Beijing: Implementation Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

General Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government
About deepening reform and promoting the taxi industry
Implementation Opinions for Healthy Development

District people’s governments, municipal government committees, offices, and bureaus,Municipal institutions:

In order to fully implement the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" (Guoban Fa [2016] No. 58), actively and steadily promote the reform of the taxi industry in this city, and better meet the diverse travel needs of the people, with the consent of the municipal government, the following implementation opinions are hereby proposed.

Guiding ideology and work objectives

(1) Guiding ideology.

Deeply implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the series of important speeches of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader and the important instructions to Beijing, earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, firmly establish the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, adhere to the basic idea of giving priority to the development of public transportation and the appropriate development of taxis, in accordance with the principle of "passenger-oriented, reform and innovation, overall consideration and standardization in accordance with the law", actively and steadily promote the reform of the taxi industry in this city, effectively improve the service level and supervision capacity, and strive to build a diversified and differentiated travel service system to better

(2) Work objectives.

Promote the integrated development of cruise taxis (hereinafter referred to as cruise cars) and online rental cars (hereinafter referred to as online taxi-hailing), promote the transformation and upgrading of cruise cars, standardize the operation of online taxi-hailing, improve the management and service level of the industry, promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry, and provide the public with safe, convenient, comfortable and economical personalized travel services.

Second, clarify the positioning of the taxi industry

(3) Scientific positioning of taxi services. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provides personalized transportation services for the public. Taxi services mainly include cruises, online reservations, and other methods. The city will continue to give priority to the development of public transportation, develop taxis moderately, optimize the urban transportation structure, and build a super-large urban passenger transportation pattern with diverse and differentiated services.

(4) Establish a dynamic regulation and control mechanism for the total amount. Implement the strategic positioning of the capital city, comprehensively consider the city’s population, economic development level, air quality, urban traffic congestion, public transportation development level, taxi mileage utilization rate and other factors, rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and its share in the urban comprehensive transportation system, and establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism. Carry out a scale assessment of the total number of taxis, and prepare a development plan and implementation plan for the taxi industry, which will be implemented after approval by the municipal government.

III. Deepening the reform of cruise vehicles

(5) Reform the management system of operating rights. Adhere to the implementation of the free use of vehicle operating rights, and the term of the operating rights of cruise vehicles is the same as the period of vehicle scrapping. The new operating rights of cruise vehicles shall be subject to period restrictions, and the operating entity shall not be changed without authorization. If the operating rights of existing cruise vehicles do not specify the specific operating period, all factors shall be comprehensively considered, a transition plan shall be scientifically formulated, and the operating period shall be reasonably determined. Establish and improve the allocation and management system of operating rights guided by service quality and reputation. If the operating rights expire or there are major service quality problems, major safety production liability accidents, serious illegal business activities, and unqualified service quality and reputation assessments during the operation process, the operating rights shall be recovered in accordance with relevant regulations.

(6) Perfect the benefit distribution system. Cruise car operators shall sign employment contracts and contracts with drivers in accordance with the law to build a harmonious labor relationship. Encourage, support and guide cruise car operating enterprises, industry associations, cruise car drivers and trade union organizations to negotiate on an equal footing to determine the contract fee standard or quota task, and dynamically adjust it according to factors such as operating conditions, cost and freight changes. If the existing contract fee standard or quota task is too high, it should be reduced. Taxi car industry associations shall organize and guide cruise car operating enterprises to actively explore the use of Internet technology to build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and distribute interests reasonably.

(7) Straighten out the price formation mechanism. Cruise vehicle freight rates are subject to government-guided prices. It is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as the operating costs of cruise vehicles, the income level of drivers, and the overall development of urban transportation. Continuously improve the formation mechanism of cruise vehicle freight rates and the linkage mechanism between freight rates and fuel prices. Improve pricing rules, scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of cruise vehicle freight rates, and give full play to the leverage of freight rates to adjust the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.

(8) Encourage companies to operate on a large scale. Study and formulate supporting policies to encourage cruise car operators to integrate resources through mergers, reorganizations, and other means, implement intensive and large-scale operations, give full play to their backbone leading role, and improve industry management and service levels. Measures for the implementation of the transfer, transfer, and share purchase of cruise car operators’ vehicle operating rights shall be formulated in accordance with the law. Individual industrial and commercial households of cruise cars shall be encouraged to jointly establish companies of a certain scale or join existing cruise car operating enterprises by means of shares, etc., implement organized management, improve service quality, reduce management costs, and enhance anti-risk capabilities. Encourage cruise car operating enterprises to take passenger needs as the guide, continue to increase the intensity of driver training, take the initiative to disclose service standards and service quality commitments, and actively carry out safety, integrity, and quality service creation activities; strengthen the main responsibility of cruise car operating enterprises, vigorously promote enterprise branding, and effectively improve the level of management services. Improve the assessment and evaluation system for cruise car operating enterprises, improve the content and methods of assessment, regularly publish the assessment results and evaluation, and establish an incentive and restraint mechanism that conforms to the characteristics of cruise car operation.

(9) Promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry. Encourage cruise car operators and online ride-hailing platform companies to adopt mergers, restructurings, and absorbing shares to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models. Revise the technical specifications of cruise cars and improve vehicle technical standards. Encourage cruise car operators to follow the idea of "Internet + taxi", make full use of Internet information technology and the advantages of existing vehicles and personnel, and transform to provide online ride-hailing services. Encourage cruise cars to provide operation services through telecommunications, Internet and other e-hailing services, and promote the use of non-cash payment methods that meet financial standards to facilitate public rides, reduce empty vehicles, and reduce the labor intensity of drivers. When cruise cars provide operation services, they must use the special metering device for cruise cars, and charge fees and issue special invoices for taxis in this city accordingly. Encourage the development of new energy cruise vehicles.

IV. Standardizing the development of online car-hailing

(10) Regulate the development of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing platform companies, as well as enterprises that provide vehicles, drivers who provide online car-hailing services, and their vehicles, shall comply with relevant national and municipal regulations and requirements. Online car-hailing platform companies are providers of transportation services, and shall have online and offline service capabilities. They shall have corresponding office space and driver education and training places in this city. They shall also connect relevant basic information and dynamic operation data to the supervision platform of relevant departments in this city in real time, so as to realize the backup of data information in this city. Online car-hailing platform companies implement restrictions on the operating period. The operating period is 4 years. The expiration can be extended after passing the review. The online car-hailing platform company shall assume the responsibility of the carrier, the responsibility of production safety and corporate social responsibility in accordance with the law, undertake the safety management responsibilities of vehicles and drivers, purchase relevant insurance to fulfill the responsibility of the carrier, and ensure the safety of operation and the legitimate rights and interests of passengers. Encourage online car-hailing platform companies to use their own vehicles to carry out business activities.

Online car-hailing vehicles should meet the basic conditions for providing passenger transportation services, have passed the annual inspection by the public security department of this city, have purchased commercial vehicle compulsory traffic insurance, third-party liability insurance and passenger accident injury insurance, and have the city’s vehicle number plate. 5-seat sedan or 7-seat passenger car. Non-operating vehicles of government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social organizations are not allowed to engage in online car-hailing operations. Online car-hailing qualifications are applied by online car-hailing platform companies. When a vehicle applies for online car-hailing qualifications, it must meet the latest motor vehicle emission standards announced and implemented by this city, have no unfinished traffic accidents and traffic violations records, and meet the technical specifications of online car-hailing vehicles in this city. Vehicles that have obtained online car-hailing qualifications must have a special logo posted on the body of the online car-hailing vehicle, and use the original number plate. The term of the vehicle operation right shall not exceed 8 years from the date of vehicle registration (or when the mileage reaches 600,000 kilometers), and the vehicle operation right shall not be transferred without authorization. If the vehicle is scrapped, transferred or the ownership is transferred without authorization, the vehicle operation right shall be cancelled. If the access relationship between the platform and the vehicle is terminated or the operation period of the platform company is terminated, the vehicle shall not engage in online car-hailing operations during the period of not accessing the new platform.

Online car-hailing drivers must be registered with the city, have obtained a driving license issued by the city, have not reached the legal retirement age, are in good health, have not committed more than 5 road traffic safety violations in driving a motor vehicle within 1 year before the date of application, and have not been included in the taxi serious violation information database. Individuals and vehicles under their names who apply for access to the online car-hailing platform must obtain the qualifications of online car-hailing drivers and vehicles, and have no other cruise cars and online car-hailing cars under their names, and drive their own vehicles to provide online car-hailing services.

(11) Regulate the business behavior of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing platform companies should safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers, maintain the stability of the driver team, and sign employment contracts or agreements with their subordinate drivers according to law. If an agreement is signed, they should purchase personal accident insurance for them; it is necessary to strengthen the production and operation management of service vehicles and drivers, and continuously improve the passenger’s satisfaction with the ride experience. Online car-hailing provides operation services through online booking, and it is not allowed to cruise around to pick up customers or queue up at cruise car dispatching stations to pick up customers. Reasonably determine the metering method of online car-hailing, and there must be no improper price behavior. Online car-hailing platform companies shall strengthen cyber security and information security protection, establish and improve data security management systems, collect, use and protect personal information in compliance with the law, and shall not disclose sensitive information involving national security. The personal information collected and the business data generated shall be stored and used in the Chinese mainland, and the retention period shall not be less than 2 years. Online car-hailing platform companies and drivers shall declare and pay taxes to the tax department in accordance with the law. After providing operation services, online car-hailing vehicles shall issue special invoices for taxis in this city.

V. Regulate private passenger car sharing

(12) Encourage private passenger car sharing. Private passenger car sharing (also known as carpooling and ride-sharing) is a shared travel mode in which the ride-sharing service provider publishes travel information in advance, and people with the same travel route choose to take the ride-sharing service provider’s passenger car, share the travel cost (fuel and tolls) of the ride-sharing part, or free mutual assistance. Private passenger car sharing is conducive to alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution, and this city will encourage and regulate its development. The city’s guidance on private passenger car sharing travel shall be formulated and issued separately by the municipal transportation administrative department in conjunction with relevant municipal departments.

(13) Regulate private passenger car ride-sharing. The ride-sharing information service platform providing ride-sharing travel services must comply with the relevant regulations of the state and this city. The connected vehicles must be the city’s number plate, and the number of orders per car per day shall not exceed 2 times. It is forbidden for any enterprise or individual to carry out illegal operations in the name of ride-sharing. Those who charge significantly higher than the ride-sharing billing standard, provide ride-sharing services more than the specified number of times, and provide online car-hailing business services in the name of private passenger car-sharing shall be punished in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and rules of the state and this city for illegal passenger transportation.

Create a good market environment

(14) Improve service facilities. Further increase the planning and construction of comprehensive taxi service areas, dispatching stations, recruitment stations, waiting parking spaces, charging infrastructure and other service facilities. It is necessary to set up cruise bus dispatching stations or waiting areas in large public places and large residential areas such as airports, railway stations, public transportation hubs, commercial areas, hotels, hospitals, etc., and scientifically guide taxi operations to provide convenient services for passengers’ daily travel, especially in special circumstances such as bad weather.

(15) Strengthen the construction of the credit system. It is necessary to implement the service quality credit assessment system and the driver qualification management system, formulate taxi service standards, credit management system for operators and employees, and clarify the basic requirements for operating in accordance with the law and providing honest services. Actively use the Internet, big data, cloud computing and other technologies to establish an evaluation system for taxi operators and drivers, and strengthen the records of information such as violations and dishonesty, complaints and reports, and passenger service evaluation. As an important basis for taxi operators and employees to enter and exit, and incorporate it into the city’s credit information sharing platform and enterprise credit information publicity system. Taxi industry associations should continue to improve industry self-discipline, smooth communication channels between drivers and enterprises, take the initiative to commit to service standards to the society, and promote the improvement of industry service capabilities and integrity levels.

(16) Strengthen market supervision. It is necessary to innovate supervision methods, simplify licensing procedures, strengthen the use of information technology means, and promote online processing to further improve the transparency of the management of the taxi industry. Establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism and a joint punishment and exit mechanism for the participation and linkage of the Municipal Transportation Commission, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, the Municipal State Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, the Municipal Communications Administration, the People’s Bank of China Business Management Department, the Municipal Network Information Office, and the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau. Establish an integrated information sharing platform, strengthen real-time supervision of law enforcement throughout the process, investigate and punish acts that hinder fair competition in the market and various price violations in accordance with the law, and severely crack down on illegal operations, gathering crowds to disrupt social order, or inciting organizations to disrupt operational order and damage public interests. Regularly carry out taxi service quality assessments and release them Handle complaints about service quality issues in a timely manner, promptly expose serious violations of laws and regulations, and protect the interests of passengers.

(17) Strengthen the legal system and organizational guarantee. Accelerate the revision of laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Vehicles in Beijing to provide better legal guarantee for deepening reform and promoting the healthy development of the taxi industry. Strengthen organizational leadership, establish a leading group for deepening the reform of taxis in this city, and be responsible for coordinating and promoting various reform work. Strengthen social communication, smooth the channels for interest appeals, take the initiative to disclose information, respond to social concerns, build consensus on reform, and create a good public opinion environment. Major policy-making in reform should carry out social stability threat and risk assessment, improve emergency response plans, prevent and resolve various contradictions, and maintain social stability.

From the date of issuance of this implementation opinion, online car-hailing platform companies, drivers and vehicles that have already started online car-hailing business in this city will be given a five-month transition period.

General Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government

Andy Lau claims to be very confident in winning the award, and Liu Qingyun travels with his wife in Shuicheng


Liu Qingyun

    September 6, 2011 news, Hong Kong, Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun starred in the film and this year’s Venice Film Festival competition together, and the two set off for the local film festival on the evening of the 4th. The new films starred by Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun were both shortlisted for the competition of this Venice Film Festival, and they were more optimistic about each other’s chances of winning prizes.

    Andy Lau, the best actor, showed up at the airport at about 10 pm on the 4th and went to the Venice Film Festival, where he received dozens of fans to drop off the plane and send small gifts. "Sister Peach" starring Andy Lau and "Death Gold" starring Liu Qingyun were shortlisted for the competition of the Venice Film Festival, which means that they have a chance to win the title of best actor. When asked about Andy Lau’s mood to play, he smiled and said that he was not nervous. After staying for a few days, he returned to Hong Kong to continue his work. He should not have time to go shopping. He is confident about winning the award. "I hope there is a chance. (Will you be worried that the length of the film will be cut too much?) Usually it is like this. Normally, the film length of" Sister Peach "is less than 2 hours. (The opponent Qingyun is optimistic about you?) Two Hong Kong films were shortlisted.

    As soon as he arrived in Venice, Andy Lau attended the official press conference of "Sister Tao" with the director and director. Last year, Andy Lau, who visited Venice and won a large number of autographs from fans, coquettishly shouted to the film festival chairperson: "I am back!".

    When asked why he took on the film, Andy Lau laughed and said that he had spent a lot of money to take on the film! After filming, he also felt that he encountered many different things, and he cared more about the people around him. He felt that simple things were more important than anything else. When the reporter heard Andy Lau say this, the audience clapped. It is known that after many critics have seen "Sister Tao", it is tentatively determined that it is the highest-rated film in the competition.

There is a final version of "Death Gold"

    In addition, Liu Qingyun also set off for Italy with his wife Guo Aiming on the evening of the 4th. It turned out that they had to visit Rome for two days before flying to Venice. Asked if Qingyun knew the external reaction of "Death"? He said: "I don’t know, I just watched the dubbed version, and I knew there would be a final edited version. (Will you be worried that the length of the film will be cut, so that foreign audiences will not see it comprehensively?) Everyone is watching the subtitles, and only the subtitles are more detailed." Qingyun was optimistic that Andy Lau would win the prize, but he did not think about winning the prize.

    In addition, she said that it was not intentional for the Venice Film Festival to go off the red carpet, and also pointed out that the characters played in the films with whom she worked could not see the acting skills and could not learn the nonsense of Xingye. When Qin Hailu promoted her participation in the film "Sister Tao", she said that she attended the Venice Film Festival 10 years ago, and now she has returned to the old place, which makes her feel like looking back on her 10-year film journey. She revealed that her next goal is to be a producer.

    As for the director, it was reported by Hollywood as China’s CGI feast, due to the coexistence of martial arts movements and stunts, and it is one of the top 10 films in the film festival.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Aiming at new productivity and building a super R & D center

  Correspondent, Jianxuan, Zhu Dianping

  Jinling Evening News/Zijinshan News reporter 

  Yin Xuebing Ling Yun

  On the morning of May 19, Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park was officially opened at Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters in Jianye District. It will become one of Xiaomi’s most important software research and development centers outside the Beijing headquarters. This move not only marks a new level for Xiaomi Group’s innovation platform in East China, but also adds strong momentum to the development of Nanjing’s digital economy industry.

  Taste "millet porridge" again and start a new journey together

  At 9:58 in the morning, with the sound of gongs and drums, Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park officially opened. In the square in front of the gate, nearly 200 Xiaomi employees dressed uniformly, waved support sticks in their hands, and laughed one after another, welcoming the "new home" moment that belongs to the Nanjing Xiaomi team.

  Walking into Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park, the garden-like layout of the park is hidden by green trees, and the geometric aesthetic "back" shaped glass building is brand new and bright. According to the official plan, the Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters project is divided into three phases, with a total construction area of 365,000 square meters, including scientific research and design offices, talent apartments and related supporting facilities. The first phase of the project was completed and opened about 164,000 square meters, and more than 2,600 employees in the early stage were all in place on May 6.

  Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park is affiliated to the Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters project and is positioned as "Xiaomi Group Software R & D Center and Talent Base". It is one of the most important software R & D centers of Xiaomi. It has been selected for major planned development projects in Jiangsu Province and key projects of Nanjing Famous Enterprise Settling Plan. Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters is mainly responsible for the development of operating systems and software. Together with Xiaomi Wuhan Headquarters, it jointly supports the overall technology research and development work of Xiaomi Beijing Headquarters.

  At the event site, the "Xiaomo" service specialist of Jianye High-tech Zone presented the company with an exclusive "golden key" printed with the Xiaomi logo, which will serve the development of enterprises and project construction with great efforts, and support the development of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters with more practical measures. Together, we will write a new future of high-quality development.

  In April 2010, under the leadership of Lei Jun, the start-up team drank a bowl of millet porridge, which started Xiaomi’s legendary development; in just 9 years, it became the youngest world’s top 500. At the opening ceremony of Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park that day, Lei Jun, founder, chairperson and CEO of Xiaomi Group, once again invited the guests to drink "millet porridge" to jointly start Xiaomi Group’s new journey in East China.

  "I was very excited when I visited the Nanjing park. I would like to thank the relevant departments of Nanjing and Jianye District, as well as the headquarters and Xiaomi students in Nanjing. We have worked together to have this beautiful home. With the support of the municipal party committee and municipal government and the district party committee and district government, Nanjing will become a blessed land for Xiaomi to take off." Lei Jun said in his speech.

  70 days on the ground, "Nanjing Efficiency" moved "Xiaomi People"

  Why did Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters choose Nanjing to settle in Jianye? It dates back to August 2017, when the Xiaomi team was first invited to Jianye, Nanjing, to further understand the Nanjing market and explore the possibility of cooperation with Jianye District. "During the visit, Xiaomi saw the basic resources such as Nanjing’s good infrastructure and development environment, as well as the long-term investment value and development prospects of Jianye and the support of the government. It also realized the responsibility of Jianye as the core area of Nanjing, which provided good conditions for Xiaomi’s development in Nanjing." Liang Qiushi, general manager of Xiaomi Group Nanjing, recalled in his opening speech.

  Then in October 2017, Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters project was officially signed and landed in Jianye. What’s more worth mentioning is that it only took 70 days for the two parties to "hold hands" from the first negotiation to the official signing. "The agreement was reached in 70 days, which fully demonstrates the good business environment and high efficiency of Nanjing and Jianye, which makes our company more confident in long-term rooted development!" At the signing ceremony at that time, Lei Jun expressed his high appreciation for the service consciousness and innovative spirit of Nanjing and Jianye.

  "Xiaomi, which is young, creative and full of science and technology, and Jianye, which is modern, open and innovative, are very compatible in terms of urban temperament and development concept. Xiaomi’s choice of Nanjing and Jianye is an important strategic move for both parties to superimpose their advantages and win-win cooperation," said the relevant person in charge of Jianye District.

  From coordinating the transition carrier of Xiaomi Group in Xincheng Science and Technology Park to fully supporting the completion and implementation of Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park, Jianye High-tech Zone "accompanies" the development of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters throughout the process, keeping an eye on the demands of enterprises, and providing support according to the model of "one main body + one base + a series of policies" to ensure the maximum integration of resources and achieve accurate drip irrigation for industrial development. Since 2017, Xiaomi has established 6 companies in Nanjing, including Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd. Nanjing Branch and Nanjing Xiaomi Communication Technology, and gathered a number of ecological chain enterprises.

  Demonstration leads, turning Nanjing into a super R & D center

  "I am very happy today. The Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park has opened, and the Xiaomi Engineer Training Camp has officially opened. We will cooperate with universities for this project, so that outstanding Xiaomi engineers can hold technical training in universities, communicate directly with outstanding students, and let students master more practical skills." Lei Jun testified with a picture on Weibo.

  It is understood that the East China headquarters of Xiaomi Group, as the software research and development center and talent base of Xiaomi Group, will focus on mobile phone and automotive software development, internet services and other advantageous businesses in the future. In terms of talent training, Xiaomi is working with universities in Jiangsu Province such as China Southern Airlines and Nanjing University of Technology to jointly train students, and cooperate with industry, university and research. Continue to play a leading and exemplary role in helping Nanjing become an innovative economic highland and a smart city.

  Lei Jun said that the long-term goal of Xiaomi’s future development is to invest in the underlying technology on a large scale and become a global leader in the new generation of hard core technology. In all Xiaomi products and technology ecosystems, the improvement of software capabilities is particularly important, which is also the mission of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters. It is hoped that the development of Xiaomi will be deeply integrated with Nanjing’s industry, closely combined with Nanjing’s industrial advantages, and the Nanjing area will be turned into a super R & D center to effectively support the implementation of the group’s strategic goals and help Nanjing’s new quality productivity development.

  The opening of Xiaomi Group’s East China headquarters will undoubtedly bring new changes to the development of the urban economy and industry. On the one hand, the settlement of talents can increase employment and stimulate consumption; on the other hand, the advantage of corporate headquarters has a strong role in driving the radiation of the industry, and the headquarters economy can promote the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain in the region.

  The reporter learned that in addition to Xiaomi’s East China headquarters, projects such as Alibaba’s Jiangsu headquarters and Hang Seng Electronics’ Jiangsu headquarters, which are gathered in the southwest of the river, are also being accelerated.

  In recent years, Jianye District has focused on the leading industries of "finance + digital economy", gathered more than 95% of the municipal headquarters enterprises in the area, attracted more than 80,000 high-end talents to settle in, and built a number of 10 billion-level emerging industrial clusters such as information software, smart logistics, and digital entertainment.

After bidding farewell to the era of Zong Qing, will Wahaha, which is "not bad for money", go public?

Zong Qinghou’s legendary business life ended.

On February 25, Wahaha released an obituary saying that Zong Qinghou, founder and chairperson of Wahaha Group, died at 10:30 on February 25, 2024 at the age of 79 due to ineffective medical treatment.

After hearing the news, many Hangzhou citizens spontaneously came to No. 160 Qingtai Street, the former headquarters of Wahaha, to lay flowers for the legendary entrepreneur. Among the many bouquets, someone brought him his favorite Wahaha products.

"There will be 1,000 Hamlets in the eyes of 1,000 people, and there will be 1,000 Wahaha in the eyes of 1,000 people," Zong Qinghou described the importance of Wahaha to him. "But for me, there is only one Wahaha. It is all the dreams of my whole life, all the meanings, values, labels and symbols, and it is the proof that I have existed in this world."

This gray six-story building has almost carried Zong Qinghou’s life. Since the "School-run Enterprise Distribution Department of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou" sign was hung up in 1987, Zong Qinghou has come to work here almost every day for the rest of his life without business trips. It is also an important meeting place for him. Media visits often find that Zong Qinghou has worked for more than an hour and slept in the office the night before.

This is the starting point of everything in Zong Qinghou, and it is also the beginning of the story of Wahaha.

At the age of 42, he started a business and created a beverage empire

Zong Qinghou first entered this small building in 1987.

In April 1987, 42-year-old Zong Qinghou with a courage, with 140,000 cash, contracted the uptown school-run enterprise distribution department, by dropshipping soda, popsicles and stationery paper earned a penny.

Many years later, Zong Qinghou recalled the scene at that time, because he did not dare to spend the only 140,000 yuan, the distribution department simply painted the walls, bought a few office desks and chairs, and opened.

This year was a turning point in Zong Qinghou’s life. In July 1987, Zong Qinghou used the sales payment of "China Pollen Oral Liquid" and a bank loan of 50,000 yuan as the original funds to establish Hangzhou Baoling Children’s Nutrition Food Factory, which processed "China Pollen Oral Liquid" for Hangzhou Baoling Company, and started Wahaha’s entrepreneurial process. At the end of November of the same year, the filling workshop with a daily output of 10,000 boxes was completed at No. 160 Qingtai Street, Shangcheng District. That year, the total sales volume was 4.36 million yuan, and the profit was 222,000 yuan. In 1990, Wahaha’s sales revenue exceeded the billion yuan mark, and the profit exceeded 20 million yuan.

Mr. Zong always described his success as "catching up with a good era."

In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was held, which opened the curtain on China’s reform and opening up. The surging tide came, and in the agitation brought countless opportunities to the times. At that time, Zong Qinghou was 33 years old. After more than 10 years of "manual work", he succeeded his mother to get a job in a school-run factory in Hangzhou.

Soon, the surging tide brought a big wave, rushing Zong Qinghou to the forefront of the times. In 1986, the state issued relevant regulations, proposing to "implement a variety of forms of management contract responsibility system to give operators full operating autonomy." The wave of reform and opening up was booming, and Zong Qinghou became the first to eat crabs.

In 1991, the small building at No. 160 Qingtai Street in Shangcheng District had a new name – Hangzhou Wahaha group company. Under the matchmaking of the Hangzhou Municipal Government, Zong Qinghou paid more than 80 million yuan to merge the old state-run factory with a factory area of 60,000 square meters and more than 2,000 employees – Hangzhou Canned Food Factory, creating a miracle of "small fish eat big fish". Three months after the company was established, the original loss of more than 40 million yuan of Hangzhou can factory turned into a profit, sales revenue, profits and taxes more than doubled, the second year sales reached 400 million yuan, net profit of more than 70 million yuan.

In that exciting era, everything was new. In 1994, Zong Qinghou proposed the "joint sales system" at the dealer conference, requiring first-level dealers to pay a "security deposit" in advance. After the payment is settled every month, Wahaha will continue to ship. After the sale, Wahaha returns the "security deposit" and gives dealers rebates. He also formulated a strict price difference system. Each first-level dealer must strictly implement the corresponding sales price, so that "everyone makes money".

Wahaha’s development trajectory has also become a microcosm of the big era.

In 2003, Wahaha’s revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan, making it the fifth largest beverage producer in the world. In 2012, Wahaha entered the revenue 50 billion club and reached its peak in 2013. According to public data, in 2013, Wahaha’s revenue was 78.20 billion yuan. In 2014, Zong Qinghou set a goal of 100 billion yuan. With the rapid development of Wahaha, Zong Qinghou became the richest man in China three times during 2010-2013.

Over the past 30 years, Wahaha has grown into a huge beverage empire. According to Wahaha’s official website, the cumulative sales in 35 years are 860.10 billion yuan, profits and taxes are 174 billion yuan, and taxes are 74.20 billion yuan. Wahaha has 81 production bases and 187 subsidiaries in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country.

The products cover more than 200 varieties of packaged drinking water, protein beverages, carbonated beverages, tea beverages, fruit and vegetable juice beverages, coffee beverages, plant beverages, special-purpose beverages, canned food, dairy products, medical and health foods, among which purified water, AD calcium milk, nutrition fast line, eight treasure porridge are well-known national products.

"I’m not a capitalist, I’m an entrepreneur."

There are many entrepreneurs who have risen to the forefront and become trendsetters of the times, and Zong Qinghou is particularly different.

The financial writer Wu ****** once described meeting Zong Qinghou in the 1990s in "The Shanjia Man of Hangzhou": He had the face of a typical Hangzhou man, square, gentle and lacking in features. He spoke a little shyly, and when he liked someone, his only expression was to keep passing you cigarettes.

As a representative of Zhejiang businesspeople, Zong Qinghou was low-key and gentle. Even Wahaha seems to have inherited this trait from him.

In an interview with The Paper, Yang Yiqing, director of the Zhejiang Merchants Museum, believes that Wahaha’s corporate management model is very unique and can be summarized as "four nos" – that is, no loans, no listing, no vice president, and no real estate.

"He didn’t touch all the popular industries in various periods, including real estate, financial investment, and the Internet. The valuable thing is that Zong Qinghou has always adhered to his main business, and he is very confident. There is no unified model for enterprise management, and there is no standard answer. Only those that suit him are the best," Yang Yiqing said in an interview with the media.

On CCTV Finance’s "Dialogue" program, when asked why he did not choose to sell expensive products, Zong Qinghou, who is already in his 70s, answered 11 words: "I am not a capitalist, I am an entrepreneur." Referring to the reason why he did not choose to go public for so many years, he said that Wahaha is not short of money at present, and if there are projects that require large capital investment in the future, he will also consider going public. But if it goes public, it is necessary to be responsible to shareholders. It is not good for shareholders to raise money without increasing the efficiency of the enterprise.

In Zong Qinghou’s view, the real economy is the foundation of a country’s economy and the lifeblood of our country’s economy. The virtual economy is produced in the real economy and should also serve the real economy. Entrepreneurs should sink their hearts into doing business and lead the transformation and upgrading of the real economy with innovation.

Therefore, Zong Qinghou also had a famous economic dispute with Ma Yun.

In 2016, when discussing "the deep reasons why China’s manufacturing industry is facing a cold winter in 2016" and "how to revive the real economy" on the "Dialogue" program, Zong Qinghou was asked what he thought of the five major changes proposed by Ma Yun: "new retail, new manufacturing, new finance, new technology and new resources".

At that time, Zong Qinghou’s answer was: "Except for new technology, everything else is nonsense. [Ma Yun] himself is not [engaged in] the real economy, [can] make something." New technology is what the real economy should pursue, and can help the manufacturing industry from the low end to the high end.

Afterwards, when Ma Yun attended a political and business event in Nanjing, he also talked about the debate between the real economy and the virtual economy. He believes that the real economy and the virtual economy are not antagonistic relationships. Entrepreneurs must not live in yesterday and complain about tomorrow. "It is not technology that makes you eliminated, it is backward thinking that makes you eliminated, it is unwillingness to learn and self-righteousness that makes you eliminated… It is not that China’s real economy is not working, but your real economy is not working." This is considered Ma Yun’s response to Zong Qinghou’s criticism.

A month later, Zong Qinghou and Ma Yun publicly shook hands for a group photo, thus ending the "virtual and real economic dispute".

Just as Zong Qinghou chose to do the real economy, Zong Qinghou always has a sense of "down-to-earth" constancy. Since starting his business in 1987, Zong Qinghou has maintained a consistently diligent schedule for more than 30 years: working nearly 16 hours a day, going to work at 7 am, and leaving work at 11 pm.

Zong Qinghou’s early experience of working hard from the bottom also made him very thrifty. He is known for his deeds: personal consumption of 50,000 yuan per year, choosing economy class by plane, choosing a second-class seat by high-speed rail, and often not bringing secretaries and assistants on domestic business trips. Because he wears cloth shoes all year round, Zong Qinghou is also known as "the richest man in cloth shoes".

"If my’destiny ‘is to smooth the cracks and scars between the poor and the rich, if it is to present a kind of values and possibilities that enable young entrepreneurs to find their way and see even a glimmer of light, I will definitely feel that this is valuable and worth paying for without hesitation," Zong Qinghou said.

Looking for a new direction

However, in recent years, people have noticed that Zong Qinghou has undergone some changes.

Zong Qinghou, who had always claimed that he would not retire, began to take a back seat. Zong Qinghou, who had always said that he would "never go public", relented. Zong Qinghou, who had always refused E-commerce LIVE, not only started Douyin live broadcast, but also opened several e-commerce platforms at once.

At the same time as these changes, Wahaha "stagnated". In 2013, Wahaha’s revenue peaked at 78.30 billion yuan. However, just as Zong Qinghou announced in 2014 that he would hit the 100 billion target, Wahaha’s revenue plummeted to 49.40 billion yuan in 2015. Since then, Wahaha’s revenue has been hovering below 50 billion yuan, and it will not be until 2021 that Wahaha returns to the 50 billion yuan club.

In the process, Wahaha, a leader in the industry, gradually lost its advantage. In 2001, Nongfu Spring surpassed Wahaha in the market share of bottled water, and has been in the industry for many years since then. At other tracks, brands such as Wanglaoji, Jiaduobao, Master Kong, and Yili are eyeing each other, while new brands such as Yuan Qi Sen Lin have emerged with concepts such as "0 calories" and "0 sugar". Wahaha’s voice was drowned out.

Today, when it comes to Wahaha, the public’s impression is still mostly in Nutrition Express and AD calcium milk. Many people think that its products lack innovation and are not young enough. At the same time, Nongfu Spring has broken through the beverage circle with the Oriental Leaf series of tea drinks, gradually gaining the upper hand in the competition with Wahaha.

In the age of the internet economy, Zong Qinghou, who is in his infancy, seems to be getting farther and farther away from his consumers. Wahaha needs to change, and Zong Qinghou has to seek change and find a new way out.

For Wahaha, the addition of Zong Fuli is a kind of thing, and the establishment of an e-commerce platform is naturally the same.

In 2018, Zong Fuli took the initiative to join Wahaha Group as the head of the brand public relations department, in order to make Wahaha younger. Under Zong Fuli’s younger strategy, Wahaha replaced Wang Leehom, the spokesperson for more than 20 years, with a younger Xu Guanghan; Nutrition Express launched a limited colorful version and launched a limited makeup. Under Zong Fuli’s leadership, Wahaha began to cross the border and appear in more young people’s favorite circles. In recent years, Wahaha has launched AD calcium milk-flavored milk heart moon cakes, launched a joint juvenile ice cream with Zhong Xuegao, and launched a joint pH 9.0 soda with POP MART. It has also entered the e-sports circle and cooperated with League of Legends Professional League (LPL) officials and teams.

In order to keep up with the pace of the times, both Zong Qinghou and Zong Fuli have made many attempts, but the effect is not obvious. According to media statistics, in the past two or three years, Wahaha has launched more than 300 new products, but basically they cannot escape the fate of going offline at the speed of light. In recent years, Wahaha has been jokingly called the fastest company in the industry for "making babies" because of the fast speed of introducing new products. But the new big single product has not yet appeared.

Who will take over? Hangzhou state-owned assets once sought to withdraw

Zong Qinghou always had one wish – to turn Wahaha into a century-old store.

However, seeing his age getting older, Zong Qinghou began to think about the issue of succession. In 2023, on the CCTV financial "Dialogue" program, Zong Qinghou once again talked about the issue of succession: "You always have to train young people and successors. After I leave, he can continue to let Wahaha develop healthily and become a century-old store." Because it is impossible for me to keep it a century-old store. "

At the end of 2021, Zong Fuli became the vice chairperson and general manager of Wahaha Group, responsible for daily work, and Zong Qinghou remains the chairperson of the group. For Zong Qinghou, he is still waiting for a more mature opportunity.

On the show, Mr. Zong revealed that he was already gradually preparing for the shift. "Why do I have to revamp the process, the post responsibility system, and modify and improve the rules and regulations?" he said. "It is to let every employee know what he should do, to what extent, what he cannot do, what responsibilities he should take, and what compensation he can get."

In the eyes of the outside world, it is a foregone conclusion that Zong Fuli will inherit the Wahaha business empire left by Zong Qing.

On February 23, Hangzhou Wahaha E-commerce Co., Ltd. underwent an industrial and commercial change, and Zong Fuli succeeded Zong Qinghou as the company’s legal representative, executive director, and manager. Earlier, in 2021 and 2022, Zong Fuli began to serve as directors of related companies in succession. After entering 2023, Zong Fuli served as directors of related companies under 14 Wahaha Group.

From the perspective of shareholding structure, Zong Qinghou is the founder and chairperson of Wahaha Group, but he is not the largest shareholder of Wahaha.

According to Tianyancha, Hangzhou Shangcheng District Wenshang Travel Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. holds 46% of Wahaha Group’s shares, making it the largest shareholder of Wahaha Group. Behind it is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hangzhou Shangcheng District. Zong Qinghou himself holds 29.4% of the shares, and the remaining 24.6% of the shares are held by the Wahaha employee shareholding platform. As Zong Qinghou’s only daughter, Zong Fuli has the opportunity to inherit the 29.4% stake held by her father. But she is still not the largest shareholder of Wahaha, and the matter of taking power requires the cooperation of the Wahaha employee shareholding platform.

In fact, as early as May 2006, Zong Qinghou said that it was not difficult to negotiate with the Hangzhou State-owned Assets Administration about the exit of his 46% stake in Wahaha Group. However, due to the "Dawa dispute", the talks between the two sides were forced to be suspended.

In 2023, there is a signal that Hangzhou state-owned assets intend to withdraw again. According to the bidding information inquiry platform Xunbiaobao information, in July 2023, Hangzhou Shangcheng State-owned Investment Holding Group invited tenders for the equity value evaluation and legal services of the 46% equity held by Hangzhou Wahaha Group. Among them, Wanbang Asset Appraisal won the bidding for the equity value evaluation service, while Guohao Law Firm won the bidding for the legal services of equity disposal. It is not yet known whether Wahaha Group is still negotiating this part of the equity. If this part of the equity is taken over by an external institution, Zong Fuli will take over, or it will face greater challenges.

Will Wahaha, which is "not short of money", go public?

When the owner of Wahaha Group changed from Zong Qinghou to Zong Fuli, whether Wahaha would go public became another outstanding issue.

Compared to her father, who went to the United States to study in junior high school until she graduated from college, Zong Fuli has her own way of dealing with the world – directly and insisting on herself. In company management, she attaches more importance to systems and rules and does not exclude listing.

In May 2017, China Candy, a former Hong Kong-listed company, announced that New Baili Financing would make a voluntary conditional cash offer for and on behalf of the offeror Ever Maple Flavors and Fragrances Holdings Limited (Hengfeng Holdings) to acquire all the shares in the entire issued share capital of China Candy. The only ultimate beneficial owner of the offeror, Hengfeng Holdings, is Zong Fuli. This move was also interpreted by the outside world as Zong Fuli’s attempt to go public. This also triggered speculation about the listing of Wahaha Group. Wahaha Group denied this and said that the acquisition was Zong Fuli’s personal behavior and had nothing to do with the company.

However, the offer ultimately lapsed. On July 14, 2017, Zong Fuli posted a statement on her Weibo about the "lapse of the cash offer with China Confectionery Holdings Co., Ltd." The statement said that for the company, this was a positive and constructive exploration, which provided valuable experience for the company’s future layout in related fields.

On different occasions, Zong Fuli talked about the issue of listing with an open attitude. In 2019, Zong Fuli, who is the chairperson of Hongsheng Beverage Group and the head of Wahaha Group’s brand public relations department, once again responded to her views on listing when participating in the People’s Daily Online "Ask" program. "If you are not a listed company, people will have doubts about your investment. Although we are also a big brand company, others will think that a listed company is a company with a clear and standardized process, and will be more at ease to negotiate with you. Because we have never encountered a process of capital integration. In the current market and industry environment, any large-scale development of an enterprise is operated through capital means."

Zong Fuli believes that in the future, only by combining with capital markets will it go further, which is what every company has to do. "I also want to see what capital means can bring us."

In recent years, with Zong Qinghou’s relaxation, Wahaha Group’s listing has attracted more attention, but each time Wahaha Group has denied the listing rumors.

In fact, in the current shareholding structure, it is difficult for Wahaha Group to go public. According to public information, since Wahaha implemented the employee shareholding plan in 1999, the number of shareholding shareholders has exceeded 15,000. According to the relevant regulations of IPO, when the company to be listed applies for listing, the employee shareholding plan needs to be penetrated by shareholders, and the final number of shareholders after penetration shall not exceed 200. Under the background of Wahaha Group’s "family culture", it is conceivable that it is difficult to optimize the number of shareholding of 15,000 people to less than 200 people.

Wahaha is still 63 years away from becoming a century-old store, and its road is still long.

Siming District continues to promote the optimization and improvement of the business environment, and makes precise efforts to help enterprises develop

  Siming District is competing to showcase a high-quality business environment to global investors. The picture shows the Guanyinshan International Business Operation Center where the headquarters economy gathers.

  ▲ Siming District is a hot and blessed land for investment and business. The picture shows the beautiful scenery of Lujiang Road.

   Xiamen Network News (Xiamen Daily reporters, Wu Yanru, Lin Wen, correspondent, Xia Sixuan, this map/reporter, Huang Rong) Beautiful Ludao ushered in the "98 time" as scheduled, and guests from all over the world kicked off the feast of international capital.

  At the location of the main venue of the Investment Fair, Siming, the hot land and blessed land for investment and business in the central city, is showing a high-quality business environment to global investors in a competitive manner. Data is the most powerful footnote: in the first half of this year, Siming District achieved a regional GDP of 120.30 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8% year-on-year, and the total amount and growth rate ranked first in the city. This is since the second half of 2009, after a lapse of 12 years, Siming District’s GDP growth rate has taken the first place in the city.

  Those who are good at plotting go far, and those who do are successful. Siming District has made great efforts to "make the first move" in a good business environment, and issued the "Siming District Accelerates the Building of a World-Class Business Environment 2022-2023 Annual Enhancement Plan", focusing on key areas and key links to carry out research, promote the optimization and upgrading of the business environment, consolidate and deepen the construction of the province’s first business environment area, and upgrade the competitiveness of the marketization, rule of law, internationalization and facilitation business environment.

  Key words [concept]

  "Entrepreneurs are city partners"

  When the "BRICS" meets the "Golden Key", the double gold superposition allows domestic and foreign merchants to see more investment opportunities.

  Yesterday, the 4th BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership Forum was successfully held. At the meeting, Luckin Coffee from Siming District signed a letter of intent to purchase coffee beans in Brazil with Xiamen C & D, a top 500 Chinese company, Mitsui & Co., the largest green coffee bean trader in Asia, and the world’s second largest coffee trader, Swiss ECOM Group. According to the agreement, Luckin Coffee will purchase a total of about 45,000 tons of coffee beans in Brazil in the next three years. With the support of the Brazilian Embassy, it will continue to cooperate in the coffee industry in Brazil, share industrial concepts and industry practice experience, and promote cooperation in the coffee field to deepen.

  This multi-party cooperation shows the world the huge opportunities and openness of the Chinese market, and also shows the strength and style of Siming District enterprises. "The signing of the Brazilian coffee bean cooperation letter of intent will continue to enhance Luckin Coffee’s supply chain capabilities, allowing consumers to better experience the coffee products and culture of high-quality production areas around the world." Luckin Coffee said that in recent years, Luckin has continued to invest in the coffee professional supply chain. Last year, Luckin imported more than 15,000 tons of green coffee beans, and this year it is expected to exceed 30,000 tons.

  Luckin Coffee, which has its headquarters in Siming, is about to celebrate its fifth anniversary. At present, Luckin has more than 7,000 stores and has become one of the largest chain coffee brands in China. Guo Jinyi, chairperson and CEO of Luckin Coffee, said with emotion, "During the development of Luckin, the province, city and Siming District not only escorted the company when it was riding the wind and waves, but also provided help at the critical juncture of the company. Let us deeply understand that it was a very correct decision to settle here."

  The heartfelt voice of enterprises is a heartfelt affirmation of Siming’s services. Siming District has firmly established the concept of "entrepreneurs are city partners", further optimized the CSO chief service officer mechanism, expanded government-enterprise communication channels, and deepened pro-Qing political and business relations. This year, Siming District has carried out in-depth special projects of "benefiting enterprises", established an Enterprise Services commissioner system and a quick coordination mechanism to help solve enterprise problems with heart. At the same time, focus on key enterprises and key projects, strengthen the combination of leadership linkage and hierarchical coordination, help to improve enterprise growth, and provide full-cycle services for project implementation. On September 4, under the leadership of the district party committee and district government, the Lianqian Street Chamber of Commerce was first established, which not only created a warm "home" for enterprises, but also helped the government and enterprises to interact benignly and communicate efficiently.

  Heart-to-heart service, real help. This year, in the face of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, Siming District, while fully implementing higher-level policies, has timely launched 9 measures to assist enterprises in relieving and reducing costs. In the first half of the year, the accumulated industrial support funds and rescue funds exceeded 1.20 billion yuan, and the accumulated tax rebates, tax cuts and fee reductions reached 1.67 billion yuan, benefiting enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households over 46,000 times. In addition, a series of online consumption season activities were held, digital RMB consumption coupons were issued, and a series of cultural tourism consumption activities were held, which effectively promoted economic consumption.

  Key words [pattern]

  Deep integration of industry and city empowers enterprise development

  In the continuous optimization of the business environment, Siming District takes advantage of the "big improvement on the island" and uses the thinking and pattern of deep integration of the industry and the city to play chess, injecting new momentum into development and giving new vitality.

  In the eastern part of the island, the main venue of the Investment and Trade Fair, the rapid development of the area has attracted much attention. At present, the Kaiyuan innovation community in Siming District is rising rapidly with strong momentum. Good news from the Meiya Poko Group Headquarters Building and Smart City Innovation Center project located in this area: the main body of the building is in the accelerated construction stage, which is expected to be capped within the year and put into use by the end of 2023.

  Luan Jiangxia, executive deputy general manager of Meiya Cupresso, said: "This building will be built as the research and development headquarters of Meiya Cupresso, the research institute of new smart cities, and the technical research center of Meiya Cupresso branches, subsidiaries and some ecological enterprises. We will focus on new smart cities, artificial intelligence, big data and other future industries to carry out new technology research and industry incubation. We also hope to help Siming District gather talents, promote the deep integration of industries and cities, and work together to create a benchmark for the city’s innovation-driven industrial upgrading."

  As a rooting enterprise independently cultivated by Xiamen City and Siming District, Meiya Cupresso has become a strong representative of Siming District’s development of advantageous software information industry. Luan Jiangxia said that Siming District fully promotes enterprise development with an open attitude, international vision and accurate service. This year, Siming District also focused on launching the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Development of Software and Information Service Industry in Siming District", supporting the introduction of 9 supporting measures to promote the development of the software information industry from four aspects: supporting recruitment and recruitment, increasing production and efficiency, R & D and innovation, and attracting and retaining talents, including uncapped production incentives and one-time rewards for senior talents in big data. From another perspective, it also shows that the atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship in Siming District is particularly strong, and Siming District is determined to vigorously encourage and cultivate the rapid development of enterprises.

  Based on the actual situation of the region, Siming District focuses on leading industries such as software and information services, financial services, business services, cultural and tourism creativity, and further coordinates and optimizes the industrial space layout of the region, promotes the integration of land resource elements, and provides a platform carrier for project landing and development. At present, key areas such as Kaiyuan Innovation Community and Binbei Super Headquarters are accelerating.

  In Siming District, a hotland of innovation and entrepreneurship, the industrial high-energy, functional and high-quality space layout allows companies to take root and grow.

  In the Guanyinshan International Business Operation Center, where the headquarters economy gathers, Anta Operations Center has been located in the area since 2012. In the past ten years, this fertile soil has witnessed the development of Anta Group from a Chinese enterprise to a world-class sporting goods group.

  Li Ling, vice president of Anta Group, introduced that Anta Group opened the operation of Fila Building in Siming District this year, and what made Li Ling feel deeply was that "Siming District’s attentive service and policy support, as well as its unique environment, have attracted a large number of talents at home and abroad for the enterprise, bringing vitality to the development of the enterprise."

  Siming District promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional cultural tourism advantageous industries, and the key investment attraction project "Cultural Protection Wonderful Night" Hulishan Fortress Night Tour Project has developed eye-catching. This year, the project has been fully upgraded to version 2.0, landing the concept of "Yuan Universe", superimposing virtual and interactive scenes, and detonating Xiamen’s summer tourism market.

  To empower the development of cohesive enterprises and stimulate the new vitality of resource elements, Siming District strives to promote the formation of an industrial development pattern with different characteristics, dislocation development and mutual support.

  Key words [innovation]

  Focusing on key areas to create a new model of business environment construction

  Reform stimulates vitality, innovation is wide. Where there is demand for enterprises, Siming extends services to wherever they are.

  Expand the government-bank cooperation model, Siming District established a government service area in the Guanyinshan International Business Operation Center this year on the basis of the pilot project of "government affairs + beneficial enterprises" service area of ICBC Urban Construction Sub-branch, and opened the Guanyinshan Park Service Center. The center provides "one-stop" services such as business establishment, tax-related processing, social security registration, beneficial enterprise policies, and e-government self-service for 2,100 enterprises and 40,000 employees in the area. In the first half of the year, more than 100 people provided various services such as market supervision, construction, taxation, and coordination of area construction, effectively opening up the "last meter" of government affairs for employees of enterprises in the area.

  Deepen the reform of "decentralization, management and service", continue to optimize government services, and allow enterprises to go into battle lightly. As of the beginning of September, the whole district has entered 5,947 online service halls in Fujian Province, with 83.82% of the total process of online office, 96.52% of "no need to run one trip", and 99.88% of "no need to run one trip at most". At the same time, Siming District has broadened the supervision channels of government services, innovatively recruited enthusiastic people to serve as "government service experience officers" to the society. Focusing on themes such as "no-see approval", "simple cancellation of enterprises", and "accelerated retirement processing", it has combined "online experience + offline unannounced and unannounced visits" to check the level of government services. This year, 28 opinions and suggestions have been collected, and relevant departments have prescribed the right medicine and improved it.

  The rule of law is the best business environment. Xiamen is making every effort to build the Haisi Central Legal District into an important platform for developing modern service industries, deepening reform and opening up, and building a market-oriented, rule of law and facilitation of international business environment. According to the requirements of the "Overall Construction Plan of the Haisi Central Legal District", in accordance with the overall layout of "one island and two districts are complementary and superimposed, the free trade area will be tested first, and the Siming area will be fully demonstrated." Siming Demonstration Zone will build a high-energy legal institution and a carrier of legal science and technology.

  Siming District anchors goals, innovates ideas, adheres to a high position to promote organizational planning, incubates legal talents with a high vision, gathers legal resources with high efficiency, guarantees the implementation of high-demand projects, plans the layout of the area with high standards, optimizes the rule of law services with high quality, makes scientific plans and layouts, gathers resource elements, and strives to create a first-class rule-of-law business environment. At present, four enterprise units including Shenzhen Fadada Network Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Chongyu Law Firm, and Xiamen Bar Association have successfully landed in Siming Demonstration Zone. The No. 1 Legal Fund of Haisi Central Legal District has successfully settled in Siming District. Four projects including Pigsy Network Intellectual Property Big Data Southeast Regional Headquarters and Edition Shentong have been signed. At present, 54 legal and pan-legal institutions have settled in Siming Demonstration Zone.

  With more enterprises settling in, the service guarantee force of the demonstration area is also constantly strengthening. Siming Court and Belt and Road Initiative International Commercial Mediation Center have established the first professional intellectual property mediation institution "Intellectual Property Mediation Office of Haisi Central Legal District", which has accepted 220 cases. Siming Court’s "Commercial Lecture Hall" brand project has been introduced into Siming Demonstration Zone to explore the construction of a legal risk prevention and control exchange mechanism between enterprises, so as to better improve the legal risk prevention and control capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises.

  Siming District fully supports Xiamen’s efforts to create the second batch of national business environment innovation pilot cities, focusing on leading industries, exploring and implementing a number of ground-breaking and leading reform measures, and building a pilot demonstration zone for innovation pilot cities.

  Key word [quality]

  Optimize urban functions and enhance public service security

  Quality education is an important indicator and a strong supporting condition for an excellent business environment. In Xiamen, "Siming Education" is undoubtedly a household name.

  In the golden autumn of September, the "good school" at the doorstep of Siming District was reopened. The Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School welcomed the first batch of 220 first-grade students. On the first day of school, the school held a highly ceremonial "drop into the heart of the sea" activity. The freshmen held blue liquid and poured it into the "concentric sea" one by one, reflecting the school’s school philosophy of "establishing the path of’Datong ‘with the heart of forging ahead". Huang Yingmin, head of the student development center of the Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School, has high hopes for the children: "At this moment, you are like a boat going to sea, raising a new sail and starting a new journey."

  In addition to the Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School, the Hexiang Branch of the Primary School Affiliated to Xiamen Foreign Language School has also made a new appearance, and they all operate in the form of an "educational community". The opening of these new schools will help the high-quality development of regional education. It is reported that this year, Siming District has also newly renovated and expanded the second phase of Binhai Primary School. The Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School, the Hexiang Branch of the Primary School Affiliated to Xiamen Foreign Language School and the second phase of Binhai Primary School have added a total of 3,510 compulsory education degrees.

  As one of the first batch of "strong education areas" in Fujian Province, education has always been placed in the strategic position of priority development of Siming District. In April 2022, Siming District was confirmed as the first area to create a high-quality and balanced national compulsory education. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the whole district will also strive to renovate and expand no less than 30 compulsory education construction projects, add 30,000 compulsory education degrees, and make every effort to promote the high-quality and balanced regional compulsory education. At the same time, from the continuous expansion of school-based close education communities, and the promotion of education and teaching reform, it will help regional education to start at a high level and develop with high quality, and enhance Siming Education’s ability to serve the city’s economic and social development.

  All along, Siming District has been continuously optimizing the level of education development, improving the quality of urban education, solving the children’s education issues that investors, entrepreneurs and all kinds of talents are most concerned about, and making every effort to create a suitable and livable working and living environment. Based on the endowment advantages of the central urban area, Siming District also focuses on the fields of medical and health care, entertainment, ecological environment, urban management, etc., and continues to work hard to improve the soft environment, create a characteristic humanistic environment, optimize the functional quality of the urban area, and make investors, entrepreneurs and all kinds of talents live in Siming more happy and belong.

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Digital technology penetrates the front, middle and back ends of the industry, and Dongguan builds a new "moat" for the furniture industry

  How to seize the new opportunities of digital transformation in the era of digital economy is a must-answer for Dongguan furniture industry to achieve high-quality development.

  As a famous furniture manufacturing city in China, Dongguan’s furniture industry is famous at home and abroad. As a characteristic industry in Dongguan, how to seize the new opportunities of digital transformation in the digital economy era is a must-answer for the furniture industry to achieve high-quality development.

  At the beginning of this year, Dongguan proposed to promote the digital transformation of the furniture industry cluster, with a clear transformation goal of personalized customization transformation, using digital technology to penetrate the front, middle and back ends of the furniture industry, extending from manufacturing business to high added value at both ends of the value chain, and realizing the transformation from "production + sales" to "product + service" by 2025.

  Industry insiders said that, unlike other industries, the furniture industry is still a non-standard industry to a large extent. There are many product materials, complex processes, and small order volumes. Its digital transformation is difficult to achieve in one step. Although some leading enterprises have taken the lead in digitalization, the digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry is still in its infancy.

  Lin Guorong, vice chairperson of the China Furniture Brand Alliance, said that most of the furniture industry in Dongguan produces high-end home products, which also makes the digital transformation of the furniture industry in Dongguan more difficult. "But Dongguan’s advantages are also obvious. Relying on industrial Internet platforms such as Huawei Cloud and Wewin Big Data, the furniture industry will have great technical advantages in digital transformation, and will explore more local solutions for the digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry clusters."

  Industry digital transformation is still in its infancy

  According to the digital transformation roadmap planned by Dongguan, the digital transformation of the furniture industry cluster mainly involves four parts: leading enterprises to create digital transformation system integration solutions; support enterprises to transform production lines, develop intelligent, collaborative and flexible production and processing models, and promote enterprises to transform into new production models such as personalized customization and modular furniture; promote the application of advanced furniture design technologies such as virtual simulation and 3D design, and strengthen the intelligent design of furniture products linked with smart home systems; guide enterprises to accurately grasp the end point retail situation.

  However, combing the digitization process of Dongguan furniture industry can find that, in addition to the leading enterprises "one ride without dust", the vast majority of enterprises are "jogging in small steps" according to their own actual conditions, and are not in a hurry to digitalize in an all-round layout. The digital transformation of the furniture industry presents a bipolar phenomenon.

  Mousse health sleep joint stock company isDongguanThe only listed company in the furniture industry, as an industry leader, is undoubtedlyDongguanThe "leader" of the digital transformation of the furniture industry. Entering the Mousse intelligent digital factory, the large screen of the industrial Internet will collect the layout and real-time progress of all kinds of equipment. In the production area, the bed net spring machine intelligently forms the string net, and the automatic edge machine operates in an orderly manner.

  Due to non-standard products, the home furnishing industry has been facing many pain points such as high cost of personalized production and too much reliance on manpower. Mousse, on the other hand, has installed a "smart brain" in the factory by building an Industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing system based on the soft furniture industry, allowing custom home furnishings to have flexible production lines and carry out modular and large-scale production.

  In recent years, Mousse has introduced world-class automated and intelligent equipment and industrial processes such as Siemens. At the same time, it is equipped with an intelligent decision management platform. It integrates CRM, SAP, MES, WMS and other full systems to open up the integrated production process of orders. Production personnel can monitor and analyze the system data of each product in real time. On-demand customized C2M business model can quickly schedule production according to customer personalized and non-standard customized production needs. Customers are fully automated and visual processes from order placement to product delivery, making it one of the most automated production workshops in China’s furniture manufacturing industry.

  Unlike Mousse, Dongguan Chuangyu Industrial Co., Ltd. chose to "gradually transfer" on the road of digital transformation. In early July, Chuangyu joined hands with Guan Enterprise Shufu to complete the upgrade and closure of Enterprise Resource Planning, and 17 major modules such as business management, group operation, and material management have been launched. Through Shufu Enterprise Resource Planning, Chuangyu Group has opened up data sharing in material control, finished product warehouse management, sales, and procurement, so as to realize data transmission between the brand end and the factory end, improve production efficiency and reduce error rates.

  Southern finance media reporter learned that as the first step of digital transformation, many furniture enterprises in Dongguan have settled in Enterprise Resource Planning. But most enterprises have only penetrated the internal management link, connecting the front-end supply chain, back-end marketing, store end points and service links, and have not fully realized the integration and digitalization of the whole process. The digital transformation of the production line is still in the initial stage due to the high cost and complicated process.

  "At present, our digital equipment is only for the early standardization of cutting, edge sealing, punching and other aspects. Last year, we introduced a device for the manufacture of wooden door patterns, which can realize digital three-dimensional cutting. But we have more than 40 processes, which are more complicated, and some process digital equipment is still difficult to achieve." Lin Guorong, chairperson of Chuangyu Group, introduced.

  Let products and designs take the lead in digitalization

  Many industry insiders said that most of Dongguan mainly produces high-end home furnishing products, with extremely high requirements for craftsmanship and higher difficulty in digital transformation. Take Rongma Furniture as an example, as a high-tech enterprise with a global professional designer and R & D team, the main production of sofas includes more than ten processes such as nail racks, cotton, and leather, all of which are completed by workers by hand. "Whether the sofa is well done or not, whether it is full or not, depends on manual realization," Rongma Furniture technicians said.

  At the same time, the government advocates the transformation of enterprises to new production models such as personalized customization and modular furniture, requiring them to adjust their processes according to customer needs. They also face problems such as the large number of non-standardized links and the difficulty of large-scale output due to small quantities.

  Faced with the challenges of transformation, many companies have turned to breaking through, taking the lead in digitizing their products and designs, promoting the application of advanced technologies such as virtual simulation and 3D design, strengthening the segmentation of the population, strengthening the iterative upgrade of smart home systems and products, and climbing towards high value-added links.

  "We are currently the first to digitize product design. This year, through AI intelligent design, we have realized the virtual simulation of the exhibition hall. Consumers can experience products interactively on the Internet, accelerating the digitalization process of our flexible production," said Lin Guorong, chairperson of Chuangyu Group.

  Using the core technology of Industry 4.0 to combine the Internet, big data, Internet of Things, etc. with industrial production, create a flexible production chain, realize the interconnection of factories, consumers, products and information data, and gradually realize the production and service, is the inevitable direction of the furniture industry. As an important territory with the strongest interaction and experience in the home furnishing industry, soft furniture has brought new growth points to the furniture industry. Relevant statistics show that it is expected that by 2023, the global smart home market will reach 510 billion yuan. The huge market space of smart home has attracted major enterprises to enter the market. The digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry is the epitome of it.

  In the field of smart home, Mousse has long created a "tailor-made personal healthy sleep system" in the industry. The newly developed T10 intelligent healthy sleep system can monitor heart rate, snoring, and deep sleep through built-in sensors in the mattress. When users have sleep problems, the Legend26 smart healthy sleep system will tailor sleep solutions, provide psychological intervention guidance such as sleep music and CBTI, and realize closed-loop management of the smart healthy sleep ecosystem.

  As one of the first companies in China to lay out smart homes with smart furniture as an entry point, Rongma Furniture’s Livable Home brand has become one of the first companies to enjoy the benefits of the smart home industry. Walking into the smart exhibition hall of Rongma Furniture, with the help of "artificial intelligence + Internet of Things" technology, customers issue instructions to artificial intelligence "Xiaole": open the viewing mode, the curtains in the house will automatically close, and the sofa will also be adjusted to a comfortable angle. Livable Home injects artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology into sofas, beds and other furniture items to create a "smart home".

  Looking at the digital transformation process of Dongguan furniture industry cluster, it can be seen that actively integrating into the development trend of smart home is a highlight of the digital transformation of Dongguan furniture industry. Based on its own smart platform, creating a cloud platform interface that can be opened to the outside world, connecting to Huawei Hongmeng system, and promoting the home to upgrade to the smart IoT healthy field will be an important direction for the digital transformation of the industrial cluster in the future.

  Big data and artificial intelligence deeply empower the industry

  Southern finance media reporter survey found that although walking in the forefront of digital transformation, and Dongguan furniture industry cluster development has become a general trend, but due to different enterprises production and operation mode, and the degree of embedding of the industrial chain is different, leading furniture enterprises did not output a set of unified applicable to the industry’s digital transformation integrated solutions, each enterprise’s digital system, equipment, direction, etc. are independently customized, the status quo of information islands is obvious, furniture industry cluster digital transformation still maintains the "go it alone" situation.

  With the foundation of industrial software in the early years, Foshan Weishang Furniture, which has a certain Internet gene, has become a benchmark enterprise in the custom home furnishing industry, and actively provides digital intelligence transformation solutions for upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry, shaping a classic path of digital transformation for furniture enterprises. And in Dongguan, such a case is about to be born.

  Walking into the small laboratory of Interface Technology Co., Ltd., located in Songshan Lake, several 6-axis industrial robots and automation equipment are conducting research and development and production of various products.

  As a technology-based innovation enterprise engaged in supply-side technology development and channel expansion in the furniture industry, Interface Technology has accumulated a lot of technical experience in the use of industrial 6-axis robots for processing processes including sheet metal, square material, soft material milling, surface forming, and supporting tooling equipment. It is mainly used in single-piece to small-batch production, targeting the majority of small and medium-sized furniture enterprises.

  "In terms of solid wood furniture, the technology can initially meet the customization needs of some high-end customers. At the same time, due to the establishment of product and process databases, the robot production process makes it possible to produce single pieces to small batches on demand," said Wang Huaiqun, head of the interface technology department.

  At present, Interface Technology is actively seeking cooperation with small and medium-sized furniture enterprises in Dongguan. "We hope to build intelligent furniture production units that can empower small and medium-sized enterprises, truly solve the practical difficulties of small and medium-sized furniture enterprises in digital transformation, and launch intelligent manufacturing system solutions for the furniture industry that can be implemented." Jiang Wei, founder of the company, said.

  In terms of solving the information islands between enterprises, Dongguan furniture enterprises actively use Huawei Cloud, Wewin big data and other industrial Internet platforms for digital transformation. Lin Guorong told the Southern Finance and Economics All Media reporter that he has established a separate technology company and joined hands with Huawei to create a "data Rubik’s Cube". "We hope to create a solution together with Huawei, and use a central platform to link different software and systems in the integration industry. Enterprises bring their own data to the station. As a peer-to-peer exchange, the platform will provide enterprises with corresponding user portrait analysis, logistics matching services based on big data, etc."

  "Making big data and artificial intelligence technology deeply empower the industry is the core goal of the digital transformation of Dongguan’s furniture industry in the future," Lin Guorong said.

  (Author: Zheng Kangxi, a trainee reporter for Southern Finance and Economics All Media, Editor: Yu Changhuan)

Weekly Inventory | Meituan Hong Kong stocks rose 6.33% last week

[Individual stock trend]

April 17 to April 21

Last week, the Hang Seng Index fell 1.78% for the week, and the Hang Seng Technology Index fell 4.66%.

Meituan -W Hong Kong stocks rose 6.33% last weekLast week’s total turnover 17.551 billion Hong Kong dollars, as of last week’s close, the Hong Kong stock price was 137.70 Hong Kong dollars, the market value of 859.447 billion Hong Kong dollars; Hong Kong stocks fell 4.04% this month, 21.18% this year, nearly 52 weeks down 2.62%.

[Company comparison]

stock code Securities abbreviation latest price Last week’s rise and fall This month’s rise and fall This year’s rise and fall 52 weeks of ups and downs DDL Dingdong Maicai $3.93. 7.38% 1.81% -7.96% -23.69% DASH Doordash $61.29. -0.7% -3.57% 25.54% -31.13% BABA Alibaba $89.13. -5.73% -12.77% 1.18% 3.05% 03690 Meituan -W HK $137.70 6.33% -4.04% -21.18% -2.62% 09988 Alibaba-SW HK $87.95 -6.93% -12.4% 1.97% 1.5%

[Related News]

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Meituan: Zibo barbecue brings fire to Shandong cultural tourism consumption, and the overall tourism order volume in the first quarter increased by 45% year-on-year.

According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the heat of barbecue in Zibo is still "top stream", and Weifang kites have set off a new round of craze across the country. According to retail platform Meituan data, the overall tourism order volume in Shandong Province increased by 45% year-on-year in the first quarter, the overall catering order volume increased by 20%, and the nighttime consumption vitality index rose by 19.5% year-on-year. A number of data show that innovative consumption formats and models have enabled the consumer market in Shandong Province to pick up in the first quarter.

Zhang Kun increased his position in Meituan and TSMC in the first quarter! The only situation where a good company is not a good stock is that the valuation is too high

According to surging news, Meituan-W, China National Offshore Oil, Group-SW and TSMC won the "public offering brother" Zhang Kun’s position in the first quarter. Just after 0:00 on April 21, Zhang Kun’s four funds in charge released the first quarter of 2023. From the perspective of management scale, Zhang Kun’s management scale did not change much in the first quarter. From 89.434 billion yuan at the end of 2022, it shrank by about 492 million yuan to 88.942 billion yuan at the end of March, a decrease of only 0.55%. Zhang Kun lamented in the first quarter report that it is so important to identify good companies, because the only situation in which good companies are not good stocks is that the valuation is too high. In other cases, good companies will bring long-term and considerable returns to investors.

Meituan takeaway first live broadcast: Mixue Bingcheng sales broke 100 million, Luckin raw coconut latte sold 1 million cups

According to Blue Whale Finance, Meituan takeaway has newly upgraded the "God Coupon Festival". Through the linkage of head KOL live broadcast and "takeaway + to the store", it has created a limited-time and limited-time special "explosive market" for the first time. As of 23:59:59 on April 18, 2023, the number of takeaway orders increased by nearly 50% year-on-year, and the DAU increased by 75% year-on-year. The average weekly growth rate of the transaction volume of the 100 major catering brands participating in the event exceeded 30%. During the event, the overall transaction WoW growth rate of tea and coffee reached 21%. Among them, Mixue Bingcheng’s sales broke 100 million, and a total of 15 million cups were sold; Luckin sold 1 million cups of coconut latte alone. The growth of the dinner category was significant, with Haidilao’s sales growth reaching 180%.

This article is from the theme of Hong Kong-US Data Connect, click to read more Hong Kong-US company dynamics > > >

Let the Daqing spirit glow with the brilliance of the times

  Autumn is refreshing and autumn is like wiping, and the core values of socialism have also borne fruit in the whole society. We turn our attention to the depths of the years and step towards a spiritual highland. For more than 50 years, on the vast land of Northeast China, Daqing Petroleum people have held high the common ideal of "I offer oil for the motherland", and the roaring oil flow has enriched the blood of the great country, flashing with the splendor of spiritual transformation into material. Today, the core values of socialism have come to fruition in Daqing, and the Daqing spirit that has continued for half a century has found a new era of fit. The irreplaceable energy base of the Republic once again resounds the exciting sound of jade and gold.

  The Daqing spirit carries the essence and essence of socialist core values and is the "Daqing expression" of socialist core values

  The Daqing spirit with "patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking and dedication" as its main content is a noble spirit nurtured and tempered in the fiery practice of socialist construction. The essence of Daqing spirit reflects the essential requirements of socialist ideology and morality, carries the essence and essence of socialist core values, and is highly compatible and consistent with the basic connotations and requirements of socialist core values.

  Patriotism is embodied in the responsibility and mission of "winning glory for the country and fighting for the people". "Patriotism" is the core of socialist core values, and it is the responsibility of every citizen that cannot be abandoned for a moment. Similarly, "patriotism" is the most distinctive mark of Daqing Petroleum people and the core content of Daqing spirit. Whether it is during the arduous war period or in the development stage of continuous and stable production, Daqing Petroleum people have always breathed and shared the same destiny with the motherland, insisted on integrating the needs of the country into everyone’s value pursuit, and turned patriotism into conscious actions of producing more oil and more gas. It has achieved high and stable production of crude oil with an annual output of more than 50 million tons for 27 consecutive years, and maintained continuous and stable production of 40 million tons for 11 consecutive years, with a cumulative production of 2.19 billion tons of crude oil.

  Dedication ethics is reflected in the entrepreneurial passion of "hard work and self-reliance". "Dedication" is the basic professional requirement of citizens, that is, always love and value the work and position you are engaged in, and thereby stimulate a strong sense of belonging and pride to the company and the country. The entrepreneurial spirit of hard work and self-reliance is the professional ethics of Daqing oil people. During the war, the tens of thousands of oil troops represented by the iron man Wang Jinxi, "would rather live for 20 years less, and desperately want to win the big oil field". In just three years, they won the big oil field at a high speed and high level, and threw off the hat of poor oil in our country in one fell swoop. Entering the new era, in order to maintain the national petroleum strategic security, Daqing Petroleum people have reflected their passion for "entrepreneurship" in innovative industries and market entry. There are 165 teams in the oil field, more than 4,570 people, and they have penetrated into 23 countries and regions.

  The quality of integrity is reflected in the realistic style of "three old and four strict" and "four alike". "Integrity" is the foundation of a person’s life and the necessary moral conduct, and it is reflected in the work of behavioral rules and codes of conduct. Daqing Petroleum people always regard integrity as the root of their life and the foundation of their business, emphasizing "three old and four strict" and "four the same" everywhere and at all times, treating their careers "as honest people, telling the truth, doing honest things", and having "strict requirements, strict organization, serious attitude, and strict discipline"; treating their work "night and day the same, bad weather and good weather the same, the leader is not on site and the leader is on site the same, no one checks and someone checks the same". In practice, they have formed the working standards of "I would rather have one good, not ninety-nine passable", "dry work can withstand the inspection of generations and grandchildren", which has become a true portrayal of the integrity and truth-seeking of Daqing Petroleum people.

  The concept of friendliness is reflected in the unremitting pursuit of "contributing energy and creating harmony". "Friendliness" is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation advocated by the core socialist values. Daqing Petroleum people regard dedication to the country and society as the due meaning of practicing the concept of friendliness, always adhere to the corporate tenet of "contributing energy and creating harmony", adhere to the development of collusion, responsibility sharing, urban and rural construction, and stability sharing, promote the construction of "Harbin-Daqi" industrial corridors, and build the province’s oil and gas economic circle; jointly develop 21 peripheral oil fields with local governments to create favorable conditions for their accelerated development; vigorously support urban public construction and socialist new rural construction, and use industrial advantages to drive regional economic development and promote harmonious relations between enterprises and land. In June this year, the China National Petroleum and Natural Gas group company signed the "Deepening Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Heilongjiang Province, and Daqing Oilfield will make new contributions to improving people’s livelihood, increasing employment and promoting local economic and social development.

    The inheritance and innovation of the Daqing spirit ensured that the core values of socialism took root

  Inherit without losing roots, innovate and keep the soul. The Daqing spirit has come along the history, and the shedding brilliance has nourished the growth of generations of Daqing people. Non-stop, not confused, re-learning and re-education, the Daqing spirit has become an important breakthrough point for cultivating and practicing socialist core values.

  Grasp education and strengthen spiritual inheritance. Oilfield regards Daqing spiritual education as an important content of employee entry, party and group education and employee training, and has carried out theme education activities such as "Cherish honor, hold high the banner, create the future", "Learn iron man, make new achievements, stabilize oil and increase gas as a pioneer", "Study Daqing spirit again, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the war" throughout the oilfield; compiled and issued dozens of books with tens of millions of words, such as "Dictionary of Daqing Oilfield Corporate Culture" and "Compilation of Daqing Oilfield Literature and History Materials", and opened an iron man lecture hall, academic report hall, etc., so that leading cadres and post workers can board the podium to exchange knowledge and experience of inheriting the Daqing spirit.

  Grasp the position and enrich the cultural carrier. It has successively built 22 national patriotic education bases such as the Ironman Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall and the Daqing Oilfield History Exhibition Hall, and the China Petroleum Enterprise Spirit Education Base. It organizes employees to visit and study in batches every year, and has become a "holy place" for employees’ children to study and leave their hometowns, so as to experience the charm of Daqing spirit in a subtle way. In addition, the oilfield has successively improved more than 50 corporate culture construction demonstration sites such as the 206 oil production team, developed more than 20 industrial heritage sites such as the first crude oil transportation site, built more than 30 oilfield plazas named "Iron Man" and "Entrepreneurship", and held "Square Culture Week" and "Battle Songs Everyone Sings" and other mass cultural activities. A total of more than 230 events have been held in three years. He also created film and television dramas such as "Daqing Soul" and "Iron Man Wang Jinxi", and a large number of literary works such as "Iron Man" and "Daqing People in the New Era", which were deeply popular and had a wide impact.

  Grasp models and highlight demonstration and leadership. The oilfield pays attention to the selection of advanced models, and has successively cultivated and selected more than 5,000 models of various types. After the iron man Wang Jinxi and the iron man Wang Qimin in the new era, trees have been selected to publicize the third generation of iron men – Li Xinmin of "Daqing New Iron Man" and a number of major models such as "Five Red Flags" and "Five Pioneers" in the new era. The oilfield also selects a number of models such as meritorious employees and meritorious collectives every year. Duan Fuhai, an employee of the fourth oil production plant, engaged in innovation based on his position, solved more than 300 problems, and won 16 major technological innovation awards in the oilfield, 10 national patents, and achieved more than 31 million yuan In recent years, Duan Fuhai and a group of grassroots innovation experts have given a series of lectures to more than 5,000 grassroots employees in the "Iron Man Lecture Hall".

  Grasp the key points and improve the quality of young workers. In response to the fact that the proportion of "post-80s" and "post-90s" young workers in the team is close to 20% in recent years, and the proportion of market-oriented and part-time employees accounts for more than 30%. Mentoring and apprenticeship assistance and vocational mentors are widely promoted among young workers. Combined with the characteristics of modern youth, nearly 700 official certified Weibo such as league organizations at all levels, ironman pavilions, and oilfield newspapers have been opened, and the number of fans is nearly 30,000. With the theme of "Colorful Youth, Brilliant Interpretation", a WeChat communication platform has been built, and more than 20,000 mobile phone users have reached. At the same time, a Weibo contest and a micro-movie contest have been widely launched, and a large-scale educational TV quiz program "Answering

  Grasp the grass-roots level and summarize the promotion experience. Respect the pioneering spirit of the grass-roots people, and let the Daqing spirit take root. Adhere to the "soul of the post responsibility system is the post responsibility", mobilize employees to start from bit by bit and start with details, and consciously strengthen the post responsibility; advocate the concept of "learning to work, work to learn", naming achievements such as "Wang Chunrong hot washing method" and "Shaochun wrench" to stimulate employees’ enthusiasm for learning skills and strengthening quality; build a harmonious interpersonal relationship of unity, friendship, equality and mutual assistance, and open a "psychological adjustment room" to make the grass-roots level a "home" for employees’ attachment.

  Grasp innovation and adapt to the characteristics of the times. Using oilfield TV media, we have successively launched two "Moving Oilfield Characters" selection, "Daqing Dream – We are in Action" patting competition, mass technology competition, "Technology Champion" young workers’ skills PK competition, "Dream Sailing" TV host competition and other activities. At the same time, we have organized and carried out "Who is the King" table tennis competition and badminton TV competition and other activities, with more than 100,000 direct participants, who have been warmly welcomed by the oilfield workers.

  Through a series of education and guidance, the cadre and staff team has effectively achieved "three never forget, three never lose", that is, the working environment has been improved, the battle style has not been forgotten, and the tradition of being meticulous and serious has never been lost; living standards have been improved, and the "fighting spirit" has not been forgotten, and the tradition of diligence and thrift has never been lost; with the development of the oil field, the process of hard work and entrepreneurship will not be forgotten, and the tradition of fighting for oil will never be lost.

  III. The radiation and dissemination of the Daqing spirit has promoted the universal recognition of socialist core values

  Crossing the Songnen Plain and the waters of the Longjiang River, the Daqing spirit, which was born on the black soil, has long since left the Daqing Oilfield, and has widely and deeply influenced Chinese people’s thinking, playing a positive role in cultivating and practicing socialist core values.

  Adhere to the brand of "breaking into the market" and use the Daqing spirit to build the image. Wherever the market expands, the Daqing spirit will be radiated to. Over the years, the Daqing team tempered with the Daqing spirit has not only won by superior technology in the domestic and foreign markets, but also by fine traditions, excellent work style and advanced culture, calling the "Daqing" brand. "Daqing New Ironman" Li Xinmin led the DQ1205 team to fight in Sudan and Iraq with the fighting spirit of "I would rather go through all kinds of difficulties and risks, but also to contribute oil to the motherland". In the new era, Daqing people connected with international management, integrated into regional culture, relied on tenacious style and strength, and relied on excellent quality to break into the market, establishing the image of Daqing overseas and raising the red flag of Daqing.

  Since 2010, the Oilfield has organized a tour to preach the "Oil Soul" Daqing spirit, with a total of 345 lectures and a total travel distance of more than 200,000 kilometers. The direct audience exceeded 200,000 people, and more than one million people learned through various forms. In 2012, the Preaching Corps was awarded the National Workers’ Pioneer by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. In recent years, Daqing Oilfield has also concentrated publicity through the central mainstream media, participated in important national conferences and high-level forums, and actively carried out visiting and exchange activities to spread the Daqing spirit, so that it has been widely recognized by all sectors of society. After listening to or visiting Daqing, many people gave high praise to the Daqing spirit, saying that learning to understand the Daqing spirit, the iron man spirit, touched the mind, shocked the soul, and accepted a profound spiritual baptism. In the future, we must behave like iron men and do things, and use practical actions to realize the Chinese dream.

  Adhere to the "tree of three virtues" to do public welfare, and light up life with the spirit of Daqing. Su Xiuqin, deputy head of the Oilfield Chengxin Community Community Party Member Contact Service Station, is a retired cadre over 60 years old. In 2010, in response to the reality that there are many retirees in the community and few cultural activities, she led the establishment of "Chengxin Art Troupe", "Chengxin Calligraphy and Painting Garden" and other groups, and also established the "Love Sister Studio", which took the 22 empty nesters in the community as a key aid object, and carried out psychological comfort activities together with the property and neighborhood committees, creating a harmonious and stable community environment. The "Love Transfer" Volunteer Association organized by Bai Chunhai, an employee of the Drilling Engineering Company, has organized more than 580 public welfare activities over the past seven years, developed more than 2,000 members, and raised a total of more than 2 million yuan for various donations. The Daqing Volunteer Alliance, chaired by Duan Yide of the Second Oil Production Plant, the Love Association named after Zhu Hua of the Fourth Oil Production Plant, and the "Charity Donation" group established by the employees of the natural gas branch, all integrate the core socialist values into the hearts of the people and turn them into a reality of life.

  The voice of Huang Zhong and Dalu of socialist core values has been sung in China. Daqing Petroleum people will continue to inherit the spirit of Daqing and the spirit of iron man, and sing all the way and have great ambitions.

  (This article is excerpted from the 19th issue of "Red Flag Manuscript" in 2014.)

"Love’s Driving" Exposed Special, Wang Chengsi Becomes "Happy Manufacturing Machine"

1905 movie network news On August 25, a comedy and romance film that is about to hit cinemas across the country released a special cast. Director Xu Lin and chief producer Liang Wei took the lead in creating "Wang Chengsi Kuaqu Group" to reveal the story behind the shooting of "Driving for Love" for the first time, showing fans from multiple angles how Wang Chengsi was polished into a "joy maker" in the film, so that the public can see the fancy opening of an excellent comedian. The film is directed by Xu Lin, and Wang Chengsi is the lead actor, and Xu Huiqiang, Ai Ran, Feng Qinchuan, the lead actor, and the friendship actor. It will be staged this Friday. See you in theaters this weekend. The film is on hot pre-sale!

The special issue changes in seconds! How many ways does Wang Chengsi open it?

In the latest release of Wang Chengsi’s special, the beginning of the "Salt can be sweet, amiable, humble, and dedicated" is the film director Xu Lin and chief producer Liang Wei’s high evaluation of the male lead Wang Chengsi, which makes people feel like they have entered Wang Chengsi’s "praise group"? Behind all this is a comedian who has come with more than ten years of persistence and hard work, which is reflected in all aspects of the play inside and outside the play.

First, the director’s certified acting skills! Director Xu Lin said of his most impressive scene that "there was a scene where he ate steak in a western restaurant. In just ten seconds, Wang Chengsi could perform four levels". From never eating steak, to feeling delicious, to devouring, and finally trying to maintain elegance, a piece of steak can be eaten in four states. Unknowingly, the comedy tension of a little person is fully released. Second, the commendable professionalism! Chief producer Liang Wei talked about the filming of the film in winter. When the hot spring scene was filmed early in the morning, the extras could not stand it for 30 minutes, and Wang Chengsi stayed in it all the time. His dedication was admirable. Third, the all-round performance of delicate emotions! In this film, Wang Chengsi not only shows his funny ability, but also the delicate handling of emotional scenes, which allows people to see Wang Chengsi’s deeper performance skills. When filming the crying scene where Zhong Chengkui saw his daughter regain her eyesight, the director Xu Lin asked Wang Chengsi if he needed to prepare eye drops. Wang Chengsi refused, proving that "a strong man also has a tender side" with an excellent crying scene. When Director Xu recalled the filming of this film, he also praised Wang Chengsi’s precise handling of emotional scenes. His performance will definitely make people feel the change of Zhong Chengkui’s mood when watching the movie, and be healed and moved by the family interaction between father and daughter. How many ways does actor Wang Chengsi have to open up? Let’s meet at the theater this Friday to find out.

The director called out for choosing the right person! Wang Chengsi writes with love and becomes a late bloomer

"Driving for Love" tells the story of Zhong Chengkui, the water delivery brother, who is involved in a carefully planned "stand-in love" because he looks like Li Jiahao, the young director of the design company. As Wang Chengsi’s first male lead film work, he is facing the difficult challenge of one person playing two roles at the same time. In an interview, he admitted that "there is a lot of pressure". The most difficult scene in the whole shooting process is that Zhong Chengkui has to pretend to be Li Jiahao to speak on stage, and Li Jiahao pretends to be Zhong Chengkui to cooperate in order not to be exposed. In actual shooting, the transition of the two roles is very easy to be confused. How to deal with the different states of the characters and complete the performance naturally and smoothly, Wang Chengsi has made a lot of effort for this. As for Wang Chengsi’s performance, the director Xu Lin bluntly said that "he chose the right person", and the chief producer Liang Wei said that "he will always give you some surprises".

As a meritorious actor of Happy Twist, Wang Chengsi embraces his love for acting. It took seventeen years to slowly move from the stage of the drama to the big screen, and to accumulate energy from each and every role. Finally, in "Driving for Love", he realized his dream of being the leading man in the movie. Zhong Chengkui, a poor boy in the play, wants to fall in love with Huo Qixin, a rich daughter, and Wang Chengsi outside the play also turns around and has his own male lead. Actor Wang Chengsi staged a "double-line counterattack", writing his own late bloomer with love and perseverance.

"Stealth": A different anti-drug movie, Andy Lau fought too hard this time!

1905 movie network feature The crime action movies of the four major Hong Kong film male gods have been set for December 29 and officially announced to land in the cinema for New Year’s Eve.

At present, "Stealth" has released key information such as the film trailer and plot introduction. In the film, Andy Lau challenges the role of the villain lawyer who is very difficult for the actor’s career. He uses the dark web to broadcast drug trafficking, and uses the law to get away with murder.

Just words alone, the thrill and murderous aura of "Stealth" can no longer be hidden. Apart from this scalp-tingling plot, what else can’t be missed in "Stealth"? "Today’s Film Review" takes you to see it!

"Stealth" is new enough!

"Stealth" is by no means a traditional anti-drug movie, but a new anti-drug movie that combines three elements: "curiosity theme", "extrajudicial fanatics", and "live drug trafficking".

The biggest innovation in "Stealth" is that the battlefield of drug trafficking and anti-drug has shifted to the dark and dangerous online world, and drug trafficking uses the dark web to broadcast drug trafficking. In such a large traffic entrance, how drug trafficking is secretly carried out and how the anti-drug operation will be advanced, it can be said that "Stealth" is not only about anti-drug, but also about the battle of wits and courage between cybercrime and sophisticated high-tech.

The "cat and mouse fight" that could not be avoided in the anti-drug genre films was also upgraded and evolved in "Stealth". Hackers were no longer the patent of bandits, and both the police and bandits in "Stealth" had high-IQ hackers in charge.

"Stealth" is ruthless!

The ruthlessness of "Stealth" is not only reflected in the bloody feeling of the crime action movie in the fighting scene, it is enough to dive down and explore the chilling ruthlessness behind human nature.

The lawyer played by Andy Lau, Lin Zhenan, has a gentle appearance, but his essence is "gentle scum". Whoever stands on the opposite side of him and who wants to share the interests with him, he will kill this person.

But in addition to this kind of ruthlessness of "killing without blinking an eye", Lin Zhenan’s ruthlessness is that he is not a pure cold-blooded person. Even if he betrayed himself when he treated his brother, he still missed his old love; when he treated his beloved wife and daughter, he was often emotional and burst into tears. The softness beyond ruthlessness makes the audience wonder how such a lawyer with tenderness and fraternity came to this state, and the thinking behind the doubts is enough to make people feel ruthless.

"Stealth" is awesome!

In addition to the film "Stealth", it has to be mentioned that Andy Lau himself has made a subversive transformation for "Stealth". In 2023, Andy Lau’s big screen image has changed as usual, and he has played the role of the villain many times in "Stealth", showing the other side of his acting skills.

In these two works, Andy Lau served as both the producer and the lead actor, and the producer’s identity gave him a heavier responsibility for the promotion and ultimate success of the film. This allowed him to prepare for the release of "Stealth" during his time in Hengdian, and also allowed him to do his best to play a good role in the film. At the age of 60, Andy Lau also opened himself up in the interpretation, willing to challenge the villain he played 16 years ago again, contributing new feelings to the audience, and leaving no regrets for himself.

He did indeed do it, and even after "Stealth", Andy Lau had the ability and potential to challenge more determined and extreme villains. Because Lin Jinan is a rare "bad and different" villain on the big screen, he has been so bad that he is close to madness, but this kind of bad is not facetious, but a natural development based on the exploration of his human nature. Andy Lau can play such an extremely complex role well, and with his age and experience, he will definitely have more courage to challenge more diverse images.

So far, there is "Stealth""If You Are the One 3"After a number of films were announced to be set for New Year’s Eve theaters, this year’s movie industry’s uncompromising "model worker" Andy Lau has another work in addition to "Stealth""Goldfinger."Also set the New Year’s Eve file.

In "Goldfinger", Andy Lau andTony LeungOnce again, the two films "Stealth" and "Goldfinger" were also called "the hope of the whole village" because of the strong cast and production team.

However, the revitalization of Hong Kong films is not simply determined by the degree of investment or the cast, but by the degree of integration with mainland audiences in terms of production concepts. In the new film market, audiences no longer expect purely shocking fighting scenes. In the hand-to-hand combat between you and me, audiences need deeper emotional exploration, more diverse audio-visual experiences, and fresher sensory impacts. We also look forward to the upcoming "Stealth" and "Goldfinger" to lead Hong Kong films out of the predicament and bring a "New Year’s gift" to the film industry and the market at the end of the year.