Fan Bingbing made four entries to the Class A Film Festival, and his new work was shortlisted for the San Sebastian Main Competition

    1905 movie network news It is reported that the film directed by Feng Xiaogang, written by Liu Zhenyun, and starring Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the 64th San Sebastian International Film Festival, and as the only Chinese film shortlisted, it competed for the highest award of the film festival, the "Golden Shell Award". At the same time, Fan Bingbing was also shortlisted for the best actress. It is worth mentioning that Fan Bingbing, who has won the Tokyo Film Festival Post-Film Award, is also shortlisted for the fourth time in the International A Film Festival.

    Fan Bingbing played the village woman Li Xuelian in the movie "I Am Not Pan Jinlian". In order to refute her husband’s framed accusation, Li Xuelian insisted on complaining for ten years, just to prove her innocence. In the film, Fan Bingbing changed his beautiful image in the hearts of the public and appeared in a rustic village woman for the first time. In the currently exposed stills and trailers, Fan Bingbing’s wonderful performance and unprecedented shape have attracted the attention of the majority of netizens. This film is the second collaboration between Feng Xiaogang, Liu Zhenyun, and Fan Bingbing in 12 years after the film. "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" uses a special presentation technique to bring a unique viewing experience to the audience.

    Since 2007, the films starring or acting in Fan Bingbing have been shortlisted for the main competition unit of the International Class A Film Festival four times. In 2007, Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Berlin International Film Festival with the film "Apple"; in 2010, she was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes International Film Festival with the film; in the same year, the film starring Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Tokyo International Film Festival, and she also won the Best Actress Award, becoming the first post-80s actress in the Chinese film industry to win the International A-category Film Festival; in 2016, the film "I am not Pan Jinlian" directed by Feng Xiaogang, written by Liu Zhenyun, and starring Fan Bingbing was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the San Sebastian International Film Festival, and Fan Bingbing was also shortlisted for the best actress. The movie "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" and Fan Bingbing’s performance have not only been appreciated and recognized by the international film industry, but also increased the audience’s expectation of the film. It is reported that the movie "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" will be released nationwide on September 30.

31-Year-old Yang Zi: Behind the controversy over appearance is the entanglement and breakthrough between her and Song Dandan’s evaluation

[Introduction] Recently, a recent photo of 31-year-old popular actress Yang Zi has sparked heated discussions on the Internet, with the focus on her appearance and acting evaluation. On the one hand, Yang Zi appeared in the live stream in an elegant long dress to show her increasingly mature female charm; on the other hand, some netizens have resurfaced doubts about her appearance, believing that she relies too much on beauty filters, and even questions the stability of her acting skills. All this controversy seems to be reminiscent of Song Dandan’s comment on Yang Zi many years ago – "All my life I have grown up like this will not be in vain". However, is this really the case? Is Yang Zi really trapped in this comment and can’t break free? This article will deeply analyze the controversy between Yang Zi’s appearance and acting skills, revealing the interweaving of his growth process and public expectations.

[1. Yang Zi in the live stream: Beauty and controversy coexist]

Recently, Yang Zi’s appearance in the live stream of a certain brand has undoubtedly added a new page to her beauty profile. She is dressed in a flowing long dress, with a high split design to highlight her graceful figure, and her long hair is like a waterfall, showing her gentle temperament. However, this beauty has not been unanimously praised, but has instead triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Some people believe that Yang Zi’s beauty is constantly improving, and she is a strong competitor for one of the "four beautiful women" of contemporary times. Others point out that her beauty is not derived from nature, but from the combination of makeup, lighting and beauty filters. Especially in the screenshots of the live stream, Yang Zi’s face showed stiffness, puffiness, and obvious nasolabial folds, which formed a sharp contrast with the usual image, which made many netizens exclaim: "Is this still the Yang Zi we know?"

[2. Yang Zi’s appearance changes: from the girl next door to the fashion darling]

Looking back on Yang Zi’s acting career, her appearance changes are like a mirror, reflecting the evolution of the entertainment industry’s aesthetics and the imprint of personal growth. During her childhood, Yang Zi entered the public eye with the corner of "Xia Xue" in "Family with Children". At that time, although her facial features were not exquisite, she won the love of the audience with her lively and lovely temperament. As she grew older, Yang Zi began to pursue the standard of a beautiful woman in her mind, and her image has undergone several transformations. She is sometimes fresh and refined, sometimes heavy makeup, sometimes mature and elegant, sometimes a little old-fashioned. The ups and downs of this state undoubtedly exacerbated the controversy over her appearance.

[3. The balance between acting skills and appearance: How does Yang Zi choose?]

In the entertainment industry, appearance and acting skills are like two sides of the same coin, and their importance is often weighed against the balance of public opinion. For Yang Zi, although her appearance is controversial, her solid acting skills have always been the cornerstone of her foothold in the entertainment industry. From Hu Xiangxiang in "Zhan Changsha", to Jin Mi in "Honey Sinks Like Frost", to Tong Nian in "Dear, Love", Yang Zi has proved his acting strength with one work after another. As netizens said: "Even if the facial features are not outstanding enough, as long as the acting skills are online, you can have a place in the entertainment industry." However, between Yang Zi’s pursuit of beauty and the public’s expectations for her acting skills, there always seems to be an invisible rope involved, making her swing between her pursuit of beauty and her adherence to acting skills.

[IV. Evaluation of Song Dandan: Bondage or Incentive?]

When it comes to the controversy over Yang Zi’s appearance, I have to mention Song Dandan’s evaluation of her: "All my life I have grown up like this has not been in vain." This sentence was once seen as a denial of Yang Zi’s appearance, and even interpreted as a kind of restraint on Yang Zi’s acting path. However, from another perspective, is this not a recognition of Yang Zi’s unique charm? In the entertainment industry, beauty is not the same, as Yang Zi himself said: "I do have a certain desire for beauty and self-identification needs, but I hope to improve my acting skills and create more dazzling results in the entertainment industry." Perhaps, Song Dandan’s evaluation is not a constraint, but prompts Yang Zi to stand up more firmly with her acting skills and respond to external doubts about her appearance with strength.

[5. Yang Zi’s Future: Breaking Evaluation and Embracing the Beauty of Diversity]

Faced with the dual test of appearance and acting skills, how should Yang Zi go in the future? The answer may lie in breaking the inherent evaluation of the outside world and embracing the diversity of beauty. First, she needs to recognize that beauty is not limited to the appearance, but also includes the inner temperament, talent and personality charm. Just as she was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the early days with her kind, intelligent and sensible image, these characteristics also make up her unique beauty. Second, Yang Zi should insist on improving her acting skills and prove her strength with more deeply rooted characters, rather than being too torn by the height of her appearance. Finally, she needs to learn to accept and appreciate every aspect of herself, whether it is pure, mature or slightly flawed, which is an indispensable part of her true and three-dimensional image.

[Conclusion] Yang Zi’s acting journey is a journey of dancing with the controversy of appearance. Facing the judgment of her appearance by the outside world, she is not only "trapped" in Song Dandan’s evaluation, but also constantly strives to break free from the shackles of evaluation and prove her value with her acting skills and strength. In this process, Yang Zi not only shows the survival wisdom of women in the entertainment industry, but also provides the public with a new perspective to examine and understand beauty. Perhaps, true beauty is not about the evaluation of others, but how individuals define and live their own beauty. Yang Zi’s story tells us that only by embracing the beauty of diversity can we find our own light in the controversy and praise.

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Tide running gene helps sales champion, Fit monopolizes the overall situation of the same-class car market at the end of the year

When it comes to hatchback cars, the Fit is always a topic that cannot be bypassed. The appearance is cool, although the size is small but the space is huge, and it can also play a variety of Sa Qi modification styles, so that the Fit has won the love of many young consumers, and it has also become the first car of many consumers. After the third-generation Fit was launched, the Fit was replaced with a 1.5L Earth Dream engine, and its power performance can be described as a seckill for the same level of models. Coupled with the super-high modifiability, the Fit has since transformed into a "GK5" national supercar. After 15 years of deep cultivation in the Chinese market and a total of three generations of models, on January 11 this year, GAC Honda launched the third-generation mid-term modified Tide Run series of new models. At the same time, the cumulative sales of Fit also exceeded the sales mark of 1 million vehicles at the end of August this year.

After the end of the Q3 quarter of the car market, the Fit became the biggest winner in the sales list of small cars, with 38,240 sold, an increase of 27% month-on-month; the POLO temporarily ranked second with 31,954 units, a decrease of 7% month-on-month. Behind this soaring sales is the unique product strength of the new Fit and the Fit Tide Run series.

The target consumers are gradually getting younger, and young people have a soft spot for Fit

In the context of the shrinking market for small cars, differentiated competition is particularly important, and Fit has used its reputation for supercars in the market to become the myth of "national supercars".

The reason why Fit is popular among young people today is that in addition to its high cost performance and reliable product strength, its strong modification potential is also the incentive for its strength to circle fans. In the playing car circle, Fit is an uncompromising modified Internet celebrity. The lower modification cost has made Fit once synonymous with JDM. In the era of JDM models, Fit can be regarded as a clean current. Youth is about having fun, and driving pleasure is not just 0-100. It can be said that Fit’s creative spirit infects every young person around.

Speaking of the charm of the Fit must start with the engine. The power combination of the 1.5L Earth Dream engine and the CVT gearbox takes into account the needs of power and fuel economy well. At the same time, this 1.5L naturally aspirated engine has an amazing 131 horsepower. This makes this Fit popular with many entry-level modification enthusiasts, and the great modification space makes the Fit famous overnight.

The Tide Run series Fit launched this year maximizes the playability of light modification. The Tide Run version is priced at 88,800 yuan, and the exclusive body color of Sky Blue is added. Compared with the ordinary version, the exclusive kit of the Tide Run series is added. Orange-red decorative strips are added to the front and rear bumpers of the body, which are matched with blackened wheels. The styling design is more sporty and visually impactful. This set of original sports enclosure components is undoubtedly less detours for modification novices. Cool front fog lights, dynamic and cool steering wheels, orange-red sewn seats, a series of configurations highlight the sporty nature of Fit vividly.

The price of the Tide Run + version is 93,800 yuan. On the basis of the Tide Run version, it adds an electric sunroof, an ice blue instrument panel, a leather steering wheel with orange-red wiring, paddle shifters, etc., with the common diffuser device on the rear racing car. In addition to providing a strong visual effect for the impact of the Fit body, it also ensures the stability of the vehicle at high speed. With the "SPORT" logo on the tail, it further strengthens the cool genes of Fit, but also highlights the sport and personality.

In fact, it is not difficult to find that the launch of the Fit Tide Run series must be related to its modification culture. As the first choice for modification in the hatchback field, the Tide Run series can be said to be a trendy and fashionable sports model prepared for young people. Fit’s modification culture can be said to be its essence, thus verifying the important position that modification culture occupies in the hearts of Fit riders. The reason why Fit can achieve such impressive sales results is partly due to its strong product performance, and the other part is undoubtedly due to Fit’s modification culture. Maybe this is the charm of Fit.

Brand marketing activities that best understand young people’s preferences

"Young", "practical", "easy to drive", etc., have been the magic weapons of GAC Honda Fit in the field of small cars for many years. From the appearance of a group of youthful post-90s marketing teams at the Guangzhou Auto Show to the test drive experience, which will become "NO BORDER tide running without boundaries", the new Fit is constantly releasing itself on the way to play with the "Sa" attitude.

At the beginning of this year, it completed the launch conference with a flash flash auto-tune remix-themed video of only 60s. The new Fit not only fits the young consumers better in the model, but also leads the young trend in the marketing form of the conference. Create an attitude that dares to show different personalities, is not bound by routines, and lives a "NO BORDER" borderless attitude.

In 2018 FIT DAY, in order to celebrate the achievement of millions of sales of Fit, the Guangzhou Tower, a landmark building in Guangzhou, held a million fan fun party in the form of FIT Wonderland, creating a cool party feast for Fit owners and Fit fans.

Just as Fit itself conveyed, it provides the best DIY way for young people who "love to play, can play, and are creative" to pursue trends from different dimensions. Behind such a theme activity with the concept of a million-fan fun party is the "Sa NO BORDER" brand spirit that Fit has always been.

Since entering the Chinese market for more than a decade, Fit has always gained insight into the trend of youth, personalization and diversification in the Chinese automobile market, and has become a model for young ethnic marketing. As a young and trendy model that can play, from a group of youthful post-90s employees marketing team at the Guangzhou Auto Show to the new Fit debut, to the test drive experience will become "NO BORDER Tide Run Borderless" tide party, to the 60S online conference, until today’s 2018 FIT DAY Fit Million Fun Party event, Fit is interacting with fans in different ways, playing a variety of different NO BODER gameplay with fans, and also conveying the pursuit of individuality, yearning for freedom and vitality. New values. It is precisely because of the "civilian supercar" like Fit that young people realize that car travel is no longer a distant dream. In the future, I believe that Fit will continue to make progress, play its charm beyond model positioning, and create sales milestones with Fit fans!

As the first choice for young people to buy cars, the price of Fit is 7.38-10 2,800 yuan, which is quite close to the people. It is the peak sales season at the end of the year. Friends who are ready to buy cars can go to the local GAC Honda 4S store to see the car for a test drive. Fit has prepared a surprising preferential price for you, not to be missed!

The number of inquiries per hour breaks 100,000! Online car-hailing compliance can be checked here

  The Ministry of Transport announced today (25) that as of February 28, a total of 222 online car-hailing platform companies across the country have obtained the operating license of the online car-hailing platform, and a total of 3.291 million online car-hailing driver licenses and 1.229 million vehicle transportation licenses have been issued. The online car-hailing platform companies registered a total of 58,000 compliance drivers in February, and 22,000 newly registered compliance vehicles. Among the online car-hailing platform companies with more than 1 million orders in February, the order completion rate according to double compliance was from high to low, respectively, Endao Travel (increased from 79.2% in January to 82.1%), T3 Travel, Cao Cao Travel, Shouqi Car-hailing, Ruqi Chuxing, Didi Chuxing, Meituan Taxi, Wanshun Taxi, Hua Xiaozhu Chuxing (decreased from 16.1% in January to 15.2%).

  In order to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the general public, take a regular online taxi, on March 19, the "online booking taxi compliance information inquiry service" system has been launched. Log in to the official WeChat official account of the Ministry of Transport, find "online taxi compliance inquiry" in the "service" menu bar, click on it, enter the license plate number of the vehicle to take, you can check the compliance of the car. In the past 6 days, according to monitoring, the number of visits per hour during peak hours has exceeded 100,000 times.

  According to the relevant regulations of online car-hailing management, compliance online car-hailing driver refers to a driver who has passed the background check, passed the assessment, met the conditions stipulated by the city people’s government, and obtained the "Online Reservation Taxi Driver’s License"; compliance online car-hailing vehicle refers to a vehicle that has installed emergency alarms and other devices, whose technical performance meets the relevant standards of operational safety, is registered as an appointment taxi passenger and has obtained the "Online Reservation Taxi Transport License".

  Compliance of online car-hailing drivers and vehicles means more secure safety and better service. In order to ensure ride safety and service experience, the Ministry of Transport reminds passengers to choose compliant online car-hailing. (CCTV reporter, Tang Ying)

The Dark Blue G318 will be available on June 13. What price do you want it to sell for?

"This life must drive 318" I believe is the voice of every self-driving travel enthusiast. Compared with planes and high-speed rail, self-driving travel is more full of fun and challenges, enjoying the soul redemption of wilderness outdoors, and wanting to have a comfortable and relaxed journey. It must be a car that takes you to pursue freedom. The name of the dark blue G318 that just appeared some time ago is also from the Sichuan-Tibet Line National Highway 318. According to the official accurate news, the dark blue G318 will be officially listed on June 13.

First of all, when it comes to the appearance, the dark blue G318 is definitely something that people can’t forget at a glance. In everyone’s traditional impression of hard-core off-road vehicles, most of them are square box types, such as the Defender, Mercedes-Benz Big G, tanks, etc. But to be honest, coming out with an off-road vehicle is a square box really makes people a little visual fatigue, but the dark blue G318 is different. It balances the two current hotspots of hard-core and technology at the same time, and is more popular with young people. The chic headlights are combined with a closed front face, and the whole vehicle is based on a square body. Together, it feels like a technological battleship.

The overall proportion of the side of the body is very harmonious. The hidden door handles and raised eyebrow lines on the side add a sense of style while also appearing hard-edged. The whole car is at a balance point of hard style and youth. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the dark blue G318 are 5010 (including external spare tires)/1985/1960 (including spotlight luggage racks) mm, the wheelbase is 2880mm, and the dark blue G318 is positioned as a medium and large SUV. If you look at the size, it is larger than the Equation Leopard Five, Tank 500 and other models. The rear part of the car adopts the style of a more classic external spare tire, and the rear door uses a side door design, which is more convenient for even female users to use. At the same time, the manufacturer also provides original expansion parts, including headlights, luggage racks, etc. The playability of the dark blue G318 is also very high, with 1.6T trailer qualification, 6kW external discharge can easily supply the power demand of 8 tents, making outdoor travel more convenient.

After talking about the appearance, let’s take a look at the interior. The overall design of the interior has exceeded the expectations of the editor. Whether it is the workmanship materials or the embodiment of the sense of technology, it is not inferior to the luxury off-road brand. From the details, the dark blue G318 is equipped with a large-size LCD instrument panel and a 14.6-inch embedded central control screen. Instead of using the shift mechanism such as the button lever that is particularly popular among new forces, it uses a more traditional grip-type shift. At the same time, it also includes four-wheel drive system adjustment buttons. The retention of physical buttons makes the operation more convenient. The design of the central armrest box area is also very chic, and it looks very advanced in technology.

The next thing I want to introduce to you is its power aspect. The dark blue G318 is first equipped with a "super" range extension 2.0 power system. The maximum power of the front and rear drive motors of the dual-motor model is 131 kW and 185 kW respectively. The comprehensive maximum power of the system reaches 316 kW, the peak torque at the wheel end can reach 6200 Nm, and the zero-hundred acceleration reaches 6.3 seconds, which truly realizes "super cool". The long-distance range extension of the dark blue G318 has a feed fuel consumption of as low as 6.3L/100km, and the pure electric battery life in the urban area can reach 190km, truly achieving "super saving". The official certification of the golden bell cover battery achieves zero battery ignition, active safety of the assembly, and passive safety of the assembly. The three major battery safety protection battery packs have a distance from the ground (default 318mm) of 278mm-348mm and greater than 100mm. Embedded safety design and 10 Layer battery bottom protection, truly achieving "super safety".

The dark blue G318 adopts a double fork arm and multi-link suspension structure, which can have better anti-tilt ability of the car body and more comfortable road vibration isolation effect, making the driving texture more comfortable. And the dark blue G318 is also equipped with air suspension plus CDC, the height can be adjusted at any time and there is a millisecond damping response. The dark blue G318 is equipped with a central electric stepless differential lock and a magnetic mechanical differential lock. Above the choice of driving mode, the dark blue G318 includes five daily modes and five terrain modes plus three special scenarios of off-road creep, tank U-turn, and steep slope descent. One-click adjustment allows you to enjoy the fun of driving more easily.

The Deep Blue G318 is currently the third model under Deep Blue Auto. It also has two models, the SL03 sedan and the S7 SUV model. The editor has always been very favorable to Deep Blue. The models under Deep Blue are well-positioned and the audience is also very clear. And the design of any model is very fashionable and technological, and the overall preference is younger. The new car of the Deep Blue G318 also did not disappoint everyone. The appearance of the technology battleship, the interior of the luxury technology, and the power of the city can be satisfied. The editor believes that the Deep Blue G318 is still worth buying. There is no problem with the product. Now let’s look at the pricing on June 13. Let’s look forward to its final pricing together. If there is more information about this car in the future, follow us and we will inform you in time.

Qingming Rain, pay tribute to the lost soul of classic interaction on the mobile phone

  [PConline Talk]A person uses too many mobile phones, and there is like a mourning hall in his heart, offering sacrifices to classic interactions that have passed away. – To Qingming Festival.

  "Qingming cold food is good, spring comes with a hundred flowers blooming". The annual Qingming Festival is coming, and in this season of cautious pursuit and mourning, we might as well reminisce about those classic interactions on our mobile phones.

Meizu dots

  Meizu’s small dots are a beautiful memory of many people’s classic interaction with domestic mobile phones. When the MX2 was first released, its exquisite texture really amazed many people. At that time, the small dots took a breath, a light and a extinction, making the originally cold mobile phone seem to be endowed with spirituality, which is not only full of smart beauty, but also cool technology.

  Before the appearance of Meizu’s small dots, Android was still almost all mediocre three King Kong keys. When the M9 switched to the Android system, Meizu redesigned the three King Kong keys. The return key is an arrow, the menu key is a square, and the Home key is a solid rounded rectangle. We still see similar concepts on many mobile phones today.

  When it came to MX2, Meizu radically changed its thinking and launched small dots, which were not only beautiful, but also practical. The combination of many functions, such as tapping to return to the homepage, long pressing to turn off the screen, pressing and holding to swipe up to return, and double clicking to wake up the screen, is simply an amazing idea.

  Later, with the rise of fingerprint recognition sensors, the paranoid Meizu had to put fingerprint recognition on the front of the phone, so they had the same commendable waist circle button. The classic small dots began to gradually disappear from Meizu’s mobile phone after the MX4 Pro, becoming a beautiful scenery in people’s memories.

Nokia Side Slide Unlock

  When it comes to Nokia, in addition to smashing walnuts and blocking bullets, you may also think of the Carl Zeiss camera, the boot interface with big hands and small hands, and the side-swipe unlock mentioned in this article.

  In the eyes of many people, Nokia is a period of warm green years like a movie screen. It is the throb of youth typing love letters blindly on the table, the steady and stable sound of falling from the fifth floor and still ringing familiar bells, and the boredom of taking it out of the pocket again and again to unlock, lock the screen and lock the screen.

  Back then, we didn’t have so many secrets. We needed all kinds of passwords, patterns, fingerprints, and irises to protect our phones. Simply, we were like Nokia’s side-swipe unlock.

BlackBerry Trackball

  BlackBerry was once the dominant mobile phone, dedicated to maximizing the productivity of mobile phones. The QWERTY full keyboard and trackball are its shiny symbols. People’s yearning for business elites and the unique design of BlackBerry make BlackBerry always shrouded in a cool glow.

  When it comes to trackballs, many people will unconsciously associate the little red dot on the Thinkpad keyboard, both of which are classic designs that pay tribute to productivity. Trackballs are to mobile phones what mice are to computers. You can choose or click on the screen flexibly. Not only BlackBerry, but also HTC’s flagship phones back then. This design was used from the original HTC G1 to the G9.

  Later, with the rise of full-touch mobile phones, this function began to gradually withdraw from the stage of history. In fact, in some aspects, trackballs are more accurate in positioning and navigation than directly touching the screen.

Full keyboard and side swipe keyboard

  Back in the day, when a QWERTY keyboard was launched from the chubby body of a side-swipe phone, it was a super mini PC. The side-swipe keyboard phone still looks so cool that if you type with a side-swipe keyboard on the street now, it will definitely cause a burst of screams.

  When Nokia and Motorola were still sitting at the top of the industry, they launched many classic models, such as the first-generation King N97 and the well-deserved milestone Motorola Milestone (Milestone). The reason why this design became popular at the time was far more than its refreshing appearance. In today’s words, it was obvious that it could eat with its face. Talent. For example, when handling a large number of text tasks, the QWERTY keyboard works better when paired with the touch screen to handle tasks.


  Obviously, the side-swipe keyboard is a cool and practical function, why did it finally leave us? In this era of lightness, the internal space of the mobile phone with an inch of land can no longer accommodate the module of the side-swipe keyboard component. Now the side-swipe mobile phone can only lie in the dusty drawer with the memory of youth for people to remember.


  Time is too fast, and the once beautiful things have been buried in the depths of time. But memories are not the shackles that hold us back. In the world of science and technology, moving forward is the greatest pleasure! Forget the peak standing behind you, in order to run to the next higher peak.

In the final of "China Star Jump", the cattle returned to Asa to help Killer win the championship

Click to review the first season of "China Star Jump" video set > >

  After months of struggle, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "China Star Jump" finally ushered in the peak decisive battle of the finals. As soon as the program started, the trophy of "China Star Jumping" floating in the water was particularly dazzling under the light of the water. The countdown figures played by the lights also made the atmosphere of the finals a little more tense. Compared with another diving program, in China Star Jump, almost all the contestants came to the end, including Asa and Eva Huang, who failed to enter the finals, and also appeared in the finals as "cheerleaders", which shows the cohesion of the program. After several rounds of cruel PK, Killer finally won the championship. She also laughed and teased: "Now no one dares to chase me."

  Special stage—

  Eva Huang Ah sa helped out as a cheerleader.

  The blue swimming pool, the beautiful synchronized swimmers and the trophy shining in the water are all so bright on the stage of the finals of "China Star Jump". Accompanied by Tian Liang, the "star head coach", the first beautiful note was played in the finals of "China Star Jump" in the first season.

  Compared with previous programs, the opening ceremony of the finals was designed to be more like a party. Synchronized swimmers lifted the trophy out of the water, and "Star Head Coach" Tian Liang took the trophy and became the "first stick" of the handover. Subsequently, Tian Liang handed the trophy to the student representatives of four primary schools in the "Mother’s Water Pit" campus safe drinking water program donated by the program, and the children handed the trophy to Asa, who passed it to Olympic champion Li Na. After several passes, Zhou Jihong, the captain of the national diving team, finally placed the trophy at the top of the 10m platform, which ignited the glorious moment of the finals.

  Surprisingly, Asa and Eva Huang, who stopped in the semi-final, also appeared in the final on the same day to cheer for their teammates. Asa said frankly that the reason for returning to this stage is to prove that diving is a very happy sport, and I hope to give everyone positive energy with my teammates. On the same day, Asa, who was afraid of heights, boldly stood on the 10-meter platform and danced for her teammates. I am afraid this is the most special stage she has ever experienced.

  Eva Huang, who is a sister flower with Asa, also sang her own famous songs in the swimming pool that day. It is worth mentioning that the water surface of the swimming pool has been built into a beautiful blue stage. Eva Huang’s wonderful singing and the yellow moon built on the stage complement each other. The scene is like a quiet starry sky, which is very beautiful.

  Special lineup-

  Cattle return as a special commentator

  On the day of the finals, Tian Liang, the head coach of the star who always "just jumps and doesn’t talk", also appeared as a guest commentator. Although pronunciation and articulation are not special standards, his kind explanation and winking from time to time also gave the audience a fresh feeling. The cattle that were eliminated in the first race were also back in the game as the "invited commentator" on the same day. His impassioned explanation at the scene also made the race process more exciting, and the cattle also recalled their psychological course of participating in the competition. "In fact, I was scared for the first time on the 5-meter platform and wanted to go back, but our coach said that as long as I got on the platform, there was no reason to retreat. I think it is their spirit of never giving up that makes the national diving team brilliant today. "

  In addition to understanding and presiding over the lineup, the "Starlight" of the participating lineup on that day was particularly dazzling. In the final, Gao Hu (Weibo), Killer, Xing Aowei, the gymnastics champion, and Zhou Weitong, the super mermaid, formed a "mixed" double jump with Olympic champions such as Wu Minxia, which made the whole competition interesting.

  It is worth mentioning that, in order to cheer up his opponent, Asa jumped off the pool directly on the same day by "sticking popsicles" to cheer for his teammates in a special way, and also expressed his love for diving.

  Special point of view-

  Zhou Weitong married the world champion on the spot.

  In the finals of that day, four finalists appeared in the form of "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands", and Huang Jianxiang and Yiyi also attended in formal attire, which was very eye-catching. In order to be the "real king of platform jumping", all four star players tried their best, but Gao Hu, the "high-platform fighter" who had high expectations, unexpectedly missed the PK link and finally won the third place with regret.

  In the first round, Xing Aowei and diving champion Chen Ruolin got off to a good start, and the cooperation between the two world champions in different fields was surprisingly tacit. The 100m platform 103B tumbled forward for a week and a half, successfully completing the standard movements of mixed doubles, and the cattle could not help but sigh that "gymnastics champions are different", and Zhang Tie-Lin also bluntly said that their performances were "quite perfect and difficult to catch up". The second player was Zhou Weitong and the 3m springboard champion He Chong, who had already cooperated quite tacitly in the pre-match training. Zhou Weitong praised Mr. He Chong even more, "That’s what you need to find a boyfriend", and helped him find a marriage at the final. On the same day, the two men showed the difficult movement of "3-meter board 202c somersaulting backwards and embracing the knees", and the score was second only to that of Xing Aowei.

  Subsequently, Gao Hu and Lin Yue, the world champion of the 10m platform, stepped onto the 10m platform and jumped out of the required action of "100m platform with 101B diving forward for half a week", which won a full house. Zhang Tie-Lin scored 10 points for him, and the total score was even with Xing Aowei. Killer and Wu Minxia’s sister flower partner also showed no weakness. They jumped the 3m board 202a and somersaulted backwards for a straight body. Finally, they were unanimously recognized by the judges for their wonderful performance, ranking first in the total score.

  Special race situation-

  Gao Hu only won the third place by accident.

  According to the rules of the finals competition, Killer, ranked No.1, and Gao Hu, ranked No.3, will fight against each other in the first round competition, and Xing Aowei and Zhou Weitong will also take to the PK stage. Finally, the two winners will compete for the championship, and the other two will compete for the third and fourth place. In this round of key competition, Xing Aowei pulled out all the stops. The 5-meter platform, a 5141c forward somersault for two weeks and a half-week tuck, was dumbfounded. Zhou Weitong also took out his own classic movement, which was evaluated as "super-level play" by Zhou Jihong. At the critical stage of judging and voting, Zhou Jihong and Li Xiaopeng were deadlocked with one person and one vote. Finally, Zhang Tie-Lin decided to do it with one vote. "Zhou Weitong has been very successful today, and the team leader Zhou spoke highly of you, but I personally think that the final look of the competition is difficult. There is no way. I don’t care what the background of this person is. The competition is very cruel. I voted for Xing Aowei."

  The other group’s fighting was also very tragic. Killer and Gao Hu were both masters of "10m platform", and both of them chose 10m platform on the same day, with positive pk. However, it may be that the pressure is too high. Gao Hu played abnormally when he fell into the water, and accidentally slapped him on the water. Killer couldn’t help but cover his mouth in surprise. However, the judges recognized the technical difficulty of Gao Hu’s action, and finally Killer entered the championship battle almost without any suspense.

  In the last round of pk, Gao Hu beat Zhou Weitong to win the third place, while Xing Aowei lost to Killer. In the end, the first season championship of "China Star Jump" fell to Killer, which surprised many people. At the same time, Killer himself couldn’t believe it. "I am dreaming!" Xing Aowei embraced her opponent generously and joked: "She defeated the Olympic champion and the diving team didn’t accept her!"

  The first season of "China Star Jumping" ended successfully, and the star students felt sad when they left the stage. Gao Hu also appealed at the scene, "The coaches of the national team, can you give us a green light and come to training as long as you have time?" His appeal also shouted out the voices of many star players. Netizens bluntly saw this paragraph and couldn’t help but burst into tears. "Stars really fall in love with this sport. This is the positive energy we need!"

How many pits are there for 15.2 kilometers of road to collect 19.9 kilometers of money?

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, September 25 Question: 15.2 kilometers of road charge 19.9 kilometers of money, how many pits are there for driving?

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua View" reporters, Wang Yang and Shao Luwen

  Recently, a post of a new scam on behalf of driving has gone viral through the public security official Weibo and WeChat in many places. According to the police, some personnel pretended to be chauffeurs to send passengers home, took personal information on the way, deliberately created traffic accidents "to make a game", and finally demanded high amounts of money. Many netizens expressed that they have resonated, and they have also been tricked by "black chauffeur".

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that after drunk driving into prison, "drunk looking for a driver" has become a common consumer habit. Statistics show that last year, the national driving industry total orders have exceeded 253 million orders, the total output value of 15.40 billion yuan. At the same time, the management of the driving industry is disorderly, sky-high prices, hit-and-run and other chaos.

  The driver actually invited a drunk, the industry is not standardized, and there are great safety hazards

  Analysys think tank released a report showing that in the first half of 2017, China’s Internet driving market reached 2.965 billion yuan, showing a steady growth trend. At the same time, the unscrupulous behavior of individual practitioners has brought hidden dangers to the industry.

  Mr. Zhong, a resident of Jinan, said that he was going to find a chauffeur to go home after a party, but he did not expect a drunk to come over by the chauffeur’s phone. Mr. Liu, a resident of Beijing, also encountered similar unhappiness. When he left a restaurant after drinking, he chose a chauffeur at the door on the strong recommendation of the waiter. Due to his drunken confusion, Mr. Liu did not notice anything wrong during the journey home, but found that the door of the car was obviously scratched the next day. He contacted the chauffeur, but the other person denied it.

  Liu Ruzhong, a senior partner at Taihe Tai (Beijing) Law Firm, said that there are three main aspects to the current chaos in the driving market: first, the industry threshold is too low, the driving level of practitioners is uneven, and the quality of some personnel is low; second, the fees are arbitrary, and the driver adjusts the price arbitrarily; third, some drivers are indifferent to traffic rules, resulting in many accidents.

  The reporter searched the China Judgment Document Network and found that in the past two years, the number of cases related to driving has increased significantly. Since 2016, there have been 1,078 such court verdicts, including 402 involving traffic accidents, 244 liability compensation, 228 personal injury compensation, and 118 mental damage.

  "The surrogate driving market is growing rapidly, but under the circumstance of imperfect industry norms, the safety hazards are also increasing. Hit-and-run accidents, theft of property, illegal driving, etc., make consumers pay a heavy price for one-time surrogate driving," said Zhang Shili, head of the Auto Club branch of the China Automobile Dealers Association.

  The reporter personally experienced: "Black driving" charges 19.9 kilometers for 15.2 kilometers of road, and it is difficult for regular driving drivers to grab the order

  Recently, the reporter experienced the whole process of the service of multiple chauffeurs in Jinan. At around 9 pm on the 14th, the reporter came out of a hotel in Jinan and found that there were many chauffeurs waiting at the door. A chauffeur who came forward to collect work said that he could choose two ways: "report the order" and "do not report the order".

  It turns out that the so-called "declaration" is a company behavior, and the driver needs to pay 20% of the income to the company; not "declaration" means that the driver himself takes "private work" under the banner of the company, and the insurance and other guarantees provided by the company for passengers become the driver’s private income. The driver told reporters that doing "private work" is good, and now the most chaotic market is "black driving".

  According to clues, the reporter experienced a "black driver" service on the evening of the 21st. From the Jinan Olympic Sports Center, he called the driver to drive to the vicinity of the reporter’s residence. The map shows that the distance is 15.2 kilometers, and the estimated cost of e-driver and Didi driver and other platforms is about 80 yuan. However, the software carried by the "black driver" shows that the mileage is 19.9 kilometers, and the final settlement fee is 99 yuan.

  The "black driver" charges 59 yuan for 10 kilometers. When the reporter asked how to charge for more than 10 kilometers and whether it was still charged according to this standard, the driver did not respond positively.

  Master Zhang, a full-time driver who has been working on a driving platform for five years, told reporters that in addition to asking for random prices, some "black driving" may also bring safety problems. In Jinan, there are many "black driving", and it is difficult for regular drivers to grab orders.

  Zhang Shili said that at present, there is a lack of mandatory standards in the driving industry, resulting in too low a threshold for personnel and no code of conduct.

  The person in charge of Didi’s driving said, "On the Internet driving platform, in addition to requiring no bad records such as crime, alcoholism, and traffic violations, drivers have to undergo strict training and written tests, interviews, and other assessments before they can be hired." According to the reporter’s investigation, many small driving companies do not require driver training in accordance with industry standards and specifications, nor do they have insurance for driver liability insurance.

  "Since 2015, the Automobile Dealers Association and several major driving companies have initiated industry self-discipline, calling on all employees to take a third-party practice test for certification, and after passing the test, obtain a driving training certificate. At present, the number of people with certificates in the industry has accounted for 37.5%." Zhang Shili said.

  Who will take care of these "black drivers"?

  The reporter’s investigation found that at present, the driving company is a company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau to engage in "non-operating vehicle driving services", and the supervision subject is not clear.

  The Shandong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce said that the industry and commerce department is mainly responsible for the registration of driving companies in accordance with the company law and relevant laws and regulations, in accordance with the principle of market access.

  According to the interviewed traffic police department, the traffic police mainly investigate and deal with violations in the process of driving. Driving services are essentially different from operating driving services. Without clear jurisdiction, the traffic control department cannot supervise the driving industry.

  Wang Xinliang, director of Shandong Xinliang Law Firm, believes that it is crucial to rectify the chaos in the driving industry and clarify the supervision of the driving market.

  "The price department can guide the driving industry to formulate clear charging standards, and the charging standards of the driving company should be publicized or registered for the record. This can not only ensure the free pricing of the market, but also accept social supervision to prevent enterprises or individuals from changing the standards at will," said lawyer Chen Zhiwei, a partner in the Shanghai branch of Beijing Zhongzi Law Firm.

Evergrande Group’s latest response!

At noon on November 29, China Hengda Group announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it had noticed the announcement issued by Hengda Property on November 28, which concerned its subsidiary Jinbi Property Co., Ltd. to recover about RMB 1.996 billion and about RMB 152 million from the company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

China Evergrande Group said that as of the date of the announcement, the company and related subsidiaries have not received the notice from the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in Guangdong Province to file a lawsuit against Jinbi Property.

The company will seek legal advice to safeguard the company’s legal rights. The company will issue further announcements in due course on any significant developments in the above litigation.

As of press time, China Evergrande Group reported HK $0.230/share, down 8.00%, and the total market value 3.037 billion HK $.

Previously reported: Sudden! Evergrande Property Sues Evergrande Group

Source, Reading Finance

Original title: "Evergrande Group’s latest response!"

Read the original text

Central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L.

  The 2024 Haoyue L has launched three models, and the market guidance price is 127,900-147,900 yuan. The new car has upgraded the central control large screen and the car system, in which the central control screen has been upgraded from the current 12.3 inches to 14.6 inches, and the car system has also been upgraded from Galaxy OS to Galaxy OS 2.0 version.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image001.

  The new Haoyue L adopts a brand-new design, and the domineering potential energy ice waterfall vertical grille is decorated with plating strips on the outside. The headlights on both sides are lens-shaped, with 244 LED beads inside, and the front face as a whole looks extremely tense. Haoyue L body adopts tough design lines, 19-inch wheels adopt five-width vortex design, and blackened wheel eyebrow components enhance the sense of strength of the vehicle. The length, width and height of the new car are 4860/1910/1770mm and the wheelbase is 2825mm respectively. The tail adopts penetrating taillights, and the red decorative strip is very obvious. There is a thick exhaust decoration on each bumper, and the layout is simple.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L _ for Order _ IMAGE E003.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image002.

  The 2024 Haoyue L central control large screen has been upgraded from the current 12.3-inch to 14.6-inch, and the car system has also been upgraded from Yinhe 0S to Yinhe 0S 2.0 version. At the same time, the cockpit chip has also been upgraded from E02 of 12nm to E04 of 7nm, and the running memory and storage memory have been significantly upgraded. The central control screen is larger, the car system is more stable, the function is more perfect, and the chip computing power is stronger. The overall operation fluency of the 2024 Haoyue L car machine has increased by 25%, and the startup speed of the APP has increased by 18%. In terms of interior color, the 2024 Haoyue L has added a brand-new Danxia red color scheme, replacing the current desert brown color scheme. At the same time, the new car has also optimized the details of the modeling scheme of the interior panel, further enhancing the luxury of the interior.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image004.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image005.

  The 2024 Haoyue L has made a series of adjustments and optimizations to the standard Drive-E 2.0TD engine, and optimized the fuel label to No.92 on the premise that the maximum power of 160kW and the maximum torque of 325N·m remain unchanged, further reducing the cost of users’ cars. (Photo: provided by Geely Automobile)