"BBC heart-pricking experiment" tells you the truth about fitness: running for 45 minutes every day is not as good as exercising for 2 minutes every week! 》

I am a person who can hardly exercise. For me, standing is the most intense exercise.

Although I have long known that exercise has countless benefits, I have always wanted to take the first step, but when I see people around me who are struggling to exercise,Spend an hour or two sweating in the gym every day., who all want to back down?

However, watching a documentary recently actually made me take the first step of exercise, because it let me know that exercise is not a hard job at all!

The documentary also said: those who work hard in the gym for an hour or two are simply thankless. As long as you master the method,Just 2 minutes a week., you can achieve excellent fitness results!

The host of this documentary is?Professor michael mosley, a medical journalist(Dr Michael Mosley), he has always been a lazy man, and in the matter of exercise, he wants to?Spend the least effort?Get the biggest return.

Medical journalist Dr Michael Mosley.

In order to realize his dream, the whole BBC team is in full swing, accompanying him to visit sports experts in various fields and looking for?Super high efficiency?The exercise method. This process was filmed as the documentary The Truth About Getting Fit.

Anyone who wants to exercise but doesn’t want to work hard must not miss this documentary!

At the beginning of the documentary, Michael will?overturn?A popular saying: "You can stay young and healthy by walking 10,000 steps every day".

The idea of 10,000 steps first came from a marketing campaign more than 50 years ago. A Japanese company invented the "10,000-step pedometer", and while sponsoring the Tokyo Olympics, it relied on a sentence.10 thousand steps a day"The advertising words are deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

But do you have to walk 10 thousand steps to be effective?

In order to find out the truth, Michael consulted Professor Rob Copland of Harlem University in Sheffield, and he will arrange a controlled experiment to verify this theory.

Note: In order to make the public understand the BBC documentary,

Experimental methods with small samples and not rigorous enough are often adopted, but they still have certain reference.

He divided six people into two groups to take part in the experiment:

The first group (Gillian, Dave, Dai Lun): Walk 10,000 steps every day, unlimited speed, about 8 kilometers.

Group 2 (Nathan, Gary, Judy): 10 minutes three times a day,doubleAbout 3000 steps, about 2.4 kilometers.

In the experiment, both groups wore activity monitors, which could track their activities throughout the day and monitor their heart rates. Professor Copeland said that the increase in heart rate caused by exercise can?Strengthen heart and lung function, is an important indicator to measure the effect of sports.

After the experiment began, the members of the first group worked hard to achieve the goal of 10 thousand steps, because 10 thousand steps were too difficult to complete!

Of the three people, only Dave and Dai Lun managed to finish the task. Gillian washed the bowl and deliberately walked back and forth several times, but only walked more than 5000 steps in one day.

In contrast, the members of the second group are much more relaxed.

They met for a brisk walk, and 10 minutes passed quickly. Unconsciously, they easily completed the indicators.

On the one hand, it is difficult to move forward, and on the other hand, it is easy to reach the standard. What is the effect of their exercise?

Professor Copeland published?Surprising?Experimental results of:

Although the first group is more tired, the exercise effect of the second group is better.?better!

He explained that this is because the brisk walking adopted by the second group belongs to moderate to intense physical exercise, and the intensity is increased by 30% compared with the usual walking.

Comparatively speaking, although the walking time of the second group is shorter, the intensity of cardiopulmonary exercise is greater, so the effect is better than that of the first group.

Michael’s first discovery saved him 7000 steps every day.

But lazy, he is not satisfied with this! Last time he found out?More labor-saving?Movement, this time he turned to.?More time-saving?The exercise method.

He went to visit.?High intensity intermittent exercise(HIIT) expert Niels worrall.

Experts from worrall arranged for six white-collar workers to participate in a five-week exercise program.

Before the exercise, the six people first took an aerobic fitness test.

Aerobic fitness refers to human intake, transportation and utilization.?oxygen?The ability. People with good aerobic fitness will run for 1000 meters without breathing. On the contrary, people with poor aerobic fitness will be panting after climbing several stairs.

After testing aerobic fitness, Niels worrall asked these white-collar workers to do it on a spinning bike every week?3 groups of 40 seconds?HIIT training.

In other words, every week they only need?Exercise for 2 minutes. After five weeks, these people only exercised in total.?10 minutes.

However, five weeks later, when six white-collar workers took the physical fitness test again, their?Aerobic fitness?An average increase of 11%!

Worrall explained,

This is because HIIT can stimulate deep muscles.

Deep muscles are hidden around the bones of the body, which plays a role in coordinating the body and supporting the bones and joints. Ordinary exercise is difficult to involve, and HIIT can activate them.

In addition, HIIT can rapidly consume muscle glycogen.

Muscle glycogen is the sugar stored in muscle. When people exercise vigorously, the body will break down the sugar in muscle and provide energy for the body.

Worrall asked a white-collar worker to do three groups of HIIT for 2 minutes, and compared his muscle glycogen levels before and after exercise.

The results showed that his muscle glycogen level decreased.?24%?As much as, if you use other sports methods, you may have to?45 minutes?In order to achieve the same effect.

Finally, HIIT can also exercise the heart and lungs and improve the whole cardiovascular system.

HIIT is good, but it is not convenient for everyone to go to the gym to ride a spinning bike. In order to let everyone enjoy the benefits of HIIT, Michael specially invited Beth Philips from Nottingham University to design a set of HIIT training without any auxiliary tools.

This training takes a total of 5 minutes, namely:1-minute arm jump, 1-minute squat, 1-minute run, 1-minute arm jump, 1-minute squat..

You can also easily complete this set of movements at home, and the exercise effect is comparable to HIIT of spinning bike.

Besides HIIT,Strength training?It is also a very popular exercise method in recent years.

In order to find out?Have the best effect?The way of strength training, Michael came to Glasgow University, where sports researchers Stuart Gray and Nai Stefanacci are working.?Test weightlifting and light liftingWhich effect is better.

The experiment they designed was completed by five women. Before the experiment began, all the people took a strength test, and the researchers will record what they can lift.?maximum weight.

During the experiment, the participants lifted the dumbbells with one hand and the light dumbbells with the other, and both hands should be lifted until they have no strength. The hand that lifts light things takes longer to reach the fatigue point than the other hand. Their legs also had a heavy and light exercise.

For six weeks, they conducted two groups of training every week. After the training, they accepted the strength test again, and the results showed that:

There is no difference between lifting weights and light weights at all, and the muscle strength of both hands and legs is almost the same.

Their hands muscles have been strengthened by 18%-19%, and their legs muscles have been strengthened by 25%, and there is no difference because of the different weights on both sides.

After learning this result, five participants said that they would rather lift weights because of the short time.

Therefore, it is simple to save time by lifting weights.

Unlike strength training, running is the most popular sport because it doesn’t need any instruments and equipment and is very convenient to perform.

In order to explore the truth of running, Michael came to St. Mary’s University in London and asked John Brewer, an exerciser, about it.?run?The problem.

We always think that running will damage the knee joint, but is this true?

Brewer said,Running will not only hurt the knee joint, but also benefit it..

This is because the regular pressure generated by running can bring more oxygen and nutrients into articular cartilage.Conducive to cartilage repair and growth.

Michael, the host, found it unbelievable, so Brewer asked him to do an experiment to compare knee pressure.

In the experiment, Michael put a sensor on his knee, then walked a certain distance at the designated position, and then he ran the same distance.

Then, the computer will analyze the pressure on the knee when walking and running.

As can be seen from the above picture, although the pressure on the knees is greater when running than when walking,But it takes less time to cause stress.. Generally speaking, the time for running to produce stress is only half of that for walking, because people have longer strides and shorter contact time between their feet and the ground.

The blue bar represents the stress time caused by walking.

The red column represents the stress time caused by running.

In the above experiment, the total pressure on Michael’s knees when he runs is smaller than when he walks.

Brewer said that these pressures are completely within the acceptable range of the human body, because the human body structure can fully load walking and running. Imagine if our ancestors couldn’t run, how could they survive the competition of nature?

Whether it is to avoid or chase prey, people need to use the skill of running, which has been used to this day.

Nevertheless, if you run in the wrong way, such as running too fast, running for too long, running on uneven or slippery ground, you may cause injuries.

After visiting a number of sports experts, Michael has mastered four major exercise truths:

1. Walking 10,000 steps slowly every day is better than walking 3,000 steps quickly.

2. HIIT for 2 minutes per week can effectively improve aerobic fitness.

3, it takes a short time to lift the dumbbell to fatigue, which can effectively strengthen the muscles.

4. Running won’t hurt your knees.

Michael’s next stop is to visit a physiologist, Professor Sirsa Osullevin. He wants to know why some people love running so much.

Professor O ‘Sullivan said that people will produce endogenous pheromones when running. This kind of substance spontaneously produced by the human body is very similar in structure to the alcohol in * *, which will excite.?Positive mood, increase appetite, bring pleasure..

Besides running, other exercises can also produce endogenous hormones, which explains why some people feel uncomfortable without exercise for a day. Because exercise can really make people happy. Professor O ‘Sullivan believes that "endogenous pheromone" is one set up by the body?Incentive mechanism to encourage exercise.

In order to let Michael witness the power of running, Professor O ‘Sullivan arranged for three runners to jog.

After running, the endogenous pheromone in participants’ bodies increased by 30% compared with that before running!

Professor O ‘Sullivan explained that the endogenous pheromone produced during this exercise is within a safe range and can make people excited to the right degree.

After reading "The Truth of Exercise", I was eager to try, and immediately did a 5-minute HIIT exercise, and sure enough, I immediately felt High.

It turns out that,Exercise can also be a simple and happy thing!Friend, you might as well try it!

Wang Xin’s career and love have a double harvest! Get Ma Kui’s approval and capture Merry ma’s heart!

Before the Spring Festival, "Coming from South to North" was on the air.
Xiaoqi plays with his family every day.
It is simply a necessary entertainment link for the Spring Festival.
The train and the interesting things in the courtyard were staged one after another, and the atmosphere was full of family fun.
It really adds a lot of happiness to the New Year.
After the new year, "going south and going north" also ushered in a new atmosphere.
All staff have a new look, and each has its own new breakthrough.
Let Xiaoqi show you a new scene of prosperity in the compound!
Remember Wang Xin (Bai Jingting) and Ma Kui (Ding Yongdai)
Was it incompatible when we first met?
Today’s Wang Xin is growing up in setbacks.
He is no longer an afterlife who talks about "the little gun king of the police academy"
He took master’s words to heart.
Think again and again when you encounter problems.
After making a mistake and being transferred, Wang Xin stopped acting rashly.
Several cases, large and small, have been cracked in succession.
This is different from the past
Today’s Wang Xin deserves this big red flower.
Won the recognition of Ma Kui.
Also won the heart of Merry ma (Gina)
How can Ma Kui, as a master, lag behind his disciples?
The original Ma Kui was strict father, a strict teacher.
I don’t know much about how to get along with my family
Under the warmth of the closest relatives.
Ma Kui seemed to turn on the tender feelings switch.
Although the mouth is still hard, but the soft heart has overflowed the screen.
He took the initiative to visit Wang Xin at Hongyang Station.
Take Merry ma to buy high heels and try them on for her.
The Relationship among Wang Xin, Ma Kui and Merry ma
Is getting closer and closer.
Encouraged by the growth of both boyfriend and father,
Merry ma also found a new direction of love and career.
Once, her love was hard to open in my heart.
Watching a sweetheart fall in love will only sulk.
Today’s Merry ma has a delicate mind
Take the initiative to help Wang Xin and Ma Kui break the ice
After understanding one’s own mind
She took the initiative to visit Wang Xin in Hongyang.
The relationship between the two is heating up rapidly.
No more guessing each other’s minds
See others doing small business.
Merry ma also wants to do business in the sea.
Start with a stall and accumulate little by little.
Can Ma Yan make a career?
We can look forward to it
"Going from south to north" is a new atmosphere in the new year, and the compound also welcomes new people
Niu Dali (Liu Guanlin), who pursues love with brute force, has made rapid progress in her feelings.
Pulling Yao Yuling (Jiang Yan) to push up the car of love.
It’s just that Yuling is always uncertain about Yao, and seems to have other choices.
With the concerted efforts of Qi Xin from all the people in the compound.
Cai Xiaonian (Song Jiateng) successfully married his wife.
In a happy place, the Cai family is also happy.
A guest from Harbin, Jia Jinlong (Li Naiwen), also came to the compound.
Woolen coat and small leather shoes, handsome and full of praise.
When Jinlong Yuling met under the cherry tree, it seemed like an idol drama.
The relationship between these two people seems very unusual? !
Ma Kui’s old friend visited.
Lili (Rain Wang), the daughter of an old friend, also lives in Ma’s house.
As soon as they met, Merry ma and Lili got along like sisters.
The two girls are stubborn and obedient, which makes people curious.
Can Lili blend into Ma’s family smoothly?
Can Ma Kui’s bowl of water be leveled?
The newcomers in the compound are wave after wave.
Everyone smiles and is very lively.
Wang Xin, Ma Kui, Merry ma and others also ushered in new challenges.
The train was shocked by the case of dismemberment, and Wang Xin and Ma Kui jointly investigated it.
Wang Xin and Merry ma have increasingly clear feelings.
Can they get Ma Kui’s permission?
The excitement of "going north and south" continues.
Meet you at iQiyi at 19:30 every day on time.

[Kangbao beauty you shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects the "drunk" beautiful sunset.

Author: Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

Recently, in Wujiadi Village, Lujiaying Township, kangbao county, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, photographers photographed the scenery of sunset melting gold and sunset clouds, which was beautiful. Guan Xin

Source: Zhangjiakou Learning Platform, kangbao county Rong Media Center.

Editor: Yin Zhongjie, Lv Wenlin

Audit: Wang Haijun

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory released the weather forecast for the next three days on February 3:

February 4 th: cloudy to light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-26℃ ~-7℃;

February 5: light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-20℃ ~-10℃;

February 6th: The light snow turned cloudy, and the northwest wind changed from 3-4 to 4-5, at-21℃ ~-11℃.

The meteorological grade of forest and grassland fire danger is Grade III, with moderate humidity and moderate danger, which needs attention.

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[Kangbao Beauty You Shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects "drunken" beauty sunset. com letter Kangbao touches the original text.

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There was an explosion in the pig farm? Investigation on the explosion accident of illegal fireworks production in Liling, Hunan Province

  Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 13th Question: Why did the pig farm explode? — — Investigation on the explosion accident of illegal fireworks production in Liling, Hunan Province

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Xi Min, Xie Ben and Liu Fangzhou

  At 4 o’clock in the morning of July 11th, an explosion accident of illegally producing fireworks and firecrackers occurred in a pig farm in Zhuhuashan Village, Banshan Town, Liling City, Hunan Province, killing five people and losing two people. According to investigators, the pig farmers involved have been controlled by public security organs.

  Why did fireworks explode in the pig farm? Xinhua Viewpoint reporter rushed to the scene of the accident to investigate.

  "No one expected that fireworks and firecrackers would be produced inside."

  Recently, the highest temperature in Zhuhuashan Village of Banshan Town approached 37 degrees Celsius, and the meteorological department issued a high temperature warning. According to the local deployment, fireworks and firecrackers production enterprises have successively entered the high-temperature shutdown period.

  At 4 o’clock in the morning on the 11th, a pig farm in the village exploded, breaking the silence at night. "In an instant, the window glass shattered and the fire was shining outside." The villager surnamed Liu, who lives more than 100 meters away from the pig farm, recalled to the reporter, "I thought it was an earthquake."

On the 11th, villagers were cleaning up the damaged doors and windows. (Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Benshe)

  The reporter saw at the scene that the aluminum alloy doors and windows of several surrounding villagers’ houses had been severely deformed, and thick glass crumbs were scattered at the door of the house, and the interior of the house was in a mess, and cracks appeared in the walls of villagers’ houses.

  The reporter found that the pig farm where the explosion occurred was sandwiched between two mountains, and its geographical location was very hidden. The surrounding villagers said that there was nothing unusual in the pig farm on weekdays. In view of the hygiene regulations and the strong odor, outsiders generally do not approach. "I often see two cars parked at the gate of the pig farm at night, but only when someone comes to play mahjong, no one expected that fireworks and firecrackers would be produced inside." A villager said.

This is the scene of the accident filmed by the reporter on July 11th. (Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Benshe)

  It is understood that this pig farm named "Minwang Ecological Farm" has been operating in the local area for many years, and the legal representative is Liu Moujun’s wife.

  After preliminary investigation, at the end of June this year, Liu Moujun rented a pig shed with only 60 square meters in the pig farm to Li Mouzhong, a villager in a neighboring town, for illegal fireworks production. They bought raw materials from other places, stayed up all night, organized workers to work all night, and were suspected of making small fireworks products commonly known as "foxtail".

  An emergency management cadre who participated in the accident handling estimated: "The explosive that caused this explosion may be more than 100 kilograms." The relevant person in charge of Liling Public Security Bureau revealed that seven suspects, including Liu Moujun, had been under control and Li Mouzhong was killed in the accident.

  Expose multiple regulatory loopholes

  Fireworks and firecrackers industry is one of the pillar industries in Liling. The data shows that there are more than 170 registered enterprises engaged in fireworks production in the local area, with more than 100,000 employees.

  Illegal production is the pain point and risk point of fireworks and firecrackers industry. "Illegal workshops often have serious defects in safety management and are extremely dangerous." A supervision cadre of fireworks and firecrackers industry said that the relevant safety production norms have strict requirements on the construction of factory buildings, physical isolation of production links, quantitative stacking of raw materials, and personnel holding certificates. For example, the amount of processed drugs should not exceed 3 kg at a time, and single-person single-room operation should be implemented. However, the hardware facilities and personnel quality of illegal workshops are far from meeting the requirements.

  Although the relevant departments have made great efforts to control it, the illegal production of fireworks and firecrackers has been repeatedly banned. According to the statistics of Liling Public Security Bureau, Liling has detected 31 criminal cases of illegally manufacturing and storing explosives this year, and 54 people have taken criminal compulsory measures. In 2022, this group of data was 59 and 88 respectively.

  Why do offenders take risks? A practitioner in the fireworks and firecrackers industry said that compared with regular operation, illegal production saves many costs such as investment and factory construction, safety management and tax payment, and the profit rate may be more than three times higher. The reporter learned from the public security and judicial organs that Li Mouzhong was sentenced for illegally manufacturing and storing explosives in 2021. When the accident occurred, he was still on probation.

  Many practitioners and regulators have reported that many fireworks manufacturers have emptied their inventories, and some people "bet" on the good market at the end of the year and use the off-season in summer to "grab production". Another person from the regulatory authorities told reporters that the wages of workers who illegally produce firecrackers in pig farm workshops may reach thousands of yuan per night.

  It is worth noting that there are security loopholes in the "two ends" supervision of fireworks and firecrackers in production and sales.

  A number of emergency management department cadres said that although the regulatory authorities require raw material manufacturers to strictly verify the buyer’s safety production license qualification, there are many cases of "taking advantage of loopholes" in the operation level, such as hanging certificates and forging certificates. At the sales level, one of the usual means of illegal production workshops is to enter the licensed manufacturer through the back door to complete the transformation, or directly "fake" the outer packaging of the regular manufacturer, steal its safety production license number and flow into the wholesale market.

  The accident also exposed some problems that illegal production workshops are concealed and difficult to supervise. The police of Banshan Town Police Station said that the illegal workshop hidden in the pig farm was hidden and only produced at night. The cadre in charge of safety production in Banshan Town said that he had never entered the pig farm for investigation before. This method of artificial production of firecrackers does not use large equipment and is very flexible. Once the raw materials and products are removed, it is difficult for regulators to find traces of production.

  In addition, a cadre of the supervision department pointed out that some grass-roots units are not strictly responsible, and some even have interests involved. The investigation work is a mere formality, forming a blind spot for supervision and allowing illegal production to take advantage of it.

  Be alert to risks in hidden corners and improve joint prevention and control at the grass-roots level.

  On the 11th, the Emergency Management Department of Hunan Province held an emergency video conference on "illegal production" and safety supervision of fireworks and firecrackers in the province. On the 12th, Liling launched the "crackdown on illegal production" campaign, emphasizing "strict investigation, crackdown and strict control" on illegal production.

  Liuyang and Liling in Hunan, Shangli and Wanzai in Jiangxi, four counties and cities are national fireworks and firecrackers industrial clusters, accounting for more than 85% of the country’s output, and are also key supervision areas for the production of fireworks and firecrackers.

  Many cadres of public security and emergency management departments believe that the supervision of fireworks and firecrackers industry is polarized at present: the supervision of formal production enterprises is more and more strict and standardized, while the illegal production activities in "hidden corners" are more and more hidden, and there are signs of spillover to non-main production areas.

  A cadre engaged in the supervision of fireworks and firecrackers industry said that in the past, illegal production dens were mostly located in abandoned houses and factories in remote areas. With the increasing crackdown, these dens kept changing places and their mobility was greatly improved. "Some are produced in high-rise elevator houses, and some are produced in the freight compartment of trucks, ‘ Shoot a gun and change a place ’ It is very difficult to find and attack in time. "

  "The illegal production of fireworks and firecrackers also shows a trend of small-scale and fragmented organization production. For example, this pig farm den does not need electricity, machinery, and venues. The technical threshold is low, and a few experienced locals can engage in production. " The cadre told reporters.

  The cadres of the emergency management department interviewed suggested that we should focus on the "two ends" in controlling and cracking down on illegal production — — On the raw material side, strengthen the crackdown on illegal sales of dangerous chemicals that are easy to explode, and strictly implement the management of raw material flow; On the sales side, strengthen the supervision and inspection of dealers’ operating compliance. In short, let the illegal production dens "raw materials can’t enter, products can’t go out" and cut off their interest chain.

  On the other hand, we should strengthen the implementation of regulatory measures such as cross-regional inspection and joint law enforcement in the main producing areas of fireworks and firecrackers, accelerate the promotion of a unified and standardized management system, and carry out a "chess game" management of the flow of raw materials and products in the region.

  The interviewed cadres also suggested that for illegal production supervision, the relationship between powers and responsibilities of various departments should be further clarified. We can explore the establishment of a comprehensive linkage mechanism between public security, emergency management, market supervision and other departments, strengthen command and coordination, and compact the supervision responsibilities of various departments, so as to form a joint force of supervision through continuous attacks on the upstream and downstream of the whole chain.

  At the same time, it is necessary to promote the safety supervision force to extend to grass-roots safety supervision stations, village cadres, grid workers, etc., establish a normalized illegal production investigation mechanism, improve the joint prevention and control mechanism at the grass-roots level, increase the intensity of surprise visits and unannounced visits, and guard against cadres becoming "protective umbrellas."

The holiday is approaching, and the "shopping" mode is opened. The Shiji high-speed railway opens and the delicious food along the way is waiting for you.

  CCTV News:The New Year holiday is approaching, and many people plan to travel by high-speed rail during the holiday. Now you may have another choice. On the 28th, the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway was officially opened for operation, and the travel time between the two places was further shortened. At 8: 00 am on the 28th, the first train from Shijiazhuang Station started and arrived at Jinan West Station at 10: 07 am as scheduled.

  Food is waiting for you along the way.

  After the opening of the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway, the journey from Shijiazhuang to Jinan will be shortened from 4 hours to 120 minutes, and it will only take 5 hours to Qingdao. That is to say, you can take a train from Shijiazhuang in the morning and have a seafood dinner at noon! What must-eat foods are there along the way?

  In Shijiazhuang, cold palace noodles are an essential food.The noodles in Gaocheng Palace in Shijiazhuang are only 0.7 mm in diameter. Although the noodles are thin, they are hollow in the middle. The first choice for making cold noodles is Gaocheng Palace Noodles. The production of Gaocheng Palace Noodles began in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty, and it was listed as the best imperial food in Qing Dynasty because of its fine craftsmanship and unique flavor, so it was called Palace Noodles.Gaocheng Palace is soft and smooth, and it is not bad for cooking, so it is loved by many people.

  The train went all the way to the east and came to Xinji. Xinji Crispy Sugar is a famous folk snack in Hebei. xinji city has been called Shulu County since Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty. Since ancient times, it has the reputation of poetry and painting, so it is also called.Golden deer crisp candy. It is made by traditional technology, with obvious layering. A crisp candy can reach 6561 layers, also known as thousand-layer crisp. The crisp candy is yellowish in color, shaped like a twist, delicate and delicate like a handicraft, and tastes crisp, fragrant, crisp, sweet, crisp but not scattered, crisp but not broken, sweet but not greasy.

  From Xinji to the east, after Hengshui and Jingzhou, you came to Dezhou, where you must have heard of braised chicken. Many people know that braised chicken is delicious, but few people know its birth process."Dezhou spiced boneless braised chicken" originated in the Ming Dynasty, was founded in the Qing Dynasty, spread in the Republic of China, and flourished today, with a history of more than 300 years. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Dezhou, as an important transit point of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, followed the river from Kyoto to nine provinces.In 2014, the production skills of Dezhou braised chicken were included in the national intangible cultural heritage representative project.

  Don’t miss the beautiful scenery along the way

  The opening of the Shijie high-speed railway opens the "shopping" mode. Besides the delicious food along the way, the beautiful scenery is also something you can’t miss.

  In Shijiazhuang,Zhengding Rongguo Mansion is a place you can’t miss. It is also the shooting location of the 87th edition of A Dream of Red Mansions. It broke ground in 1984 and was opened in 1986. It covers a total area of 37,000 square meters and is divided into two parts: Rongguo Mansion and Ningrong Street. Completely in accordance with the description in the classical literary masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansions, it was jointly demonstrated by experts in redology and ancient architecture, and was strictly designed and built with reference to the prevailing norms of wooden buildings in China in the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty Code.

  At the same time, Zhengding is also the birthplace of Yuanqu. Nowadays, in Zhengding Yuanqu Museum, there are not only more than a dozen musical instruments accompanied by Yuanqu, such as drums, suona, zhongruan, pipa, etc., but also the script form of Yuanzaju and the five palaces, four tones and qupai of formal singing are illustrated on the exhibition wall. When you walk in here, people will always involuntarily sing along with the Yuanqu minor played in the museum.

  I came to Gaocheng, the hometown of palace lanterns.Traditional Gaocheng Palace lanterns are all hand-made, and the process is extremely complicated, such as making the base, sawing bamboo pieces, scraping bamboo strips, punching bamboo holes and piercing bamboo strips … … Among the 56 processes, the most critical one is scraping bamboo strips. If the bamboo strips are scraped unevenly, the radian will be different after bending, and the lanterns will not be round.Want to make lanterns round and good, every step is very elegant.

  The train continues eastward to Xinji, which is the northern leather capital of China and Xinji International Leather City. Since its opening in 2010, it has settled in 1,200 enterprises, 32 world famous brands, more than 100 national brands and provincial brands.

  The last stop of Shijike Passenger Dedicated Line in Hebei is Jingzhou Station, and the first stop after entering Shandong is Dezhou East Station.In this border area between Hebei and Shandong, the culture is of the same origin. In the Han Dynasty, it belonged to Guang Chuan, and it was also the hometown of Dong Zhongshu, a great scholar in the Han Dynasty. There are Jingzhou Tower, Gao’s tombs, Feng’s tombs and Dong Zi Cultural Park in Jingzhou.

  The train enters Jinan, which is a famous spring city. When you come to the spring city, the first thing you experience is the spring water.The 800 springs in Jinan are divided into ten spring groups, such as Baotu Spring and Black Tiger Spring. The ten spring cities, such as Chaoran Zhiyuan, Minghu Tingqu and Quanshuiren, are beautiful. The most famous one is Baotu Spring, which ranks first among all springs in Jinan. According to legend, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty went down to the south of the Yangtze River and drank his own Yuquan water in Beijing along the way. When he tasted Baotu Spring water, he immediately changed the water and named Baotu Spring "the first spring in the world".

Guide | Where to eat for the Wuhan Youth League Banquet? Rescuing selection difficulties

The best meal in a year should be the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner.
In the twelfth lunar month, parents started planning, cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle, and curing fish and bacon. China parents, who are not good at expressing their love, used a big dinner on New Year’s Eve to show their concern for their families.
A sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner bears the most abundant feelings of China people. It divides the old year and the new year, soothes the homeless and celebrates the time of reunion.
But my parents are old, and they are reluctant to let them work hard. Finding a suitable restaurant and having a happy reunion dinner has become the most important thing before the new year.
Near the end of the year, you may not be able to screen carefully because of your busy work. Don’t panic, Wu Lvjun traveled all over Wuhan and found these high-quality restaurants. The New Year’s reunion dinner has its own characteristics, and you will be satisfied if you need to sit down.
* ranking in no particular order, sorted in pinyin order.
starred hotel
Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel
Write Spring Festival couplets after dinner.
During the Spring Festival, Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel has prepared a lot of annual activities. For example, on February 5 (New Year’s Day), four lively and festive lions will appear at the entrance of the hotel, stepping on plum blossom piles and passing on New Year’s greetings.
△//Old Shanghai smoked small yellow croaker
In addition, during the whole Spring Festival, guests who enjoy the New Year’s Eve in the hotel can use the pen, ink, paper and inkstone provided on the spot to write down the Spring Festival couplets and take them home for the whole family to enjoy.
△//Braised mandarin fish larvae with Shaoshan flavor
At present, the Chinese restaurant in the hotel offers five kinds of New Year’s Eve menus, starting from 2688 yuan, which you can choose according to the number of guests.
The group annual banquet is available at the price of 2688/2888/3988/5988/12988, which can meet the different needs of 10-20 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: Sheraton Caiyuexuan Chinese Restaurant, No.80 Fanhu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-63601978
The westin fuli hotel
Dining in 180 River View
Adjacent to Wuchang River Beach, the hotel dining adds a sense of ceremony. There are 7 kinds of meals available for the group annual banquet, and the price ranges from 3688 yuan to 10,000 yuan, meeting the dining needs of all grades.
There are three must-order dishes: signature dried Kun fish head, hot and sour plum ginseng, and black sesame bean curd with pine needles.
The signature Gankun fish head is about 7 kg of Tianmu Lake male fish, which is cooked with slow fire. Under the fish head, there are crisp handmade shepherd’s purse dumplings, bamboo shoots and prawns, all of which are mixed with delicacies.
Hot and sour plum ginseng is a secret seasoning that cuts plum ginseng and drenches it with hot and sour and refreshing. It tastes smooth and Q-bomb, and it is spicy to eat seafood, which is just in line with Wuhan people’s preferences.
The method of keeping fit with pine needles and black sesame bean curd is novel. The bean curd is wrapped with fine black sesame powder and immersed in golden pumpkin juice, which is fresh and sweet.
The group annual banquet is available at 3688/4688/5688/8088/12888/16888, which can meet the different needs of 10-28 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: The Westin R&F Hotel, No.96 Linjiang Avenue, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88168888
Kyle won Ro Hotel.
The whole roast pig was served on the table.
Kyle Ro Hotel launched the "Lucky Golden Pig" this year, following the cooking tips recorded by the Qing Dynasty culinary expert Yuan Mei in the "Suiyuan Food List". "First, roast the meat inside and make the ointment enter the skin, then the skin will be crispy and the taste will not go."
In the roasting process, pine, white wine and maltose are also added to make the pork exude a rich aroma from the inside out.
The rare seafood in the group annual banquet package is the highlight. After a table, you can taste fresh flavors all over the country.
Throughout the year, eat a big meal and start a new year full of blessings.
In addition to the meal fee, 10% service charge and 6% government value-added tax are added to each table. There are three packages of 2888/3888/4688 yuan to choose from, and you need to make an appointment in advance for meals.
Restaurant information
Address: Shangdu Taoyuan Chinese Restaurant, 2nd floor, Ro Hotel, Kyle, No.159, yanjiang road, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-82778888 to 8920
Shimao Hilton Hotel
Chef’s customized New Year’s Eve dinner
Hilton Shimao Hotel is located on the bank of Hanyang River. Through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic glass window, you can see a touch of red on the Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge.
Zhang Youbin, the chef of Jiu Chinese restaurant in the hotel, has been in business for nearly 30 years.This year’s New Year’s dinner package focuses on his specially made authentic Hubei cuisine, and there are also Cantonese and Sichuan dishes to choose from.
The three must-order specialties are hand-torn beef, Kyoto mutton soup and Mende chicken. In addition, Wuhan specialty Jiang Xian, Cai Tai, Nihao and lotus root ribs soup are all good choices.
There is no fixed menu for the group annual banquet, so it is a feature of this family to order whatever you want.
You need to make an appointment in advance for the Spring Festival meal, and customize the menu according to your needs.
Restaurant information
Address: Jiu Restaurant on the second floor of Shimao Hilton Hotel, No.190 Binjiang Avenue, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59402740
Wanda Ruihua Hotel
Luxury choice on the street of Chuhehan
If there are distinguished guests coming from afar during the Spring Festival, it is recommended here.
Wuhan Wanda Ruihua Hotel has a high-quality Huaiyang cuisine restaurant in Wuhan, and exquisite Jiangnan dishes such as Huaiyang boiled dried silk, crab powder tofu pot and crab powder lion head can be eaten here.
Besides, if guests want to experience the authentic local flavor, there are typical Hubei dishes such as bacon, vegetable moss and pork ribs and lotus root soup in restaurants.
After dinner, it is a very good travel experience to take new friends and old friends to the Han Street in Chuhe for a walk, or to take a cruise on Han Street to the East Lake.
Dining needs to be reserved one week in advance. The group annual banquet has five grades of 5288/6888/8888/9999/19999, which can be enjoyed by 10-26 people, and each table includes drinks. In addition to the meal fee, 6% value-added tax is added.
Restaurant information
Address: Banquet Yipin Huaiyang Chinese Restaurant, 6th Floor, Wanda Ruihua Hotel, No.138 Donghu Road, Shuiguohu Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59599999 to 6160
Shangri-La Hotel
The annual flavor of old Wuhan
Shangri-la leaves this yearSimple and people-friendly styleOn New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s Eve party brought the old Wuhan scene back to life. Wuhan traditional snacks are made on the spot, fried meatballs, lotus root clips, fried dumplings and popcorn, which are full of year-round flavor.
The dishes are all common dishes on Wuhan people’s New Year’s Eve dinner table, made by star chefs, and the appearance is naturally refined.
In addition to the New Year’s Eve dinner, there are various annual activities during the seven days of the Spring Festival, such as making dumplings, tying lanterns, cutting window flowers, and even playing mahjong to win the buffet free of charge. You can have a one-stop meal, eat, drink and have fun, and you can have a Chinese New Year with great excitement.
The New Year’s Eve banquet is only provided on New Year’s Eve, with a price of 3288/2288 yuan. The opening time is 18:00, and reservations are required.
Restaurant information
Address: Grand Ballroom on the second floor of Shangri-La Hotel, No.700 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85806868 to 6320
Characteristic restaurant
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store
Authentic Beijing roast duck roasted on site
This restaurant, which specializes in roast duck, chooses Beijing stuffed duck, which grows on the bank of Yanqi Lake. The duck blank is dried for 3 days to discharge acid, and baked on the spot for 50 minutes by traditional oven hanging technique.It is the orthodox craft of Beijing roast duck.
Sliced duck master’s on-site slice cutting and loading trayIt is divided into three parts: duck skin, duck breast and duck leg.
Duck skin with blueberry sauce and pop rocks, duck breast dipped in yellow mustard sauce, seems to be a "dark dish", but it tastes amazing.
The duck leg meat follows the traditional eating method of Beijing roast duck. The fat and thin duck meat, with all kinds of small ingredients and dipping sauce in the eight-treasure box, is rolled up with lotus leaf cakes.
The duck rack with sliced meat is not wasted. You can choose to make duck soup, add tofu and Chinese cabbage, which is light, fresh and sweet, and balance the greasy taste of oil.
In addition to roast duck, there are various famous northern dishes in the annual meal package, which can taste the strong flavor of the year from Beijing.
The New Year’s Eve dinner package has three options: 1888 yuan (8 people) /2388 yuan (10 people) /2578 yuan (12 people), all of which include freshly roasted roast duck. Private rooms have 8-14 room types to choose from, and the margin is small. There is also a big table, and an appointment is required.
Restaurant information
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Hanjie Branch)
Address: No.9, the first block of Chuhehan Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87268216/87268219
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Yifang Branch)
Address: Floor 5, Yifang Shopping Center, No.1515 Zhongshan Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-82301899/82302899
Dayin art restaurant
Wangjiangchi fish
A restaurant under tiemenguan in Hanyang has a view of the river beach. The hall is decorated with Chinese flower arrangements, and the sound of guqin is the background, which is full of ancient charm.
The recommended dishes are braised pork, Wuchang fish, Dali wrapped black tofu and Guanyin duck, which are not only unique in Hubei, but also blend the flavors from all over the country.
The restaurant is close to Qingchuan Pavilion. After dinner, it is comfortable and beautiful to go for a walk in Qingchuan Pavilion.
The annual meal package has a price of 2999 yuan, and there is an additional 10% service charge for meals. The restaurant is open from 10: 00 a.m. to 14: 00 a.m. and from 16: 00 p.m. to 21: 00 p.m., and it is closed from the first day to the sixth day. A small number of private rooms can be reserved for dining before the New Year.
Restaurant information
Address:No. D70 Ximachang Street, Hanyang, Wuhan
Tel: 027-65021677
Rice Field; the fragrance of rice
Hong Kong-style potted dishes, lively New Year.
Daoxiang, a Hong Kong brand that has been stationed in Wuhan for many years, is most famous for its stable quality morning and evening tea. During the Spring Festival, its family also has a new year’s dinner to book.
The menu is the same as the daily banquet menu, and the Hong Kong style is rather light. I am used to eating thick oil red sauce on weekdays, so I can try something fresh for a change.
The representative dishes of Hong Kong-style New Year’s dinner areready-to-cook dishStack all kinds of ingredients in a big pot, which means that the pot is full and the harvest is reunion.
Pot dishes can have as many as nine floors, which are basically cooked vegetarian dishes, with miscellaneous materials in the middle, and precious ingredients such as shrimp, scallop, abalone and sea cucumber all over the top of the pot, which has both ornamental and taste functions.
A large basin was served on the table, steaming hot, and a family shared a treasure hunt. The atmosphere immediately became lively and the taste of the year was even more sufficient.
Potted vegetables can be eaten in the hall or taken away in gift boxes, but they must be booked 7 days in advance. The reunion dinner has three price points: 1988/2388/2888 yuan. There are private rooms and large tables, and you need to make an appointment.
Restaurant information
Daoxiang seafood hotpot restaurant (Hanjie branch)
Address: Floor 3-5, No.1 Hanjie, Shuiguohu, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87829595
Hong Kong Daoxiang Seafood Dim Sum Restaurant (Qiaokou Branch)
Address: Room 4003-4004, 4th Floor, Zone A, Yuexiu Xinghui Victoria Harbour Shopping Center, No.1 Zhongshan Avenue, Qiaokou District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-59808899
Daoxiang Seafood Hotpot Restaurant (moore city Branch)
Address: Floor 1, Building C, moore city, Wuhan, No.6 Longyang Avenue, Wangjiawan, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-84516767
Hankou privacy kitchen
Happy time in the old villa
The brand of coarse tea and light rice is positioned as a private-owned official dish.It is a typical taste of Hubei.
Lion’s head, tofu balls,Fish head king, glutinous rice ribs, beef bean skinWait for the characteristics, while retaining the local characteristics, make a little innovation and improvement, and eat comfortably like home cooking.
Restaurant decoration takes a retro route.It’s like walking into a husband’s pavilion in the last century, with typewriters, phonographs and other antique furniture on display in the corridor.
It is also very special to take a family photo after dinner.
There are 14 private rooms in the restaurant, which can meet the dining needs of 4-16 people, all with separate toilets. Reservations are required in advance for private rooms for annual meals.
Restaurant information
Address: No.977 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan (opposite to Wuhan Evening News)
Tel: 027-82776007
Hubin guest house
View from the lake, comfortable and comfortable.
In the old restaurant near the East Lake, every private room can overlook the lake, and the environment is perfect.
In winter, it is very suitable to order a stew of firewood and lotus root, and choose a seven-hole lotus root specially used for simmering soup to simmer slowly, so that the bones of firewood and fish will melt, and a bowl will warm the heart and stomach.
The fish head of Tangxun Lake is also the signature here. The fish round is soft and tender, with a little shadow of Jiang Mo, but the taste is not strong, but it adds a little fragrance.
As the boss is from Zhejiang, hangzhou dishes has become a major feature.
Shaoxing fragrant carved chicken is fine-tuned according to the taste of Hubei people. The native chicken and pig’s feet in western Hubei are selected and stewed with Shaoxing carved wine, which is salty and fresh in one bite and full of wine.
Booking a private dining room, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the East Lake in the afternoon and dining near the lake in the evening may be the most pleasant way to open the New Year’s Eve.
The annual meal package is available at the price of 3880/4880/5380 yuan. Reservation is required for dining, and the menu can be customized according to the taste of the guests.
Restaurant information
Address: East Lake Tingtao Scenic Area, No.78 Huangli Road, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88166666
Tian yi ju cha life
Drinking tea, catching up with the past and watching the lake.
A very elegant tea and food restaurant by the northwest lake. The small door is not conspicuous in the garden road business circle.But there are floor-to-ceiling glass windows facing the northwest lake, and the scenery is good.
The whole meal tastes light, and most cooking methods add tea elements.Rice is also cooked with tea soup.In addition to the original taste of rice, it adds a hint of tea fragrance.
The restaurant has an elegant environment, and the menus are all written in calligraphy. In the afternoon, make an appointment with friends and relatives, first have tea to catch up with the past, and then have a leisurely tea meal with the lake view, which can be regarded as a kind of life enjoyment.
There are three price options for the annual meal package, 888/1288/1688, all of which include a tea. You need to make an appointment for dinner. When you book the annual meal package, you will be given a special menu of writing brush and calligraphy.
Restaurant information
Address: Downstairs of Marriott International, No.8 Xibeihu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85780089
Year after year
The reunion dinner is steaming.
Simplicity or decency are nothing but skins.
The family sat round and round at the table.
Talk about this year’s life
Enjoy each other’s company
Is the most precious thing.
/ todaytopic/
Where will you eat this year’s reunion dinner?
Let’s talk in the comment area!

Rooster time! Lock the movie channel, melt the media and hit the Golden Rooster Award live.

Special feature of 1905 film network New Year’s greetings from the rooster, see Xiamen again! In 2021, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Chinese films hit hard from December 28th to December 30th.

For the third year in a row, the film channel and Xiamen Radio and Television jointly launched a live broadcast of this event.

Comprehensive upgrade, brand-new revision. More seats, more panoramic views, stronger lineup, and 5 sections of 5G panoramic view of Golden Rooster.

"Direct Golden Rooster Award"

1 stop to the light and shadow event.

Forum+film festival+new film conference, live direct attack,The main creative netizens talked and shared the "golden" taste,The opening ceremony and the nomination ceremony kicked off.The red carpet, closing ceremony and award ceremony gathered stars.


Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Honorary Shadowman Joined the host lineup of the closing ceremony:Golden Rooster Award+Hundred Flowers Award Winner,Two Golden Rooster Awards+Two Hundred Flowers Award Winners,Hundred Flowers Award winner,Co-hosted with the host of the movie channel,Invite you to witness the glory moment of China film of the year.

[Stars and Seas]

3 Days 3 Nightlife Experience+Creative Collection

Youth has its own yearning for youth;Dreams have their own power!The film channel "Stars and Seas" Young Actor Selection SchemeNew upgrade in 2021,Assemble and stand by one day in advance, and present it on-the-spot for three days and three nights.

Life is the examination room, and there is learning everywhere.40 young actors were newly selected.Immerse yourself in real life and experience the true meaning of performance.

Go deep into the grassroots, change identity and test morality and art;Growth mutual learning and surprise guidance for mysterious guests;Ready to go, the closing party will make a new appearance.

[Movie Channel M List]

2021 Dapandian

2021, which line makes you laugh?Which picture makes you cry?What other performances shocked your heart?

The 2021 China Movie M Big Data Report will be released on December 29th.Professional data+authoritative experts selected China films of the year,M list honor 2021 China filmmakers report card,The filmmaker made a New Year’s resolution during the visit, review and prospect.

[40th Anniversary of Golden Rooster Award]x "Golden Rooster in Xiamen"

Chinese film golden rooster award x Xiamen special economic zone,Holding hands for the third time, welcoming 40 years old together.

Zhengqing, the Golden Rooster Award of Chinese Film, has a full record of all previous Huacai;Dialogue with honorary filmmakers to construct a brief oral history of China’s films;Zhengpengbo Xiamen assembled a new journey of "the 14th Five-Year Plan";Punch in Xiamen landmarks and scan the evolution of the special economic zone era.

The majestic cock, the dawn of the east.

Glory moment, panoramic view.

Lock in the media platforms of movie channels on the same day,Every aspect of the Golden Rooster Award is wonderful, and we will see you there!

The new film all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Original title: all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Recently, a film of the same name based on a novel by German writer Erich Maria Remarque was released. This is the third time that all quiet on the western front has been adapted into a film. Previously, the film "all quiet on the western front" made in 1930 and 1979 was all American works, and this time the adaptation right was handed over to the Germans. In 1928, when remarque’s novels began to be serialized, the editor of the German newspaper Forsyth commented: "all quiet on the western front" is the first real monument of the unknown soldier. This unbiased novel is a monument stronger than stone and more lasting than ore. This monument is exciting, enriching people’s minds and showing the most horrible documentary images of war to later generations.

Boymer, a passionate German youth, devoted himself to the "World War I" with heroic ideals. When he was sent to the western front to participate in the war, he witnessed cruel hunger, blood and death … … The new film pays more attention to sensory impact, and projects the war landscape to the individual’s body in a short-sighted and miniaturized way. Boymer was deeply involved in the war for four years. The physical and mental collapse caused by the war and the intermittent indulgence of the war made the young soldiers stiff and lost their minds, leaving them in panic and crouching in the trench, waiting for the doomsday judgment. At the beginning of the film, there was no melodramatic fear of participating in the war. A cannon fire abruptly stuffed the war into the nerves of every recruit, and death came to the face. Distant mountains, jungles, and fog are all combinations of quotations. Numb-faced soldiers run on the battlefield, just like ghosts floating on the dead Yuan Ye. The color of the film is strong, with gray, white and black as the background color. Pale faces, dark scorched earth and dark red blood are the usual scenes. Mud is a recurring picture in the film. Fighting in the mud, crawling in the mud and trudging on the mud, all the soldiers are caught in the mud of war, their thoughts and feelings are deeply buried, and they have no power to pull them out. The cold, wet and sticky mud has eroded the feelings of the soldiers. All their rights are waiting in vain, waiting for vanity, and not wanting to struggle and resist. On the contrary, every sergeant is used to death, and only death can repair their fragility and end the pain that is difficult to talk about in war. Just as Jaden, with a knee injury, asked for his death quickly,Punch an artery with a spoon and commit suicide. The war scenes in hell, demonized sergeants, machine monsters that crush everything, concrete and slight dying pictures, and the breath of death in a wheezing way show the individual war experience in an all-round way, and realistically depict the battlefield peristalsis of the bottom sergeants. The picture of the film is dignified and slow, and the still water is deep, so that the war peddlers can see the products of the war and liquidate their guilt in the depths of their souls.

No matter how wonderful the story is, it will lose its vividness and freshness in repeated telling. The new version of "all quiet on the western front" did not experience aesthetic fatigue due to repeated shooting, precisely because it did not create beauty or stories, but only showed the war experience and pain. "The body is dead, the gods are spiritual, and the soul of the child is a ghost." War is sometimes advocated or boasted by fanatics. All quiet on the western front is an anti-hero and anti-war. It tells the truth about the destruction and exploitation of people by war. "For the sake of the emperor, God and the motherland", a group of young students were bewitched and went to the mud of war with heroic dreams. After a fire, youth was scorched and withered by the heat of guns, and the heat of faith could not resist the cold of death. The trenches were filled with corpses and residual limbs, and only the name tag proved that a person had been to the trenches and participated in the war. War destroys people not only by steel beasts like tanks, but also by time. During the four years of fighting on the western front, each battle can only advance hundreds of meters, so the report of the situation only says "all quiet on the western front", but under the black political lies, more than 3 million young people on the western front were killed.

The film writes the story of the hero Boymer from a civilian perspective. Before he could grow into a soldier, he lost his fighting ideal, his ability to love and hate, and his thinking ability, leaving only vanity. Instinctively "survival" became the highest criterion of his existence. In order to survive, he will shoot, fight and kill; Losing his thinking power means that he is completely stuffed and destroyed by the terror of war and becomes a living zombie of war. Stealing farmers’ food with Kate is the greatest happiness he can find after the war. Even if this epiphany life is relaxed, it will soon be strangled by the law of death. The death dilemma depicted in the film is a painful warning. Only when people face the painful death can they have a definite sense of reality and consciously resist the oppression of the bottom people by the evil war.

There is no artistic style in the new film, such as "catching butterflies" in 1930 and "copying larks" in 1979, which completely cuts off the poetic connection between war and art. In the face of the cruelty of war, art can’t transform it into transcendental aesthetic imagination, only to moan and reprimand feebly. Criticize the delay of the war decision-makers at the negotiating table, criticize the incompetent generals for the so-called humiliation, and drive the sergeants to launch the last round of attacks before the armistice, which completely cost the hero’s life. Boymer’s death was inevitable, but it was also unexpected. He struggled carefully but fell on the threshold of the armistice. The erection of the moment of death made the audience panic that the war had pulled away from the ruthlessness of life and aroused the fear of war.

The new version of "all quiet on the western front" does not dig deep into the story, but focuses on the little people who are aware of the great history, so that the audience can see the tears in the mirror image of the times and feel the misfortune of ordinary people abandoned by the war, and the anti-war consensus is more convincing. Historical experience should be precipitated in repeated reading, painful experience should be passed on continuously, and refusing to forget the idea of peace can have a solid rational cornerstone. All quiet on the western front, may there be no more wars in the world. (Author: Lei Jun, former professor of Basic Department of Military Economics College)

"I" can get the first place in the exam but I don’t like studying. Why?


  Nowadays, parents are anxious when it comes to their children’s study. They generally feel that their children don’t like to study and do their homework, which often leads to "war at home" because of urging their children to study, especially the parents of some students with good academic performance, which also reflects that their children don’t like to study. Why? An Fuhai, a professor at the Teacher Development Research Center of Hangzhou Normal University, interviewed students in some schools in view of this phenomenon, hoping that the conclusions will enlighten our current educational predicament.

1. "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The disharmony behind it

  Reporter: Generally speaking, people think that children who don’t like learning are children with poor academic performance and bad study habits. But now many excellent primary and middle school students, even the first students in many classes, don’t like studying. Why is this?

  An Fuhai: At the end of 2019, a class of junior high school students in a middle school sports meeting in Shenzhen typed "I love learning, and learning makes my mother happy!" The banner, once circulated, has gained a lot of resonance. Many primary and middle school students shouted "What a talent! Say ‘ Working people ’ The voice of ". The implication is that they don’t like learning either. The banner and the shouts of the adherents made the adults laugh, but the laughter was full of sadness. It was also during that time that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced the test results of programme for international student assessment 2018 PISA2018. In the sampling test of 15-year-old students in 79 participating countries (regions), we achieved excellent results in three subjects (reading, mathematics and science). However, different from the "Celebration" after the announcement of our first prize in 2009 and 2012, the education sector began to rationally reflect on the problems exposed by the PISA test, including education balance, shortage of teachers, study time and teaching methods. In my opinion, we should also think deeply about the relationship between our students’ learning status and academic performance. Because the current situation of students’ learning tells us that there is a disharmony between their learning status and academic performance, that is, they have good academic performance but do not like learning.

  Reporter: Common sense tells us that you can get good grades only if you like to study.

  An Fuhai:After all, the results are obtained by the students themselves, so it is necessary to listen to the voices of the parties. With this "common sense", I randomly interviewed 60 students from three middle schools who participated in the 2018 PISA test. "Do you like studying? Will learning make you feel happy? " When hearing this question, most students just laughed and didn’t answer. The students’ answers mainly focus on these aspects: "Hehe, it’s ok"; "Like, not to mention, it should be said to be liked"; "Not very much"; "Study, homework, I immediately feel worse when I hear these two words"; "There are people who like to learn? Crazy, it must be crazy. " The number of students who answered "not bad" in each school is very small.

  In fact, the data that students’ learning satisfaction in four provinces and cities in China ranks 61st among the participating countries (regions) has fully explained that good grades do not necessarily love learning. In addition, the PISA2018 test results also show that the learning efficiency of students in reading, mathematics and science in four provinces and cities in China and their sense of belonging to the school are also relatively low in the participating countries (regions). In other words, students not only dislike learning, but also have no sense of belonging to the school. In fact, this conclusion doesn’t need PISA test to tell us at all. Just walk into a school to observe a few classes or interview some students and teachers to get a similar understanding.

2. Every time except sleeping and eating time is filled with study.

  Reporter: I don’t like learning, and my learning efficiency is relatively low. Why can I get the "first" grade?

  An Fuhai:Prolonging study time is our magic weapon to win. Although the PISA2018 test results show that the average classroom study time of students in four provinces and cities in China ranks fourth among the participating countries (regions). However, the statistics here are only the study time arranged by the school, and the students’ extracurricular independent study time is not included. As we all know, Chinese students, especially those in big cities, spend an amazing amount of extra-curricular study time. It is learned from these three schools that most students spend about 3 hours a day after class in a week, with a total of 15 hours in five days; The study time for two days on weekends is about 8 hours. In this way, the total study time of Chinese students per week will definitely be far ahead among the 79 participating countries (regions). The PISA test results in 2012 also showed this problem. The Shanghai team represented the mainland of China in the total score of mathematics, reading and science, but it also won another first place, that is, the study time is the longest, with 13.8 hours per week, which is about 20 hours together with extracurricular tutoring, while the average of OECD countries is 7.8 hours.

  If you think this statistic is not convincing enough, let’s take a look at the situation that parents attach importance to their children’s education. Most parents in China attach importance to education, and the most prominent performance is to enroll their children in various remedial classes from kindergarten. Statistics show that in 2019, families in Hangzhou spent 20,000-40,000 yuan on children’s extracurricular tutoring every year, and it rose to 30,000-50,000 yuan in 2020. Almost every family gives tutoring to their children, ranging from three to five or six. Parents’ high investment in education is enough for students to fill up their studies at every time except insufficient sleep time and hot meal time.

  Reporter: Yes, primary and secondary school students are not getting enough sleep, and the myopia rate and obesity rate are increasing. People from all walks of life have been calling for these problems in recent years, but they have not been improved.

  An Fuhai:Although several PISA tests have made China students’ excellent achievements proud, there are huge time costs, physical overdrafts and heavy costs for students to lose interest in learning. According to the survey in 2020, the average myopia rate of primary school students in China is about 36%, that of junior high school students is 71.6%, and that of senior high school students is 81%. The key point is that high myopia above 600 degrees accounts for 28% of the 81% myopia of senior high school students. In addition, the number of students suffering from depression in many key middle schools is increasing, and the number of students who commit suicide or have thought about suicide is also increasing year by year. Whether it is for families, individuals or the whole country, such a fact is too cruel, and such a price is unbearable for us.

3. I hate school and study, even if I get into a prestigious school, it is difficult to create outstanding achievements.

  Reporter: Primary and middle school students get up the earliest, go to bed the latest, and work hard to get good grades, but in the end they don’t like learning. This phenomenon is really worrying. But maybe many parents don’t think so. In their view, as long as children get the first place in the exam, they can go to a good university and have a good job, so all the physical and mental efforts seem to be worth it.

  An Fuhai:The good expectation of "Jackie Chan becomes a phoenix", the learning goal of "score first" and the learning process of repeated training make students hate learning, school and even knowledge, which seems nothing to some parents. However, we should deeply realize that a considerable number of seemingly excellent students are forced to study under various external pressures. Once the pressure is lifted, they will inevitably evade learning. What will be the future of those students who evade learning? This is not a disease-free groan and melodramatic sadness, but a problem that deserves our deep thought more than paying attention to score ranking. If a student hates school and doesn’t like studying, even if he can be admitted to a prestigious school in the future, it will be difficult to create outstanding achievements. Because he has no enthusiasm for learning and can’t experience the happiness of learning, it is impossible to devote more time and energy to studying what he has learned. We have learned a lesson in this respect. China began to participate in international Olympic mathematics competitions around 1985, including physics competitions, biology competitions and computer competitions. There are many winners every year, from 1985 to now for more than 30 years. Many foreign child prodigies who competed on the same stage as China’s child prodigies have become everyone in all fields, but we seldom contribute to the world. Take Tao Zhexuan, an Australian-born Chinese mathematician and winner of the Fields Medal for Mathematics, as an example. He was less than 13 years old when he won the Olympic gold medal in 1988. At that time, many students in China also won Olympic medals.However, few people have made such outstanding achievements as Tao Zhexuan, and most of them have been far away from mathematics.

  Reporter: How important is it for the growth of students to love learning and be full of interest and enthusiasm for learning?

  An Fuhai:The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed to improve the national innovation system and accelerate the construction of a powerful country through science and technology during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. It can be said that to achieve such a great goal, we need to cultivate innovative talents through education. Active interest in learning and pleasant learning experience are the internal motivation of learning, the foundation of healthy personality and the necessity of innovative talents. Interest is the best teacher. Once a person has a strong interest in something, he will take the initiative to seek knowledge, explore and practice. The positive emotion and pleasant experience generated in the process of seeking knowledge, exploration and practice will further promote new seeking knowledge, exploration and practice, which will lead learners to a happy road of learning and exploration. Therefore, parents should let go of their anxiety and leave more free time and space for their children to fully develop their interests, so that they can love learning and grow up healthily with happy emotions and positive experiences. Schools should pay less attention to some problem-solving skills and high-scoring cheats, and pay more attention to the laws of students’ physical and mental development and the mechanism of learning. Starting from students’ interest in learning, they should awaken students’ intrinsic learning motivation and lofty pursuit of life, so that they can actively explore the unknown world with happy learning emotions and happy learning experiences.

Xi ‘an Lintong First National Fitness Table Tennis Invitational Tournament kicked off.

Original title: Xi ‘an Lintong First National Fitness Table Tennis Invitational Tournament kicked off.
Workers’ Daily-Zhonggong. com reporter Mao Nongxi
Build a friendship bridge in the name of pomegranate, and show the local charm with the practice of cultural travel. On December 16th, the first national fitness table tennis invitational tournament of "Pomegranate Cup" in Lintong District, Xi ‘an started in Xi ‘an Institute of Technology (Lintong Campus).
In addition to the participation of local table tennis fans, the tournament also attracted more than 200 table tennis players from 48 teams in more than 20 provinces and cities including Hainan, Shanxi, Tianjin and Shanghai to compete for the title of "King of the Ball" for two days.
Serve and attack, sliding stroke, short ball near the net, forehand and backhand side spin … Athletes waved their rackets, flicked around and smashed, and small table tennis shuttled back and forth on the stage, performing wonderful smash and wonderful catch. Cheers and shouts came and went in the venue. At the same time, many network experts came to the competition site for live broadcast and paid attention to the hot scene of the invitational tournament together.
Outside the stadium, the road flags with the theme of "Pomegranate" are arranged in an orderly manner and spread in the wind. Lintong pomegranate 8 categories and series products are displayed on site and tasted for free. We warmly welcome table tennis players and amateurs from all corners of the country.
Lintong District has also carefully arranged activities such as "watching the cultural tourism with the competition", invited contestants and technical officials to taste pomegranate and pomegranate series agricultural special products, watch the fine performances of cultural tourism such as Song of Eternal Sorrow and Revived Legion, and fully display and promote the development achievements of Lintong cultural tourism, agriculture, ecology and urban construction with pomegranate as the medium.
In recent years, around the national strategy of national fitness, Lintong District has successively held a series of sports activities, such as the Chess Master Wheel Competition, the 9th Badminton Competition, the 12th Basketball League, the 19th Table Tennis Competition and the "National Fitness Month", among which badminton and table tennis competitions have become excellent events in Xi ‘an.
Source: Workers Daily Client