People’s body talk: the charm of football and grassroots feelings

Source: People’s Daily Online-Viewpoint Channel Original Draft

On November 17th, in the second round of the 2022 Chinese Football Association Cup, the Chinese champion team Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated the Chinese Super League team Beijing Guoan 7:5 in a penalty shootout and advanced to the top 16. This game surprised many people. Losing to a semi-professional team as a traditional strong team in the Super League may be caused by various reasons, but it also made many people know more about the current situation of football in China and look forward to the development of grass-roots football.

The FA Cup is an independent knockout cup outside the football league in China, and it is also the only opportunity for low-level teams and high-level teams to compete together. Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated Beijing Guoan from penalty. Although there were accidental factors, from the process of 2:2 draw in regular time, the strength of the two teams was close, and Jingchuan Wenhui team even got the upper hand slightly. Two goals were remarkable. The players on the field were thunderous, calm and confident, and had a degree of attack and defense. In a game in which the strength is very different and there is no suspense, the audience felt the long-lost charm of competitive football.

Aside from the mobilization, cohesion and team fighting capacity before the game, we can find details that are easily covered up by victory from the voice of the head of Jingchuan Wenhui after the game. Jingchuan Wenhui said that the main reason for winning the game was that the opponent was negligent and could not use foreign aid. He attributed the opponent’s defeat to accidental factors and external uncontrollable rules. Compared with the simple ceremony of "accepting and accepting", he was polite, modest and humble, which was quite the bearing and pattern of Chinese traditional culture. Brutalizing its physique, civilizing its spirit, an unexpected game, let us see the momentum and indomitable feelings of grassroots football.

Football is round. The competitive characteristics and rules of the game make football not only have the integrity, antagonism and appreciation shared by collective ball games, but also have the variability of technical and tactical coordination and the contingency of game results.

"The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce generals must be sent to the pawn." According to the results of post-match interviews and data disclosure, there are 152 players in Jingchuan Wenhui Football Club, more than 70 of whom are local doctors, policemen, teachers and other amateurs from all walks of life, and 40% of the players participating in the FA Cup are semi-professional players. Jingchuan Wenhui Club is integrated with Beihai Jichi Club, co-built and shared with Jingchuan County key amateur sports schools, and has a champion team, an U19 echelon, an U17 echelon and an amateur team, which reflects the effectiveness of Jingchuan County Football Association reform. The development of grass-roots football in Jingchuan presents a good trend, which is not only the component of football professionalization reform, but also supported by the three-level training network of competitive sports national system, and the association, sports school and club cooperate and form a joint force. The deepening reform and practice of county-level individual associations, the development of county-level football clubs and the modernization process of amateur sports schools are all key and difficult points in the construction of a strong sports country and the development of grass-roots sports organizations. For the government and an effective market, it may be the internal logic of the wonderful performance of this grassroots counterattack.

If the road is long, the line will come, but it is difficult and more brave. We expect the society to pay more attention and support to grass-roots football, and we expect that the sports lifestyle with football as the carrier can meet the needs of more people for a better life!

Xi ‘an Lintong First National Fitness Table Tennis Invitational Tournament kicked off.

Original title: Xi ‘an Lintong First National Fitness Table Tennis Invitational Tournament kicked off.
Workers’ Daily-Zhonggong. com reporter Mao Nongxi
Build a friendship bridge in the name of pomegranate, and show the local charm with the practice of cultural travel. On December 16th, the first national fitness table tennis invitational tournament of "Pomegranate Cup" in Lintong District, Xi ‘an started in Xi ‘an Institute of Technology (Lintong Campus).
In addition to the participation of local table tennis fans, the tournament also attracted more than 200 table tennis players from 48 teams in more than 20 provinces and cities including Hainan, Shanxi, Tianjin and Shanghai to compete for the title of "King of the Ball" for two days.
Serve and attack, sliding stroke, short ball near the net, forehand and backhand side spin … Athletes waved their rackets, flicked around and smashed, and small table tennis shuttled back and forth on the stage, performing wonderful smash and wonderful catch. Cheers and shouts came and went in the venue. At the same time, many network experts came to the competition site for live broadcast and paid attention to the hot scene of the invitational tournament together.
Outside the stadium, the road flags with the theme of "Pomegranate" are arranged in an orderly manner and spread in the wind. Lintong pomegranate 8 categories and series products are displayed on site and tasted for free. We warmly welcome table tennis players and amateurs from all corners of the country.
Lintong District has also carefully arranged activities such as "watching the cultural tourism with the competition", invited contestants and technical officials to taste pomegranate and pomegranate series agricultural special products, watch the fine performances of cultural tourism such as Song of Eternal Sorrow and Revived Legion, and fully display and promote the development achievements of Lintong cultural tourism, agriculture, ecology and urban construction with pomegranate as the medium.
In recent years, around the national strategy of national fitness, Lintong District has successively held a series of sports activities, such as the Chess Master Wheel Competition, the 9th Badminton Competition, the 12th Basketball League, the 19th Table Tennis Competition and the "National Fitness Month", among which badminton and table tennis competitions have become excellent events in Xi ‘an.
Source: Workers Daily Client

The best way to improve yourself: exercise (permanent collection is recommended)

Remember Xiao Ruoteng, a gymnast who regretted missing the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games and applauded her opponent with lonely eyes?

This gymnast, who won the gold medal in the men’s individual all-around gymnastics in the 14th National Games, is not only heroic in the sports field, but also a "treasure boy" in life.

He is keen on rap, likes to make his own coffee, and even is the "Teacher Tony" in the gymnastics team …

He not only loves literature and art, but also personally participates in the creation of lyrics. "Taking Dreams as Horses" is what he did after the Olympic Games.

Xiao Ruoteng, who is so versatile in literature and art, really broke our stereotype of athletes.

What kind of mind is simple and limbs are developed?

People with truly developed limbs will not have a simple mind.

Most of those who live a sober life and work well have created strong enough brains through sports.

However, with the increasing convenience of life, most people exercise less and less, and many diseases are getting younger and younger.

Paying attention to exercise and keeping fit with your heart can’t be ignored.

As the Prime Minister of Qin said during the Warring States Period:

"Running water does not rot, and the household axis is not awkward and moving."

What’s more, exercise can not only strengthen our physique and give us a better external image, but also benefit our brains.

Exercise can make you think clearly.

From Su Dongpo, a great poet in the Song Dynasty, to Bernard Shaw, a famous dramatist, many celebrities, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, have a special liking for sports.

Thinker Rousseau also said:

"Walking promotes my thoughts, and my body must keep moving before my brain will start."

When your mind comes to a dead end, stop thinking and let your body move.

The brain is often like opening another door, which makes people suddenly enlightened.

So is the pianist Beethoven.

Every day after lunch, Beethoven would go out for a walk with a pencil and a pile of paper, and sometimes he would not come back until dusk.

For Beethoven, walking is a conversation with God, a blend with nature, and a moment of inspiration for generate at any time.

Once, he walked with his friends, but gradually, he was immersed in his own thoughts, thinking while exercising.

Until nightfall, Beethoven was pleasantly surprised: "I found the theme!" "

Then he flew home and played a new movement on the piano.

It can be seen that exercise can not only make people gain the vitality of the body, but also get better exercise in their minds.

This is not a case.

In 1990, a famous biologist did an experiment like this:

After six months of aerobic exercise, a group of people who don’t like sports at ordinary times have obviously improved their thinking ability.

When this conclusion was published in Nature, more scholars did related research.

The results show that exercise can really improve the working efficiency of the nervous system and make people smarter.

Because when we exercise, the blood circulation is improved and more oxygen enters the brain, so the working environment of the brain is improved and the thinking is naturally more agile.

More importantly, when we exercise, we will produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that can bring energy and motivation to people.

It is like a bridge connecting brain nerve cells. The more it secretes, the wider the bridge deck, and the more information it can flow.

Therefore, after exercise, we will feel clear thinking and quick brain response.

No wonder the writer Goethe once sighed:

"My most precious thoughts and their best expressions all appeared when I was walking."

Exercise can broaden our thinking, make our energy flow and make people smarter.

Exercise is the best way to "sit still"

Lu You, who wrote "eighty-year-old is still healthy, learning to irrigate the garden all his life", has created countless poems in his life and handed down more than 9,000 poems, and is also a beneficiary who loves sports.

In the army, he studied martial arts; When he was in the country, he cut grass and collected firewood; When outdoors, climbing mountains is one of his hobbies.

In his later years, he chose "blazing" to keep fit.

The hobby of sports made Lu You gain a good physique, which made him live a long life at the age of war and chaos and food and clothing difficulties, at the age of 84.

It also gave him a strong concentration, which was used to create poems, with high yield and high quality, and occupied an important position in the poetry circle of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Writer lev tolstoy said:

"It is extremely painful for a person who is immersed in mental work if he doesn’t move his limbs often."

Because exercise is the best way to strengthen the brain, with proper exercise, our body will secrete a substance called adrenaline.

It can help us find the best state of attention.

Researchers at the University of Illinois conducted a series of tests on 20 9-year-old students.

They found that students who have just finished participating in sports activities pay more attention to answering questions than students who have not participated in sports.

The "Zero Time Sports Plan" implemented by a middle school near Chicago also confirmed this point.

Let the students get to school early and do sports before the formal class.

Until the heartbeat reaches the highest value or 70% of the maximum oxygen uptake.

At this time, the class began, and the effect of the class was obviously improved, especially the concentration was obviously improved.

It is no wonder that in the TV series "The Ideal City", Su Xiao, the hostess, often thinks while skipping rope when she encounters bottlenecks in her work.

It is worth noting that adrenaline is "melodramatic".

Too little secretion will make people feel bored and even tired;

If you secrete too much, you will be too excited and unable to calm down and do things.

Only by secreting just the right amount of adrenaline, so that our brain is at the critical point of relaxation and tension, our attention will be at its best.

Therefore, scientific exercise, mastering the degree of exercise, can maximize our concentration.

Let’s listen to everything we learn, sit still and learn well.

Exercise can best make you "remember"

"In fact, we have done other experiments before. Whether it is moderate intensity or high intensity aerobic training, they can improve the short-term memory and long-term memory of ordinary people.

As long as you can run for 15 minutes for a long time, the effect will be obvious. "

This is the result of a follow-up experiment by Dr. Paul Lopley, director of the Sports and Memory Laboratory of the University of Mississippi, and his colleagues.

In this experiment, Dr. Paul Lopley selected 24 participants aged 18 to 35.

They memorized 15 complicated new words with the same difficulty before, during and after running.

The final result shows that participants’ memory will be significantly improved after 15 minutes of moderate-intensity running.

Indeed, in the ceaseless progress of mankind, more and more people find that "moving quotient" is of great help to our memory.

Some people have studied and summarized the trends of the top candidates in the college entrance examination in recent years, and found that nearly 60% of schoolmasters love sports.

Professor Wang Zongping, director of the Center for Business Studies at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, put forward the view that "business development stimulates the top students in the college entrance examination":

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is the champion of the college entrance examination who likes sports who took an hour out of 10 hours of cultural study for sports and activated their bodies;

Let the blood flow faster, the spirit is more full, and the learning efficiency is higher. "

Among them, exercise will also stimulate the hippocampus, a key brain area that affects learning and memory, and promote the increase of serotonin.

Serotonin can effectively stimulate the communication of neurons, feed back to the hippocampus, and promote the formation and enhancement of new memories.

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences once reported that:

"Compared with their sedentary peers, the hippocampus of those who exercise regularly has increased by 2%."

Therefore, don’t cherish the idea of "valuing wisdom over body", and don’t think that a person is born smart or not.

As Plato said:

"In order to make human beings have a successful life, God provides two channels-education and sports."

Nowadays, more and more people combine these two methods to create amazing results.

Your body is the beginning of everything.

Lv Zhengcao, a former minister of the Ministry of Railways who can still play tennis in his eighties and is light and agile, said:

"All departments of the human body use it to enter, and use it to retreat.

Therefore, we should not only pay attention to physical exercise, but also pay attention to brain activity, so as to effectively delay aging. "

Exercise itself is a kind of cure. When sweat flows down, it cures all fatigue, clears the mind and makes people happy.

1. When your thoughts are not smooth, just put on your running shoes and start.

Looking back on life, we will find that when we stay in the thoughts of solving a problem for a long time, it is easy to get stuck.

It is said that "people who can rest will work", but rest is not doing nothing in a narrow sense. Changing the environment for the brain is also brain-strengthening.

Putting down what you are doing for a while and exercising will make your mind clear, and maybe there will be innovative discoveries.

For example, choosing sports that require quick response can help us build good hand-eye coordination.

Similar to table tennis, badminton and other sports, you need to stay calm and focus on sports, which can make your brain fully relaxed.

Therefore, after exercise, the wall of thinking will no longer be so indestructible, and even "turn around" and have new ideas.

2. When you are in a bad mood, move consciously.

Scientist Einstein said:

"I like walking all my life, and sports have brought me endless fun."

Because dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin produced during exercise can not only enhance our memory, improve our thinking ability, make us more focused, but also make our mood happy.

Therefore, after proper exercise, we will feel calm, clear-headed and even have a happy sense of accomplishment at work.

The so-called: "activities are well-organized, and the five internal organs are self-harmonious."

When you are in a bad mood, consciously let yourself move.

Go out for a walk and visit the park, so that these substances produced in the body can arouse our positive emotions.

Let us have a better state, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.

Exercise is not only an indispensable way to keep in good health, but also can exercise the brain, make us smarter and make our life different.

If you have missed the plum appointment, don’t take the peach blossom again.

Going out, now is the best time.

OrderWatchingLet’s move together.

Take some time out in the busy, and leave some energy in the hurry.

Under the tempering of life, the body is treated well by time, and the brain is getting smarter and smarter.

Such years, quiet and calm, unhurried, beautiful!

Analysis Report of China Tourism Market in the First Half of 2023

Image source @ vision china

Wen | maidian

Since the beginning of 2023, influenced by multiple factors such as favorable macro policies and good economic development, the tourism market has been resilient and growing continuously during the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, May Day and Dragon Boat Festival holidays, and the "Mid-term Examination" report card is eye-catching. According to the data of domestic tourism in the first half of 2023 released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first half of the year, the total number of domestic tourists was 2.384 billion, an increase of 929 million over the same period of the previous year and a year-on-year increase of 63.9%; Domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) was 2.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.12 trillion yuan or 95.9% over the previous year. It can be seen that the number of domestic tourists and income increased significantly in the first half of the year, and the tourism industry entered a new channel of comprehensive recovery.

1. Domestic tourism data in the first half of the year: the number of visitors and tourism revenue "double growth" year-on-year, but there is still a certain gap with the same period in 2019.

Domestic tourist arrivals: According to the data released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 2.384 billion, an increase of 929 million over the same period of the previous year and a year-on-year increase of 63.9%. Among them, the number of domestic tourists of urban residents was 1.859 billion, a year-on-year increase of 70.4%; The number of domestic tourists of rural residents was 525 million, a year-on-year increase of 44.2%. Quarterly: In the first quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.216 billion, a year-on-year increase of 46.5%. In the second quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.168 billion, an increase of 86.9%.

Comparing the number of tourists in each quarter from 2020-2023Q2, the number of tourists in 2023Q1 and 2023Q2 reached a new high in four years, and the number of tourists recovered obviously in the first half of 2023. Further comparison with the tourism situation in the first half of 2019: the number of domestic tourists in the first half of 2019 was 3.08 billion. By comparison, there is still a certain gap between the number of domestic tourists in the first half of 2023 and the same period in 2019, and it has returned to 77.40% of the same period in 2019.

Domestic tourism revenue: In the first half of 2023, domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) was 2.30 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.12 trillion yuan or 95.9% over the previous year. Among them, urban residents spent 1.98 trillion yuan on travel, a year-on-year increase of 108.9%; Rural residents spent 0.32 trillion yuan on outings, a year-on-year increase of 41.5%.

Comparing the domestic tourism revenue from H1 in 2019 to H1 in 2023: In 2023, the domestic tourism revenue increased significantly, which was the highest since 2020. However, compared with 2019H1, the difference was 0.48 trillion yuan, and it recovered to 82.73% of 2019H1.

2. Inbound and outbound tourism in the first half of the year: the prosperity index of outbound and inbound tourism markets both exceeded the same period in 2019; The per capita consumption of outbound travel increased significantly, and "Hong Kong and Macao" led the recovery process of outbound travel; The number of entry-exit personnel increased by about 170% year-on-year.

According to the data of China Outbound Tourism Market Prosperity Report and China Inbound Tourism Market Prosperity Report released by the World Tourism Alliance in the first half of 2023, the outbound tourism prosperity index in the first half of 2023 was 28, which was 21 higher than that in the same period of 2019, and the outbound tourism was "U-shaped" and gradually recovered, instead of bottoming out quickly; In the first half of 2023, the inbound tourism boom index was 15, which was 13 index points higher than that in the first half of 2019 before the epidemic. However, due to the relatively complicated approval process of international route adjustment, the fragmented service chain of inbound tourism products, the closure of inbound tourism enterprises and the serious brain drain, it is difficult for the inbound tourism market to reach the level of 2019 in the short to medium term, showing a trend of "orderly recovery and fluctuating recovery".

According to the latest data of Alipay’s outbound platform: From January to June 2023, the per capita consumption of Alipay users for outbound travel increased by 24% compared with 2019. In terms of popular destinations, in the first half of 2023, the top ten outbound destinations in terms of transaction volume were: China, Hong Kong, China, Macau, Japan, Thailand, France, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Britain and Xinjiapo. China tourists have once again become an important force driving global tourism and offline consumption. Judging from the number of outbound tourists, the top ten tourist destinations are Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Hangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Chengdu and Wuhan. It can be seen that outbound travel is mainly concentrated in first-tier and new first-tier cities, and the five cities of Greater Bay Area, the "Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Foshan-Dongzhu", are also the main force of outbound travel.

Since the beginning of 2023, the National Immigration Bureau has continuously optimized and adjusted the exit and entry management policies: on February 20th, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area mainland cities implemented the endorsement policy for talents traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macao on a pilot basis, and on May 15th, 2023, it fully resumed the implementation of four measures, including the "National General Office" for mainland residents to travel to Hong Kong and Macao. With the convenient optimization of Hong Kong and Macao tourism policies, many provinces in China have organized a number of Hong Kong and Macao tour groups, and the number of mainland tourists entering Hong Kong and Macao has been rising. According to the data released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, in the first half of 2023, there were nearly 13 million visitors to Hong Kong, including about 10 million mainland visitors, accounting for about 77%.

In addition, according to the latest data released by the National Immigration Bureau: in the first half of 2023, a total of 168 million entry-exit personnel were inspected, an increase of 169.6% year-on-year; More than 10 million ordinary passports were issued, a year-on-year increase of 2647.5%; 42.798 million endorsements of entry and exit documents for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were issued, up by 1509% year-on-year, which further reflected the strong recovery of China’s entry and exit tourism.

1. Tourism data of some provinces in the first half of the year

According to the incomplete statistics of Maidian Research Institute, as of July 24th, nine provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions) have published the tourism data of the first half of the year. Compared with the same period in 2022, due to the low base in 2022, the number of tourists and tourism revenue in all provinces and regions showed positive growth, and the overall recovery was obvious.

Compared with other provinces, Yunnan Province ranks first among nine provinces and cities in terms of tourism reception and tourism revenue, with 539 million tourists received and total tourism revenue of 693.4 billion yuan, both exceeding the same period in 2019. In 2023, Yunnan Province launched "There is a Life Called Yunnan", and in just four months, the whole network read more than 9 billion people, which continued to ferment and extend, such as cooperating with China Tourism News to column "There is a Life Called Yunnan" and planning to publish 10 boutique tourist routes of "There is a Life Called Yunnan, Traveling to Yunnan in a Cool Summer". Behind this phenomenon, on the one hand, it reflects the strong recovery of the tourism market in Yunnan Province, on the other hand, it also represents the future shift of the tourism model-paying more attention to life and experiencing holidays in depth.

In the first half of 2023, the cultural tourism market in Jiangsu Province was "bright", receiving 478 million domestic and foreign tourists, up 98.3% year-on-year, achieving a total tourism revenue of 610 billion yuan, up 83.5% year-on-year, and its recovery was better than that of the whole country. In addition, according to the business data of UnionPay, the total consumption of cultural tourism in Jiangsu Province in the first half of the year was 252.359 billion yuan, up 31.8% year-on-year, accounting for 10.2% of the country, ranking first in the country. The achievement of these achievements is closely related to the series of supporting policies of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, such as the introduction of the "15 Articles of Suzhou Culture and Tourism" policy, the arrangement of special funds of 90 million yuan to support 130 projects, and the award of 26 million yuan to travel agencies and grade travel homestays, so as to fully promote the comprehensive recovery of the cultural and tourism market in the province.

2. Tourism data of some cities in the first half of the year

At the city level, according to incomplete statistics, six cities released tourism data in the first half of the year: the number of tourists and income of each city showed "double growth", with the growth of key tourist cities such as Zhangjiajie and Sanya being the most obvious. Taking Zhangjiajie as an example, in the first half of 2023, the city received a total of 18.8922 million domestic and foreign tourists, an increase of 185.40% year-on-year; Tourism revenue reached 25.268 billion yuan, up 162.86% year-on-year. It can be seen that the number of tourists and tourism revenue both increased by over 100% year-on-year. As early as the end of 2022, Zhangjiajie declared "2023 as the year of comprehensive tourism recovery in the city", held the cultural tourism consumption season in May, issued the "Implementation Plan of Zhangjiajie Tourism Marketing Award in 2023" in June, and will hold the first China (Zhangjiajie) conference series in September, so as to comprehensively promote the city’s tourism recovery through "consumption season, conference and marketing award" and other measures.

1. Performance of tourism data of each holiday

According to the data of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, during the four holidays of Spring Festival, Qingming, May Day and Dragon Boat Festival in the first half of this year, the number of domestic tourists increased by 23.1%, 22.7%, 70.8% and 32.3% respectively, and the domestic tourism revenue increased strongly by 30.0%, 29.1%, 128.9% and 44.5% respectively. The resilience and continuous growth of the tourism market have dominated the basic pattern of comprehensive recovery of the domestic tourism market.

Further from the comparison between the holidays and the same period in 2019, according to the comparable caliber, during the Spring Festival, May Day and Dragon Boat Festival, the number of domestic tourists recovered to 88.6%, 119.09% and 112.80% of the same period in 2019 respectively, and the domestic tourism income recovered to 73.1%, 100.66% and 94.90% of the same period in 2019 respectively. It can be seen that the May Day holiday is a turning point (the number of trips and tourism income both exceed the pre-epidemic level), which indicates that the domestic tourism market has fully recovered and turned into normal development. From the analysis of the May Day holiday data in various provinces and cities, the trend of "recovery and turning point" is further reflected. For example, the number of tourists and income in nine provinces and regions such as Yunnan, Shandong, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia and Jilin have all recovered or exceeded the level of the May Day holiday in 2019, and the per capita tourism expenditure in Beijing, Hainan, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Hunan has exceeded 1,000 yuan.

2. The characteristics of the holiday tourism market

During the Spring Festival holiday, the long-distance tourism market led the recovery, and "annual taste tour", ice and snow tour and quality holiday were sought after. According to Ctrip data, cross-border air ticket orders for the Spring Festival in 2023 increased by more than 4 times; According to the data of Qunar platform, the average radius of tourists’ travel during the Spring Festival increased by over 50% compared with 2022, and the travel distance of each passenger increased by an average of 400 kilometers compared with last year. At the same time, influenced by China’s traditional Chinese New Year customs, seasons and other factors, visiting temple fairs, experiencing ice and snow sports, punching in cultural exhibitions, and participating in non-legacy folk activities are still hot topics for Spring Festival travel.

During the Qingming holiday, the local outing and "one-day spring outing" are hot. Qingming holiday in 2023 is a one-day holiday, so local and close-up "one-day spring outing" has become the choice of most people. According to the data of Ctrip. com, the booking volume of one-day tour products in Qingming holiday has increased by more than 5 times compared with the same period of last year, and short-distance travel is hot, and the order for self-driving car rental has increased by more than 10 times year-on-year. In addition, the Qingming holiday coincides with the "spring blossoms" season all over the country, and outdoor activities such as hiking, mountaineering, flower viewing and camping are also popular.

During the May Day holiday, the scene of "people following the crowd" reappeared in scenic spots, and the popularity of cross-city and inter-provincial tourism increased significantly. The popularity of traditional popular tourist destinations did not decrease, and the emerging online celebrity cities "broke the circle", and parent-child play, non-legacy, leisure vacation and rural tourism were favored. During the "May 1" period, the country welcomed the "blowout" travel of tourists, and the passenger flow in many places broke through the historical record one after another. The scene of "people following the crowd" in popular attractions such as Hangzhou West Lake, Nanjing Confucius Temple and Beijing Summer Palace reappeared. According to Ctrip’s "May 1 Travel Data Report in 2023", the flight distance of users during the "May 1" holiday reached a four-year peak, the travel radius increased by 25% compared with the same period of last year, and inter-provincial hotel bookings accounted for over 70%. From the destination point of view, Beijing, Hangzhou, Dali, Xiamen and other places are still hot, and online celebrity cities such as Chongqing, Changsha and Zibo, and minority destinations such as Changxing and Xianju have attracted much attention.

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, domestic tourism demand continues to recover, inbound and outbound tours meet a small climax, people return to life, and theme tours such as folk experience tours, leisure tours that pursue a sense of relaxation, cultural tours of music festivals and art exhibitions and performing theatres, and citywalk are favored. According to the data of the Dragon Boat Festival travel report released by Ctrip, Qunar, Feizhu, Mama Donkey and Tongcheng, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is mainly short and medium-distance, and the booking of Zhou Bianyou with short trip and convenient transportation is hot. At the same time, the inbound and outbound tourism market ushered in a small climax during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. According to the data of the National Immigration Bureau, the number of people entering and leaving the country recovered to more than 60% in 2019. From the perspective of product selection, unlike the "special forces" punch-in tour on May 1, tourists return to life during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and the "relaxation" tour is hot. At the same time, the traditional culture represented by dragon boat races, dumplings, and garden parties, and the trend culture represented by music festivals and art exhibitions have their own magical powers, bringing rich tourism consumption choices to domestic tourists.

2023 is a year of vigorous and comprehensive recovery of the tourism industry. Tourism practitioners are trying to find a breakthrough through various efforts, "both adapting and changing", so hot spots in the tourism market frequently occur in the first half of 2023. It is beneficial and enlightening for government departments, industry managers, enterprise market players and service practitioners to gain insight into the new trend of tourism industry, explore the new fashion of tourism consumption, and study new ways of playing tourism through new tourism words and phenomena.

Hot spot 1: "Director online celebrity" —— Fancy endorsement by the directors of local cultural tourism bureaus, and new exploration of tourism marketing.

Hot spot 2: "Cooking tea around the stove"-ceremonial consumption, tourism atmosphere economy, new formats driving new consumption

Hot spot 3: "Secret Box in the Prosperous Tang Dynasty"-IP cultivation of cultural tourism, deep experience and interaction of tourism, and promotion of national marketing.

Hot spot 4: "Go into Zi to catch the roast"-gourmet tour, and mass consumption is still an important force driving the recovery of the consumer market.

Hot spot 5: "Temple tourism"-escape from pressure and spiritual sustenance, and the demand for spiritual meditation and healing tourism products is strong.

Hot spot 6: "Village Super and Village BA"-National Movement, Integration of Sports and Tourism to Promote the Development of Rural Tourism Economy

Hotspot 7: "Special Forces Travel" VS "City Walk"-High-intensity and fast-paced special forces travel vs urban deep immersion experience tour, after retaliatory and compensatory tourism, the change from quantity to quality.

Hot spot 8: "Concert Economy"-The integration of "performing arts and tourism" will stimulate the economic growth of urban tourism industry chain.

Taking stock of the hot topics and phenomena in the tourism market in the first half of 2023, we can find that with the normalization of travel, the recovery of the cultural tourism market is fierce, and the phenomenon of "special forces" retaliatory and compensatory tourism consumption is frequent; After the opening up, the competition in the tourism market has become more intense, which is evidenced by the fact that the directors of local cultural tourism bureaus have endorsed local tourism and robbed market traffic. Diversified tourism consumption demands, such as "cooking tea around the stove", "interactive experience tour in the prosperous Tang Dynasty", "spiritual healing tour in the temple", "special forces", "Citywalk" immersed city tour, "going to a city for a concert" and so on, have inspired local governments and tourism market entities to constantly innovate the supply of products and services. The recovery of tourism consumption market is gradual, with high-frequency and low-price mass tourism consumption taking the lead, while the recovery of low-frequency and high-price long-distance travel and outbound travel is relatively slow; The phenomenon of stratification of tourism consumption is more prominent, and "consumption degradation" and "consumption upgrading" coexist at the same time. Some people seek "special forces tour" with high cost performance, while others pay for "a sky-high concert ticket".

In the first half of 2023, the overall tourism market showed a trend of high opening and steady walking: the number of domestic tourists was 94.23% of the whole year of 2022 (2.53 billion); Domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) is 2.30 trillion yuan, 0.26 trillion yuan higher than the whole year of 2022 (2.04 trillion yuan), that is, "it takes half a year to complete the performance of the whole year of 2022". In addition, according to the semi-annual performance pre-announcement of tourism listed companies, according to statistics, nearly 40% of enterprises have recovered or even exceeded the profit level before 2020. It can be seen that the recovery of domestic tourism market has been established, but the recovery of inbound and outbound tourism is slow due to many factors such as routes, visas and family financial situation.

Looking forward to the second half of the year, we will usher in the traditional tourist season-summer vacation and the Mid-Autumn Festival and Eleventh Holidays. At present, the summer tourism season is coming. From the demand side, there is a strong demand for theme tours such as parent-child tours, study tours and summer vacations. According to the summer travel order data released by OTA platforms such as Ctrip and Tuniu, by the middle and late June, summer parent-child travel orders accounted for more than 30% of summer orders, up more than 7 times year-on-year, basically returning to the pre-epidemic level; The booking volume of research products has exceeded the same period in 2019; The search heat of summer country tour is more than 20% in the same period of 2019. In terms of outbound travel, the popularity of summer travel bookings in Hong Kong and Macao has soared, and Europe has become the main destination for summer outbound travel. Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and other products are highly popular. From the perspective of the supply side, the cultural travel merchants are "gearing up", actively adapting to the consumption trend, promoting the iteration of traditional formats, timely launching explosive new products and new formats that meet the expectations of mass summer consumption, and continuously expanding effective supply. Tourist destinations have launched fancy activities such as music festivals, beer festivals and concerts in order to attract more young customers in the summer. On the policy side, in view of the difficulty in booking tourist attractions, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Notice on Further Improving the Open Management Level of Summer Tourist Attractions to make arrangements for booking management, flexible supply, product innovation and market order, so as to better meet the tourism needs of the broad masses of the people. At the same time, local governments have intensively introduced measures such as issuing tourist vouchers and preferential tickets for scenic spots to further explore the local summer tourism market and actively guide tourism consumption.

The "booming supply and demand" of the summer tourism market, policy blessing and consumption promotion are expected to reach the peak of domestic travel throughout the year, and will also lay an excellent foundation for the comprehensive recovery of the domestic tourism market in the second half of the year. Comparing the tourism data in the first half of 2023 with the domestic tourism data in the whole year of 2019-the number of tourists reached 6.006 billion and the total tourism revenue was 6.63 trillion yuan. To reach the level of 2019, there is still "catching up space" of "3.676 billion passengers and 4.33 trillion yuan" in the second half of the year. The pressure is self-evident, and the challenge is still severe. Whether we can create another miracle will not only test the development resilience and vitality of the "invisible hand", but also test the wisdom and ability of the "visible hand".

How to do a female physical examination? These three physical examination items are all wasted money, so there is no need to do them.


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The best "sports prime time" is released! Exercise at this time every day can significantly reduce the mortality rate!

Many people have a good habit of exercising, but many people still have doubts about the choice of exercise time. "Is it better to exercise in the morning or at night?" "Is running better or playing better?" "Do you choose aerobic exercise or strength training?" ….. For these questions, an article tells the answer!

This time of day is "prime time for sports"

On February 18th, Zhang Jihui team of Brain Hospital affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University published a study in the journal Nature Communications. Studies have shown that at any time of the day, moderate to intense physical activity can reduce the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer death. Importantly, compared with other time periods, daily exercise from 11: 00 to 17: 00 further reduces the mortality of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular diseases. ①

In this study, the researchers analyzed 92,139 participants, recorded their exercise time and intensity through effective accelerometer data, and analyzed the relationship between exercise and all-cause and specific-cause death risks.

Participants were divided into four groups according to their exercise time:

1. Morning group (5:00-11:00)

2. Noon-afternoon group (11:00-17:00)

3. Mixed group

4. Evening group (17:00-24:00)

The study found that:

1. Moderate to vigorous physical activity at any time of the day can reduce the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer death;

2. Compared with the morning group and the evening group, the all-cause mortality decreased by 11% and the mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases decreased by as much as 28% during daily exercise or mixed exercise from 11: 00 to 17: 00.

What sport suits you best? Different sports have different "efficacy"

1. The best exercise to reduce mortality-swing exercise.

In 2018, in a study published in the medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry, the researchers investigated the exercise data of more than 1.2 million people and found that all-cause mortality, such as badminton, tennis and table tennis, can reduce by 47%, followed by swimming and aerobic exercise, which can reduce by 28% and 27% respectively. ②

Swing can not only stimulate the shoulder muscles and the biceps brachii and triceps brachii, but also enhance the strength of the shoulders and arms, and exercise the coordination of the body and leg muscles in the process of rapid movement; In addition, the eyes rotate with the ball, which can improve the visual sensitivity.

It can exercise the coordination of the body and various muscle groups, improve the cardiopulmonary function, at the same time, make people pay more attention, keep the brain active, and delay the aging of the brain. It is recommended to swing 3 ~ 5 times a week, and each exercise is between 45 ~ 60 minutes.

Moreover, badminton, table tennis, tennis and other swing sports are suitable for people of all ages. For example, table tennis and badminton have poor antagonism, large or small activities and low intensity, which are suitable for both the elderly and young people, while tennis requires high strength and is suitable for young people to choose.

2. The best exercise to relieve mental stress-group sports

If you want to prolong your life, you should not only study the influence of exercise on your body, but also study the benefits of exercise on your mental state. The above research points out that group sports can improve the mood by 22%, which is the best exercise to relieve mental stress, followed by cycling and aerobics or dancing, which can improve the mood by 21% and 20% respectively. ②

Team sports refer to sports that require teamwork, such as football, basketball and volleyball. It helps people concentrate, helps to integrate into the collective and relieves bad emotions. Team sports suggest 45 minutes to 1 hour each time, and 3 to 5 times a week is the best.

Health Times He Maojie photo

3. The best exercise to lose weight and burn fat-aerobic exercise

In June 2021, the European Society for Obesity Research summarized the recommendation of exercise training for overweight and obese adults.

The study pointed out that for people who want to lose weight and fat, it is recommended to give priority to at least moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 150 ~ 200 minutes per week, or to choose high-intensity interval training after assessing cardiovascular risk and monitoring. The two methods have similar effects on overweight or obese people, and the expected weight loss is 2~3 kilograms on average. ③

The so-called aerobic exercise refers to the exercise under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply, which is often a long-term exercise with medium and low intensity, while the anaerobic exercise is a short-term, high-speed and intense exercise. Aerobic exercise can promote metabolism in the body, accelerate the consumption of sugar and fat, promote uric acid excretion, and help strengthen cardiopulmonary function.

Chen Xi, Ph.D. in Internal Medicine, West China Clinical Medical College, Sichuan University, introduced in an interview with Health Times in August 2020 that aerobic exercise mainly includes walking, running, yoga, Tai Ji Chuan, pilates and cycling, with the aim of losing weight and fat, improving cardiopulmonary endurance and aerobic explosive force. ④

4. The best exercise for lowering blood pressure-aerobic exercise+strength training

The prevalence of hypertension is generally on the rise, and lack of physical activity is one of the main reasons.

In March, 2021, the European Association for Heart Disease Prevention (EAPC) and the ESC Hypertension Council issued a consensus on personalized exercise prescription for the prevention and treatment of hypertension. They believed that exercise was indeed effective for patients with hypertension, and proposed to choose different exercise methods to reduce blood pressure according to blood pressure level. ⑤

The consensus points out that aerobic exercise should be used as a first-line physical activity mode for people with hypertension. The average systolic blood pressure can be reduced by 4.9~12.0 mm Hg, and the diastolic blood pressure can be reduced by 3.4~5.8 mm Hg. Including brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, skipping rope, etc.

In addition, low and moderate intensity strength training is recommended, including isotonic training (which can reduce systolic period by 4.3~6.6 mm Hg and diastolic period by 4.5~5.5 mm Hg) or isometric training (systolic period by 0.5~6.9 mm Hg and diastolic period by 1.0~5.2 mm Hg), which can be used as second-line exercise therapy.

Isotonic training refers to strength exercises in which muscles contract, shorten and relax alternately, which can improve neuromuscular coordination. Such as weight-bearing squat, bench press, clean and jerk, etc.

Isometric training is a training method for muscle contraction when both ends (starting and ending points) of the muscle are fixed or overloaded. Such as flat plate support, static belly roll, etc.

The guide emphasizes that different training methods such as aerobic exercise, isotonic training and isometric training can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure to varying degrees, so different people should give priority to the corresponding exercise with the most effective blood pressure reduction effect according to their own blood pressure range.

5. The best exercise to increase muscle strength-resistance exercise

As an important part of the human body, muscle can not only make the body shape more beautiful, keep a young and healthy posture, but also help exercise, balance and strength. At the same time, it also plays an active role in various metabolism.

Chen Xi, Ph.D. in Internal Medicine, West China Clinical Medical College, Sichuan University, introduced in an interview with Health Times in August 2020 that resistance exercise refers to the exercise methods of the human body when overcoming external resistance, mainly including sit-ups, squats, supine push-ups, etc., and can also be carried out with the help of instruments, including sandbags, dumbbells, rubber bands, etc., which can exercise muscles and effectively improve metabolism. The purpose of resistance exercise is to increase muscle mass, enhance muscle strength and improve muscle endurance. Resistance exercise is recommended 23 times a week. ④

Jiang Hua, deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Trauma Metabolism Group of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, also suggested in May 2017 that in order to gain muscle and ensure muscle quality, some resistance exercises to increase muscle weight can be done in daily exercise, such as using barbells, dumbbells and other equipment to train large muscle groups such as chest, shoulders, back and legs, and at the same time, it can be combined with various trainings to improve muscle quality, flexibility and balance (such as various mat exercises). ⑥

Source: Health Times

Building a country by culture | What is culture?

About what is culture, my favorite answer is a four-sentence summary by writer Liang Xiaosheng:

Cultivation rooted in the heart;

Consciousness without reminding;

Freedom based on constraints;

Kindness for others.


May Day was brushed aside by the Liu Shishi incident.

Judy, a flight attendant, told an interesting story about Liu Shishi at the Weibo.

Judy often meets all kinds of big coffee and stars because she is a flight attendant and serves on the plane. But none of these big coffees and stars left a deep impression on her. Until a few days ago, she met Liu Shishi.

On that day, Liu Shishi took the first class. When Judy went to tidy up the first class after the plane landed, she was surprised to find that the quilt on Liu Shishi’s seat was neatly folded.

Judy was shocked at once: "In the past, all the guests in the first class rolled up their quilts and left under their feet. I didn’t expect the poems to be neatly stacked. I was so touched." 」

People who fly first class are usually people of great status, but you see, there are so few people who fold quilts.Once in a while, the stewardess will be moved for a long time.


On May Day, I met a wandering singer when I was shopping with my mother.

After listening to a song, I went over and threw five yuan change into the hat.

But then, my mother’s behavior surprised me. She went to the hat, crouched down slowly, gently put two coins in the hat, and nodded to the wandering singer with a smile.

My mother didn’t read much. But this moment: I really lost her too much.

Comparing these things, I think of a sentence from Bai Yansong:

"Whether a person has a culture or not does not depend on how high his educational background is. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture; People without education are not necessarily uneducated. 」

Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different.


Wu Xiao Xian told another touching story.

Once, he followed the boss to talk about business, and at lunch, he ordered a table in the hotel. Halfway through the meal, the waiter served a special dish, and the boss said politely, "thank you, we don’t need any more dishes." 」

The waiter explained, "This dish is free. The boss still smiled and replied: "We don’t want it for free, we can’t eat it, it’s a waste. After the meal, the boss wrapped the leftovers.

On the way back to the company, the boss drove slowly, as if looking at something. When Wu Xiao Xian was wondering, the boss stopped the car, picked up the packed food, got off the bus and walked over to a beggar, and handed it over with his hands.

What is culture? This is culture.

Culture is self-cultivation rooted in the heart.


I read a story in People’s Daily.

On the weekend, my nephew followed a Chinese to go fishing in Sydney, Australia.

Every time you cast a net, you always get something. But every time the net is pulled up, the Chinese always pick it up and throw most of its shrimps and crabs back into the sea.

His nephew was puzzled: "I finally hit it, why did you throw it back?" The Chinese replied, "Only fish and shrimp that meet the specified size can be caught. 」

His nephew said, "You are far away on the high seas, and no one can care about you."? The Chinese smiled faintly: "Not everything needs to be reminded and urged by others! 」

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is consciousness without reminding.


What is freedom?

Many people’s understanding is that freedom is to let yourself do what you want freely. But people who think like this don’t know what real freedom is.

Linda, a Chinese-American writer, wrote a book "Worry in the Deep History", which presents the fact that the United States is not only the freest country in the world, but also the least free country in the world.

On one occasion, he accompanied his friends from China to visit the Grand Canyon of the United States.

My friend picked up the coke can and wanted to throw it into the grand canyon: "What a pity not to do something in such a deep canyon! Linda was shocked and quickly stopped: "This is illegal. "The world’s freest America, in fact, is full of freedom:

It is illegal to hold an open bottle in the street.

It is illegal for parents to slap their children when they cry.

Even telling dirty jokes in the office is illegal.

….. Many people in China don’t understand why the United States has so many constraints. In fact, it is precisely because of so many constraints that American freedom has been created.

The philosopher Mill said, "Constraints are the mother of freedom. Personal freedom must be based on not infringing on the freedom of others. 」

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is freedom based on constraints.


There was once a wise man who taught his disciples to break glass products and put them into garbage bags, and wrote on them with a pen: "There are glass fragments inside, which are dangerous!" In this way, people who pick up garbage won’t scratch their fingers.

The mineral water bottles after drinking drinks are also emptied and tightened, which is convenient for waste recyclers to collect.

You ask me what is culture? This is culture. Culture is kindness for others.

When you go to the toilet, think of the next person who goes to the toilet.

When throwing garbage, think of the next garbage collector.

……No matter what you do, you must think of the next person.


Xia Yan, a dramatist, was in great pain before he died. The secretary said, "I’ll call the doctor. "Just as he was about to open the door, Xia Yan opened his eyes and said with difficulty," No, please. Then he passed out and never woke up.

"Not call, please. "Xia Lao changed a word, but moved a building.

Do you know how Liang Qichao died?

He died in a medical accident at Union Medical College Hospital: the doctor cut the left kidney that should have been removed into the right kidney.

Before he died, Liang Qichao did not curse the doctor, but told his family: "Never tell the media or publish it. The people have just begun to believe in western medicine, and if they know about me, they will inevitably retreat. 」

Xia Lao Liang Lao is the truly literate person.A true cultural person should have four qualities:

Cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others.

Think about how often we can have conscious introspection without being reminded by others, and we can think of and help others as much as possible.

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The epochal nature of culture

Author: Chen Xianda (honorary first-class professor of China Renmin University)

Everyone lives in his own time, and no one can surpass his own time. The epochal nature of human beings is also the historical nature of human beings, because any era is a stage in the historical process. People observe things and the world from their own times and personal situations, so historicity and epochal nature are not only the characteristics of human cognition, but also an insurmountable fate.

The creators of China’s traditional culture are not the embodiment of absolute spirit, but great thinkers, who are all realistic people living in specific times. Their thoughts are great because their ideas and theories not only reflect the requirements of their times, but also have wisdom beyond the times. Real thoughts have both the characteristics of the times and the eternity beyond the times.

Some people say that it is wrong to take the essence and discard the dross. Everything that can be handed down in Confucianism is the essence; Not the essence, it has long been eliminated by history. The same is true for the whole traditional culture. Is that right? It’s only half right. There are both the essence and the dross that have been handed down. Because the spread of traditional culture is not the culture itself, but the choice of people, especially the choice of the ruling rulers. They carry on the cultural inheritance according to their standards. The evolution of cultural tradition is not the evolution of culture itself that has nothing to do with society, but is filtered and screened by the times and history. The standards of filtering and screening cannot be divorced from the standards of class. Because the dominant thoughts in any society are the thoughts of the ruling class. Zhu Xi’s selection of The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, University and The Doctrine of the Mean as four books certainly has his own standards. There are also standards for the selection, deletion and revision of "Sikuquanshu" compiled by Qianlong. We are in socialist China, and we also have our own standards for traditional culture, that is, "take its essence and discard its dross".

Some people say that what is "essence" and what is "dross" cannot be distinguished. Indeed, unlike apples, culture can be divided into two parts at a glance, and the rotten ones can be removed and the good ones kept. Traditional culture is a complex organism. It is impossible to treat traditional culture simply by taking it. It must be chewed by oneself and digested by the stomach, which is reading and understanding. "Take its essence and discard its dross" is the traditional cultural view of Marxism. Not only do communist party people do this, but all dynasties have done it. It’s just that the standards of "essence" and "dross" are different in each era and class. In the process of culture development, there are both screening, reservation and increase, just like flowing water.

For us, the standard of distinguishing essence from dross is the standard of Marxism. Mao Zedong has long said that the factors that contribute to the establishment of a national, scientific and popular culture in traditional culture are the essence, and the opposite is the dross. In the construction of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, the essence is the factor that contributes to the establishment of advanced socialist culture and socialist core values, and all superstitious, backward and reactionary things are dross. The so-called creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture is to absorb Chinese excellent traditional culture to build advanced socialist culture and make it an important ideological resource to cultivate socialist core values.

The interpretation of traditional culture is actually the interpretation of the reader. What can be read depends on the reader. The interpreter is in the social life of a certain historical period, and he has his own position, academic background or opinions. Therefore, it is very important to interpret traditional culture from what point of view. It is self-evident that there is a great difference between interpreting Confucianism from the west, interpreting Confucianism with Confucianism, or insisting on analyzing traditional culture from the perspective of historical materialism. In contemporary China, it is definitely a controversial issue whether the study of Confucianism should adhere to the basic theories and methods of Marxism. We believe that Marxism can’t replace Confucianism, but if the study of contemporary Confucianism still can’t go beyond the original perspective of Confucianism, then whether it is followed or continued, it is still confined to the traditional scope of Confucianism, at best, neo-Confucianism. If the study of traditional culture is still in the original tradition, and can’t produce new ideas that adapt to the times and are consistent with the direction of historical progress, then what is the significance of attaching importance to traditional culture? Tradition is valuable because it can generate new ideas through activation, collision and absorption. For contemporary people, excellent traditions are ideological soil and nutrients, not just edible fruits. We should bear contemporary fruits in the soil of traditional culture. We really need experts in Confucianism, but it is not under socialist conditions to cultivate a group of Confucian scholars who are still square and obedient and dare not cross the line.

Source: China Social Sciences Network-China Social Sciences News

What should we pay attention to when playing badminton well?

Badminton is a sport that many people like, because it can exercise their bodies, and it is also a way to entertain themselves at ordinary times. But many times, we will find that some people often get injured when playing badminton, especially if they don’t pay attention to hand change or back retrogression, they may strain their ligaments. So what problems do you need to pay attention to if you want to play badminton well?

In fact, not only do we play badminton and do all kinds of physical exercises, but we should also pay attention to the fact that if we don’t pay attention to some small details, it will easily bring harm to our health, so I hope everyone can pay attention to these problems during the exercise.

1. Wrist: This is the most critical part of badminton hitting. According to the standard power action, the wrist should bear the force of forearm internal and external rotation, which is similar to the force when unscrewing the lid of a teacup. If your wrist hurts after exercise, it’s probably because your wrist bears the force in the wrong direction, such as when you twist the throttle of a motorcycle. The muscles of the wrist are stretched by violence, resulting in pain. Please remember the correct power action, the wrist should be rotating, not feeling overstretched.

2, forearm and elbow: When hitting the ball, it mainly depends on the contraction of forearm and elbow muscle groups, resulting in the strength of internal and external rotation.

3, big arms and shoulders: First, when exerting force, we should make full use of the waist and abdomen strength, and rely solely on the shoulder muscles to forcibly drive the arm to swing; The second is to let the arm swing naturally after hitting the ball, instead of forcibly braking the arm with the contraction of the shoulder muscles.

4, waist and back: often when the movement is not in place, it is forced to exert force when it is in an excessive backward or lateral twisting state. This causes the muscles of the back to contract forcibly in a twisted state, which is easy to cause strain pain.

5. Hips and thighs: The muscles in this part are relatively thick and strong. If there is abnormal pain, it may be that the return movement after striding to save the ball is incorrect. Generally, after striding to save the ball, do you habitually keep your feet in a big lunge, and force your body to stand straight quickly with one leg in front of you? In this state, because people’s center of gravity is extremely forward, they basically rely on the unilateral gluteus maximus and triceps femoris to contract violently, so that the center of gravity rises until it returns to its original position.

The above is an introduction to the problems that need to be paid attention to by the beautiful woman Maoqiao. I hope that through these introductions, everyone can pay more attention to it in daily life. If you want to exercise better and enhance your body’s immunity, then these details can never be ignored during the exercise, which will bring more adverse effects to yourself first.

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Precautions for swimming

Prevention of athlete’s foot The water quality in the public swimming pool may be unclean, and swimming may cause athlete’s foot or cause pinkeye. It is best to take a bath, rinse your mouth and drop eye drops in time after swimming.

Pay attention to protect your hair. If you use a tight silicone swimming cap when swimming, your hair will be damaged. It is best to wear a swimming cap suitable for your head shape and avoid wearing it for a long time. You can take off your swimming cap and rest after swimming for a while, which can let your hair breathe and help your body recover.

To prevent cramps and drowning, get ready to go into the water before swimming. First, do warm-up exercises for the body. Second, let the body adapt to the water temperature to avoid cramps when entering the water. In addition, swimming consumes a lot of energy to avoid excessive exercise, and physical exhaustion can also cause drowning.

People who swim for a long time to prevent otitis media may have otitis media because their ears are soaked in water for a long time or there are many bacteria in the water. In addition, soaking the body in water for a long time is easy to cause discomfort such as arthritis.

It is best to swim three times a week. If you swim too many times, your body will not get enough rest and recovery, which is not good for your health.