Three questions directly hit the soul. Is N7 really that awesome?

  [car home Information] (|), a car that has been on the market for half a month but is still worth talking about. After all, before looking up to the ground, it is basically a collection of BYD’s top technology achievements at this stage.

  Its new technology, "Fast Charge with Two Guns", attracted the comments of friends and business executives: "Cool is cool, but …".

  Its assisted driving level is in line with the first echelon such as Wei Xiaoli Huawei, which makes Di Fen proud.

  Its cloud chariot -A was well received, and even the well-known roll king Zhang Chaoyang commented on it as "a roll to the end".

   To sum up, today, let’s not talk about rhetoric, but order dry goods, and look at the three core highlights of N7, which are also controversial points-Double gun fast charging, assisted driving and cloud chariot technology,Look at the magic market with 300,000-350,000 volume kings. Is Tengshi N7 playing well?

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■ Fast charging of double guns is not a technical problem, but actually a "moral problem"?

  The media person @ 中中中中 commented on the double-gun fast charge: "This is a philosophical question whether a person can occupy two toilets at once with two bottoms. Very profound. ". I think it is very accurate, so I quoted it directly. The following is a simple popularization of this technology. Let’s see if this evaluation is correct.

  On the issue of fast charging of pure electric vehicles, major manufacturers have rolled up the high-voltage and high-rate battery solution of "800V+3/4C battery" in unison, and the representative models are G6 and G9 owned by Tucki, which together can achieve the maximum charging time of 5 minutes and battery life of 200 km (data of S4 overcharge of G9 4C models). It is officially claimed that the maximum charging power of 4C battery can reach 480kW, and 3C can also reach 280kW (S4 super-charged pile is required).

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"Publicity map of G9"

  However, BYD just didn’t take the usual road, and put a "double-gun fast charging" technology on Tengshi N7. The "double-gun fast charging" is not a fast charging and a slow charging at the same time, but a fast charging port on the left and right and two fast charging ports at the same time. If you don’t know, you can look at the real shot of car home below.Tengshi N7 has charging ports on the left and right sides of the car body, and one side is a combination of 9-hole fast charging and 7-hole slow charging, just like ordinary new energy vehicles. On the other side is a separate 9-hole fast charge.

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi N7 2023 Long Endurance Max Edition

"One side of N7 has 9 holes for quick filling"

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi N7 2023 Long Endurance Max Edition

"One side of N7 has 9-hole fast filling port +7-hole slow filling port"

  In terms of data, the official claims to charge 300km for 15 minutes, with a maximum power of 230kW for two guns and 150kW for a single gun. Of course, this power also needs the support of the station. You should not fantasize about the power of 150kW on the pile with a calibration of 60kW in the State Grid.

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  The technology of fast charging with two guns is not difficult to realize. The pure electric version of Tengshi D9 is equipped with this technology, but the maximum power that N7 can support has increased.Double-gun fast charging has long been applied in new energy buses, and it is reasonable for BYD to transfer its technology to passenger cars. Weilai’s wet nurse car has also used this technology. It can even plug three guns into a car to replenish electricity, which is very overbearing.

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  The biggest problem of fast charging with two guns may be "morality". This charging mode requires one person to occupy two piles. As we all know, charging piles are scarce resources. Especially on the high-speed holidays, some grumpy brothers have to scold a few words when they look at the ideal or plug-in cars occupy one pile to charge. Excuse me, are the oil in your tank and the engine in the front cabin furnishings? Let them see you take advantage of the situation. You can’t fight, can you?

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  Imagine this scene, because of the length of the charging cable, you may need to park your car between two charging parking spaces, accept the eyes of the car owners, and some good things will ask you a few words, which is simply stinging for me. In addition, there is a soul question-does ——App support double opening? This question is similar to whether a computer can log in to two WeChat, which deserves serious consideration. Of course, at present, some apps such as special calls support double opening, but some don’t. Therefore, it is recommended that you bring a lively friend when charging, which can not only help scan the code, but also charge the car owners with two guns.

  As for the fast charging power of two guns, the measured data of car home on D9 show that the maximum charging power on a 120kW charging pile is 101.8kW when the power is below 80%, and the power drops to 55kW when the power is above 85%. Measured on N7, when the battery charge is 39%, the power reaches 176.7kW. In addition, some users actually measured that N7 was charged from 20% to 80%, and it took 21 minutes for a single gun and 14 minutes for a double gun.

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"Measured data of car home on D9"

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"Measured data of car home on N7"

  We emphasize that the charging speed and power are related to many factors, such as the situation of the station and the battery capacity. Generally, the highest power advertised by the manufacturer cannot be reached, and everyone’s test data is not necessarily the same. Tesla explained this problem clearly, so you can refer to it.   

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  To sum up, the advantages and disadvantages of "high-voltage fast charging" and "double-gun fast charging" are theoretically better than that of "double-gun fast charging", but it needs the support of exclusive charging piles and batteries, which is difficult to spread in a short time. For example, Tucki’s S4 is overcharged, and the P7 of the non-800V platform cannot reach that high power; Even the Tesla V3, which is paved more now, cannot be compared with ordinary charging stations in quantity. The fast charging with two guns can make better use of the resources of the station, and can improve the charging speed under the same conditions without modifying the station. In other words, if everyone is in the same State Grid station, the charging speed of two guns together is better than Xiaopeng G9. After all, 800V has nothing to play in this scene.

  As for some comments on the internet, it is actually a question of "ass decides head", so you can refer to it selectively. For example, Zhao Changjiang of Tengshi once spoke out, "Charging 800V has been fooled by some enterprises in the industry." He said that BYD can achieve a charging peak of more than 700V in 2018, but double-gun fast charging can double the charging efficiency even on a 240V ordinary public charging pile.

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  He Xiaopeng and Li Xiang, who are fast charging the Party, are naturally fans of 800V, and their attitude is shown by the over-charging stations and overwhelming publicity.

   Shen Fei, a seemingly neutral Weilai executive who mainly changes electricity, commented that the double-gun fast charging is "in practice, it is not as convenient as expected" based on the car experience of his own wet nurse car.Being cool is cool, but there are not many occasions that can make you cool.”。 At the same time, he also believes that the charging power is not a problem, and the voltage is not a problem. The key is "whether users have demand or not, and whether enterprises are willing to invest huge sums of money to build super-filled piles".

  In other words, Tucki and Ideality chose to build their own overcharge station, and Weilai chose to build and replace the power station. BYD didn’t have these ideas, but also hoped that your recharge would be more comfortable and smooth, so it arranged a double-gun quick charge. Everyone is trying their best to serve the owners and help the rapid development of new energy vehicles.

  At this point, the discussion on "double gun fast charging" has come to an end. Do you think this technology is easy to use? How does it compare with 800V? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.      

■ city/high-speed NOA has to wait for OTA?

  Let’s talk about assisted driving. Now, the new car-making force headed by Wei Xiaoli is crazy with rhythm, that is, about 300,000 electric vehicles must be driven with advanced assisted driving, otherwise it will not be luxurious enough, not smart enough, and it still seems to be behind the times. At present, it has been rolled into the city NOA. And BYD, in these years, has been lacking in this respect.

  Tengshi N7 "Tengshi Pilot" can be described as making Difen proud.This fusion scheme of laser/millimeter wave/ultrasonic radar+camera+high-precision map can provide high-speed NOA, urban NOA, AVP parking service and full-scene NOA software, which is in line with the current level of head enterprises in theory.

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   However, Tengshi N7 can’t realize high-speed NOA at present, and it is expected to be realized in Q4., including the ability of point-to-point automatic driving at high speed and handling sudden traffic jams. By March next year, it can realize the functions of avoiding high-speed obstacle cars, driving on ramps with large curvature and parking across floors.NOA driving support in 20 cities is expected to be realized next year.

   At present, N7 only has high-speed ACC, lane change with lights, multi-scene automatic parking and so on.. Therefore, if you want to use NOA immediately and experience the happiness of intelligent driving, we suggest choosing Tucki or Aouita. Now they can let you enjoy NOA.

  As for the actual experience of Tengshi N7 assisted driving, please watch the measured video of car home. To sum up briefly, the basic function is great, and I look forward to higher-level functions!

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.

   Tengshi Pilot is divided into standard and high-order, which is also very common. Basically, the number of chips and sensors is different. The standard version is equipped with 5 cameras, 5 millimeter waves /12 ultrasonic radars. The chip comes from the horizon, and its functions are the ACC mentioned above. Now people generally call them "L2". The high-end version needs to spend 23,000 yuan (limited time discount) to choose and install, and gave a NVIDIA Orion-X with a computing power of 254TOPS. This chip is also an old friend of everyone and is familiar with it; As well as a camera and two laser radars, the functions include high-speed NOA, urban NOA, HPA memory parking, AVP parking service and so on.According to Zhao Changjiang, 20% of the scheduled car owners chose this set of advanced assisted driving.

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  Regarding this set of assisted driving, because it has not yet landed, everyone is concerned about some theoretical issues, such as the low-priced double horizon journey 3, with a computing power of 10TOPS. At this time, someone jumped out and said, why don’t more than 300,000 cars even give a journey 5? You see, the low match of people’s ideal L7 is Journey 5! Finally, 128TOPS! However, Double Journey 3 has also been put into use in many models, such as Nezha S and Deep Blue SL03. It is no problem to realize the basic functions, and it can be used in other places with some cost savings.

  There is another melon. The N7 is a very rare vehicle that uses a single NVIDIA Orin-X to realize a series of high-order driving assistance functions (we have reason to suspect that dual Orin-X will be expected). At present, manufacturers that can realize NOA in cities, except for Huawei’s Wenjie and Aouita, all adopt the scheme of two Orin-X, and Weilai ES6 even rolled out four Orin-X, which is not low in cost estimation … So the N7 is in. However, in view of the fact that canoe Zhixing has been able to make a city NOA (no mass production) on a journey 5(128TOPS), I think an Orion-X (254 TOPS) is not impossible. The partner chosen by BYD is Momenta, a supplier who has worked with Zhiji and has rich experience.

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   At the launch conference of Tengshi N7, BYD also released the "Eye of God" high-order intelligent driving system, which has several innovations, such as the integration of the vehicle’s perception and execution mechanism with software, and a set of hardware, that is, the vehicle-mounted computing platform and the self-developed software vehicle control system BOS.

  The on-board computing platform is not just the NVIDIA chip, it contains hardware and software. We can watch the video released by BYD. The on-board computing platform is a bit like a circuit board welded by engineering students, which contains hardware and software, and the hardware integrates multiple CPUs and GPUs. There are more layers of software, and BOS is one of them.

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.

   Having said so much above, I want to emphasize BYD’s self-research ability. At present, automobile manufacturers have different degrees of participation in the self-research of in-vehicle computing platforms. For example, Tesla can develop its own operating system, functional software and even chips. Tucki has realized self-research of various functions, and some manufacturers choose to package suppliers directly. At present, a trend is that as a vehicle manufacturer, it is an ideal path to start self-research from the development of application layer software, then go deep into the self-research of system software architecture, and then develop its own special chip like Tesla to realize self-research of software and hardware. BYD has achieved self-research of operating system, which is still relatively excellent.

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   Speaking of a thousand words and ten thousand words, the assisted driving thing is still worth seeing in the actual measurement. We also hope that Tengshi will quickly push the advanced driving assistance and prove its strength with the measured data.    

■ Can Yunqi -A compare with the magic carpet of Mercedes-Benz?

   If you are a qualified "Difen", you are certainly no stranger to Yunxiao. In April this year, the cloud system was released.It includes four sets of body control systems with different orientations (Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A, Yunqi -P and Yunqi -X).

  Here we focus on Tengshi N7′ s first ride.Yunnian -A, this is an intelligent air body control system.It is Yunnian -C (Variable Damping Shock Absorber) with air spring, which can change the suspension height, spring stiffness, shock absorber damping and active adjustment of seat wing. We know that the subsequent Yunqi -A supports multi-cavity air springs, and can be monitored by OTA camera and lidar, which is similar to the active sensing function of Mercedes-Benz "magic carpet".

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  In recent years, domestic new energy vehicle companies have been involved in a crazy way, and more than 300,000 vehicles can also enjoy the beauty of air suspension, such as Krypton 001 (Weiback single cavity air suspension), Tucki G9 (Weiback double cavity air suspension) and Zhiji LS7 (mainland single cavity air suspension); Coupled with the efforts of domestic products Kong Hui (ideal supply) and Baolong (supply Tengshi N7), air suspension is almost "flying into the homes of ordinary people", and people are increasingly fond of discussing air suspension.

  Not long ago, there was a great controversy about whether the ideal L9 suspension could be called "magic carpet". The reason is that some people think that the ideal L9 system can’t scan the road conditions in advance and actively adjust, but passively adjust, which is simply touching the porcelain magic carpet. Some people think that no one has set a standard to say what a magic carpet is. Why can’t an ideal say that it is a magic carpet?Let’s talk here. Do you think N7 can compare with Mercedes-Benz’s "magic carpet" after OTA camera and lidar detection?

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"The ideal" magic carpet "hangs in the air"

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"Magic carpet technology of Mercedes-Benz"

  In addition, the single/double-cavity air spring is also the focus of discussion. For example, Tucki G9 uses the double-cavity air suspension from an old foreign supplier, which gives almost the same price at once, but the ideal and momentum of using the domestic single-cavity spring N7 is shocked. Of course, from the known information, the ideal and soaring double-cavity suspension and sensing technology are working overtime.

  The ideal engineer said well in an interview with the media, "Under the same price range, if you don’t short the spring, the product will not be competitive;" Today, when you use a single-cavity air spring, you see that others use a double cavity. Everyone doesn’t care what the double cavity and the single cavity bring to the car. Even if they are equivalent, they will feel that the double cavity has one more cavity than others, and the performance is good. It is rolled up. " In fact, we consumers should focus on the actual experience rather than focusing on single cavity or double cavity, magic carpet or CDC. The following is the driving experience video of Tengshi N7, which you can refer to or test drive yourself.

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.

■ A small egg-6 nm chip

   Tengshi N7 conference site, there is also a fun little egg-car chip. This chip is special in the 6nm process. We know that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 used by high-end players at present is 7nm, while the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295, the next-generation product used for integration, is 5nm. So what is this magical "6nm" process chip?

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  At that time, everyone generally speculated that it was a domestic chip, but later, Zhao Changjiang said in an interview with the media that it was actually a customized Qualcomm chip, which focused on the whole ecology and was suspected to be pluggable, that is, it was very convenient to replace it with a stronger chip later.

  Tengshi N7 has six screens, which can be driven by this chip. Compared with 8155, its data also has obvious advantages. At present, some car winder manufacturers, such as Ideal, use double 8155. However, for BYD, a conservative car company, Tengshi D9 still uses Qualcomm 7325 when people are crazy about Qualcomm 8155. Such a customized chip can also show sincerity. As for the specific performance and characteristics of the chip, we expect Tengshi to be revealed slowly.

■ Edit comments

  Tengshi N7 is a car worthy of a special book in terms of significance, products, technology and market. This paper only focuses on its three product points, without much analysis on its significance to BYD and Tengshi, and the future after entering the highly competitive Red Sea market. We also welcome more friends who are interested in this car to actively participate in the discussion in the comment area. (Text/car home Xing Yueyang)

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Vehicle/Commercial Diesel 8AT, life and family can be satisfied.

As a well-deserved leader in the domestic leather industry, Great Wall pickup truck has ranked first in the sales volume of the same industry for 22 consecutive years. Its products not only have good sales results in China, but also are loved by consumers in overseas markets. Today, the cumulative global sales volume of Great Wall pickup truck has exceeded 1.8 million units, and its influence is self-evident. With the upgrading of Fengjun series, and the great wall gun, commercial and off-road pickup trucks, the great wall pickup truck is moving towards becoming the top three pickup truck brands in the world alongside Ford and Toyota.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 1

On September 12th, the highly anticipated diesel 8AT for the Great Wall Gun passenger/commercial pickup truck was officially launched, completing the final puzzle of the Great Wall Gun Fuel Edition series. Since then, the Great Wall pickup truck will form a more powerful and complete product pedigree, which will continue to lead the pickup truck industry in China to a new high. So, what is the product strength of diesel 8AT for the Great Wall Gun/commercial pickup truck? Let’s take a look at its actual performance.


The exterior interior is the same as the gasoline version.

This time, we test-drive two cars, namely, the pickup truck diesel 8AT and the commercial pickup truck diesel 8AT, which have just been listed. In terms of styling interior, the new car has not changed compared with the current models on sale. The biggest change is that it has been equipped with a 2.0T diesel +8AT gearbox power combination. Therefore, this test drive only briefly reviews the appearance and interior design of the Great Wall Gun, focusing on the power system and driving experience.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 1

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 3

In terms of configuration, there is not much difference between the Great Wall gun pickup truck and the commercial pickup truck. It has many high-end configurations such as 9-inch central control large screen, Bosch version 9.3 ESP, keyless entry/one-button start, tire pressure monitoring, reversing image, and the only boarding ladder at the same level, which ranks among the top in the domestic pickup truck industry. However, the commercial gun has reduced the configuration such as front radar, 360 panoramic image, L2 autopilot system and LCD instrument panel, further reducing the cost of the whole vehicle and making it more in line with the needs of commercial users.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 4

In addition, the changeable rear seat form of the Great Wall Gun is also the characteristic that the cockpit is different from the previous pickup truck products. In the previous pickup truck models, the second row of the backrest or cushion can only be lifted up or down as a whole, which has great problems in the coordination of space utilization. However, the backrest and cushion of the second row of the Great Wall Gun can be lowered or lifted up according to the ratio of 4:6 and can be directly fixed, making the use of the rear space more convenient.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 5

In a word, the exterior design and interior configuration of Great Wall Gun are quite excellent, which is not much different from middle and high-grade luxury. It has upgraded the overall product strength of domestic pickup trucks to a higher level, which is very suitable for the passenger demand of pickup trucks emerging in the domestic market, and can well meet the daily car demand of passengers, elite business people and private owners, taking into account the passenger business experience.

Diesel 8AT is stronger than gasoline.

The Great Wall gun passenger/commercial pickup truck diesel 8AT we test-drive is equipped with the same power system. The engine is a 2.0T diesel turbocharged engine of GW4D20M, with a maximum power of 120kW and a peak torque of 400 N m. The transmission system is matched with ZF 8AT manual transmission, and equipped with a four-wheel drive system with rear axle Eton electronically controlled differential lock. The overall hardware configuration is very attractive. The power system of the diesel version of Great Wall Gun is among the best in domestic pickup trucks, and it has the largest torque among domestic pickup trucks at present.mass productionDiesel pickup truck is also the first power system to push the torque of domestic pickup truck to 400N·m level.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 6

This test drive mainly paves the road for the city, which is in line with the positioning of the Great Wall Gun Ride/Commercial Pickup, that is, the riding property is added on the basis of the utility demand of the tool car, so as to meet the high-value loading demand of the city merchants, such as wine, flowers, furniture, etc., and the household demand of the city residents, such as traveling and walking, etc., and show the dual-purpose characteristics of business and riding.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 7

First of all, the driving experience of the diesel 8AT version of the Great Wall Gun passenger/commercial pickup truck is more exciting than that of the gasoline version. The low-torque property of the diesel engine and the adjustment of ZF 8AT gearbox make the Great Wall Gun behave more calmly than the gasoline version in the starting, acceleration and low-torque stages, with the power being stepped on, the output form is quite linear and soft, and there is not too much sense of suddenness and frustration. The adjustment of accelerator pedal and brake pedal is quite different from that of pickup trucks in the past, and the whole process is linear and efficient. With the continuous improvement and progress of Great Wall Gun models, the strength of accelerator pedal and brake and the sense of travel feedback are more biased towards passenger cars, and the light pedal and power output setback in the first test drive have been effectively improved, which can bring a good first impression to drivers.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 8

The adjustment of the steering wheel strength of the new car is also in line with the positioning of the vehicle. The pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun is equipped with electric power steering as standard, and the steering feel is relatively light, but it does not lose the composure of a big car. The commercial pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun adopts the traditional hydraulic power steering. For the commercial version positioned for industrial and commercial use, this can effectively reduce the cost, at the same time, it can also increase the sense of control over the steering wheel and improve the stability of the vehicle during heavy transportation.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 2

thatSecond, it must be said that with the growth of the Great Wall gun model, the Great Wall pickup truck has become more and more skilled in the configuration adjustment of this ZF 8AT gearbox. In the case of daily urban road driving, the gearbox upshifts actively, and it can be upgraded to the eighth gear at about 80km/h, and the speed is always maintained in the maximum torque output range of 1500-2500 rpm during this process, which can ensure the continuity of power. In the process of speeding up overtaking, this gearbox can also respond appropriately, and realize the power explosion by continuously downshifting. Although the downshifting process is still not as agile as that of a passenger car, it is quite excellent for a pickup truck.Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 9

And as the first domestic pickup truck product to adopt 8AT gearbox, the combination of Great Wall Gun 2.0T+8AT not only brought changes in power output mode to consumers, but also opened the prelude for domestic pickup trucks to approach passenger cars. Since then, various domestic pickup truck products exposed have taken 8AT gearbox as the main selling point, highlighting the position of the pioneer and leader of Great Wall Gun in the industry, and promoting the ride and internationalization of domestic pickup trucks.Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 10

Furthermore, the four-wheel drive system of the Great Wall Gun is also a commendable highlight. As we all know, the Great Wall Gun uses the TOD four-wheel drive of Borg Warner, that is, the torque on demand four-wheel drive. Many people think that this TOD four-wheel drive is timely and cannot provide the hard-core attributes of part-time 4wd, and is not suitable for heavy off-road and bad road scenes. In fact, this kind of cognition is biased and preconceived. part-time 4wd does have certain structural advantages, but the TOD four-wheel drive is not so unbearable, otherwise the Raptor, herdsman and Tyrannosaurus Ram 1500 will not adopt it.Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 11

Accord to that practical application, the intelligent four-wheel drive system is a special four-wheel drive mode between timely four-wheel drive and part-time 4wd. TOD system is usually driven by rear wheels, but when the road conditions change, the corresponding mode can be selected as needed to transmit torque to the front wheels to provide sufficient grip. TOD is faster and more accurate than manual part-time 4wd, and more cost-effective than full-time four-wheel drive system. At the same time, intelligent four-wheel drive is also the development direction of the automobile industry in the future. We recognize the classics of part-time 4wd system, but we also need to recognize the changes brought by the TOD four-wheel drive of Borg Warner.Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 12

Compared with timely four-wheel drive, TOD four-wheel drive provides 4L and 4H modes, which can realize driving in complex road conditions. Take the Great Wall Gun as an example. The pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun and the commercial pickup truck have four modes: 4L, Sport, Economy and Standard. The off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun has three additional driving modes: snow, mud and sand. Although there is no clear 4H mode, six special driving modes except 4L can provide 4H equivalent effect and full-time 4WD effect through comprehensive regulation of engine, gearbox and 4WD system, not just adjusting the throttle response. Moreover, it is more subdivided according to the specific road conditions, which is not as fixed as the 4H in part-time 4wd. It is more effective than the four-wheel drive intervention in time, which can be said to be very simple and convenient, and is suitable for novice drivers and wider users.Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 13

The hydraulic locking of multi-disc clutch is the same. The characteristic of Ford Raptor and Ram 1500 Tyrannosaurus Rex is that there is a traditional 4H mode for everyone to choose from. Therefore, the TOD four-wheel drive of Bogwarner is relatively reliable as a whole, and it is not necessary to worry too much about the overheating problem that the majority of riders are worried about. Its durability is trustworthy. Of course, if you take the Great Wall Gun pickup truck and commercial pickup truck to cross-country, you really need to be cautious, because compared with the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck, the main scenes of passenger and commercial models are still urban sections and poor.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 14

In addition, the quietness of the GW4D20M diesel engine carried by the Great Wall Gun is also quite commendable. The sound insulation performance of the Great Wall Gun diesel 8AT model is quite excellent, and the engine noise control is in place. It is difficult to intuitively feel that this is a diesel vehicle when sitting in the car. This has been reflected in the previous test drive of the Great Wall Gun commercial pickup diesel 6MT model, and it will only be felt that it is a diesel vehicle when it is occasionally accelerated at medium and low speeds and parked.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family Can Be Satisfied-Figure 16

Finally, the diesel version launched this time also adopts the suspension system of the models currently on sale. The pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun is a structure of front double wishbone independent suspension+rear multi-link integral bridge-type dependent suspension, and the commercial pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun is a structure of front double wishbone independent suspension+rear leaf spring. Multi-link rear suspension can make it have better performance in comfort, which is also a major feature of the pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun, while the leaf spring rear suspension conforms to the positioning and use of the commercial pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun. There is not much difference between them in specific driving experience, but the biggest difference lies in the different degree of bumps.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 17

And on the new car listed this time, we can see that the Great Wall pickup truck has reinforced the trailer hook of the Great Wall Gun, and the reinforcement scheme can be said to be quite reliable. We have also made corresponding explanations and reports before. The Great Wall pickup truck also stuck a trailer hook usage specification on the driver’s side, which can help the owner to better use the trailer hook for rescue, which is very intimate.

Test-drive the Great Wall Gun Passenger/Commercial Diesel 8AT Life and Family can be satisfied-Figure 18

Write it at the end

The Great Wall pickup truck has always been original, putting quality first, and the propaganda slogan is "Let the pickup truck become popular", and the real basis for opening the pickup truck in spring is a product with good product strength and strong reliability. The Great Wall Gun is indeed superior to the same level products in terms of configuration, interior, appearance design and power. It is in the leading position in terms of high-grade sense and scientific sense, but it can be called a good car. Compared with Ford Raptor and Toyota Hyrax, the Great Wall Gun passenger/commercial pickup truck diesel 8AT model has been launched, and the Great Wall pickup truck product line has been improved and enhanced. In the future, the Great Wall pickup truck will try to subvert the international market structure with greater strength and become a veritable one.

The press conference of CCTV’s 2017 rule of law figure selection activity and award ceremony was held in Beijing.

  CCTV News: On November 9, 2017, "The Spirit of the Constitution and the Power of the Rule of Law — — The press conference of CCTV’s 2017 rule of law figure selection activity and award ceremony was held in the Ministry of Justice.

  CCTV’s annual selection of rule-of-law figures is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, the National Law Popularization Office and CCTV, and undertaken by the Social and Legal Channel of CCTV. For a long time, with the strong support of the Central Political and Legal Committee, the General Office of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, china law society and other units, this activity has become an important window for the legal education of the whole people and an important platform for CCTV to publicize the law. Especially since the implementation of the great strategy of ruling the country by law, the selection activities have kept pace with the times and made continuous contributions to the construction of China ruled by law.

  In 2017, the selection and awarding activities coincided with the successful convening of The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which was a major event in the field of publicity and education on the rule of law after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and an important opportunity to study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

  On the day of the press conference, leaders from various ministries and commissions, representatives of members of this year’s supervision committee for the selection of legal figures, and more than 40 media in Beijing gathered together to learn more about the specific content of this event.

Moderator Wang Xiaolei

Moderator Wang Xiaolei

Press conference site

Press conference site

  With the theme of "the spirit of the Constitution and the power of the rule of law", CCTV’s 2017 annual selection campaign selected 24 groups of candidates for "the rule of law", 5 groups of candidates for "the most influential network of the year", 1 candidate for "the media of the year" and 5 candidates for "the hero of the year". The deeds of these short-listed candidates represent the achievements made in the construction of CCTV2017 rule of law candidates’ photos in the past year in various fields of rule of law, such as legislation, law enforcement, justice, law popularization, etc., and show and interpret the pace of the rule of law process in China in 2017 from different angles, focusing on grassroots legal workers who are "grounded, dare to take responsibility and do something" in ordinary posts.

CCTV2017 rule of law candidate photo wall

CCTV2017 rule of law candidate photo wall

Photo wall of CCTV2017 Rule of Law Person Selection Supervision Committee

Photo wall of CCTV2017 Rule of Law Person Selection Supervision Committee

  Among them, there is Hu Binyong, an economic investigation policeman who directed the detection of major financial cases such as the Xu Xiang case; Chen Changyi, a judge who has the courage to take responsibility, dare to innovate and handle conscience cases; Bi Dongyun, a people’s prosecutor who is physically disabled and determined to return lost children to society with love; Lin Jiande, a 95-year-old man who has been compulsory for 30 years; Peng Xubang, a lawyer who leads the team to take root at the grassroots level and is committed to serving the people in difficulty in the frontier; Shi Weidong, who is willing to pave the way for the reform of the judicial system; Solve thousands of troubles and be a confidant of the people; Miao Zhibin, the guardian of the "tip of the tongue" of ordinary people; Yang Huizhi, National Model People’s Mediator; Chen Yanli, who earnestly safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the people by correcting illegal and improper administrative acts in ordinary administrative reconsideration jobs; Shi Fumao, a lawyer who has defended migrant workers’ rights for thirteen years and took nothing, and so on. In them, we feel the pulse of China ruled by law.

24 groups of candidates for "Rule of Law Person of the Year"

24 groups of candidates for "Rule of Law Person of the Year"

  In this year’s selection of people ruled by law, the award of "People with the Most Network Influence of the Year" was also set up. The candidates include Meng Qingtian, deputy director of the Anti-kidnapping Office of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Guo Lin, the first prosecutor of the Yuhuan case in Liaocheng, Shandong Province, the "Guardian Plan 2017" anti-fraud public welfare action, the Internet security volunteer alliance, and the "online celebrity" police group portrait who popularized the law through the Internet.

Five groups of "the most influential online candidates of the year"

Five groups of "the most influential online candidates of the year"

  In addition, WeChat official account, the WeChat of People’s Daily, was selected as the candidate of "Tribute to the Media of the Year" because it adhered to its own value orientation, and was "distinctive" in terms of stand, viewpoint and judgment, which reflected the characteristics different from those of grassroots accounts, played a guiding role in public opinion, conveyed mainstream values and aroused netizens’ thinking.

One candidate for "Tribute to the Media of the Year"

One candidate for "Tribute to the Media of the Year"

  Among the candidates for the rule of law in CCTV in 2017, there are several heroes who have sacrificed their jobs, including: Tang Honglin, the director of the Sixth Prison District of Bazhong Prison in Sichuan Province, who suddenly fell ill while going to handle the work related to the party organization in the prison area and died after being rescued, at the age of 37; Cai Songsong, a policeman stationed in Shiqiao Police Station by the Traffic Police Brigade of Luxian Public Security Bureau in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, died unfortunately to save two children from drowning during the Spring Festival, at the age of 31 … … Life is gone, and faith lives on. Their choice at the critical moment is worth remembering and paying tribute to.

Five candidates for "Honor Hero of the Year"

Five candidates for "Honor Hero of the Year"

  Starting from November 9th, 35 groups of propaganda films of candidates (units) will be broadcasted on CCTV Social and Legal Channel, and publicized on CCTV, Legal Network, China Police Network, China Court Network, Justice Network, Sina Weibo, Tencent Video, Iqiyi and other online platforms. The final winners will be announced on December 4th, National Constitution Day.

  In order to expand the influence of this event, from November 9, the official WeChat public platform of "CCTV Society and Law" and "CCTV Rule of Law Person of the Year" Weibo will comprehensively launch the online interactive activities of "CCTV2017 Rule of Law Award Ceremony", including the cross-platform dissemination and promotion of candidates’ deeds, posters and videos; Interactive H5 (helping the rule of law in China and praising the rule of law figures) participation and forwarding; Two new media live broadcasts of the press conference and the award ceremony; Watch the multi-screen interaction of the award ceremony "WeChat Shake", and cooperate with CCTV to conduct online publicity and broadcast of candidates. Professional websites such as China Law Popularization Network will also make special topics for the short-listed candidates and promote them. The major video live broadcast platforms will also make special topics for this selection activity and promote it.

The live broadcast of new media on eight platforms lasts for 180 minutes. The picture shows the electronic sign-in session of guests.

The live broadcast of new media on eight platforms lasts for 180 minutes. The picture shows the electronic sign-in session of guests.

  At the press conference, Wang Xiaoguang, the representative of the organizer and director of the Legal Publicity Department of the Ministry of Justice, and Wang Guangling, director of the social and legal channel of CCTV, delivered speeches respectively. Tong Ning, deputy director of the Social and Legal Channel of CCTV, explained the overall design of this award ceremony. Cha Qingjiu, director of the Propaganda Classroom of the Central Political and Legal Committee, Zhong Xuequan, inspector of the Information Bureau of the General Office of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), Ye Jian, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Supreme People’s Court, Chen Youxian, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Guo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Press Center of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, Xin Tian, Deputy Director of the Administrative Reconsideration Department of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, and Lv Xinghuan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of china law society Organs, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Personnel Department, respectively made detailed introductions on the selection of candidates this year. Zhang Yi, member of the Selection Supervision Committee, deputy director of the Political and Cultural Department of People’s Daily, and Cai Xiaolin, director of Voice of China in china national radio, were invited to participate in the activities as representatives of the current members and made speeches.

Speech by Wang Xiaoguang, Director of the Legal Publicity Department of the Ministry of Justice

Speech by Wang Xiaoguang, Director of the Legal Publicity Department of the Ministry of Justice

Speech by Wang Guangling, Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV

Speech by Wang Guangling, Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV

Tong Ning, Deputy Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV, spoke.

Tong Ning, Deputy Director of Social and Legal Channel of CCTV, spoke.

Cha Qingjiu, director of the Propaganda Classroom of the Central Political and Legal Committee, spoke.

Cha Qingjiu, director of the Propaganda Classroom of the Central Political and Legal Committee, spoke.

Zhong Xuequan, inspector of the Information Bureau of the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) General Office, spoke.

Zhong Xuequan, inspector of the Information Bureau of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) General Office, spoke.

Ye Jian, Minister of Mission Department of the Supreme People's Court Political Department, spoke.

Ye Jian, Minister of Mission Department of the Supreme People’s Court Political Department, spoke.

Chen Youxian, Minister of Propaganda Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Political Department, spoke.

Chen Youxian, Minister of Propaganda Department of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate Political Department, spoke.

Guo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Press Center of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, spoke.

Guo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Press Center of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, spoke.

Xin Tian, Deputy Director of the Administrative Reconsideration Department of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, spoke.

Xin Tian, Deputy Director of the Administrative Reconsideration Department of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, spoke.

20. Lu Xinghuan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of china law society, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Personnel Department, spoke.

20. Lu Xinghuan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of china law society, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Personnel Department, spoke.

The organizer's representative issued a letter of appointment to the judge's representative.

The organizer’s representative issued a letter of appointment to the judge’s representative.

  After 17 years’ growth, the "CCTV Person of the Year under the Rule of Law" selection activity has become the first brand in the field of CCTV’s rule of law propaganda. Inspired by the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, this activity will surely adhere to the great concept of "Do not forget your initiative mind, remember the mission", hold high the great banner of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, win the decisive victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way, win the great victory of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Launching ceremony site

Launching ceremony site

  "The spirit of the Constitution and the power of the rule of law — — CCTV’s 2017 Award Ceremony for Rule of Law Persons will be broadcast on CCTV-1 and CCTV-12 in prime time on the evening of December 4.

Can Aouita from Huawei enter the channel of Yu Chengdong?

Wen | Lu Jiu Business Review

There are more and more new energy vehicles with Huawei as their selling point, from the polar fox to the world and then to Aouita. 

Lu Jiu Business Review learned that Aouita will start a test drive in the near future. In early September, its mass production vehicles will arrive one after another, and a centralized test drive meeting will be held in Beijing. At present, the shops in Aouita are still displaying non-mass production engineering vehicles.

Aouita’s official entry into the market will mark the emergence of another car company that has deeply branded Huawei.

However, the biggest question now is: Can Aouita enter Huawei’s sales network and enjoy the same treatment as the media? After all, Aouita now has too few stores of its own, only 11.

According to national business daily, Tan Benhong, CEO of Aouita, said in an interview, "We are talking about the way of channel cooperation with Huawei, but not on behalf of sales. When the scale of our channels has not been fully reached, (Huawei) will help us, but it is not a substitute."

However, everyone who knows Huawei knows that Huawei’s terminal belongs to Yu Chengdong’s sphere of influence, while Aouita’s cooperation is Xu Zhijun on the platform.

How much weight does Aouita have in Huawei?

Since its birth, Aouita has always brought its own aura and attracted much attention. 

According to public information, Aouita was jointly built by Changan, Huawei and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. Changan led the vehicle design and development, Huawei was responsible for intelligent electric technology, while Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited was responsible for providing batteries. The three companies jointly built a CHN platform to empower Aouita.

However, it is strange that there is no Huawei among the shareholders of Aouita Company.

According to Aiqicha’s data, Aouita Science and Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. is backed by eight companies, including Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Chongqing Changan and Shanghai Weilai. The capital contribution of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited is RMB 280 million, Chongqing Changan is RMB 275 million and Weilai is RMB 13.3 million.

I didn’t see the shadow of Huawei, that is to say, in Aouita’s case, Huawei only gave technology and didn’t pay.

There is a big difference between Aouita’s external release and the press. Whether it is the strategic signing conference of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Huawei and Changan Automobile, or the Chongqing Auto Show on June 25th, the specifications attended are quite high. In addition to Tan Benhong, Chairman of Aouita, Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Changan Automobile, Xu Zhijun, Chairman of Huawei, and Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited often come out of the platform.

In addition, Aouita’s product launch can also show another clue.

At the Aouita 11 product launch conference on August 8th, Tan Benhong, the chairman, came out to introduce Aouita 11, and three bosses stood on the platform by video.

In contrast, the press conferences of M5 and M7 were introduced by Huawei’s Yu Chengdong as the leading actor, and Selis’s presence was not high.

On June 25th, when Aouita signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Huawei, Chi Linchun, president of BU Marketing and Sales Service Department of Huawei’s smart car solution, said that Aouita was the heavyweight model of Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution.

According to Lu Jiu’s business review, before and after the product launch on August 8th, Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei BU and president of intelligent driving solution product line, also visited Chongqing Times Tianjie Experience Center in Aouita and introduced Aouita 11.

In terms of leadership specifications, Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman of Huawei, endorsed the platform, and the relevant person in charge of Che BU also came forward to promote it vigorously; In the depth of cooperation, Aouita and Huawei have cooperated heavily in the whole stack, and Aouita also has the trademark authorization of Huawei HI, but whether Aouita can enter the Huawei channel has not been confirmed.

Previously, the media reported one after another that the two sides were actively implementing the preparations for entering their store channels. On August 30, national business daily reported that Tan Benhong said: "We are talking about the way of channel cooperation with Huawei, but not on behalf of sales. It is when the number and scale of our channels have not been fully reached, (Huawei) will help us, but it is not a substitute."

Lu Jiu’s business review found that the so-called two sides are actively implementing the store channel, which was unilaterally announced by Aouita, and Huawei has never spoken to the outside world.

Intriguingly, we haven’t seen the shadow of Yu Chengdong in the cooperation activities between Huawei and Aouita.

On important occasions such as cooperation signing and press conference in Aouita, Xu Zhijun, rotating chairman of Huawei, and heads of various departments of Auto BU attended, but Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei BG, CEO of smart car solution BU and director of IRB of smart terminal and smart car parts, never showed up.

Lu Jiu’s business review noted that there was a similar situation in the cooperation with BAIC. Huawei cooperated with BAIC very early, and signed a contract in 2017, and then signed three contracts. Huawei was mainly attended by Xu Zhijun and Wang Jun, and Yu Chengdong never showed up. Yu Chengdong didn’t appear until the release of Alpha S, the polar fox. Yu Chengdong attended the cooperation between Huawei and the international community.

Therefore, do Aouita and Wen Jie belong to different spheres of influence within Huawei?

"China content" is high, but it can’t enter the Huawei channel?

Huawei’s channels have always made car companies drool.

On the evening of September 1st, according to Sellers’ production and sales express, the sales of Jiejie automobile, which cooperated with Huawei, exceeded 10,000 in August.

Asking for big sales is inseparable from Huawei’s channel empowerment.

According to public data, as of August 25, there were 781 sales centers in 190 cities, including 163 user centers and 618 Huawei sales stores.

Huawei also regards its own channels as an important part of empowering automobile brands. According to the data learned by Lujiu Business Review in Huawei in July, Huawei has 12 flagship stores, 116 smart life houses, 5,000 authorized experience stores and more than 60,000 retail positions. Importantly, these stores are all in shopping centers, which are highly matched with the demand of new energy automobile stores.

Whether it can enter Huawei’s sales channels or not, for a long time, there has been no exact news from Aouita, and the caliber of store sales is different.

The salesperson of a Huawei store in Beijing believes that it is impossible for Aouita to sell through Huawei’s channels. "People are an independent brand, and Huawei is the model of HUEWEI Inside. Huawei is only its supplier, so it is impossible to sell through Huawei’s channels."

Aouita’s Suzhou sales staff also said that it is impossible for Aouita to sell in Huawei stores for the same reason as Huawei stores. "Because Aouita is a brand new brand, it will still sell itself."

"Our major shareholders are Changan and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, and Huawei is not a major shareholder. Why do you sell it in his store?" The person in charge of Aouita’s Beijing sales store said.

"Huawei actually doesn’t have a few good shops. Many people want to buy Huawei mobile phones. They will search Huawei’s stores in the shopping malls and go directly. Huawei stores don’t have to find the location of big passengers. But the car is different. The new brand still needs a big passenger flow position to attract customers to see the car. " The person in charge of Aouita Suzhou Store said.

Although it is indicated that the channel will not borrow Huawei, the sales in Aouita emphasize the relationship with Huawei and their own "Chinese content".

"We use a complete set of HUAWEI Inside solutions, including car systems, assisted driving, laser radar, as well as Huawei’s motors and Huawei’s drive system. Now there is no second company in the industry that has such a deep cooperation with Huawei." The sales person in charge of the Beijing store said. He believes that the cooperation between Huawei and the international community is not as deep as that of Aouita.

In order to strengthen the content of Chinese, the Suzhou store manager particularly emphasized the hierarchical relationship between Yu Chengdong (pushing the question circle) and Xu Zhijun (platform Aouita). "Huawei’s boss platform is only Aouita. After our conference, many people asked why there was no Yu Chengdong, but later found out that Yu Chengdong’s level was actually lower than Xu Zhijun."

Behind Aouita and Wen Jie

In a phone minutes of Huawei’s in-depth interpretation of intelligent driving, Huawei introduced that there are three modes of cooperation: Tier1 (traditional parts supplier mode, supplying intelligent parts for car companies), HI mode (Huawei Inside mode) and intelligent selection mode.

Among them, Huawei’s intelligent selection mode is the fastest, because almost the layout of the whole vehicle is coordinated by Huawei, and the gross profit contributed by the intelligent selection mode is relatively high. In contrast, "HI mode will have less gross profit, because the cost of HI mode itself is high, but the pricing cannot be particularly high."

According to the data, the current cooperation between BAIC and Huawei is HI mode, and may consider participating in the intelligent selection mode in the future. Moreover, there are many car factories that cooperate with Huawei in HI mode, including GAC and Audi.

According to this summary, HI mode is the main mode of ADS (Huawei Autopilot). But HI is not the most prominent module for intelligent selection. Therefore, from the perspective of the entire car BU, Huawei currently attaches the most importance to smart selection, while ADS attaches the most importance to HI.

Based on these paragraphs, we can see that the gross profit of HI mode is low, and Huawei pays more attention to smart selection, which may be the reason why Aouita has made slow progress in entering Huawei’s channel.

Moreover, the autopilot data of the model will be open to Huawei, but in HI mode, the cooperative manufacturers will carry the corresponding data in their own data closed loop and will not share it with Huawei.

In the cooperation mode, the intelligent selection mode is far from the HI mode.

Lu Jiu’s business review learned that Huawei Automotive Intelligent Selection and HI belonged to different departments at the earliest.

In May 2019, Huawei’s Smart Car Business Unit (IAS BU) was formally established. This department was originally affiliated to the ICT Management Committee, with Wang Jun as its president and Xu Zhijun as its top leader. On September 2, 2021, Huawei was re-appointed, and Yu Chengdong became the CEO of Huawei’s smart car solution BU.

Prior to this, Huawei’s smart cockpit business belonged to IAS BU, HiCar, vehicle-mounted 5G communication and other businesses, belonging to the consumer business group and under the control of Yu Chengdong. Huawei combined these two businesses into one, and both of them were placed under Yu Chengdong. According to the analysis of people familiar with the situation, the main purpose of this move is to improve the implementation and operational efficiency within the group.

The source said that the earliest signing subjects of Huawei’s cooperation with BAIC and Aouita were Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.; And the cooperation with Xiaokang Sailis, the signing subject is Huawei Terminal Co., Ltd.. Behind this are two companies.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., which provides software and hardware solutions, has a great weight in HI mode, and is the business that Xu Zhijun was in charge of before; The Huawei terminal resource Hicar Huawei Intelligent Selection is led by Yu Chengdong and belongs to the consumer BG. Although it is now under the control of Yu Chengdong, there is inevitably a difference in the relationship between "biological and adoption".

Whether Huawei’s full-stack car solutions can be sold in Huawei’s terminal channels depends on Yu Chengdong.

Huawei has a rotating chairman system. During the rotating period, the rotating chairman is the top leader of the company. Each rotating chairman has a term of six months, so it is difficult to have a lasting influence on the following departments. Therefore, whether the channel sells Aouita or not depends on Yu Chengdong.

About cars, Xu Zhijun and Yu Chengdong have different ideas, which are on the table and have been reported by the media. Yu Chengdong wants to build a car, but Xu Zhijun doesn’t want to build a car.

It is Yu Chengdong’s specialty to engage in consumer business. Huawei has so many channels that it has great advantages in making cars. However, if Huawei goes out on its own, car companies will be more jealous, and Huawei’s car solutions will be even harder to sell. This business was in the charge of Xu Zhijun before.

Rong Hui, former vice president of Beijing Automotive Group New Technology Research Institute and CEO of Huihui Technology, once revealed that Huawei’s smart car solution will cost about 40,000 pieces in cooperation with Huawei. He estimated that Huawei’s profit will be at least 15,000 pieces.

How much can Huawei earn by selling a car?

According to media reports, according to the information disclosed by Huawei executives before, the share between Huawei and Sellers is about 1:9, and the price of M5 is around 300,000. Huawei can get 30,000 for a car, of which 20% is the technology licensing fee, which is about 6,000 yuan, and the rest is the store income.

HI mode Huawei earns a lot, but the investment in intelligent driving research and development has been very large, and many car companies are jealous of Huawei. In contrast, the smart selection model is easy to earn, and car companies are also willing. Huawei was blocked by the United States, and there was no mobile phone to sell in the store. With a car, it just met the shopkeepers who had no goods to sell.

In August, in an article in Huawei’s internal forum, "The management policy of the whole company should shift from pursuing scale to pursuing profit and cash flow", Ren Zhengfei mentioned that smart car solutions should not spread a complete front, and it is necessary to reduce the research budget and strengthen the business closed loop.

Huawei BU has invested a lot in autonomous driving. To achieve a closed-loop business, it is obvious that the pressure of intelligent selection mode is less.

Self-built channels are difficult to support sales.

So far, there are only 11 stores in Aouita.

On August 8, 2022, when a press conference was held in Aouita, Tan Benhong said that the first batch of sales centers in Aouita will land in 10 cities and will officially open on August 8. This year, experience centers and service outlets will be stationed in 100 cities.

On September 1st, Lujiu Business Review was found in official website, Aouita. It is still the original 10 cities, and there are two in Chongqing, with a total of 11 direct stores. According to interviews and telephone calls, most of these stores opened in August. The person in charge of Suzhou sales told Lu Jiu Business Review that the Suzhou store only has an outreach booth at present, and the store will not open until October.

Offline stores have a great impetus to automobile sales, and the speed of building offline stores in Aouita is somewhat slow.

Although new energy car companies are now learning Tesla and booking cars online, offline experience stores are extremely important support. Without the experience of offline stores, it is difficult for car owners to book cars directly online.

Li Xiang once said that with or without stores in a city, the market share will be eight times different.

According to public reports, by September, 2022, LI had 265 retail stores covering 118 cities in China, and 316 after-sales maintenance centers and authorized car body and painting centers covering 226 cities. Weilai official website shows that Weilai has 402 service outlets nationwide.

Just eleven stores, certainly difficult to support Aouita’s ambition, the number of existing stores is far from enough.

As early as June this year, Aouita said that in terms of channels, it will adopt the modes of self-construction and partner joining, and plans to cover 110 cities in the year, and simultaneously promote the entry into Huawei stores.

But now it seems that this progress is a bit slow.

Large shopping centers are currently the best choice for new energy car companies to sell stores. However, it will not be fast to find a suitable shop in the shopping center, negotiate with the shopping center, decorate and move in.

Changan Automobile, behind Aouita, can’t help in the channel. First of all, Aouita is an independent company, and Changan Automobile is not a major shareholder. In addition, the main channel of Chang ‘an is in 4S stores, and the tonality of new energy vehicles owned by Chang ‘an is quite different from that of Aouita.

According to the survey of CMB International Securities, the ability of shopping centers to absorb new energy sales stores is also limited. First, because the stores of new energy auto companies are on the ground floor, the supply area is limited. In addition, new energy auto stores do not contribute much to passenger flow, so shopping centers must maintain the correct combination to increase passenger flow.

"When you go to the mall now, you can see that as long as there is a large flow of people, cars are basically contracted. Now the better bunks have actually been chosen almost, and it is more difficult to find a berth now. " The person in charge of the Suzhou store told Lu Jiu Business Review on the phone.

Since it is difficult to support the ideal sales volume by its own channels at present, Huawei’s channels are more and more important for Aouita. Can we get in or not? Aouita and the industry are waiting for Huawei’s answer. How to coordinate the resources between HI mode and Smart Choice mode and build Huawei’s core competence in the new energy automobile industry? This is also a proposition that Huawei must face seriously.

China’s crackdown on obscene, pornographic and vulgar online games and mobile games has achieved initial results

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Lei Jun: Xiaomi Auto SU7 Wireless CarPlay is expected to be pushed by OTA in early May.

IT House reported on April 18th that Lei Jun, the founder and chairman of Xiaomi, started broadcasting at Xiaomi Auto Delivery Center today, and "talked with netizens about the sale of Xiaomi SU7 these days".

Lei Jun gave a more specific timetable when answering the netizen’s question "When will the wireless CarPlay function of Xiaomi SU7 go online": it is expected to get on the bus through OTA in early May.

Lei Jun asked the team to push OTA upgrade at least once a month, and planned to open NOA in 10 regions to users at the end of May and push NOA to the whole country in August.

Lei Jun also revealed that the current model plan of Xiaomi Automobile belongs to the confidential stage, and there is no plan to make an off-road vehicle. When talking about this topic, Lei Jun said that the Great Wall brand off-road vehicles have done a good job.

In addition, Lei Jun believes that if Xiaomi SU7 fails, it will definitely be caused by three reasons: cognitive error, inertia thinking and idol burden.

According to the previous report of IT House, Xiaomi Auto’s iPad car control function has been launched. Just go to the Apple App Store to search and download the "Xiaomi Auto Expansion Screen" app, and after connecting the car hotspots, you can enjoy the seat air conditioning adjustment, multimedia adjustment, audio-visual entertainment and other native car-like experiences. Lei Jun once said that Apple users also have a good experience in driving Xiaomi cars, and Xiaomi smart cockpit is compatible with Apple wireless AirPlay and Carplay.

Geely Xingyue L configuration exposure, 148,000 yuan luxury is very fragrant.

Recently, Geely official website exposed the configuration information of the star model Xingyue L, which has attracted much attention. The new car will launch five models, equipped with two versions of 2.0T medium and high power, with a pre-sale range of 148,000-188,000 yuan. Judging from the order quantity of Geely Automobile Online Mall, it has reached more than 14,000 vehicles. Whether it is attention or car booking intention, consumers are very sought after by this Geely flagship SUV!

Star Road L is available in 6 body colors, including jet black, oyster white, Xuanwu gray, aurora silver, Mars red and Cuiyu magic color suit (optional at+5,000 yuan), and two interior colors, namely, brown and white double-fight luxury interior and Cuiyu double-fight suede interior (optional). The following is a detailed analysis of the configuration.

Compared with the 2.0T medium-power version, the luxury version is enough!

2.0T medium-power versions are all predecessor layouts, matching with 7DCT wet powershift, providing three configurations: luxury, distinguished and flagship.

In terms of appearance, all luxury models with low profile are equipped with 18-inch rims, inductive LED headlights +LED daytime running lights, and distance-sensitive electric tailgate. Both VIP and flagship models use energy matrix LED headlights and penetrating taillights with dynamic lighting effect;

In the interior, the luxury model provides brown and white two-color mosaic interior, 8-speaker audio, suede car roof, rear backrest 2-speed adjustment, and dual-zone independent automatic constant temperature air conditioning. The distinguished model is upgraded to 8-way electric adjustment of the main driver+6-way electric adjustment of the auxiliary driver, and 72-color breathing atmosphere lights are added. The flagship model is equipped with 10-speaker BOSS audio, ANC active noise reduction system, three-zone independent automatic constant temperature air conditioning, and front seat heating and passenger seat ventilation;

In terms of intelligent configuration, Luxurious offers a 10.25-inch LCD dashboard and a 12.3-inch touch control panel, which is very scientific and technological.

The distinguished model adopts IMAX panoramic triple screen, upgraded to a 12.3-inch LCD instrument, and added 4-tone voice recognition and ACC full-speed adaptive cruise. The flagship type adopts AR-HUD enhanced head-up display system;

In terms of safety configuration, the distinguished model is equipped with AEB urban anti-collision system, AEB-P pedestrian identification protection system, LDW lane departure warning system and SLIF speed limit sign recognition reminder. On this basis, the flagship model has added LKA lane keeping auxiliary system, BSD blind area monitoring system and other more comprehensive active safety configurations.

On the whole, the luxury model provides a more comprehensive configuration, and it is no problem to meet daily use!

Compared with the 2.0T high-power version, choose the four-wheel drive flagship in one step!

2.0T high-power versions are all horizontal four-wheel drive layout, matching the transmission, providing three configurations: luxury, distinguished and flagship. Compared with the 2.0T medium-power version, the engine has stronger power performance and matches the 8-speed Aisin automatic transmission. At the same time, the 6th generation HALDEX four-wheel drive system of Borg Warner is added, and other configurations are the same as those of two-wheel drive vehicles (four-wheel drive distinguished model is compared with two-wheel drive distinguished model, and four-wheel drive flagship model is compared with two-wheel drive flagship model). On the whole, the configuration level of Xingyue L is much higher than that of competing joint venture brands of the same level. If one step is considered, it is not bad to choose a four-wheel drive flagship with less than 200,000 yuan!

Editor’s comment:

From the configuration performance of Geely Xingyue L, all models show the comprehensive strength as the brand flagship SUV in terms of process quality, intelligent equipment, configuration level and power performance. Considering the comprehensive cost performance, the choice of two-wheel drive luxury model can meet daily needs.

Thirty years ago, an alternative spy war drama brought the "spy" to life.

Text | Wang Zhongyang lp


First of all, it’s hard to treat No regrets as a "serious" spy war drama, because it’s more like a history in which two people of different faiths witnessed each other in decades of love and killing each other.

Tracing Without Regret tells the changes of Beijing from 1949 to 1988 after the founding of New China in the name of "spy war".

In view of this, the drama was controversial in that year, such as "Why should we create a’ good spy’?" "Why do you want to expose scars?" "Why did those past’ sports’ have to be filmed in such detail?" Wait a minute.

But it is also the case that "No regrets" is particularly precious in today’s film and television dramas with similar themes. Even now, it can make the audience think about some problems worth thinking about.

Tracing Without Regret was first broadcast in 1995, produced by Beijing TV Station, directed by Yin Li, written by Zhang Ce and Shi Jianquan, and produced by Zheng Xiaolong. This drama adopts the parallel narration of "two male masters", so "first hero" is teacher Wang Zhiwen and teacher Liu Peiqi. Compared with Wang Zhiwen, who has long been famous, this drama can be regarded as one of Liu Peiqi’s classic masterpieces. At the same time, Teacher He Bing, the young Ms. Li Bingbing, and even the actress Ms. Juanzi, who later played your princess in Princess Huanzhu, all played important roles.


1949年,北平和平解放,肖大力(刘佩琦 饰)以人民警察的身份登场,巡逻时他路过剃头铺包师傅(李丁 饰)那里,听见包师傅和徒弟孙焕彰(何冰 饰)赞言天安门放炮庆祝的事情,当中有个高个年轻人止住他们的话,解释放的是什么样的炮,工作原理是什么。

这一耳朵让肖大力询问身旁的留用(原国民政府)警察王六斤(李连义 饰):“这说话的是什么人?”




为了探寻这个问题,他特意请示上级主动搬到冯静波(王志文 饰)住的院子里同他做了邻居。在随后的漫长岁月中,他夜半时常听到楼上收音机里传来一阵声音:

"Comrade 5182, please answer …"

Before Xiao Dali decided to move here, at midnight, in Feng Jingbo’s bedroom, his conversation with another person confirmed his guess. The man said to Feng Jingbo:

"Capitalism is not as good as communism, and communism is not as good as the Three People’s Principles … The organization decided to let you stay and collect information, and at the same time accept the next work instructions …"

Distinctive, Xiao Dali’s answer has long been known to the audience, and the next step is just a battle of wits between two people-

I know you know I know, I don’t say anything, you don’t say anything.

One is intended to lurk, and the other is to grasp the present. Many years later, when I watched it again, I found that Feng Jingbo seemed to have done nothing bad, and the radio left to him by the "organization" became a decoration. On the contrary, he is completely integrated into the new society, and he is cautious and trembling in Xiao Dali’s often cold eyes.

A walk, a look, two people in each other "accompanied" experienced various major historical events and various movements after the founding of New China. The audience also slowly forgot an important thing through the perspective of onlookers:

This is a spy war drama.

In "Tracing Without Regret", there are not many "spy wars" scenes involved, and it is always just around Xiao Dali who has racked his brains to catch Feng Jingbo’s handle and Feng Jingbo’s ambivalence:

He knows that the organization will contact him at any time, just like a prisoner sentenced to death with a suspended sentence, knowing the result, but he doesn’t know when that day will come.

What’s more, Xiao Dali has to catch the absconding bully "Six Hades", and this person may be the "online" who will contact Feng Jingbo. Therefore, as a neighbor, every time Xiao Dali clamored for a spy in the yard, Feng Jingbo thought that he had been "closed" for a moment or two.

In fact, Xiao Dali did lock him up once, but not because he was caught as a spy, but because of his "emotional problems."


Two feelings, sigh the world.

Xiao vigorously suspected Feng Jingbo, but he never mentioned his doubts to anyone except a few people who were limited with the police station.

After the liberation of Peiping, he and his wife Liu Yaqin (Kong Lin) moved into the courtyard where Feng Jingbo lived. By mistake, Liu Yaqin became a teacher of a school for Feng Jingbo, and they became colleagues, and they also had a lot in common.

The couple are young and old, and their educational level is very different. Therefore, as one of the heroines in the drama "Yan value is second", Liu Yaqin always feels CP when he and Feng Jingbo are laughing and even walking together. Even at home, I don’t hesitate to appreciate "Teacher Feng". However, this plot also highlights Xiao Dali’s personality charm-

No culture, but full of magnanimity.

This kind of magnanimity makes him not pretend, not hypocritical, and also looks very brain-dead.

To what extent is magnanimous?

In the face of "movement", he pondered and asked:

"I think, if the enemy agrees with what we are doing, does that mean we are wrong?"

As a result, the superior almost spit out a mouthful of water: "Do you want to be a party member? !”

Xiao Dali was rude and admitted to death, but it was not unreasonable. After the "revolution" began, others attacked the campus. As the director of the police station, he also arrested his son on the grounds that "it could not affect his children’s schooling". Even after being taken away, persecuted or even injured by "teenagers", he would still think that "we are good people fighting good people and misunderstood. But you Feng Jingbo is different! I don’t believe you, a toad, can urinate? !”

In order to find out the question that haunts this "Mr. Feng" in front of him, Xiao Dali "absconded" from the hospital, and as a result, his wife finally couldn’t bear the pressure and hanged herself …

Feng Jingbo, the other hero of this drama, has had a hard time for decades. He is a living person with flesh and blood, followed by a "warrior" with "faith", but the soldier himself is afraid of death. In order not to reveal his whereabouts, or even to cover his identity, he chose to marry the big eyebrow (Yue Xiuqing) who was born as a maid in a brothel, a decision that he regretted when he was young.

There are two scenes in this play that illustrate his pain:

First, Dameizi’s mother and brother came to live in the city from their hometown, and his wife and brother secretly sold garlic. In those days, they were caught by the police station as a result of "speculation". Dameizi’s mother knew that the director was Xiao Dali, a neighbor of her son-in-law, and his wife was a colleague of her son-in-law, so she clamored for him to intercede.

The scholar is thin-skinned, and when Feng Jingbo doesn’t go, the old lady shouts in the yard, and the vulgar words make him speechless.

First, although my brother-in-law was released, the police station asked him to write a check, and the old lady asked Feng Jingbo to write. Feng Jingbo said that I was right. Why did you let me write? The old lady scold again:

"You can’t even write a check or are you a scholar?"

When I grow up, watching this scene again reminds me of a question on the Internet:

Can two people with very different educational levels be together?

The marriage of Feng Jingbo and Xiao Dali can be said to be the perfect answer to this question, because they can all be referenced. Many years later, another popular TV series "Parents Love" also answered this question well:

Divide people.

For Feng Jingbo, who has no love at all, the big eyebrow is just a "bunker", which is different from Xiao Dali’s love of "settling accounts with rival in love with grenades". Feng Jingbo despises the big eyebrow from his heart. This is also the reason why he cheated on the principal’s daughter, Xu Xiaoyu (Liu Xin).

When Dameizi knew that Feng Jingbo was cheating, everyone in the yard could hear her roar. When everyone rushed in, people only saw Feng Jingbo sitting in a chair with scratches on his face, while Dameizi was crying while swearing.

Therefore, Xiao Dali, who is also a working people, shut Feng Jingbo in the toilet and let him think about his own problems.

Feng Jingbo said: "My feelings are my own business."

Xiao Dali said, "I’m talking about other things besides feelings."

Such specious words between two people will exist for many years.


Look at the sea, just ask the sky.

Walking in the history of time, the radio became an antique, and the barber shop was renamed as a barber shop. Xiao Dali, who lost his lover, and Feng Jingbo, who made do with it for half a life, ushered in a new era.

In the changes of the times, they are all old and behind the times.

What Xiao Dali doesn’t understand is why people used to buy meat to buy fat, but now they want to buy lean meat. Why does his son (Hao Rong) become more and more timid? Why are workers and peasants slowly losing their glorious status? Why do you watch your neighbor girl Yuan Yuan (Juanzi) accompany foreigners to foreign-related hotels and become a "lying and earning money advocate" disdained by cleaners? Why did his persistence and persistence become the "brain disease" in the mouth of the younger generation?

What Feng Jingbo doesn’t understand is why his wife and daughter (Li Bingbing) are increasingly alienated from themselves. Why "Looking south to Julian Waghann for another year, Julian Waghann only has propaganda company"? Why does it seem that the more "counter-offensive" it has been for decades, the more "far" it seems? Why did no one mention the blood debt of that year after the "Six Yan Wang" who was shouted and killed by everyone in the past returned to the mainland as a Taiwanese businessman, but instead praised him as a guest? And what is this person who has been lurking for decades and exhausted his life?

So, he drank wine and said in front of everyone:

"I don’t believe this. Can this toad still urinate?"

The somebody else quickly stopped him:

"Why do you talk more and more like Xiao Dali?"

"Love each other" kills each other, which is probably the case.

Interestingly, Xiao Dali only despised Feng Jingbo from beginning to end, disdaining his marriage as a cover, disdaining his infidelity, disdaining his poverty and pedantry, but not his personality. Even in the craziest years of that year, he insisted on grasping evidence to arrest people.

Feng Jingbo only respects Xiao Dali, angry that he is stubborn but respects him, angry that he does not respect personal privacy but respects him, and angry that he does not support the marriage of two children but respects him.

Finally, when Feng Jingbo realized that Dameizi had long known his spy status and burned the "power of attorney", he could only tell his daughter not to be with Xiao’s son, and after decades of suppression, Feng Jingbo was relieved in pain:

I admit it, that’s all.

One morning, Xiao Dali went out and saw a letter on the ground. Feng Jingbo said in the letter:

Dali, you guessed right. I’m a spy, code 5182. I’ll turn myself in. I’ve been pestering you for decades, and I’m convinced.



For the first time, I actively, consciously and seriously talked about a TV series nearly 30 years ago. So far, there are still many plots and details that have not been written, just written and written. I found out why the broadcast of No regrets caused a lot of controversy and even criticism.

From 1949 to 1988, New China experienced many major historical events and various movements. There was a scene in the play in which Feng Jingbo couldn’t stand Xiao Dali’s suspicion and said, "You count, from the founding of the People’s Republic to the present, four clean-ups and four small ones are unclear … when have I fallen behind?"

Xiao Dali’s bearded master (Hou Kun) divorced his original rural wife at the speed of light after entering the city, and married the director of women. During the "difficult" period, his wife’s children went to the city to find him, stayed at Feng Jingbo’s school overnight, and went to the canteen to find food in the morning. As a result, they choked to death (big neck disease). Feng Jingbo said that their hometown was starving, and Xiao Dali quit, saying that he was viciously attacking the government. After being released, Feng Jingbo said to him softly, "There is no one in that child’s hometown …" Xiao Dali was no longer angry …

As for Master Bao’s apprentice Sun Huanzhang, who fought in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he was stunned by a bomb, burned off an arm by a firebomb and became a prisoner. After returning to China, he never joined the party. Eliminating the four evils and the madness of the whole people during the Great Leap Forward; Closing brothels and letting women collectively receive cultural education and arrange employment, etc., almost all the phenomena after the opening of the corresponding plot have become a satire. Especially when the former executioner "Six Yan Wang" appeared as a Taiwanese businessman who went to the mainland to find relatives and invest, all those indignant people changed their faces, which further enhanced the historical value and social value of the play.

Compared with the original short stories of the same name, Tracing Without Regret, in the conception of its director and creator, constructs the development process of new China in just 20 episodes, and only uses the lens to lead the audience to "browse" the events that grandparents and fathers have experienced and the performance of all the people in these stories.

Those who are good at meeting people who know how to "keep pace with the times" live well, while those who abide by principles can only lament injustice. As for the Great Leap Forward, Feng Jingbo stood in front of the demolished stove. The stove was developed by him alone to cook hot meals for the students, but it was used by everyone as an "advanced" performance. He could only lament:

The children are going to eat cold rice again.

Xiao Dali behind him is awkward. He may have wanted to say that I caught your "reactionary remarks". But when you think about it, it seems reasonable.

Because Xiao Dali is also an honest man.

As for the most criticized ending, it may be Feng Jingbo’s surrender:

You didn’t catch me. I admitted it myself.

You can’t catch me either, because I haven’t done anything bad.

This was unimaginable in the film and television creation of that year, and it is unimaginable now.

Therefore, I made a little effort to briefly introduce this "No regrets tracking".

It is not "black and white", nor "positive will win evil". The "enemy" also has faith, does not yield, is human and deserves respect.

Rare, very rare, too rare.

If its position is unclear, it just states a real history.

If it is said that there is no distinction between loyalty and treachery, in that history, it is clear who is loyal and who is treacherous.

Fortunately, now this drama can be watched on all major platforms, which is even more rare for an excellent, undisguised, objective and fair literary work.

No regrets, you can’t just pay a joke.


The Ministry of Education regulates the practice in colleges and universities: students shall not be arranged to practice in entertainment places.

  BEIJING, July 30 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Education, recently, the Ministry of Education issued opinions on strengthening and standardizing the internship management of ordinary undergraduate colleges. The opinions pointed out that universities and internship enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment. Students should not be arranged to practice in entertainment places, and they should not charge students fees in violation of regulations, and they should not detain their property and certificates.

  In recent years, with the joint efforts of universities, government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social organizations, the integration of Industry-University-Research has been deepened, and the internship of college students has been carried out steadily and the quality has been improved steadily. At the same time, some colleges and universities still pay insufficient attention to practice, insufficient investment in practice funds, irregular practice base construction and inadequate practice organization and management, which affect the overall improvement of talent training quality to some extent. In order to further improve the quality of practice and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students, schools and practice units, the Ministry of Education put forward relevant opinions on strengthening and standardizing the practice management of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities.

  The opinion mentioned that it is necessary to fully understand the significance of internship and accurately grasp the requirements of internship in the new era.

  In addition, the opinion said that the internship teaching arrangement should be standardized from four aspects. First, strengthen the construction of practice teaching system; The second is to arrange the organization form of internship reasonably; Third, scientifically formulate the internship program; The fourth is to choose a good practice instructor.

  The opinion also pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the organization and management of internship. Colleges and universities should work out internship plans together with internship units, clarify internship objectives, tasks, assessment standards, etc., and jointly organize and implement student internships. Practice instructors should do a good job in training students, track and guide students’ internship on the spot, check students’ internship, deal with problems in practice in time, and do a good job in internship assessment. It is strictly forbidden to entrust intermediary agencies or individuals to organize and manage students’ internship on their behalf.

  According to the opinion, colleges and universities should conduct on-the-spot investigation and evaluation before determining the internship unit, and after determining that the internship conditions are met, they should sign a cooperation agreement with the internship unit to clarify the rights, obligations and management responsibilities of both parties. If the cooperation agreement is not signed according to the regulations, no student internship may be arranged.

  The opinion also said that it is necessary to strengthen the management of student education. Colleges and universities should do a good job in safety and discipline education and daily management of students. Practice units should do a good job in students’ safety production and professional ethics education. Students should respect the practice instructors and on-site technicians, abide by the rules and regulations and labor discipline of the school and the practice unit, keep the secrets of the practice unit, and obey the on-site education management.

  At the same time, we should do a good job in protecting students’ rights and interests. Colleges and practice enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment, and may not arrange students to practice in entertainment places, charge students fees in violation of regulations, or detain students’ property and certificates. Before the internship, colleges and universities should buy internship liability insurance or personal injury accident insurance for students.

  In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the management of on-the-job and on-the-job practice. On-the-job and on-the-job practice is an essential practical link to cultivate applied talents, and all colleges and universities should organize it scientifically and implement it according to law. Strictly sign the internship agreement among schools, internship units and students, and clarify their respective rights, obligations and responsibilities. Strictly abide by the regulations on working hours, rest and vacation. Unless there are special requirements for clinical medicine and other related majors and internship positions, the working hours shall not exceed 8 hours per day and 44 hours per week, and overtime and night shifts shall not be arranged. In order to protect the rights and interests of internship students to obtain reasonable remuneration, the labor remuneration shall not be lower than 80% of the salary standard for probation period of the same post in principle. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, students under the age of 16 may not be arranged for internship.

  The opinion also mentioned that it is necessary to improve the work responsibility system and strengthen the construction of practice bases. Colleges and universities should continuously deepen the integration of production and education, vigorously promote the construction of practice bases, and encourage the construction of comprehensive, open and shared practice bases that meet the needs of multi-disciplinary practice. Support qualified provincial education administrative departments and universities to strengthen the construction of internship information, establish an internship information management platform, realize the docking of internship demand information between schools and enterprises, and strengthen the whole process management of internship. Support colleges and universities to strengthen the application of modern information technology and virtual simulation technology in practice, and encourage the development of corresponding virtual simulation projects to replace on-site practice that cannot be carried out due to factors such as production technology and technological process.

  The opinion also pointed out that colleges and universities should increase the input of internship funds to ensure the basic needs of internship. We should actively strive for the support of internship units, reduce the cost of internship and ensure the quality of internship.

  Finally, the opinion emphasizes strengthening the supervision of internship work: the provincial education administrative department should strengthen the supervision of internship work in colleges and universities, focusing on monitoring whether the internship links in the undergraduate training program are scientific and reasonable, whether the internship organization and management are standardized, whether the safety and legitimate rights and interests of students are guaranteed, whether the internship funds are sufficient, and whether the internship effect reaches the predetermined goal. Commend universities with solid internship work and remarkable achievements in internship teaching reform and research. Investigate and deal with violations in the internship process in a timely manner. For schools and places with poor supervision, frequent problems and strong social repercussions, it is necessary to interview relevant responsible persons, urge them to implement the main responsibility, and conduct informed criticism within a certain range.

The Chinese horror film expected in the year was scolded by the hot search.

The writer of this article is the writer @ 中中中中中中中中.

Lazy and greedy, do not love labor, only love movies. 

Last weekend, two hardcore movies were discussed by everyone.

One is Wei Jiahui+Liu Qingyun’s hot police and bandit suspense film Detective Wars, and the other is the annual Chinese-language horror film Curse that many fans are looking forward to.

"Curse" is a very lively movie both inside and outside the play. It is adapted from the true story of a six-mouth evil in Kaohsiung. The trailer was taken off the platform because it was too scary.

When it was shown in Taiwan Province, China, some viewers fled the cinema in fear, and some went to the temple to worship God after watching it. In the same period, the box office topped the Hollywood blockbuster "New Batman", ranking first at the box office of Taiwan Film this year with a score of NT$ 170 million.

With such a stunt, the appetite of mainland fans is naturally lifted high, and even known as "the best Chinese horror film of the year."

However, after the "curse" was launched, it was scolded by the hot search.

Not for anything else, just because of "bad luck."

Is "The Curse" really horrible or unlucky? Xiaowan has helped everyone to check the film. The front part is "high energy" and timid.

"Curse" strung together a curse spanning six years with two timelines.

Six years ago, if a man and his boyfriend and friends formed a "ghost squad" to explore the mysterious village. The whole village is wrapped in a strange and mysterious atmosphere. Everyone greets with strange gestures and worships strange evil spirits.

Boyfriends and friends broke into the "absolutely forbidden tunnel" and died on the spot, and the villagers also died. If the pregnant man was lucky enough to survive, he left here in a state of mental breakdown.

Six years later, Ruonan, who returned to normal, got her daughter’s right to care, and the mother and daughter started a new life. But strange things have happened one after another, and my daughter has symptoms of evil.

If the man runs around for his daughter, but more innocent people suffer, she finally decides to go back to the source of fear-the tunnel in the forbidden area of cults to find out.

On the surface, the horror elements in The Curse are nothing new, but a combination of "Death in a Forbidden Area", "Curse-ridden" and "Strange Death", with the tearful affection elements of "Motherly Saving Women".

But is the "Curse" really about the story of "the great mother is eager to love her daughter and return to the forbidden area PK evil spirit"?

Not necessarily.

There are many contradictory scenes and details in the film. The biggest doubt is: When did the man know about the evil god The Secret Behind? Six years ago or six years later? 

We can interpret this film in a different way, which may break the existing story about "maternal love".

Formally, The Curse also belongs to the popular screen/desktop movie in recent years, which is constantly switching between mobile phone screen, computer screen and video recording in the monitoring room.

Most of the curse content is if the man is explaining it to the screen, and this first-person narrative is actually mixed with many subjective elements.

Through the screen, we saw a novice mother who often "does bad things with good intentions", and she unconsciously felt sympathy and pity.

But what if the man lied? What if we see what she wants us to see?

What if it was all a scam from beginning to end?

The Curse has both positive and negative interpretation space. It depends on the audience’s understanding that loving mother/evil mother, saving women/sacrificing, breaking spells/unsealing evil spirits.

As early as the beginning of the film, "The Curse" implied by the running direction of the Ferris wheel and subway that "our thoughts quietly shape the world". The world is what you think.

The biggest controversy surrounding the curse is: bad luck.

Why did the audience feel unlucky, and even this topic was once hotly searched.

The first is the immersive fear brought by Chinese horror.

Japanese, Korean, European and American horror films are still separated by a layer, and ghosts that can only be hit by crossing the ocean cannot induce the sense of sight of domestic audiences. Taiwan Province horror movies are different. Everyone has the same root and the folk culture looks familiar.

There are two kinds of horror elements in the curse: foreign elements and Chinese elements. The former includes insects, antennae, secret fear and jumpscar; The latter includes folk customs, feudal superstitions and Chinese binding.

Although the former is scary, it will be forgotten after seeing nausea; It is the latter that really goes deep into the bone marrow and causes association.

Whispering the mantra "Fire Buddha Xiu Yi" and "Heart Sa Baa" which can be seen everywhere, strange cult totems can also find similarities in murals;

There are common spells and exorcism rituals in feudal times; There are also ancient altar offerings, swaying dim red lanterns, and hairy clay dolls in the ancestral hall, which can understand the essence of Chinese horror.

Have to sigh with emotion, Taiwan Province horror movies have a way of holding Chinese horror. It is a trend in recent years to combine folk elements with stories of evil spirits, and it is also an opportunity for Taiwan Province horror films to revive. The previous "Little Girl in Red" series and "Zongxie" also exploded for similar reasons.

Little girl in red 2

The second reason for bad luck is that the audience feels offended.

Watching traditional horror movies, we usually stand in the perspective of God and overlook the tricks of the characters in the film. Although the people in the film have no idea about their own situation, we know in advance that there are ghosts of the dead, and we treat them with a sense of superiority from an omniscient perspective.

"Curse" uses screen narration, which is equivalent to the audience standing in the second perspective and having an equal dialogue with the characters in the film, which is easy to produce immersion.

So when we read the spell after Ruonan at the end of the film, we found ourselves cheated and became a part of the curse.

When the audience realizes it, people will naturally feel annoyed. The subtext is "The director actually dragged us into it" and "The dummy actually lied to the real person".

This kind of "offense" to the audience is not new, and it has also appeared in other horror films before.

The most classic is the video of Sadako’s death in "The Ring of Midnight". People who watch the video will die strangely within 7 days, and if they pass it on to others, they can hand over bad luck.

There are also pirated videos in "Ghost Will Show". It is said that anyone who sees the death of Fusang (the film in the film) will be killed by a female ghost. Of course, the characters in the play saw it, and so did the audience outside the play.

In Truth or Adventure, there is also a bridge that releases videos to video websites. In this way, the protagonist group allows more people to share the devil’s sanctions.

"Curse" should refer to the above films and set up a bridge that offends the audience. From the perspective of communication, this stunt is quite memorable, which is really conducive to the wide spread of the film.

Its essence is no different from old terrier’s "If you don’t forward it to X people within X hours, you will …", so you don’t have to feel unlucky or unlucky.

Don’t be afraid, there is also a curse letter in Legend of Wulin.

Returning to the film itself, The Curse is a Chinese horror film worth watching with acceptable quality.

The greatest advantages and disadvantages of The Curse are related to the screen narration.

On the one hand, with the help of large and small screens, it builds a horror experience with a strong sense of immersion and interaction, and all the scary pictures seem to happen in front of us.

On the other hand, in order to pursue the consistency of the form before and after, the film also added a screen where it is not necessary to use the screen narrative, which is not as good as the semi-screen narrative of the Female Ghost Bridge.

The Curse has brought many amazing highlights, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Kevin Ko, a new generation director, also has ambitions and plans to devote himself to it.

When he was a student, he filmed a small-budget horror short film "Ghost Print", the first feature film was the slashing thriller "Fatal Party", and in his early works, there was a doomsday counterattack related to the doomsday element, which was enough to see his interest.

In the past ten years, he has not produced much, and he is out of the category of horror. The Adult 2, the Emergency of Getting Off the Bill and the Budaoxia, which were filmed in the mainland, can only be regarded as unsuccessful commercial comedies.

From the beginning of "The Curse", Kevin Ko returned to the old line of horror films. The win-win box office reputation of "Curse" gives him confidence to promote the follow-up films of the same type.

In addition to Curse 2, which features a girl and a boy, Kevin Ko also intends to open a "one-word movie universe" based on the real events in Taiwan Province.

Maybe, there will be the next explosion in the follow-up new films "Pickling", "Sleeping", "Even" and "Burial" of "One Word Movie Universe".

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