Buckyball, Crystal Mud … Watch out for the "online celebrity" children’s toys that hurt people.

In the "Children’s Companion Home" in Nanbian Village, Gongfang Town, Le ‘an County, Jiangxi Province, the "Children’s Companion Mom" took the children to play with toys. Xinhua news agency

  [Talking about health]

  Magnetic buckyball, jelly-like crystal mud, luminous balloon … … These "online celebrity" toys, which have sprung up in recent years, are likely to become "sharp weapons" to hurt children. According to media reports, in the past summer vacation, many children in Guangdong, Hubei, Xinjiang and other places suffered gastrointestinal injuries due to swallowing buckyball by mistake, and even needed surgery. What other children’s toys need attention? Where are their security risks? Our reporter sorted out the consumption tips issued by the Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision, selected some children’s toys that are currently popular in the market but have hidden dangers, analyzed their safety hazards, and called on the whole society to pay more attention to the safety of children’s toys.

  My two-year-old daughter often has a stomachache recently. Her parents thought it was a gastrointestinal problem. As a result, she was sent to the hospital for examination and found that there were four intestinal perforations in her body. Parents are both afraid and puzzled. Why do children have intestinal perforation? It turned out that there was a magnetic bead toy named "buckyball" at home that was swallowed by the girl by mistake, and the hospital finally took the magnetic beads out of the girl through emergency surgery … … This is a recent report in the media. This hospital has treated 7 children who swallowed buckyball by mistake in the last month or so.

  This is not the only report that children’s toys hurt people, and buckyball is not the only children’s toys that hurt people. Magnetic buckyball, jelly-like crystal mud, luminous balloon … … These "online celebrity" toys, which are novel or fun, are ignited by online social platforms, and often become dangerous goods that hurt children.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision is responsible for the defect investigation and public opinion monitoring of all kinds of products on the market, and issues consumption tips to recall the defective products. The reporter found that children-related products, including toys, accounted for almost two-thirds of the consumption tips released by official website. The Quality Development Bureau of the General Administration of Market Supervision introduced at the theme activity of children’s products safety education on June 1st this year that since 2008, China has carried out 1,189 recalls of children’s products, accounting for 49.6% of the recalls of consumer goods, involving nearly 6 million pieces, and one recall of children’s products is every two recalls of consumer goods on average.

  These toys and other children’s products with defects in design or quality, in order to attract children, excessively pursue fun and ignore safety. In particular, the security risks of the novel toys that attract attention on the Internet and have the "online celebrity" effect cannot be ignored.

  Buckyball and the small magnetic beads of the magnet pen, "wearing the intestines and breaking the stomach"

  Buckyball is a kind of magnetic beads with a diameter of about 5mm. Many buckyball can be combined into various shapes at will with the help of magnetic force, which has been advertised by merchants as "educational toys" and is very popular with children and parents. There is also a magnet pen with a similar design with buckyball, which is also a new online celebrity product in recent years. In addition to the normal writing function, this pen is inlaid with magnets at both ends, and with matching steel balls, it can realize a variety of combined games by magnetic force. However, buckyball and the magnetic pen, which are fun and creative products, actually have great security risks.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision once published a case in which a 13-year-old boy in Guizhou sucked a magnet into his mouth while playing with a magnet pen in class, and then used another magnet to attract the magnet in his mouth. As a result, the two magnets successively entered the abdomen along the esophagus. When I went to the hospital for examination, I found that the two magnets were attracted tightly across the stomach muscle layer, and a 0.1 cm perforation was chiseled.

  "There are not a few cases of such magnet injuries, and most of them are concentrated in children aged 1 to 10." The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision pointed out in the consumption tips that small magnetic parts such as magnetic beads are more likely to be swallowed by children by mistake, and if they enter the trachea, they will cause the danger of suffocation; If it enters the digestive tract, it will cause vomiting and abdominal pain, and it will lead to gastrointestinal damage; Especially when two or more magnets are swallowed, the magnets will adsorb each other through the gastrointestinal wall in the digestive system, and continue to generate pressure, which may cause gastrointestinal perforation or intestinal obstruction, which may be life-threatening in severe cases. In general, these small magnetic parts can only be removed by surgery, which will cause permanent damage to children’s digestive system.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision reminds that there are many kinds of magnet pens sold in the market, but most of them are three-no products. Not only do they have no factory name, address and product certificate, but also there are no warning instructions on the pen body and packaging, so the safety cannot be effectively guaranteed. It is recommended not to buy such products.

  Borax poisoning of "mud" toys such as crystal mud should not be underestimated.

  The charm of magnet toys lies in the creative experience of combination play, and similar to it, "mud" toys also have such functions. In recent years, all kinds of soft, sticky, jelly-like "mud" toys have become popular around campus and online platforms. They have different names, such as Crystal Mud, slime, Bubble Mud, Cotton Mud, Poke Mud and Snowflake Mud, but they have common characteristics — — Colorful, soft to the touch, can change various shapes, and can also be used to blow bubbles, draw pictures, etc., which is deeply loved by children.

  However, they are not real mud, but are made of many chemicals. These "mud" contain a substance that may be harmful to health — — Borax.

  According to the introduction of the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision, polyvinyl alcohol, a polymer material dissolved in water, reacts with borax (also known as coagulant aid), and the dissolved polyvinyl alcohol is pulled together by the anions of borax to form a hydrogel with a network structure; On this basis, hand sanitizer, emulsion, pigment, beads, clay, etc. are added to make various "mud" toys such as crystal mud.

  These "mud" toys are brightly colored, similar to jelly, and usually have their own straws, which can blow bubbles nominally. When children blow bubbles with straws, the product comes into close contact with the mouth, which may lead to the risk of borax poisoning. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision explained that borax is extremely harmful to human health. Excessive intake in a short period of time will cause nausea, vomiting, depression, convulsions, skin flushing, circulatory failure and other symptoms. Excessive intake for a long time will lead to cumulative poisoning of multiple organs, causing damage to organs such as liver, kidney, brain and lung. The toxic dose of borax is 1 to 3 grams for adults, 15 to 20 grams for adults and 5 grams for children.

  At present, borax is prohibited as a food additive in many countries, and the intake of boron is limited. The national standard (GB5749-2006) of Hygienic Standard for Drinking Water in China stipulates that the limit of boron in drinking water is 0.5 mg/L. The EU’s requirement for boron content in toys made of liquid, pigment, jelly and other materials is limited to 300mg/kg. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision has tested 10 kinds of finished crystal mud products randomly purchased, and found that the boron content of 8 kinds of products exceeded 300mg/kg, and the highest one reached 1336mg/kg, far exceeding the safety limit of boron content in various countries. Once children eat by mistake when blowing bubbles with these crystal mud, there may be a danger of borax poisoning.

  Perhaps it is realized that this toy with borax directly added is easy to be found, and some merchants have introduced the so-called "non-toxic crystal mud" products, adding some daily chemical products to the glue containing polyvinyl alcohol instead of borax, such as washing powder, laundry detergent, shower gel, guar gum and so on. "This is actually very confusing, because these daily chemical products actually contain borax ingredients, and children also have the safety hazard of eating poisoning during playing." The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision pointed out in the consumption tips that any toy containing borax does not meet the requirements of our country.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision also specially reminded that homemade "mud" toys are more dangerous than finished products, and children will be directly exposed to large doses of borax and other chemical ingredients during play. Skin exposure to these chemicals for a long time is likely to cause chemical burns, allergies or cumulative poisoning; If children abuse the preparation container during play, such as drinking water from a glass filled with borax, or not washing their hands in time after play, it is easy to eat borax or other chemical ingredients by mistake, leading to the danger of poisoning.

  For toys such as crystal mud, especially homemade "mud" toys, the advice given by the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision is: Don’t buy!

  Online celebrity balloons will glow or explode.

  On this summer night, you can often see sparkling balloons with colorful light in squares or parks, which are very popular with children. This kind of balloon first attracted attention on online social media, and was called online celebrity balloon by many people. However, although the online celebrity balloon is beautiful, it has hidden dangers. According to media reports, there was a balloon explosion in online celebrity somewhere in Jiangsu province, and four people were hospitalized with different degrees of burns.

  How can a balloon explode? How serious is the harm?

  According to the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision, this luminous balloon is mainly composed of transparent balloons, multicolored light strips and battery boxes, and its structure is very simple. A string of thin multicolored LED strip is wrapped around the surface of the transparent balloon, and a small battery box is tied to the tail end of the traction rope. The battery is placed in a plastic box, and the power supply is directly connected to the light strip, and the light can be emitted when the switch is turned on.

  The balloon itself is a pressure vessel, and with this design and construction, the safety risk is higher. Testing by the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision found that balloons in online celebrity are mostly made of plastic, and once they come into contact with high-temperature heat sources (such as stoves) or open flames (such as lighters), balloons may explode. On the one hand, the surface temperature of the melted plastic is very high at high temperature, and the plastic liquid dripped from the melted plastic will cause serious burns and scalds if it sticks to human skin. On the other hand, balloon deflagration will produce irritating toxic gas, which may cause burns and other injuries to human respiratory tract. In addition, due to the bare wires, sparks may be generated during use, which may cause the balloon to explode.

  Some experts pointed out that the gas inside the online celebrity balloon may also become a safety hazard. For safety reasons, balloons are generally filled with inert gases such as helium, and hydrogen has long been prohibited from being used to inflate balloons because of its flammability and explosiveness. However, because hydrogen is cheaper than helium, some unscrupulous merchants may still use hydrogen to inflate online celebrity balloons. In a online celebrity balloon explosion reported by the media, experts pointed out after analysis that "judging from the power of the balloon explosion described by the injured, the balloon they bought is likely to pass off hydrogen as helium".

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision reminds that children should play such balloons under the care of their parents; Stay away from fire sources, heat sources and sharp objects when playing with balloons, and don’t use lighters to burn the traction line of balloons; It is best not to buy such balloons when the weather is very hot, because high temperature weather is more likely to cause balloon explosion; Don’t take a balloon in a car, subway, elevator, etc. Once an explosion occurs, the impact of a closed space will be very great.

  Laser pen can cause permanent damage to eyes. Don’t play with children.

  The light is dazzling and dangerous. Online celebrity balloon, laser pointer.

  I don’t know when, the laser pointer used as an indicator in classroom teaching, conference explanation and other places has become a toy for many children and a dangerous toy. As a result, there have been many reports in the media: "When a laser pointer shines, the eyes of a 7-year-old boy can’t see", "When an 8-year-old boy plays with a laser pointer, his eyes are permanently damaged", and "The sampling tests of online shopping for children’s laser pens all exceed the standard, and the harmful visual damage is irreversible" … … According to the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision, according to the product injury monitoring and network public opinion monitoring, injury accidents involving laser pens have occurred frequently in recent years.

  Laser pointer, also called laser pointer, is a portable device that uses battery and laser module (light emitting diode) to emit visible light beam, which is mainly used to accurately indicate the target at a long distance. In China, according to the degree of radiation hazard from low to high, laser products are divided into the following grades: class 1, class 1M, class 2, class 2M, class 3R, class 3B and class 4. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision pointed out that if laser products are not used properly, it will cause serious damage to human body, especially for products of 3R and above. Laser pens sold on the Internet usually have very high power and can even light matches, cigarettes, clothes and so on.

  The power is so high that it can ignite clothes. If you irradiate your eyes, the consequences can be imagined. According to experts, due to the characteristics of eye imaging, when the laser passes through the eye, it will be focused on a very small point on the retina, which will lead to an instantaneous increase in temperature and destroy the photosensitive cells of the retina. If the laser energy is strong enough, it will cause permanent damage without causing blink reflex (usually less than 1 second). It should be noted that low-power laser may also cause harm to eyes, and some high-intensity lasers still do great harm to eyes even after scattering from the surface of objects. Children in the developmental stage have delicate eye tissues and thin retinas, which are more vulnerable to injury.

  Laser pointer will not only cause direct damage to eyes, but also interfere with normal vision, which may lead to other accidents. For example, illuminating vehicles, airplanes, etc. with a laser pen may affect the normal vision of drivers and pilots and cause serious accidents.

  Of course, the laser pen is not unusable, but should be used scientifically and safely. According to different use occasions and users, the laser pen with corresponding radiation level should be carefully selected. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision reminds that laser pen products can be used in situations such as classroom teaching and conference explanation. The laser in children’s toys should meet the requirements of Class 1 laser radiation power limit.

  "The laser pens sold as toys in the market are mostly higher than this limit, which has great security risks and cannot be bought and played for children." The defective product management center of the General Administration of Market Supervision stressed.

"Destroy" Hua Xizi, only need a Li Jiaqi?

Original title: "Destroy" Hua Xizi, only need a Li Jiaqi?

Weibo hot search list these two days, almost all occupied by Li Jiaqi.

From the live broadcast of netizens-crying and apologizing-continuing to lose powder, Li Jiaqi’s road popularity has gradually collapsed.

Moreover, Li Jiaqi’s mistake has pushed Hua Xizi to the forefront.


I believe many people have seen the video of Li Jiaqi live broadcast of netizens.

Brand Jun will give you a summary again. The reason is that when Li Jiaqi sold Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in the live broadcast room, some consumers questioned that Huaxizi was getting more and more expensive.

Originally, it was nothing. It is common for consumers to spit out that products are expensive or cheap. As a result, Li Jiaqi suddenly exploded and started a series of outputs, which directly silenced all the workers in the live broadcast room:

"Where is expensive? It has been this price for so many years, don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. "

"Domestic brands are very difficult. Where is 79 yuan expensive?"

"Sometimes I find my own reasons. Well, after so many years, my salary has not risen, and I have worked hard."

Looking at these words alone has made people speechless, and it is really unique to match his impatient, preaching and got expression at that time.

Soon, Li Jiaqi suffered a lot of netizens’ strong spit: Why not eat minced meat here?

At the same time, Hua Xizi, who Li Jiaqi claimed "never raised prices", was also sent to the hot search list.

There is a high degree of discussion about whether 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil of Hua Xizi is expensive, whether the price of Hua Xizi has increased or not, and whether the product value of Hua Xizi is worth the price. Some netizens have calculated that each gram of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil is as high as 980 yuan, and they can buy two grams of gold.

Hua Xizi has also become the exclusive "monetary unit" for migrant workers, 1 Hua Xizi =79 yuan:

"I ate 1.1 flowers for dinner today and will continue to cook by myself tomorrow."

"I drank 0.2 flowers of milk tea today."

"If you add a class on Sunday, you can only earn 1.5 flowers."


I didn’t expect that after the entertainment star measurement unit "208W", there is also a measurement unit for exclusive workers!

So, is Hua Xizi, who was searched by Li Jiaqi, wronged?


When Li Jiaqi "shouted" for Hua Xizi in the live broadcast room, he said this sentence:

I have been following Hua Xizi for many years, and I know how it got up. I almost took Hua Xizi’s surname as Li.

Indeed, from no one cares about it to well-known domestic products, Hua Xizi can be said to be famous by Li Jiaqi.

Hua Xizi is a make-up brand that was born in 2017, and Hua Xizi in the initial stage is still in a state of no interest.

In 2018, the popularity of Li Jiaqi soared, and the core product "Air Honey Powder" of Hua Xizi also appeared in the live broadcast room of Li Jiaqi for the first time.

Since then, from honey powder to lipstick to other categories, Hua Xizi has appeared in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi more and more times, and her fame is getting higher and higher under the banner of "cheap domestic products".

In September 2019, Li Jiaqi became the chief recommender of Hua Xizi, and the cooperation between them became closer and closer.

According to the data, in 2020, there will be 77 Huaxizi in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and during June-December of the same year, Huaxizi is the brand with the largest sales volume of live broadcast.

From August to September this year, Hua Xizi still appeared frequently in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi with a frequency of five times a month.

Not only that, Li Jiaqi himself also directly participated in the design and development of Hua Xizi, and had a huge right to speak or even a veto over Hua Xizi’s products.

Even Fei Man, the co-founder of Hua Xizi, personally admitted that the sales growth of Hua Xizi could not be separated from the cooperation with Li Jiaqi.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration for Li Jiaqi to say that "Hua Xizi is almost surnamed Li".

The interest chain between Li Jiaqi and Hua Xizi is tightly bound, and the rebate to Li Jiaqi from Wang Chuan Hua Xizi is as high as 60%-80%, even more than 100%.

Although Hua Xizi’s official quickly denied the rumor, it is not difficult to see from the deep binding between the two over the years that Hua Xizi’s profit share to Li Jiaqi is more substantial than that of ordinary brands.


Hua Xizi is very dependent on Li Jiaqi, and to a great extent, both of them have formed a trend of "one glory and one loss".

Li Jiaqi glory, HuaXiZi followed with a lot of light, and Li Jiaqi’s words, also can almost kill HuaXiZi half-life.

Even the brand was aware of this problem and tried to break away from Li Jiaqi’s influence, but failed. Hua Xizi’s new product was launched and never left the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi.

In this storm, Hua Xizi was a little wronged, but not much.

What’s more, Huaxizi itself did not impress consumers with its strength in products, but put more energy into marketing.

Everyone spits out not only the eyebrow pencil, but also all kinds of makeup products of Hua Xizi.

"Lipstick is hard to use", "The same amount of loose powder is more expensive than Chanel" and "the product is overpriced" … Hua Xizi’s products have been complained by consumers, and it was not built in a day. 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil is just the fuse.

In the final analysis, whether relying on the anchor KOL or relying on marketing to open up popularity, we will eventually return to the product itself and make a truly conscience product from the consumer’s point of view.

With the support of consumers and the confidence brought by excellent products, the brand can stand on its feet for a long time. At least, it won’t roll over because of a few words from others.

Editor in charge:

Send 10,000 eyebrow pencils. Why does Hua Xizi get more angry when he apologizes?

Hua Xizi finally appeared.

On September 10th, Li Jiaqi’s phrase "What’s so expensive about 79 yuan" caused a heated discussion among netizens about the price of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil. Nine days after the incident, Hua Xizi’s official Weibo account issued an "apology statement" and launched a prize collection in Weibo, planning to send out 100 beauty gift boxes and 10,000 eyebrow pencils.

Source: Hua Xizi official Weibo

However, for this belated letter, many netizens did not buy it. The words "Hua Xizi’s apology is not sincere enough" and "Hua Xizi’s apology letter does not need to repeatedly emphasize that he is a domestic product" were searched in turn, and the public relations department of Hua Xizi also reported the news of collective resignation …

What exactly does Hua Xizi’s "apology statement" mean? Can Hua Xizi win the "forgiveness" of consumers by sending 10,000 eyebrow pencils?

The more you apologize, the angrier you get?

Let’s disassemble and analyze Hua Xizi’s response letter first.

"Thank you for your attention to Hua Xizi" and "Hua Xizi received great attention from the whole network in the past week". These words show that Hua Xizi knew about the "eyebrow pencil incident in 79 yuan", but the brand choice was "silent" at the forefront, but "fearful and at a loss".

Now I’m sorry, but I didn’t say it in time because I was concerned, not for anything else.

As Hua Xizi said, during this time, they "constantly absorbed everyone’s criticisms, opinions and suggestions". Theoretically, the next paragraph should talk about how to put these suggestions into action.

However, I didn’t say.

Hua Xizi is still apologizing for taking up too many public resources. Thank you for your attention. He said that the team has fully recorded, compared, revised and improved the relevant opinions, but did not say a word about how to do it. It is not very clear what the initial heart is when you read it.

The last few paragraphs tell our own brand story, and the core point can be summarized as five words: We are made in China. This part accounts for almost half of the whole letter.

The full text did not mention the eyebrow pencil price incident, did not explain the eyebrow pencil price, and did not say how to improve it in the future. It just said sorry for occupying public resources and not making a sound in time, and emphasized its domestic identity.

Netizen’s Interpretation of Hua Xizi’s A Letter | Source: Xiaohongshu @ Berby 888 Video Screenshot

No wonder netizens don’t buy it, because the whole apology statement seems to imply a logic: I’m sorry, but I’m Chinese.

And this logic of "I’m sorry, but …" will, without exaggeration, ruin the whole apology.

Psychologically, this kind of sentence is called "fuzzy message". In the same sentence, there are two contradictory contents: I am wrong, but the reason is … This kind of description will make it difficult for the listener to understand and even misunderstand what you really want to express. After all, it is like trying to shift the responsibility to other reasons.

So some netizens asked Hua Xizi, "Can it be so expensive to sell domestic products?" Of course, domestic products can also be expensive, but the focus of this eyebrow pencil price storm is not whether the brand is domestic products.

Correct apology posture

So, what should an appropriate apology look like?

The Intercultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) has analyzed apologies in five countries and extracted five components of apologies:

(1) Acknowledge (sorry, sorry, embarrassed in language)

(2) explanation

(3) bear

(4) compensation

(5) Commitment

Other scholars have also put forward different apology models, all of which are similar to CCSARP model, with three basic components: recognition (mistake), commitment (responsibility) and commitment (compensation).

Admitting (mistakes) is easy to understand, focusing on "taking responsibility". Taking responsibility is the core of the apology model. Apologists should pay special attention to the artistry of words, and people should feel that they are willing to take the initiative to take this responsibility after self-reflection. Taking the principle of no excuse and no argument will play a icing on the cake.

In view of this, Sean Mala Tang’s response to the incident of selling "fake mutton" in its own franchise stores is a negative example.

In July this year, a consumer bought mutton in a store in Mala Tang, Sean. At that time, the clerk said it was pure mutton, but after the consumer sent the mutton for inspection, the ingredients of pork and duck were detected. For this matter, the customer service staff of Sean Mala Tang Headquarters responded that "after verification, it was found that the store involved had privately purchased the mutton rolls, and the mutton rolls tested in the video were not the products uniformly distributed by our headquarters".

On August 7th, the official micro-announcement of Sean Mala Tang announced the progress of incident tracking and subsequent rectification measures, but netizens did not buy it. It turned out that Sean Mala Tang simply said, "We are mainly responsible for lax supervision …", but in actual operation, it only deducted the deposit of the stores involved, and did not deal with the lax supervision of the headquarters.

There is no attitude of "taking the initiative to take responsibility, no excuses, no arguments", and there is no corresponding action. Just saying "we take the main responsibility" can’t fool consumers.

Not to mention Hua Xizi’s "A Letter" this time, he didn’t say anything wrong at all, let alone what responsibility he had to bear …

Finally, let’s talk about commitment (compensation). Whether an apology is sincere or not can be reflected at this point.

As far as apology is concerned, if you only say "I’m sorry" and "I’m sorry", without telling the cause and effect, and without proposing any punishment or remedy, then in the other party’s view, it is also a insincere apology.

For example, if you are late for a weekly meeting and say "I’m sorry, I forgot to attend the meeting" when you enter the meeting room, you will make everyone feel that you are a dereliction of duty and don’t pay attention to this meeting at all. When a fault occurs, no matter how small it seems to you, you need to take some remedial measures to make up for it, show your sincerity, and think of a solution after a good thing, so that the other party can feel your apology.

Hua Xizi’s approach is to send out 100 beauty gift boxes and 10,000 eyebrow pencils.

Not to mention the final cost of these gifts, Hua Xizi’s behavior is not sincere enough: it did not write this "gift-giving activity" in a Letter, but sent a Weibo alone, and characterized this behavior as a prize collection. If you want to have a chance to get a gift, you have to forward its lucky draw Weibo.

In this regard, the prizes are not released at one time. At present, only 200 eyebrow pencils have been released, and the rest, in Hua Xizi’s words, "will be drawn one after another from September 23 to September 24".

Source: Hua Xizi Weibo screenshot

It’s hard to say whether Hua Xizi’s operation is compensating consumers or taking the opportunity to promote his own brand … No wonder some netizens said that this prize collection activity was "insincere and full of scheming".

Beyond the three cores, whether an apology should include an explanation is also an easy point for an apology statement.

There are two views on this. Some people think that explanation is cover-up, and cover-up is unwilling to take responsibility and want to find excuses, and the offender should not have any excuses. Others think that explanation is to show that it is not intentional to offend, which can eliminate misunderstanding and guilt.

In fact, we can change our thinking. Besides the three basic components of apology, explanation can be used as an auxiliary means of apology.

This means that it can’t independently express the apology intention, can’t independently constitute an apology act, and doesn’t have to appear, but it can form an auxiliary part of the apology speech act to help express the apology intention more completely and achieve better communication effect. More importantly, it can’t account for too much. An apology letter, half of which is an explanation, is suspected of shirking responsibility.

Another thing to note is that it is better to apologize sooner than later.

Many people (brands) will feel that apologizing = admitting mistakes = admitting that I (brands) suck = being rejected by society. For this reason, many people don’t apologize when they should apologize, but hide in order to avoid the accusations of public opinion. However, no matter how long they hide, when they show up again, what should come will still come, criticizing and accusing, even with interest.

If I had known this, I might as well apologize.

Give an apology "model"

Some time ago, the mutton rolls of Banu’s sub-brand Chaodao Store were reported to contain duck meat, which attracted attention. For this matter, Banu responded quickly, apologizing, introspection, compensation and commitment were all done. To tell the truth, it is difficult for consumers to know whether the measures taken by relevant responsible persons and external partners are really implemented, but judging from this apology statement alone, it is indeed full of sincerity.

Source: Weibo @ Banu beef omasum hotpot

However, even if you apologize and apologize "perfectly", it does not mean that others must choose to forgive.

Some people will put pressure on each other after apologizing: "I have already apologized, but what if you don’t forgive me?" There is a logical fallacy here-not all apologies can bring forgiveness, and apologies are not an emotional kidnapping.

American psychologist Harriet Lerner pointed out that forgiveness is not a yes or no mechanism, but a "degree". You can forgive someone 10%, 50% or 90%, and more often, forgiveness is a process rather than a decision, which is why it often takes us a while to forgive someone. If the other party doesn’t forgive you this time, apologize a few times more and give the other party a little time, maybe it can promote the progress of the progress bar.

That is to say, if you want to apologize, you should recognize all the mistakes from beginning to end, and don’t always think about "I apologized, why don’t you forgive me?"

Besides, Hua Xizi’s "A Letter" response is not a successful apology statement from any angle.

But from the perspective of overall public relations, the effect of this letter is not bad. You see, now people are paying attention to its public relations team, and "Hua Xizi’s public relations department or collective resignation" and "Hua Xizi’s annual salary of 630,000 strokes of public relations" are hot searches in turn.

The starting point of the whole thing, Hua Xizi 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil, seems to have been forgotten.

"Cloud Life" electronic products such as tablet computers and notebook computers sell well.

Zhang Xinxin, a student from Wenquan Village, Andi Town, yinan county City, Linyi City, Shandong Province, has a difficult family life. He used to need to borrow someone else’s mobile phone to attend the "air class" offered by the school. The picture shows a volunteer from yinan county Da Ai Yimeng Volunteer Service Team (right) sending a tablet computer to Zhang Xinxin and teaching her how to use it. Photo by Du Yubao (People’s Vision)

Students are reading personalized books recommended by e-readers. Photo by Shi Yalei (people’s picture)

  The COVID-19 epidemic has had a great impact on consumption in China in the first quarter of this year. The data shows that from January to February, the total retail sales of consumer goods nationwide decreased by 20.5% year-on-year. However, in the "home" life and "cloud" life, the sales of some consumer electronic products have increased against the trend, which has become a bright color when consumption is cold in the short term. Green consumer products represented by electronic products are helping to boost consumption and consumption upgrading.

  Electronic products sell well against the trend

  "Kindle reader, Bluetooth speaker … …” Zach Li, an engineer working in Beijing, found that he spent the most on electronic products besides daily necessities such as rice, oil and salt.

  "Reading, games and music are all long-term learning and entertainment activities for epidemic prevention at home, and these electronic products make it long and boring ‘ Zhai ’ Life adds interest. " Zach Li said.

  When consumption was cold due to the epidemic, "cloud life" drove the sales of some consumer electronic products to increase greatly, and the supply of emerging products continued to increase, allowing many new formats to develop against the trend.

  Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that from January to February this year, the demand for electronic products such as 3D printing equipment, smart watches and smart bracelets increased rapidly, and the output increased significantly year-on-year, with growth rates of 101.0%, 119.7% and 45.1% respectively. The growth momentum of emerging kinetic energy has not changed.

  On several major e-commerce platforms, the sales of electronic products have also increased. In February, notebook computers, tablet computers, printers and smart cameras became hot items on e-commerce platforms such as Suning.cn and JD.COM, and some products were even out of stock. Perhaps it is precisely because of the new consumer demand generated by the epidemic that many consumer electronics companies choose to release their new products in the near future. Among them, Apple recently launched a new tablet iPad Pro and computer Macbook Air, which received wide attention.

  Smartphones hit bottom and rebounded.

  The situation of epidemic prevention and control in China continues to improve, and the consumer market is recovering with the warm spring. At the same time, related enterprises have also actively launched "self-help".

  In the field of smart phones, the rebound and recovery of consumption are more obvious. Previously, affected by the epidemic, many mobile phone manufacturers closed their factories, and normal mobile phone production could not be guaranteed. Under the background of the whole society’s resumption of work and production, the mobile phone industry is increasing its productivity, and the output is gradually approaching the normal level. Recently, many mobile phone manufacturers, such as Huawei, have said that they are fully restoring the supply chain to ensure market supply.

  A person in charge of a mobile phone manufacturer said that from the sales performance at the beginning of March, the sales volume of smart phones in China has approached or even exceeded the same period last year. Industry insiders predict that the domestic 5G smartphone market is expected to resume its growth momentum in the second quarter of this year.

  While increasing horsepower to ensure production, the release of new machines by major manufacturers has also been carried out one after another. Since late February, the listing speed of new 5G mobile phones has obviously accelerated. According to the data of China Information and Communication Research Institute, there were 16 new models listed in February this year, including 11 5G mobile phones. Recently, Huawei held an online conference to release three P40 series mobile phones to the world — — P40, P40 Pro and P40 Pro+. It is worth mentioning that this model is equipped with the HMS Apps terminal cloud service ecosystem independently developed by Huawei.

  Experts said that in the fields covered by "new infrastructure", 5G is considered to be the top priority, and the industrial chain extended by 5G will also be rapidly driven. Thanks to the acceleration of "new infrastructure", the construction of 5G infrastructure and the improvement of 5G communication environment will further stimulate the recovery of the industry and promote the arrival of the "replacement tide" of 5G mobile phones.

  Create a new consumption format

  In order to better release the new consumption potential, in recent days, the central and local governments have successively introduced a series of measures to promote consumption to promote consumption in electronic products and other fields.

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 23 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Consumption Expansion and Upgrading to Accelerate the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market", increased support for electronic products and other fields, and proposed to encourage green smart consumption, accelerate the improvement of recycling networks in the fields of home appliances and consumer electronic products, and encourage enterprises to use technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to promote the intelligent upgrading of various electronic products.

  At the same time, many governments have accelerated the introduction of preferential measures to encourage green and smart consumption and promote product upgrading through measures such as issuing consumer subsidies and replacing old electronic products with new ones. Many e-commerce platforms have also launched promotional activities such as home appliances and electronic products.

  Experts said that in this COVID-19 epidemic, new consumption formats and new consumption models represented by electronic products showed strong growth potential. With the progress of science and technology and the acceleration of the updating of consumption concepts, the upgrading and intelligent upgrading of electronic consumer goods and other products will enter a fast-paced stage. How to cultivate and grow the new consumption and upgrading consumption power generated by the epidemic, and how to realize the long-term development of short-term products is a new test faced by the government and enterprises, which is of great significance for stimulating the formation of new kinetic energy and promoting steady economic growth.

General Administration of Market Supervision: Ten Characteristics of Consumer Complaints in 2022

  Cctv newsAccording to the website of the General Administration of Market Supervision, in 2022, the national market supervision departments received a total of 29.4077 million consumer complaints, reports and inquiries through the national 12315 platform, telephone, fax and windows, a year-on-year increase of 23.5%. Among them, there were 13,103,800 complaints and 4,722,300 reports, which saved economic losses of 4,519 million yuan for consumers and effectively protected their legitimate rights and interests. It mainly presents ten characteristics:

  First, the acceleration of consumer complaints, the recovery and expansion of consumption needs balanced development.

  From the trend of the past three years, due to the cross-regional expansion of platform economy, the cross-regional flow of population capital and the cross-regional allocation of market factors, the consumption of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Beijing is accelerating. There is a positive correlation between the number of consumer complaints and the level of consumer activity. The proportion of consumer complaints in the four provinces and cities in the country has increased from 31.8% in 2020 to 45.16% in 2022. To some extent, the accelerated gathering of consumer complaints reflects the unbalanced development of the supply side of consumption, so it is necessary to further restore and expand consumption in the central and western regions and promote higher quality and more balanced development.

  Second, recover the loss of over 10 billion yuan, boost confidence and release vitality.

  In the past three years, in the face of the impact of the epidemic, the downward pressure on the economy and the impact of the international situation, improving the consumption environment, stabilizing consumption and promoting consumption have become important supports for stabilizing the economic market and safeguarding people’s livelihood and well-being. Market supervision departments at all levels have handled a total of 74.5229 million complaints, reports and consultations, recovering economic losses of 14.472 billion yuan for consumers, effectively defending consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, and protecting consumption power and economic endogenous motivation. We will strengthen the maintenance of commodity services concerned by the masses. For example, the mediation success rate of fiber products, medical devices, production, maintenance and repair services has increased significantly compared with the previous year, with an increase of 15.51, 13.15 and 12.26 percentage points respectively.

  Through the continuous evaluation of "five-level circular linkage", the disposal efficiency of the national 12315 platform has been greatly improved. The timely handling rate of complaints and reports was as high as 98.99%, an increase of 12.55 percentage points; The highest satisfaction of the masses is 4.74 points (out of 5 points). At present, the platform has accumulated 16.0108 million registered users, with an average annual growth of 3 million, and has become a consumer rights protection platform trusted by the people.

  Three, rapid response, strong disposal, complaints and reports of epidemic-related materials fell rapidly.

  After the promulgation of "Article 20" and "New Article 10", the focus of epidemic prevention shifted from prevention and control of infection to medical treatment. The demand for epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies surged, the supply was not smooth, the price fluctuated abnormally, and product quality problems frequently occurred. At one time, the number of related complaints and reports increased by spurt. From November 10, 2022 to the end of 2022, the national 12315 platform received 241,100 related complaints and reports, up 3.88 times year-on-year, 2.95 times quarter-on-quarter, and the highest peak reached 19.5 times. Among them, there were 141,800 complaints and 99,300 reports, recovering economic losses of 4,981,700 yuan.

  The market supervision department responded quickly, launched a special campaign to stabilize the price and guarantee the quality of epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies at the first time, promptly checked the complaints and reports of epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies, and fully protected the health and safety of the people, with a total of 12,900 cases filed. As of February 10th, the reports on epidemic-related prices, unfair competition and advertisements, online transaction supervision, product quality, and the production and circulation of drugs and medical devices have dropped by 99.14%, 87.87%, 73.89%, 88.35% and 87.79% on an average daily basis, and the demands for epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies have returned to daily life, and the market order tends to be stable.

  Fourth, the downward pressure on the economy has increased, and after-sales problems such as non-delivery and non-refund have become more prominent.

  In 2022, the national market supervision department accepted 13.1038 million consumer complaints, a year-on-year increase of 43.84%, and the growth rate was enlarged compared with 2021. From the complaints, there were 2,987,000 pieces of quality, 2,489,600 pieces of after-sales service, 1,159,100 pieces of contract and 1,090,600 pieces of food safety, accounting for 58.96% of the total complaints. Among them, the problem of after-sales service grew fastest, and the masses reflected it most strongly, with a year-on-year increase of 57.67%.

  After-sales service status is directly related to operators’ confidence and expectation. Affected by the epidemic, the problem of after-sales service has been highlighted. Consumer demands mainly focus on non-refund, non-delivery, non-performance of the "three guarantees" commitment, non-implementation of the seven-day unreasonable return obligation, and untimely delivery. From the perspective of commodity categories, it is mainly concentrated in mobile phones, shoes, coats, furniture and automobiles, accounting for 25.61% in total; Printed matter, dairy products, computer peripherals, air conditioners and luggage increased by 154%, 120%, 98%, 98% and 90% respectively.

  Fifth, the proportion of commodity complaints increased, and the consumption of new energy vehicles was short-lived.

  In 2022, the national market supervision department accepted a total of 8,623,200 commodity complaints, accounting for 65.81% of the complaints, up 4.37 percentage points from the previous year; There were 4,480,600 service complaints, accounting for 34.19% of the complaints. The increase in the proportion of commodity complaints reflects the prominent product quality problems under the downward pressure of the real economy. Among them, the top complaints are: ordinary food, clothing, shoes and hats, household items, household appliances, transportation and communication products, accounting for 58.43%. The top service complaints are: catering, accommodation, sales, Internet services, culture, entertainment and sports, beauty salons and baths, accounting for 46.37%.

  It is worth noting that with the rapid increase in the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, consumers’ requirements for quality are also constantly improving. In 2022, the platform received 16,000 complaints and reports about new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 62.84%. Among them, contract problems, quality problems and false propaganda problems grew rapidly, increasing by 126.33%, 77.35% and 75.65% respectively. Consumer demands focus on: imperfect after-sales service, failure to fulfill the "three guarantees" commitment; Sudden flameout, oil leakage, abnormal engine sound, brake steering failure and battery module damage during driving; Publish false information, induce consumers to sign unfair format clauses, and reduce the responsibility of car companies.

  Six, new consumption hotspots are constantly emerging, and the accompanying consumer disputes are rising.

  In recent years, "new consumption" is becoming the "accelerator" of economic development. While meeting the diversified needs of consumption, some new situations of infringement and new problems of rights protection are gradually exposed, reflecting the new pain points of consumer rights protection.

  In 2022, new model problems such as digital collection (NFT) rose, making supervision more difficult, with 59,700 related demands (only 198 in the previous year), mainly focusing on non-delivery, non-refund, malicious price gouging, high handling fees, and arbitrary closure of consumer accounts. Under the craze of "blind box", consumer demands reached 41,400 pieces, up 61.72% year-on-year. IP cross-border co-branded products set off a buying frenzy, with 38,100 related demands, up 66.96% year-on-year. Some merchants took the opportunity to raise prices, but the problems of uneven product quality, fake and shoddy products, delayed delivery and lack of after-sales service were outstanding. Behind the fiery outdoor sports such as camping, the demands for sunscreen products and mosquito-repellent products increased by 99.12% and 149.62% respectively. Ice and snow sports are popular, but the related demands are as high as 8677, up 60.51% year-on-year. The quality problems such as ski clothes and skis are outstanding, and the tickets, deposits and safety issues of ski resorts need urgent attention.

  Seven, online consumption continues to escalate, and consumer satisfaction still needs to be improved.

  With the continuous development of e-commerce in China, the epidemic situation catalyzes online consumption habits, and the online shopping field ranks "half of the country’s consumers’ demands". In 2022, the online shopping demand increased by 56.38% year-on-year, which mainly has three characteristics:

  (1) The format of "cloud consumption" has expanded rapidly, and complaints have grown rapidly.

  Various "cloud consumption" modes, such as live delivery, cross-border e-commerce, fresh e-commerce, online shopping, online entertainment, and private kitchen customization, have emerged, which has become a bright spot in the growth of weak consumption last year, but related demands are also rising. There were 220,900 requests for live broadcast with goods, up 1.15 times year-on-year and 5.01 times higher than that in 2020. There were problems such as no products, shoddy products and false propaganda. Cross-border e-commerce demands were 334,500, up 42.63% year-on-year and 1.47 times higher than that in 2020. The problems of negative after-sales service, failure to fulfill warranty commitments and counterfeiting of overseas products were prominent.

  (B) There are many new types of price fraud, and supervision and law enforcement are facing new challenges.

  Technologies such as big data algorithm of platform economy improve transaction efficiency, and it is also easy to induce new price fraud. The online shopping price demand was 106,700 pieces, up 99.03% year-on-year, which mainly included the problems of killing big data, changing trading conditions in real time, "marking low and closing high", concealing preferential threshold conditions, and the preferential treatment for non-members was greater than that for members, which brought higher challenges to the price supervision and law enforcement in the platform economy field.

  (C) Video membership service routines, consumer experience needs to be improved.

  At present, paid members have become the "standard" of video websites, but there is a lack of "standard" of member services, with 8534 related demands, up 103.82% year-on-year. The problems reflected by consumers mainly focus on: unreasonable advance on demand, suspected of repeated charges; The "free advertisement" is not honored, and the video is inserted with advertisements; The prompt of automatic renewal is not obvious, the way of cancellation is difficult to query, and consumers are easy to buy by mistake. Others rely on word games such as adjusting fees and changing rights to make up for losses and reduce users’ trust.

  Eight, "ODR" continued to expand, and diversified solutions to disputes steadily improved.

  Market supervision departments have vigorously promoted the construction of online consumer dispute resolution (ODR) mechanism, and the success rate of settlement and consumer satisfaction have made steady progress. 114,000 ODR enterprises have been developed in various places and settled in the national 12315 platform, and 3,094,800 disputes have been directly negotiated with consumers online. Compared with the traditional administrative mediation method, the average processing time is 7.69 days, which is greatly reduced by 14.2 days; The success rate of reconciliation increased by 11.25 percentage points; Covering 97% of cities, an increase of 2.36% over the previous year, fully releasing the institutional innovation advantages of ODR. On the whole, ODR’s social influence is constantly expanding, and the enthusiasm of market participants for voluntary participation is constantly improving, which has made a useful exploration for diversified solutions to consumer disputes and social co-governance.

  Nine, "sunshine" consumer complaint information, effectively strengthen the source of governance.

  The General Administration continued to promote the publicity of consumer complaint information, formulated a publicity system and built a publicity system, and launched pilot projects in some cities in Jilin, Guangdong, Sichuan and Xinjiang from November 2022. At present, 20,817 complaints from 14,114 enterprises have been publicized, effectively strengthening social supervision and credit constraints, and improving the transparency of the consumption environment, the integrity of operators and the satisfaction of consumers. After publicity, the success rate of complaint mediation in the pilot area increased by 8.39 percentage points compared with that before publicity and 5.97 percentage points compared with the same period of the previous year; The average complaint settlement time was 11.77 days, 2.17 days faster than the same period of the previous year; The consumer evaluation was 4.8 points (out of 5 points), 0.1 points higher than before publicity.

  X. Complaints and reports have become an important channel for discovering illegal clues, and the social supervision role of consumers continues to emerge.

  Consumers actively played the role of social supervision. In 2022, they reported 4,722,300 illegal clues to the market supervision department, up 40.34% year-on-year, including 2,027,300 illegal advertisements, 723,100 violations of consumers’ rights and interests, and 341,800 illegal food safety behaviors. Judging from the increase, reports of unfair competition, trademark violations and online trading violations all increased by more than 60% year-on-year.

  Market supervision departments adhere to the people’s livelihood orientation, strengthen the analysis and judgment of complaints and reports, and severely investigate and punish violations of laws and regulations according to law. 281,100 cases were filed for reports of illegal advertisements and false propaganda; 63,000 cases were reported and filed against violations of consumers’ rights and interests, mainly involving the sale of products that do not meet safety requirements, counterfeiting and cheating consumers; 48,700 illegal reports on food safety were filed.

The Chinese horror film expected in the year was scolded by the hot search.

The writer of this article is the writer @ 中中中中中中中中.

Lazy and greedy, do not love labor, only love movies. 

Last weekend, two hardcore movies were discussed by everyone.

One is Wei Jiahui+Liu Qingyun’s hot police and bandit suspense film Detective Wars, and the other is the annual Chinese-language horror film Curse that many fans are looking forward to.

"Curse" is a very lively movie both inside and outside the play. It is adapted from the true story of a six-mouth evil in Kaohsiung. The trailer was taken off the platform because it was too scary.

When it was shown in Taiwan Province, China, some viewers fled the cinema in fear, and some went to the temple to worship God after watching it. In the same period, the box office topped the Hollywood blockbuster "New Batman", ranking first at the box office of Taiwan Film this year with a score of NT$ 170 million.

With such a stunt, the appetite of mainland fans is naturally lifted high, and even known as "the best Chinese horror film of the year."

However, after the "curse" was launched, it was scolded by the hot search.

Not for anything else, just because of "bad luck."

Is "The Curse" really horrible or unlucky? Xiaowan has helped everyone to check the film. The front part is "high energy" and timid.

"Curse" strung together a curse spanning six years with two timelines.

Six years ago, if a man and his boyfriend and friends formed a "ghost squad" to explore the mysterious village. The whole village is wrapped in a strange and mysterious atmosphere. Everyone greets with strange gestures and worships strange evil spirits.

Boyfriends and friends broke into the "absolutely forbidden tunnel" and died on the spot, and the villagers also died. If the pregnant man was lucky enough to survive, he left here in a state of mental breakdown.

Six years later, Ruonan, who returned to normal, got her daughter’s right to care, and the mother and daughter started a new life. But strange things have happened one after another, and my daughter has symptoms of evil.

If the man runs around for his daughter, but more innocent people suffer, she finally decides to go back to the source of fear-the tunnel in the forbidden area of cults to find out.

On the surface, the horror elements in The Curse are nothing new, but a combination of "Death in a Forbidden Area", "Curse-ridden" and "Strange Death", with the tearful affection elements of "Motherly Saving Women".

But is the "Curse" really about the story of "the great mother is eager to love her daughter and return to the forbidden area PK evil spirit"?

Not necessarily.

There are many contradictory scenes and details in the film. The biggest doubt is: When did the man know about the evil god The Secret Behind? Six years ago or six years later? 

We can interpret this film in a different way, which may break the existing story about "maternal love".

Formally, The Curse also belongs to the popular screen/desktop movie in recent years, which is constantly switching between mobile phone screen, computer screen and video recording in the monitoring room.

Most of the curse content is if the man is explaining it to the screen, and this first-person narrative is actually mixed with many subjective elements.

Through the screen, we saw a novice mother who often "does bad things with good intentions", and she unconsciously felt sympathy and pity.

But what if the man lied? What if we see what she wants us to see?

What if it was all a scam from beginning to end?

The Curse has both positive and negative interpretation space. It depends on the audience’s understanding that loving mother/evil mother, saving women/sacrificing, breaking spells/unsealing evil spirits.

As early as the beginning of the film, "The Curse" implied by the running direction of the Ferris wheel and subway that "our thoughts quietly shape the world". The world is what you think.

The biggest controversy surrounding the curse is: bad luck.

Why did the audience feel unlucky, and even this topic was once hotly searched.

The first is the immersive fear brought by Chinese horror.

Japanese, Korean, European and American horror films are still separated by a layer, and ghosts that can only be hit by crossing the ocean cannot induce the sense of sight of domestic audiences. Taiwan Province horror movies are different. Everyone has the same root and the folk culture looks familiar.

There are two kinds of horror elements in the curse: foreign elements and Chinese elements. The former includes insects, antennae, secret fear and jumpscar; The latter includes folk customs, feudal superstitions and Chinese binding.

Although the former is scary, it will be forgotten after seeing nausea; It is the latter that really goes deep into the bone marrow and causes association.

Whispering the mantra "Fire Buddha Xiu Yi" and "Heart Sa Baa" which can be seen everywhere, strange cult totems can also find similarities in murals;

There are common spells and exorcism rituals in feudal times; There are also ancient altar offerings, swaying dim red lanterns, and hairy clay dolls in the ancestral hall, which can understand the essence of Chinese horror.

Have to sigh with emotion, Taiwan Province horror movies have a way of holding Chinese horror. It is a trend in recent years to combine folk elements with stories of evil spirits, and it is also an opportunity for Taiwan Province horror films to revive. The previous "Little Girl in Red" series and "Zongxie" also exploded for similar reasons.

Little girl in red 2

The second reason for bad luck is that the audience feels offended.

Watching traditional horror movies, we usually stand in the perspective of God and overlook the tricks of the characters in the film. Although the people in the film have no idea about their own situation, we know in advance that there are ghosts of the dead, and we treat them with a sense of superiority from an omniscient perspective.

"Curse" uses screen narration, which is equivalent to the audience standing in the second perspective and having an equal dialogue with the characters in the film, which is easy to produce immersion.

So when we read the spell after Ruonan at the end of the film, we found ourselves cheated and became a part of the curse.

When the audience realizes it, people will naturally feel annoyed. The subtext is "The director actually dragged us into it" and "The dummy actually lied to the real person".

This kind of "offense" to the audience is not new, and it has also appeared in other horror films before.

The most classic is the video of Sadako’s death in "The Ring of Midnight". People who watch the video will die strangely within 7 days, and if they pass it on to others, they can hand over bad luck.

There are also pirated videos in "Ghost Will Show". It is said that anyone who sees the death of Fusang (the film in the film) will be killed by a female ghost. Of course, the characters in the play saw it, and so did the audience outside the play.

In Truth or Adventure, there is also a bridge that releases videos to video websites. In this way, the protagonist group allows more people to share the devil’s sanctions.

"Curse" should refer to the above films and set up a bridge that offends the audience. From the perspective of communication, this stunt is quite memorable, which is really conducive to the wide spread of the film.

Its essence is no different from old terrier’s "If you don’t forward it to X people within X hours, you will …", so you don’t have to feel unlucky or unlucky.

Don’t be afraid, there is also a curse letter in Legend of Wulin.

Returning to the film itself, The Curse is a Chinese horror film worth watching with acceptable quality.

The greatest advantages and disadvantages of The Curse are related to the screen narration.

On the one hand, with the help of large and small screens, it builds a horror experience with a strong sense of immersion and interaction, and all the scary pictures seem to happen in front of us.

On the other hand, in order to pursue the consistency of the form before and after, the film also added a screen where it is not necessary to use the screen narrative, which is not as good as the semi-screen narrative of the Female Ghost Bridge.

The Curse has brought many amazing highlights, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Kevin Ko, a new generation director, also has ambitions and plans to devote himself to it.

When he was a student, he filmed a small-budget horror short film "Ghost Print", the first feature film was the slashing thriller "Fatal Party", and in his early works, there was a doomsday counterattack related to the doomsday element, which was enough to see his interest.

In the past ten years, he has not produced much, and he is out of the category of horror. The Adult 2, the Emergency of Getting Off the Bill and the Budaoxia, which were filmed in the mainland, can only be regarded as unsuccessful commercial comedies.

From the beginning of "The Curse", Kevin Ko returned to the old line of horror films. The win-win box office reputation of "Curse" gives him confidence to promote the follow-up films of the same type.

In addition to Curse 2, which features a girl and a boy, Kevin Ko also intends to open a "one-word movie universe" based on the real events in Taiwan Province.

Maybe, there will be the next explosion in the follow-up new films "Pickling", "Sleeping", "Even" and "Burial" of "One Word Movie Universe".

Note: Some pictures in this article are from Douban and the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us actively.

Thirteen films were packed into the "May Day" schedule, and the schedule dependence became more and more serious.

  Is this year’s "May Day" file too crowded? Yesterday, the movie "When Love Comes" suddenly appeared in the "May Day" file pre-sale list of Lighthouse Professional Edition. At one time, there were as many as 14 films in May 1st, which was twice as many as those in the Spring Festival. After several appearances, there are still as many as 13 films, which is the largest number of films in May 1st in history.

  Although there are many films, the box office is not satisfactory. It has been a week since the pre-sale of the May 1 movie. According to the real-time data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 17: 50 on April 28, the total box office of the May 1 movie (including the new movie released on April 30) exceeded 100 million yuan. Insiders pointed out that compared with Spring Festival, Summer Holiday, National Day and New Year’s Eve, the "May Day" file can only be regarded as a "waist file", but it is this waist file that attracts more than a dozen movies, as if it were more popular than the Spring Festival file.

  The films are released together, why is the pre-sale cold? How should the industry re-examine the festival schedule? Under the "involution" of the waist schedule, we may wish to have some cold thinking.

  Is the "May Day" file worth squeezing?

  The output value of "May 1st" file is obviously higher than that of Qingming file, Dragon Boat Festival file and Mid-Autumn Festival file. This year’s "May 1 ST" file showed a situation of "one super and many strong" in the pre-sale stage like the Spring Festival file, and the word-of-mouth of the film became more and more important.

  "My happiness is gone." Many fans sighed when they learned that "Antique close encounter of mahjong", which was originally scheduled for May Day, was withdrawn. "Antique close encounter of mahjong" is not the only film that disappeared from the May 1 ST file. The film "There is She in the World" directed by Zhang Aijia, Li Shaohong and Chen Chong also disappeared in the pre-sale lineup of the May 1 ST file, which made many people’s expectations fail. At present, it is not known when it will be released.

  Movies such as Manas Man, Migratory Birds and Dog Fruit Theorem once quietly appeared in the "May Day" file list, and then quietly left; "Running to the Sea" and "When Love Comes" suddenly filled the position in recent days. At present, there are 13 May 1 movies that have been pre-sold, including My Love’s On the Cliff, Secret Visitor, Fighting Against the Black, ONCE UPON A TIME IN HONG KONG’s The Sunshine Robber, The True Three Kingdoms, GG Bond Movie, The Diary of a Dinosaur, Searching for Han, etc., making it the largest number of May 1 movies in history.

  Among this year’s "May 1" movies, the most eye-catching one is the spy war movie "Above the Cliff", which was first tried by director Zhang Yimou. The film, starring Zhang Yi, Yu Hewei, Amanda, Zhu Yawen and Liu Haocun, tells the story that in 1930s, a group named "outrat" was sent to the Northeast, and fought bravely with the enemy and carried out covert operations under severe test. Before the release, the film accumulated word of mouth after screening, and the score of cat’s eye screening was as high as 9.2 points. Previously, films such as Antique close encounter of mahjong and There is She in the World were withdrawn from the archives. Apart from being "too crowded", many people analyzed it to avoid such strong films as Above the Cliff. However, with the withdrawal of two films with more attention, there are not many films that can be regarded as heavyweights in this year’s "May 1" file.

  Yu Xiansheng, the manager of a Shanghai cinema, thinks that this year’s "May Day" movies are of good overall quality, such as My Love, the star-studded Above the Cliff and Secret Visitor, which have high box office expectations. At the same time, he is optimistic about the movie "True Three Kingdoms Warriors" adapted from the game. Although the pre-sale of the film is not ideal at present, it is better than the strong cast, which is expected to attract many fans of the Three Kingdoms and game fans to watch the movie.

  In the May 1 movie, Professor Ishikawa of Shanghai Theatre Academy was more optimistic about Above the Cliff, and he predicted that ONCE UPON A TIME IN HONG KONG might also become a dark horse. "Hong Kong films have a high degree of completion from the film industry level, mainly depending on the director’s degree of play." He believes that the collective absence of appealing young and middle-aged directors such as Xú Zhēng, Frant Gwo and Luyang in this year’s "May 1 ST" file exposed the problem of insufficient creative power at present. "After their films entered the Spring Festival file, the" May 1 ST "file could not get a strong film. Although there is Zhang Yimou, it is not attractive enough for young movie-watching groups."

  Is the "May Day" file worth squeezing? According to the historical data, the highest box office record of the "May 1st" file is 1.527 billion yuan for the four-day holiday in 2019. If the natural growth brought by the extension of holiday time is not counted, the "May 1st" file is also the second three-day holiday box office after the New Year’s Day file, which exceeds 1 billion yuan, and its output value is significantly higher than that of Qingming file, Dragon Boat Festival file and Mid-Autumn Festival file. With the extension of the May Day holiday to five days, its position in the film market will continue to rise in the future.

  Liu Zhenfei, an analyst at Cat’s Eye Research Institute, said that in 2021, there will be 13 May 1 movies, among which 9 movies, including My Love’s Above the Cliff and Secret Visitors, the number of people who want to see Cat’s Eye exceeds 10,000. In 2018, the total number of new films around the "May 1 ST" file layout was 10, and the number of people who wanted to see it was 6. This year, both the number of scheduled films and the number of popular films have reached a record high. "Overall, this year ‘ May Day ’ In the pre-sale stage, the stalls are like Spring Festival stalls ‘ How strong is one super ’ The situation, but ‘ How strong ’ The situation is not clear at present, and the final decision is in the hands of the audience. Word of mouth is becoming more and more important for films in fierce competition, which has become a trend. "

  Love movies become the biggest winners?

  In the fast-paced life, watching brain-burning suspense and spy war movies is naturally no match for relaxing and enjoyable youth romance movies. However, "Above the Cliff" and "Secret Visitors" have more word-of-mouth protection than My Love.

  According to Mu Chen, Dean of the Lighthouse Research Institute of Alibaba Pictures, the "May 1" file does not belong to the big schedule, and the current pre-sale situation is still normal. "In the last four or five years, ‘ May Day ’ The box office has maintained a steady growth rate, and the average box office in the past two years has reached more than 300 million yuan. This year is a five-day holiday, which physically lengthens the time dimension of the schedule and will definitely broaden the schedule capacity. "

  Thirteen films were released together, naturally some people were happy and others were sad, but many people didn’t expect the romantic film My Love to rank first in the pre-sale. According to the statistics of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of April 28th, the total pre-sale of My Love before screening has exceeded 41 million yuan, followed by the film Above the Cliff directed by Zhang Yimou, which exceeded 25 million yuan. Director Chen Zhengdao’s Secret Visitor, another suspense film after Master of Memory and Master of Hypnosis, ranked third with over 10 million yuan.

  Judging from the film theme and lineup, My Love does not have obvious advantages. The film, starring Greg Han Hsu and Zhang Ruonan, tells the story of Zhou Xiaoqi’s love for You Yongci who fell in love at first sight when he was young for 15 years, but missed and reunited again and again under the trick of fate. It was originally planned to be released on May 20 th, the homonym "I love you".

  It is hard to imagine that the pre-sale of this romantic film featuring "sweet abuse" can beat Zhang Yimou’s spy war blockbuster and Secret Visitor starring Aaron Kwok, Duan Long and Zifeng Zhang.

  Since 2013, "To Youth We Will Die", youth romance films have been dominating the box office of "May 1st" file. This year’s "Above the Cliff" and "Secret Visitors" did not perform as expected. Is it because suspense and spy films are not as popular as romantic films?

  According to the report of Lighthouse Research Institute, in recent years, from the perspective of type distribution, there is a feature that love and action suspense alternately prevail. In terms of audience types, the core audience of romantic films is larger than that of suspense spy films. Whether the audience can empathize and release strong emotions is an important weight for romantic films to achieve high reputation and box office.

  My Love tells the love story of ordinary people. After the release of his own lineup, the related video broadcast volume easily exceeded 100 million. On the vibrato platform, the film was marketed on the topic of "Ten years of long-distance love, and finally lost to reality", which caused heated discussion among netizens.

  Many people can’t help but write their emotional past and breakup experience under the video. As the film emphasizes in the propaganda, My Love interprets every "I" in love. "This film is for everyone, and I hope everyone can find their own past in this film and find their own appearance in love."

  According to Mu Chen’s analysis, My Love is a film with strong social attributes, and its theme types, including the main creative lineup, are very suitable for the young audience, so it is normal to achieve the current popularity and pre-sale results. Next, it depends on whether the content quality can be recognized by the core audience, which is the key factor for it to dominate the schedule. "Romance films are usually difficult to squeeze into the big schedule, and it is not surprising to dominate the small schedule."

  Ishikawa believes that it is a bit accidental that My Love ranks first in the pre-sale of May 1 ST, but the suspense film genre is relatively new in China film market, and there are not many breakthroughs in recent years. The box office performance is not very good, and the pre-sale of Secret Visitors is not ideal. Although Zhang Yimou’s films have a high artistic level and excellent production, they are also facing the problem of being out of touch with the mainstream audience of the post-90s and post-00s.

  In the fast-paced life, going to the cinema to watch a brain-burning suspense and spy movie is naturally no match for a relaxing and enjoyable youth romance. However, in the eyes of the industry, from the perspective of lineup and production, Above the Cliff and Secret Visitor are obviously more word-of-mouth than My Love. Even if the latter is ahead in pre-sale, if the word-of-mouth is not ideal, it may be quickly overtaken on the first day of release.

  Should the movie schedule be changed?

  Hoping on the slotting effect, it is inevitable to have a gambling mentality. Resources are too concentrated, and it is not good for the market in the long run. The industry should think about how to actively adjust the schedule and tap the potential of small schedule.

  The strongest Spring Festival file in history born this year is inseparable from the transfer consumption generated by the call of "celebrating the New Year on the spot". With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the number of people traveling on May 1 this year has greatly increased. Statistics show that this year’s "May 1" Shanghai hotel orders increased by about 12 times year-on-year, and the number of tourists nationwide is expected to reach a new high. With the increasing number of people traveling, it is bound to curb movie consumption to a certain extent, which makes the market prospect of this year’s "May 1 ST" file confusing.

  At present, the Lighthouse Research Institute predicts that the overall box office of the "May 1" file will reach 1.8 billion yuan. Judging from the pre-sale, My Love’s Secret Visitor and Above the Cliff are in the first camp. "The estimated target is 4 billion yuan, and the overall box office should not be too bad." Ishikawa believes that this year’s "May 1" film lineup is not weak, with directors, actors and stories … … Most of them are above the passing line. If two or three films can break 1 billion yuan, the box office is expected to hit a new high in the same period.

  "More than 10 films grab ‘ May Day ’ File, the most direct reason is this year ‘ May Day ’ The holiday lasts for 5 days, and the deeper reason is that the schedule efficiency and market share have become higher and higher since the resumption of work. " Liu Zhenfei believes that this year’s "most crowded ‘ May Day ’ File "continues the competition trend of Spring Festival file, but the non-file period is more deserted than in previous years, which may be a microcosm of the overall box office trend of the film market this year. "In the first quarter, for example, although the New Year’s Day file was 1.3 billion yuan in three days and the Spring Festival file was 7.8 billion yuan in seven days, the overall box office in the first quarter was 18.1 billion yuan, compared with 18.7 billion yuan in 2019. This is related to the fact that overseas markets have just recovered and the number of popular imported films has been greatly reduced, but in the final analysis, the market is increasingly dependent on the schedule."

  "To tell the truth, my biggest worry happened after the Spring Festival." Ishikawa found that after the Spring Festival, the movie box office fell off a cliff, and once the box office was only more than 20 million yuan a day. "In previous years, the popularity of the Spring Festival stalls will continue for a period of time, driving the small stalls such as Valentine’s Day to rise. We call it the hammock effect. However, after the end of the Spring Festival stalls this year, the box office suddenly fell, which also stimulated the producers to squeeze into the festival stalls." Mu Chen also believes that "the most crowded ‘ May Day ’ The emergence of "stalls" is related to the increasing concentration of the film market in China in recent years. For large-scale films, the schedule shows a particularly strong adsorption to the film side, and everyone hopes to get higher popularity and better box office with the help of the schedule.

  Hoping on the slotting effect, it is inevitable to have a gambling mentality. "Resources are too concentrated, and everyone is bleeding, which is not good for the market in the long run." Ishikawa believes that the industry should think about how to actively adjust the schedule, for example, by appropriately reducing the ticket price to encourage the usual film scheduling, disperse the competitive pressure of the festival schedule, stimulate public consumption, and tap the potential of the small schedule. Several films such as Antique close encounter of mahjong, etc. should have seen this and made a rational choice.

  Although the schedule benefit is high, some films suitable for long-term travel have achieved good box office in relatively deserted months. For example, "Calm Down" directed by Li Xiaofeng earned more than 80 million yuan at the box office last November. "It is an important way to improve the box office of movies to train the audience to watch movies in the off-schedule period." Liu Zhenfei called on the industry to pay attention to non-popular schedules in the selection of schedules, so as to promote the more healthy and benign development of China film market. Mu Chen also believes that how to improve the diversification of content supply and enhance the audience’s interest in entering the cinema is a problem that the whole industry needs to think about and take seriously in the next six months. "This year ‘ May Day ’ Compared with previous years, the stalls are indeed more crowded, but we must also consider an objective situation. Domestic films have long been in oversupply. According to the production of 1,000 films a year and the volume of about 500 films entering the cinema, there may be 10 films released in a week. ‘ May Day ’ The file is not too crowded. " Ishikawa believes that for the current domestic film market, the lack of truly competitive films and the low-level repetition of a large number of films are the biggest problems. "When we can produce four or five films like The Wandering Earth and Hi, Mom a year, it doesn’t matter whether the total amount is more or less. The key is to improve the quality of the film. "

CCTV approved the rise of "pet blind box": this is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment.

CCTV News:On May 3, some netizens reported that a "pet blind box" was collected and delivered at a courier station in Chengdu, Sichuan, and the kittens and puppies in cages were dying. Some caring people in Chengdu immediately organized rescue. A caring person who participated in the on-site rescue said that the delivery place of these cats and dogs was Chengdu Sanlian Flower and Bird Market, and the merchants delivered live pets to the buyers in the name of selling "blind boxes".

At 22: 30 on May 3, the reporter arrived at Xiqiao West Street, Chengdu Railway Station. The scene was filled with the cries of cats and dogs, which came from cages on the ground.

Chen Yulian, head of Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center:This car pulled a car (cats and dogs) over, and then we followed. They just (turn) the car (cats and dogs) onto this car. Let’s take a look at this van. It’s completely closed. Close the two back doors, and all the cats and dogs must be locked inside.

Subsequently, the two trucks were stopped by volunteers in the rescue center and called the police. The reporter saw that a woven bag was put on the outside of each cage, and ZTO Express’s express bill was posted on each bag. After stopping the van, the volunteers tore a piece of each woven pocket to give the kittens and puppies air and water to drink. Subsequently, the reporter found the person in charge of the express delivery site to understand the situation.

Soon, the police of the local police station and the staff of the street office have arrived at the scene. In the early morning of May 4, these kittens and puppies were safely transferred, and law enforcement officers began to verify the information.

Chengdu Postal Administration: It will be put on file for handling.

The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Postal Administration said yesterday (May 5) that the postal administration immediately launched an investigation after paying attention to the situation of "delivering blind boxes for pets". For the behavior of the courier outlet suspected of illegally receiving and sending live animals, it will be put on file and the handling of the case will be disclosed in a timely manner according to law. At present, the local animal inspection department in Chengdu has temporarily detained all cats and dogs according to law, and temporarily placed them for inspection.

In addition, the ZTO Express company involved also issued a notice saying that these live animals were sold online by e-commerce customers of the platform, and were illegally collected by Lotus Pond outlets in Chengdu, ZTO Express. At present, the express collection business of this outlet has been suspended, and the person in charge of delivery safety of ZTO Express Sichuan Provincial Management Center has been suspended for inspection.

The transportation and delivery of live animals has been clearly stipulated by law.

Since May 1 this year, the Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention has been implemented, and there are clear legal provisions on the transportation and delivery of live animals. On March 19th last year, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice, demanding to regulate the delivery of live animals, severely crack down on the illegal delivery of wild animals and their products, and strictly regulate the delivery of live animals other than protected wild animals. Then, whether the merchants and platforms selling "pet blind boxes" and the express delivery responsible for transportation are illegal, experts have given corresponding interpretations.

Respect the law and refuse the blind box "out of line"

The rise of blind box economy is largely due to satisfying consumers’ curiosity and surprise about uncertainty. However, using blind boxed animals to build some people’s happiness on the basis of animal suffering or even loss of life is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment. Merchants must abide by the relevant laws and regulations on the delivery of live animals, and courier companies should not knowingly commit crimes.Respect for human nature, respect for the law, and people’s hearts are not blind, so there will be no such bad and out-of-line blind box.

Qunxing Toys: At present, the company has not cooperated with Huafu Fashion.

K diagram 002575_0

  Every time I pass the AI ? ? newsletter, some investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: Does the company follow?Cooperation? Without cooperation, can the company participate in the project now?

  (002575.sz) On March 13th, it was indicated on the investor interaction platform that the company has not cooperated with up to now. Please pay attention to the company’s relevant announcement for details.

Bai Yansong: Are soccer and soccer the same sport in China?

On July 19th, Bai Yansong paid attention to the "football road, how should China go?" in CCTV’s "News 1+1" program. Among them, the golden sentence is constant. Some words may sound a little harsh, but we can understand the helplessness of many experienced fans who can only have fun in the midst of years of pursuing love and constant loss. The so-called "love is deep and responsibility is urgent".

Let’s listen to what Yansong said ~

"I don’t want to talk about China football and everyone laughs."

When it comes to football in China, everyone will be happy and tell many jokes. In fact, I don’t want everyone to laugh when talking about China football, but China football has tortured fans for so many years, and I think we have some capital to laugh now. What can we do if we don’t smile?

But we really don’t want to laugh. We really want China football to develop better. But how to develop?

"How can China football develop without a stadium and a good coach?"

There is a survey: What do you think is the most important thing for China football to be strong? I think two figures are too low: 3% people choose.Build more stadiums, and 3% of people choose.Training of grass-roots coachesThis ratio is too low.

Let’s take a look at the goal of China Football Association: to expand the training scale of coaches year by year. By 2020, the total number of certified coaches in China will reach 70,000. Note that it is to strive to achieve it by 2020, which is quite different from the fact that 100 children in Iceland may have a good coach to take care of them.

There are also people who study football in China now, but after graduating in four years, they can’t get a certificate, and then they may be assigned to a school and stop teaching football and become ordinary physical education teachers.

Without a stadium and a good coach, it is almost impossible to make football in China the same sport as football.

"Playing football well has nothing to do with the population."

I often hear people in China say that 1.4 billion people can’t find 11 players. The four most populous countries in the world rank first in China, second in India, third in the United States and fourth in Indonesia. Except for the United States, which often enters the World Cup, the remaining three countries are not good at playing football, so it has nothing to do with the population.

What does that have to do with anything? CCTV 5, the sports channel, made a 20-episode feature film called Football Road before the World Cup. Frankly speaking, after the World Cup, I watched it again, and I saw that my blood was boiling and I often became very quiet. How about football in China? Is China football and football a sport after all, and how can they become the same sport?

"The goal of the national team competition in 2018 has almost not been completed."

Next, let’s look at the goals of the national team. The Chinese Football Association’s Action Plan for 2020 has drawn up three goals for the national team in 2018:

The goal of FIFA U20 World Cup was to strive to participate, but I didn’t go.;

FIFA U17′ s goal was to compete, but it didn’t go.;

The goal of U23 Asian Championship was to enter the top eight, but failed.!

In other words, the goal of the 2018 competition was almost not completed. The goal of the 2019 competition is to enter the top four of the Asian Cup. Can it be completed? Frankly, I’m not optimistic.

"We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about China football."

I really hope that all football players in China can take a good look at the 20 episodes of Football Road on Sports Channel. After reading it, we will all be the beneficiaries. We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about football in China. Frankly speaking, how lively the World Cup is, we are just passers-by, just a group of spectators. Only when China football is really well done and China football and football become the same sport, will we be really happy.

Want to see more suggestions from Bai Yansong about the development of football in China, click to watch the full video ↓↓↓

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