[Fujian Finance Empowers Tea Industry] "Tea Finance+Science and Technology Specialist" Promotes the Green Development of Tea Economy

  Cctv news The system of "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology" (hereinafter referred to as "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology") originated in Nanping, Fujian, aiming at assisting the development of advantageous industries and the construction of agricultural science and technology parks through the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and helping rural revitalization. However, the problem that science and technology commissioners often encounter in the process of serving tea farmers and tea enterprises is the problem of funds.

  According to the introduction of the local financial supervision bureau of Fujian Province, the relevant financial institutions in Fujian have innovated the "tea industry finance+specialized" model, provided comprehensive financial services in the areas of "financing and intelligence, industrial support, knowledge popularization and ecological construction", and promoted the tea industry to become a dominant industry in Fujian together with the "Fucha. com" platform.

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

  The Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China strengthened the cooperation between government, banks and enterprises, and guided financial institutions to launch various models such as "tea finance+Kurt loan" and "technology+finance+tea industry" to organically integrate the policy of benefiting farmers with financial products. At the same time, it instructed financial institutions to set up a "workstation for financial science and technology commissioners", and provided support to 634 tea enterprises and farmers in industrial support and precise poverty alleviation.

  Bank of China Nanping Branch designed and launched the "Cote Loan" liquidity product, and Nanping Finance Bureau invested 2 million yuan to establish a credit enhancement fund pool as the government risk compensation for the credit enhancement fund loans of enterprises led, founded and served by Nanping Science and Technology Commissioner. When the credit enhancement project loans suffered losses, the loan losses were supplemented by 50% of the credit enhancement part. The bank also plays the role of precise drip irrigation of tea finance, promotes the coordinated development of tea industry, tea culture and tea technology, and makes tea economy a magic weapon for rural revitalization and a benchmark for green development.

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

  Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Nanping Science and Technology Bureau, set up a service team of financial science and technology commissioners, and jointly launched the "Kurt Loan", which mainly provided credit financial support for enterprises founded, led or served by science and technology commissioners; Open up green approval channels and give preferential interest rates. With the guidance of the science and technology task force and the blessing of financial resources, the capital needs of tea enterprises for production, processing and technology upgrading have been effectively met.

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

  In Zhenghe County, Fujian Province, it was not easy to evaluate the value of local tea due to the variety of tea and the influence of tea production technology and tea producing area, which also made tea enterprises encounter difficulties in financing. Nowadays, through the combination of tea financial services and the special system, the problem of value evaluation that plagues local tea financial services has been effectively solved.

  With the assistance of the special workstation, the county broke the financing bottleneck of tea warehouse receipt pledge due to value evaluation, quality certification and other issues. At present, more than 8,000 boxes of white tea have entered the high-standard intelligent management, with a total value of more than 30 million yuan, and it is estimated that more than 18 million yuan can be raised. (Wei Ju)

A probe into the "nightlife" after work of Fuxing of China EMU

A probe into the "nightlife" after work of Fuxing of China EMU

  After the "Fuxing" was put into storage, the first process was cleaning. The picture shows the staff taking a bath for the Fuxing. Photo by Sun Guangzhe

  On June 26th, 2017, Fuxing, the EMU train with the highest speed in China, was officially put into operation, which opened the new speed of China high-speed railway. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the reporter from Zhongxin. com came to the operation office of Jinan East EMU in Shandong to visit the "nightlife" of Fuxing after work.

  "Good traction rod, good air duct and good axle … …” In the maintenance depot, Wang Xiao, the foreman of the special maintenance team of Jinan East EMU, is leading more than 10 colleagues to do a "physical examination" for a train of Fuxing, which just got off work.

  The picture shows the EMU warehousing. Holding professional lighting and video equipment, the staff crouched on both sides of the car for a series of procedures such as watching, smelling and listening. Sha Jianlong photo

  The "Fuxing" that is being "physically examined" has 16 carriages, which are parked on the trench track about 2 meters deep. The maintenance personnel are located in the front, sides, roof, under and inside the car for operations.

  Wendy Wang told reporters that "Fuxing" must pass the tread diagnosis and pantograph detection before entering the maintenance depot. Just like CT, infrared detection equipment conducts all-round detection on the tread of the wheelset and the high-voltage power receiving equipment at the top of the train, and transmits the monitoring data to the professional computer for "expert consultation".

  "After warehousing, the first process is cleaning." Wendy Wang said that after the power failure and bow lowering of the EMU, the special car wash liquid for the EMU was sprayed from the water outlet, and the professional "SPA masseur" beside the track was "Fuxing" and "taking a bath". Under normal circumstances, EMUs should be disinfected and cleaned by outdoor automatic washing machine before entering the warehouse. However, due to the cold weather in winter, the cleaning work must be carried out indoors by professionals to prevent the EMU from catching a cold.

  After cleaning, professional "doctors" will start a "full physical examination" of the EMU. According to the technical regulations and technological requirements, Harmony and Fuxing should enter the motor depot every 4,400 kilometers or 48 hours and every 6,000 kilometers or 48 hours for first-class operation and maintenance.

  "To ensure that ‘ Fuxing ’ The motor train runs at a high speed and smoothly, and every bolt and every part of the train must be accurate. " Xu Qingji, the "post-90s" ground mechanic of Jinan East EMU Operation Institute, is a member of the maintenance team, having repaired CRH2, 5, 380A, B and other vehicles. He told reporters that if problems are found during maintenance, they need to call superiors through real-time intercom equipment for diagnosis and maintenance.

  "Fuxing" is an independent research and development emu with independent intellectual property rights in combination with China’s application needs, which is more perfect and superior than the emu models that it overhauled before. Xu Qingji said that it unified the operation interfaces, passenger pages and operation modes of different OEMs, and also completely unified all interfaces and parts, established a brand-new China high-speed train standard system, and realized mutual standby, reconnection, rescue and hot standby of trains.

  In addition to the overhaul of the running gear, traction, braking, pantograph and in-vehicle facilities of Fuxing, its "brain" — — The maintenance of "ATP" system is particularly important. According to Wang Weina, chief of the ATP analysis work area of Jinan East EMU, the ATP system on board the high-speed rail is equivalent to a "black box", which is not only a monitoring system, but also records the running status of the high-speed rail in real time and transmits it to the monitor. It is also a traffic control system, which can command the safe operation of vehicles according to the track information ahead.

  Wang Weina said that when overhauling, professionals should clean up the dirt on the transponder of vehicle-mounted equipment to ensure that the transponder responsible for receiving and sending information is always in good working condition. "After ensuring that all equipment and facilities are kept in normal condition, the train can be put into operation."

  "Although the work is hard, I am very proud whenever I see a train of EMUs running normally after team maintenance." During the period of Spring Festival travel rush, the professional "doctors" of Fuxing will still stick to their posts and "escort" people’s travel. (End)

  Author Sha Jianlong

Jilin provincial party and government delegation came to Tianjin to inspect the symposium on cooperation and exchange between the two provinces and cities, and held a speech by Chen Miner Jing Junhai,

  (Reporter Yu Chunfeng, Liu Guodong Mizhe) On November 6-7, the party and government delegation of Jilin Province visited Tianjin, and the two provinces and cities held a symposium on cooperation and exchange, and signed the Framework Agreement of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and Changchun Municipal People’s Government on Comprehensively Deepening Counterpart Cooperation.

  Chen Miner, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the forum and delivered a speech. Jing Junhai, secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, attended and delivered a speech. Hu Yuting, Deputy Secretary of Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Governor, and Zhang Gong, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor respectively introduced the economic and social development of the two provinces and cities and deepened cooperation and exchanges between Tianjin and Kyrgyzstan. CPPCC Chairman Wang Changsong attended.


  景俊海代表吉林省委、省政府,向天津市长期以来给予吉林省的支持帮助表示衷心感谢。他说,天津在党和国家发展全局中具有重要战略地位。近年来,天津一以贯之践行习近平总书记“三个着力”重要指示要求,深入实施高质量发展“十项行动”,全面建设社会主义现代化大都市不断取得新进展新成效。天津的好经验好做法,值得我们认真学习借鉴。吉林和天津渊源深厚、互动频繁,特别是通过天津长春对口合作,收获了兄弟般的深情厚谊和丰硕合作成果。当前,吉林正在深入贯彻习近平总书记在新时代推动东北全面振兴座谈会上的重要讲话精神和中共中央政治局10月27日会议精神,奋力走出高质量发展、可持续振兴新路。我们愿进一步加强同京津冀协同发展战略对接,与天津携手服务和融入新发展格局,在新起点上共谱吉津合作新篇章。一是携手拓展对外开放空间,深化经贸交流合作,不断提升开放发展水平。二是携手构筑先进制造业高地,在重点领域深化合作,更好实现产业配套和产业链互补。三是携手推动粮肉产销协作,深化“津粮吉储”“津肉吉供”,Let more Jilin high-quality food enter the family kitchen, the people’s dining table and the people’s pockets. Fourth, work together to tap the consumption potential of cultural tourism, launch more high-quality cultural tourism products and tourism boutique routes, and better meet the consumption needs of the people.

  According to the agreement, our city and Changchun will comprehensively promote cooperation in the fields of modern agriculture, strategic emerging industries, scientific and technological innovation, opening up, economic and trade tourism, financial services, ecological protection, and cadres and talents.

  During their stay in Tianjin, the party and government delegation of Jilin Province inspected Tasly Holding Group Co., Ltd. to learn about enterprise innovation and development, industrial system construction and intelligent manufacturing technology.

  Zhang Enhui, Li Wei, Li Guoqiang and Wang Zilian, leaders of Jilin Province and Changchun City, and Liu Huawen, secretary general of the provincial government; City leaders Wang Lijun, Zhu Peng, Zhang Ling and Meng Qingsong, Secretary General of the municipal government, attended related activities.

2024 "China

On December 18th, 2024, the theme logo design competition of "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" was launched in Changzhi City. Vice Governor Tang Zhiping, Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong and Indonesian Ambassador to China Zhou Haoli attended the launching ceremony and delivered speeches. Brunei Ambassador to China Rahmani, Myanmar Ambassador to China Wu Ding Maorui, Laos Ambassador to China Song Peng, Thai Embassy Chargé d ‘affaires Benjamin and other ASEAN diplomatic envoys in China and ASEAN students in Shanxi attended the event. The launching ceremony was presided over by Shi Zhongjun, Secretary General of China-ASEAN Center.
2024 is "China-ASEAN People-to-People Exchange Year". As an important part of the People-to-People Exchange Year, the theme logo design competition was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-ASEAN Center, and was undertaken by the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, aiming at enhancing the people-to-people exchange and friendship between China and ASEAN countries and expanding the appeal, popularity and influence of the People-to-People Exchange Year. Taking advantage of this activity, Changzhi City simultaneously held a series of activities, such as the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage+cultural creation, the exhibition of the first cultural creation competition, and the cultural and creative industry cooperation and exchange meeting, to publicize and promote Changzhi in an all-round and multi-angle way, to help people communicate and promote economic and trade exchanges.
On December 17th, Tang Zhiping met with Chinese and foreign guests attending the launching ceremony of the theme logo design competition of 2024 "China-ASEAN Year of Humanities Exchange" in Changzhi. (Li Jiaming)

People’s body talk: the charm of football and grassroots feelings

Source: People’s Daily Online-Viewpoint Channel Original Draft

On November 17th, in the second round of the 2022 Chinese Football Association Cup, the Chinese champion team Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated the Chinese Super League team Beijing Guoan 7:5 in a penalty shootout and advanced to the top 16. This game surprised many people. Losing to a semi-professional team as a traditional strong team in the Super League may be caused by various reasons, but it also made many people know more about the current situation of football in China and look forward to the development of grass-roots football.

The FA Cup is an independent knockout cup outside the football league in China, and it is also the only opportunity for low-level teams and high-level teams to compete together. Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated Beijing Guoan from penalty. Although there were accidental factors, from the process of 2:2 draw in regular time, the strength of the two teams was close, and Jingchuan Wenhui team even got the upper hand slightly. Two goals were remarkable. The players on the field were thunderous, calm and confident, and had a degree of attack and defense. In a game in which the strength is very different and there is no suspense, the audience felt the long-lost charm of competitive football.

Aside from the mobilization, cohesion and team fighting capacity before the game, we can find details that are easily covered up by victory from the voice of the head of Jingchuan Wenhui after the game. Jingchuan Wenhui said that the main reason for winning the game was that the opponent was negligent and could not use foreign aid. He attributed the opponent’s defeat to accidental factors and external uncontrollable rules. Compared with the simple ceremony of "accepting and accepting", he was polite, modest and humble, which was quite the bearing and pattern of Chinese traditional culture. Brutalizing its physique, civilizing its spirit, an unexpected game, let us see the momentum and indomitable feelings of grassroots football.

Football is round. The competitive characteristics and rules of the game make football not only have the integrity, antagonism and appreciation shared by collective ball games, but also have the variability of technical and tactical coordination and the contingency of game results.

"The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce generals must be sent to the pawn." According to the results of post-match interviews and data disclosure, there are 152 players in Jingchuan Wenhui Football Club, more than 70 of whom are local doctors, policemen, teachers and other amateurs from all walks of life, and 40% of the players participating in the FA Cup are semi-professional players. Jingchuan Wenhui Club is integrated with Beihai Jichi Club, co-built and shared with Jingchuan County key amateur sports schools, and has a champion team, an U19 echelon, an U17 echelon and an amateur team, which reflects the effectiveness of Jingchuan County Football Association reform. The development of grass-roots football in Jingchuan presents a good trend, which is not only the component of football professionalization reform, but also supported by the three-level training network of competitive sports national system, and the association, sports school and club cooperate and form a joint force. The deepening reform and practice of county-level individual associations, the development of county-level football clubs and the modernization process of amateur sports schools are all key and difficult points in the construction of a strong sports country and the development of grass-roots sports organizations. For the government and an effective market, it may be the internal logic of the wonderful performance of this grassroots counterattack.

If the road is long, the line will come, but it is difficult and more brave. We expect the society to pay more attention and support to grass-roots football, and we expect that the sports lifestyle with football as the carrier can meet the needs of more people for a better life!

More than 100 players in the 9th Henan "Public Servant Cup" Table Tennis Finals.

Let’s compete with each other with passion and exchange ideas. On December 9th, the 9th Henan "Public Servant Cup" table tennis competition finals started in Huiji Campus of Zhengzhou University. More than 100 table tennis fans from 20 teams who stood out from the provincial and provincial competitions gathered here to discuss and exchange ideas and enjoy the health and happiness brought by participating in table tennis.

The 9th Henan Public Servant Cup Table Tennis Finals was hosted by Henan Provincial Sports Bureau, directly under the authority Working Committee of Henan Provincial Party Committee and Henan Provincial Sports Association for the Elderly, and undertaken by Zhengzhou University Sports Institute, Henan Table Tennis Association and Table Tennis Committee of Henan Provincial Sports Association for the Elderly. Like previous competitions, this competition adopts the system of regional trials and finals. The provincial competition was held in Zhengzhou in mid-October, and 10 teams including the Provincial Finance and Taxation United Team, the Provincial Table Tennis Association and the Provincial Third Division United Team were selected to enter the finals. The provincial city division was held in Nanyang in mid-November, and 10 teams including Xinyang, Xinxiang and Kaifeng were selected to enter the finals. Among them, the players of the provincial team are civil servants at or above the deputy department level, including retired; The players of the provincial municipal teams are civil servants at or above the deputy municipal level, including retired.

Small silver balls, full of strength, unite and promote friendship. Founded in 2014, Henan Public Servant Cup Table Tennis Tournament is held once a year. In the past ten years, the majority of leading cadres who participated in the "Public Servant Cup" table tennis tournament have exchanged handshakes in the table tennis arena, actively and actively kept fit after work, and promoted the cadres and workers around them to participate in fitness and scientific fitness. The event also effectively promoted the promotion and popularization of table tennis in our province, attracting nearly 4000 people to participate in it, becoming an important sports brand event affecting Henan and even the whole country.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Henan Senior Sports Association, the conditions of the ninth "Public Servant Cup" table tennis tournament have been adjusted. Compared with previous competitions, there are more teams participating, and the number of participating units in the two division trials exceeds the previous ones. All localities and units pay more attention to it, providing better service guarantee for the contestants. The competitive level of each participating team is stronger, and a number of new forces have emerged through this competition, and the competition scene is more intense.

Zhengguan journalist Chen Kai correspondent Wang Jinbang Wen/Tu


The word "fashion" first appeared in the Ming Dynasty. How can it be regarded as "fashion" in the Ming Dynasty?

If we recall the history of the unification of the Ming Dynasty, we can’t get rid of the usual vision of "top-down" in the historical narrative of the dynasty, whether it is the praise of "Ren Xuan’s rule", the hot discussion of "Zheng He’s voyage to the West" or even the strategy of exploring the northern border defense and coastal areas. Society and culture are a continuous variant. The Ming Dynasty not only inherited the clothes of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but also rebelled against the traditional order. Whether it is the change of economic structure and political atmosphere, the acceleration of "social mobility" and its impact on the hierarchy, or the vitality and diversity of ideological culture, there are various reflections in people’s daily life, among which the folk "fashion" is a unique specimen to observe the economic and social life of the Ming Dynasty.

Since the mid-Ming dynasty, a trend of chasing "fashion" has gradually formed. This can’t help but mention two proper nouns: "fashion" and "fashion".

Judging from the existing historical data, the word "fashion" first appeared in the Ming Dynasty. What is fashion? The essay on bamboo window written by the famous monk Bian Hong in the late Ming Dynasty has the following explanation: "Today, one dress and one hat, one instrument and one thing, one word and one word, all kinds of actions, all of which are sung by one person and followed by a group, are called fashion." That is to say, the formation of fashion is usually "sung by one person", and its influence is "followed by a group", forming a regional or even national shock wave.

Essays on Bamboo Window, written by Yunqi Youhong, also known as master lianchi and Yunqi Master. He was diligent in writing and writing all his life, with a total of more than 30 kinds of works, which were compiled into Yunqi Fahui by his disciples Daxian, Li Shouyi and others, with 3 letters and 34 volumes.

Let’s talk about "one coat and one hat" first, which is obviously related to the word "current situation". In the Ming Dynasty, the style of clothes and hats of Bo Zi in the south of the Yangtze River all changed the ancient system, which was called "the style of the times". So, what was the "fashion" costume at that time? We might as well give an example to illustrate: pen tube water socks. Most of the cloth socks originally used in the Ming Dynasty were wide and tied between the knees. However, in the late Ming Dynasty, this kind of wide socks was no longer popular, but instead became popular with narrow socks. This kind of narrow socks is also called "pen tube water socks".

Looking at "one word and one language" again, we can generally examine it from two aspects: proverbs and clear words. In the south of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty, the local dialect was quite popular. Two-part allegorical sayings in novels of the Ming Dynasty, such as "Shen Wansan in Nanjing, the bend of a dead tree in Beijing-the name of a person, the shadow of a tree", are obviously popular proverbs at that time, and should be "Shen Wansan in Nanjing, the willow tree in Beijing". These fashionable catchwords, originally from the song, gradually spread to ordinary people, and finally became "dressed in clothes" and began to be accepted by some literati. In addition, among the literati and scholars in the south of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty, a kind of clear words was popular, which was obviously closely related to their elegant life. For example, Zhu Cunli wrote Panasonic Clear Words.

Whether it is clothes, words, or utensils, its fashion formation is usually initiated by one person, so many fashion figures appeared in the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, if cultural people wanted to be a fashion figure, they could only rely on their works and behaviors. If they are the initiators, and trigger a group to imitate the effect, and finally form a "fashion", then these people can be called fashion figures. In the Ming Dynasty, the only people who could truly be called fashion figures were Li Zhi (known as "Zhuo Wu"), Chen Jiru (known as "Mei Gong"), Wang Zhideng (known as "Baigu"), Yuan Huang (known as "Mr. Lefan") and You Hong (known as "master lianchi").

In the late Ming Dynasty, Suzhou and Hangzhou should be said to be the most fashionable and avant-garde cities at that time, and for this reason, they formed proprietary names such as "Su-like", "Su-Italian" and "Hangzhou style", which spread for a while and were well known to the public.

There is a common saying in the Ming Dynasty: "Suzhou is like a craftsman in Guangzhou." The so-called "Suzhou-like" still has a related new term in the Ming Dynasty, which is "Su Yi". The message behind this noun is that Suzhou has become the fashion capital of the world at that time. In the Ming Dynasty, the name of Suzhou was not the victory of man-made gardens, but the people in the city. The so-called Soviet style, Shen Hongyu, a Ming dynasty, once explained in the volume of "Gambling Organs": "The house is exquisitely decorated, and it is well displayed on several tables, with more exotic fragrance and more fine tea. When I met hanger-on, I sat and talked and laughed with a stove of cigarettes and a pot of tea. I stayed up all night in poverty, and I didn’t worry about trifles, and I didn’t export them with common sayings. This elegant flavor is worthy of Taoyuan. "

As for Su Yi, it can be cited as an example by Wu Congxian, a famous man in the Ming Dynasty, in "A Small Window for Self-discipline": "Burning incense and cooking tea has never cleared classes, but now it is wrong to say’ Su Yi’. Everything in the world is burned and cooked, and it belongs to the Soviet Union alone. If Su Fei is interested in this, it will be enjoyable. " It can be seen that the common people focus on its content, that is, practical value, while Suzhou people focus on such a form, but it is freehand brushwork, expressing an artistic conception, that is, attaching importance to its aesthetic value.

Obviously, the so-called "Su Yi" should include the following two meanings: one is the fashion of clothes, and the other is "being a man is like a man." To use today’s fashionable words is to walk in the forefront of the times and always be the trendsetter of fashion. So, what kind of talents can be regarded as "being a man with a penetrating mind"? Wu Weiye, a famous poet in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, borrowed the words of Zhen Qi, a dude, to tell the basic characteristics of this life, that is, playing with antiques and trying new tea.

(The author is a professor at the School of History and Culture of Southwest University)

The original title is "Fashion of Ming People"

Source: Beijing Daily client

Author: Chen Baoliang

Producer: Liu Lizhi

Editor: Xin Yuan

Process Editor: Sun Yujie

How to do a female physical examination? These three physical examination items are all wasted money, so there is no need to do them.


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History and facts, the truth is always in the fog.

# Article Starting Challenge #

Yao and Shun are two kings mythologized by ancient scholars. There is a saying in Mencius Teng Wengong: "Mencius is kind in nature, and his words must be called Yao and Shun." It can be seen that in Mencius’ mind, Yao and Shun are the best examples of human nature. "Historical Records of Five Emperors" also recorded Yao and Shun’s abdication. However, in the Chronicle of Ancient Bamboo Books, it is described as "Shun imprisoned Yao, and suppressed Dan Zhu again, so as not to meet his father". Shun imprisoned Yao and exiled Dan Zhu so that he could not meet his father (Yao). There are also the following contents in "Han Feizi Shuo Yi": Shun forced Yao, Yu forced Shun, Tang Fang Jie, and Wu Wang cut Zhou; These four kings, people and ministers regicide, are also famous all over the world. It’s so straightforward that it doesn’t have to be translated into vernacular.

The same thing, two completely opposite versions, who do we believe? From the perceptual point of view, we are more inclined to believe in the elegance and mind of the ancient emperors in the theory of abdication; But rationally speaking, the records in Annals of Ancient Bamboo Books are more in line with human nature and logic. In ancient times, the productivity was extremely low, and there was no so-called etiquette and law to restrain people. It was entirely possible for people, tribes and tribes, to conduct activities in a way similar to that of wild animals. Imagine that in the primitive times when the means of production and living were extremely scarce, once the surrounding environment could not provide enough food, the possibility of fighting between tribes for survival resources would be infinite. We can even think that the premeditated killing or plundering of the labor force population that has been or will be formed in hostile tribes should be the normal state of human life in that era. If we substitute the later nomadic people, it feels really similar. Therefore, the behavior of human beings in that era should be more inclined to the barbaric side, rather than the ideal state that we traditionally think.

In Historical Records and Annals of Bamboo Books, Yu is regarded as the first place in the chronology of Xia Dynasty. And the former recorded Yu’s much more detailed deeds relative to his descendants, including water conservancy, Kyushu, succession and so on. Except Xia Qi, most of the records of the leaders in the whole Xia Benji were XX collapse and XX standing. There is also a passage in Historical Records: Emperor Yudong made a hunting tour, but it collapsed when he was arrested. Grant benefits to the world. After three years of mourning, the son of Emperor Yu was enlightened and settled in the Yang of ji shan. Yuzi is a wise man, and the world is interested. On the whole, it means that Yu is also giving in, but his son Qi is too good to be at home. This is in line with the world outlook of ancient mainstream consciousness. Then let’s take a look at how the Annals of Bamboo Books are written: Yudu Yangcheng. One sentence; Forty-five years of Yu Li. Two sentences. This Yu is gone! Then there is: the emperor said "will". Yi gan qi position, qi kill it. The last few words have a lot of information, which is very similar to many events in our history. Let’s take a look at the simple sentence in The Songs of the South: Enlightening the generation and benefiting the future. During the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, the word Hou had the meaning of Wang.

Personally, I believe in words less. Of course, this is not psychological gloom or anything, because I have read a passage before, and I can’t remember it specifically. It probably means that the longer the history is from us, the more detailed it is, the greater the possibility of fabrication and the lower its credibility. This is very reasonable, even if modern people restore things before 2000, they must use historical materials to confirm each other to get a relatively reasonable result, not to mention the ancients who restored things more than 2000 years ago. And the record of Dayu in Historical Records is just like taking a guest, so it’s not very reliable to think about it.

Although we have been unable to research the specific events, judging from all kinds of struggles for power and position in the history of China, the events recorded in the Annals of Bamboo Records can not be completely restored, but it is estimated that they are not too far apart.

People or things in remote ancient times have been passed down to this day. As I said before, there may be people, and things have definitely changed beyond recognition, but we can be sure that they are our common ancestors and the source of China.

Up to now, the word "China", the earliest archaeological discovery, originated from a bronze ware presented to Zhou Chengwang by a nobleman named He in the Western Zhou Dynasty. We now call it "He Zun" with the following sentence: Yu Qi lives in China. At this time, the meaning of the word China refers to the center of the world. At that time, people’s concept was that the sky was round and the place was like a cover, and the place was like a chess game. It can be said that the significance of China at this time is not only geographical, but also civilized: all the people living here are civilized people, the highest class, and there are also people and savages in the rites of Zhou.

Therefore, in ancient history, if someone talks about "China", it means not only this land, but also that it is the place with the highest level of civilization, the world lighthouse, and the air is sweet. Here is an interesting topic to insert. After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, when the two sides signed the treaty of shimonoseki, the contracting parties had to call themselves "China" in the treaty. Japan resolutely refused to do it, saying that you were beaten down by me now, but not as bad as me. Where is China and I am China? It should be noted that it was already 1895, and the Westernization Movement of the Manchu government and the Meiji Restoration in Japan had been around 30 years, but their understanding of "China" was still from the perspective of civilization.

Knowing the original concept of China, how did she come into being?

As we know, Oracle Bone Inscriptions was written in the Shang Dynasty, and Oracle bones were used for divination, and sacrifices were often used in divination. According to the study of unearthed Oracle Bone Inscriptions films, there are about 1,300 pieces of Oracle bones that record human sacrifices, including nearly 2,000 Oracle inscriptions. In the archaeological process of Yin Ruins, a large number of abnormal human skeletons were unearthed. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 4000 people, that is to say, there are at least more than 100 abnormal deaths per square kilometer in Yinxu alone. To know that Yin started to be the capital of Shang Dynasty since Pan Geng, and the capital of Shang Dynasty changed several times before, it is not difficult to speculate how many savage human sacrifices there were before.

And sacrifice, at that time, should be the most important thing. Who are the people who can sacrifice to heaven? Only our business people. From the contents of Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s deciphering unearthed, we know that Shang often made foreign expeditions. In Di Xin’s period, there was an Oracle bone which recorded "Di Xin’s Ten Sacrifices to Cut People’s Square". Some of the unlucky prisoners who came back from the war will be sacrificed to please God. This leads to a problem. Businessmen think that only themselves are destiny, or simply put, only businessmen are human beings, and people outside businessmen are not human beings. They can all be sacrificed to heaven, no different from pigs, cattle and sheep. As a "square" at that time, Zhou was inferior to Shang in terms of population and force, so it had to unite with other "squares" to fight against the behemoth of Shang.

"Zhou Wuwang led the Western vassals to attack Yin and was defeated by the wild" (Annals of Ancient Bamboo Books). One of the important reasons why the Western vassals here, or tribal leaders, are willing to let the Zhou people command in a unified way and jointly attack the merchants is that Zhou put forward the concept of "common ownership of the world": I, the king of Zhou, am a herder of Heaven, and I won’t beat you and him as easily as the Yin merchants. Summarized by a well-known sentence in the Book of Songs: Under the whole world, is it the land of kings? Leading the land, is it a king? Everyone is the same. Zhou people won’t take you to worship heaven with pigs, cattle and sheep.

If we say that before Zhou defeated Shang, the civilization in China was still a discrete community separated from each other, then marked by the cutting of King Wu, the scattered fires of civilization in the Central Plains finally gathered together and began to release dazzling brilliance. This is the country of the central government, the crown of civilization, and China.

The epochal nature of culture

Author: Chen Xianda (honorary first-class professor of China Renmin University)

Everyone lives in his own time, and no one can surpass his own time. The epochal nature of human beings is also the historical nature of human beings, because any era is a stage in the historical process. People observe things and the world from their own times and personal situations, so historicity and epochal nature are not only the characteristics of human cognition, but also an insurmountable fate.

The creators of China’s traditional culture are not the embodiment of absolute spirit, but great thinkers, who are all realistic people living in specific times. Their thoughts are great because their ideas and theories not only reflect the requirements of their times, but also have wisdom beyond the times. Real thoughts have both the characteristics of the times and the eternity beyond the times.

Some people say that it is wrong to take the essence and discard the dross. Everything that can be handed down in Confucianism is the essence; Not the essence, it has long been eliminated by history. The same is true for the whole traditional culture. Is that right? It’s only half right. There are both the essence and the dross that have been handed down. Because the spread of traditional culture is not the culture itself, but the choice of people, especially the choice of the ruling rulers. They carry on the cultural inheritance according to their standards. The evolution of cultural tradition is not the evolution of culture itself that has nothing to do with society, but is filtered and screened by the times and history. The standards of filtering and screening cannot be divorced from the standards of class. Because the dominant thoughts in any society are the thoughts of the ruling class. Zhu Xi’s selection of The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, University and The Doctrine of the Mean as four books certainly has his own standards. There are also standards for the selection, deletion and revision of "Sikuquanshu" compiled by Qianlong. We are in socialist China, and we also have our own standards for traditional culture, that is, "take its essence and discard its dross".

Some people say that what is "essence" and what is "dross" cannot be distinguished. Indeed, unlike apples, culture can be divided into two parts at a glance, and the rotten ones can be removed and the good ones kept. Traditional culture is a complex organism. It is impossible to treat traditional culture simply by taking it. It must be chewed by oneself and digested by the stomach, which is reading and understanding. "Take its essence and discard its dross" is the traditional cultural view of Marxism. Not only do communist party people do this, but all dynasties have done it. It’s just that the standards of "essence" and "dross" are different in each era and class. In the process of culture development, there are both screening, reservation and increase, just like flowing water.

For us, the standard of distinguishing essence from dross is the standard of Marxism. Mao Zedong has long said that the factors that contribute to the establishment of a national, scientific and popular culture in traditional culture are the essence, and the opposite is the dross. In the construction of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, the essence is the factor that contributes to the establishment of advanced socialist culture and socialist core values, and all superstitious, backward and reactionary things are dross. The so-called creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture is to absorb Chinese excellent traditional culture to build advanced socialist culture and make it an important ideological resource to cultivate socialist core values.

The interpretation of traditional culture is actually the interpretation of the reader. What can be read depends on the reader. The interpreter is in the social life of a certain historical period, and he has his own position, academic background or opinions. Therefore, it is very important to interpret traditional culture from what point of view. It is self-evident that there is a great difference between interpreting Confucianism from the west, interpreting Confucianism with Confucianism, or insisting on analyzing traditional culture from the perspective of historical materialism. In contemporary China, it is definitely a controversial issue whether the study of Confucianism should adhere to the basic theories and methods of Marxism. We believe that Marxism can’t replace Confucianism, but if the study of contemporary Confucianism still can’t go beyond the original perspective of Confucianism, then whether it is followed or continued, it is still confined to the traditional scope of Confucianism, at best, neo-Confucianism. If the study of traditional culture is still in the original tradition, and can’t produce new ideas that adapt to the times and are consistent with the direction of historical progress, then what is the significance of attaching importance to traditional culture? Tradition is valuable because it can generate new ideas through activation, collision and absorption. For contemporary people, excellent traditions are ideological soil and nutrients, not just edible fruits. We should bear contemporary fruits in the soil of traditional culture. We really need experts in Confucianism, but it is not under socialist conditions to cultivate a group of Confucian scholars who are still square and obedient and dare not cross the line.

Source: China Social Sciences Network-China Social Sciences News