are likely to become a drag on NIO’s business.

Standing at the moment, the bigger question from the outside world is, what should NIO, which is gradually tearing off the "service" label, use to impress users?

As one of the three giants of the "new car manufacturing forces", NIO’s story is very good, but returning to the essence of business, performance is the basic set. Especially, as the industry competition intensifies, NIO, which has been expanding its own boundaries, and its own performance pressure, may become more and more difficult.


1. Qubit, "Reassessing NIO, It’s Time"

2. International Finance News, "Cars can’t be sold," Loss King "NIO wants to make mobile phones across borders"

3. Finance and Economics Eleven, "While making large losses and investing heavily, what does NIO think?"

4. Shanghai Securities News, "Is NIO going to sell insurance?"

In addition to "Traveling Frog", these posture games will also revolutionize your understanding of online games

There is such a game, there is no competition, no level, no task, only purely focused on "beauty and enjoyment" itself.


Don’t think you’re talking about the popular Traveling Frog these days – these comments are two feature games given by professional gamers to the domestic independent team Tag Design: "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan".


Unlike those games that emphasize competition, "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" are popular science products with the theme of introducing traditional Chinese culture and craftsmanship. Players only need to swipe or click from start to finish, and the operation cannot be simpler. However, players can get a lot of satisfaction: "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" provide detailed 3D models for each handicraft for users to watch and split 360 degrees; in simple swiping and clicking, players can learn all the structural characteristics, production process and related history of "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan"; in "Folding Fan", they can even participate in the 16 steps from choosing bamboo to making a fan.


"Mortise and tenon" game screen


"Folding Fan" game screen


That’s right, "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" are both functional games, and they are online game types that have gradually emerged in China since this year. When many people regard online games as "monsters", functional games can often make people "treat each other differently" because they not only make people realize the value of "education and entertainment" again, but also make games play a role in cultural protection, technological innovation and other fields.


Functional games drive the transformation of the game industry


If traditional online games emphasize entertainment, then functional games refer to those categories of games whose main purpose is to solve real social and industrial problems. Therefore, if traditional entertainment games and functional games are divided, even if they do not emphasize competition, "Travel Frog" still belongs to the former, while "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" belong to the latter.


Since the beginning of this year, the term "functional game" has begun to enter people’s field of vision, which is not unrelated to a message released by Tencent at the beginning of the year: Tencent announced that it will carry out a comprehensive layout of functional games from 2018, take functional games as one of the business Strategy and Development Direction, and plan to launch five categories of functional game products such as traditional culture, cutting-edge exploration, scientific exercise, scientific popularization, and parent-child interaction. Systematically explore and explore the positive social value of online games.


In fact, "functional games", which are still a new term in China, have been relatively mature in the international development. Functional games are playing an increasingly important role in different fields. In layman’s terms, functional games can become a new medium for people to receive knowledge and skills through entertaining and entertaining, opening up new perspectives for people in terms of shortening the learning curve, accelerating the dissemination of professional knowledge, innovating scientific research models, improving corporate productivity and solving social problems.


From the perspective of the international development of functional games, governments, enterprises and institutions in many developed countries and regions have regarded them as important skills training tools: the functional game "US Army" is used by the US Department of Defense for recruitment; "Emergency Commander" is used for drills for emergency disaster relief; "Code Orange" is used to train doctors to deal with mass casualty incidents; "Virtual Training Bank" provides financial analysis and risk management training for banks; functional game "Gabarello" for therapeutic purposes is used by Zurich Children’s Hospital for rehabilitation of brain injury patients….


Industry insiders believe that with the wide application of functional games, functional games are driving the transformation of the game industry. In the United States, functional games have been in the forefront of the world in various market segments such as corporate training and education since 1994. In the UK, functional games have become a professional discipline and entered institutions of higher learning. In Switzerland, about 30% of game designers are engaged in the field of functional game design.


Look, these are functional games.


Compared with the foreign functional game market, the development and promotion of functional games in China is in the ascendant. Many people don’t even know what a "functional game" is. In this regard, the relevant departments of Tencent listed several functional games for reporters to illustrate the rich connotation of functional games:


In terms of traditional culture and protection, the two functional games "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" can make people more intuitively understand the subtlety of traditional skills; and in the function of "education and fun", the ingenious ideas of functional game developers are equally amazing.


For example, "Moana" developed by the Belgian team Fishing Cactus is an educational functional game that specializes in exercising users’ typing skills. Players will play a little girl riding a fox in the game and go on an adventure in a 2.5D origami world. In different level scenarios such as snow, mountains, forests, etc., players need to use the special method of "typing" to fight monsters and solve puzzles. "Moana" is based on spelling and includes 8 different languages including Chinese, English, and French. The spelling of characters in the game will also be redesigned according to the setting language. Whether you are a typist or a beginner, you can find fun in the game.


"Moana" game screen


Also, "Euclidean Geometry" developed by the Russian team Horis is a mathematical game that uses rulers to draw and solve geometric puzzles. In the game, players need to make vertical lines, tangents, angle bisectors, circles and other geometric shapes on the plane through the rational use of drawing tools, and complete the level challenge in rigorous geometric logic. At the same time, players can continuously optimize the design to get the most elegant and concise solution in as few steps as possible. Overall, players can not only appreciate the beauty of geometry in the game, but also improve their logical thinking ability. Therefore, whether students or players who have left school can feel the mystery of geometry in the game.


"European Geometry" game screen


Tencent also revealed that in their functional game development plan, including the cooperation of Lego, they will launch functional games related to Lego building blocks through complementary advantages, so that more people, including parents and children, can learn while playing. Such games can not only educate and entertain, but also facilitate parent-child interaction.


Functional games are a big industry


In fact, the reason why functional games have developed rapidly in the international market is not unrelated to the economic value they contain. Tencent Research Institute has compiled statistics on more than 130 functional games and found that the combination of education and games is the most extensive, accounting for about 43% of the total, of which more than half of functional game products are used in primary and secondary education; about 19% of functional games are used in enterprises and business; medical functional games are ranked third, accounting for more than 16%. Among them, children’s medical games are the main ones, with content ranging from knowledge popularization to disease treatment. In addition to the above three fields, functional games are also widely used in different fields such as military, culture, and social management, involving all aspects of social life.


The "cross-border" collection of games and different industries has generated huge economic value. Some institutions predict that games with cross-border applications will develop at a compound annual growth rate of 16.38% between 2015 and 2020, and the market size will reach 5.45 billion US dollars. In contrast, the development and application of functional games in our country is still in its infancy and needs to be vigorously developed.


It is worth noting that the development of functional games is not only the task or interest of game companies. In recent years, the cross-border development of some enterprises has also further revealed the value of functional games. For example, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Cisco and other companies have launched their own functional games, not only using them to train employees, but also combining games with their main business. For example, IBM has widely used games in internal businesses such as sales and Customer relationship operations, business information and data analytics; at the same time, in 2010, it first launched the cross-border game "CityOne" (literal translation: a city), which was designed, developed and produced by itself, to find urban planning solutions through role-playing. In addition, IBM has also integrated various new technologies developed by itself, such as process management, cloud computing, and collaboration, into the game, allowing players to learn how to use new technologies to help cities become smarter. After the launch of "CityOne", more than 8,000 people participated in the pre-registration process.


Industry insiders therefore propose that the development of functional games is worthy of "admiration" from the outside world for the value of online games. For a long time, the domestic game industry has been burdened with huge social pressure, and traditional entertainment games have been controversial. But these views should not affect the development of functional games. In this context, it is necessary to improve the motivation and enthusiasm of industry and academia to develop functional games at the policy level, develop high-quality content, and then drive the whole society to gradually raise awareness of functional games and gradually accept their application in all walks of life.

Wang Jianlin VS Xu Jiayin: Thousands of differences

Preface · Thousands of differences 

An eminent monk, known as Master Kuan Lin, gave Wang Jianlin a verse when he was 92 years old: "When the madness rests, the phantom body melts, and the dust inside and outside is empty. The cave is clear and clear, and there are no obstacles, and there are thousands of differences."

That was in 1997, when Wang Jianlin, his Wanda Group, and his Wanda football team were both thriving.

At this time, Xu Jiayin had just founded Evergrande Group not long ago. Oh, at that time, it could not be called a group. At that time, Evergrande did not know whether tomorrow would be good or bad, and whether the rivers and lakes would be deep or shallow.

Wang Jianlin, who left the football circle, has finally come back. At this time, Evergrande has been the overlord of the Chinese Super League for many years.

In the past 20 years, things have changed, but the phrase "thousands of differences make sense at once" is not outdated – two people, the road they have traveled, thousands of differences, the style of two people, thousands of differences, and the two people entered the era of Chinese football. There were also thousands of differences, but now it is just: the same goal.

 One Genhong Miao is starting at the bottom 

In January 2018, at an internal meeting of Evergrande Group, Xu Jiayin talked about his childhood experience when he mentioned why he wanted "targeted poverty alleviation":

"When I was 1 year and 3 months old, my mother got sick and had no money or place to see a doctor. I just left like this, and I became half an orphan."

"When I was in middle school, I was far from home. I carried a basket to school every week. The basket contained a black nest made of sweet potatoes and sweet potato noodles, and a small bottle with a little salt, a few drops of sesame oil, and a little scallion in it. This is my weekly ration. Three meals a day, one sweet potato, one nest, and a bowl of salt water for each meal. In summer, it is very hot, and the black nest grows hairy in half a day. Wash it and continue to eat."

Xu Jiayin said that in today’s Wumeng Mountain District, he saw the poverty of his childhood. "There is no road, no water, no electricity," and several families live scattered in a few kilometers of ravines. Each household is a dilapidated thatched hut, relying on the little hillside in front of the house and behind the house to eat from the sky.

Wang Jianlin had never tasted such pain. Wang Jianlin joined the army at the age of 15. In 1970, at the age of 15, Wang Jianlin was the youngest soldier in the Fourth Frontier Defense Regiment of the Jilin Provincial Military Region. Before joining the army, Wang Jianlin graduated from high school and spent half a year living in a farm in Cangxi County, Sichuan Province, which is known as the hometown of Sydney.

In November 1970, the whole army carried out "camping training", icy and snowy, along the original route of Linhai Snow Plains where Yang Zirong destroyed mountain sculptures, Wang Jianlin began his first difficult journey in life.

The army gave him special care, not letting him carry a rifle, only giving him a pistol. Despite this, with 10 kilograms of equipment on his back, Wang Jianlin had to walk 40 kilometers on the snowy road every day. This was too hard for a 15-year-old child, but Wang Jianlin did not remember this hard work, but remembered a secret taught to him by the monitor.

During that march, during a meal, the squad leader told him a trick to eat more and be full: don’t pack too much when you pack a meal for the first time, and pack it again after a few bites, and you will be full the second time! With this strange move, Wang Jianlin finally persisted. At the end of the training, only more than 400 people in the team of more than 1,000 people were not left behind, and Wang Jianlin became one of the 40%.

Because of this cleverness and persistence, by the age of 28, Wang Jianlin had become the youngest regiment cadre in the army, but in 1986, in response to the country’s call for "million disarmament", 32-year-old Wang Jianlin bid farewell to his military career and 17 years of military life, leaving a deep imprint on Wang Jianlin.

Later, after Wang Jianlin became a businessperson, he mentioned this experience to his subordinates more than once, and was especially willing to proudly tell the secret that the monitor taught him to eat, "He regarded me as a brother." When Wang Jianlin became the head of the Wanda Group family, he also liked to talk about the word "brother": "My concept of happiness is very simple, and one of them is to let my brothers have food and make money."

As a metaphor, Xu Jiayin is the male version of Ashin in the Japanese drama "The Story of Ashin", while Wang Jianlin’s story is similar to "Days Related to Youth".

But they are all workaholics, and they are not young, but they have not seen any signs of that slack.

In 2000, Wanda quit the football circle. Five years later, in 2005, Wang Jianlin, who got out of the football circle, expanded his business to 20 billion yuan. The former green boss was not satisfied: "I will not be satisfied with 50 billion yuan. Once I achieve 100 billion yuan, I can consider retiring."

But now Wanda Group’s assets exceed 700 billion, and Wang Jianlin’s retirement is still a long way off.

And what about Xu Jiayin? One year, he went to Europe for more than ten days, which he described as the only vacation in so many years. As soon as Evergrande employees joined the company, they knew that overtime was normal and inevitable in this company, because that was what the boss did.

Xu Jiayin rarely takes weekends off, working more than 90 hours a week, and still maintains the habit of working every day until the early morning. Evergrande executives work an average of more than 80 hours a week, and mid-level cadres work an average of more than 60 hours a week. Xu Jiayin, who came from a poor background, attributes his success to hard work. "Without it, I can’t do anything."

When he was in Henan Wuyang Iron and Steel Company, Xu Jiayin didn’t take a day off for ten years. In the first ten years of his business, Xu Jiayin often got off work at one o’clock in the middle of the night. For fear of affecting his family’s rest, he lay on the sofa in the living room until 4 am to go to work.

Compared with Xu Jiayin, Wang Jianlin emphasizes regularity: he must go to bed at 11 o’clock every night, he must get up at 6 o’clock in the morning, he must arrive at the company at 7:10, and then, he will go to work. After going home, he will make a few phone calls. This call is to communicate with several core key members of his team about the situation of the day, and then, after finishing these, he will read the "Evening News", wash and sleep. If the weather is good in the morning, walk, take a walk, and if the weather is bad, it will be avoided.

The work styles of the two are similar, but there are huge differences. Xu Jiayin was born in poverty and worked hard from the bottom step by step. Now he still retains the style of "who called you poor, and you are on the top". What about Wang Jianlin? Wang Jianlin’s father is an old Red Army member of the Red Fourth Front Army. Wang Jianlin joined the army for 17 years and changed his career as a cadre of the Fourth Regiment of the Frontier Defense of the Jilin Provincial Military Region; he has two years of experience as a civil servant as the director of the People’s Government Office of Xigang District, Dalian… All these things make Wang Jianlin seem "well-connected".

From the early experience, Wang Jianlin was a product within the system, while Xu Jiayin had more traces outside the system.

 Second, you hate me for being born late, I hate you for being born early 

Wang Anyi said that for a person, there are always two faces that are hard to forget – the face of his mother and the face of the city, which are the first memories. The era of Wanda football is the age of enlightenment for professional football in China, just as Teresa Teng is to pop and Cui Jian is to rock. Enlightenment things are very different, but one thing remains constant – the world that suddenly opened up in the era of enlightenment, the enthusiasm that was suddenly aroused, like a flood, cannot be stopped.

Therefore, for many football fans, especially those in Dalian, Wanda is a love of enlightenment.

And for many fans, especially Hengda fans, the same is true of Hengda’s role.

Dalian Wanda used to be a winning teacher, and players’ income came more from bonuses. Wang Jianlin’s famous saying was: "If you win the game, the bonus will be doubled!" Wanda sometimes won the prize as high as 800,000, and even reached 1 million in a game, which was a sky-high price at that time.

For veteran players like Xu Hong and Han Wenhai, they can also be assigned to the "welfare housing" built by Wanda Group. After 1997, the Dalian Wanda team spent more than 50 million yuan a year, which is an astonishing figure. From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call Wang Jianlin one of the founders of "Jinyuan Football".

Of course, the 50 million yuan spent is also worth it. The year of investing in football is also the era when Dalian Wanda has a solid foundation in Dalian, because Dalian Wanda has won numerous honors for Dalian with this business card, and Dalian Wanda has also been invincible in the Dalian real estate market with this football business card.

For example, the Changchun community where Xu Hong and others lived was once enthusiastically sought after by Dalian people. In addition to the quality of the house itself, the common thought of many people who bought a house was "We live in the same community as Xu Hong"!

Wang Jianlin is a smart businessperson, and his huge investment in football has paid off. In 1998, a well-known research company in Beijing conducted a market survey of Wanda’s popularity in eight cities across the country. The survey subjects ranged in age from 8 to 70. The results showed that Wanda Group’s popularity ranked among the top five in the country, with the same popularity as Hongta Group and Haier Group.

Therefore, Wang Jianlin’s annual investment of more than 50 million yuan may be a "bubble" for football, but it is a perfect investment for his own business.

For Evergrande, investing in football has brought them a similar brand effect, which goes without saying.

If we want to summarize, there are too many similarities between Wanda and Hengda in the glory of football. When Wanda entered football, it was the beginning of Chinese professional football, which was a golden age; after Hengda bottom fishing entered Chinese football, it also ushered in a "new era" of Chinese football.

However, when Wanda was about to enter the lowest point of Chinese football, it took the lead in smelling the smell and decisively withdrew, and now Evergrande is also in the period of adjustment and consolidation after their high speed.

 One branch alone is not spring 

In 2011, Wanda Group announced its return to Chinese football in the "great situation" of Chinese football.

Looking back now, from that day on, the "confrontation" between Wanda and Evergrande began.

On July 2nd, this day, Hengda announced a news, they signed the MVP Conca of the Bundesliga League with a transfer fee of 10 million US dollars, Conca’s annual salary 7 million US dollars, after signing Conca, Hengda high-profile claims, Hengda finally brought world-class stars to Chinese football.

Naturally, the next day in the media, the news of Conca’s joining was overwhelming, and that day, July 3, another major event took place in Chinese football, that is, Wang Jianlin’s Wanda Group returned to Chinese football.

One south and one north, two major events in Chinese football, but what many people don’t know is that the process of signing Kong Card was arduous and tortuous, and the timing of announcing Kong Card’s joining was carefully arranged by Evergrande, because the date they chose was to get ahead of Wanda, no more, no less, just one day.

Evergrande is difficult to tolerate themselves in a lonely period, Hengda will always be in the trend of the wave, if there are competitors, then we must weaken the influence of the opponent, sure enough, if not for the joining of Kong Ka, in those days, football news will become Wanda’s world.

After the end of the Chinese Super League in 2011, the awards ceremony of the Chinese Super League was held in Guangzhou. Guangzhou Evergrande won 5 of the 10 awards including the league championship, the Golden Boot Award, the Golden Globe Award, the Best Division and the Most Social responsibility Club Award, becoming the biggest winner of the night.

However, after the award ceremony, the big winner said with disappointment: "We came out so much for the award ceremony, but we sold Wanda advertising." Because the award ceremony left Wanda enough time, and Wanda sent a spokesperson Shi Xueqing to speak on stage, while Guangzhou Evergrande, the league champion, did not have such treatment.

And that award ceremony was finally broadcast live on the CCTV comprehensive channel!

After returning to Chinese football in 2011 and taking over Dalian Football in 2018, Wanda’s package of plans to support Chinese football includes the following things:

First, Wanda became the title dealer of the Chinese Super League and raised the title fee to a record high; second, Wanda formed the overseas team of Hope Stars and sent a large number of post-95s to Europe; third, this is also the most controversial point, that is, a month before the start of the World Cup 20 in Brazil, Gao Hongbo was forcibly replaced with Camacho.

In retrospect, Wanda did indeed give a lot of support during the trough period after the anti-gambling and anti-crime crackdown in Chinese football, which made the gradually impoverished Chinese Football Association and the Chinese Super League go through the most difficult period. When Wanda ended the sponsorship period in 2014, Chinese football has obviously recovered, and various commercial sponsorships have come in one after another, and they have all improved on the basis of Wanda’s period. These are all irreducible historical contributions.

But the overall weakness of the national brand team makes Wanda’s plans time-consuming and thankless, and in the past seven years, Evergrande has established its own Evergrande dynasty by virtue of its achievements in the Chinese Super League and the AFC Champions League – the Chinese Super League has won seven consecutive championships, and the AFC Champions League has won twice.

Wanda finally understood a truth, only in the local base, Wanda’s every step in Chinese football is not a castle in the air, it will not be pointless, and Hengda arm-wrestling, why not? Why not? After all, the current Dalian side is already an upright Chinese Super League vassal.

It is foreseeable that after Wanda re-enters the foreground, it will bring great shocks to the Chinese Super League, and at this time, Evergrande is precisely in the moment of shrinking the front and adjusting and consolidating.

Xu Jiayin finally met Wang Jianlin in the field of professional football in China. This kind of excitement has been awaited by many fans for a long time.

Hu Ge’s new film "It’s Worth It" exposes a patch trailer, and Huang Lei is officially announced to participate

Time Network News is produced by Cao Baoping, directed and written by Liu Jiayin, starring Hu Ge, starring Wu Lei and Qi Xi, and Bai Ke’s special movie "It’s Worth It", today’s exposure of the sticker trailer and the role poster of Huang Lei, and the official announcement of Huang Lei’s special starring role.

The film tells the story of Wen Shan, an ordinary screenwriter who is "left behind", who accidentally changes to writing eulogies for a living. In his encounters with ordinary people of all kinds, Wen Shan comforts others, gains warmth, and finally finds his own life direction. In the film, Wen Shan, as the person who writes the eulogy, will stage a real and warm human story with multiple groups of clients. Huang Lei’s "Mr. Wang" is one of the clients. His story with Wen Shan will also be the opening story of the film.

In the film, Huang Lei plays one of Wen Shan’s clients, "Mr. Wang," who commissions Wen Shan to write a eulogy because of the death of his father. With a busy career, he is unsmiling and direct, and he is so busy that he is almost inhumane. When he talks about his father, he is even more alienated as an outsider. In this story, Wen Shan hides the regrets of his relatives’ life in the text, hoping to give Mr. Wang compensation and comfort.

Brilliant! BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car is amazing at Shanghai Auto Show.

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net April 22-On April 19, at the BYD booth of the 19th Shanghai International Auto Show, BYD Han, the "global super-safe intelligent new energy flagship car", led the exhibition with new colors of "Energy White" and "Smart Blue", and decorated the interior with colored carbon fiber and traditional large lacquer panels respectively. Mastermind casting, integrating modern trends, paying tribute to traditional culture and conforming to the tonality of luxury products, BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car not only represents the latest achievements of BYD’s continuous improvement in design, but also highlights the self-confidence of Chinese aesthetics, which detonated the auto show scene at one time.

  Energy white with terracotta brown, writing BYD Han EV advanced texture

  The matte energy white used in the exterior decoration of BYD Han EV on the booth is inspired by Dehua white porcelain, which is dense in texture, glittering and translucent as jade, moist and greasy in glaze, and full of energy. In terms of technology, this Chinese EV adopts a special "fluorophlogopite" coating, which is more delicate and uniform, and the texture is bright and transparent. Together with matte varnish, it finally realizes the color change texture of silk metal.

  Matching with the white appearance of Han EV energy, it is a brand-new terracotta brown interior color. Its color inspiration comes from, "Top-grade terracotta sand, out of the mountains and stones of Chen Jin, above the white stone bed, with twelve pieces as one, looks like a bright day without a red lotus." The delicate luster of terracotta brown makes Han EV show the leather texture of top-grade leather, and its sense of luxury is further enhanced.

  In detail, this Han EV is decorated with carbon fiber on the C-pillar and the tail tail, and the matte carbon fiber is also added to the interior decoration, which echoes the color of terracotta brown, creating a very luxurious and sporty driving experience. Thanks to the brand-new color scheme, the exclusive sense of dignity of Chinese luxury of Han EV is strongly highlighted, and the performance of China mass-produced new energy cars represented by its 100-kilometer acceleration of 3.9s is further highlighted.

  Smart Blue with Sky Grey shows the multi-faceted nature of BYD Han DM.

  Since its listing, BYD Han’s appearance color has its own representative color from the space-time of the universe to the field of humanities and culture. The Han DM exhibited in this exhibition further adopted the wisdom blue which represents the creativity of human beings, and applied the painting process of two-color paint. The high-saturation blue hue presented in high-light illumination is gorgeous and colorful, and it will turn into a deep dark blue phase in dark environment. The strong contrast between light and dark gives people an extraordinary visual experience, which is very intriguing.

  On the interior, Han DM is equipped with BYD’s latest "Sky Grey" light-colored interior, and its design is inspired by China’s "elegant culture". The style, layout and detailed modeling combine the Chinese aesthetic concept and the essence of China culture, which is reminiscent of ink painting and painting, misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, elegant without losing style, showing the strong oriental elegance of Han, and embodying the profound cultural connotation and aesthetic interest of Chinese luxury. In addition to the brand-new color matching, Han DM also added the traditional big paint technology to the decorative panel, further sublimating the ancient charm of Chinese style.

  From the contrast between light and shade of wisdom blue to the collision between tradition and modernity of grey in the sky, the brand-new color matching of Han DM complements its diversified product personality. Han DM has five power modes that can be switched intelligently. It is mainly driven by electricity in daily commuting, which is quiet and fuel-efficient. When it enters the high-speed motor and cooperates with the engine, it can not only achieve the ultimate performance of generate, but also cruise efficiently, thus realizing the full-dimensional satisfaction for users.

  Decorating automobile accessories with large lacquer craft, BYD empowers lacquer art to revitalize.

  In the Han DM exhibition car, the decorative panels made of lacquer technology are particularly eye-catching. This is the result that BYD invited Mr. Fu Yizhou, the national inheritor of lacquer technology, as a consultant, and Mr. Wu Yongqiang, a lacquer expert from Guangdong Academy of Arts and Crafts, personally designed and produced for Han. It is a cross-border masterpiece that skillfully combines exquisite lacquer technology with interior design of new energy vehicles, and it is also a new exploration for BYD to practice the innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

  In the Han Dynasty, the splendid culture of the Chinese nation was transmitted to the world through the Silk Road, and lacquer reached its peak as a decorative craft in the Han Dynasty. Since then, lacquer craft, as a treasure of China culture, has been passed down in the thinking collision between artists and designers. Nowadays, BYD Auto reproduces the impression of the Silk Road in BYD Han through the continuation and innovation of culture, and the art is sublimated again, and the charm of traditional lacquer art will be appreciated by more consumers.

  As the flagship of BYD’s dynasty, BYD Han took luxury as the bone and tradition as the rhyme from the beginning of design, and opened up a harmonious but different way of Chinese luxury. The two brand-new color-matching exhibition cars at the Shanghai Auto Show have further increased and integrated traditional and modern elements, which fully embodies the inclusiveness and tension of BYD Han’s design.

  On April 13th, 2021, the results of German iF Design Award were announced, and BYD Han EV made the list, becoming the first award-winning car model of China brand, which further proved that BYD Han’s high-end aesthetic experience based on the profound connotation of Chinese luxury is leading the trend of new energy vehicle design.

The Tiggo 8 PLUS bought in line is worth more than Highlander!

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Give you the most needed decent test tiggo 8 PLUS 290T Evaluation Editor-Yu Shuo:

I can fully understand why this car is so popular, and it has shown great persuasiveness from configuration to test data. However, in terms of vehicle drivability, it is still difficult for me to give it a high score. In the final analysis, it is still the sentence "Cars are used for driving", which is my expectation for Chery’s future products.

Evaluation Editor-Zhang Yijia:

After the test drive of the Tiggo 8 PLUS, it gave me a great feeling. Personally, I think Chery knows the psychology of consumers in China very well, at least in terms of data performance and configuration, it can meet the needs of most consumers.

Evaluation editor:

Most of the results are better than the three popular SUVs of China brand tested before, especially the on-wheel power data, acceleration and braking results. However, its noise performance also exposes some shortcomings, and coupled with the moderate driving experience, this product still has many places to be further optimized.

Looking forward to the starting of U8/U9: Four motors are leading BYD to "take off"

After several months’ fermentation, the first million-level new energy hard-core off-road vehicle-U8, and the first million-level pure electric performance super-running vehicle-U9 officially ushered in the first launch, and the new brand’s "Easy Sifang" core technology was released simultaneously. From the perspective of consumers, these two cars not only broke the price ceiling of domestic products in the automotive field, but also represented domestic products in the field of new energy technology research and development and application, and reached a new global leading height.

Without much gossip, today we will focus on what new inspirations the core technology of "Easy Sifang" has for new energy technology innovation. And, two million-class new energy vehicles, how do you expect U8 to "reduce dimensions and attack" traditional hard-core off-road? Looking up at U9 how to subvert the imagination space of new energy super-running?

 ● "Easy Sifang" platform: four-motor four-wheel drive technology that subverts imagination

To correctly understand the "Easy Sifang" technology platform, we must first understand the driving mode of passenger cars. First of all, the fuel car, regardless of whether it is a front drive, a rear drive or a four-wheel drive, or a 6X6 car like AMG G63, is essentially an internal combustion engine that drives the wheels at the same time through the power distribution of the transmission mechanism. Unlike pure electricity, a motor represents an independent power source. At present, in active products, two-wheel drive is one motor (front or rear), and four-wheel drive is two motors (front+rear).

All the above is nonsense, but it is the basis of understanding the "easy quartet" technology platform. The platform will all use four independent motors (the front axle dual motors are an assembly, and the rear axle dual motors are an assembly), and the four wheels will be driven by the reducer, the half shaft and the universal joint respectively, so that each wheel will have its own steering, rotating speed and traction distribution (collectively referred to as four-wheel dynamics), which indicates that the electronic control system can independently control the wheels with higher freedom and accuracy, and the resulting function expansion and characteristic reconstruction are not the same for a fuel vehicle with a single power source.

For example, the traditional four-wheel drive system of a fuel vehicle requires the transfer case (or central differential) and the front/rear differential to transmit the power from the transmission to the front and rear wheels, and the more comprehensive the four-wheel drive, the more hardware modules are needed, including low-speed creep, tank U-turn, front and rear differential lock and so on. However, the four-motor-driven four-wheel drive system can fully realize these functions without complicated transmission-locking mechanism. For example, in the face of the theoretical special scene of "three wheels suspended", the traditional four-wheel drive must lock all the front/middle/rear differential locks to ensure traction, while the four-motor drive only needs to provide power output to the motor with adhesion.

At the same time, the structural redundancy of the traditional four-wheel drive system also greatly reduces the perception speed and accuracy of the whole vehicle, because it takes response time from the electronic control to the execution of the mechanical system, and the more complex the structure, the more so, which we usually call hysteresis. However, the four-motor drive has no power distribution mechanism at all, even the clutch and transmission. The power output by the motor directly goes to the wheels through the reducer and half shaft, and the response speed is millisecond. This not only has accurate vector control for the traction of the vehicle at high speed (similar to overspeed vector four-wheel drive), but also can make the other three wheels control the vehicle forward with more reasonable traction through special electronic control execution program, thus ensuring the stability of the vehicle. You can understand it as a "three-wheel drive mode" specially prepared for tire puncture.

 ● Looking up at U8 & Looking up at U9: New Enlightenment of Off-road Vehicle & Super-running

So specific to the product level, what are the "outrageous" technical applications and special functions of looking up at U8 and U9 from the "Easy Sifang" technology platform?

First of all, in terms of parameters, the official data show that the maximum power of a single motor of this electric drive system is 220-240kW, the maximum torque is 320-420Nm, and the maximum rotation speed is 20500rpm. The torque amplification after passing through the reducer is undoubtedly amazing. The acceleration time of 0-100km/h on looking up U8 is 3s, and 2s+ "breaking a hundred" can be achieved on super-running U9. After all, the book data is already above 1100 horsepower, and the power is no longer a short board that limits the acceleration ability.

Then look up at U8, which is a hard-core off-road vehicle built on a non-load-bearing body. From the chassis structure, we can see that the dual motor modules on the front and rear axles and the blade batteries on the chassis are directly installed on the longitudinal beam, which is completely different from the Tang EV with a load-bearing body. In addition, the platform also supports hybrid expansion, that is, an internal combustion engine can be installed above the front axle. Although the details are not clear for the time being, my personal guess is that it should be the extended range mode. For this four-motor four-wheel drive, it is of little significance to drive the whole engine directly.

As for the necessary functions of hard-core off-road vehicles, thanks to the independent control attributes brought by four motors, it is hoped that U8 can get out of trouble by "one leg" even if three wheels are suspended, because TA does not have to consider the idling problem caused by differential (4H/4L, crawling mode and three locks are all floating clouds).

On this basis, looking up at U8, there are many very hard-core function extensions, such as "genuine tanks turn around". The traditional hard-core off-road tank turns around by locking the wheel on one side into a circle and turning the wheel on the other side, which is different from looking up at U8. TA can turn the left and right wheels in the opposite direction, thus turning around the center of the vehicle. In principle, as long as the space is slightly longer than 5 meters (actually, it should be the diagonal length of the vehicle), it can directly turn around in circles, which is exactly the same as the tank with crawler.

In addition, we know that the three-electric system of pure electric vehicle does not need to be powered by intake air (oxygen) and gasoline combustion like the internal combustion engine, so the whole power system can be completely closed; At the same time, the structure of the non-load-bearing car allows the body-in-white part to be highly closed. Therefore, the cockpit airtightness reaching IP68 level is also applied to this U8, and even the emergency floating ability can be obtained by virtue of the four-wheel independent vector control function, which is an unimaginable function of fuel vehicles.

After looking up at U8, let’s take a look at the super sports car endowed by the "Easy Sifang" platform-what unique BUFF do you look up to U9?

For supercars, the most important test for manufacturers is the traction control in high-speed state, which is undoubtedly a natural advantage for four-motor four-wheel drive. For example, when dealing with high-speed right corners, traditional sports cars need complex and efficient electronic control actuators to realize the overspeed of the left wheel, that is, vector four-wheel drive. It is much simpler to look up at U9, and this function can be realized only by accurately controlling the left and right wheel motors. Even if there is no steering system, vector steering can be realized by the motor. After all, it is ok to turn around in place, and vector steering is the basic operation.

In addition, U9 also has "Sao operation" in the braking system. In addition to the brake discs and calipers on four wheels, the electric drive system can also achieve active braking at the electric drive level through positive and negative electric control torque output. Even, you can achieve a braking distance of less than 40m and an agile steering ability of less than 12m while the steering gear and brakes are not working. You can understand it as "engine braking technology" on new energy vehicles.

 ● Edit Comment:

From dynasty series to ocean network, and now looking up to brands, automobiles show us the deep leap of enterprises from the leader of new energy vehicles to the leader of new energy technologies. In particular, the four-motor four-wheel drive technology brought by the "Easy Sifang" platform is undoubtedly an inspiring thinking innovation for the electrification innovation of hard-core off-road and super sports cars. On the other hand, the success of looking forward to it represents the great victory of the "technology, industry and trade" route of contemporary China enterprises, and it is also the pillar of China manufacturing based on the future.

Full of stamina! The new style of Starway Chasing the Wind appeared in 4S shop, and M38T was officially named "Eta Ursae Majoris" in Chinese.

For Chery, Xingtu brand is a second venture. Before that, Ruiqi high-end brand was launched, but it ended in snow storage. For Chery, Xingtu brand, which started a second venture, naturally cannot be allowed to fail. This time, it learned a lesson, took SUV as the breakthrough point, and gradually spread. Although the sales volume was not very bright, it was a step by step to continuously improve the existing models. At the same time, its 2.0 strategy was officially launched. The Atlanti X mass production concept car released at Chengdu Auto Show was M38T.(Pictures and texts shall not be used or reproduced without my permission)

Let’s take a look at the first car you can experience, that is, the brand-new car chasing the wind. The real car that arrived at the store only photographed the front end. Fortunately, the focus of the appearance change is really concentrated on the front end, mainly the front bumper part, which is very close to the grille of the Eta Ursae Majoris production version (that is, the model with the project number M38T), and of course it can’t be completely consistent. After all, chasing the wind is the nature of later follow-up, and Eta Ursae Majoris is the original design. Just chasing the wind means that the production car directly modifies the exterior interior and adds a powertrain, so the listing speed is faster. From this, it is judged that the subsequent Lingyun/Lingyun S and Lanyue may move closer to this style. Of course, this is only a logical judgment based on the unification of family modeling, which does not represent official information.

The interior is very surprising, which is much more eye-catching than the previous test car. The blue, white and black three-color matching scheme is enabled, especially the white part in the middle is very eye-catching. The whole interior is basically the same as that of Tiggo 8Pro and Oumengda except for the steering wheel (exactly the same as that of Eta Ursae Majoris) and the shift interface modification. In addition, the air outlet of the through air conditioner and the trim panel edge of the door buckle are all equipped with orange decorative lines, which makes the whole interior atmosphere look relatively younger.

At the same time, there was also a fully blackened interior. The seat and the auxiliary instrument panel have been able to see the idea of full blackening. At the same time, pay attention to the shape of the chair surface. It is not the version on the previous test car, and it is exactly the same as the new generation of Tiggo 7Plus seats exposed at the Chengdu Auto Show. It seems that this seat will also be fully promoted. Of course, the chair surface itself is slightly different. Personally, consumers can choose all-black and blue-and-white color matching interiors. After all, everyone has different tastes, which does not mean that all-black interiors are available.

There is no suspense in terms of power. At present, there are three fuel versions of 230T(1.5TCI engine), 300T(1.6TGDI deep gantry version) and 400T(2.0TGDI engine) declared in the catalogue. As for whether ET-i will continue on the new model, there is no official hammer at present, so I won’t do too much speculation here. In theory, it should be all switched, and the rest is the official listing time. At present, there is no official information disclosure, but the possibility of this year is very great. Otherwise, it is too early for the real car to appear in the 4S shop (it is stated that this is not a production car to the store, this is the Star Road 4S shop around Wuhu headquarters, which should be passing by).

The line of sight turns back to Chengdu Auto Show. Just a few hours ago, Starway officially released the official Chinese naming of M38T, named "Eta Ursae Majoris", which is the production version of the Eta Ursae Majoris concept car at the Shanghai Auto Show. But to be honest, the difference is too big, so it can only be said that it is a continuation of the naming, and the style still depends on the Atlanti X production concept car unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show. Because the author is not on the scene, I am quite curious why it says "Please pay attention to the appearance in September" on the background screen. It’s already the end of August, so is there any official activity in September? Will the official mass-produced Eta Ursae Majoris model be exposed?

Previously, the CDC adjustable suspension photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 (that is, Tiggo 9) platform was finally officially hammered. Although it was mentioned by M38T, the two platforms shared, and there were spy photos of the real vehicle, it can be confirmed that the follow-up Chery high-end models will follow up one after another, not only the Star Road brand can be used. As for the double hydraulic suspension mentioned later, the entity spy photos were also photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 platform. Combined with the stable handling of the original M3X Pro Mars architecture, Star Road

Another focus is the new generation of power technology. From the perspective of the chassis on the far right, it is obviously a plug-in hybrid version. Indeed, the official information of the plug-in hybrid version and the extended range version was mentioned before the mass production car in Eta Ursae Majoris. It can be clear that the chassis layout is close to that of the Tiggo 8Plus Kunpeng e+, but the size and specifications of the battery pack seem to be expanded, indicating that the pure electric cruising range can be increased further.

After enlarging the picture, there are two pieces of information worthy of attention, all of which are related to the transmission link. The first is the hybrid version, and the effective thermal efficiency exceeds 43% (this part is very important, and many propaganda mentions theoretical thermal efficiency, even 50% of the thermal efficiency dares to shout out, which is really not afraid of the wind). This is obviously for the new plug-in hybrid version, followed by the 3DHT hybrid special transmission. It is mentioned that the power is greater than 165K w and the rim torque is greater than 4000Nm. If nothing else, at least the speculation of 3DTH is correct. Yesterday, I just mentioned the relevant information of Chery’s three 1-speed DHT hybrid special transmissions. At that time, it was analyzed that 3DT may be exclusive to models like Starway, and the cost is slightly higher, but it is consistent with its positioning. It is said that some spare parts manufacturers have been informed that the 1DHT130 transmission may be enabled in the Tiggo 8 series.

The most eye-catching thing is the appearance of the 8AT transmission. Before that, the author only photographed the full moon 8AT test vehicle, and it was filmed once. Later, Chery officially showed the physical prototype of the 8AT, but it is not yet clear whether the 8AT transmission mentioned by Eta Ursae Majoris is self-produced or purchased. The key is that there is no mass production schedule of the 8AT, so we can’t make a corresponding judgment, and we can only wait for the subsequent official to reveal the answer, at least for now.

How to choose Haval Xiaolong/Xiaolong MAX? Competing for the "cognitive third place" in the new energy market

New image, new weather, super intelligent Haval Xiaolong MAX

When it comes to the Great Wall Haval, everyone must think of many SUV models, such as Big Dog, Beast, H6 and so on, which are all very good sales models in the Haval brand. However, the Haval Snapdragon MAX we tested this time is not quite the same.

Let me tell you about the identity of this car first. Haval Snapdragon is a brand-new single product under the Haval brand, which is not in the same sales network as the previous models sold by Haval, and adopts the mode of sub-network sales. That is to say, Haval Snapdragon has its own 4S store and sales network, and has its own brand-new image. At present, there are two models of Haval Snapdragon, namely Haval Snapdragon MAX and Haval Snapdragon. Today, we test drive Haval Snapdragon MAX.

It’s not hard to see that it still has the shadow of the Great Wall series, but the whole design concept is completely different. Haval Snapdragon MAX is inspired by fighter planes and adopts a minimalist design style, which makes the body more integrated. The air intake grille adopts lattice diffusion design, which not only ensures practicality but also does not destroy the overall aesthetic feeling.

In terms of body size, Haval Snapdragon MAX has a length, width and height of 4758*1895*1725mm and a wheelbase of 2800mm, which has reached the leading level in the same class. The design of the rear of the car is full of three-dimensional sense. Many components, including the taillights, are geometrically multi-faceted. A large number of black decorations are applied to the bumper below, and the exhaust is hidden.

The design inside the car is even more eye-catching. From left to right, it adopts a penetrating display design, which consists of a 12.3-inch full-color LCD central control screen+a 12.3-inch full-color LCD auxiliary driving screen+a 12.3-inch full-color LCD instrument. The three screens will not interfere with each other, and can also support four-screen linkage. As for the fourth screen, it is the huge W-HUD head-up display in front of the car, and the vehicle driving data and navigation information will be projected on the windshield.

Moreover, the display effect of these three screens is very delicate, which is better than that of Apple’s tablet computer. The response speed is very sensitive, and it supports voice control. Moreover, the response speed of voice control is very fast, and chatting with the co-pilot will not be followed, which can accurately identify voice commands.

There are as many as 32 storage spaces in the whole vehicle, and there are two storage platforms in the middle of the console, one of which supports wireless charging of mobile phones. The design of changing the handle into a bosom block not only saves space, but also makes the operation more convenient. Haval Snapdragon MAX also comes with the latest coffee intelligent system of Great Wall, and the top model has 22 sensors, which supports L2+ intelligent driving assistance.

One of the biggest highlights of the power is that it is equipped with the newly developed Hi4 four-wheel drive system of Great Wall Motor, which adopts the peak-level brand-new power technology and is the first vehicle equipped with a brand-new hybrid architecture Hi4. The whole power system consists of a 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and two front and rear drive motors, which are matched with a 2-speed DHT hybrid special gearbox. The comprehensive power of the system is 205kW, and the comprehensive torque is 585 N m. It takes only 6.8 seconds to accelerate at zero speed.

Hi4, a new hybrid architecture, adopts the innovative configuration of series-parallel electric four-wheel drive with two motors at the front and rear axles to realize intelligent dynamic switching of three engines and nine modes, which can cope with most road conditions in China. In bad weather such as rain and snow, it can also play a very high dynamic stability by matching the front and rear motors.

Haval Xiaolong MAX and NEDC have a pure electric cruising range of 105km, the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 1.78L/100km, and the fuel consumption of WLTC feed is as low as 5.5L/100km. The battery is designed with laminated bipolar ears, and the anode of the battery cell is made of NCM polycrystalline material, which makes the power battery have stronger fast charging ability. It has 33kW DC fast charging, and the power is from 30% to 80%, and the fast charging takes only 26 minutes.

Therefore, Haval Snapdragon MAX really gives you a brand-new feeling, new power, new design and new intelligent system. The spatial performance is also excellent in the same level, and at the same time, it has three core technologies: coffee intelligence, coffee smart driving and new hybrid architecture Hi4, which greatly increases the competitiveness of products. It is expected to be listed in mid-May, and interested friends can enter the store for test drive. However, the official claims that Haval Snapdragon owns "four-wheel drive experience, two-wheel drive price, four-wheel drive performance and two-wheel drive energy consumption". How much do you guess this car will sell?

For more test drive experience, please check out the video: Han Gongzi Driving Road | Test Drive Xiaolong Max: "HI4" Tamping the electric four-wheel drive to carry out the people-friendly to the end.

BYD’s new car named Qin PLUS unveiled at Guangzhou Auto Show.

  A few days ago, Aika Automobile was informed that the brand-new Yadi sedan that flowed out recently was officially named Qin PLUS. The design of the new car is in the same strain as that of Han, but it is younger and more refined. Qin PLUS is another masterpiece of BYD in the field of cars after Han Dynasty. According to informed sources, the new car will be officially unveiled at the 2020 Guangzhou Auto Show.

  First of all, from the front face, BYD Qin PLUS incorporates brand-new design elements on the basis of the design language of "Dragon Face". The larger "Dragon Mouth" front grille and the newly designed "Dragon Armor" bring strong sensory impact. The waistline on the side of the car is full and full of tension, and the transition between the front face and the side wall is clear and clear, highlighting the "sculpture sense" of the car body design; The size of the multi-strip aluminum alloy rim is further increased and looks more sporty.

  It can be seen from the tail that this brand-new car is very impactful in visual effect. The horizontal lines and downward curved curve design of the tail widen the overall visual effect. The straight through LED taillights are a highlight, and the overall shape is more slender. The light groups on both sides are as sharp as dragon claws, which is very recognizable. Slogan above the taillights adopts the latest font design, which is more design-oriented.

  In terms of power, BYD Qin PLUS is expected to adopt the super hybrid technology just released, equipped with a 1.5L high-efficiency engine dedicated to Xiaoyun-Plug-in, which is specially built for DM-i super hybrid technology, with a thermal efficiency as high as 43%. Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine has an ultra-high compression ratio of 15.5, which increases the stroke-cylinder diameter ratio. Atkinson cycle is adopted, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system is equipped, and a series of friction reduction measures are supplemented, and the engine control system is optimized. In addition, this system can also bring excellent NVH performance.