Live broadcast with goods and rules, industry chaos should be changed.

  Beijing Daily reporter Sun Qiru

  "Live broadcast with goods" is the inevitable outlet at present, but under the brutal growth and rapid expansion, the industry is also facing many chaos caused by mixed quality and lack of supervision. Recently, China Advertising Association issued the Code of Conduct for Webcast Marketing (hereinafter referred to as the Code). As the first special self-discipline regulation on online video marketing activities in China, it will be officially implemented from today, and the live broadcast will have rules to follow for the first time.

  Advertising in the live broadcast room must also abide by the advertising law.

  "Z-largest winery in the world", "Z-low price in the whole network", "Drunk and popular" and "the only winery in China" … … In the vibrato video of a wine blogger, the anchor will hear the sound of "beep" and "beep" from time to time during the introduction of goods.

  The reporter found that in order to avoid mentioning the word "most" such as "the lowest price" and "the world’s largest", some anchors chose to play the edge ball, hiding the sensitive word "most" directly through the beep sound, and using homophonic words or initials such as "drunk" and "z" in the subtitles to make consumers in the live broadcast room have relevant associations.

  The Code clearly states that those who publish commercial advertisements in online live marketing shall strictly abide by the provisions of the Advertising Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC). However, the Code does not provide a detailed reference for the anchor behavior in the live broadcast room, which belongs to commercial advertising and which belongs to marketing behavior. Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, believes that anchors don’t simply read advertisements and introduce products in the live broadcast room, but what they do to consumers is an invitation to offer, which belongs to the category of advertisements. Once consumers agree, a "contract" is established.

  In addition, for special commodities such as drugs, medical devices and health foods, the regulations are clear. When selling special commodities such as drugs, medical devices, health foods and formula foods for special medical purposes, merchants should obtain corresponding qualifications or administrative licenses according to law.

  The anchor should be authenticated by real name and must not be faked.

  With the popularity of live broadcast, in order to increase popularity, brushing bills and buying powder have become the default hidden rules of some industry participants.

  The "Code" proposes that anchors should ensure that the information is true and legal in live broadcast activities, and must not make false propaganda on goods and services to deceive or mislead consumers. The anchor shall not defraud the merchant’s commission by means of false purchase or after-the-fact return, and the online live broadcast marketing subject shall not use traffic fraud methods such as swiping the bill and speculating the letter to fabricate or tamper with the transaction data and user evaluation.

  In addition, the anchor should be authenticated in real name when entering the webcast marketing platform, and the front-end presentation can adopt nicknames or other names that meet the requirements of laws and regulations.

  However, yesterday, the reporter searched for keywords such as "live broadcast service" and "live broadcast viewing" on the e-commerce platform, and still found many merchants who provided the service of buying powder in the live broadcast room, and said that they provided "fans on all platforms, popular service" and "fan promotion, heat promotion, service first and payment later".

  "Interested babies can buy with a V letter". In some live broadcast platforms, the reporter saw that many anchors will guide consumers to buy privately in the live broadcast.

  In this regard, the "Specification" proposes that the operators of webcasting marketing platforms of content platforms should strengthen the trading behavior norms of merchants and anchors stationed in the platform, prevent anchors from taking link jumps and other ways to induce users to conduct offline transactions.

  The platform should establish an anchor credit management system.

  On June 29th, according to the "618" public opinion analysis report on consumer rights protection released by China Consumers Association, the Fashion Shopping Community Gaining App was named for selling fake and shoddy products, and Luo Yonghao live broadcast with goods overturned. Yesterday, Luo Yonghao responded to the roll call of China Consumers Association, saying that the description was objective and thanked him for his supervision. Luo Yonghao explained that after the "take some time" flowers on the shelves in its live broadcast room withered after arrival, they immediately contacted all consumers who bought the product for a refund and double indemnity.

  In fact, in Luo Yonghao and other high-profile head anchor broadcast rooms, once the products with goods have problems, under the supervision of online public opinion, after-sales service is relatively guaranteed. The reporter noticed that among the problems reflected by many consumers, in the live broadcast rooms of small and medium-sized anchors on various platforms, problems such as merchants refusing to deliver goods after buying low-priced goods, and goods bought in the live broadcast room not supporting 7 days of unreasonable return still frequently appear.

  This time, in view of the problem that some consumers have no place to make after-sales complaints after experiencing quality problems in the products purchased in the live broadcast room, the Code requires the platform to establish a convenient complaint and reporting mechanism, disclose information such as complaints and reporting methods, and handle complaints and reports in time. The "Code" also proposes to formulate a catalogue of goods or services prohibited from being promoted in this platform and corresponding rules; Establish credit management systems such as credit evaluation, rewards and punishments for merchants and anchors, and strengthen their awareness of compliance and trustworthiness; Improve the information preservation system of goods and services transactions, and preserve the relevant contents of online live marketing transactions according to law.

China won the world’s top championship first, and foreign drivers were scolded for waving five-star red flags.

[Text/Observer Network Xu Ganang]

Recently, a great event happened in the domestic automobile circle: at the Moroccan station, the first stop of the 2019 World Touring Car Competition (WTCR) which ended on April 7, the first place was a China brand car: Geely Link.

It is worth mentioning that this is also the first time that China automobile brand has entered the stage of the top international RV race.China won the first place at its first show.The Swedish driver bjork, who was driving this Lectra racing car, exclaimed that it was "completely unexpected", climbed onto the roof of Thed Bj?rk after the race and waved a five-star red flag.

Bjork standing on the Lectra 03 waving a five-star red flag is from WTCR.

Video/Observer Network Zhang Yiqing

For his behavior, some netizens made a discordant voice and thought that this flag was "arranged" by Geely.

Today, Weibo certified @ Geely Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely Automobile Group, to come forward, and called a netizen who questioned this matter alone, saying: The national flag was not prepared by Geely, but was brought by the spectators on the spot; When interviewed after the race, bjork said that he felt the fans’ love for racing and their support for the team and him, and he waved the five-star red flag happily without hesitation. "If you don’t applaud, there is no need to boo."

According to Autosport, the media in the field of racing, in the first race of WTCR 2019 held at Marrakech circuit in Morocco from April 6 to 7, four drivers of Swedish Cyan Racing team drove four Geely Racing cars.In the three races, Lectra 03 was on the podium.: I won the runner-up in the first race and the third place in the second race.In the end, he won the championship in the third race.

According to China Racing Miscellaneous Affairs, before this WTCR, no car brand from China dared to challenge the international top touring car race, but Lectra took the lead in taking the first step, winning the first championship this season in the world’s top race, which also made China manufacturing further reach the world peak.

Link 03 Figure from WTCR

After the game, judging from the video pictures circulating on the Internet,Bjork, holding a five-star red flag, stood on the roof and held his head high.In the end, bjork and Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely, jointly took the stage to receive the award.

Figure from Twitter

This incident attracted the discordant voice of some netizens on Weibo. On the 10th, Weibo certified Vice President of Geely Automobile Group @ Geely Yang Xueliang.Alone @A netizen, the latter said on the 9 th, "These days, it’s almost time to brush the screen for any world champion. No one from China in the whole team has called a foreigner to wave a five-star red flag." This netizen believes that the five-star red flag was provided by Geely to the drivers, and the latter also spent 100 million yuan, which was "quite worthwhile".

The netizen wrote a message under the Weibo: "I can’t see others being better than myself, but I think it’s natural to see foreigners being better than myself." "You can do it!" "Let’s rub the heat in another way."

Yang Xueliang replied that it is not a day’s work to participate in the world’s top events and build a successful team, nor can it be achieved by just paying money. No long-term comeback, no progress, no broad-minded mind,It is difficult for foreigners to wave the flag.

At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Yang Xueliang once again issued a document to respond to the "foreign drivers holding five-star red flags".

Observer Network has noticed that many foreign auto media and self-media are also very concerned about winning the championship. Even the official Twitter of WTCR sent a message to congratulate China automobile brands.

WTCR official Twitter

Dutch RTL TV station

Since the media in the field of racing, this number of fans is 34,000.

In 2010, Geely Group acquired 100% equity of Volvo Car and related assets for US$ 1.8 billion, and the latter, including intellectual property rights, was owned by Geely Group. The engine of the Lectra 03 was also jointly developed by Geely and Volvo.

Observer. com noted that bjork also expressed his recognition of China automobile brand in an interview with WTCR after the game.

Bjork was interviewed from WTCR video screenshot

Bjork mentioned the problem of Link 03. In the third race of this competition, Cyan Racing team had two Lectra 03 cars that did not finish the race for some reason. Bjork expressed a little worry. "Because all four cars are the same car, problems in one car may appear in another car immediately."

This article is an exclusive manuscript of Observer. It cannot be reproduced without authorization.

"Actor in Place" From Shi Baiyu to Chen Youwei, it is really important to have a good play.

It is a great challenge for the idol Chen Youwei to participate in Actor in Place. In previous programs, from YeHua in to the sky kingdom to King Guo in Empresses in the Palace, Chen Youwei was criticized by the director, but the latest program ushered in a reversal.

Successfully joined the crew directed by Chen Kaige, and Chen Youwei played "Pass the Customs" with Ren Min and Dong Siyi. In this clip, Ren Min and Chen Youwei were actually two smugglers with goods under the cover of students.

Although "Pass the Customs" is not long, it contains a lot of information. Teenagers’ rebellion, young people’s love entanglements, and teenagers’ reckless bravery are all presented in this clip.

After the performance of "Pass the Customs", it was well recognized by the director and the audience, especially the picture of Chen Youwei running, which was very emotional. Therefore, after the latest issue of "Actors in Place" was broadcast, many viewers also said that Chen Youwei really chose the right role this time.

Not only that, Tung shing Yee also bluntly said in the program that the positioning of the three actors in the whole "Pass" is very accurate, and the harmony of the whole segment is the main reason why "Pass" successfully attracts the audience’s attention.

After the review, Tung shing Yee suggested that Chen Youwei should hug the two actresses around him. This time, Chen Youwei also had no idol burden at all, and gave Ren Min and Dong Siyi a "straight man" hug.

Indeed, in the process of an actor’s acting, a good "play partner" is still very important. Undoubtedly, Ren Min, born in 1999, is a young actress. Her performance this time is not only to let the audience see her own brilliance, but also to be more rare, her own light is dazzling, but it will not hide the brilliance of her opponent’s actors. This is really not easy.

In the first episode of "Actor in Place", Ren Min’s partner Shi Baiyu starred in Better Days’s segment, and Ren Min’s acting skills were also quite recognized. Her market was initially rated as S-class. After Better Days’s performance, she still got the S card, and even watched Better Days’s segment. It was an intuitive feeling that, to some extent, Ren Min was driving Shi Baiyu’s emotions. In the end, Ren Min and Shi Baiyu were also a win-win situation, and both of them kept up.

The same is true of this "Pass", and Chen Youwei’s progress is obvious to all. When Chen Youwei plays with other young actors, the effect is that Chen Youwei is dragging down his teammates. But this time, in Pass, Ren Min, Dong Siyi and Chen Youwei all perform their own personalities, and they complement each other, which finally makes the whole picture very amazing.

As a young actor, although Ren Min’s face value is very "idol", from Yi Yao in the movie "A River of Sorrow" to Princess Hui Rou in the TV series "Qingpingle", the role played by Ren Min is not a simple idol. Perhaps it is the positioning when she debuted that she has never played a silly idol drama. Therefore, Ren Min’s acting skills are not flattering and will not make the audience feel that she is using her face value to make up for her acting skills.

However, it is precisely because idol dramas are rarely performed that Ren Min’s popularity in the entertainment circle is not very high. Even compared with Chen Youwei, her popularity is slightly inferior. This time, it is also a good thing for Ren Min to participate in the program "Actor in Place". Because of the popularity of the program itself, the popularity of the actors has also increased and attracted more attention. In the program, some producers bluntly said that Ren Min is very aura.

A good film and television drama actually needs the actors to fulfill each other, and a popular variety show actually needs to be "mashed up" to attract the audience’s attention. A good play partner like Ren Min, coupled with Chen Youwei’s controversial points, and their mix and match combination, finally presents a good screen effect.

In this kind of competitive performance program, the actors can collide with each other and eventually the audience will buy it. For example, in previous programs, Yan Zidong and Caiqi Yang performed "The Kiss of Pranks". At that time, when it was broadcast, both the director and the audience felt that the performance was very real and the effect presented was very comfortable.

In "Pass the Customs", Ren Min relies on acting skills, Chen Youwei relies on the advantages of facial features and movements, and Dong Siyi relies on the simple temperament of the girl next door. The highlights of each other are integrated without conflict, which makes a relatively successful work. Whether it is Chen Youwei, Dong Siyi or Ren Min, they can present such a work, which is also a kind of mutual fulfillment for three people. Text/Chen Wei is cool

Geely Xingyue L configuration exposure, 148,000 yuan luxury is very fragrant.

Recently, Geely official website exposed the configuration information of the star model Xingyue L, which has attracted much attention. The new car will launch five models, equipped with two versions of 2.0T medium and high power, with a pre-sale range of 148,000-188,000 yuan. Judging from the order quantity of Geely Automobile Online Mall, it has reached more than 14,000 vehicles. Whether it is attention or car booking intention, consumers are very sought after by this Geely flagship SUV!

Star Road L is available in 6 body colors, including jet black, oyster white, Xuanwu gray, aurora silver, Mars red and Cuiyu magic color suit (optional at+5,000 yuan), and two interior colors, namely, brown and white double-fight luxury interior and Cuiyu double-fight suede interior (optional). The following is a detailed analysis of the configuration.

Compared with the 2.0T medium-power version, the luxury version is enough!

2.0T medium-power versions are all predecessor layouts, matching with 7DCT wet powershift, providing three configurations: luxury, distinguished and flagship.

In terms of appearance, all luxury models with low profile are equipped with 18-inch rims, inductive LED headlights +LED daytime running lights, and distance-sensitive electric tailgate. Both VIP and flagship models use energy matrix LED headlights and penetrating taillights with dynamic lighting effect;

In the interior, the luxury model provides brown and white two-color mosaic interior, 8-speaker audio, suede car roof, rear backrest 2-speed adjustment, and dual-zone independent automatic constant temperature air conditioning. The distinguished model is upgraded to 8-way electric adjustment of the main driver+6-way electric adjustment of the auxiliary driver, and 72-color breathing atmosphere lights are added. The flagship model is equipped with 10-speaker BOSS audio, ANC active noise reduction system, three-zone independent automatic constant temperature air conditioning, and front seat heating and passenger seat ventilation;

In terms of intelligent configuration, Luxurious offers a 10.25-inch LCD dashboard and a 12.3-inch touch control panel, which is very scientific and technological.

The distinguished model adopts IMAX panoramic triple screen, upgraded to a 12.3-inch LCD instrument, and added 4-tone voice recognition and ACC full-speed adaptive cruise. The flagship type adopts AR-HUD enhanced head-up display system;

In terms of safety configuration, the distinguished model is equipped with AEB urban anti-collision system, AEB-P pedestrian identification protection system, LDW lane departure warning system and SLIF speed limit sign recognition reminder. On this basis, the flagship model has added LKA lane keeping auxiliary system, BSD blind area monitoring system and other more comprehensive active safety configurations.

On the whole, the luxury model provides a more comprehensive configuration, and it is no problem to meet daily use!

Compared with the 2.0T high-power version, choose the four-wheel drive flagship in one step!

2.0T high-power versions are all horizontal four-wheel drive layout, matching the transmission, providing three configurations: luxury, distinguished and flagship. Compared with the 2.0T medium-power version, the engine has stronger power performance and matches the 8-speed Aisin automatic transmission. At the same time, the 6th generation HALDEX four-wheel drive system of Borg Warner is added, and other configurations are the same as those of two-wheel drive vehicles (four-wheel drive distinguished model is compared with two-wheel drive distinguished model, and four-wheel drive flagship model is compared with two-wheel drive flagship model). On the whole, the configuration level of Xingyue L is much higher than that of competing joint venture brands of the same level. If one step is considered, it is not bad to choose a four-wheel drive flagship with less than 200,000 yuan!

Editor’s comment:

From the configuration performance of Geely Xingyue L, all models show the comprehensive strength as the brand flagship SUV in terms of process quality, intelligent equipment, configuration level and power performance. Considering the comprehensive cost performance, the choice of two-wheel drive luxury model can meet daily needs.

Yangzhou Xingyue L drastically reduced the price! The discount is 15,000, and if you miss it, you won’t have it.

[car home Yangzhou Promotion Channel] Good news! Preferential activities are being carried out in Yangzhou, with a maximum discount of 15,000. The minimum starting price is 122,200 yuan. Click "Check the car price" in the quotation form now to get a higher discount!

Xingyue L is a fashionable and dynamic SUV model, and its front face design is full of strength and movement. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is simple and atmospheric. The air intake grille adopts a unique design, showing a sense of layering and three-dimensionality, highlighting the luxury and fashion sense of the vehicle. The side lines of the car body are smooth and dynamic, and with large-sized wheels, it shows a strong sporty atmosphere. The design of the rear part is simple without losing the sense of strength, and the taillights use LED light source, which is more eye-catching after lighting. Overall, the design of Xingyue L is full of tension and impressive.

Xingyue L is a medium-sized SUV, with a body size of 4770*1895*1689mm, a wheelbase of 2845mm, a front and rear track of 1610mm, a front tyre size of 235/50 R19 and a rear tyre size of 235/50 R19. The body lines are smooth, the overall shape is stable, and the side lines are simple and smooth, which highlights its fashionable and luxurious style. The side lines of the car are unique in design, full of power, and perfectly integrated with the car body, showing the dynamics and strength of the car. Both tyre size and rim styles are equipped with high-end configuration, which provides better handling and stability for the vehicle. Generally speaking, the side design of Xingyue L is fashionable and impressive.

The interior design of Xingyue L is simple and stylish. The steering wheel is made of leather material, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth. The central control screen size is 12.3 inches, which supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for connecting mobile phones to charge. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the front and rear, height and backrest of the main and co-pilot seats can be adjusted. The driver’s seat also has heating and ventilation functions, and the co-pilot seat can adjust the backrest. The front seats also have power seat memory function. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion to provide more storage space. The overall interior configuration is rich, and the comfort and practicality are very good.

Xingyue L is equipped with a 2.0T 218 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 160kW and a maximum torque of 325 N m.. This engine has excellent power performance and can provide strong acceleration and high-speed driving stability for the vehicle. With the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, the shift is smooth and fast, which improves the driving experience. At the same time, this engine also has high fuel economy, bringing users a more reliable driving experience.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, he spoke highly of the body line and appearance of the Star Yue L.. The smooth body lines and stylish black appearance make the whole car look very delicate, and the through taillights at the rear are even more impressive. It can be said that Xingyue L has left a deep impression on the design. In addition, it also has excellent performance and comfortable driving experience, which brings more pleasant driving experience to car owners. I believe that these advantages will make more consumers choose Xingyue L and become their best choice.

Xiaomi Auto Mysterious Leak, Insider Reveal!

The secret leak of Xiaomi automobile caused a heated discussion, and a fine of 3 million will become a reality? Recently, Xiaomi Automobile suffered a secret leak and continued to ferment. The media and individuals involved successively issued statements and disclosed the details of the leak. Although some people regard this as a marketing tool, we should pay more attention to how to treat confidentiality agreements and think about the criteria for disclosing information. Relevant persons of Xiaomi Automobile have confirmed the leaked media, and will be held accountable according to the confidentiality agreement, with a fine of up to RMB 3 million. However, no party made a statement in this incident. Until last night, Xiaomi issued a statement identifying relevant media and internal employees. This incident highlights the importance of confidentiality, and Xiaomi’s "leakage history" can not be ignored, involving information leakage in many aspects such as price, configuration, battery and store decoration.

So, how did the secret leak of Xiaomi Automobile happen? The media involved leaked the shooting content of Xiaomi Automobile without permission, which led to the leak. Relevant persons of Xiaomi Automobile said that they have locked in the leaked media and will pursue the responsibility according to the Confidentiality Commitment Letter of RMB 3 million signed by the confidentiality agreement. This move once again highlights the importance of confidentiality agreements and the seriousness of leaking secrets. Leaking has a great impact on the business interests and reputation of enterprises, so it is particularly urgent to protect business secrets. In the public statement, Xiaomi Automobile pointed out the involved media and internal employees, and emphasized its serious attitude towards confidentiality responsibility.

The employees of the media involved still disclose the contents of the confidential shooting after signing the Confidentiality Commitment, and this behavior will be subject to corresponding accountability and punishment, including public apology and fines. This move sends a clear signal to the outside world: once you violate the confidentiality agreement, you will face severe legal sanctions. Xiaomi Automobile also demonstrated its determination to strictly enforce the confidentiality agreement through this move. The "leak history" of Xiaomi Automobile can not be ignored. As early as the beginning of this year, the media broke the news about the price, configuration, battery and other aspects of Xiaomi’s first new car, which seriously damaged the business interests of the company. The leakage of this information not only disturbs the market order, but also affects the normal operation of enterprises.

Protecting trade secrets is not only an internal management problem of enterprises, but also the need to maintain market order and fair competition. The importance of confidentiality agreement is self-evident, and how to better implement confidentiality work is also a problem that enterprises need to seriously consider. Strengthening the training and publicity of employees’ confidentiality awareness, establishing a sound confidentiality management system, and implementing strict supervision and accountability for violations of confidentiality agreements are all measures that enterprises can take. At the same time, strengthening communication with the media and improving the media’s attention and understanding of confidentiality are also important links for enterprises to protect trade secrets. The leak reminds us once again that the importance of protecting trade secrets cannot be ignored. Enterprises and the media should face up to confidentiality agreements, strengthen the attention and management of confidentiality work, and jointly safeguard market order and a fair competition environment.

Then, in your opinion, what other experiences and practices can enterprises learn from in protecting trade secrets? Welcome to leave a message to share your opinion. Xiaomi Automobile Storm: Frequent leaks have caused concern that Xiaomi Group is preparing to enter the automobile industry, which has caused heated discussions in the industry. However, with the continuous exposure of relevant information, the design and cooperation details of Xiaomi Automobile have frequently become the focus of public attention. The occurrence of a series of leaks has caused concern and speculation about Xiaomi Automobile inside and outside the industry. On February 2nd, a spokesman of Xiaomi Company reported the handling result of a leak incident, claiming that the early design draft of the front and rear bumpers of Xiaomi Automobile Co., Ltd. in Beijing was leaked due to poor management.

Xiaomi Group said that it had dealt with the involved partners seriously according to the confidentiality agreement, including imposing economic compensation of 1 million yuan, demanding to strengthen information security management and deal with the leaked perpetrators seriously, and instructing to formulate detailed rectification plans and comprehensively upgrade confidentiality measures. At the same time, Xiaomi Group has shown a "zero tolerance" attitude towards the leak, and hopes that all supplier partners will conscientiously implement the confidentiality agreement. The result of this incident triggered public concern and discussion on Xiaomi’s security measures. In July of this year, a blogger posted a photo of suspected battery information of Xiaomi car on social media, which triggered a heated discussion among the public about information about Xiaomi car. On November 3, another blogger broke the news that he met the "skeleton" of Xiaomi car on the road and described some details of the vehicle.

However, this information was also taken off the shelves for allegedly leaking business secrets, which triggered doubts about Xiaomi’s information confidentiality. In addition to leaks, information about Xiaomi Auto is frequently exposed on social media. Some car bloggers released the design picture of Xiaomi MS11, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile, and the details of cooperation between Xiaomi and BAIC, which triggered a hot discussion on the Internet. In response to these exposure incidents, Wang Hua, general manager of the public relations department of Xiaomi Group, responded that the leaked documents are indeed confidential design documents of secondary suppliers, and they are the design drafts of the very early bidding process, not the final documents. The exposure of this series of information has aroused the public’s expectation and curiosity about Xiaomi Automobile, and also questioned the confidentiality of Xiaomi Automobile.

In addition, Xiaomi’s mobile phone has also suffered many leaks, and some leakers have been claimed for millions. The exposure of the decoration plan of Xiaomi Home Direct Store shows that the area where Xiaomi car is displayed has also aroused public concern about Xiaomi car. The constant occurrence of these leaks has undoubtedly intensified the public’s speculation and concern about Xiaomi Automobile. To sum up, Xiaomi Auto has attracted much attention, but it has also frequently become the focus of leaks. Xiaomi Group’s serious handling of leaks reflects its emphasis on information confidentiality. However, frequent leaks undoubtedly cast a shadow over the development of Xiaomi Automobile. In the face of constantly exposed information and leaks, how will Xiaomi Automobile ensure the confidentiality of information in the future? At the same time, how will the public’s speculation and expectation of Xiaomi Automobile affect the development direction of Xiaomi Automobile?

It is hoped that Xiaomi Automobile can adopt stricter information confidentiality measures to ensure that the future development can continue to move forward in the public’s expectation and attention. What do you think and suggest about this? Let me know! Xiaomi’s mobile phone leaks frequently, and the interest game and moral boundary behind it. Today, the competition in the technology industry is becoming more and more fierce, which is followed by many incidents about product leaks. Recently, the leak related to Xiaomi’s mobile phone has aroused widespread concern. From Xiaomi 10 Extreme Commemorative Edition to Xiaomi MIX4, a series of information is exposed in advance, which makes us wonder what kind of interest game and moral boundary are hidden behind these leaks? In the digital age, the release of mobile phone products has attracted much attention.

A teardown video, a subway photo and a PDF document, seemingly harmless leaks may affect the company’s business plan, marketing strategy and even the stock price. After many product leaks, Xiaomi Company not only sued the relevant bloggers and claimed millions of dollars, but also obtained corresponding compensation through the Arbitration Commission. After the leak was exposed, bloggers also issued apology statements and assumed corresponding responsibilities. This series of events has caused people to think deeply about the leaking behavior: what caused these events? Who will be the beneficiary of the leak? First, let’s look at the time nodes of these leaks. From Xiaomi 10 Extreme Commemorative Edition to Xiaomi MIX4, as well as the upcoming Xiaomi car, leaks always happen one after another on the eve of product release.

Does this mean that the leak is a pre-heating marketing tool? Or is it malicious speculation by competitors? Does the frequent occurrence of these incidents mean that there is a more complicated interest game in the industry? We can’t help but ask, what kind of impact will the interest dispute behind it have on consumers? Secondly, we need to re-examine the moral boundary behind the leak. The competition in science and technology industry is fierce, and information confidentiality between enterprises is particularly important. Leaking may not only reveal the product design and hardware configuration, but also damage the company’s business reputation and interests. In the information age, the definition of moral boundary becomes particularly important. What factors have driven these bloggers to abandon the moral bottom line? Who will be their supporters?

In this wave of leaks, the bloggers related to Xiaomi Company and its product leaks have become the focus. On the one hand, Xiaomi Company has safeguarded its own interests and trade secrets through legal channels; On the other hand, bloggers also bear corresponding responsibilities through apology and compensation. However, leaks are frequent, and it seems that only legal and moral sanctions can’t completely solve the problem. We need to think more about what drove these events. Who is silently supporting all this? To sum up, the competition in the technology industry is fierce, and the frequent product leaks have undoubtedly brought many influences to enterprises and consumers. We need to think more about what caused these events. Who will be the beneficiary of the leak?

We expect that the technology industry can find a more reasonable way of competition while fierce competition, so that consumers can understand products more clearly, and we also expect more relevant people to stand up and jointly safeguard the fairness and justice of the industry. What is your opinion on this issue? Welcome to leave a message to share with us. The preheating method of Xiaomi Automobile has caused controversy. Recently, the preheating method of Xiaomi Automobile has once again triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens think that the preheating method of Xiaomi car belongs to the old routine and seems to be self-directed. They pointed out that this situation is not uncommon in the field of electronics and technology products, and many games and other mobile phone brands have also had leaks. What are the reasons for these leaks? Why is it common for Xiaomi’s products to leak?

Is there any leak related to marketing preheating? Let’s explore these issues together. Leaks occur frequently, probably because manufacturers invite some media to take photos in advance before releasing their products, and then release these photos after the press conference. However, some media may be too competitive, unable to resist showing off and want to get a head start, which leads to the leakage of product information. This has also led us to take the confidentiality agreement seriously and think about the distinction between disclosure and confidential content. After all, some pre-emptive information, whether deliberately released by enterprises or leaked by others, needs to be treated with caution. After all, safety always comes first, and we should also protect our own money bags. At present, the attention of Xiaomi Automobile is not low, and the competition between the media is also fierce.

Therefore, we might as well believe that this is not a marketing warm-up, but a leak caused by competitive pressure. I hope Xiaomi Automobile can get better sales after its official release. To sum up, the leak may have occurred because of the excessive competitive pressure, and the media failed to resist showing off or wanted to get a head start. We need to be more careful about the confidentiality agreement and the distinction between disclosure and confidential content. Finally, we have to think about how to find a balance in the highly competitive market, not only to meet the needs of consumers, but also to protect the confidential information of enterprises. What do you think of this?

"Destroy" Hua Xizi, only need a Li Jiaqi?

Original title: "Destroy" Hua Xizi, only need a Li Jiaqi?

Weibo hot search list these two days, almost all occupied by Li Jiaqi.

From the live broadcast of netizens-crying and apologizing-continuing to lose powder, Li Jiaqi’s road popularity has gradually collapsed.

Moreover, Li Jiaqi’s mistake has pushed Hua Xizi to the forefront.


I believe many people have seen the video of Li Jiaqi live broadcast of netizens.

Brand Jun will give you a summary again. The reason is that when Li Jiaqi sold Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in the live broadcast room, some consumers questioned that Huaxizi was getting more and more expensive.

Originally, it was nothing. It is common for consumers to spit out that products are expensive or cheap. As a result, Li Jiaqi suddenly exploded and started a series of outputs, which directly silenced all the workers in the live broadcast room:

"Where is expensive? It has been this price for so many years, don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. "

"Domestic brands are very difficult. Where is 79 yuan expensive?"

"Sometimes I find my own reasons. Well, after so many years, my salary has not risen, and I have worked hard."

Looking at these words alone has made people speechless, and it is really unique to match his impatient, preaching and got expression at that time.

Soon, Li Jiaqi suffered a lot of netizens’ strong spit: Why not eat minced meat here?

At the same time, Hua Xizi, who Li Jiaqi claimed "never raised prices", was also sent to the hot search list.

There is a high degree of discussion about whether 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil of Hua Xizi is expensive, whether the price of Hua Xizi has increased or not, and whether the product value of Hua Xizi is worth the price. Some netizens have calculated that each gram of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil is as high as 980 yuan, and they can buy two grams of gold.

Hua Xizi has also become the exclusive "monetary unit" for migrant workers, 1 Hua Xizi =79 yuan:

"I ate 1.1 flowers for dinner today and will continue to cook by myself tomorrow."

"I drank 0.2 flowers of milk tea today."

"If you add a class on Sunday, you can only earn 1.5 flowers."


I didn’t expect that after the entertainment star measurement unit "208W", there is also a measurement unit for exclusive workers!

So, is Hua Xizi, who was searched by Li Jiaqi, wronged?


When Li Jiaqi "shouted" for Hua Xizi in the live broadcast room, he said this sentence:

I have been following Hua Xizi for many years, and I know how it got up. I almost took Hua Xizi’s surname as Li.

Indeed, from no one cares about it to well-known domestic products, Hua Xizi can be said to be famous by Li Jiaqi.

Hua Xizi is a make-up brand that was born in 2017, and Hua Xizi in the initial stage is still in a state of no interest.

In 2018, the popularity of Li Jiaqi soared, and the core product "Air Honey Powder" of Hua Xizi also appeared in the live broadcast room of Li Jiaqi for the first time.

Since then, from honey powder to lipstick to other categories, Hua Xizi has appeared in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi more and more times, and her fame is getting higher and higher under the banner of "cheap domestic products".

In September 2019, Li Jiaqi became the chief recommender of Hua Xizi, and the cooperation between them became closer and closer.

According to the data, in 2020, there will be 77 Huaxizi in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and during June-December of the same year, Huaxizi is the brand with the largest sales volume of live broadcast.

From August to September this year, Hua Xizi still appeared frequently in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi with a frequency of five times a month.

Not only that, Li Jiaqi himself also directly participated in the design and development of Hua Xizi, and had a huge right to speak or even a veto over Hua Xizi’s products.

Even Fei Man, the co-founder of Hua Xizi, personally admitted that the sales growth of Hua Xizi could not be separated from the cooperation with Li Jiaqi.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration for Li Jiaqi to say that "Hua Xizi is almost surnamed Li".

The interest chain between Li Jiaqi and Hua Xizi is tightly bound, and the rebate to Li Jiaqi from Wang Chuan Hua Xizi is as high as 60%-80%, even more than 100%.

Although Hua Xizi’s official quickly denied the rumor, it is not difficult to see from the deep binding between the two over the years that Hua Xizi’s profit share to Li Jiaqi is more substantial than that of ordinary brands.


Hua Xizi is very dependent on Li Jiaqi, and to a great extent, both of them have formed a trend of "one glory and one loss".

Li Jiaqi glory, HuaXiZi followed with a lot of light, and Li Jiaqi’s words, also can almost kill HuaXiZi half-life.

Even the brand was aware of this problem and tried to break away from Li Jiaqi’s influence, but failed. Hua Xizi’s new product was launched and never left the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi.

In this storm, Hua Xizi was a little wronged, but not much.

What’s more, Huaxizi itself did not impress consumers with its strength in products, but put more energy into marketing.

Everyone spits out not only the eyebrow pencil, but also all kinds of makeup products of Hua Xizi.

"Lipstick is hard to use", "The same amount of loose powder is more expensive than Chanel" and "the product is overpriced" … Hua Xizi’s products have been complained by consumers, and it was not built in a day. 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil is just the fuse.

In the final analysis, whether relying on the anchor KOL or relying on marketing to open up popularity, we will eventually return to the product itself and make a truly conscience product from the consumer’s point of view.

With the support of consumers and the confidence brought by excellent products, the brand can stand on its feet for a long time. At least, it won’t roll over because of a few words from others.

Editor in charge:

Investigation on the black chain of "online celebrity" and "Huangbo" for profit: 10 million yuan in one hundred days.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 21st Title: 10 million yuan in a hundred days — — Investigation on the black chain of "online celebrity" and "Huangbo" for profit

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Shi Jingnan

  The network female anchor "Northeast Narcissus Ersao" was arrested recently.

  The female anchor was once "a smash hit" because of her obscene performance on the platform of "Wolf Friends Live". In just three months, the "Wolf Friends Live" platform has attracted 177,000 registered members from all over the country and more than 1,000 female anchors involved in pornography, involving more than 10 million yuan; There are more than one million people browsing the live broadcast platform related to pornography, covering the whole country.

  This extraordinary case of spreading obscene pornographic online live broadcast platform for profit was solved, which also revealed the truth about the profit of pornographic live broadcast — — Behind the "Yellow Broadcasting", there is a well-designed black chain of scale, organization and industrialization.

  "Yellow Broadcasting" network covers the whole country and attracts users by obscene performances.

  With the emergence of the live broadcast industry, many ordinary people have become "online celebrity" and tasted the taste of being a star, and quickly made a fortune through the popularity gathered on the Internet. However, this kind of live broadcast platform with low threshold and wide audience is full of mud and sand, and chaos is frequent.

  In June this year, the masses reported "Wolf Friends Live Broadcasting" and "Spicy Eyes", and the National Office for Combating Pornography immediately followed up and listed the case as a supervised case.

  Law enforcement officers examined and analyzed the contents of the forensic video, and found that the platform has more network anchors, which live broadcast obscene pornographic performances in real time, attracting a large number of users to pay for watching and rewarding. Its live APP covers mainstream Android and Apple mobile operating systems, and users can watch and share it anytime and anywhere across terminals.

  After investigation, the average number of viewers in the live broadcast room of the platform is more than 3,000, and the number of registered users is huge, and the anchor is online 24 hours a day. The platform has produced and disseminated more than 200,000 obscene performance video files. According to the relevant laws and regulations of the state, the amount of obscene articles disseminated by it is "especially serious".

  With the in-depth investigation of the case, the iceberg that sank under the sea of the network gradually emerged. Case handlers went to Guangdong, Sichuan, Shandong, Hunan, Heilongjiang, Zhejiang and other places to collect and retrieve data and information about criminal suspects from telecommunications, mobile, China Unicom, banks and related property management companies according to law, and a network live broadcast platform for spreading obscene pornography across many provinces surfaced — —

  Its server is in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, and maintained in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The storage and live broadcast are provided by a technology company in Shanghai and operated by a technology company in Yueyang, Hunan Province. The "family leader" who provides female anchors related to pornography is in Nanchong, Sichuan Province. The network of the live broadcast platform related to pornography covers the whole country, and there are registered members and people browsing the live broadcast platform related to pornography everywhere.

  Interest-driven, it is forbidden to change the "vest" frequently to escape the blow.

  Webcast, a new form of communication, is developing rapidly, but at the same time, various problems are constantly appearing. Behind the proliferation of illegal and illegal content is interest.

  Li Zehong, deputy director of the case supervision department of the National Office for Combating Pornography, said that the main profit model of the webcast platform is based on rewards of virtual gifts. Fans spend money to buy virtual gifts for anchors, and the anchors are divided into live broadcast platforms accordingly. "Because of the existence of relevant interests, the anchor will have the driving force to do something illegal. The website will let this behavior go because of the need of traffic or related interests. "

  Under the impulse of profit-seeking, some platform operators and network anchors ignored the rules and the bottom line and repeatedly involved in pornography. There are also some anchors involved in pornography who are linked with criminal organizations and black gangs to form a community of interest grabbing and distribution, in order to earn a lot of money in a short time and dream of "becoming bigger and stronger" together.

  According to the investigators, although the state strictly prohibits "yellow broadcasting", the criminals hide in Tibet and continue to take risks. They adopt the method of constantly changing platforms to escape supervision and attack, seeking only short-term profits and quick realization. In just 30 days, the platform of "Wolf Friends Live Broadcasting" has been upgraded three times, and the domain name and software download address have been changed more than 10 times. The name has changed from the original "Wolf Friends" to "Dream" and then to "Adversity". In addition, people engaged in obscene live performances are registered with false information, and most bank accounts are also registered under other people’s account names.

  According to reports, many of the audience of "Yellow Broadcast" are minors. In this regard, Tong Lihua, director of the Beijing Youth Legal Aid and Research Center, said that the live broadcast involving pornography is a cancer in the Internet space, and a large number of audio-visual information containing obscene and pornographic content is spread on the Internet, which seriously damages social morality, poisons the physical and mental health of young people, and easily induces juvenile delinquency.

  Establishment of anchor "blacklist" system with multi-pronged network anti-vice

  The flood of pornography has cast a shadow over the live webcast. Since the beginning of this year, dozens of yellow-related live broadcast platforms such as Night Charming Community, Smile Live, LOLO, Steamed Bread, Tiger and Honey Live have been investigated.

  Xue Songyan, full-time deputy director of the National Office for Combating Pornography, said that the Internet has become the main channel for the dissemination of harmful information such as obscenity and pornography. Although most of the live broadcast platforms involved in these cases have not been in operation for a long time, the amount involved is large and the social harm is great.

  "The nature of webcasting determines the difficulty of supervision." Hu Gang, Deputy Secretary-General of internet society of china Law Committee, believes that the diversity, anonymity, instantaneity, variability and concealment of live broadcast platform services are important supports for the live broadcast platform to deal with pornography. The management of webcasting involving the Yellow River needs to adhere to the "multi-pronged approach" such as special rectification, comprehensive management, source management and collaborative management.

  Tong Lihua said that in terms of network supervision, government departments, Internet companies and specialized social organizations should strengthen cooperation and jointly respond.

  It is understood that the national "anti-pornography and illegal publications" office has taken the lead together with the National Network Information Office to coordinate multi-departments of the central government and some provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to establish a long-term mechanism such as the online work joint meeting system, forming a strong working force. At the same time, all localities have strengthened industry supervision, strictly implemented 24-hour monitoring requirements, and immediately closed down illegal live broadcasts, and established a "blacklist" system for anchors and an industry notification mechanism to ban illegal anchors from the whole industry.

  "For illegal acts such as live broadcast involving pornography, ‘ Eradicate pornography and illegal publications ’ The department has always maintained a severe crackdown. Once it is discovered that it will be traced to the end, the verified platforms and personnel will be severely punished according to law and will never be soft. " Xue Songyan said.

Send 10,000 eyebrow pencils. Why does Hua Xizi get more angry when he apologizes?

Hua Xizi finally appeared.

On September 10th, Li Jiaqi’s phrase "What’s so expensive about 79 yuan" caused a heated discussion among netizens about the price of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil. Nine days after the incident, Hua Xizi’s official Weibo account issued an "apology statement" and launched a prize collection in Weibo, planning to send out 100 beauty gift boxes and 10,000 eyebrow pencils.

Source: Hua Xizi official Weibo

However, for this belated letter, many netizens did not buy it. The words "Hua Xizi’s apology is not sincere enough" and "Hua Xizi’s apology letter does not need to repeatedly emphasize that he is a domestic product" were searched in turn, and the public relations department of Hua Xizi also reported the news of collective resignation …

What exactly does Hua Xizi’s "apology statement" mean? Can Hua Xizi win the "forgiveness" of consumers by sending 10,000 eyebrow pencils?

The more you apologize, the angrier you get?

Let’s disassemble and analyze Hua Xizi’s response letter first.

"Thank you for your attention to Hua Xizi" and "Hua Xizi received great attention from the whole network in the past week". These words show that Hua Xizi knew about the "eyebrow pencil incident in 79 yuan", but the brand choice was "silent" at the forefront, but "fearful and at a loss".

Now I’m sorry, but I didn’t say it in time because I was concerned, not for anything else.

As Hua Xizi said, during this time, they "constantly absorbed everyone’s criticisms, opinions and suggestions". Theoretically, the next paragraph should talk about how to put these suggestions into action.

However, I didn’t say.

Hua Xizi is still apologizing for taking up too many public resources. Thank you for your attention. He said that the team has fully recorded, compared, revised and improved the relevant opinions, but did not say a word about how to do it. It is not very clear what the initial heart is when you read it.

The last few paragraphs tell our own brand story, and the core point can be summarized as five words: We are made in China. This part accounts for almost half of the whole letter.

The full text did not mention the eyebrow pencil price incident, did not explain the eyebrow pencil price, and did not say how to improve it in the future. It just said sorry for occupying public resources and not making a sound in time, and emphasized its domestic identity.

Netizen’s Interpretation of Hua Xizi’s A Letter | Source: Xiaohongshu @ Berby 888 Video Screenshot

No wonder netizens don’t buy it, because the whole apology statement seems to imply a logic: I’m sorry, but I’m Chinese.

And this logic of "I’m sorry, but …" will, without exaggeration, ruin the whole apology.

Psychologically, this kind of sentence is called "fuzzy message". In the same sentence, there are two contradictory contents: I am wrong, but the reason is … This kind of description will make it difficult for the listener to understand and even misunderstand what you really want to express. After all, it is like trying to shift the responsibility to other reasons.

So some netizens asked Hua Xizi, "Can it be so expensive to sell domestic products?" Of course, domestic products can also be expensive, but the focus of this eyebrow pencil price storm is not whether the brand is domestic products.

Correct apology posture

So, what should an appropriate apology look like?

The Intercultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) has analyzed apologies in five countries and extracted five components of apologies:

(1) Acknowledge (sorry, sorry, embarrassed in language)

(2) explanation

(3) bear

(4) compensation

(5) Commitment

Other scholars have also put forward different apology models, all of which are similar to CCSARP model, with three basic components: recognition (mistake), commitment (responsibility) and commitment (compensation).

Admitting (mistakes) is easy to understand, focusing on "taking responsibility". Taking responsibility is the core of the apology model. Apologists should pay special attention to the artistry of words, and people should feel that they are willing to take the initiative to take this responsibility after self-reflection. Taking the principle of no excuse and no argument will play a icing on the cake.

In view of this, Sean Mala Tang’s response to the incident of selling "fake mutton" in its own franchise stores is a negative example.

In July this year, a consumer bought mutton in a store in Mala Tang, Sean. At that time, the clerk said it was pure mutton, but after the consumer sent the mutton for inspection, the ingredients of pork and duck were detected. For this matter, the customer service staff of Sean Mala Tang Headquarters responded that "after verification, it was found that the store involved had privately purchased the mutton rolls, and the mutton rolls tested in the video were not the products uniformly distributed by our headquarters".

On August 7th, the official micro-announcement of Sean Mala Tang announced the progress of incident tracking and subsequent rectification measures, but netizens did not buy it. It turned out that Sean Mala Tang simply said, "We are mainly responsible for lax supervision …", but in actual operation, it only deducted the deposit of the stores involved, and did not deal with the lax supervision of the headquarters.

There is no attitude of "taking the initiative to take responsibility, no excuses, no arguments", and there is no corresponding action. Just saying "we take the main responsibility" can’t fool consumers.

Not to mention Hua Xizi’s "A Letter" this time, he didn’t say anything wrong at all, let alone what responsibility he had to bear …

Finally, let’s talk about commitment (compensation). Whether an apology is sincere or not can be reflected at this point.

As far as apology is concerned, if you only say "I’m sorry" and "I’m sorry", without telling the cause and effect, and without proposing any punishment or remedy, then in the other party’s view, it is also a insincere apology.

For example, if you are late for a weekly meeting and say "I’m sorry, I forgot to attend the meeting" when you enter the meeting room, you will make everyone feel that you are a dereliction of duty and don’t pay attention to this meeting at all. When a fault occurs, no matter how small it seems to you, you need to take some remedial measures to make up for it, show your sincerity, and think of a solution after a good thing, so that the other party can feel your apology.

Hua Xizi’s approach is to send out 100 beauty gift boxes and 10,000 eyebrow pencils.

Not to mention the final cost of these gifts, Hua Xizi’s behavior is not sincere enough: it did not write this "gift-giving activity" in a Letter, but sent a Weibo alone, and characterized this behavior as a prize collection. If you want to have a chance to get a gift, you have to forward its lucky draw Weibo.

In this regard, the prizes are not released at one time. At present, only 200 eyebrow pencils have been released, and the rest, in Hua Xizi’s words, "will be drawn one after another from September 23 to September 24".

Source: Hua Xizi Weibo screenshot

It’s hard to say whether Hua Xizi’s operation is compensating consumers or taking the opportunity to promote his own brand … No wonder some netizens said that this prize collection activity was "insincere and full of scheming".

Beyond the three cores, whether an apology should include an explanation is also an easy point for an apology statement.

There are two views on this. Some people think that explanation is cover-up, and cover-up is unwilling to take responsibility and want to find excuses, and the offender should not have any excuses. Others think that explanation is to show that it is not intentional to offend, which can eliminate misunderstanding and guilt.

In fact, we can change our thinking. Besides the three basic components of apology, explanation can be used as an auxiliary means of apology.

This means that it can’t independently express the apology intention, can’t independently constitute an apology act, and doesn’t have to appear, but it can form an auxiliary part of the apology speech act to help express the apology intention more completely and achieve better communication effect. More importantly, it can’t account for too much. An apology letter, half of which is an explanation, is suspected of shirking responsibility.

Another thing to note is that it is better to apologize sooner than later.

Many people (brands) will feel that apologizing = admitting mistakes = admitting that I (brands) suck = being rejected by society. For this reason, many people don’t apologize when they should apologize, but hide in order to avoid the accusations of public opinion. However, no matter how long they hide, when they show up again, what should come will still come, criticizing and accusing, even with interest.

If I had known this, I might as well apologize.

Give an apology "model"

Some time ago, the mutton rolls of Banu’s sub-brand Chaodao Store were reported to contain duck meat, which attracted attention. For this matter, Banu responded quickly, apologizing, introspection, compensation and commitment were all done. To tell the truth, it is difficult for consumers to know whether the measures taken by relevant responsible persons and external partners are really implemented, but judging from this apology statement alone, it is indeed full of sincerity.

Source: Weibo @ Banu beef omasum hotpot

However, even if you apologize and apologize "perfectly", it does not mean that others must choose to forgive.

Some people will put pressure on each other after apologizing: "I have already apologized, but what if you don’t forgive me?" There is a logical fallacy here-not all apologies can bring forgiveness, and apologies are not an emotional kidnapping.

American psychologist Harriet Lerner pointed out that forgiveness is not a yes or no mechanism, but a "degree". You can forgive someone 10%, 50% or 90%, and more often, forgiveness is a process rather than a decision, which is why it often takes us a while to forgive someone. If the other party doesn’t forgive you this time, apologize a few times more and give the other party a little time, maybe it can promote the progress of the progress bar.

That is to say, if you want to apologize, you should recognize all the mistakes from beginning to end, and don’t always think about "I apologized, why don’t you forgive me?"

Besides, Hua Xizi’s "A Letter" response is not a successful apology statement from any angle.

But from the perspective of overall public relations, the effect of this letter is not bad. You see, now people are paying attention to its public relations team, and "Hua Xizi’s public relations department or collective resignation" and "Hua Xizi’s annual salary of 630,000 strokes of public relations" are hot searches in turn.

The starting point of the whole thing, Hua Xizi 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil, seems to have been forgotten.

With a price of $11.5 per share and a total market value of $9.724 billion, LI wants to ring the bell on the American Stock Exchange with Li (LI).

Text | Car Story Green Lemon

At 21: 00 on July 30th, Beijing time, the LI built by Li Xiang was officially listed on NASDAQ. The issue price is $11.5 per share, with a total market value of $9.724 billion, 95 million shares in circulation and 846 million shares in total. LI became the second new car-making force to successfully IPO in the United States after Weilai.

It is reported that the subscription of LI in the pre-listing period was very good, which not only ended the subscription in advance, but also rang the bell on Nasdaq one day earlier.

At 21: 00 p.m. on July 30th, Beijing time, LI was officially listed on NASDAQ. The stock code is LI, and the issue price is $1.15/share. The pre-market value is $9.724 billion, the circulating market value is 1.092 billion yuan, the circulating share capital is 95 million shares, and the total share capital is 846 million shares.

So far, apart from Weilai, LI has become the second new car-making force to successfully go public in the United States. At the same time, for Li Xiang, the founder, his second personal entrepreneurial project was listed on Nasdaq after the car.

In fact, since the day LI was born, IPO has been no secret, but what has not been confirmed is where it will be chosen.

It was not until July 10th this year that LI officially submitted a prospectus to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States, and the listing location was really hammered.

According to this prospectus, in terms of ownership structure, LI is divided into A shares and B shares. Among them, Li Xiang, as the largest natural person shareholder in LI, holds about 356 million A and B shares, accounting for about 25.1% of the total share capital and having 70.3% of the voting rights; Wang Xing (and Meituan) is the second largest shareholder in LI, holding 332 million A shares, accounting for 23.5% of the total share capital, but only 9.3% of the voting rights; Shen Yanan, co-founder and president of LI, holds 1.1% A shares and has 0.4% voting rights; Li Tie, the co-founder and CFO, holds 1.0% of A shares and has 0.4% of voting rights.

In addition, in terms of institutional shareholding, Amp Lee Ltd (which Li wants to enjoy through trust) holds 25.1% of Class A shares; Zijin Global Fund holds 8.9% shares and has 3.5% voting rights; Rainbow Six Limited holds 6.1% shares and has 2.4% voting rights; Inspired Elite Investments Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Meituan) holds 14.5% of the shares and has 5.8% of the voting rights.

Through the AB-share structure design, Li wants to achieve absolute control over LI. This is also conducive to the flat operation of this innovative company in the operation process and helps to achieve extremely fast response.

Based on the calculation of initial public offering, LI raised 1,092.5 million US dollars. For this fund, LI said in the prospectus earlier that it will be used for the research and development of new products and the company’s working capital.

According to sales data, in the second quarter of this year, LI delivered a total of 6,604 new cars, an increase of 128% compared with 2,896 in the first quarter. Its revenue in the second quarter also increased by 128.6% compared with the first quarter. The gross profit margin increased from 8% in the first quarter to 13.3% in the second quarter.

Better-than-expected data also made investors optimistic about LI.

Just at the time of LI’s official listing tonight, Jingwei Zhang Ying said on the social platform: "Congratulations to Li Xiang, congratulations to the ideal. For early investors, the most important thing is always people, and excellent founders are greater than everything."

As the main investor of LI A round, Cao Yi, the founding partner of the source code, also said in an interview: "The huge industry, the big bottom changes are gestating, the S-class entrepreneurs, the excellent business natural attributes, etc. are all in LI. You can see it on this company."

Of course, listing is only a phased goal in the initial stage of LI’s Long March. Its achievement does not mean that LI can breathe a sigh of relief. There are still more problems waiting for Li Xiang (LI) in product quality control, new vehicle research and development, and the expansion of intelligent network. In addition, compared with the product side, how to improve the soft power of the server also tests the comprehensive strength of how LI grabs orders from competing products.