Samuel Hung established a film studio, and Jackie Chan was ridiculed for being late

    1905 movie network news On June 13, Hongjinbao Film Studio was officially established in Shanghai. Many action actors and directors from the Hong Kong film industry came to the scene. Yuan Hua, Qian Jiale, Qian Xiaohao, Li Rengang, Ye Weixin and others gathered together. Zeng Zhiwei and Wu Jing also came to join the audience. Andy Lau, Guo Fucheng, Huang Xiaoming, Han Geng and others also sent blessing videos. However, the biggest surprise of the day was Jackie Chan, who arrived late, and was ridiculed by Hong Jinbao as soon as he took the stage.

Hong Jinbao established a film studio and contributed money to promote young people

    As Hong Jinbao’s adopted son, Peng Yuyan made a cameo appearance as a host, and almost fell when he came on stage. When he introduced himself, he was interrupted by Hong Jinbao’s son Hong Tianming, "I am Hong Jinbao’s adopted son and his apprentice Peng Yuyan…" Hong Tianming said, "You are the guest, and I am the real son." While chatting and laughing, the two invited Hong Jinbao to the stage.

    Hong Jinbao said that when he was a child, he was also a little fresh meat. Later, he became a martial artist and worked hard for 50 years, which can be regarded as "making a name for himself." "The most important thing in making a movie is that I am not happy, and the audience is happy when they see it, but now there is no one to follow." Next, Hong Jinbao announced the official establishment of his film studio. "The original intention of establishing this studio is to promote young people and make movies with them seriously and vigorously. If I meet good talents, I will help you build a team. I have also established the Hong Jinbao Film Fund, which will invest in good ideas."

The late establishment was ridiculed, and Peng Yuyan "gave up making money" guest hosted

    When all the guests took a group photo, Jackie Chan appeared silently. After Hong Jinbao found out, he invited him to the stage. The two began to tease each other. Hong Jinbao complained first: "Didn’t you come to make money?" Jackie Chan counterattacked: "You didn’t invite me, I came by myself." Hong Jinbao was not to be outdone, "Uninvited! Do I want to invite you? Really."

    The two of them fought for a while, and then entered the photo session. Hong Jinbao still refused to let Jackie Chan go, asking him if he knew the colleagues sitting in the audience, "Do you know Director Li Rengang? Don’t blame him, he doesn’t even know me."

    In the end, Hong Jinbao also thanked Peng Yuyan, and he didn’t forget to laugh, "He is my adopted son, he came in his busy schedule, and he makes money every second. It is my honor not to make money to be my guest, so I will not thank you."

Qingming Rain, pay tribute to the lost soul of classic interaction on the mobile phone

  [PConline Talk]A person uses too many mobile phones, and there is like a mourning hall in his heart, offering sacrifices to classic interactions that have passed away. – To Qingming Festival.

  "Qingming cold food is good, spring comes with a hundred flowers blooming". The annual Qingming Festival is coming, and in this season of cautious pursuit and mourning, we might as well reminisce about those classic interactions on our mobile phones.

Meizu dots

  Meizu’s small dots are a beautiful memory of many people’s classic interaction with domestic mobile phones. When the MX2 was first released, its exquisite texture really amazed many people. At that time, the small dots took a breath, a light and a extinction, making the originally cold mobile phone seem to be endowed with spirituality, which is not only full of smart beauty, but also cool technology.

  Before the appearance of Meizu’s small dots, Android was still almost all mediocre three King Kong keys. When the M9 switched to the Android system, Meizu redesigned the three King Kong keys. The return key is an arrow, the menu key is a square, and the Home key is a solid rounded rectangle. We still see similar concepts on many mobile phones today.

  When it came to MX2, Meizu radically changed its thinking and launched small dots, which were not only beautiful, but also practical. The combination of many functions, such as tapping to return to the homepage, long pressing to turn off the screen, pressing and holding to swipe up to return, and double clicking to wake up the screen, is simply an amazing idea.

  Later, with the rise of fingerprint recognition sensors, the paranoid Meizu had to put fingerprint recognition on the front of the phone, so they had the same commendable waist circle button. The classic small dots began to gradually disappear from Meizu’s mobile phone after the MX4 Pro, becoming a beautiful scenery in people’s memories.

Nokia Side Slide Unlock

  When it comes to Nokia, in addition to smashing walnuts and blocking bullets, you may also think of the Carl Zeiss camera, the boot interface with big hands and small hands, and the side-swipe unlock mentioned in this article.

  In the eyes of many people, Nokia is a period of warm green years like a movie screen. It is the throb of youth typing love letters blindly on the table, the steady and stable sound of falling from the fifth floor and still ringing familiar bells, and the boredom of taking it out of the pocket again and again to unlock, lock the screen and lock the screen.

  Back then, we didn’t have so many secrets. We needed all kinds of passwords, patterns, fingerprints, and irises to protect our phones. Simply, we were like Nokia’s side-swipe unlock.

BlackBerry Trackball

  BlackBerry was once the dominant mobile phone, dedicated to maximizing the productivity of mobile phones. The QWERTY full keyboard and trackball are its shiny symbols. People’s yearning for business elites and the unique design of BlackBerry make BlackBerry always shrouded in a cool glow.

  When it comes to trackballs, many people will unconsciously associate the little red dot on the Thinkpad keyboard, both of which are classic designs that pay tribute to productivity. Trackballs are to mobile phones what mice are to computers. You can choose or click on the screen flexibly. Not only BlackBerry, but also HTC’s flagship phones back then. This design was used from the original HTC G1 to the G9.

  Later, with the rise of full-touch mobile phones, this function began to gradually withdraw from the stage of history. In fact, in some aspects, trackballs are more accurate in positioning and navigation than directly touching the screen.

Full keyboard and side swipe keyboard

  Back in the day, when a QWERTY keyboard was launched from the chubby body of a side-swipe phone, it was a super mini PC. The side-swipe keyboard phone still looks so cool that if you type with a side-swipe keyboard on the street now, it will definitely cause a burst of screams.

  When Nokia and Motorola were still sitting at the top of the industry, they launched many classic models, such as the first-generation King N97 and the well-deserved milestone Motorola Milestone (Milestone). The reason why this design became popular at the time was far more than its refreshing appearance. In today’s words, it was obvious that it could eat with its face. Talent. For example, when handling a large number of text tasks, the QWERTY keyboard works better when paired with the touch screen to handle tasks.


  Obviously, the side-swipe keyboard is a cool and practical function, why did it finally leave us? In this era of lightness, the internal space of the mobile phone with an inch of land can no longer accommodate the module of the side-swipe keyboard component. Now the side-swipe mobile phone can only lie in the dusty drawer with the memory of youth for people to remember.


  Time is too fast, and the once beautiful things have been buried in the depths of time. But memories are not the shackles that hold us back. In the world of science and technology, moving forward is the greatest pleasure! Forget the peak standing behind you, in order to run to the next higher peak.

Online catering "agency settlement": no business license is required, only a thousand yuan settlement fee is required

  On November 10, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services", which will take effect from January 1, 2018. This "method" has attracted widespread attention in the society as early as during the consultation period. The reason is that the food takeaway market is getting bigger and bigger, food safety issues are becoming more and more prominent, and new business models continue to challenge supervision. Therefore, many people have high hopes for this "method". However, some "small moves" in the market are already challenging this "method".

  Our reporter, Zhao Li

  At seven o’clock in the evening, it was time for Hu Ling, who was still working overtime. For more than half a year, Hu Ling’s takeout was basically "contracted" by the family-shared kitchen app "Go Home for Dinner".

  Hu Ling, who works at an Internet company in Beijing, often works overtime to order takeout. However, a recent piece of news has caused Hu Ling to worry that his newly developed eating habits may be affected.

  "I heard that the new regulations on online catering will be implemented next year, requiring online takeout to have a physical store and a food business license," Hu Ling said. "As far as I know, most of the family-shared kitchens are done by some unemployed people part-time, so it is impossible to meet these two conditions. This requirement of the new regulations will have some impact on the family-shared kitchen takeaway model."

  The new rule, which Mr. Hu was referring to, is the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services" issued by the State Food and Drug Administration on November 10, which stipulates that online catering service providers should have physical stores and obtain food business licenses according to law, and must not operate beyond the scope. The "Measures" will take effect on January 1, 2018.

  Hu Ling admitted that such regulations will definitely purify the online takeaway industry, which is good for consumer rights and food safety protection. "Previously, the media often reported news of some online takeaway black workshops, and the safety issues of online takeout were exposed during the" 3.15 "period last year. This regulation is a good thing in the field of food safety."

  However, an investigation by a reporter from Legal Daily found that the emergence of online catering "agency settlement" services may reduce the positive significance of the new regulations.

  Most consumers care about "physical stores"

  At every meal, in the office building where Hu Ling works, the delivery staff of various platforms hurriedly shuttle between different floors with various food boxes. At this time, the elevator of the office building also becomes a "battlefield" between the staff who go downstairs to eat and the delivery staff.

  Not long ago, Hu Ling and colleagues ate at a pizzeria. It was dinner time, but the restaurant surrounded by various office buildings had no other customers except them. Within 15 minutes of Hu Ling’s order, four or five takeaways came to pick up the food, and Hu Ling and the others who ate at the pizzeria were lined up after these takeaway orders.

  "I’ll order takeout next time." This unpleasant experience made Hu Ling even more determined to order takeout.

  Unlike Hu Ling, who was forced to choose, Qian Hao, 30, is a true takeaway enthusiast.

  Safe, hygienic, edible and deliverable are all Qian Hao’s criteria for takeout. It is needless to say that he orders takeout at work and almost never cooks at home. Qian Hao relies more and more on takeout. "To be honest, I probably see the delivery staff more often than I see my friends."

  However, while food delivery brings convenience to life, new problems are also becoming increasingly prominent.

  The question of whether food delivery platforms can ensure food safety has worried consumers. In 2016, CCTV’s "3.15" evening exposed the existence of "black workshops" and a large number of management loopholes in food delivery platforms.

  On these issues, Qian Hao said: "Although my attitude towards food is relatively casual, I am very concerned about safety and hygiene. After all, it is to be eaten in the stomach, so the takeaway stores I often order are those that I have confirmed have brick and mortar stores."

  Speaking of brick and mortar stores, consumers also have something to say.

  Chen Qing, a first-year graduate student at a Beijing university, once heard classmates mention that "some takeaway merchants just temporarily form a’small workshop ‘in their own homes and mass-produce takeaway food every day." Chen Qing felt that this "physical" form has no security guarantees, "but she does not deliberately avoid it when ordering food."

  Like Qian Hao, Gong Qi, 25, works for an Internet company in Beijing, and ordering takeout has become an indispensable part of his life.

  When ordering takeout, Gong Qi prefers to choose those who "have eaten in the brick and mortar store in person". "There are two reasons, one is that you will have a better understanding of the taste of the food, and the other is that you feel that the physical store is relatively more hygienic and safe."

  In the field survey of Legal Daily reporters, 65% of respondents believed that having a physical store means more hygiene and safety.

  However, there are also consumers who hold different views on "physical stores".

  Ma Yuan, from Cixi, Zhejiang province, believes that merchants without "physical stores" also have their own advantages. "From the consumer’s perspective, takeaway merchants without physical stores tend to have lower prices and faster food delivery. From the store’s perspective, the operating costs are also much lower than those of physical stores."

  Liu Hongyi, a 35-year-old branch owner of a Beijing-based restaurant chain, was happy to see the new regulations on online dining.

  "If you allow a large number of’small family workshops’ to provide takeout, it will inevitably lead to unfair competition." Liu Hongyi said that it is difficult for brick-and-mortar stores to win the competition with "small workshops" due to operating costs. "Small workshops will also compete with each other, and in order to keep prices down, they will naturally sacrifice the quality of food."

  Mr. Liu told reporters that competition in the takeout industry can be seen to some extent as "the networking of real competition", "but in the final analysis, everyone is comparing the quality of food."

  "Agent Settlement Service" has appeared

  A reporter from Legal Daily investigated and found that there are already "countermeasures" on the market for the "measures" on physical stores.

  Reporters found that on some e-commerce platforms and information intermediary platforms, many merchants have launched "takeaway agency" services, and even on social platforms such as Weibo and WeChat or some question-and-answer platforms, some people claim to help takeaway operators without brick and mortar stores handle takeaway platform matters.

  The reporter interviewed some merchants who provide agency services and learned that most agency service providers say they can take advantage of poor information and related loopholes to help some merchants, especially those operating without a license, enter the takeaway platform.

  Reporters found that these agency service providers have a wide range of "services" and have operations all over the country. "National agency Meituan takeaway word-of-mouth glutinous rice group buying…" A WeChat agency nicknamed "takeaway agency" wrote in Moments.

  In addition, the agency service provider that placed an advertisement on a search platform also guaranteed that the ability to handle the goods will not be successful in refunding. "You can make absolutely delicious taste, and the taste is very good, but how to open a takeaway store is a more complicated thing, and the process and requirements of opening a takeaway store are very strict, not to mention wanting to do takeout without a business license. Now, we have also got a solution to this problem, so that everyone who sincerely wants to open a takeaway can have their own store." The above-mentioned agency service provider said, "First of all, there is a relatively big problem is the ghost store that you may have heard of before, and the problem of closing the store. Our analysis is that’great value and low price must be a lie, and the probability of being closed must be 100%. The other part is to change the store information and lend it to you for a few days and then take it back. Some are simply cheating deposits. These are all things we need to avoid when opening a store. A few hundred yuan to open a store must not be a regular channel. I also remind you to pay attention to this problem."

  An agency service provider who claimed to be an industry insider told Legal Daily that if you sincerely want to do takeout and the hygiene conditions are hygienic enough, you can have special channels to open a takeaway store. "You don’t need a business license, you don’t need a store, as long as you really want to make money and want to open a store, you can open a store. According to the designated address and the designated store name, you only need to provide some basic information, and you can generally go online successfully in one to five days."

  How to do it? The reporter also contacted the agent service provider nicknamed "takeaway agency" on WeChat. "By entering the takeaway platform through the agent, it only costs 1,000 to 1,500 yuan, and merchants can avoid cumbersome procedures and strict entry standards, and easily carry out the increasingly popular takeaway business" – this is the advertisement of the agent service provider.

  What should I do if I don’t have a business license? "Takeaway Agent" Reply: If an unlicensed merchant wants to open a store on the takeaway platform, they only need to provide the agent with the store name, store photo, personal ID card and handheld ID photo, bank account and other information, and mobile phone number.

  What should I do if I don’t have an actual store and just operate it at home? The "takeaway agent" replied: It doesn’t matter as long as it is on the first floor of the community, "if it is not on the first floor, it will be offline by the platform".

  Will such an operation not be discovered by the regulatory authorities? Will it be investigated? "The takeaway agency" said with certainty, "no one will come to investigate".

  The reporter found that although these agency service providers advertise their business on the Internet, they charge through micro-stores or Taobao stores.

  In the WeChat Moments of an agency service provider, the reporter found that some merchants did not pay the price after entering the platform, and their business information and personal information were directly published in the circle of friends of the agency service provider, accompanied by a sentence – "This person is operating without a license, everyone should report him".

NIO Quarterly Report: Revenue 17.10 billion Operating Loss 6.60 billion Delivered 5,045 Vehicles

  Source, Lei Di

  Lei, Lei Jianping, March 5

  NIO Group (NYSE: NIO; HKEx: 9866; SGX: NIO) today released financial results. The financial report shows that NIO’s full-year revenue in 2023 is 55.6179 billion yuan (7.8336 billion US dollars), an increase of 12.9% from 49.269 billion yuan in the previous year.

  NIO delivered 160,038 vehicles in 2023, an increase of 30.7% over 2022.

  NIO’s gross profit in 2023 was 3.0518 billion yuan (429.80 million USD), down 40.7% from the previous year; gross margin was 5.5%, compared to 10.4% in the previous year.

  NIO’s 2023 operating loss was 22.6552 billion yuan (US $3.1909 billion), up 44.8% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted operating loss (non-GAAP) in 2023 was 20.2861 billion yuan (US $2.8572 billion), up 52% from the previous year.

  NIO’s net loss for 2023 was 20.7198 billion yuan (US $2.9183 billion), up 43.5% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) for the full year 2023 was 18.3507 billion yuan (US $2.5846 billion), up 51.1% from the previous year.

  Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, said that in 2023, NIO set a new record for the delivery of 160,038 vehicles. On 2023 NIO Day, we launched the intelligent electric executive flagship ET9, showcasing a series of latest technologies such as self-developed AD chips, global 900V architecture, intelligent chassis system and other industries. "

  "We are about to start delivering the NIO 2024 model, which is equipped with the most powerful computing power in the production car, and continue to improve the user’s driving and digital experience. At the same time, we plan to introduce the NOP + urban pilot auxiliary feature to all NT2.0 users in the second quarter. Continued investment in technology, power exchange network and user community will enhance our advantage in future competition," said Li Bin.

  "Our automotive gross margin continues to grow, reaching 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023," said Beng Wei, NIO’s chief financial officer. "In December 2023, we completed a $2.20 billion strategic equity investment from CYVN, underscoring our unique positioning and competitiveness in the global smart electric vehicle industry. Looking to 2024, we will focus on high-priority business objectives, improve system capabilities, and further optimize cost management efficiency."

  NIO Q4 revenue 17.10 billion up 6.5%

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 revenue 17.1032 billion ($2.4089 billion), up 6.5% from $16.06 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022 and down 10.3% from $19.10 billion in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s vehicle sales for the fourth quarter of 2023 were 15.4387 billion yuan ($2.1745 billion), up 4.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and down 11.3% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO delivered 50,045 vehicles in the fourth quarter of 2023, including 33,679 high-end smart electric SUVs and 16,366 high-end smart electric sedans, an increase of 25.0% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 9.7% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO delivered 10,055 vehicles in January 2024 and 8,132 vehicles in February 2024. As of February 29, 2024, NIO’s cumulative deliveries reached 467,781 vehicles.

  Just completed $2.20 billion equity financing

  NIO has applied to the competent authorities in Anhui Province to complete the filing of investment projects for pure electric passenger vehicles, and has been included in the directory of automobile manufacturers of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  On 27 December 2023, NIO completed a US $2.20 billion strategic equity investment from Abu Dhabi-based investor CYVN Investments RSC Ltd (‘CYVN’). Together with the transaction previously completed in July 2023, CYVN beneficially holds approximately 20.1% of the total issued and outstanding shares of the Company.

  On February 7, 2024, NIO appointed Eddy Georges Skaf and Nicholas Paul Collins as new directors to the company’s board of directors. In addition, on the same day, James Gordon Mitchell resigned as a director of the company.

  On February 1, 2024, NIO completed the Offer of Repurchase Rights relating to its 0.00% Convertible Senior Notes due 2026 (the’Notes’). The aggregate principal amount of the Notes validly filed and unwithdrawn prior to the closing of the Offer of Repurchase Rights is $300 million. After the Repurchase Settlement, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes remains outstanding at $910,000 and continues to be subject to the existing terms of the Deed and the Notes.

  NIO Q4 cost 15.80 billion increased by 2%

  NIO cost $15.80 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 2% from $15.40 billion in the same period last year.

  NIO Q4 Gross 1.279 billion Gross Margin 7.5%

  NIO’s gross profit for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 1.2792 billion yuan (180.20 million USD), an increase of 105.7% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 16% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s gross margin was 7.5% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 3.9% in the fourth quarter of 2022 and 8% in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s automotive gross margin was 11.9% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to 6.8% in the fourth quarter of 2022 and 11% in the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO Q4 expenses 7.90 billion increased by 7%

  NIO’s expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were $7.90 billion, up 7% from $7.36 billion in the same period last year and up 24% from $6.37 billion in the previous quarter.

  NIO’s research and development expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were 3.9721 billion yuan (US $559.50 million), a decrease of 0.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and an increase of 30.7% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive expenses, research and development expenses (non-GAAP) were 3.6164 billion yuan (US $509.40 million), an increase of 1.8% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 36.8% from the third quarter of 2023.

  R & D expenses remained relatively stable compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. R & D expenses increased compared to the third quarter of 2023, mainly due to higher design and development costs for new products and technologies and higher personnel costs in the R & D department.

  NIO’s R & D expenses for the full year 2023 were 13.4314 billion yuan (US $1.8918 billion), up 23.9% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, R & D expenses (non-GAAP) were 11.9142 billion yuan (US $1.6781 billion), up 25.2% from the previous year.

  NIO’s selling, general and administrative expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023 were $3.9727 billion ($559.50 million), up 12.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 10.1% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive expenses, selling, general and administrative expenses (non-GAAP) were $3.7815 billion ($532.60 million), up 16.1% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 10.4% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO’s selling, general and administrative expenses in 2023 were $12.8846 billion ($1.8148 billion), up 22.3% from the previous year. Excluding equity incentive expenses, selling, general and administrative expenses (non-GAAP) were 12.1167 billion ($1.7066 billion), up 25.8% from the previous year.

  NIO Q4 operating loss 6.6253 billion operating margin -39%

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 operating loss 6.6253 billion ($933.20 million), down 1.6% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 36.8% from the third quarter of 2023.

  Excluding equity incentive expenses, the adjusted operating loss (non-GAAP) for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 6.0593 billion ($853.40 million), an increase of 0.7% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and 42.9% from the third quarter of 2023.

  NIO Q4 net loss 5.3677 billion narrowed year-on-year

  NIO’s fourth quarter 2023 net loss was 5.3677 billion ($756 million), down 7.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 17.8% from the third quarter of 2023. Excluding equity incentive charges, the adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 4.8017 billion($676.30 million), down 5.2% from the fourth quarter of 2022 and up 21.5% from the third quarter of 2023.

  As of December 31, 2023, NIO held cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, short-term investments and long-term time deposits of $57.30 billion (USD 8.10 billion).

  NIO expects Quarter 1 vehicle deliveries in 2024 to be between 31,000 and 33,000, a decrease of about 0.1% from the same quarter in 2023 to an increase of about 6.3%.

  NIO expects Quarter 1 revenue in 2024 to be between 10.499 billion yuan ($1.479 billion) and 11.087 billion yuan ($1.562 billion), a decrease of about 1.7% from the same quarter in 2023 to an increase of about 3.8%.

Military doctors teach you how to lose weight: what to eat when you are hungry at night without gaining weight

??? What should I eat at night without gaining weight? The food I eat before going to bed should be carefully selected. First, the calories should not be too high, which will not cause weight gain. Second, it is best to choose foods that can promote sleep and improve sleep quality. The military doctor recommended the following 20 foods. If you are hungry before going to bed, you can eat them properly.

????Green fruit and vegetable juice

????Sometimes you feel hungry is not really hungry, but because your cells are dehydrated and your brain is misled to send out wrong signals. Drinking a glass of natural green fruit and vegetable juice can not only replenish water in time, but also effectively solve hunger. At the same time, it can slowly release fructose, which has the effect of relaxing nerves and promoting sleep. Green apples, carrots, celery, green grapes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, etc. are all good ingredients for making green fruit and vegetable juice. Cut them into small pieces, add some milk, honey and a little ice cubes, and then smash them with a blender to drink.

????Probiotic yogurt

????Don’t think that eating dairy products before going to bed will make you fat! Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which can keep fat accumulation, promote fat decomposition, and have unexpected slimming effects, especially to help remove lower body fat. Moreover, probiotics can also regulate the balance of intestinal flora, eliminate spoilage bacteria, promote toxin excretion, improve intestinal immunity, and play a detoxification and beauty effect. If you don’t need to stay up late, it is also recommended that you add some fruits to make fresh fruit yogurt with sleep effect. Bananas, papayas, kiwis, tomatoes, etc. are all fruits with sleep function. Cut them into cubes and mix them into yogurt. You can also sprinkle 8 American almonds.


????Oats, like potatoes, help clear your gut of sleep-disrupting acids and relax your nerves for a gentle sleep. First, oats prompt your body to release an insulin that helps tryptophan reach the brain, where it is converted into serotonin, telling the brain "it’s time for bed." Second, oats release glucose at a constant rate during sleep, maintaining blood sugar balance and preventing nightmares while you sleep, as studies have found that nearly 40% of nightmares are triggered by low blood sugar. Boil a small bowl of oats and add a little honey to taste for a delicious and healthy midnight snack

????Coarse grain pumpkin porridge

????Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pumpkin is warm in nature, can moisturize the lungs and nourish qi, is a wonderful product for nourishing blood, and has a special cosmetic effect on women. Therefore, Zhang Zhidong, a famous minister in the Qing Dynasty, suggested that Empress Dowager Cixi use pumpkin for supper to keep young and beautiful.


????Grapes, grape juice and wine contain a kind of resveratrol, which is a natural substance that can lower cholesterol. Animal experiments have also proved that it can lower cholesterol and inhibit platelet aggregation, so it is one of the best foods for patients with hyperlipidemia.

????Organic tomatoes

????If you can’t keep your mouth shut and eat super, then tomatoes are your night savior. Rich in dietary fiber (which helps probiotics grow in the intestines) and pectin, tomatoes can fill your stomach and stimulate the brain’s satiety center, while also removing acidic metabolic waste from the intestines, helping you complete intestinal detoxification during sleep. In addition, the unique lycopene in tomatoes has powerful antioxidant properties, which can fight off excess free radicals and help the skin fight aging.

????brown bread

????White bread isn’t healthy. Whole wheat bread doesn’t taste good. Try brown bread. It’s made with wheat gluten. Even if you’re picky about food, you won’t dislike the taste and texture. It’s also rich in anti-inflammatory factors and dietary fiber. It also clears your gut of sleep-disrupting acids and benefits the growth of probiotics in your gut. Make a simple, thin sandwich with black bread and cucumber. It’s healthy and delicious.


????Corn is rich in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, lecithin, vitamin E, etc., all of which have the effect of lowering serum cholesterol. Indians have almost no hypertension and coronary heart disease, which is mainly due to their staple food of corn.


????Potatoes are considered the most nutritious natural slimming food, which is neither fat nor cholesterol, and has very low calories (only 21% of the same weight of rice). They are also very rich in soft dietary fiber, which can bring a high sense of fullness (3 times that of white bread of the same volume, and 6 times that of rice of the same weight). Eating some potatoes before bed will not only not cause weight gain, but also make you sleep more sweetly, because potatoes are rich in alkaline compounds. As for the cooking method, nutrition experts recommend that you steam, boil or mash potatoes.


????Pasta itself, made from wheat, is a low-calorie, healthy dish, with the high-calorie portion only in the sauce. So as long as you make a low-calorie, healthy sauce, pasta becomes a non-fattening delicacy. Food experts have the secret to making low-calorie pasta sauce, which is to dice carrots, soybean sprouts and tomatoes, add some rain dew soy sauce and olive oil and stir well. You can also add some white-boiled chicken breast minced meat on this basis.


????In addition to calcium, phosphorus, iron, sugar and protein, vitamins A and C, chives also contain carotene and a lot of fiber, which can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, have a good laxative effect, and can eliminate excessive nutrients in the intestines, including excess fat.


????Garlic is a mixture of sulfur-containing compounds that reduce blood cholesterol and prevent blood clots, helping to increase HDL.

????shiitake mushroom

????Shiitake mushrooms can significantly reduce serum cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein levels, and regular consumption can increase the relative increase of high-density lipoprotein in the body.

????mashed soybeans

????Soybean mash is actually the leftover bean residue after beating soy milk, which is a good ingredient that must not be wasted. It has multiple functions of sleeping, slimming and detoxification. It is rich in phytoestrogens like soy milk, which can make you feel relaxed; it is also rich in oligosaccharides, which can promote the growth of probiotics in the intestines, regulate the metabolism of fat and cholesterol, reduce the accumulation of acidic metabolic waste in the body, and help the intestines detoxify; it is also rich in minerals calcium, soy protein and soy fiber, which are catalysts for body fat burning.

????American Almond

????Many nutrition experts recommend American almonds as a night snack, not only because it is easy to eat and has obvious satiety, but also because the cell wall structure in American almonds blocks the body’s absorption of fat, which can prevent you from gaining weight. In addition, American almonds are also rich in tryptophan, which can calm nerves, and magnesium, a mineral that relaxes muscles, which can help you improve sleep quality. If you want to make the taste richer, you can also make "almonds + raw peanuts + raisins" into mixed nuts to eat.


????Apples have a very good lipid-lowering effect because they are rich in pectin, fiber and vitamin C. If you eat two apples a day for a month, most people’s blood LDL cholesterol (which is bad for the heart) will be reduced, and the blood HDL cholesterol, which is good for the heart, will be increased. Experiments have shown that about 80% of patients with hyperlipidemia have lower cholesterol levels.


????Carrots are rich in calcium pectinate, which is excreted from the stool after working with bile acids. To produce bile acids, the body must use cholesterol in the blood, which in turn prompts the level of cholesterol in the blood to decrease.


????Onions contain prostaglandin A, which has the function of dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. It also contains dilute propyl trisulfide compounds and a small amount of sulfur amino acids, which can prevent arteriosclerosis in addition to lowering blood lipids.

????Winter melon

????Eating winter melon regularly can remove excess body fat and help you lose weight.


????Kelp is rich in taurine. Food fiber alginic acid can reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in bile. (202nd Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army)

Lynk & Co New 09EM

  Lynk & Co’s flagship SUV, the new 09EM-P, launched two six-seat and two seven-seat models, priced from 307,800 yuan to 347,800 yuan. It is understood that the new car has been improved in terms of chassis materials, handling performance, space comfort and safety performance. So, which model is more suitable for purchase?

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image001

  The new 09EM-P inherits the family classic design of the Lynk & Co brand "Urban Opposition Aesthetics". The middle grid grille that occupies a large area of the front of the car adopts a straight waterfall design, which has been blackened and treated with luxury and visual impact. The headlight group still adopts the iconic and sharp split design, which has a good recognition after lighting. There are large-size air intakes on both sides of the front of the car. The interior is embellished with chrome-plated trims to enhance the texture of the front face. The side shape of the new 09EM-P is very tough, and the rich line design presents a good light and shadow effect. The segmented waist line design is matched with blackened decorative pieces around the windows, which has a strong sense of movement. On the tail side, the taillight adopts a through design, and the layout of the internal light group module is more personalized. The exhaust layout is concealed and a bright black diffuser is added.   

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image002

  Entering the car, the panoramic island cockpit reflects a symmetrical beauty. The 12.3-inch smart LCD instrument is paired with a 15.4-inch central control screen, which has a good sense of technology. In terms of power, relying on the Lynk & Co EM-P super range-extended electric solution, the new 09EM-P is equipped with 2.0T + 3DHT + three-motor layout. The maximum output power of the power system is 408kW, and the maximum output torque is 844N · m. It can achieve a CLTC pure electric cruising range of 190km, and a CLTC comprehensive cruising range of up to 1430km. The whole system is equipped with FYRA-E intelligent electric four-wheel drive system as standard, providing 7 dynamic driving modes.

  The seven-seat version of the new 09EM-P has two models, namely the seven-seat PLUS and the seven-seat PRO, priced at 307,800 yuan and 317,800 yuan. The two models have little difference in configuration, mainly reflected in some comfort configurations and atmosphere creation. 

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image003

  Specifically, first of all, in terms of safety, the seven-seat version comes standard with front dual airbags, front side airbags, head air curtains (one row to three rows on the side), RP roll protection system, front pre-tightening force-limiting seat belts, ESP9.3 HEV body stability control system, CBC curve control system, DTV dynamic torque control system, ARP anti-roll protection system, front/rear parking assistance early warning system, 360 ° panoramic imaging system, 180 ° transparent chassis system, steering assistance image, and vehicle theft reminder and tracking. In terms of intelligent driver assistance system, the car is uniformly equipped with 1 forward camera, 1 rear camera, 4 surround view cameras, 5 millimeter wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars. Other features come standard with DAC driver fatigue warning system, DMS driver status monitoring system, TSR traffic sign recognition system, FCW forward collision warning system, AEB active emergency brake assist system (with pedestrian identification), CVW vehicle rapid approach warning system, RCTA rear lateral oncoming warning system, TAA car active deflection system, etc. In the external configuration part, the new 09EM-P comes standard with AFS headlight follow-up steering system, ADB intelligent matrix high beam control system, AHB-C intelligent far and near light control system, adaptive headlights (low beam mode adjustment), sliding openable panoramic sunroof, first row of double-layer sound insulation glass, second row of double-layer sound insulation privacy glass, third row of privacy glass, electric trunk tailgate, exterior rearview mirror electric folding & heating & memory, etc.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image004

  Internal configuration part, the new car comes standard with leather multi-function physical button steering wheel, automatic anti-glare frameless rearview mirror, NAPPA leather seat, electric 12-way main and passenger seat adjustment (including 4-way electric waist rest), main driver seat memory function, front seat heating & ventilation function, dual temperature zone automatic air conditioning, passenger compartment PTC heating, glove box refrigeration function, active cockpit cleaning system, rain sensing integrated water spray system wiper, rain sensing sunroof & window closing, keyless entry & start system, 12.3-inch smart LCD meter, 15.4-inch central control screen, high fidelity audio (10), car 5G network, car Wifi hotspot, four-tone area voice interaction system, mobile APP remote control system, mobile phone wireless charging function and other configurations …   

  In terms of specific differences, the seven-seat PRO is 10,000 yuan more expensive than the seven-seat PLUS version. The electric adjustment of the main and auxiliary seats is upgraded from 12 to 16 (including 4-way electric lumbar support + flank support + seat cushion extension). The number of high fidelity audio is increased from 10 to 14 and adjusted to BOSE luxury audio. There are more front seat massage functions, second-row seat heating functions, AQS air quality management system, 12.8-inch full-color W-HUD head-up display, ANC active noise reduction system, streamer coral ambient light, and high definition driving recorder. 

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image005

  In addition, the seven-seat PRO version can also be selected to the performance package, which includes dual-cavity air suspension, CCD continuously adjustable electronically controlled vibration damping system, multi-function electronic sun visor, main driver motor pre-tensioned seat belt, exterior rearview mirror welcome light, exterior rearview mirror automatic anti-glare – main driver side, NAPPA leather steering wheel, steering wheel electric four-way adjustment & heating & memory, rear passenger seat electric adjustment, front foldable aviation headrest, third-row seat electric folding and recovery, four-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, PM2.5 air quality detection system, Ocean Mystery fragrance system, second-row door side sunshade, and second-row air conditioning control screen.   

  The six-seat version has six-seat HALO and six-seat ULTRA models, priced at 327,800 yuan and 347,800 yuan respectively. On the basis of the configuration of the seven-seat PRO version, the six-seat HALO adds the pre-tensioned seat belt of the main driver motor, the welcome light of the outer rearview mirror, the automatic anti-glare of the outer rearview mirror – the main driver side, the electric four-way adjustment multi-function steering wheel, NAPPA leather steering wheel, steering wheel heating & memory, the electric leg support of the passenger seat, the memory function of the passenger seat, the function of one row of two rows to form a bed, the electric adjustment of the rear row of the passenger seat, the small table board of the rear row of the passenger seat, the ventilation & massage & lumbar support function of the second row of seats, the electric folding and recovery of the third row of seats, the automatic air conditioning in the four-temperature zone, the PM2.5 air quality detection system, the ocean mystery fragrance system, the second row of door side sunshades and the second row of air conditioning control screens.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image006

  In terms of the adjustment of the main and auxiliary seats, the six-seat version is equipped with the main driver electric 12-way (including 4-way electric waist support) and electric 14-way (including 4-way electric waist support + 4-way electric leg support), and the second row of seat adjustment is electric 4-way. Finally, look at the six-seat ULTRA model. As the top model, this car has only more CCD continuously adjustable electronically controlled vibration reduction system and dual-cavity air suspension system than the six-seat HALO version.

Lynk & Co's new 09EM-P which is more cost-effective _fororder_image007

  Since consumers have their own needs for the purchase of the seven-seat version or the six-seat version, the two versions can be purchased on demand. Specific to the model part, among the seven-seat versions, the PRO model has a higher technological configuration and a sense of luxury atmosphere. Consumers who pursue these two points can choose this model. After all, the price difference of 10,000 yuan is more cost-effective. If you only want seven seats, the PLUS version is enough for daily use if other functions don’t matter; and in terms of the six-seat version, the configuration of the two models will be richer. If you want air suspension, you can directly choose the ULTRA model. (Source: Lynk & Co Automotive)

Lei Jun fought against Dong Mingzhu, and Xiaomi dug old Gree employees to make air conditioners, which were ridiculed by Dong Mingzhu as sticker goods

A few days ago, the old photo of Dong Mingzhu and Lei Jun attending the meeting together became popular again. Dong Mingzhu in the picture "asked" Lei Jun: Just you? Can you also make air conditioners? Can you turn on air conditioners? Lei Jun silently responded to the Xiao Ai speaker: Xiao Ai, turn on the Mijia Internet air conditioner and turn off the Gree air conditioner!

It has to be said that Lei Jun and Xiaomi, who did not let go of any explosive points, launched the marketing copy of air conditioners to cater to the hearts of the people who love to watch the fun.

As expected, the next day, Xiaomi officially released the Mijia Internet air conditioner. This air conditioner labeled Mijia adopts Xiaomi’s commonly used pricing method: 1.5 horsepower, three-level energy efficiency standard, retail price of 1999 yuan, which is about 1,000 yuan cheaper than the big brands Gree and Midea congeneric products on the market, and the public test price is only 999 yuan.

It was still Lei Jun’s familiar formula and Xiaomi’s familiar taste.


A mysterious air conditioning company

"For this Mijia air conditioner, Xiaomi has started to form a team in the first half of last year, looking for OEM foundries, designing product prototypes, and also buying our air conditioner data reports," Dong Min, vice-president of Aowei Cloud Network, which provides information services, told AI Finance Agency.

Xiaomi’s air-conditioning business has always been in charge of Xiaomi’s ecological chain enterprise Zhimi Technology. The company responsible for the research and development and production of Xiaomi air-conditioners is a company called Zhuhai Sanyou.

From the industrial and commercial registration information, the legal representative of Zhuhai Sanyou is Liu De, the co-founder of Xiaomi and the head of Xiaomi’s ecological chain. The shareholder of Zhuhai Sanyou is Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd., with a 100% shareholding ratio. In short, Zhuhai Sanyou is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi.

A point person in Zhuhai Sanyou’s business is Xiao Youyuan. He was originally a senior executive of Gree, worked in Gree for 10 years, and was also a trusted person of Dong Mingzhu, who was in charge of Gree’s overseas business. In 2015, Xiao Youyuan was poached by Skyworth with his team and participated in the establishment of Skyworth Air Conditioning. Hundreds of Skyworth Air Conditioning people came from Gree that year.

Xiao Youyuan, who participated in the founding of Skyworth Air Conditioning

From the industrial and commercial registration information of Zhuhai Sanyou, Xiao Youyuan and the team worked in Skyworth for two years, and soon took the team to the wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi, "because Skyworth and Gree have very different corporate cultures."

"As a private enterprise, Skyworth is used to’small input and big output ‘, while the Xiao Youyuan team from Gree has a style of’big work and fast work’." A person familiar with the matter told AI Finance Agency. In addition, Skyworth air conditioners encountered the "Little New Year" of air conditioners at the beginning, and their performance was not good. Gree and his group were gradually emptied of Skyworth air conditioners.

Xiao Youyuan’s team, who joined Xiaomi’s subsidiary, brought "Gree Feng" to Xiaomi. Wu Wei, who has visited the Sanyou production line and is also a supplier of air-conditioning components, told AI Finance Agency that Sanyou is a mysterious company, but "the solution is almost the same as Gree". For example, the MCU (microcontroller) is made by Texas Instruments, a large American manufacturer, the module is made by Fuji or Mitsubishi, and the IPM (intelligent power module, responsible for frequency conversion) is made by Ruineng.

"Everyone in their company seemed to be holding their breath. After Gree came out to Skyworth, Gree issued a ban order, and all Gree suppliers were not allowed to supply Skyworth. The team gambled so much and was finally washed out by Skyworth," Wu Wei said.

The team was eventually recruited to Lei Jun.

However, Wu Wei revealed that Sanyou currently has only two production lines of its own, and its annual production capacity is "only a few hundred thousand units". Therefore, in May 2017, Zhuhai Sanyou and Zhongshan Changhong jointly funded the establishment of Zhongshan Hongyou Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., with Zhongshan Changhong holding 60% and Zhuhai Sanyou holding 40%. It should be noted that Changhong is the foundry of Zhimi air conditioners this time.

According to people familiar with the matter, Xiaomi’s foundry is not in Mianyang, Changhong’s headquarters, but in Nantou Town, Zhongshan, not far from TCL’s headquarters.


Lei Jun’s obsession

This is the third time Lei Jun has tried to make air conditioners.

The first dates back to three years ago. When Lei Jun first entered the air-conditioning industry, he chose to cooperate with Dong Mingzhu’s old rival, Midea. This immediately annoyed Dong Mingzhu and directly accused the cooperation between the two sides as "two scammers together, a group of thieves". At that time, Midea had just been ordered by the court to compensate Gree 2 million yuan for stealing Gree’s patents.

But this Youth series air conditioner, priced at 3,099 yuan, did not cause much splash. The selling point at that time was that it was used in conjunction with the Xiaomi Mi Band, which could be set to automatically turn on when you go home, and automatically enter sleep mode when you feel you fall asleep.

Youth series air conditioner

Perhaps deliberately to highlight Xiaomi’s "Internet thinking" in the limelight, there is no display panel on the surface of the air conditioner. This means that if users want to know the temperature of the air conditioner in the room, they need to open their mobile phone, check the app or pick up the Xiaomi bracelet. This incredible design appeared in the first generation of products. Fortunately, this is the only cooperation between Xiaomi and Midea in the field of air conditioning.

"It’s impossible for Midea to raise competitors," says one air-conditioning supplier. In fact, Xiaomi decided to invest in Midea at the end of 2014, paying nearly 1.30 billion yuan for a 1.29% stake. But the shareholding relationship has not alleviated the conflict between the two sides in real business.

Millet’s tentacles have already extended to rice cookers, electric fans, water purifiers, electric kettles, cooking machines and many other small household appliances. This is Midea’s territory, which will inevitably lead to fierce collisions, and it is impossible to expect that Midea will be willing to help Xiaomi produce air conditioners. However, from an investment perspective, Midea’s share price has doubled in the past three years, and Xiaomi’s investment in Midea has been very successful, earning a lot of money.

The second time Xiaomi launched an air conditioner was in 2017, which was developed by Zhimi, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi. The minimalist design of this air conditioner has also won international design awards, and this design style has been carried over to the current Mijia air conditioner.

However, the price of the Zhimi air conditioner at that time was as high as 4,399 yuan. Although Su Jun, CEO of Zhimi Technology, said that there was almost no profit, such a high price did not have the pricing style of Xiaomi at all. Now the air conditioner has been removed from the Xiaomi mall.

Interestingly, in order to explain that his 4,399 yuan air conditioner was a conscientious price, Su Jun reported at the time that the quality of the current air conditioner was worse than that of more than ten years ago. "The original material was very solid, but now it is loose, and there are recycled materials in it. You don’t even need to open it, and you can feel the huge decline in quality just by the shell itself."

He said that Zhimi can also make its products cheaper than some 999 yuan air conditioners on the market, by using some inferior materials or even recycled materials to cut costs. "But that’s not something we can guide the quality of life of ordinary people, it doesn’t make sense."

But coincidentally, this time, the price of Mijia’s Internet air conditioner was exactly 999 yuan. However, it was embarrassing that the first user to get the goods couldn’t wait to hang the Xiaomi air conditioner on a second-hand trading platform on the same day.


Mi Ge Gree’s life?

What makes Lei Jun envious is that Dong Mingzhu’s Gree air conditioner profits are astonishingly high.

Chen Hang, chief analyst at Southwest Securities, told AI Finance Agency that Gree’s gross profit margin for air-conditioning products is above 35%, which is unusual in the home appliance industry known for price wars. Midea’s gross profit margin is slightly worse. But it is much higher than Xiaomi’s 10% gross profit for mobile phones.

High profits mean there is room to be compressed. This is also the direction of Xiaomi’s revolution, improving efficiency and reducing circulation costs.

This time, the air conditioner of Mijia brand, whether it is the price strategy or the product itself, looks much more reliable than the previous two times. But Dong Mingzhu has never been easy to bully. When Lei Jun entered the mobile phone market, it coincided with the market being on the eve of the transformation to smartphones, and the timing was excellent. But the air conditioner industry is relatively stable, the technology has existed for hundreds of years, and the market structure and corporate rhythm are quite stable.

Mijia air conditioner

"Gree will not be killed." Chen Hang analyzed that unlike other household appliances, air conditioners need to be installed, and one of Gree’s moats is a team of highly efficient ground installers. "Xiaomi will not have much impact on the giants in the short term."

"The competition of air conditioners is nothing more than the competition of brands and after-sales services." Lu Jianguo, deputy chief engineer of the Home Appliances Research Institute, also believes that now Xiaomi air conditioners are all new machines and have not yet reached the after-sales link. Users can take their mobile phones to the store for repair, but the air conditioner needs to be repaired at home, which will test the after-sales team of Xiaomi air conditioners.

Dong Min, vice president of Aowei Cloud Network, also expressed his concerns. Air conditioners are financial products. They are produced in winter and sold in summer, and they need to pay a lot of money in advance to stock up. To a certain extent, stocking up is also a gamble on the weather, and sales immediately rise in hot weather.

Dong Min was deeply impressed that when the weather was hot a few years ago, whoever had installers sold their air conditioners well. And this requires a huge ground force, which is not what Xiaomi is good at.

The bigger challenge comes from the supply chain. Back then, Xiaomi suffered a loss in the mobile phone supply chain and had been in short supply. Lei Jun went to South Korea to meet the boss of Samsung Electronics, hoping that the other party could guarantee the supply of mobile phone screens.

The risk of the supply chain is increasing in the air-conditioning market. The routine of these traditional large manufacturers is to build a huge capacity scale advantage first, and then firmly control the supply chain, especially the core components such as compressors, and finally achieve a stable market structure and profit margins.

"Compressors are a seller’s market," said Zhang Jie, a supplier of air-conditioning components. Gree and Midea produce their own compressors.

Zhang Jie revealed that there is a shortage of inverter compressors this year, and many air conditioner manufacturers have reduced production as a result. "Key components have been out of stock from this year to next year, so compressor companies must protect big factories, not millet."

AI Finance Agency learned from people familiar with the Xiaomi ecological chain that in order to get the upstream supply chain of air conditioners, Xiaomi paid a lot of money to obtain air conditioner compressors and IPM module parts. "They need to take out 30-4 billion to the compressor company to book the production capacity, which is equivalent to the table fee."

Dong Min believes that the air-conditioning business is designed and defined by Xiaomi in the short term, and Changhong conducts OEM OEM, because Changhong has a large volume and has the voice over, but according to the laws of TV and mobile phones, Xiaomi will definitely purchase and customize some important components in the future.

Zhang Jie was also a little surprised that Xiaomi chose Changhong OEM. "Changhong’s production line is relatively old, and it can’t be compared to the big factories." Changhong bought Meiling and Huayi in 2005 and 2007 respectively. Meiling is mainly responsible for the production of air conditioners and refrigerators in Changhong, while Huayi specializes in the production of compressors.

But in Zhang Jie’s opinion, Changhong’s Meiling air conditioners are not mainstream in the industry. The first echelon is Gree and Midea, the second echelon is Oaks, and the third echelon is Chigo, Haier, and Hisense. Meiling is outside these echelons.

Compared with the melee in the color TV market, the competition landscape of the air conditioner market is very clear. Gree and Midea firmly control the first camp of the market, and the two together occupy more than 50% of the market share. The remaining Oaks, Haier, Hisense, etc. have only a small market share.

"Xiaomi must have harvested the second and third camps first," Dong Min said. "Consumers have brand loyalty to the top few, but they have no impression of a lot of brands behind."

Asked in an interview with Mr. Dong in July what she thought of Xiaomi’s entry into the air-conditioning market, Mr. Dong understated: "We make it ourselves, they produce it under brand names. We are hardly on the same track, and we are not an industry type."

In fact, Dong Mingzhu had already reached for the mobile phone, while Lei Jun reached for the air conditioner. This was the lifeblood of the two families. When entering the other’s area of expertise, whether it was Lei Jun or Dong Mingzhu, their performance was difficult to satisfy.


Broken halberd "empty ice wash"?

Lei Jun "rose to the challenge", not just the bet with Dong Mingzhu, but the performance pressure may be a more important consideration for him to build air conditioners.

The Xiaomi Ecological Chain is a grand vision that Xiaomi has painted for the capital markets. In 2017, the Xiaomi Ecological Chain achieved 20 billion sales performance. Xiaomi has also set an ambitious goal for the ecological chain: 40 billion in 2018 and 80 billion in 2019. This means that the Xiaomi Ecological Chain needs to nearly double every year.

Xiaomi has proved its success in power banks, bracelets, sweeping robots, and air purifiers. But these products priced at tens of yuan or a few hundred yuan are a drop in the bucket for doubling the revenue of the ecological chain. According to the exclusive information of AI Finance Agency, Xiaomi made an organizational adjustment to the ecological chain team on July 27, and established a precious metals business department, an exploration product department, and an investment department under the ecological chain.

So far, Xiaomi has invested in more than 100 eco-chain companies and produced more than 1,600 SKUs of hardware products. But it is undeniable that Xiaomi specializes in industries where the original market is relatively chaotic and inefficient, typically color TVs, rice cookers, plug-in boards, and sweeping robots.

Take Xiaomi TV as an example. In the TV market that Xiaomi has entered, the share of leading brands such as Hisense and Skyworth is around 15%, and the share of other major brands is around 10%. The gap is not large. The melee pattern is conducive to Xiaomi’s competition for the market.

Because TV involves video content, for companies like Xiaomi and LeTV with operating experience, it is very familiar. And Xiaomi has also invested in video platforms such as iQIYI very early, and LeTV is known for video copyright. However, with the collapse of LeTV, the similarity of the two companies has also caused most of the share of LeTV super TVs to flow to Xiaomi. According to the data of Aowei Cloud Network, in April 2018, the total online and offline shipments of Xiaomi TVs exceeded all brands, ranking first in China.

"The categories that can contribute more than 2 billion can be exhausted, probably within 50. And among these 50, there may be only 10 fields that are relatively easy to enter." The person in charge of a Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise broke his fingers to the AI financial club. The bracelet can exceed 2 billion yuan, the sweeping robot can exceed 2 billion yuan, and the notebook can exceed 3 billion yuan.

If the Xiaomi ecological chain wants to double its growth, it has to enter the major home appliance market. In this market, Xiaomi has successfully won the TV market, and now there are only empty ice washers (air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines) left.

However, Xiaomi’s playing style is not universal, especially in the air ice washing market, where Xiaomi has encountered unprecedented resistance.

In early 2017, Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise Yunmi released the first Internet smart refrigerator with a crowdfunding price of 999 yuan. The following year, it launched an Internet smart refrigerator iLive priced at 1999 yuan, which supports Wi-Fi connection and can be remotely adjusted by mobile phone app. In addition to the refrigerator, Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise Xiaoji intelligent mini drum washing machine (Xiaomi version) launched a crowdfunding on the Xiaomi platform, priced at 1499 yuan.

However, none of these products were as successful as expected, and young people’s first ice wash didn’t really make young people buy it. Xiaomi, which is good at marketing, even lost money in terms of market volume.

Xiaomi has also entered the drone market, built by Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise Feimi, after two and a half years of research and development, the cost of the mold alone cost more than 4 million yuan. Lei Jun personally demonstrated in front of 1 million netizens through Xiaomi live broadcast. However, surprisingly, in the live broadcast of Xiaomi employees, the drone actually lost control, and finally "blew up", and died before he could beat him.

In fact, even if it doesn’t "blow up", Xiaomi will have a hard time making a difference in the drone market. In the drone market, DJI is an absolute giant. Under the Iron Curtain of DJI, almost no players can survive in the consumer drone market.

Five years ago, Dong Mingzhu and Lei Jun made 1 billion bet, which was judged by the revenue of the two companies.

Now, Lei Jun and Dong Mingzhu’s gamble is only 5 months away. Xiaomi’s revenue in 2017 is 114.60 billion yuan, while Gree’s revenue is 148.20 billion, and it is expected to break through 170 billion this year. Lei Jun has almost no chance of winning. It has to be said that in the face of Gree, which still maintains strong growth, Lei Jun should carry out a large-scale "encirclement and suppression" of Dong Mingzhu earlier. To make amends, Lei Jun should not care about temporary gains and losses, and it is not impossible for Xiaomi to surpass Gree. Even if Xiaomi air conditioner is not done, it can still drive the industry to change like a catfish, which is what Xiaomi has always been best at doing.

(Wu Wei and Zhang Jie are pseudonyms in the article)

Jackie Chan celebrates his 70th birthday, reviewing Jackie Chan in the eyes of 10 Chinese and foreign superstars

1905 movie network feature April 7, 2024 is my 70th birthday.In a blink of an eye, the kung fu superstars who grew up with several generations have also entered their infancy.

Not long ago, Jackie Chan’s appearance at an event triggered a heated debate on the whole network.A head of silver hair, gray beard, let countless fans sigh that the years are not forgiving.

But after learning about it, I found that this look was necessary for the filming of the new play "Strange Family".Jackie Chan will play an elderly man with Alzheimer’s disease in it.

Some netizens posted a Reuters video shot by "Strange Family", showing that 70-year-old Jackie Chan is still filming.Hearing the cheers of the onlookers, he also showed his trademark smile and waved in response.

"Big brother is still that big brother"!

This new film is just one of more than a dozen works on Jackie Chan’s to-be/to-be-shown list.At the age of 70, he still maintains a strong creative passion and a pure heart for movies.Except for Jackie Chan, few people can do it.

After 61 years of debut, he has produced more than 200 works, becoming the first Chinese to win the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement.Everyone knowsJackie ChanIt has long been the first Chinese film to shine in the worldA business card.

How influential Jackie Chan really is, let’s take a look at what 10 Chinese and foreign superstars see in his eyes.You know why: there is only one Jackie Chan in the world!

From studying at the age of 8 to becoming an international superstar, brother Hung Jinbao is a witness to Jackie Chan’s path to acting.Jackie Chan once said: "Others call me big brother, but I call him big brother."

Others talk about Jackie Chan always talking about hard work and achievement, while Samuel Hung is always concerned about his health and well-being.

"It’s really not easy to debut for 60 years and be so successful, but the most important thing is to be healthy, come when you can, and don’t force it if you can’t."

When asked recently what he thought of Jackie Chan’s "old state", he also responded domineering: "Who is not old? Everyone will be old! He is so happy and healthy, isn’t that okay?"

"Double Monday Cheng" jointly witnessed the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, and Chow Yun-fat also bluntly said that Jackie Chan was his idol:

"Jackie Chan is not only my idol, but also the idol of the whole world."

"Because he represents not only Hong Kong, but also the hard-working spirit of the Chinese people. With this hard-working spirit, he let people all over the world know Jackie Chan’s name."

As one of the winners of Jackie Chan’s Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award, Michelle Yeoh recalls the past of working with Jackie Chan in the 1990s, which is still vivid in her mind.

"Jackie Chan seems to have unlocked the secret of everlasting youth, and he is still as honest, funny and thoughtful as he was when I first met him 30 years ago. Although time has moved forward, he has never changed."

In order to give action filmmakers the recognition and respect they deserve, Jackie Chan founded the International Action Film Week in 2015, and the first Best Action Actor was awarded to starring Wu Jing.

In his acceptance speech, Wu Jing emotionally recounted the significance of Jackie Chan to every action filmmaker.

"Action movies are about conveying emotions to the audience through action. Jackie Chan is a master in this regard. I am still imitating it. Big brother jumps more buildings than I walk."

"I will remember Big Brother’s words: the life of an action actor is short, so be an actor who can fight."

Supporting newcomers is what Jackie Chan insists on doing. He has more than once called Nicholas Tse his successor, for which the latter has always been grateful:

"When I was young, I was a fan of Jackie Chan. When I grew up, I was lucky enough to have Jackie Chan make a cameo in my first action movie. In the end, it was because of him that he achieved a good box office.

He always says that he wants to help the younger generation and give young people opportunities, which is very rare in this circle. "

From China to Hollywood, Jackie Chan has had a profound impact on a large number of filmmakers with his classic films.

Quentin is one of them. In 1995, Quentin Tarantino was invited to present Jackie Chan with the MTV Lifetime Achievement Award, and in the award speech he was generous with praise: "Jackie Chan is my hero forever" and "the greatest actor in the history of film".

"When you see a Jackie Chan movie, you want to be him. He’s the best filmmaker in the world and the best action comedian since talkie."

Like Jackie Chan, Tom Cruise is also known in the circle as "Desperate Saburo". His obsession with difficult action dramas also makes him cherish Jackie Chan heroes.

"His action movies are unparalleled, and he himself is unique."

"I have a lot of admiration for what he does, and I have something in common with him. We both want to give the audience a unique experience, and we all want to do our best for the audience."

In 2022, Brad Pitt made his first foray into action comedy. In an interview, he revealed that he has always been a huge fan of Jackie Chan, and the film was also deeply influenced by him.

"I’ve always been a huge fan of Jackie Chan, and the director and I have been talking about him for the past decade or so.

He is just like a contemporary, he is really talented, and can even be said to be a genius who is far underestimated. "


Hollywood action star Stallone is Jackie Chan’s friend. Having starred in a large number of action classics, he is also amazed by Jackie Chan’s hard work and dedication.

"I think Jackie Chan’s movie is the ultimate stuntman can do, it’s unbelievable, even if he gets hurt, he has to give everything."

"He’s really a master. He paid a great price, and that’s why his work can become a classic."

Zhang Yimou, an internationally renowned Chinese filmmaker, has never had a film collaboration with Jackie Chan, but his brief encounter at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was enough to impress him.

"At the closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, Jackie Chan was invited to sing a song, and he came to every rehearsal. The kind of rehearsal in the Olympic Games, thousands of people waited for a long time and only appeared for three minutes, but he worked hard on the stage and rehearsed with other actors. That’s how he did everything seriously to influence the people around him."

In 2005, Jackie Chan and Zhang Yimou won the Shanghai Film Festival Chinese Film Outstanding Contribution Award

"He is very dedicated at work, and his love for environmental protection, charity, and everything in life is still influencing a new generation of young people."

"There is only one Jackie Chan in the world, and it cannot be repeated. He is the pride of our Chinese people."

Indeed, whether in terms of popularity, influence or the classic degree of the work, Jackie Chan is a unique presence among Chinese filmmakers.

In an era when technology and equipment lagged far behind Hollywood, Jackie Chan made a name for himself with his unique style of action and dedication.

Not only the above-mentioned few, Schwarzenegger,,,, and other well-known movie stars have publicly expressed their admiration and love for Jackie Chan.

"Long’s Comedy" leads the trend of action movies around the world, and the family class he trains has become a mainstay of the industry.

In Hollywood movies, Jackie Chan refuses to play a Facebook character or villain, hoping to use his work to change prejudice and show the world the positive side of Chinese sunshine.

In his life, he has always been full of positive energy, adhering to environmental protection and public welfare undertakings for decades, and giving back the support and love of global audiences with actions.

In the face of age, Jackie Chan once said frankly, Of course I can retire, but making movies is interesting, and I want to make more movies.

"As long as I can still play and do it, I will definitely hope to make a movie for the audience every year!"

There is a line to the theme song of "Police Story" that goes like this: "Bet your life and leave a heroic story."

For Jackie Chan, the age of 70 is just the beginning of the next story.

For those of us who grew up watching Jackie Chan movies, we can still see how fortunate Jackie Chan’s new works are, as if our youth has never aged.

In the coming days, let’s look forward to the world’s only Jackie Chan, continuing the unique legend!

In the final of "China Star Jump", the cattle returned to Asa to help Killer win the championship

Click to review the first season of "China Star Jump" video set > >

  After months of struggle, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "China Star Jump" finally ushered in the peak decisive battle of the finals. As soon as the program started, the trophy of "China Star Jumping" floating in the water was particularly dazzling under the light of the water. The countdown figures played by the lights also made the atmosphere of the finals a little more tense. Compared with another diving program, in China Star Jump, almost all the contestants came to the end, including Asa and Eva Huang, who failed to enter the finals, and also appeared in the finals as "cheerleaders", which shows the cohesion of the program. After several rounds of cruel PK, Killer finally won the championship. She also laughed and teased: "Now no one dares to chase me."

  Special stage—

  Eva Huang Ah sa helped out as a cheerleader.

  The blue swimming pool, the beautiful synchronized swimmers and the trophy shining in the water are all so bright on the stage of the finals of "China Star Jump". Accompanied by Tian Liang, the "star head coach", the first beautiful note was played in the finals of "China Star Jump" in the first season.

  Compared with previous programs, the opening ceremony of the finals was designed to be more like a party. Synchronized swimmers lifted the trophy out of the water, and "Star Head Coach" Tian Liang took the trophy and became the "first stick" of the handover. Subsequently, Tian Liang handed the trophy to the student representatives of four primary schools in the "Mother’s Water Pit" campus safe drinking water program donated by the program, and the children handed the trophy to Asa, who passed it to Olympic champion Li Na. After several passes, Zhou Jihong, the captain of the national diving team, finally placed the trophy at the top of the 10m platform, which ignited the glorious moment of the finals.

  Surprisingly, Asa and Eva Huang, who stopped in the semi-final, also appeared in the final on the same day to cheer for their teammates. Asa said frankly that the reason for returning to this stage is to prove that diving is a very happy sport, and I hope to give everyone positive energy with my teammates. On the same day, Asa, who was afraid of heights, boldly stood on the 10-meter platform and danced for her teammates. I am afraid this is the most special stage she has ever experienced.

  Eva Huang, who is a sister flower with Asa, also sang her own famous songs in the swimming pool that day. It is worth mentioning that the water surface of the swimming pool has been built into a beautiful blue stage. Eva Huang’s wonderful singing and the yellow moon built on the stage complement each other. The scene is like a quiet starry sky, which is very beautiful.

  Special lineup-

  Cattle return as a special commentator

  On the day of the finals, Tian Liang, the head coach of the star who always "just jumps and doesn’t talk", also appeared as a guest commentator. Although pronunciation and articulation are not special standards, his kind explanation and winking from time to time also gave the audience a fresh feeling. The cattle that were eliminated in the first race were also back in the game as the "invited commentator" on the same day. His impassioned explanation at the scene also made the race process more exciting, and the cattle also recalled their psychological course of participating in the competition. "In fact, I was scared for the first time on the 5-meter platform and wanted to go back, but our coach said that as long as I got on the platform, there was no reason to retreat. I think it is their spirit of never giving up that makes the national diving team brilliant today. "

  In addition to understanding and presiding over the lineup, the "Starlight" of the participating lineup on that day was particularly dazzling. In the final, Gao Hu (Weibo), Killer, Xing Aowei, the gymnastics champion, and Zhou Weitong, the super mermaid, formed a "mixed" double jump with Olympic champions such as Wu Minxia, which made the whole competition interesting.

  It is worth mentioning that, in order to cheer up his opponent, Asa jumped off the pool directly on the same day by "sticking popsicles" to cheer for his teammates in a special way, and also expressed his love for diving.

  Special point of view-

  Zhou Weitong married the world champion on the spot.

  In the finals of that day, four finalists appeared in the form of "Guanyin with a Thousand Hands", and Huang Jianxiang and Yiyi also attended in formal attire, which was very eye-catching. In order to be the "real king of platform jumping", all four star players tried their best, but Gao Hu, the "high-platform fighter" who had high expectations, unexpectedly missed the PK link and finally won the third place with regret.

  In the first round, Xing Aowei and diving champion Chen Ruolin got off to a good start, and the cooperation between the two world champions in different fields was surprisingly tacit. The 100m platform 103B tumbled forward for a week and a half, successfully completing the standard movements of mixed doubles, and the cattle could not help but sigh that "gymnastics champions are different", and Zhang Tie-Lin also bluntly said that their performances were "quite perfect and difficult to catch up". The second player was Zhou Weitong and the 3m springboard champion He Chong, who had already cooperated quite tacitly in the pre-match training. Zhou Weitong praised Mr. He Chong even more, "That’s what you need to find a boyfriend", and helped him find a marriage at the final. On the same day, the two men showed the difficult movement of "3-meter board 202c somersaulting backwards and embracing the knees", and the score was second only to that of Xing Aowei.

  Subsequently, Gao Hu and Lin Yue, the world champion of the 10m platform, stepped onto the 10m platform and jumped out of the required action of "100m platform with 101B diving forward for half a week", which won a full house. Zhang Tie-Lin scored 10 points for him, and the total score was even with Xing Aowei. Killer and Wu Minxia’s sister flower partner also showed no weakness. They jumped the 3m board 202a and somersaulted backwards for a straight body. Finally, they were unanimously recognized by the judges for their wonderful performance, ranking first in the total score.

  Special race situation-

  Gao Hu only won the third place by accident.

  According to the rules of the finals competition, Killer, ranked No.1, and Gao Hu, ranked No.3, will fight against each other in the first round competition, and Xing Aowei and Zhou Weitong will also take to the PK stage. Finally, the two winners will compete for the championship, and the other two will compete for the third and fourth place. In this round of key competition, Xing Aowei pulled out all the stops. The 5-meter platform, a 5141c forward somersault for two weeks and a half-week tuck, was dumbfounded. Zhou Weitong also took out his own classic movement, which was evaluated as "super-level play" by Zhou Jihong. At the critical stage of judging and voting, Zhou Jihong and Li Xiaopeng were deadlocked with one person and one vote. Finally, Zhang Tie-Lin decided to do it with one vote. "Zhou Weitong has been very successful today, and the team leader Zhou spoke highly of you, but I personally think that the final look of the competition is difficult. There is no way. I don’t care what the background of this person is. The competition is very cruel. I voted for Xing Aowei."

  The other group’s fighting was also very tragic. Killer and Gao Hu were both masters of "10m platform", and both of them chose 10m platform on the same day, with positive pk. However, it may be that the pressure is too high. Gao Hu played abnormally when he fell into the water, and accidentally slapped him on the water. Killer couldn’t help but cover his mouth in surprise. However, the judges recognized the technical difficulty of Gao Hu’s action, and finally Killer entered the championship battle almost without any suspense.

  In the last round of pk, Gao Hu beat Zhou Weitong to win the third place, while Xing Aowei lost to Killer. In the end, the first season championship of "China Star Jump" fell to Killer, which surprised many people. At the same time, Killer himself couldn’t believe it. "I am dreaming!" Xing Aowei embraced her opponent generously and joked: "She defeated the Olympic champion and the diving team didn’t accept her!"

  The first season of "China Star Jumping" ended successfully, and the star students felt sad when they left the stage. Gao Hu also appealed at the scene, "The coaches of the national team, can you give us a green light and come to training as long as you have time?" His appeal also shouted out the voices of many star players. Netizens bluntly saw this paragraph and couldn’t help but burst into tears. "Stars really fall in love with this sport. This is the positive energy we need!"

Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition was commercially available in the fourth quarter, and developer beta was launched in the second quarter.

On January 18th, at the Eco Thousand Sails Sailing Ceremony held this afternoon, Huawei announced that the NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition System Developer Preview Edition is open for application.

IT House learned from the press conference that Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will launch the developer beta program in Q2 (second quarter).

Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will be realized.

Huawei has launched the NEXT Developer Preview Beta recruitment on January 15, and currently supportsHUAWEI Mate 60Mate 60 Pro, Mate X5 model registration. The HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Preview will no longer be compatible with open-source applications, only supporting kernel and system applications.

Huawei also revealed that it expects to have 5,000 apps completed native Hongmeng development by the end of this year.

Huawei announced that it has launched the 7 billion + RMB "Shining Star Plan" to continue to encourage ecological innovation such as Hongmeng native applications, meta services, and SDKs.

Related reading:

"Huawei Releases HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy Edition, Developer Preview Open Application"

"Huawei Hongmeng Galaxy Edition system interface debut: HarmonyOS NEXT new control center, colorful color scheme"

"Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Preview Official Page Launched, Key Development Features Announced"