# History

Bigan, the god of wealth, is a god of wealth in Chinese folk belief, expressing the good wishes of the working people in China to ward off evil spirits and disasters and welcome good fortune. His surname is Biganzi. Bi was born in Ganmoyi (now Weihui, Henan), the second son of Wen Ding, the Shang emperor, and the uncle of Di Xin (Shang Zhouwang), the younger brother of Di Yi.

Bigan was born in the Seventh Sacrifice of Yinwuyi Bingzi (the 4th day of April in the summer calendar in 1125 BC) and died in 1063 BC. He was an important official of the Shang royal family and worshipped Shao Shi (the prime minister). He assisted two emperors all his life. At the age of 20, he assisted Di Yi, the king of Shang, with a high position as a teacher, and Di Xin (Yin Zhou Wang) was entrusted with the orphans.

He assisted Wang Zhongjun, the emperor of Shang Dynasty, in patriotism, pleading for the people and daring to speak out and remonstrate, and was called "an eternal loyal minister". After Zhou Wang dug his heart, he became a careless person because his heart was hollowed out, so he was careless and impartial, and was regarded as the God of Wealth by later generations. He was the first God of Wealth worshipped by the people and widely praised and worshipped by the world.

Di Yi was assisted by Di Xin, who had been in politics for more than 40 years. He advocated reducing taxes and corvees, encouraging the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, advocating smelting and casting, and enriching Qiang Bing. At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Di Xin (Zhou Wang) was tyrannical and dissolute, extorting and extorting money, sighing for the Lord, refusing to remonstrate, not being loyal, fearing death, not being brave, remonstrating, not using it, dying, and being loyal, so he went to the Star Tower to remonstrate for three days.

He asked why he relied on benevolence and righteousness more than he did on dry days, so he relied on anger. He said that I heard that saints have seven minds and believe in everything. Then he killed Bigan and dissected his heart, at the age of 64. After Bigan’s death, Zhou Wang sent someone to Bigan’s home to exterminate his family. There were two pregnant concubines in Bigan’s family, and one was caught and brutally executed.

Bigan’s wife, Chen, managed to escape in order to save the baby in her womb. Soldiers who sympathized with them secretly released her and four handmaids. They left the capital together to sing songs and went to live in seclusion in the mountains. Later, they gave birth to a boy, and now they call this cave "Linmu Cave".

Soldiers in Zhou Wang searched the descendants of Bigan everywhere. When they found them, they asked what the child’s name was. Mrs Bigan lived in the forest, and there was a mountain spring around the forest, so they told the soldiers that the child was called Lin Quan. Later, Zhou Wuwang defeated Zhou Wang, found Mrs Bigan and her children, and named the child Lin Jian, who was the ancestor of Lin.

Learn these 8 fashion suggestions and life attitudes, and I believe you will know what to buy and wear.

Fashion dress is a commonplace topic, and it will never end.

Because as a fashionable and beautiful woman, we need to pay attention to it all the time.

Only constant learning and charging, only constant appreciation and promotion,

Only by constantly practicing, cultivating and growing according to one’s own temperament and style,

We can make our hearts richer and our eyes improved, and our clothes will be more stylish and tasteful.

I hope I can give you some inspiration and a guide to wear.

Let you know what to buy and choose in every occasion, and wear it correctly.

Even if you wear it at a low price, you can still wear a full sense of fashion because of your fashionable vision and taste.

1. We often say that the trend is perishable and the style lasts forever. What exactly is the style?

Style should be comfortable, time-consuming, and personal. It looks as if you haven’t carefully prepared it, but wearing the most suitable and beautiful self and your own style will make you confident.

2. What are the most worthwhile fashion items?

Be sure to buy a good pair of jeans.

Be sure to buy a good ready-to-wear coat.

A white t-shirt with a pattern,

I think a dress is also necessary to give you confidence.

A skirt that makes you confident, a skirt that can swing at will,

A little sexy skirt, so you can wear it all day and night.

3. Suggestions for working moms:

Just be yourself, don’t exaggerate, don’t dress too hard, just find something that suits you, I think this is the best way.

A pair of beautiful sunglasses is also worth investing, so even if you stay up all night with your children, it can help you hide your fatigue.

A fashionable and large-capacity bag is also very important, so that all the small things that children need can be packed. Every mother who works and takes care of children knows this need.

4. How important are fashion trends for women?

I don’t think fashion is a trend. For everyone, what suits you and makes you feel comfortable is the best fashion.

It is also important to learn to invest in important classic items that are commonly used, so that you can wear them all the time.

Add some fashionable elements that are popular in the season, so that classics can be matched with fashion. I think this is the most important fashion to wear.

5. What is the most error-prone and suitable for various occasions?

I think dresses are very good. These skirts are very easy to wear. Just put them in, zip them up, and then you can go out. No matter day or night, whether you go to the office or have an appointment at night, you can do it quickly with one button.

For example, if you date your husband, the most suitable dress is a sexy skirt, which makes you feel confident and sexy at the same time. Being sexy is not only for your partner, but also for yourself.

6, for accessories: the best travel model for smart and cool women; The simpler the better, a cool handbag, a set of clothes representing one’s temperament and style, and then all kinds of cool and stylish clothes;

If you are a delicate woman, you should learn to consider the importance of all kinds of ornaments and embellishments, because those can invisibly enhance your aesthetic feeling and fashion attitude and make you move forward with more confidence.

7, for women’s maintenance: sleep is very important, try to sleep better.

Drink more water, cultivate more hobbies and fun, such as listening to some good music, and learn to enjoy all the processes that seem to make you relaxed and comfortable, because it is also a kind of healing and relaxation.

Because as a woman, the process is interesting and important.

When you go out, you should care about your image. When you go out, you should wear decent clothes, take good care of your hair and make up.

Women must learn to enjoy all the processes that make you better: have a good sleep, drink plenty of water, take care of yourself, cultivate your hobbies, let yourself learn and know in an all-round way, and make your heart full and full.

All seemingly useless efforts are actually the process of enriching your heart and healing yourself.

A woman’s heart is full, her heart is happy and beautiful, and she lives fully. I understand that you are getting better and better.

In fact, everything will get better with the surroundings.

Always remember: because you get better first, you will get better life and everything slowly.

8. Women’s best fashion advice and attitude towards life is: Learn to love yourself. You dress up for yourself, not for anyone else, dress up carefully, make yourself feel better and be the best you can be.

Young man, the first car! Xiaomi applied for the first automobile SU7 trademark: the price starts from 190,000 yuan.

On December 1 ST, according to the website of Tianyancha,Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. applied for registration of the trademark "XIAOMI SU7" on November 15th, 2023, which is classified as fitness equipment internationally, and it is still in the stage of substantive examination.

Source: Tianyancha

In the latest batch of new car declaration catalogue published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last month, Xiaomi SU7, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, officially completed the declaration, and it is expected to be listed in 2024. Once the news came out, it immediately set off a discussion upsurge on the Internet. Both rims and non-rims were very interested in Xiaomi’s car-making, and launched a round of discussion around its exposed appearance parameters. The heat can be said to be the same for a while.

Subsequently, more specific model information of Xiaomi Automobile was exposed.It is reported that the first model of Xiaomi Automobile is divided into four versions, namely, the standard version, the Pro version, the Max version, and the track version that is not sold in batches. The price range is concentrated in 190,000-300,000 yuan.The production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile in the first year is less than 70,000 units, and the first batch of cars will be sold in first-and second-tier cities first.

The span of the price range of 190,000-300,000 yuan is not small. It seems that Xiaomi still wants to make a fuss about the configuration of different models. Lei guessed that the price of the standard version may be 190,000 yuan, which is mainly used to lower the threshold for users to start and attract more prospective car owners who are still waiting to see. Pro and Max versions are divided into different versions through differences in intelligent driving and battery life. As for the track version, because of its characteristics of not mass production and sales, I believe it must be prepared for the most loyal rice noodles.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

In addition to the full vehicle configuration, the car system and intelligent cockpit are undoubtedly the biggest selling points of Xiaomi SU7.With the 澎湃 OS system released this year, it is very exciting to see how far the interaction between people, mobile phones and cars can go. In terms of intelligent driving, although we still don’t know the relevant information, as the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, I believe that Xiaomi definitely wants to make the first shot, and the configuration will not disappoint everyone.

Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, once said that the progress of Xiaomi Automobile has exceeded expectations, and the mass production target will remain unchanged in the first half of next year, followed by the second winter test. According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the name of the two new models of Xiaomi Automobile is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., which also means that BAIC will become the OEM of Xiaomi Automobile. With the help of BAIC, the production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile is believed to be not too big. problem.

According to the latest news,At the end of December this year, Xiaomi Automobile will hold a technical conference, at which time everyone can fully understand all the information of Xiaomi SU7. The question is, if you can start with Xiaomi SU7 for 190,000 yuan, will you consider it?

Cover source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Shanghai focuses on "Eight Fashion Products" and builds "Fashion Capital"

Shanghai will focus on "Eight Fashion Products", that is, eight categories of fashion consumer goods, further strengthen the chain, build a high-quality innovative supply system, and strive to become a fashion production place, trend gathering place, innovation source and consumption leading place in 2025, and promote the scale of fashion consumer goods industry to reach 520 billion yuan.

The Action Plan for High-quality Development of Fashion Consumer Goods Industry in Shanghai (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) was announced yesterday, which clarified the path for Shanghai to build a "fashion capital".

Cultivate a group of leading enterprises of billions and billions.

Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry has always been profound and rich in atmosphere. "Shanghai brand" and "Shanghai goods" are well-known throughout the country and have strong capabilities in global consumption resource allocation and consumption innovation. In 2021, the scale of Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry reached 433.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%; The accelerated transformation and upgrading of industrial structure and the strong combination of fashion and scientific and technological advantages have laid a solid foundation for further building a "fashion capital".

The "Eight Fashion Products" that Shanghai will focus on in the next step refer to the top products of clothing, cosmetics, exquisite food, excellent sports products, smart products, quality products of life, exquisite crafts and digital fashion products. They are not only the key areas of all kinds of first stores, first shows and first exhibitions, but also an important component of the "total retail sales of social consumer goods", an important indicator of macroeconomic operation. Statistics show that in the first 11 months of this year, the city introduced 982 first stores of various types, most of which belong to the category of "eight fashion products"; At the same time, among the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the city in 2021, "fashion eight products" accounted for over 70%. Therefore, promoting the high-quality development of fashion consumer goods industry will play an important role in building an "initial economy" ecological chain, further enriching the supply of consumer goods market and accelerating the construction of an international consumption center city.

According to Shanghai’s new Action Plan, by 2025, we will strive to establish the status of "Fashion Capital" that leads the fashion and defines the trend, build a trillion-dollar consumer market of fashion consumer goods with demonstration and leading role, and realize an industrial scale of over 520 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 5%. The Action Plan proposes that by 2025, three to five leading enterprise groups with operating income of 100 billion yuan, 20 head enterprise groups with operating income of 10 billion yuan and 200 key enterprises with operating income of 1 billion yuan will be cultivated; Construction of 10 smart factories in the fashion consumer goods industry, 100 digital application scenarios of fashion consumer goods industry characteristics, and 1,000 integration scenarios of fashion consumer goods with shopping, service and culture; We will build three to five characteristic industrial parks for fashion consumer goods, develop a number of municipal-level boutique parks and fashion creativity demonstration spaces, and form national-level industry characteristic regions and industrial clusters.

"Ten Actions" to Enhance Core Competitiveness in an All-round Way

In order to achieve the above goals and comprehensively enhance the overall efficiency and core competitiveness of the fashion consumer goods industry, Shanghai will implement ten major actions around three special projects in the next few years.

In terms of "Special Project for Promoting Digital Innovation and Upgrading", Shanghai will implement "new strategic source action of scientific and technological research and development, new empowerment action of digital manufacturing, new leading action of brand building and new efficiency-enhancing action of creative design", focusing on key core technological breakthroughs and promoting the application of technologies such as digital twins in all aspects of consumer goods. In fact, digitalization will play a key role in the future development of Shanghai’s fashion consumer goods industry. Among the "Eight Fashion Products" that Shanghai focuses on, there are "smart products" mainly based on hardware and "digital fashion products" mainly based on software and service forms. The Action Plan makes it clear that Shanghai will encourage enterprises to develop virtual fashion, focusing on digital fashion, digital virtual people and personalized, high-flow and multi-interface virtual applications.

Around the "Special Project for Optimizing and Upgrading Carrier Scenes", Shanghai will implement three actions. First of all, according to the new version of Shanghai Industrial Map, we will build a "1+9" and "Fashion Nebula" industrial space with the central city as the core and nine surrounding cities such as Pudong and Minhang, and develop three characteristic parks: Oriental Beauty Valley Beauty Park, Xinshishang Urban Industrial Park and Jiangnan Zhizao International Design Port. At the same time, a new integration action of consumption scenes will be implemented to guide enterprises to carry out the integration layout of online and offline consumption scenes. In addition, support the traditional "national tide" to upgrade with new technologies and new ideas.

In order to build a perfect fashion ecosystem, Shanghai will also introduce and cultivate a group of leading talents in the fashion consumer goods industry, formulate the selection criteria for "Shanghai Fashion Products" and start the certification, and will also publicize and promote the overall image of "Shanghai IP" and the global new product launching place, so as to expand the industrial brand of fashion consumer goods as a whole.

Author: Zhang Yi

Editor: Shi Wei

Source: vision china

The concept of culture

Culture is a complex and diverse concept, which covers all aspects of human society, including history, art, philosophy, religion, science and technology and so on. Culture is not only the values and code of conduct of our society, but also the way we communicate and interact with others.

The development and evolution of culture is a long process, which is influenced by many factors, including geographical environment, historical background, social structure, economic development and so on. In different historical periods and cultural backgrounds, the development and evolution of culture also presents different characteristics.

Culture is of great significance to the development of a country or region. It not only shapes people’s ideas and behaviors, but also affects the development of economy, politics and society. A strong cultural system can enhance the soft power of a country or region and improve its international influence and competitiveness.

At the same time, culture is also the common wealth of mankind. We should respect and protect various cultural traditions and promote cultural exchanges and integration in order to enhance the diversity and richness of human civilization. Under the background of globalization, we should pay more attention to cultural diversity and inclusiveness, and promote dialogue and cooperation between different cultures in order to build a more harmonious world.

In a word, culture is a broad and complex concept, which involves all aspects of human society. We should respect and protect various cultural traditions and promote cultural exchanges and integration in order to build a more harmonious world.

It is enough for amateur golfers to master the following 11 badminton skills.


Kill the ball (the most difficult technique to learn)

It’s a high ball hit by the opponent. Try to buckle it down at the high hitting point. This kind of ball is powerful and fast, mainly including forehand killing, backhand killing and overhead killing.


Catch and kill the ball (the most embodiment of the technique of four or two strokes)

It is a style of play that turns defense into attack, which is divided into blocking the ball in front of the net, drawing the ball in the backcourt and picking the high ball.


Put the ball before the net (one of the necessary techniques before the net)

It is to gently hold the opponent’s hanging ball or the ball in front of the net with a racket, so that the ball will fall downward as soon as it passes the top of the net.


Golf (the most basic skill for amateurs)

Hit the ball near the opponent’s baseline with a high arc to weaken the opponent’s offensive power and consume the opponent’s physical strength.


Drop shot (technique of confusing opponents)

The ball hit by the opponent is lightly returned from the backcourt to the area in front of the opponent’s net, which is called hanging ball. It is a batting technique to mobilize the opponent, disrupt the opponent’s position and cooperate with tactics.


Ball-saving (front-net attack technique)

It is a common offensive technique in doubles. When the opponent serves the ball in front of the net or returns the ball in front of the net, when the ball crosses the top of the net, the arc is high, that is, he quickly steps up and swats and kills in front of the net.


Pick the lob (defensive adjustment technique)

It is to pick up the lob or the ball in front of the net hit by the opponent and return it to the opponent’s backcourt. This is a defensive technique adopted in a relatively passive situation.


Rub the ball (the technique of showing the feel)

It is a development of the technology of putting the ball before the net. When the hitting point is about the same height as the shoulder, use the actions of "rubbing", "cutting" and "picking" to rub the bottom of the ball holder, so that the ball changes its normal running track in the air, resulting in rolling along the horizontal axis or rotating over the top of the net along the vertical axis.


Push the ball (fast flat bottom line technology)

It is to cooperate with the fake action in front of the net, and suddenly push the ball to the bottom corner of the backcourt when luring the opponent to the internet.


Hook ball (surprise technique)

It’s a diagonal ball in front of the net. It is often used in combination with rubbing and pushing the ball to achieve the effect of a diversion.


Draw the ball (a simple and easy-to-learn technique)

It’s a way of hitting the ball flat across the net. In the stroke, the hitting point is on both sides below the shoulder, which is an offensive technique with faster hitting speed.