Let the Daqing spirit glow with the brilliance of the times

  Autumn is refreshing and autumn is like wiping, and the core values of socialism have also borne fruit in the whole society. We turn our attention to the depths of the years and step towards a spiritual highland. For more than 50 years, on the vast land of Northeast China, Daqing Petroleum people have held high the common ideal of "I offer oil for the motherland", and the roaring oil flow has enriched the blood of the great country, flashing with the splendor of spiritual transformation into material. Today, the core values of socialism have come to fruition in Daqing, and the Daqing spirit that has continued for half a century has found a new era of fit. The irreplaceable energy base of the Republic once again resounds the exciting sound of jade and gold.

  The Daqing spirit carries the essence and essence of socialist core values and is the "Daqing expression" of socialist core values

  The Daqing spirit with "patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking and dedication" as its main content is a noble spirit nurtured and tempered in the fiery practice of socialist construction. The essence of Daqing spirit reflects the essential requirements of socialist ideology and morality, carries the essence and essence of socialist core values, and is highly compatible and consistent with the basic connotations and requirements of socialist core values.

  Patriotism is embodied in the responsibility and mission of "winning glory for the country and fighting for the people". "Patriotism" is the core of socialist core values, and it is the responsibility of every citizen that cannot be abandoned for a moment. Similarly, "patriotism" is the most distinctive mark of Daqing Petroleum people and the core content of Daqing spirit. Whether it is during the arduous war period or in the development stage of continuous and stable production, Daqing Petroleum people have always breathed and shared the same destiny with the motherland, insisted on integrating the needs of the country into everyone’s value pursuit, and turned patriotism into conscious actions of producing more oil and more gas. It has achieved high and stable production of crude oil with an annual output of more than 50 million tons for 27 consecutive years, and maintained continuous and stable production of 40 million tons for 11 consecutive years, with a cumulative production of 2.19 billion tons of crude oil.

  Dedication ethics is reflected in the entrepreneurial passion of "hard work and self-reliance". "Dedication" is the basic professional requirement of citizens, that is, always love and value the work and position you are engaged in, and thereby stimulate a strong sense of belonging and pride to the company and the country. The entrepreneurial spirit of hard work and self-reliance is the professional ethics of Daqing oil people. During the war, the tens of thousands of oil troops represented by the iron man Wang Jinxi, "would rather live for 20 years less, and desperately want to win the big oil field". In just three years, they won the big oil field at a high speed and high level, and threw off the hat of poor oil in our country in one fell swoop. Entering the new era, in order to maintain the national petroleum strategic security, Daqing Petroleum people have reflected their passion for "entrepreneurship" in innovative industries and market entry. There are 165 teams in the oil field, more than 4,570 people, and they have penetrated into 23 countries and regions.

  The quality of integrity is reflected in the realistic style of "three old and four strict" and "four alike". "Integrity" is the foundation of a person’s life and the necessary moral conduct, and it is reflected in the work of behavioral rules and codes of conduct. Daqing Petroleum people always regard integrity as the root of their life and the foundation of their business, emphasizing "three old and four strict" and "four the same" everywhere and at all times, treating their careers "as honest people, telling the truth, doing honest things", and having "strict requirements, strict organization, serious attitude, and strict discipline"; treating their work "night and day the same, bad weather and good weather the same, the leader is not on site and the leader is on site the same, no one checks and someone checks the same". In practice, they have formed the working standards of "I would rather have one good, not ninety-nine passable", "dry work can withstand the inspection of generations and grandchildren", which has become a true portrayal of the integrity and truth-seeking of Daqing Petroleum people.

  The concept of friendliness is reflected in the unremitting pursuit of "contributing energy and creating harmony". "Friendliness" is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation advocated by the core socialist values. Daqing Petroleum people regard dedication to the country and society as the due meaning of practicing the concept of friendliness, always adhere to the corporate tenet of "contributing energy and creating harmony", adhere to the development of collusion, responsibility sharing, urban and rural construction, and stability sharing, promote the construction of "Harbin-Daqi" industrial corridors, and build the province’s oil and gas economic circle; jointly develop 21 peripheral oil fields with local governments to create favorable conditions for their accelerated development; vigorously support urban public construction and socialist new rural construction, and use industrial advantages to drive regional economic development and promote harmonious relations between enterprises and land. In June this year, the China National Petroleum and Natural Gas group company signed the "Deepening Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Heilongjiang Province, and Daqing Oilfield will make new contributions to improving people’s livelihood, increasing employment and promoting local economic and social development.

    The inheritance and innovation of the Daqing spirit ensured that the core values of socialism took root

  Inherit without losing roots, innovate and keep the soul. The Daqing spirit has come along the history, and the shedding brilliance has nourished the growth of generations of Daqing people. Non-stop, not confused, re-learning and re-education, the Daqing spirit has become an important breakthrough point for cultivating and practicing socialist core values.

  Grasp education and strengthen spiritual inheritance. Oilfield regards Daqing spiritual education as an important content of employee entry, party and group education and employee training, and has carried out theme education activities such as "Cherish honor, hold high the banner, create the future", "Learn iron man, make new achievements, stabilize oil and increase gas as a pioneer", "Study Daqing spirit again, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the war" throughout the oilfield; compiled and issued dozens of books with tens of millions of words, such as "Dictionary of Daqing Oilfield Corporate Culture" and "Compilation of Daqing Oilfield Literature and History Materials", and opened an iron man lecture hall, academic report hall, etc., so that leading cadres and post workers can board the podium to exchange knowledge and experience of inheriting the Daqing spirit.

  Grasp the position and enrich the cultural carrier. It has successively built 22 national patriotic education bases such as the Ironman Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall and the Daqing Oilfield History Exhibition Hall, and the China Petroleum Enterprise Spirit Education Base. It organizes employees to visit and study in batches every year, and has become a "holy place" for employees’ children to study and leave their hometowns, so as to experience the charm of Daqing spirit in a subtle way. In addition, the oilfield has successively improved more than 50 corporate culture construction demonstration sites such as the 206 oil production team, developed more than 20 industrial heritage sites such as the first crude oil transportation site, built more than 30 oilfield plazas named "Iron Man" and "Entrepreneurship", and held "Square Culture Week" and "Battle Songs Everyone Sings" and other mass cultural activities. A total of more than 230 events have been held in three years. He also created film and television dramas such as "Daqing Soul" and "Iron Man Wang Jinxi", and a large number of literary works such as "Iron Man" and "Daqing People in the New Era", which were deeply popular and had a wide impact.

  Grasp models and highlight demonstration and leadership. The oilfield pays attention to the selection of advanced models, and has successively cultivated and selected more than 5,000 models of various types. After the iron man Wang Jinxi and the iron man Wang Qimin in the new era, trees have been selected to publicize the third generation of iron men – Li Xinmin of "Daqing New Iron Man" and a number of major models such as "Five Red Flags" and "Five Pioneers" in the new era. The oilfield also selects a number of models such as meritorious employees and meritorious collectives every year. Duan Fuhai, an employee of the fourth oil production plant, engaged in innovation based on his position, solved more than 300 problems, and won 16 major technological innovation awards in the oilfield, 10 national patents, and achieved more than 31 million yuan In recent years, Duan Fuhai and a group of grassroots innovation experts have given a series of lectures to more than 5,000 grassroots employees in the "Iron Man Lecture Hall".

  Grasp the key points and improve the quality of young workers. In response to the fact that the proportion of "post-80s" and "post-90s" young workers in the team is close to 20% in recent years, and the proportion of market-oriented and part-time employees accounts for more than 30%. Mentoring and apprenticeship assistance and vocational mentors are widely promoted among young workers. Combined with the characteristics of modern youth, nearly 700 official certified Weibo such as league organizations at all levels, ironman pavilions, and oilfield newspapers have been opened, and the number of fans is nearly 30,000. With the theme of "Colorful Youth, Brilliant Interpretation", a WeChat communication platform has been built, and more than 20,000 mobile phone users have reached. At the same time, a Weibo contest and a micro-movie contest have been widely launched, and a large-scale educational TV quiz program "Answering

  Grasp the grass-roots level and summarize the promotion experience. Respect the pioneering spirit of the grass-roots people, and let the Daqing spirit take root. Adhere to the "soul of the post responsibility system is the post responsibility", mobilize employees to start from bit by bit and start with details, and consciously strengthen the post responsibility; advocate the concept of "learning to work, work to learn", naming achievements such as "Wang Chunrong hot washing method" and "Shaochun wrench" to stimulate employees’ enthusiasm for learning skills and strengthening quality; build a harmonious interpersonal relationship of unity, friendship, equality and mutual assistance, and open a "psychological adjustment room" to make the grass-roots level a "home" for employees’ attachment.

  Grasp innovation and adapt to the characteristics of the times. Using oilfield TV media, we have successively launched two "Moving Oilfield Characters" selection, "Daqing Dream – We are in Action" patting competition, mass technology competition, "Technology Champion" young workers’ skills PK competition, "Dream Sailing" TV host competition and other activities. At the same time, we have organized and carried out "Who is the King" table tennis competition and badminton TV competition and other activities, with more than 100,000 direct participants, who have been warmly welcomed by the oilfield workers.

  Through a series of education and guidance, the cadre and staff team has effectively achieved "three never forget, three never lose", that is, the working environment has been improved, the battle style has not been forgotten, and the tradition of being meticulous and serious has never been lost; living standards have been improved, and the "fighting spirit" has not been forgotten, and the tradition of diligence and thrift has never been lost; with the development of the oil field, the process of hard work and entrepreneurship will not be forgotten, and the tradition of fighting for oil will never be lost.

  III. The radiation and dissemination of the Daqing spirit has promoted the universal recognition of socialist core values

  Crossing the Songnen Plain and the waters of the Longjiang River, the Daqing spirit, which was born on the black soil, has long since left the Daqing Oilfield, and has widely and deeply influenced Chinese people’s thinking, playing a positive role in cultivating and practicing socialist core values.

  Adhere to the brand of "breaking into the market" and use the Daqing spirit to build the image. Wherever the market expands, the Daqing spirit will be radiated to. Over the years, the Daqing team tempered with the Daqing spirit has not only won by superior technology in the domestic and foreign markets, but also by fine traditions, excellent work style and advanced culture, calling the "Daqing" brand. "Daqing New Ironman" Li Xinmin led the DQ1205 team to fight in Sudan and Iraq with the fighting spirit of "I would rather go through all kinds of difficulties and risks, but also to contribute oil to the motherland". In the new era, Daqing people connected with international management, integrated into regional culture, relied on tenacious style and strength, and relied on excellent quality to break into the market, establishing the image of Daqing overseas and raising the red flag of Daqing.

  Since 2010, the Oilfield has organized a tour to preach the "Oil Soul" Daqing spirit, with a total of 345 lectures and a total travel distance of more than 200,000 kilometers. The direct audience exceeded 200,000 people, and more than one million people learned through various forms. In 2012, the Preaching Corps was awarded the National Workers’ Pioneer by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. In recent years, Daqing Oilfield has also concentrated publicity through the central mainstream media, participated in important national conferences and high-level forums, and actively carried out visiting and exchange activities to spread the Daqing spirit, so that it has been widely recognized by all sectors of society. After listening to or visiting Daqing, many people gave high praise to the Daqing spirit, saying that learning to understand the Daqing spirit, the iron man spirit, touched the mind, shocked the soul, and accepted a profound spiritual baptism. In the future, we must behave like iron men and do things, and use practical actions to realize the Chinese dream.

  Adhere to the "tree of three virtues" to do public welfare, and light up life with the spirit of Daqing. Su Xiuqin, deputy head of the Oilfield Chengxin Community Community Party Member Contact Service Station, is a retired cadre over 60 years old. In 2010, in response to the reality that there are many retirees in the community and few cultural activities, she led the establishment of "Chengxin Art Troupe", "Chengxin Calligraphy and Painting Garden" and other groups, and also established the "Love Sister Studio", which took the 22 empty nesters in the community as a key aid object, and carried out psychological comfort activities together with the property and neighborhood committees, creating a harmonious and stable community environment. The "Love Transfer" Volunteer Association organized by Bai Chunhai, an employee of the Drilling Engineering Company, has organized more than 580 public welfare activities over the past seven years, developed more than 2,000 members, and raised a total of more than 2 million yuan for various donations. The Daqing Volunteer Alliance, chaired by Duan Yide of the Second Oil Production Plant, the Love Association named after Zhu Hua of the Fourth Oil Production Plant, and the "Charity Donation" group established by the employees of the natural gas branch, all integrate the core socialist values into the hearts of the people and turn them into a reality of life.

  The voice of Huang Zhong and Dalu of socialist core values has been sung in China. Daqing Petroleum people will continue to inherit the spirit of Daqing and the spirit of iron man, and sing all the way and have great ambitions.

  (This article is excerpted from the 19th issue of "Red Flag Manuscript" in 2014.)

"Love’s Driving" Exposed Special, Wang Chengsi Becomes "Happy Manufacturing Machine"

1905 movie network news On August 25, a comedy and romance film that is about to hit cinemas across the country released a special cast. Director Xu Lin and chief producer Liang Wei took the lead in creating "Wang Chengsi Kuaqu Group" to reveal the story behind the shooting of "Driving for Love" for the first time, showing fans from multiple angles how Wang Chengsi was polished into a "joy maker" in the film, so that the public can see the fancy opening of an excellent comedian. The film is directed by Xu Lin, and Wang Chengsi is the lead actor, and Xu Huiqiang, Ai Ran, Feng Qinchuan, the lead actor, and the friendship actor. It will be staged this Friday. See you in theaters this weekend. The film is on hot pre-sale!

The special issue changes in seconds! How many ways does Wang Chengsi open it?

In the latest release of Wang Chengsi’s special, the beginning of the "Salt can be sweet, amiable, humble, and dedicated" is the film director Xu Lin and chief producer Liang Wei’s high evaluation of the male lead Wang Chengsi, which makes people feel like they have entered Wang Chengsi’s "praise group"? Behind all this is a comedian who has come with more than ten years of persistence and hard work, which is reflected in all aspects of the play inside and outside the play.

First, the director’s certified acting skills! Director Xu Lin said of his most impressive scene that "there was a scene where he ate steak in a western restaurant. In just ten seconds, Wang Chengsi could perform four levels". From never eating steak, to feeling delicious, to devouring, and finally trying to maintain elegance, a piece of steak can be eaten in four states. Unknowingly, the comedy tension of a little person is fully released. Second, the commendable professionalism! Chief producer Liang Wei talked about the filming of the film in winter. When the hot spring scene was filmed early in the morning, the extras could not stand it for 30 minutes, and Wang Chengsi stayed in it all the time. His dedication was admirable. Third, the all-round performance of delicate emotions! In this film, Wang Chengsi not only shows his funny ability, but also the delicate handling of emotional scenes, which allows people to see Wang Chengsi’s deeper performance skills. When filming the crying scene where Zhong Chengkui saw his daughter regain her eyesight, the director Xu Lin asked Wang Chengsi if he needed to prepare eye drops. Wang Chengsi refused, proving that "a strong man also has a tender side" with an excellent crying scene. When Director Xu recalled the filming of this film, he also praised Wang Chengsi’s precise handling of emotional scenes. His performance will definitely make people feel the change of Zhong Chengkui’s mood when watching the movie, and be healed and moved by the family interaction between father and daughter. How many ways does actor Wang Chengsi have to open up? Let’s meet at the theater this Friday to find out.

The director called out for choosing the right person! Wang Chengsi writes with love and becomes a late bloomer

"Driving for Love" tells the story of Zhong Chengkui, the water delivery brother, who is involved in a carefully planned "stand-in love" because he looks like Li Jiahao, the young director of the design company. As Wang Chengsi’s first male lead film work, he is facing the difficult challenge of one person playing two roles at the same time. In an interview, he admitted that "there is a lot of pressure". The most difficult scene in the whole shooting process is that Zhong Chengkui has to pretend to be Li Jiahao to speak on stage, and Li Jiahao pretends to be Zhong Chengkui to cooperate in order not to be exposed. In actual shooting, the transition of the two roles is very easy to be confused. How to deal with the different states of the characters and complete the performance naturally and smoothly, Wang Chengsi has made a lot of effort for this. As for Wang Chengsi’s performance, the director Xu Lin bluntly said that "he chose the right person", and the chief producer Liang Wei said that "he will always give you some surprises".

As a meritorious actor of Happy Twist, Wang Chengsi embraces his love for acting. It took seventeen years to slowly move from the stage of the drama to the big screen, and to accumulate energy from each and every role. Finally, in "Driving for Love", he realized his dream of being the leading man in the movie. Zhong Chengkui, a poor boy in the play, wants to fall in love with Huo Qixin, a rich daughter, and Wang Chengsi outside the play also turns around and has his own male lead. Actor Wang Chengsi staged a "double-line counterattack", writing his own late bloomer with love and perseverance.

"Stealth": A different anti-drug movie, Andy Lau fought too hard this time!

1905 movie network feature The crime action movies of the four major Hong Kong film male gods have been set for December 29 and officially announced to land in the cinema for New Year’s Eve.

At present, "Stealth" has released key information such as the film trailer and plot introduction. In the film, Andy Lau challenges the role of the villain lawyer who is very difficult for the actor’s career. He uses the dark web to broadcast drug trafficking, and uses the law to get away with murder.

Just words alone, the thrill and murderous aura of "Stealth" can no longer be hidden. Apart from this scalp-tingling plot, what else can’t be missed in "Stealth"? "Today’s Film Review" takes you to see it!

"Stealth" is new enough!

"Stealth" is by no means a traditional anti-drug movie, but a new anti-drug movie that combines three elements: "curiosity theme", "extrajudicial fanatics", and "live drug trafficking".

The biggest innovation in "Stealth" is that the battlefield of drug trafficking and anti-drug has shifted to the dark and dangerous online world, and drug trafficking uses the dark web to broadcast drug trafficking. In such a large traffic entrance, how drug trafficking is secretly carried out and how the anti-drug operation will be advanced, it can be said that "Stealth" is not only about anti-drug, but also about the battle of wits and courage between cybercrime and sophisticated high-tech.

The "cat and mouse fight" that could not be avoided in the anti-drug genre films was also upgraded and evolved in "Stealth". Hackers were no longer the patent of bandits, and both the police and bandits in "Stealth" had high-IQ hackers in charge.

"Stealth" is ruthless!

The ruthlessness of "Stealth" is not only reflected in the bloody feeling of the crime action movie in the fighting scene, it is enough to dive down and explore the chilling ruthlessness behind human nature.

The lawyer played by Andy Lau, Lin Zhenan, has a gentle appearance, but his essence is "gentle scum". Whoever stands on the opposite side of him and who wants to share the interests with him, he will kill this person.

But in addition to this kind of ruthlessness of "killing without blinking an eye", Lin Zhenan’s ruthlessness is that he is not a pure cold-blooded person. Even if he betrayed himself when he treated his brother, he still missed his old love; when he treated his beloved wife and daughter, he was often emotional and burst into tears. The softness beyond ruthlessness makes the audience wonder how such a lawyer with tenderness and fraternity came to this state, and the thinking behind the doubts is enough to make people feel ruthless.

"Stealth" is awesome!

In addition to the film "Stealth", it has to be mentioned that Andy Lau himself has made a subversive transformation for "Stealth". In 2023, Andy Lau’s big screen image has changed as usual, and he has played the role of the villain many times in "Stealth", showing the other side of his acting skills.

In these two works, Andy Lau served as both the producer and the lead actor, and the producer’s identity gave him a heavier responsibility for the promotion and ultimate success of the film. This allowed him to prepare for the release of "Stealth" during his time in Hengdian, and also allowed him to do his best to play a good role in the film. At the age of 60, Andy Lau also opened himself up in the interpretation, willing to challenge the villain he played 16 years ago again, contributing new feelings to the audience, and leaving no regrets for himself.

He did indeed do it, and even after "Stealth", Andy Lau had the ability and potential to challenge more determined and extreme villains. Because Lin Jinan is a rare "bad and different" villain on the big screen, he has been so bad that he is close to madness, but this kind of bad is not facetious, but a natural development based on the exploration of his human nature. Andy Lau can play such an extremely complex role well, and with his age and experience, he will definitely have more courage to challenge more diverse images.

So far, there is "Stealth""If You Are the One 3"After a number of films were announced to be set for New Year’s Eve theaters, this year’s movie industry’s uncompromising "model worker" Andy Lau has another work in addition to "Stealth""Goldfinger."Also set the New Year’s Eve file.

In "Goldfinger", Andy Lau andTony LeungOnce again, the two films "Stealth" and "Goldfinger" were also called "the hope of the whole village" because of the strong cast and production team.

However, the revitalization of Hong Kong films is not simply determined by the degree of investment or the cast, but by the degree of integration with mainland audiences in terms of production concepts. In the new film market, audiences no longer expect purely shocking fighting scenes. In the hand-to-hand combat between you and me, audiences need deeper emotional exploration, more diverse audio-visual experiences, and fresher sensory impacts. We also look forward to the upcoming "Stealth" and "Goldfinger" to lead Hong Kong films out of the predicament and bring a "New Year’s gift" to the film industry and the market at the end of the year.

A number of new regulations such as the new car-hailing policy will be implemented today. What should I pay attention to?

  China News Service, November 1st, the new policy of online car-hailing was officially implemented, and the legal status of online car-hailing was clarified for the first time from the level of national regulations; the first national standard for anti-smog masks was landed, and it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters" in the future; the fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be independently formulated by airlines according to law… Since today, a number of new regulations have been implemented, involving many aspects of social life, which can be done and which are prohibited, clearly defined, and reminded the public and relevant institutions to pay attention.

  [The new policy of online car-hailing is officially implemented today. Who can operate online car-hailing?]

  The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" jointly issued by the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments will come into effect on November 1. The "Interim Measures" bring the innovative thing of online car-hailing into the scope of taxi management, and clarify the legal status of online car-hailing for the first time from the level of national regulations.

  According to the regulations, the conversion of private cars to online car-hailing needs to meet the following basic conditions: 7-seat and below passenger cars; installation of vehicle satellite positioning devices and emergency alarm devices with driving record functions; vehicle technical performance meets the requirements of relevant standards for operational safety. At the same time, when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car-hailing business.

  The regulations also specify the following requirements for online car-hailing drivers: obtaining a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding type and having more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking, and no record of 12 points in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles; no violent crime record; other conditions stipulated by the urban people’s government.

  There are many types and a lack of unified standards. At present, the mask market is chaotic. Many products are labeled as anti-PM2.5, but the protective effect is not satisfactory. In the future, it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters".

  The national standard for "Technical Specifications for Daily Protective Masks" will be officially implemented on November 1. This is China’s first national standard for civilian protective masks. It is worth noting that the standard clearly states that it "does not apply to infants and young children, children’s respiratory protective equipment".

  The protective effect is the core indicator of the standard. The protective effect level is set according to the air quality category in the National Air Quality Standard, and is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B, and A. According to the national standard, the mask can reduce the inhaled PM2.5 concentration to less than 75 micrograms per cubic meter after wearing, so that the air quality inhaled into the body after filtration reaches a good level or above, which is qualified.

  [Civil aviation fare reform: self-determined fares for routes below 800 kilometers]

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission will be implemented on November 1. The notice requires further expansion of the range of market-adjusted price routes, with routes below 800 kilometers and above 800 kilometers competing with high-speed rail EMU trains. Passenger transport fares shall be determined by airlines according to law.

  At the same time, the airline formulates and adjusts the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of the market-adjusted price routes, and announces them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of the airline’s various routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  [Medical quality management clarifies responsibilities and encourages reporting of medical quality adverse events]

  The National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Measures for the Management of Medical Quality" in October, which came into effect on November 1, 2016. The "Measures" require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions. Encourage medical institutions and medical personnel to take the initiative to report medical quality (safety) adverse events, and promote information sharing and continuous improvement.

  The "Measures" require clear medical quality management of the main body of responsibility, organizational form, working mechanism and key links. It is clear that medical institutions are the main body of responsibility for medical quality, and the main person in charge of medical institutions is the first responsible person for medical quality management.

  [Enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will be included in the "blacklist"]

  The State Administration of Taxation issued the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales" on September 27, deciding to implement the publicity system for the list of motor vehicle enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales. The "Announcement" came into effect on November 1.

  The State Administration of Taxation will from time to time publicize the list of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales in violation of regulations. The list information can be inquired on the website of the State Administration of Taxation. Motor vehicle enterprises include motor vehicle manufacturers and motor vehicle distribution enterprises.

  Motor vehicle enterprises will be included in the "blacklist" if they fail to issue invoices for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious; if they issue a unified invoice for motor vehicle sales at a low price in violation of regulations, they issue other VAT invoices resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or the circumstances are serious; if they issue invoices in violation of invoice management regulations resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious.

  [Implementation of new regulations on the management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities]

  The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education recently announced that the "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Universities" will be officially implemented from November 1. The management measures make it clear that the basic scientific research business fees of central universities will be used to support central universities to carry out independent research work on topic selection. The use directions include: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to improve their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in schools to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting basic, supportive and strategic research across multiple disciplines; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  The administrative measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be charged in accordance with state regulations.

The sales volume of M5 in Wenjie broke out, benefiting upstream suppliers such as Changying Precision.

  As one of the hottest models on the market at present, the M5 has been creating miracles since it was delivered in March this year.

  In March of this year, the M5, which was just delivered, got rid of 3045 sets of sales, ranking fifth in the mid-to-high-end electric SUV market of more than 200,000 units in that month, just ahead of Model Y, Li ONE, BYD Tang and Weilai ES6;

  In April this year, under the influence of the epidemic situation in COVID-19, the sales volume of M5 in the sector continued to climb, reaching 3,245 units, and it also rose to the third place in the middle and high-grade electric SUV market of more than 200,000 units in that month.

  In May of this year, the market sales of the M5 in Wenjie really broke out, with monthly sales exceeding 10,000 units, reaching 10,500 units, up by 273.97% year-on-year, and the delivery of a single model of innovative brand broke the fastest record of 10,000 units.

  One of the reasons why Wujie M5 has such an eye-catching market performance is that this model is the first car of AITO, a high-end brand jointly built by Celeste and Huawei. As a model jointly developed by Huawei and Celeste, AITO Wujie M5 is also the first car equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit. The core power comes from Huawei’s Drive ONE pure electric drive range extension platform, and the whole car is also deeply involved in R&D and manufacturing by Huawei.

  With the outbreak of M5, the related industrial chain enterprises will also usher in "spring".

  Recently, some media listed the supporting suppliers of M5 core components in the form of charts, including dozens of enterprises such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Changying Precision and Zhilv Technology, most of which are domestic manufacturers.

  According to the chart, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited mainly provides the battery CELL for Wujie M5, and Changying Precision provides the electric connection bus and the battery box for Wujie M5. It is estimated that the bicycle ASP will exceed 3,000 yuan.

  It is understood that in new energy vehicles, Changying Precision is not only a leading connector supplier in the industry, but also a leading manufacturer of power battery boxes. The lightweight all-aluminum structure pack box produced by the company can realize IP68 dustproof and waterproof, which is the "toon" purchased by various power battery enterprises.

  (This article is for reference only, does not constitute a basis for buying and selling, and the risk of entering the market is at your own risk. )


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Do not forget your initiative mind, fighting for the best: exploring new forms of public welfare in the live broadcast industry and transmitting positive energy.

On July 17, 2018, in the high temperature outdoor in Wuhan, Feifei, the anchor of "Betta online celebrity Party Branch", was wearing the scorching sun and high temperature and put on the "super thick equipment" of the workers — — Work clothes, work shoes, safety helmet, gloves, experience the profession of "temporary power repairman", and work with workers to investigate abnormal power consumption and conduct circuit temperature measurement and circuit emergency repair, and experience the hard work of power workers.

Perhaps the workers who are used to sticking to their posts and silently dedicating themselves in the hot sun never thought that their work pictures could be seen and praised by millions of viewers all over the country through the live broadcast platform.

And it is DouYu who truly shows these grass-roots staff’s efforts in front of the public. In order to make the vast number of water friends deeply understand the life of workers in construction sites, public services, cultural propaganda and other industries, and feel the hard working state of personnel in various positions at high temperatures, starting from July 17, "The metamorphosis of betta anchor — — The series of live broadcasts of "Persistence in High Temperature" was launched, and Betta called on the anchor to fully show that workers in various industries still adhered to their posts in high temperature weather, and it was not easy to fight for urban construction and social development, which triggered the viewers’ thinking and spread the positive energy at high temperature.

Betta anchor Ti mo Feng’s live broadcast of "Persistence at High Temperature"

DouYu Platform was established on January 1st, 2014. The platform mainly focuses on live games, covering sports, variety shows, entertainment and other live content. It is committed to bringing joy to everyone, and it is a leader among domestic live sharing websites.

Since its establishment, Betta has always been in Do not forget your initiative mind, and it is the best to practice good. In more than three years of public welfare practice, it has always been at the forefront of the live broadcast industry.

After more than four years of development, Betta has changed from a small startup to an enterprise with the entire live broadcast ecological chain. Betta is increasingly aware that it is not only a live broadcast platform, but also a media communication platform, shouldering the responsibility of spreading positive energy in society. As an industry giant, Betta should lead by example, not only to be a bigger and stronger enterprise, but also to shoulder social responsibilities.

With a large number of young audiences, Betta’s every move in public welfare undertakings can cause a stone to stir up a thousand waves. In order to transmit positive energy to more young people and maximize group advantages, Betta began to try public welfare actions in 2015, creating a new form of "live broadcast+public welfare".

From "institutions do charity" in the former media era to "stars do charity" in the TV era, and then to the live webcast in the Internet era, Betta saw the dawn of "charity for all". At the same time, in order to adapt to social development, Betta constantly challenges itself and opens up new live broadcast fields. Now, Betta is the first live broadcast platform in China to open the positive energy section.

At present, there are 132 authoritative media in the country, and 1340 authoritative media, government officials and public welfare organizations are broadcasting in Betta. The Betta platform has conducted more than 9,400 live broadcasts of positive energy, covering topics such as party building, environmental protection, people’s livelihood, culture and innovation. The cumulative viewing volume exceeded 1.85 billion, and the number of barrage was 963 million. Netizens responded enthusiastically to the live broadcast of positive energy theme.

In addition, Betta also attaches great importance to the promotion of positive energy live broadcast, and fully integrates the platform’s high-quality resources, including the first slide of the station, the banner of Betta video home page, the banner of App side, the focus map of Betta positive energy section, new media and traditional media publicity manuscripts, etc., and carries out positive energy live broadcast on the whole network, reaching more than 1.4 billion people.

On November 8-11, 2017, the New Corps of Hubei Military Region invited DouYu to enter the military camp and broadcast live the training, work and life of more than 600 recruits of the new corps. This is the first series of activities that live broadcast into the military camp in China. Before that, webcasting has never entered the military camp. On August 11th, the peak popularity of Betta live broadcast room reached 5,653,600. In the three days of live broadcast, the cumulative number of hits exceeded 104.22 million, and the cumulative number of barrage reached 45.3649 million. What is even more surprising is that the event was reported by more than 300 websites across the country, with a reprint volume of more than 200,000 times.

Through the sufficient preparation of DouYu’s team in the early stage and the full communication with relevant departments, the activity avoided the risk of entering the military camp for live broadcast. With a reasonable live broadcast form and the first perspective of Betta anchor, the life in the military camp was truly displayed, showing the young people the struggle, unity, blood and friendship of the army. The life in the military camp played a great appeal and appeal to them.

In the later period, Betta also held a number of live broadcast activities into the barracks, and the anchors who participated in the activities were mainly party member of Betta "online celebrity Party Branch". "Directly hit the recruits’ rite of passage — — Online celebrity Party branch entered the military camp activities "and" I was on the scene to prepare for the war — — Activities such as "Entering the Wang Jie Army in the Eastern Theater" and "Entering the Xuefeng Special Operations Brigade of the 76th Army of the Army in the Western Theater" all show the actual combat training scenes and camp life of the soldiers in an all-round way through live broadcasts.

"Prepare for war-I am on the scene-"online celebrity Party Branch entered the military camp series in 2018.

In addition to entering the military camp series, the positive energy section of Betta is full of positive energy everywhere.

In order to care for the growth of hearing-impaired children, Betta held a live broadcast of "Let Love Hear" urban public welfare orienteering in Wuhan, bringing public welfare activities into the competition.

In March, 2018, ten star anchors of DouYu Platform participated in the city orienteering race to raise love funds for a group of poor hearing-impaired students in Wuhan No.1 School for the Deaf to help them realize their dreams for the college entrance examination. During the live broadcast, the anchors constantly called on fans to pay attention to the deaf students in their own cities, and also showed the city appearance of Wuhan during the running process, calling on everyone to enjoy sports fun and feel the charm of the city. The interactive effect of the whole live broadcast was excellent, and the live broadcast screen was constantly screened by fans.

In order to let more people participate in the activities of "advocating science and staying away from cults", DouYu, Wuhan Prevention Office and Municipal Education Bureau jointly launched a series of publicity and education activities of "live broadcast+anti-cults".

On April 16th, 2018, more than sixty primary school students from Xinjian, Shenyang Road and Yiyuan Road in Jiang ‘an District of Wuhan entered the Wuhan Science and Technology Museum to participate in the practice activities with the theme of "advocating science, cherishing life and staying away from cults", which was broadcast live by Lan Panger, the anchor of online celebrity Party Branch of Betta. In the exhibition hall, the narrator introduced the origin of the universe, the formation of the solar system and the evolution of life to the children, and broke the heresy one by one. At the scene, the children also watched popular science musicals and sitcoms, which deepened their understanding of science.

It is reported that the mode of "live broadcast+anti-cult" is also the first in China. As of July 11th, Betta has conducted four live broadcasts, with the cumulative hits of the first three events reaching more than 16 million, and the number of online users watching each live broadcast is stable at more than 300,000.

On February 1, 2018, Zhang Jun, Feng Caihong and others arrived at Guangzhou Railway Station early to wait. Together with the other 1604 Hubei folks in Guangdong, they will take a free "love train" from Guangzhou to Wuchang to go home.

This new year has a special meaning for them. The day before the bus ride, Li Xuan and Yan Yu, anchors of Betta "online celebrity Party Branch", accompanied Zhang Jun and Feng Caihong to pack their bags and go to the shopping mall to buy Spring Festival gifts. The anchors Gina, Jia Huizi and others went to their hometown in Tianmen and Xiantao respectively to accompany their parents to buy new year’s goods and new clothes.

This is DouYu’s activity of "Caring for Homecoming People and Warming the Way Home" specially created for fellow villagers in Hubei. In order to show the working and living conditions of Hubei people who are "living in a foreign land" and to show the new look of the countryside with "rural revitalization" as the starting point, the anchors of Betta Energy "online celebrity Party Branch" have been dispatched one after another to record the living conditions of Hubei fellow villagers in Guangdong, accompany them on their journey home and send New Year greetings to their relatives in their hometown.

At nine o’clock this morning, the train departed from Guangzhou and slowly entered Wuchang Railway Station late at night. After arriving at the station, the anchors sent pillows around the betta fish to the children in the car, and the villagers also sent New Year greetings to the "water friends" in front of the camera. The station is full of laughter and laughter, and the hard work of the past year seems to be gone.

The live broadcast began at 9: 00 am on January 31, 2018 and ended at 1: 52 am on February 2, 2018. It was a 24-hour network+all-media inter-provincial live broadcast, recording the way home of Hubei villagers and going deep into the hometown of migrant workers in Hubei to send New Year greetings to the left-behind elderly.

During the live broadcast of "Warm Home Road", 20 million "water friends" were online in real time, and more than 10,000 netizens barrage. After the event was reported, it was reprinted more than 200 times by websites such as People’s Daily, China Daily and Xinhuanet.

This is not the first time that Betta has helped Spring Festival travel rush.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2017, DouYu and Gaode Map jointly built a live broadcast room in Spring Festival travel rush to provide people with the latest road conditions and travel information in Spring Festival travel rush. On the afternoon of January 21st to 24th, live anchors connected with map technicians and host guests in Gaode, and had a heated interaction with netizens on the latest traffic trends, Spring Festival travel rush road information, travel tips and other contents, which caused many onlookers.

Off-line, the betta anchorperson incarnated as "Shark Man" and shuttled through the train stations in eight major cities, including Beijing, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing and Shanghai, and launched a special trip to Spring Festival travel rush with the theme of "8 cities and 8 stations, fighting fish will send you home happily".

During the event, the anchors actively helped the elderly, the sick and the disabled, and the passengers who carried a lot of luggage alone. At Beijing West Railway Station, an old man who was traveling alone got lost. A "Shark Man" found the old man, took the initiative to pack his luggage, sent him into the station entrance, and gave him a Peking Duck at his own expense.

DouYu not only travels on Spring Festival travel rush Road in major cities, but also sends love to every household in remote areas.

In November 2017, Ye, the outdoor anchor of Betta Fish, walked into Cliff Village, Daliangshan, Sichuan with live broadcast tools, bringing living materials to villagers in poor mountainous areas. Since January 2018, the outdoor anchor "Brothers Company" and his party have visited the lonely elderly and left-behind elderly people in Tongjinpu Nursing Home in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, and sent pigs and sheep, as well as new year’s goods worth 5,000 yuan. The team of food anchor "Deep Mountain Cafe" went into Ya ‘an mountain area of Sichuan with cooking utensils on their backs to cook for the lonely old people in the mountain … …

Betta’s "Warm Home Road" series of public welfare activities has been going on for two years. Whether it is to help passengers at the train station, to prepare new year’s goods for fellow villagers, to accompany them home, or to go into the mountains and cook a New Year’s Eve dinner for the villagers, the anchors use their personal actions to make the New Year more warm and let the public see the power of live public welfare.

From Guangzhou to Wuhan, from Ya ‘an to Zhangjiajie, DouYu broke the geographical and formal restrictions, allowing anchors to bring public welfare content and behaviors to users. At the same time, due to the real-time nature of the live broadcast, the impact of the live broadcast on the audience is very intuitive. Without editing and design, what the audience sees is real public welfare. This form of public welfare is very realistic, which makes good deeds within reach and attracts the participation and interaction of "water friends".

After the "Warm Home Road" series of public welfare activities are broadcast, "water friends" will spontaneously make menus for the anchor, and will also mail materials for the anchor to help donate. Both the platform for fighting fish, the anchor and the participating audience all played their social value in the activity.

In many years of practice, Betta has opened up new ideas, actively used various resources and organized various forms of public welfare activities. Wherever I went, I left many unforgettable memories.

In April 2017, Betta participated in the live webcast of the first large-scale public welfare activity "Love Miles" in China. "Love Miles" is a strategic cooperation activity between China Children’s and Teenagers’ Foundation and China Overseas Chinese Public Welfare Foundation. The activity covers a total distance of 60,000 kilometers and lasts from the day of self-driving to the end of 2017.

The "One Clothes Good" charity project advocated by this activity will bring 7 million donations and 500,000 clothes donated by two foundations, and pass through 28 provinces and 155 cities and regions in China, driving 200,000 caring public welfare people to pass through, and donating clothes and daily necessities worth 20 million yuan to 100,000 poor children and families along the way.

The charity work in the past year has not only tested the ability of Betta’s online live broadcast service, but also provided theoretical basis and rich experience for the live broadcast industry to cooperate with national charity activities in an all-round way. More importantly, during the event, all the rewards and gifts in the live broadcast room were used for charitable donations. Webcast has narrowed the distance between audience and public welfare. Wan Li’s trip is condensed in a small electronic screen, which makes hundreds of millions of live viewers feel the power of public welfare action.

Since May 2017, DouYu and Guangming. com have jointly launched a large-scale series of live broadcast activities of "To Be Intangible, Respect and Ingenuity". This is the first time that the central media joint live broadcast platform has widely spread intangible cultural heritage through live broadcast.

The elite teams of DouYu and Guangming. com went to 22 live broadcast sites in 14 provinces for 3 months, went deep into the birthplace of intangible cultural heritage, visited nearly 30 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, and launched 30 interactive live broadcasts of intangible cultural heritage. On July 15th, in Beijing Chang ‘an Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, the Costa Rican boy Murray experienced the magical acupuncture skills of China for the first time, and he was amazed. On August 2nd, He Daojun, the inheritor of Qingcheng Wushu, and Xian Zongli, the "Chinese Woman King Kong", displayed the traditional China Wushu on Qingcheng Mountain. On August 9th, in Tengchong, Yunnan, Liu Yongzhou, the inheritor of Tengchong Shadow Play, led the children of Liu Jiaban to show the exquisite shadow play production and performance … …

During the live broadcast, Betta gave full play to the characteristics of large platform traffic, strong interaction and flexible expression, which helped the non-legacy get rid of the consistent impression of "high cold" and was understood by the audience, which also stimulated the young audience’s interest in the protection and inheritance of the non-legacy.

Betta platform integrates all-round advantageous resources such as home page recommendation (pc and mobile phone), channel recommendation, WeChat Weibo, and building customized live broadcast room for promotion. The cumulative number of viewers of 30 intangible live broadcasts reached 30 million, and the highest popularity of many live broadcasts exceeded 100,000. Among them, the cumulative number of viewers in woodblock printing workshops reached 462,000, and that in Guqin production workshops reached 580,000.

In addition to joining forces and jointly launching large-scale live broadcast activities, betta anchors also took action to form teams to explore poetry and distance.

In April 2017, several anchors of Betta established the "Self-rescuer Alliance" to advocate the concept of environmental protection with live broadcast.

The anchors of "Self-help Alliance" first came to beijing happy valley to clean the amusement facilities for Happy Valley and clean up the garbage in the playground. In front of the camera, the anchor called on the audience to start from the little things around them and join the environmental protection action together. The "Self-rescuer Alliance" also visited the nature reserves in Inner Mongolia and Linger County, and broadcasted the real face of this barren and water-deficient land, and how people came up with drought-resistant tricks through wisdom and diligence to save themselves.

The anchors’ self-help actions are, on the one hand, to remind the audience to start with small things and contribute to environmental protection, and on the other hand, to show the inseparable relationship between man and nature. Only when the earth’s resources are protected can mankind have a better living environment and development conditions. In the live broadcast, tens of thousands of people watched online at the same time, and the barrage exploded from time to time, and the screen was full of praise and support.

To the north, DouYu entered Inner Mongolia; To the west, Betta entered Xinjiang.

In September 2017, four betta game anchors, Lu Weiliang and others, formed a "Betta Charity Tour" group and went to Gulahama Township, Qira County, Xinjiang to teach. This is a small town located at the northern foot of Kunlun Mountain and the southern edge of Taklimakan Desert. It takes a whole day to drive from here to Urumqi.

The anchors prepared teaching knowledge such as geography, ocean and computer for the children, and also accompanied the children to play football, tug of war and other interesting activities. After class, the anchors visited local poor families, sat around with farmers and helped them with farm work.

At the same time, 860,000 users watched the live broadcast online. The form of "online celebrity anchor+teaching teacher" also aroused strong repercussions, which made more people know about teaching through the live broadcast platform, encouraged everyone to participate in it, and gave more support to children in remote areas.

Liu Xiaodong, Party Secretary of Qira County Education Bureau, said that this activity is of great significance in terms of social contribution, and expressed the hope that we can continue to build such platforms and organize such activities in the future.

In the first half of 2018, Betta continued to March forward on the road of public welfare.

At the beginning of the year, Betta held live events such as "Warm Home Road";

In March 2018, a series of publicity and education activities of "live broadcast+anti-cult" co-organized by DouYu was held in Wuhan, which will last until February 2019;

In May 2018, three betta anchors participated in and broadcast a 50km stampede in Shanghai, and raised 157,030.76 yuan in creative ways on the way. The money was finally donated in full to Shanghai Lianquan Public Welfare Foundation and publicized;

In July 2018, DouYu joined hands with Dream Guardian, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children suffering from major diseases, and completed his own musical dream for Xiao Yuxi, a 9-year-old hemophilia child, and recorded his original song "Sunshine"; In addition, "the metamorphosis of betta anchor — — The series of live broadcasts of "Persistence in High Temperature" was also launched in the hot summer, and the contents were divided into four categories, namely, workers in high temperature, public officials in high temperature, cultural workers in high temperature, and love transmission in high temperature.

Now, Betta is preparing to cooperate with the non-profit organization Silent Planet to launch a "Xingbao Food Line" to help autistic children carry out social integration activities and create a live program to show the daily work and dedication of autistic children and autistic workers. In the end, all the proceeds from the live broadcast will be donated to the Bud Miao Fund of the Beijing Disabled Welfare Foundation, which will be used for the rehabilitation and education of autistic children.

No pains, no gains. From the initial attempt of "live broadcast+public welfare" to actively cooperating with various public welfare organizations or spontaneously organizing public welfare activities, Betting Fish has always been in Do not forget your initiative mind.

At present, the public welfare strategy in the CSR (corporate-social-responsibility) of Betta mainly focuses on the field of children’s public welfare, including children’s education and children’s care. At the same time, it also takes into account the development of public welfare fields such as education, poverty alleviation, medical and health care, and environmental welfare. Because of the younger nature of the betta platform itself, betta will make more efforts in the field of children and help the future generation grow up healthily with its own strength.

In the second half of 2018, Betta tried to create some long-term public welfare activities, and directly funded public welfare projects through the communication and profitability of the live broadcast.

Betta dares to try different kinds of public welfare activities and public welfare forms, hoping to become a leading enterprise in the live broadcast industry to implement CSR, and promote the social responsibility of the whole live broadcast industry, give play to the advantages of "live broadcast+public welfare" and "live broadcast +N" and work hard for social progress.

New industries and new talents gather in the old base —— Approaching the front line of early spring economy in Baotou, Inner Mongolia

  Chery Automobile’s new generation flagship SUV Tiggo was officially unveiled 9 days ago. Meanwhile, as the latest achievement of Chery’s "Eta Ursae Majoris 2025" strategy, Chery Automobile released the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform.

  Tiggo 9 is the first model of Mars architecture-super hybrid platform, which will have two power forms: fuel and hybrid. The fuel-powered version is equipped with a 2.0TGDI engine and Aisin 8AT gearbox, with a maximum power of 192kW and a peak torque of 400N·m, while the hybrid version has a super comprehensive endurance of over 1300km. At the same time, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip and the top hardware equipment in the industry of 5G Gigabit Ethernet, with L2.9 intelligent driver assistance system.

  In addition, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with CDC "magnetic levitation" suspension, which can be adjusted infinitely through the hardness and softness of the suspension to cope with different road conditions. At the same time, it is equipped with 540 stereoscopic extrasensory air conditioning system, B-pillar air outlet, high-grade intelligent fragrance system, 24.6-inch extremely smart silk smooth curved screen and other configurations.

  According to reports, the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform is the highest-end, leading hybrid and fuel vehicle platform of Chery Automobile, which clarifies the direction of Chery’s hybrid and fuel vehicles in the next five years. Mars architecture-super hybrid platform will realize the global evolution of four dimensions: forward-looking wisdom, total comfort, efficient power and leapfrog security.

  In terms of forward-looking wisdom, the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 flagship chip, and the CPU computing power reaches 105 K; Equipped with self-evolving EEA4.0 electronic and electrical architecture, it supports 5G and Gigabit Ethernet. At the same time, the new platform products are also equipped with Chery Pilot L2.9 intelligent driving assistance system, including 21 basic ADAS functions and 11 advanced intelligent driving functions.

  In terms of total comfort, the new platform is equipped with CDC "magnetic suspension" system, which can realize stepless adjustment of damping, accurately control the attitude of the whole vehicle, and improve the comfort of the whole vehicle by 30%. At the same time, the platform is equipped with AWD intelligent four-wheel drive system, which improves the overall driving controllability by 20%. In addition, the C-PURE clean cubic green cockpit continues to evolve, with the new car odor reaching 3.0 and the key VOC standard increasing 10 times.

  In terms of efficient power, the new platform will provide hybrid and fuel-powered power solutions. Among them, as a hybrid solution, the third-generation intelligent hybrid Gemini has a peak power of 165kW and a maximum output torque of 4000 N m. The fuel power uses Kunpeng 2.0TGDI, and with the blessing of seven leading core technologies such as the fully upgraded second-generation "i-HEC" intelligent combustion system, it achieves a perfect balance between strong power and energy conservation and environmental protection.

  In terms of leapfrog safety, Chery Automobile has established a global quality management system based on global market user data. Mars architecture-super hybrid platform is developed according to the highest five-star safety standard in the world, integrating active and passive safety technologies. Not only that, the new platform is also equipped with 10 airbags, including remote airbags, to ensure the safety and quality of users.

Three questions directly hit the soul. Is N7 really that awesome?

  [car home Information] (|), a car that has been on the market for half a month but is still worth talking about. After all, before looking up to the ground, it is basically a collection of BYD’s top technology achievements at this stage.

  Its new technology, "Fast Charge with Two Guns", attracted the comments of friends and business executives: "Cool is cool, but …".

  Its assisted driving level is in line with the first echelon such as Wei Xiaoli Huawei, which makes Di Fen proud.

  Its cloud chariot -A was well received, and even the well-known roll king Zhang Chaoyang commented on it as "a roll to the end".

   To sum up, today, let’s not talk about rhetoric, but order dry goods, and look at the three core highlights of N7, which are also controversial points-Double gun fast charging, assisted driving and cloud chariot technology,Look at the magic market with 300,000-350,000 volume kings. Is Tengshi N7 playing well?

Home of the car

■ Fast charging of double guns is not a technical problem, but actually a "moral problem"?

  The media person @ 中中中中 commented on the double-gun fast charge: "This is a philosophical question whether a person can occupy two toilets at once with two bottoms. Very profound. ". I think it is very accurate, so I quoted it directly. The following is a simple popularization of this technology. Let’s see if this evaluation is correct.

  On the issue of fast charging of pure electric vehicles, major manufacturers have rolled up the high-voltage and high-rate battery solution of "800V+3/4C battery" in unison, and the representative models are G6 and G9 owned by Tucki, which together can achieve the maximum charging time of 5 minutes and battery life of 200 km (data of S4 overcharge of G9 4C models). It is officially claimed that the maximum charging power of 4C battery can reach 480kW, and 3C can also reach 280kW (S4 super-charged pile is required).

Home of the car

"Publicity map of G9"

  However, BYD just didn’t take the usual road, and put a "double-gun fast charging" technology on Tengshi N7. The "double-gun fast charging" is not a fast charging and a slow charging at the same time, but a fast charging port on the left and right and two fast charging ports at the same time. If you don’t know, you can look at the real shot of car home below.Tengshi N7 has charging ports on the left and right sides of the car body, and one side is a combination of 9-hole fast charging and 7-hole slow charging, just like ordinary new energy vehicles. On the other side is a separate 9-hole fast charge.

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi N7 2023 Long Endurance Max Edition

"One side of N7 has 9 holes for quick filling"

Tengshi Automobile Tengshi N7 2023 Long Endurance Max Edition

"One side of N7 has 9-hole fast filling port +7-hole slow filling port"

  In terms of data, the official claims to charge 300km for 15 minutes, with a maximum power of 230kW for two guns and 150kW for a single gun. Of course, this power also needs the support of the station. You should not fantasize about the power of 150kW on the pile with a calibration of 60kW in the State Grid.

Home of the car

  The technology of fast charging with two guns is not difficult to realize. The pure electric version of Tengshi D9 is equipped with this technology, but the maximum power that N7 can support has increased.Double-gun fast charging has long been applied in new energy buses, and it is reasonable for BYD to transfer its technology to passenger cars. Weilai’s wet nurse car has also used this technology. It can even plug three guns into a car to replenish electricity, which is very overbearing.

Home of the car

  The biggest problem of fast charging with two guns may be "morality". This charging mode requires one person to occupy two piles. As we all know, charging piles are scarce resources. Especially on the high-speed holidays, some grumpy brothers have to scold a few words when they look at the ideal or plug-in cars occupy one pile to charge. Excuse me, are the oil in your tank and the engine in the front cabin furnishings? Let them see you take advantage of the situation. You can’t fight, can you?

Home of the car

  Imagine this scene, because of the length of the charging cable, you may need to park your car between two charging parking spaces, accept the eyes of the car owners, and some good things will ask you a few words, which is simply stinging for me. In addition, there is a soul question-does ——App support double opening? This question is similar to whether a computer can log in to two WeChat, which deserves serious consideration. Of course, at present, some apps such as special calls support double opening, but some don’t. Therefore, it is recommended that you bring a lively friend when charging, which can not only help scan the code, but also charge the car owners with two guns.

  As for the fast charging power of two guns, the measured data of car home on D9 show that the maximum charging power on a 120kW charging pile is 101.8kW when the power is below 80%, and the power drops to 55kW when the power is above 85%. Measured on N7, when the battery charge is 39%, the power reaches 176.7kW. In addition, some users actually measured that N7 was charged from 20% to 80%, and it took 21 minutes for a single gun and 14 minutes for a double gun.

Home of the car

"Measured data of car home on D9"

Home of the car

"Measured data of car home on N7"

  We emphasize that the charging speed and power are related to many factors, such as the situation of the station and the battery capacity. Generally, the highest power advertised by the manufacturer cannot be reached, and everyone’s test data is not necessarily the same. Tesla explained this problem clearly, so you can refer to it.   

  Home of the car

  To sum up, the advantages and disadvantages of "high-voltage fast charging" and "double-gun fast charging" are theoretically better than that of "double-gun fast charging", but it needs the support of exclusive charging piles and batteries, which is difficult to spread in a short time. For example, Tucki’s S4 is overcharged, and the P7 of the non-800V platform cannot reach that high power; Even the Tesla V3, which is paved more now, cannot be compared with ordinary charging stations in quantity. The fast charging with two guns can make better use of the resources of the station, and can improve the charging speed under the same conditions without modifying the station. In other words, if everyone is in the same State Grid station, the charging speed of two guns together is better than Xiaopeng G9. After all, 800V has nothing to play in this scene.

  As for some comments on the internet, it is actually a question of "ass decides head", so you can refer to it selectively. For example, Zhao Changjiang of Tengshi once spoke out, "Charging 800V has been fooled by some enterprises in the industry." He said that BYD can achieve a charging peak of more than 700V in 2018, but double-gun fast charging can double the charging efficiency even on a 240V ordinary public charging pile.

Home of the car

  He Xiaopeng and Li Xiang, who are fast charging the Party, are naturally fans of 800V, and their attitude is shown by the over-charging stations and overwhelming publicity.

   Shen Fei, a seemingly neutral Weilai executive who mainly changes electricity, commented that the double-gun fast charging is "in practice, it is not as convenient as expected" based on the car experience of his own wet nurse car.Being cool is cool, but there are not many occasions that can make you cool.”。 At the same time, he also believes that the charging power is not a problem, and the voltage is not a problem. The key is "whether users have demand or not, and whether enterprises are willing to invest huge sums of money to build super-filled piles".

  In other words, Tucki and Ideality chose to build their own overcharge station, and Weilai chose to build and replace the power station. BYD didn’t have these ideas, but also hoped that your recharge would be more comfortable and smooth, so it arranged a double-gun quick charge. Everyone is trying their best to serve the owners and help the rapid development of new energy vehicles.

  At this point, the discussion on "double gun fast charging" has come to an end. Do you think this technology is easy to use? How does it compare with 800V? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.      

■ city/high-speed NOA has to wait for OTA?

  Let’s talk about assisted driving. Now, the new car-making force headed by Wei Xiaoli is crazy with rhythm, that is, about 300,000 electric vehicles must be driven with advanced assisted driving, otherwise it will not be luxurious enough, not smart enough, and it still seems to be behind the times. At present, it has been rolled into the city NOA. And BYD, in these years, has been lacking in this respect.

  Tengshi N7 "Tengshi Pilot" can be described as making Difen proud.This fusion scheme of laser/millimeter wave/ultrasonic radar+camera+high-precision map can provide high-speed NOA, urban NOA, AVP parking service and full-scene NOA software, which is in line with the current level of head enterprises in theory.

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   However, Tengshi N7 can’t realize high-speed NOA at present, and it is expected to be realized in Q4., including the ability of point-to-point automatic driving at high speed and handling sudden traffic jams. By March next year, it can realize the functions of avoiding high-speed obstacle cars, driving on ramps with large curvature and parking across floors.NOA driving support in 20 cities is expected to be realized next year.

   At present, N7 only has high-speed ACC, lane change with lights, multi-scene automatic parking and so on.. Therefore, if you want to use NOA immediately and experience the happiness of intelligent driving, we suggest choosing Tucki or Aouita. Now they can let you enjoy NOA.

  As for the actual experience of Tengshi N7 assisted driving, please watch the measured video of car home. To sum up briefly, the basic function is great, and I look forward to higher-level functions!

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.

   Tengshi Pilot is divided into standard and high-order, which is also very common. Basically, the number of chips and sensors is different. The standard version is equipped with 5 cameras, 5 millimeter waves /12 ultrasonic radars. The chip comes from the horizon, and its functions are the ACC mentioned above. Now people generally call them "L2". The high-end version needs to spend 23,000 yuan (limited time discount) to choose and install, and gave a NVIDIA Orion-X with a computing power of 254TOPS. This chip is also an old friend of everyone and is familiar with it; As well as a camera and two laser radars, the functions include high-speed NOA, urban NOA, HPA memory parking, AVP parking service and so on.According to Zhao Changjiang, 20% of the scheduled car owners chose this set of advanced assisted driving.

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  Regarding this set of assisted driving, because it has not yet landed, everyone is concerned about some theoretical issues, such as the low-priced double horizon journey 3, with a computing power of 10TOPS. At this time, someone jumped out and said, why don’t more than 300,000 cars even give a journey 5? You see, the low match of people’s ideal L7 is Journey 5! Finally, 128TOPS! However, Double Journey 3 has also been put into use in many models, such as Nezha S and Deep Blue SL03. It is no problem to realize the basic functions, and it can be used in other places with some cost savings.

  There is another melon. The N7 is a very rare vehicle that uses a single NVIDIA Orin-X to realize a series of high-order driving assistance functions (we have reason to suspect that dual Orin-X will be expected). At present, manufacturers that can realize NOA in cities, except for Huawei’s Wenjie and Aouita, all adopt the scheme of two Orin-X, and Weilai ES6 even rolled out four Orin-X, which is not low in cost estimation … So the N7 is in. However, in view of the fact that canoe Zhixing has been able to make a city NOA (no mass production) on a journey 5(128TOPS), I think an Orion-X (254 TOPS) is not impossible. The partner chosen by BYD is Momenta, a supplier who has worked with Zhiji and has rich experience.

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   At the launch conference of Tengshi N7, BYD also released the "Eye of God" high-order intelligent driving system, which has several innovations, such as the integration of the vehicle’s perception and execution mechanism with software, and a set of hardware, that is, the vehicle-mounted computing platform and the self-developed software vehicle control system BOS.

  The on-board computing platform is not just the NVIDIA chip, it contains hardware and software. We can watch the video released by BYD. The on-board computing platform is a bit like a circuit board welded by engineering students, which contains hardware and software, and the hardware integrates multiple CPUs and GPUs. There are more layers of software, and BOS is one of them.

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.

   Having said so much above, I want to emphasize BYD’s self-research ability. At present, automobile manufacturers have different degrees of participation in the self-research of in-vehicle computing platforms. For example, Tesla can develop its own operating system, functional software and even chips. Tucki has realized self-research of various functions, and some manufacturers choose to package suppliers directly. At present, a trend is that as a vehicle manufacturer, it is an ideal path to start self-research from the development of application layer software, then go deep into the self-research of system software architecture, and then develop its own special chip like Tesla to realize self-research of software and hardware. BYD has achieved self-research of operating system, which is still relatively excellent.

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   Speaking of a thousand words and ten thousand words, the assisted driving thing is still worth seeing in the actual measurement. We also hope that Tengshi will quickly push the advanced driving assistance and prove its strength with the measured data.    

■ Can Yunqi -A compare with the magic carpet of Mercedes-Benz?

   If you are a qualified "Difen", you are certainly no stranger to Yunxiao. In April this year, the cloud system was released.It includes four sets of body control systems with different orientations (Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A, Yunqi -P and Yunqi -X).

  Here we focus on Tengshi N7′ s first ride.Yunnian -A, this is an intelligent air body control system.It is Yunnian -C (Variable Damping Shock Absorber) with air spring, which can change the suspension height, spring stiffness, shock absorber damping and active adjustment of seat wing. We know that the subsequent Yunqi -A supports multi-cavity air springs, and can be monitored by OTA camera and lidar, which is similar to the active sensing function of Mercedes-Benz "magic carpet".

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  In recent years, domestic new energy vehicle companies have been involved in a crazy way, and more than 300,000 vehicles can also enjoy the beauty of air suspension, such as Krypton 001 (Weiback single cavity air suspension), Tucki G9 (Weiback double cavity air suspension) and Zhiji LS7 (mainland single cavity air suspension); Coupled with the efforts of domestic products Kong Hui (ideal supply) and Baolong (supply Tengshi N7), air suspension is almost "flying into the homes of ordinary people", and people are increasingly fond of discussing air suspension.

  Not long ago, there was a great controversy about whether the ideal L9 suspension could be called "magic carpet". The reason is that some people think that the ideal L9 system can’t scan the road conditions in advance and actively adjust, but passively adjust, which is simply touching the porcelain magic carpet. Some people think that no one has set a standard to say what a magic carpet is. Why can’t an ideal say that it is a magic carpet?Let’s talk here. Do you think N7 can compare with Mercedes-Benz’s "magic carpet" after OTA camera and lidar detection?

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"The ideal" magic carpet "hangs in the air"

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"Magic carpet technology of Mercedes-Benz"

  In addition, the single/double-cavity air spring is also the focus of discussion. For example, Tucki G9 uses the double-cavity air suspension from an old foreign supplier, which gives almost the same price at once, but the ideal and momentum of using the domestic single-cavity spring N7 is shocked. Of course, from the known information, the ideal and soaring double-cavity suspension and sensing technology are working overtime.

  The ideal engineer said well in an interview with the media, "Under the same price range, if you don’t short the spring, the product will not be competitive;" Today, when you use a single-cavity air spring, you see that others use a double cavity. Everyone doesn’t care what the double cavity and the single cavity bring to the car. Even if they are equivalent, they will feel that the double cavity has one more cavity than others, and the performance is good. It is rolled up. " In fact, we consumers should focus on the actual experience rather than focusing on single cavity or double cavity, magic carpet or CDC. The following is the driving experience video of Tengshi N7, which you can refer to or test drive yourself.

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.

■ A small egg-6 nm chip

   Tengshi N7 conference site, there is also a fun little egg-car chip. This chip is special in the 6nm process. We know that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 used by high-end players at present is 7nm, while the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295, the next-generation product used for integration, is 5nm. So what is this magical "6nm" process chip?

Home of the car

  At that time, everyone generally speculated that it was a domestic chip, but later, Zhao Changjiang said in an interview with the media that it was actually a customized Qualcomm chip, which focused on the whole ecology and was suspected to be pluggable, that is, it was very convenient to replace it with a stronger chip later.

  Tengshi N7 has six screens, which can be driven by this chip. Compared with 8155, its data also has obvious advantages. At present, some car winder manufacturers, such as Ideal, use double 8155. However, for BYD, a conservative car company, Tengshi D9 still uses Qualcomm 7325 when people are crazy about Qualcomm 8155. Such a customized chip can also show sincerity. As for the specific performance and characteristics of the chip, we expect Tengshi to be revealed slowly.

■ Edit comments

  Tengshi N7 is a car worthy of a special book in terms of significance, products, technology and market. This paper only focuses on its three product points, without much analysis on its significance to BYD and Tengshi, and the future after entering the highly competitive Red Sea market. We also welcome more friends who are interested in this car to actively participate in the discussion in the comment area. (Text/car home Xing Yueyang)

Looking back on Shi Hai: The first computer was born on Valentine’s Day (Figure)

Special topic: picture channel


  Dr. Moakley (Source: World Wide Web)


    The world’s first electronic computer "Eniac"

  On February 14, 1946, at Moore Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, there was a festive atmosphere everywhere. Many guests come here with excitement, because they will attend the unveiling ceremony of the first modern electronic computer in human history. What is presented to people is a monster with a strange shape and shining all over. It is the world’s first modern electronic computer "ENIAC". This monster covers an area of 170 square meters and weighs 30 tons. At the unveiling ceremony, "Eniac" performed its "unique trick" for the guests-5000 additions and 500 multiplications were performed in one second, which was more than 1000 times faster than the fastest relay computer at that time. This perfect appearance made the guests applaud. However, who knows, in the process of the birth of this behemoth, how many people have devoted countless efforts to it!

  A monster born of war.

  Although the emergence of electronic computer is only 60 years, its birth is the accumulation of hundreds of years of human efforts. As early as the 17th century, a group of European mathematicians began to develop computers. In 1642, in order to assist his father, who was the director of taxation, Pascal, a 19-year-old French mathematician, successfully built the first mechanical computer with a clock gear, but he could only do addition and subtraction. On this basis, the German mathematician Leibniz invented a computer that can do multiplication and division in 1678. However, the performance of these mechanical computers is too backward to meet people’s needs. More than a hundred years later, the British mathematician Babbage designed a more advanced computer in 1822. Unfortunately, Babbage’s design could not be realized because of the limited industrial level at that time.

  In the next 100 years, mankind has made great progress in the fields of electromagnetism, electrotechnics and electronics, laying a solid foundation for the emergence of electronic computers. After the outbreak of World War II, the U.S. Army Ordnance Department set up a "Ballistic Research Laboratory" in Aberdeen, Maryland to research and develop new artillery. The extremely heavy computing task is a big headache for the researchers there. Although the laboratory employs more than 200 computing Aauto Quicker, it is still stretched. They urgently need a new computing machine to improve work efficiency. Just when people were at their wits’ end, Dr. Moakley from Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania put forward the idea of trial-producing the first electronic computer. His idea attracted the Army Ordnance Department, who immediately asked Moore College to draw up a development plan.

  According to the scientists’ estimation, the cost of manufacturing an electronic computer was $150,000, which was a huge sum at that time, so it was resolutely opposed by many people in the military. Seeing that the plan to develop an electronic computer is about to die, Dr. Wilbur, a famous American mathematician, firmly stood in the ranks of supporters, and he finally persuaded the US military. After more than two years of intense development, the first electronic computer finally came out on February 14, 1946. And its development funds have been increased several times, and finally reached $480 thousand.

  This electronic computer, called "Eniac", now looks like a monster. There are thousands of electronic tubes, diodes, resistors and other components inside, and there are as many as 500 thousand welding points in the circuit; On the surface of the machine, there are meters, wires and indicator lights. What makes people laugh and cry is that it consumes more than 174 kilowatt hours, and it is said that the lights in the whole town will dim when it is used; Moreover, its electron tube burns out every 15 minutes on average, and scientists have to keep changing it in a big sweat. However, the calculation speed of "Eniac" is 200,000 times that of manual calculation and 1,000 times that of relay computer. The U.S. military has also tasted the sweetness, because it only takes three seconds to calculate the trajectory of artillery shells, while before that, it took 200 people to calculate it manually for two months. In addition to conventional ballistic calculation, it later involved many scientific research fields and played an important role in the development of the first atomic bomb.

  On October 2, 1955, Eniak was declared "retired" and was displayed in a museum in Washington.

  Three electronic computers compete for the title of "the first in the world"

  Interestingly, the halo on the head of "Eniac" has been controversial for many years. In fact, quite a few people think that the "Giant" computer developed by Britain in 1943 is the world’s first electronic computer, but it has been kept secret. It was not until 1975 that the British authorities declassified the relevant files that people understood this inside story.

  It turned out that in the Second World War, in order to decipher a mechanical code of the Germans, British intelligence agencies and mathematics,

  With the cooperation of electronics experts, a large-scale electronic computing device was developed in 1943, and it was called the "giant" machine. Before the invention of the "Giant" machine, it took six to eight weeks for Britain to decipher the German high-level passwords, but it only took six to eight hours after using the "Giant" machine. Since it was put into use, a large number of German high-level military secrets were quickly deciphered, which greatly accelerated the process of Nazi Germany’s downfall. Because of the need of war, Britain regards it as "super secret". It is said that in order to keep secrets, Britain did not hesitate to secretly destroy 10 similar computers after the war. However, some people think that the "giant" computer is not a real electronic computer, but is between relay computer and modern electronic computer.

  There is another saying that atanasoff, a Bulgarian-American physicist, was the inventor of the first electronic computer. As early as December 1939, he built the world’s first electronic computer, but because it was World War II, he didn’t apply for a patent or publish the information. Despite different opinions, "Eniac" is still recognized by most people as the world’s first electronic computer, and Valentine’s Day 60 years ago has been recorded in the history of human invention forever.

  Electronic computers became famous overnight because of the presidential election.

  At the beginning of its birth, "Eniac" could not be widely used because of its many defects. It was not until 1951 that Moakley and eckert developed UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) on the basis of "Eniac" that electronic computers began to move from the laboratory to the society. Soon, an accident happened, and its popularity increased rapidly.

  In 1952, it coincided with the American election. In order to process the election data, CBS rented UNIVAC to predict the election results. Just 45 minutes after the election, UNIVAC calculated that Eisenhower would win with an absolute advantage of 438 votes. But before the election, almost all experts and the media predicted that the two sides would be evenly matched. Therefore, the broadcasting company refused to report the prediction results of the computer. Engineers had to recalculate, but the computer still insisted that Eisenhower would win by a wide margin. When the election results were officially announced, everyone was shocked: Eisenhower actually got 442 votes, and UNIVAC’s prediction had an error rate of less than 1%! Since then, the whole world has begun to have a new understanding of the functions of electronic computers, and the development of electronic computers has entered a new era.

  From then on to today, the development of electronic computers can be described as leaps and bounds. It is not only widely used in people’s social life, but also directly guides the development of today’s information society. There is no doubt that the electronic computer is one of the greatest inventions in human history. Nowadays, it has become an indispensable part of modern society and will continue to play an important role in the future. (Yang Honglin)

Editor: Li Xiuwei

Huawei’s 600kW super-charged pile exposure can replenish 100 kWh in 10 minutes, which is more than twice as fast as Tesla.

In recent days, Huawei’s new overcharge station in Bantian, Shenzhen has been exposed. There are 8 super-filled piles in this site, which are only used for Huawei’s internal testing at present. The nameplate of super-filled pile is very scary, which impressively says that the output voltage range is 200-1000V, the maximum output current is 600A, and the maximum output power is 600kW. Moreover, Huawei didn’t "steal and play tricks" like some new forces. It used two guns to "make up" 600kW, and adopted a single-pile single-gun design.

When competitors are still rolling 800V voltage and 360kW charging power, Huawei directly pulled to 1000V and 600kW, which can be said to increase the power of over-filled piles by one dimension.

How does Huawei achieve greater charging power by leaps and bounds? What does the appearance of 600kW over-filled pile mean? Let the Kung Fu car show you around.

(1) 100 degrees in 10 minutes, more than twice as fast as Tesla V3?

First of all, we have to figure out what is the concept of 600kW overcharge. Let’s just say that ordinary household slow charging is generally 7kW, and Huawei’s overcharging speed is nearly 100 times that of household slow charging. The power of State Grid charging piles is generally 40 ~ 60 kW, and 600KW is more than ten times that.

Tesla V3, which is talked about by fans, is overcharged, with a maximum power of 250kW, which allows Model 3 to travel 250 kilometers in 15 minutes. The charging speed of Huawei’s 600kW overcharge is more than twice that of V3. Theoretically, it can charge 100 kWh in 10 minutes, and it can fill the Qian Shan Cui of Han EV with a battery life of more than 700 kilometers in a little more than 10 minutes.

Since the advantage of overcharge is so great? Then why don’t other car companies do the 600kW overcharge like Huawei? Of course, I don’t want to do it, but I can’t do it.

To increase the charging power, it is necessary to increase the charging voltage or current. Increasing the voltage will make the arc problem more serious, and at the same time, higher requirements are put forward for the performance of high voltage DC relay, such as withstand voltage grade and current carrying capacity. Increasing the current will lead to thicker cables and greater heat loss, and even female drivers may not be able to carry charging piles.

The technical difficulty is too high, which is also the reason why the ultra-high power overcharge can not be popularized.

Judging from the current situation, Huawei, as a technical madman, seems to have initially found the answer. According to Huawei official website’s introduction, this new type of over-charged pile is called "FusionCharge DC Super Fast Charging Terminal", and a special liquid cooling structure is introduced to solve the problem of excessive heating under high current, and at the same time, the cable weight is reduced by 50%, which can be easily controlled by ordinary drivers.

In terms of high voltage realization, Huawei has developed a set of "kilovolt high voltage" full-stack power domain solution, which not only includes electric drive boosting and high voltage thermal management at the automobile end, but also includes ultra-high voltage realization at the charging pile end. After all, Huawei itself started as a power electronic device, and it is also an authority in the field of inverter servo. It can be said that it is a great advantage to make super-filled piles.

Other car companies are miserable. They rely more on suppliers, but suppliers are less likely to vigorously develop new technologies to impact their existing businesses. In this way, Huawei’s 600kW may be super-charged and exclusive for a long time.

(2) Ask M9 to take the lead, and Aouita and Polar Fox will have soup?

Now that the 600kW over-filled pile has come out? So which cars can be used? At present, the polar fox Alpha S and Aouita 11, which adopt Huawei HI technology, should bear the brunt.

According to the previous news, the Extreme Fox Alpha S Huawei HI Edition is equipped with an 800V high-voltage fast charging platform and a 480kW low-temperature pulse speed heating function, which can enter the state at the moment when the charging gun is inserted. Because Aouita 11 is compatible with the design of single motor, it adopts a 750V high-voltage fast charging platform, which can also charge for 10 minutes and increase the battery life by 200km.

These two models are the highest-end models of Huawei, but strictly speaking, they can’t play the full strength of 600kW overcharge, which is determined by the electrification platform of the model.

Not surprisingly, the first model to take the 1000V high-voltage platform will be Huawei’s flagship SUV M9. With the 600kW overcharge blessing, its recharge ability is naturally no longer worrying.

For the first time, the M9 will be equipped with a complete Huawei advanced assisted driving solution, which is the advanced version of the set on Huawei HI Edition of Extreme Fox Alpha S.. With the help of a new generation of lidar and intelligent driving chips, the computing power and perception ability have been greatly improved, and with the help of more mature algorithms, there is no doubt that it will stabilize the first echelon of intelligent driving in China.

The new car will also be pre-installed with HarmonyOS OS3 system, which can realize the functions of super desktop, PC dual-screen collaboration, adaptive adjustment of HUD height, intelligent car search and so on. The HUD can be adjusted adaptively according to the driver’s sitting posture, the PC dual-screen cooperation can make the new car "mobile office" in seconds, and even the Tik Tok can be controlled through the steering wheel, and the time dynamic wallpaper will change actively according to the climate and time.

In short, if you are interested in smart technology after all, Huawei’s new flagship SUV will never be disappointing. It is the ceiling.

(3) The journey and power exchange are all gone, and Huawei is playing with the bottom of the pot?

The greater significance of Huawei’s mass production of 600kW overcharge may lie in the impact on other "transition" routes. It has to be said that although the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China has exceeded 30%, the growth rate of pure electric vehicles is not as good as that of plug-in hybrid and extended-range electric vehicles, and many car companies are eager to change the power mode.

The most critical point is the "mileage anxiety" of electric vehicles. The battery life of a new generation of electric vehicles is not low. Take the deep blue SL03 as an example. For less than 200,000 yuan, you can buy a pure electric version with a battery life of 705km. Even if the battery life is discounted under special circumstances, it is not a problem to run 600km.

Can a fuel truck run 600km with a tank of oil? In fact, it is also very mysterious. Take "Divine Car" Sylphy as an example, its fuel tank volume is 47L, and the fuel consumption in urban areas is about 7.5L/100km, so the battery life will exceed 600km. But this is one of the most fuel-efficient A-class family cars. In fact, most of the best-selling cars and SUVs can only run about 550km per tank of oil.

In other words, the battery life of electric vehicles is actually not weak, and the real difficulty lies in replenishing energy. On the one hand, charging stations are not as ubiquitous as gas stations, on the other hand, the charging speed can’t keep up. One car often occupies the charging pile for more than an hour, and other cars can only stare.

Changing electricity can solve this problem to a certain extent, but at the cost of higher requirements for battery design and greater investment in infrastructure, just changing the battery reserve of the power station is not a small expense.

Distance can also solve some problems. Usually, electricity is used in urban areas, and oil is used in high-speed situations, so you don’t have to worry about running out of batteries. However, the two systems of oil and electricity take up a lot of space and cost in parallel, and most people will choose to use electricity mainly (after all, electricity is cheap), so the pressure on the battery will be greater and the frequency of charging will increase greatly.

Comparatively speaking, ultra-high power overcharge may be a better answer. The charging sales volume of Huawei’s 600kW fast charging station is more than ten times that of ordinary State Grid charging station and more than twice that of Tesla V3 fast charging station, which means it can accommodate more electric vehicles. At the same time, it can replenish 400km in 5 minutes, and consumers’ confidence will be more sufficient, and their anxiety will be greatly reduced.

From this perspective, Huawei has actually come to the bottom of the pot. It seems that you are engaged in technical climbing inadvertently, but actually you are indirectly attacking your opponent.

(4) Kung Fu is angry

Finally, many people think that 600kW over-filled piles can only be used by specific vehicles, but this is not the case. Charging piles can be "backwards compatibility", whether it is 250kW, 350kW, 450kW overcharge or 600kW overcharge, they can be synchronized and compatible.

In other words, don’t worry about Huawei’s overcharge. The biggest suspense now is what advantages Huawei can achieve through this technology.

I have to say that after Huawei entered the market, it added more scientific and technological ideas to the automobile industry.