"Cloud Life" electronic products such as tablet computers and notebook computers sell well.

Zhang Xinxin, a student from Wenquan Village, Andi Town, yinan county City, Linyi City, Shandong Province, has a difficult family life. He used to need to borrow someone else’s mobile phone to attend the "air class" offered by the school. The picture shows a volunteer from yinan county Da Ai Yimeng Volunteer Service Team (right) sending a tablet computer to Zhang Xinxin and teaching her how to use it. Photo by Du Yubao (People’s Vision)

Students are reading personalized books recommended by e-readers. Photo by Shi Yalei (people’s picture)

  The COVID-19 epidemic has had a great impact on consumption in China in the first quarter of this year. The data shows that from January to February, the total retail sales of consumer goods nationwide decreased by 20.5% year-on-year. However, in the "home" life and "cloud" life, the sales of some consumer electronic products have increased against the trend, which has become a bright color when consumption is cold in the short term. Green consumer products represented by electronic products are helping to boost consumption and consumption upgrading.

  Electronic products sell well against the trend

  "Kindle reader, Bluetooth speaker … …” Zach Li, an engineer working in Beijing, found that he spent the most on electronic products besides daily necessities such as rice, oil and salt.

  "Reading, games and music are all long-term learning and entertainment activities for epidemic prevention at home, and these electronic products make it long and boring ‘ Zhai ’ Life adds interest. " Zach Li said.

  When consumption was cold due to the epidemic, "cloud life" drove the sales of some consumer electronic products to increase greatly, and the supply of emerging products continued to increase, allowing many new formats to develop against the trend.

  Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that from January to February this year, the demand for electronic products such as 3D printing equipment, smart watches and smart bracelets increased rapidly, and the output increased significantly year-on-year, with growth rates of 101.0%, 119.7% and 45.1% respectively. The growth momentum of emerging kinetic energy has not changed.

  On several major e-commerce platforms, the sales of electronic products have also increased. In February, notebook computers, tablet computers, printers and smart cameras became hot items on e-commerce platforms such as Suning.cn and JD.COM, and some products were even out of stock. Perhaps it is precisely because of the new consumer demand generated by the epidemic that many consumer electronics companies choose to release their new products in the near future. Among them, Apple recently launched a new tablet iPad Pro and computer Macbook Air, which received wide attention.

  Smartphones hit bottom and rebounded.

  The situation of epidemic prevention and control in China continues to improve, and the consumer market is recovering with the warm spring. At the same time, related enterprises have also actively launched "self-help".

  In the field of smart phones, the rebound and recovery of consumption are more obvious. Previously, affected by the epidemic, many mobile phone manufacturers closed their factories, and normal mobile phone production could not be guaranteed. Under the background of the whole society’s resumption of work and production, the mobile phone industry is increasing its productivity, and the output is gradually approaching the normal level. Recently, many mobile phone manufacturers, such as Huawei, have said that they are fully restoring the supply chain to ensure market supply.

  A person in charge of a mobile phone manufacturer said that from the sales performance at the beginning of March, the sales volume of smart phones in China has approached or even exceeded the same period last year. Industry insiders predict that the domestic 5G smartphone market is expected to resume its growth momentum in the second quarter of this year.

  While increasing horsepower to ensure production, the release of new machines by major manufacturers has also been carried out one after another. Since late February, the listing speed of new 5G mobile phones has obviously accelerated. According to the data of China Information and Communication Research Institute, there were 16 new models listed in February this year, including 11 5G mobile phones. Recently, Huawei held an online conference to release three P40 series mobile phones to the world — — P40, P40 Pro and P40 Pro+. It is worth mentioning that this model is equipped with the HMS Apps terminal cloud service ecosystem independently developed by Huawei.

  Experts said that in the fields covered by "new infrastructure", 5G is considered to be the top priority, and the industrial chain extended by 5G will also be rapidly driven. Thanks to the acceleration of "new infrastructure", the construction of 5G infrastructure and the improvement of 5G communication environment will further stimulate the recovery of the industry and promote the arrival of the "replacement tide" of 5G mobile phones.

  Create a new consumption format

  In order to better release the new consumption potential, in recent days, the central and local governments have successively introduced a series of measures to promote consumption to promote consumption in electronic products and other fields.

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 23 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Consumption Expansion and Upgrading to Accelerate the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market", increased support for electronic products and other fields, and proposed to encourage green smart consumption, accelerate the improvement of recycling networks in the fields of home appliances and consumer electronic products, and encourage enterprises to use technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to promote the intelligent upgrading of various electronic products.

  At the same time, many governments have accelerated the introduction of preferential measures to encourage green and smart consumption and promote product upgrading through measures such as issuing consumer subsidies and replacing old electronic products with new ones. Many e-commerce platforms have also launched promotional activities such as home appliances and electronic products.

  Experts said that in this COVID-19 epidemic, new consumption formats and new consumption models represented by electronic products showed strong growth potential. With the progress of science and technology and the acceleration of the updating of consumption concepts, the upgrading and intelligent upgrading of electronic consumer goods and other products will enter a fast-paced stage. How to cultivate and grow the new consumption and upgrading consumption power generated by the epidemic, and how to realize the long-term development of short-term products is a new test faced by the government and enterprises, which is of great significance for stimulating the formation of new kinetic energy and promoting steady economic growth.

Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to clarify rumors that had been exposed to shopping with his ex-girlfriend Lv Lijun.

At 11: 00 a.m. on January 3rd, Liu Luanxiong held a press conference to clarify the rumor of getting back together with Lv Lijun. He said that he and Lv Lijun had not seen each other for many years. This time, Lv Lijun asked for something from himself, and the two of them signed the relevant transaction documents in the office building, which was not the rumor of "shopping", and stressed that they were only the parents of a pair of children with Lv Lijun, and there was no other relationship. It is reported that Liu Luanxiong was photographed shopping with his ex-girlfriend Lv Lijun, which caused a heated discussion. On December 31st last year, Liu Luanxiong issued a clarification statement.

After the gym charged a million membership fees, it ran away. The original boss still showed off his wealth in the circle of friends.

  More than 1,000 consumers in Changsha never expected that the gym under their noses actually "ran away". This is a fitness center located in a well-known real estate and operated by a professional organization for more than 4 years. Everything looks "reliable". But when they paid a membership fee of about 2 million yuan, the gym owner changed. The gym is still there, but their membership has expired. The boss who originally collected the money actually exposed the "showing off wealth" video and photos of driving a "Ferrari" sports car in the circle of friends.

New Yue fitness boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot The pictures in this article are all provided by the respondents.

  New Yue fitness boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot The pictures in this article are all provided by the respondents.

  The Paper learned from Changsha police that the police station where the gym is located has been involved in the investigation.

  The next day, the gym closed.

  Mr. Zhao is an owner of Hengda Jiangwan Community, Yuanda Road, Furong District, Changsha City. On April 18, 2019, he set up a membership card of 5,000 yuan in the "Newleap Swimming and Fitness Club" where the community is located (hereinafter referred to as "Newleap Fitness") to meet the needs of his own fitness and children’s learning to swim.

In 2019, Niuyue Fitness Swimming Club was located in Hengda Jiangwan Community, Furong District, Changsha City.

  In 2019, Niuyue Fitness Swimming Club was located in Hengda Jiangwan Community, Furong District, Changsha City.

  Since the handover of Evergrande Jiangwan in 2015, Niuyue Fitness has been operating in the original sales department of the community, and residents in the community are familiar with it.

  According to the materials obtained by The Paper, in May 2015, Changsha Xinfu Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xinfu Real Estate), which is 100% controlled by Evergrande Real Estate Group, leased all its real estate (formerly the sales department of Evergrande Jiangwan) to Hunan Huaya Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huaya Company) until July 31, 2023. The property has three floors in total, and the contract stipulates that it is not allowed to sublet. However, in May of the same year, Huaya Company transferred the first and second floors to Changsha Niuyue Fitness and Beauty Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Niuyue Company) for operation until May 31, 2023. Subsequently, on the original sales department of Evergrande Jiangwan, two huge iron-framed signboards "Huaya Art School" and "Niuyue Swimming Fitness Club" were erected.

  Beginning in April 2019, residents in Evergrande Jiangwan and its surrounding areas found that Niuyue Fitness began to distribute advertising leaflets to recruit members, and news of "Niuyue Fitness" running a membership card appeared among the owners in the surrounding communities.

  Many salesmen scattered within one kilometer around Evergrande Jiangwan distribute experience cards for residents to experience in the morning and evening. Subsequently, many residents spent money on cards after the experience. There are many kinds of membership cards, such as one-year, two-year and five-year cards, with personal trainer and without personal trainer. Among them, a four-year comprehensive card with 2200 yuan is the choice of many consumers.

  Ms. Xiao got three cards in one breath. In addition to giving herself a five-year comprehensive fitness card, she also got two children swimming cards of 1,600 yuan and 1,800 yuan from Bao Xuehui, with a total consumption of more than 7,000 yuan. "I read the contract (between the gym and Evergrande Property) and said that the contract has been signed for more than four years, which proves that they are reliable and safe. You (the gym) are irresponsible, and Evergrande will also contain you. Evergrande will never run, I think so. " Ms. Xiao said.

  Later, the card information obtained by members from the front desk of the gym showed that from April 11, 2019 to November 6, 2019, at least 1,229 consumers had applied for various types of membership cards, with a total amount of at least 1.93 million yuan. Among them, the peak of card processing is mainly before August. By September, the amount of membership card is getting smaller and smaller, and even a "challenge monthly card" of only 518 yuan appears.

  Ms. Zhao, the owner of Evergrande Jiangwan, said that she had a 3,000-yuan swimming card in Niuyue Fitness. Under the advertisement, on September 23, 2019, she had a 518-yuan challenge card in Niuyue Fitness. The next day, she went swimming and found that the gym was closed, and "the boss ran away".

  Many members introduced that at the end of September last year, Niuyue Fitness closed directly on the grounds of "fire inspection".

  This is similar to many fitness service places that run on the road. After that, consumers called the police, called the mayor’s hotline, complained to 315, etc. Then, the gym opened for a short time, so in October and November, four people applied for cards. "Everyone really believes and hopes that this gym will continue." One member said.

  However, during the "pretend" business hours, there was no coach in the gym, the swimming pool was not changed and heated, and the tiles at the bottom of the pool fell off, causing many members to be injured. By November, the whole gym was completely quiet.

  The gym is still there, and the membership rights are gone.

  Members still remember that in September 2019, after calling the police and waiting for the police to come, members surrounded Wang Zhongxin, the head of the gym. "He looks very rich with gold and jade on his hands and neck. But at that time, he kept saying that he had no money and owed the coach’s salary, so the gym could not operate. " Many members introduced.

In September 2019, Wang Zhongxin was surrounded by members to discuss.

  In September 2019, Wang Zhongxin was surrounded by members to discuss.

  The Paper combed the payment information of dozens of members and found that many members paid the money to Wang Zhongxin.

  After the gym closed, some members who added Wang Zhongxin, the "boss" of the gym, found that in January 2020, after the running storm was silent, Wang Zhongxin, whose name on WeChat was "Survival of the fittest", "showed off wealth" in the circle of friends. In several videos, he is wearing a gold watch, driving a suspected Ferrari sports car and racing with passionate music.

New Yue Fitness Boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot

  New Yue Fitness Boss "Wang Zhongxin" friend circle screenshot

  In July this year, this gym located in the comprehensive building of Evergrande Jiangwan opened again. It’s just that the signboard on the roof has changed two words, from "Newleap Swimming Fitness Club" to "Guoli Swimming Fitness Club". Previously, members’ cards in "Niuyue" were invalid, and they had to re-apply for cards in order to continue swimming in "National Power".

In 2020, after "running the road", the signboard of "National Fitness Swimming Club" was changed.

  In 2020, after "running the road", the signboard of "National Fitness Swimming Club" was changed.

  In late July, some members’ representatives were called to a meeting in the Jiangwan Community of Evergrande. The members of Evergrande Commercial Management, Guoli Sports and Huaya Company announced that Huaya Company had taken back the gym operated by Niuyue Company and now transferred it to Guoli Sports Company for operation. The original membership rights need to be changed, such as a four-year comprehensive card, which can only be used on September 1 this year, or it can be used voluntarily until December this year. The one-year cards, challenge cards, etc. that have expired before are all invalid. Now there are new charging standards for national strength swimming and fitness, such as 1,280 yuan for a half-year card and 1,888 yuan for an annual card.

  On August 24th, The Paper contacted Huaya Company. Xiang Yanhua, the person in charge of the company, said that after renting the whole clubhouse from Evergrande in those years, he entrusted the swimming pools and gymnasiums on the first and second floors to Niuyue Company for operation in addition to education and training on the third floor because he was not qualified to operate the swimming pool. Evergrande knows and acquiesces in this. As of November last year, Niuyue Company had owed Huaya Company more than 600,000 yuan in entrusted management fees, utilities and gas fees. After Huaya Company sued Niuyue Company to Furong District Court, on June 30 this year, Furong Court ordered both parties to terminate the entrustment contract. Therefore, Huaya Company has now taken back the gym and entrusted Guoli Company to operate it.

  As for the membership card with a total value of nearly 2 million yuan handled by more than 1,000 consumers in Niuyue Company, Xiang Yanhua said, "You can only go to Niuyue Company, which handled cards for members at that time."

  So what is the responsibility of Huaya Company, which cooperates with Newleap? In this regard, I am evasive to Yanhua. However, in the interview, she revealed that Niuyue Swimming Gymnasium has been operating poorly since its establishment. To this end, Huaya Company spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy a boiler to heat the swimming pool; After the coach went on strike in September last year, Huaya also paid the coach a salary of more than 100 thousand yuan in arrears; When the gym was about to have an accident, Huaya found in the office that Wang Zhongxin had issued a new batch of leaflets, and they stopped it.

  On August 27th, The Paper contacted Wei Mou, the head of Niuyue Company. Wei said that Niuyue Company had transferred the gym to Wang Zhongxin on April 7, 2019, so Niuyue Company was irresponsible for the rights and interests of its members.

  However, when a member applies for a card, the official seal on the service contract and the receipt of payment is clearly stamped with the "Special Financial Seal for Newleap Swimming and Fitness". In this regard, Wei said, "That is Wang Zhongxin’s own radish chapter, which has nothing to do with Niu Yue."

Contract signed between members and NewYork Swimming and Fitness Club

  Contract signed between members and NewYork Swimming and Fitness Club

  Expert: It should not be an "IQ tax" for consumers to run away with money.

  Liu Jiahui, a member of the 315 Lawyers Group of China Consumers Association and a lawyer of Beijing Derun Law Firm, told The Paper that it is easy to "run away" in prepaid consumption. After consumers’ rights and interests are infringed, it is mostly difficult to defend their rights, because it is difficult for individual consumers to spend time and energy on litigation for their losses of one or two thousand yuan, asking for help from 12315 and the Consumers Association, but only mediation is not mandatory, which creates an opportunity for businesses.

  Liu Jiahui introduced that in many "running away" incidents, there are frauds. "Taking money away without providing services is a kind of contract fraud. One party to the contract has no intention to perform its obligations at all, or clearly knows that it cannot perform its contractual obligations, but it is a typical feature of contract fraud to defraud one party’s property by signing a contract and not performing or performing a small part of its contractual obligations. "

  In addition, Liu Jiahui told The Paper that the consumer bought the fitness card of Niuyue Company and formed a contractual relationship with Niuyue Company. Niuyue Company’s rights and obligations under the contract must be agreed by the consumer. If it is transferred without the consent of the consumer, Niuyue Company will still bear all the responsibilities. If Niuyue Company fails to announce its transfer to consumers, regardless of whether Niuyue Company knows about Wang Zhongxin’s card application in his name, Niuyue will bear the responsibility. Because for consumers, Wang Zhongxin’s behavior is regarded as the behavior of Niuyue Company. Huaya Company, as the entrusting party entrusted by new york Company, takes full responsibility for the liabilities arising from the breach of contract by the entrusted party, Newleap Company.

  The Paper noted that in December last year, Guangdong Maoming Intermediate People’s Court upheld the conviction of two gym shareholders for contract fraud. According to the judgment, from November 2017 to September 2018, Maoming Wellman Fitness Club had difficulties in operation and could not make ends meet. The company’s shareholders Zuo Moudong and Li Moufeng still sold their membership cards to the public at ultra-low prices in the name of the company, even though they knew that they would lead to business failure. Finally, more than 12,000 people applied for the cards, with an amount of 5.34 million yuan. However, the funds raised by the club are used for club operation or other expenses, which leads to the failure of members to get the promised return on fitness services, and the arrears of workers’ wages, rent, water and electricity are as high as 400,000 yuan, which has caused great adverse effects.

  Many members also reported the behavior of Niuyue Gym and Wang Zhongxin to Ma Po Ling Police Station of Changsha Furong Public Security Bureau. On August 27th, The Paper learned that the Ma Po Ridge Police Station had accepted the case and intervened in the investigation. The relevant person in charge of the institute said that at present, Hunan is cracking down on "prepaid consumption", and the public security organs will actively crack down on such suspected criminal acts.

Ma Po Ling Police Station accepts reports from members.

  Ma Po Ling Police Station accepts reports from members.

  Wu Wei, secretary general of Hunan Consumer Council, said that there are a lot of prepaid card disputes in the field of consumer services. In March this year, the Committee issued the Investigation Report on the Status of Prepaid Consumer Rights Protection in Hunan Province. 43.6% of the respondents have handled prepaid cards, and 14% of cardholders have experienced rights protection. Among all consumption problems, the proportion of operators "running the road" is as high as 48.2%.

  To this end, the Hunan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau launched a special rectification campaign. By the end of July, a total of 41,289 market players were inspected, covering shopping malls, restaurants and other industries, and 9 cases were filed and 8 cases were banned according to law. Hunan will impose joint punishment and credit restraint on "blacklisted" enterprises, investors and senior executives who have closed their doors and "run away" residences, and strengthen the prudent review of market access to achieve "one place is untrustworthy and everywhere is limited". We will maintain a high-pressure situation on illegal prepaid consumption, and resolutely crack down on illegal activities such as hiding money, malicious infringement and fraud.

  Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China and vice president of China Consumers Association, said that in view of the problems in prepaid card consumption, on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the system design, such as establishing prepaid card amount, filing and approval, third-party depository and other systems; on the other hand, market supervision departments and public security organs should work together to eliminate regulatory blind spots and regulatory vacuum and jointly rectify them.

  Liu Junhai told The Paper that businesses running away should not be paid by consumers ‘ IQ tax ’ . The negative effect of running away from the road is great, because a mouse excrement has broken a pot of soup, which affects the construction of the integrity system of the whole market economy. "The level of integrity depends on the lowest board. At present, the market supervision department is out of order, but regulators should not fail. They should stand up and do justice for heaven and make good use of the powers entrusted by law."

Qunxing Toys: At present, the company has not cooperated with Huafu Fashion.

K diagram 002575_0

  Every time I pass the AI ? ? newsletter, some investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: Does the company follow?Cooperation? Without cooperation, can the company participate in the project now?

  (002575.sz) On March 13th, it was indicated on the investor interaction platform that the company has not cooperated with up to now. Please pay attention to the company’s relevant announcement for details.

Guangzhou strengthens epidemic prevention and control in public cultural tourism places, and closed entertainment places are closed.

CCTV News:On the evening of the 8th, Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism issued a notice saying that it would strictly prevent and control the epidemic situation in public cultural tourist sites. All kinds of public cultural tourism places in medium and high-risk areas and areas under closed and closed management are closed down. Closed entertainment places in other areas of Guangzhou, such as cinemas, theaters, KTV and Internet service places, are closed; The outdoor part of public cultural venues and tourist attractions is restricted by 50%. 

Guangzhou, Guangdong: Open the fast lane of nucleic acid testing for truck drivers

In order to ensure the supply of basic living materials, Guangzhou has opened a fast lane for nucleic acid testing for truck drivers, and the results can be produced in 6 hours at the earliest. Jiangnan market in Guangzhou is one of the wholesale markets with the largest sales volume of fruits and vegetables in China and even in Southeast Asia, and it also bears the heavy responsibility of supplying "vegetable basket" in Guangzhou. At 9 o’clock every morning, truck drivers who come to the market for delivery can take the nucleic acid test sheet to the market nucleic acid test point for testing.

Truck driver Liu Bo:We are from other places, strangers here, and now the epidemic, there will definitely be concerns. Now, as soon as I enter the market, I am given a free receipt, and there is a special point in the market to detect nucleic acid. Otherwise, it is not convenient for me as a foreigner to find this nucleic acid monitoring point.

Major national science and technology projects help oil and gas development enter a new era.

  CCTV News:On April 27th, the national science and technology major special series news release activities — — The press conference of "Large Oil and Gas Fields and Coalbed Methane Development" was held in the Ministry of Science and Technology. Experts from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the head of the oil and gas development project and the technical chief attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters.

  Chen Chuanhong, director of the Major Special Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, presided over the press conference, introduced the overall progress of major national science and technology projects, and pointed out that as an important starting point for implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, the oil and gas development project produced a number of major landmark achievements in the organization and implementation process, and achieved remarkable economic and social benefits, which opened up a new industrial development direction in the oil and gas energy field, effectively supported the national energy security, and significantly improved the upstream scientific and technological innovation capability of the petroleum industry.

  Li Fanrong, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, introduced the overall implementation progress of the oil and gas development project. Oil and gas development project is the only major national science and technology project organized and implemented by enterprises. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and under the organization and coordination of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance, we will adhere to the innovation-driven strategy, practice the scientific and technological research mode with enterprises as the main body and Industry-University-Research as the combination, gather the superior forces of the whole society for collaborative innovation, strengthen the combination of projects and demonstration projects, and comprehensively complete the overall goals and tasks of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan and the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. The three ministries and industry experts spoke highly of the organization, management and implementation of the special project.

  Since the implementation of the special project, significant progress has been made in six major areas, including onshore oil and gas exploration, onshore oil and gas development, engineering technology, offshore oil and gas exploration and development, overseas oil and gas exploration and development and unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, with remarkable results.

  First, six major technical series and 20 key technologies have been formed, 13 major equipment have been developed and 22 demonstration projects have been built, and China’s oil and gas exploration and development has entered a new era of innovation and development.

  The second is to ensure that China’s oil production is rising steadily and natural gas production is developing by leaps and bounds. The output of crude oil increased steadily from 185 million tons in 2007 to 198 million tons in 2016, and remained the fifth largest oil producer. Natural gas production rose rapidly from 67.7 billion cubic meters in 2007 to 137.1 billion cubic meters in 2016, making it the sixth largest gas producer in the world.

  Third, it has promoted the construction of national innovation system and enhanced China’s oil and gas independent innovation capability. It has formed a high-level R&D team with 100 enterprises covering the upstream technology of the petroleum industry, more than 50 universities of the Ministry of Education and more than 20 research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Construction of 9 national, 23 provincial key laboratories and R&D centers and other high-level innovation platforms. Related achievements won 3 national special prizes for scientific and technological progress, 5 first prizes and 19 second prizes, applied for 2,143 invention patents, formulated 185 national and industry standards, and registered 722 software copyrights.

  Academician Jia Chengzao, the chief technical engineer, mainly introduced the great progress in the exploration and development technology of marine and deep natural gas in China. Through special research, China has made substantial breakthroughs in marine and deep natural gas exploration and development technology, discovered and built a number of large gas fields, realized the leap-forward development of natural gas production, guaranteed national energy security, and promoted social and economic development and the construction of beautiful China.

  First, a series of international advanced natural gas exploration and development technologies have been formed, and a number of large gas fields have been discovered and built.

  First, innovative development of major technologies for marine carbonate oil and gas exploration and development, the discovery and construction of Anyue super-large gas field with the oldest geological age, Yuanba deep reef gas field and Puguang high-sulfur gas field in Sichuan Basin, and the growth of carbonate natural gas reserves in Tarim and Ordos basins.

  Second, the development of deep natural gas accumulation theory and exploration and development technology in foreland thrust belt, especially the conquest of major exploration technologies such as deep-seated wide-line large-scale seismic acquisition and prestack depth migration in complex mountainous areas, has expanded the depth of natural gas exploration and development in Kuqa thrust belt to 8,000 meters, and found six large gas fields with a production capacity of 26 billion cubic meters under extremely thick saline strata, ensuring the safe and stable gas supply of "West-to-East Gas Transmission".

  Third, major breakthroughs have been made in exploration and development technologies of unconventional natural gas such as tight sandstone gas and shale gas, and unconventional natural gas has become an important part of China’s natural gas production. For example, breakthroughs have been made in key technologies such as tight sandstone gas accumulation theory and reservoir fracturing reconstruction, which has realized the effective development of Sulige large tight sandstone gas field, with an output of 22 billion cubic meters in 2016; Technologies such as multi-stage fracturing and industrial development of horizontal wells have supported the effective development of shale gas fields such as Fuling and Changning-Weiyuan, with an output of 7.8 billion cubic meters in 2016.

  Fourth, China has made great progress in key technologies and equipment for offshore deep-water exploration and development, discovered large gas fields such as Lingshui 17-2, and successfully developed the first deep-water gas field in the South China Sea — Liwan 3-1.

  Since the implementation of the special project, China’s natural gas industry has achieved leap-forward development, and the accumulated proven geological reserves have doubled, from 6.1 trillion cubic meters at the end of 2007 to 12.98 trillion cubic meters in 2016, and the world ranking has risen from 14th to 9th. The annual output of natural gas in China has doubled, from 67.7 billion cubic meters in 2007 to 137.1 billion cubic meters in 2016, and the world ranking has risen from ninth to sixth. The proportion of natural gas in the primary energy consumption structure increased from 3% to 6%, and increased to 8.3 ~ 10% at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Make great contributions to China’s energy structure optimization and environmental improvement.

  In addition, the exploration and development of offshore deep-water natural gas in China has made great contributions to safeguarding China’s maritime rights and interests and implementing the national marine strategy; It has cultivated new industries such as the development of unconventional natural gas resources such as shale gas and coalbed methane in China, such as the development of marine shale gas in the south, which has guaranteed the gas consumption of local industries and residents and promoted the development of local economy; The large-scale development of coalbed methane has become an important clean energy in Shanxi Province, and has made important contributions to the development of low-carbon and green economy.

  During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, we will further strengthen the theoretical and technical research on natural gas exploration and development, constantly overcome the bottleneck technologies of deep-seated onshore, deep-water offshore and unconventional natural gas exploration and development, provide technical support for ensuring the steady growth of national natural gas reserves and production, and promote the further optimization of national energy structure and the sustained and stable development of national economy.

Can you tell these derivative models of the F-35 from the "Lightning II" family?

  According to the report of Flight International on April 16th, the US Navy and Marine Corps successfully completed the first test of the concept of "lightning carrier". Twenty F-35B fighters with short take-off and vertical landing took off from the US Navy "Tripoli" amphibious assault ship to perform fast-paced operations.

  The concept of "Lightning Carrier" was formally put forward in 2016, based on the existing "F-35B vertical takeoff and landing aircraft+amphibious assault ship" model of the US military. The name of "Lightning" in the concept comes from the F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, and F-35B is just one of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) models.

  F-35 "Lightning II" Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is a single-seat single-engine multi-role fighter and a low-order auxiliary aircraft of F-22. It has strong stealth capability, advanced avionics system and certain supersonic cruise capability, and is mainly used for frontline support, target bombing, air defense interception and other tasks. It is divided into three types: conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL)F-35A, short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL)F-35B and carrier-based (CV)F-35C. Undoubtedly, in the future competition for air superiority, F-35, as one of the world’s advanced fifth-generation aircraft, has a very high photogenic rate. So how do you distinguish them in appearance?


  plane emblem/logo

  The F-35 "Lightning II" Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) was mainly developed by Lockheed Martin of the United States, and eight countries including Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Turkey, Australia and Canada participated in the development, with a total cost of $276 billion.

  In addition to R&D abroad, South Korea, Japan and Israel also vigorously purchased the F-35 to enhance the overall air combat capability. Therefore, according to the current data, a total of 12 countries have decided to equip the F-35:

  According to the above picture, there is Israel’s Star of David emblem above the wing, which is an F-35A. (Architecture A, called F-35I, shows the F-35A fighter equipped by Israel Air Force. )



  The U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps are equipped with three types of F-35 fighters, which are not a panacea according to their badges. If it is an F-35 equipped by the US military itself, it can be roughly distinguished by the characters in the belly position below the horizontal tail:

  1. Symbol of the United States Air Force (F-35A of the United States Air Force)

  2.NAVY (F-35C of the US Navy)

  3.MARINES (The United States Marine Corps purchased two models, F-35B and F-35C).

  In addition, there are several F-35Cs in the US Navy that also say "MARINES". But what should I do if I can’t see the military emblem or characters from the photo point of view? This uses the "shape resolution method".


  wing span

  Both F-35A and F-35B have a wingspan of 10.7 meters, while F-35C adopts a large wingspan design to reduce the landing speed, and the wingspan is increased to 13.1 meters and can be folded, which is the largest of the three sub-models.


  nose gear

  In order to withstand the impact of the ship, the F-35C has thickened the front landing gear, and changed from the basic single-wheel landing gear to the two-wheel landing gear, and the front landing gear has the unique ejection pull rod of the ejection take-off fighter. The following figure shows F-35A, F-35B and F-35C in turn.


  Landing tail hook

  The landing of the F-35C needs to be stopped, and a repeatedly used stern hook is equipped under the engine. Although the F-35A will also be equipped with crash landing tail hook, it is currently testing the tail hook crash landing, and even if it is installed, it will be one-off.



  The leading edge of the main wing of the F-35C is moved forward to increase the wing area, which leads to the strake wing in both the F-35A and the F-35B, but it is cancelled on the F-35C. The following figure shows F-35A, F-35B and F-35C in turn.



  F-35B is a short takeoff/vertical takeoff and landing type. Due to the special requirements of takeoff and landing mode, the engine of this type adopts a lift fan device. When viewed from the top, the rear of the cockpit is flat, and the upper cover of the lift fan and the cover plate of the auxiliary air inlet will open upward during the takeoff and landing.


  Machine gun

  The F-35A is the only one of the three sub-models, which adopts the built-in gun design and is equipped with a GAU-22/A four-tube 25mm gatling built-in gun. Therefore, there is an obvious protrusion on the front upper part of the left wing of the fuselage, which is a remarkable feature of the A-type aircraft. F-35B and F-35C are not equipped with fixed cannon, so it is enough to mount the cannon pod on the belly line when necessary.


  Verifier, test aircraft and

  Low speed initial production aircraft

  The test aircraft and the initial low-speed production F-35 are usually numbered on the fuselage. For example, before the mass production of the F-35A, the aircraft fuselage numbers AA-01, AF-01 to AF-07 were even directly marked with F-35A, all of which contained "A"; F-35B has BF-01 to BF-04 with "B" in them; F-35C has CF-01 to CF-05 before the first mass-produced CF-06, all with "C".

[Concern] How to taste glutinous rice balls healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

The following article comes from the language of nutrition and economy, written by Gao Yun.

Nutrition and economy.

Pure popular science nutrition

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, also known as the "Shangyuan Festival", which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, setting off fireworks and other activities have existed since ancient times and have been passed down to this day.






Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)


I believe that many foodies have already prepared all kinds of dumplings at home, and I look forward to the scene of family members sitting together and eating dumplings. Whether in the north or the south, eating glutinous rice balls is an essential highlight of the Lantern Festival. The difference is that it is called "Yuanxiao" in the north and "Tangyuan" in the south. Many people who pay attention to customs think that "Lantern Festival is not counted without eating glutinous rice balls". How can we enjoy glutinous rice balls while taking care of our health?

Note the "stuffing" trap

The fillings of Yuanxiao are generally green red silk, peanuts, sesame oil, jam, sugar, etc. The fillings of glutinous rice balls are generally bean paste, black sesame, shepherd’s purse, pork and so on. The two methods are different, but the main component of the crust is glutinous rice flour, and the stuffing also contains more oil (nuts such as sesame seeds and peanuts, chocolate and lard, etc.), so whether it is Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, the heat is very high. As the folk song goes, "Tangyuan can be used as tea rice", and three medium-sized Tangyuan (1/2) are equivalent to the carbohydrate of half a bowl of rice. The energy of two black sesame dumplings is about 300 kilocalories, with 16.4 grams of fat and less other nutrients. Eating more will increase energy and fat intake. Moreover, the starch contained in glutinous rice is amylopectin, which is not easy to digest and absorb in the stomach. Therefore, no matter from the aspects of energy intake or digestion, it is not appropriate to eat dumplings as a staple food in large quantities.

Sugar control is very important.

Although compared with the traditional glutinous rice balls, sugar substitutes are used in making sugar-free glutinous rice balls, the glycemic index of white glutinous rice, black glutinous rice, sticky millet and rhubarb rice is around 100, and the blood sugar rises rapidly. Even sugar-free dumplings are recommended for diabetics to eat as little as possible. In addition, you can eat some vegetables or protein-rich food before eating glutinous rice balls, which will help reduce the blood sugar reaction after meals.

Prevent accidents

1. For the elderly, due to the gradual decline of digestive function, especially the slow swallowing reflex of the elderly, they may get stuck in their throats because they eat more urgently, resulting in difficulty in breathing and even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must chew slowly when eating dumplings.

2. For infants, if the baby at home is under three years old, it is recommended not to let him try glutinous rice balls easily. After all, glutinous rice balls are mainly made of glutinous rice. If they are eaten by a baby under one year old, they may stick to the esophagus and have the risk of blocking the respiratory tract. If it is a one-or two-year-old baby, it is still not easy to bite peanuts and other fillings in the glutinous rice balls to prevent suffocation. In addition, because the baby’s digestive function is still weak and the swallowing reflex is not well developed, even if the baby over three years old is given glutinous rice balls, parents must look after them. It is best to divide the glutinous rice balls into small pieces in advance to prevent accidents. If your baby is suffering from respiratory diseases, such as cough, you should also eat dumplings as little as possible to prevent the illness from aggravating.

The glutinous rice balls that have just come out of the pot are steaming, so remember to taste them slowly and slowly to avoid burning your mouth. Just eat two or three medium-sized snacks at a time, and don’t be greedy for Doha! Finally, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, a happy family and a reunion!

Expert business card

Wu Ping

Tongji hospital affiliated to Tongji University

Director and chief physician of nutrition department

Tutor of medical doctor and master students

Expert clinic: Thursday morning

Director of Nutrition Department of tongji hospital, affiliated to Tongji University, expert of Oriental TV’s "Famous Doctors Keep Healthy" and major TV stations in Shanghai, top ten communication stars of nutrition science in China in 2019, member of the Standing Committee of Nutrition Committee of Chinese Women Medical Doctors Association, expert member of Shanghai Nutrition Quality Control Center, director of the Council of Shanghai Nutrition Society, and member of Chinese and Western Nutrition Group of Cancer Nutrition Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association. Member of the Second Committee of Weight Loss and Surgical Metabolism Branch of China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, member of the Standing Committee of the First Committee of Nutrition and Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, member of Shanghai Branch of China Heart Rehabilitation Alliance, member of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association Medical Science Popularization Branch, member of Shanghai Heart Rehabilitation Committee, scientific consultant of People’s Network "Popular Science China", part-time professor of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center of Shanghai Health Medical College, He is a member of the Expert Volunteer Group of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center, a member of the Expert Group of Health and Medical Communication Center of School of Media and Communication of Jiaotong University, a member of the Medical Popular Science Committee of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association, a member of the Medical Communication Committee of the Science Popularization Medical Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and a quality control leader of the nutrition specialty in Putuo District. More than 30 papers have been published in core journals by the first author or correspondent, including 4 papers in SCI English and 6 papers in Chinese series, and won the second prize of excellent papers in the 13th and 14th National Conference on Clinical Nutrition for two consecutive times.

Online appointment registration

Specialist Clinic

Figure | The above is the copyright map.

Wen | Nutrition Department Wu Ping Gao Yun

Editorial | Propaganda Department

Guess you want to see it

Expectant mothers enjoy crabs well. When "fitness people" encounter mala Tang "double reduction", they will not reduce nutrition and supplement nutrients, which will help eye health.

Tongji hospital was founded in 1900 by German doctor erich Baolong, and tongji hospital is the only third-class first-class general hospital in Putuo District. The annual number of outpatient and emergency services exceeds 2 million. It has the most important disciplines of orthopedics and psychiatry in Shanghai, the key disciplines of cardiovascular medicine in Shanghai, the key specialties of spinal surgery, psychosomatic medicine and gastroenterology in Shanghai, and the demonstration department of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. Realize the selection of emergency and critical care disciplines, geriatrics, laboratory medicine and clinical medicine disciplines into the Shanghai municipal platform discipline construction plan; There are three dominant disciplines in the hospital: sports-nerve-spirit discipline group led by orthopedics, circulation-respiration-chest discipline group led by cardiology, and digestive-general surgery-endocrinology discipline group led by gastroenterology. As well as hematology-tumor-imaging-pathology-laboratory discipline group led by hematology department and obstetrics-gynecology-urology-kidney-reproduction discipline group led by obstetrics and gynecology department. The hospital integrates the advantages of disciplines, and based on multidisciplinary cooperation, the treatment system for refractory and relapsed hematological malignancies established by the Department of Hematology was selected into the national key clinical discipline construction project. And successfully built three national-level centers-advanced stroke center, chest pain center and trauma treatment center, and became a large-scale comprehensive diagnosis and treatment center for critical and intractable diseases in northwest Shanghai. It has established a national-level international scientific and technological cooperation base-the International Joint Research Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, and the Sino-US Joint Research Base for Stem Cells.It has a high-level expert team represented by the national key R&D plan, the 973 chief scientist and the national 100 million talents project. Undertake more than 20 national key projects such as national key R&D plan and 973 plan. The achievements have been published in top international authoritative academic journals such as Nature, Science and Cell. Won the second prize of national natural science, the first prize of natural science of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Award, the first prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, the outstanding contribution award of Shanghai medical development and the achievement promotion award of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award.

As a century-old modern hospital, tongji hospital is dedicated to superb medical skills, and has formed a warm "home" culture with Tongji characteristics and a healthy communication culture that serves the people wholeheartedly. With the spirit of helping others and the world, he has given full play to Tongji people’s broad mind of "sharing the same boat with one heart and one mind" in previous major rescue and disaster relief, international aid and poverty alleviation, and spread Tongji’s patriotic feelings all over the earth.

Original title: "[Concern] How to taste dumplings healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month? 》

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Is running training a "real effort" only if you are "tired to vomit"?

There are always some brainless runners (such as Zang Mou) who don’t understand scientific training on the Internet, and they also like to regard "running training is too tired to vomit" as a typical symbol of hard training.

These people don’t know how to train scientifically, so forget it. They especially like to teach others how to train running on the Internet without knowing what to do. They also like it.

In this regard, I have to stand up and give you literacy.

Since May, 2022, in order to achieve my annual goal of "running 10km in 35 minutes", I have been carrying out various running trainings.

Moreover, in order to concentrate more on running training, and as a fitness enthusiast, I basically gave up all fitness training.

Because during this period, due to excessive running training, I have been injured many times, and I often take many injuries with me.

Therefore, this should be regarded as a proof of my "real efforts".

For example, on August 25th, 2022, after running training, the medial tibia of my two legs, the lateral knee and the meniscus of my right knee all hurt, and the ligaments of my ankles and heels were a little uncomfortable.

Of course, I don’t have to worry about my health, because I have a set of countermeasures for these injuries and have published them on my own WeChat official account. Nowadays, I have basically overcome my running injuries.

So it can be said that,

Can’t my running training be regarded as "really trying"?

Just because I’m not "too tired to throw up"?

Well, don’t rush to refute it. Let me talk about the interesting running training experience before.

A few months ago, due to serious injuries, in order to avoid going out to continue running, in order to distract attention, I began to brush Korean dramas. Or lying, or lying, or sitting, watching Korean dramas for many days day and night. As a result, the physical condition is very bad.

Then one afternoon,

As a result,

And before that, after lunch and before running in the afternoon, I never ate anything.

On that day, I just decided to run in the afternoon temporarily.

There are also some unfavorable factors:

Accordingly, I have reached the following conclusions:


If you want to avoid "tired to vomit" in running training, you should-

As long as the above points are achieved, no matter how hard the running training is, it is unlikely that you will be "tired to vomit".

This is the real "scientific training"!

In addition, I would like to say something about what some people call "retching".

If "I’m tired to vomit" is because there are too many things left in my stomach,

"retching" is because there is nothing in the stomach.

I usually take water with me when I run.

When there are symptoms similar to retching, just take a sip of water and the problem will be solved!

Of course, I usually replenish water in time before the symptoms of "retching" appear, so basically this will not happen.


What changes have been made in insisting on running?

First of all, declare:I am not a fat man, and I don’t want to consult about my body.
Would you like to ask if running will help your work and life? In what ways? How much do you need? How long will it take to find the change?

It is best to have personal experience!

Since April of 13, I have been running, not for weight loss or fitness. The starting point is just to do something that makes me feel great and I will be proud when I think about it when I am old.

I have been insisting for two years now, and I can’t say any concrete benefits, but I think running has changed my life:

1. I clearly remember the first time I went to the playground and ran for two laps and 800 meters, and I was tired into a dog;

2. At that time, I ran on the playground every morning. For a long time, I could only run three laps at most, and I couldn’t even finish listening to a song.

3. At that time, I couldn’t imagine what it was like to run for 20 minutes at a time.

4. When a person runs, he is really bored. He keeps stepping and swinging his arms.

5. Run through the morning, run through the night, run through the wind and run through the rain; I feel sweaty under the high temperature of 35 degrees in summer, and I feel that the cold air in winter penetrates the chest through my nostrils;

6. Sometimes I want to cry and ask myself what everything is for!

When I look back, I find that everything is worth it, and every pain gets at least 10 points:

1. Appreciation from others; Every time I run, I will send a circle of friends. Now everyone’s first reaction when they see me is that I am a very persevering person and can keep running.

2. See the pride of your progress; At first, when I thought running 5 kilometers in one breath was the limit, I ran 10 kilometers in March last year; Then I thought that was my limit; This Sunday, I will go to Wuxi to run my first marathon, 42 kilometers;

3. Unbelievable self-confidence; Even running is so difficult and so boring, I insist on it. What can’t I do?

4. Healthy body; The benefits of running are all-round, and I can often feel the vitality of rolling in my body;

5. Curiosity about physical limits; Running has made me break through what I thought I couldn’t do again and again, and made me realize more deeply: most people don’t work hard enough to fight for talent at all;

6. All-round promotion; Both work and life have advanced to a higher level, everything is done in an orderly way, and there is a feeling that everything is under control;

7. Humble mentality; On the playground, on the road and by the West Lake, I will meet many people who are older than me, run faster and farther than me. When running laps, I even met an aunt who set me up twice in 10 kilometers. Whenever I feel great, I will think about them and see my smallness.

Finally, looking back at my original goal, I found that I only wanted to run 5 kilometers, and I ran a marathon unconsciously.

Supplementary answer:

1. Insisting on running has changed my fate that I can only praise others in Zhihu … Finally, there is a question I can answer.

2. Many people ask whether running will hurt them. To borrow that sentence, most people’s exercise intensity is too low to pay attention to injuries. I think it’s not too late to wait until the cumulative running amount of one month is 40 kilometers before considering the injury problem;

3. In the comments, I saw a lot of small partners who run Sima. Come on!

4. Welcome to forward and reprint, please indicate the source;

5. Add another question about running long muscles and good-looking legs: Now my sister never cares if her legs are sexy, but not as sexy as mine …

6. In the last finish medal of Sima, I could only limp after running for 42 kilometers, but I felt a sense of accomplishment.

Say the most intuitive change: last semester, I measured 1KM and ran the second place in the hospital. And no one knows that I was always the last one to cry when I was in junior high school.goFinish 1KM of weak chicken.

It has been two and a half years since the first 10KM of my freshman year, which has brought too many physiological and psychological changes.

1. The first 10KM:

There are many motives for me to choose to start running: losing weight, improving my skin, suddenly being disgusted by the fat meat on my stomach one day, and being obsessed with muscles. Once you have these motives, it seems that it is no longer difficult to take a step. What is difficult is how big a step you can take and how long you can persist.

I had accumulated many 5kms before I ran the first 10KM. Every time I want to go to fun run, I will cheer myself up: I have to run out of 10KM if I have to fight to the death, but I owe too much debt for more than ten years. Every time I finish a 5KM run in 1H, my feet will be like lead, and there are two upward and downward forces tearing at my heart, just as half of the sea water grows into flames, one wants you to go forward regardless of life and the other wants you to stop at once. I remember every 10KM; that gave up halfway silently; I remember the tears and tears that fell from every 10KM halfway-that was real despair, just like Andy Duffy’s experience of breaking the water pipe in The Shawshank Redemption, and he saw not the light, but the despair of a darker sewer; I remember the second day after every 10km of halfway, my feet were too painful to walk.

On the day when the first 10KM really came, there was no sign. I clearly remember that when the Dark Dream record in the earphone was looped to Do It for the second time, I stopped and looked at the distance on the splash: 10.15. The excitement and pleasure brought by this number even make me feel that I have lived in vain for more than ten years, which is the real life.

The stars were bright that night, and I understood for the first time:To get something you never had, you must work hard to do something you never did.

2. Accumulate running amount

After getting into the habit of not running 10KM every time, I began to pay attention to the correct running posture and running equipment and began to enter the gym. There are many answers about these aspects in Zhihu, so I will skip them here. I want to talk about how I found the pleasure of running.

I made a 900 plan for myself at the beginning of 13 years. The terrible thing is that there is only a purpose in this plan, but there is no other substantial reward (no reward is actually because of poverty = =). I don’t know what kind of influence this plan can bring to my running career, but fortunately, I was still a strong executive at that time. As soon as I thought of this plan, I began to implement it, and I wouldn’t give myself too much time to think about other trivial things at all.

It took me three and a half months to complete the first 900 plan, and I didn’t stop except for the occasional emotional attack like my aunt, rain, snow, hail, wind, sand and smog. After completing the first 900 plan, I said two words to myself: Bull * Force.

This is the first time that I admire myself from the bottom of my heart. Before that, I was an extremely inferior person.

This is what keeping running brings me:Learn to identify yourself.

Although I haven’t fully identified myself yet, I understand that this is something I can’t give up all my life.

Up to now, I have completed six 900 plans.

This plan will continue. Until I can’t run anymore. Until the sky is boundless and the sea has no horns.

This is the pleasure that running brings me. This pleasure is directly converted into a ticket to a better life.

I often think that when I am old, sitting in the sunset and listening to Dou Wei, I will recall the great 900 plan of that year, and then silently praise myself for being awesome.

3. Income obtained

I have been running for two and a half years and met many interesting strangers.

A girl panting heavily.

A boy with only one arm.

The boy standing in the middle of the playground singing My Sun.

Couples cheering each other up.

Long-legged sister who laughs like a flower.

Looks like Joseph Chang’s junior.

I drink red bull every time I finish running.

Senior sister in a long skirt.

A senior in leather shoes.

Every boy who can box on Fridays.

And gay people kissing behind fences.

These lovely people came into my eyes when I was running, and then left.

This is the change that running has brought me:Feel the most ordinary beauty in life.

I have been talking to people for two and a half years. It also made a relationship.

Although it is a thing of the past, I have seen the loveliest side of this world: it will bring you hope from time to time, even if it is only a little bit.

This is the change that running has brought me:From an inferiority complex sensitive person to falling in love with the world.Although anti-social can’t escape in his bones.

I have been running for two and a half years, and my figure has changed a lot.

From a sickly fat man to a thin man who lost his fat, and now he is still satisfied with his body, the changes brought by carving the body and the pleasure brought by this change made me unexpected.

It never occurred to me that there are such things in the world that can make people feel emotional climax. You watched your belly disappear, you watched your once disgusting fat disappear, and you watched yourself have abdominal muscles that felt like a washboard. This is a pleasure, isn’t it?

Now, although I will be unwilling to run, exercise and eat and drink because of the influence of emotions, I have already felt the great happiness brought by running for a long time.

This kind of happiness reaches its climax when the world is so quiet that you can only hear your own breathing after running for 10KM.

I hope that this kind of happiness will accompany me all my life. This climax will never be low.

Remember, to get this kind of happiness, it is important.[Persistence].

As Lao Luo said, "there is only one kind of failure, and that is to give up halfway."

As Haruki Murakami said, "I don’t want to run today, so I just run. This is the way of thinking of long runners."

Start running, start running and keep running, and you will know what will change for yourself.

There is no explosion.

There is only one true story.

In college, I was extremely decadent. Seven days a week, I spend more than half my time playing online games on bread nights.

The rest of the time, either catch up on sleep in the dormitory, or post it or watch people vomit.

I’m a mess in my professional courses, and I’m weak.

What is more frightening is that I have completely lost my confidence in the future.

At that time, I even thought that I was grateful enough to find a job after graduating from college, no matter how low the salary was, where I worked and what I did.

About the next semester of my junior year, one day I suddenly decided to change this life, and more importantly, to change my fate after college.

I resolutely frozen the game number and began to try to study in the library every day.

However, both physically and mentally, there is a feeling of recovery from a serious illness, and an indescribable sense of powerlessness will strike from time to time.

I remembered that when I was sprinting in the third grade, there was a time when I went to the playground with my classmates every night after studying at night.

So I searched for a night, quietly touched the school playground and tried to run on the runway that no one saw.

However, these years of continuous decadent life, eating instant noodles and playing games all night, upside down day and night, have already eroded my body, and I can’t hold on breathlessly after only running for more than one lap.

More importantly, after a long period of decadence, my willpower has become extremely fragile. I still remember my truest thought at that time: since I can’t run, that’s it. I can’t do it. I’m not who I was.

If I gave up at that time, it would be really difficult to get out of decadence later.

I don’t want to run today, so I just run. This is the way of thinking of long-distance runners. -Haruki Murakami

After a short rest of more than ten minutes, I forced myself to run again.

Together, it didn’t run for a kilometer, but it ran for more than ten minutes.

The next night, enduring the pain all over, I came to the edge of the playground again.

Cheer yourself up and say: Tonight, I just need to run half a lap more than yesterday. Just half a lap.

Then, when I took the first step, I knew I couldn’t do it. Yesterday, some pulled leg muscles had a tearing pain.

I took a big breath and endured the pain. After running for more than a lap, I began to be out of breath again. I felt that I might be out of breath at any time, and my ribs hurt a little bit.

Relying on the ferocity of "die or run", I finally insisted on running a kilometer and almost collapsed on the runway.

But from that day on, on the eve of college graduation, I limped and started running every night.

Run a little farther every day than the day before.

Magical things happened. About a week later, my legs were not so painful when I was running, and I was not so uncomfortable when I was breathing.

After half a month, I can run five laps in one breath on the playground, each lap is 400 meters.

Running gives me very timely positive feedback, which makes me clearly know that I can always make progress every day compared with the previous day. Either I run half a lap more, or I am a little faster, or this "one more day" will make me feel that I can always be more "amazing" than the past as long as I work hard.

Running has become a way for me to get rid of decadence, and it has also become a witness of my "unbreakable".

Haruki Murakami is also a long-distance runner. He once said in a book about running:

In this way, for a quarter of a century, I kept running every day, and all kinds of thoughts surged from my heart. -"What am I talking about when I run"

When you really start running, you will find that running is actually the most relaxing time for a person’s mind.

As long as you keep your legs moving forward at a constant speed and wave your hands back and forth rhythmically, your brain can daydream freely.

After work, after I put on my headphones and run every day, I sometimes think about what I have done this day and what I have neglected.








During that time, every day when I went to work, I wanted to lift the table when I met the leader’s criticism of the slow progress of my work. When I saw my subordinate’s "innocent face" to report his work, I wanted to punch him in the face.

During that time, if I hadn’t kept running, I probably wouldn’t have made it, both psychologically and physically.

In order to calm down the depressed and impetuous mood when I get home at night, I force myself to run for a long time every day

When the weather is good, run outside the residential area, and when the weather is bad, go to the gym.

I vent all my anger and sadness on running. I run as far as I can, until I am exhausted and weak. Then I take a shower and sleep. I don’t think about any other problems. I just stick to the present, do things one by one and deal with problems one by one.

As a result, by the end of the year, I not only completed all the assigned tasks, but also won all the honors that the company could give me at the annual meeting.

The only regret is probably that I tried harder and didn’t keep my father.

Somerset Mao Mu once wrote, "Any razor has its own philosophy."

That is to say, no matter how trivial the action is, as long as it is persisted day by day, something similar to the concept will always emerge from it.

The same is true for running. When you stick to it day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year, you will find that it brings you more than just a healthy body, a positive mood and a good attitude.

It is also the most rare time to be alone.

All the traffic, all the lights, all the crowds and all the noise you pass by are just pieces of light in your running steps.

Between heaven and earth, only you and yourself are talking, and only your never-ending steps are eternal.

Running is running, not for other reasons.

Thank you for reading, and encourage all those who are willing to change and are changing.

Wow, I haven’t been to Zhihu for a long time, and suddenly I found that so many people are commenting on me. Thank you. Update the recent status. During the epidemic, I was at home, and I didn’t run systematically, maintaining a running volume of about 150 per month.

Do some simple strength exercises every day, stretch, and have a light diet. I also want to eat spicy food, but I feel uncomfortable after eating my stomach. I am probably used to it.

Now that it’s been a long time, I think everything should be based on happiness. Whether it’s sports or life. I hope that my friends can stick to it! I’m really sorry that I can’t reply in time. If there is a private message, comment on it and I’ll try my best to answer it ~ (PS, I’ll update the photo, the abdominal muscles are still there, hahaha)

About long-distance running-I want to say

I, a contemporary college student, hated running like all my classmates when I was a freshman. Don’t say that running three kilometers or five kilometers, running 800 meters will kill me. Of course, just like all stories have a turning point. The beginning of the story is to lose weight, and the motivation is simple.

There is no doubt that I dedicated the first long-distance running in my life to my university. When I was a freshman, I felt that I should make some changes. I couldn’t hesitate and eat and drink every day. Therefore, I decided to change myself. I set myself a goal, and I must insist on running 3 kilometers for the first time. In this way, I ran around the playground for eight times. At that time, I felt I could do better. Therefore, it was from that time that I started the sport of "long-distance running". From the first 8 laps to the next 10 laps, 15 laps, 20 laps … it has been slowly increasing, and now I can run 20 kilometers, and I am confident that I can run further and longer. In this way, I ran for three years. Many students around me will admire me: "How do you keep exercising, exercising and running regularly?" In fact, I just regard them as a part of my life and my living habits. To be honest, I don’t think running has anything to do with the lofty word willpower. For me, I insist on running at first because I don’t want to exercise in the depressing environment of the gym, I don’t need special equipment and special places, I don’t need the company of my friends, I just need to change my running equipment and choose a good day to start running.

I am not those fanatical marathon enthusiasts, not to constantly challenge the limits like athletes, to fight for speed and distance. I just regard running as a sport that can give me fun. Therefore, running, which I hate and dislike most, has become my favorite and long-term persistent sport.

The motive force of running-losing weight.

I, when I was a freshman, weighed 125 kg, and now I weigh 90 kg. If you ask me, where did this 35 Jin go? I can tell you very clearly and directly that it evaporated in sweat. Lose weight first, and running as an aerobic exercise is the best choice to lose fat. Of course, we should also cooperate with proper anaerobic exercise to enhance muscle strength. I can also run longer distances for myself and lay a solid foundation. However, running should not be blind. Because your body will send you a signal. Everything is too much, according to your physical condition. It is very important for beginners to make a plan for themselves. Many students around me insisted on it several times because of various things and reasons, such as lack of time, such as knee pain and so on. But as long as you make a total arrangement and look up some dry goods and knowledge of running on the Internet, it is a good thing to make a scientific and reasonable "running plan" for yourself. Fortunately, I persisted, and with a reasonable diet and proper anaerobic exercise, my efforts were rewarded-my weight really came down.

In the eyes of other students, it is silly and boring to run around the playground in circles every day. But this is not the case. If losing weight is the initial motivation for me to start running. Then as time goes by, you will find that running has become an indispensable part of your life, and it has nothing to do with losing weight.

What did running give me?

Although running is a "lonely" sport, running gives me an opportunity to think alone. Of course, I am a relatively independent girl. Running will hardly "team up" with others. Whenever I encounter something very unsatisfactory in my life, I will choose to go to the playground, to the park and to run in the street.

Although I am traveling through the crowd, my mind and body belong to me more than ever. Once I run, my relationship with the outside world becomes subtle, both closed and open. I don’t need to talk to anyone, and no one will come to talk to me. At the same time, I am staring at the changes in the surrounding scenery, and I can feel the wind and grass around me without paying attention. In addition, when I run, I will stroke all my unhappiness, and then I will think of solutions one by one and how to deal with them next. When the running is over, all my unhappiness will fly away with sweat. Of course, when you run, you will empty yourself and give yourself a mental relaxation in your busy life.

Of course, because of running, I met a group of lovely runners. I am the youngest in this group of running friends, but this is not a problem. Sometimes we will meet to run together, travel together, have dinner together and organize some activities. Of course, as the youngest "trotting scum" in the group, my uncles and aunts in the group also take special care of me. Moreover, from them, they not only gain some running experience and knowledge, but also understand the significance of "horse racing". In them, what I see is the persistence and fanaticism of this sport. Of course, they will also teach me some experience in dealing with people, as well as the attitude towards sports and life. In my eyes, it is running that brings us together, regardless of age, occupation or status. Therefore, I am very lucky and happy. I have gained a group of such lovely friends during my four years in college.

Any positive thing, if it can be done for a long time, will definitely have a positive impact on life. The same is true of running, which gives an extremely precious thing-self-discipline. It is almost no exaggeration to say that I exercise every day in college life unless there are special circumstances. In the morning, I am the first one to get up in the corridor. In order to finish all the planned exercises before class, I will get up on time at 5:00 every day. The same is true on weekends. Everyone is lazy, and I am no exception. Of course, I also have a good solution. In order to get up early, I put my mobile phone on the desk under the bed. Every morning when the bell rings, I have to climb out of bed and turn it off. Otherwise, I don’t want to be scolded by my roommates. In this way, I get up reluctantly every day, but once I start exercising, I feel that getting up early is a very good thing. Every day, I will do morning exercises with my grandparents on the playground, and rush in to buy a hot boiled egg as soon as the canteen opens. This regular life feels great. From daily exercise and running, punch in on time. Early to bed and early to rise. Stick to eating vegetables and fruits. Don’t eat high-calorie and high-sugar food, don’t eat after dinner (I admit, it really makes life less fun, but anyway, everything has to pay a certain price). Later, you will find that this "self-discipline" will gradually penetrate into all aspects of your life. I will insist on reading a book every week and taking notes when my lessons are not heavy, and I will insist on learning French, memorizing words and practicing listening every day.

For me, running is far beyond the level of physical exercise, and it brings me spiritual victories one after another. As Haruki Murakami said: "I am not a great runner, but at an extremely ordinary level, but this question is not important at all." I have surpassed myself yesterday, even a little bit, which is more important. "

A little advice for beginners of the same age

Some time ago, I just finished my last physical examination in college. Running 800 is no longer a problem for me. However, for most students who don’t exercise regularly … this is … very … difficult …

Therefore, I launched a small survey in the circle of friends. What are you thinking when you don’t exercise often, when you run 800 or long-distance running? Everyone’s answer can be described as … "Voice" …

In fact, if you exercise more at ordinary times, probably everything will become less difficult. You don’t need to run much, step by step, two or three times a week, just as you relax after school; You must run scientifically and correctly. It is very important to find the right method. If you run blindly, you will suffer. Listen to some favorite music and move with the rhythm and rhythm when running; Insist on recording your own sports data and sports status, and form a habit. So, give yourself a reason to move. Any act of doing something with the help of external incentives will not last long. Only if you are willing to take the initiative will you stick to it.

Running has changed me in terms of body shape, face value, temperament and attitude towards life. It really changed me as a person and really benefited me a lot.

Let’s take a wave of my comparison photos first:

The following is me before I entered the university. At the heaviest, I weighed nearly 120 kilograms, which was almost inhuman.

In February 2015, during the winter vacation of senior three, my weight peaked at 118kg.
In August 2015, the swimming ring on the belly was clearly visible.
In September 2015, when I first came to college.

Here is me in my senior year:

March 2019
May 2018 stadium photo

4.5 update

Recently, I want to make some new friends. The epidemic has been confined at home for half a month. It’s so boring.

If you want to know me, you can add my WeChat 15951611775 to chat with me. Welcome to visit me.

Shanghai friends give priority to beauty and want to see beauty (laughing to death)

Next, I went from fat to thin, and insisted on running, and the changes that running brought me:

I still remember that when I was in high school, I was under great academic pressure. Only by letting myself eat a lot of things can I learn more happily. At that time, I didn’t have any idea about my figure at all. I was a fat man who lived in Buddhism and was happy. I had to add two or three meals to fast food at night, and my aunt in the canteen poured halogen seeds into the rice so that I could eat it well (now I think back that all I ate was oil, and one bite of oil was equal to the heat of two meals); What is your favorite snack at ordinary times?WallaceThe fried fast food restaurant like KFC is full of memories of high school, and now it is still drooling when passing by.Spicy potato chips instant noodle beverageThese cheap and high-calorie snacks are also eaten (tired, expensive); Go out to dinner with friends and choose all of them.buffet….. Eat like this, it’s all high-calorie food, I’m really not fat!

In this way, I weighed 118 kilograms in the summer vacation of senior three, which was the peak of my weight at that time …

Until my sophomore year, my lifestyle didn’t change much, and my weight remained stable at around 110kg. In May of 16, I was still like this, and one person occupied nearly half of the positions taken by four people:

This width contrast is clearly visible.

I vaguely remember some small details of me before I made up my mind to lose weight: my waist circumference was more than one foot, and I began to breathe heavily after several sit-ups, and I couldn’t do a standard push-up; I can’t see my toes in the shower, so I can only sit in a chair and straighten my feet. It’s really embarrassing.

That was in November of 2016. I was once in the dormitory. Because I was too fat, I almost pulled my lumbar spine by doing a simple bending motion. At that time, I was scared when I thought about it, and I couldn’t describe it. I only remembered that I couldn’t stand up when I was lying on the ground in the dormitory. I only had one thought in my heart: "If I don’t do something, I don’t think I can even live in college." When I was carried to bed by several roommates, I really made up my mind to lose weight.

So I chose the simplest, the most cliche, and the most testing way to lose weight-running.

One night in November, I embarked on a journey to the school playground, and this walk has come to the present.

I remember those first nights, which were unbearable. The hardest thing to form a good habit was the first time. Nanjing’s late autumn is not warmer than any other place. At 9 o’clock in the evening, the Pujiang playground, the demon wind in late autumn and winter, blows on my face and slaps me. At first, I pulled many friends to run with me (of course, most of them were not as fat as me, but now many of them are much fatter than me), but most of them were frozen after running for a few days and refused to come out again. It’s no wonder that the near-zero weather, coupled with the demon wind on Nanjing Mountain, can’t make the average person hold on.

But my head is iron, and if I don’t run, I feel that I can’t be happy anymore. I really dare not be empty! Because I played basketball when I was a child and had a good sports foundation, I insisted on running eight laps for the first time, but the speed was very slow, and I was sweating and panting after running; Later, one lap was added every two days, and then one lap was added every day. After more than a month, fun run, which is five or six kilometers a night, has become a common occurrence. Warm-up and stretching must be done properly. I did this well, so I didn’t get any injuries at that time.

Really, any small progress, multiplied by a period of persistence, will have great gains.The first change of running for me is to hone my will, so that I can change from a Buddhist life to persistence and perseverance, and finally I can persist in doing something meaningful to myself. And running, like other good things, really benefited me a lot.

After running for more than a month, my diet has also been controlled. My weight has dropped rapidly and my figure has become better.

This second change, of course, is the change of my own body shape and physical quality. I have become thinner and stronger, and my body has become better and better.

After running for a long time, I found that I was most afraid of running in physical education class, and what I like best now is the running lap at the beginning of physical education class’s class, because I was originally behind the team, and now I can rush to the front; I found that I can run within three and a half minutes at 1000 meters and within seven seconds at 50 meters during physical examination, which I never dared to think about before.

I remember that in April of 17, after nearly half a year’s exercise, my weight had been reduced to about 85 kilograms. At that time, our school sports meeting was short of people, so I tried to represent the college and participate in the 5000-meter run of the school sports meeting, hoping to take this opportunity to challenge myself.

So I bravely stood on the 5000-meter running track and finished the whole course in the afternoon sun. It was an unforgettable memory!

The 5,000-meter run in the afternoon is not quite the same as that in fun run. After all, the sun is shining, which makes my throat smoke as I run.
After running, I lay in my brother’s arms, very tired, but very satisfied. At that time, I felt really awesome.

Later, I participated in the campus marathon in my school. I participated in the 7-kilometer mini marathon in my junior year and the 14-kilometer mini marathon in my senior year, and finally I successfully completed the challenge.

In my junior year, I participated in the 7-kilometer group, with a total of 1500 participants. At that time, I also won the 95th place, which was a good result!

Welcome to Nanjing University of Technology and experience a school that can run marathons.

On the occasion of last year’s senior year’s postgraduate entrance examination, when I had 50 days left to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, I chose to go despite the hard work of reviewing for the postgraduate entrance examination.Participated in the last year’s 14-kilometer marathon, fulfilling a dream in my university!I always wanted to take part in a 14-kilometer marathon, but it finally came true in the last year.

On Saturday afternoon, I took part in the marathon. I didn’t have much rest at night, so I went back to the postgraduate entrance examination classroom to review. This is a photo I took in the classroom at night.
I was particularly ugly when I took the postgraduate entrance examination, and my hair was particularly long, so I didn’t have time to take care of myself. …

On my favorite basketball court, I also found that I could only play inside, and I couldn’t run down at all. Because I insisted on running and exercising, my physical fitness was greatly improved. When I played the whole game, I could also play fast break like a defender, and I wouldn’t be tired after playing the whole high-intensity game.

Because of running, my health has improved, and I have played basketball much better. In every field of sports, I have become more powerful!

Stadium photo
Champion of the school all-star three-point contest

?Next, the third change brought by running is to let me see a brand-new world, let me really have a brand-new and positive attitude towards life, and I learned to love life and embrace it.

Running let me out of the dormitory, to the playground, to the bigger world. Inside and outside the dormitory are really two completely different worlds, and the world outside the dormitory is real and more worthy of our experience.

I remember the night when I first walked out of the dormitory and walked to the playground. Once upon a time, I just fought and killed in the virtual world of Summoner’s Canyon every night, but when I came to the playground, I saw something I had never seen before.

It was a scene full of vitality. There were countless people who were running hard. They were all working hard for themselves. Their bodies were full of vitality. That night, I was completely attracted by that vitality. I think that’s what people should live. I joined them without hesitation and became one of them.

Therefore, because of running, my life is no longer like before, playing games and watching variety shows in the dormitory, and I am no longer confined to the small world of the dormitory; I began to learn to really face life, to embrace life and enjoy the bigger world.

?I’ve made some friends who are completely different from before. In the process of running, I met many people who have a positive attitude towards life, and they are completely different from the people I used to get along with. By constantly learning their attitude towards life and being positively influenced by them, I have the determination to persist in making myself better.

There is a saying that you are who you get along with, and the influence of the environment on a person is enormous. Once upon a time, in the dormitory, my vision could only be those classmates who played games and watched live broadcasts; Walking out of the dormitory to the playground, those friends on the playground are running for themselves. I can see them, full of vitality.

Being able to keep running must be a person who wants to become better. In the past two years when I keep running, I have met many such people. Some of them have become my role models, some are my close friends, and some have become my apprentices ….. I am very lucky to know them, support each other and make progress together, and work hard for a better self. This is what life should look like!

In my sophomore year, after I started running, I was taught oral English by a foreign teacher.

?After leaving the dormitory, I saw more beauty and fun in the world. I loved life more and had more hobbies and pursuits.I used to only play games in the dormitory. I didn’t have any special skills. After I left the dormitory, I was deeply attracted by music, fascinated by musical instruments, and made up my mind to learn trombone with the band in the university. Later, during my four years in college, I also represented the school’s band and had many performances, which expanded my achievements in the music field!

A photo of our trombone voice.
Group photo of the school band.

?I also fell in love with traveling and experiencing more new things.When I was a child, because I liked playing games, I seldom went out to travel. I played games at home every winter and summer vacation, and I wasted all the time I should have gone out to see more. …

But since I walked out of the dormitory because of running and saw more possibilities of life, I thought about going out of my own little world and enjoying the beauty of life while I was young. After losing weight in my sophomore year, I signed up for an international volunteer in Bali that summer vacation. I had never been on a plane before, and when I got on the plane for the first time, I flew abroad alone to be an international volunteer. The two-week volunteer trip was short but unforgettable. I felt the exotic customs and experienced the life I had never seen before!

Since then, I have been to many places, and I prefer to spread my footprints all over the country, hoping to see a wider world and more possibilities of life.

Because of running, I can feel the beauty of so many lives!

Because of running, the fat house I used to be has disappeared. Instead, I am the one who loves life more, is willing to broaden my horizons and is more optimistic.

?The fourth change that running brings to me can benefit me for life, that is, I really develop the good habit of self-discipline and persistence, so that I can constantly jump out of my comfort zone and work hard to meet myself better.

Running has taught me to strive for a better self, and this pursuit of a better self will never stop.

Let’s talk about sports and figure. After I lost weight by running in my sophomore year, although my figure became better, my body fat rate has not dropped very low, which is far from my real good figure. And my diet is not completely scientific, and sometimes I still can’t regulate my diet well. ……

So I spent a winter vacation in my junior year studying, studied a lot of knowledge about healthy diet and exercise, and made a detailed study on the principles of weight loss and the calories of food, making notes and turning them into my own knowledge, and applying them to my daily life.

Now I am not satisfied with running, but on the basis of running, I add many types of aerobic exercise, such as skipping rope, HIIT, swimming and so on, and the anaerobic exercise in the gym has become a place I must go; In terms of diet, I have kept the diet habit of low oil and low sugar to this day, and I am still constantly improving and researching.

It’s been two years since I lost weight, but my figure is getting better and better, and my knowledge about health is getting richer.

Some friends said, aren’t you tired of studying these things and controlling your diet? I told them that I am not tired at all, because it has become my habit and a part of my life to make myself better. I really want to thank running, because it can help me develop countless good habits, improve myself countless times and make myself better.

Notes from my weight loss knowledge notebook

The fifth point is that running has brought me the most important change. That is to let me stop being afraid of loneliness and thinking about getting along with people around me. Because I insist on running, I understand that I am different from the people around me. I can have my own life and my own way to go.

Running makes me more confident, and I am determined to be my true self and follow my own life path.

I used to be a person who was afraid of loneliness. I used to do many things to have a common topic with my roommates, such as playing mobile games and watching some variety shows, but looking back, those were not what I really liked.

In other words, I had little sense of autonomy before and had no life of my own. But by losing weight, running, good work and rest and eating habits,I found that I don’t have to live like the people around me. I can have my own way of life and do what I really like and want to do. For my own love, I won’t be lonely. Why do things you don’t like just to fit in?

Because of losing weight, I have my own life. I tell myself to listen to my heart, to be true to myself, to do what I like and to pursue my dreams. I began to face up to my own preciousness, I began to have the courage to be myself, and I chose to be that unique self.

From then on, I will never think about getting along with others, but spend more time on what I like, and I have achieved success after success in my own field.

It can be said that losing weight made me realize for the first time that I can choose my own life, and I really found my own treasure.I think this is the biggest gain of losing weight, that is, I will no longer be an ordinary person like the people around me, and I choose to be myself.

So I made a decision in the winter vacation of my junior year, that is, I chose to take a cross-disciplinary examination and study, and cross-examine the sports news of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education from the automation major of this science. Being a sports person was my childhood dream. Later, I once lost it, but last year, I bravely got it back. In order to recover my childhood dream and be myself, I embarked on the road of interdisciplinary examination and research.

From engineering to liberal arts, this road is very bitter and difficult. Most of the students who take the postgraduate entrance examination around me take this major. There are no comrades around me who take the same cross-examination road as me. I am alone, but I never want to give up. Because I know that I am fighting for myself, and I am moving in the direction of my dreams. Dreams are like a beam of light, which guides me. In countless painful and sad nights, I gritted my teeth and persisted.

After a year of hard work, I got this postgraduate entrance examination result.The first test scored 410 points and ranked third, and the second test and total score ranked first.

A year’s efforts to make yourself have 400+ postgraduate entrance examination results.

All this stems from my decision to run. It is running that brings me the true self and the courage and confidence to be brave.

This is my own personal experience of running, this is the real change that running has brought me, and this is the story of running in my college.

If it weren’t for the night when I walked out of the dormitory and went to the playground, how could I change from that 120 kg fat man to what I am now?

Without that running time, how could I explore those brand-new hobbies in my life and become myself now?

If I don’t persist day by day, how can I become different from the people around me and use the spirit of persisting in running on my other things;

If I didn’t run, my physical condition wouldn’t get better and better, and I wouldn’t make progress on the basketball court.

If I didn’t run, how could I get all the results now? I am one of the top ten outstanding young people, a role model for my classmates, the leader of the hot search list in Weibo, and the first test of postgraduate entrance examination is among the best. ……

Because of running, my life trajectory has completely changed, and I have found my own direction; Because of running, I found my true self, and I have the courage to be myself, keeping those spirits and beliefs that belong to me to this day.

Everyone can do these things, as long as you are willing to run and change yourself.

The change of your life may begin at the moment you start running.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of these words, so don’t stay in the dormitory, set foot on the runway once and take your first step, and you will understand everything I said.

For yourself, try a good habit and try to change yourself. You will really benefit a lot.

Attached a short paragraph, keep running, and brought me some extra small gains:

Last semester, our school selected the top ten outstanding young stars on campus. I brought my own story of running and losing weight, and impressed the judges with my self-discipline and persistence. I stood with many outstanding students and was successfully selected as a "diligent and inspirational" young star (among those students, there were national competitions and imagine cup gold medals, overseas students, college students who had attended the legal report column, and even athletes who represented China in the World Track and Field Grand Prix, and suddenly felt like thieves! )

The diligent and inspirational young stars in the school.

Later, because I insisted on running and losing weight, WeChat official account, an official who went to school once, was interviewed by a local newspaper reporter in Nanjing and boarded a hot search in Weibo.

Promoted by the school teacher as an example, he boarded the official micro-WeChat official account.

I was interviewed by a local newspaper reporter in Nanjing and boarded a hot search in Weibo, the peak of my life in June last year.

The same man who fucked Weibo.

I didn’t expect to be interviewed after running, and I can also go to Weibo for hot search. It smells good.