Di Lizheba Debuts "Sound" to Challenge a Mad Woman


The second phase of the original sound charm competition show "Sound in Its Realm 2" created by Hunan Satellite TV will be broadcast at 20:10 this Friday (February 1), and the new generation of actor Di Lizheba will be surprised to join. Just as the theme of this issue is "The Voice That Can’t Be Hidden", Di Lizheba shows "Hidden Skills" to challenge the classic play "Hamlet" clips, and the hidden voice talent makes Zhang Tielin praise "new voice stars".

In this episode, Di Lizheba voiced the crazy woman Ophelia. As a classic character in "Hamlet", there are countless people who have played the role. This time Di Lizheba dared to challenge, and the pressure can be imagined. Character shaping is already difficult, and this performance is also mixed with singing elements. Di Lizheba chose not to watch the blind matching of the dubbing script, which is even more difficult. In this regard, Di Lizheba has done a lot of preparation work. On the one hand, she carefully speculates on the inner hearts of the characters, and on the other hand carefully memorizes the lines. At the scene, she is seen wearing a black shawl and staring at the dubbing screen. The voice sounded, and the "mentally deranged" Di Lizheba stood in front of Li Mai and muttered to herself, and the image of an abnormal crazy woman instantly jumped on the screen.


As the plot progressed, Di Lizheba danced and sang, struggling and scratching his head, and the perfect interpretation made the Iron Triangle and the audience almost forget that this was dubbing. From a little sober to a complete loss of reason, Di Lizheba used her body as a supplement to control the "out of control" voice very smoothly and layered. The voice of the big white coffee guest praised: "If it were me, I might not know where the microphone is while dancing." And Teacher Wang Gang was even more generous: "Today, I saw the most authentic Reba that has settled down, except for the star aura, which amazed me. Her success is not without reason."

As the smallest voice on the stage of "Sound in the Realm", Di Lizheba showed amazing dubbing ability. Take "Hamlet" as an example, she did not flatten the characters, but used her professional quality to understand the characters, so that they were perfectly three-dimensional in front of the audience. The sound recognition is strong, and the sound characteristics are difficult to conceal. Even though there are many disadvantages in the voice, she still proved herself with strength. On stage, Di Lizheba revealed that she had done a lot of mental preparation and joined the show with a learning attitude. She said modestly: "The lines of the actors are very important for the shaping of the whole character, so here I am."

The largest charity performance in Hong Kong history, Andy Lau thanked the artists for their support (Photos)

The artists shouted together, "Sichuan, come on!"

Andy thanks everyone for supporting his advocacy

Hui Zhi’an and Cheng Xiuwen

  Yesterday at 14:30, at the initiative of Andy Lau, the 8-hour non-stop charity show "May 12 Care Action in the Performing Arts Industry" initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association was held at Central World, West Kowloon, Hong Kong. The show was the largest charity performance in Hong Kong’s history. Hong Kong artists came out in full force, Jackie Chan, Chow Xingchi, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Alan Tam, Liming, etc.; the mainland also went to Zhang Guoli, Zhou Xun, Sun Nan and other big names to cheer; Taiwanese artists Cai Qin, Zhang Xinzhe, Liu Ruoying, etc. were not to be left behind. A total of more than 500 people from the performing arts industry participated in the charity show.

  In the end, the charity show raised more than 31.80 million Hong Kong dollars, and the Hong Kong entertainment industry, known as a mess of sand, became united. Advocate Andy Lau knelt down to all the artists on the stage at the end and thanked everyone for their support. "Sichuan, come on! China, come on!" The cry has been floating in the sky over Hong Kong. All Hong Kong people promise to be with the people of Sichuan and help the people of Sichuan rebuild their homeland.

  Artists sing "Promise" in unison

  As an important event of the "May 12 Action for the Performing Arts", yesterday’s charity show gathered hundreds of artists from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan for a marathon performance to help raise funds for disaster relief. The show was co-hosted by Cheng Yuling, Zeng Zhiwei, Wu Xiaoli, Zhang Guoli and others. At 14:28, the Hong Kong performing arts charity show officially opened, and all the artists observed a minute of silence. At 14:30, the performance kicked off with the voice of all the artists "Sichuan, come on! China, come on!" The artists sang the theme song of the show – "Promise".

  "… Everyone will have fear. Facing the dark corner, I will not hide for you no matter how hard it is. I want you to regain your original life, and I have confirmed the promise of this lifetime." At the scene, every artist wore a black T-shirt with the word "No" on the T-shirt. The artists swore on the spot: "We promise to work together to fight the disaster and save Sichuan!" "This is a promise. We Hong Kong people promise that no matter what happens to you, we will never give up and support you!"

  Jackie Chan Andy Lau talks about the disaster area

  In the face of the disaster, Chinese people all over the world have given great love, and everyone in the entertainment industry has also contributed money. Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and others also went to the disaster area to deliver supplies to the affected people and cheer them on. Yesterday, Jackie Chan and Andy Lau told the audience about their experiences in the disaster area. Jackie Chan said: "I arrived in the disaster area the next day. I saw trolleys, rickshaws and bicycles delivering supplies to the disaster area. I was very touched. When I arrived in London, I saw that both international students and foreigners were lining up to donate, which also touched me. Everyone offered a helping hand, so I believe that as long as we work hard, we can overcome all difficulties."

  Andy added: "I went there a few days ago, and when we arrived at the disaster area, they said to me, ‘It’s dangerous here, you go back’. In times of danger, they think of our safety, and I think this love is a big love. I was shocked by everything in the disaster area, and they faced it calmly. In their eyes, I saw persistence and their determination to build a better home."

Online catering "agency settlement": no business license is required, only a thousand yuan settlement fee is required

  On November 10, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services", which will take effect from January 1, 2018. This "method" has attracted widespread attention in the society as early as during the consultation period. The reason is that the food takeaway market is getting bigger and bigger, food safety issues are becoming more and more prominent, and new business models continue to challenge supervision. Therefore, many people have high hopes for this "method". However, some "small moves" in the market are already challenging this "method".

  Our reporter, Zhao Li

  At seven o’clock in the evening, it was time for Hu Ling, who was still working overtime. For more than half a year, Hu Ling’s takeout was basically "contracted" by the family-shared kitchen app "Go Home for Dinner".

  Hu Ling, who works at an Internet company in Beijing, often works overtime to order takeout. However, a recent piece of news has caused Hu Ling to worry that his newly developed eating habits may be affected.

  "I heard that the new regulations on online catering will be implemented next year, requiring online takeout to have a physical store and a food business license," Hu Ling said. "As far as I know, most of the family-shared kitchens are done by some unemployed people part-time, so it is impossible to meet these two conditions. This requirement of the new regulations will have some impact on the family-shared kitchen takeaway model."

  The new rule, which Mr. Hu was referring to, is the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services" issued by the State Food and Drug Administration on November 10, which stipulates that online catering service providers should have physical stores and obtain food business licenses according to law, and must not operate beyond the scope. The "Measures" will take effect on January 1, 2018.

  Hu Ling admitted that such regulations will definitely purify the online takeaway industry, which is good for consumer rights and food safety protection. "Previously, the media often reported news of some online takeaway black workshops, and the safety issues of online takeout were exposed during the" 3.15 "period last year. This regulation is a good thing in the field of food safety."

  However, an investigation by a reporter from Legal Daily found that the emergence of online catering "agency settlement" services may reduce the positive significance of the new regulations.

  Most consumers care about "physical stores"

  At every meal, in the office building where Hu Ling works, the delivery staff of various platforms hurriedly shuttle between different floors with various food boxes. At this time, the elevator of the office building also becomes a "battlefield" between the staff who go downstairs to eat and the delivery staff.

  Not long ago, Hu Ling and colleagues ate at a pizzeria. It was dinner time, but the restaurant surrounded by various office buildings had no other customers except them. Within 15 minutes of Hu Ling’s order, four or five takeaways came to pick up the food, and Hu Ling and the others who ate at the pizzeria were lined up after these takeaway orders.

  "I’ll order takeout next time." This unpleasant experience made Hu Ling even more determined to order takeout.

  Unlike Hu Ling, who was forced to choose, Qian Hao, 30, is a true takeaway enthusiast.

  Safe, hygienic, edible and deliverable are all Qian Hao’s criteria for takeout. It is needless to say that he orders takeout at work and almost never cooks at home. Qian Hao relies more and more on takeout. "To be honest, I probably see the delivery staff more often than I see my friends."

  However, while food delivery brings convenience to life, new problems are also becoming increasingly prominent.

  The question of whether food delivery platforms can ensure food safety has worried consumers. In 2016, CCTV’s "3.15" evening exposed the existence of "black workshops" and a large number of management loopholes in food delivery platforms.

  On these issues, Qian Hao said: "Although my attitude towards food is relatively casual, I am very concerned about safety and hygiene. After all, it is to be eaten in the stomach, so the takeaway stores I often order are those that I have confirmed have brick and mortar stores."

  Speaking of brick and mortar stores, consumers also have something to say.

  Chen Qing, a first-year graduate student at a Beijing university, once heard classmates mention that "some takeaway merchants just temporarily form a’small workshop ‘in their own homes and mass-produce takeaway food every day." Chen Qing felt that this "physical" form has no security guarantees, "but she does not deliberately avoid it when ordering food."

  Like Qian Hao, Gong Qi, 25, works for an Internet company in Beijing, and ordering takeout has become an indispensable part of his life.

  When ordering takeout, Gong Qi prefers to choose those who "have eaten in the brick and mortar store in person". "There are two reasons, one is that you will have a better understanding of the taste of the food, and the other is that you feel that the physical store is relatively more hygienic and safe."

  In the field survey of Legal Daily reporters, 65% of respondents believed that having a physical store means more hygiene and safety.

  However, there are also consumers who hold different views on "physical stores".

  Ma Yuan, from Cixi, Zhejiang province, believes that merchants without "physical stores" also have their own advantages. "From the consumer’s perspective, takeaway merchants without physical stores tend to have lower prices and faster food delivery. From the store’s perspective, the operating costs are also much lower than those of physical stores."

  Liu Hongyi, a 35-year-old branch owner of a Beijing-based restaurant chain, was happy to see the new regulations on online dining.

  "If you allow a large number of’small family workshops’ to provide takeout, it will inevitably lead to unfair competition." Liu Hongyi said that it is difficult for brick-and-mortar stores to win the competition with "small workshops" due to operating costs. "Small workshops will also compete with each other, and in order to keep prices down, they will naturally sacrifice the quality of food."

  Mr. Liu told reporters that competition in the takeout industry can be seen to some extent as "the networking of real competition", "but in the final analysis, everyone is comparing the quality of food."

  "Agent Settlement Service" has appeared

  A reporter from Legal Daily investigated and found that there are already "countermeasures" on the market for the "measures" on physical stores.

  Reporters found that on some e-commerce platforms and information intermediary platforms, many merchants have launched "takeaway agency" services, and even on social platforms such as Weibo and WeChat or some question-and-answer platforms, some people claim to help takeaway operators without brick and mortar stores handle takeaway platform matters.

  The reporter interviewed some merchants who provide agency services and learned that most agency service providers say they can take advantage of poor information and related loopholes to help some merchants, especially those operating without a license, enter the takeaway platform.

  Reporters found that these agency service providers have a wide range of "services" and have operations all over the country. "National agency Meituan takeaway Ele.me word-of-mouth glutinous rice group buying…" A WeChat agency nicknamed "takeaway agency" wrote in Moments.

  In addition, the agency service provider that placed an advertisement on a search platform also guaranteed that the ability to handle the goods will not be successful in refunding. "You can make absolutely delicious taste, and the taste is very good, but how to open a takeaway store is a more complicated thing, and the process and requirements of opening a takeaway store are very strict, not to mention wanting to do takeout without a business license. Now, we have also got a solution to this problem, so that everyone who sincerely wants to open a takeaway can have their own store." The above-mentioned agency service provider said, "First of all, there is a relatively big problem is the ghost store that you may have heard of before, and the problem of closing the store. Our analysis is that’great value and low price must be a lie, and the probability of being closed must be 100%. The other part is to change the store information and lend it to you for a few days and then take it back. Some are simply cheating deposits. These are all things we need to avoid when opening a store. A few hundred yuan to open a store must not be a regular channel. I also remind you to pay attention to this problem."

  An agency service provider who claimed to be an industry insider told Legal Daily that if you sincerely want to do takeout and the hygiene conditions are hygienic enough, you can have special channels to open a takeaway store. "You don’t need a business license, you don’t need a store, as long as you really want to make money and want to open a store, you can open a store. According to the designated address and the designated store name, you only need to provide some basic information, and you can generally go online successfully in one to five days."

  How to do it? The reporter also contacted the agent service provider nicknamed "takeaway agency" on WeChat. "By entering the takeaway platform through the agent, it only costs 1,000 to 1,500 yuan, and merchants can avoid cumbersome procedures and strict entry standards, and easily carry out the increasingly popular takeaway business" – this is the advertisement of the agent service provider.

  What should I do if I don’t have a business license? "Takeaway Agent" Reply: If an unlicensed merchant wants to open a store on the takeaway platform, they only need to provide the agent with the store name, store photo, personal ID card and handheld ID photo, bank account and other information, and mobile phone number.

  What should I do if I don’t have an actual store and just operate it at home? The "takeaway agent" replied: It doesn’t matter as long as it is on the first floor of the community, "if it is not on the first floor, it will be offline by the platform".

  Will such an operation not be discovered by the regulatory authorities? Will it be investigated? "The takeaway agency" said with certainty, "no one will come to investigate".

  The reporter found that although these agency service providers advertise their business on the Internet, they charge through micro-stores or Taobao stores.

  In the WeChat Moments of an agency service provider, the reporter found that some merchants did not pay the price after entering the platform, and their business information and personal information were directly published in the circle of friends of the agency service provider, accompanied by a sentence – "This person is operating without a license, everyone should report him".

NIO Quarterly Report: Revenue 17.10 billion Operating Loss 6.60 billion Delivered 5,045 Vehicles

  Source, Lei Di

  Lei Di.com, Lei Jianping, March 5

  NIO Group (NYSE: NIO; HKEx: 9866; SGX: NIO) today released financial results. The financial report shows that NIO’s full-year revenue in 2023 is 55.6179 billion yuan (7.8336 billion US dollars), an increase of 12.9% from 49.269 billion yuan in the previous year.

  NIO delivered 160,038 vehicles in 2023, an increase of 30.7% over 2022.

  NIO’s gross profit in 2023 was 3.0518 billion yuan (429.80 million USD), down 40.7% from the previous year; gross margin was 5.5%, compared to 10.4% in the previous year.

  NIO’s 2023 operating loss was 22.6552 billion yuan (US $3.1909 billion), up 44.8% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted operating loss (non-GAAP) in 2023 was 20.2861 billion yuan (US $2.8572 billion), up 52% from the previous year.

  NIO’s net loss for 2023 was 20.7198 billion yuan (US $2.9183 billion), up 43.5% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) for the full year 2023 was 18.3507 billion yuan (US $2.5846 billion), up 51.1% from the previous year.

  Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, said that in 2023, NIO set a new record for the delivery of 160,038 vehicles. On 2023 NIO Day, we launched the intelligent electric executive flagship ET9, showcasing a series of latest technologies such as self-developed AD chips, global 900V architecture, intelligent chassis system and other industries. "

  "We are about to start delivering the NIO 2024 model, which is equipped with the most powerful computing power in the production car, and continue to improve the user’s driving and digital experience. At the same time, we plan to introduce the NOP + urban pilot auxiliary feature to all NT2.0 users in the second quarter. Continued investment in technology, power exchange network and user community will enhance our advantage in future competition," said Li Bin.

  "Our automotive gross margin continues to grow, reaching 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023," said Beng Wei, NIO’s chief financial officer. "In December 2023, we completed a $2.20 billion strategic equity investment from CYVN, underscoring our unique positioning and competitiveness in the global smart electric vehicle industry. Looking to 2024, we will focus on high-priority business objectives, improve system capabilities, and further optimize cost management efficiency."

  NIO Q4 revenue 17.10 billion up 6.5%

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 revenue 17.1032 billion ($2.4089 billion), up 6.5% from $16.06 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022 and down 10.3% from $19.10 billion in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s vehicle sales for the fourth quarter of 2023 were 15.4387 billion yuan ($2.1745 billion), up 4.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and down 11.3% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO delivered 50,045 vehicles in the fourth quarter of 2023, including 33,679 high-end smart electric SUVs and 16,366 high-end smart electric sedans, an increase of 25.0% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 9.7% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO delivered 10,055 vehicles in January 2024 and 8,132 vehicles in February 2024. As of February 29, 2024, NIO’s cumulative deliveries reached 467,781 vehicles.

  Just completed $2.20 billion equity financing

  NIO has applied to the competent authorities in Anhui Province to complete the filing of investment projects for pure electric passenger vehicles, and has been included in the directory of automobile manufacturers of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  On 27 December 2023, NIO completed a US $2.20 billion strategic equity investment from Abu Dhabi-based investor CYVN Investments RSC Ltd (‘CYVN’). Together with the transaction previously completed in July 2023, CYVN beneficially holds approximately 20.1% of the total issued and outstanding shares of the Company.

  On February 7, 2024, NIO appointed Eddy Georges Skaf and Nicholas Paul Collins as new directors to the company’s board of directors. In addition, on the same day, James Gordon Mitchell resigned as a director of the company.

  On February 1, 2024, NIO completed the Offer of Repurchase Rights relating to its 0.00% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 (the’Notes’). The aggregate principal amount of the Notes validly filed and unwithdrawn prior to the closing of the Offer of Repurchase Rights is $300 million. After the Repurchase Settlement, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes remains outstanding at $910,000 and continues to be subject to the existing terms of the Deed and the Notes.

  NIO Q4 cost 15.80 billion increased by 2%

  NIO cost $15.80 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 2% from $15.40 billion in the same period last year.

  NIO Q4 Gross 1.279 billion Gross Margin 7.5%

  NIO’s gross profit for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 1.2792 billion yuan (180.20 million USD), an increase of 105.7% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 16% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s gross margin was 7.5% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 3.9% in the fourth quarter of 2022 and 8% in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s automotive gross margin was 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 6.8% in the fourth quarter of 2022 and 11% in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO Q4 expenses 7.90 billion increased by 7%

  NIO’s expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were $7.90 billion, up 7% from $7.36 billion in the same period last year and up 24% from $6.37 billion in the previous quarter.

  NIO’s research and development expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were 3.9721 billion yuan (US $559.50 million), a decrease of 0.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and an increase of 30.7% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive expenses, research and development expenses (non-GAAP) were 3.6164 billion yuan (US $509.40 million), an increase of 1.8% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 36.8% from the third quarter of 2023.

  R & D expenses remained relatively stable compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. R & D expenses increased compared to the third quarter of 2023, mainly due to higher design and development costs for new products and technologies and higher personnel costs in the R & D department.

  NIO’s R & D expenses for the full year 2023 were 13.4314 billion yuan (US $1.8918 billion), up 23.9% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, R & D expenses (non-GAAP) were 11.9142 billion yuan (US $1.6781 billion), up 25.2% from the previous year.

  NIO’s selling, general and administrative expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were $3.9727 billion ($559.50 million), up 12.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 10.1% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive expenses, selling, general and administrative expenses (non-GAAP) were $3.7815 billion ($532.60 million), up 16.1% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 10.4% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s selling, general and administrative expenses in 2023 were $12.8846 billion ($1.8148 billion), up 22.3% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, selling, general and administrative expenses (non-GAAP) were 12.1167 billion ($1.7066 billion), up 25.8% from the previous year.

  NIO Q4 operating loss 6.6253 billion operating margin -39%

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 operating loss 6.6253 billion ($933.20 million), down 1.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 36.8% from the third quarter of 2023.

  Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted operating loss (non-GAAP) for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 6.0593 billion ($853.40 million), an increase of 0.7% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 42.9% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO Q4 net loss 5.3677 billion narrowed year-on-year

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 net loss was 5.3677 billion ($756 million), down 7.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 17.8% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive charges, the adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 4.8017 billion($676.30 million), down 5.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 21.5% from the third quarter of 2023.

  As of December 31, 2023, NIO held cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, short-term investments and long-term time deposits of $57.30 billion (USD 8.10 billion).

  NIO expects Quarter 1 vehicle deliveries in 2024 to be between 31,000 and 33,000, a decrease of about 0.1% from the same quarter in 2023 to an increase of about 6.3%.

  NIO expects Quarter 1 revenue in 2024 to be between 10.499 billion yuan ($1.479 billion) and 11.087 billion yuan ($1.562 billion), a decrease of about 1.7% from the same quarter in 2023 to an increase of about 3.8%.

Jackie Chan celebrates his 70th birthday, reviewing Jackie Chan in the eyes of 10 Chinese and foreign superstars

1905 movie network feature April 7, 2024 is my 70th birthday.In a blink of an eye, the kung fu superstars who grew up with several generations have also entered their infancy.

Not long ago, Jackie Chan’s appearance at an event triggered a heated debate on the whole network.A head of silver hair, gray beard, let countless fans sigh that the years are not forgiving.

But after learning about it, I found that this look was necessary for the filming of the new play "Strange Family".Jackie Chan will play an elderly man with Alzheimer’s disease in it.

Some netizens posted a Reuters video shot by "Strange Family", showing that 70-year-old Jackie Chan is still filming.Hearing the cheers of the onlookers, he also showed his trademark smile and waved in response.

"Big brother is still that big brother"!

This new film is just one of more than a dozen works on Jackie Chan’s to-be/to-be-shown list.At the age of 70, he still maintains a strong creative passion and a pure heart for movies.Except for Jackie Chan, few people can do it.

After 61 years of debut, he has produced more than 200 works, becoming the first Chinese to win the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement.Everyone knowsJackie ChanIt has long been the first Chinese film to shine in the worldA business card.

How influential Jackie Chan really is, let’s take a look at what 10 Chinese and foreign superstars see in his eyes.You know why: there is only one Jackie Chan in the world!

From studying at the age of 8 to becoming an international superstar, brother Hung Jinbao is a witness to Jackie Chan’s path to acting.Jackie Chan once said: "Others call me big brother, but I call him big brother."

Others talk about Jackie Chan always talking about hard work and achievement, while Samuel Hung is always concerned about his health and well-being.

"It’s really not easy to debut for 60 years and be so successful, but the most important thing is to be healthy, come when you can, and don’t force it if you can’t."

When asked recently what he thought of Jackie Chan’s "old state", he also responded domineering: "Who is not old? Everyone will be old! He is so happy and healthy, isn’t that okay?"

"Double Monday Cheng" jointly witnessed the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, and Chow Yun-fat also bluntly said that Jackie Chan was his idol:

"Jackie Chan is not only my idol, but also the idol of the whole world."

"Because he represents not only Hong Kong, but also the hard-working spirit of the Chinese people. With this hard-working spirit, he let people all over the world know Jackie Chan’s name."

As one of the winners of Jackie Chan’s Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award, Michelle Yeoh recalls the past of working with Jackie Chan in the 1990s, which is still vivid in her mind.

"Jackie Chan seems to have unlocked the secret of everlasting youth, and he is still as honest, funny and thoughtful as he was when I first met him 30 years ago. Although time has moved forward, he has never changed."

In order to give action filmmakers the recognition and respect they deserve, Jackie Chan founded the International Action Film Week in 2015, and the first Best Action Actor was awarded to starring Wu Jing.

In his acceptance speech, Wu Jing emotionally recounted the significance of Jackie Chan to every action filmmaker.

"Action movies are about conveying emotions to the audience through action. Jackie Chan is a master in this regard. I am still imitating it. Big brother jumps more buildings than I walk."

"I will remember Big Brother’s words: the life of an action actor is short, so be an actor who can fight."

Supporting newcomers is what Jackie Chan insists on doing. He has more than once called Nicholas Tse his successor, for which the latter has always been grateful:

"When I was young, I was a fan of Jackie Chan. When I grew up, I was lucky enough to have Jackie Chan make a cameo in my first action movie. In the end, it was because of him that he achieved a good box office.

He always says that he wants to help the younger generation and give young people opportunities, which is very rare in this circle. "

From China to Hollywood, Jackie Chan has had a profound impact on a large number of filmmakers with his classic films.

Quentin is one of them. In 1995, Quentin Tarantino was invited to present Jackie Chan with the MTV Lifetime Achievement Award, and in the award speech he was generous with praise: "Jackie Chan is my hero forever" and "the greatest actor in the history of film".

"When you see a Jackie Chan movie, you want to be him. He’s the best filmmaker in the world and the best action comedian since talkie."

Like Jackie Chan, Tom Cruise is also known in the circle as "Desperate Saburo". His obsession with difficult action dramas also makes him cherish Jackie Chan heroes.

"His action movies are unparalleled, and he himself is unique."

"I have a lot of admiration for what he does, and I have something in common with him. We both want to give the audience a unique experience, and we all want to do our best for the audience."

In 2022, Brad Pitt made his first foray into action comedy. In an interview, he revealed that he has always been a huge fan of Jackie Chan, and the film was also deeply influenced by him.

"I’ve always been a huge fan of Jackie Chan, and the director and I have been talking about him for the past decade or so.

He is just like a contemporary, he is really talented, and can even be said to be a genius who is far underestimated. "


Hollywood action star Stallone is Jackie Chan’s friend. Having starred in a large number of action classics, he is also amazed by Jackie Chan’s hard work and dedication.

"I think Jackie Chan’s movie is the ultimate stuntman can do, it’s unbelievable, even if he gets hurt, he has to give everything."

"He’s really a master. He paid a great price, and that’s why his work can become a classic."

Zhang Yimou, an internationally renowned Chinese filmmaker, has never had a film collaboration with Jackie Chan, but his brief encounter at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was enough to impress him.

"At the closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, Jackie Chan was invited to sing a song, and he came to every rehearsal. The kind of rehearsal in the Olympic Games, thousands of people waited for a long time and only appeared for three minutes, but he worked hard on the stage and rehearsed with other actors. That’s how he did everything seriously to influence the people around him."

In 2005, Jackie Chan and Zhang Yimou won the Shanghai Film Festival Chinese Film Outstanding Contribution Award

"He is very dedicated at work, and his love for environmental protection, charity, and everything in life is still influencing a new generation of young people."

"There is only one Jackie Chan in the world, and it cannot be repeated. He is the pride of our Chinese people."

Indeed, whether in terms of popularity, influence or the classic degree of the work, Jackie Chan is a unique presence among Chinese filmmakers.

In an era when technology and equipment lagged far behind Hollywood, Jackie Chan made a name for himself with his unique style of action and dedication.

Not only the above-mentioned few, Schwarzenegger,,,, and other well-known movie stars have publicly expressed their admiration and love for Jackie Chan.

"Long’s Comedy" leads the trend of action movies around the world, and the family class he trains has become a mainstay of the industry.

In Hollywood movies, Jackie Chan refuses to play a Facebook character or villain, hoping to use his work to change prejudice and show the world the positive side of Chinese sunshine.

In his life, he has always been full of positive energy, adhering to environmental protection and public welfare undertakings for decades, and giving back the support and love of global audiences with actions.

In the face of age, Jackie Chan once said frankly, Of course I can retire, but making movies is interesting, and I want to make more movies.

"As long as I can still play and do it, I will definitely hope to make a movie for the audience every year!"

There is a line to the theme song of "Police Story" that goes like this: "Bet your life and leave a heroic story."

For Jackie Chan, the age of 70 is just the beginning of the next story.

For those of us who grew up watching Jackie Chan movies, we can still see how fortunate Jackie Chan’s new works are, as if our youth has never aged.

In the coming days, let’s look forward to the world’s only Jackie Chan, continuing the unique legend!

From innovation to subsidies, what is the situation of community group buying now?

  The sudden entry of the "giant" broke the development rhythm of the entire community group buying track, and the rules of the game changed accordingly. The industry changed from "fighting for innovation", "fighting for execution" to "fighting for capital" and "fighting for subsidies". It is not surprising that Tongcheng Life has embarked on an inverted "V" shaped trajectory from rise to fall.

  The "giants" are still rolling in the track of community group buying, but the start-up company that started first was "easily" crushed. On the morning of July 7, the community group buying platform Tongcheng Life (now renamed Honey Orange Life) officially declared bankruptcy. According to reporters, its founder, chairperson and CEO He Pengyu was still in talks with suppliers that night. During the meeting for more than 4 hours, he cried several times and promised to try his best to pay off the debt, but he was unable to recover.

  On the community group buying track, Tongcheng Life is not the first company to declare bankruptcy, but because of its high reputation, its bankruptcy was called "the first case of community group buying bankruptcy" by the media, causing industry shock.

  Why did Tongcheng Life "die suddenly"? What is the situation of community group buying now? The reporter interviewed some people familiar with the matter.

  Shift from innovation to subsidies

  The usual cause of company bankruptcies is poor management, but Tongcheng Life, which was established in January 2018 and belongs to Suzhou Fresh Orange Technology Co., Ltd., is obviously not one of them. The inverted "V" trajectory of Tongcheng Life from rise to rapid "fall" can be clearly seen in the internal letter sent by He Pengyu to employees and suppliers. According to He Pengyu’s open letter, in only about a year and a half, "Tongcheng Life has achieved the front-end performance of the contract and entered a healthy development stage."

  At that time, Tongcheng Life was still a star on the community group buying track, which was recognized by many investment institutions. According to reports, Tongcheng Life received 4 rounds of financing in a row in 2019, ranging from tens of millions of yuan to 100 million US dollars. In June 2020, Tongcheng Life announced the completion of 200 million US dollars C round of financing. According to public reports, its valuation before bankruptcy was about 1 billion US dollars, which can be regarded as a small and beautiful start-up company.

  In the past two years or so, the community group buying model developed from fresh food e-commerce has rapidly developed into a new format in the e-commerce industry, providing a new way for the development of farmers and rich farmers and the absorption of flexible employment in cities and towns, and attracting a large number of entrepreneurial teams. Ten Hui Tuan, Xingsheng Preferred and Tongcheng Life are the three fastest teams, once known as the "old three groups" by the outside world.

  However, the booming community group buying market has also attracted "giants" to enter the market. Since September 2020, Ali, Meituan, Didi, Pinduoduo and others have resorted to price war "big killers", and "1 cent to buy vegetables" has become popular. Even the vendors in the vegetable market have felt the pressure.

  The sudden entry of "giants" broke the development rhythm of the entire community group buying track, and the rules of the game changed accordingly. The industry changed from "fighting for innovation" and "fighting for execution" to "fighting for capital" and "fighting for subsidies".

  According to the reporter’s understanding, in the face of the sudden arrival of the survival crisis, Tongcheng Life has also struggled, seeking capital mergers and acquisitions while striving for performance. It has discussed acquisition intentions with JD.com, Ali, ByteDance, Meituan, etc., and even has a team settled in for due diligence, but ultimately failed due to changes in the industry trend.

  Li Ming (a pseudonym), a former executive of Tongcheng Life, told reporters that "at the end of June, Tongcheng Life also hoped to get better business data through increased marketing efforts, so as to obtain the olive branch of a’giant ‘merger, but unfortunately it was rejected again. Later, due to the expiration of the brand authorization, the executive decided to start a name change and strategic transformation to make a comeback. Unfortunately, at this time, the supplier began to concentrate on the run to collect payment, which eventually led to the collapse of the capital chain."

  At present, community group buying is still in the stage of rapid expansion and growth. Meituan (Meituan Preferred), Pinduoduo, and Didi (Orange Heart Preferred) have occupied the top position, and Xingsheng Preferred and Ten Hui Tuan have also been incorporated by JD.com and Ali. After the departure of Tongcheng Life, community group buying has become a game for "giants".

  After the shopping, the industry will lose a lot.

  After the community group buying track fully entered the era of "giants", price-fighting and long-term rebates became the norm, and no one could achieve positive benefits in the short term. Service innovation and experience innovation on the user side stagnated, and the entire industry suffered serious internal friction.

  It is understood that the profit margin of the community group buying industry has rapidly declined from profit to loss. Li Ming revealed that before the "giant" entered the market (before September 2020), the monthly sales of platforms like Tongcheng Life were between 800 million yuan and 1.20 billion yuan, and the gross profit was about 20%. After the "giant" entered, with the huge subsidies for consumers and the competition for the "head", the monthly revenue of the platform fell by up to 80%, and the gross profit directly became negative. The entire community group buying market also further slid into the quagmire of industry-wide losses.

  In December 2020, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Commerce jointly organized an administrative guidance meeting to standardize the order of community group buying, which was attended by six Internet platform companies including Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and Didi. At the meeting, the community group buying "nine must not" was proposed. In March this year, the operating entities behind five community group buying platforms including Meituan Preferred (Shenzhen Meituan Preferred Technology Co., Ltd.) were fined 1.50 million yuan for suspected unfair price behavior.

  But this still failed to curb the expansion of the "giants". On the one hand, they "hide their positions" and continue to engage in similar "1 cent" activities. On the other hand, they seize the end point market by greatly increasing the commission rewards and subsidies for the "heads". Li Ming said that at present, the rewards and subsidies given by several giants to community groups buying end point "heads" have reached a maximum level of 15% to 18%, basically subsidizing the platform’s own income. This is already irrational competition and is suspected of disguised price war.

  On July 8, the reporter inquired about some community group buying platforms, not only the activity of "15 eggs clocked in 5 days", but also 1.25 yuan a catty of sand sweet potatoes and 0.99 yuan a red dragon fruit. On the community fresh platform, similar red dragon fruits cost about 4 yuan to 5 yuan each, and sand sweet potatoes cost 5 yuan a catty, which is much higher than the community group buying platform.

  Behind the shopping prices and subsidies is the huge loss of the entire industry. According to public reports, Meituan’s adjusted net loss reached 3.892 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year, and Meituan’s investment in the community group buying business was about 10 billion yuan, which is expected to reach 20 billion yuan this year. In the first quarter, Pinduoduo’s gross profit fell to 49.74%. Pinduoduo invested about 6 billion yuan in buying vegetables in Duoduo, and will increase investment in 2021.

  Under the mess, suppliers are affected

  From thriving performance to being forced to declare bankruptcy and exit, the closure of Tongcheng Life is not only regrettable, but also leaves a trail of chicken feathers.

  In the early morning of July 8, He Pengyu issued an open letter through his personal Moments, proposing three solutions to the bankruptcy of Tongcheng Life: to maximize the protection of the rights and interests of all creditors within the scope of the law; to make every effort to preserve existing assets, hand them over to the court for proper storage and treatment, and actively cooperate with the government’s guidance to offset debts with company assets; if the assets are not enough to offset debts, He Pengyu promises to start a business again, "I will record every debt clearly, and use all my personal efforts to repay debts."

  It is also understood that on July 8, Tongcheng Life issued a repayment plan for the supplier before initiating the bankruptcy liquidation process. Previously, it had paid employees’ salaries in June and also promised to pay social security for employees in the future.

  Although the entrepreneurial team of Tongcheng Life tried their best to make up for it, there were still many vegetable farmers, small traders, and even large and medium-sized suppliers who did not receive the payment on time.

  A livestock company has cooperated with Tongcheng Life to supply egg products since 2019, and it was owed nearly 800,000 yuan. After the crisis broke out in Tongcheng Life, Mr. Wang, the person in charge of the company, came to ask for the arrears. "There are hundreds of egg farmers behind me, so I have to come to collect debts."

  According to the latest situation, on July 8, Tongcheng Life has started to repay some of the suppliers’ debts in advance, and the rest will be allocated by the court after the bankruptcy liquidation process starts. The work is still being carried out in an orderly manner.

  As of the morning of July 9, there were more than 600 suppliers who had reached repayment agreements with Orange Technology, mainly from the financing loans raised by He Pengyu and his team.

  On July 9, Mr. Wang booked a return ticket with a repayment agreement. But next time, if there is another community group buying platform flash crash, will the suppliers be so lucky?

A drop of more than 90%! Evergrande’s sudden announcement

On August 28, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that Evergrande’s agreement arrangement meeting will be postponed for 29 days to September 26. Before that, China Evergrande said that the agreement arrangement meeting scheduled for August 23 will be postponed to August 28.

On the same day, China Evergrande resumed trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and the intraday share price fell by more than 90%. As of the close, China Evergrande’s share price was HK $0.34, falling below HK $1 and becoming a penny stock.

Image Source: Oriental Fortune

Agreement to postpone the meeting

According to China Evergrande’s announcement, the company has decided to extend the period for Evergrande Agreement Arrangement creditors to consider, understand and evaluate the terms of Evergrande Agreement Arrangement, and to give Evergrande Agreement Arrangement creditors more time to consider the recent development of the Group. Therefore, the Evergrande Agreement Arrangement Meeting will be postponed for 29 days to September 26. In order to keep the schedules of Evergrande Agreement Arrangement, Jingcheng Agreement Arrangement and Space-based Agreement Arrangement as consistent as possible, the Jingcheng Agreement Arrangement Meeting and the Space-based Agreement Arrangement Meeting will be postponed for 28 days to September 25.

The Hong Kong Evergrande Class A Agreement Arrangement Meeting will be postponed to September 26, 2023 at 8:00 pm (Hong Kong time) (i.e. 7:00 am Cayman Islands time). The Hong Kong Evergrande Class C Agreement Arrangement Meeting will be postponed to September 26, 2023 at 9:30 pm (Hong Kong time) (i.e. 8:30 am Cayman Islands time) (if later than the aforementioned time, after the conclusion of the Cayman Islands Evergrande Class A Agreement Arrangement Meeting).

The Cayman Islands Evergrande Class A Agreement Arrangement Meeting will be postponed until 8:45 pm (Hong Kong time) on September 26, 2023 (i.e. 7:45 am Cayman Islands time) (if later than the aforementioned time, after the conclusion of the Hong Kong Evergrande Class A Agreement Arrangement Meeting). The Cayman Islands Evergrande Class C Agreement Arrangement Meeting will be postponed until 10:15 pm (Hong Kong time) on September 26, 2023 (i.e. 9:15 am Cayman Islands time) (if later than the aforementioned time, after the conclusion of the Hong Kong Evergrande Class C Agreement Arrangement Meeting).

The meeting will be postponed until 9:00 am (British Virgin Islands time) on September 25, 2023 (i.e. 9:00 pm Hong Kong time).

The Space-based Agreement Arrangement Meeting will be postponed to 8:00 pm (Hong Kong time) on September 25, 2023.

Evergrande Group believes that, despite the postponement of the Agreement Arrangement Meeting, the timetable for the proposed restructuring is still in line with the Agreement Arrangement creditors’ expectations for the implementation of the proposed restructuring, given that the current deadline is December 15, 2023.

Shares resume trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

On August 28, China Hengda resumed trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the intraday share price fell by more than 90%, and the market value evaporated by nearly 20 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Wind data show that China Hengda shares closed at HK $1.65/share before the resumption of trading, with a market value of HK $21.80 billion.

On the evening of August 25, China Evergrande announced that it will resume trading on August 28. So far, all three listed companies in the Hengda department have completed the resumption of trading.

On August 27, China Evergrande released its 2023 semi-annual report. Revenue in the first half of 2023 was 128.20 billion yuan, an increase of 44% year-on-year, and the total net loss was 39.25 billion yuan.

Data show that Evergrande’s total liabilities decreased slightly to 2.3882 trillion yuan from the end of last year, excluding the advance payment of the debt is 1.7842 trillion yuan. Among them, interest-bearing loans 624.80 billion yuan, engineering materials and other payables 1.0566 trillion yuan, other liabilities 102.90 billion yuan. As of June 30, China Evergrande’s land reserves reached 190 million square meters, and there were 78 old renovation projects (34 in Shenzhen).

It is worth noting that according to the 2022 annual report released by China Evergrande recently, China Evergrande’s revenue in 2022 was 2300.7 billion yuan, the total net loss was 125.81 billion yuan, and the cumulative sales refund for the year was 35.79 billion yuan. The total liabilities in the 2022 statement were 2.43741 trillion yuan. In terms of land reserve, as of the end of 2022, China Evergrande had a land reserve of 210 million square meters.

According to China Evergrande, since its operating difficulties began in September 2021, Evergrande has promoted the full resumption of work on nearly 700 projects and the maintenance of buildings.

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7-Inch large-screen navigation boutique shopping guide

  Driven by the growing trend of mobile phone screens, it seems that all electronic products are racing towards the road of "big and thin". Therefore, after 5-inch brilliance, portable navigation turned to 7-inch in 2012 without hesitation. Under the leadership of the first-line brand Ren Waiyou, GPS manufacturers have continuously launched 7-inch large screens to seize the market, and Chinese consumers who are used to buying big things are also happy to enjoy the great happiness brought by large screens. Today, I will recommend several first-line brands’ 7-inch boutique navigation for you to see if there is any "dish" for you?

  Let Me Travel N710


  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Memory: 128M

  Positioning accuracy: 10m

  Screen: 7 inch high definition touch screen, resolution: 800 * 480

  Map: New map of 4D map

  N710 screen has 480 * 800 high definition resolution, clear and comfortable screen brightness with 7-inch screen presents clear traffic information and navigation information, while the 7-inch screen also makes the N710 UI interface more outstanding, whether it is the boot interface or 3D real scene, service area Kanban, dynamic lane display and other functions have been perfectly presented to the greatest extent, especially after the enhanced version of the software, its various path planning functions, more comprehensive high-speed distance, ordinary road distance, traffic lights number, total driving distance, estimated driving time and other navigation indicators, for the owner to plan a shorter distance, high-speed priority, ordinary priority and recommended routes and other driving routes, forming a high-value driving recommendation scheme.

  In terms of query and navigation functions, the N710 brings a leisurely experience to car owners. The "seckill" query function ensures that the N710 has unlimited search in unlimited areas and categories across the country. Whether it is WEB query, vague query, point of interest query or house number query, the 7-inch wide screen can fully display the query information, and then present a more concise and intuitive perfect navigation route, making driving more leisurely.

  In addition to inheriting the powerful functions of the N series, the Renwoyou N710 also has excellent expansion functions. By reserving the AV-IN interface in the product design, the integration of navigation with electronic dogs, driving recorders, reversing rear view and other devices is realized, which fully meets the various needs of car owners during driving and provides them with a safer driving life.

  Editor’s comment:As a leading brand of domestic navigation, each product is firmly established in the navigation market with its high-level and demanding style. This is the case with the N710 recommended for everyone. While the navigation function meets the needs of consumers, the enhanced software and expanded functions help users effectively cope with new traffic regulations and avoid severe penalties.

  Freelander D70


  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Memory: 128M

  Positioning accuracy: 10m

  Screen: 7 inch high definition touch screen, resolution: 800 * 480

  Map version: Daodaotong map

  The D70 Freelander uses the Daodaotong 3D navigation system, and the navigation map data covers the whole country, of which the number of POIs reaches 24 million, the road network reaches 3.24 million kilometers, has 350,000 electronic eyes, and 2,000 upgraded service points.

  Due to the use of 3D navigation system, Freelander supports 3D real-life navigation. Its 360,000 3D intersection enlarged map can cover all cities in the country, providing the best 3D stereo vision. Don’t worry about complex intersections. At the same time, it provides dual-screen interface display, which has fuzzy search, point of interest search and other methods in query, and supports handwritten input. Built-in 4G, supports TET card expansion

  In addition to professional navigation functions, the Freelander D70 also offers a wide range of entertainment features, including MP4/AVI and other video formats. It also supports FM transmission, allowing car owners to play the car audio through the car radio with the car stereo. A variety of puzzle games are also installed in the machine.

  Editor’s comment:Freelander D70 has a 7-inch high definition large screen display effect is good, while 500,000 fixed electronic eye data can ensure the safety of road warning, in the map upgrade, Freelander provides consumers with a lifetime free upgrade map and hardware three years quality assurance and other after-sales services.

  DECZhongheng M7TV


  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Positioning accuracy: 10m

  Memory: 128M

  Screen: 7-inch ultra-high definition touch screen, resolution 800 * 480

  Map: Kailid 3D Real Map

  DEC Zhongheng M7TV has excellent appearance and workmanship, and adopts the function of international first-class IML piano paint, while the 7-inch VGA ultra-high definition LCD touch screen has a resolution of 800 * 480 pixels, and implants 100Hz/120Hz double speed technology to completely bid farewell to the picture trailing phenomenon.

  In terms of navigation, DEC Zhongheng M7TV adopts professional navigation maps, with detailed map information for large, medium and small cities. It supports real-life voice navigation and automatic smooth switching. The navigation information includes intersection turning prompts and point-to-point itinerary scheduling. Adopting the latest generation of SIRF star search navigation module in the United States, it can provide fast and accurate positioning, fast response, hot and cold start. At the same time, it has a built-in high-sensitivity GPS receiver group and antenna to accept satellite signals and locate faster and more accurately. Support personalized function settings, such as "multi-country voice settings, backlight adjustment, power management, coordinate adjustment, etc.".

  Editor’s comment:The overall quality of DEC Zhongheng M7TV is good, whether it is navigation function, map information, etc., it is very powerful and complete. At the same time, DEC Zhongheng M7TV also tailor-made FM FM transmission function for the car, which can quickly and easily realize the connection between the digital player and the car stereo. And supports Bluetooth function and wireless reversing rear view



  Operating system: WinCE6.0

  Memory: 128M

  Screen: 7-inch high definition LCD touch screen, resolution 800 * 480

  Map: Daodaotong 3D Real Map

  The 7-inch TET large screen of the Huafeng e-Luhang LH700 gives people the feeling that it is first and foremost atmospheric and decent, with a resolution of 800 x 480 allowing navigation information to be clearly displayed.

  In the navigation function, the first efficient positioning star search makes it only 13 seconds to complete the positioning when entering the navigation. On speed-limited sections, schools, traffic lights, and accident-prone sections, its fixed electronic data can be broadcast in advance to effectively avoid fines. And its unique Eagle Eye function allows car owners to grasp the itinerary in advance and modify the route in time. Daodaotong 3D real map provides a rich real map for Huafeng e-LH700, making it more three-dimensional and intuitive during navigation.

  At the same time, Huafeng e-Luhang LH700 also supports MP3, video playback, FM transmission, e-book and other entertainment functions.

  Editor’s comment:Huafeng e-Luhang LH700 has a lot of user-friendly design in function, such as its intelligent switch function, when the car starts, it will turn on the navigation, turn off the flame and automatically switch to power-saving sleep mode. In terms of after-sales services, Huafeng e-Luhang’s E-baby service center, which can solve various problems online, and there are more than 300 joint insurance points across the country to provide consumers with perfect services for purchasing machines.

Digital technology penetrates the front, middle and back ends of the industry, and Dongguan builds a new "moat" for the furniture industry

  How to seize the new opportunities of digital transformation in the era of digital economy is a must-answer for Dongguan furniture industry to achieve high-quality development.

  As a famous furniture manufacturing city in China, Dongguan’s furniture industry is famous at home and abroad. As a characteristic industry in Dongguan, how to seize the new opportunities of digital transformation in the digital economy era is a must-answer for the furniture industry to achieve high-quality development.

  At the beginning of this year, Dongguan proposed to promote the digital transformation of the furniture industry cluster, with a clear transformation goal of personalized customization transformation, using digital technology to penetrate the front, middle and back ends of the furniture industry, extending from manufacturing business to high added value at both ends of the value chain, and realizing the transformation from "production + sales" to "product + service" by 2025.

  Industry insiders said that, unlike other industries, the furniture industry is still a non-standard industry to a large extent. There are many product materials, complex processes, and small order volumes. Its digital transformation is difficult to achieve in one step. Although some leading enterprises have taken the lead in digitalization, the digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry is still in its infancy.

  Lin Guorong, vice chairperson of the China Furniture Brand Alliance, said that most of the furniture industry in Dongguan produces high-end home products, which also makes the digital transformation of the furniture industry in Dongguan more difficult. "But Dongguan’s advantages are also obvious. Relying on industrial Internet platforms such as Huawei Cloud and Wewin Big Data, the furniture industry will have great technical advantages in digital transformation, and will explore more local solutions for the digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry clusters."

  Industry digital transformation is still in its infancy

  According to the digital transformation roadmap planned by Dongguan, the digital transformation of the furniture industry cluster mainly involves four parts: leading enterprises to create digital transformation system integration solutions; support enterprises to transform production lines, develop intelligent, collaborative and flexible production and processing models, and promote enterprises to transform into new production models such as personalized customization and modular furniture; promote the application of advanced furniture design technologies such as virtual simulation and 3D design, and strengthen the intelligent design of furniture products linked with smart home systems; guide enterprises to accurately grasp the end point retail situation.

  However, combing the digitization process of Dongguan furniture industry can find that, in addition to the leading enterprises "one ride without dust", the vast majority of enterprises are "jogging in small steps" according to their own actual conditions, and are not in a hurry to digitalize in an all-round layout. The digital transformation of the furniture industry presents a bipolar phenomenon.

  Mousse health sleep joint stock company isDongguanThe only listed company in the furniture industry, as an industry leader, is undoubtedlyDongguanThe "leader" of the digital transformation of the furniture industry. Entering the Mousse intelligent digital factory, the large screen of the industrial Internet will collect the layout and real-time progress of all kinds of equipment. In the production area, the bed net spring machine intelligently forms the string net, and the automatic edge machine operates in an orderly manner.

  Due to non-standard products, the home furnishing industry has been facing many pain points such as high cost of personalized production and too much reliance on manpower. Mousse, on the other hand, has installed a "smart brain" in the factory by building an Industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing system based on the soft furniture industry, allowing custom home furnishings to have flexible production lines and carry out modular and large-scale production.

  In recent years, Mousse has introduced world-class automated and intelligent equipment and industrial processes such as Siemens. At the same time, it is equipped with an intelligent decision management platform. It integrates CRM, SAP, MES, WMS and other full systems to open up the integrated production process of orders. Production personnel can monitor and analyze the system data of each product in real time. On-demand customized C2M business model can quickly schedule production according to customer personalized and non-standard customized production needs. Customers are fully automated and visual processes from order placement to product delivery, making it one of the most automated production workshops in China’s furniture manufacturing industry.

  Unlike Mousse, Dongguan Chuangyu Industrial Co., Ltd. chose to "gradually transfer" on the road of digital transformation. In early July, Chuangyu joined hands with Guan Enterprise Shufu to complete the upgrade and closure of Enterprise Resource Planning, and 17 major modules such as business management, group operation, and material management have been launched. Through Shufu Enterprise Resource Planning, Chuangyu Group has opened up data sharing in material control, finished product warehouse management, sales, and procurement, so as to realize data transmission between the brand end and the factory end, improve production efficiency and reduce error rates.

  Southern finance media reporter learned that as the first step of digital transformation, many furniture enterprises in Dongguan have settled in Enterprise Resource Planning. But most enterprises have only penetrated the internal management link, connecting the front-end supply chain, back-end marketing, store end points and service links, and have not fully realized the integration and digitalization of the whole process. The digital transformation of the production line is still in the initial stage due to the high cost and complicated process.

  "At present, our digital equipment is only for the early standardization of cutting, edge sealing, punching and other aspects. Last year, we introduced a device for the manufacture of wooden door patterns, which can realize digital three-dimensional cutting. But we have more than 40 processes, which are more complicated, and some process digital equipment is still difficult to achieve." Lin Guorong, chairperson of Chuangyu Group, introduced.

  Let products and designs take the lead in digitalization

  Many industry insiders said that most of Dongguan mainly produces high-end home furnishing products, with extremely high requirements for craftsmanship and higher difficulty in digital transformation. Take Rongma Furniture as an example, as a high-tech enterprise with a global professional designer and R & D team, the main production of sofas includes more than ten processes such as nail racks, cotton, and leather, all of which are completed by workers by hand. "Whether the sofa is well done or not, whether it is full or not, depends on manual realization," Rongma Furniture technicians said.

  At the same time, the government advocates the transformation of enterprises to new production models such as personalized customization and modular furniture, requiring them to adjust their processes according to customer needs. They also face problems such as the large number of non-standardized links and the difficulty of large-scale output due to small quantities.

  Faced with the challenges of transformation, many companies have turned to breaking through, taking the lead in digitizing their products and designs, promoting the application of advanced technologies such as virtual simulation and 3D design, strengthening the segmentation of the population, strengthening the iterative upgrade of smart home systems and products, and climbing towards high value-added links.

  "We are currently the first to digitize product design. This year, through AI intelligent design, we have realized the virtual simulation of the exhibition hall. Consumers can experience products interactively on the Internet, accelerating the digitalization process of our flexible production," said Lin Guorong, chairperson of Chuangyu Group.

  Using the core technology of Industry 4.0 to combine the Internet, big data, Internet of Things, etc. with industrial production, create a flexible production chain, realize the interconnection of factories, consumers, products and information data, and gradually realize the production and service, is the inevitable direction of the furniture industry. As an important territory with the strongest interaction and experience in the home furnishing industry, soft furniture has brought new growth points to the furniture industry. Relevant statistics show that it is expected that by 2023, the global smart home market will reach 510 billion yuan. The huge market space of smart home has attracted major enterprises to enter the market. The digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry is the epitome of it.

  In the field of smart home, Mousse has long created a "tailor-made personal healthy sleep system" in the industry. The newly developed T10 intelligent healthy sleep system can monitor heart rate, snoring, and deep sleep through built-in sensors in the mattress. When users have sleep problems, the Legend26 smart healthy sleep system will tailor sleep solutions, provide psychological intervention guidance such as sleep music and CBTI, and realize closed-loop management of the smart healthy sleep ecosystem.

  As one of the first companies in China to lay out smart homes with smart furniture as an entry point, Rongma Furniture’s Livable Home brand has become one of the first companies to enjoy the benefits of the smart home industry. Walking into the smart exhibition hall of Rongma Furniture, with the help of "artificial intelligence + Internet of Things" technology, customers issue instructions to artificial intelligence "Xiaole": open the viewing mode, the curtains in the house will automatically close, and the sofa will also be adjusted to a comfortable angle. Livable Home injects artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology into sofas, beds and other furniture items to create a "smart home".

  Looking at the digital transformation process of Dongguan furniture industry cluster, it can be seen that actively integrating into the development trend of smart home is a highlight of the digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry. Based on its own smart platform, creating a cloud platform interface that can be opened to the outside world, connecting to Huawei Hongmeng system, and promoting the home to upgrade to the smart IoT healthy field will be an important direction for the digital transformation of the industrial cluster in the future.

  Big data and artificial intelligence deeply empower the industry

  Southern finance media reporter survey found that although walking in the forefront of digital transformation, and Dongguan furniture industry cluster development has become a general trend, but due to different enterprises production and operation mode, and the degree of embedding of the industrial chain is different, leading furniture enterprises did not output a set of unified applicable to the industry’s digital transformation integrated solutions, each enterprise’s digital system, equipment, direction, etc. are independently customized, the status quo of information islands is obvious, furniture industry cluster digital transformation still maintains the "go it alone" situation.

  With the foundation of industrial software in the early years, Foshan Weishang Furniture, which has a certain Internet gene, has become a benchmark enterprise in the custom home furnishing industry, and actively provides digital intelligence transformation solutions for upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry, shaping a classic path of digital transformation for furniture enterprises. And in Dongguan, such a case is about to be born.

  Walking into the small laboratory of Interface Technology Co., Ltd., located in Songshan Lake, several 6-axis industrial robots and automation equipment are conducting research and development and production of various products.

  As a technology-based innovation enterprise engaged in supply-side technology development and channel expansion in the furniture industry, Interface Technology has accumulated a lot of technical experience in the use of industrial 6-axis robots for processing processes including sheet metal, square material, soft material milling, surface forming, and supporting tooling equipment. It is mainly used in single-piece to small-batch production, targeting the majority of small and medium-sized furniture enterprises.

  "In terms of solid wood furniture, the technology can initially meet the customization needs of some high-end customers. At the same time, due to the establishment of product and process databases, the robot production process makes it possible to produce single pieces to small batches on demand," said Wang Huaiqun, head of the interface technology department.

  At present, Interface Technology is actively seeking cooperation with small and medium-sized furniture enterprises in Dongguan. "We hope to build intelligent furniture production units that can empower small and medium-sized enterprises, truly solve the practical difficulties of small and medium-sized furniture enterprises in digital transformation, and launch intelligent manufacturing system solutions for the furniture industry that can be implemented." Jiang Wei, founder of the company, said.

  In terms of solving the information islands between enterprises, Dongguan furniture enterprises actively use Huawei Cloud, Wewin big data and other industrial Internet platforms for digital transformation. Lin Guorong told the Southern Finance and Economics All Media reporter that he has established a separate technology company and joined hands with Huawei to create a "data Rubik’s Cube". "We hope to create a solution together with Huawei, and use a central platform to link different software and systems in the integration industry. Enterprises bring their own data to the station. As a peer-to-peer exchange, the platform will provide enterprises with corresponding user portrait analysis, logistics matching services based on big data, etc."

  "Making big data and artificial intelligence technology deeply empower the industry is the core goal of the digital transformation of Dongguan’s furniture industry in the future," Lin Guorong said.

  (Author: Zheng Kangxi, a trainee reporter for Southern Finance and Economics All Media, Editor: Yu Changhuan)

Did you ask for speeding? Didi driver stabbed passengers late at night

  China News Service, Beijing, November 13 (Lang Lang) At around 3:00 a.m. on November 9, a knife attack by a Didi driver occurred in Nanjing, causing a dispute between the two sides due to passengers demanding that the driver speed up in the tunnel.

  Didi said that after verifying the recording in the car of the order, it was found that the passenger asked the driver to speed during the journey; while the passenger said in an interview with the China News Service reporter that he did not ask the driver to speed, but only to be as fast as possible within the speed limit.

  The injured passengers have responded to the incident online. Some netizens believe that the speed limit for crossing the tunnel is stipulated by law, and passengers are unreasonable; others question why the driver is carrying a knife?

  The scene of the incident, pictures provided by the interviewees

  Dispute 1: Did the passenger ask the driver to speed?

  At around 1am on November 9, Mr. Wang called for an express train through "Didi Chuxing" on the Alipay terminal and went from Nanjing South Railway Station to his residence on Huju Road. He recalled to a reporter from China News Service that because he was in a hurry to go home and video with his girlfriend, when the car reached the Qingliangmen tunnel, "I saw that there was no car in the tunnel, so I asked the driver to drive quickly." The driver refused Mr. Wang on the grounds of speed limit. The two sides immediately quarreled.

  According to Mr. Wang’s account, after the car drove out of the tunnel to near Hohai University, the driver asked Mr. Wang to get out of the car, and he also got out of the car. The two had a physical altercation. Mr. Wang pinned the driver to the ground, and the driver showed a knife and stabbed Mr. Wang in the right arm.

  "The knife hit the bone, and blood spurted out immediately." Mr. Wang said that he couldn’t see where the other party took out the knife in the night, but only remembered that it was a black dagger about 10cm long.

  Mr. Wang said that after he called the police, the driver scolded: "It’s good that you didn’t stab to death."

  "He also said that he had just stabbed someone two days ago, and his uncle was the director of the Public Security Bureau." Mr. Wang said that after the incident, the driver Liu was taken away by the police and was criminally detained. Mr. Wang was sent to the hospital’s intensive care unit for a broken vein. Due to excessive blood loss (about 1000cc), he fainted three times before and after, and is currently recovering.

  On the 12th, in an interview with China News Service, Didi replied to the matter, saying that the platform had verified the in-car recording of the order: the passenger asked the driver to speed during the journey, but after the driver refused, the two sides had an altercation, which then escalated into a physical conflict.

  The reporter asked Mr. Wang many times "whether the driver is required to speed", and Mr. Wang always made it clear that he only asked the driver to drive faster within the speed limit, not to speed.

  The driver was detained and unable to be interviewed.

  Passengers receiving treatment, photos provided by interviewees

  Dispute 2: Why do drivers carry knives? Does the platform allow it?

  In addition to the "Rashomon" "whether speeding is required", there is another point of debate in this incident – why does the driver have a knife?

  Screenshots of netizens’ comments

  According to Didi’s disclosure, platform data shows that the driver of the Dongfeng Fengxing Jingyi X6, which Mr. Wang was riding, has obtained a driver’s license for online car-hailing in Nanjing, with a history of receiving more than 10,000 orders. Past passengers have rated it as five-star.

  According to a report by Jiangsu media "Wusu.com", a staff member of Didi Chuxing said in an interview: The company expressly stipulates that drivers are not allowed to bring controlled knives on the bus. As for why drivers carry daggers with them, as of the press release, Didi has not responded positively.

  In a reply to the media, Didi said: "After receiving the relevant information, the platform immediately set up an emergency response team. On the one hand, the staff was assigned to visit the hospital at noon to visit the injured, pay medical expenses in advance, and ensure that the injured were fully and timely treated. On the other hand, actively cooperate with the police to investigate the incident."

  "Next, we will step up efforts to educate drivers on safety and platform rules, guide drivers and passengers to communicate in a civilized and rational manner, and resolve disputes through reasonable and legal channels," Didi said.

  Didi: One wave has not been leveled, and the hitchhiker has just been back online.

  This is not the first time something has happened to Didi.

  On the evening of May 5, 2018, Li, a flight attendant in Zhengzhou, was killed while riding a Didi ride-hailing car. On August 24 of the same year, Zhao, a 20-year-old woman in Yueqing, Zhejiang, was killed while riding a Didi ride-hailing car. One hundred days, two lives, Didi announced that it would offline its ride-hailing business nationwide.

  In March 2019, a Didi driver in Changde, Hunan Province, died after being stabbed more than 20 times by a passenger named Yang.

  Not long ago, on November 6, Didi announced the trial operation plan of Didi Hitch: it will be launched in seven cities including Harbin and Beijing from November 20. The plan has also been adjusted due to the controversy over "whether it discriminates against women".

  According to the Economic Daily, in July this year, Didi Chuxing held a hitch media communication meeting in Beijing. "I’m just afraid." Liu Qing, president of Didi Chuxing, admitted at the meeting that the team was "rather cowardly" and waited so long because he was afraid. "Who is so sure that they can launch a 100% safe product?"