Where to go for fitness? The official plan is coming!

  In order to speed up the solution to the problem of "where to go for fitness", the General Office of the General Administration of Sport, together with the General Offices of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the People’s Bank of China, recently issued the "Work Plan for the Improvement of National Fitness Facilities (2023-2025)" and launched the "National Fitness Facilities Improvement Action".

  According to reports, the "National Fitness Facilities Improvement Action" will focus on four major actions: strengthening the foundation of fitness facilities, improving quality, providing excellent services and increasing benefits, expanding the increment of fitness facilities, improving the quality of fitness facilities, making good use of the stock of fitness facilities, and improving the open service level and comprehensive use efficiency of fitness facilities; According to the plan, by 2025, the county and village three-level public fitness facilities and community 15-minute fitness circle will achieve full coverage, mass sports events based on fitness facilities will become more popular, and the service level and use efficiency of public fitness facilities will be further improved.

  In addition, the work plan also proposes that in principle, all newly-built fitness facilities in various places should be equipped with 100% fitness facilities for the elderly and children. At the same time, combined with the urban renewal work such as the renovation of old urban communities and the construction of complete communities, the embedded fitness facilities will be built by using the urban "Jinjiao Yinbian" to build a multi-level and diversified fitness circle around the masses.

  The State Sports General Administration said that the next step will be to make concerted efforts with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the People’s Bank of China, make overall use of various funding channels, establish and improve the incentive mechanism, increase supervision, speed up the solution of the problem of "where to go for fitness" and promote the construction of a higher-level public service system for national fitness. (CCTV reporter Yang Wei)

(Figure) Star Fashion Classic: Xie Hui will dress more than a supermodel. Yu Tao only buys the most expensive.

  Although the level of playing football has not yet been in line with the international standards, many domestic football stars have a sense of touch in fashion. And the high income and frequent opportunities to go abroad also enable them to get in touch with the most cutting-edge things in fashion. Over time, these stars have gradually formed their own set of "fashion classics".

  Hui XieGood taste

  Dress up, the model wife listens to him.

  When it comes to players and fashion, everyone will think of Xie Hui first. This handsome star who just went to Germany to continue studying abroad is also recognized as a fashion gentleman in the circle, showing fashion elements from head to toe. Moreover, Xie Hui is also a frequent visitor to various catwalk activities, which is not something that ordinary people can do.



  Xie Hui and his wife walked the catwalk together.

  In terms of dress, Xie Hui doesn’t like to follow the crowd. "Many people think that as long as they buy the best brand, they are pursuing fashion. I don’t think so. While pursuing the brand, I prefer the brand that suits me. " As for shoes and bags, Xie Hui thinks it is very important to match clothes. "The choice of bags and shoes can play a very good role, otherwise the whole body will fail."

  Is Xie Hui’s wardrobe full of clothes? "I may have more clothes than others, because I like to buy clothes and keep up with the trend." Xie Hui said, "However, don’t think that I have too many clothes, or I often keep changing new clothes." Xie Hui buys clothes, and never buys clothes that are worn for one quarter and immediately eliminated the next year. "I like to buy some clothes that can last for a long time, no matter the brand or the style. Many of my clothes, whether in style or texture, can be worn for a long time. "

  Does Xie Hui’s fashion inspiration come from his supermodel wife Tong Chenjie? "On the contrary, I have more ideas than my wife. When we buy clothes together, I often give her advice and she listens to me." Not only clothing, including furniture, daily necessities and so on, if you need to make up your mind, it’s basically Xie Hui. "Because I have a good eye, Tong Chenjie also trusts me."

  Yu Tao is the most willing.

  Shopping, brand recognition regardless of cost

  Someone once said: "Pu Wei said that her bag brand was big, and Yu Tao smiled." Yu Tao really loves to buy bags, but Yu Tao likes to buy clothes more than bags.

  When Yu Tao was in the National Youth Olympic Team, he often had the opportunity to play abroad. At that time, Yu Tao chose luxury goods regardless of the cost. "At that time, he was young and casual, and he bought what he liked, regardless of whether he needed it or not." One more thing, when I bought clothes abroad, my best friend Qu Bo always stood on the side of the salesperson, so that Yu Tao couldn’t help but pay for it. "With the encouragement of Qu Bo, I bought a lot of things."

  LV and PRADA are the first choice for Yu Tao to buy bags, while Yu Tao prefers clothes designed by Italian designers such as PRADA, Cerruti1881 and ARMANI.

  What satisfied Yu Tao the most was a KENZO suit he bought when the Olympic team was training in Paris. At that time, Yu Tao took a fancy to this black suit when he was shopping, and it fit perfectly after trying it on. "It felt like it was made for me, so that a thin person like me could buy such a suit in Europe. I wanted it without thinking." As a result, this suit was really put to great use. Yu Tao took this KENZO suit as the second formal suit at the wedding with his wife Ren Ne.

  In fact, at the beginning of buying clothes, Yu Tao had no specific brand concept. "At that time, there was no brand awareness, so I felt that expensive things must be good. Later, I gradually got to know so many brands, and I really have something extraordinary in terms of workmanship and texture. " Today, Yu Tao’s wardrobe is full of brand-name clothes he bought from abroad and at home in the past two years.

  SunjiEmphasis on individuality

  Understanding, suitability is the best.

  Sun Ji, the elder brother of "Lucky Brothers", is good at matching different clothes according to different occasions, which is due to his frequent reading of fashion magazines and watching various top fashion shows regularly broadcast by TV stations. However, Sun Ji believes that it is not enough to just look at it. The key is understanding. "In addition to observing other people’s dressing styles, we must also find a feeling that suits us. Dressing that suits others may not suit us." Sun Ji’s friend said to him, "Ah Da, if you don’t play football, you can be a runway model. What a nice clothes rack." Sun Ji laughed heartily. "How can you say that? When I buy clothes, the shop assistants all say that."

  The brand of clothes is not Sun Ji’s most concerned point, but the texture and style of clothes are Sun Ji’s first consideration. Sun Ji prefers clothes that are casual and not stuffy, but have a little shape but don’t look fancy, such as standing collar, or the neckline is asymmetrical, left or right, which makes people look youthful and lively. Sometimes, on a whim, Sun Ji will also buy a dress with a jump color.

  Sun Ji not only pays attention to the collocation of clothes, but also the collocation of backpacks. Sun Ji always likes backpacks, and his favorite brand is GUCCI. Under the influence of Sun Ji, Sun Xiang, the younger brother who never used to carry a backpack, was also willing to carry a bag on his shoulder. During the trial training in Eindhoven, Sun Ji found that many local people carried backpacks, which made people feel relaxed and comfortable, so Sun Ji bought a backpack for himself. "Casual and generous, people’s mood is also comfortable."

Editor: Shuo Yang

[See you at 8: 00] The black box of the crashed passenger plane of Egypt Airlines has found many countries to stop the Boeing 737MAX8 passenger plane.

  At 8 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.

  [Concern of the two sessions]

  At 9: 00 on the 12th, the Second Session of the 13th National People’s Congress held its third plenary meeting to hear Zhou Qiang, President of the Supreme People’s Court’s report on the Supreme People’s Court’s work and Zhang Jun, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s report on the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s work; After the plenary meeting, the second meeting of the presidium was held. In the afternoon, the delegation held a plenary meeting to review the revised draft of the foreign investment law and the work report of the "two highs".

  Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology: State-owned and private enterprises are treated equally regardless of their origins.

  On March 11th, the Ministry of Science and Technology answered a reporter’s question on "accelerating the construction of an innovative country". On the issue of encouraging private enterprises, Wang Zhigang said that from the perspective of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it is the same for state-owned and private enterprises to participate in innovation regardless of their origins. The rules are fair and the opportunities are fair. We try to have a good environment and good rules to provide equal opportunities. This is what we have to do.

  Li Ganjie, Minister of Ecology and Environment, talks about the construction of ecological civilization: related work cannot be said to be important or done to be secondary.







  The TD-SCDMA built by China Mobile’s 100 billion yuan began to withdraw from the network.

  On March 11th, the reporter noticed a news earlier in official website, Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government. According to the letter, "after research, it is agreed to cancel 6,535 TD-SCDMA base stations that your company has stopped using, seal the data of TD-SCDMA base stations in the database and recover the original radio station licenses". A technical staff member of an operator said that it is the general trend that 2G and 3G will drop out of the network, and China Mobile’s 3G communication industry chain has little support power to make way for 5G construction, so it is inevitable that 3G will drop out of the network. China Mobile has invested at least 300 billion yuan in 3G networks. At present, the three major operators are making preliminary preparations for the construction of 5G, clearing the frequency and withdrawing from the network.

  Is it affected for enterprises to reduce personal pensions in the future? Experts say this.

  In the package of tax reduction and fee reduction policies mentioned in this year’s government work report, a set of data attracts people’s attention: "Reducing the contribution ratio of urban workers’ basic old-age insurance units can be reduced to 16% in all places", and at the same time, "continuing to raise the basic pension for retirees" has achieved 15 consecutive increases so far. Between the "one reduction and one increase" of the pension, it means that less is paid and more is paid. Some people worry that when I retire, will the pension benefits be affected?

  In this regard, the government work report has a clear response: "It is necessary to reduce the burden of enterprise payment, but also to ensure that employees’ social security benefits remain unchanged, and pensions are reasonably increased and paid in full and on time, so that social security funds can be sustainable and enterprises and employees can benefit."

  Three departments: primary and secondary schools are not allowed to set up food business places such as canteens on campus.

  According to the website of the Ministry of Education, the "Regulations on the Management of Food Safety and Nutrition Health in Schools" formulated by the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Markets, the National Health and Wellness Committee and other departments was recently announced and will come into force on April 1, 2019. The "Regulations" clarify that primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are generally not allowed to set up food business places such as canteens and supermarkets on campus.


  The "black box" has been found, and many countries have called a time-out for Boeing 737MAX8.

  According to rescuers in front, the black box of flight ET302 that crashed yesterday has been found and brought back for testing by Ethiopian Airlines staff. Official website, Civil Aviation Administration of China, announced early on the 11th that the Civil Aviation Administration had asked domestic transport airlines to suspend the commercial operation of Boeing 737-8 (737MAX 8) aircraft before 18: 00 that day. At this time, the worrying Ethiopian Airlines crash happened only one day. Shortly after China released the relevant news, Indonesian and Mongolian countries also took similar grounding measures.

  The US Treasury Department announced sanctions against a Russian-Venezuelan joint venture bank. 

  On the 11th, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions on a Russian-Venezuelan joint venture bank on the grounds that it provided relevant support and services to Venezuelan oil companies. Background information: On January 23rd, Guaido, president of Venezuelan Parliament and leader of the opposition, proclaimed himself as "interim president" and was recognized by the US government. On January 28th, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions on Venezuelan oil companies. In order to force Venezuelan President Maduro to step down, the United States has continuously increased its sanctions against Venezuela. Venezuelan government condemns US sanctions against Venezuela.

  "Brexit" and "terrorist attack" anxiety, the British turned to "chicken soup for the soul"

  According to the report, in 2018, Britain experienced a series of blows, such as terrorist attacks, unsuccessful Brexit and the elimination of the World Cup. People tried to seek spiritual comfort and peace in the sea of books, so inspirational books were very popular. According to statistics, books such as Chimpanzee Paradox: Controlling Irrational Impulse, Stress Solutions: Four Steps to Make You Calm, Happier and Healthier, Digital Minimalism: Living Better with Less Technology, which provide advice on how to deal with negative emotions and teach people how to cope with life stress, have made the bestseller list.

  Get rid of "colonial color"! African independent countries want to change their names to avenge their shame.

  A few days ago, Cook Islands, a South Pacific island country, planned to change its country name, abandoning the country name taken from the surname of james cook, a British navigator in the 18th century, and replacing it with a new country name that can reflect Polynesian characteristics. In fact, it was very common for African independent countries to change their names in the 20th century, and most of them were aimed at getting rid of the "colonial color".

  40 years of global warming: the warming rate in the Russian Arctic is four times faster than that in the world.

  According to Sputnik, the average annual temperature in the Russian Arctic in 2018 was 2.48 degrees higher than the normal temperature. According to the data from the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, the speed of warming in the Russian Arctic in recent 40 years is four times faster than that of global warming.


  Wechat platform will crack down on drug sales and help friends forward or be punished.

  Wechat Security Center recently announced that the use of WeChat personal account to publish sales information of "illegal contraband" violated the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and other relevant laws and regulations, and the WeChat security team will resolutely deal with and severely crack down on illegal activities.

  China Consumers Association released the list of car complaints last year: Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi was on the list.

  The China Consumers Association released a report on the 11th, saying that the data of automobile complaints accepted by the National Consumers Association in 2018 were analyzed, and it was found that BYD had the largest number of complaints from the top ten brands involved, and the three German luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi were all on the list. "The three German luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi are all on the list, which also reflects the upward trend of automobile consumption. This complaint data is absolute, and consumers should consider it comprehensively because of the different sales volume and ownership of each automobile brand. " The report said.

  Shanxi police recovered a number of high-grade cultural relics such as the "drum-building seat with snake pattern" in the Warring States period.

  The reporter learned from the Shanxi Provincial Public Security Department on the 11th that from January to February, 2019, Shanxi police cracked 110 cultural relics crimes, arrested 260 suspects, destroyed 24 criminal gangs and recovered 5,259 cultural relics, including 26 first-class cultural relics, 26 second-class cultural relics and 128 third-class cultural relics. Among the recovered cultural relics, a number of high-grade cultural relics belonging to the Warring States period, such as the "drum-building seat with snake pattern", shocked the academic community. At present, a number of recently recovered national treasures are being exhibited to all sectors of society in Shanxi Museum. Among the newly exhibited precious cultural relics, there are national first-class cultural relics, such as bronze reeds with animal face patterns, four-legged bronze reeds, bronze reeds with animal face patterns, etc. Among them, a bronze weapon of the Warring States period, "drum-building base with snake patterns", is exquisite and has attracted great attention from the archaeological and cultural circles.

  Guangxi informed that the cleaner was beaten by four men and women: three were arrested and one was reprimanded.

  According to WeChat WeChat official account, the port branch of Fangchenggang Public Security Bureau, Guangxi, on the 11th, the police informed the cleaners that they were beaten by four men and women: three people were punished by administrative detention for 10 days, and one was punished by admonition and education because of minor circumstances.

  12-year-old chubby neck is black and can’t be washed clean. Doctor: Be careful of diabetes. 

  Tao Tao, a 12-year-old elementary school student, was a picky eater since he was a child. He didn’t like vegetables, and he couldn’t live without meat. He especially liked fried chicken and hamburgers, and he didn’t like sports at ordinary times. He weighed more than 140 kilograms at an early age. Originally, the skin was white, but the neck was surrounded by a "black scarf" that could not be washed away. After the examination of endocrinology department in Houhu Hospital of central hospital of wuhan, it was found that this was acanthosis nigricans caused by obesity, and the doctor said that if it was not controlled, it might develop into diabetes.

  The 41-year-old master’s son is still unmarried, and his old father didn’t take him back to his hometown for the New Year for four years: he was ashamed to see anyone.

  Recently, a grandfather of Wansong Academy in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province said that he had come to Hangzhou from his hometown of Anhui to make a blind date for his 41-year-old son with a master’s degree. He said that he had not let his son go home for the New Year for four years, because his son had no face to see his elders in Jiangdong because he was afraid of jokes.

  Leather dress and boyfriend jacket … … Do you like this school uniform?

  Recently, five school uniform items designed by students of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University’s campus entrepreneurship team were officially launched as the periphery of the official campus. There are striped sweaters, boyfriends’ jackets and jackets, cool leather skirts, retro colors and school-specific logo. Isn’t it cool? On the first day of publication on WeChat WeChat official account, the tweets of school uniforms exceeded 10,000.


  The 2019 All England Badminton Open ended, and China won three championships. 

  The 2019 All England Badminton Open ended in Birmingham, England on the 10th local time (the early morning of 11th Beijing time). China won the women’s singles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles in five events, becoming the biggest winner of this competition.

  After the Winter Olympics, there was another breakthrough, and the China wheelchair curling team won the first World Championship. 

  On the evening of 10th local time (the early morning of 11th Beijing time), China’s wheelchair curling team defeated the host Scottish team 5-2 in the final of the World Wheelchair Curling Championships and won the gold medal in the 2019 World Wheelchair Curling Championships. After winning the first gold medal of the China delegation in the Winter Paralympics in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the China wheelchair curling team made a new breakthrough.


  On March 9, the referee Fu Ming (third from right) after the game.

  [Fu Ming] The referee of Luneng Jianye War was suspected of plagiarism and responded.

  On the afternoon of March 9th, in the second round of the Super League, Shandong Luneng drew 2-2 with Henan Jianye. During the game, Fu Ming, the international referee on duty, was punished several times, which caused dissatisfaction among the home team. After the game, some netizens exposed the plagiarism of Fu Ming’s paper, and checked the weight as high as 54.84%, and boarded the hot search. In this regard, Jincheng College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China Southern Airlines Jincheng College) responded that it will continue to pay attention and will respond and deal with it according to the investigation conclusions of its degree-granting units.

  It is worth noting that at the new season mobilization meeting held by the China Football Association in February 2019, the China Football Association confirmed that a team of professional referees of the China Football Association would be formed by domestic excellent referees and foreign professional referees. The first batch of professional referees of China Football Association consisted of six people, including Fu Ming.

  [Quan Douhuan] The former president of South Korea was tried on suspicion of damaging his reputation.

  Former South Korean President Quan Doo-hwan was tried again as a defendant in Gwangju District Court on the 11th for allegedly damaging the reputation of the participants in the "5.18 Gwangju Incident". According to Yonhap News Agency’s report on March 10th, Quan Douhuan and former President Lu Taiyu were accused of initiating civil strife during the "December 12th Military Rebellion" and "May 18th Gwangju Incident", and were prosecuted in December 1995 and tried and sentenced in 1996.

  [O ‘Sullivan] A thousand strokes broke the 35th crown of a hundred wins career and opened a new era of snooker. 

  In the early morning of 11th Beijing time, the 2019 Snooker Players Championship ended in Preston, England. "Rocket" O ‘Sullivan defeated Robertson 10-4 in the final and successfully defended his title. This is O ‘Sullivan’s 35th ranking champion, just one step away from "Billiards Emperor" Hendry. At the same time, with the help of three shots in this game, O ‘Sullivan broke a hundred times in his career, an unprecedented achievement.

  [Liu Xinglei] One-armed courier: I can do what others can do.

  Liu Xinglei, who lives in Zhongzhou Street, Zhongxian County, Chongqing, is a courier who has been working for more than half a year. At the end of last year, a photo of him carrying a parcel for delivery was photographed by a customer and sent to the Internet, which swept the circle of friends of Zhongxian people — — The sleeve in the first half of the right arm is empty, and the parcel is supported only by the end. "Although I am a disabled person, I can support myself as long as I have a little more strength and sweat than a healthy person."

The second on the left is Kelly Catlin.

  [Kelly Catlin] The 23-year-old American Olympic medalist committed suicide.

  The American Cycling Association (USA Cycling) announced on the 10th local time that Kelly Catlin committed suicide on the 8th at the age of 23. She is an American cyclist, who won the World Championship three times and helped the United States win the silver medal in the cycling women’s team event in Rio Olympic Games.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

Sixteen years’ performance of duties is the drum of "reading for all" and the use of reading to build the spiritual realm of the nation

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  Beijing, March 11th (Reporter Yang Peiying) In an interview with Committee member Zhu Yongxin for nearly an hour, the two most frequently mentioned words were "reading".

  From "the image spokesman of reading for all" to the active explorer of new education, to launching the "Reading for the Future Plan" and calling on more reading promoters, the personal practice of reading and the drum call for reading for all have become a part of Zhu Yongxin’s life. Whether busy at work or on a business trip, reading and writing at 5 o’clock every morning is his unshakable habit.

  Since the two sessions in 2003, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, has called for the establishment of a "national reading festival" for 16 consecutive years, taking reading for all as a national strategy, establishing a national reading fund, establishing a national reading promotion committee, and strengthening the construction of community libraries … … A series of proposals and suggestions on reading.

  In order to make children grow up better, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, wrote "an initiative to be a happy scholar." Photo by Future Network reporter Yang Peiying.

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  For 16 years, we have consistently carried out the "Reading Festival" to the end.

  It has been consistent for 16 consecutive years, and there are really not many representatives or members who advocate a topic.

  At the two sessions this year, Committee member Zhu Yongxin once again put forward a proposal on establishing a national reading festival. He said that the National Reading Festival is to promote reading in daily life to a ceremony. "Just as the two sessions are the political Spring Festival of China people, the National Reading Festival should also become the spiritual Spring Festival of China people."

  After sixteen years of consistent persistence, Zhu Yongxin clearly knows the important role of reading in life. His most classic sentence "A person’s spiritual development history is his reading history, and a nation’s spiritual realm depends on its reading level." This paper profoundly expounds the important significance of reading to human growth and national development. Zhu Yongxin believes that there are many paths and methods to improve national quality, but the cheapest, most direct and most basic one is reading.

  At present, the proposal to establish a national reading festival and advocate reading for all has been jointly appealed by more than 100 members of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

  In order to promote comprehensive reading, this year, Zhu Yongxin also submitted a proposal on "promoting high-speed rail reading". In Zhu Yongxin’s view, high-speed rail has become a part of people’s lives, but at present, the reading materials provided on high-speed rail are very limited, and the quality and quantity are not optimistic. "These public readings are an important way to spread reading culture, which can effectively enhance people’s reading awareness and encourage people to develop reading habits." Zhu Yongxin believes that China is the largest and most advanced high-speed rail country in the world, and the high-speed rail carriages are comfortable, hygienic and safe, providing a good reading environment. At such a time, you can read with peace of mind, and the establishment of such a system can enable the people to develop better habits.

  Although the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, in Zhu Yongxin’s view, in-depth reading may not be enough. The most fundamental reason is that the whole society’s understanding of reading has not really reached the designated position. In terms of education, examination is still regarded as an important direction to a great extent, and reading has not received due attention.

  But Zhu Yongxin believes that the efforts will not be disappointed. In the diary of member Zhu Yongxin published in the newspaper of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, he wrote — — Carry the reading festival to the end, and I will continue to work hard for reading drums and shouts.

  Children’s reading determines the future of the nation.

  In life, Zhu Yongxin also practices the habit of reading every day with such persistence and perseverance.

  Get up at about five o’clock every morning, insist on writing and reading, and you must take all kinds of books you read with you every trip, and recommend a good book worth reading in Weibo every day.

  Zhu Yongxin told the reporter of Future.com that good habits are the best wealth in a person’s life. "It’s basically very quiet from five in the morning to eight in the morning, and no one bothers you, no work, no phone calls. You can calm down and write."

  There is still a long way to go to get people to develop the habit of reading. At the end of 2017, Zhu Yongxin’s Institute of New Education and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League launched the "Reading the Future, Children’s Reading Program". Zhu Yongxin said that he hopes to train more promoters who take teenagers to read, so that more people can become reading volunteers and promoters.

  Zhu Yongxin believes that "the length of childhood determines the height of a country. The depth of children’s reading determines the height of national spirit. In this sense, children’s reading determines the future of the nation. "

  Reading ability is very important for children’s growth. "By reading, he can go to a wider world, see things outside him, and see from ancient times to the present, from the middle to the outside, and he will see farther, which will give him a better vision. Secondly, his writing ability is not only writing, but also thinking ability. Real writing begins with thinking and writing.

  However, in the era of mobile internet, mobile phone reading can be seen everywhere, and many people don’t have a lot of time to settle down and read and write. For teenagers known as "Internet aborigines", it has become the norm to acquire knowledge through mobile phones and mobile terminals.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, the trend of digital reading is irreversible, and it is understandable for children to accept digital reading. However, he still advocates that paper reading should not be thrown away, especially primary and secondary school students should learn to read paper books quietly as much as possible and form such a habit, because excessive dependence on electronic media will make it difficult for children to really concentrate, and in addition, it will have some adverse effects on eyes, thinking and attention.

  Promote children and adults to read together, and the government promotes bibliography development

  In reality, many primary and middle school students have a heavy academic burden and don’t have much time to settle down and study. A reading survey for primary and secondary school students, teachers and parents shows that 74.85% of children like reading, but more than half of them have no time to read. In the question "What is the reason that prevents you from reading?" In the middle school, 50.59% of the children said that they had "heavy studies and no time and energy" to read, and "the problem of heavy extracurricular burden of primary and secondary school students" was even written into the 2018 government work report.

  In this regard, Zhu Yongxin believes that the heavy academic burden is on the one hand, and the key point is that many parents don’t realize the importance of reading. They prefer to spend their time in tutoring and learning a lot of repetitive content in the classroom. From the perspective of school education, there are a little more simple exercises and repetitive exercises, which really makes students have less time to study. It is also necessary to change our classroom and change our working methods.

  In order to let children know what good books are, since Zhu Yongxin became the provost of Suzhou University in 1993, he has promoted reading in the whole school by recommending bibliographies. Over the years, Zhu Yongxin has been doing the research and development of recommendation books.

  Since April, 2011, Zhu Yongxin and his new reading research have successively published basic reading books for primary school students in China, basic reading books for children in China, basic reading books for middle school students in China, basic reading books for entrepreneurs in China, basic reading books for primary and secondary school teachers in China and basic reading books for parents in China.

  Zhu Yongxin thinks that the development of bibliographies is a particularly important task. In the information age, the richer the information, the easier it is for people to get lost. The development of bibliography is to provide a scientific catering plan with comprehensive nutrition for a person’s spirit, which is convenient for people to follow the map. He suggested that the government further promote the research of various reading majors, promote the development of bibliographies, purchase services for the research results of various professional non-governmental organizations, and promote the deepening of reading in time.

  In the face of the current situation that more and more children prefer online games to reading, Zhu Yongxin believes that no child is born to like this and that, which requires parents’ guidance and parent-child reading to cultivate children’s reading habits.

  "This is the most effective way. Many of our mothers buy a lot of books and throw them to them. He may not be interested in reading them. You can discuss them with your children, inspire them together, ask him questions, and discuss them with him. You may take him to study. In addition, you should look for books he likes. Every child has a different appetite. If you can find books that suit his appetite, you may take him to the book world. If you find them from the beginning, you are not interested.

  In this year’s proposal, Zhu Yongxin also suggested taking children as the center and promoting children’s reading with adults. Zhu Yongxin hopes that children can love paper reading through parent-child reading, teacher-student reading and team reading, so that reading promotion can directly and effectively influence the development of reading habits of adults around children through children’s influence and supervision.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, it is also very important to guide parents’ education. Zhu Yongxin pointed out that the most important thing is that parents should be role models for their children, parents should grow up with their children, and parents should know what kind of education is good.

  Advocating reading for all is the spiritual index to cultivate cultural self-confidence and realize national rejuvenation. More persistent watchmen are needed to drum up and shout around the atmosphere of reading for all.

Online games are addictive and forced to chat naked … The safety of online use for teenagers’ holidays deserves attention.

  The safety of teenagers’ holiday internet is worthy of attention.

  Our reporter Zhou Xiaopeng

  With good results in the senior high school entrance examination, Xiao Zhang, who lives in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, was successfully admitted to the target high school, but before long, this joy was replaced by constant quarrels between him and his mother. In the mother’s view, during the holiday, Xiao Zhang was either a computer or a mobile phone every day, and spent too much time indulging in the Internet. Xiao Zhang, on the other hand, is quite opposed to this: I finally have a holiday to relax, so why can’t I play more mobile phones and games?

  In fact, for this generation of teenagers who were born with a mouse and grew up with their mobile phones, the internet has become an indispensable part of their lives, especially when they enter the holidays, and the time spent touching the internet has increased greatly, making it easier for them to indulge in the internet and cannot extricate themselves. In addition, because teenagers generally lack social experience and don’t know how to protect personal privacy, they are more vulnerable to bad information, online fraud and even illegal acts on the Internet.

  Experts told the "Legal Daily" reporter that when children enter the holiday "mode", they can spend more time online and relax their entertainment appropriately, but they must make reasonable plans and not be "cyber slaves". Schools and parents should actively guide teenagers to surf the Internet healthily, so as to use the Internet safely, in a civilized and healthy way.

  Prevent online game addiction

  Looking up at the computer, looking down at the mobile phone, regardless, playing games all night, this is a true portrayal of many teenagers’ holiday life. In June 2018, online game addiction was officially declared as a mental illness by UNESCO. Statistics show that teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 are high-risk groups of Internet addiction. The proportion of global teenagers who are over-reliant on the Internet is 6%, and the proportion in China is close to 10%.

  When he noticed this data, Zhang Rucai, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, was really shocked. "The bad content of online games is imperceptibly affecting teenagers." Zhang Rucai told reporters that the development and operators of online games only seek to maximize economic benefits, which has caused unhealthy online games to become a public hazard that destroys the physical and mental health of young people.

  In 2018, Zhang Qingbin, a representative of the National People’s Congress, received a petition signed by many parents on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, calling for legislation to save many children, which made him systematically pay attention to the problem of teenagers indulging in online games. Zhang Qingbin said that he really felt the seriousness of this problem in his hometown in rural areas. "Many teenagers drop out of school early because they are addicted to online games and become idlers. There are also many teenagers who have all kinds of psychological problems and even make some excessive behaviors because they are addicted to online games." As a result, Zhang Qingbin launched research, went deep into schools and communities to listen to the voices of the masses, and consulted with departments such as culture and online information to understand the situation. "Many online games design various links according to people’s psychological needs, and induce players to fall into addiction layer by layer, which is difficult to resist the temptation for teenagers’ immature psychology." Zhang Qingbin said.

  In medicine, internet addiction is a clear concept, which usually refers to indulging in online games. When online games are stopped, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and sadness appear. Lose interest in other hobbies before, even if you understand the impact of the game on yourself, you still focus on the game; Use online games to escape or relieve negative mood.

  In the view of Xiao Zhang’s mother, Xiao Zhang has already had some symptoms of Internet addiction. "The child’s addiction to the Internet not only leads to the damage of the parent-child relationship, but also aggravates the parent-child conflict. More seriously, his daily life rules are completely broken, and he is afraid that a holiday will cause him various psychological obstacles." Xiao Zhang’s mother said.

  Beware of illegal network infringement

  "Can you send me a nude photo of your bust? I promise to treasure it myself and not let others see it." Last winter vacation, Xiaomei (a pseudonym), a 14-year-old junior high school student, met a small town (a pseudonym) who claimed to be 15 years old on a short video App. After the two sides closed each other, the exchange was transferred to QQ. Just after half a month of understanding, the town made such a request to Xiaomei for the first time.

  Although she was worried, Xiaomei agreed to the other party’s request, and this became the beginning of a nightmare. Since then, the town has been making unreasonable demands, from naked photos to naked videos, and the original pleading has also become a threat.

  Xiaomei’s reticence and trance made her mother discover the clue. After repeated questioning by her mother, she confessed everything, and Xiaomei’s parents immediately called the police. The police of the Criminal Police Brigade of Qiaoxi Public Security Bureau in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, who was in charge of the case, launched an investigation through the QQ number of the suspect and quickly locked the suspect Yang and arrested him.

  The police found out that Xiaomei’s so-called friend town was completely fictional by Yang, and the school, information and photos were all false. Yang’s real identity was from Tianjin, born in 1978, married and had a criminal record of theft. Yang often chats through various online social software and chooses a minor like Xiaomei to cajole and threaten, and Xiaomei is not his only chat object. At the end of March this year, Yang was prosecuted by the People’s Procuratorate of qiaoxi district, Zhangjiakou City for allegedly molesting minors.

  "It is best for minors not to make friends online." In the preliminary investigation, faced with the interrogation of the prosecutor of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, who was in charge of the case, Yang confessed his illegal behavior, and also said that minors should take warning. On June 12, the court made a first-instance judgment, and the defendant Yang was convicted of child molestation and sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

  Not only that, because teenagers’ physical and mental development is not fully mature, their vigilance is low, and they are easy to trust others, so they can easily become "things in the bag" of cyber criminals. In addition to browsing unhealthy web pages and contacting bad information on the Internet, all kinds of fraud such as false enrollment, part-time job, recruitment, etc. often target at the student group. For example, defrauding the client’s funds in the name of online billing is a common online fraud method used by scammers during the summer vacation. In fact, these fraudulent means are not novel, but they have long appeared in holidays, and students are deceived every year.

  "Don’t click on pop-ups and unknown links that appear in the process of surfing the Internet at will. You should be vigilant when making friends online, don’t expose your own and others’ private information, don’t threaten, insult or slander others on social platforms, don’t make or spread unconfirmed information, and stay calm and confident when encountering cyber bullying, and communicate with teachers or parents in time … … These should be common sense when teenagers touch the net. " Zhang Qingbin said.

  Guide children to use the net safely.

  Wu Guiping, chief of juvenile criminal prosecution department of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, said that Internet social interaction is widely used now. As parents, they should pay more attention to their children’s mental state and make friends, and make timely safety education, let them know the uncertainty of online friends through equal communication, and tell their children the principles of making friends in the virtual world. If you don’t tell each other your real identity information easily, you can’t send photos and videos involving privacy to each other.

  "Parents should also consider the psychology of adolescents. They are no longer satisfied with their parents’ care and love, but have more needs to communicate with others. I hope that friends with similar aspirations and interests can’t blindly suppress this desire to make friends. We must correctly guide and help them and inform them of the bottom line and principles of communication." Wu Guiping said frankly.

  In fact, the network security literacy level of minors is closely related to personal personality factors, family factors and school environment. In addition to preventing internet addiction and using the internet scientifically and rationally, protecting personal information, spreading positive values, not believing in rumors and not spreading rumors should also become the proper meaning of safety education for minors using the internet. In this regard, both family education and school education should actively make up a lesson.

  According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education, minors have realized the convenience of the Internet early, but they have no independent ability, which is the main reason for Internet addiction. "For parents, it is necessary to give their children a sense of rhythm in regulating the use of the Internet, such as giving them a fixed time to browse the Internet every day and giving guidance to what they browse, so that they can form their own ability to plan their lives as soon as possible." Chu Zhaohui said.

  Chu Zhaohui believes that at present, in most primary and secondary schools, mobile phones are forbidden to be brought into the campus. How to spend their spare time and holidays is a test for students and parents. "Some parents will regard mobile games as a reward for their children. I think this is a misunderstanding. It is very important to enhance children’s autonomy and enrich their lives. "

  At this year’s National People’s Congress, Zhang Rucai and Zhang Qingbin both put forward suggestions on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, and suggested that the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) should introduce the online game management system to protect teenagers’ physical and mental health, the network protection law for minors and other relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible.

  "It is necessary to strengthen government supervision, improve the online game real-name authentication system, and purify the online game content and network environment." Zhang Qingbin said that we can learn from the examination and approval system for film and television works, strictly examine and approve online games, and at the same time introduce functions such as "face-brushing camera" to prevent registered users who do not match their actual identities from logging in.

  Relevant experts pointed out that during holidays, parents should guide their children to establish correct network values and teach them to learn the behavior of using the internet safely. Parents and children can discuss and formulate mutually acceptable online time, which will not affect their daily life and rest, so as to establish a good time concept; Parents should pay more attention to their children’s online process, listen more and admonish less, avoid damaging the parent-child relationship with critical words, spend time with their children, and cultivate their interest in the real world, instead of focusing on the virtual online world.

Before taking antibiotics, ask the doctor these 12 questions.

  Before you leave the doctor’s office or pharmacy, getting the answers to the following questions can make the antibiotics you take as effective as possible.

  Why should I take this medicine?

  Norman Tomaka, a spokesman for the American Pharmacists Association, believes that every patient should confirm and understand why doctors prescribe antibiotics for them. According to the research results published in the journal of the American Medical Association by researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2010 to 2011, nearly one-third of oral antibiotic treatment prescriptions in the United States were wrongly prescribed by doctors. Taking unnecessary antibiotics will make bacteria resistant to drugs, so have an open discussion with your doctor to make sure your prescription is the best choice.

  When should I take the medicine?

  Antibiotics have to reach a certain concentration in the blood to take effect, so take the medicine on time. Taking medicine when you wake up in the morning, before lunch and before going to sleep can ensure that you will not forget to take medicine to the greatest extent.

  Can antibiotics be taken with food?

  Eating while taking medicine will affect the way drugs are absorbed in the body, but it can also prevent nausea caused by drugs that may irritate the stomach. If the drug instructions state that you should take it on an empty stomach, follow the instructions, because food may hinder the absorption of the drug in the blood.

  Do you want to avoid eating certain foods when taking medicine?

  Some drugs may have adverse reactions to certain foods. For example, dairy products will reduce the efficacy of tetracycline, because calcium in food combines with antibiotics, resulting in a decrease in the body’s absorption. Make sure you are aware of any food that may hinder your recovery.

  Do you want to drink a large glass of water when taking the medicine?

  Water can dilute the contents of the stomach and help you absorb the effective components of antibiotics before the stomach is stimulated. While drinking enough water can help prevent nausea caused by most drugs, some antibiotics need to drink a whole glass of water to be completely absorbed. Antibiotics in capsule form can prevent it from being dissolved prematurely until it enters the stomach; Drinking more water will help these antibiotics to be completely absorbed.

  6 Do you want to eat probiotics while taking antibiotics?

  Not all bacteria in your body will make you sick. Some bacteria in your stomach are essential to keep your intestines or reproductive system healthy. However, antibiotics do not know which bacteria are good and which bacteria are bad; They will kill all bacteria, including those that are good for human health. When drugs attack good bacteria, you may have gastrointestinal discomfort, urinary tract infection or yeast infection. To prevent these side effects, the doctor may suggest that you eat yogurt rich in probiotics or take probiotic supplements.

  7 what should I do if I miss the medicine?

  Theoretically speaking, there is a fixed time interval for each medication. In real life, you may forget to take the medicine or take it late. If you miss the medication time, it’s important to know what to do in advance, so that you won’t look around for information in the dead of night. Some drugs should be taken in time after missing the correct time, while others should be taken normally next time when they are forgotten, so read the drug instructions carefully.

  When should I feel better after taking medicine?

  You should take the medicine completely as long as the doctor prescribes it, instead of stopping taking it once the symptoms disappear, because the bacteria in your body may still be at an unsafe level. However, it is important to know how soon you can recover. Generally speaking, if you don’t get better after taking the medicine for three days, you need to see a doctor again, because at this time, either the drug choice is incorrect or something else has happened.

  9 What side effects are expected from the antibiotics I take?

  Although only a small proportion of people have side effects after taking antibiotics, you need to know what adverse reactions your body will have. Some drugs may cause shortness of breath, while others may cause urticaria. If there are suspected side effects, you should consult your doctor whether to continue treatment or switch to another treatment.

  Can I crush the pills?

  If you have difficulty swallowing pills, consult your doctor before you plan to crush them, because antibiotics in pill form are absorbed in a different way from capsules. Some antibiotics are made in liquid form, which may be a better choice for some patients.

  Will this antibiotic interact with other drugs I take?

  The doctor may ask you what other drugs you have taken to avoid adverse reactions, but don’t forget birth control pills or over-the-counter supplements and vitamins easily. Some antibiotics may reduce the contraceptive effect, which means you may need to take another contraceptive method. In addition, iron-containing supplements combine with some antibiotics, making the latter unable to be absorbed.

  What should I do if I have a history of antibiotic allergy?

  Being allergic to an antibiotic not only means that you must avoid this drug, but also beware of other related drugs belonging to the same family. Therefore, after taking the medicine, you should observe it carefully, stop taking it immediately and ask the doctor for help if there is an allergic reaction. (Compile/Guo Shaofeng)

The project of designated supervision site for imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits at Haikou Airport started.

On March 1st, haikou meilan international airport held the groundbreaking ceremony for the designated supervision site project (imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits) at the International Freight Station. Photo courtesy of haikou meilan international airport
Haikou meilan international airport (hereinafter referred to as meilan airport) held the groundbreaking ceremony for the designated supervision site project (imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits) at the International Freight Station on March 1st.
The project is located in the reserved area on the south side of meilan airport T2 International Cargo Terminal, with a total construction area of 2,172.2 ㎡, including two single buildings, namely designated supervision room and fumigation room, in which the designated single-storey supervision room is 2,064.2 ㎡ and the single-storey fumigation room is 108㎡, and it is equipped with inspection platform, cold storage, technical room, business room, equipment room and other supporting facilities and functional rooms.
After the completion of the project, on the one hand, it can meet the customs supervision conditions for the import of edible aquatic animals and fruit products, so as to open the air import channel for designated supervised goods; on the other hand, it can allow fish, crustaceans and soft products from Asia, Europe and North America, and fruit quality products from Southeast Asia, North America and Australia to enter the inland market through Haikou, further reducing logistics and time costs, and also enriching the categories of return goods of meilan airport international routes, stabilizing route operation and opening.
Meilan airport introduced that the project aims at the completion of construction in 2024, ensuring that the designated supervision site for imported edible aquatic animals and imported fruits will be put into operation as soon as possible, further expanding the overall function of the airport port of Hainan Free Trade Port, enhancing the convenience of customs clearance at the port, and making every effort to create a travel experience of "people enjoy their trip and things flow smoothly". (End)

[Concern] How to taste glutinous rice balls healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

The following article comes from the language of nutrition and economy, written by Gao Yun.

Nutrition and economy.

Pure popular science nutrition

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, also known as the "Shangyuan Festival", which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, setting off fireworks and other activities have existed since ancient times and have been passed down to this day.






Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)


I believe that many foodies have already prepared all kinds of dumplings at home, and I look forward to the scene of family members sitting together and eating dumplings. Whether in the north or the south, eating glutinous rice balls is an essential highlight of the Lantern Festival. The difference is that it is called "Yuanxiao" in the north and "Tangyuan" in the south. Many people who pay attention to customs think that "Lantern Festival is not counted without eating glutinous rice balls". How can we enjoy glutinous rice balls while taking care of our health?

Note the "stuffing" trap

The fillings of Yuanxiao are generally green red silk, peanuts, sesame oil, jam, sugar, etc. The fillings of glutinous rice balls are generally bean paste, black sesame, shepherd’s purse, pork and so on. The two methods are different, but the main component of the crust is glutinous rice flour, and the stuffing also contains more oil (nuts such as sesame seeds and peanuts, chocolate and lard, etc.), so whether it is Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, the heat is very high. As the folk song goes, "Tangyuan can be used as tea rice", and three medium-sized Tangyuan (1/2) are equivalent to the carbohydrate of half a bowl of rice. The energy of two black sesame dumplings is about 300 kilocalories, with 16.4 grams of fat and less other nutrients. Eating more will increase energy and fat intake. Moreover, the starch contained in glutinous rice is amylopectin, which is not easy to digest and absorb in the stomach. Therefore, no matter from the aspects of energy intake or digestion, it is not appropriate to eat dumplings as a staple food in large quantities.

Sugar control is very important.

Although compared with the traditional glutinous rice balls, sugar substitutes are used in making sugar-free glutinous rice balls, the glycemic index of white glutinous rice, black glutinous rice, sticky millet and rhubarb rice is around 100, and the blood sugar rises rapidly. Even sugar-free dumplings are recommended for diabetics to eat as little as possible. In addition, you can eat some vegetables or protein-rich food before eating glutinous rice balls, which will help reduce the blood sugar reaction after meals.

Prevent accidents

1. For the elderly, due to the gradual decline of digestive function, especially the slow swallowing reflex of the elderly, they may get stuck in their throats because they eat more urgently, resulting in difficulty in breathing and even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must chew slowly when eating dumplings.

2. For infants, if the baby at home is under three years old, it is recommended not to let him try glutinous rice balls easily. After all, glutinous rice balls are mainly made of glutinous rice. If they are eaten by a baby under one year old, they may stick to the esophagus and have the risk of blocking the respiratory tract. If it is a one-or two-year-old baby, it is still not easy to bite peanuts and other fillings in the glutinous rice balls to prevent suffocation. In addition, because the baby’s digestive function is still weak and the swallowing reflex is not well developed, even if the baby over three years old is given glutinous rice balls, parents must look after them. It is best to divide the glutinous rice balls into small pieces in advance to prevent accidents. If your baby is suffering from respiratory diseases, such as cough, you should also eat dumplings as little as possible to prevent the illness from aggravating.

The glutinous rice balls that have just come out of the pot are steaming, so remember to taste them slowly and slowly to avoid burning your mouth. Just eat two or three medium-sized snacks at a time, and don’t be greedy for Doha! Finally, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, a happy family and a reunion!

Expert business card

Wu Ping

Tongji hospital affiliated to Tongji University

Director and chief physician of nutrition department

Tutor of medical doctor and master students

Expert clinic: Thursday morning

Director of Nutrition Department of tongji hospital, affiliated to Tongji University, expert of Oriental TV’s "Famous Doctors Keep Healthy" and major TV stations in Shanghai, top ten communication stars of nutrition science in China in 2019, member of the Standing Committee of Nutrition Committee of Chinese Women Medical Doctors Association, expert member of Shanghai Nutrition Quality Control Center, director of the Council of Shanghai Nutrition Society, and member of Chinese and Western Nutrition Group of Cancer Nutrition Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association. Member of the Second Committee of Weight Loss and Surgical Metabolism Branch of China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, member of the Standing Committee of the First Committee of Nutrition and Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, member of Shanghai Branch of China Heart Rehabilitation Alliance, member of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association Medical Science Popularization Branch, member of Shanghai Heart Rehabilitation Committee, scientific consultant of People’s Network "Popular Science China", part-time professor of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center of Shanghai Health Medical College, He is a member of the Expert Volunteer Group of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center, a member of the Expert Group of Health and Medical Communication Center of School of Media and Communication of Jiaotong University, a member of the Medical Popular Science Committee of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association, a member of the Medical Communication Committee of the Science Popularization Medical Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and a quality control leader of the nutrition specialty in Putuo District. More than 30 papers have been published in core journals by the first author or correspondent, including 4 papers in SCI English and 6 papers in Chinese series, and won the second prize of excellent papers in the 13th and 14th National Conference on Clinical Nutrition for two consecutive times.

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Specialist Clinic

Figure | The above is the copyright map.

Wen | Nutrition Department Wu Ping Gao Yun

Editorial | Propaganda Department

Guess you want to see it

Expectant mothers enjoy crabs well. When "fitness people" encounter mala Tang "double reduction", they will not reduce nutrition and supplement nutrients, which will help eye health.

Tongji hospital was founded in 1900 by German doctor erich Baolong, and tongji hospital is the only third-class first-class general hospital in Putuo District. The annual number of outpatient and emergency services exceeds 2 million. It has the most important disciplines of orthopedics and psychiatry in Shanghai, the key disciplines of cardiovascular medicine in Shanghai, the key specialties of spinal surgery, psychosomatic medicine and gastroenterology in Shanghai, and the demonstration department of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. Realize the selection of emergency and critical care disciplines, geriatrics, laboratory medicine and clinical medicine disciplines into the Shanghai municipal platform discipline construction plan; There are three dominant disciplines in the hospital: sports-nerve-spirit discipline group led by orthopedics, circulation-respiration-chest discipline group led by cardiology, and digestive-general surgery-endocrinology discipline group led by gastroenterology. As well as hematology-tumor-imaging-pathology-laboratory discipline group led by hematology department and obstetrics-gynecology-urology-kidney-reproduction discipline group led by obstetrics and gynecology department. The hospital integrates the advantages of disciplines, and based on multidisciplinary cooperation, the treatment system for refractory and relapsed hematological malignancies established by the Department of Hematology was selected into the national key clinical discipline construction project. And successfully built three national-level centers-advanced stroke center, chest pain center and trauma treatment center, and became a large-scale comprehensive diagnosis and treatment center for critical and intractable diseases in northwest Shanghai. It has established a national-level international scientific and technological cooperation base-the International Joint Research Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, and the Sino-US Joint Research Base for Stem Cells.It has a high-level expert team represented by the national key R&D plan, the 973 chief scientist and the national 100 million talents project. Undertake more than 20 national key projects such as national key R&D plan and 973 plan. The achievements have been published in top international authoritative academic journals such as Nature, Science and Cell. Won the second prize of national natural science, the first prize of natural science of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Award, the first prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, the outstanding contribution award of Shanghai medical development and the achievement promotion award of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award.

As a century-old modern hospital, tongji hospital is dedicated to superb medical skills, and has formed a warm "home" culture with Tongji characteristics and a healthy communication culture that serves the people wholeheartedly. With the spirit of helping others and the world, he has given full play to Tongji people’s broad mind of "sharing the same boat with one heart and one mind" in previous major rescue and disaster relief, international aid and poverty alleviation, and spread Tongji’s patriotic feelings all over the earth.

Original title: "[Concern] How to taste dumplings healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month? 》

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Running can burn fat, so the more you run, the better the fat reduction effect will be.

Running is a very effective exercise to lose weight, and it is the first choice for the majority of dieters. However, due to the lack of relevant sports knowledge, many people will encounter many problems when they lose weight by running.

For example, I think that the more I run, the more fat I consume, so I am desperate to run wildly, and I can’t wait to run tens of thousands of kilometers in one day to consume all the body fat.

The more you run, the more fat you consume. To some extent, this view is correct. But the problem is that the human body has its limits. A body with an excessive body fat rate cannot run forever. Even if you think you can keep running, your body is gradually collapsing.

Every time you run, there is actually a limit value. When you are about to reach the limit, your body will show some signals as a warning. If you run faster, when you reach the limit, your running speed will drop uncontrollably. No matter how fast you want to run, you can’t take a bigger step. This is because there is little muscle glycogen left in your body, and the proportion of fat consumption has reached the maximum, but the energy provided by fat consumption is actually not much, which is not enough to support your running faster. This is a very important signal that your body can’t run much longer.

If the brain is still trying to run at this time, it can only decompose the protein in the muscle to provide energy as a supplement, which is very harmful to the muscle tissue and the root cause of running off the muscle. While consuming protein’s function, the brain will secrete endorphins, which is a natural analgesic and can relieve the pain of reaching the limit. At this time, you will suddenly change from a painful running state to a light-footed one. This is actually a second warning, but many people mistakenly think that running is getting better and better, so they will run more and expand the harm caused by excessive running.

After the muscle mass caused by long-term excessive running decreases, the basal metabolic rate of the body will also decrease, and the speed of fat loss will slow down. This is really "going too far".

In addition, excessive running in desperate pursuit of running distance will also lead to terrible consequences such as joint wear, muscle strain and even acute renal failure.

The process of losing weight is very long, and there is no shortcut at all. If you run moderately and develop running habits slowly, the body fat rate will gradually decrease unconsciously.

Chinese billiards "walking on two legs" with both internationalization and popularization in mind

China News Service, Yushan, Jiangxi, December 10 (Wang Zumin, Jiang Tao) The 6th China Billiards Association (CBSA) Chinese Billiards World Championships is being held in Yushan County, Jiangxi Province. The reporter learned here that as a billiards project with independent intellectual property rights in China, the future development of Chinese billiards will not only continue to accelerate the process of internationalization, but also be more grounded and cultivate its future development soil with popularization.
Chinese billiards became popular rapidly in China after it came out in 1980s. In 2012, China’s State Sports General Administration and China Billiards Association named this new type of billiards as "Chinese Billiards", and the Chinese billiards movement was on the right track.
The CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship, initiated by China Billiards Association in 2015, is the largest and highest-level Chinese billiards tournament in the world. The success of this event has accelerated the internationalization of Chinese billiards.
A total of 496 players from 41 countries and regions participated in this Chinese billiards World Championships, and the scale of participation reached a new high, with a total prize of 10.43 million yuan (RMB, the same below).
Wang Xiaojiong, executive deputy secretary-general of China Billiards Association, said in an interview with China News Service that billiards associations and players in various countries and regions around the world are increasingly favoring Chinese billiards, and the expansion of the prize money scale of this competition also shows the market’s love for this project.
In addition to the World Championships, the Chinese billiards international professional league came into being in 2022. The event includes China Open, International Classic, International Grand Prix and International Open. From November 2022 to October 2023, more than 1,000 players from dozens of countries experienced the charm and fun of Chinese billiards in international professional leagues.
Going abroad is another big step in the internationalization of Chinese billiards.
Since the international grand prix, Star Brand has cooperated with some overseas billiards organizations to hold overseas trials of Chinese billiards international professional league. At present, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, Australia and other countries have held overseas trials, further expanding the international influence of Chinese billiards.
It is reported that after the completion of Yushan International Billiards College, billiards associations in many countries and regions contacted China Billiards Association, hoping to send players or referees to the college for training. More and more countries and regions began to incorporate Chinese billiards into the local billiards sports system, and Chinese billiards became an important part of the world billiards sports.
While accelerating the internationalization of Chinese billiards, China Billiards Association will also promote the popularization of Chinese billiards. Wang Xiaotong said that in the future, the China-Taiwan Association will hold some amateur events or activities so that people who love Chinese billiards can participate in them. On the one hand, it will help promote national fitness, on the other hand, it will also cultivate the soil for the future development of Chinese billiards.
According to Wang Xiaotong, starting from 2024, the system of Chinese billiards professional events will be more perfect, and the China-Taiwan Association will further strengthen cooperation with relevant institutions and enterprises. It is estimated that there will be no less than 8 events in the whole year, and the total prize money will be from 1 million yuan to more than 10 million yuan. (End)