Beauty of chongqing wants a high-profile response from the unspoken rule Zhang Yimou? (figure)

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

Yiyi posted photos on the Internet.

  Excerpts from Yiyi’s blog:

  First, the hidden rules

  If one day Zhang Yimou suddenly wants to hide me, I think I will go without saying anything! Maybe, I can go to Hollywood for decades. God ~ Give me a hidden rule when I have to, but only if you keep your word, I don’t want to be Yu Zhang!

  Second, the sex scandal

  Women can also use men to succeed in the upper position. For example, I took nude photos, but I don’t know where to send them. If John Woo says, call me to take Red Cliff 2. The premise is to send nude photos, I must send them! Is there a master planner who can teach me how to send it so that I can become popular?

  Third, selling privacy

  I really want to find someone to give me a lot of money, and then I’ll make myself beautiful! To be the first beauty in China, after all, I think I still have this foundation, and then the privacy is absolutely red!

  Fourth, the mouth is crazy.

  You can learn from Sister Furong’s madness, and you can learn from Lan Dong and mean girls’s nonsense, and your popularity will definitely rise. In fact, I also want to say that I want to find a boss to support me, give me money, give me a car, give me a house, I will give you health and give you happiness! Has anyone come to sign up? Finally, I just want to say that a good planner is the most important thing. I want to find a planner, and we will plan it well. Then I will go up and you will follow me. To succeed is to do whatever it takes, which has nothing to do with spiritual beauty!

  Follow-up blog:

  On June 1st, we will do what we want to do in this limited life, and those who leave regrets in life are stupid people. He’s a walking corpse.

  Today, June 12th, I found myself on the home page. I was surprised, hehe! I think this propaganda method is really good, and the click of blog has increased at once!

  On June 13th, we only try our best to achieve everything when we are young. The first person to eat grapes is the strong one, that is, the winner. If you lose, if you can’t eat grapes, you will always be a frog in the well.

  I was completely demonized by you on June 14th, so those bosses left me messages. Should I thank you? My mailbox is full of all kinds of adoption conditions. I don’t know if some of these people also scolded me on the blog and pretended to be good people to support me there.

Editor: Zhang Renhe

On the 12th, the highest temperature in Shiyan will hit 21℃! The latest weather forecast is coming.

In early January, the average temperature in our city was 5.8℃, 2.7℃ higher than normal. The highest temperature on the 9th was 19.9℃, and Yunxi County, Shiyan City, Yunyang District and Fangxian County were all the highest in the same period in history.

According to the latest meteorological data analysis: January is expectedThe average temperature in our city in the middle of the year is 3~ 4℃, about 1℃ higher than normal; The precipitation is 10 ~ 20 mm, which is obviously more than normal.15SolsticeThere was a rainy (snowy) weather process on the 19th.

From 11th to 13th, the city is expected to be sunny to cloudy, and the temperature will rise rapidly, which can be said to be an abnormal warming.12(th)The highest temperature can reach21℃;14thIncreased cloud cover;Beginning on the 15th, affected by cold and warm air, it cooled down the rainfall.

Recently, the temperature has changed greatly, reminding the public to pay attention to the latest weather forecast information in time, dress reasonably and prevent colds.

Specific forecast

Shiyan City:

On the 11 th, it was cloudy to sunny, 0 C ~ 19 C;

On the 12 th, it was sunny to cloudy, 3 C ~ 21 C;

On the 13th, sunny to cloudy, 4℃ ~ 18℃;

Yunyang District:

On the 11 th, it was cloudy to sunny,-2 C ~ 19 C;

On the 12 th, it was sunny to cloudy, 2 C ~ 20 C;

On the 13th, sunny to cloudy, 4℃ ~ 18℃;

Yunxi County:

On the 11 th, it was cloudy to sunny,-3 C ~ 19 C;

On the 12th, sunny to cloudy, 0℃ ~ 20℃;

On the 13th, sunny to cloudy, 3℃ ~ 18℃;

Danjiangkou city:

On the 11 th, it was cloudy to sunny, 1 C ~ 18 C;

On the 12 th, it was sunny to cloudy, 4 C ~ 19 C;

On the 13th, sunny to cloudy, 6℃ ~ 17℃;

Zhuxi County:

On the 11 th, it was cloudy to sunny,-3 C ~ 19 C;

On the 12 th, it was sunny to cloudy,-1 C ~ 18 C;

On the 13th, sunny to cloudy, 1℃ ~ 18℃;

Zhushan County:

On the 11 th, it was cloudy to sunny, 0 C ~ 18 C;

On the 12 th, it was sunny to cloudy, 3 C ~ 18 C;

On the 13th, sunny to cloudy, 4℃ ~ 18℃;

Fangxian county:

On the 11 th, it was cloudy to sunny,-1 C ~ 20 C;

On the 12 th, it was sunny to cloudy, 1 C ~ 20 C;

On the 13th, sunny to cloudy, 2℃ ~ 19℃;

Related links:

What should I do if I still cough for a long time after the acute respiratory infection improves?

Some patients’ cough persists for 3~8 weeks after the symptoms of acute respiratory infection disappear, and there is no obvious abnormality in chest X-ray examination, among which cough caused by viral cold is the most common, also known as "cough after cold".

If you have an occasional cough, you don’t need to take medicine.

If cough symptoms are obvious, it is suggested to use antitussive drugs for a short time, and compound methoxyphenamine has certain effect on cough after cold.

If there is more phlegm, you can take expectorants orally, such as ambroxol and guaifenesin.

Some children may suffer from chronic cough due to increased airway reactivity after respiratory tract infection, especially those with previous history of wheezing, eczema and allergies.

In addition to medical treatment under the guidance of a doctor, you should also try to avoid contact with pollen, tobacco, pets and so on. We can promote the discharge of sputum by atomizing treatment, patting the back, taking expectorants or treating with traditional Chinese medicine. Appropriate increase of air humidity is also beneficial to improve respiratory comfort.


Dermatologists teach you four steps to build an "Apple Woman"

  (Health Times reporter Jing Xuetao) "You are my little apple, and I can’t love you too much …" A song "Little Apple" by China’s men’s group Chopsticks Brothers is popular all over China, and its catchy lyrics are also deeply rooted in people’s hearts. "Little Apple" also vividly summarizes the definition of healthy beauty in China. So how can we become an "apple woman" with rosy complexion and skin like jelly? The reporter went to the dermatology department of Wangjing Hospital of Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and inquired about several beautiful secrets with Director Shu Youlian.

  Dry, just drinking water is not enough

  Spring is very dry. In order to alleviate the feeling of dryness, people "naturally" think that drinking more water can replenish water. Director Shu Youlian said that this is a wrong concept. People drink water to replenish water consumption and promote metabolism. Drinking too much water for a long time or drinking a lot of water for a short time, the human body must use urine and sweat to discharge excess water, causing a burden on the kidneys.

  To relieve dryness, we should give priority to food supplement and eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables belong to yin-nourishing foods, which have the functions of nourishing body fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat and relaxing bowels. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, which can clear heat and purge fire, moisten intestines and clear lung, not only supplement body fluids and vitamins, but also improve the adverse effects of dryness on human body.

  Wash your face with cold water.

  Many people advocate washing your face with cold water. They think that on the one hand, stimulating facial skin with cold water can improve the adaptability of human body to cold, and then enhance immunity, which is good for health. On the other hand, washing your face with cold water can shrink pores and tighten skin. Director Shu Youlian believes that washing your face with warm water is the basis of skin care. The skin on the face is delicate and should be taken good care of, not stimulated. Using warm water when washing your face can make your skin open pores, discharge stolen goods, and secrete oil to lock moisture, thus forming a protective layer of your skin. In addition, the shrinking process of pores is very fast, almost at the same time, so there is no need to wash your face alternately with hot and cold water in order to converge pores, and alternating hot and cold can easily lead to the phenomenon of red blood on your face, which may be aggravated for people with sensitive skin.

  Combine inside and outside to create hair.

  In spring, many people’s hair will also appear dry and dull. "Hair is like a crop. If you treat it well, it will treat you well," Director Shu Youlian said with a smile. "If you want to have a beautiful hair, you have to combine the inside and the outside."

  From the inside, first of all, we should eat on time, balance nutrition, ensure the time and quality of sleep, relax and have a good mental state. Secondly, in terms of diet, we should pay attention to iron supplementation. Iron is an essential trace element in the human body, but now people are generally deficient in iron. Malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia caused by long-term iron deficiency will lead to dry and split hair, loss of luster and even large-scale hair loss. In this regard, you can choose to stir-fry in an iron pan or eat iron-containing soy sauce to supplement iron.

  From the outside, in the usual shampoo and hair care, we should try to choose big brands with quality assurance and use less shampoo with oil control effect. After washing your hair, you should squeeze the water out with a dry towel by gentle pressure before using the hair dryer, so as to shorten the use time of the hair dryer as much as possible, and the distance between the hair dryers is better, preferably 15cm-17cm.

  Take a bath, don’t wash too clean.

  There is a layer of basal cells deep in human epidermis, which differentiate into keratinocytes day and night. These keratinocytes protect the whole body, gradually move to the surface and die during metabolism, and the outermost aged keratinocytes will naturally fall off in pieces. Daily bathing can wash away the skin scale mixed with the stratum corneum and skin sweat, which has a certain protective effect on the skin.

  There are some people who love cleanliness, take a bath too often, and they are worried that they will not be clean. They often wash their bodies with rubbing towels and exfoliating bath lotion. Director Shu Youlian said that there is a layer of oil on the surface of human skin, which can protect and moisturize the skin. The frequency of showering is too high, especially the frequent use of bath towel or shower gel will inevitably destroy the oil layer, leading to dry skin, itching and other symptoms, and easy to make the skin age early.

China’s financial opening up has made two big hits. This blue ocean opportunity, Americans are afraid to fall behind.

  Just two days after the news of French, German, Japanese and other commercial banks and insurance institutions applying to land in China came out, two more news came: First, on May 2, the Central Bank of China confirmed that the first foreign-funded payment institution had applied to the Central Bank of China for business. This means that foreign payment institutions have taken the first step to enter the China market. Second, on the same day, it was reported that a foreign company had started to apply for a credit investigation license in China.

  This is the embodiment of China’s further financial opening.

  Let’s look at the company that applied for third-party payment, named WorldFirst, which is a British-funded company. In April 2018, WorldFirst just launched the first collection product for cross-border B2B sellers in China — — World Account to solve the problem of cross-border payment for cross-border e-commerce sellers, so it is very important to obtain a third-party payment license in China, otherwise, the development of China market will be limited. The application of WorldFirst to the Bank of China for a cross-border business payment license indicates that China’s financial opening is expected to go further in the field of third-party payment.

  The company that applied for the credit information business license is even bigger. Yiborui Company, headquartered in Ireland, is a giant of credit information business in the world, with business all over the world and huge branches in the United States.

  Generally speaking, if the central bank confirms the receipt of the application, it means that the central bank has actually started the process of approval. Therefore, these two cases, some low-key applications, were officially confirmed, which means that China’s financial opening-up is real, and it is a fence to cut the knife and cut the flesh.

  The third-party payment market in China has achieved great success in recent years. The well-known third-party payment companies represented by WeChat and Alipay have made eye-catching profits in this field. Ant Financial has mastered Alipay, and its valuation has surpassed many financial companies in the United States by hundreds of billions of dollars. However, the size of WeChat Tenpay is not inferior to Alipay. Of course, its actual valuation should also be around here. Even so, China’s third-party payment market still has great potential to be tapped. For China’s huge domestic third-party payment market, foreign capital used to be out of reach. But now it seems that soon, foreign capital can come in to participate in the competition and share a piece of the action.

  The credit investigation market in China has just started. There is a vast space for both corporate credit investigation and personal credit investigation, and many aspects are still blank. I am afraid the market potential in this respect is no less than that of third-party payment. Different from third-party payment, there is no strong competitive opponent in China in this respect, that is to say, if foreign capital comes in, it is basically a blue ocean with huge profits.

  Therefore, China’s opening up in these two areas is really very bold and courageous.

  No wonder countries, especially several developed countries, have been acting so frequently recently.As long as they have some market judgment, they will never ignore the huge space of China’s financial market. Whoever falls behind in the process of opening China’s financial market will lose half of the future first. From a global perspective, I am afraid that the two major financial opening dividends that China wants most are American companies. Let’s look at the third-party payment market in China, which is the big fat that companies with payment services in the United States, such as Apple and paypal, want to get. Apple has previously entered the payment market in China through the cooperation with China UnionPay, but after all, it is a four-way payment, and its business development is not satisfactory. Therefore, in the competition with WeChat and Alipay, Apple, which is far behind, should dream of getting a third-party payment license in China.

  Needless to say, the three major rating agencies in the United States, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investment Services and Fitch Ratings Limited, are all giants in the global credit reporting field. If they can’t successfully enter the credit reporting market in China, or lag behind other competitors in the pace of entering China, they will probably have a great adverse impact on their future competitiveness.

  However, if American companies really lag behind their western counterparts, it is not China’s fault. China people believe in "making money with harmony". After all, the United States initiated a trade war with China, and public opinion in China could hardly accept the result: open these fields and let those guys who threw stones at themselves happily take away the benefits. Needless to say, no one has the guts!

  (The author is an international critical commentator Si Hai)

[Fujian Finance Empowers Tea Industry] "Tea Finance+Science and Technology Specialist" Promotes the Green Development of Tea Economy

  Cctv news The system of "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology" (hereinafter referred to as "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology") originated in Nanping, Fujian, aiming at assisting the development of advantageous industries and the construction of agricultural science and technology parks through the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and helping rural revitalization. However, the problem that science and technology commissioners often encounter in the process of serving tea farmers and tea enterprises is the problem of funds.

  According to the introduction of the local financial supervision bureau of Fujian Province, the relevant financial institutions in Fujian have innovated the "tea industry finance+specialized" model, provided comprehensive financial services in the areas of "financing and intelligence, industrial support, knowledge popularization and ecological construction", and promoted the tea industry to become a dominant industry in Fujian together with the "Fucha. com" platform.

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

  The Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China strengthened the cooperation between government, banks and enterprises, and guided financial institutions to launch various models such as "tea finance+Kurt loan" and "technology+finance+tea industry" to organically integrate the policy of benefiting farmers with financial products. At the same time, it instructed financial institutions to set up a "workstation for financial science and technology commissioners", and provided support to 634 tea enterprises and farmers in industrial support and precise poverty alleviation.

  Bank of China Nanping Branch designed and launched the "Cote Loan" liquidity product, and Nanping Finance Bureau invested 2 million yuan to establish a credit enhancement fund pool as the government risk compensation for the credit enhancement fund loans of enterprises led, founded and served by Nanping Science and Technology Commissioner. When the credit enhancement project loans suffered losses, the loan losses were supplemented by 50% of the credit enhancement part. The bank also plays the role of precise drip irrigation of tea finance, promotes the coordinated development of tea industry, tea culture and tea technology, and makes tea economy a magic weapon for rural revitalization and a benchmark for green development.

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

  Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Nanping Science and Technology Bureau, set up a service team of financial science and technology commissioners, and jointly launched the "Kurt Loan", which mainly provided credit financial support for enterprises founded, led or served by science and technology commissioners; Open up green approval channels and give preferential interest rates. With the guidance of the science and technology task force and the blessing of financial resources, the capital needs of tea enterprises for production, processing and technology upgrading have been effectively met.

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

  In Zhenghe County, Fujian Province, it was not easy to evaluate the value of local tea due to the variety of tea and the influence of tea production technology and tea producing area, which also made tea enterprises encounter difficulties in financing. Nowadays, through the combination of tea financial services and the special system, the problem of value evaluation that plagues local tea financial services has been effectively solved.

  With the assistance of the special workstation, the county broke the financing bottleneck of tea warehouse receipt pledge due to value evaluation, quality certification and other issues. At present, more than 8,000 boxes of white tea have entered the high-standard intelligent management, with a total value of more than 30 million yuan, and it is estimated that more than 18 million yuan can be raised. (Wei Ju)

Sufficient supply and stable price! On New Year’s Day holiday, the business supermarkets in Beijing Economic Development Zone are very popular and have a strong atmosphere.

What is the supply of goods in Beijing Economic Development Zone during the New Year holiday? How about the price of "vegetable basket"? Xiao Yi visited the site and found that the major supermarkets in the area had sufficient supply and stable prices. Go! Go and have a look with xiaoyi ~

As soon as you enter the 7FRESH Seven Fresh Supermarket Dazu Square Store, you will see a dazzling array of New Year decorations such as blessings, window grilles and couplets, and a strong New Year atmosphere will come to your face. In addition to the New Year decorations at the entrance, the neatly placed New Year gift boxes not far away also attracted people to stop frequently. A variety of nuts, fresh fruits and candy gift boxes were beautifully packaged and jubilant, waiting for the public to buy.

△ Huang Qiaowei/photo

"In order to meet the needs of the public, we have prepared various New Year gift boxes in advance, including more than 100 kinds of goods." Manager Faye Wong said.

According to Faye Wong, in order to ensure the purchase and distribution needs of the citizens during the holidays, 20% temporary staff were added in the store during the New Year holiday to provide the best service to the citizens to the maximum extent. "At the same time, considering the large demand of holiday citizens, the number of people’s livelihood security products such as fruits, fresh food and vegetables in our supermarkets has also doubled compared with usual, fully meeting the needs of online and offline customers."

△ Huang Qiaowei/photo

At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, in wu mart, the Salon business district, you can see red lanterns hanging everywhere to set off the New Year atmosphere. The vegetable area, fresh food area, fruit area, rice flour, grain and oil seasoning area and other areas in the store are full of various commodities, and the supply is sufficient, and the residents who come to purchase are in an endless stream.

△ Huang Qiaowei/photo

In the corner of the store, the staff are placing Spring Festival couplets, lanterns, Chinese knots and other New Year "limited" goods. On the shelf next to the "New Year Atmosphere Wall", the tallyman is putting the goods back in place, and the shopping guide not far away is guiding the consumers who come to ask …

△ Huang Qiaowei/photo

"During the holidays, all the employees in our store don’t have holidays, and fully protect the shopping needs of surrounding consumers. At the same time, in order to provide better services to the surrounding residents, the number of employees in the store during the holiday season is 1.2 times that of usual, and the supply of people’s livelihood commodities such as vegetables, fruits and rice flour oil is 1.5 to 2 times that of usual. " Manager Han Lei introduced.

Editor: Xu Yi

A probe into the "nightlife" after work of Fuxing of China EMU

A probe into the "nightlife" after work of Fuxing of China EMU

  After the "Fuxing" was put into storage, the first process was cleaning. The picture shows the staff taking a bath for the Fuxing. Photo by Sun Guangzhe

  On June 26th, 2017, Fuxing, the EMU train with the highest speed in China, was officially put into operation, which opened the new speed of China high-speed railway. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the reporter from Zhongxin. com came to the operation office of Jinan East EMU in Shandong to visit the "nightlife" of Fuxing after work.

  "Good traction rod, good air duct and good axle … …” In the maintenance depot, Wang Xiao, the foreman of the special maintenance team of Jinan East EMU, is leading more than 10 colleagues to do a "physical examination" for a train of Fuxing, which just got off work.

  The picture shows the EMU warehousing. Holding professional lighting and video equipment, the staff crouched on both sides of the car for a series of procedures such as watching, smelling and listening. Sha Jianlong photo

  The "Fuxing" that is being "physically examined" has 16 carriages, which are parked on the trench track about 2 meters deep. The maintenance personnel are located in the front, sides, roof, under and inside the car for operations.

  Wendy Wang told reporters that "Fuxing" must pass the tread diagnosis and pantograph detection before entering the maintenance depot. Just like CT, infrared detection equipment conducts all-round detection on the tread of the wheelset and the high-voltage power receiving equipment at the top of the train, and transmits the monitoring data to the professional computer for "expert consultation".

  "After warehousing, the first process is cleaning." Wendy Wang said that after the power failure and bow lowering of the EMU, the special car wash liquid for the EMU was sprayed from the water outlet, and the professional "SPA masseur" beside the track was "Fuxing" and "taking a bath". Under normal circumstances, EMUs should be disinfected and cleaned by outdoor automatic washing machine before entering the warehouse. However, due to the cold weather in winter, the cleaning work must be carried out indoors by professionals to prevent the EMU from catching a cold.

  After cleaning, professional "doctors" will start a "full physical examination" of the EMU. According to the technical regulations and technological requirements, Harmony and Fuxing should enter the motor depot every 4,400 kilometers or 48 hours and every 6,000 kilometers or 48 hours for first-class operation and maintenance.

  "To ensure that ‘ Fuxing ’ The motor train runs at a high speed and smoothly, and every bolt and every part of the train must be accurate. " Xu Qingji, the "post-90s" ground mechanic of Jinan East EMU Operation Institute, is a member of the maintenance team, having repaired CRH2, 5, 380A, B and other vehicles. He told reporters that if problems are found during maintenance, they need to call superiors through real-time intercom equipment for diagnosis and maintenance.

  "Fuxing" is an independent research and development emu with independent intellectual property rights in combination with China’s application needs, which is more perfect and superior than the emu models that it overhauled before. Xu Qingji said that it unified the operation interfaces, passenger pages and operation modes of different OEMs, and also completely unified all interfaces and parts, established a brand-new China high-speed train standard system, and realized mutual standby, reconnection, rescue and hot standby of trains.

  In addition to the overhaul of the running gear, traction, braking, pantograph and in-vehicle facilities of Fuxing, its "brain" — — The maintenance of "ATP" system is particularly important. According to Wang Weina, chief of the ATP analysis work area of Jinan East EMU, the ATP system on board the high-speed rail is equivalent to a "black box", which is not only a monitoring system, but also records the running status of the high-speed rail in real time and transmits it to the monitor. It is also a traffic control system, which can command the safe operation of vehicles according to the track information ahead.

  Wang Weina said that when overhauling, professionals should clean up the dirt on the transponder of vehicle-mounted equipment to ensure that the transponder responsible for receiving and sending information is always in good working condition. "After ensuring that all equipment and facilities are kept in normal condition, the train can be put into operation."

  "Although the work is hard, I am very proud whenever I see a train of EMUs running normally after team maintenance." During the period of Spring Festival travel rush, the professional "doctors" of Fuxing will still stick to their posts and "escort" people’s travel. (End)

  Author Sha Jianlong

Rooster time! Lock the movie channel, melt the media and hit the Golden Rooster Award live.

Special feature of 1905 film network New Year’s greetings from the rooster, see Xiamen again! In 2021, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Chinese films hit hard from December 28th to December 30th.

For the third year in a row, the film channel and Xiamen Radio and Television jointly launched a live broadcast of this event.

Comprehensive upgrade, brand-new revision. More seats, more panoramic views, stronger lineup, and 5 sections of 5G panoramic view of Golden Rooster.

"Direct Golden Rooster Award"

1 stop to the light and shadow event.

Forum+film festival+new film conference, live direct attack,The main creative netizens talked and shared the "golden" taste,The opening ceremony and the nomination ceremony kicked off.The red carpet, closing ceremony and award ceremony gathered stars.


Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Honorary Shadowman Joined the host lineup of the closing ceremony:Golden Rooster Award+Hundred Flowers Award Winner,Two Golden Rooster Awards+Two Hundred Flowers Award Winners,Hundred Flowers Award winner,Co-hosted with the host of the movie channel,Invite you to witness the glory moment of China film of the year.

[Stars and Seas]

3 Days 3 Nightlife Experience+Creative Collection

Youth has its own yearning for youth;Dreams have their own power!The film channel "Stars and Seas" Young Actor Selection SchemeNew upgrade in 2021,Assemble and stand by one day in advance, and present it on-the-spot for three days and three nights.

Life is the examination room, and there is learning everywhere.40 young actors were newly selected.Immerse yourself in real life and experience the true meaning of performance.

Go deep into the grassroots, change identity and test morality and art;Growth mutual learning and surprise guidance for mysterious guests;Ready to go, the closing party will make a new appearance.

[Movie Channel M List]

2021 Dapandian

2021, which line makes you laugh?Which picture makes you cry?What other performances shocked your heart?

The 2021 China Movie M Big Data Report will be released on December 29th.Professional data+authoritative experts selected China films of the year,M list honor 2021 China filmmakers report card,The filmmaker made a New Year’s resolution during the visit, review and prospect.

[40th Anniversary of Golden Rooster Award]x "Golden Rooster in Xiamen"

Chinese film golden rooster award x Xiamen special economic zone,Holding hands for the third time, welcoming 40 years old together.

Zhengqing, the Golden Rooster Award of Chinese Film, has a full record of all previous Huacai;Dialogue with honorary filmmakers to construct a brief oral history of China’s films;Zhengpengbo Xiamen assembled a new journey of "the 14th Five-Year Plan";Punch in Xiamen landmarks and scan the evolution of the special economic zone era.

The majestic cock, the dawn of the east.

Glory moment, panoramic view.

Lock in the media platforms of movie channels on the same day,Every aspect of the Golden Rooster Award is wonderful, and we will see you there!

During the New Year’s Day holiday, the hot "snow" in Beijing World Park boiled.

During the New Year’s Day holiday, Beijing World Park staged a series of wonderful ice and snow carnival activities. Pictured: Tourists experience the snow landslide project in the park.

A strong performing lineup of foreign actors and American actors staged four exotic visual feasts, namely, Christmas Carnival, Ice and Snow Parade, Ice and Snow Ode and Latin American Concert.

Reality shows such as Santa Claus, Snow White, Seven Dwarfs, Snowflake Angel, Baby Snowman and Big Bird Cartoon interact with tourists at zero distance.

The actor is performing.

The actors are holding scrolls of New Year greetings.

The park has more than 20 kinds of ice and snow projects in four major ice and snow amusement areas: Dongmen Terrace Garden Snow Amusement Park, Nanmen Snow Amusement Park, Nanmen Artificial Lake Ice Amusement Park and African Pyramid.

Tourists ride snowmobiles, sledges and snow circles.

Reporter Tao Ran’s photo report
Editor Wang Yuanzheng proofreads Jia Ning.

"I saw Uncle Deng’s cooking." In 1972, I spent the New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home.


    In 1972, I visited Deng Xiaoping in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and spent an unforgettable New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home. Deng Xiaoping’s cooking skills, Zhuo Lin’s enthusiasm, and his friendship with Deng Lin’s brother and sister all remain fresh in my memory.

    Visiting relatives in Nanchang on New Year’s Day

    On the eve of New Year’s Day in 1972, my sisters Da Rong and Er Rong went to Nanchang from Linchuan County, Jiangxi Province to visit Uncle Deng Xiaoping. I remember that it was a cold winter. There was a layer of mist on the boundless Ganjiang River, and no ship was seen. The distant mountains were gray, and the vegetation along the river was withered and trembling in the cold wind. We came to the guest house of the provincial party Committee by the Ganjiang River, which is the designated meeting place.

    It is said that after Deng Bobo and his family came to Jiangxi, they lived in a small building of Nanchang Infantry School. There was no heating or hot water in the building. When they wanted to take a bath, the old man had to boil the bath water downstairs and carry it to the bathroom upstairs in buckets, which was inconvenient. Moreover, it was easy for the old man to catch a cold when taking a bath in winter. This problem dragged on for a long time. When Huang Zhizhen, a former veteran cadre of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, learned about it, he made arrangements for Deng Bobo’s family to take a hot bath in the provincial party committee guest house every weekend. When I came to the guest house, Uncle Deng Xiaoping’s family happened to take a bath here.

    In the living room on the second floor of the hostel, we first met Aunt Zhuo Lin, Deng Lin and Mao Mao, who had just taken a bath and were combing their hair. Uncle Deng asked them to wash first and then wash themselves. When I saw Aunt Zhuo Lin, my sister and I were filled with emotion and tears. Aunt Zhuo Lin and my mother Xiao Li were good friends during the Yan ‘an period, and they had a lot of contacts. Uncle Deng came out of the shower and was very happy to see us coming. Perhaps it was because he had just taken a shower and his face was flushed and radiant. He speaks Sichuan dialect, and we also speak Sichuan dialect, because we grew up in Chengdu and have a local accent. Visiting Uncle Deng has always been our wish. Our family has a good relationship with Uncle Deng’s family, and their children grew up together. First, we reported to Liu Junxiu, deputy director of Jiangxi Revolutionary Committee, who worked in the Jinsui Military Region with my father Li Jingquan during the War of Resistance against Japan period. Our wish was realized through the contact between Uncle Liu and Uncle Deng’s family.

    Uncle Deng asked about our work and life with concern. I told him that my sister and I came to Jiangxi in 1969 and settled down in my father’s hometown, Linchuan County, to work as farmers, relying entirely on earning work points to support ourselves. Speaking of which, my sister and I took out two fish brought from our hometown, which were caught by the villagers from our pond, and some eggs saved. I told Uncle Deng that these are all fruits of labor. Please accept them for the whole family to taste. Seeing that it was getting late, we were ready to leave. On hearing this, Uncle Deng immediately said, "Don’t go today, come to our house for a few days."

    Chinese New Year at Uncle Deng’s house? The Provincial Revolutionary Committee may not agree, and I am also afraid of bringing trouble to the Deng Bobo family. "I’m afraid of you. You are all little dolls. Tomorrow is the New Year. How can you go?" Uncle Deng said. Aunt Zhuo Lin also said, "You have come a long way, but you haven’t finished yet. Come home with us and spend the New Year together. Don’t worry, I’ll tell them that I can stay at home. "

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