Sixteen years’ performance of duties is the drum of "reading for all" and the use of reading to build the spiritual realm of the nation

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  Beijing, March 11th (Reporter Yang Peiying) In an interview with Committee member Zhu Yongxin for nearly an hour, the two most frequently mentioned words were "reading".

  From "the image spokesman of reading for all" to the active explorer of new education, to launching the "Reading for the Future Plan" and calling on more reading promoters, the personal practice of reading and the drum call for reading for all have become a part of Zhu Yongxin’s life. Whether busy at work or on a business trip, reading and writing at 5 o’clock every morning is his unshakable habit.

  Since the two sessions in 2003, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, has called for the establishment of a "national reading festival" for 16 consecutive years, taking reading for all as a national strategy, establishing a national reading fund, establishing a national reading promotion committee, and strengthening the construction of community libraries … … A series of proposals and suggestions on reading.

  In order to make children grow up better, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, wrote "an initiative to be a happy scholar." Photo by Future Network reporter Yang Peiying.

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  For 16 years, we have consistently carried out the "Reading Festival" to the end.

  It has been consistent for 16 consecutive years, and there are really not many representatives or members who advocate a topic.

  At the two sessions this year, Committee member Zhu Yongxin once again put forward a proposal on establishing a national reading festival. He said that the National Reading Festival is to promote reading in daily life to a ceremony. "Just as the two sessions are the political Spring Festival of China people, the National Reading Festival should also become the spiritual Spring Festival of China people."

  After sixteen years of consistent persistence, Zhu Yongxin clearly knows the important role of reading in life. His most classic sentence "A person’s spiritual development history is his reading history, and a nation’s spiritual realm depends on its reading level." This paper profoundly expounds the important significance of reading to human growth and national development. Zhu Yongxin believes that there are many paths and methods to improve national quality, but the cheapest, most direct and most basic one is reading.

  At present, the proposal to establish a national reading festival and advocate reading for all has been jointly appealed by more than 100 members of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

  In order to promote comprehensive reading, this year, Zhu Yongxin also submitted a proposal on "promoting high-speed rail reading". In Zhu Yongxin’s view, high-speed rail has become a part of people’s lives, but at present, the reading materials provided on high-speed rail are very limited, and the quality and quantity are not optimistic. "These public readings are an important way to spread reading culture, which can effectively enhance people’s reading awareness and encourage people to develop reading habits." Zhu Yongxin believes that China is the largest and most advanced high-speed rail country in the world, and the high-speed rail carriages are comfortable, hygienic and safe, providing a good reading environment. At such a time, you can read with peace of mind, and the establishment of such a system can enable the people to develop better habits.

  Although the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, in Zhu Yongxin’s view, in-depth reading may not be enough. The most fundamental reason is that the whole society’s understanding of reading has not really reached the designated position. In terms of education, examination is still regarded as an important direction to a great extent, and reading has not received due attention.

  But Zhu Yongxin believes that the efforts will not be disappointed. In the diary of member Zhu Yongxin published in the newspaper of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, he wrote — — Carry the reading festival to the end, and I will continue to work hard for reading drums and shouts.

  Children’s reading determines the future of the nation.

  In life, Zhu Yongxin also practices the habit of reading every day with such persistence and perseverance.

  Get up at about five o’clock every morning, insist on writing and reading, and you must take all kinds of books you read with you every trip, and recommend a good book worth reading in Weibo every day.

  Zhu Yongxin told the reporter of that good habits are the best wealth in a person’s life. "It’s basically very quiet from five in the morning to eight in the morning, and no one bothers you, no work, no phone calls. You can calm down and write."

  There is still a long way to go to get people to develop the habit of reading. At the end of 2017, Zhu Yongxin’s Institute of New Education and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League launched the "Reading the Future, Children’s Reading Program". Zhu Yongxin said that he hopes to train more promoters who take teenagers to read, so that more people can become reading volunteers and promoters.

  Zhu Yongxin believes that "the length of childhood determines the height of a country. The depth of children’s reading determines the height of national spirit. In this sense, children’s reading determines the future of the nation. "

  Reading ability is very important for children’s growth. "By reading, he can go to a wider world, see things outside him, and see from ancient times to the present, from the middle to the outside, and he will see farther, which will give him a better vision. Secondly, his writing ability is not only writing, but also thinking ability. Real writing begins with thinking and writing.

  However, in the era of mobile internet, mobile phone reading can be seen everywhere, and many people don’t have a lot of time to settle down and read and write. For teenagers known as "Internet aborigines", it has become the norm to acquire knowledge through mobile phones and mobile terminals.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, the trend of digital reading is irreversible, and it is understandable for children to accept digital reading. However, he still advocates that paper reading should not be thrown away, especially primary and secondary school students should learn to read paper books quietly as much as possible and form such a habit, because excessive dependence on electronic media will make it difficult for children to really concentrate, and in addition, it will have some adverse effects on eyes, thinking and attention.

  Promote children and adults to read together, and the government promotes bibliography development

  In reality, many primary and middle school students have a heavy academic burden and don’t have much time to settle down and study. A reading survey for primary and secondary school students, teachers and parents shows that 74.85% of children like reading, but more than half of them have no time to read. In the question "What is the reason that prevents you from reading?" In the middle school, 50.59% of the children said that they had "heavy studies and no time and energy" to read, and "the problem of heavy extracurricular burden of primary and secondary school students" was even written into the 2018 government work report.

  In this regard, Zhu Yongxin believes that the heavy academic burden is on the one hand, and the key point is that many parents don’t realize the importance of reading. They prefer to spend their time in tutoring and learning a lot of repetitive content in the classroom. From the perspective of school education, there are a little more simple exercises and repetitive exercises, which really makes students have less time to study. It is also necessary to change our classroom and change our working methods.

  In order to let children know what good books are, since Zhu Yongxin became the provost of Suzhou University in 1993, he has promoted reading in the whole school by recommending bibliographies. Over the years, Zhu Yongxin has been doing the research and development of recommendation books.

  Since April, 2011, Zhu Yongxin and his new reading research have successively published basic reading books for primary school students in China, basic reading books for children in China, basic reading books for middle school students in China, basic reading books for entrepreneurs in China, basic reading books for primary and secondary school teachers in China and basic reading books for parents in China.

  Zhu Yongxin thinks that the development of bibliographies is a particularly important task. In the information age, the richer the information, the easier it is for people to get lost. The development of bibliography is to provide a scientific catering plan with comprehensive nutrition for a person’s spirit, which is convenient for people to follow the map. He suggested that the government further promote the research of various reading majors, promote the development of bibliographies, purchase services for the research results of various professional non-governmental organizations, and promote the deepening of reading in time.

  In the face of the current situation that more and more children prefer online games to reading, Zhu Yongxin believes that no child is born to like this and that, which requires parents’ guidance and parent-child reading to cultivate children’s reading habits.

  "This is the most effective way. Many of our mothers buy a lot of books and throw them to them. He may not be interested in reading them. You can discuss them with your children, inspire them together, ask him questions, and discuss them with him. You may take him to study. In addition, you should look for books he likes. Every child has a different appetite. If you can find books that suit his appetite, you may take him to the book world. If you find them from the beginning, you are not interested.

  In this year’s proposal, Zhu Yongxin also suggested taking children as the center and promoting children’s reading with adults. Zhu Yongxin hopes that children can love paper reading through parent-child reading, teacher-student reading and team reading, so that reading promotion can directly and effectively influence the development of reading habits of adults around children through children’s influence and supervision.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, it is also very important to guide parents’ education. Zhu Yongxin pointed out that the most important thing is that parents should be role models for their children, parents should grow up with their children, and parents should know what kind of education is good.

  Advocating reading for all is the spiritual index to cultivate cultural self-confidence and realize national rejuvenation. More persistent watchmen are needed to drum up and shout around the atmosphere of reading for all.

Game Developers Conference is coming, pay attention to the game ETF(516010) opportunity.

The game developers’ conference struck, focusing on the game ETF(516010) opportunity. The intraday turnover exceeded 66 million yuan, and the net inflow in the past 10 days was nearly 100 million yuan.

The Global Game Developers Conference (GDC) was held in San Francisco from March 18th to March 22nd. The conference will hold hundreds of conferences covering AI, VR, AR, audio, vision, programming and other topics. The participating manufacturers include Microsoft, Google, NVIDIA, Meta, Adobe, EPIC, Unity, Roblox, Tencent and Netease.

In addition, many media reported recently that the national service of Blizzard Games is expected to officially announce its return within one month. It is understood that after the return of Blizzard National Service, Netease Entertainment Guangzhou will be responsible for the operation and Thunder Fire will be responsible for the marketing, which has aroused the concern and expectation of the majority of game lovers.

In addition, the continuous issuance of version numbers, the increase in number and the approval of heavy game version numbers have boosted industry development and market confidence, and driven the opening of new product cycles.

With the development of artificial intelligence, various tools such as art, music and copywriting have been initially implemented and iterated, and connected to the game engine for the convenience of developers. In terms of game development, some companies have initially integrated AIGC creative tools into their own art development process. In terms of gameplay innovation, AI native gameplay mainly focuses on medium and light products, but heavy products have been integrated with AI content in art design to enhance player experience and payment.

Investors who don’t have a stock account can grasp the investment opportunities of the game sector through the linked fund of the game ETF (012729).

Note: Market views change with the change of market environment, and do not constitute any investment suggestions or commitments. The individual stocks mentioned in this paper are for reference only, and do not constitute stock recommendation, nor do they constitute a forecast and guarantee for the performance of the fund. If you need to buy related fund products, please choose products that match the risk level. The fund is risky and needs to be cautious in investment.

Surprised! What is the principle that chewing gum can open coconuts?


 Can chewing gum really open coconuts by rubbing it into a cone? (Video screenshot)

  The scorching summer is a good time to drink coconut milk and eat coconut meat. Here is an interesting question: If you only have durian, rubber band and chewing gum at hand, which one do you think you can choose to open a coconut quickly?

  You may not imagine that researchers will tell you that opening coconuts with chewing gum is one of the simplest and most feasible methods.

  If you want to know the principle, you need to know all kinds of substances of non-Newtonian fluid and Newtonian fluid.

  Inflatable fluid: eat soft but not hard

  — — Chewing gum, starch solution, wet sand on the beach and concrete slurry belong to expansive fluids.

  What is the correct posture to open coconuts with chewing gum?

  First, knead a few pieces of chewing gum into a cone, then put the tip up and the bottom flat on the table, then hold the coconut to a certain height with your hands and hit it hard on the chewing gum. We will find that chewing gum will not be smashed flat, but will break a hole in the coconut. Repeat this several times, and the coconut can be broken.

  Why on earth does chewing gum have such magical power? In fact, the principle is — — Non-newtonian fluid principle. There is a gum-based component in chewing gum, which belongs to the shear thickening fluid in non-Newtonian fluid. The viscosity of this fluid will increase under the action of a large external force, and the greater the external force, the greater the viscosity.

  When the coconut hits the chewing gum at high speed, the viscosity of the chewing gum increases rapidly, and at this time it behaves as hard as a solid, thus piercing the hard shell of the coconut. Once the external force is withdrawn, it will return to the nature of liquid. If the external force is small and slow, it will behave like an ordinary liquid with fluidity. It’s really a soft guy.

  When this fluid thickens, its volume will expand slightly, so the shear thickening fluid is also called expansive fluid. Starch solution, wet sand on the beach and concrete slurry all belong to this kind of fluid.

  The change of viscosity of expansive fluid is related to its internal structure. That is, when shear thickening occurs, a certain structure is formed inside the fluid.

  Expansive fluid is usually a multiphase mixture, such as wet sand on the beach, which is a mixture of sand and water. When there is no external force or the external force is very small, the irregular sand grains are densely packed, and water can be evenly filled in the gaps between the sand grains to play the role of lubricant. When someone steps on the sand, the original tightly packed structure is destroyed, and the "dislocation" between the sand grains will increase the volume; At the same time, the water is forced to move around, and the flow is disordered, and the resistance will increase, and the flow of sand is more difficult because of the loss of lubricant. Therefore, the sand surface infiltrated by seawater on the beach is easier to walk than dry sand, because this characteristic of wet sand will make our feet less prone to sink.

  Bingham fluid: sometimes like a solid, sometimes like a liquid.

  — — Toothpaste, facial cleanser and hand cream belong to Bingham fluid.

  Since there is non-Newtonian fluid, there must be Newtonian fluid. Fluids whose shear stress and shear rate conform to Newtonian fluid formula belong to Newtonian fluid. Water and air are Newtonian fluids, and their shear stress is directly proportional to the shear rate.

  Any fluid whose shear force and shear rate do not conform to Newtonian fluid formula is called non-Newtonian fluid. Besides expansive fluid, non-Newtonian fluid also includes pseudoplastic fluid and Bingham fluid. All kinds of sauces, oils, polymer solutions, mud in the kitchen, and even blood and cell fluids in organisms are non-Newtonian fluids.

  The shear stress and shear rate of Bingham fluid are also linear, but unlike Newtonian fluid, it has a yield stress, and it will flow only when the external force is greater than the yield stress.

  The most typical Bingham fluid is toothpaste. When there is no external force, it looks like a solid. Only when we squeeze toothpaste hard, it will "flow" out of the tube, and when it is squeezed into the toothbrush, it can still maintain a certain shape without "falling down". If you don’t squeeze it, it won’t come out even if you turn the toothpaste tube upside down.

  Similarly, we can infer that things like facial cleanser and hand cream are also Bingham fluids. The paint used in buildings also needs to be designed as Bingham fluid. We require that it can flow when mixing and painting, and at the same time, it will not flow down from the wall because of gravity after being painted on the wall, that is to say, the yield stress of the paint should be greater than its own gravity.

  Like expansive fluid, Bingham fluid is a multiphase mixture. It is generally believed that the fillers in Bingham fluid form a three-dimensional network structure, which has certain strength and can resist low external forces; When the external force is large enough, the three-dimensional structure is destroyed and the filler will flow with the solvent.

  Pseudoplastic fluid: bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

  — — Blood, magma, yogurt, tomato sauce and shampoo are pseudoplastic fluids.

  If expansive fluid is soft and hard, then pseudoplastic fluid is a bully. Pseudo-plastic fluid shows the opposite properties to dilatant fluid, and its viscosity remains constant at low shear rate, but decreases with the increase of shear rate. That is to say, the greater the external force applied to it, the smaller the viscosity it shows. So it is also called shear thinning fluid.

  Many polymer liquids belong to this kind of fluid. The viscosity of a fluid can be understood as the friction between molecules in the fluid, and the greater the friction, the greater the viscosity. Solute in polymer liquid is a kind of molecule with large molecular mass and long structure. Without external force, they are usually in a curled state, and the molecules may entangle and collide with each other, resulting in high friction. When there is an external force, the curled molecules will spread along the direction of shear force, and the molecules will be arranged in parallel, so the friction between them will be reduced, and thus the viscosity will be reduced.

  Blood, magma, yogurt, tomato sauce and shampoo all belong to pseudoplastic fluids. When we stir yogurt or tomato sauce slowly, we will find it more difficult, but when we stir it quickly, it will be easier. In fact, this is the reason above.

  Pseudoplastic fluid has another interesting phenomenon — — Kay effect. When a beam of pseudoplastic fluid with high viscosity hits a solid surface, the solid surface will bounce the liquid beam back upward.

  Observing the experimental phenomenon carefully, it is not difficult to find that a layer of fluid always accumulates below the rebounding water flow. Combined with the properties of pseudoplastic fluid, the whole process should be like this: the rapidly falling liquid jet impacts the viscous fluid pile below, and the viscosity of the fluid surface becomes smaller due to the impact force, forming a dimple-shaped pit after the impact. At the same time, the surface with reduced viscosity acts as a lubricant, and finally the falling liquid jet is bounced out.

  (Cai Dongmin)

The latest research confirms that eating more fruits and vegetables is beneficial to prevent diabetes.

  Beijing Science and Technology Daily, July 9th (Reporter Liu Yuanyuan correspondent Feng Yi) Can eating more fruits and vegetables really prevent diabetes? The latest scientific research gives the answer.

  The reporter learned from West Lake University that Professor Zheng Jusheng from the School of Life Sciences of this school, together with more than 40 nutritionists in Europe, proved from the perspective of blood nutritional markers that eating more fruits and vegetables is conducive to preventing diabetes (this article refers to type 2 diabetes).

  The study concluded that if you eat 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day, the risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25%. This provides valuable suggestions and references for dietary guidance in the field of public health. The research results were published online in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on July 9th, Beijing time.

  "We have tracked and recorded more than 10,000 cases of diabetes in eight European countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Denmark, and compared more than 13,000 healthy people. From the perspective of nutritional markers, we found that eating more fruits and vegetables really plays a positive role in preventing diabetes." As the first author of the paper, Zheng Yusheng said.

  In this study, the research team recorded seven kinds of nutrients in the blood of the experimental population, including vitamin C and six kinds of carotene. These seven blood indexes have been proved to be nutritional markers corresponding to the effective intake of vegetables and fruits. Generally speaking, the more fruits and vegetables are consumed, the higher the content of these seven indicators in the human body.

  Through regular measurement and tracking, the research team found that the higher the nutritional markers in the body, the lower the risk of diabetes, which shows that eating more fruits and vegetables can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes. Statistics show that the seven nutritional markers have increased by a standardized unit — — The risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25% if you consume 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day.

  According to reports, more than 10,000 diabetic cases and 13,000 healthy control groups were screened from more than 400,000 people through nearly 10 years of follow-up, so there are long-term data to support the reliability and stability of the conclusion.

  "Many teams have done similar research before. Some teams use questionnaires, which may have the subjective will of the experimenters, so there may be errors in the experimental results. The samples of other research teams may be only a few hundred people, and the tracking time is relatively short, so the statistical data is not representative. This study has a large sample of participants and a long experimental time, and it is of great significance in the field of public health to verify the results through a more scientific method. " Zheng Yusheng said.

[Concern] How to taste glutinous rice balls healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

The following article comes from the language of nutrition and economy, written by Gao Yun.

Nutrition and economy.

Pure popular science nutrition

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, also known as the "Shangyuan Festival", which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, setting off fireworks and other activities have existed since ancient times and have been passed down to this day.






Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)


I believe that many foodies have already prepared all kinds of dumplings at home, and I look forward to the scene of family members sitting together and eating dumplings. Whether in the north or the south, eating glutinous rice balls is an essential highlight of the Lantern Festival. The difference is that it is called "Yuanxiao" in the north and "Tangyuan" in the south. Many people who pay attention to customs think that "Lantern Festival is not counted without eating glutinous rice balls". How can we enjoy glutinous rice balls while taking care of our health?

Note the "stuffing" trap

The fillings of Yuanxiao are generally green red silk, peanuts, sesame oil, jam, sugar, etc. The fillings of glutinous rice balls are generally bean paste, black sesame, shepherd’s purse, pork and so on. The two methods are different, but the main component of the crust is glutinous rice flour, and the stuffing also contains more oil (nuts such as sesame seeds and peanuts, chocolate and lard, etc.), so whether it is Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, the heat is very high. As the folk song goes, "Tangyuan can be used as tea rice", and three medium-sized Tangyuan (1/2) are equivalent to the carbohydrate of half a bowl of rice. The energy of two black sesame dumplings is about 300 kilocalories, with 16.4 grams of fat and less other nutrients. Eating more will increase energy and fat intake. Moreover, the starch contained in glutinous rice is amylopectin, which is not easy to digest and absorb in the stomach. Therefore, no matter from the aspects of energy intake or digestion, it is not appropriate to eat dumplings as a staple food in large quantities.

Sugar control is very important.

Although compared with the traditional glutinous rice balls, sugar substitutes are used in making sugar-free glutinous rice balls, the glycemic index of white glutinous rice, black glutinous rice, sticky millet and rhubarb rice is around 100, and the blood sugar rises rapidly. Even sugar-free dumplings are recommended for diabetics to eat as little as possible. In addition, you can eat some vegetables or protein-rich food before eating glutinous rice balls, which will help reduce the blood sugar reaction after meals.

Prevent accidents

1. For the elderly, due to the gradual decline of digestive function, especially the slow swallowing reflex of the elderly, they may get stuck in their throats because they eat more urgently, resulting in difficulty in breathing and even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must chew slowly when eating dumplings.

2. For infants, if the baby at home is under three years old, it is recommended not to let him try glutinous rice balls easily. After all, glutinous rice balls are mainly made of glutinous rice. If they are eaten by a baby under one year old, they may stick to the esophagus and have the risk of blocking the respiratory tract. If it is a one-or two-year-old baby, it is still not easy to bite peanuts and other fillings in the glutinous rice balls to prevent suffocation. In addition, because the baby’s digestive function is still weak and the swallowing reflex is not well developed, even if the baby over three years old is given glutinous rice balls, parents must look after them. It is best to divide the glutinous rice balls into small pieces in advance to prevent accidents. If your baby is suffering from respiratory diseases, such as cough, you should also eat dumplings as little as possible to prevent the illness from aggravating.

The glutinous rice balls that have just come out of the pot are steaming, so remember to taste them slowly and slowly to avoid burning your mouth. Just eat two or three medium-sized snacks at a time, and don’t be greedy for Doha! Finally, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, a happy family and a reunion!

Expert business card

Wu Ping

Tongji hospital affiliated to Tongji University

Director and chief physician of nutrition department

Tutor of medical doctor and master students

Expert clinic: Thursday morning

Director of Nutrition Department of tongji hospital, affiliated to Tongji University, expert of Oriental TV’s "Famous Doctors Keep Healthy" and major TV stations in Shanghai, top ten communication stars of nutrition science in China in 2019, member of the Standing Committee of Nutrition Committee of Chinese Women Medical Doctors Association, expert member of Shanghai Nutrition Quality Control Center, director of the Council of Shanghai Nutrition Society, and member of Chinese and Western Nutrition Group of Cancer Nutrition Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association. Member of the Second Committee of Weight Loss and Surgical Metabolism Branch of China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, member of the Standing Committee of the First Committee of Nutrition and Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, member of Shanghai Branch of China Heart Rehabilitation Alliance, member of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association Medical Science Popularization Branch, member of Shanghai Heart Rehabilitation Committee, scientific consultant of People’s Network "Popular Science China", part-time professor of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center of Shanghai Health Medical College, He is a member of the Expert Volunteer Group of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center, a member of the Expert Group of Health and Medical Communication Center of School of Media and Communication of Jiaotong University, a member of the Medical Popular Science Committee of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association, a member of the Medical Communication Committee of the Science Popularization Medical Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and a quality control leader of the nutrition specialty in Putuo District. More than 30 papers have been published in core journals by the first author or correspondent, including 4 papers in SCI English and 6 papers in Chinese series, and won the second prize of excellent papers in the 13th and 14th National Conference on Clinical Nutrition for two consecutive times.

Online appointment registration

Specialist Clinic

Figure | The above is the copyright map.

Wen | Nutrition Department Wu Ping Gao Yun

Editorial | Propaganda Department

Guess you want to see it

Expectant mothers enjoy crabs well. When "fitness people" encounter mala Tang "double reduction", they will not reduce nutrition and supplement nutrients, which will help eye health.

Tongji hospital was founded in 1900 by German doctor erich Baolong, and tongji hospital is the only third-class first-class general hospital in Putuo District. The annual number of outpatient and emergency services exceeds 2 million. It has the most important disciplines of orthopedics and psychiatry in Shanghai, the key disciplines of cardiovascular medicine in Shanghai, the key specialties of spinal surgery, psychosomatic medicine and gastroenterology in Shanghai, and the demonstration department of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. Realize the selection of emergency and critical care disciplines, geriatrics, laboratory medicine and clinical medicine disciplines into the Shanghai municipal platform discipline construction plan; There are three dominant disciplines in the hospital: sports-nerve-spirit discipline group led by orthopedics, circulation-respiration-chest discipline group led by cardiology, and digestive-general surgery-endocrinology discipline group led by gastroenterology. As well as hematology-tumor-imaging-pathology-laboratory discipline group led by hematology department and obstetrics-gynecology-urology-kidney-reproduction discipline group led by obstetrics and gynecology department. The hospital integrates the advantages of disciplines, and based on multidisciplinary cooperation, the treatment system for refractory and relapsed hematological malignancies established by the Department of Hematology was selected into the national key clinical discipline construction project. And successfully built three national-level centers-advanced stroke center, chest pain center and trauma treatment center, and became a large-scale comprehensive diagnosis and treatment center for critical and intractable diseases in northwest Shanghai. It has established a national-level international scientific and technological cooperation base-the International Joint Research Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, and the Sino-US Joint Research Base for Stem Cells.It has a high-level expert team represented by the national key R&D plan, the 973 chief scientist and the national 100 million talents project. Undertake more than 20 national key projects such as national key R&D plan and 973 plan. The achievements have been published in top international authoritative academic journals such as Nature, Science and Cell. Won the second prize of national natural science, the first prize of natural science of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Award, the first prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, the outstanding contribution award of Shanghai medical development and the achievement promotion award of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award.

As a century-old modern hospital, tongji hospital is dedicated to superb medical skills, and has formed a warm "home" culture with Tongji characteristics and a healthy communication culture that serves the people wholeheartedly. With the spirit of helping others and the world, he has given full play to Tongji people’s broad mind of "sharing the same boat with one heart and one mind" in previous major rescue and disaster relief, international aid and poverty alleviation, and spread Tongji’s patriotic feelings all over the earth.

Original title: "[Concern] How to taste dumplings healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month? 》

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Running can burn fat, so the more you run, the better the fat reduction effect will be.

Running is a very effective exercise to lose weight, and it is the first choice for the majority of dieters. However, due to the lack of relevant sports knowledge, many people will encounter many problems when they lose weight by running.

For example, I think that the more I run, the more fat I consume, so I am desperate to run wildly, and I can’t wait to run tens of thousands of kilometers in one day to consume all the body fat.

The more you run, the more fat you consume. To some extent, this view is correct. But the problem is that the human body has its limits. A body with an excessive body fat rate cannot run forever. Even if you think you can keep running, your body is gradually collapsing.

Every time you run, there is actually a limit value. When you are about to reach the limit, your body will show some signals as a warning. If you run faster, when you reach the limit, your running speed will drop uncontrollably. No matter how fast you want to run, you can’t take a bigger step. This is because there is little muscle glycogen left in your body, and the proportion of fat consumption has reached the maximum, but the energy provided by fat consumption is actually not much, which is not enough to support your running faster. This is a very important signal that your body can’t run much longer.

If the brain is still trying to run at this time, it can only decompose the protein in the muscle to provide energy as a supplement, which is very harmful to the muscle tissue and the root cause of running off the muscle. While consuming protein’s function, the brain will secrete endorphins, which is a natural analgesic and can relieve the pain of reaching the limit. At this time, you will suddenly change from a painful running state to a light-footed one. This is actually a second warning, but many people mistakenly think that running is getting better and better, so they will run more and expand the harm caused by excessive running.

After the muscle mass caused by long-term excessive running decreases, the basal metabolic rate of the body will also decrease, and the speed of fat loss will slow down. This is really "going too far".

In addition, excessive running in desperate pursuit of running distance will also lead to terrible consequences such as joint wear, muscle strain and even acute renal failure.

The process of losing weight is very long, and there is no shortcut at all. If you run moderately and develop running habits slowly, the body fat rate will gradually decrease unconsciously.

After 11 years of running, I have these six insights.

The longer you run, the more you can feel. Running can make people feel free and liberated, release the pressure and tension of the body, and make people’s emotions relaxed and relaxed.

In the process of running, people canThinking and reflectionThis is one of the reasons why many runners love running. Running can make people jump out of the daily chores, precipitate their thinking, and meditate on their own life, work, interpersonal relationships and other issues. Especially in the process of running for a long time, the body will enter an automatic state, and the brain will have more space to reflect and think.

It has been about eleven or twelve years since I started running. With the increase of running time, running not only changes my body, but also slowly I find that many concepts are changing, and many concepts are even quite different from those when I started running.

Enjoy the running process more and more

Running, like any other skill, takes time and experience to master. It’s true that I just started the ordeal of running, and I can’t talk about enjoying it.

But when you keep running, you will gradually improve your skill level, so that you can more easily enter the state of "enjoying" loudly and experience more fun and sense of accomplishment.

In addition, the positive impact of running on physical and mental health also makes meEnjoy running more.. For example, running can release chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine, which can improve mood and happiness.

Running is an exercise with long-term benefits. When we insist on running, we will enjoy this process better and get more sense of accomplishment and motivation from it, which will make you stronger, healthier and more confident.

Patience is very important in running.

First of all, in running, it is difficult to see rapid and significant progress in a short time. However, if you can persist and be patient and gradually adapt to running, you will find that your skills and physical fitness are slowly improving. Since running is a long-term exercise form, when you accumulate experience and persist,Patience becomes one of the keys to success..

Secondly, some difficulties need to be overcome in running, such as external environment, climate change and personal fatigue. When you can be patient and solve difficulties, your self-confidence and perseverance will be significantly improved.

Patience is also needed in training and competition, which includes full preparation, planning your own plan and keeping calm. If you are anxious and lack rational thinking, you may be mobilized too early in the competition or training, and you will not achieve your best performance. Maintaining a patient, stable and positive attitude is the key to achieving the best results.

In a word, running needs long-term investment, hard training and high self-discipline. On the road of running, having patience can help you stick to it and overcome unexpected things and difficulties.

The process of running is as important as the result.

When you start running, you will pay more attention to the process objectives of running, such as your skills, posture and breathing during running, and optimize your performance according to these. By improving your running skills, you can improve your running efficiency and make running more relaxed and comfortable. By paying attention to the process goal, you can enjoy the running process and feel happy during the exercise.

Beginners usually set some goals in order to persist in running, such as completing a 5-kilometer running plan. Running distance is one of the easiest criteria for beginners to measure their progress. They will gradually improve their endurance and running speed, and constantly challenge longer distances and higher difficulties.

When you have some running experience, you will pay more attention to the result goal.For example, they will pursue higher speed and better performance, and pay attention to quantitative indicators such as competitive ranking or running performance. Will pay more attention to their own skills and training methods in order to achieve better performance and higher ranking, such as participating in marathons or other competitive exercise programs.

Although it is very important to achieve these goals, paying too much attention to the outcome goals will make you ignore many successful experiences in the process and lead to excessive anxiety and loss.

Runners at each stage have different concerns in running, because their goals and experience levels are different. When running, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they complement each other.

When you gradually optimize your performance by paying attention to the process goal and achieve the result goal, you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment and motivation, so that you can keep exercising for a longer time.

Therefore, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they should be balanced during running.

I prefer jogging now.

When you run for a long time or have formed a stable habit, you will prefer jogging.

As you get older and run longer,More and more people will find that jogging is a good way to relieve fatigue and restore physical strength.. In addition, jogging can also reduce the risk of injury and make sports healthier and safer.

An important benefit of jogging is that you can easily keep your training plan when you are easily tired or tired. When I run at a jogging speed, I have time to clear my mind, which is closely related, and I am immersed in the deep experience because of the abundant oxygen supply.

To a certain extent, slow running is really not as exciting as fast running. However, the most important thing in running is to enjoy the process and stick to it. No matter what form you insist on running, you can achieve the goal of pursuing exercise and health.

Therefore, if you like jogging and can keep the habit of running, it is a good choice to continue jogging.

Pay attention to the quality of running rather than the quantity.

In modern society, with the enhancement of people’s health awareness, running has become a widely popular fitness method. However, for many people, running is not only for health, but also a manifestation of competition and pursuit of higher achievements. Therefore, many people are obsessed with the quantity and speed of running and ignore the importance of running quality.

In fact, the quality of running includes not only the posture, breathing and rhythm of running, but also the meaning and purpose of running. Running should not only exist to achieve a certain goal, but should become a way of life and a way to enjoy life.

If we blindly pursue the quantity and speed of running, then we will easily fall into the burden of running and lose the happiness and pleasure brought by running itself. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running.Let running become a way to enjoy life, not a pressure and burden..

In the process of running, we can appropriately slow down the speed, slow down the breathing, and adapt our body and mind to the running process. At the same time, we can also pay more attention to the posture and breathing mode of running, so that running can become a process of relaxation and enjoyment.

Experienced runners will not run at all costs for the amount of running, nor will they force themselves to complete the 30-kilometer long-distance training under the condition of physical fatigue. Instead, they should suspend training when their state declines.

In a word, running should not be a burden, but a way to enjoy life. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running and make running a pleasant and happy lifestyle.

Running makes people more stable.

Running can not only exercise the body, but also exercise willpower and self-control. In the process of running, people need to overcome fatigue and discomfort and persist in completing the whole exercise process. This persistent spirit and self-control ability will also play an active role in daily life, making people more stable and firm.

Modern people have a fast pace of life and often feel pressure and anxiety. butRunning is a kind of exercise that can help people relieve stress and anxiety.. Through running, people can release the negative emotions accumulated in the body, and at the same time, they can promote the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine in the body, thus helping to improve their emotional state and mental health.

Running can make people feel physical strength and self-confidence, which helps to improve people’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Through running, people can gradually improve their running performance and enjoy the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction brought by sports, thus becoming more calm and confident psychologically.

In a word, running can improve people’s physical health, mental health and emotion. Long-term running can make people reflect and think better, gain a deeper understanding and improve their self-awareness and self-management ability.

What do you feel after running? Welcome to share!

[Kangbao beauty you shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects the "drunk" beautiful sunset.

Author: Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

Recently, in Wujiadi Village, Lujiaying Township, kangbao county, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, photographers photographed the scenery of sunset melting gold and sunset clouds, which was beautiful. Guan Xin

Source: Zhangjiakou Learning Platform, kangbao county Rong Media Center.

Editor: Yin Zhongjie, Lv Wenlin

Audit: Wang Haijun

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory released the weather forecast for the next three days on February 3:

February 4 th: cloudy to light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-26℃ ~-7℃;

February 5: light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-20℃ ~-10℃;

February 6th: The light snow turned cloudy, and the northwest wind changed from 3-4 to 4-5, at-21℃ ~-11℃.

The meteorological grade of forest and grassland fire danger is Grade III, with moderate humidity and moderate danger, which needs attention.

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[Kangbao Beauty You Shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects "drunken" beauty sunset. com letter Kangbao touches the original text.

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There was an explosion in the pig farm? Investigation on the explosion accident of illegal fireworks production in Liling, Hunan Province

  Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 13th Question: Why did the pig farm explode? — — Investigation on the explosion accident of illegal fireworks production in Liling, Hunan Province

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Xi Min, Xie Ben and Liu Fangzhou

  At 4 o’clock in the morning of July 11th, an explosion accident of illegally producing fireworks and firecrackers occurred in a pig farm in Zhuhuashan Village, Banshan Town, Liling City, Hunan Province, killing five people and losing two people. According to investigators, the pig farmers involved have been controlled by public security organs.

  Why did fireworks explode in the pig farm? Xinhua Viewpoint reporter rushed to the scene of the accident to investigate.

  "No one expected that fireworks and firecrackers would be produced inside."

  Recently, the highest temperature in Zhuhuashan Village of Banshan Town approached 37 degrees Celsius, and the meteorological department issued a high temperature warning. According to the local deployment, fireworks and firecrackers production enterprises have successively entered the high-temperature shutdown period.

  At 4 o’clock in the morning on the 11th, a pig farm in the village exploded, breaking the silence at night. "In an instant, the window glass shattered and the fire was shining outside." The villager surnamed Liu, who lives more than 100 meters away from the pig farm, recalled to the reporter, "I thought it was an earthquake."

On the 11th, villagers were cleaning up the damaged doors and windows. (Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Benshe)

  The reporter saw at the scene that the aluminum alloy doors and windows of several surrounding villagers’ houses had been severely deformed, and thick glass crumbs were scattered at the door of the house, and the interior of the house was in a mess, and cracks appeared in the walls of villagers’ houses.

  The reporter found that the pig farm where the explosion occurred was sandwiched between two mountains, and its geographical location was very hidden. The surrounding villagers said that there was nothing unusual in the pig farm on weekdays. In view of the hygiene regulations and the strong odor, outsiders generally do not approach. "I often see two cars parked at the gate of the pig farm at night, but only when someone comes to play mahjong, no one expected that fireworks and firecrackers would be produced inside." A villager said.

This is the scene of the accident filmed by the reporter on July 11th. (Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Benshe)

  It is understood that this pig farm named "Minwang Ecological Farm" has been operating in the local area for many years, and the legal representative is Liu Moujun’s wife.

  After preliminary investigation, at the end of June this year, Liu Moujun rented a pig shed with only 60 square meters in the pig farm to Li Mouzhong, a villager in a neighboring town, for illegal fireworks production. They bought raw materials from other places, stayed up all night, organized workers to work all night, and were suspected of making small fireworks products commonly known as "foxtail".

  An emergency management cadre who participated in the accident handling estimated: "The explosive that caused this explosion may be more than 100 kilograms." The relevant person in charge of Liling Public Security Bureau revealed that seven suspects, including Liu Moujun, had been under control and Li Mouzhong was killed in the accident.

  Expose multiple regulatory loopholes

  Fireworks and firecrackers industry is one of the pillar industries in Liling. The data shows that there are more than 170 registered enterprises engaged in fireworks production in the local area, with more than 100,000 employees.

  Illegal production is the pain point and risk point of fireworks and firecrackers industry. "Illegal workshops often have serious defects in safety management and are extremely dangerous." A supervision cadre of fireworks and firecrackers industry said that the relevant safety production norms have strict requirements on the construction of factory buildings, physical isolation of production links, quantitative stacking of raw materials, and personnel holding certificates. For example, the amount of processed drugs should not exceed 3 kg at a time, and single-person single-room operation should be implemented. However, the hardware facilities and personnel quality of illegal workshops are far from meeting the requirements.

  Although the relevant departments have made great efforts to control it, the illegal production of fireworks and firecrackers has been repeatedly banned. According to the statistics of Liling Public Security Bureau, Liling has detected 31 criminal cases of illegally manufacturing and storing explosives this year, and 54 people have taken criminal compulsory measures. In 2022, this group of data was 59 and 88 respectively.

  Why do offenders take risks? A practitioner in the fireworks and firecrackers industry said that compared with regular operation, illegal production saves many costs such as investment and factory construction, safety management and tax payment, and the profit rate may be more than three times higher. The reporter learned from the public security and judicial organs that Li Mouzhong was sentenced for illegally manufacturing and storing explosives in 2021. When the accident occurred, he was still on probation.

  Many practitioners and regulators have reported that many fireworks manufacturers have emptied their inventories, and some people "bet" on the good market at the end of the year and use the off-season in summer to "grab production". Another person from the regulatory authorities told reporters that the wages of workers who illegally produce firecrackers in pig farm workshops may reach thousands of yuan per night.

  It is worth noting that there are security loopholes in the "two ends" supervision of fireworks and firecrackers in production and sales.

  A number of emergency management department cadres said that although the regulatory authorities require raw material manufacturers to strictly verify the buyer’s safety production license qualification, there are many cases of "taking advantage of loopholes" in the operation level, such as hanging certificates and forging certificates. At the sales level, one of the usual means of illegal production workshops is to enter the licensed manufacturer through the back door to complete the transformation, or directly "fake" the outer packaging of the regular manufacturer, steal its safety production license number and flow into the wholesale market.

  The accident also exposed some problems that illegal production workshops are concealed and difficult to supervise. The police of Banshan Town Police Station said that the illegal workshop hidden in the pig farm was hidden and only produced at night. The cadre in charge of safety production in Banshan Town said that he had never entered the pig farm for investigation before. This method of artificial production of firecrackers does not use large equipment and is very flexible. Once the raw materials and products are removed, it is difficult for regulators to find traces of production.

  In addition, a cadre of the supervision department pointed out that some grass-roots units are not strictly responsible, and some even have interests involved. The investigation work is a mere formality, forming a blind spot for supervision and allowing illegal production to take advantage of it.

  Be alert to risks in hidden corners and improve joint prevention and control at the grass-roots level.

  On the 11th, the Emergency Management Department of Hunan Province held an emergency video conference on "illegal production" and safety supervision of fireworks and firecrackers in the province. On the 12th, Liling launched the "crackdown on illegal production" campaign, emphasizing "strict investigation, crackdown and strict control" on illegal production.

  Liuyang and Liling in Hunan, Shangli and Wanzai in Jiangxi, four counties and cities are national fireworks and firecrackers industrial clusters, accounting for more than 85% of the country’s output, and are also key supervision areas for the production of fireworks and firecrackers.

  Many cadres of public security and emergency management departments believe that the supervision of fireworks and firecrackers industry is polarized at present: the supervision of formal production enterprises is more and more strict and standardized, while the illegal production activities in "hidden corners" are more and more hidden, and there are signs of spillover to non-main production areas.

  A cadre engaged in the supervision of fireworks and firecrackers industry said that in the past, illegal production dens were mostly located in abandoned houses and factories in remote areas. With the increasing crackdown, these dens kept changing places and their mobility was greatly improved. "Some are produced in high-rise elevator houses, and some are produced in the freight compartment of trucks, ‘ Shoot a gun and change a place ’ It is very difficult to find and attack in time. "

  "The illegal production of fireworks and firecrackers also shows a trend of small-scale and fragmented organization production. For example, this pig farm den does not need electricity, machinery, and venues. The technical threshold is low, and a few experienced locals can engage in production. " The cadre told reporters.

  The cadres of the emergency management department interviewed suggested that we should focus on the "two ends" in controlling and cracking down on illegal production — — On the raw material side, strengthen the crackdown on illegal sales of dangerous chemicals that are easy to explode, and strictly implement the management of raw material flow; On the sales side, strengthen the supervision and inspection of dealers’ operating compliance. In short, let the illegal production dens "raw materials can’t enter, products can’t go out" and cut off their interest chain.

  On the other hand, we should strengthen the implementation of regulatory measures such as cross-regional inspection and joint law enforcement in the main producing areas of fireworks and firecrackers, accelerate the promotion of a unified and standardized management system, and carry out a "chess game" management of the flow of raw materials and products in the region.

  The interviewed cadres also suggested that for illegal production supervision, the relationship between powers and responsibilities of various departments should be further clarified. We can explore the establishment of a comprehensive linkage mechanism between public security, emergency management, market supervision and other departments, strengthen command and coordination, and compact the supervision responsibilities of various departments, so as to form a joint force of supervision through continuous attacks on the upstream and downstream of the whole chain.

  At the same time, it is necessary to promote the safety supervision force to extend to grass-roots safety supervision stations, village cadres, grid workers, etc., establish a normalized illegal production investigation mechanism, improve the joint prevention and control mechanism at the grass-roots level, increase the intensity of surprise visits and unannounced visits, and guard against cadres becoming "protective umbrellas."

Guide | Where to eat for the Wuhan Youth League Banquet? Rescuing selection difficulties

The best meal in a year should be the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner.
In the twelfth lunar month, parents started planning, cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle, and curing fish and bacon. China parents, who are not good at expressing their love, used a big dinner on New Year’s Eve to show their concern for their families.
A sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner bears the most abundant feelings of China people. It divides the old year and the new year, soothes the homeless and celebrates the time of reunion.
But my parents are old, and they are reluctant to let them work hard. Finding a suitable restaurant and having a happy reunion dinner has become the most important thing before the new year.
Near the end of the year, you may not be able to screen carefully because of your busy work. Don’t panic, Wu Lvjun traveled all over Wuhan and found these high-quality restaurants. The New Year’s reunion dinner has its own characteristics, and you will be satisfied if you need to sit down.
* ranking in no particular order, sorted in pinyin order.
starred hotel
Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel
Write Spring Festival couplets after dinner.
During the Spring Festival, Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel has prepared a lot of annual activities. For example, on February 5 (New Year’s Day), four lively and festive lions will appear at the entrance of the hotel, stepping on plum blossom piles and passing on New Year’s greetings.
△//Old Shanghai smoked small yellow croaker
In addition, during the whole Spring Festival, guests who enjoy the New Year’s Eve in the hotel can use the pen, ink, paper and inkstone provided on the spot to write down the Spring Festival couplets and take them home for the whole family to enjoy.
△//Braised mandarin fish larvae with Shaoshan flavor
At present, the Chinese restaurant in the hotel offers five kinds of New Year’s Eve menus, starting from 2688 yuan, which you can choose according to the number of guests.
The group annual banquet is available at the price of 2688/2888/3988/5988/12988, which can meet the different needs of 10-20 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: Sheraton Caiyuexuan Chinese Restaurant, No.80 Fanhu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-63601978
The westin fuli hotel
Dining in 180 River View
Adjacent to Wuchang River Beach, the hotel dining adds a sense of ceremony. There are 7 kinds of meals available for the group annual banquet, and the price ranges from 3688 yuan to 10,000 yuan, meeting the dining needs of all grades.
There are three must-order dishes: signature dried Kun fish head, hot and sour plum ginseng, and black sesame bean curd with pine needles.
The signature Gankun fish head is about 7 kg of Tianmu Lake male fish, which is cooked with slow fire. Under the fish head, there are crisp handmade shepherd’s purse dumplings, bamboo shoots and prawns, all of which are mixed with delicacies.
Hot and sour plum ginseng is a secret seasoning that cuts plum ginseng and drenches it with hot and sour and refreshing. It tastes smooth and Q-bomb, and it is spicy to eat seafood, which is just in line with Wuhan people’s preferences.
The method of keeping fit with pine needles and black sesame bean curd is novel. The bean curd is wrapped with fine black sesame powder and immersed in golden pumpkin juice, which is fresh and sweet.
The group annual banquet is available at 3688/4688/5688/8088/12888/16888, which can meet the different needs of 10-28 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: The Westin R&F Hotel, No.96 Linjiang Avenue, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88168888
Kyle won Ro Hotel.
The whole roast pig was served on the table.
Kyle Ro Hotel launched the "Lucky Golden Pig" this year, following the cooking tips recorded by the Qing Dynasty culinary expert Yuan Mei in the "Suiyuan Food List". "First, roast the meat inside and make the ointment enter the skin, then the skin will be crispy and the taste will not go."
In the roasting process, pine, white wine and maltose are also added to make the pork exude a rich aroma from the inside out.
The rare seafood in the group annual banquet package is the highlight. After a table, you can taste fresh flavors all over the country.
Throughout the year, eat a big meal and start a new year full of blessings.
In addition to the meal fee, 10% service charge and 6% government value-added tax are added to each table. There are three packages of 2888/3888/4688 yuan to choose from, and you need to make an appointment in advance for meals.
Restaurant information
Address: Shangdu Taoyuan Chinese Restaurant, 2nd floor, Ro Hotel, Kyle, No.159, yanjiang road, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-82778888 to 8920
Shimao Hilton Hotel
Chef’s customized New Year’s Eve dinner
Hilton Shimao Hotel is located on the bank of Hanyang River. Through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic glass window, you can see a touch of red on the Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge.
Zhang Youbin, the chef of Jiu Chinese restaurant in the hotel, has been in business for nearly 30 years.This year’s New Year’s dinner package focuses on his specially made authentic Hubei cuisine, and there are also Cantonese and Sichuan dishes to choose from.
The three must-order specialties are hand-torn beef, Kyoto mutton soup and Mende chicken. In addition, Wuhan specialty Jiang Xian, Cai Tai, Nihao and lotus root ribs soup are all good choices.
There is no fixed menu for the group annual banquet, so it is a feature of this family to order whatever you want.
You need to make an appointment in advance for the Spring Festival meal, and customize the menu according to your needs.
Restaurant information
Address: Jiu Restaurant on the second floor of Shimao Hilton Hotel, No.190 Binjiang Avenue, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59402740
Wanda Ruihua Hotel
Luxury choice on the street of Chuhehan
If there are distinguished guests coming from afar during the Spring Festival, it is recommended here.
Wuhan Wanda Ruihua Hotel has a high-quality Huaiyang cuisine restaurant in Wuhan, and exquisite Jiangnan dishes such as Huaiyang boiled dried silk, crab powder tofu pot and crab powder lion head can be eaten here.
Besides, if guests want to experience the authentic local flavor, there are typical Hubei dishes such as bacon, vegetable moss and pork ribs and lotus root soup in restaurants.
After dinner, it is a very good travel experience to take new friends and old friends to the Han Street in Chuhe for a walk, or to take a cruise on Han Street to the East Lake.
Dining needs to be reserved one week in advance. The group annual banquet has five grades of 5288/6888/8888/9999/19999, which can be enjoyed by 10-26 people, and each table includes drinks. In addition to the meal fee, 6% value-added tax is added.
Restaurant information
Address: Banquet Yipin Huaiyang Chinese Restaurant, 6th Floor, Wanda Ruihua Hotel, No.138 Donghu Road, Shuiguohu Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59599999 to 6160
Shangri-La Hotel
The annual flavor of old Wuhan
Shangri-la leaves this yearSimple and people-friendly styleOn New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s Eve party brought the old Wuhan scene back to life. Wuhan traditional snacks are made on the spot, fried meatballs, lotus root clips, fried dumplings and popcorn, which are full of year-round flavor.
The dishes are all common dishes on Wuhan people’s New Year’s Eve dinner table, made by star chefs, and the appearance is naturally refined.
In addition to the New Year’s Eve dinner, there are various annual activities during the seven days of the Spring Festival, such as making dumplings, tying lanterns, cutting window flowers, and even playing mahjong to win the buffet free of charge. You can have a one-stop meal, eat, drink and have fun, and you can have a Chinese New Year with great excitement.
The New Year’s Eve banquet is only provided on New Year’s Eve, with a price of 3288/2288 yuan. The opening time is 18:00, and reservations are required.
Restaurant information
Address: Grand Ballroom on the second floor of Shangri-La Hotel, No.700 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85806868 to 6320
Characteristic restaurant
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store
Authentic Beijing roast duck roasted on site
This restaurant, which specializes in roast duck, chooses Beijing stuffed duck, which grows on the bank of Yanqi Lake. The duck blank is dried for 3 days to discharge acid, and baked on the spot for 50 minutes by traditional oven hanging technique.It is the orthodox craft of Beijing roast duck.
Sliced duck master’s on-site slice cutting and loading trayIt is divided into three parts: duck skin, duck breast and duck leg.
Duck skin with blueberry sauce and pop rocks, duck breast dipped in yellow mustard sauce, seems to be a "dark dish", but it tastes amazing.
The duck leg meat follows the traditional eating method of Beijing roast duck. The fat and thin duck meat, with all kinds of small ingredients and dipping sauce in the eight-treasure box, is rolled up with lotus leaf cakes.
The duck rack with sliced meat is not wasted. You can choose to make duck soup, add tofu and Chinese cabbage, which is light, fresh and sweet, and balance the greasy taste of oil.
In addition to roast duck, there are various famous northern dishes in the annual meal package, which can taste the strong flavor of the year from Beijing.
The New Year’s Eve dinner package has three options: 1888 yuan (8 people) /2388 yuan (10 people) /2578 yuan (12 people), all of which include freshly roasted roast duck. Private rooms have 8-14 room types to choose from, and the margin is small. There is also a big table, and an appointment is required.
Restaurant information
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Hanjie Branch)
Address: No.9, the first block of Chuhehan Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87268216/87268219
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Yifang Branch)
Address: Floor 5, Yifang Shopping Center, No.1515 Zhongshan Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-82301899/82302899
Dayin art restaurant
Wangjiangchi fish
A restaurant under tiemenguan in Hanyang has a view of the river beach. The hall is decorated with Chinese flower arrangements, and the sound of guqin is the background, which is full of ancient charm.
The recommended dishes are braised pork, Wuchang fish, Dali wrapped black tofu and Guanyin duck, which are not only unique in Hubei, but also blend the flavors from all over the country.
The restaurant is close to Qingchuan Pavilion. After dinner, it is comfortable and beautiful to go for a walk in Qingchuan Pavilion.
The annual meal package has a price of 2999 yuan, and there is an additional 10% service charge for meals. The restaurant is open from 10: 00 a.m. to 14: 00 a.m. and from 16: 00 p.m. to 21: 00 p.m., and it is closed from the first day to the sixth day. A small number of private rooms can be reserved for dining before the New Year.
Restaurant information
Address:No. D70 Ximachang Street, Hanyang, Wuhan
Tel: 027-65021677
Rice Field; the fragrance of rice
Hong Kong-style potted dishes, lively New Year.
Daoxiang, a Hong Kong brand that has been stationed in Wuhan for many years, is most famous for its stable quality morning and evening tea. During the Spring Festival, its family also has a new year’s dinner to book.
The menu is the same as the daily banquet menu, and the Hong Kong style is rather light. I am used to eating thick oil red sauce on weekdays, so I can try something fresh for a change.
The representative dishes of Hong Kong-style New Year’s dinner areready-to-cook dishStack all kinds of ingredients in a big pot, which means that the pot is full and the harvest is reunion.
Pot dishes can have as many as nine floors, which are basically cooked vegetarian dishes, with miscellaneous materials in the middle, and precious ingredients such as shrimp, scallop, abalone and sea cucumber all over the top of the pot, which has both ornamental and taste functions.
A large basin was served on the table, steaming hot, and a family shared a treasure hunt. The atmosphere immediately became lively and the taste of the year was even more sufficient.
Potted vegetables can be eaten in the hall or taken away in gift boxes, but they must be booked 7 days in advance. The reunion dinner has three price points: 1988/2388/2888 yuan. There are private rooms and large tables, and you need to make an appointment.
Restaurant information
Daoxiang seafood hotpot restaurant (Hanjie branch)
Address: Floor 3-5, No.1 Hanjie, Shuiguohu, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87829595
Hong Kong Daoxiang Seafood Dim Sum Restaurant (Qiaokou Branch)
Address: Room 4003-4004, 4th Floor, Zone A, Yuexiu Xinghui Victoria Harbour Shopping Center, No.1 Zhongshan Avenue, Qiaokou District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-59808899
Daoxiang Seafood Hotpot Restaurant (moore city Branch)
Address: Floor 1, Building C, moore city, Wuhan, No.6 Longyang Avenue, Wangjiawan, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-84516767
Hankou privacy kitchen
Happy time in the old villa
The brand of coarse tea and light rice is positioned as a private-owned official dish.It is a typical taste of Hubei.
Lion’s head, tofu balls,Fish head king, glutinous rice ribs, beef bean skinWait for the characteristics, while retaining the local characteristics, make a little innovation and improvement, and eat comfortably like home cooking.
Restaurant decoration takes a retro route.It’s like walking into a husband’s pavilion in the last century, with typewriters, phonographs and other antique furniture on display in the corridor.
It is also very special to take a family photo after dinner.
There are 14 private rooms in the restaurant, which can meet the dining needs of 4-16 people, all with separate toilets. Reservations are required in advance for private rooms for annual meals.
Restaurant information
Address: No.977 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan (opposite to Wuhan Evening News)
Tel: 027-82776007
Hubin guest house
View from the lake, comfortable and comfortable.
In the old restaurant near the East Lake, every private room can overlook the lake, and the environment is perfect.
In winter, it is very suitable to order a stew of firewood and lotus root, and choose a seven-hole lotus root specially used for simmering soup to simmer slowly, so that the bones of firewood and fish will melt, and a bowl will warm the heart and stomach.
The fish head of Tangxun Lake is also the signature here. The fish round is soft and tender, with a little shadow of Jiang Mo, but the taste is not strong, but it adds a little fragrance.
As the boss is from Zhejiang, hangzhou dishes has become a major feature.
Shaoxing fragrant carved chicken is fine-tuned according to the taste of Hubei people. The native chicken and pig’s feet in western Hubei are selected and stewed with Shaoxing carved wine, which is salty and fresh in one bite and full of wine.
Booking a private dining room, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the East Lake in the afternoon and dining near the lake in the evening may be the most pleasant way to open the New Year’s Eve.
The annual meal package is available at the price of 3880/4880/5380 yuan. Reservation is required for dining, and the menu can be customized according to the taste of the guests.
Restaurant information
Address: East Lake Tingtao Scenic Area, No.78 Huangli Road, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88166666
Tian yi ju cha life
Drinking tea, catching up with the past and watching the lake.
A very elegant tea and food restaurant by the northwest lake. The small door is not conspicuous in the garden road business circle.But there are floor-to-ceiling glass windows facing the northwest lake, and the scenery is good.
The whole meal tastes light, and most cooking methods add tea elements.Rice is also cooked with tea soup.In addition to the original taste of rice, it adds a hint of tea fragrance.
The restaurant has an elegant environment, and the menus are all written in calligraphy. In the afternoon, make an appointment with friends and relatives, first have tea to catch up with the past, and then have a leisurely tea meal with the lake view, which can be regarded as a kind of life enjoyment.
There are three price options for the annual meal package, 888/1288/1688, all of which include a tea. You need to make an appointment for dinner. When you book the annual meal package, you will be given a special menu of writing brush and calligraphy.
Restaurant information
Address: Downstairs of Marriott International, No.8 Xibeihu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85780089
Year after year
The reunion dinner is steaming.
Simplicity or decency are nothing but skins.
The family sat round and round at the table.
Talk about this year’s life
Enjoy each other’s company
Is the most precious thing.
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