After the gym charged a million membership fees, it ran away. The original boss still showed off his wealth in the circle of friends.

  More than 1,000 consumers in Changsha never expected that the gym under their noses actually "ran away". This is a fitness center located in a well-known real estate and operated by a professional organization for more than 4 years. Everything looks "reliable". But when they paid a membership fee of about 2 million yuan, the gym owner changed. The gym is still there, but their membership has expired. The boss who originally collected the money actually exposed the "showing off wealth" video and photos of driving a "Ferrari" sports car in the circle of friends.

New Yue fitness boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot The pictures in this article are all provided by the respondents.

  New Yue fitness boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot The pictures in this article are all provided by the respondents.

  The Paper learned from Changsha police that the police station where the gym is located has been involved in the investigation.

  The next day, the gym closed.

  Mr. Zhao is an owner of Hengda Jiangwan Community, Yuanda Road, Furong District, Changsha City. On April 18, 2019, he set up a membership card of 5,000 yuan in the "Newleap Swimming and Fitness Club" where the community is located (hereinafter referred to as "Newleap Fitness") to meet the needs of his own fitness and children’s learning to swim.

In 2019, Niuyue Fitness Swimming Club was located in Hengda Jiangwan Community, Furong District, Changsha City.

  In 2019, Niuyue Fitness Swimming Club was located in Hengda Jiangwan Community, Furong District, Changsha City.

  Since the handover of Evergrande Jiangwan in 2015, Niuyue Fitness has been operating in the original sales department of the community, and residents in the community are familiar with it.

  According to the materials obtained by The Paper, in May 2015, Changsha Xinfu Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xinfu Real Estate), which is 100% controlled by Evergrande Real Estate Group, leased all its real estate (formerly the sales department of Evergrande Jiangwan) to Hunan Huaya Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huaya Company) until July 31, 2023. The property has three floors in total, and the contract stipulates that it is not allowed to sublet. However, in May of the same year, Huaya Company transferred the first and second floors to Changsha Niuyue Fitness and Beauty Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Niuyue Company) for operation until May 31, 2023. Subsequently, on the original sales department of Evergrande Jiangwan, two huge iron-framed signboards "Huaya Art School" and "Niuyue Swimming Fitness Club" were erected.

  Beginning in April 2019, residents in Evergrande Jiangwan and its surrounding areas found that Niuyue Fitness began to distribute advertising leaflets to recruit members, and news of "Niuyue Fitness" running a membership card appeared among the owners in the surrounding communities.

  Many salesmen scattered within one kilometer around Evergrande Jiangwan distribute experience cards for residents to experience in the morning and evening. Subsequently, many residents spent money on cards after the experience. There are many kinds of membership cards, such as one-year, two-year and five-year cards, with personal trainer and without personal trainer. Among them, a four-year comprehensive card with 2200 yuan is the choice of many consumers.

  Ms. Xiao got three cards in one breath. In addition to giving herself a five-year comprehensive fitness card, she also got two children swimming cards of 1,600 yuan and 1,800 yuan from Bao Xuehui, with a total consumption of more than 7,000 yuan. "I read the contract (between the gym and Evergrande Property) and said that the contract has been signed for more than four years, which proves that they are reliable and safe. You (the gym) are irresponsible, and Evergrande will also contain you. Evergrande will never run, I think so. " Ms. Xiao said.

  Later, the card information obtained by members from the front desk of the gym showed that from April 11, 2019 to November 6, 2019, at least 1,229 consumers had applied for various types of membership cards, with a total amount of at least 1.93 million yuan. Among them, the peak of card processing is mainly before August. By September, the amount of membership card is getting smaller and smaller, and even a "challenge monthly card" of only 518 yuan appears.

  Ms. Zhao, the owner of Evergrande Jiangwan, said that she had a 3,000-yuan swimming card in Niuyue Fitness. Under the advertisement, on September 23, 2019, she had a 518-yuan challenge card in Niuyue Fitness. The next day, she went swimming and found that the gym was closed, and "the boss ran away".

  Many members introduced that at the end of September last year, Niuyue Fitness closed directly on the grounds of "fire inspection".

  This is similar to many fitness service places that run on the road. After that, consumers called the police, called the mayor’s hotline, complained to 315, etc. Then, the gym opened for a short time, so in October and November, four people applied for cards. "Everyone really believes and hopes that this gym will continue." One member said.

  However, during the "pretend" business hours, there was no coach in the gym, the swimming pool was not changed and heated, and the tiles at the bottom of the pool fell off, causing many members to be injured. By November, the whole gym was completely quiet.

  The gym is still there, and the membership rights are gone.

  Members still remember that in September 2019, after calling the police and waiting for the police to come, members surrounded Wang Zhongxin, the head of the gym. "He looks very rich with gold and jade on his hands and neck. But at that time, he kept saying that he had no money and owed the coach’s salary, so the gym could not operate. " Many members introduced.

In September 2019, Wang Zhongxin was surrounded by members to discuss.

  In September 2019, Wang Zhongxin was surrounded by members to discuss.

  The Paper combed the payment information of dozens of members and found that many members paid the money to Wang Zhongxin.

  After the gym closed, some members who added Wang Zhongxin, the "boss" of the gym, found that in January 2020, after the running storm was silent, Wang Zhongxin, whose name on WeChat was "Survival of the fittest", "showed off wealth" in the circle of friends. In several videos, he is wearing a gold watch, driving a suspected Ferrari sports car and racing with passionate music.

New Yue Fitness Boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot

  New Yue Fitness Boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot

  In July this year, this gym located in the comprehensive building of Evergrande Jiangwan opened again. It’s just that the signboard on the roof has changed two words, from "Newleap Swimming Fitness Club" to "Guoli Swimming Fitness Club". Previously, members’ cards in "Niuyue" were invalid, and they had to re-apply for cards in order to continue swimming in "National Power".

In 2020, after "running the road", the signboard of "National Fitness Swimming Club" was changed.

  In 2020, after "running the road", the signboard of "National Fitness Swimming Club" was changed.

  In late July, some members’ representatives were called to a meeting in the Jiangwan Community of Evergrande. The members of Evergrande Commercial Management, Guoli Sports and Huaya Company announced that Huaya Company had taken back the gym operated by Niuyue Company and now transferred it to Guoli Sports Company for operation. The original membership rights need to be changed, such as a four-year comprehensive card, which can only be used on September 1 this year, or it can be used voluntarily until December this year. The one-year cards, challenge cards, etc. that have expired before are all invalid. Now there are new charging standards for national strength swimming and fitness, such as 1,280 yuan for a half-year card and 1,888 yuan for an annual card.

  On August 24th, The Paper contacted Huaya Company. Xiang Yanhua, the person in charge of the company, said that after renting the whole clubhouse from Evergrande in those years, he entrusted the swimming pools and gymnasiums on the first and second floors to Niuyue Company for operation in addition to education and training on the third floor because he was not qualified to operate the swimming pool. Evergrande knows and acquiesces in this. As of November last year, Niuyue Company had owed Huaya Company more than 600,000 yuan in entrusted management fees, utilities and gas fees. After Huaya Company sued Niuyue Company to Furong District Court, on June 30 this year, Furong Court ordered both parties to terminate the entrustment contract. Therefore, Huaya Company has now taken back the gym and entrusted Guoli Company to operate it.

  As for the membership card with a total value of nearly 2 million yuan handled by more than 1,000 consumers in Niuyue Company, Xiang Yanhua said, "You can only go to Niuyue Company, which handled cards for members at that time."

  So what is the responsibility of Huaya Company, which cooperates with Newleap? In this regard, I am evasive to Yanhua. However, in the interview, she revealed that Niuyue Swimming Gymnasium has been operating poorly since its establishment. To this end, Huaya Company spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy a boiler to heat the swimming pool; After the coach went on strike in September last year, Huaya also paid the coach a salary of more than 100 thousand yuan in arrears; When the gym was about to have an accident, Huaya found in the office that Wang Zhongxin had issued a new batch of leaflets, and they stopped it.

  On August 27th, The Paper contacted Wei Mou, the head of Niuyue Company. Wei said that Niuyue Company had transferred the gym to Wang Zhongxin on April 7, 2019, so Niuyue Company was irresponsible for the rights and interests of its members.

  However, when a member applies for a card, the official seal on the service contract and the receipt of payment is clearly stamped with the "Special Financial Seal for Newleap Swimming and Fitness". In this regard, Wei said, "That is Wang Zhongxin’s own radish chapter, which has nothing to do with Niu Yue."

Contract signed between members and NewYork Swimming and Fitness Club

  Contract signed between members and NewYork Swimming and Fitness Club

  Expert: It should not be an "IQ tax" for consumers to run away with money.

  Liu Jiahui, a member of the 315 Lawyers Group of China Consumers Association and a lawyer of Beijing Derun Law Firm, told The Paper that it is easy to "run away" in prepaid consumption. After consumers’ rights and interests are infringed, it is mostly difficult to defend their rights, because it is difficult for individual consumers to spend time and energy on litigation for their losses of one or two thousand yuan, asking for help from 12315 and the Consumers Association, but only mediation is not mandatory, which creates an opportunity for businesses.

  Liu Jiahui introduced that in many "running away" incidents, there are frauds. "Taking money away without providing services is a kind of contract fraud. One party to the contract has no intention to perform its obligations at all, or clearly knows that it cannot perform its contractual obligations, but it is a typical feature of contract fraud to defraud one party’s property by signing a contract and not performing or performing a small part of its contractual obligations. "

  In addition, Liu Jiahui told The Paper that the consumer bought the fitness card of Niuyue Company and formed a contractual relationship with Niuyue Company. Niuyue Company’s rights and obligations under the contract must be agreed by the consumer. If it is transferred without the consent of the consumer, Niuyue Company will still bear all the responsibilities. If Niuyue Company fails to announce its transfer to consumers, regardless of whether Niuyue Company knows about Wang Zhongxin’s card application in his name, Niuyue will bear the responsibility. Because for consumers, Wang Zhongxin’s behavior is regarded as the behavior of Niuyue Company. Huaya Company, as the entrusting party entrusted by new york Company, takes full responsibility for the liabilities arising from the breach of contract by the entrusted party, Newleap Company.

  The Paper noted that in December last year, Guangdong Maoming Intermediate People’s Court upheld the conviction of two gym shareholders for contract fraud. According to the judgment, from November 2017 to September 2018, Maoming Wellman Fitness Club had difficulties in operation and could not make ends meet. The company’s shareholders Zuo Moudong and Li Moufeng still sold their membership cards to the public at ultra-low prices in the name of the company, even though they knew that they would lead to business failure. Finally, more than 12,000 people applied for the cards, with an amount of 5.34 million yuan. However, the funds raised by the club are used for club operation or other expenses, which leads to the failure of members to get the promised return on fitness services, and the arrears of workers’ wages, rent, water and electricity are as high as 400,000 yuan, which has caused great adverse effects.

  Many members also reported the behavior of Niuyue Gym and Wang Zhongxin to Ma Po Ling Police Station of Changsha Furong Public Security Bureau. On August 27th, The Paper learned that the Ma Po Ridge Police Station had accepted the case and intervened in the investigation. The relevant person in charge of the institute said that at present, Hunan is cracking down on "prepaid consumption", and the public security organs will actively crack down on such suspected criminal acts.

Ma Po Ling Police Station accepts reports from members.

  Ma Po Ling Police Station accepts reports from members.

  Wu Wei, secretary general of Hunan Consumer Council, said that there are a lot of prepaid card disputes in the field of consumer services. In March this year, the Committee issued the Investigation Report on the Status of Prepaid Consumer Rights Protection in Hunan Province. 43.6% of the respondents have handled prepaid cards, and 14% of cardholders have experienced rights protection. Among all consumption problems, the proportion of operators "running the road" is as high as 48.2%.

  To this end, the Hunan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau launched a special rectification campaign. By the end of July, a total of 41,289 market players were inspected, covering shopping malls, restaurants and other industries, and 9 cases were filed and 8 cases were banned according to law. Hunan will impose joint punishment and credit restraint on "blacklisted" enterprises, investors and senior executives who have closed their doors and "run away" residences, and strengthen the prudent review of market access to achieve "one place is untrustworthy and everywhere is limited". We will maintain a high-pressure situation on illegal prepaid consumption, and resolutely crack down on illegal activities such as hiding money, malicious infringement and fraud.

  Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China and vice president of China Consumers Association, said that in view of the problems in prepaid card consumption, on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the system design, such as establishing prepaid card amount, filing and approval, third-party depository and other systems; on the other hand, market supervision departments and public security organs should work together to eliminate regulatory blind spots and regulatory vacuum and jointly rectify them.

  Liu Junhai told The Paper that businesses running away should not be paid by consumers ‘ IQ tax ’ . The negative effect of running away from the road is great, because a mouse excrement has broken a pot of soup, which affects the construction of the integrity system of the whole market economy. "The level of integrity depends on the lowest board. At present, the market supervision department is out of order, but regulators should not fail. They should stand up and do justice for heaven and make good use of the powers entrusted by law."

The dark horse in the market under the fitness craze-light coconut water, the leader of the new trend of healthy drinks

When YOLO opened the year, it became the king of both topic and box office; When hot topics about Jia Ling keep emerging, when articles about Jia Ling’s successful weight loss of 100 pounds are overwhelming, it is destined that March, the first weight loss season at the beginning of the new year, will not be too ordinary.

According to the statistics of Xinhong. com as of February 25th, the popularity of fitness topic Xiaohongshu # reached 74,776,300, exceeding 92.03% of the keywords in the whole station.

During the Spring Festival, the trading index of sports equipment on Tmall platform surged, among which the trading index of kettle bell increased by more than 430% month-on-month, the trading index of skipping rope increased by more than 280% month-on-month, while the trading indexes of fitness gloves and boxing gloves increased by 220% and 120% respectively.

More and more consumers’ enthusiasm for fitness has been ignited, not only in the sales of sports equipment, but also in the selection of meal replacement and fitness drinks. Especially under the popular science blessing of professional fitness bloggers on major platforms, drinks such as electrolyte drinks as a supplement after exercise have gradually attracted consumers’ attention.

However, at present, most electrolyte water on the market uses sugar to provide energy, which can not meet the health needs of many consumers, making coconut water as a natural and healthy drink, gradually favored by fitness enthusiasts. With the advantage of being rich in natural electrolyte, it can realize heat explosion, and with its low calorie and electrolyte-rich characteristics, it has replaced the traditional sugary sports drink, which has become an ideal choice for many consumers to replenish water and electrolyte after fitness. Moreover, it does not add a lot of synthetic raw materials, which deeply meets the health needs of consumers and releases huge consumption potential.

The production and research team of the light brand showed a keen sense of market smell and quickly launched a 100% coconut water with a formula of 0 sucrose and 0 fat to meet the needs of exercise and weight control. And choose Thai perfume coconut and sunshine coconut as raw materials, break through the traditional barriers, upgrade the taste of products, and at the same time upgrade the product packaging, with exquisite "diamond bottle" innovative packaging, create product differentiation and seize the minds of users. When the product was launched, it focused on summer exercise to quench thirst and replenish natural electrolytes through high-frequency content marketing and product planting, which opened consumers’ awareness of coconut water and made 100% coconut water a little red book and a vibrating explosion, achieving a leap in performance.


Of course, 100% coconut aquatic products that are lightly branded can break the circle. In addition to innovative content marketing, the market penetration is deepened, and the product strength behind it cannot be ignored. Light on the modern production base, the introduction of German fully automatic aseptic production workshop and advanced aseptic production technology, equipped with eight international standard fully automatic production lines, the annual output can reach 2 million tons, and the daily production of beverages can reach 24 million bottles. The mature and perfect industrial chain allows the light on the brand to break through the supply chain restrictions such as unstable raw material procurement, difficult production and transportation, short shelf life and easy deterioration, with stable quality, lower than the traditional high-priced coconut water, with content marketing, to stimulate consumers’ interest and successfully pry it open.


With the rise of healthy diet, coconut water, as a substitute for traditional sugary sports drinks, has risen against the trend and become a potential stock in the beverage industry. With multiple benefits, the coconut water market in China has ushered in the rapid expansion of the track, which has risen from 513 million yuan in 2018 to 780 million yuan in 2022. However, compared with the relatively popular European and American markets, China is welcoming more market space. Let’s look forward to 2024, when such a powerful brand as Qingshang will bring more innovative products and bring new amount to the industry.

[See you at 8: 00] The black box of the crashed passenger plane of Egypt Airlines has found many countries to stop the Boeing 737MAX8 passenger plane.

  At 8 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.

  [Concern of the two sessions]

  At 9: 00 on the 12th, the Second Session of the 13th National People’s Congress held its third plenary meeting to hear Zhou Qiang, President of the Supreme People’s Court’s report on the Supreme People’s Court’s work and Zhang Jun, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s report on the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s work; After the plenary meeting, the second meeting of the presidium was held. In the afternoon, the delegation held a plenary meeting to review the revised draft of the foreign investment law and the work report of the "two highs".

  Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology: State-owned and private enterprises are treated equally regardless of their origins.

  On March 11th, the Ministry of Science and Technology answered a reporter’s question on "accelerating the construction of an innovative country". On the issue of encouraging private enterprises, Wang Zhigang said that from the perspective of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it is the same for state-owned and private enterprises to participate in innovation regardless of their origins. The rules are fair and the opportunities are fair. We try to have a good environment and good rules to provide equal opportunities. This is what we have to do.

  Li Ganjie, Minister of Ecology and Environment, talks about the construction of ecological civilization: related work cannot be said to be important or done to be secondary.







  The TD-SCDMA built by China Mobile’s 100 billion yuan began to withdraw from the network.

  On March 11th, the reporter noticed a news earlier in official website, Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government. According to the letter, "after research, it is agreed to cancel 6,535 TD-SCDMA base stations that your company has stopped using, seal the data of TD-SCDMA base stations in the database and recover the original radio station licenses". A technical staff member of an operator said that it is the general trend that 2G and 3G will drop out of the network, and China Mobile’s 3G communication industry chain has little support power to make way for 5G construction, so it is inevitable that 3G will drop out of the network. China Mobile has invested at least 300 billion yuan in 3G networks. At present, the three major operators are making preliminary preparations for the construction of 5G, clearing the frequency and withdrawing from the network.

  Is it affected for enterprises to reduce personal pensions in the future? Experts say this.

  In the package of tax reduction and fee reduction policies mentioned in this year’s government work report, a set of data attracts people’s attention: "Reducing the contribution ratio of urban workers’ basic old-age insurance units can be reduced to 16% in all places", and at the same time, "continuing to raise the basic pension for retirees" has achieved 15 consecutive increases so far. Between the "one reduction and one increase" of the pension, it means that less is paid and more is paid. Some people worry that when I retire, will the pension benefits be affected?

  In this regard, the government work report has a clear response: "It is necessary to reduce the burden of enterprise payment, but also to ensure that employees’ social security benefits remain unchanged, and pensions are reasonably increased and paid in full and on time, so that social security funds can be sustainable and enterprises and employees can benefit."

  Three departments: primary and secondary schools are not allowed to set up food business places such as canteens on campus.

  According to the website of the Ministry of Education, the "Regulations on the Management of Food Safety and Nutrition Health in Schools" formulated by the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Markets, the National Health and Wellness Committee and other departments was recently announced and will come into force on April 1, 2019. The "Regulations" clarify that primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are generally not allowed to set up food business places such as canteens and supermarkets on campus.


  The "black box" has been found, and many countries have called a time-out for Boeing 737MAX8.

  According to rescuers in front, the black box of flight ET302 that crashed yesterday has been found and brought back for testing by Ethiopian Airlines staff. Official website, Civil Aviation Administration of China, announced early on the 11th that the Civil Aviation Administration had asked domestic transport airlines to suspend the commercial operation of Boeing 737-8 (737MAX 8) aircraft before 18: 00 that day. At this time, the worrying Ethiopian Airlines crash happened only one day. Shortly after China released the relevant news, Indonesian and Mongolian countries also took similar grounding measures.

  The US Treasury Department announced sanctions against a Russian-Venezuelan joint venture bank. 

  On the 11th, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions on a Russian-Venezuelan joint venture bank on the grounds that it provided relevant support and services to Venezuelan oil companies. Background information: On January 23rd, Guaido, president of Venezuelan Parliament and leader of the opposition, proclaimed himself as "interim president" and was recognized by the US government. On January 28th, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions on Venezuelan oil companies. In order to force Venezuelan President Maduro to step down, the United States has continuously increased its sanctions against Venezuela. Venezuelan government condemns US sanctions against Venezuela.

  "Brexit" and "terrorist attack" anxiety, the British turned to "chicken soup for the soul"

  According to the report, in 2018, Britain experienced a series of blows, such as terrorist attacks, unsuccessful Brexit and the elimination of the World Cup. People tried to seek spiritual comfort and peace in the sea of books, so inspirational books were very popular. According to statistics, books such as Chimpanzee Paradox: Controlling Irrational Impulse, Stress Solutions: Four Steps to Make You Calm, Happier and Healthier, Digital Minimalism: Living Better with Less Technology, which provide advice on how to deal with negative emotions and teach people how to cope with life stress, have made the bestseller list.

  Get rid of "colonial color"! African independent countries want to change their names to avenge their shame.

  A few days ago, Cook Islands, a South Pacific island country, planned to change its country name, abandoning the country name taken from the surname of james cook, a British navigator in the 18th century, and replacing it with a new country name that can reflect Polynesian characteristics. In fact, it was very common for African independent countries to change their names in the 20th century, and most of them were aimed at getting rid of the "colonial color".

  40 years of global warming: the warming rate in the Russian Arctic is four times faster than that in the world.

  According to Sputnik, the average annual temperature in the Russian Arctic in 2018 was 2.48 degrees higher than the normal temperature. According to the data from the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, the speed of warming in the Russian Arctic in recent 40 years is four times faster than that of global warming.


  Wechat platform will crack down on drug sales and help friends forward or be punished.

  Wechat Security Center recently announced that the use of WeChat personal account to publish sales information of "illegal contraband" violated the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and other relevant laws and regulations, and the WeChat security team will resolutely deal with and severely crack down on illegal activities.

  China Consumers Association released the list of car complaints last year: Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi was on the list.

  The China Consumers Association released a report on the 11th, saying that the data of automobile complaints accepted by the National Consumers Association in 2018 were analyzed, and it was found that BYD had the largest number of complaints from the top ten brands involved, and the three German luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi were all on the list. "The three German luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi are all on the list, which also reflects the upward trend of automobile consumption. This complaint data is absolute, and consumers should consider it comprehensively because of the different sales volume and ownership of each automobile brand. " The report said.

  Shanxi police recovered a number of high-grade cultural relics such as the "drum-building seat with snake pattern" in the Warring States period.

  The reporter learned from the Shanxi Provincial Public Security Department on the 11th that from January to February, 2019, Shanxi police cracked 110 cultural relics crimes, arrested 260 suspects, destroyed 24 criminal gangs and recovered 5,259 cultural relics, including 26 first-class cultural relics, 26 second-class cultural relics and 128 third-class cultural relics. Among the recovered cultural relics, a number of high-grade cultural relics belonging to the Warring States period, such as the "drum-building seat with snake pattern", shocked the academic community. At present, a number of recently recovered national treasures are being exhibited to all sectors of society in Shanxi Museum. Among the newly exhibited precious cultural relics, there are national first-class cultural relics, such as bronze reeds with animal face patterns, four-legged bronze reeds, bronze reeds with animal face patterns, etc. Among them, a bronze weapon of the Warring States period, "drum-building base with snake patterns", is exquisite and has attracted great attention from the archaeological and cultural circles.

  Guangxi informed that the cleaner was beaten by four men and women: three were arrested and one was reprimanded.

  According to WeChat WeChat official account, the port branch of Fangchenggang Public Security Bureau, Guangxi, on the 11th, the police informed the cleaners that they were beaten by four men and women: three people were punished by administrative detention for 10 days, and one was punished by admonition and education because of minor circumstances.

  12-year-old chubby neck is black and can’t be washed clean. Doctor: Be careful of diabetes. 

  Tao Tao, a 12-year-old elementary school student, was a picky eater since he was a child. He didn’t like vegetables, and he couldn’t live without meat. He especially liked fried chicken and hamburgers, and he didn’t like sports at ordinary times. He weighed more than 140 kilograms at an early age. Originally, the skin was white, but the neck was surrounded by a "black scarf" that could not be washed away. After the examination of endocrinology department in Houhu Hospital of central hospital of wuhan, it was found that this was acanthosis nigricans caused by obesity, and the doctor said that if it was not controlled, it might develop into diabetes.

  The 41-year-old master’s son is still unmarried, and his old father didn’t take him back to his hometown for the New Year for four years: he was ashamed to see anyone.

  Recently, a grandfather of Wansong Academy in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province said that he had come to Hangzhou from his hometown of Anhui to make a blind date for his 41-year-old son with a master’s degree. He said that he had not let his son go home for the New Year for four years, because his son had no face to see his elders in Jiangdong because he was afraid of jokes.

  Leather dress and boyfriend jacket … … Do you like this school uniform?

  Recently, five school uniform items designed by students of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University’s campus entrepreneurship team were officially launched as the periphery of the official campus. There are striped sweaters, boyfriends’ jackets and jackets, cool leather skirts, retro colors and school-specific logo. Isn’t it cool? On the first day of publication on WeChat WeChat official account, the tweets of school uniforms exceeded 10,000.


  The 2019 All England Badminton Open ended, and China won three championships. 

  The 2019 All England Badminton Open ended in Birmingham, England on the 10th local time (the early morning of 11th Beijing time). China won the women’s singles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles in five events, becoming the biggest winner of this competition.

  After the Winter Olympics, there was another breakthrough, and the China wheelchair curling team won the first World Championship. 

  On the evening of 10th local time (the early morning of 11th Beijing time), China’s wheelchair curling team defeated the host Scottish team 5-2 in the final of the World Wheelchair Curling Championships and won the gold medal in the 2019 World Wheelchair Curling Championships. After winning the first gold medal of the China delegation in the Winter Paralympics in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the China wheelchair curling team made a new breakthrough.


  On March 9, the referee Fu Ming (third from right) after the game.

  [Fu Ming] The referee of Luneng Jianye War was suspected of plagiarism and responded.

  On the afternoon of March 9th, in the second round of the Super League, Shandong Luneng drew 2-2 with Henan Jianye. During the game, Fu Ming, the international referee on duty, was punished several times, which caused dissatisfaction among the home team. After the game, some netizens exposed the plagiarism of Fu Ming’s paper, and checked the weight as high as 54.84%, and boarded the hot search. In this regard, Jincheng College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China Southern Airlines Jincheng College) responded that it will continue to pay attention and will respond and deal with it according to the investigation conclusions of its degree-granting units.

  It is worth noting that at the new season mobilization meeting held by the China Football Association in February 2019, the China Football Association confirmed that a team of professional referees of the China Football Association would be formed by domestic excellent referees and foreign professional referees. The first batch of professional referees of China Football Association consisted of six people, including Fu Ming.

  [Quan Douhuan] The former president of South Korea was tried on suspicion of damaging his reputation.

  Former South Korean President Quan Doo-hwan was tried again as a defendant in Gwangju District Court on the 11th for allegedly damaging the reputation of the participants in the "5.18 Gwangju Incident". According to Yonhap News Agency’s report on March 10th, Quan Douhuan and former President Lu Taiyu were accused of initiating civil strife during the "December 12th Military Rebellion" and "May 18th Gwangju Incident", and were prosecuted in December 1995 and tried and sentenced in 1996.

  [O ‘Sullivan] A thousand strokes broke the 35th crown of a hundred wins career and opened a new era of snooker. 

  In the early morning of 11th Beijing time, the 2019 Snooker Players Championship ended in Preston, England. "Rocket" O ‘Sullivan defeated Robertson 10-4 in the final and successfully defended his title. This is O ‘Sullivan’s 35th ranking champion, just one step away from "Billiards Emperor" Hendry. At the same time, with the help of three shots in this game, O ‘Sullivan broke a hundred times in his career, an unprecedented achievement.

  [Liu Xinglei] One-armed courier: I can do what others can do.

  Liu Xinglei, who lives in Zhongzhou Street, Zhongxian County, Chongqing, is a courier who has been working for more than half a year. At the end of last year, a photo of him carrying a parcel for delivery was photographed by a customer and sent to the Internet, which swept the circle of friends of Zhongxian people — — The sleeve in the first half of the right arm is empty, and the parcel is supported only by the end. "Although I am a disabled person, I can support myself as long as I have a little more strength and sweat than a healthy person."

The second on the left is Kelly Catlin.

  [Kelly Catlin] The 23-year-old American Olympic medalist committed suicide.

  The American Cycling Association (USA Cycling) announced on the 10th local time that Kelly Catlin committed suicide on the 8th at the age of 23. She is an American cyclist, who won the World Championship three times and helped the United States win the silver medal in the cycling women’s team event in Rio Olympic Games.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

Reading Group’s net profit increased by 32.3% in 2023, and the starting point of reading income increased by 40% year-on-year.

  china reading limited(0772.HK) On March 18th.sunThe annual performance report for 2023 was released. The performance shows that the company achieved revenue of 7.01 billion yuan, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the company reached 800 million yuan, up 32.3% year-on-year. The net interest rate of returning to the mother reached 11.5%, up 3.5 percentage points year-on-year. The operating profit of reading articles was 710 million yuan, up by 12.8% year-on-year, and the operating efficiency and profit performance were both improved.

  Hou Xiaonan, CEO and President of Reading Group, said that the company continued to build an IP life cycle development system, using AI technology to empower creators, and the content ecology was continuously consolidated. In terms of online business, optimize product operation and channel structure to promote the ecological competitiveness of fine content. The growth of reading at the starting point reached a record high, and Tencent animation assets were acquired to enhance the advantages of IP incubation and reserve.

  The performance report shows that in 2023, the online reading business realized a revenue of 3.95 billion yuan, and the starting reading income increased by 40% year-on-year. The number of new writers on the platform reached 380,000, the number of new works exceeded 670,000, and the number of new words reached 39 billion. The number of newcomers and their achievements are outstanding. After 60% is 00, the number of newcomers whose total income exceeds 100,000 yuan has increased by 60% year-on-year.

  On the user side, reading articles strengthens the connection between readers and works through a series of operational activities. The total number of words in "This Chapter" of "The Ring of Destiny" from the beginning of reading in 2023 exceeded 70 million, and a single user dubbed the work for more than 2,800 times. The official theme station "Curly Baboon Research Association" of "Lord of Secrets" gathered over 600,000 fans in the first month, and the daily activities of users increased by over 200%.

  Thanks to the active creative ecology and effective copyright protection mechanism, the starting point reading income increased by 40% year-on-year. The subscription records of the platform have been continuously broken, and the number of new works with an average subscription of 100,000 has increased by 125% year-on-year. In 2023, the average MAU of reading platform reached 210 million, and the average number of monthly paying users reached 8.7 million, up 10.1% year-on-year.

  Hou Xiaonan said that in order to realize the social and commercial value of head IP in the whole life cycle, the construction of IP life cycle development system has always been the top priority. During the reporting period, reading articles continued to increase the explosion rate of different content forms. The data shows that in 2023, reading copyright operation and other income was 3.06 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 46.2% in the second half of the year.

  In terms of film and television, reading the text has launched some excellent hit works such as "Up with a flurry", "Ordinary Road", "The Sun is with me" and "The Sneaker". In the field of animation, the sequel and new fan of classic IP-adapted animation were introduced, such as "Breaking the Sky" topped the list of the most popular countries in Weibo for three consecutive months. In the field of comics, the popularity of 13 comics has exceeded 100 million. In the field of games, the works "The Legend of Immortal Cultivation" and "Swallowing the Starry Sky" authorized by reading the text were successfully launched, showing the competitiveness of IP in the game market.

  In the Spring Festival of 2024, YOLO, a film owned by Yuewen Group, won the box office championship, with a total box office of over 3.4 billion yuan. In the follow-up, reading will usher in the big product cycle of IP business. Except for YOLO, the films Under Aliens and Customs Front are progressing smoothly. In terms of drama series, Joy of Life’s works such as the second season rank in the forefront of Tencent’s most anticipated video list.

  Reading actively explores emerging content forms such as short plays, accelerates the comprehensive application of AI in IP ecology and the process of going to sea, and drives the long-term diversified growth of the company’s business. In terms of short plays, reading the article released the "Star River Incubation Plan for Short Plays", and launched three major initiatives: 100 IP cultivation plans, 100 million yuan creative fund support and exploring interactive short plays. In terms of AI technology empowerment, the first big model of the online text industry, "Reading the Wonderful Pen" and the wonderful pen version of the writer’s assistant, was released. The overseas business process has accelerated, and the overseas reading platform WebNovel provides about 3,800 Chinese translations and about 620,000 local original works.

Online games are addictive and forced to chat naked … The safety of online use for teenagers’ holidays deserves attention.

  The safety of teenagers’ holiday internet is worthy of attention.

  Our reporter Zhou Xiaopeng

  With good results in the senior high school entrance examination, Xiao Zhang, who lives in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, was successfully admitted to the target high school, but before long, this joy was replaced by constant quarrels between him and his mother. In the mother’s view, during the holiday, Xiao Zhang was either a computer or a mobile phone every day, and spent too much time indulging in the Internet. Xiao Zhang, on the other hand, is quite opposed to this: I finally have a holiday to relax, so why can’t I play more mobile phones and games?

  In fact, for this generation of teenagers who were born with a mouse and grew up with their mobile phones, the internet has become an indispensable part of their lives, especially when they enter the holidays, and the time spent touching the internet has increased greatly, making it easier for them to indulge in the internet and cannot extricate themselves. In addition, because teenagers generally lack social experience and don’t know how to protect personal privacy, they are more vulnerable to bad information, online fraud and even illegal acts on the Internet.

  Experts told the "Legal Daily" reporter that when children enter the holiday "mode", they can spend more time online and relax their entertainment appropriately, but they must make reasonable plans and not be "cyber slaves". Schools and parents should actively guide teenagers to surf the Internet healthily, so as to use the Internet safely, in a civilized and healthy way.

  Prevent online game addiction

  Looking up at the computer, looking down at the mobile phone, regardless, playing games all night, this is a true portrayal of many teenagers’ holiday life. In June 2018, online game addiction was officially declared as a mental illness by UNESCO. Statistics show that teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 are high-risk groups of Internet addiction. The proportion of global teenagers who are over-reliant on the Internet is 6%, and the proportion in China is close to 10%.

  When he noticed this data, Zhang Rucai, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, was really shocked. "The bad content of online games is imperceptibly affecting teenagers." Zhang Rucai told reporters that the development and operators of online games only seek to maximize economic benefits, which has caused unhealthy online games to become a public hazard that destroys the physical and mental health of young people.

  In 2018, Zhang Qingbin, a representative of the National People’s Congress, received a petition signed by many parents on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, calling for legislation to save many children, which made him systematically pay attention to the problem of teenagers indulging in online games. Zhang Qingbin said that he really felt the seriousness of this problem in his hometown in rural areas. "Many teenagers drop out of school early because they are addicted to online games and become idlers. There are also many teenagers who have all kinds of psychological problems and even make some excessive behaviors because they are addicted to online games." As a result, Zhang Qingbin launched research, went deep into schools and communities to listen to the voices of the masses, and consulted with departments such as culture and online information to understand the situation. "Many online games design various links according to people’s psychological needs, and induce players to fall into addiction layer by layer, which is difficult to resist the temptation for teenagers’ immature psychology." Zhang Qingbin said.

  In medicine, internet addiction is a clear concept, which usually refers to indulging in online games. When online games are stopped, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and sadness appear. Lose interest in other hobbies before, even if you understand the impact of the game on yourself, you still focus on the game; Use online games to escape or relieve negative mood.

  In the view of Xiao Zhang’s mother, Xiao Zhang has already had some symptoms of Internet addiction. "The child’s addiction to the Internet not only leads to the damage of the parent-child relationship, but also aggravates the parent-child conflict. More seriously, his daily life rules are completely broken, and he is afraid that a holiday will cause him various psychological obstacles." Xiao Zhang’s mother said.

  Beware of illegal network infringement

  "Can you send me a nude photo of your bust? I promise to treasure it myself and not let others see it." Last winter vacation, Xiaomei (a pseudonym), a 14-year-old junior high school student, met a small town (a pseudonym) who claimed to be 15 years old on a short video App. After the two sides closed each other, the exchange was transferred to QQ. Just after half a month of understanding, the town made such a request to Xiaomei for the first time.

  Although she was worried, Xiaomei agreed to the other party’s request, and this became the beginning of a nightmare. Since then, the town has been making unreasonable demands, from naked photos to naked videos, and the original pleading has also become a threat.

  Xiaomei’s reticence and trance made her mother discover the clue. After repeated questioning by her mother, she confessed everything, and Xiaomei’s parents immediately called the police. The police of the Criminal Police Brigade of Qiaoxi Public Security Bureau in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, who was in charge of the case, launched an investigation through the QQ number of the suspect and quickly locked the suspect Yang and arrested him.

  The police found out that Xiaomei’s so-called friend town was completely fictional by Yang, and the school, information and photos were all false. Yang’s real identity was from Tianjin, born in 1978, married and had a criminal record of theft. Yang often chats through various online social software and chooses a minor like Xiaomei to cajole and threaten, and Xiaomei is not his only chat object. At the end of March this year, Yang was prosecuted by the People’s Procuratorate of qiaoxi district, Zhangjiakou City for allegedly molesting minors.

  "It is best for minors not to make friends online." In the preliminary investigation, faced with the interrogation of the prosecutor of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, who was in charge of the case, Yang confessed his illegal behavior, and also said that minors should take warning. On June 12, the court made a first-instance judgment, and the defendant Yang was convicted of child molestation and sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

  Not only that, because teenagers’ physical and mental development is not fully mature, their vigilance is low, and they are easy to trust others, so they can easily become "things in the bag" of cyber criminals. In addition to browsing unhealthy web pages and contacting bad information on the Internet, all kinds of fraud such as false enrollment, part-time job, recruitment, etc. often target at the student group. For example, defrauding the client’s funds in the name of online billing is a common online fraud method used by scammers during the summer vacation. In fact, these fraudulent means are not novel, but they have long appeared in holidays, and students are deceived every year.

  "Don’t click on pop-ups and unknown links that appear in the process of surfing the Internet at will. You should be vigilant when making friends online, don’t expose your own and others’ private information, don’t threaten, insult or slander others on social platforms, don’t make or spread unconfirmed information, and stay calm and confident when encountering cyber bullying, and communicate with teachers or parents in time … … These should be common sense when teenagers touch the net. " Zhang Qingbin said.

  Guide children to use the net safely.

  Wu Guiping, chief of juvenile criminal prosecution department of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, said that Internet social interaction is widely used now. As parents, they should pay more attention to their children’s mental state and make friends, and make timely safety education, let them know the uncertainty of online friends through equal communication, and tell their children the principles of making friends in the virtual world. If you don’t tell each other your real identity information easily, you can’t send photos and videos involving privacy to each other.

  "Parents should also consider the psychology of adolescents. They are no longer satisfied with their parents’ care and love, but have more needs to communicate with others. I hope that friends with similar aspirations and interests can’t blindly suppress this desire to make friends. We must correctly guide and help them and inform them of the bottom line and principles of communication." Wu Guiping said frankly.

  In fact, the network security literacy level of minors is closely related to personal personality factors, family factors and school environment. In addition to preventing internet addiction and using the internet scientifically and rationally, protecting personal information, spreading positive values, not believing in rumors and not spreading rumors should also become the proper meaning of safety education for minors using the internet. In this regard, both family education and school education should actively make up a lesson.

  According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education, minors have realized the convenience of the Internet early, but they have no independent ability, which is the main reason for Internet addiction. "For parents, it is necessary to give their children a sense of rhythm in regulating the use of the Internet, such as giving them a fixed time to browse the Internet every day and giving guidance to what they browse, so that they can form their own ability to plan their lives as soon as possible." Chu Zhaohui said.

  Chu Zhaohui believes that at present, in most primary and secondary schools, mobile phones are forbidden to be brought into the campus. How to spend their spare time and holidays is a test for students and parents. "Some parents will regard mobile games as a reward for their children. I think this is a misunderstanding. It is very important to enhance children’s autonomy and enrich their lives. "

  At this year’s National People’s Congress, Zhang Rucai and Zhang Qingbin both put forward suggestions on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, and suggested that the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) should introduce the online game management system to protect teenagers’ physical and mental health, the network protection law for minors and other relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible.

  "It is necessary to strengthen government supervision, improve the online game real-name authentication system, and purify the online game content and network environment." Zhang Qingbin said that we can learn from the examination and approval system for film and television works, strictly examine and approve online games, and at the same time introduce functions such as "face-brushing camera" to prevent registered users who do not match their actual identities from logging in.

  Relevant experts pointed out that during holidays, parents should guide their children to establish correct network values and teach them to learn the behavior of using the internet safely. Parents and children can discuss and formulate mutually acceptable online time, which will not affect their daily life and rest, so as to establish a good time concept; Parents should pay more attention to their children’s online process, listen more and admonish less, avoid damaging the parent-child relationship with critical words, spend time with their children, and cultivate their interest in the real world, instead of focusing on the virtual online world.

  Xinhua News Agency: Basketball originated in 1891 and was invented by American PE teacher Dr. james naismith. At the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, the men’s basketball game was listed as an official event for the first time. Women’s basketball was not formally included until the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. There are only two gold medals for men’s and women’s teams in the Olympic Games.

  In the past 16 men’s basketball and 8 women’s basketball Olympic Games, the American men’s basketball team won 12 championships, the Soviet men’s basketball team won 2 championships, and the Yugoslav and Argentine men’s basketball teams won 1 championship each. The American women’s basketball team won five championships, the Soviet women’s basketball team won two championships and the CIS women’s basketball team won one championship. China’s best result in the Olympic Games is that men are eighth (26th Atlanta Olympic Games and 28th Athens Olympic Games) and women are second (25th Barcelona Olympic Games).

  Rules of the game: The Olympic basketball game consists of four sections, each of which lasts for 10 minutes. If the score is equal at the end of the fourth quarter, one or more 5-minute overtime will be needed to continue the game until the winner is decided. There is no limit to the number of substitutions for each team in the competition; Pause in the first half, each team can get 2 times; You can get 3 times in the second half; At any time in each overtime, each team may have a timeout.

  There are two kinds of violations of competition rules in basketball games: violations and fouls. Violations include: walking with the ball, illegal dribbling, punching or kicking the ball, returning the ball to the backcourt, and 3 seconds violation. In addition, it also includes the following:

  5-second violation: the attacking player must throw the foul ball within 5 seconds; Or when being closely defended, you must pass, throw or dribble within 5 seconds; When the referee hands the ball to the penalty player, the player must make a shot within 5 seconds.

  8-second violation: A team must make the ball enter the frontcourt (the opponent’s half) within 8 seconds from controlling the live ball in the backcourt.

  24-second violation: Every time a player gets a live ball on the court, the team must try to shoot within 24 seconds.

  Interference score: When the ball shot (free throw) falls in flight and is completely above the level of the hoop, the players of both sides must not touch the ball. When the shot ball touches the rim, neither team member can touch the rim or backboard, reach through the rim from below and touch the ball, and shake the backboard and the rim. If the attacker violates this rule, the basket will be invalid, and the ball will be awarded to the other side to throw the ball out of bounds in the extension of the free throw line; If the defender violates this rule, regardless of whether he hits the ball or not, the shooter (free throw) will be awarded points.

  Fouls include the following situations:

  1. personal foul: If a player who didn’t shoot is fouled, the non-foul team will throw the ball into the foul area near the foul place to restart the game. If the foul team is in the state of team foul punishment, it should be awarded two free throws to the players who have not shot, instead of throwing the ball into the bounds. If a player who is making a shooting action is fouled, if the shooting is successful, points shall be counted and an additional free throw shall be awarded; If you miss the shot, you will be awarded 2 or 3 free throws according to the location of the shot.

  2. Technical foul: it is a non-contact foul, such as ignoring the referee’s warning; Violate the referee, technical representative, record desk personnel or team seat personnel impolitely; Use language and manners that offend or incite the audience; Teasing the opponent’s team members or shaking hands near the eyes of the opponent’s team members will hinder their vision; Deliberately touching the ball after it passes through the basket to delay the game; Obstruct the rapid execution of throwing the ball into bounds to delay the game; Fake a fall to fake a foul, etc. The penalty for the technical foul is to award the opponent two free throws, and then throw the ball into the boundary at the extension of the center line opposite the recording table.

  3. Foul against sportsmanship: A player is not legally trying to grab the ball directly within the scope stipulated by the rules, and the contact foul is a violation of sportsmanship. After the foul, the opponent will be awarded a free throw, and then the ball will be thrown into the line at the extension of the center line opposite the recording table. If a player fails to make a shot, he should be awarded two free throws; A foul on a player who is shooting a basket, such as a middle basket, should be scored and awarded a free throw. If you don’t hit the basket; Two or three free throws should be awarded.

  Notes for watching the game:

  As the host, every spectator who enters the stadium to watch the game should watch the game in a civilized way and forbid vulgar words and deeds. Specific attention should be paid to the following points:

  (1) Visitors should enter and leave the venue in an orderly manner, and only bring soft-packed drinks into the stadium. Don’t sit on the steps of the passage when watching the game.

  (2) The audience should not smoke after entering the gymnasium; Don’t walk around at will during the game; The mobile phone should be turned off or set in vibration and mute state. You can’t use the flash at will, especially when the players perform free throws.

  (3) When the host introduces the players from both sides one by one, the audience should applaud each player. When the national flag of the participating countries is raised and the national anthem of the participating countries is played, the audience should stand up and pay attention.

  (4) Don’t use language that infringes on the opposing team in the game, applaud the wonderful performances of both sides, and don’t use boos to influence the game and suppress opponents; Don’t use provocative body language.

Editor: Qian Ruibin

Today’s SMG football recommendation: How to use ChatGPT to balance the director: Las Palmas vs Atletico Madrid

A new version of AI analysis, real-time update of the latest data, such as Poisson distribution method, Margin model, Bernoulli’s law of large numbers and other big data analysis, high efficiency, accurate algorithm!

In football analysis, no one can guarantee a 100% winning rate. However, AI can increase its chances of winning by continuous learning, improvement and adaptation. Focus on long-term analysis strategies and treat every decision with a steady and firm attitude.

Last day! When the annual tax settlement ends, the tax refund will be wasted if it is not received.

  Beijing, China, June 30 (Reporter Li Jinlei) On June 30, it was the last day of the annual calculation of comprehensive income of individual tax in 2019. If you don’t apply for tax refund, you should pay close attention to it, otherwise it will be wasted if you don’t get it. Those who have not paid the overdue tax should also pay close attention to it, otherwise they will face fines and late fees, which will also affect their personal credit.

  Last day of annual tax settlement

  The annual remittance of comprehensive income from individual tax in 2019 will be handled from March 1 to June 30, 2020. June 30th is the last day for annual settlement.

  The so-called annual tax calculation is to "combine the annual income and calculate the tax on an annual basis", and then refund more and make up less. That is to say, the four incomes of wages and salaries, labor remuneration, manuscript remuneration and royalties are combined into "comprehensive income", and the individual tax is calculated on an annual basis.

  The specific calculation formula is as follows:

  In 2019, the tax payable or refundable is calculated = [(comprehensive income-60,000 yuan-special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold"-special additional deductions such as children’s education-other deductions determined according to law-donation) × applicable tax rate-quick deduction]-prepaid tax in 2019

  Personal income tax rate table.

  If you don’t get a tax refund, you’ll be wasted.

  Who can get a tax refund? As long as you pay more taxes in advance because of insufficient deduction or undeclared deduction, taxpayers can apply for tax refund regardless of their income or the amount of tax refund.

  For example, your comprehensive annual income in 2019 is less than 60,000 yuan, but your income is relatively high in a certain month, and you can get a tax refund if you pay a tax in advance.

  For example, Xiao Ming received a salary of 10,000 yuan in January, and an individual paid "three insurances and one gold" of 2,000 yuan. Assuming there is no special additional deduction, he will pay a tax 90 yuan in advance; In other months, the monthly salary is 4000 yuan, and there is no need to pay taxes in advance. Throughout the year, because taxpayers’ annual income is less than 60,000 yuan, they don’t need to pay taxes, so they can apply for a refund of 90 yuan tax paid in advance.

  For another example, if you didn’t declare to enjoy the six new special additional deductions (children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly) in 2019, you may also get a tax refund after the declaration.

  For example, Lao Wang’s monthly salary is 10,000 yuan, and the individual pays 2,000 yuan for "three insurances and one gold". According to the regulations, two children who go to primary school can enjoy a special additional deduction of 2,000 yuan per month (24,000 yuan for the whole year). However, because it was not reported in the prepayment link, the special additional deduction for children’s education was not deducted when calculating the tax, and the tax was paid in advance for 1080 yuan in the whole year. After filling in the relevant information in the annual settlement, it can supplement and deduct 24,000 yuan. After deduction, it should pay a tax of 360 yuan for the whole year, and it can apply for tax refund in 720 yuan according to regulations.

  If you can get a tax refund, but you don’t declare it, the money will be wasted. Of course, it should be noted that the tax refund can be waived without any responsibility.

  Screenshot of tax refund received by netizens in Weibo.

  Failure to pay taxes will result in fines and late fees.

  Although the tax refund can be waived, the tax payment cannot be waived. If you need to pay back taxes, you must make an annual settlement.

  Who needs to pay taxes? That is to say, taxpayers whose comprehensive annual income exceeds 120,000 yuan and whose annual amount of supplementary tax is above 400 yuan need to pay supplementary tax.

  There may be small partners who see that they have to pay taxes and want to ignore them. However, this kind of escape mentality is not desirable. If the tax is not paid on time, the consequences will be more serious. Don’t be fined, and you will have to pay a late fee, which will affect your personal credit.

  State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China said, if you should pay taxes, it is your obligation to handle the annual remittance. If you don’t pay the tax, you may face tax administrative punishment and record it in your personal tax credit file.

  According to Article 62 of the Tax Administration Law, if a taxpayer fails to file tax returns and submit tax information within the prescribed time limit, the tax authorities shall order it to make corrections within a time limit and may impose a fine of less than 2,000 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan may be imposed, and taxes shall be recovered and late fees shall be imposed. For late payment fees, from the date when the payment deadline is exceeded, five ten thousandths of the overdue tax will be charged on a daily basis.

  Tax data map. Zhongxin. com reporter Li Jinlei

  Don’t trust the so-called "secret" of tax refund

  In the process of annual tax settlement, some people are unwilling to see that others can get a tax refund, but their own tax refund amount is 0, so they make a bad idea, believe in the "tax refund strategy" and "tax refund tips" circulating on the Internet, and make a false declaration.

  A case published by Zhejiang Taxation Bureau shows that taxpayer Zhang, according to the system trial calculation, should get a tax refund in 0 yuan, but he applied for a tax refund of 202.12 yuan by falsely reporting the special additional deduction for his serious illness medical treatment in 2019. In the daily monitoring, the tax department found that Zhang’s special additional deduction data was doubtful, and contacted Zhang for verification, requesting relevant retained information, but Zhang could not provide it. In the end, the tax department informed Zhang of the legal responsibility for not submitting the special additional deduction information truthfully, and advised Zhang to correct the declaration in time.

  The tax department reminds that taxpayers need to declare the annual tax refund, and individuals should be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the declared information. Don’t believe in the so-called "tax refund tips" passed on the Internet and orally, so as to avoid false declarations or false declarations that violate the provisions of the tax law.

  Have you settled the annual tax? Is it a tax refund or a tax payment? (End)

The project of designated supervision site for imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits at Haikou Airport started.

On March 1st, haikou meilan international airport held the groundbreaking ceremony for the designated supervision site project (imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits) at the International Freight Station. Photo courtesy of haikou meilan international airport
Haikou meilan international airport (hereinafter referred to as meilan airport) held the groundbreaking ceremony for the designated supervision site project (imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits) at the International Freight Station on March 1st.
The project is located in the reserved area on the south side of meilan airport T2 International Cargo Terminal, with a total construction area of 2,172.2 ㎡, including two single buildings, namely designated supervision room and fumigation room, in which the designated single-storey supervision room is 2,064.2 ㎡ and the single-storey fumigation room is 108㎡, and it is equipped with inspection platform, cold storage, technical room, business room, equipment room and other supporting facilities and functional rooms.
After the completion of the project, on the one hand, it can meet the customs supervision conditions for the import of edible aquatic animals and fruit products, so as to open the air import channel for designated supervised goods; on the other hand, it can allow fish, crustaceans and soft products from Asia, Europe and North America, and fruit quality products from Southeast Asia, North America and Australia to enter the inland market through Haikou, further reducing logistics and time costs, and also enriching the categories of return goods of meilan airport international routes, stabilizing route operation and opening.
Meilan airport introduced that the project aims at the completion of construction in 2024, ensuring that the designated supervision site for imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits will be put into operation as soon as possible, further expanding the overall function of the airport port of Hainan Free Trade Port, enhancing the convenience of customs clearance at the port, and making every effort to create a travel experience of "people enjoy their trip and things flow smoothly". (End)

[Concern] How to taste glutinous rice balls healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

The following article comes from the language of nutrition and economy, written by Gao Yun.

Nutrition and economy.

Pure popular science nutrition

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, also known as the "Shangyuan Festival", which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, setting off fireworks and other activities have existed since ancient times and have been passed down to this day.






Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)


I believe that many foodies have already prepared all kinds of dumplings at home, and I look forward to the scene of family members sitting together and eating dumplings. Whether in the north or the south, eating glutinous rice balls is an essential highlight of the Lantern Festival. The difference is that it is called "Yuanxiao" in the north and "Tangyuan" in the south. Many people who pay attention to customs think that "Lantern Festival is not counted without eating glutinous rice balls". How can we enjoy glutinous rice balls while taking care of our health?

Note the "stuffing" trap

The fillings of Yuanxiao are generally green red silk, peanuts, sesame oil, jam, sugar, etc. The fillings of glutinous rice balls are generally bean paste, black sesame, shepherd’s purse, pork and so on. The two methods are different, but the main component of the crust is glutinous rice flour, and the stuffing also contains more oil (nuts such as sesame seeds and peanuts, chocolate and lard, etc.), so whether it is Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, the heat is very high. As the folk song goes, "Tangyuan can be used as tea rice", and three medium-sized Tangyuan (1/2) are equivalent to the carbohydrate of half a bowl of rice. The energy of two black sesame dumplings is about 300 kilocalories, with 16.4 grams of fat and less other nutrients. Eating more will increase energy and fat intake. Moreover, the starch contained in glutinous rice is amylopectin, which is not easy to digest and absorb in the stomach. Therefore, no matter from the aspects of energy intake or digestion, it is not appropriate to eat dumplings as a staple food in large quantities.

Sugar control is very important.

Although compared with the traditional glutinous rice balls, sugar substitutes are used in making sugar-free glutinous rice balls, the glycemic index of white glutinous rice, black glutinous rice, sticky millet and rhubarb rice is around 100, and the blood sugar rises rapidly. Even sugar-free dumplings are recommended for diabetics to eat as little as possible. In addition, you can eat some vegetables or protein-rich food before eating glutinous rice balls, which will help reduce the blood sugar reaction after meals.

Prevent accidents

1. For the elderly, due to the gradual decline of digestive function, especially the slow swallowing reflex of the elderly, they may get stuck in their throats because they eat more urgently, resulting in difficulty in breathing and even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must chew slowly when eating dumplings.

2. For infants, if the baby at home is under three years old, it is recommended not to let him try glutinous rice balls easily. After all, glutinous rice balls are mainly made of glutinous rice. If they are eaten by a baby under one year old, they may stick to the esophagus and have the risk of blocking the respiratory tract. If it is a one-or two-year-old baby, it is still not easy to bite peanuts and other fillings in the glutinous rice balls to prevent suffocation. In addition, because the baby’s digestive function is still weak and the swallowing reflex is not well developed, even if the baby over three years old is given glutinous rice balls, parents must look after them. It is best to divide the glutinous rice balls into small pieces in advance to prevent accidents. If your baby is suffering from respiratory diseases, such as cough, you should also eat dumplings as little as possible to prevent the illness from aggravating.

The glutinous rice balls that have just come out of the pot are steaming, so remember to taste them slowly and slowly to avoid burning your mouth. Just eat two or three medium-sized snacks at a time, and don’t be greedy for Doha! Finally, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, a happy family and a reunion!

Expert business card

Wu Ping

Tongji hospital affiliated to Tongji University

Director and chief physician of nutrition department

Tutor of medical doctor and master students

Expert clinic: Thursday morning

Director of Nutrition Department of tongji hospital, affiliated to Tongji University, expert of Oriental TV’s "Famous Doctors Keep Healthy" and major TV stations in Shanghai, top ten communication stars of nutrition science in China in 2019, member of the Standing Committee of Nutrition Committee of Chinese Women Medical Doctors Association, expert member of Shanghai Nutrition Quality Control Center, director of the Council of Shanghai Nutrition Society, and member of Chinese and Western Nutrition Group of Cancer Nutrition Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association. Member of the Second Committee of Weight Loss and Surgical Metabolism Branch of China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, member of the Standing Committee of the First Committee of Nutrition and Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, member of Shanghai Branch of China Heart Rehabilitation Alliance, member of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association Medical Science Popularization Branch, member of Shanghai Heart Rehabilitation Committee, scientific consultant of People’s Network "Popular Science China", part-time professor of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center of Shanghai Health Medical College, He is a member of the Expert Volunteer Group of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center, a member of the Expert Group of Health and Medical Communication Center of School of Media and Communication of Jiaotong University, a member of the Medical Popular Science Committee of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association, a member of the Medical Communication Committee of the Science Popularization Medical Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and a quality control leader of the nutrition specialty in Putuo District. More than 30 papers have been published in core journals by the first author or correspondent, including 4 papers in SCI English and 6 papers in Chinese series, and won the second prize of excellent papers in the 13th and 14th National Conference on Clinical Nutrition for two consecutive times.

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As a century-old modern hospital, tongji hospital is dedicated to superb medical skills, and has formed a warm "home" culture with Tongji characteristics and a healthy communication culture that serves the people wholeheartedly. With the spirit of helping others and the world, he has given full play to Tongji people’s broad mind of "sharing the same boat with one heart and one mind" in previous major rescue and disaster relief, international aid and poverty alleviation, and spread Tongji’s patriotic feelings all over the earth.

Original title: "[Concern] How to taste dumplings healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month? 》

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