5 years of car loss exceeds 110 billion! Hengda Automobile sudden announcement: strategic investment termination

guideThe car has lost more than 110 billion in 5 years.

Source |Hengda Automobile Announcement, Financial World, Securities Times, Daily Economic News

According to Hengda Automobile’s announcement, Newton Group’s strategic investment has been terminated, and the company’s previously proposed transactions and amendments to the terms of the debt-to-equity swap have not made any further progress.

Evergrande Motor said that it will not hold a shareholders’ meeting for approval and will not publish any circulars relating to, among other things, the Special Mandate, the Newtown Group share purchase agreement, the proposed transaction, the wash waiver, the proposed amendment, the debt-for-equity subscription agreement, the offset agreement and the debt-for-equity swap. The company will no longer issue further monthly announcements on the proposed transaction and the progress of the debt-for-equity swap.

As the Share Subscription is no longer in progress, the Subscriber is under no obligation under Rule 26 of the Takeovers Code to make an unconditional mandatory general offer in respect of all outstanding Shares which it and persons acting in concert with it have not yet owned or consented to acquire. The Company will not apply to the Executive for his consent to the Special Deal.

In August 2023, Hengda Auto and strategic investor Newton Group signed an agreement. The main content of Newton Group’s share purchase agreement is that Newton Group implements a strategic investment of about 500 million US dollars in Hengda Auto and provides 600 million yuan in transition funds; the debt-to-equity swap agreement means that Hengda Group, Xu Jiayin and other creditors offset the 20.895 billion Hong Kong dollar debt owed by Hengda Auto by subscribing for new shares of Hengda Auto. Assuming that the debt-to-equity swap of new energy vehicles is completed and followed by the completion of the subscription of new energy vehicle shares, China Evergrande’s shareholding ratio in Evergrande Automobile will be diluted to about 46.86%, Evergrande New Energy Automobile will no longer be a non-wholly-owned subsidiary of China Evergrande, and its financial performance will no longer be comprehensively accounted for in China Evergrande’s performance.

In October 2023, the transaction was suspended, and Evergrande announced that Newton Group had suspended the implementation of relevant obligations in the share purchase agreement. The change in the transaction was directly related to the exposure of "Xu Jiayin was subject to coercive measures" at that time, which interrupted the process of Hengda’s dollar debt restructuring, which in turn caused Hengda to fail to meet the pre-conditions of the transaction.

In January 2024, Evergrande announced that the Newtown Group’s share purchase agreement and the company’s debt-for-equity swap subscription agreement for Evergrande had expired on December 31, 2023. At that time, Evergrande responded that the parties to the Newtown Group’s share purchase agreement and debt-for-equity swap subscription agreement, as well as certain stakeholders, have been and will continue to negotiate amendments to certain key terms of the proposed transaction and debt-for-equity swap. The company will make monthly announcements until it announces its exact intention to proceed with the proposed transaction and debt-for-equity swap or decides not to proceed with the proposed transaction and debt-for-equity swap.

Evergrande’s "life-saving money"

Newton Group’s strategic investment in Hengda Automobile is regarded by public opinion as "life-saving money" for Hengda Automobile.

On August 14, 2023, Hengda Automobile announced that it received the first strategic investment of 500 million US dollars from the listed company Newton Group (NWTN.US), which is held by the sovereign fund of the United Arab Emirates, and another 600 million yuan of RMB transition funds will be received one after another 5 working days after the announcement.

The proposed transaction between the two parties is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2023. Upon completion of the transaction, Newton Group’s shareholding ratio in Evergrande will account for 27.5% of the total number of issued ordinary shares after the expansion.

However, the deal is subject to 19 preconditions, including the entry into force of the China Evergrande workout and the absence of material adverse events.

The car has lost more than 110 billion in 5 years

According to Hengda Automobile previously disclosed that all the funds invested in this war will be used for Hengda Automobile’s Tianjin factory to ensure the normal production of Hengchi 5 and the successive mass production of Hengchi 6 and 7. In addition, Newton Group will also assist Hengda Automobile to develop overseas markets and achieve the annual export of 30,000-50,000 Hengchi vehicles to the Middle East.

In 2023, Hengda’s total revenue is 1.34 billion yuan, of which more than 1.10 billion yuan comes from property sales, accounting for more than 90% of the overall revenue.

Hengda Automobile lost 11.995 billion yuan last year (27.664 billion yuan in 2022). Statistics show that Hengda Automobile has been building cars for 5 years, with a cumulative loss of 110.841 billion yuan and a cumulative delivery of 1389 units.

As of the end of last year, Hengda’s total assets 34.851 billion yuan; total liabilities 72.543 billion yuan, of which, loans 26.484 billion yuan, trade and other payables 43.012 billion yuan, other liabilities 3.047 billion yuan.

As of the end of last year, Hengda Automobile was involved in the outstanding debts of about 9.447 billion yuan; on December 31, 2023, the group’s overdue commercial tickets accumulated about 3.401 billion yuan. In addition, the number of pending proceedings with a target amount of more than 30 million yuan totaled 68 pieces, and the total amount of the target amount totaled about 13.608 billion yuan.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will

Half a month ago, Ms. Li, who was on a business trip to Jinan, used the chauffeur service. After checking out, she found that she had charged 109 yuan for a 1.5-kilometer trip. Recently, many car owners reported to the New Yellow River reporter that they had been charged high prices when looking for a chauffeur, suspecting that they might have encountered a "black chauffeur".

The reporter visited and investigated and found that most of the suspected "black drivers" wore regular imitation clothes and "squatted" drunk passengers on the scene. They borrowed billing software to set the payment amount at will, and even some billing software did not require identity verification and only charged membership fees.

Citizens spend 109 yuan to find a driver for 1.5 kilometers, which is nearly double the cost of other platforms

On November 9, Ms Li arrived in Jinan from Zibo on a business trip. That night, she had a drink with a friend at a bar on Luoyuan Street. After the show ended at 2am the next day, she called a chauffeur at the scene. "He was wearing platform clothes and said he was driving on behalf of Shi Cheng. I thought it was not far from the hotel where I stayed, so I asked him to send me back to the hotel." After arriving at the destination, the driver said that the weather was cold and he would increase the price, charging 109 yuan, Ms Li said. "I drank a lot at that time, so I paid him the money. The more I thought about it the next day, the more wrong it was."

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 1

Ms. Li said that the map from the bar to the hotel showed a distance of 1.5 kilometers, and a well-known driving platform only cost 55 yuan to drive 8 kilometers, and the fee of 109 yuan was too high. "Later, I didn’t find the Shicheng driving platform from the mini program, and I suspected that I encountered a’black driving ‘." Subsequently, the reporter checked the fee of a well-known driving platform, and the starting price from 0:00 to 6:00 was 55 yuan within 8 kilometers. The fee charged by the "driving" that Ms. Li encountered was nearly double that of the platform.

The screenshot of the payment order provided by Ms. Li shows that the recipient of the order is "Shicheng Auto Service", which is a personal account number. The reporter did not check the relevant information of the company through Tianyancha.

Coincidentally, Mr. Zhang, a citizen, also encountered a similar situation. "At the end of the liquor store, I found a chauffeur at the door of the hotel, and the chauffeur showed me with his mobile phone, indicating that he was a regular chauffeur, and the platform automatically billed him. It was not until after payment that I found out that the recipient was the chauffeur himself, not the regular chauffeur platform." Mr. Zhang also said that such "chauffeurs" are specifically aimed at passengers who are half-awake and half-drunk, "which is easier to’start ‘."

Reporter investigation: There are offline driving agents using billing software, and prices can be set at will

Regarding the situation reported by the citizens, the reporter launched an investigation near several hotels in the evening of the past few days. In the Impression Jinan business district, the reporter asked a driver after observation. The driver said that he was cheaper than the regular driving platform. The reporter showed that after arriving near IKEA, the driver’s platform order showed 100 yuan, so he urged the reporter to place an order. The reporter opened a regular driving platform to inquire, and the cost was only 35 yuan. So he asked the driver why the price was so high. The driver immediately locked the screen of his mobile phone and rode in the other direction.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 2

At a barbecue compound on Olympic Sports Middle Road, several chauffeurs in formal attire stopped at the door of the hotel waiting for passengers. When asked by a reporter, the chauffeur said that he could directly transfer money on WeChat without going to the platform at the same price as the platform. "The platform needs to deduct our service fee, or I am a little cheaper than the platform, you can directly transfer it to me." The driver said.

A driver revealed that there are currently driving software on the market that can modify the price at will, and many data can be adjusted by the driver. Among these driving billing software, an app called "driving billing" is quite popular.

Subsequently, the reporter downloaded the "driving pricing" app in the Apple App Store and found that the software does not require identity authentication, as long as you enter your mobile phone number and verification code to log in. On the software, registrants can set their own pricing template, starting price and starting mileage, waiting time charges, return fees, etc. After exceeding the starting mileage, the price per kilometer can also be set by themselves, and all prices can be set from 1 yuan to 151 yuan.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 3

The reporter edited the billing template in the "Driving Price" App. The starting price for the whole day is 151 yuan. The software shows that after starting the order and then ending the order, the driving fee of 151 yuan can be charged.

The driver revealed that in addition to using the software to arbitrarily price, there are also some personal driver drivers who buy driver clothes online to hide people’s eyes and ears. On the Taobao platform, the reporter entered "driver’s vest", and you can see a large number of clothes that are exactly the same as the regular driver’s platform appeared in the search results. The reporter randomly clicked on a store to ask about the driver’s vest. The customer service of the store said that the store’s driver’s vest is the same as the regular driver’s platform, and the font and logo can be changed. It will be shipped within 48 hours.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 4

There are more than ten types of driving billing software, and the starting price limit can be unlocked by software payment.

The reporter learned that at present, the main drivers are registered drivers of various driving platforms and personal drivers who do not have any guarantees and operate independently. Some personal drivers do not want to pay platform fees or share with the platform, so they rely on billing software for pricing. The reporter searched for software related to driving and pricing in the Apple Store and found that there are more than ten downloadable billing software. Some software can be downloaded and used, and some software shows that the network connection is unstable and cannot be used when registering.

The reporter randomly downloaded a software called "Driver", and the software introduction stated that "Driver" is a traffic navigation and billing application. Regardless of the driver or the owner, you can customize the billing template. After starting the service, according to the current billing rules, calculate the mileage and the price corresponding to the mileage in real time. You can set the mileage correction function, estimate the price of the mileage, accurately calculate the positioning, travel trajectory, and one-click navigation. It is a necessary metering tool for driver drivers.

Later, when the reporter changed the starting price of the software to the maximum limit of 120 yuan, the software reminded "The starting price you set has exceeded the current city price too much. In order to avoid disputes with customers, please set it carefully. If you need to unlock, pay 299 yuan to permanently unlock the starting price limit."

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 5

In the market, a variety of billing software is used by drivers to slaughter customers, and even become a kind of "convenience". How should the rights and interests of consumers in question be protected? A staff member of the market supervision department told reporters: "’Black driving’ belongs to the chaos of the industry. We mainly supervise the driving company, such as whether the platform clearly labels the price to consumers and whether the billing basis is informed to consumers. ‘Black driving’ is based on personal pricing, or using some billing platforms to charge consumers unreasonable driving fees. It is difficult for market supervision departments to supervise and enforce personal charging behavior."

According to a staff member of Jinan 12345 transportation special seat, driving is an emerging industry. At present, there are no laws and regulations in our country to prevent individuals or units from engaging in driving activities, and there are no laws and regulations to stipulate driving standards, qualifications and qualification restrictions.

Industry insiders say the industry lacks supervision and the market order still needs to be standardized

A person who has been engaged in the driving industry for many years said that the driving industry currently lacks professional standards and the norms of relevant institutions, and is in a state of unsupervised. According to his understanding, "personal driving" in Jinan mostly exists near the Olympic Sports Area and the High-tech Zone. " For example, during peak periods, when orders are issued very intensively, passengers can’t find a chauffeur on the platform. At this time, such’personal chauffeurs’ start to’attract customers’. Most of them are mobile squatting stations, and some drivers wear regular platform clothes, and they can’get back their money ‘by taking an order in one night; there is another situation, the regular platform will deduct 2% of the driver’s service fee. Some drivers are unwilling to go to the platform, and the asking price is the same as the platform price, but when encountering a driver with poor driving skills, it is difficult to find someone to hold accountable for an accident. "

The industry insider cautioned, "The most reliable way is to call the driver through the regular platform. The regular platform has the driver’s information. If there is a safety problem, each driver has insurance, and the owner can find the driver to be held accountable. The driver is bound by the corresponding regulations of the platform and will not ask for the price at will."

The reporter searched and found that from September 20th to October 19th, the Jinan Municipal Transportation Bureau publicly solicited opinions and suggestions from the public through the website of the Jinan Municipal People’s Government on the "Notice on Regulating the Order of the Driving Market (exposure draft) ". One of the solicitation opinions mentioned the threshold for employment and the government’s introduction of pricing standards: There are no special laws and regulations in our country to regulate and restrict the entry threshold for engaging in driving services. At present, it mainly relies on the self-discipline of each driving service operator (platform or enterprise, the same below). Each driving service operator independently determines the recruitment standards and regulations for car drivers according to their own operating conditions. Secondly, according to the "Price Law of the People’s Republic of China" and the "Shandong Province Pricing Catalog", the government pricing project implements directory management. The driving service is not included in the "Shandong Province Pricing Catalog", and the price is subject to market-adjusted prices. The specific price standards are independently formulated by the operator according to their own costs and market supply and demand.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 6

Huang Xiwen, a lawyer at Shandong Zhengdu Law Firm, also reminded consumers that there are currently no unified regulations on surrogate driving across the country. The management of surrogate driving is mainly due to the internal supervision of the company and the self-discipline of the surrogate driver. Therefore, when choosing a surrogate driver, try not to be convenient. You can directly find a surrogate driver at a restaurant, bar, etc. to solicit business. You must check the other party’s driver’s license, confirm the basic information and leave your contact information. It is best to place an order through a regular surrogate driving platform to prevent accidents.

New Yellow River Reporter: Yan Xiaoyu

The music synthesis has come up with a new trick! The official publicity lineup of "Come and See Our Concert" has caused controversy

In the current variety show market, music variety shows were not uncommon, and even began to appear homogeneous. In order to attract more audiences, the music comprehensive program team had created different concepts, which were mostly divided into rock, folk, pop, electronic music, and so on according to the type of music.

The recent broadcast of a music synthesis "Come and See Our Concert" has innovated in the form of performance, emphasizing that "Full Open Mai" gives the audience a closer experience of live music. At the moment of the epidemic, people have not walked into the stadium for a long time to feel the power of the chorus at the concert, and the program concept is to capture the audience’s miss for live music, which naturally has an advantage over other music complexes.

The lineup of the show has also been announced recently, covering Chinese singers of all ages, including old, middle-aged and young, and performing in the form of a combination. Zhang Xinzhe, Wu Sikai, Dai Penny and other classic singers and songwriters come together to believe that they can evoke many people’s youthful memories. Pin Guan, who once played a popular short video platform with the song "The Door Is Not Locked", will also be on the stage with his friends.

Most of these singers are representatives of the popularity of songs, and their songs have spread all over the streets, but no one cares about the singers themselves. In such a collection that focuses on the strength of the scene, I don’t know if they can become popular again.

However, when it comes to "turning red", the 07 fast men who are also in the show lineup may have more experience. After the draft fever more than ten years ago faded, familiar names such as Chen Chusheng, Land Rover, Wang Yixin, and Zhang Yuan were gradually forgotten by people. Some of them adhered to their musical dreams, some switched to filmmaking, and some gradually retired… It was only recently that the fast men returned to the public eye with a reality show. The originally unpopular slow variety show exploded, and the Douban score was as high as 9.7, which also gave the 07 fast men unprecedented attention.

Regardless of the singing ability, the plot of the brothers’ reunion on the stage for many years is enough to attract the audience. After going through their own complicated lives, the brothers can still get together, and the "brotherhood" between them is the key to the recent popularity, and it is also the focus of the program’s promotion. The slogan of the fast man of the year on the promotional poster is also to attract a wave of nostalgic fans and expand the audience.

The show gathered a lot of powerful singers, and naturally also needed traffic blessing, so the new generation of singers was indispensable. However, after the official announcement of the lineup, the appearance of Zhou Zhennan and the little devil caused a lot of controversy. Zhou Zhennan and Cai Weize of the same company formed a "47" group to perform together. Due to the previous incident of Zhou Zhennan’s father being sued, many audiences did not have a good impression of him. The comments even called it "mouse shit spoiled a pot of porridge", and such a poorly reviewed artist had a more or less negative impact on the show’s ratings.

Due to his irrational fans and exaggerated costumes and makeup, the little ghost Wang Linkai has also been controversial from all sides. His performance style on the stage is exaggerated, and the action of "air guitar" is mocked out of the circle, and most people say they cannot appreciate it. The punk style image that the little ghost has maintained for a long time is not very suitable for the positioning of the show "All Open Mai Power Singing General", and his singing skills are not the focus of his performance. In fact, his performance form is greater than the content. The lack of nutritious lyrics has been criticized, and most fans are attracted by the appearance of niche subcultures. If the little ghost still performs in the show in the usual unoriginal way, it will inevitably lead to a wider discussion and criticism.

However, the program team also put a lot of effort into arranging the lineup, and the partners of the two traffic students are Cai Weize and Zhang Bichen. Although Cai Weize also made his debut in the Son of Tomorrow series, as the lead singer of the band at the same time, he has good singing skills, and Zhang Bichen is recognized by the circle and the audience as a strong singer. The cooperation of partners during the performance can also enrich the stage effect to a certain extent, and more importantly, the collision of different types of musicians can increase the topic and accumulate heat for the program.

Such an attempt to make a real "concert effect" is undoubtedly ambitious, and inviting a group of veteran singers is proof. While the controversial artists have a negative impact on the show, they have actually attracted more attention to the show, virtually creating momentum for go LIVE. With the cooperation of the artists’ own traffic and the promotion of the show, many people have noticed this new music synthesis that is about to go LIVE. And whether the concert can be moved into the variety stage as mentioned in the promotion, we will see after the show goes LIVE.

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

The new Toyota Highlander will be available on May 31

Recently, it was learned that the new Highlander is expected to be officially launched on May 31. This upgrade focuses on interior materials, intelligent configuration, and sound insulation effects. These improvements are based on the feedback from users of the current model.

The new Toyota Highlander will be available on May 31

In terms of interior, the new Highlander will be equipped with brushed metal trim panels and perforated NAPA leather seats, adding "exclusive seat adjustment buttons" and "smart touch warm light reading lights" to enhance ride comfort and luxury. In terms of intelligence, the new car is equipped with a 12.3-inch all-LCD instrument panel, with three display modes synchronized with the driving mode. The remote control function of the mobile phone has also been enhanced, with the addition of remote start headlights and honks, as well as remote control of the door and tailgate, which improves the convenience of using the car.

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

In response to the sound insulation problem of the current model, the new Highlander has increased the density and thickness of sound insulation materials in key areas such as the dashboard, front floor, second floor, trunk floor and central passage, respectively, by 80% and 83%. It also promotes that it will bring an "ethereal and quiet" interior environment, reflecting the manufacturer’s emphasis on improving the driving experience.

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

Wang Jianlin VS Xu Jiayin: Thousands of differences

Preface · Thousands of differences 

An eminent monk, known as Master Kuan Lin, gave Wang Jianlin a verse when he was 92 years old: "When the madness rests, the phantom body melts, and the dust inside and outside is empty. The cave is clear and clear, and there are no obstacles, and there are thousands of differences."

That was in 1997, when Wang Jianlin, his Wanda Group, and his Wanda football team were both thriving.

At this time, Xu Jiayin had just founded Evergrande Group not long ago. Oh, at that time, it could not be called a group. At that time, Evergrande did not know whether tomorrow would be good or bad, and whether the rivers and lakes would be deep or shallow.

Wang Jianlin, who left the football circle, has finally come back. At this time, Evergrande has been the overlord of the Chinese Super League for many years.

In the past 20 years, things have changed, but the phrase "thousands of differences make sense at once" is not outdated – two people, the road they have traveled, thousands of differences, the style of two people, thousands of differences, and the two people entered the era of Chinese football. There were also thousands of differences, but now it is just: the same goal.

 One Genhong Miao is starting at the bottom 

In January 2018, at an internal meeting of Evergrande Group, Xu Jiayin talked about his childhood experience when he mentioned why he wanted "targeted poverty alleviation":

"When I was 1 year and 3 months old, my mother got sick and had no money or place to see a doctor. I just left like this, and I became half an orphan."

"When I was in middle school, I was far from home. I carried a basket to school every week. The basket contained a black nest made of sweet potatoes and sweet potato noodles, and a small bottle with a little salt, a few drops of sesame oil, and a little scallion in it. This is my weekly ration. Three meals a day, one sweet potato, one nest, and a bowl of salt water for each meal. In summer, it is very hot, and the black nest grows hairy in half a day. Wash it and continue to eat."

Xu Jiayin said that in today’s Wumeng Mountain District, he saw the poverty of his childhood. "There is no road, no water, no electricity," and several families live scattered in a few kilometers of ravines. Each household is a dilapidated thatched hut, relying on the little hillside in front of the house and behind the house to eat from the sky.

Wang Jianlin had never tasted such pain. Wang Jianlin joined the army at the age of 15. In 1970, at the age of 15, Wang Jianlin was the youngest soldier in the Fourth Frontier Defense Regiment of the Jilin Provincial Military Region. Before joining the army, Wang Jianlin graduated from high school and spent half a year living in a farm in Cangxi County, Sichuan Province, which is known as the hometown of Sydney.

In November 1970, the whole army carried out "camping training", icy and snowy, along the original route of Linhai Snow Plains where Yang Zirong destroyed mountain sculptures, Wang Jianlin began his first difficult journey in life.

The army gave him special care, not letting him carry a rifle, only giving him a pistol. Despite this, with 10 kilograms of equipment on his back, Wang Jianlin had to walk 40 kilometers on the snowy road every day. This was too hard for a 15-year-old child, but Wang Jianlin did not remember this hard work, but remembered a secret taught to him by the monitor.

During that march, during a meal, the squad leader told him a trick to eat more and be full: don’t pack too much when you pack a meal for the first time, and pack it again after a few bites, and you will be full the second time! With this strange move, Wang Jianlin finally persisted. At the end of the training, only more than 400 people in the team of more than 1,000 people were not left behind, and Wang Jianlin became one of the 40%.

Because of this cleverness and persistence, by the age of 28, Wang Jianlin had become the youngest regiment cadre in the army, but in 1986, in response to the country’s call for "million disarmament", 32-year-old Wang Jianlin bid farewell to his military career and 17 years of military life, leaving a deep imprint on Wang Jianlin.

Later, after Wang Jianlin became a businessperson, he mentioned this experience to his subordinates more than once, and was especially willing to proudly tell the secret that the monitor taught him to eat, "He regarded me as a brother." When Wang Jianlin became the head of the Wanda Group family, he also liked to talk about the word "brother": "My concept of happiness is very simple, and one of them is to let my brothers have food and make money."

As a metaphor, Xu Jiayin is the male version of Ashin in the Japanese drama "The Story of Ashin", while Wang Jianlin’s story is similar to "Days Related to Youth".

But they are all workaholics, and they are not young, but they have not seen any signs of that slack.

In 2000, Wanda quit the football circle. Five years later, in 2005, Wang Jianlin, who got out of the football circle, expanded his business to 20 billion yuan. The former green boss was not satisfied: "I will not be satisfied with 50 billion yuan. Once I achieve 100 billion yuan, I can consider retiring."

But now Wanda Group’s assets exceed 700 billion, and Wang Jianlin’s retirement is still a long way off.

And what about Xu Jiayin? One year, he went to Europe for more than ten days, which he described as the only vacation in so many years. As soon as Evergrande employees joined the company, they knew that overtime was normal and inevitable in this company, because that was what the boss did.

Xu Jiayin rarely takes weekends off, working more than 90 hours a week, and still maintains the habit of working every day until the early morning. Evergrande executives work an average of more than 80 hours a week, and mid-level cadres work an average of more than 60 hours a week. Xu Jiayin, who came from a poor background, attributes his success to hard work. "Without it, I can’t do anything."

When he was in Henan Wuyang Iron and Steel Company, Xu Jiayin didn’t take a day off for ten years. In the first ten years of his business, Xu Jiayin often got off work at one o’clock in the middle of the night. For fear of affecting his family’s rest, he lay on the sofa in the living room until 4 am to go to work.

Compared with Xu Jiayin, Wang Jianlin emphasizes regularity: he must go to bed at 11 o’clock every night, he must get up at 6 o’clock in the morning, he must arrive at the company at 7:10, and then, he will go to work. After going home, he will make a few phone calls. This call is to communicate with several core key members of his team about the situation of the day, and then, after finishing these, he will read the "Evening News", wash and sleep. If the weather is good in the morning, walk, take a walk, and if the weather is bad, it will be avoided.

The work styles of the two are similar, but there are huge differences. Xu Jiayin was born in poverty and worked hard from the bottom step by step. Now he still retains the style of "who called you poor, and you are on the top". What about Wang Jianlin? Wang Jianlin’s father is an old Red Army member of the Red Fourth Front Army. Wang Jianlin joined the army for 17 years and changed his career as a cadre of the Fourth Regiment of the Frontier Defense of the Jilin Provincial Military Region; he has two years of experience as a civil servant as the director of the People’s Government Office of Xigang District, Dalian… All these things make Wang Jianlin seem "well-connected".

From the early experience, Wang Jianlin was a product within the system, while Xu Jiayin had more traces outside the system.

 Second, you hate me for being born late, I hate you for being born early 

Wang Anyi said that for a person, there are always two faces that are hard to forget – the face of his mother and the face of the city, which are the first memories. The era of Wanda football is the age of enlightenment for professional football in China, just as Teresa Teng is to pop and Cui Jian is to rock. Enlightenment things are very different, but one thing remains constant – the world that suddenly opened up in the era of enlightenment, the enthusiasm that was suddenly aroused, like a flood, cannot be stopped.

Therefore, for many football fans, especially those in Dalian, Wanda is a love of enlightenment.

And for many fans, especially Hengda fans, the same is true of Hengda’s role.

Dalian Wanda used to be a winning teacher, and players’ income came more from bonuses. Wang Jianlin’s famous saying was: "If you win the game, the bonus will be doubled!" Wanda sometimes won the prize as high as 800,000, and even reached 1 million in a game, which was a sky-high price at that time.

For veteran players like Xu Hong and Han Wenhai, they can also be assigned to the "welfare housing" built by Wanda Group. After 1997, the Dalian Wanda team spent more than 50 million yuan a year, which is an astonishing figure. From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call Wang Jianlin one of the founders of "Jinyuan Football".

Of course, the 50 million yuan spent is also worth it. The year of investing in football is also the era when Dalian Wanda has a solid foundation in Dalian, because Dalian Wanda has won numerous honors for Dalian with this business card, and Dalian Wanda has also been invincible in the Dalian real estate market with this football business card.

For example, the Changchun community where Xu Hong and others lived was once enthusiastically sought after by Dalian people. In addition to the quality of the house itself, the common thought of many people who bought a house was "We live in the same community as Xu Hong"!

Wang Jianlin is a smart businessperson, and his huge investment in football has paid off. In 1998, a well-known research company in Beijing conducted a market survey of Wanda’s popularity in eight cities across the country. The survey subjects ranged in age from 8 to 70. The results showed that Wanda Group’s popularity ranked among the top five in the country, with the same popularity as Hongta Group and Haier Group.

Therefore, Wang Jianlin’s annual investment of more than 50 million yuan may be a "bubble" for football, but it is a perfect investment for his own business.

For Evergrande, investing in football has brought them a similar brand effect, which goes without saying.

If we want to summarize, there are too many similarities between Wanda and Hengda in the glory of football. When Wanda entered football, it was the beginning of Chinese professional football, which was a golden age; after Hengda bottom fishing entered Chinese football, it also ushered in a "new era" of Chinese football.

However, when Wanda was about to enter the lowest point of Chinese football, it took the lead in smelling the smell and decisively withdrew, and now Evergrande is also in the period of adjustment and consolidation after their high speed.

 One branch alone is not spring 

In 2011, Wanda Group announced its return to Chinese football in the "great situation" of Chinese football.

Looking back now, from that day on, the "confrontation" between Wanda and Evergrande began.

On July 2nd, this day, Hengda announced a news, they signed the MVP Conca of the Bundesliga League with a transfer fee of 10 million US dollars, Conca’s annual salary 7 million US dollars, after signing Conca, Hengda high-profile claims, Hengda finally brought world-class stars to Chinese football.

Naturally, the next day in the media, the news of Conca’s joining was overwhelming, and that day, July 3, another major event took place in Chinese football, that is, Wang Jianlin’s Wanda Group returned to Chinese football.

One south and one north, two major events in Chinese football, but what many people don’t know is that the process of signing Kong Card was arduous and tortuous, and the timing of announcing Kong Card’s joining was carefully arranged by Evergrande, because the date they chose was to get ahead of Wanda, no more, no less, just one day.

Evergrande is difficult to tolerate themselves in a lonely period, Hengda will always be in the trend of the wave, if there are competitors, then we must weaken the influence of the opponent, sure enough, if not for the joining of Kong Ka, in those days, football news will become Wanda’s world.

After the end of the Chinese Super League in 2011, the awards ceremony of the Chinese Super League was held in Guangzhou. Guangzhou Evergrande won 5 of the 10 awards including the league championship, the Golden Boot Award, the Golden Globe Award, the Best Division and the Most Social responsibility Club Award, becoming the biggest winner of the night.

However, after the award ceremony, the big winner said with disappointment: "We came out so much for the award ceremony, but we sold Wanda advertising." Because the award ceremony left Wanda enough time, and Wanda sent a spokesperson Shi Xueqing to speak on stage, while Guangzhou Evergrande, the league champion, did not have such treatment.

And that award ceremony was finally broadcast live on the CCTV comprehensive channel!

After returning to Chinese football in 2011 and taking over Dalian Football in 2018, Wanda’s package of plans to support Chinese football includes the following things:

First, Wanda became the title dealer of the Chinese Super League and raised the title fee to a record high; second, Wanda formed the overseas team of Hope Stars and sent a large number of post-95s to Europe; third, this is also the most controversial point, that is, a month before the start of the World Cup 20 in Brazil, Gao Hongbo was forcibly replaced with Camacho.

In retrospect, Wanda did indeed give a lot of support during the trough period after the anti-gambling and anti-crime crackdown in Chinese football, which made the gradually impoverished Chinese Football Association and the Chinese Super League go through the most difficult period. When Wanda ended the sponsorship period in 2014, Chinese football has obviously recovered, and various commercial sponsorships have come in one after another, and they have all improved on the basis of Wanda’s period. These are all irreducible historical contributions.

But the overall weakness of the national brand team makes Wanda’s plans time-consuming and thankless, and in the past seven years, Evergrande has established its own Evergrande dynasty by virtue of its achievements in the Chinese Super League and the AFC Champions League – the Chinese Super League has won seven consecutive championships, and the AFC Champions League has won twice.

Wanda finally understood a truth, only in the local base, Wanda’s every step in Chinese football is not a castle in the air, it will not be pointless, and Hengda arm-wrestling, why not? Why not? After all, the current Dalian side is already an upright Chinese Super League vassal.

It is foreseeable that after Wanda re-enters the foreground, it will bring great shocks to the Chinese Super League, and at this time, Evergrande is precisely in the moment of shrinking the front and adjusting and consolidating.

Xu Jiayin finally met Wang Jianlin in the field of professional football in China. This kind of excitement has been awaited by many fans for a long time.

"Stealth": A different anti-drug movie, Andy Lau fought too hard this time!

1905 movie network feature The crime action movies of the four major Hong Kong film male gods have been set for December 29 and officially announced to land in the cinema for New Year’s Eve.

At present, "Stealth" has released key information such as the film trailer and plot introduction. In the film, Andy Lau challenges the role of the villain lawyer who is very difficult for the actor’s career. He uses the dark web to broadcast drug trafficking, and uses the law to get away with murder.

Just words alone, the thrill and murderous aura of "Stealth" can no longer be hidden. Apart from this scalp-tingling plot, what else can’t be missed in "Stealth"? "Today’s Film Review" takes you to see it!

"Stealth" is new enough!

"Stealth" is by no means a traditional anti-drug movie, but a new anti-drug movie that combines three elements: "curiosity theme", "extrajudicial fanatics", and "live drug trafficking".

The biggest innovation in "Stealth" is that the battlefield of drug trafficking and anti-drug has shifted to the dark and dangerous online world, and drug trafficking uses the dark web to broadcast drug trafficking. In such a large traffic entrance, how drug trafficking is secretly carried out and how the anti-drug operation will be advanced, it can be said that "Stealth" is not only about anti-drug, but also about the battle of wits and courage between cybercrime and sophisticated high-tech.

The "cat and mouse fight" that could not be avoided in the anti-drug genre films was also upgraded and evolved in "Stealth". Hackers were no longer the patent of bandits, and both the police and bandits in "Stealth" had high-IQ hackers in charge.

"Stealth" is ruthless!

The ruthlessness of "Stealth" is not only reflected in the bloody feeling of the crime action movie in the fighting scene, it is enough to dive down and explore the chilling ruthlessness behind human nature.

The lawyer played by Andy Lau, Lin Zhenan, has a gentle appearance, but his essence is "gentle scum". Whoever stands on the opposite side of him and who wants to share the interests with him, he will kill this person.

But in addition to this kind of ruthlessness of "killing without blinking an eye", Lin Zhenan’s ruthlessness is that he is not a pure cold-blooded person. Even if he betrayed himself when he treated his brother, he still missed his old love; when he treated his beloved wife and daughter, he was often emotional and burst into tears. The softness beyond ruthlessness makes the audience wonder how such a lawyer with tenderness and fraternity came to this state, and the thinking behind the doubts is enough to make people feel ruthless.

"Stealth" is awesome!

In addition to the film "Stealth", it has to be mentioned that Andy Lau himself has made a subversive transformation for "Stealth". In 2023, Andy Lau’s big screen image has changed as usual, and he has played the role of the villain many times in "Stealth", showing the other side of his acting skills.

In these two works, Andy Lau served as both the producer and the lead actor, and the producer’s identity gave him a heavier responsibility for the promotion and ultimate success of the film. This allowed him to prepare for the release of "Stealth" during his time in Hengdian, and also allowed him to do his best to play a good role in the film. At the age of 60, Andy Lau also opened himself up in the interpretation, willing to challenge the villain he played 16 years ago again, contributing new feelings to the audience, and leaving no regrets for himself.

He did indeed do it, and even after "Stealth", Andy Lau had the ability and potential to challenge more determined and extreme villains. Because Lin Jinan is a rare "bad and different" villain on the big screen, he has been so bad that he is close to madness, but this kind of bad is not facetious, but a natural development based on the exploration of his human nature. Andy Lau can play such an extremely complex role well, and with his age and experience, he will definitely have more courage to challenge more diverse images.

So far, there is "Stealth""If You Are the One 3"After a number of films were announced to be set for New Year’s Eve theaters, this year’s movie industry’s uncompromising "model worker" Andy Lau has another work in addition to "Stealth""Goldfinger."Also set the New Year’s Eve file.

In "Goldfinger", Andy Lau andTony LeungOnce again, the two films "Stealth" and "Goldfinger" were also called "the hope of the whole village" because of the strong cast and production team.

However, the revitalization of Hong Kong films is not simply determined by the degree of investment or the cast, but by the degree of integration with mainland audiences in terms of production concepts. In the new film market, audiences no longer expect purely shocking fighting scenes. In the hand-to-hand combat between you and me, audiences need deeper emotional exploration, more diverse audio-visual experiences, and fresher sensory impacts. We also look forward to the upcoming "Stealth" and "Goldfinger" to lead Hong Kong films out of the predicament and bring a "New Year’s gift" to the film industry and the market at the end of the year.

Deep integration of data and reality empowers thousands of industries

The "digital doctor" came to the door for "consultation", found 281 "crux" from 6 business data streams and 22 business modules, and issued a diagnostic report, helping "Old Nanning Taste" Nanning Food Co., Ltd. to open up the whole process data node, realize the efficient coordination of sales, production, supply chain and after-sales, and greatly reduce the operating costs of enterprises.
Digitally empowering local enterprises to build an energy digital factory for Guangxi Rongxing Zhongke Development Co., Ltd., so that all aspects of production can be "visible", traceable and early warning, and it is expected to reduce the cost of electricity by more than 1 million yuan per year.
Nowadays, more and more "made in Nanning" have been plugged into the wings of the digital economy and are rapidly moving towards "made in Nanning".
The digital economy is the "first move" to grasp the future. Nanning City is taking digital industrialization and industrial digitalization as the main line, relying on key parks such as China-ASEAN Artificial Intelligence Computing Center and China-ASEAN Geographic Information and Satellite Application Industrial Park to build key digital economy industrial chains such as artificial intelligence, spatial information, and Xinchuang; improve the efficiency of Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center Cloud as a Service, carry out the "Fertile Soil Plan" of digital transformation, promote the construction of digital factories and intelligent factories, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. Continue to inject surging impetus into the high-quality development of the capital’s economy and society.

"Digital doctor" takes the pulse for companies

In March this year, Guangxi Chunjiang Food Co., Ltd. welcomed a group of special "digital doctors". "Digital doctors" carry out digital diagnostic services for enterprises by knowing the real situation, research, discussion, analysis, diagnosis, etc. After in-depth analysis and accurate matching of enterprise needs, guide enterprises to carry out intelligent transformation and digital transformation.
"It is with their on-site diagnosis that we have a’good prescription ‘for our digital transformation." In the opinion of the person in charge of the company, the digital transformation of the enterprise faces many business difficulties and pain points, mainly in the lack of comprehensive digitization of business processes, data islands between various systems, and the lack of big data platforms. "Chunjiang is a food processing enterprise, and’Chunjiang pickled pepper duck paw’ is well-known both inside and outside the region, but the current market competition is becoming more and more intense. How to use digital and information technology means to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise is exactly what we need to think about."
At this time, under the guidance of the Nanning Municipal Big Data Development Bureau, Huawei – Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center sent a "timely rain" to the enterprise – dispatched a digital diagnostic service team to go deep into the enterprise, pointed out the "crux", and designed an overall digital factory solution according to the needs of the enterprise.
"At present, we are accelerating the construction of the Chunjiang digital factory. After completion, the factory can be processed and digitally managed through the App, and the overall visual management and monitoring of production can be realized. It is estimated that the equipment failure rate can be reduced by 30%, and the production capacity and revenue of the enterprise can be increased." Long Tingting, regional director of Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center, introduced.
Promote the digital transformation of traditional industries, empower industrial transformation and upgrading with digital technology, and rejuvenate more and more "Nanning Manufacturing". Since 2019, Nanning City has joined hands with Huawei to jointly build Huawei – Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center. Focusing on digital scenarios such as enterprise production, marketing, and R & D, from digital diagnosis to providing core digital solutions, the center has served more than 450 enterprises in the past 4 years, helping local enterprises such as 6:30, CRRC Aluminum, and Chunjiang to achieve digital upgrading and cost reduction and efficiency increase.
85% of companies achieve positive annual sales growth, with an average growth rate of 15%.

"Fertile Soil" helps industrial digital transformation

In March this year, after a digital transformation, the production workshop of Guangxi Rongxing Zhongke Development Co., Ltd. was transformed – the energy digital factory allows information interconnection between equipment, real-time monitoring of operating energy consumption, accurate data analysis and traceability early warning, so that the operation status of each paper production line can be "one network".
"Shangyun in all aspects of production not only reduces costs and increases efficiency, but also enhances the competitiveness of the enterprise." Huang Bingyan, the general manager of the company, calculated an account. After the energy digital factory is put into use, the company can reduce the cost of electricity by more than 1 million yuan per year, and increase the grinding capacity of 100 tons per month. The product quality is also more guaranteed. "In order to expand production capacity, we have built a new production line. It is expected that after the completion of September this year, the four production lines will form an annual output of 60,000 tons of tissue paper." Huang Bingyan is full of confidence in the future development of the company.
Rongxing Zhongke’s gorgeous turn is a digital model of energy efficiency management created by our city’s active digital transformation "Fertile Soil Plan".
In recent years, Nanning City has taken digital industrialization and industrial digitalization as the main line, relying on Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center and other platforms, penetrated into counties (cities, districts) and development zones, covered all aspects of enterprise production and operation, and helped Nanning industrial enterprises to solve the pain and difficulties encountered in the process of transformation. Selected representatives of enterprises to support, continue to implement the "fertile soil plan" of digital transformation, and transform and upgrade a number of smart workshops and smart factories around key industries such as industrial equipment manufacturing. This year, it plans to cultivate more than 8 intelligent manufacturing benchmarking enterprises, create fertile soil for Nanning’s industrial digital transformation, accelerate the formation of benchmarking demonstration effect, and drive more Nanning industrial enterprises to complete digital transformation.
"Digital transformation is not simply to provide an ERP software, it requires not only technical investment, but also a return to business dominance. It is a long-term system engineering." Li Qing, deputy general manager of Huawei Cloud in Guangxi, told reporters that after years of deep cultivation, Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center has become the first digital transformation promotion center in Nanning. It has created more than 25 benchmark enterprises in various industries, covering software information, industry, papermaking, machinery manufacturing, business services and other industries.
In addition, Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center deepens the integration of production and education, and cooperates with 25 universities including Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning Vocational TechAcademy, and Guangxi University of Finance and Economics to carry out professional construction. Currently, more than 3,200 professionals have been trained, which strongly supports the demand for digital transformation and development talents.

The vitality of the digital economy continues to be released

The China-ASEAN artificial intelligence computing center has been put into practice running, providing services to 26 enterprises and institutions, with a computing power utilization rate of more than 70%; the China-ASEAN New Smart City Collaborative Innovation Center focuses on the digital economy, attracting more than 50 domestic and ASEAN enterprises and research institutes such as iFLYTEK, Inspur, and Yunbaobao to settle in; the China-ASEAN Digital Economy Industrial Park has opened and operated. As of June this year, 44 enterprises have entered the park, covering intelligent manufacturing, domestic operating systems, databases, middleware, commercial passwords and other fields… Walking in the land of Yongcheng, digital enterprises gather wood into forests, and the vitality of the digital industry is bursting. You can feel that the booming digital economy is accelerating its embrace of thousands of industries.
In recent years, the Nanning Big Data Development Bureau has vigorously promoted the integrated development of the digital economy, actively built a key industrial chain of the digital economy, and vigorously promoted the construction of the China-ASEAN Information Port Nanning core base to a new level. As of now, 55 Nanning core base projects have been completed, China Mobile (Guangxi Nanning) data center, China Telecom ASEAN International Information Park and other projects have been put into operation one after another, and the digital economy industry agglomeration effect has gradually formed.
Data show that in 2022, there will be more than 7,290 digital economy enterprises in Nanning, accounting for 48.3% of the total in the region, ranking first in the region. A number of digital economy leading enterprises such as China Eastcom, Shuguang Group, Runjian Shares, and Yunbaobao have settled in, and the digital economy has become an important force for the city’s economic growth.
Accelerate the construction of digital Nanning, strengthen digital empowerment, accelerate the process of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, and promote the transformation of the manufacturing industry to intelligent manufacturing, so as to seize the opportunity in the development of industrial upgrading and achieve leapfrog development.
"Next, we will focus on the transformation and upgrading of Level 3-5, focusing on the key industrial clusters of new energy, new energy vehicles and parts, electronic information, new metal and chemical materials, advanced equipment manufacturing, aluminum deep processing, forest product processing, food processing and other key industrial clusters built by Nanning City. We will select some more representative and intelligent enterprises to carry out digital diagnosis and digital transformation, and continuously expand the talent echelon to build a competitive and highly innovative talent training system, promote the intelligent upgrading of enterprises, and build a new ecosystem of digital economy." Li Qing said.
According to the plan, by the end of 2024, the Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center will serve more than 800 enterprises, train more than 5,000 digital talents in Nanning, create more than 30 benchmarking projects, hold more than 50 technical salons, and contribute more digital power to the economic and social development of Nanning City.
Our reporter Wei Jing, intern Wen Wen

Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry, suggested strengthening the "smart transformation" of the food manufacturing industry and accelerating the development

On March 5, the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress was grandly opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In his second year in office, Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and wine designer of the wine design department of the Shede Wine Industry Production Technology Center, brought 5 suggestions in the fields of new quality productivity, Baijiu internationalization, and regional development, actively responding to industry and social concerns. Among them, "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Work of Intelligent Reform and Digital Transformation in the Food Manufacturing Industry" are closely related to the high-quality development of the food manufacturing industry.

Chen Borong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry

At present, the food manufacturing industry is in a critical period of development from traditional to modern, from artificial to intelligent, and from experience to science. These topics that Chen Berong focuses on not only reflect the industry’s in-depth thinking on moving towards high-quality development, but also reflect the determination and responsibility of the wine industry to promote the intelligent upgrade of the wine industry, develop new quality productivity, help China Baijiu go global, and promote social and economic development.

Focusing on cultivating new quality productivity and gathering new impetus for high-quality development

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important arrangements to accelerate the construction of a digital China, emphasizing the construction of a modern industrial system, the promotion of new industrialization, and the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As one of the basic industries of the national economy, the food manufacturing industry is constantly accelerating the process of digital intelligence. In particular, the Baijiu industry has vigorously carried out informatization and digital construction in the past ten years, and comprehensively improved the intelligence level of R & D, production, marketing, management and service. Among them, Baijiu leading enterprises have accumulated a lot of practical experience.

As a frontline worker in Baijiu’s scientific research, Chen Berong deeply understands the key role that "smart transformation and digital transformation" plays in the development of Baijiu’s industry. In order to improve the intelligent level of the industry and promote the full-link transformation and upgrading of enterprises, Chen Berong put forward the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Smart Transformation and Digital Transformation of the Food Manufacturing Industry" at the two sessions this year. When it is implemented, it is recommended to take the Baijiu industry first and choose parks with better basic conditions to carry out pilots, such as Sichuan Tuopai Green Ecological Food Industrial Park. She suggested building industry traceability standards, guiding enterprises to build traceability systems, improving industry service quality, and opening up industry data assets, ensuring intelligent manufacturing levels, improving industry production efficiency, and strengthening national policy guidance and talent training. She also suggested actively exploring and promoting the Chuanjiuyuan universe project to enhance the industry’s innovative layout.

At the same time, Chen Berong is concerned about the current imbalance in the level of digital intelligence promotion in the industry, and the high participation threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized wine merchants, which is a pain point related to the overall high-quality development of the industry. To this end, she put forward the "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity". She suggested that we should increase the policies and financial support for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry and the circulation industry, support the establishment of public DataRocks in the wine industry, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia and research, and cultivate professional talents. At the same time, we should formulate and improve relevant standards for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry to ensure the standardization and safety of

It is worth noting that a number of wine industry representatives put forward suggestions on the development of new quality productivity at the two sessions, which is undoubtedly a positive reflection and response to the higher level and more sustainable development of our country’s wine industry. It is foreseeable that with the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, new technologies and new models will be more widely used in the wine industry, injecting new impetus into the sustainable prosperity and development of the industry.

Fosun and Yuyuan are deeply empowered and willing to forge new engines for the development of the wine industry

The development history of Baijiu is the history of innovation in winemaking technology. In the current wave of intelligence and digitalization, China’s wine industry focuses on technological innovation, technological research and development, and enhances its core competitiveness. Among them, famous wine enterprises play a leading role.

As a famous wine enterprise in China and one of the six golden flowers of Sichuan wine, Shede Wine Industry has taken "science and technology innovation drive" as one of the top strategies under the guidance of the science and technology innovation strategy of Fosun and Yuyuan. From hiring chief scientists, cultivating scientific research talents, building high-energy scientific research teams, to building the three major industry-university-research innovation platforms of "China Shede Aging Wine Research Institute", "China Ecological Brewing Industry Technology Research Institute" and "Sichuan Wine and Grain Industry Technology Research Institute", Shede Wine Industry has provided strong technical support for the development of science and technology innovation work.

In recent years, Shede Wine Industry has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence. By continuously optimizing the production supporting facilities and equipment such as three-dimensional warehouses, new water purification workshops, wine storage equipment, and filling equipment, Shede Wine Industry has improved the level of factory intelligence and promoted the improvement of production and operation quality and efficiency. Not only that, Shede Wine Industry closely combines "ecological brewing" with the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, and is committed to empowering the green development of enterprises with technological upgrades. For example, in 2022, the company invested in the biogas purification of biological natural gas in wastewater treatment stations. Since it was put into operation, it has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6,000 tons every year, effectively purified and utilized about 3 million cubic meters of natural gas, and saved about 6 million yuan in gas purchase costs. Due to its good results in carbon reduction and efficiency, the project was successfully selected into the "2023 Model Case of China’s Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergy" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

At the same time, Shede Wine Industry is also committed to applying digital means to create a deep consumer experience, not only pioneering "dynamic wine age" in the industry, but also realizing the visualization, dynamics and transparency of wine age through digital means. It also pioneered the innovation and implementation of the high-quality Baijiu full-link grading traceability system based on blockchain technology, realizing the traceability and closure of Shede Old Wine from raw grain, brewing, storage, packaging, circulation to consumption, etc., bringing users a high-quality consumption experience of true vintage and true old wine.

Thousands of sails are competing for the "new" line, and the tide is surging in the east like a rainbow. As a contemporary advanced productive force, the new quality productive force will continue to release strong momentum with the in-depth promotion of scientific and technological innovation. Represented by Shede Wine Industry, many leading enterprises have anchored technological research and development and are committed to promoting the technological progress and digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of the industry, and together contribute more to accelerating the cultivation and development of the new quality productive force.


A number of new regulations such as the new car-hailing policy will be implemented today. What should I pay attention to?

  China News Service, November 1st, the new policy of online car-hailing was officially implemented, and the legal status of online car-hailing was clarified for the first time from the level of national regulations; the first national standard for anti-smog masks was landed, and it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters" in the future; the fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be independently formulated by airlines according to law… Since today, a number of new regulations have been implemented, involving many aspects of social life, which can be done and which are prohibited, clearly defined, and reminded the public and relevant institutions to pay attention.

  [The new policy of online car-hailing is officially implemented today. Who can operate online car-hailing?]

  The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" jointly issued by the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments will come into effect on November 1. The "Interim Measures" bring the innovative thing of online car-hailing into the scope of taxi management, and clarify the legal status of online car-hailing for the first time from the level of national regulations.

  According to the regulations, the conversion of private cars to online car-hailing needs to meet the following basic conditions: 7-seat and below passenger cars; installation of vehicle satellite positioning devices and emergency alarm devices with driving record functions; vehicle technical performance meets the requirements of relevant standards for operational safety. At the same time, when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car-hailing business.

  The regulations also specify the following requirements for online car-hailing drivers: obtaining a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding type and having more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking, and no record of 12 points in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles; no violent crime record; other conditions stipulated by the urban people’s government.

  There are many types and a lack of unified standards. At present, the mask market is chaotic. Many products are labeled as anti-PM2.5, but the protective effect is not satisfactory. In the future, it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters".

  The national standard for "Technical Specifications for Daily Protective Masks" will be officially implemented on November 1. This is China’s first national standard for civilian protective masks. It is worth noting that the standard clearly states that it "does not apply to infants and young children, children’s respiratory protective equipment".

  The protective effect is the core indicator of the standard. The protective effect level is set according to the air quality category in the National Air Quality Standard, and is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B, and A. According to the national standard, the mask can reduce the inhaled PM2.5 concentration to less than 75 micrograms per cubic meter after wearing, so that the air quality inhaled into the body after filtration reaches a good level or above, which is qualified.

  [Civil aviation fare reform: self-determined fares for routes below 800 kilometers]

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission will be implemented on November 1. The notice requires further expansion of the range of market-adjusted price routes, with routes below 800 kilometers and above 800 kilometers competing with high-speed rail EMU trains. Passenger transport fares shall be determined by airlines according to law.

  At the same time, the airline formulates and adjusts the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of the market-adjusted price routes, and announces them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of the airline’s various routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  [Medical quality management clarifies responsibilities and encourages reporting of medical quality adverse events]

  The National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Measures for the Management of Medical Quality" in October, which came into effect on November 1, 2016. The "Measures" require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions. Encourage medical institutions and medical personnel to take the initiative to report medical quality (safety) adverse events, and promote information sharing and continuous improvement.

  The "Measures" require clear medical quality management of the main body of responsibility, organizational form, working mechanism and key links. It is clear that medical institutions are the main body of responsibility for medical quality, and the main person in charge of medical institutions is the first responsible person for medical quality management.

  [Enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will be included in the "blacklist"]

  The State Administration of Taxation issued the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales" on September 27, deciding to implement the publicity system for the list of motor vehicle enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales. The "Announcement" came into effect on November 1.

  The State Administration of Taxation will from time to time publicize the list of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales in violation of regulations. The list information can be inquired on the website of the State Administration of Taxation. Motor vehicle enterprises include motor vehicle manufacturers and motor vehicle distribution enterprises.

  Motor vehicle enterprises will be included in the "blacklist" if they fail to issue invoices for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious; if they issue a unified invoice for motor vehicle sales at a low price in violation of regulations, they issue other VAT invoices resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or the circumstances are serious; if they issue invoices in violation of invoice management regulations resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious.

  [Implementation of new regulations on the management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities]

  The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education recently announced that the "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Universities" will be officially implemented from November 1. The management measures make it clear that the basic scientific research business fees of central universities will be used to support central universities to carry out independent research work on topic selection. The use directions include: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to improve their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in schools to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting basic, supportive and strategic research across multiple disciplines; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  The administrative measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be charged in accordance with state regulations.

Brilliant! BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car is amazing at Shanghai Auto Show.

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net April 22-On April 19, at the BYD booth of the 19th Shanghai International Auto Show, BYD Han, the "global super-safe intelligent new energy flagship car", led the exhibition with new colors of "Energy White" and "Smart Blue", and decorated the interior with colored carbon fiber and traditional large lacquer panels respectively. Mastermind casting, integrating modern trends, paying tribute to traditional culture and conforming to the tonality of luxury products, BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car not only represents the latest achievements of BYD’s continuous improvement in design, but also highlights the self-confidence of Chinese aesthetics, which detonated the auto show scene at one time.

  Energy white with terracotta brown, writing BYD Han EV advanced texture

  The matte energy white used in the exterior decoration of BYD Han EV on the booth is inspired by Dehua white porcelain, which is dense in texture, glittering and translucent as jade, moist and greasy in glaze, and full of energy. In terms of technology, this Chinese EV adopts a special "fluorophlogopite" coating, which is more delicate and uniform, and the texture is bright and transparent. Together with matte varnish, it finally realizes the color change texture of silk metal.

  Matching with the white appearance of Han EV energy, it is a brand-new terracotta brown interior color. Its color inspiration comes from, "Top-grade terracotta sand, out of the mountains and stones of Chen Jin, above the white stone bed, with twelve pieces as one, looks like a bright day without a red lotus." The delicate luster of terracotta brown makes Han EV show the leather texture of top-grade leather, and its sense of luxury is further enhanced.

  In detail, this Han EV is decorated with carbon fiber on the C-pillar and the tail tail, and the matte carbon fiber is also added to the interior decoration, which echoes the color of terracotta brown, creating a very luxurious and sporty driving experience. Thanks to the brand-new color scheme, the exclusive sense of dignity of Chinese luxury of Han EV is strongly highlighted, and the performance of China mass-produced new energy cars represented by its 100-kilometer acceleration of 3.9s is further highlighted.

  Smart Blue with Sky Grey shows the multi-faceted nature of BYD Han DM.

  Since its listing, BYD Han’s appearance color has its own representative color from the space-time of the universe to the field of humanities and culture. The Han DM exhibited in this exhibition further adopted the wisdom blue which represents the creativity of human beings, and applied the painting process of two-color paint. The high-saturation blue hue presented in high-light illumination is gorgeous and colorful, and it will turn into a deep dark blue phase in dark environment. The strong contrast between light and dark gives people an extraordinary visual experience, which is very intriguing.

  On the interior, Han DM is equipped with BYD’s latest "Sky Grey" light-colored interior, and its design is inspired by China’s "elegant culture". The style, layout and detailed modeling combine the Chinese aesthetic concept and the essence of China culture, which is reminiscent of ink painting and painting, misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, elegant without losing style, showing the strong oriental elegance of Han, and embodying the profound cultural connotation and aesthetic interest of Chinese luxury. In addition to the brand-new color matching, Han DM also added the traditional big paint technology to the decorative panel, further sublimating the ancient charm of Chinese style.

  From the contrast between light and shade of wisdom blue to the collision between tradition and modernity of grey in the sky, the brand-new color matching of Han DM complements its diversified product personality. Han DM has five power modes that can be switched intelligently. It is mainly driven by electricity in daily commuting, which is quiet and fuel-efficient. When it enters the high-speed motor and cooperates with the engine, it can not only achieve the ultimate performance of generate, but also cruise efficiently, thus realizing the full-dimensional satisfaction for users.

  Decorating automobile accessories with large lacquer craft, BYD empowers lacquer art to revitalize.

  In the Han DM exhibition car, the decorative panels made of lacquer technology are particularly eye-catching. This is the result that BYD invited Mr. Fu Yizhou, the national inheritor of lacquer technology, as a consultant, and Mr. Wu Yongqiang, a lacquer expert from Guangdong Academy of Arts and Crafts, personally designed and produced for Han. It is a cross-border masterpiece that skillfully combines exquisite lacquer technology with interior design of new energy vehicles, and it is also a new exploration for BYD to practice the innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

  In the Han Dynasty, the splendid culture of the Chinese nation was transmitted to the world through the Silk Road, and lacquer reached its peak as a decorative craft in the Han Dynasty. Since then, lacquer craft, as a treasure of China culture, has been passed down in the thinking collision between artists and designers. Nowadays, BYD Auto reproduces the impression of the Silk Road in BYD Han through the continuation and innovation of culture, and the art is sublimated again, and the charm of traditional lacquer art will be appreciated by more consumers.

  As the flagship of BYD’s dynasty, BYD Han took luxury as the bone and tradition as the rhyme from the beginning of design, and opened up a harmonious but different way of Chinese luxury. The two brand-new color-matching exhibition cars at the Shanghai Auto Show have further increased and integrated traditional and modern elements, which fully embodies the inclusiveness and tension of BYD Han’s design.

  On April 13th, 2021, the results of German iF Design Award were announced, and BYD Han EV made the list, becoming the first award-winning car model of China brand, which further proved that BYD Han’s high-end aesthetic experience based on the profound connotation of Chinese luxury is leading the trend of new energy vehicle design.