Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will

Half a month ago, Ms. Li, who was on a business trip to Jinan, used the chauffeur service. After checking out, she found that she had charged 109 yuan for a 1.5-kilometer trip. Recently, many car owners reported to the New Yellow River reporter that they had been charged high prices when looking for a chauffeur, suspecting that they might have encountered a "black chauffeur".

The reporter visited and investigated and found that most of the suspected "black drivers" wore regular imitation clothes and "squatted" drunk passengers on the scene. They borrowed billing software to set the payment amount at will, and even some billing software did not require identity verification and only charged membership fees.

Citizens spend 109 yuan to find a driver for 1.5 kilometers, which is nearly double the cost of other platforms

On November 9, Ms Li arrived in Jinan from Zibo on a business trip. That night, she had a drink with a friend at a bar on Luoyuan Street. After the show ended at 2am the next day, she called a chauffeur at the scene. "He was wearing platform clothes and said he was driving on behalf of Shi Cheng. I thought it was not far from the hotel where I stayed, so I asked him to send me back to the hotel." After arriving at the destination, the driver said that the weather was cold and he would increase the price, charging 109 yuan, Ms Li said. "I drank a lot at that time, so I paid him the money. The more I thought about it the next day, the more wrong it was."

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 1

Ms. Li said that the map from the bar to the hotel showed a distance of 1.5 kilometers, and a well-known driving platform only cost 55 yuan to drive 8 kilometers, and the fee of 109 yuan was too high. "Later, I didn’t find the Shicheng driving platform from the mini program, and I suspected that I encountered a’black driving ‘." Subsequently, the reporter checked the fee of a well-known driving platform, and the starting price from 0:00 to 6:00 was 55 yuan within 8 kilometers. The fee charged by the "driving" that Ms. Li encountered was nearly double that of the platform.

The screenshot of the payment order provided by Ms. Li shows that the recipient of the order is "Shicheng Auto Service", which is a personal account number. The reporter did not check the relevant information of the company through Tianyancha.

Coincidentally, Mr. Zhang, a citizen, also encountered a similar situation. "At the end of the liquor store, I found a chauffeur at the door of the hotel, and the chauffeur showed me with his mobile phone, indicating that he was a regular chauffeur, and the platform automatically billed him. It was not until after payment that I found out that the recipient was the chauffeur himself, not the regular chauffeur platform." Mr. Zhang also said that such "chauffeurs" are specifically aimed at passengers who are half-awake and half-drunk, "which is easier to’start ‘."

Reporter investigation: There are offline driving agents using billing software, and prices can be set at will

Regarding the situation reported by the citizens, the reporter launched an investigation near several hotels in the evening of the past few days. In the Impression Jinan business district, the reporter asked a driver after observation. The driver said that he was cheaper than the regular driving platform. The reporter showed that after arriving near IKEA, the driver’s platform order showed 100 yuan, so he urged the reporter to place an order. The reporter opened a regular driving platform to inquire, and the cost was only 35 yuan. So he asked the driver why the price was so high. The driver immediately locked the screen of his mobile phone and rode in the other direction.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 2

At a barbecue compound on Olympic Sports Middle Road, several chauffeurs in formal attire stopped at the door of the hotel waiting for passengers. When asked by a reporter, the chauffeur said that he could directly transfer money on WeChat without going to the platform at the same price as the platform. "The platform needs to deduct our service fee, or I am a little cheaper than the platform, you can directly transfer it to me." The driver said.

A driver revealed that there are currently driving software on the market that can modify the price at will, and many data can be adjusted by the driver. Among these driving billing software, an app called "driving billing" is quite popular.

Subsequently, the reporter downloaded the "driving pricing" app in the Apple App Store and found that the software does not require identity authentication, as long as you enter your mobile phone number and verification code to log in. On the software, registrants can set their own pricing template, starting price and starting mileage, waiting time charges, return fees, etc. After exceeding the starting mileage, the price per kilometer can also be set by themselves, and all prices can be set from 1 yuan to 151 yuan.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 3

The reporter edited the billing template in the "Driving Price" App. The starting price for the whole day is 151 yuan. The software shows that after starting the order and then ending the order, the driving fee of 151 yuan can be charged.

The driver revealed that in addition to using the software to arbitrarily price, there are also some personal driver drivers who buy driver clothes online to hide people’s eyes and ears. On the Taobao platform, the reporter entered "driver’s vest", and you can see a large number of clothes that are exactly the same as the regular driver’s platform appeared in the search results. The reporter randomly clicked on a store to ask about the driver’s vest. The customer service of the store said that the store’s driver’s vest is the same as the regular driver’s platform, and the font and logo can be changed. It will be shipped within 48 hours.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 4

There are more than ten types of driving billing software, and the starting price limit can be unlocked by software payment.

The reporter learned that at present, the main drivers are registered drivers of various driving platforms and personal drivers who do not have any guarantees and operate independently. Some personal drivers do not want to pay platform fees or share with the platform, so they rely on billing software for pricing. The reporter searched for software related to driving and pricing in the Apple Store and found that there are more than ten downloadable billing software. Some software can be downloaded and used, and some software shows that the network connection is unstable and cannot be used when registering.

The reporter randomly downloaded a software called "Driver", and the software introduction stated that "Driver" is a traffic navigation and billing application. Regardless of the driver or the owner, you can customize the billing template. After starting the service, according to the current billing rules, calculate the mileage and the price corresponding to the mileage in real time. You can set the mileage correction function, estimate the price of the mileage, accurately calculate the positioning, travel trajectory, and one-click navigation. It is a necessary metering tool for driver drivers.

Later, when the reporter changed the starting price of the software to the maximum limit of 120 yuan, the software reminded "The starting price you set has exceeded the current city price too much. In order to avoid disputes with customers, please set it carefully. If you need to unlock, pay 299 yuan to permanently unlock the starting price limit."

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 5

In the market, a variety of billing software is used by drivers to slaughter customers, and even become a kind of "convenience". How should the rights and interests of consumers in question be protected? A staff member of the market supervision department told reporters: "’Black driving’ belongs to the chaos of the industry. We mainly supervise the driving company, such as whether the platform clearly labels the price to consumers and whether the billing basis is informed to consumers. ‘Black driving’ is based on personal pricing, or using some billing platforms to charge consumers unreasonable driving fees. It is difficult for market supervision departments to supervise and enforce personal charging behavior."

According to a staff member of Jinan 12345 transportation special seat, driving is an emerging industry. At present, there are no laws and regulations in our country to prevent individuals or units from engaging in driving activities, and there are no laws and regulations to stipulate driving standards, qualifications and qualification restrictions.

Industry insiders say the industry lacks supervision and the market order still needs to be standardized

A person who has been engaged in the driving industry for many years said that the driving industry currently lacks professional standards and the norms of relevant institutions, and is in a state of unsupervised. According to his understanding, "personal driving" in Jinan mostly exists near the Olympic Sports Area and the High-tech Zone. " For example, during peak periods, when orders are issued very intensively, passengers can’t find a chauffeur on the platform. At this time, such’personal chauffeurs’ start to’attract customers’. Most of them are mobile squatting stations, and some drivers wear regular platform clothes, and they can’get back their money ‘by taking an order in one night; there is another situation, the regular platform will deduct 2% of the driver’s service fee. Some drivers are unwilling to go to the platform, and the asking price is the same as the platform price, but when encountering a driver with poor driving skills, it is difficult to find someone to hold accountable for an accident. "

The industry insider cautioned, "The most reliable way is to call the driver through the regular platform. The regular platform has the driver’s information. If there is a safety problem, each driver has insurance, and the owner can find the driver to be held accountable. The driver is bound by the corresponding regulations of the platform and will not ask for the price at will."

The reporter searched and found that from September 20th to October 19th, the Jinan Municipal Transportation Bureau publicly solicited opinions and suggestions from the public through the website of the Jinan Municipal People’s Government on the "Notice on Regulating the Order of the Driving Market (exposure draft) ". One of the solicitation opinions mentioned the threshold for employment and the government’s introduction of pricing standards: There are no special laws and regulations in our country to regulate and restrict the entry threshold for engaging in driving services. At present, it mainly relies on the self-discipline of each driving service operator (platform or enterprise, the same below). Each driving service operator independently determines the recruitment standards and regulations for car drivers according to their own operating conditions. Secondly, according to the "Price Law of the People’s Republic of China" and the "Shandong Province Pricing Catalog", the government pricing project implements directory management. The driving service is not included in the "Shandong Province Pricing Catalog", and the price is subject to market-adjusted prices. The specific price standards are independently formulated by the operator according to their own costs and market supply and demand.

Women find a substitute driver offline for 1.5 kilometers and spend 109 yuan. Reporter investigation: Billing software can set the payment amount at will 6

Huang Xiwen, a lawyer at Shandong Zhengdu Law Firm, also reminded consumers that there are currently no unified regulations on surrogate driving across the country. The management of surrogate driving is mainly due to the internal supervision of the company and the self-discipline of the surrogate driver. Therefore, when choosing a surrogate driver, try not to be convenient. You can directly find a surrogate driver at a restaurant, bar, etc. to solicit business. You must check the other party’s driver’s license, confirm the basic information and leave your contact information. It is best to place an order through a regular surrogate driving platform to prevent accidents.

New Yellow River Reporter: Yan Xiaoyu

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

The new Toyota Highlander will be available on May 31

Recently, it was learned that the new Highlander is expected to be officially launched on May 31. This upgrade focuses on interior materials, intelligent configuration, and sound insulation effects. These improvements are based on the feedback from users of the current model.

The new Toyota Highlander will be available on May 31

In terms of interior, the new Highlander will be equipped with brushed metal trim panels and perforated NAPA leather seats, adding "exclusive seat adjustment buttons" and "smart touch warm light reading lights" to enhance ride comfort and luxury. In terms of intelligence, the new car is equipped with a 12.3-inch all-LCD instrument panel, with three display modes synchronized with the driving mode. The remote control function of the mobile phone has also been enhanced, with the addition of remote start headlights and honks, as well as remote control of the door and tailgate, which improves the convenience of using the car.

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

In response to the sound insulation problem of the current model, the new Highlander has increased the density and thickness of sound insulation materials in key areas such as the dashboard, front floor, second floor, trunk floor and central passage, respectively, by 80% and 83%. It also promotes that it will bring an "ethereal and quiet" interior environment, reflecting the manufacturer’s emphasis on improving the driving experience.

The new Toyota Highlander will be launched on May 31, with a comprehensive upgrade in three dimensions

Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry, suggested strengthening the "smart transformation" of the food manufacturing industry and accelerating the development

On March 5, the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress was grandly opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In his second year in office, Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and wine designer of the wine design department of the Shede Wine Industry Production Technology Center, brought 5 suggestions in the fields of new quality productivity, Baijiu internationalization, and regional development, actively responding to industry and social concerns. Among them, "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Work of Intelligent Reform and Digital Transformation in the Food Manufacturing Industry" are closely related to the high-quality development of the food manufacturing industry.

Chen Borong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry

At present, the food manufacturing industry is in a critical period of development from traditional to modern, from artificial to intelligent, and from experience to science. These topics that Chen Berong focuses on not only reflect the industry’s in-depth thinking on moving towards high-quality development, but also reflect the determination and responsibility of the wine industry to promote the intelligent upgrade of the wine industry, develop new quality productivity, help China Baijiu go global, and promote social and economic development.

Focusing on cultivating new quality productivity and gathering new impetus for high-quality development

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important arrangements to accelerate the construction of a digital China, emphasizing the construction of a modern industrial system, the promotion of new industrialization, and the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As one of the basic industries of the national economy, the food manufacturing industry is constantly accelerating the process of digital intelligence. In particular, the Baijiu industry has vigorously carried out informatization and digital construction in the past ten years, and comprehensively improved the intelligence level of R & D, production, marketing, management and service. Among them, Baijiu leading enterprises have accumulated a lot of practical experience.

As a frontline worker in Baijiu’s scientific research, Chen Berong deeply understands the key role that "smart transformation and digital transformation" plays in the development of Baijiu’s industry. In order to improve the intelligent level of the industry and promote the full-link transformation and upgrading of enterprises, Chen Berong put forward the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Smart Transformation and Digital Transformation of the Food Manufacturing Industry" at the two sessions this year. When it is implemented, it is recommended to take the Baijiu industry first and choose parks with better basic conditions to carry out pilots, such as Sichuan Tuopai Green Ecological Food Industrial Park. She suggested building industry traceability standards, guiding enterprises to build traceability systems, improving industry service quality, and opening up industry data assets, ensuring intelligent manufacturing levels, improving industry production efficiency, and strengthening national policy guidance and talent training. She also suggested actively exploring and promoting the Chuanjiuyuan universe project to enhance the industry’s innovative layout.

At the same time, Chen Berong is concerned about the current imbalance in the level of digital intelligence promotion in the industry, and the high participation threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized wine merchants, which is a pain point related to the overall high-quality development of the industry. To this end, she put forward the "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity". She suggested that we should increase the policies and financial support for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry and the circulation industry, support the establishment of public DataRocks in the wine industry, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia and research, and cultivate professional talents. At the same time, we should formulate and improve relevant standards for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry to ensure the standardization and safety of

It is worth noting that a number of wine industry representatives put forward suggestions on the development of new quality productivity at the two sessions, which is undoubtedly a positive reflection and response to the higher level and more sustainable development of our country’s wine industry. It is foreseeable that with the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, new technologies and new models will be more widely used in the wine industry, injecting new impetus into the sustainable prosperity and development of the industry.

Fosun and Yuyuan are deeply empowered and willing to forge new engines for the development of the wine industry

The development history of Baijiu is the history of innovation in winemaking technology. In the current wave of intelligence and digitalization, China’s wine industry focuses on technological innovation, technological research and development, and enhances its core competitiveness. Among them, famous wine enterprises play a leading role.

As a famous wine enterprise in China and one of the six golden flowers of Sichuan wine, Shede Wine Industry has taken "science and technology innovation drive" as one of the top strategies under the guidance of the science and technology innovation strategy of Fosun and Yuyuan. From hiring chief scientists, cultivating scientific research talents, building high-energy scientific research teams, to building the three major industry-university-research innovation platforms of "China Shede Aging Wine Research Institute", "China Ecological Brewing Industry Technology Research Institute" and "Sichuan Wine and Grain Industry Technology Research Institute", Shede Wine Industry has provided strong technical support for the development of science and technology innovation work.

In recent years, Shede Wine Industry has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence. By continuously optimizing the production supporting facilities and equipment such as three-dimensional warehouses, new water purification workshops, wine storage equipment, and filling equipment, Shede Wine Industry has improved the level of factory intelligence and promoted the improvement of production and operation quality and efficiency. Not only that, Shede Wine Industry closely combines "ecological brewing" with the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, and is committed to empowering the green development of enterprises with technological upgrades. For example, in 2022, the company invested in the biogas purification of biological natural gas in wastewater treatment stations. Since it was put into operation, it has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6,000 tons every year, effectively purified and utilized about 3 million cubic meters of natural gas, and saved about 6 million yuan in gas purchase costs. Due to its good results in carbon reduction and efficiency, the project was successfully selected into the "2023 Model Case of China’s Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergy" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

At the same time, Shede Wine Industry is also committed to applying digital means to create a deep consumer experience, not only pioneering "dynamic wine age" in the industry, but also realizing the visualization, dynamics and transparency of wine age through digital means. It also pioneered the innovation and implementation of the high-quality Baijiu full-link grading traceability system based on blockchain technology, realizing the traceability and closure of Shede Old Wine from raw grain, brewing, storage, packaging, circulation to consumption, etc., bringing users a high-quality consumption experience of true vintage and true old wine.

Thousands of sails are competing for the "new" line, and the tide is surging in the east like a rainbow. As a contemporary advanced productive force, the new quality productive force will continue to release strong momentum with the in-depth promotion of scientific and technological innovation. Represented by Shede Wine Industry, many leading enterprises have anchored technological research and development and are committed to promoting the technological progress and digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of the industry, and together contribute more to accelerating the cultivation and development of the new quality productive force.


Cars are comparable to "BBA" but are being chased by Internet Tech Giants. Where is the profit point of NIO that lacks "core"?

  "Investor Network" Wen Xia Jing 

  According to the latest operating data released by NIO (NYSE: NIO), the company delivered 20,060 vehicles from January to March this year, an increase of 423% year-on-year, and successfully achieved the goal of achieving 20,000 deliveries in Quarter 1 predicted by Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO. However, at the same time as the good news, NIO encountered the embarrassment of chip shortage: the NIO foundry Hefei Jianghuai Manufacturing Plant stopped production for 5 days, affecting the production of at least 500-1000 vehicles.

  Li Bin admitted that due to the impact of the supply chain (chips and batteries), NIO’s monthly production capacity of 7,500 vehicles is also under pressure.

  It is worth noting that NIO, one of China’s "three heroes of new energy vehicle manufacturing", is still in a state of heavy losses. NIO’s current situation is that, on the one hand, the production capacity is constrained by the shortage of chips, and the operating pressure is overwhelmed by the haze; on the other hand, the car manufacturing track is already crowded with Internet bosses who "show their muscles", and the competition drama can be imagined. 

  NIO, whose share price once fell to the "delisting red line" of $1, has just "come back to life" from the brink of danger, but the pressure it faces has not eased. Under the dilemma of "internal and external troubles", how can Li Bin and NIO break through the dilemma of "profitability difficulty"?

  Under the gamble, the gross profit margin turned positive, and the huge loss was still "leading" the new car-making forces 

  NIO is the company with the highest monthly delivery volume of "new car forces". In February this year, its delivery volume was 5578 vehicles, which was 2.4 times that of Li Auto, which is also a new car force, and 2.5 times that of XPeng Motors. It ranked among the top ten luxury car sales and once surpassed luxury car companies such as Land Rover and Porsche.

  However, before April 2020, NIO was on the verge of "dying" due to its high debt.

  As we all know, the delivery volume of the automobile industry is equal to the sales volume. It stands to reason that as the company with the largest monthly sales volume, the profit should be the largest. But this is not the case. Although NIO leads China’s new energy vehicle industry by its own sales and is dubbed "China Tesla", the continuous loss and the reality of "selling one at a loss" once caused NIO’s share price to fall to the "delisting red line" of $1.

  Just as Li Bin and his NIO were struggling, the Hefei Municipal Government and the 7 billion reached a gambling agreement with NIO.

  The agreement stipulates that NIO will invest in the acquisition and establishment of NIO China, requiring NIO China to generate revenue of 14.80 billion yuan in 2020, 120 billion yuan in 2024, and list 6-8 new models, and achieve total revenue of 420 billion yuan from 2020 to 2025.

  The money brought by this bet saved NIO in times of crisis, but this step-by-step implementation and batch arrival requirements and agreements also made Li Bin and his NIO dare not slack in the slightest.

  From the financial report released by NIO, there are many bright spots in NIO’s financial report in 2020. NIO’s total revenue in 2020 reached 16.258 billion (RMB, the same below), an increase of 107.8% year-on-year; among them, the gross profit margin rose from -7.4% in Quarter 1 to 17.2% in the fourth quarter, and the annual gross profit margin for the whole year was 11.5%. This is the first time that NIO has turned positive after being listed for three years.

  But even so, NIO’s full-year net loss in 2020 was as high as 5.304 billion, and the 11.295 billion of losses compared to 2019 was significantly narrowed, but it was still a reality that NIO was not profitable.

  Compared with Li Auto, which is the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, Li Auto’s annual revenue in 2020 was 9.461 billion, an increase of 3231.33% year-on-year, and the loss was only 152 million; NIO’s revenue was 1.3 times the ideal, but the loss was 35 times!

  Under the background of obtaining local government investment 7 billion, NIO has achieved a significant increase in revenue and a positive gross profit margin, which is a seemingly bright "answer sheet". In theory, NIO can increase profits as long as it increases delivery, thereby reducing losses and achieving profitability. However, judging from NIO’s current core shortage dilemma and further planning in 2021, the outlook for NIO to achieve profitability is not optimistic.

  Is the high cost pushing the "power exchange model" 42.50 billion cash flow enough to burn? 

  In early March, NIO announced that it currently has cash reserves 42.45 billion (including cash and cash equivalents, restricted currency cash, and short-term investments).

  Even if the funds are abundant, the amount of money Li Bin plans to "burn" is not small, judging from the new layout for 2021 announced by Li Bin at the earnings conference.

  Li Bin declared that in 2021, NIO plans to "improve the efficiency of the system", specifically, from research and development, sales, and the establishment of replacement stations and the improvement of the charging and replacement mode. Li Bin said that he plans to invest 5 billion research and development expenses in 2021, and build 20 new NIO centers and 120 NIO spaces; in addition, NIO still insists on the "replacement mode" different from Tesla’s charging mode, and plans to build more than 500 replacement stations and improve the charging mode in China in 2021, establishing 600 supercharging stations and 15,000 destination charging piles.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule believes that NIO’s power exchange model has a bright future. "Although the power exchange model is different from Tesla’s charging model, it has new opportunities."

  Zhang Shule said that because the benefits of the power exchange model are obvious, its charging speed is fast, and it can form an efficient turnaround rate of car "charging", which is far more convenient than the use of charging piles for electric vehicles to occupy parking spaces. It is also more suitable for the promotion of the core areas where parking spaces are tight and electric vehicle charging demand is high. "At present, the state has also increased its support in the field of new energy vehicles, and electric vehicles have entered a rapid popularization stage in China, so the power exchange model has a strong application prospect." 

  Although the outlook for the power swap model is promising, NIO’s path to profitability remains uncertain.

  Zhang Xiang, a member of MIIT’s new industrialization capacity building "Changfeng" plan, a think tank for new energy and intelligent connected automobile industry experts, told Investor Network that NIO’s power exchange model is the core competitiveness of the future. Because it provides users with new experiences and choices.

  "But the current power exchange is a loss, and it will still be in a state of loss in the next few years." Zhang Xiang believes that the main reason why NIO cannot make a profit is that the construction investment of the replacement station is too large, and the lack of NIO’s inventory makes the utilization rate of the replacement station not high enough to subsidize the investment profitably. Zhang Xiang said, "NIO can only sell cars if it wants to make a profit. By raising the price of vehicles, it can obtain high profits to make up for the loss."

  NIO’s goals are lofty and its vision is perfect, but the reality is very skinny: on the one hand, it does not follow the popular route and adheres to the high-end market; on the other hand, in the face of a large number of losses, it also increases investment and insists on the development of the power replacement model.

  This could be said to be a dilemma for NIO. Although NIO’s losses narrowed in 2020, the main reason was the reduction in R & D investment and the construction of power station stations in 2020. If NIO wanted to make money, it had to "sell cars" in large quantities, but the cars it sold were only for the high-end market.

  Investor Network learned from NIO’s official website that the price of NIO’s models is more than 300,000 yuan. According to data from China Automotive Industry, NIO’s SUV ES8 surpassed BMW X5 for the first time in Shanghai in January 2021, becoming the first among medium and large SUV vehicles above 400,000. It can be said that as a car company, NIO can already rival traditional luxury car manufacturers such as "BBA (BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi) ".

  However, this "burning money" dilemma of "selling while losing money" makes it all the more difficult for NIO to turn a profit.

  Technology bosses get together to build cars NIO comparative advantage 

  The next trend in the internet is cars.

  According to the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) " document, the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 20% of the total sales of new cars in 2025. According to the statistics of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers in early January, the cumulative sales of our country’s automobile industry in 2020 were 2527.2 million, and the sales of new energy vehicles were 1.367 million.

  If the total sales of new cars in 2025 is 25 million, it means that the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 5 million. From 1.30 million to 5 million This means that new energy vehicles will have great market demand, and the new trend of making money will naturally attract the pursuit of Internet bosses.

  Recently, Lei Jun led Xiaomi into the new energy vehicle industry, intending to open up a new world in the automotive industry. Previously, large Internet companies such as Baidu and Apple have announced their entry in a high-profile manner.

  Although NIO has seized the trend and become one of the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, it does not have a strong corporate background similar to Baidu and Xiaomi, and NIO is in the dilemma of lack of core and loss.

  Even so, Li Bin still seemed full of confidence. He said at the "WISE 2020 King of the New Economy" conference that NIO is not just a car company, but also a car-oriented community, a community that shares joy and grows together.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule told Investor.com that although NIO has performed well in the field of domestic electric vehicles before, the main reason is the lack of strong competitors. However, with Baidu, Xiaomi and other Internet technology companies and various traditional car companies entering the new energy vehicles and even higher-dimensional smart cars, NIO’s future competitiveness will be greatly challenged.

  Zhang Shule believes that there will be a bubble in Internet car building, that is, the current artificial intelligence technology and vehicle to everything vehicle part are still in the exploratory stage, and it is inevitable that there will be PPT car building (that is, conceptual car building). However, with the technical background of Internet Tech Giants, there is no big problem for companies like Baidu and Xiaomi, because Internet companies have scientific and technological concepts, such as Baidu is to install "brains" for electric vehicles, and Xiaomi is a hardware retail distributor, forming a combination model to create cost-effective electric vehicles.

  Perhaps for NIO, finding a way to make a profit, get out of the loss dilemma, reach a gambling agreement, and avoid being acquired are the most practical problems it needs to solve urgently. (Produced by Thinking Finance) ■


"China Star Jump" Wen Ya trained hard and his thighs were blue.


Wen Ya training chart


Wen Ya practices diving.

  A few days ago, @ Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue @ China Star Jump triggered a new diving boom. During the visiting classes of fans and the media, we found that Wen Ya’s body had been seriously overdrawn after many days of training. In order to complete the strict training again and again, not only was her thigh bruised by water spray, which was worrying.

  Among the many stars who appeared in "China Star Jump", Wen Ya is the first female star to start diving training. With her own efforts, she also has a very good reputation among the staff. According to the staff, Wen Ya is the earliest to arrive at the training ground every day and the latest to leave. Girls love beauty, but Wen Ya has made painstaking efforts for training, which made her thighs covered with bruises caused by diving. Many fans expressed their anxiety after watching it, but Wen Ya didn’t mind it. She said that these efforts can let everyone see her beautiful diving process on TV, which is very worthwhile for her.

  In the interview, Wen Ya didn’t disclose more information, but some fans in Wen Ya said that Wen Ya’s nose had lost its sense of smell for a week because of a strong water impact during training, except for a thigh injury. Although the doctor said that this loss of sense of smell was not permanent, Wen Ya’s efforts to overdraw her body for the audience were really touching.

Full of stamina! The new style of Starway Chasing the Wind appeared in 4S shop, and M38T was officially named "Eta Ursae Majoris" in Chinese.

For Chery, Xingtu brand is a second venture. Before that, Ruiqi high-end brand was launched, but it ended in snow storage. For Chery, Xingtu brand, which started a second venture, naturally cannot be allowed to fail. This time, it learned a lesson, took SUV as the breakthrough point, and gradually spread. Although the sales volume was not very bright, it was a step by step to continuously improve the existing models. At the same time, its 2.0 strategy was officially launched. The Atlanti X mass production concept car released at Chengdu Auto Show was M38T.(Pictures and texts shall not be used or reproduced without my permission)

Let’s take a look at the first car you can experience, that is, the brand-new car chasing the wind. The real car that arrived at the store only photographed the front end. Fortunately, the focus of the appearance change is really concentrated on the front end, mainly the front bumper part, which is very close to the grille of the Eta Ursae Majoris production version (that is, the model with the project number M38T), and of course it can’t be completely consistent. After all, chasing the wind is the nature of later follow-up, and Eta Ursae Majoris is the original design. Just chasing the wind means that the production car directly modifies the exterior interior and adds a powertrain, so the listing speed is faster. From this, it is judged that the subsequent Lingyun/Lingyun S and Lanyue may move closer to this style. Of course, this is only a logical judgment based on the unification of family modeling, which does not represent official information.

The interior is very surprising, which is much more eye-catching than the previous test car. The blue, white and black three-color matching scheme is enabled, especially the white part in the middle is very eye-catching. The whole interior is basically the same as that of Tiggo 8Pro and Oumengda except for the steering wheel (exactly the same as that of Eta Ursae Majoris) and the shift interface modification. In addition, the air outlet of the through air conditioner and the trim panel edge of the door buckle are all equipped with orange decorative lines, which makes the whole interior atmosphere look relatively younger.

At the same time, there was also a fully blackened interior. The seat and the auxiliary instrument panel have been able to see the idea of full blackening. At the same time, pay attention to the shape of the chair surface. It is not the version on the previous test car, and it is exactly the same as the new generation of Tiggo 7Plus seats exposed at the Chengdu Auto Show. It seems that this seat will also be fully promoted. Of course, the chair surface itself is slightly different. Personally, consumers can choose all-black and blue-and-white color matching interiors. After all, everyone has different tastes, which does not mean that all-black interiors are available.

There is no suspense in terms of power. At present, there are three fuel versions of 230T(1.5TCI engine), 300T(1.6TGDI deep gantry version) and 400T(2.0TGDI engine) declared in the catalogue. As for whether ET-i will continue on the new model, there is no official hammer at present, so I won’t do too much speculation here. In theory, it should be all switched, and the rest is the official listing time. At present, there is no official information disclosure, but the possibility of this year is very great. Otherwise, it is too early for the real car to appear in the 4S shop (it is stated that this is not a production car to the store, this is the Star Road 4S shop around Wuhu headquarters, which should be passing by).

The line of sight turns back to Chengdu Auto Show. Just a few hours ago, Starway officially released the official Chinese naming of M38T, named "Eta Ursae Majoris", which is the production version of the Eta Ursae Majoris concept car at the Shanghai Auto Show. But to be honest, the difference is too big, so it can only be said that it is a continuation of the naming, and the style still depends on the Atlanti X production concept car unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show. Because the author is not on the scene, I am quite curious why it says "Please pay attention to the appearance in September" on the background screen. It’s already the end of August, so is there any official activity in September? Will the official mass-produced Eta Ursae Majoris model be exposed?

Previously, the CDC adjustable suspension photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 (that is, Tiggo 9) platform was finally officially hammered. Although it was mentioned by M38T, the two platforms shared, and there were spy photos of the real vehicle, it can be confirmed that the follow-up Chery high-end models will follow up one after another, not only the Star Road brand can be used. As for the double hydraulic suspension mentioned later, the entity spy photos were also photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 platform. Combined with the stable handling of the original M3X Pro Mars architecture, Star Road

Another focus is the new generation of power technology. From the perspective of the chassis on the far right, it is obviously a plug-in hybrid version. Indeed, the official information of the plug-in hybrid version and the extended range version was mentioned before the mass production car in Eta Ursae Majoris. It can be clear that the chassis layout is close to that of the Tiggo 8Plus Kunpeng e+, but the size and specifications of the battery pack seem to be expanded, indicating that the pure electric cruising range can be increased further.

After enlarging the picture, there are two pieces of information worthy of attention, all of which are related to the transmission link. The first is the hybrid version, and the effective thermal efficiency exceeds 43% (this part is very important, and many propaganda mentions theoretical thermal efficiency, even 50% of the thermal efficiency dares to shout out, which is really not afraid of the wind). This is obviously for the new plug-in hybrid version, followed by the 3DHT hybrid special transmission. It is mentioned that the power is greater than 165K w and the rim torque is greater than 4000Nm. If nothing else, at least the speculation of 3DTH is correct. Yesterday, I just mentioned the relevant information of Chery’s three 1-speed DHT hybrid special transmissions. At that time, it was analyzed that 3DT may be exclusive to models like Starway, and the cost is slightly higher, but it is consistent with its positioning. It is said that some spare parts manufacturers have been informed that the 1DHT130 transmission may be enabled in the Tiggo 8 series.

The most eye-catching thing is the appearance of the 8AT transmission. Before that, the author only photographed the full moon 8AT test vehicle, and it was filmed once. Later, Chery officially showed the physical prototype of the 8AT, but it is not yet clear whether the 8AT transmission mentioned by Eta Ursae Majoris is self-produced or purchased. The key is that there is no mass production schedule of the 8AT, so we can’t make a corresponding judgment, and we can only wait for the subsequent official to reveal the answer, at least for now.

BYD’s new car named Qin PLUS unveiled at Guangzhou Auto Show.

  A few days ago, Aika Automobile was informed that the brand-new Yadi sedan that flowed out recently was officially named Qin PLUS. The design of the new car is in the same strain as that of Han, but it is younger and more refined. Qin PLUS is another masterpiece of BYD in the field of cars after Han Dynasty. According to informed sources, the new car will be officially unveiled at the 2020 Guangzhou Auto Show.

  First of all, from the front face, BYD Qin PLUS incorporates brand-new design elements on the basis of the design language of "Dragon Face". The larger "Dragon Mouth" front grille and the newly designed "Dragon Armor" bring strong sensory impact. The waistline on the side of the car is full and full of tension, and the transition between the front face and the side wall is clear and clear, highlighting the "sculpture sense" of the car body design; The size of the multi-strip aluminum alloy rim is further increased and looks more sporty.

  It can be seen from the tail that this brand-new car is very impactful in visual effect. The horizontal lines and downward curved curve design of the tail widen the overall visual effect. The straight through LED taillights are a highlight, and the overall shape is more slender. The light groups on both sides are as sharp as dragon claws, which is very recognizable. Slogan above the taillights adopts the latest font design, which is more design-oriented.

  In terms of power, BYD Qin PLUS is expected to adopt the super hybrid technology just released, equipped with a 1.5L high-efficiency engine dedicated to Xiaoyun-Plug-in, which is specially built for DM-i super hybrid technology, with a thermal efficiency as high as 43%. Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine has an ultra-high compression ratio of 15.5, which increases the stroke-cylinder diameter ratio. Atkinson cycle is adopted, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system is equipped, and a series of friction reduction measures are supplemented, and the engine control system is optimized. In addition, this system can also bring excellent NVH performance.

Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris was officially listed, with electromagnetic suspension and Queen’s co-pilot since 152,800! It’s too curly


As a high-end brand built by Chery, Star Road has gained a certain market voice since its launch, relying on Lingyun, Lanyue, Zhuifeng and other models. On February 21st, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, built on the platform of Starway M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, was officially launched, with a total of six configurations, with the price range of 152.8-202.8 million yuan.

The Aesthetic Design Language of Atlantis Light

The appearance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is based on the aesthetic design language of Atlantis light, and a lot of popular elements are injected. It is worth noting that although it is a fuel vehicle, its modeling temperament can easily be mistaken for a pure tram. The design of the front face continues the avant-garde style of the previous concept car. The grille adopts a rhombic grille with frameless design. The penetrating LED headlights across the front face and the daytime running lights on both sides outline the "sigma" similar to the Greek symbol, which is full of recognition.

Xiongshi ecological intelligent cockpit

As the first model of Lion Eco-2023, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s EEA4.0 advanced electronic and electrical architecture, supported by Gigabit Ethernet, OTA for the whole vehicle and separation of hardware and software for Autosar, can continuously refresh the car experience through continuous iterative upgrading.

In terms of intelligent assisted driving, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris has an L2.9 intelligent assisted driving system, which includes 21 basic ADAS functions and 11 high-order intelligent assisted driving functions in addition to high-heat functions such as AVP autonomous parking service and NOC navigation assisted driving.

In terms of hardware support and audio-visual, the new car is equipped with a golden combination of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip and Xiongshi Zhiyun 5.0, a 24.6-inch real curved smart screen, a brand-new young HMI5.0 UI interface, and car intelligence with a "growing" anthropomorphic avatar, creating a dynamic intelligent cockpit.

In terms of configuration, Eta Ursae Majoris main driver is equipped with electric 8-way, lumbar support electric 4-way, headrest adjustable 4-way, heating, ventilation and other functions. The "Queen’s Co-driver" of the high-profile model adopts ergonomic design, which has soft touch and strong wrapping, and has comfortable configurations such as massage, ventilation, heating, leg support and lumbar support.

In the rear row treatment, Eta Ursae Majoris has an adjustable backrest angle and an independent fresh air system. In terms of hearing enjoyment, SONY 14 speakers are also equipped to create a 360-degree sound experience for passengers in each seat.

Flying fish extrasensory chassis /2.0TGDI engine

In terms of power, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0TGDI engine with a maximum power of 261 HP (192kW) and a maximum torque of 400 Nm, matching the 7DCT gearbox. It is reported that PHEV models will be launched in the future.

It is worth noting that Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a brand-new flying fish extrasensory chassis. The CDC electromagnetic suspension system equipped with this chassis can collect the dynamic data of road surface, car body and wheels in real time through five car body attitude monitoring sensors, four electromagnetic dampers and a controller, and actively adjust the suspension damping in time. While realizing the intelligent control of vehicle attitude, CDC electromagnetic suspension system takes into account the improvement of comfort and handling.

Officials pointed out that CDC electromagnetic suspension system can reduce the vehicle’s head-up phenomenon by 36%, weaken the braking nod by 30%, improve the anti-roll ability and isolation performance by 5% and 40% respectively, and improve the overall suspension comfort performance by 30%. In addition, CDC electromagnetic suspension system also provides comfort, standard and sports modes, and also provides OTA, which always upgrades the latest chassis settings remotely for users.

In addition to the CDC electromagnetic suspension system, the flying fish extrasensory chassis is also equipped with "chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system" and "SS system". Through the technology of double hydraulic suspension and hydraulic bushing, the road vibration can be reduced by more than 30% in bumpy road conditions, plus the SS system which can accurately adjust the suspension damping according to the braking deceleration, restrain the braking nod and greatly optimize the NVH performance.

Thanks to the full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, all-terrain technology system and freewheeling steering system, under extremely complicated road conditions, the rear axle can achieve "a response within 100ms and a maximum torque output of nearly 3000N·m". At the same time, with the assistance of Bosch’s new generation of intelligent brake-by-wire system, the ability to limit slip is stronger, more accurate and easier to get out of trouble.

The all-terrain science and technology system also provides seven driving modes: economy, standard, sports, snow, mud, sand and off-road, which can unlock multiple driving and control scenes for users. In addition, common functions such as off-road crawling, perspective chassis and four-wheel drive dynamic vector display are also absent. Bosch’s new generation DP- EPS steering system not only provides low-speed light, high-speed and steady steering force, but also improves its response speed by 20% under the master chassis steering adjustment.

In terms of safety, based on M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris meets the global NCAP crash test standard, and is equipped with Bosch’s new generation intelligent brake-by-wire system, which greatly improves the braking response and shortens the braking distance with a build-up time of less than 150 ms. With the help of this technology, the brake pedal is not only adjustable, but also has dual modes of comfort and movement to meet the needs of users in different driving environments.

New industries and new talents gather in the old base —— Approaching the front line of early spring economy in Baotou, Inner Mongolia

  Chery Automobile’s new generation flagship SUV Tiggo was officially unveiled 9 days ago. Meanwhile, as the latest achievement of Chery’s "Eta Ursae Majoris 2025" strategy, Chery Automobile released the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform.

  Tiggo 9 is the first model of Mars architecture-super hybrid platform, which will have two power forms: fuel and hybrid. The fuel-powered version is equipped with a 2.0TGDI engine and Aisin 8AT gearbox, with a maximum power of 192kW and a peak torque of 400N·m, while the hybrid version has a super comprehensive endurance of over 1300km. At the same time, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip and the top hardware equipment in the industry of 5G Gigabit Ethernet, with L2.9 intelligent driver assistance system.

  In addition, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with CDC "magnetic levitation" suspension, which can be adjusted infinitely through the hardness and softness of the suspension to cope with different road conditions. At the same time, it is equipped with 540 stereoscopic extrasensory air conditioning system, B-pillar air outlet, high-grade intelligent fragrance system, 24.6-inch extremely smart silk smooth curved screen and other configurations.

  According to reports, the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform is the highest-end, leading hybrid and fuel vehicle platform of Chery Automobile, which clarifies the direction of Chery’s hybrid and fuel vehicles in the next five years. Mars architecture-super hybrid platform will realize the global evolution of four dimensions: forward-looking wisdom, total comfort, efficient power and leapfrog security.

  In terms of forward-looking wisdom, the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 flagship chip, and the CPU computing power reaches 105 K; Equipped with self-evolving EEA4.0 electronic and electrical architecture, it supports 5G and Gigabit Ethernet. At the same time, the new platform products are also equipped with Chery Pilot L2.9 intelligent driving assistance system, including 21 basic ADAS functions and 11 advanced intelligent driving functions.

  In terms of total comfort, the new platform is equipped with CDC "magnetic suspension" system, which can realize stepless adjustment of damping, accurately control the attitude of the whole vehicle, and improve the comfort of the whole vehicle by 30%. At the same time, the platform is equipped with AWD intelligent four-wheel drive system, which improves the overall driving controllability by 20%. In addition, the C-PURE clean cubic green cockpit continues to evolve, with the new car odor reaching 3.0 and the key VOC standard increasing 10 times.

  In terms of efficient power, the new platform will provide hybrid and fuel-powered power solutions. Among them, as a hybrid solution, the third-generation intelligent hybrid Gemini has a peak power of 165kW and a maximum output torque of 4000 N m. The fuel power uses Kunpeng 2.0TGDI, and with the blessing of seven leading core technologies such as the fully upgraded second-generation "i-HEC" intelligent combustion system, it achieves a perfect balance between strong power and energy conservation and environmental protection.

  In terms of leapfrog safety, Chery Automobile has established a global quality management system based on global market user data. Mars architecture-super hybrid platform is developed according to the highest five-star safety standard in the world, integrating active and passive safety technologies. Not only that, the new platform is also equipped with 10 airbags, including remote airbags, to ensure the safety and quality of users.

Tiggo 9 in Baoji area is hot promotion! The promotion discount is 12,000, and the quantity is limited.

According to the news of car home Baoji Preferential Promotion Channel, preferential activities are under way, and consumers in Baoji area can enjoy a maximum discount of 12,000 yuan. At present, the minimum starting price for purchasing the Tiggo 9 is 140,900 yuan. You can click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount.


The exterior design of the Tiggo 9 car series is very atmospheric and fashionable. The front face adopts a unique family-style design language, and the air intake grille adopts a large area of chrome decoration, which highlights the luxury of the car series. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is magnificent, showing a strong sense of movement and strength. The front of the car adopts a unique LED headlight group design, which is fashionable and full of science and technology, highlighting the high-end positioning of the car. The side lines of the car body are simple and smooth, and the rear design is simple and generous, which shows the stability and maturity of the Tiggo 9 car series. On the whole, the design of the Tiggo 9 car series has both a sense of fashion and luxury, which is very in line with the aesthetic needs of modern consumers and unforgettable.


Tiggo 9 is a luxury SUV with a body size of 4820*1930*1710 and a wheelbase of 2820mm, providing passengers with spacious interior space. The side lines of the car body are smooth, showing a sense of movement and strength. The front tread is 1638mm, the rear tread is 1641mm, the front tyre size is 245/50 R20, and the rear tyre size is also 245/50 R20, which provides better stability and handling performance for the vehicle. Tiggo 9′ s rim style is fashionable and atmospheric, which complements the body design, showing luxury and sportiness.


The interior design of Tiggo 9 is fashionable and luxurious, with high-quality materials and fine workmanship. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces for easy charging. The front row also has a mobile phone wireless charging function, which is very practical. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main driver’s seat supports four adjustment modes: front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support, while the co-pilot’s seat supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seats also have heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat also has electric seat memory function. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, so the space is flexible and variable. Generally speaking, the interior design of Tiggo 9 gives consideration to luxury and practicality, providing a comfortable driving experience for drivers and passengers.


Tiggo 9 is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine, with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine has excellent power performance and can bring an extremely exciting driving experience to drivers. At the same time, with the 8-speed automatic manual transmission, the shift is smoother and the driving is more comfortable. The excellent performance of this engine will bring you unparalleled driving pleasure and power experience.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he spoke highly of the appearance, interior, configuration, comfort and after-sales service of the Tiggo 9. He mentioned that the appearance of Tiggo 9 is stable, the interior is full of high-grade sense, and it is equipped with high-grade atmosphere lights, which makes him feel excited at first sight. In addition, the configuration of the Tiggo 9 is also very high, the speed is very fast, and there are 360 panoramic images, which makes him feel more at ease when driving. In terms of after-sales service, the factory staff is very patient and gives detailed guidance to the problem of this novice female driver. In addition, the space of the Tiggo 9 is also very large, and the rear compartment is also very large. After putting down the rear seat, a person of 180 can lie down, which is completely no problem. These advantages make the Tiggo 9 a very recommended model, especially for those consumers who pursue comfort and practicality.