How does SHEIN break the monopoly pattern of international fashion brands with flexible supply chain?

In the global fashion industry, fierce market competition and the increasingly diversified needs of consumers are constantly reshaping the pattern of the industry. European and American markets have been dominated by international brands for a long time, and the entry threshold and challenges of China brands are self-evident. However, in a few decades, SHEIN has sprung up suddenly. With its unique business model and subversive supply chain management, it has successfully broken the monopoly position of international brands in Europe and the United States and become a unicorn brand in the fashion field.

So the question is, how did SHEIN do it?

In fact, hundreds of years of foreign commercial culture and fashion culture have spawned a series of foreign brands that have existed for decades, and they have certain first-Mover advantages compared with domestic brands in terms of technical details and product quality. However, this long-term accumulation has also led to the relative complexity and inflexibility of its organizational structure and operation mode, which is often called "cumbersome".

"Clumsy" is actually relative. Take Zara as an example, although it has shown the characteristics of efficient operation in many aspects. For example, it adopts SPA mode, characterized by high turnover rate and high profit rate, and captures the trend information from physical stores, fashion magazines, fashion shows and other channels and quickly transforms it into design inspiration. Nevertheless, Zara still represents a mature and large-scale industry model, and there is still room for further improvement in flexibility and rapid response.

Compared with traditional fashion brands, the operation mode displayed by SHEIN presents a completely different style. Because sales are entirely based on online retail, real-time feedback of information is more direct and efficient. In the production process of ordering, the small order adopted by SHEIN can be more sensitive. Usually, 100-200 products are produced on a small scale and put into the market for testing. If the sales trend is good, the order will be returned immediately, but if the sales are not up to expectations, the production will be suspended. And ZARA’s first order should be at least 500-1000 pieces.

SHEIN also actively uses its own technological advantages and experience to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as clothing manufacturing. Due to the flexible supply chain mode of on-demand production, the whole link is upgraded from front-end fashion trend, design and development, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, which brings about the improvement of the whole efficiency.

Before cooperating with SHEIN, most of these factories did not have the ability of systematization and intelligence, and most of them relied on manual work, Excel, mail and other traditional ways to arrange production, which was very inefficient and did not have competitive advantages in the industry. However, after cooperating with SHEIN, they completed the transformation into a digital factory with full chain digitalization, which greatly reduced the waste of materials and the waiting time of workers. Based on demand supply, the inventory rate of brands can be reduced to low single digits, while the average unsold inventory level of other brands in the industry is 30%.

SHEIN, a technology-driven flexible on-demand supply chain, not only improves industrial efficiency, reduces waste, but also helps to protect the environment. At the same time, due to the cost reduction caused by waste reduction and efficiency improvement, brands can give back 100% of these values to end consumers, share the created value with consumers, and greatly reduce the sales price of goods.

This "small order and quick response" model gives SHEIN a significant advantage, which is reflected in higher commodity turnover rate and finer inventory management. It enables SHEIN to more accurately test and quickly capture the explosive potential styles in the market, while almost avoiding the risk of excessive inventory. In the view of Boston Consulting Group, this agility of on-demand fashion has become the source of competitive advantage in the fashion industry, and the agile supply chain model represented by SHEIN has become an irresistible trend of the industry, which is gradually changing the rules of the game of the global fashion industry and leading the industry to develop in a more efficient and sustainable direction.


Focus Interview 20140322 Slaughter Ski Day Tour



March 22, 19:38


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March 22, 19:38


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March 23, 03:45


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March 23, 05:45


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  CCTV News (Focus Interview): Traveling abroad was met with black guides and forced consumption. These phenomena often appeared in the past, which often turned happiness into disappointment. This phenomenon has decreased since the introduction of the Tourism Law, but it does not mean that it has disappeared.

  There are many advertisements for various ice and snow projects in the central street of Harbin. The Yabuli Ski Resort in shangzhi city is well-known, so it is naturally popular with tourists. However, the quotations of various travel agencies to Yabuli Ski are not quite the same. In Jingu Building on Central Street, a staff member contacted a travel agency, and the other party promised to give preferential prices.

  Travel agency staff said that 160 yuan is a tour fare, including round-trip fare, ski resort tickets and ski equipment, and there is a free lunch at noon, which sounds very cost-effective. What is the actual situation? The reporter decided to experience it for himself.

  According to the agreement, at 5: 45 the next morning, the reporter got on a tourist bus and counted it. There were 23 tourists in the whole group. Yabuli Ski Resort is 197 kilometers away from Harbin, which takes about three hours. After running more than 100 kilometers through the first service area, the tour guide began to speak.

  It turns out that the tour guide said that skiing is only one part of this trip, and there are also two visiting experience activities. But it’s not free. You have to pay out real money.

  Going to Yabuli used to be skiing, but now it is added to visit Linhai Snowfield, go up the mountain to enjoy the snow, and pay 600 yuan money. Most tourists are unwilling to go, and the tour guide mobilizes reluctant tourists again and again.

  In the ice and snow, the coach has run out for more than 100 kilometers. Plus friends and relatives come out together, but also because of the show. In desperation, all the tourists in the car bought a package ticket. If there is not enough cash, the tour guide said that you can draw a card when you get off later.

  There used to be a saying that "you can’t get off when you get on a thief’s boat". It is estimated that this is the feeling of passengers in the car now. According to the Tourism Law, it is forbidden to arrange other paid tours, and even if someone wants to spend money to play, it can’t affect other tourists. However, along the way, one after another, extra projects are said to be voluntary, but it is not easy to say no to play. So what about these projects that have to be played?

  At about nine o’clock in the morning, the coach arrived in Yabuli, and the reporter and tourists got on the horse-drawn sledge and entered the Linhai Xueyuan.

  The pass includes 200 yuan tickets for Linhai Xueyuan, which is described as a fairyland on earth. There are three scenic spots to visit. The first one is to see the three monsters in Northeast China, a slightly decorated earth house of 40 to 50 square meters. Someone is processing a corn cake and selling it on the spot.

  A adobe house and a yard were completed in less than five minutes. Go on for about 100 meters and you will reach the scenic spot of birch forest, which is scattered and uneven on the roadside where the horse-drawn sledge passes. The stay here is shorter, and even after a minute or two, the birch forest is finished.

  People were urged to visit the last place: bandits’ lair. The so-called bandit nest turned out to be a ditch more than ten meters long, covered with trunk and straw. Tugougou was finished in about 30 seconds, and when I was near the exit, I finally saw two scenic spot staff dressed as bandits. It turned out that this was the interaction between bandits and tourists that the tour guide said. Out of the bandits’ nest, I have experienced the three visiting spots in Linhai Xueyuan. Unwilling tourists were overjoyed to see specimens similar to bears, sika deer and wolves on the roadside, and ran over to take pictures as a souvenir, but the words of the driver’s uncle swept everyone away again. The tourist asked if it was made of bearskin. Grandpa said, no, it’s made of paper.

  The tourists visited Linhai Xueyuan in more than half an hour, and took the cable car to Guokui Mountain after lunch at 11 o’clock. Guokui Mountain is more than 1300 meters. The air is fresh and the scenery is really good, but there is no time to stay. Tourists will take a slide car down the mountain after taking a few photos in a hurry. At 12 o’clock, the reporter finally saw the gate of Yabuli Ski Resort. The travel agency said that the tickets and ski gear were included in the paid tour fee, but I didn’t expect that there was still an expense, so please ask the coach.

  Most tourists can’t resist persuasion, so they hire a coach, and the two-hour coach costs 240 yuan. But if you think that everything will be all right after paying this coaching fee, you are wrong.

  The skiing time arranged by the travel agency is from 12 to 2. After the reporter got the ski equipment, dressed neatly, and checked the clothes, it was already 12: 40 when he walked into the ski resort. After the coach explained the essentials, it was almost 1 o’clock, and the reporter finally followed the coach to take the cableway up the mountain. The cableway goes up the mountain and slides down the mountain. It takes beginners more than 20 minutes to get down once. There is not enough time to skate for the second time, so we have to move on the small ramp below. At this time, the coach spoke again.

  The coach’s topic gradually became clear. It turns out that when you hire a coach, you have to pay the ski resort fee and a tip to the coach.

  However, in addition to the previous 240 coach fees, the reporter gave the coach a tip from 200 yuan. Without dressing and undressing, I borrowed my ski gear, and spent about half an hour skiing inside and outside. The coaching fee alone went to 440 yuan, and many other tourists were pestered but gave tips. At 6 o’clock in the evening, the coach returned to Harbin. According to the reporter’s accounting, there are six hours’ drive and one hour’s meal time in 12 hours. It took three hours to visit the scenic spots and climb the mountain. It takes two hours to ski, but it takes only 40 minutes to really stand on the snowy road. In addition to the original tour fee in 160 yuan, I also took out a pass for scenic spots in 600 yuan, a coach fee in 240 yuan and a tip in 200 yuan, and a one-day skiing tour in Yabuli cost a total of 1,200 yuan. Some people who come here for skiing spend more money than journalists.

  Whether forced or semi-forced, hard or soft, it is trying to get you to pay for money for various reasons. Some travel companies and tour guides have made small profits in front of them, but they have smashed the brand of the scenic spot and ruined the reputation of the tourism industry because of small losses. Tourism law stipulates that tourists have the right to know the true situation of tourism products and services; Have the right to choose tourism products and services independently; Have the right to refuse compulsory trading. However, the maintenance of rights requires consumers to be conscious and act, and more importantly, functional departments need to have ways and actions to take the initiative to protect consumers’ rights and interests.

Dermatologists teach you four steps to build an "Apple Woman"

  (Health Times reporter Jing Xuetao) "You are my little apple, and I can’t love you too much …" A song "Little Apple" by China’s men’s group Chopsticks Brothers is popular all over China, and its catchy lyrics are also deeply rooted in people’s hearts. "Little Apple" also vividly summarizes the definition of healthy beauty in China. So how can we become an "apple woman" with rosy complexion and skin like jelly? The reporter went to the dermatology department of Wangjing Hospital of Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and inquired about several beautiful secrets with Director Shu Youlian.

  Dry, just drinking water is not enough

  Spring is very dry. In order to alleviate the feeling of dryness, people "naturally" think that drinking more water can replenish water. Director Shu Youlian said that this is a wrong concept. People drink water to replenish water consumption and promote metabolism. Drinking too much water for a long time or drinking a lot of water for a short time, the human body must use urine and sweat to discharge excess water, causing a burden on the kidneys.

  To relieve dryness, we should give priority to food supplement and eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables belong to yin-nourishing foods, which have the functions of nourishing body fluid, moistening dryness, clearing heat and relaxing bowels. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, which can clear heat and purge fire, moisten intestines and clear lung, not only supplement body fluids and vitamins, but also improve the adverse effects of dryness on human body.

  Wash your face with cold water.

  Many people advocate washing your face with cold water. They think that on the one hand, stimulating facial skin with cold water can improve the adaptability of human body to cold, and then enhance immunity, which is good for health. On the other hand, washing your face with cold water can shrink pores and tighten skin. Director Shu Youlian believes that washing your face with warm water is the basis of skin care. The skin on the face is delicate and should be taken good care of, not stimulated. Using warm water when washing your face can make your skin open pores, discharge stolen goods, and secrete oil to lock moisture, thus forming a protective layer of your skin. In addition, the shrinking process of pores is very fast, almost at the same time, so there is no need to wash your face alternately with hot and cold water in order to converge pores, and alternating hot and cold can easily lead to the phenomenon of red blood on your face, which may be aggravated for people with sensitive skin.

  Combine inside and outside to create hair.

  In spring, many people’s hair will also appear dry and dull. "Hair is like a crop. If you treat it well, it will treat you well," Director Shu Youlian said with a smile. "If you want to have a beautiful hair, you have to combine the inside and the outside."

  From the inside, first of all, we should eat on time, balance nutrition, ensure the time and quality of sleep, relax and have a good mental state. Secondly, in terms of diet, we should pay attention to iron supplementation. Iron is an essential trace element in the human body, but now people are generally deficient in iron. Malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia caused by long-term iron deficiency will lead to dry and split hair, loss of luster and even large-scale hair loss. In this regard, you can choose to stir-fry in an iron pan or eat iron-containing soy sauce to supplement iron.

  From the outside, in the usual shampoo and hair care, we should try to choose big brands with quality assurance and use less shampoo with oil control effect. After washing your hair, you should squeeze the water out with a dry towel by gentle pressure before using the hair dryer, so as to shorten the use time of the hair dryer as much as possible, and the distance between the hair dryers is better, preferably 15cm-17cm.

  Take a bath, don’t wash too clean.

  There is a layer of basal cells deep in human epidermis, which differentiate into keratinocytes day and night. These keratinocytes protect the whole body, gradually move to the surface and die during metabolism, and the outermost aged keratinocytes will naturally fall off in pieces. Daily bathing can wash away the skin scale mixed with the stratum corneum and skin sweat, which has a certain protective effect on the skin.

  There are some people who love cleanliness, take a bath too often, and they are worried that they will not be clean. They often wash their bodies with rubbing towels and exfoliating bath lotion. Director Shu Youlian said that there is a layer of oil on the surface of human skin, which can protect and moisturize the skin. The frequency of showering is too high, especially the frequent use of bath towel or shower gel will inevitably destroy the oil layer, leading to dry skin, itching and other symptoms, and easy to make the skin age early.

China’s financial opening up has made two big hits. This blue ocean opportunity, Americans are afraid to fall behind.

  Just two days after the news of French, German, Japanese and other commercial banks and insurance institutions applying to land in China came out, two more news came: First, on May 2, the Central Bank of China confirmed that the first foreign-funded payment institution had applied to the Central Bank of China for business. This means that foreign payment institutions have taken the first step to enter the China market. Second, on the same day, it was reported that a foreign company had started to apply for a credit investigation license in China.

  This is the embodiment of China’s further financial opening.

  Let’s look at the company that applied for third-party payment, named WorldFirst, which is a British-funded company. In April 2018, WorldFirst just launched the first collection product for cross-border B2B sellers in China — — World Account to solve the problem of cross-border payment for cross-border e-commerce sellers, so it is very important to obtain a third-party payment license in China, otherwise, the development of China market will be limited. The application of WorldFirst to the Bank of China for a cross-border business payment license indicates that China’s financial opening is expected to go further in the field of third-party payment.

  The company that applied for the credit information business license is even bigger. Yiborui Company, headquartered in Ireland, is a giant of credit information business in the world, with business all over the world and huge branches in the United States.

  Generally speaking, if the central bank confirms the receipt of the application, it means that the central bank has actually started the process of approval. Therefore, these two cases, some low-key applications, were officially confirmed, which means that China’s financial opening-up is real, and it is a fence to cut the knife and cut the flesh.

  The third-party payment market in China has achieved great success in recent years. The well-known third-party payment companies represented by WeChat and Alipay have made eye-catching profits in this field. Ant Financial has mastered Alipay, and its valuation has surpassed many financial companies in the United States by hundreds of billions of dollars. However, the size of WeChat Tenpay is not inferior to Alipay. Of course, its actual valuation should also be around here. Even so, China’s third-party payment market still has great potential to be tapped. For China’s huge domestic third-party payment market, foreign capital used to be out of reach. But now it seems that soon, foreign capital can come in to participate in the competition and share a piece of the action.

  The credit investigation market in China has just started. There is a vast space for both corporate credit investigation and personal credit investigation, and many aspects are still blank. I am afraid the market potential in this respect is no less than that of third-party payment. Different from third-party payment, there is no strong competitive opponent in China in this respect, that is to say, if foreign capital comes in, it is basically a blue ocean with huge profits.

  Therefore, China’s opening up in these two areas is really very bold and courageous.

  No wonder countries, especially several developed countries, have been acting so frequently recently.As long as they have some market judgment, they will never ignore the huge space of China’s financial market. Whoever falls behind in the process of opening China’s financial market will lose half of the future first. From a global perspective, I am afraid that the two major financial opening dividends that China wants most are American companies. Let’s look at the third-party payment market in China, which is the big fat that companies with payment services in the United States, such as Apple and paypal, want to get. Apple has previously entered the payment market in China through the cooperation with China UnionPay, but after all, it is a four-way payment, and its business development is not satisfactory. Therefore, in the competition with WeChat and Alipay, Apple, which is far behind, should dream of getting a third-party payment license in China.

  Needless to say, the three major rating agencies in the United States, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investment Services and Fitch Ratings Limited, are all giants in the global credit reporting field. If they can’t successfully enter the credit reporting market in China, or lag behind other competitors in the pace of entering China, they will probably have a great adverse impact on their future competitiveness.

  However, if American companies really lag behind their western counterparts, it is not China’s fault. China people believe in "making money with harmony". After all, the United States initiated a trade war with China, and public opinion in China could hardly accept the result: open these fields and let those guys who threw stones at themselves happily take away the benefits. Needless to say, no one has the guts!

  (The author is an international critical commentator Si Hai)

Rooster time! Lock the movie channel, melt the media and hit the Golden Rooster Award live.

Special feature of 1905 film network New Year’s greetings from the rooster, see Xiamen again! In 2021, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Chinese films hit hard from December 28th to December 30th.

For the third year in a row, the film channel and Xiamen Radio and Television jointly launched a live broadcast of this event.

Comprehensive upgrade, brand-new revision. More seats, more panoramic views, stronger lineup, and 5 sections of 5G panoramic view of Golden Rooster.

"Direct Golden Rooster Award"

1 stop to the light and shadow event.

Forum+film festival+new film conference, live direct attack,The main creative netizens talked and shared the "golden" taste,The opening ceremony and the nomination ceremony kicked off.The red carpet, closing ceremony and award ceremony gathered stars.


Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Honorary Shadowman Joined the host lineup of the closing ceremony:Golden Rooster Award+Hundred Flowers Award Winner,Two Golden Rooster Awards+Two Hundred Flowers Award Winners,Hundred Flowers Award winner,Co-hosted with the host of the movie channel,Invite you to witness the glory moment of China film of the year.

[Stars and Seas]

3 Days 3 Nightlife Experience+Creative Collection

Youth has its own yearning for youth;Dreams have their own power!The film channel "Stars and Seas" Young Actor Selection SchemeNew upgrade in 2021,Assemble and stand by one day in advance, and present it on-the-spot for three days and three nights.

Life is the examination room, and there is learning everywhere.40 young actors were newly selected.Immerse yourself in real life and experience the true meaning of performance.

Go deep into the grassroots, change identity and test morality and art;Growth mutual learning and surprise guidance for mysterious guests;Ready to go, the closing party will make a new appearance.

[Movie Channel M List]

2021 Dapandian

2021, which line makes you laugh?Which picture makes you cry?What other performances shocked your heart?

The 2021 China Movie M Big Data Report will be released on December 29th.Professional data+authoritative experts selected China films of the year,M list honor 2021 China filmmakers report card,The filmmaker made a New Year’s resolution during the visit, review and prospect.

[40th Anniversary of Golden Rooster Award]x "Golden Rooster in Xiamen"

Chinese film golden rooster award x Xiamen special economic zone,Holding hands for the third time, welcoming 40 years old together.

Zhengqing, the Golden Rooster Award of Chinese Film, has a full record of all previous Huacai;Dialogue with honorary filmmakers to construct a brief oral history of China’s films;Zhengpengbo Xiamen assembled a new journey of "the 14th Five-Year Plan";Punch in Xiamen landmarks and scan the evolution of the special economic zone era.

The majestic cock, the dawn of the east.

Glory moment, panoramic view.

Lock in the media platforms of movie channels on the same day,Every aspect of the Golden Rooster Award is wonderful, and we will see you there!

"I saw Uncle Deng’s cooking." In 1972, I spent the New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home.


    In 1972, I visited Deng Xiaoping in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and spent an unforgettable New Year at Deng Xiaoping’s home. Deng Xiaoping’s cooking skills, Zhuo Lin’s enthusiasm, and his friendship with Deng Lin’s brother and sister all remain fresh in my memory.

    Visiting relatives in Nanchang on New Year’s Day

    On the eve of New Year’s Day in 1972, my sisters Da Rong and Er Rong went to Nanchang from Linchuan County, Jiangxi Province to visit Uncle Deng Xiaoping. I remember that it was a cold winter. There was a layer of mist on the boundless Ganjiang River, and no ship was seen. The distant mountains were gray, and the vegetation along the river was withered and trembling in the cold wind. We came to the guest house of the provincial party Committee by the Ganjiang River, which is the designated meeting place.

    It is said that after Deng Bobo and his family came to Jiangxi, they lived in a small building of Nanchang Infantry School. There was no heating or hot water in the building. When they wanted to take a bath, the old man had to boil the bath water downstairs and carry it to the bathroom upstairs in buckets, which was inconvenient. Moreover, it was easy for the old man to catch a cold when taking a bath in winter. This problem dragged on for a long time. When Huang Zhizhen, a former veteran cadre of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, learned about it, he made arrangements for Deng Bobo’s family to take a hot bath in the provincial party committee guest house every weekend. When I came to the guest house, Uncle Deng Xiaoping’s family happened to take a bath here.

    In the living room on the second floor of the hostel, we first met Aunt Zhuo Lin, Deng Lin and Mao Mao, who had just taken a bath and were combing their hair. Uncle Deng asked them to wash first and then wash themselves. When I saw Aunt Zhuo Lin, my sister and I were filled with emotion and tears. Aunt Zhuo Lin and my mother Xiao Li were good friends during the Yan ‘an period, and they had a lot of contacts. Uncle Deng came out of the shower and was very happy to see us coming. Perhaps it was because he had just taken a shower and his face was flushed and radiant. He speaks Sichuan dialect, and we also speak Sichuan dialect, because we grew up in Chengdu and have a local accent. Visiting Uncle Deng has always been our wish. Our family has a good relationship with Uncle Deng’s family, and their children grew up together. First, we reported to Liu Junxiu, deputy director of Jiangxi Revolutionary Committee, who worked in the Jinsui Military Region with my father Li Jingquan during the War of Resistance against Japan period. Our wish was realized through the contact between Uncle Liu and Uncle Deng’s family.

    Uncle Deng asked about our work and life with concern. I told him that my sister and I came to Jiangxi in 1969 and settled down in my father’s hometown, Linchuan County, to work as farmers, relying entirely on earning work points to support ourselves. Speaking of which, my sister and I took out two fish brought from our hometown, which were caught by the villagers from our pond, and some eggs saved. I told Uncle Deng that these are all fruits of labor. Please accept them for the whole family to taste. Seeing that it was getting late, we were ready to leave. On hearing this, Uncle Deng immediately said, "Don’t go today, come to our house for a few days."

    Chinese New Year at Uncle Deng’s house? The Provincial Revolutionary Committee may not agree, and I am also afraid of bringing trouble to the Deng Bobo family. "I’m afraid of you. You are all little dolls. Tomorrow is the New Year. How can you go?" Uncle Deng said. Aunt Zhuo Lin also said, "You have come a long way, but you haven’t finished yet. Come home with us and spend the New Year together. Don’t worry, I’ll tell them that I can stay at home. "

More historical news:

Churchill’s favorite female spy: She died in love for her brilliant exploits.

Mrs Nixon broke into the bedroom of Soviet leader Brezhnev at night.

Nie Gannu, a contemporary "Zhou Botong" eccentric literati, abandoned his life in wild waves.

America’s "Top Ten Worst Jobs" models are among the dishwashers.

The ancient Japanese did not eat meat for 1200 years, and the emperor’s life expectancy was shorter than that of civilians.

On December 14th, the movie channel broadcast the wonderful kung fu film Eighteen Martial Arts.

Special feature of 1905 film networkIf you like watching action movies, you must know the four major action design teams in Hong Kong:
Chengjiaban, Hongjiaban, Liujiaban and Yuanjiaban.
In the glorious era of Shaw, movies were branded with the Kung Fu of Liu Bannan School under the leadership of Liu Jialiang.
Unlike other kung fu movies, which only focus on one kind of kung fu, you must not miss this movie for weapons fans.
At 14:40 today, the movie "Eighteen Martial Arts" will be broadcast for you by the movie channel, with the same title, which vividly depicts the "Eighteen Military Instruments" in the kung fu world for us.
Poster of Eighteen Martial Arts
The cast of Eighteen Martial Arts is luxurious.
Liu Jialiang, a martial artist who has multiple roles as director, actor, screenwriter and action director, plays a leading role in the film, bringing Liu Jiarong, Liu Jiahui, Kara Wai and other Liu Jiaban kung fu stars to show us the real kung fu from hard bridge to hard horse.
Like Liu Jialiang’s other films, Eighteen Martial Arts upholds his martial arts design of sticking to the authentic Shaolin Nanpai Kung Fu, paying attention to seeing the move and dismantling it, and practicing it with one move and one style.
Fighting in a narrow space is a test of skill.
The design of small spaces, such as fighting in the attic and fighting in narrow lanes, fighting space in mid-air and in the middle of the water is unparalleled.
Fang Shaoqing (Kara Wai) and Shi Shu (Liu Jiahui), Mao Shantan Lei Yong (Liu Jiarong) and the sorcerer’s altar iron monkey (Hou Yaozong) test each other. I know you are dark, and the duel with each other’s magical powers can be described as wonderful.
However, the biggest attraction of Eighteen Martial Arts is undoubtedly eighteen weapons.
As a descendant of Huang Feihong’s fourth-generation Hongquan, Liu Jialiang won his father’s biography since childhood. He loves Kung Fu and will study weapons, techniques and methods of actual combat in the rest of the time. It can be said that he is proficient in everything and has developed a martial arts foundation.
Liu Jialiang, who is a hundred schools of thought, is almost the only person who can show the essence of Chinese "Eighteen Martial Arts".
In the movie Eighteen Martial Arts, all kinds of martial arts weapons are basically included.
In a summary of the Hong Kong film database, 18 kinds of weapons used in Eighteen Martial Arts are listed: rope dart, Shuang Hu hook sword, double hammer, double axe, snake halberd, closed knife, double knife, straight knife, single knife, cherry blossom gun, three-section iron whip, double dagger, double crutches, monk shovel, scepter, trident, butterfly sword and three-section scepter.
Especially in the last ten minutes, the weapons war between Liu Jialiang and Liu Jiarong was the most wonderful.
First, there is the killing of Daguan Dao against Double Dao and Sakura Gun against Double Dao.
There will be a knife-to-sword short weapon confrontation.
The three-section whip with integrated attack and defense vs the flexible double dagger can be described as inseparable.
Crescent shovel’s situation is closely linked with each other, while the single-headed stick is both rigid and flexible, flexible and not sluggish, and it has been used repeatedly.
Especially in the end, the combination lineup of "three-stick broken rattan card+The Lancet" is even more exciting.
The pure kung fu duel that lasted for 10 minutes was never repeated, and the mutual interaction between weapons made people stunned.
"Develop martial arts and get rid of superstition."
This idea also runs through Liu Jialiang’s films and life.
As early as in Liu Jialiang’s debut, Magic Strike, he introduced the theme of illusion.
The "immortal possessed and invulnerable" claimed by Shenda altar is just a mysterious stunt, which has already lost to the Five-Shaped Boxing.
Yu Wang’s Five-Shaped Boxing shows the charm of the snake, the tiger’s overbearing ferocity, the crane’s lightness and agility, the leopard’s pursuit and the dragon’s wandering changes.
Seven years later, Liu Jialiang took the illusion theme again. In the film Eighteen Martial Arts, which tells the story of eunuch general manager Li Lianying instigating the Boxer Rebellion to beat the gods, Maoshan and warlock three altars and eliminate the traitor’s second helmsman, Leigong (Liu Jialiang), he still retained his idea that "all feudal superstitions are not credible in front of kung fu".
The golden bell jar of the sacred altar, the puppet technique of the Maoshan altar, and the pupil technique of the warlock altar …
Opening the altar, doing it, lowering the head and getting into the upper body are also true and false, which is quite fancy.
But these strange tricks are just deceptive gimmicks, and the real power is kung fu itself.
The film Eighteen Martial Arts is full of Liu Jialiang’s original intention of defending authentic martial arts and attacking crooked ways.
Liu Jialiang takes Kung Fu as the core, takes the real Kung Fu of hard bridge and hard horse as the call, and tells all about the knowledge and spirit of Kung Fu through eighteen weapons.
At 14:40 on December 14th, the movie channel will broadcast Eighteen Martial Arts for you. This movie, which can be called a textbook of cold weapons, will reveal the meaning of Eighteen Martial Arts for you.

The new film all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Original title: all quiet on the western front: How to talk about the pain of war?

Recently, a film of the same name based on a novel by German writer Erich Maria Remarque was released. This is the third time that all quiet on the western front has been adapted into a film. Previously, the film "all quiet on the western front" made in 1930 and 1979 was all American works, and this time the adaptation right was handed over to the Germans. In 1928, when remarque’s novels began to be serialized, the editor of the German newspaper Forsyth commented: "all quiet on the western front" is the first real monument of the unknown soldier. This unbiased novel is a monument stronger than stone and more lasting than ore. This monument is exciting, enriching people’s minds and showing the most horrible documentary images of war to later generations.

Boymer, a passionate German youth, devoted himself to the "World War I" with heroic ideals. When he was sent to the western front to participate in the war, he witnessed cruel hunger, blood and death … … The new film pays more attention to sensory impact, and projects the war landscape to the individual’s body in a short-sighted and miniaturized way. Boymer was deeply involved in the war for four years. The physical and mental collapse caused by the war and the intermittent indulgence of the war made the young soldiers stiff and lost their minds, leaving them in panic and crouching in the trench, waiting for the doomsday judgment. At the beginning of the film, there was no melodramatic fear of participating in the war. A cannon fire abruptly stuffed the war into the nerves of every recruit, and death came to the face. Distant mountains, jungles, and fog are all combinations of quotations. Numb-faced soldiers run on the battlefield, just like ghosts floating on the dead Yuan Ye. The color of the film is strong, with gray, white and black as the background color. Pale faces, dark scorched earth and dark red blood are the usual scenes. Mud is a recurring picture in the film. Fighting in the mud, crawling in the mud and trudging on the mud, all the soldiers are caught in the mud of war, their thoughts and feelings are deeply buried, and they have no power to pull them out. The cold, wet and sticky mud has eroded the feelings of the soldiers. All their rights are waiting in vain, waiting for vanity, and not wanting to struggle and resist. On the contrary, every sergeant is used to death, and only death can repair their fragility and end the pain that is difficult to talk about in war. Just as Jaden, with a knee injury, asked for his death quickly,Punch an artery with a spoon and commit suicide. The war scenes in hell, demonized sergeants, machine monsters that crush everything, concrete and slight dying pictures, and the breath of death in a wheezing way show the individual war experience in an all-round way, and realistically depict the battlefield peristalsis of the bottom sergeants. The picture of the film is dignified and slow, and the still water is deep, so that the war peddlers can see the products of the war and liquidate their guilt in the depths of their souls.

No matter how wonderful the story is, it will lose its vividness and freshness in repeated telling. The new version of "all quiet on the western front" did not experience aesthetic fatigue due to repeated shooting, precisely because it did not create beauty or stories, but only showed the war experience and pain. "The body is dead, the gods are spiritual, and the soul of the child is a ghost." War is sometimes advocated or boasted by fanatics. All quiet on the western front is an anti-hero and anti-war. It tells the truth about the destruction and exploitation of people by war. "For the sake of the emperor, God and the motherland", a group of young students were bewitched and went to the mud of war with heroic dreams. After a fire, youth was scorched and withered by the heat of guns, and the heat of faith could not resist the cold of death. The trenches were filled with corpses and residual limbs, and only the name tag proved that a person had been to the trenches and participated in the war. War destroys people not only by steel beasts like tanks, but also by time. During the four years of fighting on the western front, each battle can only advance hundreds of meters, so the report of the situation only says "all quiet on the western front", but under the black political lies, more than 3 million young people on the western front were killed.

The film writes the story of the hero Boymer from a civilian perspective. Before he could grow into a soldier, he lost his fighting ideal, his ability to love and hate, and his thinking ability, leaving only vanity. Instinctively "survival" became the highest criterion of his existence. In order to survive, he will shoot, fight and kill; Losing his thinking power means that he is completely stuffed and destroyed by the terror of war and becomes a living zombie of war. Stealing farmers’ food with Kate is the greatest happiness he can find after the war. Even if this epiphany life is relaxed, it will soon be strangled by the law of death. The death dilemma depicted in the film is a painful warning. Only when people face the painful death can they have a definite sense of reality and consciously resist the oppression of the bottom people by the evil war.

There is no artistic style in the new film, such as "catching butterflies" in 1930 and "copying larks" in 1979, which completely cuts off the poetic connection between war and art. In the face of the cruelty of war, art can’t transform it into transcendental aesthetic imagination, only to moan and reprimand feebly. Criticize the delay of the war decision-makers at the negotiating table, criticize the incompetent generals for the so-called humiliation, and drive the sergeants to launch the last round of attacks before the armistice, which completely cost the hero’s life. Boymer’s death was inevitable, but it was also unexpected. He struggled carefully but fell on the threshold of the armistice. The erection of the moment of death made the audience panic that the war had pulled away from the ruthlessness of life and aroused the fear of war.

The new version of "all quiet on the western front" does not dig deep into the story, but focuses on the little people who are aware of the great history, so that the audience can see the tears in the mirror image of the times and feel the misfortune of ordinary people abandoned by the war, and the anti-war consensus is more convincing. Historical experience should be precipitated in repeated reading, painful experience should be passed on continuously, and refusing to forget the idea of peace can have a solid rational cornerstone. All quiet on the western front, may there be no more wars in the world. (Author: Lei Jun, former professor of Basic Department of Military Economics College)

People’s body talk: the charm of football and grassroots feelings

Source: People’s Daily Online-Viewpoint Channel Original Draft

On November 17th, in the second round of the 2022 Chinese Football Association Cup, the Chinese champion team Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated the Chinese Super League team Beijing Guoan 7:5 in a penalty shootout and advanced to the top 16. This game surprised many people. Losing to a semi-professional team as a traditional strong team in the Super League may be caused by various reasons, but it also made many people know more about the current situation of football in China and look forward to the development of grass-roots football.

The FA Cup is an independent knockout cup outside the football league in China, and it is also the only opportunity for low-level teams and high-level teams to compete together. Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated Beijing Guoan from penalty. Although there were accidental factors, from the process of 2:2 draw in regular time, the strength of the two teams was close, and Jingchuan Wenhui team even got the upper hand slightly. Two goals were remarkable. The players on the field were thunderous, calm and confident, and had a degree of attack and defense. In a game in which the strength is very different and there is no suspense, the audience felt the long-lost charm of competitive football.

Aside from the mobilization, cohesion and team fighting capacity before the game, we can find details that are easily covered up by victory from the voice of the head of Jingchuan Wenhui after the game. Jingchuan Wenhui said that the main reason for winning the game was that the opponent was negligent and could not use foreign aid. He attributed the opponent’s defeat to accidental factors and external uncontrollable rules. Compared with the simple ceremony of "accepting and accepting", he was polite, modest and humble, which was quite the bearing and pattern of Chinese traditional culture. Brutalizing its physique, civilizing its spirit, an unexpected game, let us see the momentum and indomitable feelings of grassroots football.

Football is round. The competitive characteristics and rules of the game make football not only have the integrity, antagonism and appreciation shared by collective ball games, but also have the variability of technical and tactical coordination and the contingency of game results.

"The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce generals must be sent to the pawn." According to the results of post-match interviews and data disclosure, there are 152 players in Jingchuan Wenhui Football Club, more than 70 of whom are local doctors, policemen, teachers and other amateurs from all walks of life, and 40% of the players participating in the FA Cup are semi-professional players. Jingchuan Wenhui Club is integrated with Beihai Jichi Club, co-built and shared with Jingchuan County key amateur sports schools, and has a champion team, an U19 echelon, an U17 echelon and an amateur team, which reflects the effectiveness of Jingchuan County Football Association reform. The development of grass-roots football in Jingchuan presents a good trend, which is not only the component of football professionalization reform, but also supported by the three-level training network of competitive sports national system, and the association, sports school and club cooperate and form a joint force. The deepening reform and practice of county-level individual associations, the development of county-level football clubs and the modernization process of amateur sports schools are all key and difficult points in the construction of a strong sports country and the development of grass-roots sports organizations. For the government and an effective market, it may be the internal logic of the wonderful performance of this grassroots counterattack.

If the road is long, the line will come, but it is difficult and more brave. We expect the society to pay more attention and support to grass-roots football, and we expect that the sports lifestyle with football as the carrier can meet the needs of more people for a better life!

The 2023 Jiangsu Weiye Cup International Table Tennis Grand Prix came to a successful conclusion.

In December, we feel the breath of winter and look forward to the arrival of the New Year. On this exciting day, the 2023 "Jiangsu Weiye Cup" International Table Tennis Grand Prix came to a successful conclusion in Wujin Gymnasium. This competition is guided by Wujin District Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism. Sponsored by Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group and Jiangsu Table Tennis Association; Wujin District Table Tennis Association; Co-organized by Changzhou Haohao Sports Culture Communication Co., Ltd., it attracted 143 athletes from 18 international teams including Cambodia and Malaysia and 16 Changzhou teams. The world famous Ochalov participated in the war on behalf of Jiangsu Weiye, which was full of popularity and was warmly welcomed by referees, athletes, staff and local people.

At 7:40 am on the 9th, the opening ceremony started on time, presided over by Bian Shuguang, deputy director of Wujin District Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Tourism, and Zuo An, executive vice chairman of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association; Wang Weiming, Chairman of Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group, Vice President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association and President of Wujin District Table Tennis Association; Honorary presidents of Wujin Table Tennis Association Zang Jianzhong and Shan Junchu; Huang Biao, deputy leader of the national table tennis team; Chen Yongping, Hua Jiankun, Hu Jianhong and Huang Yuliang, vice presidents of Wujin Table Tennis Association, attended the opening ceremony. After the flag-raising ceremony, President Wang Weiming, as the host, extended a warm welcome to the athletes and spectators who came to participate in the competition, thanked the staff for their behind-the-scenes work, and promised to continue holding such competitions on Saturday and Sunday in the second week of December every year. Then the referee took the oath on behalf of Cao Wenqin and the athlete on behalf of Wang Qikai. Finally, Mr. Zang Jianzhong, honorary president of Wujin District Table Tennis Association, announced the opening.

The following competitions were ups and downs and exciting. One by one, the masters with exquisite skills and first-class level showed a wonderful confrontation, which brought wonderful enjoyment and harvest to the vast number of table tennis friends. Jiangsu Sports Leisure Channel and online live broadcast platform "Ping-Pong Jianghu" broadcast the two-day game live. Only the "Ping-Pong Jianghu" live broadcast platform has accumulated 1.6 million people to watch the game in two days, and more than 6,000 people are online at the peak, which makes people deeply appreciate the charm of the national ping-pong.

After the official competition, Mr. Wang Weiming, Chairman of Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group, and Ochalov held an exhibition competition for the audience.

After two days of fierce competition, the top four teams in Changzhou Group were Pengda Electric, Jiangsu Weiye, Changzhou Anzhidun Li Zhuo and Shuxiang Shijia Garden, and the teams tied for fifth place were Songyuan Precision, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Liyang Dainifei and Jiangsu Xuehu. Mr. shi jun, Vice President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, presented awards to the team that won the fourth place and tied for the fifth place; Mr. Wang Weiming, Chairman of Jiangsu Weiye Construction Group, Vice President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association and President of Wujin Table Tennis Association, presented awards to the third and second place; Mr. Ju Minjun, Director of Wujin District Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism Bureau, presented awards to the champion; The top four teams in the international group are: Jiangsu Weiye, Yihe Doors and Windows, Zhongyifeng Construction and Pengda Electric Appliances, and the teams tied for fifth place are Changzhou Kangaroo Dad Training Camp, Nanjing Simiminglai, Yixing Gaocheng Table Tennis Association and Yixing Yingfutai. Mr. Xu Jianrong, Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, presented awards to the team that won the fourth place and tied for the fifth place; Mr. Tao Xin, executive vice president of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, and Mr. Zuo An, president of Jiangsu Table Tennis Club Federation, presented awards to the third and second runners-up; Mr. Wang Xianghong, President of Jiangsu Table Tennis Association, presented the prize to the champion.

Mr. Ju Minjun, director of Wujin District Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism, and many leaders of the Provincial Table Tennis Association came to the scene to watch the game. The leaders of the Provincial Table Tennis Association said that this competition was the largest folk competition held in China in recent years, and fully affirmed the working ability of Wujin Table Tennis Association. The whole competition process was organized in a standardized and orderly manner, and the referees were professional and conscientious.

At the closing ceremony, President Wang once again fully affirmed the organization of this competition, and said that he would sum up the experience of this grand prix. Next year, international professional groups and amateur groups will be added to attract more table tennis experts to participate in the competition, and strive to make the annual "Jiangsu Weiye" competition into an event where you can learn the game, make friends and feel at home.