Buckyball, Crystal Mud … Watch out for the "online celebrity" children’s toys that hurt people.

In the "Children’s Companion Home" in Nanbian Village, Gongfang Town, Le ‘an County, Jiangxi Province, the "Children’s Companion Mom" took the children to play with toys. Xinhua news agency

  [Talking about health]

  Magnetic buckyball, jelly-like crystal mud, luminous balloon … … These "online celebrity" toys, which have sprung up in recent years, are likely to become "sharp weapons" to hurt children. According to media reports, in the past summer vacation, many children in Guangdong, Hubei, Xinjiang and other places suffered gastrointestinal injuries due to swallowing buckyball by mistake, and even needed surgery. What other children’s toys need attention? Where are their security risks? Our reporter sorted out the consumption tips issued by the Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision, selected some children’s toys that are currently popular in the market but have hidden dangers, analyzed their safety hazards, and called on the whole society to pay more attention to the safety of children’s toys.

  My two-year-old daughter often has a stomachache recently. Her parents thought it was a gastrointestinal problem. As a result, she was sent to the hospital for examination and found that there were four intestinal perforations in her body. Parents are both afraid and puzzled. Why do children have intestinal perforation? It turned out that there was a magnetic bead toy named "buckyball" at home that was swallowed by the girl by mistake, and the hospital finally took the magnetic beads out of the girl through emergency surgery … … This is a recent report in the media. This hospital has treated 7 children who swallowed buckyball by mistake in the last month or so.

  This is not the only report that children’s toys hurt people, and buckyball is not the only children’s toys that hurt people. Magnetic buckyball, jelly-like crystal mud, luminous balloon … … These "online celebrity" toys, which are novel or fun, are ignited by online social platforms, and often become dangerous goods that hurt children.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision is responsible for the defect investigation and public opinion monitoring of all kinds of products on the market, and issues consumption tips to recall the defective products. The reporter found that children-related products, including toys, accounted for almost two-thirds of the consumption tips released by official website. The Quality Development Bureau of the General Administration of Market Supervision introduced at the theme activity of children’s products safety education on June 1st this year that since 2008, China has carried out 1,189 recalls of children’s products, accounting for 49.6% of the recalls of consumer goods, involving nearly 6 million pieces, and one recall of children’s products is every two recalls of consumer goods on average.

  These toys and other children’s products with defects in design or quality, in order to attract children, excessively pursue fun and ignore safety. In particular, the security risks of the novel toys that attract attention on the Internet and have the "online celebrity" effect cannot be ignored.

  Buckyball and the small magnetic beads of the magnet pen, "wearing the intestines and breaking the stomach"

  Buckyball is a kind of magnetic beads with a diameter of about 5mm. Many buckyball can be combined into various shapes at will with the help of magnetic force, which has been advertised by merchants as "educational toys" and is very popular with children and parents. There is also a magnet pen with a similar design with buckyball, which is also a new online celebrity product in recent years. In addition to the normal writing function, this pen is inlaid with magnets at both ends, and with matching steel balls, it can realize a variety of combined games by magnetic force. However, buckyball and the magnetic pen, which are fun and creative products, actually have great security risks.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision once published a case in which a 13-year-old boy in Guizhou sucked a magnet into his mouth while playing with a magnet pen in class, and then used another magnet to attract the magnet in his mouth. As a result, the two magnets successively entered the abdomen along the esophagus. When I went to the hospital for examination, I found that the two magnets were attracted tightly across the stomach muscle layer, and a 0.1 cm perforation was chiseled.

  "There are not a few cases of such magnet injuries, and most of them are concentrated in children aged 1 to 10." The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision pointed out in the consumption tips that small magnetic parts such as magnetic beads are more likely to be swallowed by children by mistake, and if they enter the trachea, they will cause the danger of suffocation; If it enters the digestive tract, it will cause vomiting and abdominal pain, and it will lead to gastrointestinal damage; Especially when two or more magnets are swallowed, the magnets will adsorb each other through the gastrointestinal wall in the digestive system, and continue to generate pressure, which may cause gastrointestinal perforation or intestinal obstruction, which may be life-threatening in severe cases. In general, these small magnetic parts can only be removed by surgery, which will cause permanent damage to children’s digestive system.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision reminds that there are many kinds of magnet pens sold in the market, but most of them are three-no products. Not only do they have no factory name, address and product certificate, but also there are no warning instructions on the pen body and packaging, so the safety cannot be effectively guaranteed. It is recommended not to buy such products.

  Borax poisoning of "mud" toys such as crystal mud should not be underestimated.

  The charm of magnet toys lies in the creative experience of combination play, and similar to it, "mud" toys also have such functions. In recent years, all kinds of soft, sticky, jelly-like "mud" toys have become popular around campus and online platforms. They have different names, such as Crystal Mud, slime, Bubble Mud, Cotton Mud, Poke Mud and Snowflake Mud, but they have common characteristics — — Colorful, soft to the touch, can change various shapes, and can also be used to blow bubbles, draw pictures, etc., which is deeply loved by children.

  However, they are not real mud, but are made of many chemicals. These "mud" contain a substance that may be harmful to health — — Borax.

  According to the introduction of the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision, polyvinyl alcohol, a polymer material dissolved in water, reacts with borax (also known as coagulant aid), and the dissolved polyvinyl alcohol is pulled together by the anions of borax to form a hydrogel with a network structure; On this basis, hand sanitizer, emulsion, pigment, beads, clay, etc. are added to make various "mud" toys such as crystal mud.

  These "mud" toys are brightly colored, similar to jelly, and usually have their own straws, which can blow bubbles nominally. When children blow bubbles with straws, the product comes into close contact with the mouth, which may lead to the risk of borax poisoning. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision explained that borax is extremely harmful to human health. Excessive intake in a short period of time will cause nausea, vomiting, depression, convulsions, skin flushing, circulatory failure and other symptoms. Excessive intake for a long time will lead to cumulative poisoning of multiple organs, causing damage to organs such as liver, kidney, brain and lung. The toxic dose of borax is 1 to 3 grams for adults, 15 to 20 grams for adults and 5 grams for children.

  At present, borax is prohibited as a food additive in many countries, and the intake of boron is limited. The national standard (GB5749-2006) of Hygienic Standard for Drinking Water in China stipulates that the limit of boron in drinking water is 0.5 mg/L. The EU’s requirement for boron content in toys made of liquid, pigment, jelly and other materials is limited to 300mg/kg. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision has tested 10 kinds of finished crystal mud products randomly purchased, and found that the boron content of 8 kinds of products exceeded 300mg/kg, and the highest one reached 1336mg/kg, far exceeding the safety limit of boron content in various countries. Once children eat by mistake when blowing bubbles with these crystal mud, there may be a danger of borax poisoning.

  Perhaps it is realized that this toy with borax directly added is easy to be found, and some merchants have introduced the so-called "non-toxic crystal mud" products, adding some daily chemical products to the glue containing polyvinyl alcohol instead of borax, such as washing powder, laundry detergent, shower gel, guar gum and so on. "This is actually very confusing, because these daily chemical products actually contain borax ingredients, and children also have the safety hazard of eating poisoning during playing." The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision pointed out in the consumption tips that any toy containing borax does not meet the requirements of our country.

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision also specially reminded that homemade "mud" toys are more dangerous than finished products, and children will be directly exposed to large doses of borax and other chemical ingredients during play. Skin exposure to these chemicals for a long time is likely to cause chemical burns, allergies or cumulative poisoning; If children abuse the preparation container during play, such as drinking water from a glass filled with borax, or not washing their hands in time after play, it is easy to eat borax or other chemical ingredients by mistake, leading to the danger of poisoning.

  For toys such as crystal mud, especially homemade "mud" toys, the advice given by the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision is: Don’t buy!

  Online celebrity balloons will glow or explode.

  On this summer night, you can often see sparkling balloons with colorful light in squares or parks, which are very popular with children. This kind of balloon first attracted attention on online social media, and was called online celebrity balloon by many people. However, although the online celebrity balloon is beautiful, it has hidden dangers. According to media reports, there was a balloon explosion in online celebrity somewhere in Jiangsu province, and four people were hospitalized with different degrees of burns.

  How can a balloon explode? How serious is the harm?

  According to the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision, this luminous balloon is mainly composed of transparent balloons, multicolored light strips and battery boxes, and its structure is very simple. A string of thin multicolored LED strip is wrapped around the surface of the transparent balloon, and a small battery box is tied to the tail end of the traction rope. The battery is placed in a plastic box, and the power supply is directly connected to the light strip, and the light can be emitted when the switch is turned on.

  The balloon itself is a pressure vessel, and with this design and construction, the safety risk is higher. Testing by the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision found that balloons in online celebrity are mostly made of plastic, and once they come into contact with high-temperature heat sources (such as stoves) or open flames (such as lighters), balloons may explode. On the one hand, the surface temperature of the melted plastic is very high at high temperature, and the plastic liquid dripped from the melted plastic will cause serious burns and scalds if it sticks to human skin. On the other hand, balloon deflagration will produce irritating toxic gas, which may cause burns and other injuries to human respiratory tract. In addition, due to the bare wires, sparks may be generated during use, which may cause the balloon to explode.

  Some experts pointed out that the gas inside the online celebrity balloon may also become a safety hazard. For safety reasons, balloons are generally filled with inert gases such as helium, and hydrogen has long been prohibited from being used to inflate balloons because of its flammability and explosiveness. However, because hydrogen is cheaper than helium, some unscrupulous merchants may still use hydrogen to inflate online celebrity balloons. In a online celebrity balloon explosion reported by the media, experts pointed out after analysis that "judging from the power of the balloon explosion described by the injured, the balloon they bought is likely to pass off hydrogen as helium".

  The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision reminds that children should play such balloons under the care of their parents; Stay away from fire sources, heat sources and sharp objects when playing with balloons, and don’t use lighters to burn the traction line of balloons; It is best not to buy such balloons when the weather is very hot, because high temperature weather is more likely to cause balloon explosion; Don’t take a balloon in a car, subway, elevator, etc. Once an explosion occurs, the impact of a closed space will be very great.

  Laser pen can cause permanent damage to eyes. Don’t play with children.

  The light is dazzling and dangerous. Online celebrity balloon, laser pointer.

  I don’t know when, the laser pointer used as an indicator in classroom teaching, conference explanation and other places has become a toy for many children and a dangerous toy. As a result, there have been many reports in the media: "When a laser pointer shines, the eyes of a 7-year-old boy can’t see", "When an 8-year-old boy plays with a laser pointer, his eyes are permanently damaged", and "The sampling tests of online shopping for children’s laser pens all exceed the standard, and the harmful visual damage is irreversible" … … According to the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision, according to the product injury monitoring and network public opinion monitoring, injury accidents involving laser pens have occurred frequently in recent years.

  Laser pointer, also called laser pointer, is a portable device that uses battery and laser module (light emitting diode) to emit visible light beam, which is mainly used to accurately indicate the target at a long distance. In China, according to the degree of radiation hazard from low to high, laser products are divided into the following grades: class 1, class 1M, class 2, class 2M, class 3R, class 3B and class 4. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision pointed out that if laser products are not used properly, it will cause serious damage to human body, especially for products of 3R and above. Laser pens sold on the Internet usually have very high power and can even light matches, cigarettes, clothes and so on.

  The power is so high that it can ignite clothes. If you irradiate your eyes, the consequences can be imagined. According to experts, due to the characteristics of eye imaging, when the laser passes through the eye, it will be focused on a very small point on the retina, which will lead to an instantaneous increase in temperature and destroy the photosensitive cells of the retina. If the laser energy is strong enough, it will cause permanent damage without causing blink reflex (usually less than 1 second). It should be noted that low-power laser may also cause harm to eyes, and some high-intensity lasers still do great harm to eyes even after scattering from the surface of objects. Children in the developmental stage have delicate eye tissues and thin retinas, which are more vulnerable to injury.

  Laser pointer will not only cause direct damage to eyes, but also interfere with normal vision, which may lead to other accidents. For example, illuminating vehicles, airplanes, etc. with a laser pen may affect the normal vision of drivers and pilots and cause serious accidents.

  Of course, the laser pen is not unusable, but should be used scientifically and safely. According to different use occasions and users, the laser pen with corresponding radiation level should be carefully selected. The Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Market Supervision reminds that laser pen products can be used in situations such as classroom teaching and conference explanation. The laser in children’s toys should meet the requirements of Class 1 laser radiation power limit.

  "The laser pens sold as toys in the market are mostly higher than this limit, which has great security risks and cannot be bought and played for children." The defective product management center of the General Administration of Market Supervision stressed.

Geely Xingyue L configuration exposure, 148,000 yuan luxury is very fragrant.

Recently, Geely official website exposed the configuration information of the star model Xingyue L, which has attracted much attention. The new car will launch five models, equipped with two versions of 2.0T medium and high power, with a pre-sale range of 148,000-188,000 yuan. Judging from the order quantity of Geely Automobile Online Mall, it has reached more than 14,000 vehicles. Whether it is attention or car booking intention, consumers are very sought after by this Geely flagship SUV!

Star Road L is available in 6 body colors, including jet black, oyster white, Xuanwu gray, aurora silver, Mars red and Cuiyu magic color suit (optional at+5,000 yuan), and two interior colors, namely, brown and white double-fight luxury interior and Cuiyu double-fight suede interior (optional). The following is a detailed analysis of the configuration.

Compared with the 2.0T medium-power version, the luxury version is enough!

2.0T medium-power versions are all predecessor layouts, matching with 7DCT wet powershift, providing three configurations: luxury, distinguished and flagship.

In terms of appearance, all luxury models with low profile are equipped with 18-inch rims, inductive LED headlights +LED daytime running lights, and distance-sensitive electric tailgate. Both VIP and flagship models use energy matrix LED headlights and penetrating taillights with dynamic lighting effect;

In the interior, the luxury model provides brown and white two-color mosaic interior, 8-speaker audio, suede car roof, rear backrest 2-speed adjustment, and dual-zone independent automatic constant temperature air conditioning. The distinguished model is upgraded to 8-way electric adjustment of the main driver+6-way electric adjustment of the auxiliary driver, and 72-color breathing atmosphere lights are added. The flagship model is equipped with 10-speaker BOSS audio, ANC active noise reduction system, three-zone independent automatic constant temperature air conditioning, and front seat heating and passenger seat ventilation;

In terms of intelligent configuration, Luxurious offers a 10.25-inch LCD dashboard and a 12.3-inch touch control panel, which is very scientific and technological.

The distinguished model adopts IMAX panoramic triple screen, upgraded to a 12.3-inch LCD instrument, and added 4-tone voice recognition and ACC full-speed adaptive cruise. The flagship type adopts AR-HUD enhanced head-up display system;

In terms of safety configuration, the distinguished model is equipped with AEB urban anti-collision system, AEB-P pedestrian identification protection system, LDW lane departure warning system and SLIF speed limit sign recognition reminder. On this basis, the flagship model has added LKA lane keeping auxiliary system, BSD blind area monitoring system and other more comprehensive active safety configurations.

On the whole, the luxury model provides a more comprehensive configuration, and it is no problem to meet daily use!

Compared with the 2.0T high-power version, choose the four-wheel drive flagship in one step!

2.0T high-power versions are all horizontal four-wheel drive layout, matching the transmission, providing three configurations: luxury, distinguished and flagship. Compared with the 2.0T medium-power version, the engine has stronger power performance and matches the 8-speed Aisin automatic transmission. At the same time, the 6th generation HALDEX four-wheel drive system of Borg Warner is added, and other configurations are the same as those of two-wheel drive vehicles (four-wheel drive distinguished model is compared with two-wheel drive distinguished model, and four-wheel drive flagship model is compared with two-wheel drive flagship model). On the whole, the configuration level of Xingyue L is much higher than that of competing joint venture brands of the same level. If one step is considered, it is not bad to choose a four-wheel drive flagship with less than 200,000 yuan!

Editor’s comment:

From the configuration performance of Geely Xingyue L, all models show the comprehensive strength as the brand flagship SUV in terms of process quality, intelligent equipment, configuration level and power performance. Considering the comprehensive cost performance, the choice of two-wheel drive luxury model can meet daily needs.

Yangzhou Xingyue L drastically reduced the price! The discount is 15,000, and if you miss it, you won’t have it.

[car home Yangzhou Promotion Channel] Good news! Preferential activities are being carried out in Yangzhou, with a maximum discount of 15,000. The minimum starting price is 122,200 yuan. Click "Check the car price" in the quotation form now to get a higher discount!


Xingyue L is a fashionable and dynamic SUV model, and its front face design is full of strength and movement. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is simple and atmospheric. The air intake grille adopts a unique design, showing a sense of layering and three-dimensionality, highlighting the luxury and fashion sense of the vehicle. The side lines of the car body are smooth and dynamic, and with large-sized wheels, it shows a strong sporty atmosphere. The design of the rear part is simple without losing the sense of strength, and the taillights use LED light source, which is more eye-catching after lighting. Overall, the design of Xingyue L is full of tension and impressive.


Xingyue L is a medium-sized SUV, with a body size of 4770*1895*1689mm, a wheelbase of 2845mm, a front and rear track of 1610mm, a front tyre size of 235/50 R19 and a rear tyre size of 235/50 R19. The body lines are smooth, the overall shape is stable, and the side lines are simple and smooth, which highlights its fashionable and luxurious style. The side lines of the car are unique in design, full of power, and perfectly integrated with the car body, showing the dynamics and strength of the car. Both tyre size and rim styles are equipped with high-end configuration, which provides better handling and stability for the vehicle. Generally speaking, the side design of Xingyue L is fashionable and impressive.


The interior design of Xingyue L is simple and stylish. The steering wheel is made of leather material, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth. The central control screen size is 12.3 inches, which supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for connecting mobile phones to charge. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the front and rear, height and backrest of the main and co-pilot seats can be adjusted. The driver’s seat also has heating and ventilation functions, and the co-pilot seat can adjust the backrest. The front seats also have power seat memory function. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion to provide more storage space. The overall interior configuration is rich, and the comfort and practicality are very good.


Xingyue L is equipped with a 2.0T 218 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 160kW and a maximum torque of 325 N m.. This engine has excellent power performance and can provide strong acceleration and high-speed driving stability for the vehicle. With the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, the shift is smooth and fast, which improves the driving experience. At the same time, this engine also has high fuel economy, bringing users a more reliable driving experience.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, he spoke highly of the body line and appearance of the Star Yue L.. The smooth body lines and stylish black appearance make the whole car look very delicate, and the through taillights at the rear are even more impressive. It can be said that Xingyue L has left a deep impression on the design. In addition, it also has excellent performance and comfortable driving experience, which brings more pleasant driving experience to car owners. I believe that these advantages will make more consumers choose Xingyue L and become their best choice.

Xiaomi Auto Mysterious Leak, Insider Reveal!

The secret leak of Xiaomi automobile caused a heated discussion, and a fine of 3 million will become a reality? Recently, Xiaomi Automobile suffered a secret leak and continued to ferment. The media and individuals involved successively issued statements and disclosed the details of the leak. Although some people regard this as a marketing tool, we should pay more attention to how to treat confidentiality agreements and think about the criteria for disclosing information. Relevant persons of Xiaomi Automobile have confirmed the leaked media, and will be held accountable according to the confidentiality agreement, with a fine of up to RMB 3 million. However, no party made a statement in this incident. Until last night, Xiaomi issued a statement identifying relevant media and internal employees. This incident highlights the importance of confidentiality, and Xiaomi’s "leakage history" can not be ignored, involving information leakage in many aspects such as price, configuration, battery and store decoration.

So, how did the secret leak of Xiaomi Automobile happen? The media involved leaked the shooting content of Xiaomi Automobile without permission, which led to the leak. Relevant persons of Xiaomi Automobile said that they have locked in the leaked media and will pursue the responsibility according to the Confidentiality Commitment Letter of RMB 3 million signed by the confidentiality agreement. This move once again highlights the importance of confidentiality agreements and the seriousness of leaking secrets. Leaking has a great impact on the business interests and reputation of enterprises, so it is particularly urgent to protect business secrets. In the public statement, Xiaomi Automobile pointed out the involved media and internal employees, and emphasized its serious attitude towards confidentiality responsibility.

The employees of the media involved still disclose the contents of the confidential shooting after signing the Confidentiality Commitment, and this behavior will be subject to corresponding accountability and punishment, including public apology and fines. This move sends a clear signal to the outside world: once you violate the confidentiality agreement, you will face severe legal sanctions. Xiaomi Automobile also demonstrated its determination to strictly enforce the confidentiality agreement through this move. The "leak history" of Xiaomi Automobile can not be ignored. As early as the beginning of this year, the media broke the news about the price, configuration, battery and other aspects of Xiaomi’s first new car, which seriously damaged the business interests of the company. The leakage of this information not only disturbs the market order, but also affects the normal operation of enterprises.

Protecting trade secrets is not only an internal management problem of enterprises, but also the need to maintain market order and fair competition. The importance of confidentiality agreement is self-evident, and how to better implement confidentiality work is also a problem that enterprises need to seriously consider. Strengthening the training and publicity of employees’ confidentiality awareness, establishing a sound confidentiality management system, and implementing strict supervision and accountability for violations of confidentiality agreements are all measures that enterprises can take. At the same time, strengthening communication with the media and improving the media’s attention and understanding of confidentiality are also important links for enterprises to protect trade secrets. The leak reminds us once again that the importance of protecting trade secrets cannot be ignored. Enterprises and the media should face up to confidentiality agreements, strengthen the attention and management of confidentiality work, and jointly safeguard market order and a fair competition environment.

Then, in your opinion, what other experiences and practices can enterprises learn from in protecting trade secrets? Welcome to leave a message to share your opinion. Xiaomi Automobile Storm: Frequent leaks have caused concern that Xiaomi Group is preparing to enter the automobile industry, which has caused heated discussions in the industry. However, with the continuous exposure of relevant information, the design and cooperation details of Xiaomi Automobile have frequently become the focus of public attention. The occurrence of a series of leaks has caused concern and speculation about Xiaomi Automobile inside and outside the industry. On February 2nd, a spokesman of Xiaomi Company reported the handling result of a leak incident, claiming that the early design draft of the front and rear bumpers of Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. in Beijing was leaked due to poor management.

Xiaomi Group said that it had dealt with the involved partners seriously according to the confidentiality agreement, including imposing economic compensation of 1 million yuan, demanding to strengthen information security management and deal with the leaked perpetrators seriously, and instructing to formulate detailed rectification plans and comprehensively upgrade confidentiality measures. At the same time, Xiaomi Group has shown a "zero tolerance" attitude towards the leak, and hopes that all supplier partners will conscientiously implement the confidentiality agreement. The result of this incident triggered public concern and discussion on Xiaomi’s security measures. In July of this year, a blogger posted a photo of suspected battery information of Xiaomi car on social media, which triggered a heated discussion among the public about information about Xiaomi car. On November 3, another blogger broke the news that he met the "skeleton" of Xiaomi car on the road and described some details of the vehicle.

However, this information was also taken off the shelves for allegedly leaking business secrets, which triggered doubts about Xiaomi’s information confidentiality. In addition to leaks, information about Xiaomi Auto is frequently exposed on social media. Some car bloggers released the design picture of Xiaomi MS11, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, and the details of cooperation between Xiaomi and BAIC, which triggered a hot discussion on the Internet. In response to these exposure incidents, Wang Hua, general manager of the public relations department of Xiaomi Group, responded that the leaked documents are indeed confidential design documents of secondary suppliers, and they are the design drafts of the very early bidding process, not the final documents. The exposure of this series of information has aroused the public’s expectation and curiosity about Xiaomi Automobile, and also questioned the confidentiality of Xiaomi Automobile.

In addition, Xiaomi’s mobile phone has also suffered many leaks, and some leakers have been claimed for millions. The exposure of the decoration plan of Xiaomi Home Direct Store shows that the area where Xiaomi car is displayed has also aroused public concern about Xiaomi car. The constant occurrence of these leaks has undoubtedly intensified the public’s speculation and concern about Xiaomi Automobile. To sum up, Xiaomi Auto has attracted much attention, but it has also frequently become the focus of leaks. Xiaomi Group’s serious handling of leaks reflects its emphasis on information confidentiality. However, frequent leaks undoubtedly cast a shadow over the development of Xiaomi Automobile. In the face of constantly exposed information and leaks, how will Xiaomi Automobile ensure the confidentiality of information in the future? At the same time, how will the public’s speculation and expectation of Xiaomi Automobile affect the development direction of Xiaomi Automobile?

It is hoped that Xiaomi Automobile can adopt stricter information confidentiality measures to ensure that the future development can continue to move forward in the public’s expectation and attention. What do you think and suggest about this? Let me know! Xiaomi’s mobile phone leaks frequently, and the interest game and moral boundary behind it. Today, the competition in the technology industry is becoming more and more fierce, which is followed by many incidents about product leaks. Recently, the leak related to Xiaomi’s mobile phone has aroused widespread concern. From Xiaomi 10 Extreme Commemorative Edition to Xiaomi MIX4, a series of information is exposed in advance, which makes us wonder what kind of interest game and moral boundary are hidden behind these leaks? In the digital age, the release of mobile phone products has attracted much attention.

A teardown video, a subway photo and a PDF document, seemingly harmless leaks may affect the company’s business plan, marketing strategy and even the stock price. After many product leaks, Xiaomi Company not only sued the relevant bloggers and claimed millions of dollars, but also obtained corresponding compensation through the Arbitration Commission. After the leak was exposed, bloggers also issued apology statements and assumed corresponding responsibilities. This series of events has caused people to think deeply about the leaking behavior: what caused these events? Who will be the beneficiary of the leak? First, let’s look at the time nodes of these leaks. From Xiaomi 10 Extreme Commemorative Edition to Xiaomi MIX4, as well as the upcoming Xiaomi car, leaks always happen one after another on the eve of product release.

Does this mean that the leak is a pre-heating marketing tool? Or is it malicious speculation by competitors? Does the frequent occurrence of these incidents mean that there is a more complicated interest game in the industry? We can’t help but ask, what kind of impact will the interest dispute behind it have on consumers? Secondly, we need to re-examine the moral boundary behind the leak. The competition in science and technology industry is fierce, and information confidentiality between enterprises is particularly important. Leaking may not only reveal the product design and hardware configuration, but also damage the company’s business reputation and interests. In the information age, the definition of moral boundary becomes particularly important. What factors have driven these bloggers to abandon the moral bottom line? Who will be their supporters?

In this wave of leaks, the bloggers related to Xiaomi Company and its product leaks have become the focus. On the one hand, Xiaomi Company has safeguarded its own interests and trade secrets through legal channels; On the other hand, bloggers also bear corresponding responsibilities through apology and compensation. However, leaks are frequent, and it seems that only legal and moral sanctions can’t completely solve the problem. We need to think more about what drove these events. Who is silently supporting all this? To sum up, the competition in the technology industry is fierce, and the frequent product leaks have undoubtedly brought many influences to enterprises and consumers. We need to think more about what caused these events. Who will be the beneficiary of the leak?

We expect that the technology industry can find a more reasonable way of competition while fierce competition, so that consumers can understand products more clearly, and we also expect more relevant people to stand up and jointly safeguard the fairness and justice of the industry. What is your opinion on this issue? Welcome to leave a message to share with us. The preheating method of Xiaomi Automobile has caused controversy. Recently, the preheating method of Xiaomi Automobile has once again triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens think that the preheating method of Xiaomi car belongs to the old routine and seems to be self-directed. They pointed out that this situation is not uncommon in the field of electronics and technology products, and many games and other mobile phone brands have also had leaks. What are the reasons for these leaks? Why is it common for Xiaomi’s products to leak?

Is there any leak related to marketing preheating? Let’s explore these issues together. Leaks occur frequently, probably because manufacturers invite some media to take photos in advance before releasing their products, and then release these photos after the press conference. However, some media may be too competitive, unable to resist showing off and want to get a head start, which leads to the leakage of product information. This has also led us to take the confidentiality agreement seriously and think about the distinction between disclosure and confidential content. After all, some pre-emptive information, whether deliberately released by enterprises or leaked by others, needs to be treated with caution. After all, safety always comes first, and we should also protect our own money bags. At present, the attention of Xiaomi Automobile is not low, and the competition between the media is also fierce.

Therefore, we might as well believe that this is not a marketing warm-up, but a leak caused by competitive pressure. I hope Xiaomi Automobile can get better sales after its official release. To sum up, the leak may have occurred because of the excessive competitive pressure, and the media failed to resist showing off or wanted to get a head start. We need to be more careful about the confidentiality agreement and the distinction between disclosure and confidential content. Finally, we have to think about how to find a balance in the highly competitive market, not only to meet the needs of consumers, but also to protect the confidential information of enterprises. What do you think of this?

General Administration of Market Supervision: Ten Characteristics of Consumer Complaints in 2022

  Cctv newsAccording to the website of the General Administration of Market Supervision, in 2022, the national market supervision departments received a total of 29.4077 million consumer complaints, reports and inquiries through the national 12315 platform, telephone, fax and windows, a year-on-year increase of 23.5%. Among them, there were 13,103,800 complaints and 4,722,300 reports, which saved economic losses of 4,519 million yuan for consumers and effectively protected their legitimate rights and interests. It mainly presents ten characteristics:

  First, the acceleration of consumer complaints, the recovery and expansion of consumption needs balanced development.

  From the trend of the past three years, due to the cross-regional expansion of platform economy, the cross-regional flow of population capital and the cross-regional allocation of market factors, the consumption of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Beijing is accelerating. There is a positive correlation between the number of consumer complaints and the level of consumer activity. The proportion of consumer complaints in the four provinces and cities in the country has increased from 31.8% in 2020 to 45.16% in 2022. To some extent, the accelerated gathering of consumer complaints reflects the unbalanced development of the supply side of consumption, so it is necessary to further restore and expand consumption in the central and western regions and promote higher quality and more balanced development.

  Second, recover the loss of over 10 billion yuan, boost confidence and release vitality.

  In the past three years, in the face of the impact of the epidemic, the downward pressure on the economy and the impact of the international situation, improving the consumption environment, stabilizing consumption and promoting consumption have become important supports for stabilizing the economic market and safeguarding people’s livelihood and well-being. Market supervision departments at all levels have handled a total of 74.5229 million complaints, reports and consultations, recovering economic losses of 14.472 billion yuan for consumers, effectively defending consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, and protecting consumption power and economic endogenous motivation. We will strengthen the maintenance of commodity services concerned by the masses. For example, the mediation success rate of fiber products, medical devices, production, maintenance and repair services has increased significantly compared with the previous year, with an increase of 15.51, 13.15 and 12.26 percentage points respectively.

  Through the continuous evaluation of "five-level circular linkage", the disposal efficiency of the national 12315 platform has been greatly improved. The timely handling rate of complaints and reports was as high as 98.99%, an increase of 12.55 percentage points; The highest satisfaction of the masses is 4.74 points (out of 5 points). At present, the platform has accumulated 16.0108 million registered users, with an average annual growth of 3 million, and has become a consumer rights protection platform trusted by the people.

  Three, rapid response, strong disposal, complaints and reports of epidemic-related materials fell rapidly.

  After the promulgation of "Article 20" and "New Article 10", the focus of epidemic prevention shifted from prevention and control of infection to medical treatment. The demand for epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies surged, the supply was not smooth, the price fluctuated abnormally, and product quality problems frequently occurred. At one time, the number of related complaints and reports increased by spurt. From November 10, 2022 to the end of 2022, the national 12315 platform received 241,100 related complaints and reports, up 3.88 times year-on-year, 2.95 times quarter-on-quarter, and the highest peak reached 19.5 times. Among them, there were 141,800 complaints and 99,300 reports, recovering economic losses of 4,981,700 yuan.

  The market supervision department responded quickly, launched a special campaign to stabilize the price and guarantee the quality of epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies at the first time, promptly checked the complaints and reports of epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies, and fully protected the health and safety of the people, with a total of 12,900 cases filed. As of February 10th, the reports on epidemic-related prices, unfair competition and advertisements, online transaction supervision, product quality, and the production and circulation of drugs and medical devices have dropped by 99.14%, 87.87%, 73.89%, 88.35% and 87.79% on an average daily basis, and the demands for epidemic-related drugs and medical supplies have returned to daily life, and the market order tends to be stable.

  Fourth, the downward pressure on the economy has increased, and after-sales problems such as non-delivery and non-refund have become more prominent.

  In 2022, the national market supervision department accepted 13.1038 million consumer complaints, a year-on-year increase of 43.84%, and the growth rate was enlarged compared with 2021. From the complaints, there were 2,987,000 pieces of quality, 2,489,600 pieces of after-sales service, 1,159,100 pieces of contract and 1,090,600 pieces of food safety, accounting for 58.96% of the total complaints. Among them, the problem of after-sales service grew fastest, and the masses reflected it most strongly, with a year-on-year increase of 57.67%.

  After-sales service status is directly related to operators’ confidence and expectation. Affected by the epidemic, the problem of after-sales service has been highlighted. Consumer demands mainly focus on non-refund, non-delivery, non-performance of the "three guarantees" commitment, non-implementation of the seven-day unreasonable return obligation, and untimely delivery. From the perspective of commodity categories, it is mainly concentrated in mobile phones, shoes, coats, furniture and automobiles, accounting for 25.61% in total; Printed matter, dairy products, computer peripherals, air conditioners and luggage increased by 154%, 120%, 98%, 98% and 90% respectively.

  Fifth, the proportion of commodity complaints increased, and the consumption of new energy vehicles was short-lived.

  In 2022, the national market supervision department accepted a total of 8,623,200 commodity complaints, accounting for 65.81% of the complaints, up 4.37 percentage points from the previous year; There were 4,480,600 service complaints, accounting for 34.19% of the complaints. The increase in the proportion of commodity complaints reflects the prominent product quality problems under the downward pressure of the real economy. Among them, the top complaints are: ordinary food, clothing, shoes and hats, household items, household appliances, transportation and communication products, accounting for 58.43%. The top service complaints are: catering, accommodation, sales, Internet services, culture, entertainment and sports, beauty salons and baths, accounting for 46.37%.

  It is worth noting that with the rapid increase in the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, consumers’ requirements for quality are also constantly improving. In 2022, the platform received 16,000 complaints and reports about new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 62.84%. Among them, contract problems, quality problems and false propaganda problems grew rapidly, increasing by 126.33%, 77.35% and 75.65% respectively. Consumer demands focus on: imperfect after-sales service, failure to fulfill the "three guarantees" commitment; Sudden flameout, oil leakage, abnormal engine sound, brake steering failure and battery module damage during driving; Publish false information, induce consumers to sign unfair format clauses, and reduce the responsibility of car companies.

  Six, new consumption hotspots are constantly emerging, and the accompanying consumer disputes are rising.

  In recent years, "new consumption" is becoming the "accelerator" of economic development. While meeting the diversified needs of consumption, some new situations of infringement and new problems of rights protection are gradually exposed, reflecting the new pain points of consumer rights protection.

  In 2022, new model problems such as digital collection (NFT) rose, making supervision more difficult, with 59,700 related demands (only 198 in the previous year), mainly focusing on non-delivery, non-refund, malicious price gouging, high handling fees, and arbitrary closure of consumer accounts. Under the craze of "blind box", consumer demands reached 41,400 pieces, up 61.72% year-on-year. IP cross-border co-branded products set off a buying frenzy, with 38,100 related demands, up 66.96% year-on-year. Some merchants took the opportunity to raise prices, but the problems of uneven product quality, fake and shoddy products, delayed delivery and lack of after-sales service were outstanding. Behind the fiery outdoor sports such as camping, the demands for sunscreen products and mosquito-repellent products increased by 99.12% and 149.62% respectively. Ice and snow sports are popular, but the related demands are as high as 8677, up 60.51% year-on-year. The quality problems such as ski clothes and skis are outstanding, and the tickets, deposits and safety issues of ski resorts need urgent attention.

  Seven, online consumption continues to escalate, and consumer satisfaction still needs to be improved.

  With the continuous development of e-commerce in China, the epidemic situation catalyzes online consumption habits, and the online shopping field ranks "half of the country’s consumers’ demands". In 2022, the online shopping demand increased by 56.38% year-on-year, which mainly has three characteristics:

  (1) The format of "cloud consumption" has expanded rapidly, and complaints have grown rapidly.

  Various "cloud consumption" modes, such as live delivery, cross-border e-commerce, fresh e-commerce, online shopping, online entertainment, and private kitchen customization, have emerged, which has become a bright spot in the growth of weak consumption last year, but related demands are also rising. There were 220,900 requests for live broadcast with goods, up 1.15 times year-on-year and 5.01 times higher than that in 2020. There were problems such as no products, shoddy products and false propaganda. Cross-border e-commerce demands were 334,500, up 42.63% year-on-year and 1.47 times higher than that in 2020. The problems of negative after-sales service, failure to fulfill warranty commitments and counterfeiting of overseas products were prominent.

  (B) There are many new types of price fraud, and supervision and law enforcement are facing new challenges.

  Technologies such as big data algorithm of platform economy improve transaction efficiency, and it is also easy to induce new price fraud. The online shopping price demand was 106,700 pieces, up 99.03% year-on-year, which mainly included the problems of killing big data, changing trading conditions in real time, "marking low and closing high", concealing preferential threshold conditions, and the preferential treatment for non-members was greater than that for members, which brought higher challenges to the price supervision and law enforcement in the platform economy field.

  (C) Video membership service routines, consumer experience needs to be improved.

  At present, paid members have become the "standard" of video websites, but there is a lack of "standard" of member services, with 8534 related demands, up 103.82% year-on-year. The problems reflected by consumers mainly focus on: unreasonable advance on demand, suspected of repeated charges; The "free advertisement" is not honored, and the video is inserted with advertisements; The prompt of automatic renewal is not obvious, the way of cancellation is difficult to query, and consumers are easy to buy by mistake. Others rely on word games such as adjusting fees and changing rights to make up for losses and reduce users’ trust.

  Eight, "ODR" continued to expand, and diversified solutions to disputes steadily improved.

  Market supervision departments have vigorously promoted the construction of online consumer dispute resolution (ODR) mechanism, and the success rate of settlement and consumer satisfaction have made steady progress. 114,000 ODR enterprises have been developed in various places and settled in the national 12315 platform, and 3,094,800 disputes have been directly negotiated with consumers online. Compared with the traditional administrative mediation method, the average processing time is 7.69 days, which is greatly reduced by 14.2 days; The success rate of reconciliation increased by 11.25 percentage points; Covering 97% of cities, an increase of 2.36% over the previous year, fully releasing the institutional innovation advantages of ODR. On the whole, ODR’s social influence is constantly expanding, and the enthusiasm of market participants for voluntary participation is constantly improving, which has made a useful exploration for diversified solutions to consumer disputes and social co-governance.

  Nine, "sunshine" consumer complaint information, effectively strengthen the source of governance.

  The General Administration continued to promote the publicity of consumer complaint information, formulated a publicity system and built a publicity system, and launched pilot projects in some cities in Jilin, Guangdong, Sichuan and Xinjiang from November 2022. At present, 20,817 complaints from 14,114 enterprises have been publicized, effectively strengthening social supervision and credit constraints, and improving the transparency of the consumption environment, the integrity of operators and the satisfaction of consumers. After publicity, the success rate of complaint mediation in the pilot area increased by 8.39 percentage points compared with that before publicity and 5.97 percentage points compared with the same period of the previous year; The average complaint settlement time was 11.77 days, 2.17 days faster than the same period of the previous year; The consumer evaluation was 4.8 points (out of 5 points), 0.1 points higher than before publicity.

  X. Complaints and reports have become an important channel for discovering illegal clues, and the social supervision role of consumers continues to emerge.

  Consumers actively played the role of social supervision. In 2022, they reported 4,722,300 illegal clues to the market supervision department, up 40.34% year-on-year, including 2,027,300 illegal advertisements, 723,100 violations of consumers’ rights and interests, and 341,800 illegal food safety behaviors. Judging from the increase, reports of unfair competition, trademark violations and online trading violations all increased by more than 60% year-on-year.

  Market supervision departments adhere to the people’s livelihood orientation, strengthen the analysis and judgment of complaints and reports, and severely investigate and punish violations of laws and regulations according to law. 281,100 cases were filed for reports of illegal advertisements and false propaganda; 63,000 cases were reported and filed against violations of consumers’ rights and interests, mainly involving the sale of products that do not meet safety requirements, counterfeiting and cheating consumers; 48,700 illegal reports on food safety were filed.

Schwarzenegger, the new Terminator, leads the creative team in SDCC Comic-Con.

Schwarzenegger and Hamilton

1905 movie network news On July 18th, North American time, Arnold Schwarzenegger, linda hamilton, director tim miller and many other masters brought their new films (provisional translations) to SDCC Comic-Con. In addition to a brand-new behind-the-scenes production special, the Terminator crew also announced that edward furlong, who plays kate connor in the film, will return to play in the headquarters for the first time.

In this special edition, directors tim miller, Schwarzenegger and linda hamilton appeared in turn to recommend the highlights of the film for fans. The whole film continues the hard-core fighting style of the series, and has been upgraded on this basis. Various blasting melee scenes are dazzling and shocking. Although James Cameron was absent from the event, in the special edition, Cameron said that the latest Terminator would bring "adrenaline rush" to the audience, and "Card God" also praised director tim miller for filming the original style of the series.

Terminator: Dark Fate also announced another heavy news in SDCC activities: edward furlong, the actor who plays the young kate connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, will return to Terminator: Dark Fate this time. This is the first time that edward furlong has returned to star in this series of films after Terminator 2.

Creative group photo

In Terminator: Dark Fate (tentative translation), Arnold Schwarzenegger, the soul figure, made a heavy return as the "Terminator T-800" for the sixth time. Linda hamilton will once again play the role of Sarah Connor, the first female host. As the "father of the Terminator", Cameron is the screenwriter and producer himself. The reunion of the series of golden triangle also makes this terminator’s latest work more exciting.


In this SDCC activity, Arnold, who is about to celebrate his 72nd birthday, is full of energy, not only in a good mood, but also praises the SDCC comic exhibition as a good place to promote movies. And linda hamilton, the heroine, is still in excellent spirits. At the event, Linda was domineering, and she kissed the "governor" on her own initiative, causing an uproar. I wonder if the two of them will join hands to fight against the villains again.

Mackenzie davis, a former actor, plays the biochemical Grace in Terminator: Dark Fate, protecting Dany, a dark-haired girl played by Natalia Reyes. Mackenzie spoke highly of linda hamilton in the interview. When asked who would win the battle for the actress in the cast, Mackenzie replied without hesitation; "Linda will win because she has a strong inner spiritual strength."

Mackenzie Davis

It is reported that Terminator: Dark Fate (temporarily translated) follows Terminator 2: Judgment Day in the plot and forms Cameron’s orthodox Terminator Trilogy together with the first two films. The film will be released in North America on November 1, 2019. I believe that it will once again set off a classic frenzy, which will bring new shock and emotion to thousands of fans.

The Ministry of Education regulates the practice in colleges and universities: students shall not be arranged to practice in entertainment places.

  BEIJING, July 30 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Education, recently, the Ministry of Education issued opinions on strengthening and standardizing the internship management of ordinary undergraduate colleges. The opinions pointed out that universities and internship enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment. Students should not be arranged to practice in entertainment places, and they should not charge students fees in violation of regulations, and they should not detain their property and certificates.

  In recent years, with the joint efforts of universities, government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social organizations, the integration of Industry-University-Research has been deepened, and the internship of college students has been carried out steadily and the quality has been improved steadily. At the same time, some colleges and universities still pay insufficient attention to practice, insufficient investment in practice funds, irregular practice base construction and inadequate practice organization and management, which affect the overall improvement of talent training quality to some extent. In order to further improve the quality of practice and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students, schools and practice units, the Ministry of Education put forward relevant opinions on strengthening and standardizing the practice management of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities.

  The opinion mentioned that it is necessary to fully understand the significance of internship and accurately grasp the requirements of internship in the new era.

  In addition, the opinion said that the internship teaching arrangement should be standardized from four aspects. First, strengthen the construction of practice teaching system; The second is to arrange the organization form of internship reasonably; Third, scientifically formulate the internship program; The fourth is to choose a good practice instructor.

  The opinion also pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the organization and management of internship. Colleges and universities should work out internship plans together with internship units, clarify internship objectives, tasks, assessment standards, etc., and jointly organize and implement student internships. Practice instructors should do a good job in training students, track and guide students’ internship on the spot, check students’ internship, deal with problems in practice in time, and do a good job in internship assessment. It is strictly forbidden to entrust intermediary agencies or individuals to organize and manage students’ internship on their behalf.

  According to the opinion, colleges and universities should conduct on-the-spot investigation and evaluation before determining the internship unit, and after determining that the internship conditions are met, they should sign a cooperation agreement with the internship unit to clarify the rights, obligations and management responsibilities of both parties. If the cooperation agreement is not signed according to the regulations, no student internship may be arranged.

  The opinion also said that it is necessary to strengthen the management of student education. Colleges and universities should do a good job in safety and discipline education and daily management of students. Practice units should do a good job in students’ safety production and professional ethics education. Students should respect the practice instructors and on-site technicians, abide by the rules and regulations and labor discipline of the school and the practice unit, keep the secrets of the practice unit, and obey the on-site education management.

  At the same time, we should do a good job in protecting students’ rights and interests. Colleges and practice enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment, and may not arrange students to practice in entertainment places, charge students fees in violation of regulations, or detain students’ property and certificates. Before the internship, colleges and universities should buy internship liability insurance or personal injury accident insurance for students.

  In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the management of on-the-job and on-the-job practice. On-the-job and on-the-job practice is an essential practical link to cultivate applied talents, and all colleges and universities should organize it scientifically and implement it according to law. Strictly sign the internship agreement among schools, internship units and students, and clarify their respective rights, obligations and responsibilities. Strictly abide by the regulations on working hours, rest and vacation. Unless there are special requirements for clinical medicine and other related majors and internship positions, the working hours shall not exceed 8 hours per day and 44 hours per week, and overtime and night shifts shall not be arranged. In order to protect the rights and interests of internship students to obtain reasonable remuneration, the labor remuneration shall not be lower than 80% of the salary standard for probation period of the same post in principle. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, students under the age of 16 may not be arranged for internship.

  The opinion also mentioned that it is necessary to improve the work responsibility system and strengthen the construction of practice bases. Colleges and universities should continuously deepen the integration of production and education, vigorously promote the construction of practice bases, and encourage the construction of comprehensive, open and shared practice bases that meet the needs of multi-disciplinary practice. Support qualified provincial education administrative departments and universities to strengthen the construction of internship information, establish an internship information management platform, realize the docking of internship demand information between schools and enterprises, and strengthen the whole process management of internship. Support colleges and universities to strengthen the application of modern information technology and virtual simulation technology in practice, and encourage the development of corresponding virtual simulation projects to replace on-site practice that cannot be carried out due to factors such as production technology and technological process.

  The opinion also pointed out that colleges and universities should increase the input of internship funds to ensure the basic needs of internship. We should actively strive for the support of internship units, reduce the cost of internship and ensure the quality of internship.

  Finally, the opinion emphasizes strengthening the supervision of internship work: the provincial education administrative department should strengthen the supervision of internship work in colleges and universities, focusing on monitoring whether the internship links in the undergraduate training program are scientific and reasonable, whether the internship organization and management are standardized, whether the safety and legitimate rights and interests of students are guaranteed, whether the internship funds are sufficient, and whether the internship effect reaches the predetermined goal. Commend universities with solid internship work and remarkable achievements in internship teaching reform and research. Investigate and deal with violations in the internship process in a timely manner. For schools and places with poor supervision, frequent problems and strong social repercussions, it is necessary to interview relevant responsible persons, urge them to implement the main responsibility, and conduct informed criticism within a certain range.

CCTV approved the rise of "pet blind box": this is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment.

CCTV News:On May 3, some netizens reported that a "pet blind box" was collected and delivered at a courier station in Chengdu, Sichuan, and the kittens and puppies in cages were dying. Some caring people in Chengdu immediately organized rescue. A caring person who participated in the on-site rescue said that the delivery place of these cats and dogs was Chengdu Sanlian Flower and Bird Market, and the merchants delivered live pets to the buyers in the name of selling "blind boxes".

At 22: 30 on May 3, the reporter arrived at Xiqiao West Street, Chengdu Railway Station. The scene was filled with the cries of cats and dogs, which came from cages on the ground.

Chen Yulian, head of Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center:This car pulled a car (cats and dogs) over, and then we followed. They just (turn) the car (cats and dogs) onto this car. Let’s take a look at this van. It’s completely closed. Close the two back doors, and all the cats and dogs must be locked inside.

Subsequently, the two trucks were stopped by volunteers in the rescue center and called the police. The reporter saw that a woven bag was put on the outside of each cage, and ZTO Express’s express bill was posted on each bag. After stopping the van, the volunteers tore a piece of each woven pocket to give the kittens and puppies air and water to drink. Subsequently, the reporter found the person in charge of the express delivery site to understand the situation.

Soon, the police of the local police station and the staff of the street office have arrived at the scene. In the early morning of May 4, these kittens and puppies were safely transferred, and law enforcement officers began to verify the information.

Chengdu Postal Administration: It will be put on file for handling.

The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Postal Administration said yesterday (May 5) that the postal administration immediately launched an investigation after paying attention to the situation of "delivering blind boxes for pets". For the behavior of the courier outlet suspected of illegally receiving and sending live animals, it will be put on file and the handling of the case will be disclosed in a timely manner according to law. At present, the local animal inspection department in Chengdu has temporarily detained all cats and dogs according to law, and temporarily placed them for inspection.

In addition, the ZTO Express company involved also issued a notice saying that these live animals were sold online by e-commerce customers of the platform, and were illegally collected by Lotus Pond outlets in Chengdu, ZTO Express. At present, the express collection business of this outlet has been suspended, and the person in charge of delivery safety of ZTO Express Sichuan Provincial Management Center has been suspended for inspection.

The transportation and delivery of live animals has been clearly stipulated by law.

Since May 1 this year, the Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention has been implemented, and there are clear legal provisions on the transportation and delivery of live animals. On March 19th last year, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice, demanding to regulate the delivery of live animals, severely crack down on the illegal delivery of wild animals and their products, and strictly regulate the delivery of live animals other than protected wild animals. Then, whether the merchants and platforms selling "pet blind boxes" and the express delivery responsible for transportation are illegal, experts have given corresponding interpretations.

Respect the law and refuse the blind box "out of line"

The rise of blind box economy is largely due to satisfying consumers’ curiosity and surprise about uncertainty. However, using blind boxed animals to build some people’s happiness on the basis of animal suffering or even loss of life is a departure from human nature and alienation of entertainment. Merchants must abide by the relevant laws and regulations on the delivery of live animals, and courier companies should not knowingly commit crimes.Respect for human nature, respect for the law, and people’s hearts are not blind, so there will be no such bad and out-of-line blind box.

Qunxing Toys: At present, the company has not cooperated with Huafu Fashion.

K diagram 002575_0

  Every time I pass the AI ? ? newsletter, some investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: Does the company follow?Cooperation? Without cooperation, can the company participate in the project now?

  (002575.sz) On March 13th, it was indicated on the investor interaction platform that the company has not cooperated with up to now. Please pay attention to the company’s relevant announcement for details.

Major national science and technology projects help oil and gas development enter a new era.

  CCTV News:On April 27th, the national science and technology major special series news release activities — — The press conference of "Large Oil and Gas Fields and Coalbed Methane Development" was held in the Ministry of Science and Technology. Experts from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the head of the oil and gas development project and the technical chief attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters.

  Chen Chuanhong, director of the Major Special Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, presided over the press conference, introduced the overall progress of major national science and technology projects, and pointed out that as an important starting point for implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, the oil and gas development project produced a number of major landmark achievements in the organization and implementation process, and achieved remarkable economic and social benefits, which opened up a new industrial development direction in the oil and gas energy field, effectively supported the national energy security, and significantly improved the upstream scientific and technological innovation capability of the petroleum industry.

  Li Fanrong, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, introduced the overall implementation progress of the oil and gas development project. Oil and gas development project is the only major national science and technology project organized and implemented by enterprises. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and under the organization and coordination of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance, we will adhere to the innovation-driven strategy, practice the scientific and technological research mode with enterprises as the main body and Industry-University-Research as the combination, gather the superior forces of the whole society for collaborative innovation, strengthen the combination of projects and demonstration projects, and comprehensively complete the overall goals and tasks of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan and the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. The three ministries and industry experts spoke highly of the organization, management and implementation of the special project.

  Since the implementation of the special project, significant progress has been made in six major areas, including onshore oil and gas exploration, onshore oil and gas development, engineering technology, offshore oil and gas exploration and development, overseas oil and gas exploration and development and unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, with remarkable results.

  First, six major technical series and 20 key technologies have been formed, 13 major equipment have been developed and 22 demonstration projects have been built, and China’s oil and gas exploration and development has entered a new era of innovation and development.

  The second is to ensure that China’s oil production is rising steadily and natural gas production is developing by leaps and bounds. The output of crude oil increased steadily from 185 million tons in 2007 to 198 million tons in 2016, and remained the fifth largest oil producer. Natural gas production rose rapidly from 67.7 billion cubic meters in 2007 to 137.1 billion cubic meters in 2016, making it the sixth largest gas producer in the world.

  Third, it has promoted the construction of national innovation system and enhanced China’s oil and gas independent innovation capability. It has formed a high-level R&D team with 100 enterprises covering the upstream technology of the petroleum industry, more than 50 universities of the Ministry of Education and more than 20 research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Construction of 9 national, 23 provincial key laboratories and R&D centers and other high-level innovation platforms. Related achievements won 3 national special prizes for scientific and technological progress, 5 first prizes and 19 second prizes, applied for 2,143 invention patents, formulated 185 national and industry standards, and registered 722 software copyrights.

  Academician Jia Chengzao, the chief technical engineer, mainly introduced the great progress in the exploration and development technology of marine and deep natural gas in China. Through special research, China has made substantial breakthroughs in marine and deep natural gas exploration and development technology, discovered and built a number of large gas fields, realized the leap-forward development of natural gas production, guaranteed national energy security, and promoted social and economic development and the construction of beautiful China.

  First, a series of international advanced natural gas exploration and development technologies have been formed, and a number of large gas fields have been discovered and built.

  First, innovative development of major technologies for marine carbonate oil and gas exploration and development, the discovery and construction of Anyue super-large gas field with the oldest geological age, Yuanba deep reef gas field and Puguang high-sulfur gas field in Sichuan Basin, and the growth of carbonate natural gas reserves in Tarim and Ordos basins.

  Second, the development of deep natural gas accumulation theory and exploration and development technology in foreland thrust belt, especially the conquest of major exploration technologies such as deep-seated wide-line large-scale seismic acquisition and prestack depth migration in complex mountainous areas, has expanded the depth of natural gas exploration and development in Kuqa thrust belt to 8,000 meters, and found six large gas fields with a production capacity of 26 billion cubic meters under extremely thick saline strata, ensuring the safe and stable gas supply of "West-to-East Gas Transmission".

  Third, major breakthroughs have been made in exploration and development technologies of unconventional natural gas such as tight sandstone gas and shale gas, and unconventional natural gas has become an important part of China’s natural gas production. For example, breakthroughs have been made in key technologies such as tight sandstone gas accumulation theory and reservoir fracturing reconstruction, which has realized the effective development of Sulige large tight sandstone gas field, with an output of 22 billion cubic meters in 2016; Technologies such as multi-stage fracturing and industrial development of horizontal wells have supported the effective development of shale gas fields such as Fuling and Changning-Weiyuan, with an output of 7.8 billion cubic meters in 2016.

  Fourth, China has made great progress in key technologies and equipment for offshore deep-water exploration and development, discovered large gas fields such as Lingshui 17-2, and successfully developed the first deep-water gas field in the South China Sea — Liwan 3-1.

  Since the implementation of the special project, China’s natural gas industry has achieved leap-forward development, and the accumulated proven geological reserves have doubled, from 6.1 trillion cubic meters at the end of 2007 to 12.98 trillion cubic meters in 2016, and the world ranking has risen from 14th to 9th. The annual output of natural gas in China has doubled, from 67.7 billion cubic meters in 2007 to 137.1 billion cubic meters in 2016, and the world ranking has risen from ninth to sixth. The proportion of natural gas in the primary energy consumption structure increased from 3% to 6%, and increased to 8.3 ~ 10% at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Make great contributions to China’s energy structure optimization and environmental improvement.

  In addition, the exploration and development of offshore deep-water natural gas in China has made great contributions to safeguarding China’s maritime rights and interests and implementing the national marine strategy; It has cultivated new industries such as the development of unconventional natural gas resources such as shale gas and coalbed methane in China, such as the development of marine shale gas in the south, which has guaranteed the gas consumption of local industries and residents and promoted the development of local economy; The large-scale development of coalbed methane has become an important clean energy in Shanxi Province, and has made important contributions to the development of low-carbon and green economy.

  During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, we will further strengthen the theoretical and technical research on natural gas exploration and development, constantly overcome the bottleneck technologies of deep-seated onshore, deep-water offshore and unconventional natural gas exploration and development, provide technical support for ensuring the steady growth of national natural gas reserves and production, and promote the further optimization of national energy structure and the sustained and stable development of national economy.