Sixteen years’ performance of duties is the drum of "reading for all" and the use of reading to build the spiritual realm of the nation

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  Beijing, March 11th (Reporter Yang Peiying) In an interview with Committee member Zhu Yongxin for nearly an hour, the two most frequently mentioned words were "reading".

  From "the image spokesman of reading for all" to the active explorer of new education, to launching the "Reading for the Future Plan" and calling on more reading promoters, the personal practice of reading and the drum call for reading for all have become a part of Zhu Yongxin’s life. Whether busy at work or on a business trip, reading and writing at 5 o’clock every morning is his unshakable habit.

  Since the two sessions in 2003, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, has called for the establishment of a "national reading festival" for 16 consecutive years, taking reading for all as a national strategy, establishing a national reading fund, establishing a national reading promotion committee, and strengthening the construction of community libraries … … A series of proposals and suggestions on reading.

  In order to make children grow up better, Zhu Yongxin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, wrote "an initiative to be a happy scholar." Photo by Future Network reporter Yang Peiying.

  Sixteen years have passed, and to Zhu Yongxin’s delight, the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, the atmosphere of reading for all is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend of continuous decline in reading rate has been curbed.

  For 16 years, we have consistently carried out the "Reading Festival" to the end.

  It has been consistent for 16 consecutive years, and there are really not many representatives or members who advocate a topic.

  At the two sessions this year, Committee member Zhu Yongxin once again put forward a proposal on establishing a national reading festival. He said that the National Reading Festival is to promote reading in daily life to a ceremony. "Just as the two sessions are the political Spring Festival of China people, the National Reading Festival should also become the spiritual Spring Festival of China people."

  After sixteen years of consistent persistence, Zhu Yongxin clearly knows the important role of reading in life. His most classic sentence "A person’s spiritual development history is his reading history, and a nation’s spiritual realm depends on its reading level." This paper profoundly expounds the important significance of reading to human growth and national development. Zhu Yongxin believes that there are many paths and methods to improve national quality, but the cheapest, most direct and most basic one is reading.

  At present, the proposal to establish a national reading festival and advocate reading for all has been jointly appealed by more than 100 members of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

  In order to promote comprehensive reading, this year, Zhu Yongxin also submitted a proposal on "promoting high-speed rail reading". In Zhu Yongxin’s view, high-speed rail has become a part of people’s lives, but at present, the reading materials provided on high-speed rail are very limited, and the quality and quantity are not optimistic. "These public readings are an important way to spread reading culture, which can effectively enhance people’s reading awareness and encourage people to develop reading habits." Zhu Yongxin believes that China is the largest and most advanced high-speed rail country in the world, and the high-speed rail carriages are comfortable, hygienic and safe, providing a good reading environment. At such a time, you can read with peace of mind, and the establishment of such a system can enable the people to develop better habits.

  Although the concept of reading has been accepted by more people, in Zhu Yongxin’s view, in-depth reading may not be enough. The most fundamental reason is that the whole society’s understanding of reading has not really reached the designated position. In terms of education, examination is still regarded as an important direction to a great extent, and reading has not received due attention.

  But Zhu Yongxin believes that the efforts will not be disappointed. In the diary of member Zhu Yongxin published in the newspaper of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, he wrote — — Carry the reading festival to the end, and I will continue to work hard for reading drums and shouts.

  Children’s reading determines the future of the nation.

  In life, Zhu Yongxin also practices the habit of reading every day with such persistence and perseverance.

  Get up at about five o’clock every morning, insist on writing and reading, and you must take all kinds of books you read with you every trip, and recommend a good book worth reading in Weibo every day.

  Zhu Yongxin told the reporter of that good habits are the best wealth in a person’s life. "It’s basically very quiet from five in the morning to eight in the morning, and no one bothers you, no work, no phone calls. You can calm down and write."

  There is still a long way to go to get people to develop the habit of reading. At the end of 2017, Zhu Yongxin’s Institute of New Education and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League launched the "Reading the Future, Children’s Reading Program". Zhu Yongxin said that he hopes to train more promoters who take teenagers to read, so that more people can become reading volunteers and promoters.

  Zhu Yongxin believes that "the length of childhood determines the height of a country. The depth of children’s reading determines the height of national spirit. In this sense, children’s reading determines the future of the nation. "

  Reading ability is very important for children’s growth. "By reading, he can go to a wider world, see things outside him, and see from ancient times to the present, from the middle to the outside, and he will see farther, which will give him a better vision. Secondly, his writing ability is not only writing, but also thinking ability. Real writing begins with thinking and writing.

  However, in the era of mobile internet, mobile phone reading can be seen everywhere, and many people don’t have a lot of time to settle down and read and write. For teenagers known as "Internet aborigines", it has become the norm to acquire knowledge through mobile phones and mobile terminals.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, the trend of digital reading is irreversible, and it is understandable for children to accept digital reading. However, he still advocates that paper reading should not be thrown away, especially primary and secondary school students should learn to read paper books quietly as much as possible and form such a habit, because excessive dependence on electronic media will make it difficult for children to really concentrate, and in addition, it will have some adverse effects on eyes, thinking and attention.

  Promote children and adults to read together, and the government promotes bibliography development

  In reality, many primary and middle school students have a heavy academic burden and don’t have much time to settle down and study. A reading survey for primary and secondary school students, teachers and parents shows that 74.85% of children like reading, but more than half of them have no time to read. In the question "What is the reason that prevents you from reading?" In the middle school, 50.59% of the children said that they had "heavy studies and no time and energy" to read, and "the problem of heavy extracurricular burden of primary and secondary school students" was even written into the 2018 government work report.

  In this regard, Zhu Yongxin believes that the heavy academic burden is on the one hand, and the key point is that many parents don’t realize the importance of reading. They prefer to spend their time in tutoring and learning a lot of repetitive content in the classroom. From the perspective of school education, there are a little more simple exercises and repetitive exercises, which really makes students have less time to study. It is also necessary to change our classroom and change our working methods.

  In order to let children know what good books are, since Zhu Yongxin became the provost of Suzhou University in 1993, he has promoted reading in the whole school by recommending bibliographies. Over the years, Zhu Yongxin has been doing the research and development of recommendation books.

  Since April, 2011, Zhu Yongxin and his new reading research have successively published basic reading books for primary school students in China, basic reading books for children in China, basic reading books for middle school students in China, basic reading books for entrepreneurs in China, basic reading books for primary and secondary school teachers in China and basic reading books for parents in China.

  Zhu Yongxin thinks that the development of bibliographies is a particularly important task. In the information age, the richer the information, the easier it is for people to get lost. The development of bibliography is to provide a scientific catering plan with comprehensive nutrition for a person’s spirit, which is convenient for people to follow the map. He suggested that the government further promote the research of various reading majors, promote the development of bibliographies, purchase services for the research results of various professional non-governmental organizations, and promote the deepening of reading in time.

  In the face of the current situation that more and more children prefer online games to reading, Zhu Yongxin believes that no child is born to like this and that, which requires parents’ guidance and parent-child reading to cultivate children’s reading habits.

  "This is the most effective way. Many of our mothers buy a lot of books and throw them to them. He may not be interested in reading them. You can discuss them with your children, inspire them together, ask him questions, and discuss them with him. You may take him to study. In addition, you should look for books he likes. Every child has a different appetite. If you can find books that suit his appetite, you may take him to the book world. If you find them from the beginning, you are not interested.

  In this year’s proposal, Zhu Yongxin also suggested taking children as the center and promoting children’s reading with adults. Zhu Yongxin hopes that children can love paper reading through parent-child reading, teacher-student reading and team reading, so that reading promotion can directly and effectively influence the development of reading habits of adults around children through children’s influence and supervision.

  In Zhu Yongxin’s view, it is also very important to guide parents’ education. Zhu Yongxin pointed out that the most important thing is that parents should be role models for their children, parents should grow up with their children, and parents should know what kind of education is good.

  Advocating reading for all is the spiritual index to cultivate cultural self-confidence and realize national rejuvenation. More persistent watchmen are needed to drum up and shout around the atmosphere of reading for all.

Online games are addictive and forced to chat naked … The safety of online use for teenagers’ holidays deserves attention.

  The safety of teenagers’ holiday internet is worthy of attention.

  Our reporter Zhou Xiaopeng

  With good results in the senior high school entrance examination, Xiao Zhang, who lives in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, was successfully admitted to the target high school, but before long, this joy was replaced by constant quarrels between him and his mother. In the mother’s view, during the holiday, Xiao Zhang was either a computer or a mobile phone every day, and spent too much time indulging in the Internet. Xiao Zhang, on the other hand, is quite opposed to this: I finally have a holiday to relax, so why can’t I play more mobile phones and games?

  In fact, for this generation of teenagers who were born with a mouse and grew up with their mobile phones, the internet has become an indispensable part of their lives, especially when they enter the holidays, and the time spent touching the internet has increased greatly, making it easier for them to indulge in the internet and cannot extricate themselves. In addition, because teenagers generally lack social experience and don’t know how to protect personal privacy, they are more vulnerable to bad information, online fraud and even illegal acts on the Internet.

  Experts told the "Legal Daily" reporter that when children enter the holiday "mode", they can spend more time online and relax their entertainment appropriately, but they must make reasonable plans and not be "cyber slaves". Schools and parents should actively guide teenagers to surf the Internet healthily, so as to use the Internet safely, in a civilized and healthy way.

  Prevent online game addiction

  Looking up at the computer, looking down at the mobile phone, regardless, playing games all night, this is a true portrayal of many teenagers’ holiday life. In June 2018, online game addiction was officially declared as a mental illness by UNESCO. Statistics show that teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 are high-risk groups of Internet addiction. The proportion of global teenagers who are over-reliant on the Internet is 6%, and the proportion in China is close to 10%.

  When he noticed this data, Zhang Rucai, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, was really shocked. "The bad content of online games is imperceptibly affecting teenagers." Zhang Rucai told reporters that the development and operators of online games only seek to maximize economic benefits, which has caused unhealthy online games to become a public hazard that destroys the physical and mental health of young people.

  In 2018, Zhang Qingbin, a representative of the National People’s Congress, received a petition signed by many parents on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, calling for legislation to save many children, which made him systematically pay attention to the problem of teenagers indulging in online games. Zhang Qingbin said that he really felt the seriousness of this problem in his hometown in rural areas. "Many teenagers drop out of school early because they are addicted to online games and become idlers. There are also many teenagers who have all kinds of psychological problems and even make some excessive behaviors because they are addicted to online games." As a result, Zhang Qingbin launched research, went deep into schools and communities to listen to the voices of the masses, and consulted with departments such as culture and online information to understand the situation. "Many online games design various links according to people’s psychological needs, and induce players to fall into addiction layer by layer, which is difficult to resist the temptation for teenagers’ immature psychology." Zhang Qingbin said.

  In medicine, internet addiction is a clear concept, which usually refers to indulging in online games. When online games are stopped, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and sadness appear. Lose interest in other hobbies before, even if you understand the impact of the game on yourself, you still focus on the game; Use online games to escape or relieve negative mood.

  In the view of Xiao Zhang’s mother, Xiao Zhang has already had some symptoms of Internet addiction. "The child’s addiction to the Internet not only leads to the damage of the parent-child relationship, but also aggravates the parent-child conflict. More seriously, his daily life rules are completely broken, and he is afraid that a holiday will cause him various psychological obstacles." Xiao Zhang’s mother said.

  Beware of illegal network infringement

  "Can you send me a nude photo of your bust? I promise to treasure it myself and not let others see it." Last winter vacation, Xiaomei (a pseudonym), a 14-year-old junior high school student, met a small town (a pseudonym) who claimed to be 15 years old on a short video App. After the two sides closed each other, the exchange was transferred to QQ. Just after half a month of understanding, the town made such a request to Xiaomei for the first time.

  Although she was worried, Xiaomei agreed to the other party’s request, and this became the beginning of a nightmare. Since then, the town has been making unreasonable demands, from naked photos to naked videos, and the original pleading has also become a threat.

  Xiaomei’s reticence and trance made her mother discover the clue. After repeated questioning by her mother, she confessed everything, and Xiaomei’s parents immediately called the police. The police of the Criminal Police Brigade of Qiaoxi Public Security Bureau in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, who was in charge of the case, launched an investigation through the QQ number of the suspect and quickly locked the suspect Yang and arrested him.

  The police found out that Xiaomei’s so-called friend town was completely fictional by Yang, and the school, information and photos were all false. Yang’s real identity was from Tianjin, born in 1978, married and had a criminal record of theft. Yang often chats through various online social software and chooses a minor like Xiaomei to cajole and threaten, and Xiaomei is not his only chat object. At the end of March this year, Yang was prosecuted by the People’s Procuratorate of qiaoxi district, Zhangjiakou City for allegedly molesting minors.

  "It is best for minors not to make friends online." In the preliminary investigation, faced with the interrogation of the prosecutor of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, who was in charge of the case, Yang confessed his illegal behavior, and also said that minors should take warning. On June 12, the court made a first-instance judgment, and the defendant Yang was convicted of child molestation and sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

  Not only that, because teenagers’ physical and mental development is not fully mature, their vigilance is low, and they are easy to trust others, so they can easily become "things in the bag" of cyber criminals. In addition to browsing unhealthy web pages and contacting bad information on the Internet, all kinds of fraud such as false enrollment, part-time job, recruitment, etc. often target at the student group. For example, defrauding the client’s funds in the name of online billing is a common online fraud method used by scammers during the summer vacation. In fact, these fraudulent means are not novel, but they have long appeared in holidays, and students are deceived every year.

  "Don’t click on pop-ups and unknown links that appear in the process of surfing the Internet at will. You should be vigilant when making friends online, don’t expose your own and others’ private information, don’t threaten, insult or slander others on social platforms, don’t make or spread unconfirmed information, and stay calm and confident when encountering cyber bullying, and communicate with teachers or parents in time … … These should be common sense when teenagers touch the net. " Zhang Qingbin said.

  Guide children to use the net safely.

  Wu Guiping, chief of juvenile criminal prosecution department of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, said that Internet social interaction is widely used now. As parents, they should pay more attention to their children’s mental state and make friends, and make timely safety education, let them know the uncertainty of online friends through equal communication, and tell their children the principles of making friends in the virtual world. If you don’t tell each other your real identity information easily, you can’t send photos and videos involving privacy to each other.

  "Parents should also consider the psychology of adolescents. They are no longer satisfied with their parents’ care and love, but have more needs to communicate with others. I hope that friends with similar aspirations and interests can’t blindly suppress this desire to make friends. We must correctly guide and help them and inform them of the bottom line and principles of communication." Wu Guiping said frankly.

  In fact, the network security literacy level of minors is closely related to personal personality factors, family factors and school environment. In addition to preventing internet addiction and using the internet scientifically and rationally, protecting personal information, spreading positive values, not believing in rumors and not spreading rumors should also become the proper meaning of safety education for minors using the internet. In this regard, both family education and school education should actively make up a lesson.

  According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education, minors have realized the convenience of the Internet early, but they have no independent ability, which is the main reason for Internet addiction. "For parents, it is necessary to give their children a sense of rhythm in regulating the use of the Internet, such as giving them a fixed time to browse the Internet every day and giving guidance to what they browse, so that they can form their own ability to plan their lives as soon as possible." Chu Zhaohui said.

  Chu Zhaohui believes that at present, in most primary and secondary schools, mobile phones are forbidden to be brought into the campus. How to spend their spare time and holidays is a test for students and parents. "Some parents will regard mobile games as a reward for their children. I think this is a misunderstanding. It is very important to enhance children’s autonomy and enrich their lives. "

  At this year’s National People’s Congress, Zhang Rucai and Zhang Qingbin both put forward suggestions on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, and suggested that the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) should introduce the online game management system to protect teenagers’ physical and mental health, the network protection law for minors and other relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible.

  "It is necessary to strengthen government supervision, improve the online game real-name authentication system, and purify the online game content and network environment." Zhang Qingbin said that we can learn from the examination and approval system for film and television works, strictly examine and approve online games, and at the same time introduce functions such as "face-brushing camera" to prevent registered users who do not match their actual identities from logging in.

  Relevant experts pointed out that during holidays, parents should guide their children to establish correct network values and teach them to learn the behavior of using the internet safely. Parents and children can discuss and formulate mutually acceptable online time, which will not affect their daily life and rest, so as to establish a good time concept; Parents should pay more attention to their children’s online process, listen more and admonish less, avoid damaging the parent-child relationship with critical words, spend time with their children, and cultivate their interest in the real world, instead of focusing on the virtual online world.

  Xinhua News Agency: Basketball originated in 1891 and was invented by American PE teacher Dr. james naismith. At the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, the men’s basketball game was listed as an official event for the first time. Women’s basketball was not formally included until the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. There are only two gold medals for men’s and women’s teams in the Olympic Games.

  In the past 16 men’s basketball and 8 women’s basketball Olympic Games, the American men’s basketball team won 12 championships, the Soviet men’s basketball team won 2 championships, and the Yugoslav and Argentine men’s basketball teams won 1 championship each. The American women’s basketball team won five championships, the Soviet women’s basketball team won two championships and the CIS women’s basketball team won one championship. China’s best result in the Olympic Games is that men are eighth (26th Atlanta Olympic Games and 28th Athens Olympic Games) and women are second (25th Barcelona Olympic Games).

  Rules of the game: The Olympic basketball game consists of four sections, each of which lasts for 10 minutes. If the score is equal at the end of the fourth quarter, one or more 5-minute overtime will be needed to continue the game until the winner is decided. There is no limit to the number of substitutions for each team in the competition; Pause in the first half, each team can get 2 times; You can get 3 times in the second half; At any time in each overtime, each team may have a timeout.

  There are two kinds of violations of competition rules in basketball games: violations and fouls. Violations include: walking with the ball, illegal dribbling, punching or kicking the ball, returning the ball to the backcourt, and 3 seconds violation. In addition, it also includes the following:

  5-second violation: the attacking player must throw the foul ball within 5 seconds; Or when being closely defended, you must pass, throw or dribble within 5 seconds; When the referee hands the ball to the penalty player, the player must make a shot within 5 seconds.

  8-second violation: A team must make the ball enter the frontcourt (the opponent’s half) within 8 seconds from controlling the live ball in the backcourt.

  24-second violation: Every time a player gets a live ball on the court, the team must try to shoot within 24 seconds.

  Interference score: When the ball shot (free throw) falls in flight and is completely above the level of the hoop, the players of both sides must not touch the ball. When the shot ball touches the rim, neither team member can touch the rim or backboard, reach through the rim from below and touch the ball, and shake the backboard and the rim. If the attacker violates this rule, the basket will be invalid, and the ball will be awarded to the other side to throw the ball out of bounds in the extension of the free throw line; If the defender violates this rule, regardless of whether he hits the ball or not, the shooter (free throw) will be awarded points.

  Fouls include the following situations:

  1. personal foul: If a player who didn’t shoot is fouled, the non-foul team will throw the ball into the foul area near the foul place to restart the game. If the foul team is in the state of team foul punishment, it should be awarded two free throws to the players who have not shot, instead of throwing the ball into the bounds. If a player who is making a shooting action is fouled, if the shooting is successful, points shall be counted and an additional free throw shall be awarded; If you miss the shot, you will be awarded 2 or 3 free throws according to the location of the shot.

  2. Technical foul: it is a non-contact foul, such as ignoring the referee’s warning; Violate the referee, technical representative, record desk personnel or team seat personnel impolitely; Use language and manners that offend or incite the audience; Teasing the opponent’s team members or shaking hands near the eyes of the opponent’s team members will hinder their vision; Deliberately touching the ball after it passes through the basket to delay the game; Obstruct the rapid execution of throwing the ball into bounds to delay the game; Fake a fall to fake a foul, etc. The penalty for the technical foul is to award the opponent two free throws, and then throw the ball into the boundary at the extension of the center line opposite the recording table.

  3. Foul against sportsmanship: A player is not legally trying to grab the ball directly within the scope stipulated by the rules, and the contact foul is a violation of sportsmanship. After the foul, the opponent will be awarded a free throw, and then the ball will be thrown into the line at the extension of the center line opposite the recording table. If a player fails to make a shot, he should be awarded two free throws; A foul on a player who is shooting a basket, such as a middle basket, should be scored and awarded a free throw. If you don’t hit the basket; Two or three free throws should be awarded.

  Notes for watching the game:

  As the host, every spectator who enters the stadium to watch the game should watch the game in a civilized way and forbid vulgar words and deeds. Specific attention should be paid to the following points:

  (1) Visitors should enter and leave the venue in an orderly manner, and only bring soft-packed drinks into the stadium. Don’t sit on the steps of the passage when watching the game.

  (2) The audience should not smoke after entering the gymnasium; Don’t walk around at will during the game; The mobile phone should be turned off or set in vibration and mute state. You can’t use the flash at will, especially when the players perform free throws.

  (3) When the host introduces the players from both sides one by one, the audience should applaud each player. When the national flag of the participating countries is raised and the national anthem of the participating countries is played, the audience should stand up and pay attention.

  (4) Don’t use language that infringes on the opposing team in the game, applaud the wonderful performances of both sides, and don’t use boos to influence the game and suppress opponents; Don’t use provocative body language.

Editor: Qian Ruibin

Today’s SMG football recommendation: How to use ChatGPT to balance the director: Las Palmas vs Atletico Madrid

A new version of AI analysis, real-time update of the latest data, such as Poisson distribution method, Margin model, Bernoulli’s law of large numbers and other big data analysis, high efficiency, accurate algorithm!

In football analysis, no one can guarantee a 100% winning rate. However, AI can increase its chances of winning by continuous learning, improvement and adaptation. Focus on long-term analysis strategies and treat every decision with a steady and firm attitude.

Can you tell these derivative models of the F-35 from the "Lightning II" family?

  According to the report of Flight International on April 16th, the US Navy and Marine Corps successfully completed the first test of the concept of "lightning carrier". Twenty F-35B fighters with short take-off and vertical landing took off from the US Navy "Tripoli" amphibious assault ship to perform fast-paced operations.

  The concept of "Lightning Carrier" was formally put forward in 2016, based on the existing "F-35B vertical takeoff and landing aircraft+amphibious assault ship" model of the US military. The name of "Lightning" in the concept comes from the F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, and F-35B is just one of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) models.

  F-35 "Lightning II" Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is a single-seat single-engine multi-role fighter and a low-order auxiliary aircraft of F-22. It has strong stealth capability, advanced avionics system and certain supersonic cruise capability, and is mainly used for frontline support, target bombing, air defense interception and other tasks. It is divided into three types: conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL)F-35A, short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL)F-35B and carrier-based (CV)F-35C. Undoubtedly, in the future competition for air superiority, F-35, as one of the world’s advanced fifth-generation aircraft, has a very high photogenic rate. So how do you distinguish them in appearance?


  plane emblem/logo

  The F-35 "Lightning II" Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) was mainly developed by Lockheed Martin of the United States, and eight countries including Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Turkey, Australia and Canada participated in the development, with a total cost of $276 billion.

  In addition to R&D abroad, South Korea, Japan and Israel also vigorously purchased the F-35 to enhance the overall air combat capability. Therefore, according to the current data, a total of 12 countries have decided to equip the F-35:

  According to the above picture, there is Israel’s Star of David emblem above the wing, which is an F-35A. (Architecture A, called F-35I, shows the F-35A fighter equipped by Israel Air Force. )



  The U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps are equipped with three types of F-35 fighters, which are not a panacea according to their badges. If it is an F-35 equipped by the US military itself, it can be roughly distinguished by the characters in the belly position below the horizontal tail:

  1. Symbol of the United States Air Force (F-35A of the United States Air Force)

  2.NAVY (F-35C of the US Navy)

  3.MARINES (The United States Marine Corps purchased two models, F-35B and F-35C).

  In addition, there are several F-35Cs in the US Navy that also say "MARINES". But what should I do if I can’t see the military emblem or characters from the photo point of view? This uses the "shape resolution method".


  wing span

  Both F-35A and F-35B have a wingspan of 10.7 meters, while F-35C adopts a large wingspan design to reduce the landing speed, and the wingspan is increased to 13.1 meters and can be folded, which is the largest of the three sub-models.


  nose gear

  In order to withstand the impact of the ship, the F-35C has thickened the front landing gear, and changed from the basic single-wheel landing gear to the two-wheel landing gear, and the front landing gear has the unique ejection pull rod of the ejection take-off fighter. The following figure shows F-35A, F-35B and F-35C in turn.


  Landing tail hook

  The landing of the F-35C needs to be stopped, and a repeatedly used stern hook is equipped under the engine. Although the F-35A will also be equipped with crash landing tail hook, it is currently testing the tail hook crash landing, and even if it is installed, it will be one-off.



  The leading edge of the main wing of the F-35C is moved forward to increase the wing area, which leads to the strake wing in both the F-35A and the F-35B, but it is cancelled on the F-35C. The following figure shows F-35A, F-35B and F-35C in turn.



  F-35B is a short takeoff/vertical takeoff and landing type. Due to the special requirements of takeoff and landing mode, the engine of this type adopts a lift fan device. When viewed from the top, the rear of the cockpit is flat, and the upper cover of the lift fan and the cover plate of the auxiliary air inlet will open upward during the takeoff and landing.


  Machine gun

  The F-35A is the only one of the three sub-models, which adopts the built-in gun design and is equipped with a GAU-22/A four-tube 25mm gatling built-in gun. Therefore, there is an obvious protrusion on the front upper part of the left wing of the fuselage, which is a remarkable feature of the A-type aircraft. F-35B and F-35C are not equipped with fixed cannon, so it is enough to mount the cannon pod on the belly line when necessary.


  Verifier, test aircraft and

  Low speed initial production aircraft

  The test aircraft and the initial low-speed production F-35 are usually numbered on the fuselage. For example, before the mass production of the F-35A, the aircraft fuselage numbers AA-01, AF-01 to AF-07 were even directly marked with F-35A, all of which contained "A"; F-35B has BF-01 to BF-04 with "B" in them; F-35C has CF-01 to CF-05 before the first mass-produced CF-06, all with "C".

The latest research confirms that eating more fruits and vegetables is beneficial to prevent diabetes.

  Beijing Science and Technology Daily, July 9th (Reporter Liu Yuanyuan correspondent Feng Yi) Can eating more fruits and vegetables really prevent diabetes? The latest scientific research gives the answer.

  The reporter learned from West Lake University that Professor Zheng Jusheng from the School of Life Sciences of this school, together with more than 40 nutritionists in Europe, proved from the perspective of blood nutritional markers that eating more fruits and vegetables is conducive to preventing diabetes (this article refers to type 2 diabetes).

  The study concluded that if you eat 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day, the risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25%. This provides valuable suggestions and references for dietary guidance in the field of public health. The research results were published online in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on July 9th, Beijing time.

  "We have tracked and recorded more than 10,000 cases of diabetes in eight European countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Denmark, and compared more than 13,000 healthy people. From the perspective of nutritional markers, we found that eating more fruits and vegetables really plays a positive role in preventing diabetes." As the first author of the paper, Zheng Yusheng said.

  In this study, the research team recorded seven kinds of nutrients in the blood of the experimental population, including vitamin C and six kinds of carotene. These seven blood indexes have been proved to be nutritional markers corresponding to the effective intake of vegetables and fruits. Generally speaking, the more fruits and vegetables are consumed, the higher the content of these seven indicators in the human body.

  Through regular measurement and tracking, the research team found that the higher the nutritional markers in the body, the lower the risk of diabetes, which shows that eating more fruits and vegetables can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes. Statistics show that the seven nutritional markers have increased by a standardized unit — — The risk of diabetes will be reduced by 25% if you consume 66 grams of fruits and vegetables every day.

  According to reports, more than 10,000 diabetic cases and 13,000 healthy control groups were screened from more than 400,000 people through nearly 10 years of follow-up, so there are long-term data to support the reliability and stability of the conclusion.

  "Many teams have done similar research before. Some teams use questionnaires, which may have the subjective will of the experimenters, so there may be errors in the experimental results. The samples of other research teams may be only a few hundred people, and the tracking time is relatively short, so the statistical data is not representative. This study has a large sample of participants and a long experimental time, and it is of great significance in the field of public health to verify the results through a more scientific method. " Zheng Yusheng said.

[Concern] How to taste glutinous rice balls healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month?

The following article comes from the language of nutrition and economy, written by Gao Yun.

Nutrition and economy.

Pure popular science nutrition

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, also known as the "Shangyuan Festival", which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, setting off fireworks and other activities have existed since ancient times and have been passed down to this day.






Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)


I believe that many foodies have already prepared all kinds of dumplings at home, and I look forward to the scene of family members sitting together and eating dumplings. Whether in the north or the south, eating glutinous rice balls is an essential highlight of the Lantern Festival. The difference is that it is called "Yuanxiao" in the north and "Tangyuan" in the south. Many people who pay attention to customs think that "Lantern Festival is not counted without eating glutinous rice balls". How can we enjoy glutinous rice balls while taking care of our health?

Note the "stuffing" trap

The fillings of Yuanxiao are generally green red silk, peanuts, sesame oil, jam, sugar, etc. The fillings of glutinous rice balls are generally bean paste, black sesame, shepherd’s purse, pork and so on. The two methods are different, but the main component of the crust is glutinous rice flour, and the stuffing also contains more oil (nuts such as sesame seeds and peanuts, chocolate and lard, etc.), so whether it is Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, the heat is very high. As the folk song goes, "Tangyuan can be used as tea rice", and three medium-sized Tangyuan (1/2) are equivalent to the carbohydrate of half a bowl of rice. The energy of two black sesame dumplings is about 300 kilocalories, with 16.4 grams of fat and less other nutrients. Eating more will increase energy and fat intake. Moreover, the starch contained in glutinous rice is amylopectin, which is not easy to digest and absorb in the stomach. Therefore, no matter from the aspects of energy intake or digestion, it is not appropriate to eat dumplings as a staple food in large quantities.

Sugar control is very important.

Although compared with the traditional glutinous rice balls, sugar substitutes are used in making sugar-free glutinous rice balls, the glycemic index of white glutinous rice, black glutinous rice, sticky millet and rhubarb rice is around 100, and the blood sugar rises rapidly. Even sugar-free dumplings are recommended for diabetics to eat as little as possible. In addition, you can eat some vegetables or protein-rich food before eating glutinous rice balls, which will help reduce the blood sugar reaction after meals.

Prevent accidents

1. For the elderly, due to the gradual decline of digestive function, especially the slow swallowing reflex of the elderly, they may get stuck in their throats because they eat more urgently, resulting in difficulty in breathing and even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must chew slowly when eating dumplings.

2. For infants, if the baby at home is under three years old, it is recommended not to let him try glutinous rice balls easily. After all, glutinous rice balls are mainly made of glutinous rice. If they are eaten by a baby under one year old, they may stick to the esophagus and have the risk of blocking the respiratory tract. If it is a one-or two-year-old baby, it is still not easy to bite peanuts and other fillings in the glutinous rice balls to prevent suffocation. In addition, because the baby’s digestive function is still weak and the swallowing reflex is not well developed, even if the baby over three years old is given glutinous rice balls, parents must look after them. It is best to divide the glutinous rice balls into small pieces in advance to prevent accidents. If your baby is suffering from respiratory diseases, such as cough, you should also eat dumplings as little as possible to prevent the illness from aggravating.

The glutinous rice balls that have just come out of the pot are steaming, so remember to taste them slowly and slowly to avoid burning your mouth. Just eat two or three medium-sized snacks at a time, and don’t be greedy for Doha! Finally, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, a happy family and a reunion!

Expert business card

Wu Ping

Tongji hospital affiliated to Tongji University

Director and chief physician of nutrition department

Tutor of medical doctor and master students

Expert clinic: Thursday morning

Director of Nutrition Department of tongji hospital, affiliated to Tongji University, expert of Oriental TV’s "Famous Doctors Keep Healthy" and major TV stations in Shanghai, top ten communication stars of nutrition science in China in 2019, member of the Standing Committee of Nutrition Committee of Chinese Women Medical Doctors Association, expert member of Shanghai Nutrition Quality Control Center, director of the Council of Shanghai Nutrition Society, and member of Chinese and Western Nutrition Group of Cancer Nutrition Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association. Member of the Second Committee of Weight Loss and Surgical Metabolism Branch of China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, member of the Standing Committee of the First Committee of Nutrition and Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, member of Shanghai Branch of China Heart Rehabilitation Alliance, member of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association Medical Science Popularization Branch, member of Shanghai Heart Rehabilitation Committee, scientific consultant of People’s Network "Popular Science China", part-time professor of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center of Shanghai Health Medical College, He is a member of the Expert Volunteer Group of Hu Jinhua Health Education and Communication Research Center, a member of the Expert Group of Health and Medical Communication Center of School of Media and Communication of Jiaotong University, a member of the Medical Popular Science Committee of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association, a member of the Medical Communication Committee of the Science Popularization Medical Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and a quality control leader of the nutrition specialty in Putuo District. More than 30 papers have been published in core journals by the first author or correspondent, including 4 papers in SCI English and 6 papers in Chinese series, and won the second prize of excellent papers in the 13th and 14th National Conference on Clinical Nutrition for two consecutive times.

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Figure | The above is the copyright map.

Wen | Nutrition Department Wu Ping Gao Yun

Editorial | Propaganda Department

Guess you want to see it

Expectant mothers enjoy crabs well. When "fitness people" encounter mala Tang "double reduction", they will not reduce nutrition and supplement nutrients, which will help eye health.

Tongji hospital was founded in 1900 by German doctor erich Baolong, and tongji hospital is the only third-class first-class general hospital in Putuo District. The annual number of outpatient and emergency services exceeds 2 million. It has the most important disciplines of orthopedics and psychiatry in Shanghai, the key disciplines of cardiovascular medicine in Shanghai, the key specialties of spinal surgery, psychosomatic medicine and gastroenterology in Shanghai, and the demonstration department of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. Realize the selection of emergency and critical care disciplines, geriatrics, laboratory medicine and clinical medicine disciplines into the Shanghai municipal platform discipline construction plan; There are three dominant disciplines in the hospital: sports-nerve-spirit discipline group led by orthopedics, circulation-respiration-chest discipline group led by cardiology, and digestive-general surgery-endocrinology discipline group led by gastroenterology. As well as hematology-tumor-imaging-pathology-laboratory discipline group led by hematology department and obstetrics-gynecology-urology-kidney-reproduction discipline group led by obstetrics and gynecology department. The hospital integrates the advantages of disciplines, and based on multidisciplinary cooperation, the treatment system for refractory and relapsed hematological malignancies established by the Department of Hematology was selected into the national key clinical discipline construction project. And successfully built three national-level centers-advanced stroke center, chest pain center and trauma treatment center, and became a large-scale comprehensive diagnosis and treatment center for critical and intractable diseases in northwest Shanghai. It has established a national-level international scientific and technological cooperation base-the International Joint Research Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, and the Sino-US Joint Research Base for Stem Cells.It has a high-level expert team represented by the national key R&D plan, the 973 chief scientist and the national 100 million talents project. Undertake more than 20 national key projects such as national key R&D plan and 973 plan. The achievements have been published in top international authoritative academic journals such as Nature, Science and Cell. Won the second prize of national natural science, the first prize of natural science of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Award, the first prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Rehabilitation Medical Association, the outstanding contribution award of Shanghai medical development and the achievement promotion award of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award.

As a century-old modern hospital, tongji hospital is dedicated to superb medical skills, and has formed a warm "home" culture with Tongji characteristics and a healthy communication culture that serves the people wholeheartedly. With the spirit of helping others and the world, he has given full play to Tongji people’s broad mind of "sharing the same boat with one heart and one mind" in previous major rescue and disaster relief, international aid and poverty alleviation, and spread Tongji’s patriotic feelings all over the earth.

Original title: "[Concern] How to taste dumplings healthily during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month? 》

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[Kangbao beauty you shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects the "drunk" beautiful sunset.

Author: Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The sunset glow in winter reflects the tranquility and charm of the countryside. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

The red light lit up the cold winter night. Guan Xin

Recently, in Wujiadi Village, Lujiaying Township, kangbao county, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, photographers photographed the scenery of sunset melting gold and sunset clouds, which was beautiful. Guan Xin

Source: Zhangjiakou Learning Platform, kangbao county Rong Media Center.

Editor: Yin Zhongjie, Lv Wenlin

Audit: Wang Haijun

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory

Kangbao county Meteorological Observatory released the weather forecast for the next three days on February 3:

February 4 th: cloudy to light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-26℃ ~-7℃;

February 5: light snow, southwest wind 3-4,-20℃ ~-10℃;

February 6th: The light snow turned cloudy, and the northwest wind changed from 3-4 to 4-5, at-21℃ ~-11℃.

The meteorological grade of forest and grassland fire danger is Grade III, with moderate humidity and moderate danger, which needs attention.

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[Kangbao Beauty You Shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The afterglow of the setting sun reflects "drunken" beauty sunset. com letter Kangbao touches the original text.

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Original title: "[Kangbao Beauty You Shoot] Hebei Kangbao: The Afterglow of Sunset Reflects" Drunk "Beautiful Sunset"

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The holiday is approaching, and the "shopping" mode is opened. The Shiji high-speed railway opens and the delicious food along the way is waiting for you.

  CCTV News:The New Year holiday is approaching, and many people plan to travel by high-speed rail during the holiday. Now you may have another choice. On the 28th, the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway was officially opened for operation, and the travel time between the two places was further shortened. At 8: 00 am on the 28th, the first train from Shijiazhuang Station started and arrived at Jinan West Station at 10: 07 am as scheduled.

  Food is waiting for you along the way.

  After the opening of the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway, the journey from Shijiazhuang to Jinan will be shortened from 4 hours to 120 minutes, and it will only take 5 hours to Qingdao. That is to say, you can take a train from Shijiazhuang in the morning and have a seafood dinner at noon! What must-eat foods are there along the way?

  In Shijiazhuang, cold palace noodles are an essential food.The noodles in Gaocheng Palace in Shijiazhuang are only 0.7 mm in diameter. Although the noodles are thin, they are hollow in the middle. The first choice for making cold noodles is Gaocheng Palace Noodles. The production of Gaocheng Palace Noodles began in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty, and it was listed as the best imperial food in Qing Dynasty because of its fine craftsmanship and unique flavor, so it was called Palace Noodles.Gaocheng Palace is soft and smooth, and it is not bad for cooking, so it is loved by many people.

  The train went all the way to the east and came to Xinji. Xinji Crispy Sugar is a famous folk snack in Hebei. xinji city has been called Shulu County since Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty. Since ancient times, it has the reputation of poetry and painting, so it is also called.Golden deer crisp candy. It is made by traditional technology, with obvious layering. A crisp candy can reach 6561 layers, also known as thousand-layer crisp. The crisp candy is yellowish in color, shaped like a twist, delicate and delicate like a handicraft, and tastes crisp, fragrant, crisp, sweet, crisp but not scattered, crisp but not broken, sweet but not greasy.

  From Xinji to the east, after Hengshui and Jingzhou, you came to Dezhou, where you must have heard of braised chicken. Many people know that braised chicken is delicious, but few people know its birth process."Dezhou spiced boneless braised chicken" originated in the Ming Dynasty, was founded in the Qing Dynasty, spread in the Republic of China, and flourished today, with a history of more than 300 years. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Dezhou, as an important transit point of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, followed the river from Kyoto to nine provinces.In 2014, the production skills of Dezhou braised chicken were included in the national intangible cultural heritage representative project.

  Don’t miss the beautiful scenery along the way

  The opening of the Shijie high-speed railway opens the "shopping" mode. Besides the delicious food along the way, the beautiful scenery is also something you can’t miss.

  In Shijiazhuang,Zhengding Rongguo Mansion is a place you can’t miss. It is also the shooting location of the 87th edition of A Dream of Red Mansions. It broke ground in 1984 and was opened in 1986. It covers a total area of 37,000 square meters and is divided into two parts: Rongguo Mansion and Ningrong Street. Completely in accordance with the description in the classical literary masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansions, it was jointly demonstrated by experts in redology and ancient architecture, and was strictly designed and built with reference to the prevailing norms of wooden buildings in China in the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty Code.

  At the same time, Zhengding is also the birthplace of Yuanqu. Nowadays, in Zhengding Yuanqu Museum, there are not only more than a dozen musical instruments accompanied by Yuanqu, such as drums, suona, zhongruan, pipa, etc., but also the script form of Yuanzaju and the five palaces, four tones and qupai of formal singing are illustrated on the exhibition wall. When you walk in here, people will always involuntarily sing along with the Yuanqu minor played in the museum.

  I came to Gaocheng, the hometown of palace lanterns.Traditional Gaocheng Palace lanterns are all hand-made, and the process is extremely complicated, such as making the base, sawing bamboo pieces, scraping bamboo strips, punching bamboo holes and piercing bamboo strips … … Among the 56 processes, the most critical one is scraping bamboo strips. If the bamboo strips are scraped unevenly, the radian will be different after bending, and the lanterns will not be round.Want to make lanterns round and good, every step is very elegant.

  The train continues eastward to Xinji, which is the northern leather capital of China and Xinji International Leather City. Since its opening in 2010, it has settled in 1,200 enterprises, 32 world famous brands, more than 100 national brands and provincial brands.

  The last stop of Shijike Passenger Dedicated Line in Hebei is Jingzhou Station, and the first stop after entering Shandong is Dezhou East Station.In this border area between Hebei and Shandong, the culture is of the same origin. In the Han Dynasty, it belonged to Guang Chuan, and it was also the hometown of Dong Zhongshu, a great scholar in the Han Dynasty. There are Jingzhou Tower, Gao’s tombs, Feng’s tombs and Dong Zi Cultural Park in Jingzhou.

  The train enters Jinan, which is a famous spring city. When you come to the spring city, the first thing you experience is the spring water.The 800 springs in Jinan are divided into ten spring groups, such as Baotu Spring and Black Tiger Spring. The ten spring cities, such as Chaoran Zhiyuan, Minghu Tingqu and Quanshuiren, are beautiful. The most famous one is Baotu Spring, which ranks first among all springs in Jinan. According to legend, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty went down to the south of the Yangtze River and drank his own Yuquan water in Beijing along the way. When he tasted Baotu Spring water, he immediately changed the water and named Baotu Spring "the first spring in the world".

The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry

  The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry | geography of overseas automobile market

  Xiao yisi

  "The market share of pure electric vehicles can only account for 30% at most, and the remaining market share will be occupied by hybrid vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and fuel vehicles." Recently, Akio Toyoda, chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation, once again "shelled" pure trams. He said that because of the lack of charging facilities, about 1 billion people in the world could not use electric vehicles, so a single pure electric vehicle could not provide transportation services for everyone.

  In addition, Akio Toyoda also said that giving up fuel vehicles and choosing electric vehicles should be decided by customers, not by policies or regulations.

  Judging from the recently released data, it seems that Toyota Motor is quite likely to win in this new and old energy dispute, and has made outstanding achievements in profitability, company market value and global sales. Take the company’s market value as an example. On the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  As a pearl of Japanese automobile industry, Toyota is almost the vane of the development of the whole Japanese automobile market. Completely different from the streetscape where various brands of electric vehicles are constantly shuttling in Shanghai, when the First Financial Reporter walks on the streets of Japan at the end of 2023, the chances of seeing new energy vehicles are very small, and even Tesla is close to disappearing here. Instead, K-car (ultra-small car with a displacement of no more than 0.66L) or Toyota Erffa, which are nicknamed "Old Man Le" and "grocery cart" in China market, can be seen everywhere.

  Here, it is obviously too early to talk about the end of the era of fuel vehicles. "It is no exaggeration to say that what Japanese cars were like when I first came to Japan 25 years ago, and what they are now, but the cars are new, and the consumption concept is still the same as before." Wang Li, chief operating officer of Hongqi Japan Experience Center, said in an interview with China Business News recently that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is very low, coupled with the low willingness of Japanese car companies to transform, never deliberately promoting electric vehicles and poor charging infrastructure.

  According to the data of Japan Automobile Sales Association Federation and Japan National Mini-car Association Federation, the sales of new cars (including mini-cars) in Japan reached 4.78 million in 2023, up 13.8% year-on-year, the first growth in five years, but it still failed to surpass the level before the epidemic in 2019. While the auto market is improving, the data released by Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, show that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is less than 3% in 2023, which is not only far lower than that in China and Europe, but even lower than that in Canada, Mexico, South Korea and other countries.

  It is the low penetration rate of new energy vehicles that makes many car companies see opportunities in the Japanese market. Tesla and BYD have successively entered the "forbidden import area" of Japan. Previously, according to Japanese media reports, SAIC-GM-Wuling has also investigated the Japanese market, and there are plans to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. In 2023, the import of pure electric vehicles by foreign car companies in Japan exceeded 20,000 vehicles for the first time, reaching 22,890 vehicles, up nearly 60% year-on-year. Among the imported manufacturers, Tesla and BYD were among the top, while the pure electric vehicles imported by Japan just exceeded 10,000 vehicles in 2022.

  It is true that the quantity of imported pure electric vehicles is still very low compared with the annual automobile sales in Japan. It is still difficult to decide whether it will be a single spark that started a prairie fire or a fleeting meteor. Just as in the face of the changing trend of global car electrification, whether the Japanese domestic market and the whole automobile industry it has cultivated are the afterglow of the empire or the sober-up after everyone is drunk remains to be concluded.

  Automobile kingdom on internal combustion engine

  Although the Japanese automobile industry has a history of more than 100 years, the real story basically begins with Ford entering Japan.

  In 1925, Ford began to assemble the Ford Model T, which was popular all over the world, followed by General Motors and Chrysler, and came to Japan to set up companies to assemble and sell cars. In the following ten years, the embryonic Japanese automobile market was almost monopolized by the three major American automobile companies. However, American auto companies have also brought technology and manufacturing management experience to the Japanese auto market.

  Looking closely at the development history of Japanese automobile industry, the government’s protection policy is essential. In 1936, Japan promulgated the Automobile Manufacturing Law, which prohibited foreign automobile companies from entering Japan, and Ford and GM were forced to withdraw. However, Japanese local car companies are increasing day by day, and today’s global champion Toyota Motor was established in 1937.

  The early development of Japanese car companies was mainly based on imitation. Toyota’s early AA cars and SA cars were based on Chrysler Airflow and Volkswagen Beetle.

  In order to avoid the impact of imported cars from Europe and the United States, since 1951, the Japanese government has also set high tariff barriers on imported cars, while strictly prohibiting overseas capital from directly investing in the Japanese automobile industry. The protection policy is superimposed on the popularity of local automobile consumption brought by Japan’s economic prosperity. Since the 1960s, Japan’s automobile industry has risen rapidly, and the local sales volume has jumped from 400,000 vehicles in 1960 to 4 million vehicles in 1970, achieving a tenfold high-speed growth. In 1966, Japan’s automobile production surpassed that of Britain and squeezed into the top three positions in the world.

  The second take-off of Japanese cars benefited from two oil crises. In the 1970s, Japanese cars were not satisfied with the local market and began to expand overseas. At this time, it coincided with the soaring oil price, and the price of crude oil rose from $3.3/barrel in 1973 to $36.8/barrel in 1980. The economical and fuel-efficient characteristics of Japanese cars made them popular all over the world, and opened up the American market advocating high horsepower in one fell swoop. Coupled with the cost reduction brought by lean manufacturing, Japan’s total automobile output exceeded 11 million in 1980, surpassing the United States to become the largest automobile producer and exporter.

  Since then, in order to avoid trade friction and further reduce production costs, Japan has replaced the simple export trade model by setting up factories overseas to directly produce or assemble cars. By 2015, the overseas production scale of Japanese cars has reached 18.09 million, almost twice that of domestic 9.28 million.

  In Japan, the semiconductor and home appliance industries have not lagged behind one after another, and the automobile industry is very important to Japan. At present, it is the largest pillar industry in Japan, accounting for about 10% of Japan’s total GDP and 40%~50% of its industrial output value. There are 78 factories in 22 prefectures and counties in Japan, with more than 5.5 million related employees.

  At the same time, with the development of Japan’s automobile industry, the consumption concept that used to be proud of owning an American car has already changed. The Japanese auto market has become a "forbidden place to import", and over 90% of the local market share has been occupied by Japanese auto companies. In 2023, the top ten automobile sales in Japan were all Japanese brands, including Toyota, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Honda and Nissan, among which a single Toyota brand occupied 26.5% of the market. In addition to local brands, there are almost only European brands that can be seen on Japanese streets, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Volvo.

  Traditional fuel vehicles have made Japan’s automobile industry, but Japanese cars have also generated great inertia, which makes it difficult for them to "turn around like an elephant" in the face of global automobile electrification transformation.

  Trapped in the transformation of new energy sources

  "There is almost no publicity about new energy vehicles on traditional communication platforms such as TV and mailbox." An international student who has lived in Japan for a long time told reporters that the information of trams will only appear on the Internet, which is very fragmented compared with the domestic situation.

  According to Rho Motion, a market research company, the global sales of electric vehicles in 2023 was about 13.6 million, up 31% year-on-year, of which 9.5 million were pure electric vehicles. In terms of market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China reached 9.495 million, accounting for nearly 70% of the global market. In Japanese market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles is less than a fraction of that of China market. In 2023, the sales volume of pure electric vehicles just exceeded 20,000.

  As a big automobile country, Japan is not only a "forbidden place for import" but also a "forbidden place for new energy". There are almost no electric cars on the road, and even Tesla Model Y, whose sales volume won the championship for the first time in 2023, has to be defeated in the Japanese market. In 2021, Tesla sold a total of 5,200 cars in Japan and only 1,900 cars in 2020.

  Tesla’s difficulty in selling in Japan can also be seen from the price of Model Y in Japan, which is almost second only to China, the world’s most "rolled" new energy market.

  "Japan has accumulated nearly a hundred years in the traditional internal combustion engine track, and it has achieved today’s achievements. Once you turn around and turn to new energy vehicles, it will involve more than 5 million families. This is not only a problem in the automobile industry, but also a social problem. " A Japanese car dealer investor told reporters.

  Akio Toyoda has repeatedly stressed the unemployment cost caused by Japan’s automobile transformation. Earlier, Akio Toyoda declared that if Japan began to implement the "carbon neutral" plan focusing on electric vehicles, Japan would lose 5.5 million jobs and 8 million new car production capacity by 2030.

  Wang Li told reporters that Aichi Prefecture in Nagoya is the location of a famous Japanese automobile industry cluster, where hundreds of Toyota parts suppliers gather. Once the electric vehicles are transformed, the whereabouts of these suppliers and local industries in Aichi Prefecture will be a big problem.

  On the other hand, Japanese car companies headed by Toyota have repeatedly missed the electrification technology tree, which has further delayed its transformation process. In fact, it is not too late for Japanese cars to develop and explore new energy sources. Japan is one of the earliest countries to lay out batteries. As early as the 1990s, Japan had the first generation of "Big Three" composed of Panasonic, Sanyo and Sony. By the beginning of the 21st century, Japanese companies have produced nearly 90% of the world’s consumer lithium batteries. In 1997, Toyota introduced the world’s first mass-produced hybrid Prius, and in 2010, Nissan listed the world’s first mass-produced LEAF for pure electric vehicles.

  But around 2010, Japanese auto giants headed by Toyota once believed that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were the future. Mirai hydrogen fuel cell model launched by Toyota in 2014 is a representative event. Akio Toyoda has repeatedly "advocated" that lithium battery electric vehicles are not really clean energy, and the real new energy vehicles are actually hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. He believes that the world’s mainstream optimism about electric vehicles is likely to be a misunderstanding.

  This concept makes the Japanese battery industry chain bet on hydrogen fuel cells, but ignores the investment in lithium-ion power batteries. Because of this, Japanese cars missed the first half of the development of global electric vehicles.

  At present, the patent share of Japanese car giants represented by Toyota in the field of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles exceeds 74%, and it involves core fields. However, only technology has no market, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles simply cannot stand on their feet. By the end of 2022, the total number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in major countries in the world was 67,315, of which only 8,150 were in Japan.

  "There is a hydrogen refueling station within one kilometer of my home, so I can occasionally see several hydrogen fuel cell cars, which are basically not seen in other places." Wang Li said.

  Based on this, the above-mentioned investors told reporters that there are very few choices of electric vehicles in the Japanese auto market, and ordinary consumers have little knowledge of electric vehicles. The new energy vehicle market has not been cultivated at all.

  Foreign brands take advantage of the situation to attack

  However, the wheel of the times is rolling forward, and many countries around the world have identified electrification as the main direction of new energy vehicle reform in the future. The Japanese government, which was hesitant, also set the goal of "no burning" in early 2021, and announced that by 2035, 100% of the new cars sold will be electric vehicles.

  In terms of subsidies for consumers to buy cars, Japan has also raised the maximum subsidy for pure electric vehicles from 400,000 yen to 800,000 yen, for plug-in hybrid vehicles from 200,000 yen to 400,000 yen, and for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles from 2.25 million yen to 2.5 million yen.

  With the support of policies, the reporter learned from the consulting firm Kearney that the Japanese market is expected to turn to electric vehicles steadily in the future. By 2025, the penetration rate of electric vehicles (including pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles) will increase from 3% in 2021 to 8%, and further increase to 35% in 2035, when the global penetration rate of electric vehicles is expected to reach 27%.

  In this context, foreign brands are gradually knocking on the door of Japan, a "forbidden place for imports", through new energy sources. Tesla opened the first local delivery center in Tokyo, Japan in November 2021 and began to deliver Model 3. In September 2022, Tesla officially announced that its current best-selling model Model Y has also landed in the Japanese market and opened a reservation.

  BYD also officially entered the Japanese market on July 21st, 2022, becoming the second China automobile brand to enter Japan after FAW Hongqi.

  "BYD’s entry into the Japanese passenger car market is a trend." BYD told the First Financial Reporter that on the one hand, the penetration of new energy vehicles in Japan is low, which shows from the side that there are still huge growth potential and industry opportunities in the Japanese electric vehicle market, and the Japanese government is committed to promoting automobile electrification, providing certain car purchase subsidies for electric vehicles, and actively encouraging more enterprises to participate in the construction of charging facilities. On the other hand, BYD has a good market base and brand base in Japan. In 1999, BYD started to serve Japanese customers with rechargeable batteries. Subsequently, BYD’s pure electric commercial vehicles, energy storage and other businesses were successfully carried out in Japan, accumulating a good market foundation and brand foundation.

  So far, BYD has opened 17 stores in Japan, distributed in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Fukuoka and other places, and plans to open more than 100 stores in Japan by the end of 2025. At present, BYD has listed BYD ATTO 3 and BYD DOLPHIN in Japan, and will soon launch BYD SEAL and other products.

  Previously, according to Japanese media reports, I took a fancy to Japan’s huge K-car market. SAIC-GM-Wuling also investigated the Japanese market and planned to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. Because of the narrow roads in Japan and the limited parking space resources in Japan, mini-cars have been selling very well in Japan, and Hongguang MINI EV is expected to sell much cheaper in Japan than mini-cars made by local Japanese companies. But for some reason, SAIC-GM-Wuling has not officially announced its entry into the Japanese market.

  Although the absolute value of electric vehicle sales of foreign manufacturers in Japan is still very small, the year-on-year growth rate is very fast. In 2022, the sales of pure electric vehicles by foreign manufacturers in Japan exceeded 10,000 vehicles for the first time, and in 2023, the data exceeded 20,000 vehicles. The proportion of pure electric vehicles imported by foreign manufacturers also reached a new high, reaching 9.2%. Among them, BYD delivered 1,237 vehicles in Japan in the first year.

  Compared with the total sales of more than 3 million vehicles in the whole year, BYD’s sales in Japan are almost negligible, but Chairman Wang Chuanfu attaches great importance to the Japanese market. According to relevant reports, in October 2023, Wang Chuanfu personally attended a dealer meeting in the port area of Tokyo. Recently, BYD Japanese dealers also came to Shenzhen for communication.

  For the arrival of BYD, the largest publishing house in Japan, Nikkei BP, also dismantled the seal of BYD, and published a book, including BYD’s 3.0 platform, Sandian, CTB battery pack and body structure integration, etc., and the price was as high as 880,000 yen (equivalent to 43,000 yuan).

  On the contrary, Japanese cars have gradually lost power in China, the fastest-growing new energy market. In 2023, the share of Japanese brands in China market fell to 17%, the lowest level in three years, and in 2020, it was 24.1%. In terms of brands, Toyota’s sales in China in 2023 was 1,907,600 units, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%; Nissan’s sales in China were 793,800 units, down 24% year-on-year; Honda’s sales in China were 1,234,200 vehicles, down 10.1% year-on-year.

  Will there be a "Nokia moment"?

  On December 17, 2020, at the year-end press conference of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Akio Toyoda, as the president, publicly "shelled" electric vehicles, saying that electric vehicles were over-hyped. He believed that with the advent of the electric vehicle revolution, many enterprises would die, many investments would be wasted, and more carbon dioxide would be released in this process.

  When such remarks came out, it triggered a lot of discussion in the industry. On December 21st of that year, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, forwarded the above remarks and wrote a story about Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia, implying that Toyota was compared to Nokia in the era of smart phones.

  Previously, there has been a discussion in the industry about whether traditional car companies will be subverted like Nokia. The sales of new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, eroding the basic disk of traditional fuel vehicles, which also makes many traditional car companies more and more anxious. Tesla CEO Musk, who holds a completely opposite view to Akio Toyoda, warned that if traditional car companies do not quickly transform into electric vehicles, they will be eliminated, just as Kodak, the film giant of that year, was abandoned by the digital age.

  In this context, China’s new energy vehicles are not only entering the Japanese domestic market, but also entering the Southeast Asian market occupied by Japanese cars.

  Climate Group, an international non-profit climate group, once published an independent report saying that if Japan cannot switch to pure electric vehicles in time, it will lose half of its automobile exports and 1.72 million jobs by 2030; By 2040, it will lose 14% of GDP and 80 trillion yen in profits (equivalent to 3.88 trillion yuan).

  However, it is worth noting that although Japanese cars have suffered setbacks in China market, they have prospered in other markets, especially the achievements of Japanese cars in 2023 have given them more confidence in resisting electric vehicles. In terms of sales volume, Toyota is still the overlord in the era of fuel vehicles. In 2023, the global sales volume is expected to reach 10.65 million units, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years. In terms of financial performance, Toyota expects that in the latest fiscal year ending in March this year, the company’s consolidated operating profit will increase by more than 60% year-on-year, reaching 4.5 trillion yen (about 30.5 billion US dollars). If realized, Toyota will become the first Japanese company with an operating profit of more than 4 trillion yen. In terms of the company’s market value, on the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  In addition to Toyota, in the third quarter of 2023, Honda’s net profit also reached 253.2 billion yen, a year-on-year increase of 34%; Nissan’s net profit was 190.7 billion yen, up 173.3% year-on-year.

  For Japanese cars, the global market for traditional fuel vehicles is still large enough. However, in order to cope with the trend of electrification in the future, Japanese car companies such as Toyota have to be wrapped up in transformation, although electric vehicles are bombarded every three to five times. In May last year, Toyota announced that it would invest 5 trillion yen in related fields of pure electric vehicles (EV) by 2030, which increased by 1 trillion yen on the previous plan. Honda, which is famous for its engine technology, has formulated the most radical electrification strategy among the "top three Japanese companies", that is, only electric vehicles will be sold in the global market by 2040. Among them, in the China market, Honda will not launch new fuel vehicles by 2030, and 100% of new car sales will be pure electric vehicles by 2035.

  On January 29th, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. also announced that it will independently produce lithium iron phosphate batteries that do not use expensive materials such as nickel, and strive to be installed in pure electric vehicles launched by emerging countries after 2026. Nissan’s move is intended to reduce the cost of batteries by 20-30%, reduce the price of pure electric vehicles, and accelerate the popularization in emerging market countries.

  "In terms of market share of power battery, a key component of electric vehicles, Japan has been left far behind by China and South Korea. If Japan wants to play a’ turnaround’, it is necessary to see the next generation of battery technology. " Hu Qichao, founder and CEO of SESI Corporation (SES), which focuses on mixed lithium metal batteries, pointed out to the First Financial Reporter.

  At present, in the transformation of new energy vehicles, Japanese cars still hold two cards, namely solid-state batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. Solid-state battery has always been regarded as the next generation battery technology for electric vehicles. The First Financial Reporter learned from the global patent database of Wisdom Bud that Japan is in a leading position in terms of technology source and layout. In terms of patent distribution, Japan accounts for about 30.4% of the global total, followed by China, the United States, Europe and South Korea, accounting for about 26.2%, 14.4%, 5.2% and 3.9% respectively.

  Toyota also regards the solid-state battery, whose energy density is expected to be greatly increased, as the key to overtaking in the curve on the electrified track. Investors’ high expectations for the commercialization of solid-state batteries and taking advantage of hydrogen fuel cells have also supported Toyota’s share price rise this year.

  For the Japanese automobile empire, which relies heavily on the traditional internal combustion engine, some people think that it is only the afterglow of the sunset, but some people also point out that it is sober under the fanatical transformation. Zhu Huarong, chairman of Chang ‘an Group, mentioned not long ago that foreign brands are waiting for the best opportunity. Once they are transformed, with the resources they have and the global market, their rise cannot be underestimated.

  In 2023, the global automobile sales will be between 79 million and 81 million, and the new energy penetration rate will be around 17%, while the new energy penetration rate in the global market except China will be only around 8%. It is foreseeable that the end of the automotive electrification reform has not yet come, and it will still be a protracted war.