"Love’s Driving" Exposed Special, Wang Chengsi Becomes "Happy Manufacturing Machine"

1905 movie network news On August 25, a comedy and romance film that is about to hit cinemas across the country released a special cast. Director Xu Lin and chief producer Liang Wei took the lead in creating "Wang Chengsi Kuaqu Group" to reveal the story behind the shooting of "Driving for Love" for the first time, showing fans from multiple angles how Wang Chengsi was polished into a "joy maker" in the film, so that the public can see the fancy opening of an excellent comedian. The film is directed by Xu Lin, and Wang Chengsi is the lead actor, and Xu Huiqiang, Ai Ran, Feng Qinchuan, the lead actor, and the friendship actor. It will be staged this Friday. See you in theaters this weekend. The film is on hot pre-sale!

The special issue changes in seconds! How many ways does Wang Chengsi open it?

In the latest release of Wang Chengsi’s special, the beginning of the "Salt can be sweet, amiable, humble, and dedicated" is the film director Xu Lin and chief producer Liang Wei’s high evaluation of the male lead Wang Chengsi, which makes people feel like they have entered Wang Chengsi’s "praise group"? Behind all this is a comedian who has come with more than ten years of persistence and hard work, which is reflected in all aspects of the play inside and outside the play.

First, the director’s certified acting skills! Director Xu Lin said of his most impressive scene that "there was a scene where he ate steak in a western restaurant. In just ten seconds, Wang Chengsi could perform four levels". From never eating steak, to feeling delicious, to devouring, and finally trying to maintain elegance, a piece of steak can be eaten in four states. Unknowingly, the comedy tension of a little person is fully released. Second, the commendable professionalism! Chief producer Liang Wei talked about the filming of the film in winter. When the hot spring scene was filmed early in the morning, the extras could not stand it for 30 minutes, and Wang Chengsi stayed in it all the time. His dedication was admirable. Third, the all-round performance of delicate emotions! In this film, Wang Chengsi not only shows his funny ability, but also the delicate handling of emotional scenes, which allows people to see Wang Chengsi’s deeper performance skills. When filming the crying scene where Zhong Chengkui saw his daughter regain her eyesight, the director Xu Lin asked Wang Chengsi if he needed to prepare eye drops. Wang Chengsi refused, proving that "a strong man also has a tender side" with an excellent crying scene. When Director Xu recalled the filming of this film, he also praised Wang Chengsi’s precise handling of emotional scenes. His performance will definitely make people feel the change of Zhong Chengkui’s mood when watching the movie, and be healed and moved by the family interaction between father and daughter. How many ways does actor Wang Chengsi have to open up? Let’s meet at the theater this Friday to find out.

The director called out for choosing the right person! Wang Chengsi writes with love and becomes a late bloomer

"Driving for Love" tells the story of Zhong Chengkui, the water delivery brother, who is involved in a carefully planned "stand-in love" because he looks like Li Jiahao, the young director of the design company. As Wang Chengsi’s first male lead film work, he is facing the difficult challenge of one person playing two roles at the same time. In an interview, he admitted that "there is a lot of pressure". The most difficult scene in the whole shooting process is that Zhong Chengkui has to pretend to be Li Jiahao to speak on stage, and Li Jiahao pretends to be Zhong Chengkui to cooperate in order not to be exposed. In actual shooting, the transition of the two roles is very easy to be confused. How to deal with the different states of the characters and complete the performance naturally and smoothly, Wang Chengsi has made a lot of effort for this. As for Wang Chengsi’s performance, the director Xu Lin bluntly said that "he chose the right person", and the chief producer Liang Wei said that "he will always give you some surprises".

As a meritorious actor of Happy Twist, Wang Chengsi embraces his love for acting. It took seventeen years to slowly move from the stage of the drama to the big screen, and to accumulate energy from each and every role. Finally, in "Driving for Love", he realized his dream of being the leading man in the movie. Zhong Chengkui, a poor boy in the play, wants to fall in love with Huo Qixin, a rich daughter, and Wang Chengsi outside the play also turns around and has his own male lead. Actor Wang Chengsi staged a "double-line counterattack", writing his own late bloomer with love and perseverance.

"China Star Jump" Wen Ya trained hard and his thighs were blue.


Wen Ya training chart


Wen Ya practices diving.

  A few days ago, @ Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue @ China Star Jump triggered a new diving boom. During the visiting classes of fans and the media, we found that Wen Ya’s body had been seriously overdrawn after many days of training. In order to complete the strict training again and again, not only was her thigh bruised by water spray, which was worrying.

  Among the many stars who appeared in "China Star Jump", Wen Ya is the first female star to start diving training. With her own efforts, she also has a very good reputation among the staff. According to the staff, Wen Ya is the earliest to arrive at the training ground every day and the latest to leave. Girls love beauty, but Wen Ya has made painstaking efforts for training, which made her thighs covered with bruises caused by diving. Many fans expressed their anxiety after watching it, but Wen Ya didn’t mind it. She said that these efforts can let everyone see her beautiful diving process on TV, which is very worthwhile for her.

  In the interview, Wen Ya didn’t disclose more information, but some fans in Wen Ya said that Wen Ya’s nose had lost its sense of smell for a week because of a strong water impact during training, except for a thigh injury. Although the doctor said that this loss of sense of smell was not permanent, Wen Ya’s efforts to overdraw her body for the audience were really touching.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris goes to sea and goes to the west. High-end intelligence goes to the world | Steam cover

Steam potential Auto-First| Zhang Chi

History is a cycle. Zheng He’s voyage to the Western Ocean 600 years ago opened China’s eyes to the world and made the world know about China. Today, 600 years later, many industries in China have started a brand-new "voyage to the West".

For most of the past century, cars have been imported, and China people can only look up and follow them.

Taking the automobile industry revolution led by new energy and intelligence as an opportunity, China brand cars have an excellent time to change lanes and overtake.

In the first quarter of this year, China’s total automobile export volume reached a new high, surpassing Germany and Japan, and became the world’s first in export.

Chery, as a leader in China’s automobile export, recently created the column "See the World with Eta Ursae Majoris" by its high-end brand Xingtu, which made more overseas consumers know about China automobile and raised a strong sense of national pride in China people’s hearts. This overseas column created by Starway has created many firsts of the brand: driving a Chinese blue brand vehicle in the Middle East for the first time; The first China international live broadcast; The first outdoor international broadcast of Gobi Desert; The first outdoor international live broadcast of Kuwait Sea.

At present, the total exposure of the project has reached more than 900 million times, attracting more than 16 million user interactions, setting off a car boom in China overseas, and the charm of intelligent manufacturing in China has been greatly demonstrated.

Starway takes the domestic market as the cornerstone and the international market as the transition. The two main lines fight side by side, and the two potential energies empower each other. With the multi-dimensional cooperation of market and brand, it will create a different road for China brand to rise.

Change lanes, overtake and sail out to sea.

In the future, China brand will definitely be born into a world-class automobile brand, and this idea has sprouted in the minds of China autobots.

China brand cars have never stopped exploring the sea and brand promotion, and have made many rounds of attempts. It is common for them to fail and hit a wall.

The automobile industry chain and intelligent manufacturing system, which grew up with the automobile market in China, nourished the automobile brands in China. In 2023, the watershed event of China automobile going overseas has appeared. I still remember that the shock of 2,000 overseas friends and dealers gathered at the Chery booth at the Shanghai Auto Show in April showed Chery’s outstanding performance and strong atmosphere in overseas markets, and it was also a prelude for China automobile to become a world-class brand.

Why can China become the largest automobile exporter today, and China brand cars can be sold for more than 400,000 yuan? What is the logic behind it?

China brand has obvious advantages in new energy and intelligence at the time of new energy transformation and profound changes in the automobile industry. The market share of China brand in China market is over 50%, and the new energy penetration rate of autonomous passenger cars is also over 50%. In many market segments, China brand cars have begun to become the leader.

In 1908, Ford Model T led the first automobile industry revolution, and then Toyota’s lean production promoted the second automobile industry revolution. The third industrial revolution is already on the way.

In the global automobile industry chain, China brand has been doing dirty work for too long, and needs to share more harvest fruits. The revolution of the automobile industry will be an excellent time to reshuffle the cards and upgrade the brand of China.

Eta Ursae Majoris was born at the right time.

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Group, once compared Chery to Volkswagen and Starway to Audi. Yin Tongyue said: "Xingtu is the pinnacle of the brand pyramid of Chery Group, and it is a global high-end strategic brand of Chery facing the future layout. It must be duty-bound to lead Chery’s mission of technological breakthrough and brand promotion".

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is the first strategic product in Starway Development Phase 2.0, which bears the heavy responsibility of "market breakthrough, user breakthrough and brand breakthrough".

In fact, China’s automobile market is diversified, and the barrier for consumers to choose independent high-end products has gradually broken the ice. Behind it is the real improvement of the quality of China brand automobile products. More importantly, in terms of design, configuration and intelligence, China brand has crushed the joint venture brand. Even though the price has gone up, it still has a super high quality-price ratio.

Pre-sale in Eta Ursae Majoris is a highlight moment, with 12,900 pre-sale orders and 5,118 large users in a short time. Up to now, in Eta Ursae Majoris’s sales structure, four-wheel drive models account for 64%, which is the best-selling China car in the four-wheel drive version within 200,000 yuan, which further robs the joint venture brand of the right to speak on four-wheel drive pricing. Moreover, the portrait of users in Eta Ursae Majoris has also ushered in an upward leap, accounting for more than 70% of the purchases, more than half of which are joint venture luxury users, and 9% of users once owned BBA. These data indicate that there are a group of people in the market who dare to break the inherent cognition, be good at thinking and have the courage to choose China products, which is also an important foundation for Star Road and even China brand to form market breakthroughs and user breakthroughs.

Chery is partial to Starway, and all new technologies are the first to bring it. Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is the first product of Eta Ursae Majoris 2025 Laboratory’s scientific research achievements. It was born in M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, which won the special award of the third China Automobile Fengyun Festival by China Radio and Television General Station. It is the first product of this architecture and the first product put into production by a brand-new smart factory. Of course, Eta Ursae Majoris has lived up to expectations. It is a car with the brand positioning of "smart, trendy and energetic", which will effectively promote the landing of brand image and form a brand breakthrough.

150,000-200,000 yuan, the market is full of water and fish.

In addition to its excellent technology, it enjoys the advantage of equal rights in technology. In fact, Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic traditional energy passenger car market of 150,000-200,000 yuan is the second market segment. Among them, there are many well-known mainstream joint venture brands such as Tiguan L and CRV. Some people will say, why is Starway wrestling with them?

Design is the translator of the brand, and Starway Eta Ursae Majoris won the 16th American IDA Design Gold Award for its excellent appearance interpretation. IDA International Design Award is one of the four top industrial design awards in the world. In recent two years, the models that have the chance to win IDA Gold Award in the automobile field are basically ultra-luxury brands, and Starway can win the award of changing items, which represents the real rise of automobile design in China.

In fact, Starway has surpassed many joint venture brands in the sense of new energy in appearance, exquisite interior and driving quality of chassis. The flying fish super-sensing chassis adopted by it combines a series of advanced equipment, such as CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft Stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, intelligent brake-by-wire system, freewheeling steering system, etc. Many technologies are also difficult to see on 400,000-class vehicles. This chassis has truly achieved the luxury driving control quality of "starting without looking up, braking without nodding, turning without tilting, bumping without sprinkling water". In addition, with the functions of all-terrain technology system and all-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, the vehicle’s passability and ability to get rid of difficulties are ahead of the same level.

Moreover, 200,000 yuan can enjoy the co-driver’s queen’s seat, L2 driver’s assistance, Sony stereo and Qualcomm 8155 chip configuration, which is unimaginable in joint venture brands. With the luxury quality of 400,000 yuan, Eta Ursae Majoris launched a "luxury equal rights" campaign for 200,000 yuan SUVs on the market, which is the most cost-effective SUV within 200,000 yuan.

The sense of value is universal. Starway is replacing BBA in some overseas markets, and even "BBE" in some countries. Starway is one of the rare China brands whose overseas sales and prices are higher than domestic ones, and their excellent performance is positively affecting the cognition of domestic consumers. As the cornerstone of sales, domestic sales have made the star road stable and far-reaching. At present, Xingtu brand has formed a positive cycle, and it is forming a unique high-end model of its own brand through the efforts of domestic and international dual markets to build a brand upward.

Concept of steam potential: Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic and international dual kinetic energy has gradually become a new trend

Farmers who are simple and lack of ability will not lose their time in the world, and they will not lose their geographical position in the world. They will get people in harmony and never waste everything. 2,300 years ago, Xunzi, a great Chinese philosopher, told us that it is necessary to make the best use of the right time, the right place and the right people in order to succeed in business. China’s automobile brand is facing a golden opportunity of "harmony between the right time and the right people".

If China brand tried many rounds of brand promotion more than ten years ago, and even went out and hit a wall, it was a tuition fee that had to be paid. Then Eta Ursae Majoris’s voyage to the sea is more like Zheng He’s taking China’s tea and porcelain to other parts of the world 600 years ago, so that the world can appreciate China’s manufacturing and another understanding of automobiles. Eta Ursae Majoris and even Xingtu brand, driven by the dual kinetic energy of domestic and international markets, is becoming a new fashion of China brand cars.

Starting from 88,800 yuan, how does King Kong Gun stir the low-end pickup market?

  Original title: Starting from 88,800 yuan, how does King Kong Gun stir the low-end pickup market?

  "Thanks toThe high self-sufficiency rate of spare parts and the supply chain crisis such as chips have little impact on the Great Wall pickup truck. Zhang Hao Bao, CEO of Great Wall Motor pickup brand, told Time Finance.

  Recently, Great Wall Motor’s commercial pickup king kong gun was officially listed. It is reported that the car provides two kinds of power, gasoline and diesel, and there are many different versions of two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive. The gasoline model starts at 88,800 yuan and the diesel model starts at 95,800 yuan.

  "King Kong cannon is a strategic model of the Great Wall pickup truck, which is of great significance." Zhang Hao Bao, CEO of Great Wall Motor pickup brand, told Time Finance at the Guangdong linkage listing conference held on April 7th.

  Source | Great Wall Motor official website

  Some insiders said that from the perspective of the pricing and product strength of King Kong Gun, Great Wall Gun has high hopes for this car. In addition to refreshing its past brand impression, it also wants to subvert the domestic pickup market segment.

  Different from the previous pickup truck shape, the appearance of King Kong Gun is more fashionable and the overall recognition is stronger. Its front face adopts a honeycomb air intake grille, and the periphery is decorated with thick chrome trim strips, so the overall temperament is tough. The details such as the waistline and front and rear wheel eyebrows make the new car more exquisite.

  "King Kong Gun focuses on creating a core label that is solid, durable, economical and convenient." Previously, the top management of the Great Wall pickup truck once said. King Kong Cannon has three kinds of containers: standard box, long box and flat bottom. The long box model has a 1.82-meter super-large container, and at the same time, details such as low cargo platform and container lighting are added. The turning diameter of 11.9 meters makes the new car more flexible in turning and turning around. In addition to the flat box model, the functions such as the cargo box light that can be turned on by the center console button, the car system that supports FOTA upgrade, the 360 panoramic image, the whole car radar and tire pressure monitoring also make the King Kong gun more practical and functional.

  In terms of power, the King Kong Gun is equipped with a power combination of 2.0T+6MT, the GW4C20B gasoline engine is mature and reliable, with a peak torque of 360N·m, and the high-power version of GW4D20M diesel engine has a peak torque of 400 N m.. On April 7th, when Time Finance tried to ride the King Kong Gun, it was found that the noise of its powertrain was low, and the performance of the King Kong Gun was not bad in terms of road feeling and vibration filtering.

  Source | Great Wall Motor official website

  Some insiders said that with the product strength and pricing of King Kong Gun, it may have a good market performance in the future. It is worth mentioning that, as the leader of the domestic pickup truck market, the Great Wall pickup truck sold 233,000 vehicles in 2021, including 43,599 overseas vehicles, up 119% year-on-year. Previously, Cui Xiaohui, general manager of the Great Wall pickup truck brand, revealed that "the goal of the Great Wall pickup truck in 2025 is to achieve 500,000 vehicle sales, ranking among the top three pickup truck sales in the world".

  "Thanks to the high self-sufficiency rate of parts of Great Wall Motor, the impact of supply chain crisis such as chips on Great Wall pickup trucks is not great." Zhang Hao Bao told Time Finance that in terms of pickup truck policy, Great Wall pickup truck also cooperated with China Automobile Association, Passenger Association and pickup truck friends to promote the introduction of new pickup truck standards, prepare for the establishment of pickup truck association and promote the lifting of pickup truck policy. According to statistics, at present, more than 70% cities in China have relaxed the restrictions on pickup trucks entering the city.

Equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system, Qin L Beijing Auto Show was officially unveiled.

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Niuche. com learned from BYD officials that BYD’s new compact car, Qin L, will officially meet with consumers at the Beijing Auto Show on April 25, and the new car will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system. It is understood that the price of the new car will be around 120,000 yuan.

In design, BYD Qin (parameter picture) L adopts the latest family design of "New Country Tide and Beauty Aesthetics", which is younger and more refined visually. The interior of the huge middle net adopts dot matrix design, and the grille on both sides stretches the width of the whole front face. At the same time, the headlights of the new car are very sharp and connected by light strips, which is visually very scientific and technological.

The side line of the new car runs from the headlights to the back door, and the B-pillar and C-pillar are designed in a hidden way, combined with the slip-back design, which makes the whole car younger. At the same time, the new car is equipped with multi-frame wheels, which is more visually sporty. In terms of vehicle size, the length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm, 1900mm and 1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm. Compared with Qin PLUS currently on sale (length, width and height: 4765/1837/1495mm, wheelbase: 2718mm), Qin L is larger as a whole.

At the rear of the car, the new car adopts a penetrating taillight group, and the rear enclosure is also treated in a sporty style. It is worth mentioning that the tail of the new car is also equipped with a luminous "BYD" English logo. In terms of car body color matching, BYD Qin L will provide four car body colors: Bingpo Green, Jianyao Purple, Runyu White and Tea Crystal Grey.

In terms of interior, Qin L adopts the latest design concept of the family, which is visually simpler and more layered. The interior of the three-position multi-function steering wheel is decorated with brown elements, which looks good. The full LCD instrument panel is embedded in the central control panel, and the 15.6-inch central control large screen supports rotation. At the same time, it is equipped with DiLink intelligent network connection system, which supports functions such as customized navigation in Gaode, karaoke function, Himalayan music, cool me/cool dog music, BYD market, car WeChat/Tik Tok and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the new car does not completely cancel the physical buttons. The physical buttons such as start, driving mode, air conditioning control and volume adjustment are integrated around the new BYD Heart crystal ball head shift lever, which is convenient for users to operate quickly.

In terms of power, Qin L will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology, in which the maximum power of the 1.5L engine is 74kW and the maximum power of the motor is 160kW. The new car is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery from Fudi, Zhengzhou. The battery provides 15.874kWh and 10.08kWh for consumers to choose, and the corresponding pure electric cruising range is 90km and 60km respectively. It is understood that the comprehensive battery life of the new car can reach 2000km.

The official announcement: Volvo will stop production of diesel vehicles next year, and the overall electrification transformation will accelerate.

Nowadays, with the gradual increase of the market share of new energy products, major car companies have also accelerated the layout of this market. For example, Dongfeng Honda is about to launch a brand-new independent brand of new energy; Hyundai wants to join hands with BAIC Group to develop electric vehicles; Volkswagen cooperates with Xpeng Motors to develop pure electric vehicles.

It has to be admitted that joint venture brands have been involved in the "spring tide" of new energy. Volvo, as a luxury brand that laid out new energy routes earlier, also began to speed up on the road of full electrification. Recently, Volvo officially announced that it will stop production of diesel vehicles in early 2024. This means that it is a step closer to achieving full electrification. At the same time, Volvo will become the first mainstream traditional manufacturer to completely abandon diesel vehicles.

It should be noted that until 2019, diesel models will still be Volvo’s main market in Europe. With high reliability, low noise and low fuel consumption, Volvo’s diesel models are widely recognized in the European market. However, according to relevant data, with the rise of new energy vehicles, the market share of Volvo diesel models has also dropped from 50% in 2015 to 14.1% in July 2023.

Previously, Volvo Cars said that by 2030, the company plans to sell only all-electric vehicles; By 2040, the goal will be to become a carbon neutral company. Volvo’s decision to stop production of diesel vehicles has made people full of confidence in Volvo’s future new energy development.

In addition, Volvo sold its shares in the internal combustion engine development company as early as last year, saying that it would not invest any more money in new internal combustion engines. Moreover, Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo, said: "Electric powertrain is our future, and the company is fully focused on building a series of superior and pure electric vehicles to meet all the expectations of customers for Volvo." It is not difficult to find that Volvo’s determination to transform into electricity is great.

Not only that, Volvo will launch two pure electric SUVs in the next few months, namely Volvo EX90 and EX30, to meet consumers’ demand for Volvo’s new energy products. At the same time, Volvo also announced in August that Volvo EM90, Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, will be launched in the world on November 12th this year, and the reservation in Chinese mainland will be started simultaneously.

Known as "the safest and most secure pure electric SUV ever", Volvo EX90 appeared in the domestic market as early as April this year, and the new car will be listed in China market in 2024. It is reported that the Volvo EX90 is based on the Volvo SPA2 platform and has a good performance in terms of performance.

Another luxury pure electric small SUV, Volvo EX30, also made its world debut as early as June this year. The car is priced at 34,950 US dollars (about 249,000 yuan) in the US market and 36,000 euros (about 274,000 yuan) in the European market. In the China market, the pricing of Volvo EX30 may be more "people-friendly". Volvo EX30 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA, and smar Elf #1 is also from this platform.

As Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, Volvo EM90 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA. It is expected to be driven by dual-motor four-wheel drive, and is expected to be equipped with ternary lithium batteries and the latest Kirin batteries. The pure electric cruising range is expected to be around 800km.

In the eyes of Volvo CEO Luo Wenjin, electric power systems are superior to internal combustion engines. They produce less noise, less vibration, lower maintenance costs for customers and zero exhaust emissions. Therefore, whether from the point of view of consumers’ later consumption or Volvo’s goal of coping with climate change, electric vehicles are the best choice.

In the era of fuel vehicles, Volvo is the leader of automobile safety. In the new energy era, Volvo will sublimate safety into new energy vehicles and become the "leader" of new energy vehicle safety. You know, as early as April this year, Volvo released the World Tree Intelligent Security System, which combines the trend of electrification and intelligence to realize the inheritance and evolution of security.

Write it at the end

The debut of Volvo EX90 and Volvo EX30 indicates that Volvo has begun to accelerate on the new energy track. The suspension of diesel models is Volvo’s determination to fully electrify the outside world. Next, Volvo EM90 will be unveiled soon, which further enriches Volvo’s new energy product matrix.

(This article was originally produced by Wenwu Lane New Media Studio, please indicate the source: Wenwu Lane, author: Xia Mu)

No starter, parking service! Zhijie S7 sells at a loss, Yu Chengdong: Huawei’s new company has sent an invitation to Sijie.

Every reporter Sun Lei, every editor Pei Jianru

The intellectual S7, which sells at a loss, went public.

On November 28th, Zhijie S7 was officially launched, and the new car was positioned as a medium-sized and large-sized pure electric coupe. Four versions of the car were launched, with the price range of 249,800 ~ 349,800 yuan, and the price of the entry model was lowered by 0.82 million yuan compared with the pre-sale price.

It is understood that Zhijie S7 is equipped with Huawei’s technologies or functions such as Huawei ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, a new generation of HUAWEI DriveONE power platform, Huawei Turing intelligent chassis, HUAWEI xMotion intelligent body collaborative control system, etc., and its "Chinese content" is high.

"The specifications of Zhijie S7 are higher than those of Tesla Model S and Mercedes-Benz EQE, but the price is the same as that of Tesla Model 3." Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of terminal BG and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, said.

Reduce the selling price to cope with market competition

According to public data, in the past three years, the compound annual growth rate of the market scale of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan where Zhijie S7 is located reached 13.6%, and it still increased by 12.7% from January to May this year. The average monthly sales of new cars was around 350,000, and its share in the overall automobile market increased from around 15% in early 2020 to 24% now.

Specifically, in the market of this price range, the sales volume of fuel vehicles of the joint venture brand is highly stable, and the average monthly sales volume is always around 240,000, while the rest of the incremental part is mainly divided by Tesla Model Y, Model 3, BYD Han, Seal and other models. The latter three cars are the direct competitors of Zhijie S7.

According to the research report of Guojin Securities, "Zhijie S7 covers the pure electric medium and large car market in the range of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan, and the competition is fierce, but the market scale is large, and there is still room for penetration." An Conghui, CEO of Krypton, once said: "The level of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan must be the largest area in the market segment."

In this context, car companies that have seen the potential of this market segment have also laid out. In addition to Kyk-007, which has been pre-sold, it is reported that Kyk-007 will have two new products next year, both of which will focus on the market of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan, and the model code-named CM2E has been confirmed. The Xiaomi SU7, which is scheduled to be released next year, is also positioned in the middle and large-scale pure electric coupe, and the price of some of its configured models may be between 200,000 and 300,000 yuan.

Some people believe that in the face of existing and potential market competition, the price of Zhijie S7 will be further explored on the basis of pre-sale of 258,000 yuan. "The pricing of this model is very noisy within the company. At present, the prices of the four versions are all at a loss. After the sales volume comes up in the future, the cost will gradually decrease, turning losses into profits." Yu Chengdong said.

Image source: Every reporter Sun Lei photo

A Huawei channel staff member once said that the sales staff had already completed the product training of Zhijie S7. He believes that the pricing of the old model M7 is a failure, which also affects the product sales to a great extent. Huawei has learned a lot of experience in pricing, and the current pricing of Zhijie S7 should be very competitive in the market.

It is worth noting that, with the split of BU business of Huawei, HarmonyOS Zhixing’s models have completely turned into purchasing cooperation with other Huawei businesses or subsidiaries in terms of intelligent parts. In this context, HarmonyOS Zhixing vehicles may gain a more reasonable cost advantage in the above procurement in the future, which is regarded by the industry as the basis for the intellectual S7 to lower the price.

Regarding the future market performance of Zhijie S7, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities previously stated that the benchmark model of Zhijie S7 is Tesla Model 3. Considering the early channel laying and the competitive pressure of the same price segment, it is estimated that the steady-state monthly sales will be in the range of 5000~7000 vehicles. If the distribution of goods in subsequent stores exceeds expectations, the steady-state monthly sales are expected to exceed 10,000 vehicles.

First unmanned parking service, build a "moat"

In addition to price adjustment, as the first car of HarmonyOS Zhixing, Zhijie S7 also hopes to participate in the market competition by virtue of its advantages in intelligence. According to Huawei, HarmonyOS Zhixing’s models are blessed by Huawei’s innovative smart car technology, which has a better intelligent experience.

Industrial Securities Research Report believes that Zhijie S7 takes sports and technology as its main selling points, and is equipped with Huawei’s latest intelligent driving and cockpit system, with outstanding intelligent configuration. It is understood that Zhijie S7 is equipped with Huawei Turing intelligent chassis for the first time, and also has Huawei ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance system. In addition, this car is the first model equipped with HarmonyOS4 HarmonyOS system.

"HarmonyOS 4 smart cockpit uses the Ark engine to bring a new 3D car control desktop. At the same time, the intelligent voice assistant Xiaoyi is connected to the Pangu model. " Yu Chengdong said, "With HarmonyOS 4 and HUAWEI MagLink, the central control screen in the car can also achieve three-screen linkage with the rear screen."

In addition, Zhijie S7 is also equipped with Huawei’s parking and driving function for the first time. It is understood that its parking and driving function can independently complete a series of operations such as courtesy to pedestrians, reversing and avoiding, extreme passing, automatic parking and automatic pick-up without driving. Yu Chengdong said: "The parking and driving Beta program will be opened in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Suzhou, Dongguan and other cities in the first quarter of next year."

Image source: Every reporter Sun Lei photo

Parking on behalf of the driver function is considered by the industry to be the only way for L4-class automatic driving of passenger cars, while Xpeng Motors, Baidu and other enterprises have demonstrated similar functions before. In the recent OTA5.0, LI has also added the ability of the ideal AD Max 3.0 unmanned parking service. It is said that the release of the functions of Huawei and LI parking service has a subtle relationship with the Notice on Launching the Pilot Work of Intelligent Networked Vehicle Access and Road Access (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) recently jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments.

On November 17, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments jointly issued the "Notice", saying that intelligent networked automobile products with automatic driving function with mass production conditions were selected and pilot projects were carried out in limited areas. CICC said that the Notice will promote the development of technologies and business models for passenger cars L3 and travel services L4.

"The Notice regulates the reporting methods, testing requirements and responsibilities of L3/L4 access and road pilot projects. After the document is issued, it will enter the stage of centralized declaration. By the beginning of 2024, it is expected that a group of applicants will take the lead in achieving product access and road access after passing the requirements of audit and test verification. At that time, it is expected to reflect the technical capabilities and leadership of enterprises from the side. " CITIC Securities said.

CITIC Securities believes that under the impetus of the Notice, advanced intelligent drivers are expected to further accelerate the pace of research and development of autonomous driving technology and product launch, so as to strengthen consumer awareness and brand image, and thus establish a real "moat". In the eyes of many people in the industry, Huawei chose Zhijie S7 as the first unmanned parking service function to participate in the market competition and achieve the above goals.

"HarmonyOS Zhixing cooperative car enterprises will become key customers of Huawei’s new company"

It is worth mentioning that the Zhijie S7 is also the first model released after Huawei and Changan officially announced that they intend to set up a company engaged in R&D, design, production, sales and service of automotive intelligent systems and component solutions (hereinafter referred to as Huawei New Company). The emergence of Huawei’s new company also makes the industry worry about the HarmonyOS Zhixing model of Huawei’s cooperation with Cyrus, Chery, BAIC and JAC.

In this regard, national business daily reporter learned that the emergence of the new Huawei company will not affect HarmonyOS’s zhixing model. An insider who asked not to be named told the reporter, "As a technology platform, Huawei’s new company, HarmonyOS Zhixing’s cooperative car companies will become its key customers in the future." HarmonyOS Zhixing is the most comprehensive, close and in-depth cooperation mode between Huawei and car companies at present, while HarmonyOS Zhixing’s models are blessed by Huawei’s smart car innovation technology.

On November 28th, Yu Chengdong revealed at the launch conference of Zhijie S7 that Huawei had issued an invitation for equity opening to four car companies, namely Cyrus, Chery, BAIC and JAC, and hoped that China FAW Group would join.

In this regard, Sailis said that it has received an invitation to jointly invest in the target company and jointly participate in the creation of an electrified and intelligent open platform. The company is actively demonstrating matters related to participation in investment and cooperation. Jianghuai Automobile said in a statement on November 27 that the company has been in close communication and its scope has continued to expand since its strategic cooperation with Huawei in 2019. Regarding Huawei’s plans to set up an independent company for automotive intelligent systems and component solutions, the company paid close attention to it and actively discussed with Huawei related matters of participating in investment and cooperation. But JAC said,We have not received an invitation from Huawei for joint investment, and have not participated in matters related to investment and capital cooperation.

TF Securities predicted that Huawei’s new company is expected to continuously introduce more car factories to become shareholders in the future, and make it stronger and bigger together with the downstream car factories, which will help to improve the depth of cooperation with the downstream car factories.

Image source: Every reporter Sun Lei photo

"We have always believed that China needs to build an electrified intelligent open platform with the participation of the automobile industry, one with ‘ Locomotive ’ Open platform. We deepen cooperation with Changan, and at the same time, we will work together with more strategic partner car companies to continuously explore new models of openness and win-win, and jointly seize the opportunity of electrification and intelligent transformation of the automobile industry to realize the dream of the rise of China’s automobile industry. " Yu Chengdong said.

In this regard, Huajin Securities said in the research report that Huawei positioned Tier1, empowering OEMs with car modules and self-driving computing platforms as a whole, and rapidly increasing market share through intelligent selection mode in the short term, but the equity cooperation mode may be difficult to expand other OEMs. In the long run, under the trend of differentiated competition, OEMs will still empower themselves with self-developed core technologies and ensure their right to speak in the choice of Tier1.

Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris was officially listed, with electromagnetic suspension and Queen’s co-pilot since 152,800! It’s too curly


As a high-end brand built by Chery, Star Road has gained a certain market voice since its launch, relying on Lingyun, Lanyue, Zhuifeng and other models. On February 21st, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, built on the platform of Starway M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, was officially launched, with a total of six configurations, with the price range of 152.8-202.8 million yuan.

The Aesthetic Design Language of Atlantis Light

The appearance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is based on the aesthetic design language of Atlantis light, and a lot of popular elements are injected. It is worth noting that although it is a fuel vehicle, its modeling temperament can easily be mistaken for a pure tram. The design of the front face continues the avant-garde style of the previous concept car. The grille adopts a rhombic grille with frameless design. The penetrating LED headlights across the front face and the daytime running lights on both sides outline the "sigma" similar to the Greek symbol, which is full of recognition.

Xiongshi ecological intelligent cockpit

As the first model of Lion Eco-2023, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s EEA4.0 advanced electronic and electrical architecture, supported by Gigabit Ethernet, OTA for the whole vehicle and separation of hardware and software for Autosar, can continuously refresh the car experience through continuous iterative upgrading.

In terms of intelligent assisted driving, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris has an L2.9 intelligent assisted driving system, which includes 21 basic ADAS functions and 11 high-order intelligent assisted driving functions in addition to high-heat functions such as AVP autonomous parking service and NOC navigation assisted driving.

In terms of hardware support and audio-visual, the new car is equipped with a golden combination of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip and Xiongshi Zhiyun 5.0, a 24.6-inch real curved smart screen, a brand-new young HMI5.0 UI interface, and car intelligence with a "growing" anthropomorphic avatar, creating a dynamic intelligent cockpit.

In terms of configuration, Eta Ursae Majoris main driver is equipped with electric 8-way, lumbar support electric 4-way, headrest adjustable 4-way, heating, ventilation and other functions. The "Queen’s Co-driver" of the high-profile model adopts ergonomic design, which has soft touch and strong wrapping, and has comfortable configurations such as massage, ventilation, heating, leg support and lumbar support.

In the rear row treatment, Eta Ursae Majoris has an adjustable backrest angle and an independent fresh air system. In terms of hearing enjoyment, SONY 14 speakers are also equipped to create a 360-degree sound experience for passengers in each seat.

Flying fish extrasensory chassis /2.0TGDI engine

In terms of power, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0TGDI engine with a maximum power of 261 HP (192kW) and a maximum torque of 400 Nm, matching the 7DCT gearbox. It is reported that PHEV models will be launched in the future.

It is worth noting that Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a brand-new flying fish extrasensory chassis. The CDC electromagnetic suspension system equipped with this chassis can collect the dynamic data of road surface, car body and wheels in real time through five car body attitude monitoring sensors, four electromagnetic dampers and a controller, and actively adjust the suspension damping in time. While realizing the intelligent control of vehicle attitude, CDC electromagnetic suspension system takes into account the improvement of comfort and handling.

Officials pointed out that CDC electromagnetic suspension system can reduce the vehicle’s head-up phenomenon by 36%, weaken the braking nod by 30%, improve the anti-roll ability and isolation performance by 5% and 40% respectively, and improve the overall suspension comfort performance by 30%. In addition, CDC electromagnetic suspension system also provides comfort, standard and sports modes, and also provides OTA, which always upgrades the latest chassis settings remotely for users.

In addition to the CDC electromagnetic suspension system, the flying fish extrasensory chassis is also equipped with "chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system" and "SS system". Through the technology of double hydraulic suspension and hydraulic bushing, the road vibration can be reduced by more than 30% in bumpy road conditions, plus the SS system which can accurately adjust the suspension damping according to the braking deceleration, restrain the braking nod and greatly optimize the NVH performance.

Thanks to the full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, all-terrain technology system and freewheeling steering system, under extremely complicated road conditions, the rear axle can achieve "a response within 100ms and a maximum torque output of nearly 3000N·m". At the same time, with the assistance of Bosch’s new generation of intelligent brake-by-wire system, the ability to limit slip is stronger, more accurate and easier to get out of trouble.

The all-terrain science and technology system also provides seven driving modes: economy, standard, sports, snow, mud, sand and off-road, which can unlock multiple driving and control scenes for users. In addition, common functions such as off-road crawling, perspective chassis and four-wheel drive dynamic vector display are also absent. Bosch’s new generation DP- EPS steering system not only provides low-speed light, high-speed and steady steering force, but also improves its response speed by 20% under the master chassis steering adjustment.

In terms of safety, based on M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris meets the global NCAP crash test standard, and is equipped with Bosch’s new generation intelligent brake-by-wire system, which greatly improves the braking response and shortens the braking distance with a build-up time of less than 150 ms. With the help of this technology, the brake pedal is not only adjustable, but also has dual modes of comfort and movement to meet the needs of users in different driving environments.

Observation of 2024 Beijing Auto Show: Those popular new energy cars

  [car home Information] The 2024 Beijing Auto Show has officially entered the public day. As a huge event in the automobile circle, more than 200 new cars are competing for beauty at this auto show. In order to let you know more about many popular cars in this auto show, this auto show observation brings you the hottest 10 new energy cars during the auto show.

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◆ Xiaomi SU7

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  If we say which brand has the highest attention and the largest number of people waiting in line at the booth, it must be Xiaomi booth and (|). On the day of the auto show, Lei Jun announced that 28 days after the official release of Xiaomi SU7, 75,723 units were locked and 5,781 units had been delivered. It is understood that among lock users, female direct buyers account for 28%. According to preliminary research, considering gifts or purchases for family members, it is expected that the proportion of female car owners will reach 40%-50%. In addition, BBA users account for 29% of lock users of Xiaomi SU7. Support for wireless CarPlay and iPad boarding has also made Xiaomi SU7 the first choice for many Apple users to buy cars, accounting for 51.9% of Apple users. According to the survey, many Apple mobile phone users are also users of Mijia products.

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  Briefly reviewing this car, it was listed on March 28th, and five models were launched, with a price of 215,900-299,900 yuan. In terms of color matching, 9 colors are provided, including Gulf Blue, Lava Orange, Elegant Grey, Meteor Blue, Xiaguang Purple, Olive Green, Cambrian Rock Grey, Pearl White and Diamond Black.

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  In terms of car system, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will be installed in the car system of SU7. Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with Snapdragon 8295 chip, and the Xiaomi tablet can be seamlessly mounted on the car, which is used as the rear expansion screen. Xiaomi SU7 supports five-screen linkage, and its application ecology covers mainstream in-vehicle applications, tablet applications and mobile phone applications, supports CarPlay and airplay, and supports Apple iPad to get on the bus. In the intelligent driving part, the car will be equipped with two NVIDIA Orin chips, and its comprehensive computing power can reach 508TOPS. The official said that Xiaomi’s intelligent driving is self-developed and adopts adaptive BEV zoom technology.

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  The whole vehicle is equipped with rich ecological expansion interfaces. The ever-changing central control panel can be expanded from top to bottom, left and right sides. The ever-changing center console, fragrance/intercom/speaker can be changed at will. The physical buttons are left in the central control screen, and above the central control screen is an intelligent double dial, which can display information such as vehicle speed and mileage to increase driving pleasure. Back seat flat bracket, Xiaomi flat /iPad easy to get on the bus. Xiaomi SU7 supports five-screen linkage, and its application ecology covers mainstream in-vehicle applications, tablet applications and mobile phone applications, supports CarPlay and airplay, and supports Apple iPad to get on the bus.

  In the power part, the maximum power of Xiaomi SU7 dual-motor version is 673 HP, the peak torque is 838 Nm, the acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 2.78 seconds, and the top speed is 210 km/h. It is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 101kWh, and the cruising range of CLTC is 800km. The new car adopts low-temperature high-power battery technology, and the discharge power of low-temperature battery at MINUS 15 degrees is greatly improved. The single-motor version has a maximum power of 299 HP, an acceleration time of 5.28 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, a Foday Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery with a capacity of 73.6kWh, and a CLTC cruising range of 700km. The new car is also equipped with sports sound. With BOOST mode, 20-second peak torque output and ejection start.

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  It is reported that in 2024, Xiaomi SU7 will accelerate in delivery, service and OTA. The standard version and Pro version originally planned to be delivered at the end of April have been advanced to April 18th, and the Pro version will be delivered at the end of May, and the delivery is expected to exceed 10,000 units in June. In 2024, the annual delivery target of Xiaomi SU7 has been raised to 100,000 units. In order to improve the delivery speed and quality, Xiaomi Automobile is accelerating the site selection and opening. It is estimated that by the end of 2024, Xiaomi Automobile’s sales and service outlets will cover all provincial-level administrative regions in China, and it is planned to open 219 sales stores in 46 cities and 139 service centers in 82 cities. In addition, Xiaomi Automobile plans to carry out the first OTA after the new car is released in May, such as online wireless CarPlay function, end-to-end parking service and other intelligent driving experiences. The second OTA will be held at the end of May, and version 1.2 will officially release the NOA function of cities, taking the lead in opening 10 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Xi ‘an and Wuhan, and will be opened nationwide in August.

◆ BYD Qin l

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  After watching Xiaomi SU7, let’s take a look at BYD Qin L, which is a very hot new energy car at this auto show. As a brand-new model of this brand, with the listing of this car in the future, it will form a two-car pattern with Qin PLUS to meet the needs of different users. The new car adopts the "New Country Tide and Beauty Aesthetics", and the interior of the large-size front grille is supplemented with dot-matrix elements for makeup, with outstanding visual effects. At the same time, the headlight group is narrow and sharp, which is highly integrated with the luminous "dragon beard" on the top. The integrated design not only makes the dragon face more stereoscopic, but also magnifies the horizontal visual effect of the front face.

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  From the side of the car body, its waistline runs through the front fender to the back door, which makes the car body more slender. With the concave rib line under the door, it creates a three-dimensional cutting effect and highlights the sense of strength of the whole car. At the same time, it adopts a slip-back design, showing a "low-lying" posture and being younger. On the tail side, the wide back shoulder design not only echoes the front face, but also increases the muscular feeling of the body contour. At the same time, the car uses a penetrating taillight shape, inspired by Chinese knots, and the recognition is full. In terms of vehicle size, its length, width and height are 4830/1900/1495mm and its wheelbase is 2790mm respectively.

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  As for the interior, Qin L’s interior design is inspired by China landscape painting. The agility of oriental landscape and modern technology are combined to create a "landscape painting cockpit" with elegant style. Specifically, the new car uses an embedded large-size LCD instrument with an iconic rotatable central control panel, which makes this car look very scientific and technological. At the same time, the new style of three-spoke multi-function steering wheel and wireless mobile phone charging are added to meet the needs of current users.

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a motor, with BYD’s fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology. The maximum power of the engine is 74 kW, and the maximum power of the motor is 160 kW. Compared with the current DM-i hybrid system of Qin PLUS, this one on Qin L further improves the working efficiency of the engine, thus achieving lower fuel consumption. Qin L will adopt the suspension form of front McPherson and rear+multi-links, which should be better than Qin PLUS in handling and comfort. The new car is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery from Fudi, Zhengzhou. The battery provides 15.874kWh and 10.08kWh for consumers to choose, corresponding to the pure electric cruising range of WLTC of 90km and 60km respectively.

  It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of this year, BYD Qin PLUS DM-i model shocked the domestic auto market at a price of 79,800 yuan, and Qin L, which is more PLUS than Qin PLUS, is about to debut. This car will have a larger body size than Qin PLUS, and the overall texture of the interior will be more advanced. At the same time, the brand-new fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology will bring consumers lower fuel consumption and longer comprehensive endurance performance. According to the previous information, the price of the car may be more than 120,000 yuan. After entering the market, it will compete with the models with the same price as Deep Blue SL03 and Zero Run C01.

◆ Looking up at U7

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Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  After watching BYD Qin L, let’s take a look at Wangwang U7, which is positioned as a large car. The new car uses a design language similar to Wangwang U9, equipped with a very exaggerated C-shaped headlight group, with a far and near headlight group above it and a circle of LED strip around it. There are raised ribs on the hood of the engine, and the visual impact of the whole front is extremely strong. At first glance, it is a troublesome guy. In addition, there is a small bump on the roof, and the inside should be a laser radar.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

Look up at U7 2024 high-end version.

  From the side of the car body, the new car is equipped with large-size wheels with low wind resistance. The car body lines are slender and smooth, and the overall appearance is relatively low. The front fender is equipped with a diversion groove design. The new car is designed with a hidden door handle, and a charging port can be seen at the left rear of the car body. From the rear of the car, the car uses a penetrating taillight, which looks full of technology and looks up at the LOGO in the middle. The multi-layer rear surround design below improves the layering of the rear of the car.

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  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5265/1998/1517mm and the wheelbase is 3160mm respectively. In terms of power, the car will be equipped with an easy square platform and four motors, each with a maximum power of 326 HP and a total power of 1306 HP. Although the new car has a curb weight of 3.095 tons, its top speed can still reach 270 km/h.

  As the flagship brand of BYD’s impact on high-end, looking forward to the popularity of U8 has given the brand confidence to further try the Red Sea in the million-level market. Therefore, in the highly competitive car market, Looking Up to U7 came into being, aiming to share a slice of the large and medium-sized luxury car market with traditional luxury brands such as Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series and Porsche Panamera. No matter the design or the power level, looking up at U7 is undoubtedly a new species in this class. The new energy era has given car companies more imagination and space to play, and also challenged traditional luxury brands in design ideas and product performance. Judging from the book data, looking up to U7 is not at all worried about the products of traditional ultra-luxury brands, but at the user level, how to successfully spoil the market in this relatively conservative market level and let consumers take the initiative to choose a domestic car with over one million yuan, the product strength itself and marketing are obviously indispensable.

◆ Mazda EZ-6

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Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

  At this auto show, Changan Mazda brought a brand-new model-EZ-6 based on Changan EPA hybrid platform. The new car is positioned as a medium-sized car and is expected to be officially launched in the second half of the year. Mazda EZ-6 continues the design style of Mazda family. The biggest highlight of the front face is that the classic Mazda wing adopts luminous design and uses headlights that run through the running water grille, which continues the concept of soul movement as a whole.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

  On the side of the car body, the car has a hidden door handle and offers two 19-inch aluminum alloy wheels, which also adopt a low wind resistance design. The new car body lines are full of strength and dynamic waistline. Just like other Mazda models, the dynamic beauty can be displayed by relying on the body lines. The taillights of vehicles are through-designed, and four round barrel lamp groups are added on both sides of the taillights, which is also a tribute to the classic design of the brand. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 4921/1890/1485mm respectively.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 Hybrid Edition

  In terms of interior, the dashboard of the car adopts a suspended design shape as a whole, and the overall style is also close to electrification. In terms of materials, the car will be made of Alcantara and will be decorated with matt chrome trim to enhance the sense of exquisiteness. The high-profile models will use the "Red Deer Brown" interior color, while the basic models will use the "Heron Feather White" color.

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

Changan Mazda Mazda EZ-6 2024 pure electric version

  In terms of intelligence, the car will be equipped with a 14.6-inch LCD screen, and the car system adopts 8155 chips to integrate the control of air conditioning, seats, entertainment and other functions. The car will also be equipped with a 14-speaker Sony audio system, 64-color ambient lights, front zero-gravity seats, and the cockpit also supports 13 scene mode switching. It is worth mentioning that the car also has a panoramic canopy and will provide automatic or manual sunshade. It can be seen that Mazda EZ-6, which was born in Changan EPA hybrid platform, has been greatly improved in terms of body size and interior texture, and its appearance has also maintained Mazda’s online design level. At the same time, after replacing the new energy assembly, it will quickly enter the new energy market in full swing, and get a slice of it to enhance brand sales and brand popularity.

◆ BYD Seal 06 DM-i

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  In addition to the Qin L of Wang Chaowang mentioned above, there is also a brand-new medium-sized car-Seal 06 DM-i in BYD Ocean Network, which will be listed in the second quarter of this year. Looking at the appearance, the new car adopts the brand-new design concept of BYD Ocean Series. The closed front shape is matched with LED light groups with corners on both sides and the sharp cooling openings on both sides of the front enclosure, which presents a very dynamic style as a whole.

BYD Seals 06 2024 160kW

BYD Seals 06 2024 160kW

  On the side of the car body, the new car adopts a slightly slip-back design, which looks very compact and round as a whole. In the rear part, the new car adopts the popular penetrating taillight group, and the taillights on both sides adopt a drop-shaped design, which, together with the transparent lamp shell, makes the new car show a fashionable and dynamic attribute. The rear enclosure uses a double-layer and double-color design, which shows the sharpness of the rear diffuser and further enhances the dynamic atmosphere of the new car.

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  In terms of interior, the interior of the new car follows BYD’s family style, with full LCD instrument panel and large-size central control screen design. The new car adopts a large number of curved designs on the door panels and seat surfaces, supplemented by a small amount of blue embellishment, which makes the overall atmosphere of the interior more elegant and fashionable. Different from BYD Seal, the shift area of the new car adopts a circular design, the small gear handle looks very delicate, and various function buttons surround the gear handle, which greatly improves the interior texture.

   In terms of power, Seal 06DM-i adopts a plug-in hybrid power system consisting of a 1.5L engine with a model of BYD472QC, in which the maximum power of the engine is 74 kW. The new car offers two sets of power versions, equipped with a 10.08kWh battery version, with a maximum motor power of 120 kW and a maximum torque of 210 Nm. The pure electric cruising range of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (WLTC) is 60km;. Equipped with 15.874kWh battery version, the motor has a maximum power of 160 kW and a maximum torque of 260 Nm, and the pure electric cruising range of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (WLTC) can reach 90km.

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height are 4830/1875/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2790mm respectively. According to the official information, the size of Seal 06DM-i is just stuck between destroyer 05 and Seal DM-i of BYD Ocean Network, which completes the product sequence of the car. It is worth waiting for friends who want to buy an economical family car in the near future.

◆ Wuling Xingguang EV

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  After seeing so many new cars that haven’t been listed yet, let’s take a look at the Wuling Xingguang EV, which just released the price at the auto show. It has launched two models in total, with the price range of 9.98-10.98 million yuan. Looking back briefly, Wuling Xingguang EV adopts the aesthetic design concept of star wing, and the electric version is equipped with a closed grille and split headlights, but the penetrating LED strip on the plug-in version is replaced by LED daytime running lights with long and narrow shapes on both sides. The lower enclosure is equipped with a penetrating black kit, which is integrated with the headlight groups on both sides, further enhancing the sense of movement.

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  The design of the side and rear of the car body is consistent with the plug-in version. The lines on the side of the car body are soft and smooth. The low-profile model is equipped with 17-inch rims and the high-profile model is 18 inches. In terms of the tail, the sharp penetrating taillights have a certain sense of the future, and they are surrounded by a large area of black under them, and the overall style is very sporty. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 4835/1860/1515mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2800mm.

SAIC-GM-Wuling Starlight 2024 pure electric low distribution

  In terms of interior, the new car offers two interior colors: dark black and light sand color matching. The car is equipped with an 8.8-inch LCD instrument, the low-profile model is equipped with a 10.1-inch central control panel, and the high-profile model is 15.6 inches. Some commonly used physical buttons are still reserved in the car. The center console adopts relatively straight lines, supplemented by piano paint panel and metal decoration, creating a good visual layering. The car system has built-in rich social entertainment software such as iQiyi and QQ music.

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  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 136-horsepower single motor with a maximum speed of 150 km/h. The battery is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery, with cruising range of 410km and 510km. From the above, we can see that in the 100,000-level price range, Wuling Xingguang pure electric version really has few rivals. Take Qin PLUS as an example, the lowest starting price of pure electric version has reached 109,800 yuan, although the price is consistent with the high match of Wuling Xingguang pure electric version, Wuling Xingguang will win regardless of the body size or CLTC cruising range. According to the official data, the sales volume of Wuling Xingguang plug-in hybrid version has exceeded 52,000 units in the five months since its listing, and whether the pure electric version listed this time will replicate the results of the plug-in hybrid version remains to be seen.

◆ Enjoy the world S9

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  Enjoy the world S9, which is positioned as a medium and large car, is the first "smart car" jointly launched by Huawei and BAIC. According to the previous information, the car will be listed within the year and will also enter Huawei channel sales in the future. The new car adopts a rather concise design language, and the wedge-shaped headlight group+penetrating light belt widens the visual width of the front of the car. The front enclosure of the new car is equipped with a wide trapezoidal vent, and the design of diversion groove is integrated under the headlights to create a certain sports atmosphere.

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  Coming to the side of the car, as a medium and large car, the roof line of the new car is slender and very smooth, and the overall visual effect is elegant and atmospheric. On the tail side, the new car uses penetrating taillights, and there is a design similar to duckling tail on the trunk cover. The lower enclosure design is simple, and the diffuser and other shapes are not used.

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 5160/1987/1486mm and the wheelbase is 3050 mm. In terms of power, according to different models, the car will provide two versions of single motor and dual motor for consumers to choose from in the future. The former is equipped with TZ210XYA03 drive motor produced by Huawei Digital Energy Technology Co., Ltd., with a maximum power of 227 kW; The latter is equipped with front and rear dual motors YS210XYA03 and TZ210XYA03 produced by Huawei Digital Energy Technology Co., Ltd., with maximum power of 158 kW and 227 kW respectively. According to some news we have got at present, the future price of Enjoy World S9 may reach about 500,000, and its price has entered the price range of luxury medium and large cars. Compared with competing products of overseas brands at the same level, Enjoying S9 benefits from Huawei’s technical empowerment and should have obvious advantages in the field of intelligence.

◆ Lingke 07 EM-P

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Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P 126 Long Life Ultra

  The Lexus 07 EM-P, which is positioned as a medium-sized car, opened for pre-sale at this auto show, with a pre-sale price range of 180,000-210,000 yuan. At the same time, the new car is expected to be listed in May and delivered as soon as it is listed. The LEEK 07 EM-P is built on CMA Evo architecture, which continues the shape of LEEK 08 in the design of headlight group. A pair of H-shaped "Dawn Light" LED daytime running lights are very recognizable, and there is a penetrating headlight group below, with far and near lights on both sides and LED strip in the middle. The overall shape of the front of the car is relatively round, and the lower enclosure is equipped with a large-size air inlet, which is connected with the diversion grooves on both sides, giving a full sense of movement.

Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P Trial Car

Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P Trial Car

  From the side of the car body, the ABC column and the roof are designed in black, which can reduce the visual center of gravity of the whole car. The new car is equipped with a hidden door handle, and the rim is designed in black and white, which is very cool. From the rear of the car, the new car adopts the popular penetrating taillights, and there are four rectangular protrusions in the middle to further enhance the recognition. The rear of the car is equipped with a black spoiler and a large black rear surround, which shows a good sports atmosphere. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4827/1900/1480mm and its wheelbase is 2843 mm.

Lingke Lingke 07 2024 EM-P

  In terms of interior, the new car continues the design style of Lectra 08 as a whole, equipped with a rectangular 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel and a 15.4-inch central control screen with ultra-narrow bezel design and 2.5K resolution, and equipped with LYNK Flyme Auto Meizu car system. The steering wheel adopts two-color design with oval metal decoration in the middle, and the overall shape is very avant-garde. The lower part of the center console is equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging board, and two cup holders are equipped under the rear cover.

Home of the car

  In addition, the new car will also be equipped with Nappa leather seats, and the front and rear four seats support heating, massage and ventilation. There are three massage strengths and seven massage modes to choose from. In addition, the metal backboard is added to the back of the rear seat, which can improve the support stability and enhance the puncture resistance. It is worth mentioning that the new car will also be the first to take the Lectra Co Pad. The official said that it has the functions of controllable car, entertainment and care. In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine and a motor. The maximum power of the engine is 163 horsepower.

  Perhaps many people have different opinions on the design of Lectra, some people think it is very individual, while others can’t accept it. However, the design of LECK 07 is more sporty and more acceptable to the public while maintaining the family characteristics of LECK. Borderless windows and pad magnetic bracket are also its highlights.

◆ Chery Fengyun A9

Chery Automobile Fengyun A9 2023 concept car

Chery Automobile Fengyun A9 2023 concept car

  As the flagship car of Chery, Fengyun A9, which is positioned as a medium and large car, has a closed front face, which cancels the dot-matrix "light grille" on the previous model, and the interior details of headlights on both sides are more abundant, and ventilation holes are added on both sides of the front surround. On the side and tail, some details have also been adjusted, such as the application of a new style of wheels, the cancellation of hidden door handles, and the replacement of chrome decoration.

  The new car adopts front double wishbone+rear five-bar suspension, and the addition of CDC magnetic suspension makes driving feel more comfortable. Power can achieve 0-100km/h acceleration time of 5 seconds, pure electric cruising range of 200km, comprehensive cruising range of more than 1400km. The official revealed that its length is nearly 5 meters and its wheelbase is nearly 3 meters. It is reported that the car will also have L3-level intelligent driver assistance system, and it is expected to be listed in 2025.

  At this year’s auto show, Chery Group jointly participated in the exhibition, including Chery brand, Xingtu brand, iCAR brand and Jietu brand. It can be seen from the release and display of models that the main feature is comprehensive new energy. At the same time, Chery official said that its future goal is that the sales volume of hybrid plus pure electricity should not be less than 1/3 of the group’s sales volume, and Chery Fengyun series will launch 11 products within two years. So if you have plans to change cars/buy more cars in the last year or two, you can wait and see what surprises Chery will bring us.

◆ Tengshi Z9GT

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi Z9 2024 GT Pure Electric Edition

  At the end of the article, let’s take a look at the new flagship hunting model of Tengshi brand-Z9GT, which provides a hybrid version of pure electricity and plug-in. Z series is a sedan series of Tengshi family, 9 stands for flagship model, and GT suffix is English abbreviation of Grand Tourer, which is expected to be listed in the middle of the year. Tengshi Z9GT is the first vehicle whose Tengshi design evolved from π-Motion design language to Elegance in motion design concept. The front face of the new car adopts the design language of solar corona, and the overall shape is simple and dynamic. In detail, the new car integrates smart devices such as lidar, AGS active air intake grille, millimeter-wave radar and ACC driver-assisted radar into the grille area of the front face, achieving the design philosophy of "form following function". In addition, the car also adopts the design of double-star crown headlights, and the multi-functional combination headlights include far and near headlights and the intelligent driving function of DLP pixel headlights.

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi Z9 2024 GT Pure Electric Edition

  On the side of the car body, the new car takes elegance as the design principle, and adopts the backward design of the center of gravity to shape the body posture that stretches backwards. The proportion of the car body is more than 3 times the axle ratio and nearly 2 times the wheel height ratio, which not only shapes the stretching proportion of the car body, but also emphasizes the dynamic and sports performance of the vehicle. The car’s lateral center of gravity is lower, and the driving center of gravity moves backward, creating a backward-leaning posture. In the rear part, Tengshi Z9GT presents a FASTBACK tail posture, which is equipped with an aircraft-type roof hollowed-out spoiler and an active rear spoiler, and is equipped with high-position brake lights and low-position pilot lights, showing good sports attributes. The horizontal line design at the rear of the vehicle makes it lower and wider visually, and echoes the front face with a symmetrical sense of order.

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5180/1990/1500(1480)mm and the wheelbase is 3125mm. In terms of power, Tengshi Z9GT pure electric version will be driven by front and rear three motors. The maximum power of the front motor is 230kW, the maximum power of the rear two motors is 240kW and 240kW, the combined maximum power is 710kW, and the maximum speed is 240 km/h. In addition, the car will use lithium iron phosphate battery from Foday, Jinan, but the official has not released the cruising range data of the car.

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi Z9 2024 GT Pure Electric Edition

   Tengshi Z9GT, as the flagship model of pure electric hunting equipment under the brand, officially announced that it will bid for Porsche Panamera. On the whole, the positioning of the two cars in their respective brands does have similarities, and at the same time, on the intelligent level, Tengshi Z9GT also shows strong product strength. However, it should be noted that, in terms of the current Tengshi brand power, although Tengshi Z9GT is the flagship model, it still can’t arouse the purchasing desire of its target consumers. The reason is because of the differences in brand power and brand awareness between the two. The follow-up Tengshi brand still needs to create a better sense of use experience and ritual in terms of luxury and comfort configuration, in order to truly become the car purchase choice of target users.

◆ Full text summary

  This paper analyzes the popular new energy cars at this Beijing Auto Show for you, including several models that have been listed but are still hot. Having said that, are there any models you have been paying attention to? Welcome to discuss in the comments section. Next, we will bring you more auto show observation series articles, so stay tuned! (Compile/car home Zhouyi)

Huawei’s 600kW super-charged pile exposure can replenish 100 kWh in 10 minutes, which is more than twice as fast as Tesla.

In recent days, Huawei’s new overcharge station in Bantian, Shenzhen has been exposed. There are 8 super-filled piles in this site, which are only used for Huawei’s internal testing at present. The nameplate of super-filled pile is very scary, which impressively says that the output voltage range is 200-1000V, the maximum output current is 600A, and the maximum output power is 600kW. Moreover, Huawei didn’t "steal and play tricks" like some new forces. It used two guns to "make up" 600kW, and adopted a single-pile single-gun design.

When competitors are still rolling 800V voltage and 360kW charging power, Huawei directly pulled to 1000V and 600kW, which can be said to increase the power of over-filled piles by one dimension.

How does Huawei achieve greater charging power by leaps and bounds? What does the appearance of 600kW over-filled pile mean? Let the Kung Fu car show you around.

(1) 100 degrees in 10 minutes, more than twice as fast as Tesla V3?

First of all, we have to figure out what is the concept of 600kW overcharge. Let’s just say that ordinary household slow charging is generally 7kW, and Huawei’s overcharging speed is nearly 100 times that of household slow charging. The power of State Grid charging piles is generally 40 ~ 60 kW, and 600KW is more than ten times that.

Tesla V3, which is talked about by fans, is overcharged, with a maximum power of 250kW, which allows Model 3 to travel 250 kilometers in 15 minutes. The charging speed of Huawei’s 600kW overcharge is more than twice that of V3. Theoretically, it can charge 100 kWh in 10 minutes, and it can fill the Qian Shan Cui of Han EV with a battery life of more than 700 kilometers in a little more than 10 minutes.

Since the advantage of overcharge is so great? Then why don’t other car companies do the 600kW overcharge like Huawei? Of course, I don’t want to do it, but I can’t do it.

To increase the charging power, it is necessary to increase the charging voltage or current. Increasing the voltage will make the arc problem more serious, and at the same time, higher requirements are put forward for the performance of high voltage DC relay, such as withstand voltage grade and current carrying capacity. Increasing the current will lead to thicker cables and greater heat loss, and even female drivers may not be able to carry charging piles.

The technical difficulty is too high, which is also the reason why the ultra-high power overcharge can not be popularized.

Judging from the current situation, Huawei, as a technical madman, seems to have initially found the answer. According to Huawei official website’s introduction, this new type of over-charged pile is called "FusionCharge DC Super Fast Charging Terminal", and a special liquid cooling structure is introduced to solve the problem of excessive heating under high current, and at the same time, the cable weight is reduced by 50%, which can be easily controlled by ordinary drivers.

In terms of high voltage realization, Huawei has developed a set of "kilovolt high voltage" full-stack power domain solution, which not only includes electric drive boosting and high voltage thermal management at the automobile end, but also includes ultra-high voltage realization at the charging pile end. After all, Huawei itself started as a power electronic device, and it is also an authority in the field of inverter servo. It can be said that it is a great advantage to make super-filled piles.

Other car companies are miserable. They rely more on suppliers, but suppliers are less likely to vigorously develop new technologies to impact their existing businesses. In this way, Huawei’s 600kW may be super-charged and exclusive for a long time.

(2) Ask M9 to take the lead, and Aouita and Polar Fox will have soup?

Now that the 600kW over-filled pile has come out? So which cars can be used? At present, the polar fox Alpha S and Aouita 11, which adopt Huawei HI technology, should bear the brunt.

According to the previous news, the Extreme Fox Alpha S Huawei HI Edition is equipped with an 800V high-voltage fast charging platform and a 480kW low-temperature pulse speed heating function, which can enter the state at the moment when the charging gun is inserted. Because Aouita 11 is compatible with the design of single motor, it adopts a 750V high-voltage fast charging platform, which can also charge for 10 minutes and increase the battery life by 200km.

These two models are the highest-end models of Huawei, but strictly speaking, they can’t play the full strength of 600kW overcharge, which is determined by the electrification platform of the model.

Not surprisingly, the first model to take the 1000V high-voltage platform will be Huawei’s flagship SUV M9. With the 600kW overcharge blessing, its recharge ability is naturally no longer worrying.

For the first time, the M9 will be equipped with a complete Huawei advanced assisted driving solution, which is the advanced version of the set on Huawei HI Edition of Extreme Fox Alpha S.. With the help of a new generation of lidar and intelligent driving chips, the computing power and perception ability have been greatly improved, and with the help of more mature algorithms, there is no doubt that it will stabilize the first echelon of intelligent driving in China.

The new car will also be pre-installed with HarmonyOS OS3 system, which can realize the functions of super desktop, PC dual-screen collaboration, adaptive adjustment of HUD height, intelligent car search and so on. The HUD can be adjusted adaptively according to the driver’s sitting posture, the PC dual-screen cooperation can make the new car "mobile office" in seconds, and even the Tik Tok can be controlled through the steering wheel, and the time dynamic wallpaper will change actively according to the climate and time.

In short, if you are interested in smart technology after all, Huawei’s new flagship SUV will never be disappointing. It is the ceiling.

(3) The journey and power exchange are all gone, and Huawei is playing with the bottom of the pot?

The greater significance of Huawei’s mass production of 600kW overcharge may lie in the impact on other "transition" routes. It has to be said that although the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China has exceeded 30%, the growth rate of pure electric vehicles is not as good as that of plug-in hybrid and extended-range electric vehicles, and many car companies are eager to change the power mode.

The most critical point is the "mileage anxiety" of electric vehicles. The battery life of a new generation of electric vehicles is not low. Take the deep blue SL03 as an example. For less than 200,000 yuan, you can buy a pure electric version with a battery life of 705km. Even if the battery life is discounted under special circumstances, it is not a problem to run 600km.

Can a fuel truck run 600km with a tank of oil? In fact, it is also very mysterious. Take "Divine Car" Sylphy as an example, its fuel tank volume is 47L, and the fuel consumption in urban areas is about 7.5L/100km, so the battery life will exceed 600km. But this is one of the most fuel-efficient A-class family cars. In fact, most of the best-selling cars and SUVs can only run about 550km per tank of oil.

In other words, the battery life of electric vehicles is actually not weak, and the real difficulty lies in replenishing energy. On the one hand, charging stations are not as ubiquitous as gas stations, on the other hand, the charging speed can’t keep up. One car often occupies the charging pile for more than an hour, and other cars can only stare.

Changing electricity can solve this problem to a certain extent, but at the cost of higher requirements for battery design and greater investment in infrastructure, just changing the battery reserve of the power station is not a small expense.

Distance can also solve some problems. Usually, electricity is used in urban areas, and oil is used in high-speed situations, so you don’t have to worry about running out of batteries. However, the two systems of oil and electricity take up a lot of space and cost in parallel, and most people will choose to use electricity mainly (after all, electricity is cheap), so the pressure on the battery will be greater and the frequency of charging will increase greatly.

Comparatively speaking, ultra-high power overcharge may be a better answer. The charging sales volume of Huawei’s 600kW fast charging station is more than ten times that of ordinary State Grid charging station and more than twice that of Tesla V3 fast charging station, which means it can accommodate more electric vehicles. At the same time, it can replenish 400km in 5 minutes, and consumers’ confidence will be more sufficient, and their anxiety will be greatly reduced.

From this perspective, Huawei has actually come to the bottom of the pot. It seems that you are engaged in technical climbing inadvertently, but actually you are indirectly attacking your opponent.

(4) Kung Fu is angry

Finally, many people think that 600kW over-filled piles can only be used by specific vehicles, but this is not the case. Charging piles can be "backwards compatibility", whether it is 250kW, 350kW, 450kW overcharge or 600kW overcharge, they can be synchronized and compatible.

In other words, don’t worry about Huawei’s overcharge. The biggest suspense now is what advantages Huawei can achieve through this technology.

I have to say that after Huawei entered the market, it added more scientific and technological ideas to the automobile industry.