The new film all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Original title: all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Recently, a film of the same name based on a novel by German writer Erich Maria Remarque was released. This is the third time that all quiet on the western front has been adapted into a film. Previously, the film "all quiet on the western front" made in 1930 and 1979 was all American works, and this time the adaptation right was handed over to the Germans. In 1928, when remarque’s novels began to be serialized, the editor of the German newspaper Forsyth commented: "all quiet on the western front" is the first real monument of the unknown soldier. This unbiased novel is a monument stronger than stone and more lasting than ore. This monument is exciting, enriching people’s minds and showing the most horrible documentary images of war to later generations.

Boymer, a passionate German youth, devoted himself to the "World War I" with heroic ideals. When he was sent to the western front to participate in the war, he witnessed cruel hunger, blood and death … … The new film pays more attention to sensory impact, and projects the war landscape to the individual’s body in a short-sighted and miniaturized way. Boymer was deeply involved in the war for four years. The physical and mental collapse caused by the war and the intermittent indulgence of the war made the young soldiers stiff and lost their minds, leaving them in panic and crouching in the trench, waiting for the doomsday judgment. At the beginning of the film, there was no melodramatic fear of participating in the war. A cannon fire abruptly stuffed the war into the nerves of every recruit, and death came to the face. Distant mountains, jungles, and fog are all combinations of quotations. Numb-faced soldiers run on the battlefield, just like ghosts floating on the dead Yuan Ye. The color of the film is strong, with gray, white and black as the background color. Pale faces, dark scorched earth and dark red blood are the usual scenes. Mud is a recurring picture in the film. Fighting in the mud, crawling in the mud and trudging on the mud, all the soldiers are caught in the mud of war, their thoughts and feelings are deeply buried, and they have no power to pull them out. The cold, wet and sticky mud has eroded the feelings of the soldiers. All their rights are waiting in vain, waiting for vanity, and not wanting to struggle and resist. On the contrary, every sergeant is used to death, and only death can repair their fragility and end the pain that is difficult to talk about in war. Just as Jaden, with a knee injury, asked for his death quickly,Punch an artery with a spoon and commit suicide. The war scenes in hell, demonized sergeants, machine monsters that crush everything, concrete and slight dying pictures, and the breath of death in a wheezing way show the individual war experience in an all-round way, and realistically depict the battlefield peristalsis of the bottom sergeants. The picture of the film is dignified and slow, and the still water is deep, so that the war peddlers can see the products of the war and liquidate their guilt in the depths of their souls.

No matter how wonderful the story is, it will lose its vividness and freshness in repeated telling. The new version of "all quiet on the western front" did not experience aesthetic fatigue due to repeated shooting, precisely because it did not create beauty or stories, but only showed the war experience and pain. "The body is dead, the gods are spiritual, and the soul of the child is a ghost." War is sometimes advocated or boasted by fanatics. All quiet on the western front is an anti-hero and anti-war. It tells the truth about the destruction and exploitation of people by war. "For the sake of the emperor, God and the motherland", a group of young students were bewitched and went to the mud of war with heroic dreams. After a fire, youth was scorched and withered by the heat of guns, and the heat of faith could not resist the cold of death. The trenches were filled with corpses and residual limbs, and only the name tag proved that a person had been to the trenches and participated in the war. War destroys people not only by steel beasts like tanks, but also by time. During the four years of fighting on the western front, each battle can only advance hundreds of meters, so the report of the situation only says "all quiet on the western front", but under the black political lies, more than 3 million young people on the western front were killed.

The film writes the story of the hero Boymer from a civilian perspective. Before he could grow into a soldier, he lost his fighting ideal, his ability to love and hate, and his thinking ability, leaving only vanity. Instinctively "survival" became the highest criterion of his existence. In order to survive, he will shoot, fight and kill; Losing his thinking power means that he is completely stuffed and destroyed by the terror of war and becomes a living zombie of war. Stealing farmers’ food with Kate is the greatest happiness he can find after the war. Even if this epiphany life is relaxed, it will soon be strangled by the law of death. The death dilemma depicted in the film is a painful warning. Only when people face the painful death can they have a definite sense of reality and consciously resist the oppression of the bottom people by the evil war.

There is no artistic style in the new film, such as "catching butterflies" in 1930 and "copying larks" in 1979, which completely cuts off the poetic connection between war and art. In the face of the cruelty of war, art can’t transform it into transcendental aesthetic imagination, only to moan and reprimand feebly. Criticize the delay of the war decision-makers at the negotiating table, criticize the incompetent generals for the so-called humiliation, and drive the sergeants to launch the last round of attacks before the armistice, which completely cost the hero’s life. Boymer’s death was inevitable, but it was also unexpected. He struggled carefully but fell on the threshold of the armistice. The erection of the moment of death made the audience panic that the war had pulled away from the ruthlessness of life and aroused the fear of war.

The new version of "all quiet on the western front" does not dig deep into the story, but focuses on the little people who are aware of the great history, so that the audience can see the tears in the mirror image of the times and feel the misfortune of ordinary people abandoned by the war, and the anti-war consensus is more convincing. Historical experience should be precipitated in repeated reading, painful experience should be passed on continuously, and refusing to forget the idea of peace can have a solid rational cornerstone. All quiet on the western front, may there be no more wars in the world. (Author: Lei Jun, former professor of Basic Department of Military Economics College)

A domestic football match was scolded by a hot search. What happened?

Source: China News Network

On the 8th, a topic entry named # Match-fixing in the Final of Guangdong National Games # occupied a high position in Weibo’s hot search for a long time. As of press time, the reading volume of this topic exceeded 140 million, and nearly 9,000 people participated in the discussion.

From the perspective of competitive sports, this game is not a high-level event. If there are no special circumstances, it will not attract so much public attention to a great extent.

However, looking at the comment area, everyone has a hot discussion.

It’s the darkest hour of football in China, except for the 15-year-old boys.This is a sentence left by a netizen in the topic discussion area.

In the eyes of professional football media, there are also problems in this game. “After watching the replay of the game, there is indeed a suspicion of match-fixing, which supports a thorough investigation."

Everyone’s response is filled with the most emotions, which are helplessness and anger. In other words, today, football in China is still at a low ebb, and this game has poked a lot of people who care about football in China.

Let’s get to know the situation of this game first.

The match was held on August 7th, 2022. It was the men’s B Group A final of the 16th Guangdong Sports Games, and was played between Qingyuan team and Guangzhou team. There was no abnormal situation after the start of the game. In the second half, Qingyuan team took the lead 3-1.

But since then, the Qingyuan team seems to be like a "power outage." Goalkeepers and defenders pass the ball at will in the backcourt and are directly intercepted by opponents; When the Guangzhou team launched the attack, the Qingyuan team defender did not seem to stop the football from entering the goal; According to the camera, several Qingyuan team players started the "walking" mode on the court …

In the end, Guangzhou defeated Qingyuan 5-3 to win the championship.

After the video of this game exploded on social media, Dong Lu, a well-known football media person, used "weird 13 minutes" to describe what happened on the field.

While the outside world is discussing the game,The Chinese Football Association officially announced the launch of an investigation into the game.. The announcement said that in this competition, the performance of athletes from both sides on the field was widely questioned by public opinion, which aroused the concern of all sectors of society. China Football Association attaches great importance to this and starts the investigation procedure, and will form an investigation team with the participation of the Competition Department, the Discipline Inspection Department and other departments, and will go to Guangzhou for investigation on August 8.

It is not what China football wants to cause a heated discussion in such a way.

This year’s poor World Cup preliminaries once again put the national football team into an "infinite loop", and many fans didn’t know how to face the China football that had been in the trough for a while.

In fact, there has been a lot of news about football in China recently.

The Chinese Super League officially resumed the home and away game system. For professional teams and clubs, the home game was opened for a long time, and when familiar spectators entered the stadium again, it brought more positive signals to the team’s operation.

In the East Asia Cup competition that ended at the end of July, the China Men’s Football Team with "U23 National Team" as the main team won the third place.

Although only four teams participated in the East Asia Cup, this ranking did not satisfy the Chinese people. However, the original intention of sending young players out to increase the experience of the competition and taking this opportunity to upgrade is no problem. In the second round, the national football selection team drew with Japan. The game data still shows that there is a big strength gap between the two sides, but with courage and perseverance, the young players can gain confidence and bring some comfort to the depressed football in China.

When facing the pressure and challenges, face the difficulties and use your own efforts to resist the difficulties. Even if you fail to win the game, you will gain confidence. This may be a more realistic idea, and it is also the most needed for today’s China football.

At present, the official has been involved in the investigation of this controversial competition, but the final result has not yet been released. As for whether it is the "fake ball" mentioned by everyone, we still don’t argue.

A few days ago, the first China Youth Football League started. Wang Dengfeng, deputy director of the China Youth Football League Office and director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Ministry of Education, said, "Whether more and more children can play football is a key issue facing China football at this stage."

As the future of football in China, youth football plays an important role. Please keep it simple and away from the distractions. Only in this way can we help the development of football in China.

People’s body talk: the charm of football and grassroots feelings

Source: People’s Daily Online-Viewpoint Channel Original Draft

On November 17th, in the second round of the 2022 Chinese Football Association Cup, the Chinese champion team Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated the Chinese Super League team Beijing Guoan 7:5 in a penalty shootout and advanced to the top 16. This game surprised many people. Losing to a semi-professional team as a traditional strong team in the Super League may be caused by various reasons, but it also made many people know more about the current situation of football in China and look forward to the development of grass-roots football.

The FA Cup is an independent knockout cup outside the football league in China, and it is also the only opportunity for low-level teams and high-level teams to compete together. Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated Beijing Guoan from penalty. Although there were accidental factors, from the process of 2:2 draw in regular time, the strength of the two teams was close, and Jingchuan Wenhui team even got the upper hand slightly. Two goals were remarkable. The players on the field were thunderous, calm and confident, and had a degree of attack and defense. In a game in which the strength is very different and there is no suspense, the audience felt the long-lost charm of competitive football.

Aside from the mobilization, cohesion and team fighting capacity before the game, we can find details that are easily covered up by victory from the voice of the head of Jingchuan Wenhui after the game. Jingchuan Wenhui said that the main reason for winning the game was that the opponent was negligent and could not use foreign aid. He attributed the opponent’s defeat to accidental factors and external uncontrollable rules. Compared with the simple ceremony of "accepting and accepting", he was polite, modest and humble, which was quite the bearing and pattern of Chinese traditional culture. Brutalizing its physique, civilizing its spirit, an unexpected game, let us see the momentum and indomitable feelings of grassroots football.

Football is round. The competitive characteristics and rules of the game make football not only have the integrity, antagonism and appreciation shared by collective ball games, but also have the variability of technical and tactical coordination and the contingency of game results.

"The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce generals must be sent to the pawn." According to the results of post-match interviews and data disclosure, there are 152 players in Jingchuan Wenhui Football Club, more than 70 of whom are local doctors, policemen, teachers and other amateurs from all walks of life, and 40% of the players participating in the FA Cup are semi-professional players. Jingchuan Wenhui Club is integrated with Beihai Jichi Club, co-built and shared with Jingchuan County key amateur sports schools, and has a champion team, an U19 echelon, an U17 echelon and an amateur team, which reflects the effectiveness of Jingchuan County Football Association reform. The development of grass-roots football in Jingchuan presents a good trend, which is not only the component of football professionalization reform, but also supported by the three-level training network of competitive sports national system, and the association, sports school and club cooperate and form a joint force. The deepening reform and practice of county-level individual associations, the development of county-level football clubs and the modernization process of amateur sports schools are all key and difficult points in the construction of a strong sports country and the development of grass-roots sports organizations. For the government and an effective market, it may be the internal logic of the wonderful performance of this grassroots counterattack.

If the road is long, the line will come, but it is difficult and more brave. We expect the society to pay more attention and support to grass-roots football, and we expect that the sports lifestyle with football as the carrier can meet the needs of more people for a better life!

Exercise can really fight cancer, The Lancet: Three kinds of exercise are cost-effective, and running is only the third.

After fighting cancer for five years, he beat cancer!

In 2013, Henan Youth Construction unfortunately detected esophageal cancer, which is already in the middle and late stage. The doctor told him to live for half a year at most.

In order to survive, he underwent surgery to remove his esophagus by 14 centimeters, leaving a scar of more than 30 centimeters on his body. He received more than 25 times of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and his weight dropped from more than 100 kilograms to more than 80 kilograms. His condition was finally barely stable. He was discharged from the hospital.

Leaving the hospital does not mean the success of anti-cancer, but the beginning of another battle.Generally speaking, a cancer is cured if it does not recur for 5 years after treatment.. On that day, Shi Jianshe wrote in his diary "This is the real beginning of anti-cancer".

Just discharged from hospital, he was in poor health. In order to improve his immunity, he decided to start running. Everything is difficult at the beginning, ordinary people can run easily, but for time construction, it is just like torture. On the first day of running, it was only three hundred steps on the road, and his heart was pounding, his legs were weak and he couldn’t breathe. ……

But he didn’t give up, and he still insisted on running the next day, although like the first day, he couldn’t breathe without "running" a few steps. In his view, it is enough to be lucky to make progress every day. He thinks, "As long as I run 3 to 5 meters more than the day before, it is victory."

In this way, he insisted on going out to run every day. After one year, he was able to run 5 kilometers every day, and even developed abdominal muscles afterwards. In 2017, by chance, he took part in the 24-kilometer race, which took 2 hours and 31 minutes. The runners who participated in the race simply didn’t see it, but Shi Jianshe turned out to be a cancer patient. Since then, he has never stopped running marathons and participated in one race after another.

In 2018, Shi Jianshe went to the hospital for review. The doctor told him that his condition was very stable and the probability of recurrence was very small. When the big stone in Jian Jian’s heart fell, he felt that running had changed a lot and gave him anti-cancer strength.

University of Copenhagen, DenmarkIn an experiment, the researchers divided the mice with cancer into two groups, one group did high-intensity exercise in the roller, and the other group did not do any exercise. It turns out that,Compared with the non-exercise group, the tumor in the exercise group has shrunk by nearly 50%.

In this regard, the researchers believe that the adrenaline secretion in mice can be greatly increased during exercise, and then NK cells in the blood can be activated. Once traces of cancer cells are found, they will be eliminated immediately. Moreover, interleukin-6 chemical signal will be produced in muscle during exercise, which can help NK cells locate cancer cells more accurately.

From the observational study, cancer patients with strong exercise ability also have longer survival time..

The National Institutes of Health selected 233,000 subjects aged 50-71 to conduct a questionnaire survey. The survey included whether there was any inconvenience in legs and feet, such as walking slowly and being unable to walk. Through the analysis, it is found that cancer patients are 42% and 24% more likely to walk slowly and be disabled than healthy people.Among patients with cancer, the risk of death of the slowest walker is more than twice as high as that of the fastest walker.

Since exercise can help fight cancer, what exercise is suitable for cancer patients? Or you can consider these three sports.

The Lancet.After a 10-year follow-up of 80,000 people, the magazine found three kinds of sports with high cost performance, such as tennis and badminton, which can reduce the cost.47%Risk of all-cause death; Swimming can reduce28%Risk of all-cause death; Aerobic exercise such as running can reduce27%All-cause death risk.

1. Swing movement

Swing can stimulate the shoulder muscles and arm muscles, which can strengthen the muscle strength of the two parts. And in the process of exercise, it is always in a state of rapid movement. This action requires the coordination of all muscles, which can make the leg muscles get a good exercise.

The brain also needs to think during the swing, which has a certain brain-strengthening effect, and the eyes need to be constantly adjusted during the exercise, which can help strengthen the blood supply and metabolism of eyeball tissue.

2. Swimming

Academician Tang Zhaoyou of China Academy of EngineeringIt is believed that swimming is the best anti-cancer exercise. In the process of swimming, it can promote the secretion of dopamine in the body, and dopamine has the function of inhibiting tumors and regulating immunity. However, attention should be paid to moderate swimming, and excessive swimming will have the opposite effect.

3. Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise can help improve myocardial antioxidant capacity, change related adipocytokines, improve blood lipid and enhance immune function, etc. During exercise, it can increase hormone secretion beneficial to physical and mental health and keep immune function in a good range.

Although exercise can bring many benefits to the body, we should pay attention to keeping scientific methods when exercising. These four things must be paid attention to.

1. Warm up before exercise.

You need to do it before doing any exercise.10~15 minutesWarm-up, including walking, muscle stretching and joint activities.

2. Achieve exercise intensity

To judge the intensity of exercise, it is necessary to take heart rate as an index, which generally needs to be achieved during exercise.60~85%The maximum heart rate, the reference value of the maximum heart rate of healthy young people is 220- years, and the elderly patients can use 170- years.

3, insist on exercise time

The exercise intensity of 70% maximum heart rate should be sustained.20~30 minutesAbove this intensity, it can be carried out for 10~15 minutes, and below it, it can be carried out for 45~60 minutes.

4. Keep exercising for a long time

The exercise frequency needs to be adjusted according to the intensity and duration. The higher the intensity and the longer the duration, the lower the frequency can be. Generally moderate-intensity exercise should be carried out at least once a week.3~4 timesInsist onMore than 12 weeksIn order to get better results.

There is no doubt that exercise can bring health benefits, but you must pay attention to keeping the right way to exercise. Have you learned all the above precautions? # Number One Weekly #


[1] "[Health] How to exercise scientifically, come and understand quickly! National Health 12320 2015-07-15

[2] The Gospel of Cancer Patients: Research says that physical exercise helps to shrink tumors. World Wide Web 2016-02-17

[3]Chekroud S R , Ralitza G , Zheutlin A B , et al. Association between physical exercise and mental health in 1·2 million individuals in the USA between 2011 and 2015: a cross-sectional study[J]. Lancet Psychiatry, 2018:S221503661830227X-.

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Young man, the first car! Xiaomi applied for the first automobile SU7 trademark: the price starts from 190,000 yuan.

On December 1 ST, according to the website of Tianyancha,Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. applied for registration of the trademark "XIAOMI SU7" on November 15th, 2023, which is classified as fitness equipment internationally, and it is still in the stage of substantive examination.

Source: Tianyancha

In the latest batch of new car declaration catalogue published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last month, Xiaomi SU7, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, officially completed the declaration, and it is expected to be listed in 2024. Once the news came out, it immediately set off a discussion upsurge on the Internet. Both rims and non-rims were very interested in Xiaomi’s car-making, and launched a round of discussion around its exposed appearance parameters. The heat can be said to be the same for a while.

Subsequently, more specific model information of Xiaomi Automobile was exposed.It is reported that the first model of Xiaomi Automobile is divided into four versions, namely, the standard version, the Pro version, the Max version, and the track version that is not sold in batches. The price range is concentrated in 190,000-300,000 yuan.The production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile in the first year is less than 70,000 units, and the first batch of cars will be sold in first-and second-tier cities first.

The span of the price range of 190,000-300,000 yuan is not small. It seems that Xiaomi still wants to make a fuss about the configuration of different models. Lei guessed that the price of the standard version may be 190,000 yuan, which is mainly used to lower the threshold for users to start and attract more prospective car owners who are still waiting to see. Pro and Max versions are divided into different versions through differences in intelligent driving and battery life. As for the track version, because of its characteristics of not mass production and sales, I believe it must be prepared for the most loyal rice noodles.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

In addition to the full vehicle configuration, the car system and intelligent cockpit are undoubtedly the biggest selling points of Xiaomi SU7.With the 澎湃 OS system released this year, it is very exciting to see how far the interaction between people, mobile phones and cars can go. In terms of intelligent driving, although we still don’t know the relevant information, as the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, I believe that Xiaomi definitely wants to make the first shot, and the configuration will not disappoint everyone.

Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, once said that the progress of Xiaomi Automobile has exceeded expectations, and the mass production target will remain unchanged in the first half of next year, followed by the second winter test. According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the name of the two new models of Xiaomi Automobile is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., which also means that BAIC will become the OEM of Xiaomi Automobile. With the help of BAIC, the production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile is believed to be not too big. problem.

According to the latest news,At the end of December this year, Xiaomi Automobile will hold a technical conference, at which time everyone can fully understand all the information of Xiaomi SU7. The question is, if you can start with Xiaomi SU7 for 190,000 yuan, will you consider it?

Cover source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Shanghai focuses on "Eight Fashion Products" and builds "Fashion Capital"

Shanghai will focus on "Eight Fashion Products", that is, eight categories of fashion consumer goods, further strengthen the chain, build a high-quality innovative supply system, and strive to become a fashion production place, trend gathering place, innovation source and consumption leading place in 2025, and promote the scale of fashion consumer goods industry to reach 520 billion yuan.

The Action Plan for High-quality Development of Fashion Consumer Goods Industry in Shanghai (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) was announced yesterday, which clarified the path for Shanghai to build a "fashion capital".

Cultivate a group of leading enterprises of billions and billions.

Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry has always been profound and rich in atmosphere. "Shanghai brand" and "Shanghai goods" are well-known throughout the country and have strong capabilities in global consumption resource allocation and consumption innovation. In 2021, the scale of Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry reached 433.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%; The accelerated transformation and upgrading of industrial structure and the strong combination of fashion and scientific and technological advantages have laid a solid foundation for further building a "fashion capital".

The "Eight Fashion Products" that Shanghai will focus on in the next step refer to the top products of clothing, cosmetics, exquisite food, excellent sports products, smart products, quality products of life, exquisite crafts and digital fashion products. They are not only the key areas of all kinds of first stores, first shows and first exhibitions, but also an important component of the "total retail sales of social consumer goods", an important indicator of macroeconomic operation. Statistics show that in the first 11 months of this year, the city introduced 982 first stores of various types, most of which belong to the category of "eight fashion products"; At the same time, among the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the city in 2021, "fashion eight products" accounted for over 70%. Therefore, promoting the high-quality development of fashion consumer goods industry will play an important role in building an "initial economy" ecological chain, further enriching the supply of consumer goods market and accelerating the construction of an international consumption center city.

According to Shanghai’s new Action Plan, by 2025, we will strive to establish the status of "Fashion Capital" that leads the fashion and defines the trend, build a trillion-dollar consumer market of fashion consumer goods with demonstration and leading role, and realize an industrial scale of over 520 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 5%. The Action Plan proposes that by 2025, three to five leading enterprise groups with operating income of 100 billion yuan, 20 head enterprise groups with operating income of 10 billion yuan and 200 key enterprises with operating income of 1 billion yuan will be cultivated; Construction of 10 smart factories in the fashion consumer goods industry, 100 digital application scenarios of fashion consumer goods industry characteristics, and 1,000 integration scenarios of fashion consumer goods with shopping, service and culture; We will build three to five characteristic industrial parks for fashion consumer goods, develop a number of municipal-level boutique parks and fashion creativity demonstration spaces, and form national-level industry characteristic regions and industrial clusters.

"Ten Actions" to Enhance Core Competitiveness in an All-round Way

In order to achieve the above goals and comprehensively enhance the overall efficiency and core competitiveness of the fashion consumer goods industry, Shanghai will implement ten major actions around three special projects in the next few years.

In terms of "Special Project for Promoting Digital Innovation and Upgrading", Shanghai will implement "new strategic source action of scientific and technological research and development, new empowerment action of digital manufacturing, new leading action of brand building and new efficiency-enhancing action of creative design", focusing on key core technological breakthroughs and promoting the application of technologies such as digital twins in all aspects of consumer goods. In fact, digitalization will play a key role in the future development of Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry. Among the "Eight Fashion Products" that Shanghai focuses on, there are "smart products" mainly based on hardware and "digital fashion products" mainly based on software and service forms. The Action Plan makes it clear that Shanghai will encourage enterprises to develop virtual fashion, focusing on digital fashion, digital virtual people and personalized, high-flow and multi-interface virtual applications.

Around the "Special Project for Optimizing and Upgrading Carrier Scenes", Shanghai will implement three actions. First of all, according to the new version of Shanghai Industrial Map, we will build a "1+9" and "Fashion Nebula" industrial space with the central city as the core and nine surrounding cities such as Pudong and Minhang, and develop three characteristic parks: Oriental Beauty Valley Beauty Park, Xinshishang Urban Industrial Park and Jiangnan Zhizao International Design Port. At the same time, a new integration action of consumption scenes will be implemented to guide enterprises to carry out the integration layout of online and offline consumption scenes. In addition, support the traditional "national tide" to upgrade with new technologies and new ideas.

In order to build a perfect fashion ecosystem, Shanghai will also introduce and cultivate a group of leading talents in the fashion consumer goods industry, formulate the selection criteria for "Shanghai Fashion Products" and start the certification, and will also publicize and promote the overall image of "Shanghai IP" and the global new product launching place, so as to expand the industrial brand of fashion consumer goods as a whole.

Author: Zhang Yi

Editor: Shi Wei

Source: vision china

The concept of culture

Culture is a complex and diverse concept, which covers all aspects of human society, including history, art, philosophy, religion, science and technology and so on. Culture is not only the values and code of conduct of our society, but also the way we communicate and interact with others.

The development and evolution of culture is a long process, which is influenced by many factors, including geographical environment, historical background, social structure, economic development and so on. In different historical periods and cultural backgrounds, the development and evolution of culture also presents different characteristics.

Culture is of great significance to the development of a country or region. It not only shapes people’s ideas and behaviors, but also affects the development of economy, politics and society. A strong cultural system can enhance the soft power of a country or region and improve its international influence and competitiveness.

At the same time, culture is also the common wealth of mankind. We should respect and protect various cultural traditions and promote cultural exchanges and integration in order to enhance the diversity and richness of human civilization. Under the background of globalization, we should pay more attention to cultural diversity and inclusiveness, and promote dialogue and cooperation between different cultures in order to build a more harmonious world.

In a word, culture is a broad and complex concept, which involves all aspects of human society. We should respect and protect various cultural traditions and promote cultural exchanges and integration in order to build a more harmonious world.

It is enough for amateur golfers to master the following 11 badminton skills.


Kill the ball (the most difficult technique to learn)

It’s a high ball hit by the opponent. Try to buckle it down at the high hitting point. This kind of ball is powerful and fast, mainly including forehand killing, backhand killing and overhead killing.


Catch and kill the ball (the most embodiment of the technique of four or two strokes)

It is a style of play that turns defense into attack, which is divided into blocking the ball in front of the net, drawing the ball in the backcourt and picking the high ball.


Put the ball before the net (one of the necessary techniques before the net)

It is to gently hold the opponent’s hanging ball or the ball in front of the net with a racket, so that the ball will fall downward as soon as it passes the top of the net.


Golf (the most basic skill for amateurs)

Hit the ball near the opponent’s baseline with a high arc to weaken the opponent’s offensive power and consume the opponent’s physical strength.


Drop shot (technique of confusing opponents)

The ball hit by the opponent is lightly returned from the backcourt to the area in front of the opponent’s net, which is called hanging ball. It is a batting technique to mobilize the opponent, disrupt the opponent’s position and cooperate with tactics.


Ball-saving (front-net attack technique)

It is a common offensive technique in doubles. When the opponent serves the ball in front of the net or returns the ball in front of the net, when the ball crosses the top of the net, the arc is high, that is, he quickly steps up and swats and kills in front of the net.


Pick the lob (defensive adjustment technique)

It is to pick up the lob or the ball in front of the net hit by the opponent and return it to the opponent’s backcourt. This is a defensive technique adopted in a relatively passive situation.


Rub the ball (the technique of showing the feel)

It is a development of the technology of putting the ball before the net. When the hitting point is about the same height as the shoulder, use the actions of "rubbing", "cutting" and "picking" to rub the bottom of the ball holder, so that the ball changes its normal running track in the air, resulting in rolling along the horizontal axis or rotating over the top of the net along the vertical axis.


Push the ball (fast flat bottom line technology)

It is to cooperate with the fake action in front of the net, and suddenly push the ball to the bottom corner of the backcourt when luring the opponent to the internet.


Hook ball (surprise technique)

It’s a diagonal ball in front of the net. It is often used in combination with rubbing and pushing the ball to achieve the effect of a diversion.


Draw the ball (a simple and easy-to-learn technique)

It’s a way of hitting the ball flat across the net. In the stroke, the hitting point is on both sides below the shoulder, which is an offensive technique with faster hitting speed.