Schwarzenegger, the new Terminator, leads the creative team in SDCC Comic-Con.

Schwarzenegger and Hamilton

1905 movie network news On July 18th, North American time, Arnold Schwarzenegger, linda hamilton, director tim miller and many other masters brought their new films (provisional translations) to SDCC Comic-Con. In addition to a brand-new behind-the-scenes production special, the Terminator crew also announced that edward furlong, who plays kate connor in the film, will return to play in the headquarters for the first time.

In this special edition, directors tim miller, Schwarzenegger and linda hamilton appeared in turn to recommend the highlights of the film for fans. The whole film continues the hard-core fighting style of the series, and has been upgraded on this basis. Various blasting melee scenes are dazzling and shocking. Although James Cameron was absent from the event, in the special edition, Cameron said that the latest Terminator would bring "adrenaline rush" to the audience, and "Card God" also praised director tim miller for filming the original style of the series.

Terminator: Dark Fate also announced another heavy news in SDCC activities: edward furlong, the actor who plays the young kate connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, will return to Terminator: Dark Fate this time. This is the first time that edward furlong has returned to star in this series of films after Terminator 2.

Creative group photo

In Terminator: Dark Fate (tentative translation), Arnold Schwarzenegger, the soul figure, made a heavy return as the "Terminator T-800" for the sixth time. Linda hamilton will once again play the role of Sarah Connor, the first female host. As the "father of the Terminator", Cameron is the screenwriter and producer himself. The reunion of the series of golden triangle also makes this terminator’s latest work more exciting.


In this SDCC activity, Arnold, who is about to celebrate his 72nd birthday, is full of energy, not only in a good mood, but also praises the SDCC comic exhibition as a good place to promote movies. And linda hamilton, the heroine, is still in excellent spirits. At the event, Linda was domineering, and she kissed the "governor" on her own initiative, causing an uproar. I wonder if the two of them will join hands to fight against the villains again.

Mackenzie davis, a former actor, plays the biochemical Grace in Terminator: Dark Fate, protecting Dany, a dark-haired girl played by Natalia Reyes. Mackenzie spoke highly of linda hamilton in the interview. When asked who would win the battle for the actress in the cast, Mackenzie replied without hesitation; "Linda will win because she has a strong inner spiritual strength."

Mackenzie Davis

It is reported that Terminator: Dark Fate (temporarily translated) follows Terminator 2: Judgment Day in the plot and forms Cameron’s orthodox Terminator Trilogy together with the first two films. The film will be released in North America on November 1, 2019. I believe that it will once again set off a classic frenzy, which will bring new shock and emotion to thousands of fans.

The Ministry of Education regulates the practice in colleges and universities: students shall not be arranged to practice in entertainment places.

  BEIJING, July 30 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Education, recently, the Ministry of Education issued opinions on strengthening and standardizing the internship management of ordinary undergraduate colleges. The opinions pointed out that universities and internship enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment. Students should not be arranged to practice in entertainment places, and they should not charge students fees in violation of regulations, and they should not detain their property and certificates.

  In recent years, with the joint efforts of universities, government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social organizations, the integration of Industry-University-Research has been deepened, and the internship of college students has been carried out steadily and the quality has been improved steadily. At the same time, some colleges and universities still pay insufficient attention to practice, insufficient investment in practice funds, irregular practice base construction and inadequate practice organization and management, which affect the overall improvement of talent training quality to some extent. In order to further improve the quality of practice and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students, schools and practice units, the Ministry of Education put forward relevant opinions on strengthening and standardizing the practice management of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities.

  The opinion mentioned that it is necessary to fully understand the significance of internship and accurately grasp the requirements of internship in the new era.

  In addition, the opinion said that the internship teaching arrangement should be standardized from four aspects. First, strengthen the construction of practice teaching system; The second is to arrange the organization form of internship reasonably; Third, scientifically formulate the internship program; The fourth is to choose a good practice instructor.

  The opinion also pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the organization and management of internship. Colleges and universities should work out internship plans together with internship units, clarify internship objectives, tasks, assessment standards, etc., and jointly organize and implement student internships. Practice instructors should do a good job in training students, track and guide students’ internship on the spot, check students’ internship, deal with problems in practice in time, and do a good job in internship assessment. It is strictly forbidden to entrust intermediary agencies or individuals to organize and manage students’ internship on their behalf.

  According to the opinion, colleges and universities should conduct on-the-spot investigation and evaluation before determining the internship unit, and after determining that the internship conditions are met, they should sign a cooperation agreement with the internship unit to clarify the rights, obligations and management responsibilities of both parties. If the cooperation agreement is not signed according to the regulations, no student internship may be arranged.

  The opinion also said that it is necessary to strengthen the management of student education. Colleges and universities should do a good job in safety and discipline education and daily management of students. Practice units should do a good job in students’ safety production and professional ethics education. Students should respect the practice instructors and on-site technicians, abide by the rules and regulations and labor discipline of the school and the practice unit, keep the secrets of the practice unit, and obey the on-site education management.

  At the same time, we should do a good job in protecting students’ rights and interests. Colleges and practice enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment, and may not arrange students to practice in entertainment places, charge students fees in violation of regulations, or detain students’ property and certificates. Before the internship, colleges and universities should buy internship liability insurance or personal injury accident insurance for students.

  In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the management of on-the-job and on-the-job practice. On-the-job and on-the-job practice is an essential practical link to cultivate applied talents, and all colleges and universities should organize it scientifically and implement it according to law. Strictly sign the internship agreement among schools, internship units and students, and clarify their respective rights, obligations and responsibilities. Strictly abide by the regulations on working hours, rest and vacation. Unless there are special requirements for clinical medicine and other related majors and internship positions, the working hours shall not exceed 8 hours per day and 44 hours per week, and overtime and night shifts shall not be arranged. In order to protect the rights and interests of internship students to obtain reasonable remuneration, the labor remuneration shall not be lower than 80% of the salary standard for probation period of the same post in principle. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, students under the age of 16 may not be arranged for internship.

  The opinion also mentioned that it is necessary to improve the work responsibility system and strengthen the construction of practice bases. Colleges and universities should continuously deepen the integration of production and education, vigorously promote the construction of practice bases, and encourage the construction of comprehensive, open and shared practice bases that meet the needs of multi-disciplinary practice. Support qualified provincial education administrative departments and universities to strengthen the construction of internship information, establish an internship information management platform, realize the docking of internship demand information between schools and enterprises, and strengthen the whole process management of internship. Support colleges and universities to strengthen the application of modern information technology and virtual simulation technology in practice, and encourage the development of corresponding virtual simulation projects to replace on-site practice that cannot be carried out due to factors such as production technology and technological process.

  The opinion also pointed out that colleges and universities should increase the input of internship funds to ensure the basic needs of internship. We should actively strive for the support of internship units, reduce the cost of internship and ensure the quality of internship.

  Finally, the opinion emphasizes strengthening the supervision of internship work: the provincial education administrative department should strengthen the supervision of internship work in colleges and universities, focusing on monitoring whether the internship links in the undergraduate training program are scientific and reasonable, whether the internship organization and management are standardized, whether the safety and legitimate rights and interests of students are guaranteed, whether the internship funds are sufficient, and whether the internship effect reaches the predetermined goal. Commend universities with solid internship work and remarkable achievements in internship teaching reform and research. Investigate and deal with violations in the internship process in a timely manner. For schools and places with poor supervision, frequent problems and strong social repercussions, it is necessary to interview relevant responsible persons, urge them to implement the main responsibility, and conduct informed criticism within a certain range.

Where to go for fitness? The official plan is coming!

  In order to speed up the solution to the problem of "where to go for fitness", the General Office of the General Administration of Sport, together with the General Offices of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the People’s Bank of China, recently issued the "Work Plan for the Improvement of National Fitness Facilities (2023-2025)" and launched the "National Fitness Facilities Improvement Action".

  According to reports, the "National Fitness Facilities Improvement Action" will focus on four major actions: strengthening the foundation of fitness facilities, improving quality, providing excellent services and increasing benefits, expanding the increment of fitness facilities, improving the quality of fitness facilities, making good use of the stock of fitness facilities, and improving the open service level and comprehensive use efficiency of fitness facilities; According to the plan, by 2025, the county and village three-level public fitness facilities and community 15-minute fitness circle will achieve full coverage, mass sports events based on fitness facilities will become more popular, and the service level and use efficiency of public fitness facilities will be further improved.

  In addition, the work plan also proposes that in principle, all newly-built fitness facilities in various places should be equipped with 100% fitness facilities for the elderly and children. At the same time, combined with the urban renewal work such as the renovation of old urban communities and the construction of complete communities, the embedded fitness facilities will be built by using the urban "Jinjiao Yinbian" to build a multi-level and diversified fitness circle around the masses.

  The State Sports General Administration said that the next step will be to make concerted efforts with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the People’s Bank of China, make overall use of various funding channels, establish and improve the incentive mechanism, increase supervision, speed up the solution of the problem of "where to go for fitness" and promote the construction of a higher-level public service system for national fitness. (CCTV reporter Yang Wei)

Thirteen films were packed into the "May Day" schedule, and the schedule dependence became more and more serious.

  Is this year’s "May Day" file too crowded? Yesterday, the movie "When Love Comes" suddenly appeared in the "May Day" file pre-sale list of Lighthouse Professional Edition. At one time, there were as many as 14 films in May 1st, which was twice as many as those in the Spring Festival. After several appearances, there are still as many as 13 films, which is the largest number of films in May 1st in history.

  Although there are many films, the box office is not satisfactory. It has been a week since the pre-sale of the May 1 movie. According to the real-time data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 17: 50 on April 28, the total box office of the May 1 movie (including the new movie released on April 30) exceeded 100 million yuan. Insiders pointed out that compared with Spring Festival, Summer Holiday, National Day and New Year’s Eve, the "May Day" file can only be regarded as a "waist file", but it is this waist file that attracts more than a dozen movies, as if it were more popular than the Spring Festival file.

  The films are released together, why is the pre-sale cold? How should the industry re-examine the festival schedule? Under the "involution" of the waist schedule, we may wish to have some cold thinking.

  Is the "May Day" file worth squeezing?

  The output value of "May 1st" file is obviously higher than that of Qingming file, Dragon Boat Festival file and Mid-Autumn Festival file. This year’s "May 1 ST" file showed a situation of "one super and many strong" in the pre-sale stage like the Spring Festival file, and the word-of-mouth of the film became more and more important.

  "My happiness is gone." Many fans sighed when they learned that "Antique close encounter of mahjong", which was originally scheduled for May Day, was withdrawn. "Antique close encounter of mahjong" is not the only film that disappeared from the May 1 ST file. The film "There is She in the World" directed by Zhang Aijia, Li Shaohong and Chen Chong also disappeared in the pre-sale lineup of the May 1 ST file, which made many people’s expectations fail. At present, it is not known when it will be released.

  Movies such as Manas Man, Migratory Birds and Dog Fruit Theorem once quietly appeared in the "May Day" file list, and then quietly left; "Running to the Sea" and "When Love Comes" suddenly filled the position in recent days. At present, there are 13 May 1 movies that have been pre-sold, including My Love’s On the Cliff, Secret Visitor, Fighting Against the Black, ONCE UPON A TIME IN HONG KONG’s The Sunshine Robber, The True Three Kingdoms, GG Bond Movie, The Diary of a Dinosaur, Searching for Han, etc., making it the largest number of May 1 movies in history.

  Among this year’s "May 1" movies, the most eye-catching one is the spy war movie "Above the Cliff", which was first tried by director Zhang Yimou. The film, starring Zhang Yi, Yu Hewei, Amanda, Zhu Yawen and Liu Haocun, tells the story that in 1930s, a group named "outrat" was sent to the Northeast, and fought bravely with the enemy and carried out covert operations under severe test. Before the release, the film accumulated word of mouth after screening, and the score of cat’s eye screening was as high as 9.2 points. Previously, films such as Antique close encounter of mahjong and There is She in the World were withdrawn from the archives. Apart from being "too crowded", many people analyzed it to avoid such strong films as Above the Cliff. However, with the withdrawal of two films with more attention, there are not many films that can be regarded as heavyweights in this year’s "May 1" file.

  Yu Xiansheng, the manager of a Shanghai cinema, thinks that this year’s "May Day" movies are of good overall quality, such as My Love, the star-studded Above the Cliff and Secret Visitor, which have high box office expectations. At the same time, he is optimistic about the movie "True Three Kingdoms Warriors" adapted from the game. Although the pre-sale of the film is not ideal at present, it is better than the strong cast, which is expected to attract many fans of the Three Kingdoms and game fans to watch the movie.

  In the May 1 movie, Professor Ishikawa of Shanghai Theatre Academy was more optimistic about Above the Cliff, and he predicted that ONCE UPON A TIME IN HONG KONG might also become a dark horse. "Hong Kong films have a high degree of completion from the film industry level, mainly depending on the director’s degree of play." He believes that the collective absence of appealing young and middle-aged directors such as Xú Zhēng, Frant Gwo and Luyang in this year’s "May 1 ST" file exposed the problem of insufficient creative power at present. "After their films entered the Spring Festival file, the" May 1 ST "file could not get a strong film. Although there is Zhang Yimou, it is not attractive enough for young movie-watching groups."

  Is the "May Day" file worth squeezing? According to the historical data, the highest box office record of the "May 1st" file is 1.527 billion yuan for the four-day holiday in 2019. If the natural growth brought by the extension of holiday time is not counted, the "May 1st" file is also the second three-day holiday box office after the New Year’s Day file, which exceeds 1 billion yuan, and its output value is significantly higher than that of Qingming file, Dragon Boat Festival file and Mid-Autumn Festival file. With the extension of the May Day holiday to five days, its position in the film market will continue to rise in the future.

  Liu Zhenfei, an analyst at Cat’s Eye Research Institute, said that in 2021, there will be 13 May 1 movies, among which 9 movies, including My Love’s Above the Cliff and Secret Visitors, the number of people who want to see Cat’s Eye exceeds 10,000. In 2018, the total number of new films around the "May 1 ST" file layout was 10, and the number of people who wanted to see it was 6. This year, both the number of scheduled films and the number of popular films have reached a record high. "Overall, this year ‘ May Day ’ In the pre-sale stage, the stalls are like Spring Festival stalls ‘ How strong is one super ’ The situation, but ‘ How strong ’ The situation is not clear at present, and the final decision is in the hands of the audience. Word of mouth is becoming more and more important for films in fierce competition, which has become a trend. "

  Love movies become the biggest winners?

  In the fast-paced life, watching brain-burning suspense and spy war movies is naturally no match for relaxing and enjoyable youth romance movies. However, "Above the Cliff" and "Secret Visitors" have more word-of-mouth protection than My Love.

  According to Mu Chen, Dean of the Lighthouse Research Institute of Alibaba Pictures, the "May 1" file does not belong to the big schedule, and the current pre-sale situation is still normal. "In the last four or five years, ‘ May Day ’ The box office has maintained a steady growth rate, and the average box office in the past two years has reached more than 300 million yuan. This year is a five-day holiday, which physically lengthens the time dimension of the schedule and will definitely broaden the schedule capacity. "

  Thirteen films were released together, naturally some people were happy and others were sad, but many people didn’t expect the romantic film My Love to rank first in the pre-sale. According to the statistics of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of April 28th, the total pre-sale of My Love before screening has exceeded 41 million yuan, followed by the film Above the Cliff directed by Zhang Yimou, which exceeded 25 million yuan. Director Chen Zhengdao’s Secret Visitor, another suspense film after Master of Memory and Master of Hypnosis, ranked third with over 10 million yuan.

  Judging from the film theme and lineup, My Love does not have obvious advantages. The film, starring Greg Han Hsu and Zhang Ruonan, tells the story of Zhou Xiaoqi’s love for You Yongci who fell in love at first sight when he was young for 15 years, but missed and reunited again and again under the trick of fate. It was originally planned to be released on May 20 th, the homonym "I love you".

  It is hard to imagine that the pre-sale of this romantic film featuring "sweet abuse" can beat Zhang Yimou’s spy war blockbuster and Secret Visitor starring Aaron Kwok, Duan Long and Zifeng Zhang.

  Since 2013, "To Youth We Will Die", youth romance films have been dominating the box office of "May 1st" file. This year’s "Above the Cliff" and "Secret Visitors" did not perform as expected. Is it because suspense and spy films are not as popular as romantic films?

  According to the report of Lighthouse Research Institute, in recent years, from the perspective of type distribution, there is a feature that love and action suspense alternately prevail. In terms of audience types, the core audience of romantic films is larger than that of suspense spy films. Whether the audience can empathize and release strong emotions is an important weight for romantic films to achieve high reputation and box office.

  My Love tells the love story of ordinary people. After the release of his own lineup, the related video broadcast volume easily exceeded 100 million. On the vibrato platform, the film was marketed on the topic of "Ten years of long-distance love, and finally lost to reality", which caused heated discussion among netizens.

  Many people can’t help but write their emotional past and breakup experience under the video. As the film emphasizes in the propaganda, My Love interprets every "I" in love. "This film is for everyone, and I hope everyone can find their own past in this film and find their own appearance in love."

  According to Mu Chen’s analysis, My Love is a film with strong social attributes, and its theme types, including the main creative lineup, are very suitable for the young audience, so it is normal to achieve the current popularity and pre-sale results. Next, it depends on whether the content quality can be recognized by the core audience, which is the key factor for it to dominate the schedule. "Romance films are usually difficult to squeeze into the big schedule, and it is not surprising to dominate the small schedule."

  Ishikawa believes that it is a bit accidental that My Love ranks first in the pre-sale of May 1 ST, but the suspense film genre is relatively new in China film market, and there are not many breakthroughs in recent years. The box office performance is not very good, and the pre-sale of Secret Visitors is not ideal. Although Zhang Yimou’s films have a high artistic level and excellent production, they are also facing the problem of being out of touch with the mainstream audience of the post-90s and post-00s.

  In the fast-paced life, going to the cinema to watch a brain-burning suspense and spy movie is naturally no match for a relaxing and enjoyable youth romance. However, in the eyes of the industry, from the perspective of lineup and production, Above the Cliff and Secret Visitor are obviously more word-of-mouth than My Love. Even if the latter is ahead in pre-sale, if the word-of-mouth is not ideal, it may be quickly overtaken on the first day of release.

  Should the movie schedule be changed?

  Hoping on the slotting effect, it is inevitable to have a gambling mentality. Resources are too concentrated, and it is not good for the market in the long run. The industry should think about how to actively adjust the schedule and tap the potential of small schedule.

  The strongest Spring Festival file in history born this year is inseparable from the transfer consumption generated by the call of "celebrating the New Year on the spot". With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the number of people traveling on May 1 this year has greatly increased. Statistics show that this year’s "May 1" Shanghai hotel orders increased by about 12 times year-on-year, and the number of tourists nationwide is expected to reach a new high. With the increasing number of people traveling, it is bound to curb movie consumption to a certain extent, which makes the market prospect of this year’s "May 1 ST" file confusing.

  At present, the Lighthouse Research Institute predicts that the overall box office of the "May 1" file will reach 1.8 billion yuan. Judging from the pre-sale, My Love’s Secret Visitor and Above the Cliff are in the first camp. "The estimated target is 4 billion yuan, and the overall box office should not be too bad." Ishikawa believes that this year’s "May 1" film lineup is not weak, with directors, actors and stories … … Most of them are above the passing line. If two or three films can break 1 billion yuan, the box office is expected to hit a new high in the same period.

  "More than 10 films grab ‘ May Day ’ File, the most direct reason is this year ‘ May Day ’ The holiday lasts for 5 days, and the deeper reason is that the schedule efficiency and market share have become higher and higher since the resumption of work. " Liu Zhenfei believes that this year’s "most crowded ‘ May Day ’ File "continues the competition trend of Spring Festival file, but the non-file period is more deserted than in previous years, which may be a microcosm of the overall box office trend of the film market this year. "In the first quarter, for example, although the New Year’s Day file was 1.3 billion yuan in three days and the Spring Festival file was 7.8 billion yuan in seven days, the overall box office in the first quarter was 18.1 billion yuan, compared with 18.7 billion yuan in 2019. This is related to the fact that overseas markets have just recovered and the number of popular imported films has been greatly reduced, but in the final analysis, the market is increasingly dependent on the schedule."

  "To tell the truth, my biggest worry happened after the Spring Festival." Ishikawa found that after the Spring Festival, the movie box office fell off a cliff, and once the box office was only more than 20 million yuan a day. "In previous years, the popularity of the Spring Festival stalls will continue for a period of time, driving the small stalls such as Valentine’s Day to rise. We call it the hammock effect. However, after the end of the Spring Festival stalls this year, the box office suddenly fell, which also stimulated the producers to squeeze into the festival stalls." Mu Chen also believes that "the most crowded ‘ May Day ’ The emergence of "stalls" is related to the increasing concentration of the film market in China in recent years. For large-scale films, the schedule shows a particularly strong adsorption to the film side, and everyone hopes to get higher popularity and better box office with the help of the schedule.

  Hoping on the slotting effect, it is inevitable to have a gambling mentality. "Resources are too concentrated, and everyone is bleeding, which is not good for the market in the long run." Ishikawa believes that the industry should think about how to actively adjust the schedule, for example, by appropriately reducing the ticket price to encourage the usual film scheduling, disperse the competitive pressure of the festival schedule, stimulate public consumption, and tap the potential of the small schedule. Several films such as Antique close encounter of mahjong, etc. should have seen this and made a rational choice.

  Although the schedule benefit is high, some films suitable for long-term travel have achieved good box office in relatively deserted months. For example, "Calm Down" directed by Li Xiaofeng earned more than 80 million yuan at the box office last November. "It is an important way to improve the box office of movies to train the audience to watch movies in the off-schedule period." Liu Zhenfei called on the industry to pay attention to non-popular schedules in the selection of schedules, so as to promote the more healthy and benign development of China film market. Mu Chen also believes that how to improve the diversification of content supply and enhance the audience’s interest in entering the cinema is a problem that the whole industry needs to think about and take seriously in the next six months. "This year ‘ May Day ’ Compared with previous years, the stalls are indeed more crowded, but we must also consider an objective situation. Domestic films have long been in oversupply. According to the production of 1,000 films a year and the volume of about 500 films entering the cinema, there may be 10 films released in a week. ‘ May Day ’ The file is not too crowded. " Ishikawa believes that for the current domestic film market, the lack of truly competitive films and the low-level repetition of a large number of films are the biggest problems. "When we can produce four or five films like The Wandering Earth and Hi, Mom a year, it doesn’t matter whether the total amount is more or less. The key is to improve the quality of the film. "

(Figure) Star Fashion Classic: Xie Hui will dress more than a supermodel. Yu Tao only buys the most expensive.

  Although the level of playing football has not yet been in line with the international standards, many domestic football stars have a sense of touch in fashion. And the high income and frequent opportunities to go abroad also enable them to get in touch with the most cutting-edge things in fashion. Over time, these stars have gradually formed their own set of "fashion classics".

  Hui XieGood taste

  Dress up, the model wife listens to him.

  When it comes to players and fashion, everyone will think of Xie Hui first. This handsome star who just went to Germany to continue studying abroad is also recognized as a fashion gentleman in the circle, showing fashion elements from head to toe. Moreover, Xie Hui is also a frequent visitor to various catwalk activities, which is not something that ordinary people can do.



  Xie Hui and his wife walked the catwalk together.

  In terms of dress, Xie Hui doesn’t like to follow the crowd. "Many people think that as long as they buy the best brand, they are pursuing fashion. I don’t think so. While pursuing the brand, I prefer the brand that suits me. " As for shoes and bags, Xie Hui thinks it is very important to match clothes. "The choice of bags and shoes can play a very good role, otherwise the whole body will fail."

  Is Xie Hui’s wardrobe full of clothes? "I may have more clothes than others, because I like to buy clothes and keep up with the trend." Xie Hui said, "However, don’t think that I have too many clothes, or I often keep changing new clothes." Xie Hui buys clothes, and never buys clothes that are worn for one quarter and immediately eliminated the next year. "I like to buy some clothes that can last for a long time, no matter the brand or the style. Many of my clothes, whether in style or texture, can be worn for a long time. "

  Does Xie Hui’s fashion inspiration come from his supermodel wife Tong Chenjie? "On the contrary, I have more ideas than my wife. When we buy clothes together, I often give her advice and she listens to me." Not only clothing, including furniture, daily necessities and so on, if you need to make up your mind, it’s basically Xie Hui. "Because I have a good eye, Tong Chenjie also trusts me."

  Yu Tao is the most willing.

  Shopping, brand recognition regardless of cost

  Someone once said: "Pu Wei said that her bag brand was big, and Yu Tao smiled." Yu Tao really loves to buy bags, but Yu Tao likes to buy clothes more than bags.

  When Yu Tao was in the National Youth Olympic Team, he often had the opportunity to play abroad. At that time, Yu Tao chose luxury goods regardless of the cost. "At that time, he was young and casual, and he bought what he liked, regardless of whether he needed it or not." One more thing, when I bought clothes abroad, my best friend Qu Bo always stood on the side of the salesperson, so that Yu Tao couldn’t help but pay for it. "With the encouragement of Qu Bo, I bought a lot of things."

  LV and PRADA are the first choice for Yu Tao to buy bags, while Yu Tao prefers clothes designed by Italian designers such as PRADA, Cerruti1881 and ARMANI.

  What satisfied Yu Tao the most was a KENZO suit he bought when the Olympic team was training in Paris. At that time, Yu Tao took a fancy to this black suit when he was shopping, and it fit perfectly after trying it on. "It felt like it was made for me, so that a thin person like me could buy such a suit in Europe. I wanted it without thinking." As a result, this suit was really put to great use. Yu Tao took this KENZO suit as the second formal suit at the wedding with his wife Ren Ne.

  In fact, at the beginning of buying clothes, Yu Tao had no specific brand concept. "At that time, there was no brand awareness, so I felt that expensive things must be good. Later, I gradually got to know so many brands, and I really have something extraordinary in terms of workmanship and texture. " Today, Yu Tao’s wardrobe is full of brand-name clothes he bought from abroad and at home in the past two years.

  SunjiEmphasis on individuality

  Understanding, suitability is the best.

  Sun Ji, the elder brother of "Lucky Brothers", is good at matching different clothes according to different occasions, which is due to his frequent reading of fashion magazines and watching various top fashion shows regularly broadcast by TV stations. However, Sun Ji believes that it is not enough to just look at it. The key is understanding. "In addition to observing other people’s dressing styles, we must also find a feeling that suits us. Dressing that suits others may not suit us." Sun Ji’s friend said to him, "Ah Da, if you don’t play football, you can be a runway model. What a nice clothes rack." Sun Ji laughed heartily. "How can you say that? When I buy clothes, the shop assistants all say that."

  The brand of clothes is not Sun Ji’s most concerned point, but the texture and style of clothes are Sun Ji’s first consideration. Sun Ji prefers clothes that are casual and not stuffy, but have a little shape but don’t look fancy, such as standing collar, or the neckline is asymmetrical, left or right, which makes people look youthful and lively. Sometimes, on a whim, Sun Ji will also buy a dress with a jump color.

  Sun Ji not only pays attention to the collocation of clothes, but also the collocation of backpacks. Sun Ji always likes backpacks, and his favorite brand is GUCCI. Under the influence of Sun Ji, Sun Xiang, the younger brother who never used to carry a backpack, was also willing to carry a bag on his shoulder. During the trial training in Eindhoven, Sun Ji found that many local people carried backpacks, which made people feel relaxed and comfortable, so Sun Ji bought a backpack for himself. "Casual and generous, people’s mood is also comfortable."

Editor: Shuo Yang

Guangzhou strengthens epidemic prevention and control in public cultural tourism places, and closed entertainment places are closed.

CCTV News:On the evening of the 8th, Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism issued a notice saying that it would strictly prevent and control the epidemic situation in public cultural tourist sites. All kinds of public cultural tourism places in medium and high-risk areas and areas under closed and closed management are closed down. Closed entertainment places in other areas of Guangzhou, such as cinemas, theaters, KTV and Internet service places, are closed; The outdoor part of public cultural venues and tourist attractions is restricted by 50%. 

Guangzhou, Guangdong: Open the fast lane of nucleic acid testing for truck drivers

In order to ensure the supply of basic living materials, Guangzhou has opened a fast lane for nucleic acid testing for truck drivers, and the results can be produced in 6 hours at the earliest. Jiangnan market in Guangzhou is one of the wholesale markets with the largest sales volume of fruits and vegetables in China and even in Southeast Asia, and it also bears the heavy responsibility of supplying "vegetable basket" in Guangzhou. At 9 o’clock every morning, truck drivers who come to the market for delivery can take the nucleic acid test sheet to the market nucleic acid test point for testing.

Truck driver Liu Bo:We are from other places, strangers here, and now the epidemic, there will definitely be concerns. Now, as soon as I enter the market, I am given a free receipt, and there is a special point in the market to detect nucleic acid. Otherwise, it is not convenient for me as a foreigner to find this nucleic acid monitoring point.

Reading Group’s net profit increased by 32.3% in 2023, and the starting point of reading income increased by 40% year-on-year.

  china reading limited(0772.HK) On March 18th.sunThe annual performance report for 2023 was released. The performance shows that the company achieved revenue of 7.01 billion yuan, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the company reached 800 million yuan, up 32.3% year-on-year. The net interest rate of returning to the mother reached 11.5%, up 3.5 percentage points year-on-year. The operating profit of reading articles was 710 million yuan, up by 12.8% year-on-year, and the operating efficiency and profit performance were both improved.

  Hou Xiaonan, CEO and President of Reading Group, said that the company continued to build an IP life cycle development system, using AI technology to empower creators, and the content ecology was continuously consolidated. In terms of online business, optimize product operation and channel structure to promote the ecological competitiveness of fine content. The growth of reading at the starting point reached a record high, and Tencent animation assets were acquired to enhance the advantages of IP incubation and reserve.

  The performance report shows that in 2023, the online reading business realized a revenue of 3.95 billion yuan, and the starting reading income increased by 40% year-on-year. The number of new writers on the platform reached 380,000, the number of new works exceeded 670,000, and the number of new words reached 39 billion. The number of newcomers and their achievements are outstanding. After 60% is 00, the number of newcomers whose total income exceeds 100,000 yuan has increased by 60% year-on-year.

  On the user side, reading articles strengthens the connection between readers and works through a series of operational activities. The total number of words in "This Chapter" of "The Ring of Destiny" from the beginning of reading in 2023 exceeded 70 million, and a single user dubbed the work for more than 2,800 times. The official theme station "Curly Baboon Research Association" of "Lord of Secrets" gathered over 600,000 fans in the first month, and the daily activities of users increased by over 200%.

  Thanks to the active creative ecology and effective copyright protection mechanism, the starting point reading income increased by 40% year-on-year. The subscription records of the platform have been continuously broken, and the number of new works with an average subscription of 100,000 has increased by 125% year-on-year. In 2023, the average MAU of reading platform reached 210 million, and the average number of monthly paying users reached 8.7 million, up 10.1% year-on-year.

  Hou Xiaonan said that in order to realize the social and commercial value of head IP in the whole life cycle, the construction of IP life cycle development system has always been the top priority. During the reporting period, reading articles continued to increase the explosion rate of different content forms. The data shows that in 2023, reading copyright operation and other income was 3.06 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 46.2% in the second half of the year.

  In terms of film and television, reading the text has launched some excellent hit works such as "Up with a flurry", "Ordinary Road", "The Sun is with me" and "The Sneaker". In the field of animation, the sequel and new fan of classic IP-adapted animation were introduced, such as "Breaking the Sky" topped the list of the most popular countries in Weibo for three consecutive months. In the field of comics, the popularity of 13 comics has exceeded 100 million. In the field of games, the works "The Legend of Immortal Cultivation" and "Swallowing the Starry Sky" authorized by reading the text were successfully launched, showing the competitiveness of IP in the game market.

  In the Spring Festival of 2024, YOLO, a film owned by Yuewen Group, won the box office championship, with a total box office of over 3.4 billion yuan. In the follow-up, reading will usher in the big product cycle of IP business. Except for YOLO, the films Under Aliens and Customs Front are progressing smoothly. In terms of drama series, Joy of Life’s works such as the second season rank in the forefront of Tencent’s most anticipated video list.

  Reading actively explores emerging content forms such as short plays, accelerates the comprehensive application of AI in IP ecology and the process of going to sea, and drives the long-term diversified growth of the company’s business. In terms of short plays, reading the article released the "Star River Incubation Plan for Short Plays", and launched three major initiatives: 100 IP cultivation plans, 100 million yuan creative fund support and exploring interactive short plays. In terms of AI technology empowerment, the first big model of the online text industry, "Reading the Wonderful Pen" and the wonderful pen version of the writer’s assistant, was released. The overseas business process has accelerated, and the overseas reading platform WebNovel provides about 3,800 Chinese translations and about 620,000 local original works.

Before taking antibiotics, ask the doctor these 12 questions.

  Before you leave the doctor’s office or pharmacy, getting the answers to the following questions can make the antibiotics you take as effective as possible.

  Why should I take this medicine?

  Norman Tomaka, a spokesman for the American Pharmacists Association, believes that every patient should confirm and understand why doctors prescribe antibiotics for them. According to the research results published in the journal of the American Medical Association by researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2010 to 2011, nearly one-third of oral antibiotic treatment prescriptions in the United States were wrongly prescribed by doctors. Taking unnecessary antibiotics will make bacteria resistant to drugs, so have an open discussion with your doctor to make sure your prescription is the best choice.

  When should I take the medicine?

  Antibiotics have to reach a certain concentration in the blood to take effect, so take the medicine on time. Taking medicine when you wake up in the morning, before lunch and before going to sleep can ensure that you will not forget to take medicine to the greatest extent.

  Can antibiotics be taken with food?

  Eating while taking medicine will affect the way drugs are absorbed in the body, but it can also prevent nausea caused by drugs that may irritate the stomach. If the drug instructions state that you should take it on an empty stomach, follow the instructions, because food may hinder the absorption of the drug in the blood.

  Do you want to avoid eating certain foods when taking medicine?

  Some drugs may have adverse reactions to certain foods. For example, dairy products will reduce the efficacy of tetracycline, because calcium in food combines with antibiotics, resulting in a decrease in the body’s absorption. Make sure you are aware of any food that may hinder your recovery.

  Do you want to drink a large glass of water when taking the medicine?

  Water can dilute the contents of the stomach and help you absorb the effective components of antibiotics before the stomach is stimulated. While drinking enough water can help prevent nausea caused by most drugs, some antibiotics need to drink a whole glass of water to be completely absorbed. Antibiotics in capsule form can prevent it from being dissolved prematurely until it enters the stomach; Drinking more water will help these antibiotics to be completely absorbed.

  6 Do you want to eat probiotics while taking antibiotics?

  Not all bacteria in your body will make you sick. Some bacteria in your stomach are essential to keep your intestines or reproductive system healthy. However, antibiotics do not know which bacteria are good and which bacteria are bad; They will kill all bacteria, including those that are good for human health. When drugs attack good bacteria, you may have gastrointestinal discomfort, urinary tract infection or yeast infection. To prevent these side effects, the doctor may suggest that you eat yogurt rich in probiotics or take probiotic supplements.

  7 what should I do if I miss the medicine?

  Theoretically speaking, there is a fixed time interval for each medication. In real life, you may forget to take the medicine or take it late. If you miss the medication time, it’s important to know what to do in advance, so that you won’t look around for information in the dead of night. Some drugs should be taken in time after missing the correct time, while others should be taken normally next time when they are forgotten, so read the drug instructions carefully.

  When should I feel better after taking medicine?

  You should take the medicine completely as long as the doctor prescribes it, instead of stopping taking it once the symptoms disappear, because the bacteria in your body may still be at an unsafe level. However, it is important to know how soon you can recover. Generally speaking, if you don’t get better after taking the medicine for three days, you need to see a doctor again, because at this time, either the drug choice is incorrect or something else has happened.

  9 What side effects are expected from the antibiotics I take?

  Although only a small proportion of people have side effects after taking antibiotics, you need to know what adverse reactions your body will have. Some drugs may cause shortness of breath, while others may cause urticaria. If there are suspected side effects, you should consult your doctor whether to continue treatment or switch to another treatment.

  Can I crush the pills?

  If you have difficulty swallowing pills, consult your doctor before you plan to crush them, because antibiotics in pill form are absorbed in a different way from capsules. Some antibiotics are made in liquid form, which may be a better choice for some patients.

  Will this antibiotic interact with other drugs I take?

  The doctor may ask you what other drugs you have taken to avoid adverse reactions, but don’t forget birth control pills or over-the-counter supplements and vitamins easily. Some antibiotics may reduce the contraceptive effect, which means you may need to take another contraceptive method. In addition, iron-containing supplements combine with some antibiotics, making the latter unable to be absorbed.

  What should I do if I have a history of antibiotic allergy?

  Being allergic to an antibiotic not only means that you must avoid this drug, but also beware of other related drugs belonging to the same family. Therefore, after taking the medicine, you should observe it carefully, stop taking it immediately and ask the doctor for help if there is an allergic reaction. (Compile/Guo Shaofeng)

Does domestic OA software enter the 3.0 era? Huatian Power OA system has already released its 4.0 advantage.

OA office system plays an important role in modern enterprise operation. With the change of market and the diversification of office demand, OA office system is facing the challenge of experience upgrade. Insiders pointed out that the domestic OA software industry has now entered the 3.0 era, and OA vendors are "shuffling" in the fierce competition. However, market observation found that the requirements for OA software in the 3.0 era are not high, and brands such as Huatian Power have already released the advantages of 4.0.
3.0 era cooperated with OA to realize the integration of technology and demand.
"The OA system in the period of 1.0 is only a concept, mainly based on the application of reports and documents. In those years of 2.0, the OA system solved the basic cooperative office problems of enterprises. Nowadays, in the era of 3.0, multi-party system integration and data fusion are pursued, and the mobile office mode is realized. The pressure on manufacturers is not small, and a large number of cooperative management OA system brands at the low end of technology will be eliminated in the process."
The opinions of the insiders have been affirmed by some people, and it can be seen that the popular collaborative management OA system brand has indeed reached the 3.0 standard. Taking Huatian Power Collaborative OA System as an example, the system uses EAI technology to establish application interface layer, application integration layer, process integration layer and user interaction layer. When a document is filled in the collaborative management OA system, it will automatically flow to the ERP system to extract the required data, and then it will be approved in the collaborative management OA system, and then it will flow to the ERP system for processing, thus realizing data integration with CRM, ERP, HRM, SCM and financial software.
However, as far as Huatian Power Collaborative OA system is concerned, the requirement of collaborative management OA system in the 3.0 era is not a challenge. The system allows users to upgrade their software systems independently and flexibly, and at the same time, obtaining service guarantee is the key to breakthrough development.
Huatian Power Collaborative OA System Releases the Efficiency of 4.0 Era
Huatian Power OA believes that whether it is big data or cloud office, for operators, these interconnected technologies support office efficiency, but the enterprise user experience lies in whether a set of collaborative management OA system can be used for a long time at a reasonable or even reduced cost, which requires the flexibility and independent upgrading strength of collaborative management OA system.
"Huatian Power Collaborative OA System is currently able to surpass the above-mentioned experience needs of the 3.0 era system."
Huatian Power Collaborative OA System adopts J2EE+SOA+MVC+WebService technology, and forms "Rubik’s Cube Architecture" with framework+component system. Users can build personalized business modules by themselves, realize dynamic deployment, upgrade and expansion without code-level operation, and realize on-demand management.
In addition, the pages developed by Huatian Power Collaborative OA System based on interfaces are separated from the complex page logic of the old framework by refining the interfaces, and the calling relationship between each page module is well sorted out, which combines the approval process with the process management. It is an open business modeling tool and realizes the unified management and continuous optimization of office processes and business processes.
Huatian Power goes deep into service to enhance user experience.
Consumption upgrading is being reflected in all walks of life, and users are pursuing consumption quality, which also means that product quality is guaranteed and services should be in place in time. In this regard, Huatian Power, which entered the 4.0 era, made in-depth innovation in service.
Among the specific services, Huatian Power provides "six service contents", such as customized service, which can analyze the logical changes of data according to the specific office mode of customers and help users organize them into practical, personal and low-cost solutions for free; And "upgrade service" is the advanced product that Huatian Power and OA system can achieve, so that customers can enjoy the upgraded service with the system upgrade; Other services such as "secondary development", "consultation" and "tracking" are all aimed at ensuring the in-depth service of users, so that the collaborative management OA system project application can really land. If there is still demand, Huatian Power can cooperate with users at a higher level, not only becoming a supplier of customers, but also becoming a strategic partner that customers can trust.
It is not difficult to see that Huatian Power Collaborative OA not only meets the system standards of the 3.0 era, but also has gradually released the office efficiency of the 4.0 era from the aspects of operation upgrade and service experience, and users have the right to speak in their own upgrade operations. Perhaps this is the important reason why Huatian Power Collaborative OA has been favored by enterprise users in recent years.

The case of "Shanghai elderly people giving property to fruit stall owners" fell: the houses involved belonged to fruit stall owners.

  The latest progress has been made in the case of "Shanghai elderly people giving 3 million real estate to fruit stall owners"

  On December 15th, The Paper reporter learned from the lawyer team of Gao Mingyue, the agent ad litem of the fruit stall owner, that on December 14th, the team received the Civil Judgment from the Baoshan District People’s Court. The judgment of the first instance shows that the house involved and the property in the house belong to the plaintiff (fruit stall owner Liu).

  Civil Judgment of Shanghai Baoshan District People’s Court provided by Gao Mingyue’s team of lawyers.

  Earlier, according to many media reports, the wife and son of an old man in Baoshan District of Shanghai have passed away, and he lives alone, and he is taken care of by Liu, a fruit stall owner in the community. After that, the old man decided to entrust his old age and legacy to Liu, including his own property worth 3 million yuan, and the relevant support agreement was notarized. On December 31, 2021, the old man died, and his sister and other family members objected to the distribution of the estate, and the two sides went to court.

  The two sides signed an agreement, and the legacy of the old man was given to the fruit stall owner after his death.

  The Paper learned that the plaintiff in this case was Liu, a fruit vendor, and the defendants were the sister and nephew of the old man. The plaintiff’s main claims are as follows: 1. Request to order a real estate in Baoshan District of Shanghai and the property in the house to be owned by the plaintiff; 2. Request that the balance of bank deposits and fruits in the old man’s name be owned by the plaintiff.

  The defendant disagreed with the original request.

  The elder’s sister argued that before 2017, his elder brother had mental disorder and his capacity should be limited. When he was hospitalized in July 2017, the old man was diagnosed with cerebral infarction and Alzheimer’s disease. Later, because Liu took the old man away, he could not be further diagnosed. When the old man signed the Legacy Support Agreement, he did not have full capacity for civil conduct, and the signing of the agreement was invalid.

  The court found that in August 2017, the elderly (Party A, the legatee and the dependents) and Liu (Party B, the donee and the dependents) signed the Legacy Support Agreement.

  As stipulated in the above agreement, Party A is willing to bequeath all personal property in Article 1 of the agreement to Party B, and Party B shall bear the obligation to support Party A; Party B is willing to undertake the obligation to support Party A and accept the property bequeathed by Party A..

  According to the agreement, the property of the elderly includes a set of real estate in Baoshan District, deposits and property in the house. Liu is responsible for the elderly’s support obligations such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, medical care and old-age care, which means taking care of life, giving financial help and giving spiritual comfort.

  With regard to the transfer of the ownership of the bequest property, Party B shall not transfer or dispose of Party A’s personal property before Party A’s death, and Party B shall go through the ownership transfer formalities of the bequest property within 30 days after Party A’s death.

  On March 12, 2019, Shanghai Putuo Notary Office notarized the Legacy Support Agreement and issued a Notarial Certificate.

  The contents of the Notary Certificate show that, after investigation, in August 2017, when the Legacy Maintenance Agreement was concluded, both parties had the legal capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct, and the meaning was true.

  For the audio and video recording of notarization of bequest and maintenance agreement, the plaintiff thinks that it can reflect the true meaning of the old man, while the defendant thinks that the old man has many expressions in the audio and video recording that are logically confused and inconsistent with the facts.

  During the trial, the original and the defendant confirmed that the disputed house belonged to the personal property of the elderly, with a value of 3.3 million.

  How was the old man’s physical condition before his death?

  The verdict shows that the old man was hospitalized for pneumonia in July 2017. The course record showed that the patient had intermittent gibberish attacks, so he applied for a consultation in neurology. The consultation opinion record is: "The patient has intermittent gibberish, clear mind, pertinent answers, senile dementia, and no special treatment for the time being." In June 2020, the old man was admitted to hospital because of a fall.

  In April 2021, the Institute of Forensic Science issued the Judicial Appraisal Opinion, and the appraisal opinion was: "Suffering from organic mental disorder, it should be assessed as having no capacity for civil conduct at present." In May 2021, the old man was declared as a person with no capacity for civil conduct by the court.

  Previously, the court also entrusted the Judicial Appraisal Institute of Shanghai Mental Health Center, the Institute of Judicial Appraisal Science, the Judicial Appraisal Center of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, and the Shanghai Fenglin Judicial Appraisal Center to appraise the civil capacity of the elderly in March 2019, all of which were rejected because they exceeded the capacity of the appraisal institution or the required materials were insufficient.

  Regarding the status of the elderly at the time of notarization, the investigation record of the notary public showed: "When I notarized, I reviewed the status of the elderly at the time of notarization, and whether the ability of the elderly to express their will was sufficient and true. This elderly man had a cerebral infarction in 2017, and the agreement was signed in 2017. I contacted him in 2019. The old man recovered well and his speech was very clear. Why do you want notarization, why do you do it, and why do you want to support and monitor Mr. Liu and his wife? It is clear and firm to whom to entrust the sick and the sick, and the property will not be given to their relatives ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  The court ruled that the house of the elderly and the property in the house belong to the fruit stall owner.

  The Baoshan District People’s Court of Shanghai held that after the beginning of inheritance, it should be handled according to legal inheritance, and if there is a will, it should be handled according to the will inheritance or bequest; If there is a legacy support agreement, it shall be handled in accordance with the agreement. A citizen may sign a legacy and support agreement with his/her supporter, who shall bear the obligation of living, supporting and burying the citizen, and enjoy the right to be bequeathed. The legacy and maintenance agreement is a legal act of both parties. The content of the legacy and maintenance agreement involved in this case is legal, and the legacy and maintenance agreement has also been notarized in the notary office, and its external formal requirements are in line with the law.

  The court pointed out that although the old man was declared as a person with no capacity for civil conduct in May 2021, there was no evidence to prove that he was already in a state of limited capacity for civil conduct or no capacity for civil conduct during the signing of the bequest and maintenance agreement. Therefore, the agreement is the true expression of both parties and is legally binding. The evidence provided by the defendant, such as the diagnosis of medical treatment and hospitalization, can’t draw the conclusion that the elderly have limited capacity when signing the bequest and maintenance agreement, and there is no evidence to prove that the bequest and maintenance agreement is not the true expression of the elderly.

  The court said that the existing evidence cited by the defendant could not meet the proof standard of the probability of civil evidence advantage and should bear the adverse consequences of proof. The court rejected the defendant’s opinion that the legacy and maintenance agreement was invalid, and held that the will of the decedent and his right to dispose of property should be respected, and the validity of the legacy and maintenance agreement involved should be recognized.

  On December 12, 2023, the court ruled in the first instance that the old man’s house, the property in the house and the balance of funds and fruits in three accounts under his name belonged to the plaintiff Liu.

  Lawyer Gao Mingyue said that the guardianship agreement was valid, and the fruit stall owner assumed the responsibility of guardian. The legacy support agreement was valid, and the fruit stall owner fulfilled the obligation of living, raising and burying.

  In his view, the elderly in Shanghai have legal awareness, and they have prepared legal arrangements for their intentional guardianship and bequest, defended their freedom and dignity, and realized the intentional inheritance of their wealth. Moreover, notarized documents have withstood severe doubts and challenges. The highly antagonistic judicial practice of family affairs fully shows that it is best to present both the intentional guardianship documents and the intentional inheritance documents (such as wills, bequest and support agreements, trust agreements, etc.) by means of notarized documents, which is the most responsible suggestion for the parties.