Rooster time! Lock the movie channel, melt the media and hit the Golden Rooster Award live.

Special feature of 1905 film network New Year’s greetings from the rooster, see Xiamen again! In 2021, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Chinese films hit hard from December 28th to December 30th.

For the third year in a row, the film channel and Xiamen Radio and Television jointly launched a live broadcast of this event.

Comprehensive upgrade, brand-new revision. More seats, more panoramic views, stronger lineup, and 5 sections of 5G panoramic view of Golden Rooster.

"Direct Golden Rooster Award"

1 stop to the light and shadow event.

Forum+film festival+new film conference, live direct attack,The main creative netizens talked and shared the "golden" taste,The opening ceremony and the nomination ceremony kicked off.The red carpet, closing ceremony and award ceremony gathered stars.


Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Honorary Shadowman Joined the host lineup of the closing ceremony:Golden Rooster Award+Hundred Flowers Award Winner,Two Golden Rooster Awards+Two Hundred Flowers Award Winners,Hundred Flowers Award winner,Co-hosted with the host of the movie channel,Invite you to witness the glory moment of China film of the year.

[Stars and Seas]

3 Days 3 Nightlife Experience+Creative Collection

Youth has its own yearning for youth;Dreams have their own power!The film channel "Stars and Seas" Young Actor Selection SchemeNew upgrade in 2021,Assemble and stand by one day in advance, and present it on-the-spot for three days and three nights.

Life is the examination room, and there is learning everywhere.40 young actors were newly selected.Immerse yourself in real life and experience the true meaning of performance.

Go deep into the grassroots, change identity and test morality and art;Growth mutual learning and surprise guidance for mysterious guests;Ready to go, the closing party will make a new appearance.

[Movie Channel M List]

2021 Dapandian

2021, which line makes you laugh?Which picture makes you cry?What other performances shocked your heart?

The 2021 China Movie M Big Data Report will be released on December 29th.Professional data+authoritative experts selected China films of the year,M list honor 2021 China filmmakers report card,The filmmaker made a New Year’s resolution during the visit, review and prospect.

[40th Anniversary of Golden Rooster Award]x "Golden Rooster in Xiamen"

Chinese film golden rooster award x Xiamen special economic zone,Holding hands for the third time, welcoming 40 years old together.

Zhengqing, the Golden Rooster Award of Chinese Film, has a full record of all previous Huacai;Dialogue with honorary filmmakers to construct a brief oral history of China’s films;Zhengpengbo Xiamen assembled a new journey of "the 14th Five-Year Plan";Punch in Xiamen landmarks and scan the evolution of the special economic zone era.

The majestic cock, the dawn of the east.

Glory moment, panoramic view.

Lock in the media platforms of movie channels on the same day,Every aspect of the Golden Rooster Award is wonderful, and we will see you there!

The new film all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Original title: all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Recently, a film of the same name based on a novel by German writer Erich Maria Remarque was released. This is the third time that all quiet on the western front has been adapted into a film. Previously, the film "all quiet on the western front" made in 1930 and 1979 was all American works, and this time the adaptation right was handed over to the Germans. In 1928, when remarque’s novels began to be serialized, the editor of the German newspaper Forsyth commented: "all quiet on the western front" is the first real monument of the unknown soldier. This unbiased novel is a monument stronger than stone and more lasting than ore. This monument is exciting, enriching people’s minds and showing the most horrible documentary images of war to later generations.

Boymer, a passionate German youth, devoted himself to the "World War I" with heroic ideals. When he was sent to the western front to participate in the war, he witnessed cruel hunger, blood and death … … The new film pays more attention to sensory impact, and projects the war landscape to the individual’s body in a short-sighted and miniaturized way. Boymer was deeply involved in the war for four years. The physical and mental collapse caused by the war and the intermittent indulgence of the war made the young soldiers stiff and lost their minds, leaving them in panic and crouching in the trench, waiting for the doomsday judgment. At the beginning of the film, there was no melodramatic fear of participating in the war. A cannon fire abruptly stuffed the war into the nerves of every recruit, and death came to the face. Distant mountains, jungles, and fog are all combinations of quotations. Numb-faced soldiers run on the battlefield, just like ghosts floating on the dead Yuan Ye. The color of the film is strong, with gray, white and black as the background color. Pale faces, dark scorched earth and dark red blood are the usual scenes. Mud is a recurring picture in the film. Fighting in the mud, crawling in the mud and trudging on the mud, all the soldiers are caught in the mud of war, their thoughts and feelings are deeply buried, and they have no power to pull them out. The cold, wet and sticky mud has eroded the feelings of the soldiers. All their rights are waiting in vain, waiting for vanity, and not wanting to struggle and resist. On the contrary, every sergeant is used to death, and only death can repair their fragility and end the pain that is difficult to talk about in war. Just as Jaden, with a knee injury, asked for his death quickly,Punch an artery with a spoon and commit suicide. The war scenes in hell, demonized sergeants, machine monsters that crush everything, concrete and slight dying pictures, and the breath of death in a wheezing way show the individual war experience in an all-round way, and realistically depict the battlefield peristalsis of the bottom sergeants. The picture of the film is dignified and slow, and the still water is deep, so that the war peddlers can see the products of the war and liquidate their guilt in the depths of their souls.

No matter how wonderful the story is, it will lose its vividness and freshness in repeated telling. The new version of "all quiet on the western front" did not experience aesthetic fatigue due to repeated shooting, precisely because it did not create beauty or stories, but only showed the war experience and pain. "The body is dead, the gods are spiritual, and the soul of the child is a ghost." War is sometimes advocated or boasted by fanatics. All quiet on the western front is an anti-hero and anti-war. It tells the truth about the destruction and exploitation of people by war. "For the sake of the emperor, God and the motherland", a group of young students were bewitched and went to the mud of war with heroic dreams. After a fire, youth was scorched and withered by the heat of guns, and the heat of faith could not resist the cold of death. The trenches were filled with corpses and residual limbs, and only the name tag proved that a person had been to the trenches and participated in the war. War destroys people not only by steel beasts like tanks, but also by time. During the four years of fighting on the western front, each battle can only advance hundreds of meters, so the report of the situation only says "all quiet on the western front", but under the black political lies, more than 3 million young people on the western front were killed.

The film writes the story of the hero Boymer from a civilian perspective. Before he could grow into a soldier, he lost his fighting ideal, his ability to love and hate, and his thinking ability, leaving only vanity. Instinctively "survival" became the highest criterion of his existence. In order to survive, he will shoot, fight and kill; Losing his thinking power means that he is completely stuffed and destroyed by the terror of war and becomes a living zombie of war. Stealing farmers’ food with Kate is the greatest happiness he can find after the war. Even if this epiphany life is relaxed, it will soon be strangled by the law of death. The death dilemma depicted in the film is a painful warning. Only when people face the painful death can they have a definite sense of reality and consciously resist the oppression of the bottom people by the evil war.

There is no artistic style in the new film, such as "catching butterflies" in 1930 and "copying larks" in 1979, which completely cuts off the poetic connection between war and art. In the face of the cruelty of war, art can’t transform it into transcendental aesthetic imagination, only to moan and reprimand feebly. Criticize the delay of the war decision-makers at the negotiating table, criticize the incompetent generals for the so-called humiliation, and drive the sergeants to launch the last round of attacks before the armistice, which completely cost the hero’s life. Boymer’s death was inevitable, but it was also unexpected. He struggled carefully but fell on the threshold of the armistice. The erection of the moment of death made the audience panic that the war had pulled away from the ruthlessness of life and aroused the fear of war.

The new version of "all quiet on the western front" does not dig deep into the story, but focuses on the little people who are aware of the great history, so that the audience can see the tears in the mirror image of the times and feel the misfortune of ordinary people abandoned by the war, and the anti-war consensus is more convincing. Historical experience should be precipitated in repeated reading, painful experience should be passed on continuously, and refusing to forget the idea of peace can have a solid rational cornerstone. All quiet on the western front, may there be no more wars in the world. (Author: Lei Jun, former professor of Basic Department of Military Economics College)

"I" can get the first place in the exam but I don’t like studying. Why?


  Nowadays, parents are anxious when it comes to their children’s study. They generally feel that their children don’t like to study and do their homework, which often leads to "war at home" because of urging their children to study, especially the parents of some students with good academic performance, which also reflects that their children don’t like to study. Why? An Fuhai, a professor at the Teacher Development Research Center of Hangzhou Normal University, interviewed students in some schools in view of this phenomenon, hoping that the conclusions will enlighten our current educational predicament.

1. "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The disharmony behind it

  Reporter: Generally speaking, people think that children who don’t like learning are children with poor academic performance and bad study habits. But now many excellent primary and middle school students, even the first students in many classes, don’t like studying. Why is this?

  An Fuhai: At the end of 2019, a class of junior high school students in a middle school sports meeting in Shenzhen typed "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The banner, once circulated, has gained a lot of resonance. Many primary and middle school students shouted "What a talent! Say ‘ Working people ’ The voice of ". The implication is that they don’t like learning either. The banner and the shouts of the adherents made the adults laugh, but the laughter was full of sadness. It was also during that time that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced the test results of programme for international student assessment 2018 PISA2018. In the sampling test of 15-year-old students in 79 participating countries (regions), we achieved excellent results in three subjects (reading, mathematics and science). However, different from the "Celebration" after the announcement of our first prize in 2009 and 2012, the education sector began to rationally reflect on the problems exposed by the PISA test, including education balance, shortage of teachers, study time and teaching methods. In my opinion, we should also think deeply about the relationship between our students’ learning status and academic performance. Because the current situation of students’ learning tells us that there is a disharmony between their learning status and academic performance, that is, they have good academic performance but do not like learning.

  Reporter: Common sense tells us that you can get good grades only if you like to study.

  An Fuhai:After all, the results are obtained by the students themselves, so it is necessary to listen to the voices of the parties. With this "common sense", I randomly interviewed 60 students from three middle schools who participated in the 2018 PISA test. "Do you like studying? Will learning make you feel happy? " When hearing this question, most students just laughed and didn’t answer. The students’ answers mainly focus on these aspects: "Hehe, it’s ok"; "Like, not to mention, it should be said to be liked"; "Not very much"; "Study, homework, I immediately feel worse when I hear these two words"; "There are people who like to learn? Crazy, it must be crazy. " The number of students who answered "not bad" in each school is very small.

  In fact, the data that students’ learning satisfaction in four provinces and cities in China ranks 61st among the participating countries (regions) has fully explained that good grades do not necessarily love learning. In addition, the PISA2018 test results also show that the learning efficiency of students in reading, mathematics and science in four provinces and cities in China and their sense of belonging to the school are also relatively low in the participating countries (regions). In other words, students not only dislike learning, but also have no sense of belonging to the school. In fact, this conclusion doesn’t need PISA test to tell us at all. Just walk into a school to observe a few classes or interview some students and teachers to get a similar understanding.

2. Every time except sleeping and eating time is filled with study.

  Reporter: I don’t like learning, and my learning efficiency is relatively low. Why can I get the "first" grade?

  An Fuhai:Prolonging study time is our magic weapon to win. Although the PISA2018 test results show that the average classroom study time of students in four provinces and cities in China ranks fourth among the participating countries (regions). However, the statistics here are only the study time arranged by the school, and the students’ extracurricular independent study time is not included. As we all know, Chinese students, especially those in big cities, spend an amazing amount of extra-curricular study time. It is learned from these three schools that most students spend about 3 hours a day after class in a week, with a total of 15 hours in five days; The study time for two days on weekends is about 8 hours. In this way, the total study time of Chinese students per week will definitely be far ahead among the 79 participating countries (regions). The PISA test results in 2012 also showed this problem. The Shanghai team represented the mainland of China in the total score of mathematics, reading and science, but it also won another first place, that is, the study time is the longest, with 13.8 hours per week, which is about 20 hours together with extracurricular tutoring, while the average of OECD countries is 7.8 hours.

  If you think this statistic is not convincing enough, let’s take a look at the situation that parents attach importance to their children’s education. Most parents in China attach importance to education, and the most prominent performance is to enroll their children in various remedial classes from kindergarten. Statistics show that in 2019, families in Hangzhou spent 20,000-40,000 yuan on children’s extracurricular tutoring every year, and it rose to 30,000-50,000 yuan in 2020. Almost every family gives tutoring to their children, ranging from three to five or six. Parents’ high investment in education is enough for students to fill up their studies at every time except insufficient sleep time and hot meal time.

  Reporter: Yes, primary and secondary school students are not getting enough sleep, and the myopia rate and obesity rate are increasing. People from all walks of life have been calling for these problems in recent years, but they have not been improved.

  An Fuhai:Although several PISA tests have made China students’ excellent achievements proud, there are huge time costs, physical overdrafts and heavy costs for students to lose interest in learning. According to the survey in 2020, the average myopia rate of primary school students in China is about 36%, that of junior high school students is 71.6%, and that of senior high school students is 81%. The key point is that high myopia above 600 degrees accounts for 28% of the 81% myopia of senior high school students. In addition, the number of students suffering from depression in many key middle schools is increasing, and the number of students who commit suicide or have thought about suicide is also increasing year by year. Whether it is for families, individuals or the whole country, such a fact is too cruel, and such a price is unbearable for us.

3. I hate school and study, even if I get into a prestigious school, it is difficult to create outstanding achievements.

  Reporter: Primary and middle school students get up the earliest, go to bed the latest, and work hard to get good grades, but in the end they don’t like learning. This phenomenon is really worrying. But maybe many parents don’t think so. In their view, as long as children get the first place in the exam, they can go to a good university and have a good job, so all the physical and mental efforts seem to be worth it.

  An Fuhai:The good expectation of "Jackie Chan becomes a phoenix", the learning goal of "score first" and the learning process of repeated training make students hate learning, school and even knowledge, which seems nothing to some parents. However, we should deeply realize that a considerable number of seemingly excellent students are forced to study under various external pressures. Once the pressure is lifted, they will inevitably evade learning. What will be the future of those students who evade learning? This is not a disease-free groan and melodramatic sadness, but a problem that deserves our deep thought more than paying attention to score ranking. If a student hates school and doesn’t like studying, even if he can be admitted to a prestigious school in the future, it will be difficult to create outstanding achievements. Because he has no enthusiasm for learning and can’t experience the happiness of learning, it is impossible to devote more time and energy to studying what he has learned. We have learned a lesson in this respect. China began to participate in international Olympic mathematics competitions around 1985, including physics competitions, biology competitions and computer competitions. There are many winners every year, from 1985 to now for more than 30 years. Many foreign child prodigies who competed on the same stage as China’s child prodigies have become everyone in all fields, but we seldom contribute to the world. Take Tao Zhexuan, an Australian-born Chinese mathematician and winner of the Fields Medal for Mathematics, as an example. He was less than 13 years old when he won the Olympic gold medal in 1988. At that time, many students in China also won Olympic medals.However, few people have made such outstanding achievements as Tao Zhexuan, and most of them have been far away from mathematics.

  Reporter: How important is it for the growth of students to love learning and be full of interest and enthusiasm for learning?

  An Fuhai:The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed to improve the national innovation system and accelerate the construction of a powerful country through science and technology during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. It can be said that to achieve such a great goal, we need to cultivate innovative talents through education. Active interest in learning and pleasant learning experience are the internal motivation of learning, the foundation of healthy personality and the necessity of innovative talents. Interest is the best teacher. Once a person has a strong interest in something, he will take the initiative to seek knowledge, explore and practice. The positive emotion and pleasant experience generated in the process of seeking knowledge, exploration and practice will further promote new seeking knowledge, exploration and practice, which will lead learners to a happy road of learning and exploration. Therefore, parents should let go of their anxiety and leave more free time and space for their children to fully develop their interests, so that they can love learning and grow up healthily with happy emotions and positive experiences. Schools should pay less attention to some problem-solving skills and high-scoring cheats, and pay more attention to the laws of students’ physical and mental development and the mechanism of learning. Starting from students’ interest in learning, they should awaken students’ intrinsic learning motivation and lofty pursuit of life, so that they can actively explore the unknown world with happy learning emotions and happy learning experiences.

Xi ‘an Lintong First National Fitness Table Tennis Invitational Tournament kicked off.

Original title: Xi ‘an Lintong First National Fitness Table Tennis Invitational Tournament kicked off.
Workers’ Daily-Zhonggong. com reporter Mao Nongxi
Build a friendship bridge in the name of pomegranate, and show the local charm with the practice of cultural travel. On December 16th, the first national fitness table tennis invitational tournament of "Pomegranate Cup" in Lintong District, Xi ‘an started in Xi ‘an Institute of Technology (Lintong Campus).
In addition to the participation of local table tennis fans, the tournament also attracted more than 200 table tennis players from 48 teams in more than 20 provinces and cities including Hainan, Shanxi, Tianjin and Shanghai to compete for the title of "King of the Ball" for two days.
Serve and attack, sliding stroke, short ball near the net, forehand and backhand side spin … Athletes waved their rackets, flicked around and smashed, and small table tennis shuttled back and forth on the stage, performing wonderful smash and wonderful catch. Cheers and shouts came and went in the venue. At the same time, many network experts came to the competition site for live broadcast and paid attention to the hot scene of the invitational tournament together.
Outside the stadium, the road flags with the theme of "Pomegranate" are arranged in an orderly manner and spread in the wind. Lintong pomegranate 8 categories and series products are displayed on site and tasted for free. We warmly welcome table tennis players and amateurs from all corners of the country.
Lintong District has also carefully arranged activities such as "watching the cultural tourism with the competition", invited contestants and technical officials to taste pomegranate and pomegranate series agricultural special products, watch the fine performances of cultural tourism such as Song of Eternal Sorrow and Revived Legion, and fully display and promote the development achievements of Lintong cultural tourism, agriculture, ecology and urban construction with pomegranate as the medium.
In recent years, around the national strategy of national fitness, Lintong District has successively held a series of sports activities, such as the Chess Master Wheel Competition, the 9th Badminton Competition, the 12th Basketball League, the 19th Table Tennis Competition and the "National Fitness Month", among which badminton and table tennis competitions have become excellent events in Xi ‘an.
Source: Workers Daily Client

Exercise can really fight cancer, The Lancet: Three kinds of exercise are cost-effective, and running is only the third.

After fighting cancer for five years, he beat cancer!

In 2013, Henan Youth Construction unfortunately detected esophageal cancer, which is already in the middle and late stage. The doctor told him to live for half a year at most.

In order to survive, he underwent surgery to remove his esophagus by 14 centimeters, leaving a scar of more than 30 centimeters on his body. He received more than 25 times of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and his weight dropped from more than 100 kilograms to more than 80 kilograms. His condition was finally barely stable. He was discharged from the hospital.

Leaving the hospital does not mean the success of anti-cancer, but the beginning of another battle.Generally speaking, a cancer is cured if it does not recur for 5 years after treatment.. On that day, Shi Jianshe wrote in his diary "This is the real beginning of anti-cancer".

Just discharged from hospital, he was in poor health. In order to improve his immunity, he decided to start running. Everything is difficult at the beginning, ordinary people can run easily, but for time construction, it is just like torture. On the first day of running, it was only three hundred steps on the road, and his heart was pounding, his legs were weak and he couldn’t breathe. ……

But he didn’t give up, and he still insisted on running the next day, although like the first day, he couldn’t breathe without "running" a few steps. In his view, it is enough to be lucky to make progress every day. He thinks, "As long as I run 3 to 5 meters more than the day before, it is victory."

In this way, he insisted on going out to run every day. After one year, he was able to run 5 kilometers every day, and even developed abdominal muscles afterwards. In 2017, by chance, he took part in the 24-kilometer race, which took 2 hours and 31 minutes. The runners who participated in the race simply didn’t see it, but Shi Jianshe turned out to be a cancer patient. Since then, he has never stopped running marathons and participated in one race after another.

In 2018, Shi Jianshe went to the hospital for review. The doctor told him that his condition was very stable and the probability of recurrence was very small. When the big stone in Jian Jian’s heart fell, he felt that running had changed a lot and gave him anti-cancer strength.

University of Copenhagen, DenmarkIn an experiment, the researchers divided the mice with cancer into two groups, one group did high-intensity exercise in the roller, and the other group did not do any exercise. It turns out that,Compared with the non-exercise group, the tumor in the exercise group has shrunk by nearly 50%.

In this regard, the researchers believe that the adrenaline secretion in mice can be greatly increased during exercise, and then NK cells in the blood can be activated. Once traces of cancer cells are found, they will be eliminated immediately. Moreover, interleukin-6 chemical signal will be produced in muscle during exercise, which can help NK cells locate cancer cells more accurately.

From the observational study, cancer patients with strong exercise ability also have longer survival time..

The National Institutes of Health selected 233,000 subjects aged 50-71 to conduct a questionnaire survey. The survey included whether there was any inconvenience in legs and feet, such as walking slowly and being unable to walk. Through the analysis, it is found that cancer patients are 42% and 24% more likely to walk slowly and be disabled than healthy people.Among patients with cancer, the risk of death of the slowest walker is more than twice as high as that of the fastest walker.

Since exercise can help fight cancer, what exercise is suitable for cancer patients? Or you can consider these three sports.

The Lancet.After a 10-year follow-up of 80,000 people, the magazine found three kinds of sports with high cost performance, such as tennis and badminton, which can reduce the cost.47%Risk of all-cause death; Swimming can reduce28%Risk of all-cause death; Aerobic exercise such as running can reduce27%All-cause death risk.

1. Swing movement

Swing can stimulate the shoulder muscles and arm muscles, which can strengthen the muscle strength of the two parts. And in the process of exercise, it is always in a state of rapid movement. This action requires the coordination of all muscles, which can make the leg muscles get a good exercise.

The brain also needs to think during the swing, which has a certain brain-strengthening effect, and the eyes need to be constantly adjusted during the exercise, which can help strengthen the blood supply and metabolism of eyeball tissue.

2. Swimming

Academician Tang Zhaoyou of China Academy of EngineeringIt is believed that swimming is the best anti-cancer exercise. In the process of swimming, it can promote the secretion of dopamine in the body, and dopamine has the function of inhibiting tumors and regulating immunity. However, attention should be paid to moderate swimming, and excessive swimming will have the opposite effect.

3. Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise can help improve myocardial antioxidant capacity, change related adipocytokines, improve blood lipid and enhance immune function, etc. During exercise, it can increase hormone secretion beneficial to physical and mental health and keep immune function in a good range.

Although exercise can bring many benefits to the body, we should pay attention to keeping scientific methods when exercising. These four things must be paid attention to.

1. Warm up before exercise.

You need to do it before doing any exercise.10~15 minutesWarm-up, including walking, muscle stretching and joint activities.

2. Achieve exercise intensity

To judge the intensity of exercise, it is necessary to take heart rate as an index, which generally needs to be achieved during exercise.60~85%The maximum heart rate, the reference value of the maximum heart rate of healthy young people is 220- years, and the elderly patients can use 170- years.

3, insist on exercise time

The exercise intensity of 70% maximum heart rate should be sustained.20~30 minutesAbove this intensity, it can be carried out for 10~15 minutes, and below it, it can be carried out for 45~60 minutes.

4. Keep exercising for a long time

The exercise frequency needs to be adjusted according to the intensity and duration. The higher the intensity and the longer the duration, the lower the frequency can be. Generally moderate-intensity exercise should be carried out at least once a week.3~4 timesInsist onMore than 12 weeksIn order to get better results.

There is no doubt that exercise can bring health benefits, but you must pay attention to keeping the right way to exercise. Have you learned all the above precautions? # Number One Weekly #


[1] "[Health] How to exercise scientifically, come and understand quickly! National Health 12320 2015-07-15

[2] The Gospel of Cancer Patients: Research says that physical exercise helps to shrink tumors. World Wide Web 2016-02-17

[3]Chekroud S R , Ralitza G , Zheutlin A B , et al. Association between physical exercise and mental health in 1·2 million individuals in the USA between 2011 and 2015: a cross-sectional study[J]. Lancet Psychiatry, 2018:S221503661830227X-.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

Learn these 8 fashion suggestions and life attitudes, and I believe you will know what to buy and wear.

Fashion dress is a commonplace topic, and it will never end.

Because as a fashionable and beautiful woman, we need to pay attention to it all the time.

Only constant learning and charging, only constant appreciation and promotion,

Only by constantly practicing, cultivating and growing according to one’s own temperament and style,

We can make our hearts richer and our eyes improved, and our clothes will be more stylish and tasteful.

I hope I can give you some inspiration and a guide to wear.

Let you know what to buy and choose in every occasion, and wear it correctly.

Even if you wear it at a low price, you can still wear a full sense of fashion because of your fashionable vision and taste.

1. We often say that the trend is perishable and the style lasts forever. What exactly is the style?

Style should be comfortable, time-consuming, and personal. It looks as if you haven’t carefully prepared it, but wearing the most suitable and beautiful self and your own style will make you confident.

2. What are the most worthwhile fashion items?

Be sure to buy a good pair of jeans.

Be sure to buy a good ready-to-wear coat.

A white t-shirt with a pattern,

I think a dress is also necessary to give you confidence.

A skirt that makes you confident, a skirt that can swing at will,

A little sexy skirt, so you can wear it all day and night.

3. Suggestions for working moms:

Just be yourself, don’t exaggerate, don’t dress too hard, just find something that suits you, I think this is the best way.

A pair of beautiful sunglasses is also worth investing, so even if you stay up all night with your children, it can help you hide your fatigue.

A fashionable and large-capacity bag is also very important, so that all the small things that children need can be packed. Every mother who works and takes care of children knows this need.

4. How important are fashion trends for women?

I don’t think fashion is a trend. For everyone, what suits you and makes you feel comfortable is the best fashion.

It is also important to learn to invest in important classic items that are commonly used, so that you can wear them all the time.

Add some fashionable elements that are popular in the season, so that classics can be matched with fashion. I think this is the most important fashion to wear.

5. What is the most error-prone and suitable for various occasions?

I think dresses are very good. These skirts are very easy to wear. Just put them in, zip them up, and then you can go out. No matter day or night, whether you go to the office or have an appointment at night, you can do it quickly with one button.

For example, if you date your husband, the most suitable dress is a sexy skirt, which makes you feel confident and sexy at the same time. Being sexy is not only for your partner, but also for yourself.

6, for accessories: the best travel model for smart and cool women; The simpler the better, a cool handbag, a set of clothes representing one’s temperament and style, and then all kinds of cool and stylish clothes;

If you are a delicate woman, you should learn to consider the importance of all kinds of ornaments and embellishments, because those can invisibly enhance your aesthetic feeling and fashion attitude and make you move forward with more confidence.

7, for women’s maintenance: sleep is very important, try to sleep better.

Drink more water, cultivate more hobbies and fun, such as listening to some good music, and learn to enjoy all the processes that seem to make you relaxed and comfortable, because it is also a kind of healing and relaxation.

Because as a woman, the process is interesting and important.

When you go out, you should care about your image. When you go out, you should wear decent clothes, take good care of your hair and make up.

Women must learn to enjoy all the processes that make you better: have a good sleep, drink plenty of water, take care of yourself, cultivate your hobbies, let yourself learn and know in an all-round way, and make your heart full and full.

All seemingly useless efforts are actually the process of enriching your heart and healing yourself.

A woman’s heart is full, her heart is happy and beautiful, and she lives fully. I understand that you are getting better and better.

In fact, everything will get better with the surroundings.

Always remember: because you get better first, you will get better life and everything slowly.

8. Women’s best fashion advice and attitude towards life is: Learn to love yourself. You dress up for yourself, not for anyone else, dress up carefully, make yourself feel better and be the best you can be.

The best "sports prime time" is released! Exercise at this time every day can significantly reduce the mortality rate!

Many people have a good habit of exercising, but many people still have doubts about the choice of exercise time. "Is it better to exercise in the morning or at night?" "Is running better or playing better?" "Do you choose aerobic exercise or strength training?" ….. For these questions, an article tells the answer!

This time of day is "prime time for sports"

On February 18th, Zhang Jihui team of Brain Hospital affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University published a study in the journal Nature Communications. Studies have shown that at any time of the day, moderate to intense physical activity can reduce the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer death. Importantly, compared with other time periods, daily exercise from 11: 00 to 17: 00 further reduces the mortality of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular diseases. ①

In this study, the researchers analyzed 92,139 participants, recorded their exercise time and intensity through effective accelerometer data, and analyzed the relationship between exercise and all-cause and specific-cause death risks.

Participants were divided into four groups according to their exercise time:

1. Morning group (5:00-11:00)

2. Noon-afternoon group (11:00-17:00)

3. Mixed group

4. Evening group (17:00-24:00)

The study found that:

1. Moderate to vigorous physical activity at any time of the day can reduce the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer death;

2. Compared with the morning group and the evening group, the all-cause mortality decreased by 11% and the mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases decreased by as much as 28% during daily exercise or mixed exercise from 11: 00 to 17: 00.

What sport suits you best? Different sports have different "efficacy"

1. The best exercise to reduce mortality-swing exercise.

In 2018, in a study published in the medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry, the researchers investigated the exercise data of more than 1.2 million people and found that all-cause mortality, such as badminton, tennis and table tennis, can reduce by 47%, followed by swimming and aerobic exercise, which can reduce by 28% and 27% respectively. ②

Swing can not only stimulate the shoulder muscles and the biceps brachii and triceps brachii, but also enhance the strength of the shoulders and arms, and exercise the coordination of the body and leg muscles in the process of rapid movement; In addition, the eyes rotate with the ball, which can improve the visual sensitivity.

It can exercise the coordination of the body and various muscle groups, improve the cardiopulmonary function, at the same time, make people pay more attention, keep the brain active, and delay the aging of the brain. It is recommended to swing 3 ~ 5 times a week, and each exercise is between 45 ~ 60 minutes.

Moreover, badminton, table tennis, tennis and other swing sports are suitable for people of all ages. For example, table tennis and badminton have poor antagonism, large or small activities and low intensity, which are suitable for both the elderly and young people, while tennis requires high strength and is suitable for young people to choose.

2. The best exercise to relieve mental stress-group sports

If you want to prolong your life, you should not only study the influence of exercise on your body, but also study the benefits of exercise on your mental state. The above research points out that group sports can improve the mood by 22%, which is the best exercise to relieve mental stress, followed by cycling and aerobics or dancing, which can improve the mood by 21% and 20% respectively. ②

Team sports refer to sports that require teamwork, such as football, basketball and volleyball. It helps people concentrate, helps to integrate into the collective and relieves bad emotions. Team sports suggest 45 minutes to 1 hour each time, and 3 to 5 times a week is the best.

Health Times He Maojie photo

3. The best exercise to lose weight and burn fat-aerobic exercise

In June 2021, the European Society for Obesity Research summarized the recommendation of exercise training for overweight and obese adults.

The study pointed out that for people who want to lose weight and fat, it is recommended to give priority to at least moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 150 ~ 200 minutes per week, or to choose high-intensity interval training after assessing cardiovascular risk and monitoring. The two methods have similar effects on overweight or obese people, and the expected weight loss is 2~3 kilograms on average. ③

The so-called aerobic exercise refers to the exercise under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply, which is often a long-term exercise with medium and low intensity, while the anaerobic exercise is a short-term, high-speed and intense exercise. Aerobic exercise can promote metabolism in the body, accelerate the consumption of sugar and fat, promote uric acid excretion, and help strengthen cardiopulmonary function.

Chen Xi, Ph.D. in Internal Medicine, West China Clinical Medical College, Sichuan University, introduced in an interview with Health Times in August 2020 that aerobic exercise mainly includes walking, running, yoga, Tai Ji Chuan, pilates and cycling, with the aim of losing weight and fat, improving cardiopulmonary endurance and aerobic explosive force. ④

4. The best exercise for lowering blood pressure-aerobic exercise+strength training

The prevalence of hypertension is generally on the rise, and lack of physical activity is one of the main reasons.

In March, 2021, the European Association for Heart Disease Prevention (EAPC) and the ESC Hypertension Council issued a consensus on personalized exercise prescription for the prevention and treatment of hypertension. They believed that exercise was indeed effective for patients with hypertension, and proposed to choose different exercise methods to reduce blood pressure according to blood pressure level. ⑤

The consensus points out that aerobic exercise should be used as a first-line physical activity mode for people with hypertension. The average systolic blood pressure can be reduced by 4.9~12.0 mm Hg, and the diastolic blood pressure can be reduced by 3.4~5.8 mm Hg. Including brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, skipping rope, etc.

In addition, low and moderate intensity strength training is recommended, including isotonic training (which can reduce systolic period by 4.3~6.6 mm Hg and diastolic period by 4.5~5.5 mm Hg) or isometric training (systolic period by 0.5~6.9 mm Hg and diastolic period by 1.0~5.2 mm Hg), which can be used as second-line exercise therapy.

Isotonic training refers to strength exercises in which muscles contract, shorten and relax alternately, which can improve neuromuscular coordination. Such as weight-bearing squat, bench press, clean and jerk, etc.

Isometric training is a training method for muscle contraction when both ends (starting and ending points) of the muscle are fixed or overloaded. Such as flat plate support, static belly roll, etc.

The guide emphasizes that different training methods such as aerobic exercise, isotonic training and isometric training can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure to varying degrees, so different people should give priority to the corresponding exercise with the most effective blood pressure reduction effect according to their own blood pressure range.

5. The best exercise to increase muscle strength-resistance exercise

As an important part of the human body, muscle can not only make the body shape more beautiful, keep a young and healthy posture, but also help exercise, balance and strength. At the same time, it also plays an active role in various metabolism.

Chen Xi, Ph.D. in Internal Medicine, West China Clinical Medical College, Sichuan University, introduced in an interview with Health Times in August 2020 that resistance exercise refers to the exercise methods of the human body when overcoming external resistance, mainly including sit-ups, squats, supine push-ups, etc., and can also be carried out with the help of instruments, including sandbags, dumbbells, rubber bands, etc., which can exercise muscles and effectively improve metabolism. The purpose of resistance exercise is to increase muscle mass, enhance muscle strength and improve muscle endurance. Resistance exercise is recommended 23 times a week. ④

Jiang Hua, deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Trauma Metabolism Group of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, also suggested in May 2017 that in order to gain muscle and ensure muscle quality, some resistance exercises to increase muscle weight can be done in daily exercise, such as using barbells, dumbbells and other equipment to train large muscle groups such as chest, shoulders, back and legs, and at the same time, it can be combined with various trainings to improve muscle quality, flexibility and balance (such as various mat exercises). ⑥

Source: Health Times

The concept of culture

Culture is a complex and diverse concept, which covers all aspects of human society, including history, art, philosophy, religion, science and technology and so on. Culture is not only the values and code of conduct of our society, but also the way we communicate and interact with others.

The development and evolution of culture is a long process, which is influenced by many factors, including geographical environment, historical background, social structure, economic development and so on. In different historical periods and cultural backgrounds, the development and evolution of culture also presents different characteristics.

Culture is of great significance to the development of a country or region. It not only shapes people’s ideas and behaviors, but also affects the development of economy, politics and society. A strong cultural system can enhance the soft power of a country or region and improve its international influence and competitiveness.

At the same time, culture is also the common wealth of mankind. We should respect and protect various cultural traditions and promote cultural exchanges and integration in order to enhance the diversity and richness of human civilization. Under the background of globalization, we should pay more attention to cultural diversity and inclusiveness, and promote dialogue and cooperation between different cultures in order to build a more harmonious world.

In a word, culture is a broad and complex concept, which involves all aspects of human society. We should respect and protect various cultural traditions and promote cultural exchanges and integration in order to build a more harmonious world.

It is enough for amateur golfers to master the following 11 badminton skills.


Kill the ball (the most difficult technique to learn)

It’s a high ball hit by the opponent. Try to buckle it down at the high hitting point. This kind of ball is powerful and fast, mainly including forehand killing, backhand killing and overhead killing.


Catch and kill the ball (the most embodiment of the technique of four or two strokes)

It is a style of play that turns defense into attack, which is divided into blocking the ball in front of the net, drawing the ball in the backcourt and picking the high ball.


Put the ball before the net (one of the necessary techniques before the net)

It is to gently hold the opponent’s hanging ball or the ball in front of the net with a racket, so that the ball will fall downward as soon as it passes the top of the net.


Golf (the most basic skill for amateurs)

Hit the ball near the opponent’s baseline with a high arc to weaken the opponent’s offensive power and consume the opponent’s physical strength.


Drop shot (technique of confusing opponents)

The ball hit by the opponent is lightly returned from the backcourt to the area in front of the opponent’s net, which is called hanging ball. It is a batting technique to mobilize the opponent, disrupt the opponent’s position and cooperate with tactics.


Ball-saving (front-net attack technique)

It is a common offensive technique in doubles. When the opponent serves the ball in front of the net or returns the ball in front of the net, when the ball crosses the top of the net, the arc is high, that is, he quickly steps up and swats and kills in front of the net.


Pick the lob (defensive adjustment technique)

It is to pick up the lob or the ball in front of the net hit by the opponent and return it to the opponent’s backcourt. This is a defensive technique adopted in a relatively passive situation.


Rub the ball (the technique of showing the feel)

It is a development of the technology of putting the ball before the net. When the hitting point is about the same height as the shoulder, use the actions of "rubbing", "cutting" and "picking" to rub the bottom of the ball holder, so that the ball changes its normal running track in the air, resulting in rolling along the horizontal axis or rotating over the top of the net along the vertical axis.


Push the ball (fast flat bottom line technology)

It is to cooperate with the fake action in front of the net, and suddenly push the ball to the bottom corner of the backcourt when luring the opponent to the internet.


Hook ball (surprise technique)

It’s a diagonal ball in front of the net. It is often used in combination with rubbing and pushing the ball to achieve the effect of a diversion.


Draw the ball (a simple and easy-to-learn technique)

It’s a way of hitting the ball flat across the net. In the stroke, the hitting point is on both sides below the shoulder, which is an offensive technique with faster hitting speed.