Interview with Ming Dao | Has the original "overbearing president" who became popular overnight changed?

1905 movie network feature He was only 24 years old when he gained widespread attention with "The Wedding Dress of the Kingdom of Heaven". A year later, he became an "idol male god" who fascinated thousands of girls.

"Does it feel like reaching a peak? I’m a little confused." Looking back at that unforgettable past, Ming Dao lamented in an interview with the "Dialogue" program of the 1905 film network. "At that time, I didn’t think it was a peak or not. [Popularity] was a more complicated thing. For example, someone recognized me and became my long-term state."

Seven or eight years after the performance of "The Prince Turns into a Frog", the scripts handed to Ming Dao were all idol dramas. He starred in "Love Mage", "Star Apple Paradise", "Angel Lover" and other works, further establishing his status as an "idol male god".

In the public’s memory, he has been rooted in the "Boss Tyrant" track for a long time.When it comes to whether he wants to jump out of the "comfort zone", Ming Dao’s response is very direct: "It is useless for me to consider, at least in me, it is completely the result of the choice of market laws".

In recent years, Mingdao has had many attempts. He has acted in comedies, musicals, and studied live broadcasts, and his identity has become diverse. In the complex waves of the times, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. Stick to your original intention and be yourself, Mingdao is so self-comforting.

Mike, the gentle and humorous "ex-husband" in "The Future", recently returned to the public eye as an elite figure in suits and ties. In the face of audience comments, he admitted that he would pay attention, but not much, "I go out to work, and I go home when I get home.

"To me, the word’Ming Dao ‘is a job, not an identity. My job is acting, that’s all."

"Try Comedy"

"The Future of Massive" tells the story of Ma Shang (played) searching for hope in despair. In middle age, Ma Shang encounters a marital crisis, bears heavy debts, and reaches a desperate situation in life. Corresponding to this is his ex-wife and current wife, Mark, who wears famous brands and drives luxury cars without the slightest pressure of being ravaged by life.

The story is wrapped in comedy with the core of tragedy. After the director initially cast Bao Bell as Ma Shang, he hoped to find a Taiwanese actor to combine with his Northeast style, thus forming a sharp contrast. Therefore, Ming Dao joined the crew and tried a rare comedy performance.

A lot of the comedy baggage in the play comes from Bao Bell, especially the homophonic stems and small details. "Northeast Comedian" gave "Taiwan Puppet Male God" a lot of fresh excitement.

Ma Shang had a car accident in the tunnel, and when he woke up, he wanted to express his anger, but he didn’t expect to be answered by Mark, and the original inelegant words turned into intermittent lines, "I’m super, super, super, super lucky". Ma Shang, who couldn’t hide his anger, wanted to beat Mark, but he didn’t expect Mark to humorously take the "weapon", which formed a strong contrast effect.

"The script doesn’t say who is joking or joking, and a lot of ideas come from Bao Bell, but I don’t have many ideas." Ming Dao, who calls himself an ideal performer, is used to doing his homework, and is more of a listener on the set, not deliberately adding or cutting plot.

He wrote a biography of Mike early on: "He was adopted by a very good family from an early age, and he was gentle and enthusiastic. When he was a teenager, he learned about his background, which was a little difficult to accept, so he ventured outside, and when he grew up, he returned to the normal track of life."

Ming Dao gave Mike a lot of background settings, giving him the rationality of his behavior and explaining the root cause of his desperately trying to save people in the tunnel. He was adopted and cherished the interpersonal relationships around him.

Creating biographies of characters has always been a way for Mingdao to enter the role.

"When I played my first role, I didn’t know I had to do these things, and I didn’t need to do them at that time. When I was in the idol drama, I was at that age, and it was enough to watch myself. After a few performances, I realized that I couldn’t act the same."

The accumulation of experience and the growth of age have made Ming Dao more and more aware of the physical clarity of behavior for everyone he plays, even in the face of the same role, he also hopes to perform a different taste.

"Overbearing President"

"’The Kingdom of Heaven’s Wedding Dress’ turned me into an idol actor, which was a big turning point." At the age of 24, Ming Dao rose to fame in the film and television industry with the role of "Cheng Hainuo", which changed his destiny ever since.

Contrary to his image as a spendthrift in film and television, Ming Dao was born into an ordinary family, and he would take advantage of the winter and summer vacations to help his family sell dried fish and turn the vegetable market into a playground. During his growth journey, he was surrounded by neighbors who ran for life, not the social elites who were well-dressed.

If "Cheng Hainuo" still had some similarities with Ming Dao, then "Shan Junhao" came from two completely different worlds.

Ming Dao admitted frankly that among all the roles he had played, "Shan Junhao" had changed him the most.

In his original life, there were no business elites in suits and ties, nor rich young masters like "Shan Junhao". In the first episode of "Prince Turns Frog", Ming Dao, who wore a black suit and got off the luxury car, became the dream lover of countless girls. The audience praised him without hesitation, he had his own aristocratic temperament, and his every move was elite.

Little did he know that in order to perform the scene from getting off the bus to entering the hotel, he once ran to the door of the hotel to study how wealthy people got out of the car and walked.

As "Prince Turns Frog" broke the ratings record of "Meteor Garden" and set off a whirlwind of drama chasing in Asia, Ming Dao also gained a place in the field of idol dramas with his handsome appearance, and "Boss Ba" became a solidified label on his body. Seven or eight years after "Prince Turns Frog" aired, almost all the scripts handed to him were idol dramas, and he also contracted the public’s expectations for "Boss Ba" through works such as "Love Magician", "Star Apple Paradise" and "Angel Lover".

"Overbearing CEO actually has nothing to do with’overbearing ‘."

Looking back at his past roles, Ming Dao was a little helpless. He didn’t understand why everyone would interpret the character’s behavior as "overbearing". Take Shan Junhao as an example, he was just a person who thought things very clearly, and there was no such thing as overbearing or not overbearing. Ming Dao didn’t think about this at all when he performed.

Asked whether he wanted to step out of his "comfort zone", Ming Dao’s response was straightforward: "It’s useless for me to think about it. At the beginning, I didn’t want to act in idol dramas. The choice of actors is more based on market positioning. It’s hard for others to see the other side of Ming Dao, and I can’t always give you a Tai Chi."

During the interview, Ming Dao was sincere and helpless.Unlike most actors, who felt that fantasies were meaningless, he never dreamed of playing a certain type of role. "It’s not that playing a murderer completes the transformation, nor that suddenly becoming thin can become a good actor who pays for the play. If he plays a murderer, he is still in love? What if he plays a domineering president, but he doesn’t fall in love? So is the role meaningful?"

Mingdao, who had studied engineering, was extremely logical, and his vision of things always seemed to follow a specific engineering program. He cared more about how the outside world viewed his inner self than how he looked forward to the role.

"Fighting Fame"

For a long time, Ming Dao was fighting against fame."It’s not that I don’t want to be famous, of course I want to be famous, so that I can work more and earn more money." Ming Dao’s point of confrontation was to seek self-reconciliation.

From a grassroots background, he never imagined that he would become an actor, nor did he think that he would become famous, nor did he think that the price of fame would be that he could no longer walk into McDonald’s alone to buy a burger, nor could he walk down the street without being recognized.

He used to love riding a motorcycle and enjoying the pleasure of speed. But after becoming famous, even though the thick hard hat had blocked the contours of his face, he still couldn’t escape the sharp-eyed passers-by chasing him and shouting "Mingdao".

More than once on the road, passers-by would pull his backpack from behind. Although he knew that the other party was out of uncontrollable excitement, for a long time, he would still feel distressed about it, "As time goes by and I get older, I get used to it.

Ming Dao has been on the road of performing for 22 years.Whether it was a domineering president or an idol actor, no matter what label the public attached to him, when he was mentioned, everyone would still think of his amazing characters and classics that he had interpreted.

A few years ago, Ming Dao appeared in an entertainment variety show. A group of young actors sat in the audience, and everyone sighed. Watching his works grow up, even the instructor in the guest seat said politely, "Brother Ming Dao, my seniority is deeper than mine."

At that time, Ming Dao on the stage couldn’t help but joke about himself. After many years of debut, a friend told him, "Ming Dao, you may not be able to play the male lead in the future." After speaking, there were obvious tears in his eyes, and his voice began to choke, and then he explained that the first performance handed over on the variety stage was his first play that year (2019).

In our conversation, Ming Dao admitted that he had been in a state where the stock of works was small, and he wanted to participate when he saw a good film, but he would also feel regretful if he missed it.

"A low point depends on how you define it. If you measure it by how many films you make or how high or low your audience ratings are, there are indeed lows. But in my whole life, I’ve been filming, and lows are hard to define."

"To me, the word’Ming Dao ‘is a job, not an identity. My job is acting, that’s all."

Perhaps many people don’t know that Ming Dao has another name, Lin Chaozhang, which is the base color that really belongs to him.

Guo Fucheng dedicated himself to public welfare and played his father in the short film "1/2008"

Feature: Picture Channel

  On the evening of July 14, "HEART AID Sichuan", a large-scale benefit performance attended by more than ten famous singers and musicians from China, Japan and South Korea, including Guo Fucheng, Zheng Yijian, Lin Yilian, W-inds, Dongyi Hideu, JULY John-Hoon, and more than ten other famous singers and musicians from China, Japan and South Korea, was held in Tokyo, Japan. The picture shows Guo Fucheng singing "Strong" to cheer for Sichuan. Posted by China News Agency, photographed by Zhu Yanhua

  The "1/2008 Public Welfare Short Film Action" initiated by Shanghai Media Group is still underway. Directors such as Chen Kaige, Xie Jin, Zhang Yibai, Lu Chuan, Gu Changwei, Wang Xiaoshuai, Wang Guangli, and Chen Jialin have completed filming and started post productin. Recently, Guan Jinpeng also completed the shooting of the short film "Landing" in Hong Kong. Guo Fucheng, one of the "four kings" of Hong Kong’s entertainment industry, plays a husband waiting for his wife to give birth outside the delivery room. It is reported that Lin Baoyi, a famous Hong Kong TVB actor, has also joined the short film.

  ◎ Guan Jinpeng: The whole film should be full of true feelings

  Guan Jinpeng’s short film, titled "Landing", tells the story of a child who was born during the earthquake. Guan told reporters: "The idea came from a coverage. On the day of the earthquake, all the healthcare workers in Chengdu West China Hospital stayed at their posts and brought courage and health to the patients. Such a small thing, in the context of the earthquake, seems extraordinary. Art comes from life, so I think it should be interpreted as such a true story."

  Director Guan Jinpeng said that this activity initiated by SMG is very meaningful. The proceeds of the film can fund the reconstruction of the disaster area, and the film itself is a spiritual mutual assistance. Since it is necessary to convey the truth, the whole film must be filled with true feelings.

  ◎ Guo Fucheng: Contributing to the disaster area is an honor and an obligation

  In the past, Guo Fucheng gave the impression of the most handsome and good-dancing "King of Heaven", but in the film "Father and Son", Guo Fucheng’s acting skills were greatly praised and received rave reviews. Later, he won the "Golden Horse Award" for Best Actor. I don’t know if Guan Jinpeng invited Guo Fucheng to shoot a short film because of his recognition of his acting skills. When he received a call from Guan, saying that SMG had launched such a charity event and asked if he could come, Guo Fucheng’s reaction was: "Tell me the time and place, and I will definitely take this role." He said that it is an honor and an obligation to contribute a little to the disaster area. No matter how tight the schedule is, it will take time. In one scene, Guo Fucheng waits for his wife to give birth outside the delivery room during the earthquake. To simulate the tremors when an earthquake comes may seem difficult for a person who has not experienced a major earthquake, but he found the feeling after trying a few times. During the play, those real news images haunted his mind, so it was not very difficult to play such a character who experienced an earthquake. He said that knowing that all the proceeds of the film will be donated to the reconstruction of the disaster area is very meaningful. In fact, he has always wanted to contribute to the reconstruction of the disaster area, so he cherished SMG for providing such an opportunity, and he will definitely play this role seriously.

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Fan Bingbing made four entries to the Class A Film Festival, and his new work was shortlisted for the San Sebastian Main Competition

    1905 movie network news It is reported that the film directed by Feng Xiaogang, written by Liu Zhenyun, and starring Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the 64th San Sebastian International Film Festival, and as the only Chinese film shortlisted, it competed for the highest award of the film festival, the "Golden Shell Award". At the same time, Fan Bingbing was also shortlisted for the best actress. It is worth mentioning that Fan Bingbing, who has won the Tokyo Film Festival Post-Film Award, is also shortlisted for the fourth time in the International A Film Festival.

    Fan Bingbing played the village woman Li Xuelian in the movie "I Am Not Pan Jinlian". In order to refute her husband’s framed accusation, Li Xuelian insisted on complaining for ten years, just to prove her innocence. In the film, Fan Bingbing changed his beautiful image in the hearts of the public and appeared in a rustic village woman for the first time. In the currently exposed stills and trailers, Fan Bingbing’s wonderful performance and unprecedented shape have attracted the attention of the majority of netizens. This film is the second collaboration between Feng Xiaogang, Liu Zhenyun, and Fan Bingbing in 12 years after the film. "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" uses a special presentation technique to bring a unique viewing experience to the audience.

    Since 2007, the films starring or acting in Fan Bingbing have been shortlisted for the main competition unit of the International Class A Film Festival four times. In 2007, Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Berlin International Film Festival with the film "Apple"; in 2010, she was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes International Film Festival with the film; in the same year, the film starring Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Tokyo International Film Festival, and she also won the Best Actress Award, becoming the first post-80s actress in the Chinese film industry to win the International A-category Film Festival; in 2016, the film "I am not Pan Jinlian" directed by Feng Xiaogang, written by Liu Zhenyun, and starring Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the San Sebastian International Film Festival, and Fan Bingbing was also shortlisted for the best actress. The movie "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" and Fan Bingbing’s performance have not only been appreciated and recognized by the international film industry, but also increased the audience’s expectation of the film. It is reported that the movie "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" will be released nationwide on September 30.

Benchmarking even surpassed "Black Myth: Wukong", and officially opened the image quality iteration plan against the cold

  Recently, NetEase’s flagship martial arts game Against the Water has once again announced detailed plans around the fourth anniversary expansion, one of which is quite exciting.

  That is, the anti-water cold will officially open the image quality iteration plan during the fourth anniversary, and will benchmark or even surpass the well-known stand-alone 3A games such as "Black Myth: Wukong", and upgrade the image quality of existing games in a short time.

  In fact, NetEase’s flagship martial arts game has been praised by players for its excellent graphics.

  Not long ago, the Anti-Water Cold development team made a major upgrade around the ice surface. In the game, it is actually difficult to present the ice surface well, because the light transmittance is different under different degrees of icing.

  For example, on the ice surface of West Lake, the temperature is not low enough, and the thickness of the ice layer is relatively thin, allowing you to clearly see the fish swimming under the ice surface.

  In some extremely cold places, the ice layer is thick, so it is impossible to see the underwater scene, which is difficult to figure out. Therefore, in the past, game manufacturers generally used the form of textures to solve the problem.

  The ice surface generated by the map has no change and no soul.

  So the programmers in the development team decided to make a new one themselves.

  Its principle is based on the physical simulation method, which is used to model the refraction reflection and scattering of ice materials and light when passing through ice.

  They also took into account ice cracks, bubbles, and other phenomena to achieve a better rendering effect.

  It can be said that the sticker ice in most games in the past was fake paper ice, and under the ice of the cold rivers and lakes, you can even see swimming schools of fish.

  Not only that, but the constant changes in day and night light, cloudy and sunny weather make the same scenery look different at different times, and the beauty presented is also different.

  But in fact, against the current cold has never been a game that satisfies the status quo. The development team has always hoped to bring players a sensory experience that goes beyond the limitations of the end game and the limitations of the times.

  Therefore, the image quality upgrade can be said to be one of the ambitions against the cold from the beginning. As for how big this ambition is, you can understand it after reading the picture below.

  Players can directly see the weeds and dead leaves in the cracks of the tiles, the patterns and tree shadows on the tiles, and even the wood grains and mottles on the eaves.

  Objectively speaking, the image quality improvement map released by the current cold water, while using the most advanced technology, also integrates a lot of Eastern ethereal and distant artistic conception, which is quite a "quality explosion".

  A small detail may go unnoticed, but a good game is made up of these details.

  In order to make this inconspicuous ice scene look more "real", the development team worked hard for several months, which seemed to be a bit "thankless".

  However, the anti-water cold technical team has well presented the concept of daring to be the first in the world, always committed to exploring the most cutting-edge graphics technology, and constantly challenging the limits of hardware and algorithms. They scoff at the so-called "cost performance of R & D", and only want to bring real, more real, and surpassing real game images to players.

  This is also something they are still pursuing in the future.

  As for the breakthrough in artistic style and scene refinement this time, let’s wait and see how players at home and abroad will perceive it!

31-Year-old Yang Zi: Behind the controversy over appearance is the entanglement and breakthrough between her and Song Dandan’s evaluation

[Introduction] Recently, a recent photo of 31-year-old popular actress Yang Zi has sparked heated discussions on the Internet, with the focus on her appearance and acting evaluation. On the one hand, Yang Zi appeared in the live stream in an elegant long dress to show her increasingly mature female charm; on the other hand, some netizens have resurfaced doubts about her appearance, believing that she relies too much on beauty filters, and even questions the stability of her acting skills. All this controversy seems to be reminiscent of Song Dandan’s comment on Yang Zi many years ago – "All my life I have grown up like this will not be in vain". However, is this really the case? Is Yang Zi really trapped in this comment and can’t break free? This article will deeply analyze the controversy between Yang Zi’s appearance and acting skills, revealing the interweaving of his growth process and public expectations.

[1. Yang Zi in the live stream: Beauty and controversy coexist]

Recently, Yang Zi’s appearance in the live stream of a certain brand has undoubtedly added a new page to her beauty profile. She is dressed in a flowing long dress, with a high split design to highlight her graceful figure, and her long hair is like a waterfall, showing her gentle temperament. However, this beauty has not been unanimously praised, but has instead triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Some people believe that Yang Zi’s beauty is constantly improving, and she is a strong competitor for one of the "four beautiful women" of contemporary times. Others point out that her beauty is not derived from nature, but from the combination of makeup, lighting and beauty filters. Especially in the screenshots of the live stream, Yang Zi’s face showed stiffness, puffiness, and obvious nasolabial folds, which formed a sharp contrast with the usual image, which made many netizens exclaim: "Is this still the Yang Zi we know?"

[2. Yang Zi’s appearance changes: from the girl next door to the fashion darling]

Looking back on Yang Zi’s acting career, her appearance changes are like a mirror, reflecting the evolution of the entertainment industry’s aesthetics and the imprint of personal growth. During her childhood, Yang Zi entered the public eye with the corner of "Xia Xue" in "Family with Children". At that time, although her facial features were not exquisite, she won the love of the audience with her lively and lovely temperament. As she grew older, Yang Zi began to pursue the standard of a beautiful woman in her mind, and her image has undergone several transformations. She is sometimes fresh and refined, sometimes heavy makeup, sometimes mature and elegant, sometimes a little old-fashioned. The ups and downs of this state undoubtedly exacerbated the controversy over her appearance.

[3. The balance between acting skills and appearance: How does Yang Zi choose?]

In the entertainment industry, appearance and acting skills are like two sides of the same coin, and their importance is often weighed against the balance of public opinion. For Yang Zi, although her appearance is controversial, her solid acting skills have always been the cornerstone of her foothold in the entertainment industry. From Hu Xiangxiang in "Zhan Changsha", to Jin Mi in "Honey Sinks Like Frost", to Tong Nian in "Dear, Love", Yang Zi has proved his acting strength with one work after another. As netizens said: "Even if the facial features are not outstanding enough, as long as the acting skills are online, you can have a place in the entertainment industry." However, between Yang Zi’s pursuit of beauty and the public’s expectations for her acting skills, there always seems to be an invisible rope involved, making her swing between her pursuit of beauty and her adherence to acting skills.

[IV. Evaluation of Song Dandan: Bondage or Incentive?]

When it comes to the controversy over Yang Zi’s appearance, I have to mention Song Dandan’s evaluation of her: "All my life I have grown up like this has not been in vain." This sentence was once seen as a denial of Yang Zi’s appearance, and even interpreted as a kind of restraint on Yang Zi’s acting path. However, from another perspective, is this not a recognition of Yang Zi’s unique charm? In the entertainment industry, beauty is not the same, as Yang Zi himself said: "I do have a certain desire for beauty and self-identification needs, but I hope to improve my acting skills and create more dazzling results in the entertainment industry." Perhaps, Song Dandan’s evaluation is not a constraint, but prompts Yang Zi to stand up more firmly with her acting skills and respond to external doubts about her appearance with strength.

[5. Yang Zi’s Future: Breaking Evaluation and Embracing the Beauty of Diversity]

Faced with the dual test of appearance and acting skills, how should Yang Zi go in the future? The answer may lie in breaking the inherent evaluation of the outside world and embracing the diversity of beauty. First, she needs to recognize that beauty is not limited to the appearance, but also includes the inner temperament, talent and personality charm. Just as she was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the early days with her kind, intelligent and sensible image, these characteristics also make up her unique beauty. Second, Yang Zi should insist on improving her acting skills and prove her strength with more deeply rooted characters, rather than being too torn by the height of her appearance. Finally, she needs to learn to accept and appreciate every aspect of herself, whether it is pure, mature or slightly flawed, which is an indispensable part of her true and three-dimensional image.

[Conclusion] Yang Zi’s acting journey is a journey of dancing with the controversy of appearance. Facing the judgment of her appearance by the outside world, she is not only "trapped" in Song Dandan’s evaluation, but also constantly strives to break free from the shackles of evaluation and prove her value with her acting skills and strength. In this process, Yang Zi not only shows the survival wisdom of women in the entertainment industry, but also provides the public with a new perspective to examine and understand beauty. Perhaps, true beauty is not about the evaluation of others, but how individuals define and live their own beauty. Yang Zi’s story tells us that only by embracing the beauty of diversity can we find our own light in the controversy and praise.

Responsible editor:

Lynk & Co New 09EM

  Lynk & Co’s flagship SUV, the new 09EM-P, launched two six-seat and two seven-seat models, priced from 307,800 yuan to 347,800 yuan. It is understood that the new car has been improved in terms of chassis materials, handling performance, space comfort and safety performance. So, which model is more suitable for purchase?

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image001

  The new 09EM-P inherits the family classic design of the Lynk & Co brand "Urban Opposition Aesthetics". The middle grid grille that occupies a large area of the front of the car adopts a straight waterfall design, which has been blackened and treated with luxury and visual impact. The headlight group still adopts the iconic and sharp split design, which has a good recognition after lighting. There are large-size air intakes on both sides of the front of the car. The interior is embellished with chrome-plated trims to enhance the texture of the front face. The side shape of the new 09EM-P is very tough, and the rich line design presents a good light and shadow effect. The segmented waist line design is matched with blackened decorative pieces around the windows, which has a strong sense of movement. On the tail side, the taillight adopts a through design, and the layout of the internal light group module is more personalized. The exhaust layout is concealed and a bright black diffuser is added.   

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image002

  Entering the car, the panoramic island cockpit reflects a symmetrical beauty. The 12.3-inch smart LCD instrument is paired with a 15.4-inch central control screen, which has a good sense of technology. In terms of power, relying on the Lynk & Co EM-P super range-extended electric solution, the new 09EM-P is equipped with 2.0T + 3DHT + three-motor layout. The maximum output power of the power system is 408kW, and the maximum output torque is 844N · m. It can achieve a CLTC pure electric cruising range of 190km, and a CLTC comprehensive cruising range of up to 1430km. The whole system is equipped with FYRA-E intelligent electric four-wheel drive system as standard, providing 7 dynamic driving modes.

  The seven-seat version of the new 09EM-P has two models, namely the seven-seat PLUS and the seven-seat PRO, priced at 307,800 yuan and 317,800 yuan. The two models have little difference in configuration, mainly reflected in some comfort configurations and atmosphere creation. 

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image003

  Specifically, first of all, in terms of safety, the seven-seat version comes standard with front dual airbags, front side airbags, head air curtains (one row to three rows on the side), RP roll protection system, front pre-tightening force-limiting seat belts, ESP9.3 HEV body stability control system, CBC curve control system, DTV dynamic torque control system, ARP anti-roll protection system, front/rear parking assistance early warning system, 360 ° panoramic imaging system, 180 ° transparent chassis system, steering assistance image, and vehicle theft reminder and tracking. In terms of intelligent driver assistance system, the car is uniformly equipped with 1 forward camera, 1 rear camera, 4 surround view cameras, 5 millimeter wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars. Other features come standard with DAC driver fatigue warning system, DMS driver status monitoring system, TSR traffic sign recognition system, FCW forward collision warning system, AEB active emergency brake assist system (with pedestrian identification), CVW vehicle rapid approach warning system, RCTA rear lateral oncoming warning system, TAA car active deflection system, etc. In the external configuration part, the new 09EM-P comes standard with AFS headlight follow-up steering system, ADB intelligent matrix high beam control system, AHB-C intelligent far and near light control system, adaptive headlights (low beam mode adjustment), sliding openable panoramic sunroof, first row of double-layer sound insulation glass, second row of double-layer sound insulation privacy glass, third row of privacy glass, electric trunk tailgate, exterior rearview mirror electric folding & heating & memory, etc.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image004

  Internal configuration part, the new car comes standard with leather multi-function physical button steering wheel, automatic anti-glare frameless rearview mirror, NAPPA leather seat, electric 12-way main and passenger seat adjustment (including 4-way electric waist rest), main driver seat memory function, front seat heating & ventilation function, dual temperature zone automatic air conditioning, passenger compartment PTC heating, glove box refrigeration function, active cockpit cleaning system, rain sensing integrated water spray system wiper, rain sensing sunroof & window closing, keyless entry & start system, 12.3-inch smart LCD meter, 15.4-inch central control screen, high fidelity audio (10), car 5G network, car Wifi hotspot, four-tone area voice interaction system, mobile APP remote control system, mobile phone wireless charging function and other configurations …   

  In terms of specific differences, the seven-seat PRO is 10,000 yuan more expensive than the seven-seat PLUS version. The electric adjustment of the main and auxiliary seats is upgraded from 12 to 16 (including 4-way electric lumbar support + flank support + seat cushion extension). The number of high fidelity audio is increased from 10 to 14 and adjusted to BOSE luxury audio. There are more front seat massage functions, second-row seat heating functions, AQS air quality management system, 12.8-inch full-color W-HUD head-up display, ANC active noise reduction system, streamer coral ambient light, and high definition driving recorder. 

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image005

  In addition, the seven-seat PRO version can also be selected to the performance package, which includes dual-cavity air suspension, CCD continuously adjustable electronically controlled vibration damping system, multi-function electronic sun visor, main driver motor pre-tensioned seat belt, exterior rearview mirror welcome light, exterior rearview mirror automatic anti-glare – main driver side, NAPPA leather steering wheel, steering wheel electric four-way adjustment & heating & memory, rear passenger seat electric adjustment, front foldable aviation headrest, third-row seat electric folding and recovery, four-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, PM2.5 air quality detection system, Ocean Mystery fragrance system, second-row door side sunshade, and second-row air conditioning control screen.   

  The six-seat version has six-seat HALO and six-seat ULTRA models, priced at 327,800 yuan and 347,800 yuan respectively. On the basis of the configuration of the seven-seat PRO version, the six-seat HALO adds the pre-tensioned seat belt of the main driver motor, the welcome light of the outer rearview mirror, the automatic anti-glare of the outer rearview mirror – the main driver side, the electric four-way adjustment multi-function steering wheel, NAPPA leather steering wheel, steering wheel heating & memory, the electric leg support of the passenger seat, the memory function of the passenger seat, the function of one row of two rows to form a bed, the electric adjustment of the rear row of the passenger seat, the small table board of the rear row of the passenger seat, the ventilation & massage & lumbar support function of the second row of seats, the electric folding and recovery of the third row of seats, the automatic air conditioning in the four-temperature zone, the PM2.5 air quality detection system, the ocean mystery fragrance system, the second row of door side sunshades and the second row of air conditioning control screens.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image006

  In terms of the adjustment of the main and auxiliary seats, the six-seat version is equipped with the main driver electric 12-way (including 4-way electric waist support) and electric 14-way (including 4-way electric waist support + 4-way electric leg support), and the second row of seat adjustment is electric 4-way. Finally, look at the six-seat ULTRA model. As the top model, this car has only more CCD continuously adjustable electronically controlled vibration reduction system and dual-cavity air suspension system than the six-seat HALO version.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image007

  Since consumers have their own needs for the purchase of the seven-seat version or the six-seat version, the two versions can be purchased on demand. Specific to the model part, among the seven-seat versions, the PRO model has a higher technological configuration and a sense of luxury atmosphere. Consumers who pursue these two points can choose this model. After all, the price difference of 10,000 yuan is more cost-effective. If you only want seven seats, the PLUS version is enough for daily use if other functions don’t matter; and in terms of the six-seat version, the configuration of the two models will be richer. If you want air suspension, you can directly choose the ULTRA model. (Source: Lynk & Co Automotive)

Evergrande Group’s latest response!

At noon on November 29, China Hengda Group announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it had noticed the announcement issued by Hengda Property on November 28, which concerned its subsidiary Jinbi Property Co., Ltd. to recover about RMB 1.996 billion and about RMB 152 million from the company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

China Evergrande Group said that as of the date of the announcement, the company and related subsidiaries have not received the notice from the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in Guangdong Province to file a lawsuit against Jinbi Property.

The company will seek legal advice to safeguard the company’s legal rights. The company will issue further announcements in due course on any significant developments in the above litigation.

As of press time, China Evergrande Group reported HK $0.230/share, down 8.00%, and the total market value 3.037 billion HK $.

Previously reported: Sudden! Evergrande Property Sues Evergrande Group

Source, Reading Finance

Original title: "Evergrande Group’s latest response!"

Read the original text

Didi is actually running

"Big factories should lower their profile, so that they can do a good job in the’big ‘business of’a few taels of silver’ among all living beings."

Author/Xuan Qing

On the night of November 27, Didi Chuxing experienced "system paralysis". The Didi Chuxing APP in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places could not be used, and the map could not be loaded. Some netizens said that after using Didi to call the online car-hailing, the APP suddenly could not be used, and the driver could not find the passenger. On the morning of the 28th, Didi Chuxing issued an apology, saying that after the technical team repaired overnight, some Didi online car-hailing services had been restored.

This Didi system crash is a total paralysis. Not only the user side cannot be used normally, but also the driver side and Didi’s intranet have problems. It is reported that the functional paralysis lasted for nearly 12 hours, which is also the longest failure of Didi Chuxing in recent years. It is identified as P0 level (P0 level failure is the most serious, with the greatest impact, and important functions related to core business are not available).

It was not until the 29th that Didi officially released the investigation results, saying that the cause of the accident was "the failure of the underlying system software", and all services of the Didi App have been restored.

So far, the first large-scale technical obstacles for the largest online car-hailing company on the whole network have been temporarily ended.

Interestingly, after an Internet company suffered a major failure of network technology and calmed down the storm for two days and one night, it triggered an "avalanche" effect.


Credit plummets, runs begin

After the incident, perhaps Didi’s public relations response to the crisis was lagging behind. When users did not receive reliable feedback at the first time, there was a panic of cashing in. The topics of "a driver’s income exceeded 69 billion yuan" and "some Didi drivers began to withdraw cash" suddenly rushed to the hot search, triggering a chain reaction.

On the afternoon of the 28th, some Didi drivers began to withdraw cash and advertise it in the internal group.

"Everyone in the group is saying that Didi has collapsed. It’s not a problem of a few cities. The situation of collapse is still varied. Some people can’t open the map, some people can’t hear the voice instructions, and some people have been cancelled more than a dozen orders for no reason." The driver reported that due to system obstacles, he is very worried about illegal deduction points and misjudgment, so he will not take orders easily.

The most important thing is that some time ago, Didi changed the withdrawal rules. Drivers with level L1 cannot withdraw cash every day, which makes some drivers very angry: "Now there is a problem with the system again, and our attendance points are affected. If the account money is less, who can tell?"

There are also drivers who hope to take advantage of the "loophole" in the system to withdraw cash as soon as possible. "The maximum withdrawal is 3 times on the same day, and each time it does not exceed 5,000 yuan. If someone wants to take the opportunity, they can withdraw as much as they want." Even if they can’t bring it up, they also consider transferring to financial management to buy Didi’s own "Didi Kumquat Treasure". In short, they cannot keep all the funds in the account.

This is not the first time that Didi owners have questioned the withdrawal rules, but the system paralysis has once again touched the sensitive nerves of drivers who have run wild due to the "overlord clause".

It is unfair that so much money is being put into the Didi system for free. Previously, many drivers claimed that they were not given withdrawal rules when they registered with Didi, nor were they told whether the funds in their accounts were eligible for deposit, nor did they sign relevant agreements.

Over the ownership of funds and safety issues, Didi has been unable to establish a trust relationship with the majority of drivers. There was a post on the Internet of "clever withdrawal" and "looking for withdrawal loopholes", which also shows that the two sides are in a state of departure from defense.


The trick behind the withdrawal

While Didi drivers are frantically withdrawing cash, many netizens are also reflecting on how to ensure the safety of funds if the online car-hailing platform is paralyzed. At present, major online car-hailing payment and capital account platforms have restrictions on withdrawal time and quota.

Some platforms even play "trick". Some drivers find that when using a certain platform, if they choose to withdraw cash, the system will display "need to wait", and when the time is up, it will become "outdated"; some drivers want to withdraw and cancel the account, but the customer service says that the withdrawal is limited to 20 minutes, and if they want to cancel, they must have "zero balance".

Such as disordered withdrawal time, delayed arrival of money, and indiscriminate deduction of performance are common problems in the current online car-hailing market. No matter what kind of business model, old drivers have also begun to be vigilant, because the "harsh" of online car-hailing platforms in terms of money is often a precursor to the collapse of the company. Such as Zebra, Yidao, Wanshun, Jiqi and other online car-hailing platforms, there have been situations where "it is difficult to withdraw cash, there are many tricks, and playing tricks".

Previously, there was a "partner model" that was popular in the car circle, that is, the driver signed a water withholding agreement with the leasing company and paid the service fee. The online car-hailing aggregation platform deducted the running income from the driver’s account to the leasing company’s account every week, and the leasing company earned this running money. This low-threshold rent has attracted a large number of small white drivers to join the small platform, but many people report that only the account balance can be seen at the settlement, and there is no withdrawal permission. The leasing company will return the remaining after the fee is deducted the next month.

Autonavi Maps and Baidu Maps are typical "aggregation platforms". On Autonavi alone, more than a dozen online car-hailing platforms have been aggregated, but the safety factor of these small online car-hailing platforms is too low. From consumers placing orders to drivers receiving orders, and then to the platform settling funds for drivers, there is no problem with this closed-loop transaction itself. But since leasing companies involve capital precipitation, it is likely to form a so-called "capital pool".

According to industry sources, the online car-hailing platform has touched the "second settlement" red line of supervision by transferring customer funds without obtaining the "Payment Business License" and then settling the settlement with the platform’s secondary merchants by the online platform. There are potential operational or financial risks.

According to relevant data, there are currently 330 online car-hailing platform companies across the country that have obtained business licenses, but September data shows that 59 platforms have not transmitted data for more than 180 days. Most small and medium-sized online car-hailing platforms do not have "payment business" licenses. Many are on the verge of elimination, and the safety of funds is even more difficult to avoid.

As insiders say, many small ride-hailing platforms use the "guise of the Internet" to lure drivers into joining, but in fact they are doing illegal fund-raising.


Platform versus driver

From a deeper perspective, the "twisting" relationship between online car-hailing platforms and drivers has become more and more intense. "No matter which platform, the draw is more than 30%. And there are a lot of tricks in the delivery of orders." A driver who went to Beijing’s online car-hailing revealed that now the commission of Didi, Baidu and Autonavi has been continuously increased, and there have been problems such as opaque delivery orders, long-distance delivery orders, mandatory delivery orders, and no delivery orders during peak periods.

"This year’s business is too difficult, the number of orders is reduced, the commission is too high, and there are all kinds of algorithmic traps." Mr. Liu, an online ride-hailing driver, said that many platforms will "kill the goose and get the egg", and continue to take up the ante when they know that the driver is not making money or losing money.

"The platform knows very well that many Xiaobai drivers have signed a one-year lease contract, and even if they can’t do it, they will insist on expiring for one year, so the company has no fear." Mr. Liu said that no matter which city in the country, the online ride-hailing algorithm is suppressing the enthusiasm of drivers, and drivers are more willing to choose to take orders.

Users are not immune to the platform’s confrontation with drivers. Many users find that the cost of hailing a taxi during peak periods is one to three times that of usual, and even if the fare continues to increase, few drivers take orders. "During peak periods, we only take large orders over 20 kilometers, and we do not take short-distance orders." Some drivers said that when the platform’s commission is too high, they will start to take selective orders, so as not to "run more, lose more."

From the point of view of Didi withdrawal, there are many thunder in the growth of the online car-hailing platform, which is "picking up wool" from each other. When it is a win-win situation, each company is happy, and when it is in trouble, they are rushing away. How to cultivate a well-regulated, honest and compliant online car-hailing market requires the patience and sincerity of the platform.

Didi said in its latest announcement that the relevant losses will be calculated normally, and the payment will be made up one after another, and the driver’s word-of-mouth value and travel points will also be calculated normally, and the display will be resumed one after another. To show its sincerity, Didi’s "10 yuan apology subsidy" has been distributed across the network, hoping to restore its word-of-mouth. This is also a reassurance for everyone.

We hope that the big factories will lower their stance. Because only in this way can they do a "big" business of "a few taels of silver" among all living beings.

Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission cooperates with map companies to promote an integrated service platform for green travel

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 5th (reporter, Ding Jing) What time does the next bus arrive? Is the subway station crowded now? When should I get off? Passengers can enjoy these smart services when traveling in Beijing. Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Autonavi Map on the 4th. The two sides will share traffic big data and launch more abundant transportation services within Beijing.

The two parties will build an integrated service platform for green transportation in Beijing – MaaS (Mobility as a Service, Mobility as a Service). The idea of the platform is to enable travelers to transform from owning vehicles to owning transportation services, and improve the public travel experience through one-stop service of various transportation methods. The platform is based on the Autonavi map APP, which connects to big data from various transportation industries such as Beijing’s public transportation, subway, suburban railways, online car-hailing, and long-distance buses. At present, real-time public transportation has covered more than 95% of bus lines in Beijing, and the accuracy rate of real-time information matching exceeds 97%. Passengers can also check the current congestion situation of all subway stations in Beijing through this platform. The Beijing MaaS platform has pioneered the "bus/subway ride companion card", which can display services such as route planning, transfer guidance, and get off reminders in real time according to the user’s location.

Ask the world M9 finally debuted, and a variety of new products appeared at Huawei’s winter full-scene conference

On December 26th, the Q & J M9 and Huawei Winter All-Scene Conference was held. Q & J M9, nova 12 series mobile phones, Huawei FreeClip earphones, Huawei MatePad Pro Collector’s Edition, Huawei Smart Screen V5, Huawei Routing BE3 Pro 2500M Network Port Edition and other all-scene products were unveiled. The new products of this conference cover consumer smart travel, smart home, smart office and other diverse application scenarios, further improving Huawei’s all-scenario ecology of Internet of Everything.

Hongmeng Zhixing’s annual blockbuster product, Wenjie M9 was officially released, with a total of 4 models launched, priced 46.98-56 9,800 yuan. Wenjie M9 fully boarded Huawei’s top ten smart car technologies, bringing leading experiences such as smart cockpit, smart driving control, smart driving, and smart safety. Redefine smart car standards and create a new smart travel experience for users.

The Q & A M9 has a variety of space, three rows of larger space performance, the occupant space reaches 2725mm, and supports 3, 4, 5, and 6 seats of variable seat mode. Q & A M9’s smart cockpit, the whole car is equipped with 10 screens to realize multi-person, multi-screen and multi-device interaction. The car-level projection system is on the bus, and the 32-inch lifting projection screen replicates the cinema-level viewing experience. The new HUAWEI SOUND excellent series has a flagship configuration, equipped with 25 units of professional-grade audio, and the power amplifier output reaches 2080W. The new Xiaoyi smart assistant is equipped with an AI large model for the first time, creating more full scene possibilities for users.

The M9 is equipped with Turing intelligent chassis, adopts front double fork arms and rear multi-link independent suspension, and the whole system is equipped with intelligent closed air spring and CDC variable damping shock absorber as standard. Through multi-modal fusion sensing system, HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system and HUAWEI xMotion intelligent body collaborative control system. HUAWEI ARHUD in-person head-up display system, HUAWEI XPIXEL megapixel intelligent projection headlights and other technologies, so that intelligent driving control can enter the light age.

The M9 fully upgrades the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-level intelligent driving system, is equipped with 192-line lidar, and can accurately identify vehicles, pedestrians, traffic facilities and signs, piles, etc. through GOD (General Obstacle Detection) Network 2.0 and RCR (Road Topology Inference Network) Network 2.0.

The nova 12 series combines portrait power with avant-garde technology aesthetics. In terms of appearance, the vitality and confidence of young people are integrated into the design, resulting in a new color 12. In terms of screens, the nova 12 Ultra and nova 12 Pro bring equal-depth four micro-curved screens, which combine round feel and precise control.

In terms of imaging, the nova 12 Ultra and nova 12 Pro are equipped with a front-mounted binocular stereoscopic vision imaging system, which brings 0.7X-5X full-focal zoom capability, and is equipped with the XD Portrait Da Vinci portrait engine, focusing on the four portrait characteristics of "shape, quality, light and color". Various selfie scenes can not only be photographed clearly, but also beautifully. In terms of comprehensive experience, the nova 12 series has an antenna architecture with a wide coverage, which can enjoy high-quality signals outside the suburbs, urban shopping malls, or subway high-speed trains. The dual-card dual-pass function allows the nova12 series to achieve dual data parallelism, and the fast Internet connection does not wait. Nova 12 Ultra and nova 12 Pro support two-way Beidou satellite messages, and support sending and receiving Beidou satellite messages without ground network signals. At the same time, nova 12 series is equipped with HarmonyOS 4, bringing a smarter and more convenient interactive experience. Nova 12 series is equipped with 100W smart fast charging Turbo, nova 12 Ultra and nova 12 Pro can be charged to 60% in 10 minutes.

Huawei FreeClip earphones are designed with "C-bridge" design and built-in nickel-titanium memory alloy, which is reliable and durable. A single earphone weighs only 5.6g, achieving a comfortable and unburdened wearing experience. With a 10.8mm dual magnetic high-sensitivity unit, it brings a pleasant listening experience without entering the ear. The single earphone is full of 8 hours of continuous music playback, and it is matched with a charging case for 36 hours of music playback life of the whole machine. It also supports smart experiences such as multi-device connection and audio sharing.

Huawei MatePad Pro 13.2 inches, Collector’s Edition, Huawei MatePad Pro Kit (Star Flash Edition) and Huawei Smart Magnetic Keyboard (Star Flash Edition) were unveiled at the press conference at the same time. Huawei MatePad Pro Kit (Star Flash Edition) contains a keyboard with Star Flash technology and HUAWEI M-Pencil (third generation), which also uses Star Flash technology, completes the closed loop of the Star Flash ecosystem in professional creation and mobile office scenarios, making office creation more stable and efficient, once again broadening the boundaries of tablet experience. Huawei MatePad Pro 13.2-inch Collector’s Edition also contains Huawei FreeBuds Pro 3 headphones, quiet calls, and HUAWEI Care + service for two years, giving the device more peace of mind.

Huawei released a new smart screen V5. In terms of smart function, it continues to be equipped with Huawei’s Lingxi pointing remote control, bringing a new interactive experience of "playing TV like a mobile phone"; with the super desktop function, it brings a large number of mobile phone applications to the large screen and unlocks hundreds of new ways to play "giant screen mobile phone". In terms of image quality, SuperMiniLED Honghu image quality supports "1080P seconds to 4K", showing more delicate and clear picture details. In terms of entertainment experience, it is equipped with HarmonyOS 4, through multi-device collaboration and diverse living room entertainment gameplay.