In addition to "Traveling Frog", these posture games will also revolutionize your understanding of online games

There is such a game, there is no competition, no level, no task, only purely focused on "beauty and enjoyment" itself.


Don’t think you’re talking about the popular Traveling Frog these days – these comments are two feature games given by professional gamers to the domestic independent team Tag Design: "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan".


Unlike those games that emphasize competition, "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" are popular science products with the theme of introducing traditional Chinese culture and craftsmanship. Players only need to swipe or click from start to finish, and the operation cannot be simpler. However, players can get a lot of satisfaction: "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" provide detailed 3D models for each handicraft for users to watch and split 360 degrees; in simple swiping and clicking, players can learn all the structural characteristics, production process and related history of "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan"; in "Folding Fan", they can even participate in the 16 steps from choosing bamboo to making a fan.


"Mortise and tenon" game screen


"Folding Fan" game screen


That’s right, "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" are both functional games, and they are online game types that have gradually emerged in China since this year. When many people regard online games as "monsters", functional games can often make people "treat each other differently" because they not only make people realize the value of "education and entertainment" again, but also make games play a role in cultural protection, technological innovation and other fields.


Functional games drive the transformation of the game industry


If traditional online games emphasize entertainment, then functional games refer to those categories of games whose main purpose is to solve real social and industrial problems. Therefore, if traditional entertainment games and functional games are divided, even if they do not emphasize competition, "Travel Frog" still belongs to the former, while "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" belong to the latter.


Since the beginning of this year, the term "functional game" has begun to enter people’s field of vision, which is not unrelated to a message released by Tencent at the beginning of the year: Tencent announced that it will carry out a comprehensive layout of functional games from 2018, take functional games as one of the business Strategy and Development Direction, and plan to launch five categories of functional game products such as traditional culture, cutting-edge exploration, scientific exercise, scientific popularization, and parent-child interaction. Systematically explore and explore the positive social value of online games.


In fact, "functional games", which are still a new term in China, have been relatively mature in the international development. Functional games are playing an increasingly important role in different fields. In layman’s terms, functional games can become a new medium for people to receive knowledge and skills through entertaining and entertaining, opening up new perspectives for people in terms of shortening the learning curve, accelerating the dissemination of professional knowledge, innovating scientific research models, improving corporate productivity and solving social problems.


From the perspective of the international development of functional games, governments, enterprises and institutions in many developed countries and regions have regarded them as important skills training tools: the functional game "US Army" is used by the US Department of Defense for recruitment; "Emergency Commander" is used for drills for emergency disaster relief; "Code Orange" is used to train doctors to deal with mass casualty incidents; "Virtual Training Bank" provides financial analysis and risk management training for banks; functional game "Gabarello" for therapeutic purposes is used by Zurich Children’s Hospital for rehabilitation of brain injury patients….


Industry insiders believe that with the wide application of functional games, functional games are driving the transformation of the game industry. In the United States, functional games have been in the forefront of the world in various market segments such as corporate training and education since 1994. In the UK, functional games have become a professional discipline and entered institutions of higher learning. In Switzerland, about 30% of game designers are engaged in the field of functional game design.


Look, these are functional games.


Compared with the foreign functional game market, the development and promotion of functional games in China is in the ascendant. Many people don’t even know what a "functional game" is. In this regard, the relevant departments of Tencent listed several functional games for reporters to illustrate the rich connotation of functional games:


In terms of traditional culture and protection, the two functional games "Mortise and Mortise" and "Folding Fan" can make people more intuitively understand the subtlety of traditional skills; and in the function of "education and fun", the ingenious ideas of functional game developers are equally amazing.


For example, "Moana" developed by the Belgian team Fishing Cactus is an educational functional game that specializes in exercising users’ typing skills. Players will play a little girl riding a fox in the game and go on an adventure in a 2.5D origami world. In different level scenarios such as snow, mountains, forests, etc., players need to use the special method of "typing" to fight monsters and solve puzzles. "Moana" is based on spelling and includes 8 different languages including Chinese, English, and French. The spelling of characters in the game will also be redesigned according to the setting language. Whether you are a typist or a beginner, you can find fun in the game.


"Moana" game screen


Also, "Euclidean Geometry" developed by the Russian team Horis is a mathematical game that uses rulers to draw and solve geometric puzzles. In the game, players need to make vertical lines, tangents, angle bisectors, circles and other geometric shapes on the plane through the rational use of drawing tools, and complete the level challenge in rigorous geometric logic. At the same time, players can continuously optimize the design to get the most elegant and concise solution in as few steps as possible. Overall, players can not only appreciate the beauty of geometry in the game, but also improve their logical thinking ability. Therefore, whether students or players who have left school can feel the mystery of geometry in the game.


"European Geometry" game screen


Tencent also revealed that in their functional game development plan, including the cooperation of Lego, they will launch functional games related to Lego building blocks through complementary advantages, so that more people, including parents and children, can learn while playing. Such games can not only educate and entertain, but also facilitate parent-child interaction.


Functional games are a big industry


In fact, the reason why functional games have developed rapidly in the international market is not unrelated to the economic value they contain. Tencent Research Institute has compiled statistics on more than 130 functional games and found that the combination of education and games is the most extensive, accounting for about 43% of the total, of which more than half of functional game products are used in primary and secondary education; about 19% of functional games are used in enterprises and business; medical functional games are ranked third, accounting for more than 16%. Among them, children’s medical games are the main ones, with content ranging from knowledge popularization to disease treatment. In addition to the above three fields, functional games are also widely used in different fields such as military, culture, and social management, involving all aspects of social life.


The "cross-border" collection of games and different industries has generated huge economic value. Some institutions predict that games with cross-border applications will develop at a compound annual growth rate of 16.38% between 2015 and 2020, and the market size will reach 5.45 billion US dollars. In contrast, the development and application of functional games in our country is still in its infancy and needs to be vigorously developed.


It is worth noting that the development of functional games is not only the task or interest of game companies. In recent years, the cross-border development of some enterprises has also further revealed the value of functional games. For example, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Cisco and other companies have launched their own functional games, not only using them to train employees, but also combining games with their main business. For example, IBM has widely used games in internal businesses such as sales and Customer relationship operations, business information and data analytics; at the same time, in 2010, it first launched the cross-border game "CityOne" (literal translation: a city), which was designed, developed and produced by itself, to find urban planning solutions through role-playing. In addition, IBM has also integrated various new technologies developed by itself, such as process management, cloud computing, and collaboration, into the game, allowing players to learn how to use new technologies to help cities become smarter. After the launch of "CityOne", more than 8,000 people participated in the pre-registration process.


Industry insiders therefore propose that the development of functional games is worthy of "admiration" from the outside world for the value of online games. For a long time, the domestic game industry has been burdened with huge social pressure, and traditional entertainment games have been controversial. But these views should not affect the development of functional games. In this context, it is necessary to improve the motivation and enthusiasm of industry and academia to develop functional games at the policy level, develop high-quality content, and then drive the whole society to gradually raise awareness of functional games and gradually accept their application in all walks of life.

Wang Jianlin VS Xu Jiayin: Thousands of differences

Preface · Thousands of differences 

An eminent monk, known as Master Kuan Lin, gave Wang Jianlin a verse when he was 92 years old: "When the madness rests, the phantom body melts, and the dust inside and outside is empty. The cave is clear and clear, and there are no obstacles, and there are thousands of differences."

That was in 1997, when Wang Jianlin, his Wanda Group, and his Wanda football team were both thriving.

At this time, Xu Jiayin had just founded Evergrande Group not long ago. Oh, at that time, it could not be called a group. At that time, Evergrande did not know whether tomorrow would be good or bad, and whether the rivers and lakes would be deep or shallow.

Wang Jianlin, who left the football circle, has finally come back. At this time, Evergrande has been the overlord of the Chinese Super League for many years.

In the past 20 years, things have changed, but the phrase "thousands of differences make sense at once" is not outdated – two people, the road they have traveled, thousands of differences, the style of two people, thousands of differences, and the two people entered the era of Chinese football. There were also thousands of differences, but now it is just: the same goal.

 One Genhong Miao is starting at the bottom 

In January 2018, at an internal meeting of Evergrande Group, Xu Jiayin talked about his childhood experience when he mentioned why he wanted "targeted poverty alleviation":

"When I was 1 year and 3 months old, my mother got sick and had no money or place to see a doctor. I just left like this, and I became half an orphan."

"When I was in middle school, I was far from home. I carried a basket to school every week. The basket contained a black nest made of sweet potatoes and sweet potato noodles, and a small bottle with a little salt, a few drops of sesame oil, and a little scallion in it. This is my weekly ration. Three meals a day, one sweet potato, one nest, and a bowl of salt water for each meal. In summer, it is very hot, and the black nest grows hairy in half a day. Wash it and continue to eat."

Xu Jiayin said that in today’s Wumeng Mountain District, he saw the poverty of his childhood. "There is no road, no water, no electricity," and several families live scattered in a few kilometers of ravines. Each household is a dilapidated thatched hut, relying on the little hillside in front of the house and behind the house to eat from the sky.

Wang Jianlin had never tasted such pain. Wang Jianlin joined the army at the age of 15. In 1970, at the age of 15, Wang Jianlin was the youngest soldier in the Fourth Frontier Defense Regiment of the Jilin Provincial Military Region. Before joining the army, Wang Jianlin graduated from high school and spent half a year living in a farm in Cangxi County, Sichuan Province, which is known as the hometown of Sydney.

In November 1970, the whole army carried out "camping training", icy and snowy, along the original route of Linhai Snow Plains where Yang Zirong destroyed mountain sculptures, Wang Jianlin began his first difficult journey in life.

The army gave him special care, not letting him carry a rifle, only giving him a pistol. Despite this, with 10 kilograms of equipment on his back, Wang Jianlin had to walk 40 kilometers on the snowy road every day. This was too hard for a 15-year-old child, but Wang Jianlin did not remember this hard work, but remembered a secret taught to him by the monitor.

During that march, during a meal, the squad leader told him a trick to eat more and be full: don’t pack too much when you pack a meal for the first time, and pack it again after a few bites, and you will be full the second time! With this strange move, Wang Jianlin finally persisted. At the end of the training, only more than 400 people in the team of more than 1,000 people were not left behind, and Wang Jianlin became one of the 40%.

Because of this cleverness and persistence, by the age of 28, Wang Jianlin had become the youngest regiment cadre in the army, but in 1986, in response to the country’s call for "million disarmament", 32-year-old Wang Jianlin bid farewell to his military career and 17 years of military life, leaving a deep imprint on Wang Jianlin.

Later, after Wang Jianlin became a businessperson, he mentioned this experience to his subordinates more than once, and was especially willing to proudly tell the secret that the monitor taught him to eat, "He regarded me as a brother." When Wang Jianlin became the head of the Wanda Group family, he also liked to talk about the word "brother": "My concept of happiness is very simple, and one of them is to let my brothers have food and make money."

As a metaphor, Xu Jiayin is the male version of Ashin in the Japanese drama "The Story of Ashin", while Wang Jianlin’s story is similar to "Days Related to Youth".

But they are all workaholics, and they are not young, but they have not seen any signs of that slack.

In 2000, Wanda quit the football circle. Five years later, in 2005, Wang Jianlin, who got out of the football circle, expanded his business to 20 billion yuan. The former green boss was not satisfied: "I will not be satisfied with 50 billion yuan. Once I achieve 100 billion yuan, I can consider retiring."

But now Wanda Group’s assets exceed 700 billion, and Wang Jianlin’s retirement is still a long way off.

And what about Xu Jiayin? One year, he went to Europe for more than ten days, which he described as the only vacation in so many years. As soon as Evergrande employees joined the company, they knew that overtime was normal and inevitable in this company, because that was what the boss did.

Xu Jiayin rarely takes weekends off, working more than 90 hours a week, and still maintains the habit of working every day until the early morning. Evergrande executives work an average of more than 80 hours a week, and mid-level cadres work an average of more than 60 hours a week. Xu Jiayin, who came from a poor background, attributes his success to hard work. "Without it, I can’t do anything."

When he was in Henan Wuyang Iron and Steel Company, Xu Jiayin didn’t take a day off for ten years. In the first ten years of his business, Xu Jiayin often got off work at one o’clock in the middle of the night. For fear of affecting his family’s rest, he lay on the sofa in the living room until 4 am to go to work.

Compared with Xu Jiayin, Wang Jianlin emphasizes regularity: he must go to bed at 11 o’clock every night, he must get up at 6 o’clock in the morning, he must arrive at the company at 7:10, and then, he will go to work. After going home, he will make a few phone calls. This call is to communicate with several core key members of his team about the situation of the day, and then, after finishing these, he will read the "Evening News", wash and sleep. If the weather is good in the morning, walk, take a walk, and if the weather is bad, it will be avoided.

The work styles of the two are similar, but there are huge differences. Xu Jiayin was born in poverty and worked hard from the bottom step by step. Now he still retains the style of "who called you poor, and you are on the top". What about Wang Jianlin? Wang Jianlin’s father is an old Red Army member of the Red Fourth Front Army. Wang Jianlin joined the army for 17 years and changed his career as a cadre of the Fourth Regiment of the Frontier Defense of the Jilin Provincial Military Region; he has two years of experience as a civil servant as the director of the People’s Government Office of Xigang District, Dalian… All these things make Wang Jianlin seem "well-connected".

From the early experience, Wang Jianlin was a product within the system, while Xu Jiayin had more traces outside the system.

 Second, you hate me for being born late, I hate you for being born early 

Wang Anyi said that for a person, there are always two faces that are hard to forget – the face of his mother and the face of the city, which are the first memories. The era of Wanda football is the age of enlightenment for professional football in China, just as Teresa Teng is to pop and Cui Jian is to rock. Enlightenment things are very different, but one thing remains constant – the world that suddenly opened up in the era of enlightenment, the enthusiasm that was suddenly aroused, like a flood, cannot be stopped.

Therefore, for many football fans, especially those in Dalian, Wanda is a love of enlightenment.

And for many fans, especially Hengda fans, the same is true of Hengda’s role.

Dalian Wanda used to be a winning teacher, and players’ income came more from bonuses. Wang Jianlin’s famous saying was: "If you win the game, the bonus will be doubled!" Wanda sometimes won the prize as high as 800,000, and even reached 1 million in a game, which was a sky-high price at that time.

For veteran players like Xu Hong and Han Wenhai, they can also be assigned to the "welfare housing" built by Wanda Group. After 1997, the Dalian Wanda team spent more than 50 million yuan a year, which is an astonishing figure. From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call Wang Jianlin one of the founders of "Jinyuan Football".

Of course, the 50 million yuan spent is also worth it. The year of investing in football is also the era when Dalian Wanda has a solid foundation in Dalian, because Dalian Wanda has won numerous honors for Dalian with this business card, and Dalian Wanda has also been invincible in the Dalian real estate market with this football business card.

For example, the Changchun community where Xu Hong and others lived was once enthusiastically sought after by Dalian people. In addition to the quality of the house itself, the common thought of many people who bought a house was "We live in the same community as Xu Hong"!

Wang Jianlin is a smart businessperson, and his huge investment in football has paid off. In 1998, a well-known research company in Beijing conducted a market survey of Wanda’s popularity in eight cities across the country. The survey subjects ranged in age from 8 to 70. The results showed that Wanda Group’s popularity ranked among the top five in the country, with the same popularity as Hongta Group and Haier Group.

Therefore, Wang Jianlin’s annual investment of more than 50 million yuan may be a "bubble" for football, but it is a perfect investment for his own business.

For Evergrande, investing in football has brought them a similar brand effect, which goes without saying.

If we want to summarize, there are too many similarities between Wanda and Hengda in the glory of football. When Wanda entered football, it was the beginning of Chinese professional football, which was a golden age; after Hengda bottom fishing entered Chinese football, it also ushered in a "new era" of Chinese football.

However, when Wanda was about to enter the lowest point of Chinese football, it took the lead in smelling the smell and decisively withdrew, and now Evergrande is also in the period of adjustment and consolidation after their high speed.

 One branch alone is not spring 

In 2011, Wanda Group announced its return to Chinese football in the "great situation" of Chinese football.

Looking back now, from that day on, the "confrontation" between Wanda and Evergrande began.

On July 2nd, this day, Hengda announced a news, they signed the MVP Conca of the Bundesliga League with a transfer fee of 10 million US dollars, Conca’s annual salary 7 million US dollars, after signing Conca, Hengda high-profile claims, Hengda finally brought world-class stars to Chinese football.

Naturally, the next day in the media, the news of Conca’s joining was overwhelming, and that day, July 3, another major event took place in Chinese football, that is, Wang Jianlin’s Wanda Group returned to Chinese football.

One south and one north, two major events in Chinese football, but what many people don’t know is that the process of signing Kong Card was arduous and tortuous, and the timing of announcing Kong Card’s joining was carefully arranged by Evergrande, because the date they chose was to get ahead of Wanda, no more, no less, just one day.

Evergrande is difficult to tolerate themselves in a lonely period, Hengda will always be in the trend of the wave, if there are competitors, then we must weaken the influence of the opponent, sure enough, if not for the joining of Kong Ka, in those days, football news will become Wanda’s world.

After the end of the Chinese Super League in 2011, the awards ceremony of the Chinese Super League was held in Guangzhou. Guangzhou Evergrande won 5 of the 10 awards including the league championship, the Golden Boot Award, the Golden Globe Award, the Best Division and the Most Social responsibility Club Award, becoming the biggest winner of the night.

However, after the award ceremony, the big winner said with disappointment: "We came out so much for the award ceremony, but we sold Wanda advertising." Because the award ceremony left Wanda enough time, and Wanda sent a spokesperson Shi Xueqing to speak on stage, while Guangzhou Evergrande, the league champion, did not have such treatment.

And that award ceremony was finally broadcast live on the CCTV comprehensive channel!

After returning to Chinese football in 2011 and taking over Dalian Football in 2018, Wanda’s package of plans to support Chinese football includes the following things:

First, Wanda became the title dealer of the Chinese Super League and raised the title fee to a record high; second, Wanda formed the overseas team of Hope Stars and sent a large number of post-95s to Europe; third, this is also the most controversial point, that is, a month before the start of the World Cup 20 in Brazil, Gao Hongbo was forcibly replaced with Camacho.

In retrospect, Wanda did indeed give a lot of support during the trough period after the anti-gambling and anti-crime crackdown in Chinese football, which made the gradually impoverished Chinese Football Association and the Chinese Super League go through the most difficult period. When Wanda ended the sponsorship period in 2014, Chinese football has obviously recovered, and various commercial sponsorships have come in one after another, and they have all improved on the basis of Wanda’s period. These are all irreducible historical contributions.

But the overall weakness of the national brand team makes Wanda’s plans time-consuming and thankless, and in the past seven years, Evergrande has established its own Evergrande dynasty by virtue of its achievements in the Chinese Super League and the AFC Champions League – the Chinese Super League has won seven consecutive championships, and the AFC Champions League has won twice.

Wanda finally understood a truth, only in the local base, Wanda’s every step in Chinese football is not a castle in the air, it will not be pointless, and Hengda arm-wrestling, why not? Why not? After all, the current Dalian side is already an upright Chinese Super League vassal.

It is foreseeable that after Wanda re-enters the foreground, it will bring great shocks to the Chinese Super League, and at this time, Evergrande is precisely in the moment of shrinking the front and adjusting and consolidating.

Xu Jiayin finally met Wang Jianlin in the field of professional football in China. This kind of excitement has been awaited by many fans for a long time.

Hu Ge’s new film "It’s Worth It" exposes a patch trailer, and Huang Lei is officially announced to participate

Time Network News is produced by Cao Baoping, directed and written by Liu Jiayin, starring Hu Ge, starring Wu Lei and Qi Xi, and Bai Ke’s special movie "It’s Worth It", today’s exposure of the sticker trailer and the role poster of Huang Lei, and the official announcement of Huang Lei’s special starring role.

The film tells the story of Wen Shan, an ordinary screenwriter who is "left behind", who accidentally changes to writing eulogies for a living. In his encounters with ordinary people of all kinds, Wen Shan comforts others, gains warmth, and finally finds his own life direction. In the film, Wen Shan, as the person who writes the eulogy, will stage a real and warm human story with multiple groups of clients. Huang Lei’s "Mr. Wang" is one of the clients. His story with Wen Shan will also be the opening story of the film.

In the film, Huang Lei plays one of Wen Shan’s clients, "Mr. Wang," who commissions Wen Shan to write a eulogy because of the death of his father. With a busy career, he is unsmiling and direct, and he is so busy that he is almost inhumane. When he talks about his father, he is even more alienated as an outsider. In this story, Wen Shan hides the regrets of his relatives’ life in the text, hoping to give Mr. Wang compensation and comfort.

Over 120 billion yuan! Second-level approval, "Shenzhen Plan" is far ahead

China Fund News reporter Guo Yujun

How long does it take for small and medium-sized enterprises to apply for bank loans? How much can I get? The answer of Shenzhen Yuanxing Technology Co., Ltd. (Yuanxing Technology) is-"in a few seconds, 5 million".

As a specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprise in Shenzhen, Yuanxing Technology is one of many small and medium-sized enterprises served by Weizhong Bank.

The shortage of collateral, difficulty in obtaining effective information and high cost for small and medium-sized enterprises are the main blocking points that restrict financial institutions from providing financing services for them. How did Weizhong Bank do it?

"Shenzhen Scheme" of Credit Service Entity Economy

Promote financing of over 120 billion yuan.

It is understood that in order to solve the problem of information asymmetry and solve the problem of difficult and expensive financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, on January 10, 2022, with the strong support of the head office of the People’s Bank of China and the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Shenzhen Credit Information Bureau completed the filing of enterprise credit information agencies and officially operated it. Weizhong Bank is one of the first deep cooperative banks in Shenzhen Credit Information.

Shenzhen Credit Information Co., Ltd. provides risk control decision support for different banks’ risk preferences by jointly building innovative laboratories with banks or providing customized services, effectively promoting bank customer identification and credit supply, and achieving "second-to-second loans and instant loans". At present, it has carried out in-depth cooperation with four banks, including China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Ningbo and Weizhong Bank, and jointly built an innovation laboratory with China Construction Bank, and launched 12 customized service products.

It is an important measure for the People’s Bank of China to implement financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises and serve the development of the real economy by building a local credit reporting platform, filing enterprise credit reporting institutions, collecting and sharing enterprise-related credit data of government departments and public institutions according to law, and cleaning and processing them according to credit reporting business rules, so as to stably export products that meet the requirements of financial institutions.

According to the data released by Shenzhen Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, by the end of May 2023, the platform had collected and shared 1.13 billion pieces of enterprise-related credit data from 37 government departments and public institutions, achieved full coverage of more than 4 million active commercial entities in Shenzhen, and completed technical and business docking with 51 commercial banks in the city, serving more than 210,000 enterprises in total, which helped enterprises obtain financing of 120.5 billion yuan, of which small and micro enterprises accounted for 87% and credit loans accounted for 87%.

The construction of local credit information platform in Shenzhen adheres to the principle of "taking demand as the center" and "being practical, easy to use and sustainable". Practice has proved that it is a feasible and effective "Shenzhen scheme" to alleviate the financing information asymmetry problem of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Technology empowerment bank

"Precision Drip Irrigation" Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

According to reports, since 2022, Weizhong Bank’s artificial intelligence (AI) team and Shenzhen Credit Information Platform have conducted several rounds of in-depth communication and cooperation in privacy computing, federal learning, data products, etc., for example, while ensuring data security and privacy, further explore data value from more dimensions and explore innovative data products that are more in line with business scenarios. Next, the two sides will strengthen cooperation, fully focus on the value of data, release data productivity, provide more convenient services for enterprises to apply for financing, and let inclusive finance "drip irrigation" every small and medium-sized enterprise to help the high-quality development of the real economy.

The reporter learned from Shenzhen Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China that Shenzhen local credit information platform provides customized joint modeling services for "easy loan" loan products, aiming at Bank of Ningbo’s problems such as asymmetric information between banks and enterprises and difficulty in controlling credit risks, combined with Bank of Ningbo’s credit standards, and uses data mining methods such as machine learning and correlation maps to deeply analyze and mine multidimensional data such as business, operation and employment of enterprises, forming quantitative model products, and fully empowering bank risk management and control. One month after its launch, it helped 87 small and micro enterprises to obtain financing of 235 million yuan.

According to Shenzhen Construction Bank, as of May 2023, Shenzhen Construction Bank has introduced eight data products, including enterprise personnel size, enterprise subsidy information report and enterprise concern information report, which have been actually applied to the pre-lending, mid-lending and post-lending links of Shenzhen Construction Bank’s loan products related to small and medium-sized enterprises. By May, 2023, a total of 267,000 data of Shenzhen Credit Information Company had been called, covering more than 164,000 enterprises.

For example, in terms of pre-lending access, in order to judge the real business situation of customers, account managers need to complete due diligence through on-site visits and various government websites, which takes a long time. After introducing the enterprise personnel size analysis and enterprise subsidy information data of Shenzhen Credit Information, Shenzhen Construction Bank, combined with the data sources in the bank, directly judges through the loan product model of Shenzhen Construction Bank, which greatly improves the approval efficiency.

Shenzhen Branch of Bank of Communications is cooperating with the credit information platform to promote the development of data-driven innovative product "high-enterprise loan". The scope of data cooperation includes enterprise social security, provident fund, operational stability and other trend data. By enriching the dimensions of enterprise data, Shenzhen Branch of Bank of Communications can improve its judgment on the continuous operation ability and stability of enterprises. Make use of the rich data dimension of Shenzhen Credit Information, create a highly online "high-enterprise loan", actively grant credit to national high-tech enterprises, and improve the credit coverage of technology enterprises.

"Shenzhen Plan" is far ahead.

Provide reference for the construction of domestic credit information system.

Weizhong Bank is a pure internet online bank, which has the ability to provide online credit services for small and medium-sized enterprises across the country. According to Liang Huan, head of science and technology finance in the enterprise market and innovation business department of Weizhong Bank, all parts of the credit information platform also want to do it. The data of Shenzhen credit information platform is far ahead of the national level, whether it is a data source or a specific application (such as combining with banks to serve small and micro enterprises).

Ceng Gang, deputy director of Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory, said that the credit information platform, as a carrier of credit information, plays an important role in breaking the "information island" by collecting and sharing the enterprise-related information held by local government departments and public utilities, and connecting with "government, banks and enterprises". Generally speaking, the establishment of local credit information platform is helpful to the formation of the strategic layout of "national+local" and "government+market", which can effectively promote the docking between financial institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises and improve the quality and efficiency of microfinance services.

Ceng Gang pointed out that at present, all localities are actively building credit information platforms, but there are still some problems, such as low level of system development and data mining, high repetition of data content, and difficulty in continuously and effectively collecting data. Many local credit information platforms still aim at increasing the number of data. Comparatively speaking, the data of Shenzhen Credit Information has obvious advantages in information timeliness and data granularity. On the one hand, the platform can timely reflect the changes of corporate, registered capital, registered address and other industrial and commercial information of enterprises, help banks to identify whether enterprises are operating normally or not, and timely identify and control the risks of existing customers. On the other hand, through in-depth analysis and mining of data, the platform can further reveal the hidden depth information of data, which can help banks realize online accurate classification of enterprises, not only reduce manual entry, improve customer experience, but also facilitate the implementation of differentiated risk strategies.

According to Liu Zhen, executive deputy general manager of Shenzhen Credit Information, since the establishment of the platform in 2022, Shenzhen Credit Information has received about 30 local credit information platforms across the country and shared the experience of Shenzhen with them. Liu Zhen said: "We are also actively exploring to build and share systematic data products with some local credit information platforms that started late, including promoting mutual recognition of our superior data standards and conducting more commercial cooperation.

Liu Xinhai, executive deputy director of the Credit Management Committee of the All-China M&A Association, said that as the front window of reform and opening up, the number of small and micro enterprises in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is not only large, but also more dynamic, and the demand for financing is also more urgent. Making full use of public big data resources and privacy computing, the market demand drives the research and development of alternative data models for credit reporting. Shenzhen actively builds a local credit reporting platform, focusing on scene innovation, which has achieved fruitful results in a short period of time, and gives a successful "Shenzhen Plan", which can provide valuable reference for the construction of domestic credit reporting system.

Editor: Xiao Mo

Audit: Xu Wen

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Volvo quality escorts the cockpit experience of novice dad.

Hugh, known as the "debris flow in the singles world", is a diamond bachelor who will remain unchanged for ten thousand years.

However, Hugh is still a brother. It seems that he has been quiet recently. Suddenly, there is a big movement: he suddenly announced that he would marry his wife and have children, and he was hot in Weibo overnight …

Countless unmarried young women of school age have expressed their love, wasting their time waiting so long. Others inexplicably feel sorry for Eddie Peng Yuyan, saying that he is the worst one who was "pigeon".

But then again, Hugh officially announced that how to arrange the daddy car is also the focus of everyone’s attention. After all, many models now feature the label of "daddy car". What will Hugh choose?

On this matter, I think Hugh can consult his good brother Eddie Peng Yuyan. After all, he has spoken for him. The safety and health issues that new dads are most concerned about are firmly grasped. For example, this car has never said that it is a daddy car, but the attributes of the daddy car are not lacking.

In our cognition, luxury is definitely more than what you can see. The health standard that can be "felt" is also a manifestation of luxury. Protecting the physical and mental health of drivers and passengers is an unremitting pursuit, especially the CLEANZONE? Nordic clean cockpit owned by XC60, which can provide women with full-cycle protection from pregnancy to raising children.

Ensure that pregnant women and children have a healthy and clean breathing environment at all times.

Specifically, the materials are strictly controlled from the source. The interior of the car is made of maternal and child-grade interior materials, and the chrome-plated metal ornaments of the interior are controlled by nickel leakage, which meets the jewelry certification standards. At the same time, all interior materials and textiles in XC60 have to undergo more than 100 kinds of harmful or allergic substances and emission tests, reaching the level that babies can directly contact. In short, harmful substances are never allowed to affect the health of pregnant women and babies in XC60 cars.

We should not only strictly control the materials, but also arrange a professional "nose team" to carry out human flesh inspection on the XC60 car, and carry out odor inspection at a high temperature of 65°C, which is 2.6 times higher than the national standard, so as to avoid the odor generated by the materials in the car at high temperature and affect the health of the passengers.

In addition, XC60 will build the whole cockpit into a green forest, so that the baby sitting in the car can enjoy the "forest breath" and grow up healthily like a Nordic elf. It is reported that XC60′ s car is equipped with air purification technologies such as AAC double-effect enhanced air purification system, which can detect the air quality inside the car at any time, completely isolate the harmful air and harmful particles outside the car, and create a truly healthy and fresh air environment.

Of course, cockpit health protection is only a part of XC60. As the safest car brand, XC60 is also rich in active and passive safety configuration. In terms of active safety, it has the Pilot Assist pilot assistance system, which is known as "the most reliable intelligent driving assistance function". This system has a wide range of application scenarios. Its ACC adaptive cruise control system, fatigue warning system and other functions can effectively help drivers share the pressure and ensure driving safety in many situations, such as commuting in cities, driving with children on weekends, and driving on highways. At the same time, XC60 comes standard with City Safety urban intelligent safety system, which can help drivers avoid most potential dangers in advance through 360 panoramic camera, BLIS blind spot information system and other functions.

In terms of passive safety, XC60 is equally outstanding. First, it has a high-strength cage-type safety body design, and a large proportion of it is made of high-strength boron steel. Together with SIPS side impact protection system and WHIPS head and neck protection system, it can minimize the accident harm in the event of passive collision. At the same time, its intelligent airbag can also determine the inflation degree of the airbag according to the collision strength, so as to avoid the secondary injury to the occupants in the car caused by the airbag ejection.

Always firmly believe that only love and life can live up to, and they always practice the principle of safety first in the process of building cars, and defend the dignity of luxury cars with safety performance. That’s why I said that it is the most standard "daddy car", and the sense of security and luxurious health experience it can bring should be standard for every novice daddy. So, if you are also a dad, or will soon become a novice dad, will you choose to start?

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

The reason for the purchase is that a number in Shenzhen is 95 thousand, and this Qin 80 is less than 150 thousand, and the car is equivalent to 50 thousand, which is worth it There is a car at home, and my wife drives the children to and from work. I take the subway every day. On that day, I went to see the car with my relatives, but they couldn’t shake the number, so I had to buy an electric car or a hybrid car. Perhaps the best choice is Qin, only a Qin 80, white, and there is no other choice in configuration. My wife asked me if I needed it. Of course I do. Driving is more comfortable than the subway. So buy. I am also afraid that new energy will have to be shaken in the future, but I can’t play with the government.

I paid a deposit of 5,000 yuan, saying that there is an existing car, and the new energy should be shaken, but it will be available soon in 3.5 days. Then I chose the number, which seems to be optional. I didn’t choose it, but I chose it from the five groups given by the website. Finally, I chose the one with 6 and 8, which was not bad and quite satisfactory.

Then I went to see the car selected for me in 4s, and the appearance was no problem. The car in December, the mileage was less than 10. Then go back and wait for the cards to come down. I have been waiting for a long time, and I will buy more cars at the end of the year. Today, on January 23, the iron card came down, which was slow enough, and the card was renewed once.

The car price is 146 thousand, the loan is half, interest-free, and the handling fee is 3000, which is 149 thousand in total. You can’t bargain.

I didn’t want to send chassis rust prevention, floor mats, perfume pillows or anything, but I also threw them away if I wanted them. There are ordinary charging cables and charging piles on board, but they are not installed. There is no spare tire, but there is tire repair liquid.

I also took photos when I picked up the car and brought big red flowers to the car. Although it is vulgar, it is interesting. And tied a red tape, and I threw it away.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

Positive, more domineering.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

The front side is 45 degrees, with daytime running lights. I like it.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

On the side, the wheels and hubs are all black, which makes them feel suspended. Automatic folding rearview mirror. I like it.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

45 degrees behind, controversial taillights.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

Large tablet computer, can hold a lot of software, WeChat and so on, almost all operations can be done on the computer, colleagues say the screen is so big. Like Tesla.

Bought a Mijia driving recorder.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

There are lights in the glove box. There are also lights in the front footsteps.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

There are lights on the door, too.

BYD BYD hybrid car Qin 80 sun drying plus use evaluation

There is a lot of space in the back row.


Advantages are license plate delivery, many functions, I prefer automatic headlights, wiper spray is foggy, automatic folding rearview mirror, one-button start, large screen, automatic internal circulation when parking, one-button lifting window, skylight, front camera, rear camera, quiet when pure electricity, headlights left low and right high, saying that the other party will not be blinded when passing.

The disadvantage is that it takes more than 8 hours to charge slowly before running 80 kilometers. It is a bit more fuel-efficient to run with mixed oil, and it is louder and more expensive to charge with oil. In many places, there are charging piles, but there is no electricity, or you have to buy hundreds of pieces of double-ended wires yourself. Mixed power consumption is less than 40, and oil consumption is more than 40. I am afraid that the start of the channel will be bad for the engine. The community will not install charging piles, saying that it will be unified and safe in the future. I don’t know if it will wait until the year of the monkey. The unit and leaders said that it can be charged, which is more convenient. The workmanship is not particularly good, but at least it is worth the price. BYD is getting better and better and hopes to be strong.

Buying suggestions, big cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen can buy them if they can’t shake the number. After all, Shenzhen has a number of 95,000, and there is one worry. Is there radiation when using batteries? Is there much radiation? The first insurance is 3500 kilometers or half a year. At present, both oil and electricity are used. After all, the engine should be run in.

I’m tired of typing on my mobile phone. If you have any questions, you can leave a message. I’ll try my best to reply. I’m in a hurry and my level is limited. I may have left something unsaid or wrong. Please forgive me. I was the first in our company to buy BYD Qin, and there was no hybrid or electric car before. I believe there will be more and more in the future.

In terms of power, it only takes 5: 9 seconds to accelerate 100 kilometers. The power is strong, overtaking is powerful, and the acceleration is fast. I am satisfied. I’m 176, and the front row and back row are fine. A well-behaved car with high configuration and many functions is worth buying. The highest tone is the taillights and the big screen.

The interior is also luxurious.

The appearance is also relatively durable.

The chassis is a little low, so be careful of uneven roads. You’ll knock it.

A car with high cost performance, I hope to drive for a long time. If you spend 100,000 yuan to buy a license plate, and then 50,000 yuan to buy a car, you can’t buy anything new, and you can’t buy anything good second-hand, so I don’t think there are any rivals in Shenzhen within 150,000 yuan, and those who have seen Roewe will cost 180,000 yuan. I have seen Zhidou. Although it is 100,000, it is too small and unsafe.

After years of development, BYD is no longer BYD in the f3 era. It is good at grasping the government’s preferential treatment. Buses in Shenzhen are all BYD electric buses, and taxis are also electric e6. Even taxis in the mainland of China are e6. I hope that domestic cars and domestic mobile phones will be strong!

Chery Tiggo 9 will be listed soon, which is the choice of medium-sized SUV with both luxury and power.

According to recent news, the highly anticipated Chery Tiggo 9 will be officially listed in late May. As the flagship SUV of Chery Tiggo family, this medium-sized SUV has attracted great attention in the market for its excellent design, luxurious interior and excellent performance. Tiggo 9 will provide 5-seat and 7-seat seat layouts for consumers to choose from, and the pre-sale price range is 155,000-175,000 yuan.

From the design point of view, Tiggo 9 exudes a strong sense of advanced. The overall modeling atmosphere is stable, the grid of China Net adopts family design, and Chery Logo has luminous effect at night, which is unique and dynamic. LED headlights are designed with an open corner, which is connected with the China Net. The high-equipped models are equipped with matrix LED headlights, which provides better lighting effect for driving at night. The side of the car body adopts two-color roof design, hidden door handle and privacy glass, which shows fashion and privacy. The tail has a strong sense of layering, the penetrating taillights are decorated with black decorative plates, the spoiler tail design increases the sense of movement, and the hidden exhaust port highlights the exquisite treatment of details.

The interior design of Tiggo 9 is also amazing, which fully demonstrates the sense of luxury. The car is covered with a large area of soft and leather, and the instrument panel is matched with a wooden decorative board to create a high-end atmosphere. The cockpit is equipped with double 12.3-inch suspended dual screens, and the car system is equipped with 8155 chips. The central control panel integrates a lot of functions, which makes the layout of buttons in the car simple and full of scientific sense.

In terms of seats, Tiggo 9 offers five-seat and seven-seat layouts for consumers to choose from. The seat is wrapped in real leather and decorated with exquisite stitches, which not only shows the sense of luxury, but also provides excellent support and wrapping. Punching the surface of the seat not only improves the texture, but also enhances the air permeability of the seat, providing a more comfortable experience for riding.

In terms of power, Tiggo 9 is equipped with Kunpeng Power 2.0TGDI engine, which has been widely used in other models of Chery brand. The maximum power reaches 192kW and the peak torque reaches 400 n m. The model released at the pre-sale price is equipped with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox, and there are also models equipped with an 8-speed automatic gearbox to choose from. This enables the Tiggo 9 to find a balance between power output and fuel economy, bringing excellent driving experience to drivers.

In addition to the traditional power system, Chery also released the Tiggo 9 C-DM model at the Shanghai Auto Show, which is equipped with the Kunpeng ultra-performance electric hybrid C-DM system. The system consists of special engine for electric hybrid, special gearbox for electric hybrid and special battery management system for electric hybrid. It is equipped with the fifth-generation ACTECO 1.5TGDI high-efficiency hybrid engine, with a power of 115kW and a maximum torque of 220 N m. The super electric hybrid DHT gearbox adopts the mode of "double motor drive+3-speed DHT", the transmission efficiency is over 97.6%, and the output torque at the wheel end can reach 4000N·m, achieving strong power output at full speed. The release of Tiggo 9 C-DM provides more choices for consumers who pursue environmental protection and high performance.

To sum up, Chery Tiggo 9, as the flagship SUV of the Tiggo family, has become a model of concern in the medium-sized SUV market with its luxurious design, exquisite and comfortable interior and strong and reliable power performance. No matter from the brand reputation or product strength, Tiggo 9 is a worthy choice. If you are looking for a medium-sized SUV with luxury and power, Chery Tiggo 9 will be your wise car purchase decision.

Looking forward to the listing price of U8 Deluxe Edition of 1.098 million yuan, positioning the million-level with subversive technology.

On September 20th, Wangwang Automobile’s first product, Wangwang U8 Deluxe Edition, was officially launched with a listing price of 1.098 million yuan. Users can purchase and place orders by looking up to the official car App or applet. Looking up to U8 to locate a million-dollar new energy hard-core off-road, with the blessing of two core technologies, Yi Sifang and Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system, it has 1,200 super horsepower and the fastest acceleration of 3.6 seconds at zero. It has the ability of all-terrain in-situ U-turn, flat tire and emergency floating, bringing unprecedented extreme safety, extreme performance and extreme experience to users. Looking forward to the U8 Deluxe Exhibition Car will arrive in 13 cities including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Ningbo, and users can experience it in person. The first batch of U8 Deluxe Edition will be delivered to users in late October.

Take the first two subversive core technologies: Easy Sifang and Yunnian-P.

The two subversive core technologies, Yi Sifang and Yunqi -P, are the solid foundation for U8 to surpass the extreme and never before. Traditional cars are limited by the central driving form with two wheels driven, and active safety still has great limitations. Looking up to U8, which is equipped with easy Sifang technology platform, with distributed four-motor as the core and four-wheel torque independent vector control, has the technical characteristics of fast sensing speed, accurate recognition accuracy and strong control ability, and is the golden key to unlock the safety of body attitude control. Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system opens six degrees of freedom of the vehicle in three dimensions, and fully realizes the horizontal, vertical and vertical integrated control of the vehicle. Yunqi -P has a strong ability to recognize the road environment, fast adjustment speed and high control accuracy for the suspension and body posture, and has a total adjustment stroke of 150mm for ultra-high suspension, three-level stiffness and continuous adaptive damping adjustment, matching 15+1 off-road modes, so that Wangqi U8 Deluxe Edition can calmly cope with all kinds of complex terrain and fully release the driving pleasure.

1,200 super horsepower, with the fastest acceleration of 3.6 seconds. It has the ability of all-terrain in-situ U-turn, flat tire and emergency floating.

Easy Sifang technology endows the U8 Deluxe Edition with 1200 super horsepower, making it the world’s first mass-produced new energy vehicle to reach the top of the "Desert Everest" Bilutu Peak; The maximum power of the whole vehicle is 880kW, and the fastest acceleration is 3.6 seconds, which is comparable to super-running. Looking up at U8 Deluxe Edition, the wheel end torque is as high as 8700N·m, and with the precise control ability of Easy Square, it breaks through the friction restrictions of different roads with high and low attachments, and can realize all-terrain in-situ U-turn, greatly improving the mobility of hard-core off-road. Easy Sifang technology, through the independent and accurate control of four-wheel torque, makes Wangwang U8 Deluxe Edition still stable and controllable in the case of tire puncture, greatly expanding the boundary of vehicle active safety. In extreme situations such as rainstorm waterlogging or wading in the wild, in order to ensure the safety of users to the greatest extent, U8 Deluxe Edition is expected to have emergency floating capacity. Based on the sealing advantages of the whole vehicle and its core components, combined with the control ability of Easy Square, looking up at U8 Deluxe Edition can float in 30 minutes, still maintain a stable posture, and realize the forward and direction control of the vehicle to help users get out of danger quickly. The emergency floating capacity is an emergency function that is passively triggered. The official advice is that users should not try it easily in non-emergency situations. Once triggered, they should be sent back to the direct service store for maintenance.

Extreme security, all-round security from the inside out

Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition equipped with plug-in hybrid power system, combined with the easy Sifang technology platform, CLTC has a comprehensive cruising range of 1000km, which fully meets the long-life needs of users for outdoor travel. Support up to 110kW DC fast charging, 30% to 80% charging only takes 18 minutes at the earliest, and timely and efficiently recharge the power in case of emergency. Look forward to the external discharge function of U8 Deluxe Edition with a maximum power of 6kW to ensure the safety of outdoor energy supply. This function can be compatible with a variety of electrical equipment at the same time, and supports the continuous use of 2kW ultra-high power electrical appliances for about 25 hours. There are 3 wireless charging places in the front and rear rows, which can support 50W fast charging, and can also be charged quickly and conveniently when many people travel. Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition, it is equipped with NVDIA ADRIVE Orin intelligent driving processor with 38 high-precision components and a fusion computing power of up to 508Tops, which has high sensing accuracy and sufficient computing power, further improving driving active safety. In order to continue the ultimate safety gene, U8 Deluxe Edition is equipped with blade battery, supplemented by CTC battery chassis integration technology, and the blade battery is directly connected to the girder as a safety structure. The excellent side column collision safety advantage fully guarantees the travel safety.

Quality materials and innovative scientific and technological functions endow new energy with off-road luxury travel experience.

Beyond the hardcore, look up to the cockpit design of U8 Deluxe Edition, fully integrate the sense of luxury, innovative technology configuration and off-road attributes, and create a unique technological luxury feeling of new energy hard-core off-road. Based on the profile design requirements of the interior, Wangwang U8 pioneered the design of 12.8-inch R800 Xinghe curved screen, which uses OLED material and 2K resolution to restore the true color, and the color contrast is 50 times higher than that of the traditional LCD screen. The curved screen of Xinghe is seamlessly connected with the two 23.6-inch mini LED screens of the main driver and the auxiliary driver, creating a borderless immersion, forming a unique triple screen, which is as colorful as the Milky Way Waterfall, and with the symmetrical structure of the double-encircling star-ring cockpit, the seating space is surrounded, showing the unique luxury style of new energy.

Looking up at U8 Deluxe Intelligent Cockpit, equipped with 4nm 5G chips jointly customized by BYD and Qualcomm, has high computing speed and strong compatibility, and is embedded in the intelligent networking system of Looking Up at Link, which has a complete application ecology. The front 70-inch AR-HUD head-up display, the central control screen of the Milky Way curved surface, the co-driver multimedia screen and two 12.8-inch rear suspended multimedia screens have the function of borderless five-screen linkage, which is not limited by space and supports information interaction between multiple screens, bringing a richer intelligent experience to the drivers and passengers of the whole car. Full-scene intelligent voice can support independent interaction of four-tone areas, and voice commands between different tone areas can also produce linkage. Users can also customize common scenes through voice to fully meet the personalized use requirements. The 70-inch AR-HUD upgrades the head-up display from a plane image to a 3D stereoscopic image, and the vehicle road information is projected on the screen in real time, so that the driver can easily grasp various information such as vehicle status or map, and concentrate on driving without leaving the road.

Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition, the whole car seat is made of high-grade Nappa leather, with high-end Sabili wood, which has uniform texture and delicate touch, showing the visual texture of pure natural logs and the touch of fingertips to the fullest. The whole vehicle is equipped with intelligent fragrance system with natural solar terms theme and compressor refrigerator with anti-forgetting reminder, which makes the ride quality further. When the vehicle speed reaches 60km/h, look up to the U8 Deluxe Edition, and the interior noise will not exceed 55dB, creating a quiet and enjoyable space at the library level. The whole vehicle is equipped with the world’s first Hi-End audio of Dana Platinum Evidence Series, with a total of 22 speakers, creating a 7.1.4 Dolby panoramic sound to restore the real sound field. The extraordinary NVH quietness and high-quality audio bring users a heavenly hearing enjoyment. In view of the requirements of off-road properties, we look up to the design of some physical buttons adopted under the curved screen of U8 luxury center console, which can quickly switch and adjust various driving modes and enhance the convenience and practicability of off-road control. Focusing on the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, we hope that the interior design of U8 Deluxe Edition will make every place the ultimate luxury experience.

Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition, there are five kinds of car paint colors in appearance, including dragon stone green, obsidian black and fluorite white, and matte dragon stone green and matte moonlight silver are optional. The interior provides two color matching schemes: black orange and gray brown; The whole vehicle comes standard with 22-inch sports forged wheels, and provides 22-inch simple forged wheels and 20-inch sports forged wheels for users to choose, which fully matches the personalized selection needs of users.

The ultimate technology has made the company look forward to, and the trust of users has made the company look forward to the brand’s "faithful" hospitality. At present, more than 70 stores are under construction, and it is expected that more than 90 stores will be opened in more than 40 cities across the country this year, so consumers can experience the products and services of the company more conveniently. Looking up to the car will uphold the most sincere service attitude and bring users a more extreme brand experience!

Upstream news Ding Ruyao

Sailis: the net purchase of financing is 97.6802 million yuan, and the balance of financing is 6.938 billion yuan (04.

Solemnly declare:This information comes from the data of Eastern Fortune Choice, and the relevant data are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Dongfang Fortune Network strives to ensure the complete accuracy of the data. If there are any mistakes or omissions, please refer to the information disclosure media of listed companies designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Dongfang Fortune Network will not be responsible for the profits and losses caused by all or part of the information. Users personally take risks in the use of the service, and Oriental Fortune Network does not make any kind of guarantee for this.

Jietu hard-core SUV travelers officially listed: starting from 139,900 yuan.

On September 26th, Jetway Traveler officially went on the market, with a price of 1399-184900 yuan, showing the style of hard-core SUV and equipped with XWD intelligent four-wheel drive system.

Jetway Traveler is positioned as a medium-sized SUV, and its design adheres to the concept of hard-core SUV. Its rectangular headlight group and the brand English logo "JETOUR" embedded in the black air intake grille show personality, and the large front bumper reserves the eye-catching trailer hook position. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the traveler reach 4785*2006*1880mm and the wheelbase is 2800 mm.

The side of the traveler’s body is outlined in a straight line, emphasizing the identity of the hard-core SUV. The wide side pedals are connected with the blackened wheel arch, and the exhibition car is equipped with original AT all-terrain tires. The rear door adopts side opening mode, and the rear door is equipped with an indispensable spare tire.

In terms of interior, Traveler is unique, abandoning the existing design of Jietu family and adopting a brand-new floating central control screen and embedded LCD instrument panel to make the interior layout more concise. There are thick handrails in the central armrest area, and the front A-pillar is also equipped with handrails to assist boarding.

In terms of power, Voyager is equipped with a 2.0T+8AT power combination, with a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390 N m.. As a hard-core SUV, travelers are also equipped with XWD intelligent four-wheel drive system, and the driving form can be adjusted to adapt to various road conditions through the knob behind the gear handle. In addition, in order to meet the diverse needs of consumers, Traveler also provides a plug-in hybrid version with a 1.5T engine, matching Chery’s own 3-speed DHT transmission.