Beauty of chongqing wants a high-profile response from the unspoken rule Zhang Yimou? (figure)

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

  Excerpts from Yiyi’s blog:

  First, the hidden rules

  If one day Zhang Yimou suddenly wants to hide me, I think I will go without saying anything! Maybe, I can go to Hollywood for decades. God ~ Give me a hidden rule when I have to, but only if you keep your word, I don’t want to be Yu Zhang!

  Second, the sex scandal

  Women can also use men to succeed in the upper position. For example, I took nude photos, but I don’t know where to send them. If John Woo says, call me to take Red Cliff 2. The premise is to send nude photos, I must send them! Is there a master planner who can teach me how to send it so that I can become popular?

  Third, selling privacy

  I really want to find someone to give me a lot of money, and then I’ll make myself beautiful! To be the first beauty in China, after all, I think I still have this foundation, and then the privacy is absolutely red!

  Fourth, the mouth is crazy.

  You can learn from Sister Furong’s madness, and you can learn from Lan Dong and mean girls’s nonsense, and your popularity will definitely rise. In fact, I also want to say that I want to find a boss to support me, give me money, give me a car, give me a house, I will give you health and give you happiness! Has anyone come to sign up? Finally, I just want to say that a good planner is the most important thing. I want to find a planner, and we will plan it well. Then I will go up and you will follow me. To succeed is to do whatever it takes, which has nothing to do with spiritual beauty!

  Follow-up blog:

  On June 1st, we will do what we want to do in this limited life, and those who leave regrets in life are stupid people. He’s a walking corpse.

  Today, June 12th, I found myself on the home page. I was surprised, hehe! I think this propaganda method is really good, and the click of blog has increased at once!

  On June 13th, we only try our best to achieve everything when we are young. The first person to eat grapes is the strong one, that is, the winner. If you lose, if you can’t eat grapes, you will always be a frog in the well.

  I was completely demonized by you on June 14th, so those bosses left me messages. Should I thank you? My mailbox is full of all kinds of adoption conditions. I don’t know if some of these people also scolded me on the blog and pretended to be good people to support me there.

Editor: Zhang Renhe

[Fujian Finance Empowers Tea Industry] "Tea Finance+Science and Technology Specialist" Promotes the Green Development of Tea Economy

  Cctv news The system of "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology" (hereinafter referred to as "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology") originated in Nanping, Fujian, aiming at assisting the development of advantageous industries and the construction of agricultural science and technology parks through the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and helping rural revitalization. However, the problem that science and technology commissioners often encounter in the process of serving tea farmers and tea enterprises is the problem of funds.

  According to the introduction of the local financial supervision bureau of Fujian Province, the relevant financial institutions in Fujian have innovated the "tea industry finance+specialized" model, provided comprehensive financial services in the areas of "financing and intelligence, industrial support, knowledge popularization and ecological construction", and promoted the tea industry to become a dominant industry in Fujian together with the "Fucha. com" platform.

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

  The Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China strengthened the cooperation between government, banks and enterprises, and guided financial institutions to launch various models such as "tea finance+Kurt loan" and "technology+finance+tea industry" to organically integrate the policy of benefiting farmers with financial products. At the same time, it instructed financial institutions to set up a "workstation for financial science and technology commissioners", and provided support to 634 tea enterprises and farmers in industrial support and precise poverty alleviation.

  Bank of China Nanping Branch designed and launched the "Cote Loan" liquidity product, and Nanping Finance Bureau invested 2 million yuan to establish a credit enhancement fund pool as the government risk compensation for the credit enhancement fund loans of enterprises led, founded and served by Nanping Science and Technology Commissioner. When the credit enhancement project loans suffered losses, the loan losses were supplemented by 50% of the credit enhancement part. The bank also plays the role of precise drip irrigation of tea finance, promotes the coordinated development of tea industry, tea culture and tea technology, and makes tea economy a magic weapon for rural revitalization and a benchmark for green development.

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

  Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Nanping Science and Technology Bureau, set up a service team of financial science and technology commissioners, and jointly launched the "Kurt Loan", which mainly provided credit financial support for enterprises founded, led or served by science and technology commissioners; Open up green approval channels and give preferential interest rates. With the guidance of the science and technology task force and the blessing of financial resources, the capital needs of tea enterprises for production, processing and technology upgrading have been effectively met.

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

  In Zhenghe County, Fujian Province, it was not easy to evaluate the value of local tea due to the variety of tea and the influence of tea production technology and tea producing area, which also made tea enterprises encounter difficulties in financing. Nowadays, through the combination of tea financial services and the special system, the problem of value evaluation that plagues local tea financial services has been effectively solved.

  With the assistance of the special workstation, the county broke the financing bottleneck of tea warehouse receipt pledge due to value evaluation, quality certification and other issues. At present, more than 8,000 boxes of white tea have entered the high-standard intelligent management, with a total value of more than 30 million yuan, and it is estimated that more than 18 million yuan can be raised. (Wei Ju)

"I saw Uncle Deng’s cooking." In 1972, I spent the New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home.


    In 1972, I visited Deng Xiaoping in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and spent an unforgettable New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home. Deng Xiaoping’s cooking skills, Zhuo Lin’s enthusiasm, and his friendship with Deng Lin’s brother and sister all remain fresh in my memory.

    Visiting relatives in Nanchang on New Year’s Day

    On the eve of New Year’s Day in 1972, my sisters Da Rong and Er Rong went to Nanchang from Linchuan County, Jiangxi Province to visit Uncle Deng Xiaoping. I remember that it was a cold winter. There was a layer of mist on the boundless Ganjiang River, and no ship was seen. The distant mountains were gray, and the vegetation along the river was withered and trembling in the cold wind. We came to the guest house of the provincial party Committee by the Ganjiang River, which is the designated meeting place.

    It is said that after Deng Bobo and his family came to Jiangxi, they lived in a small building of Nanchang Infantry School. There was no heating or hot water in the building. When they wanted to take a bath, the old man had to boil the bath water downstairs and carry it to the bathroom upstairs in buckets, which was inconvenient. Moreover, it was easy for the old man to catch a cold when taking a bath in winter. This problem dragged on for a long time. When Huang Zhizhen, a former veteran cadre of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, learned about it, he made arrangements for Deng Bobo’s family to take a hot bath in the provincial party committee guest house every weekend. When I came to the guest house, Uncle Deng Xiaoping’s family happened to take a bath here.

    In the living room on the second floor of the hostel, we first met Aunt Zhuo Lin, Deng Lin and Mao Mao, who had just taken a bath and were combing their hair. Uncle Deng asked them to wash first and then wash themselves. When I saw Aunt Zhuo Lin, my sister and I were filled with emotion and tears. Aunt Zhuo Lin and my mother Xiao Li were good friends during the Yan ‘an period, and they had a lot of contacts. Uncle Deng came out of the shower and was very happy to see us coming. Perhaps it was because he had just taken a shower and his face was flushed and radiant. He speaks Sichuan dialect, and we also speak Sichuan dialect, because we grew up in Chengdu and have a local accent. Visiting Uncle Deng has always been our wish. Our family has a good relationship with Uncle Deng’s family, and their children grew up together. First, we reported to Liu Junxiu, deputy director of Jiangxi Revolutionary Committee, who worked in the Jinsui Military Region with my father Li Jingquan during the War of Resistance against Japan period. Our wish was realized through the contact between Uncle Liu and Uncle Deng’s family.

    Uncle Deng asked about our work and life with concern. I told him that my sister and I came to Jiangxi in 1969 and settled down in my father’s hometown, Linchuan County, to work as farmers, relying entirely on earning work points to support ourselves. Speaking of which, my sister and I took out two fish brought from our hometown, which were caught by the villagers from our pond, and some eggs saved. I told Uncle Deng that these are all fruits of labor. Please accept them for the whole family to taste. Seeing that it was getting late, we were ready to leave. On hearing this, Uncle Deng immediately said, "Don’t go today, come to our house for a few days."

    Chinese New Year at Uncle Deng’s house? The Provincial Revolutionary Committee may not agree, and I am also afraid of bringing trouble to the Deng Bobo family. "I’m afraid of you. You are all little dolls. Tomorrow is the New Year. How can you go?" Uncle Deng said. Aunt Zhuo Lin also said, "You have come a long way, but you haven’t finished yet. Come home with us and spend the New Year together. Don’t worry, I’ll tell them that I can stay at home. "

More historical news:

Churchill’s favorite female spy: She died in love for her brilliant exploits.

Mrs Nixon broke into the bedroom of Soviet leader Brezhnev at night.

Nie Gannu, a contemporary "Zhou Botong" eccentric literati, abandoned his life in wild waves.

America’s "Top Ten Worst Jobs" models are among the dishwashers.

The ancient Japanese did not eat meat for 1200 years, and the emperor’s life expectancy was shorter than that of civilians.

On December 14th, the movie channel broadcast the wonderful kung fu film Eighteen Martial Arts.

Special feature of 1905 film networkIf you like watching action movies, you must know the four major action design teams in Hong Kong:
Chengjiaban, Hongjiaban, Liujiaban and Yuanjiaban.
In the glorious era of Shaw, movies were branded with the Kung Fu of Liu Bannan School under the leadership of Liu Jialiang.
Unlike other kung fu movies, which only focus on one kind of kung fu, you must not miss this movie for weapons fans.
At 14:40 today, the movie "Eighteen Martial Arts" will be broadcast for you by the movie channel, with the same title, which vividly depicts the "Eighteen Military Instruments" in the kung fu world for us.
Poster of Eighteen Martial Arts
The cast of Eighteen Martial Arts is luxurious.
Liu Jialiang, a martial artist who has multiple roles as director, actor, screenwriter and action director, plays a leading role in the film, bringing Liu Jiarong, Liu Jiahui, Kara Wai and other Liu Jiaban kung fu stars to show us the real kung fu from hard bridge to hard horse.
Like Liu Jialiang’s other films, Eighteen Martial Arts upholds his martial arts design of sticking to the authentic Shaolin Nanpai Kung Fu, paying attention to seeing the move and dismantling it, and practicing it with one move and one style.
Fighting in a narrow space is a test of skill.
The design of small spaces, such as fighting in the attic and fighting in narrow lanes, fighting space in mid-air and in the middle of the water is unparalleled.
Fang Shaoqing (Kara Wai) and Shi Shu (Liu Jiahui), Mao Shantan Lei Yong (Liu Jiarong) and the sorcerer’s altar iron monkey (Hou Yaozong) test each other. I know you are dark, and the duel with each other’s magical powers can be described as wonderful.
However, the biggest attraction of Eighteen Martial Arts is undoubtedly eighteen weapons.
As a descendant of Huang Feihong’s fourth-generation Hongquan, Liu Jialiang won his father’s biography since childhood. He loves Kung Fu and will study weapons, techniques and methods of actual combat in the rest of the time. It can be said that he is proficient in everything and has developed a martial arts foundation.
Liu Jialiang, who is a hundred schools of thought, is almost the only person who can show the essence of Chinese "Eighteen Martial Arts".
In the movie Eighteen Martial Arts, all kinds of martial arts weapons are basically included.
In a summary of the Hong Kong film database, 18 kinds of weapons used in Eighteen Martial Arts are listed: rope dart, Shuang Hu hook sword, double hammer, double axe, snake halberd, closed knife, double knife, straight knife, single knife, cherry blossom gun, three-section iron whip, double dagger, double crutches, monk shovel, scepter, trident, butterfly sword and three-section scepter.
Especially in the last ten minutes, the weapons war between Liu Jialiang and Liu Jiarong was the most wonderful.
First, there is the killing of Daguan Dao against Double Dao and Sakura Gun against Double Dao.
There will be a knife-to-sword short weapon confrontation.
The three-section whip with integrated attack and defense vs the flexible double dagger can be described as inseparable.
Crescent shovel’s situation is closely linked with each other, while the single-headed stick is both rigid and flexible, flexible and not sluggish, and it has been used repeatedly.
Especially in the end, the combination lineup of "three-stick broken rattan card+The Lancet" is even more exciting.
The pure kung fu duel that lasted for 10 minutes was never repeated, and the mutual interaction between weapons made people stunned.
"Develop martial arts and get rid of superstition."
This idea also runs through Liu Jialiang’s films and life.
As early as in Liu Jialiang’s debut, Magic Strike, he introduced the theme of illusion.
The "immortal possessed and invulnerable" claimed by Shenda altar is just a mysterious stunt, which has already lost to the Five-Shaped Boxing.
Yu Wang’s Five-Shaped Boxing shows the charm of the snake, the tiger’s overbearing ferocity, the crane’s lightness and agility, the leopard’s pursuit and the dragon’s wandering changes.
Seven years later, Liu Jialiang took the illusion theme again. In the film Eighteen Martial Arts, which tells the story of eunuch general manager Li Lianying instigating the Boxer Rebellion to beat the gods, Maoshan and warlock three altars and eliminate the traitor’s second helmsman, Leigong (Liu Jialiang), he still retained his idea that "all feudal superstitions are not credible in front of kung fu".
The golden bell jar of the sacred altar, the puppet technique of the Maoshan altar, and the pupil technique of the warlock altar …
Opening the altar, doing it, lowering the head and getting into the upper body are also true and false, which is quite fancy.
But these strange tricks are just deceptive gimmicks, and the real power is kung fu itself.
The film Eighteen Martial Arts is full of Liu Jialiang’s original intention of defending authentic martial arts and attacking crooked ways.
Liu Jialiang takes Kung Fu as the core, takes the real Kung Fu of hard bridge and hard horse as the call, and tells all about the knowledge and spirit of Kung Fu through eighteen weapons.
At 14:40 on December 14th, the movie channel will broadcast Eighteen Martial Arts for you. This movie, which can be called a textbook of cold weapons, will reveal the meaning of Eighteen Martial Arts for you.

2024 "China

On December 18th, 2024, the theme logo design competition of "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" was launched in Changzhi City. Vice Governor Tang Zhiping, Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong and Indonesian Ambassador to China Zhou Haoli attended the launching ceremony and delivered speeches. Brunei Ambassador to China Rahmani, Myanmar Ambassador to China Wu Ding Maorui, Laos Ambassador to China Song Peng, Thai Embassy Chargé d ‘affaires Benjamin and other ASEAN diplomatic envoys in China and ASEAN students in Shanxi attended the event. The launching ceremony was presided over by Shi Zhongjun, Secretary General of China-ASEAN Center.
2024 is "China-ASEAN People-to-People Exchange Year". As an important part of the People-to-People Exchange Year, the theme logo design competition was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-ASEAN Center, and was undertaken by the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, aiming at enhancing the people-to-people exchange and friendship between China and ASEAN countries and expanding the appeal, popularity and influence of the People-to-People Exchange Year. Taking advantage of this activity, Changzhi City simultaneously held a series of activities, such as the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage+cultural creation, the exhibition of the first cultural creation competition, and the cultural and creative industry cooperation and exchange meeting, to publicize and promote Changzhi in an all-round and multi-angle way, to help people communicate and promote economic and trade exchanges.
On December 17th, Tang Zhiping met with Chinese and foreign guests attending the launching ceremony of the theme logo design competition of 2024 "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" in Changzhi. (Li Jiaming)

"I" can get the first place in the exam but I don’t like studying. Why?


  Nowadays, parents are anxious when it comes to their children’s study. They generally feel that their children don’t like to study and do their homework, which often leads to "war at home" because of urging their children to study, especially the parents of some students with good academic performance, which also reflects that their children don’t like to study. Why? An Fuhai, a professor at the Teacher Development Research Center of Hangzhou Normal University, interviewed students in some schools in view of this phenomenon, hoping that the conclusions will enlighten our current educational predicament.

1. "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The disharmony behind it

  Reporter: Generally speaking, people think that children who don’t like learning are children with poor academic performance and bad study habits. But now many excellent primary and middle school students, even the first students in many classes, don’t like studying. Why is this?

  An Fuhai: At the end of 2019, a class of junior high school students in a middle school sports meeting in Shenzhen typed "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The banner, once circulated, has gained a lot of resonance. Many primary and middle school students shouted "What a talent! Say ‘ Working people ’ The voice of ". The implication is that they don’t like learning either. The banner and the shouts of the adherents made the adults laugh, but the laughter was full of sadness. It was also during that time that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced the test results of programme for international student assessment 2018 PISA2018. In the sampling test of 15-year-old students in 79 participating countries (regions), we achieved excellent results in three subjects (reading, mathematics and science). However, different from the "Celebration" after the announcement of our first prize in 2009 and 2012, the education sector began to rationally reflect on the problems exposed by the PISA test, including education balance, shortage of teachers, study time and teaching methods. In my opinion, we should also think deeply about the relationship between our students’ learning status and academic performance. Because the current situation of students’ learning tells us that there is a disharmony between their learning status and academic performance, that is, they have good academic performance but do not like learning.

  Reporter: Common sense tells us that you can get good grades only if you like to study.

  An Fuhai:After all, the results are obtained by the students themselves, so it is necessary to listen to the voices of the parties. With this "common sense", I randomly interviewed 60 students from three middle schools who participated in the 2018 PISA test. "Do you like studying? Will learning make you feel happy? " When hearing this question, most students just laughed and didn’t answer. The students’ answers mainly focus on these aspects: "Hehe, it’s ok"; "Like, not to mention, it should be said to be liked"; "Not very much"; "Study, homework, I immediately feel worse when I hear these two words"; "There are people who like to learn? Crazy, it must be crazy. " The number of students who answered "not bad" in each school is very small.

  In fact, the data that students’ learning satisfaction in four provinces and cities in China ranks 61st among the participating countries (regions) has fully explained that good grades do not necessarily love learning. In addition, the PISA2018 test results also show that the learning efficiency of students in reading, mathematics and science in four provinces and cities in China and their sense of belonging to the school are also relatively low in the participating countries (regions). In other words, students not only dislike learning, but also have no sense of belonging to the school. In fact, this conclusion doesn’t need PISA test to tell us at all. Just walk into a school to observe a few classes or interview some students and teachers to get a similar understanding.

2. Every time except sleeping and eating time is filled with study.

  Reporter: I don’t like learning, and my learning efficiency is relatively low. Why can I get the "first" grade?

  An Fuhai:Prolonging study time is our magic weapon to win. Although the PISA2018 test results show that the average classroom study time of students in four provinces and cities in China ranks fourth among the participating countries (regions). However, the statistics here are only the study time arranged by the school, and the students’ extracurricular independent study time is not included. As we all know, Chinese students, especially those in big cities, spend an amazing amount of extra-curricular study time. It is learned from these three schools that most students spend about 3 hours a day after class in a week, with a total of 15 hours in five days; The study time for two days on weekends is about 8 hours. In this way, the total study time of Chinese students per week will definitely be far ahead among the 79 participating countries (regions). The PISA test results in 2012 also showed this problem. The Shanghai team represented the mainland of China in the total score of mathematics, reading and science, but it also won another first place, that is, the study time is the longest, with 13.8 hours per week, which is about 20 hours together with extracurricular tutoring, while the average of OECD countries is 7.8 hours.

  If you think this statistic is not convincing enough, let’s take a look at the situation that parents attach importance to their children’s education. Most parents in China attach importance to education, and the most prominent performance is to enroll their children in various remedial classes from kindergarten. Statistics show that in 2019, families in Hangzhou spent 20,000-40,000 yuan on children’s extracurricular tutoring every year, and it rose to 30,000-50,000 yuan in 2020. Almost every family gives tutoring to their children, ranging from three to five or six. Parents’ high investment in education is enough for students to fill up their studies at every time except insufficient sleep time and hot meal time.

  Reporter: Yes, primary and secondary school students are not getting enough sleep, and the myopia rate and obesity rate are increasing. People from all walks of life have been calling for these problems in recent years, but they have not been improved.

  An Fuhai:Although several PISA tests have made China students’ excellent achievements proud, there are huge time costs, physical overdrafts and heavy costs for students to lose interest in learning. According to the survey in 2020, the average myopia rate of primary school students in China is about 36%, that of junior high school students is 71.6%, and that of senior high school students is 81%. The key point is that high myopia above 600 degrees accounts for 28% of the 81% myopia of senior high school students. In addition, the number of students suffering from depression in many key middle schools is increasing, and the number of students who commit suicide or have thought about suicide is also increasing year by year. Whether it is for families, individuals or the whole country, such a fact is too cruel, and such a price is unbearable for us.

3. I hate school and study, even if I get into a prestigious school, it is difficult to create outstanding achievements.

  Reporter: Primary and middle school students get up the earliest, go to bed the latest, and work hard to get good grades, but in the end they don’t like learning. This phenomenon is really worrying. But maybe many parents don’t think so. In their view, as long as children get the first place in the exam, they can go to a good university and have a good job, so all the physical and mental efforts seem to be worth it.

  An Fuhai:The good expectation of "Jackie Chan becomes a phoenix", the learning goal of "score first" and the learning process of repeated training make students hate learning, school and even knowledge, which seems nothing to some parents. However, we should deeply realize that a considerable number of seemingly excellent students are forced to study under various external pressures. Once the pressure is lifted, they will inevitably evade learning. What will be the future of those students who evade learning? This is not a disease-free groan and melodramatic sadness, but a problem that deserves our deep thought more than paying attention to score ranking. If a student hates school and doesn’t like studying, even if he can be admitted to a prestigious school in the future, it will be difficult to create outstanding achievements. Because he has no enthusiasm for learning and can’t experience the happiness of learning, it is impossible to devote more time and energy to studying what he has learned. We have learned a lesson in this respect. China began to participate in international Olympic mathematics competitions around 1985, including physics competitions, biology competitions and computer competitions. There are many winners every year, from 1985 to now for more than 30 years. Many foreign child prodigies who competed on the same stage as China’s child prodigies have become everyone in all fields, but we seldom contribute to the world. Take Tao Zhexuan, an Australian-born Chinese mathematician and winner of the Fields Medal for Mathematics, as an example. He was less than 13 years old when he won the Olympic gold medal in 1988. At that time, many students in China also won Olympic medals.However, few people have made such outstanding achievements as Tao Zhexuan, and most of them have been far away from mathematics.

  Reporter: How important is it for the growth of students to love learning and be full of interest and enthusiasm for learning?

  An Fuhai:The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed to improve the national innovation system and accelerate the construction of a powerful country through science and technology during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. It can be said that to achieve such a great goal, we need to cultivate innovative talents through education. Active interest in learning and pleasant learning experience are the internal motivation of learning, the foundation of healthy personality and the necessity of innovative talents. Interest is the best teacher. Once a person has a strong interest in something, he will take the initiative to seek knowledge, explore and practice. The positive emotion and pleasant experience generated in the process of seeking knowledge, exploration and practice will further promote new seeking knowledge, exploration and practice, which will lead learners to a happy road of learning and exploration. Therefore, parents should let go of their anxiety and leave more free time and space for their children to fully develop their interests, so that they can love learning and grow up healthily with happy emotions and positive experiences. Schools should pay less attention to some problem-solving skills and high-scoring cheats, and pay more attention to the laws of students’ physical and mental development and the mechanism of learning. Starting from students’ interest in learning, they should awaken students’ intrinsic learning motivation and lofty pursuit of life, so that they can actively explore the unknown world with happy learning emotions and happy learning experiences.

The word "fashion" first appeared in the Ming Dynasty. How can it be regarded as "fashion" in the Ming Dynasty?

If we recall the history of the unification of the Ming Dynasty, we can’t get rid of the usual vision of "top-down" in the historical narrative of the dynasty, whether it is the praise of "Ren Xuan’s rule", the hot discussion of "Zheng He’s voyage to the West" or even the strategy of exploring the northern border defense and coastal areas. Society and culture are a continuous variant. The Ming Dynasty not only inherited the clothes of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but also rebelled against the traditional order. Whether it is the change of economic structure and political atmosphere, the acceleration of "social mobility" and its impact on the hierarchy, or the vitality and diversity of ideological culture, there are various reflections in people’s daily life, among which the folk "fashion" is a unique specimen to observe the economic and social life of the Ming Dynasty.

Since the mid-Ming dynasty, a trend of chasing "fashion" has gradually formed. This can’t help but mention two proper nouns: "fashion" and "fashion".

Judging from the existing historical data, the word "fashion" first appeared in the Ming Dynasty. What is fashion? The essay on bamboo window written by the famous monk Bian Hong in the late Ming Dynasty has the following explanation: "Today, one dress and one hat, one instrument and one thing, one word and one word, all kinds of actions, all of which are sung by one person and followed by a group, are called fashion." That is to say, the formation of fashion is usually "sung by one person", and its influence is "followed by a group", forming a regional or even national shock wave.

Essays on Bamboo Window, written by Yunqi Youhong, also known as master lianchi and Yunqi Master. He was diligent in writing and writing all his life, with a total of more than 30 kinds of works, which were compiled into Yunqi Fahui by his disciples Daxian, Li Shouyi and others, with 3 letters and 34 volumes.

Let’s talk about "one coat and one hat" first, which is obviously related to the word "current situation". In the Ming Dynasty, the style of clothes and hats of Bo Zi in the south of the Yangtze River all changed the ancient system, which was called "the style of the times". So, what was the "fashion" costume at that time? We might as well give an example to illustrate: pen tube water socks. Most of the cloth socks originally used in the Ming Dynasty were wide and tied between the knees. However, in the late Ming Dynasty, this kind of wide socks was no longer popular, but instead became popular with narrow socks. This kind of narrow socks is also called "pen tube water socks".

Looking at "one word and one language" again, we can generally examine it from two aspects: proverbs and clear words. In the south of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty, the local dialect was quite popular. Two-part allegorical sayings in novels of the Ming Dynasty, such as "Shen Wansan in Nanjing, the bend of a dead tree in Beijing-the name of a person, the shadow of a tree", are obviously popular proverbs at that time, and should be "Shen Wansan in Nanjing, the willow tree in Beijing". These fashionable catchwords, originally from the song, gradually spread to ordinary people, and finally became "dressed in clothes" and began to be accepted by some literati. In addition, among the literati and scholars in the south of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty, a kind of clear words was popular, which was obviously closely related to their elegant life. For example, Zhu Cunli wrote Panasonic Clear Words.

Whether it is clothes, words, or utensils, its fashion formation is usually initiated by one person, so many fashion figures appeared in the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, if cultural people wanted to be a fashion figure, they could only rely on their works and behaviors. If they are the initiators, and trigger a group to imitate the effect, and finally form a "fashion", then these people can be called fashion figures. In the Ming Dynasty, the only people who could truly be called fashion figures were Li Zhi (known as "Zhuo Wu"), Chen Jiru (known as "Mei Gong"), Wang Zhideng (known as "Baigu"), Yuan Huang (known as "Mr. Lefan") and You Hong (known as "master lianchi").

In the late Ming Dynasty, Suzhou and Hangzhou should be said to be the most fashionable and avant-garde cities at that time, and for this reason, they formed proprietary names such as "Su-like", "Su-Italian" and "Hangzhou style", which spread for a while and were well known to the public.

There is a common saying in the Ming Dynasty: "Suzhou is like a craftsman in Guangzhou." The so-called "Suzhou-like" still has a related new term in the Ming Dynasty, which is "Su Yi". The message behind this noun is that Suzhou has become the fashion capital of the world at that time. In the Ming Dynasty, the name of Suzhou was not the victory of man-made gardens, but the people in the city. The so-called Soviet style, Shen Hongyu, a Ming dynasty, once explained in the volume of "Gambling Organs": "The house is exquisitely decorated, and it is well displayed on several tables, with more exotic fragrance and more fine tea. When I met hanger-on, I sat and talked and laughed with a stove of cigarettes and a pot of tea. I stayed up all night in poverty, and I didn’t worry about trifles, and I didn’t export them with common sayings. This elegant flavor is worthy of Taoyuan. "

As for Su Yi, it can be cited as an example by Wu Congxian, a famous man in the Ming Dynasty, in "A Small Window for Self-discipline": "Burning incense and cooking tea has never cleared classes, but now it is wrong to say’ Su Yi’. Everything in the world is burned and cooked, and it belongs to the Soviet Union alone. If Su Fei is interested in this, it will be enjoyable. " It can be seen that the common people focus on its content, that is, practical value, while Suzhou people focus on such a form, but it is freehand brushwork, expressing an artistic conception, that is, attaching importance to its aesthetic value.

Obviously, the so-called "Su Yi" should include the following two meanings: one is the fashion of clothes, and the other is "being a man is like a man." To use today’s fashionable words is to walk in the forefront of the times and always be the trendsetter of fashion. So, what kind of talents can be regarded as "being a man with a penetrating mind"? Wu Weiye, a famous poet in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, borrowed the words of Zhen Qi, a dude, to tell the basic characteristics of this life, that is, playing with antiques and trying new tea.

(The author is a professor at the School of History and Culture of Southwest University)

The original title is "Fashion of Ming People"

Source: Beijing Daily client

Author: Chen Baoliang

Producer: Liu Lizhi

Editor: Xin Yuan

Process Editor: Sun Yujie

# History

Bigan, the god of wealth, is a god of wealth in Chinese folk belief, expressing the good wishes of the working people in China to ward off evil spirits and disasters and welcome good fortune. His surname is Biganzi. Bi was born in Ganmoyi (now Weihui, Henan), the second son of Wen Ding, the Shang emperor, and the uncle of Di Xin (Shang Zhouwang), the younger brother of Di Yi.

Bigan was born in the Seventh Sacrifice of Yinwuyi Bingzi (the 4th day of April in the summer calendar in 1125 BC) and died in 1063 BC. He was an important official of the Shang royal family and worshipped Shao Shi (the prime minister). He assisted two emperors all his life. At the age of 20, he assisted Di Yi, the king of Shang, with a high position as a teacher, and Di Xin (Yin Zhou Wang) was entrusted with the orphans.

He assisted Wang Zhongjun, the emperor of Shang Dynasty, in patriotism, pleading for the people and daring to speak out and remonstrate, and was called "an eternal loyal minister". After Zhou Wang dug his heart, he became a careless person because his heart was hollowed out, so he was careless and impartial, and was regarded as the God of Wealth by later generations. He was the first God of Wealth worshipped by the people and widely praised and worshipped by the world.

Di Yi was assisted by Di Xin, who had been in politics for more than 40 years. He advocated reducing taxes and corvees, encouraging the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, advocating smelting and casting, and enriching Qiang Bing. At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Di Xin (Zhou Wang) was tyrannical and dissolute, extorting and extorting money, sighing for the Lord, refusing to remonstrate, not being loyal, fearing death, not being brave, remonstrating, not using it, dying, and being loyal, so he went to the Star Tower to remonstrate for three days.

He asked why he relied on benevolence and righteousness more than he did on dry days, so he relied on anger. He said that I heard that saints have seven minds and believe in everything. Then he killed Bigan and dissected his heart, at the age of 64. After Bigan’s death, Zhou Wang sent someone to Bigan’s home to exterminate his family. There were two pregnant concubines in Bigan’s family, and one was caught and brutally executed.

Bigan’s wife, Chen, managed to escape in order to save the baby in her womb. Soldiers who sympathized with them secretly released her and four handmaids. They left the capital together to sing songs and went to live in seclusion in the mountains. Later, they gave birth to a boy, and now they call this cave "Linmu Cave".

Soldiers in Zhou Wang searched the descendants of Bigan everywhere. When they found them, they asked what the child’s name was. Mrs Bigan lived in the forest, and there was a mountain spring around the forest, so they told the soldiers that the child was called Lin Quan. Later, Zhou Wuwang defeated Zhou Wang, found Mrs Bigan and her children, and named the child Lin Jian, who was the ancestor of Lin.

How to do a female physical examination? These three physical examination items are all wasted money, so there is no need to do them.


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Source: Fashion Headline Network

The commercial potential and consumption power of 12 cities in China have developed to a point that cannot be ignored, and they must be analyzed, compared and re-examined.

Author | Drizzie

Although China is the pillar market of the current global fashion industry, which has contributed to the growth dividend in the past five years, there are still a lot of uncultivated land here.

When e-commerce platforms such as Pinduoduo entered the mainstream competition track with the sinking market consumption power, luxury fashion groups began to re-understand and deeply understand the special market form of China, and attached importance to the purchasing power of the middle class in markets outside the first-tier cities.

On the other hand, in the past ten years, the vast majority of fashion brands have captured the four first-tier consumer cities of "North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen", and their market roles have been basically established.

It is the general trend for some head brands to transform the brand recognition gained in China in the past few years into actual market share, improve profit margins and achieve a smooth soft landing, and expand the sinking market.

Kering real estate director Sergi Villar said last year that five luxury brands under the Group will open 14 new stores in six cities in China, Shanghai, Dalian, Kunming, Wuhan, Shenyang and Wuxi, all of which are new first-tier or second-tier cities except Shanghai. This move is considered by the industry as a signal that leading luxury enterprises are sinking their channels.

So the question now is, what other cities in China have the potential for fashion business? In order to do a good job in the next expansion, the brand must first really understand China, a vast, densely populated, culturally diverse and complex market.

According to the Fashion Business News, Vogue Business in China, a fashion industry media owned by Condé Nast China, will release the 2020 "New Fashion Capital Index Report" on November 21st, which is also the first city research index report and city index ranking in the industry. In cooperation with consulting firm EY Parthenon, this report conducted in-depth desk research and data analysis on 12 cities in China in the first issue of the 2020 edition of the New Fashion Capital Index Report.

Vogue Business in China will release the 2020 "New Fashion Capital Index Report" on November 21st, which is also the first city research index report and city index ranking in the industry.

Different from the general comprehensive ranking of new first-tier cities in some previous reports, this report makes a more specific comparison and analysis of urban fashion power. The report divides the new fashion capital index into five first-level dimensions, namely, fashion consumption power, fashion business potential, fashion cultural charm, fashion innovation talent and fashion development power, which provides quantitative standards for consumers and industry professionals to feel about these cities.

This dimension division will help industry professionals to identify the differences between Chengdu, Nanjing and Hangzhou, and provide reference for industry practitioners to formulate future business development strategies and expansion paths.

Vogue Business in China will also hold a summit for the release of the 2020 "New Fashion Capital Index Report", initiated by Bao Yimin, editorial director of Vogue Business in China, and discuss with industry experts, business and cultural leaders how the city can achieve new breakthroughs.

It is worth noting that the summit will also be located in Chengdu, and guests will be invited to discuss in depth the lessons of Chengdu’s fashion development.

▌ Cultural power is the background color of fashion cities.

Choosing Chengdu as the release place of this report is better than the particularity of fashion culture in this popular city.

This city has become one of the most fashionable young people’s gathering places in China. With the help of street shooting and social media, it shows the dress style of young people in China. They can accept very diverse brands, not just big brands.

In addition to dress, the lifestyle of young people in Chengdu is actually very diverse, including rich nightlife, food, rap music, etc. They are open-minded about enjoyment and self-display. This also causes them to be very decisive when shopping, pay attention to decoration and self-expression, and their aesthetics are romantic.

Choosing Chengdu as the release place of this report is better than the particularity of fashion culture in this popular city.

In contrast, although cities such as Shenyang and Dalian have strong consumption power, they may be second only to Chengdu and Hangzhou in the whole country, but their fashion and cultural power is short-board. Bao Yimin told WeChat WeChat official account LADYMAX, "What they lack is a fashionable and cultural environment, and cultural activities are relatively scarce. If you go to Dalian today, consumers will find that the most famous shopping center in Dalian is actually very similar to Beijing SKP or Shanghai Henglong, and the excavation of fashion culture in this city will be relatively small. "

He believes that although everyone knows that Chengdu is a very interesting, famous and consuming city, they seldom realize that it is not only unilaterally strong, but also has strong comprehensive strength, and the overall development, especially the development of young and cool culture, is very leading.

"Because Chengdu has a very unique culture, it has also attracted the attention of many big brands. For example, Chanel will hold a show and regard Chengdu as the first important entry point. Therefore, the combination of consumption and culture makes Chengdu a very attractive city, at least for fashion. "

In fact, the consumption power of many cities in China is very strong, otherwise it is impossible to contribute at least 30% of the consumption power to the sales of luxury goods in the world. However, consumption itself is not the main reason for the future fashion capital. China’s strong economy will naturally lead to strong consumption.

The real fashion cultural power represents everyone’s living standard and high sensitivity to fashion, which is embodied in cultural and creative industries, fashion weeks, art galleries, cafes, etc. The growth of these cultures will make the city lively and interesting.

To this end, the New Fashion Capital Index Report also gives 30% weight to fashion culture in five dimensions, which is heavier than other projects. Fashion consumption power is a "hard" number, while fashion culture is the background color and the depth of development. When the consumption power has increased to a certain extent, the importance of cultivating fashion culture has begun to be emphasized.

Bao Yimin also admitted that one of the biggest breakthroughs in the report is to digitize fashion culture, which is very abstract and emotional, so how to digitize and score abstract and emotional fashion culture is the key issue. Therefore, this report analyzes the cultural activities such as cafes and bars in each city and the local government’s measures to promote fashion. "This is to see where the roots of fashion culture are, and we have to dig deeper."

In addition to quantitative analysis, the New Fashion Capital Index Report also conducted in-depth interviews with two or three local opinion leaders and experts in 12 cities, and conducted research on fashion hot spots in different cities, supplementing the content of qualitative research.

Another thing worth mentioning is "the power of fashion development". "Fashion development power" involves the government’s support for the fashion industry, the city’s own scientific and technological level and capital strength.

"The development of the city needs the support of the government, so the report will give a score on how much the local government uses in the development of the fashion industry, that is to say, how much money it spent, what kind of fashion culture-related exhibitions it sponsored or held, and how many local art galleries or forums they participated in. This dimension was not available before (in many reports), and government participation can indeed be digitized because its behavior is open. "

If the government’s development plan includes training creative talents such as fashion designers, opening pop-up shop or holding forums, it can make every local fashion culture grow and the attractiveness of the city will be qualitatively improved.

Chengdu and Hangzhou are attractive to the surrounding cities, which leads to the further improvement of urban consumption power and the formation of a positive cycle. Data show that during the Eleventh Golden Week, Chengdu became one of the most popular tourist destination cities, receiving a total of 20.17 million tourists, up 32.7% year-on-year. The average daily passenger flow of Chengdu shopping malls approached the 40,000 mark, up 33.5% from the previous week.

In this dimension, Wuhan is also a special role. Wuhan was originally a very young city belonging to students, but under the government policy bonus after the epidemic, Wuhan’s fashion potential may accelerate.

Wuhan is a very young city that belongs to students, and it will also benefit from the government’s policy dividend after the epidemic.

A very high proportion of young people in this city are the basis of fashion development, and they are also the consumer groups pursued by the global fashion industry today. Bao Yimin explained that, first, students account for a large proportion in Wuhan’s population structure, which leads to a great relationship between the popularity of brands in Wuhan and what students can consume and may like. When the student population is at least more than half, Wuhan can basically be regarded as a university town, so students’ market reaction can clearly reflect what brand is suitable for college students, or what brand college students are chasing.

▌ The next step in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

While some cities are rising, Bao Yimin is also optimistic about the next step of going north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. He thinks that there is actually a second wave of middle class demand rising in China’s consumption. With the rise of new cities, the four cities of Guangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will still play a very important role.

If we refer to Milan, Tokyo, new york and Paris as the first-class cities of fashion capital, their development is mostly due to their important roles, such as Fashion Week. Big cities still have the greatest media and population attraction, and they will always play the role of "boss". At least next year, the whole world will be watching the contribution of local consumption in China to fashion development, so the potential of Guangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will not be weakened in two or three years.

Fashion is a constant pursuit of new industries, and brands certainly hope to find new markets outside the North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and these 12 cities offer more possibilities. Bao Yimin predicted that if life can’t return to normal next year, the future global fashion week will probably be released from China. For the sake of uniqueness, brands may not choose to go to the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, so the new fashion capital will gradually be favored by international brands.

Cities such as Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shenyang and Xi ‘an are providing China with more possibilities for the development of fashion industry.

The 12 cities in this report only selected representative cities in various regions of the country to conduct a sample survey, sketching the general appearance of the current domestic urban fashion development, which does not mean that the report has given a closed definition for the fashion capital of China. In view of the fashion development of more different ladder cities, Vogue Business in China plans to launch a city report every year from this year to track and investigate the progress of China’s urban fashion development.