The number of inquiries per hour breaks 100,000! Online car-hailing compliance can be checked here

  The Ministry of Transport announced today (25) that as of February 28, a total of 222 online car-hailing platform companies across the country have obtained the operating license of the online car-hailing platform, and a total of 3.291 million online car-hailing driver licenses and 1.229 million vehicle transportation licenses have been issued. The online car-hailing platform companies registered a total of 58,000 compliance drivers in February, and 22,000 newly registered compliance vehicles. Among the online car-hailing platform companies with more than 1 million orders in February, the order completion rate according to double compliance was from high to low, respectively, Endao Travel (increased from 79.2% in January to 82.1%), T3 Travel, Cao Cao Travel, Shouqi Car-hailing, Ruqi Chuxing, Didi Chuxing, Meituan Taxi, Wanshun Taxi, Hua Xiaozhu Chuxing (decreased from 16.1% in January to 15.2%).

  In order to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the general public, take a regular online taxi, on March 19, the "online booking taxi compliance information inquiry service" system has been launched. Log in to the official WeChat official account of the Ministry of Transport, find "online taxi compliance inquiry" in the "service" menu bar, click on it, enter the license plate number of the vehicle to take, you can check the compliance of the car. In the past 6 days, according to monitoring, the number of visits per hour during peak hours has exceeded 100,000 times.

  According to the relevant regulations of online car-hailing management, compliance online car-hailing driver refers to a driver who has passed the background check, passed the assessment, met the conditions stipulated by the city people’s government, and obtained the "Online Reservation Taxi Driver’s License"; compliance online car-hailing vehicle refers to a vehicle that has installed emergency alarms and other devices, whose technical performance meets the relevant standards of operational safety, is registered as an appointment taxi passenger and has obtained the "Online Reservation Taxi Transport License".

  Compliance of online car-hailing drivers and vehicles means more secure safety and better service. In order to ensure ride safety and service experience, the Ministry of Transport reminds passengers to choose compliant online car-hailing. (CCTV reporter, Tang Ying)

The largest charity performance in Hong Kong history, Andy Lau thanked the artists for their support (Photos)

The artists shouted together, "Sichuan, come on!"

Andy thanks everyone for supporting his advocacy

Hui Zhi’an and Cheng Xiuwen

  Yesterday at 14:30, at the initiative of Andy Lau, the 8-hour non-stop charity show "May 12 Care Action in the Performing Arts Industry" initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association was held at Central World, West Kowloon, Hong Kong. The show was the largest charity performance in Hong Kong’s history. Hong Kong artists came out in full force, Jackie Chan, Chow Xingchi, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Alan Tam, Liming, etc.; the mainland also went to Zhang Guoli, Zhou Xun, Sun Nan and other big names to cheer; Taiwanese artists Cai Qin, Zhang Xinzhe, Liu Ruoying, etc. were not to be left behind. A total of more than 500 people from the performing arts industry participated in the charity show.

  In the end, the charity show raised more than 31.80 million Hong Kong dollars, and the Hong Kong entertainment industry, known as a mess of sand, became united. Advocate Andy Lau knelt down to all the artists on the stage at the end and thanked everyone for their support. "Sichuan, come on! China, come on!" The cry has been floating in the sky over Hong Kong. All Hong Kong people promise to be with the people of Sichuan and help the people of Sichuan rebuild their homeland.

  Artists sing "Promise" in unison

  As an important event of the "May 12 Action for the Performing Arts", yesterday’s charity show gathered hundreds of artists from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan for a marathon performance to help raise funds for disaster relief. The show was co-hosted by Cheng Yuling, Zeng Zhiwei, Wu Xiaoli, Zhang Guoli and others. At 14:28, the Hong Kong performing arts charity show officially opened, and all the artists observed a minute of silence. At 14:30, the performance kicked off with the voice of all the artists "Sichuan, come on! China, come on!" The artists sang the theme song of the show – "Promise".

  "… Everyone will have fear. Facing the dark corner, I will not hide for you no matter how hard it is. I want you to regain your original life, and I have confirmed the promise of this lifetime." At the scene, every artist wore a black T-shirt with the word "No" on the T-shirt. The artists swore on the spot: "We promise to work together to fight the disaster and save Sichuan!" "This is a promise. We Hong Kong people promise that no matter what happens to you, we will never give up and support you!"

  Jackie Chan Andy Lau talks about the disaster area

  In the face of the disaster, Chinese people all over the world have given great love, and everyone in the entertainment industry has also contributed money. Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and others also went to the disaster area to deliver supplies to the affected people and cheer them on. Yesterday, Jackie Chan and Andy Lau told the audience about their experiences in the disaster area. Jackie Chan said: "I arrived in the disaster area the next day. I saw trolleys, rickshaws and bicycles delivering supplies to the disaster area. I was very touched. When I arrived in London, I saw that both international students and foreigners were lining up to donate, which also touched me. Everyone offered a helping hand, so I believe that as long as we work hard, we can overcome all difficulties."

  Andy added: "I went there a few days ago, and when we arrived at the disaster area, they said to me, ‘It’s dangerous here, you go back’. In times of danger, they think of our safety, and I think this love is a big love. I was shocked by everything in the disaster area, and they faced it calmly. In their eyes, I saw persistence and their determination to build a better home."

Online catering "agency settlement": no business license is required, only a thousand yuan settlement fee is required

  On November 10, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services", which will take effect from January 1, 2018. This "method" has attracted widespread attention in the society as early as during the consultation period. The reason is that the food takeaway market is getting bigger and bigger, food safety issues are becoming more and more prominent, and new business models continue to challenge supervision. Therefore, many people have high hopes for this "method". However, some "small moves" in the market are already challenging this "method".

  Our reporter, Zhao Li

  At seven o’clock in the evening, it was time for Hu Ling, who was still working overtime. For more than half a year, Hu Ling’s takeout was basically "contracted" by the family-shared kitchen app "Go Home for Dinner".

  Hu Ling, who works at an Internet company in Beijing, often works overtime to order takeout. However, a recent piece of news has caused Hu Ling to worry that his newly developed eating habits may be affected.

  "I heard that the new regulations on online catering will be implemented next year, requiring online takeout to have a physical store and a food business license," Hu Ling said. "As far as I know, most of the family-shared kitchens are done by some unemployed people part-time, so it is impossible to meet these two conditions. This requirement of the new regulations will have some impact on the family-shared kitchen takeaway model."

  The new rule, which Mr. Hu was referring to, is the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services" issued by the State Food and Drug Administration on November 10, which stipulates that online catering service providers should have physical stores and obtain food business licenses according to law, and must not operate beyond the scope. The "Measures" will take effect on January 1, 2018.

  Hu Ling admitted that such regulations will definitely purify the online takeaway industry, which is good for consumer rights and food safety protection. "Previously, the media often reported news of some online takeaway black workshops, and the safety issues of online takeout were exposed during the" 3.15 "period last year. This regulation is a good thing in the field of food safety."

  However, an investigation by a reporter from Legal Daily found that the emergence of online catering "agency settlement" services may reduce the positive significance of the new regulations.

  Most consumers care about "physical stores"

  At every meal, in the office building where Hu Ling works, the delivery staff of various platforms hurriedly shuttle between different floors with various food boxes. At this time, the elevator of the office building also becomes a "battlefield" between the staff who go downstairs to eat and the delivery staff.

  Not long ago, Hu Ling and colleagues ate at a pizzeria. It was dinner time, but the restaurant surrounded by various office buildings had no other customers except them. Within 15 minutes of Hu Ling’s order, four or five takeaways came to pick up the food, and Hu Ling and the others who ate at the pizzeria were lined up after these takeaway orders.

  "I’ll order takeout next time." This unpleasant experience made Hu Ling even more determined to order takeout.

  Unlike Hu Ling, who was forced to choose, Qian Hao, 30, is a true takeaway enthusiast.

  Safe, hygienic, edible and deliverable are all Qian Hao’s criteria for takeout. It is needless to say that he orders takeout at work and almost never cooks at home. Qian Hao relies more and more on takeout. "To be honest, I probably see the delivery staff more often than I see my friends."

  However, while food delivery brings convenience to life, new problems are also becoming increasingly prominent.

  The question of whether food delivery platforms can ensure food safety has worried consumers. In 2016, CCTV’s "3.15" evening exposed the existence of "black workshops" and a large number of management loopholes in food delivery platforms.

  On these issues, Qian Hao said: "Although my attitude towards food is relatively casual, I am very concerned about safety and hygiene. After all, it is to be eaten in the stomach, so the takeaway stores I often order are those that I have confirmed have brick and mortar stores."

  Speaking of brick and mortar stores, consumers also have something to say.

  Chen Qing, a first-year graduate student at a Beijing university, once heard classmates mention that "some takeaway merchants just temporarily form a’small workshop ‘in their own homes and mass-produce takeaway food every day." Chen Qing felt that this "physical" form has no security guarantees, "but she does not deliberately avoid it when ordering food."

  Like Qian Hao, Gong Qi, 25, works for an Internet company in Beijing, and ordering takeout has become an indispensable part of his life.

  When ordering takeout, Gong Qi prefers to choose those who "have eaten in the brick and mortar store in person". "There are two reasons, one is that you will have a better understanding of the taste of the food, and the other is that you feel that the physical store is relatively more hygienic and safe."

  In the field survey of Legal Daily reporters, 65% of respondents believed that having a physical store means more hygiene and safety.

  However, there are also consumers who hold different views on "physical stores".

  Ma Yuan, from Cixi, Zhejiang province, believes that merchants without "physical stores" also have their own advantages. "From the consumer’s perspective, takeaway merchants without physical stores tend to have lower prices and faster food delivery. From the store’s perspective, the operating costs are also much lower than those of physical stores."

  Liu Hongyi, a 35-year-old branch owner of a Beijing-based restaurant chain, was happy to see the new regulations on online dining.

  "If you allow a large number of’small family workshops’ to provide takeout, it will inevitably lead to unfair competition." Liu Hongyi said that it is difficult for brick-and-mortar stores to win the competition with "small workshops" due to operating costs. "Small workshops will also compete with each other, and in order to keep prices down, they will naturally sacrifice the quality of food."

  Mr. Liu told reporters that competition in the takeout industry can be seen to some extent as "the networking of real competition", "but in the final analysis, everyone is comparing the quality of food."

  "Agent Settlement Service" has appeared

  A reporter from Legal Daily investigated and found that there are already "countermeasures" on the market for the "measures" on physical stores.

  Reporters found that on some e-commerce platforms and information intermediary platforms, many merchants have launched "takeaway agency" services, and even on social platforms such as Weibo and WeChat or some question-and-answer platforms, some people claim to help takeaway operators without brick and mortar stores handle takeaway platform matters.

  The reporter interviewed some merchants who provide agency services and learned that most agency service providers say they can take advantage of poor information and related loopholes to help some merchants, especially those operating without a license, enter the takeaway platform.

  Reporters found that these agency service providers have a wide range of "services" and have operations all over the country. "National agency Meituan takeaway word-of-mouth glutinous rice group buying…" A WeChat agency nicknamed "takeaway agency" wrote in Moments.

  In addition, the agency service provider that placed an advertisement on a search platform also guaranteed that the ability to handle the goods will not be successful in refunding. "You can make absolutely delicious taste, and the taste is very good, but how to open a takeaway store is a more complicated thing, and the process and requirements of opening a takeaway store are very strict, not to mention wanting to do takeout without a business license. Now, we have also got a solution to this problem, so that everyone who sincerely wants to open a takeaway can have their own store." The above-mentioned agency service provider said, "First of all, there is a relatively big problem is the ghost store that you may have heard of before, and the problem of closing the store. Our analysis is that’great value and low price must be a lie, and the probability of being closed must be 100%. The other part is to change the store information and lend it to you for a few days and then take it back. Some are simply cheating deposits. These are all things we need to avoid when opening a store. A few hundred yuan to open a store must not be a regular channel. I also remind you to pay attention to this problem."

  An agency service provider who claimed to be an industry insider told Legal Daily that if you sincerely want to do takeout and the hygiene conditions are hygienic enough, you can have special channels to open a takeaway store. "You don’t need a business license, you don’t need a store, as long as you really want to make money and want to open a store, you can open a store. According to the designated address and the designated store name, you only need to provide some basic information, and you can generally go online successfully in one to five days."

  How to do it? The reporter also contacted the agent service provider nicknamed "takeaway agency" on WeChat. "By entering the takeaway platform through the agent, it only costs 1,000 to 1,500 yuan, and merchants can avoid cumbersome procedures and strict entry standards, and easily carry out the increasingly popular takeaway business" – this is the advertisement of the agent service provider.

  What should I do if I don’t have a business license? "Takeaway Agent" Reply: If an unlicensed merchant wants to open a store on the takeaway platform, they only need to provide the agent with the store name, store photo, personal ID card and handheld ID photo, bank account and other information, and mobile phone number.

  What should I do if I don’t have an actual store and just operate it at home? The "takeaway agent" replied: It doesn’t matter as long as it is on the first floor of the community, "if it is not on the first floor, it will be offline by the platform".

  Will such an operation not be discovered by the regulatory authorities? Will it be investigated? "The takeaway agency" said with certainty, "no one will come to investigate".

  The reporter found that although these agency service providers advertise their business on the Internet, they charge through micro-stores or Taobao stores.

  In the WeChat Moments of an agency service provider, the reporter found that some merchants did not pay the price after entering the platform, and their business information and personal information were directly published in the circle of friends of the agency service provider, accompanied by a sentence – "This person is operating without a license, everyone should report him".

In the final of "China Star Jump", the cattle returned to Asa to help Killer win the championship

Click to review the first season of "China Star Jump" video set > >

  After months of struggle, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "China Star Jump" finally ushered in the peak decisive battle of the finals. As soon as the program started, the trophy of "China Star Jumping" floating in the water was particularly dazzling under the light of the water. The countdown figures played by the lights also made the atmosphere of the finals a little more tense. Compared with another diving program, in China Star Jump, almost all the contestants came to the end, including Asa and Eva Huang, who failed to enter the finals, and also appeared in the finals as "cheerleaders", which shows the cohesion of the program. After several rounds of cruel PK, Killer finally won the championship. She also laughed and teased: "Now no one dares to chase me."

  Special stage—

  Eva Huang Ah sa helped out as a cheerleader.

  The blue swimming pool, the beautiful synchronized swimmers and the trophy shining in the water are all so bright on the stage of the finals of "China Star Jump". Accompanied by Tian Liang, the "star head coach", the first beautiful note was played in the finals of "China Star Jump" in the first season.

  Compared with previous programs, the opening ceremony of the finals was designed to be more like a party. Synchronized swimmers lifted the trophy out of the water, and "Star Head Coach" Tian Liang took the trophy and became the "first stick" of the handover. Subsequently, Tian Liang handed the trophy to the student representatives of four primary schools in the "Mother’s Water Pit" campus safe drinking water program donated by the program, and the children handed the trophy to Asa, who passed it to Olympic champion Li Na. After several passes, Zhou Jihong, the captain of the national diving team, finally placed the trophy at the top of the 10m platform, which ignited the glorious moment of the finals.

  Surprisingly, Asa and Eva Huang, who stopped in the semi-final, also appeared in the final on the same day to cheer for their teammates. Asa said frankly that the reason for returning to this stage is to prove that diving is a very happy sport, and I hope to give everyone positive energy with my teammates. On the same day, Asa, who was afraid of heights, boldly stood on the 10-meter platform and danced for her teammates. I am afraid this is the most special stage she has ever experienced.

  Eva Huang, who is a sister flower with Asa, also sang her own famous songs in the swimming pool that day. It is worth mentioning that the water surface of the swimming pool has been built into a beautiful blue stage. Eva Huang’s wonderful singing and the yellow moon built on the stage complement each other. The scene is like a quiet starry sky, which is very beautiful.

  Special lineup-

  Cattle return as a special commentator

  On the day of the finals, Tian Liang, the head coach of the star who always "just jumps and doesn’t talk", also appeared as a guest commentator. Although pronunciation and articulation are not special standards, his kind explanation and winking from time to time also gave the audience a fresh feeling. The cattle that were eliminated in the first race were also back in the game as the "invited commentator" on the same day. His impassioned explanation at the scene also made the race process more exciting, and the cattle also recalled their psychological course of participating in the competition. "In fact, I was scared for the first time on the 5-meter platform and wanted to go back, but our coach said that as long as I got on the platform, there was no reason to retreat. I think it is their spirit of never giving up that makes the national diving team brilliant today. "

  In addition to understanding and presiding over the lineup, the "Starlight" of the participating lineup on that day was particularly dazzling. In the final, Gao Hu (Weibo), Killer, Xing Aowei, the gymnastics champion, and Zhou Weitong, the super mermaid, formed a "mixed" double jump with Olympic champions such as Wu Minxia, which made the whole competition interesting.

  It is worth mentioning that, in order to cheer up his opponent, Asa jumped off the pool directly on the same day by "sticking popsicles" to cheer for his teammates in a special way, and also expressed his love for diving.

  Special point of view-

  Zhou Weitong married the world champion on the spot.

  In the finals of that day, four finalists appeared in the form of "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands", and Huang Jianxiang and Yiyi also attended in formal attire, which was very eye-catching. In order to be the "real king of platform jumping", all four star players tried their best, but Gao Hu, the "high-platform fighter" who had high expectations, unexpectedly missed the PK link and finally won the third place with regret.

  In the first round, Xing Aowei and diving champion Chen Ruolin got off to a good start, and the cooperation between the two world champions in different fields was surprisingly tacit. The 100m platform 103B tumbled forward for a week and a half, successfully completing the standard movements of mixed doubles, and the cattle could not help but sigh that "gymnastics champions are different", and Zhang Tie-Lin also bluntly said that their performances were "quite perfect and difficult to catch up". The second player was Zhou Weitong and the 3m springboard champion He Chong, who had already cooperated quite tacitly in the pre-match training. Zhou Weitong praised Mr. He Chong even more, "That’s what you need to find a boyfriend", and helped him find a marriage at the final. On the same day, the two men showed the difficult movement of "3-meter board 202c somersaulting backwards and embracing the knees", and the score was second only to that of Xing Aowei.

  Subsequently, Gao Hu and Lin Yue, the world champion of the 10m platform, stepped onto the 10m platform and jumped out of the required action of "100m platform with 101B diving forward for half a week", which won a full house. Zhang Tie-Lin scored 10 points for him, and the total score was even with Xing Aowei. Killer and Wu Minxia’s sister flower partner also showed no weakness. They jumped the 3m board 202a and somersaulted backwards for a straight body. Finally, they were unanimously recognized by the judges for their wonderful performance, ranking first in the total score.

  Special race situation-

  Gao Hu only won the third place by accident.

  According to the rules of the finals competition, Killer, ranked No.1, and Gao Hu, ranked No.3, will fight against each other in the first round competition, and Xing Aowei and Zhou Weitong will also take to the PK stage. Finally, the two winners will compete for the championship, and the other two will compete for the third and fourth place. In this round of key competition, Xing Aowei pulled out all the stops. The 5-meter platform, a 5141c forward somersault for two weeks and a half-week tuck, was dumbfounded. Zhou Weitong also took out his own classic movement, which was evaluated as "super-level play" by Zhou Jihong. At the critical stage of judging and voting, Zhou Jihong and Li Xiaopeng were deadlocked with one person and one vote. Finally, Zhang Tie-Lin decided to do it with one vote. "Zhou Weitong has been very successful today, and the team leader Zhou spoke highly of you, but I personally think that the final look of the competition is difficult. There is no way. I don’t care what the background of this person is. The competition is very cruel. I voted for Xing Aowei."

  The other group’s fighting was also very tragic. Killer and Gao Hu were both masters of "10m platform", and both of them chose 10m platform on the same day, with positive pk. However, it may be that the pressure is too high. Gao Hu played abnormally when he fell into the water, and accidentally slapped him on the water. Killer couldn’t help but cover his mouth in surprise. However, the judges recognized the technical difficulty of Gao Hu’s action, and finally Killer entered the championship battle almost without any suspense.

  In the last round of pk, Gao Hu beat Zhou Weitong to win the third place, while Xing Aowei lost to Killer. In the end, the first season championship of "China Star Jump" fell to Killer, which surprised many people. At the same time, Killer himself couldn’t believe it. "I am dreaming!" Xing Aowei embraced her opponent generously and joked: "She defeated the Olympic champion and the diving team didn’t accept her!"

  The first season of "China Star Jumping" ended successfully, and the star students felt sad when they left the stage. Gao Hu also appealed at the scene, "The coaches of the national team, can you give us a green light and come to training as long as you have time?" His appeal also shouted out the voices of many star players. Netizens bluntly saw this paragraph and couldn’t help but burst into tears. "Stars really fall in love with this sport. This is the positive energy we need!"

Hengchi 5 completed the declaration, a famous brand became a highlight, and the opponent was Special Model Y!

Hengda’s meaning is also very simple, that is, the first car does not take risks and seeks stability, and occupies the market through high cost performance.

(3) In what way will Hengchi 5 open against the benchmark X1 and Model Y?

Evergrande 5’s positioning is very special. In terms of size, its opponent should be Tesla Model Y, but it chose to "reduce its value" to enter the compact SUV market.

And its performance is indeed not particularly outstanding. The maximum driving power of the new motor is 150kW, which is basically the same as the output power of the 2.0T engine. Considering that the motor can output the maximum torque at the first time, the urban acceleration performance may be slightly stronger than that of the traditional 2.0T fuel car. But it is not outstanding in electric vehicles. For example, the maximum output power of the Tesla Model Y reaches 220kW, and it only takes 6.9 seconds to complete 0-100km/h acceleration, which is considered a steel cannon (parameter | inquiry) level. Therefore, for users who have high expectations for the performance of electric vehicles, the Hengchi 5 may not be so outstanding.

However, the relatively weak performance of electric vehicles gives it a more energy-saving performance. The comprehensive battery life of the new car can reach 700km, which is still outstanding.

The other competitors of the Hengchi 5 were officially "identified" as joint-venture luxury SUVs such as the Audi Q3 (parameters | inquiry) and the BMW X1 (parameters | inquiry). To be honest, the comparison was not great, these two cars were both entry-level SUVs, while the Hengchi 5 was actually close to the mid-size SUV. Its space was significantly larger and the configuration was higher.

But when it comes to brand recognition, Audi and BMW have been in business for so many years, and it is not so easy to shake. Therefore, the "official goal" of Hengchi 5 is very suspicious of "touching porcelain", which we will not mention.

(4) Kung Fu shooting

According to the previous information, the price of Hengchi 5 will be below 200,000 yuan, which has actually filled the price/performance ratio. After all, the body close to the medium-sized SUV, the reliable three-electric system, the solid quality control and adjustment, and the good appearance and intelligent performance, the home is still very suitable.

It can be seen that Evergrande has indeed put enough effort into this car. As for whether it can become a hit, it depends on the follow-up market performance, let’s wait and see.

(Text/rider number, Kung Fu car)

Geely Satellite CEO: Our ambitions are not as big as Musk’s

On June 8, Beijing time, the first nine satellites built by Geely Holding Group for future travel were launched earlier this month. Geely’s Zhejiang Space-Time Daodaoyu Technology Co., Ltd. is responsible for the development of these satellites, and its CEO Wang Yang said that compared with Elon Musk’s plans for SpaceX, the company’s ambitions are much more modest.

The nine satellites were launched into orbit on June 2 aboard a Long March 2C rocket, making SpaceX one of the first Chinese companies to begin assembling a constellation of satellites pioneered by SpaceX, which already has more than 2,000 satellites in orbit.

"We all have a background in car manufacturing, and we all want aerospace technology and satellites to give back to car manufacturing and travel," Mr. Wang said in an interview on Tuesday. "The difference is our goal of making satellites."

SpaceX is putting its Starlink satellites into orbit to build a constellation of internet services as a low-cost alternative to long-range land-based systems that are vulnerable to interference. SpaceX also launches rockets for global satellite operators, the US military and NASA.

In contrast, Spacetime Daoyu’s ambitions are more modest. Wang Yang said that Spacetime Daoyu expects to have 72 satellites by the end of 2025 and 168 satellites by the end of the decade.

"While we want to provide the ultimate travel experience for our users, SpaceX is more focused on low-latency broadband and providing high-speed broadband access to 7 billion people around the world," Mr. Wang said.

Space-Time Daoyu is following in the footsteps of Chinese rival Galaxy Aerospace, which in March put six satellites into orbit. The satellites weigh an average of 190 kilograms and are China’s first projects to develop constellations in low-Earth orbit.

"Compared to Starlink, China’s constellation is small," Global Times said in a report on the launch, adding that China "will step up efforts to promote the application and transfer of space technology in the next five years".

Wang Yang said that Spacetime Daoyu plans to do its part to open up the network to other brands, and more information will be announced within three months.

"Geely’s future partners will not be limited to Geely’s ecosystem and car brands," he said. "We are also building partnerships with other industries."

Central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L.

  The 2024 Haoyue L has launched three models, and the market guidance price is 127,900-147,900 yuan. The new car has upgraded the central control large screen and the car system, in which the central control screen has been upgraded from the current 12.3 inches to 14.6 inches, and the car system has also been upgraded from Galaxy OS to Galaxy OS 2.0 version.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image001.

  The new Haoyue L adopts a brand-new design, and the domineering potential energy ice waterfall vertical grille is decorated with plating strips on the outside. The headlights on both sides are lens-shaped, with 244 LED beads inside, and the front face as a whole looks extremely tense. Haoyue L body adopts tough design lines, 19-inch wheels adopt five-width vortex design, and blackened wheel eyebrow components enhance the sense of strength of the vehicle. The length, width and height of the new car are 4860/1910/1770mm and the wheelbase is 2825mm respectively. The tail adopts penetrating taillights, and the red decorative strip is very obvious. There is a thick exhaust decoration on each bumper, and the layout is simple.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L _ for Order _ IMAGE E003.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image002.

  The 2024 Haoyue L central control large screen has been upgraded from the current 12.3-inch to 14.6-inch, and the car system has also been upgraded from Yinhe 0S to Yinhe 0S 2.0 version. At the same time, the cockpit chip has also been upgraded from E02 of 12nm to E04 of 7nm, and the running memory and storage memory have been significantly upgraded. The central control screen is larger, the car system is more stable, the function is more perfect, and the chip computing power is stronger. The overall operation fluency of the 2024 Haoyue L car machine has increased by 25%, and the startup speed of the APP has increased by 18%. In terms of interior color, the 2024 Haoyue L has added a brand-new Danxia red color scheme, replacing the current desert brown color scheme. At the same time, the new car has also optimized the details of the modeling scheme of the interior panel, further enhancing the luxury of the interior.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image004.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image005.

  The 2024 Haoyue L has made a series of adjustments and optimizations to the standard Drive-E 2.0TD engine, and optimized the fuel label to No.92 on the premise that the maximum power of 160kW and the maximum torque of 325N·m remain unchanged, further reducing the cost of users’ cars. (Photo: provided by Geely Automobile)

Aiming at new productivity and building a super R & D center

  Correspondent, Jianxuan, Zhu Dianping

  Jinling Evening News/Zijinshan News reporter 

  Yin Xuebing Ling Yun

  On the morning of May 19, Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park was officially opened at Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters in Jianye District. It will become one of Xiaomi’s most important software research and development centers outside the Beijing headquarters. This move not only marks a new level for Xiaomi Group’s innovation platform in East China, but also adds strong momentum to the development of Nanjing’s digital economy industry.

  Taste "millet porridge" again and start a new journey together

  At 9:58 in the morning, with the sound of gongs and drums, Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park officially opened. In the square in front of the gate, nearly 200 Xiaomi employees dressed uniformly, waved support sticks in their hands, and laughed one after another, welcoming the "new home" moment that belongs to the Nanjing Xiaomi team.

  Walking into Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park, the garden-like layout of the park is hidden by green trees, and the geometric aesthetic "back" shaped glass building is brand new and bright. According to the official plan, the Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters project is divided into three phases, with a total construction area of 365,000 square meters, including scientific research and design offices, talent apartments and related supporting facilities. The first phase of the project was completed and opened about 164,000 square meters, and more than 2,600 employees in the early stage were all in place on May 6.

  Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park is affiliated to the Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters project and is positioned as "Xiaomi Group Software R & D Center and Talent Base". It is one of the most important software R & D centers of Xiaomi. It has been selected for major planned development projects in Jiangsu Province and key projects of Nanjing Famous Enterprise Settling Plan. Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters is mainly responsible for the development of operating systems and software. Together with Xiaomi Wuhan Headquarters, it jointly supports the overall technology research and development work of Xiaomi Beijing Headquarters.

  At the event site, the "Xiaomo" service specialist of Jianye High-tech Zone presented the company with an exclusive "golden key" printed with the Xiaomi logo, which will serve the development of enterprises and project construction with great efforts, and support the development of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters with more practical measures. Together, we will write a new future of high-quality development.

  In April 2010, under the leadership of Lei Jun, the start-up team drank a bowl of millet porridge, which started Xiaomi’s legendary development; in just 9 years, it became the youngest world’s top 500. At the opening ceremony of Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park that day, Lei Jun, founder, chairperson and CEO of Xiaomi Group, once again invited the guests to drink "millet porridge" to jointly start Xiaomi Group’s new journey in East China.

  "I was very excited when I visited the Nanjing park. I would like to thank the relevant departments of Nanjing and Jianye District, as well as the headquarters and Xiaomi students in Nanjing. We have worked together to have this beautiful home. With the support of the municipal party committee and municipal government and the district party committee and district government, Nanjing will become a blessed land for Xiaomi to take off." Lei Jun said in his speech.

  70 days on the ground, "Nanjing Efficiency" moved "Xiaomi People"

  Why did Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters choose Nanjing to settle in Jianye? It dates back to August 2017, when the Xiaomi team was first invited to Jianye, Nanjing, to further understand the Nanjing market and explore the possibility of cooperation with Jianye District. "During the visit, Xiaomi saw the basic resources such as Nanjing’s good infrastructure and development environment, as well as the long-term investment value and development prospects of Jianye and the support of the government. It also realized the responsibility of Jianye as the core area of Nanjing, which provided good conditions for Xiaomi’s development in Nanjing." Liang Qiushi, general manager of Xiaomi Group Nanjing, recalled in his opening speech.

  Then in October 2017, Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters project was officially signed and landed in Jianye. What’s more worth mentioning is that it only took 70 days for the two parties to "hold hands" from the first negotiation to the official signing. "The agreement was reached in 70 days, which fully demonstrates the good business environment and high efficiency of Nanjing and Jianye, which makes our company more confident in long-term rooted development!" At the signing ceremony at that time, Lei Jun expressed his high appreciation for the service consciousness and innovative spirit of Nanjing and Jianye.

  "Xiaomi, which is young, creative and full of science and technology, and Jianye, which is modern, open and innovative, are very compatible in terms of urban temperament and development concept. Xiaomi’s choice of Nanjing and Jianye is an important strategic move for both parties to superimpose their advantages and win-win cooperation," said the relevant person in charge of Jianye District.

  From coordinating the transition carrier of Xiaomi Group in Xincheng Science and Technology Park to fully supporting the completion and implementation of Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park, Jianye High-tech Zone "accompanies" the development of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters throughout the process, keeping an eye on the demands of enterprises, and providing support according to the model of "one main body + one base + a series of policies" to ensure the maximum integration of resources and achieve accurate drip irrigation for industrial development. Since 2017, Xiaomi has established 6 companies in Nanjing, including Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd. Nanjing Branch and Nanjing Xiaomi Communication Technology, and gathered a number of ecological chain enterprises.

  Demonstration leads, turning Nanjing into a super R & D center

  "I am very happy today. The Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park has opened, and the Xiaomi Engineer Training Camp has officially opened. We will cooperate with universities for this project, so that outstanding Xiaomi engineers can hold technical training in universities, communicate directly with outstanding students, and let students master more practical skills." Lei Jun testified with a picture on Weibo.

  It is understood that the East China headquarters of Xiaomi Group, as the software research and development center and talent base of Xiaomi Group, will focus on mobile phone and automotive software development, internet services and other advantageous businesses in the future. In terms of talent training, Xiaomi is working with universities in Jiangsu Province such as China Southern Airlines and Nanjing University of Technology to jointly train students, and cooperate with industry, university and research. Continue to play a leading and exemplary role in helping Nanjing become an innovative economic highland and a smart city.

  Lei Jun said that the long-term goal of Xiaomi’s future development is to invest in the underlying technology on a large scale and become a global leader in the new generation of hard core technology. In all Xiaomi products and technology ecosystems, the improvement of software capabilities is particularly important, which is also the mission of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters. It is hoped that the development of Xiaomi will be deeply integrated with Nanjing’s industry, closely combined with Nanjing’s industrial advantages, and the Nanjing area will be turned into a super R & D center to effectively support the implementation of the group’s strategic goals and help Nanjing’s new quality productivity development.

  The opening of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters will undoubtedly bring new changes to the development of the urban economy and industry. On the one hand, the settlement of talents can increase employment and stimulate consumption; on the other hand, the advantage of corporate headquarters has a strong role in driving the radiation of the industry, and the headquarters economy can promote the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain in the region.

  The reporter learned that in addition to Xiaomi’s East China headquarters, projects such as Alibaba’s Jiangsu headquarters and Hang Seng Electronics’ Jiangsu headquarters, which are gathered in the southwest of the river, are also being accelerated.

  In recent years, Jianye District has focused on the leading industries of "finance + digital economy", gathered more than 95% of the municipal headquarters enterprises in the area, attracted more than 80,000 high-end talents to settle in, and built a number of 10 billion-level emerging industrial clusters such as information software, smart logistics, and digital entertainment.

7-Inch large-screen navigation boutique shopping guide

  Driven by the growing trend of mobile phone screens, it seems that all electronic products are racing towards the road of "big and thin". Therefore, after 5-inch brilliance, portable navigation turned to 7-inch in 2012 without hesitation. Under the leadership of the first-line brand Ren Waiyou, GPS manufacturers have continuously launched 7-inch large screens to seize the market, and Chinese consumers who are used to buying big things are also happy to enjoy the great happiness brought by large screens. Today, I will recommend several first-line brands’ 7-inch boutique navigation for you to see if there is any "dish" for you?

  Let Me Travel N710


  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Memory: 128M

  Positioning accuracy: 10m

  Screen: 7 inch high definition touch screen, resolution: 800 * 480

  Map: New map of 4D map

  N710 screen has 480 * 800 high definition resolution, clear and comfortable screen brightness with 7-inch screen presents clear traffic information and navigation information, while the 7-inch screen also makes the N710 UI interface more outstanding, whether it is the boot interface or 3D real scene, service area Kanban, dynamic lane display and other functions have been perfectly presented to the greatest extent, especially after the enhanced version of the software, its various path planning functions, more comprehensive high-speed distance, ordinary road distance, traffic lights number, total driving distance, estimated driving time and other navigation indicators, for the owner to plan a shorter distance, high-speed priority, ordinary priority and recommended routes and other driving routes, forming a high-value driving recommendation scheme.

  In terms of query and navigation functions, the N710 brings a leisurely experience to car owners. The "seckill" query function ensures that the N710 has unlimited search in unlimited areas and categories across the country. Whether it is WEB query, vague query, point of interest query or house number query, the 7-inch wide screen can fully display the query information, and then present a more concise and intuitive perfect navigation route, making driving more leisurely.

  In addition to inheriting the powerful functions of the N series, the Renwoyou N710 also has excellent expansion functions. By reserving the AV-IN interface in the product design, the integration of navigation with electronic dogs, driving recorders, reversing rear view and other devices is realized, which fully meets the various needs of car owners during driving and provides them with a safer driving life.

  Editor’s comment:As a leading brand of domestic navigation, each product is firmly established in the navigation market with its high-level and demanding style. This is the case with the N710 recommended for everyone. While the navigation function meets the needs of consumers, the enhanced software and expanded functions help users effectively cope with new traffic regulations and avoid severe penalties.

  Freelander D70


  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Memory: 128M

  Positioning accuracy: 10m

  Screen: 7 inch high definition touch screen, resolution: 800 * 480

  Map version: Daodaotong map

  The D70 Freelander uses the Daodaotong 3D navigation system, and the navigation map data covers the whole country, of which the number of POIs reaches 24 million, the road network reaches 3.24 million kilometers, has 350,000 electronic eyes, and 2,000 upgraded service points.

  Due to the use of 3D navigation system, Freelander supports 3D real-life navigation. Its 360,000 3D intersection enlarged map can cover all cities in the country, providing the best 3D stereo vision. Don’t worry about complex intersections. At the same time, it provides dual-screen interface display, which has fuzzy search, point of interest search and other methods in query, and supports handwritten input. Built-in 4G, supports TET card expansion

  In addition to professional navigation functions, the Freelander D70 also offers a wide range of entertainment features, including MP4/AVI and other video formats. It also supports FM transmission, allowing car owners to play the car audio through the car radio with the car stereo. A variety of puzzle games are also installed in the machine.

  Editor’s comment:Freelander D70 has a 7-inch high definition large screen display effect is good, while 500,000 fixed electronic eye data can ensure the safety of road warning, in the map upgrade, Freelander provides consumers with a lifetime free upgrade map and hardware three years quality assurance and other after-sales services.

  DECZhongheng M7TV


  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Positioning accuracy: 10m

  Memory: 128M

  Screen: 7-inch ultra-high definition touch screen, resolution 800 * 480

  Map: Kailid 3D Real Map

  DEC Zhongheng M7TV has excellent appearance and workmanship, and adopts the function of international first-class IML piano paint, while the 7-inch VGA ultra-high definition LCD touch screen has a resolution of 800 * 480 pixels, and implants 100Hz/120Hz double speed technology to completely bid farewell to the picture trailing phenomenon.

  In terms of navigation, DEC Zhongheng M7TV adopts professional navigation maps, with detailed map information for large, medium and small cities. It supports real-life voice navigation and automatic smooth switching. The navigation information includes intersection turning prompts and point-to-point itinerary scheduling. Adopting the latest generation of SIRF star search navigation module in the United States, it can provide fast and accurate positioning, fast response, hot and cold start. At the same time, it has a built-in high-sensitivity GPS receiver group and antenna to accept satellite signals and locate faster and more accurately. Support personalized function settings, such as "multi-country voice settings, backlight adjustment, power management, coordinate adjustment, etc.".

  Editor’s comment:The overall quality of DEC Zhongheng M7TV is good, whether it is navigation function, map information, etc., it is very powerful and complete. At the same time, DEC Zhongheng M7TV also tailor-made FM FM transmission function for the car, which can quickly and easily realize the connection between the digital player and the car stereo. And supports Bluetooth function and wireless reversing rear view



  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Memory: 128M

  Screen: 7-inch high definition LCD touch screen, resolution 800 * 480

  Map: Daodaotong 3D Real Map

  The 7-inch TET large screen of the Huafeng e-Luhang LH700 gives people the feeling that it is first and foremost atmospheric and decent, with a resolution of 800 x 480 allowing navigation information to be clearly displayed.

  In the navigation function, the first efficient positioning star search makes it only 13 seconds to complete the positioning when entering the navigation. On speed-limited sections, schools, traffic lights, and accident-prone sections, its fixed electronic data can be broadcast in advance to effectively avoid fines. And its unique Eagle Eye function allows car owners to grasp the itinerary in advance and modify the route in time. Daodaotong 3D real map provides a rich real map for Huafeng e-LH700, making it more three-dimensional and intuitive during navigation.

  At the same time, Huafeng e-Luhang LH700 also supports MP3, video playback, FM transmission, e-book and other entertainment functions.

  Editor’s comment:Huafeng e-Luhang LH700 has a lot of user-friendly design in function, such as its intelligent switch function, when the car starts, it will turn on the navigation, turn off the flame and automatically switch to power-saving sleep mode. In terms of after-sales services, Huafeng e-Luhang’s E-baby service center, which can solve various problems online, and there are more than 300 joint insurance points across the country to provide consumers with perfect services for purchasing machines.

2021 Lynk & Co 01 officially launched, the price range 179,800

On December 1, Lynk & Co officially announced that the 2021 Lynk & Co 01 was officially launched. The new car launched a total of 5 models, priced at 17.98-22 2,700 yuan. It is worth mentioning that the new car, as a mid-term model, has not only adjusted its appearance accordingly, but also launched a hybrid model to meet the diverse needs of consumers. In this regard, Lin Jie, vice president of Geely Automobile Group and general manager of Lynk & Co Auto Sales Company, said on the spot: The new Lynk & Co 01 is the most valuable SUV within 300,000 yuan.

In addition, Lynk & Co officially launched the "European Plan" on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the brand, and the new Lynk & Co 01 will also be launched in China and Europe simultaneously. Recently, the first offline experience store in Europe has opened in Amsterdam; at the same time, Lynk & Co is also actively promoting the layout of Asia Pacific and other international markets.

Focusing on the product, in terms of appearance, it can be found that the Lynk & Co 01 has continued the current shape as a whole, and the split headlight group design that is most well received by consumers has also been continued. It is worth mentioning that the new car has also changed the internal filling method of the front air intake grille to dot matrix filling, which further enhances the visual tension and three-dimensional sense, and integrates well with the lower half of the headlight group, doubling its youthful feeling. In addition, the new car has also optimized the bumper shape to a certain extent, making it look simple and beautiful.

From the side of the car, it can be found that the new car has added a side skirt with a metallic texture, and has been replaced with a 20-inch wheel hub. With a hidden A/B column design and a two-color body, the new car presents a sense of movement and vitality that is more in line with the aesthetics of today’s young consumers.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new Lynk & Co 01 are 4549/1860/1689mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2734mm. Compared with the current model, the length is increased by 37mm, the width is increased by 3mm, and the height and wheelbase remain unchanged.

Entering the car, you can find that the internal changes of the new car are more obvious. The new Lynk & Co 01 adopts a new family design similar to the style of Lynk & Co 05. Whether it is a 12.7-inch multimedia touch screen, or a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel and a two-color three-frame multi-function steering wheel, it further enhances the youthful feeling of the car. In addition, the air-conditioning control area below the central control screen has also been significantly optimized to make the overall operation more convenient.

It is worth mentioning that the 12.7-inch large screen on the new car is not only larger in size, but also has a significant improvement in performance. The Snapdragon 820A chip is equipped to further meet consumer needs in terms of car computing power. And whether it is the overall response speed, or the richness of applications and configurations, it is more in line with the needs of today’s young consumers.

In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with Drive-E 2.0TD + 8AT powertrain, and provide two versions of high and low power for consumers to choose from. Among them, the high-power version has a maximum power of 254Ps and a peak torque of 350Nm, and the new car’s 100-kilometer acceleration only takes 6.7 seconds. The low-power version has a maximum power of 218Ps and a peak torque of 325Nm. According to the official, after matching the chassis and stability of the European driving style, its acceleration is faster, the braking is more stable, and the braking distance of 100 kilometers can be less than 35m.

At the same time, the new Lynk & Co 01PHEV model will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system based on a 1.5T three-cylinder engine, matched with a 7DCT-H wet dual-clutch gearbox; pure electric cruising range of 81km, comprehensive fuel consumption of 1.4L/100km, and support 4 + 1 multiple drive modes. Equipped with BorgWarner’s 5th generation intelligent four-wheel drive system, the comprehensive cruising range is expected to exceed 800 kilometers.

Write to the end:

It has been three years since the launch of the Lynk & Co 01, and the sales volume of the Lynk & Co 01 has reached 45% of the entire brand, which is self-evident. And with the launch of the new Lynk & Co 01, whether it is in terms of appearance, technology, or performance, it is further in line with the current needs of young consumers. The launch of hybrid models is expected to further boost the overall sales of the Lynk & Co brand.