How many pits are there for 15.2 kilometers of road to collect 19.9 kilometers of money?

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, September 25 Question: 15.2 kilometers of road charge 19.9 kilometers of money, how many pits are there for driving?

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua View" reporters, Wang Yang and Shao Luwen

  Recently, a post of a new scam on behalf of driving has gone viral through the public security official Weibo and WeChat in many places. According to the police, some personnel pretended to be chauffeurs to send passengers home, took personal information on the way, deliberately created traffic accidents "to make a game", and finally demanded high amounts of money. Many netizens expressed that they have resonated, and they have also been tricked by "black chauffeur".

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that after drunk driving into prison, "drunk looking for a driver" has become a common consumer habit. Statistics show that last year, the national driving industry total orders have exceeded 253 million orders, the total output value of 15.40 billion yuan. At the same time, the management of the driving industry is disorderly, sky-high prices, hit-and-run and other chaos.

  The driver actually invited a drunk, the industry is not standardized, and there are great safety hazards

  Analysys think tank released a report showing that in the first half of 2017, China’s Internet driving market reached 2.965 billion yuan, showing a steady growth trend. At the same time, the unscrupulous behavior of individual practitioners has brought hidden dangers to the industry.

  Mr. Zhong, a resident of Jinan, said that he was going to find a chauffeur to go home after a party, but he did not expect a drunk to come over by the chauffeur’s phone. Mr. Liu, a resident of Beijing, also encountered similar unhappiness. When he left a restaurant after drinking, he chose a chauffeur at the door on the strong recommendation of the waiter. Due to his drunken confusion, Mr. Liu did not notice anything wrong during the journey home, but found that the door of the car was obviously scratched the next day. He contacted the chauffeur, but the other person denied it.

  Liu Ruzhong, a senior partner at Taihe Tai (Beijing) Law Firm, said that there are three main aspects to the current chaos in the driving market: first, the industry threshold is too low, the driving level of practitioners is uneven, and the quality of some personnel is low; second, the fees are arbitrary, and the driver adjusts the price arbitrarily; third, some drivers are indifferent to traffic rules, resulting in many accidents.

  The reporter searched the China Judgment Document Network and found that in the past two years, the number of cases related to driving has increased significantly. Since 2016, there have been 1,078 such court verdicts, including 402 involving traffic accidents, 244 liability compensation, 228 personal injury compensation, and 118 mental damage.

  "The surrogate driving market is growing rapidly, but under the circumstance of imperfect industry norms, the safety hazards are also increasing. Hit-and-run accidents, theft of property, illegal driving, etc., make consumers pay a heavy price for one-time surrogate driving," said Zhang Shili, head of the Auto Club branch of the China Automobile Dealers Association.

  The reporter personally experienced: "Black driving" charges 19.9 kilometers for 15.2 kilometers of road, and it is difficult for regular driving drivers to grab the order

  Recently, the reporter experienced the whole process of the service of multiple chauffeurs in Jinan. At around 9 pm on the 14th, the reporter came out of a hotel in Jinan and found that there were many chauffeurs waiting at the door. A chauffeur who came forward to collect work said that he could choose two ways: "report the order" and "do not report the order".

  It turns out that the so-called "declaration" is a company behavior, and the driver needs to pay 20% of the income to the company; not "declaration" means that the driver himself takes "private work" under the banner of the company, and the insurance and other guarantees provided by the company for passengers become the driver’s private income. The driver told reporters that doing "private work" is good, and now the most chaotic market is "black driving".

  According to clues, the reporter experienced a "black driver" service on the evening of the 21st. From the Jinan Olympic Sports Center, he called the driver to drive to the vicinity of the reporter’s residence. The map shows that the distance is 15.2 kilometers, and the estimated cost of e-driver and Didi driver and other platforms is about 80 yuan. However, the software carried by the "black driver" shows that the mileage is 19.9 kilometers, and the final settlement fee is 99 yuan.

  The "black driver" charges 59 yuan for 10 kilometers. When the reporter asked how to charge for more than 10 kilometers and whether it was still charged according to this standard, the driver did not respond positively.

  Master Zhang, a full-time driver who has been working on a driving platform for five years, told reporters that in addition to asking for random prices, some "black driving" may also bring safety problems. In Jinan, there are many "black driving", and it is difficult for regular drivers to grab orders.

  Zhang Shili said that at present, there is a lack of mandatory standards in the driving industry, resulting in too low a threshold for personnel and no code of conduct.

  The person in charge of Didi’s driving said, "On the Internet driving platform, in addition to requiring no bad records such as crime, alcoholism, and traffic violations, drivers have to undergo strict training and written tests, interviews, and other assessments before they can be hired." According to the reporter’s investigation, many small driving companies do not require driver training in accordance with industry standards and specifications, nor do they have insurance for driver liability insurance.

  "Since 2015, the Automobile Dealers Association and several major driving companies have initiated industry self-discipline, calling on all employees to take a third-party practice test for certification, and after passing the test, obtain a driving training certificate. At present, the number of people with certificates in the industry has accounted for 37.5%." Zhang Shili said.

  Who will take care of these "black drivers"?

  The reporter’s investigation found that at present, the driving company is a company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau to engage in "non-operating vehicle driving services", and the supervision subject is not clear.

  The Shandong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce said that the industry and commerce department is mainly responsible for the registration of driving companies in accordance with the company law and relevant laws and regulations, in accordance with the principle of market access.

  According to the interviewed traffic police department, the traffic police mainly investigate and deal with violations in the process of driving. Driving services are essentially different from operating driving services. Without clear jurisdiction, the traffic control department cannot supervise the driving industry.

  Wang Xinliang, director of Shandong Xinliang Law Firm, believes that it is crucial to rectify the chaos in the driving industry and clarify the supervision of the driving market.

  "The price department can guide the driving industry to formulate clear charging standards, and the charging standards of the driving company should be publicized or registered for the record. This can not only ensure the free pricing of the market, but also accept social supervision to prevent enterprises or individuals from changing the standards at will," said lawyer Chen Zhiwei, a partner in the Shanghai branch of Beijing Zhongzi Law Firm.

Hengchi 5 completed the declaration, a famous brand became a highlight, and the opponent was Special Model Y!

Hengda’s meaning is also very simple, that is, the first car does not take risks and seeks stability, and occupies the market through high cost performance.

(3) In what way will Hengchi 5 open against the benchmark X1 and Model Y?

Evergrande 5’s positioning is very special. In terms of size, its opponent should be Tesla Model Y, but it chose to "reduce its value" to enter the compact SUV market.

And its performance is indeed not particularly outstanding. The maximum driving power of the new motor is 150kW, which is basically the same as the output power of the 2.0T engine. Considering that the motor can output the maximum torque at the first time, the urban acceleration performance may be slightly stronger than that of the traditional 2.0T fuel car. But it is not outstanding in electric vehicles. For example, the maximum output power of the Tesla Model Y reaches 220kW, and it only takes 6.9 seconds to complete 0-100km/h acceleration, which is considered a steel cannon (parameter | inquiry) level. Therefore, for users who have high expectations for the performance of electric vehicles, the Hengchi 5 may not be so outstanding.

However, the relatively weak performance of electric vehicles gives it a more energy-saving performance. The comprehensive battery life of the new car can reach 700km, which is still outstanding.

The other competitors of the Hengchi 5 were officially "identified" as joint-venture luxury SUVs such as the Audi Q3 (parameters | inquiry) and the BMW X1 (parameters | inquiry). To be honest, the comparison was not great, these two cars were both entry-level SUVs, while the Hengchi 5 was actually close to the mid-size SUV. Its space was significantly larger and the configuration was higher.

But when it comes to brand recognition, Audi and BMW have been in business for so many years, and it is not so easy to shake. Therefore, the "official goal" of Hengchi 5 is very suspicious of "touching porcelain", which we will not mention.

(4) Kung Fu shooting

According to the previous information, the price of Hengchi 5 will be below 200,000 yuan, which has actually filled the price/performance ratio. After all, the body close to the medium-sized SUV, the reliable three-electric system, the solid quality control and adjustment, and the good appearance and intelligent performance, the home is still very suitable.

It can be seen that Evergrande has indeed put enough effort into this car. As for whether it can become a hit, it depends on the follow-up market performance, let’s wait and see.

(Text/rider number, Kung Fu car)

Geely Satellite CEO: Our ambitions are not as big as Musk’s

On June 8, Beijing time, the first nine satellites built by Geely Holding Group for future travel were launched earlier this month. Geely’s Zhejiang Space-Time Daodaoyu Technology Co., Ltd. is responsible for the development of these satellites, and its CEO Wang Yang said that compared with Elon Musk’s plans for SpaceX, the company’s ambitions are much more modest.

The nine satellites were launched into orbit on June 2 aboard a Long March 2C rocket, making SpaceX one of the first Chinese companies to begin assembling a constellation of satellites pioneered by SpaceX, which already has more than 2,000 satellites in orbit.

"We all have a background in car manufacturing, and we all want aerospace technology and satellites to give back to car manufacturing and travel," Mr. Wang said in an interview on Tuesday. "The difference is our goal of making satellites."

SpaceX is putting its Starlink satellites into orbit to build a constellation of internet services as a low-cost alternative to long-range land-based systems that are vulnerable to interference. SpaceX also launches rockets for global satellite operators, the US military and NASA.

In contrast, Spacetime Daoyu’s ambitions are more modest. Wang Yang said that Spacetime Daoyu expects to have 72 satellites by the end of 2025 and 168 satellites by the end of the decade.

"While we want to provide the ultimate travel experience for our users, SpaceX is more focused on low-latency broadband and providing high-speed broadband access to 7 billion people around the world," Mr. Wang said.

Space-Time Daoyu is following in the footsteps of Chinese rival Galaxy Aerospace, which in March put six satellites into orbit. The satellites weigh an average of 190 kilograms and are China’s first projects to develop constellations in low-Earth orbit.

"Compared to Starlink, China’s constellation is small," Global Times said in a report on the launch, adding that China "will step up efforts to promote the application and transfer of space technology in the next five years".

Wang Yang said that Spacetime Daoyu plans to do its part to open up the network to other brands, and more information will be announced within three months.

"Geely’s future partners will not be limited to Geely’s ecosystem and car brands," he said. "We are also building partnerships with other industries."

From innovation to subsidies, what is the situation of community group buying now?

  The sudden entry of the "giant" broke the development rhythm of the entire community group buying track, and the rules of the game changed accordingly. The industry changed from "fighting for innovation", "fighting for execution" to "fighting for capital" and "fighting for subsidies". It is not surprising that Tongcheng Life has embarked on an inverted "V" shaped trajectory from rise to fall.

  The "giants" are still rolling in the track of community group buying, but the start-up company that started first was "easily" crushed. On the morning of July 7, the community group buying platform Tongcheng Life (now renamed Honey Orange Life) officially declared bankruptcy. According to reporters, its founder, chairperson and CEO He Pengyu was still in talks with suppliers that night. During the meeting for more than 4 hours, he cried several times and promised to try his best to pay off the debt, but he was unable to recover.

  On the community group buying track, Tongcheng Life is not the first company to declare bankruptcy, but because of its high reputation, its bankruptcy was called "the first case of community group buying bankruptcy" by the media, causing industry shock.

  Why did Tongcheng Life "die suddenly"? What is the situation of community group buying now? The reporter interviewed some people familiar with the matter.

  Shift from innovation to subsidies

  The usual cause of company bankruptcies is poor management, but Tongcheng Life, which was established in January 2018 and belongs to Suzhou Fresh Orange Technology Co., Ltd., is obviously not one of them. The inverted "V" trajectory of Tongcheng Life from rise to rapid "fall" can be clearly seen in the internal letter sent by He Pengyu to employees and suppliers. According to He Pengyu’s open letter, in only about a year and a half, "Tongcheng Life has achieved the front-end performance of the contract and entered a healthy development stage."

  At that time, Tongcheng Life was still a star on the community group buying track, which was recognized by many investment institutions. According to reports, Tongcheng Life received 4 rounds of financing in a row in 2019, ranging from tens of millions of yuan to 100 million US dollars. In June 2020, Tongcheng Life announced the completion of 200 million US dollars C round of financing. According to public reports, its valuation before bankruptcy was about 1 billion US dollars, which can be regarded as a small and beautiful start-up company.

  In the past two years or so, the community group buying model developed from fresh food e-commerce has rapidly developed into a new format in the e-commerce industry, providing a new way for the development of farmers and rich farmers and the absorption of flexible employment in cities and towns, and attracting a large number of entrepreneurial teams. Ten Hui Tuan, Xingsheng Preferred and Tongcheng Life are the three fastest teams, once known as the "old three groups" by the outside world.

  However, the booming community group buying market has also attracted "giants" to enter the market. Since September 2020, Ali, Meituan, Didi, Pinduoduo and others have resorted to price war "big killers", and "1 cent to buy vegetables" has become popular. Even the vendors in the vegetable market have felt the pressure.

  The sudden entry of "giants" broke the development rhythm of the entire community group buying track, and the rules of the game changed accordingly. The industry changed from "fighting for innovation" and "fighting for execution" to "fighting for capital" and "fighting for subsidies".

  According to the reporter’s understanding, in the face of the sudden arrival of the survival crisis, Tongcheng Life has also struggled, seeking capital mergers and acquisitions while striving for performance. It has discussed acquisition intentions with, Ali, ByteDance, Meituan, etc., and even has a team settled in for due diligence, but ultimately failed due to changes in the industry trend.

  Li Ming (a pseudonym), a former executive of Tongcheng Life, told reporters that "at the end of June, Tongcheng Life also hoped to get better business data through increased marketing efforts, so as to obtain the olive branch of a’giant ‘merger, but unfortunately it was rejected again. Later, due to the expiration of the brand authorization, the executive decided to start a name change and strategic transformation to make a comeback. Unfortunately, at this time, the supplier began to concentrate on the run to collect payment, which eventually led to the collapse of the capital chain."

  At present, community group buying is still in the stage of rapid expansion and growth. Meituan (Meituan Preferred), Pinduoduo, and Didi (Orange Heart Preferred) have occupied the top position, and Xingsheng Preferred and Ten Hui Tuan have also been incorporated by and Ali. After the departure of Tongcheng Life, community group buying has become a game for "giants".

  After the shopping, the industry will lose a lot.

  After the community group buying track fully entered the era of "giants", price-fighting and long-term rebates became the norm, and no one could achieve positive benefits in the short term. Service innovation and experience innovation on the user side stagnated, and the entire industry suffered serious internal friction.

  It is understood that the profit margin of the community group buying industry has rapidly declined from profit to loss. Li Ming revealed that before the "giant" entered the market (before September 2020), the monthly sales of platforms like Tongcheng Life were between 800 million yuan and 1.20 billion yuan, and the gross profit was about 20%. After the "giant" entered, with the huge subsidies for consumers and the competition for the "head", the monthly revenue of the platform fell by up to 80%, and the gross profit directly became negative. The entire community group buying market also further slid into the quagmire of industry-wide losses.

  In December 2020, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Commerce jointly organized an administrative guidance meeting to standardize the order of community group buying, which was attended by six Internet platform companies including Alibaba, Tencent,, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and Didi. At the meeting, the community group buying "nine must not" was proposed. In March this year, the operating entities behind five community group buying platforms including Meituan Preferred (Shenzhen Meituan Preferred Technology Co., Ltd.) were fined 1.50 million yuan for suspected unfair price behavior.

  But this still failed to curb the expansion of the "giants". On the one hand, they "hide their positions" and continue to engage in similar "1 cent" activities. On the other hand, they seize the end point market by greatly increasing the commission rewards and subsidies for the "heads". Li Ming said that at present, the rewards and subsidies given by several giants to community groups buying end point "heads" have reached a maximum level of 15% to 18%, basically subsidizing the platform’s own income. This is already irrational competition and is suspected of disguised price war.

  On July 8, the reporter inquired about some community group buying platforms, not only the activity of "15 eggs clocked in 5 days", but also 1.25 yuan a catty of sand sweet potatoes and 0.99 yuan a red dragon fruit. On the community fresh platform, similar red dragon fruits cost about 4 yuan to 5 yuan each, and sand sweet potatoes cost 5 yuan a catty, which is much higher than the community group buying platform.

  Behind the shopping prices and subsidies is the huge loss of the entire industry. According to public reports, Meituan’s adjusted net loss reached 3.892 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year, and Meituan’s investment in the community group buying business was about 10 billion yuan, which is expected to reach 20 billion yuan this year. In the first quarter, Pinduoduo’s gross profit fell to 49.74%. Pinduoduo invested about 6 billion yuan in buying vegetables in Duoduo, and will increase investment in 2021.

  Under the mess, suppliers are affected

  From thriving performance to being forced to declare bankruptcy and exit, the closure of Tongcheng Life is not only regrettable, but also leaves a trail of chicken feathers.

  In the early morning of July 8, He Pengyu issued an open letter through his personal Moments, proposing three solutions to the bankruptcy of Tongcheng Life: to maximize the protection of the rights and interests of all creditors within the scope of the law; to make every effort to preserve existing assets, hand them over to the court for proper storage and treatment, and actively cooperate with the government’s guidance to offset debts with company assets; if the assets are not enough to offset debts, He Pengyu promises to start a business again, "I will record every debt clearly, and use all my personal efforts to repay debts."

  It is also understood that on July 8, Tongcheng Life issued a repayment plan for the supplier before initiating the bankruptcy liquidation process. Previously, it had paid employees’ salaries in June and also promised to pay social security for employees in the future.

  Although the entrepreneurial team of Tongcheng Life tried their best to make up for it, there were still many vegetable farmers, small traders, and even large and medium-sized suppliers who did not receive the payment on time.

  A livestock company has cooperated with Tongcheng Life to supply egg products since 2019, and it was owed nearly 800,000 yuan. After the crisis broke out in Tongcheng Life, Mr. Wang, the person in charge of the company, came to ask for the arrears. "There are hundreds of egg farmers behind me, so I have to come to collect debts."

  According to the latest situation, on July 8, Tongcheng Life has started to repay some of the suppliers’ debts in advance, and the rest will be allocated by the court after the bankruptcy liquidation process starts. The work is still being carried out in an orderly manner.

  As of the morning of July 9, there were more than 600 suppliers who had reached repayment agreements with Orange Technology, mainly from the financing loans raised by He Pengyu and his team.

  On July 9, Mr. Wang booked a return ticket with a repayment agreement. But next time, if there is another community group buying platform flash crash, will the suppliers be so lucky?

Evergrande Group’s latest response!

At noon on November 29, China Hengda Group announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it had noticed the announcement issued by Hengda Property on November 28, which concerned its subsidiary Jinbi Property Co., Ltd. to recover about RMB 1.996 billion and about RMB 152 million from the company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

China Evergrande Group said that as of the date of the announcement, the company and related subsidiaries have not received the notice from the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in Guangdong Province to file a lawsuit against Jinbi Property.

The company will seek legal advice to safeguard the company’s legal rights. The company will issue further announcements in due course on any significant developments in the above litigation.

As of press time, China Evergrande Group reported HK $0.230/share, down 8.00%, and the total market value 3.037 billion HK $.

Previously reported: Sudden! Evergrande Property Sues Evergrande Group

Source, Reading Finance

Original title: "Evergrande Group’s latest response!"

Read the original text

Didi is actually running

"Big factories should lower their profile, so that they can do a good job in the’big ‘business of’a few taels of silver’ among all living beings."

Author/Xuan Qing

On the night of November 27, Didi Chuxing experienced "system paralysis". The Didi Chuxing APP in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places could not be used, and the map could not be loaded. Some netizens said that after using Didi to call the online car-hailing, the APP suddenly could not be used, and the driver could not find the passenger. On the morning of the 28th, Didi Chuxing issued an apology, saying that after the technical team repaired overnight, some Didi online car-hailing services had been restored.

This Didi system crash is a total paralysis. Not only the user side cannot be used normally, but also the driver side and Didi’s intranet have problems. It is reported that the functional paralysis lasted for nearly 12 hours, which is also the longest failure of Didi Chuxing in recent years. It is identified as P0 level (P0 level failure is the most serious, with the greatest impact, and important functions related to core business are not available).

It was not until the 29th that Didi officially released the investigation results, saying that the cause of the accident was "the failure of the underlying system software", and all services of the Didi App have been restored.

So far, the first large-scale technical obstacles for the largest online car-hailing company on the whole network have been temporarily ended.

Interestingly, after an Internet company suffered a major failure of network technology and calmed down the storm for two days and one night, it triggered an "avalanche" effect.


Credit plummets, runs begin

After the incident, perhaps Didi’s public relations response to the crisis was lagging behind. When users did not receive reliable feedback at the first time, there was a panic of cashing in. The topics of "a driver’s income exceeded 69 billion yuan" and "some Didi drivers began to withdraw cash" suddenly rushed to the hot search, triggering a chain reaction.

On the afternoon of the 28th, some Didi drivers began to withdraw cash and advertise it in the internal group.

"Everyone in the group is saying that Didi has collapsed. It’s not a problem of a few cities. The situation of collapse is still varied. Some people can’t open the map, some people can’t hear the voice instructions, and some people have been cancelled more than a dozen orders for no reason." The driver reported that due to system obstacles, he is very worried about illegal deduction points and misjudgment, so he will not take orders easily.

The most important thing is that some time ago, Didi changed the withdrawal rules. Drivers with level L1 cannot withdraw cash every day, which makes some drivers very angry: "Now there is a problem with the system again, and our attendance points are affected. If the account money is less, who can tell?"

There are also drivers who hope to take advantage of the "loophole" in the system to withdraw cash as soon as possible. "The maximum withdrawal is 3 times on the same day, and each time it does not exceed 5,000 yuan. If someone wants to take the opportunity, they can withdraw as much as they want." Even if they can’t bring it up, they also consider transferring to financial management to buy Didi’s own "Didi Kumquat Treasure". In short, they cannot keep all the funds in the account.

This is not the first time that Didi owners have questioned the withdrawal rules, but the system paralysis has once again touched the sensitive nerves of drivers who have run wild due to the "overlord clause".

It is unfair that so much money is being put into the Didi system for free. Previously, many drivers claimed that they were not given withdrawal rules when they registered with Didi, nor were they told whether the funds in their accounts were eligible for deposit, nor did they sign relevant agreements.

Over the ownership of funds and safety issues, Didi has been unable to establish a trust relationship with the majority of drivers. There was a post on the Internet of "clever withdrawal" and "looking for withdrawal loopholes", which also shows that the two sides are in a state of departure from defense.


The trick behind the withdrawal

While Didi drivers are frantically withdrawing cash, many netizens are also reflecting on how to ensure the safety of funds if the online car-hailing platform is paralyzed. At present, major online car-hailing payment and capital account platforms have restrictions on withdrawal time and quota.

Some platforms even play "trick". Some drivers find that when using a certain platform, if they choose to withdraw cash, the system will display "need to wait", and when the time is up, it will become "outdated"; some drivers want to withdraw and cancel the account, but the customer service says that the withdrawal is limited to 20 minutes, and if they want to cancel, they must have "zero balance".

Such as disordered withdrawal time, delayed arrival of money, and indiscriminate deduction of performance are common problems in the current online car-hailing market. No matter what kind of business model, old drivers have also begun to be vigilant, because the "harsh" of online car-hailing platforms in terms of money is often a precursor to the collapse of the company. Such as Zebra, Yidao, Wanshun, Jiqi and other online car-hailing platforms, there have been situations where "it is difficult to withdraw cash, there are many tricks, and playing tricks".

Previously, there was a "partner model" that was popular in the car circle, that is, the driver signed a water withholding agreement with the leasing company and paid the service fee. The online car-hailing aggregation platform deducted the running income from the driver’s account to the leasing company’s account every week, and the leasing company earned this running money. This low-threshold rent has attracted a large number of small white drivers to join the small platform, but many people report that only the account balance can be seen at the settlement, and there is no withdrawal permission. The leasing company will return the remaining after the fee is deducted the next month.

Autonavi Maps and Baidu Maps are typical "aggregation platforms". On Autonavi alone, more than a dozen online car-hailing platforms have been aggregated, but the safety factor of these small online car-hailing platforms is too low. From consumers placing orders to drivers receiving orders, and then to the platform settling funds for drivers, there is no problem with this closed-loop transaction itself. But since leasing companies involve capital precipitation, it is likely to form a so-called "capital pool".

According to industry sources, the online car-hailing platform has touched the "second settlement" red line of supervision by transferring customer funds without obtaining the "Payment Business License" and then settling the settlement with the platform’s secondary merchants by the online platform. There are potential operational or financial risks.

According to relevant data, there are currently 330 online car-hailing platform companies across the country that have obtained business licenses, but September data shows that 59 platforms have not transmitted data for more than 180 days. Most small and medium-sized online car-hailing platforms do not have "payment business" licenses. Many are on the verge of elimination, and the safety of funds is even more difficult to avoid.

As insiders say, many small ride-hailing platforms use the "guise of the Internet" to lure drivers into joining, but in fact they are doing illegal fund-raising.


Platform versus driver

From a deeper perspective, the "twisting" relationship between online car-hailing platforms and drivers has become more and more intense. "No matter which platform, the draw is more than 30%. And there are a lot of tricks in the delivery of orders." A driver who went to Beijing’s online car-hailing revealed that now the commission of Didi, Baidu and Autonavi has been continuously increased, and there have been problems such as opaque delivery orders, long-distance delivery orders, mandatory delivery orders, and no delivery orders during peak periods.

"This year’s business is too difficult, the number of orders is reduced, the commission is too high, and there are all kinds of algorithmic traps." Mr. Liu, an online ride-hailing driver, said that many platforms will "kill the goose and get the egg", and continue to take up the ante when they know that the driver is not making money or losing money.

"The platform knows very well that many Xiaobai drivers have signed a one-year lease contract, and even if they can’t do it, they will insist on expiring for one year, so the company has no fear." Mr. Liu said that no matter which city in the country, the online ride-hailing algorithm is suppressing the enthusiasm of drivers, and drivers are more willing to choose to take orders.

Users are not immune to the platform’s confrontation with drivers. Many users find that the cost of hailing a taxi during peak periods is one to three times that of usual, and even if the fare continues to increase, few drivers take orders. "During peak periods, we only take large orders over 20 kilometers, and we do not take short-distance orders." Some drivers said that when the platform’s commission is too high, they will start to take selective orders, so as not to "run more, lose more."

From the point of view of Didi withdrawal, there are many thunder in the growth of the online car-hailing platform, which is "picking up wool" from each other. When it is a win-win situation, each company is happy, and when it is in trouble, they are rushing away. How to cultivate a well-regulated, honest and compliant online car-hailing market requires the patience and sincerity of the platform.

Didi said in its latest announcement that the relevant losses will be calculated normally, and the payment will be made up one after another, and the driver’s word-of-mouth value and travel points will also be calculated normally, and the display will be resumed one after another. To show its sincerity, Didi’s "10 yuan apology subsidy" has been distributed across the network, hoping to restore its word-of-mouth. This is also a reassurance for everyone.

We hope that the big factories will lower their stance. Because only in this way can they do a "big" business of "a few taels of silver" among all living beings.

Community group buying sector fell 2% on June 20

June 20th at 13:13,Community group buyingThe sector index reported 616.576 points, down 2%, with a turnover of 1.991 billion yuan and a turnover rate of 1.02%.
Among the stocks in the sector, the top five stocks with the largest declines were:Haixin FoodReported 3.63 yuan, down 5.47%.PINWOOD FOODIt was quoted at 14.05 yuan, down 4.03%; ST was quoted at 3.41 yuan, down 3.13%.Nandu PropertyIt was reported at 8.31 yuan, down 3.03%.Xi’an dietAt 7.08 yuan, it fell 3.01%.

Note: The above information is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice for you.

Central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L.

  The 2024 Haoyue L has launched three models, and the market guidance price is 127,900-147,900 yuan. The new car has upgraded the central control large screen and the car system, in which the central control screen has been upgraded from the current 12.3 inches to 14.6 inches, and the car system has also been upgraded from Galaxy OS to Galaxy OS 2.0 version.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image001.

  The new Haoyue L adopts a brand-new design, and the domineering potential energy ice waterfall vertical grille is decorated with plating strips on the outside. The headlights on both sides are lens-shaped, with 244 LED beads inside, and the front face as a whole looks extremely tense. Haoyue L body adopts tough design lines, 19-inch wheels adopt five-width vortex design, and blackened wheel eyebrow components enhance the sense of strength of the vehicle. The length, width and height of the new car are 4860/1910/1770mm and the wheelbase is 2825mm respectively. The tail adopts penetrating taillights, and the red decorative strip is very obvious. There is a thick exhaust decoration on each bumper, and the layout is simple.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L _ for Order _ IMAGE E003.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image002.

  The 2024 Haoyue L central control large screen has been upgraded from the current 12.3-inch to 14.6-inch, and the car system has also been upgraded from Yinhe 0S to Yinhe 0S 2.0 version. At the same time, the cockpit chip has also been upgraded from E02 of 12nm to E04 of 7nm, and the running memory and storage memory have been significantly upgraded. The central control screen is larger, the car system is more stable, the function is more perfect, and the chip computing power is stronger. The overall operation fluency of the 2024 Haoyue L car machine has increased by 25%, and the startup speed of the APP has increased by 18%. In terms of interior color, the 2024 Haoyue L has added a brand-new Danxia red color scheme, replacing the current desert brown color scheme. At the same time, the new car has also optimized the details of the modeling scheme of the interior panel, further enhancing the luxury of the interior.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image004.

The central control size and car system are upgraded to experience the 2024 Haoyue L_fororder_image005.

  The 2024 Haoyue L has made a series of adjustments and optimizations to the standard Drive-E 2.0TD engine, and optimized the fuel label to No.92 on the premise that the maximum power of 160kW and the maximum torque of 325N·m remain unchanged, further reducing the cost of users’ cars. (Photo: provided by Geely Automobile)

Beijing: Implementation Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

General Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government
About deepening reform and promoting the taxi industry
Implementation Opinions for Healthy Development

District people’s governments, municipal government committees, offices, and bureaus,Municipal institutions:

In order to fully implement the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" (Guoban Fa [2016] No. 58), actively and steadily promote the reform of the taxi industry in this city, and better meet the diverse travel needs of the people, with the consent of the municipal government, the following implementation opinions are hereby proposed.

Guiding ideology and work objectives

(1) Guiding ideology.

Deeply implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the series of important speeches of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader and the important instructions to Beijing, earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, firmly establish the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, adhere to the basic idea of giving priority to the development of public transportation and the appropriate development of taxis, in accordance with the principle of "passenger-oriented, reform and innovation, overall consideration and standardization in accordance with the law", actively and steadily promote the reform of the taxi industry in this city, effectively improve the service level and supervision capacity, and strive to build a diversified and differentiated travel service system to better

(2) Work objectives.

Promote the integrated development of cruise taxis (hereinafter referred to as cruise cars) and online rental cars (hereinafter referred to as online taxi-hailing), promote the transformation and upgrading of cruise cars, standardize the operation of online taxi-hailing, improve the management and service level of the industry, promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry, and provide the public with safe, convenient, comfortable and economical personalized travel services.

Second, clarify the positioning of the taxi industry

(3) Scientific positioning of taxi services. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provides personalized transportation services for the public. Taxi services mainly include cruises, online reservations, and other methods. The city will continue to give priority to the development of public transportation, develop taxis moderately, optimize the urban transportation structure, and build a super-large urban passenger transportation pattern with diverse and differentiated services.

(4) Establish a dynamic regulation and control mechanism for the total amount. Implement the strategic positioning of the capital city, comprehensively consider the city’s population, economic development level, air quality, urban traffic congestion, public transportation development level, taxi mileage utilization rate and other factors, rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and its share in the urban comprehensive transportation system, and establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism. Carry out a scale assessment of the total number of taxis, and prepare a development plan and implementation plan for the taxi industry, which will be implemented after approval by the municipal government.

III. Deepening the reform of cruise vehicles

(5) Reform the management system of operating rights. Adhere to the implementation of the free use of vehicle operating rights, and the term of the operating rights of cruise vehicles is the same as the period of vehicle scrapping. The new operating rights of cruise vehicles shall be subject to period restrictions, and the operating entity shall not be changed without authorization. If the operating rights of existing cruise vehicles do not specify the specific operating period, all factors shall be comprehensively considered, a transition plan shall be scientifically formulated, and the operating period shall be reasonably determined. Establish and improve the allocation and management system of operating rights guided by service quality and reputation. If the operating rights expire or there are major service quality problems, major safety production liability accidents, serious illegal business activities, and unqualified service quality and reputation assessments during the operation process, the operating rights shall be recovered in accordance with relevant regulations.

(6) Perfect the benefit distribution system. Cruise car operators shall sign employment contracts and contracts with drivers in accordance with the law to build a harmonious labor relationship. Encourage, support and guide cruise car operating enterprises, industry associations, cruise car drivers and trade union organizations to negotiate on an equal footing to determine the contract fee standard or quota task, and dynamically adjust it according to factors such as operating conditions, cost and freight changes. If the existing contract fee standard or quota task is too high, it should be reduced. Taxi car industry associations shall organize and guide cruise car operating enterprises to actively explore the use of Internet technology to build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and distribute interests reasonably.

(7) Straighten out the price formation mechanism. Cruise vehicle freight rates are subject to government-guided prices. It is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as the operating costs of cruise vehicles, the income level of drivers, and the overall development of urban transportation. Continuously improve the formation mechanism of cruise vehicle freight rates and the linkage mechanism between freight rates and fuel prices. Improve pricing rules, scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of cruise vehicle freight rates, and give full play to the leverage of freight rates to adjust the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.

(8) Encourage companies to operate on a large scale. Study and formulate supporting policies to encourage cruise car operators to integrate resources through mergers, reorganizations, and other means, implement intensive and large-scale operations, give full play to their backbone leading role, and improve industry management and service levels. Measures for the implementation of the transfer, transfer, and share purchase of cruise car operators’ vehicle operating rights shall be formulated in accordance with the law. Individual industrial and commercial households of cruise cars shall be encouraged to jointly establish companies of a certain scale or join existing cruise car operating enterprises by means of shares, etc., implement organized management, improve service quality, reduce management costs, and enhance anti-risk capabilities. Encourage cruise car operating enterprises to take passenger needs as the guide, continue to increase the intensity of driver training, take the initiative to disclose service standards and service quality commitments, and actively carry out safety, integrity, and quality service creation activities; strengthen the main responsibility of cruise car operating enterprises, vigorously promote enterprise branding, and effectively improve the level of management services. Improve the assessment and evaluation system for cruise car operating enterprises, improve the content and methods of assessment, regularly publish the assessment results and evaluation, and establish an incentive and restraint mechanism that conforms to the characteristics of cruise car operation.

(9) Promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry. Encourage cruise car operators and online ride-hailing platform companies to adopt mergers, restructurings, and absorbing shares to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models. Revise the technical specifications of cruise cars and improve vehicle technical standards. Encourage cruise car operators to follow the idea of "Internet + taxi", make full use of Internet information technology and the advantages of existing vehicles and personnel, and transform to provide online ride-hailing services. Encourage cruise cars to provide operation services through telecommunications, Internet and other e-hailing services, and promote the use of non-cash payment methods that meet financial standards to facilitate public rides, reduce empty vehicles, and reduce the labor intensity of drivers. When cruise cars provide operation services, they must use the special metering device for cruise cars, and charge fees and issue special invoices for taxis in this city accordingly. Encourage the development of new energy cruise vehicles.

IV. Standardizing the development of online car-hailing

(10) Regulate the development of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing platform companies, as well as enterprises that provide vehicles, drivers who provide online car-hailing services, and their vehicles, shall comply with relevant national and municipal regulations and requirements. Online car-hailing platform companies are providers of transportation services, and shall have online and offline service capabilities. They shall have corresponding office space and driver education and training places in this city. They shall also connect relevant basic information and dynamic operation data to the supervision platform of relevant departments in this city in real time, so as to realize the backup of data information in this city. Online car-hailing platform companies implement restrictions on the operating period. The operating period is 4 years. The expiration can be extended after passing the review. The online car-hailing platform company shall assume the responsibility of the carrier, the responsibility of production safety and corporate social responsibility in accordance with the law, undertake the safety management responsibilities of vehicles and drivers, purchase relevant insurance to fulfill the responsibility of the carrier, and ensure the safety of operation and the legitimate rights and interests of passengers. Encourage online car-hailing platform companies to use their own vehicles to carry out business activities.

Online car-hailing vehicles should meet the basic conditions for providing passenger transportation services, have passed the annual inspection by the public security department of this city, have purchased commercial vehicle compulsory traffic insurance, third-party liability insurance and passenger accident injury insurance, and have the city’s vehicle number plate. 5-seat sedan or 7-seat passenger car. Non-operating vehicles of government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social organizations are not allowed to engage in online car-hailing operations. Online car-hailing qualifications are applied by online car-hailing platform companies. When a vehicle applies for online car-hailing qualifications, it must meet the latest motor vehicle emission standards announced and implemented by this city, have no unfinished traffic accidents and traffic violations records, and meet the technical specifications of online car-hailing vehicles in this city. Vehicles that have obtained online car-hailing qualifications must have a special logo posted on the body of the online car-hailing vehicle, and use the original number plate. The term of the vehicle operation right shall not exceed 8 years from the date of vehicle registration (or when the mileage reaches 600,000 kilometers), and the vehicle operation right shall not be transferred without authorization. If the vehicle is scrapped, transferred or the ownership is transferred without authorization, the vehicle operation right shall be cancelled. If the access relationship between the platform and the vehicle is terminated or the operation period of the platform company is terminated, the vehicle shall not engage in online car-hailing operations during the period of not accessing the new platform.

Online car-hailing drivers must be registered with the city, have obtained a driving license issued by the city, have not reached the legal retirement age, are in good health, have not committed more than 5 road traffic safety violations in driving a motor vehicle within 1 year before the date of application, and have not been included in the taxi serious violation information database. Individuals and vehicles under their names who apply for access to the online car-hailing platform must obtain the qualifications of online car-hailing drivers and vehicles, and have no other cruise cars and online car-hailing cars under their names, and drive their own vehicles to provide online car-hailing services.

(11) Regulate the business behavior of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing platform companies should safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers, maintain the stability of the driver team, and sign employment contracts or agreements with their subordinate drivers according to law. If an agreement is signed, they should purchase personal accident insurance for them; it is necessary to strengthen the production and operation management of service vehicles and drivers, and continuously improve the passenger’s satisfaction with the ride experience. Online car-hailing provides operation services through online booking, and it is not allowed to cruise around to pick up customers or queue up at cruise car dispatching stations to pick up customers. Reasonably determine the metering method of online car-hailing, and there must be no improper price behavior. Online car-hailing platform companies shall strengthen cyber security and information security protection, establish and improve data security management systems, collect, use and protect personal information in compliance with the law, and shall not disclose sensitive information involving national security. The personal information collected and the business data generated shall be stored and used in the Chinese mainland, and the retention period shall not be less than 2 years. Online car-hailing platform companies and drivers shall declare and pay taxes to the tax department in accordance with the law. After providing operation services, online car-hailing vehicles shall issue special invoices for taxis in this city.

V. Regulate private passenger car sharing

(12) Encourage private passenger car sharing. Private passenger car sharing (also known as carpooling and ride-sharing) is a shared travel mode in which the ride-sharing service provider publishes travel information in advance, and people with the same travel route choose to take the ride-sharing service provider’s passenger car, share the travel cost (fuel and tolls) of the ride-sharing part, or free mutual assistance. Private passenger car sharing is conducive to alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution, and this city will encourage and regulate its development. The city’s guidance on private passenger car sharing travel shall be formulated and issued separately by the municipal transportation administrative department in conjunction with relevant municipal departments.

(13) Regulate private passenger car ride-sharing. The ride-sharing information service platform providing ride-sharing travel services must comply with the relevant regulations of the state and this city. The connected vehicles must be the city’s number plate, and the number of orders per car per day shall not exceed 2 times. It is forbidden for any enterprise or individual to carry out illegal operations in the name of ride-sharing. Those who charge significantly higher than the ride-sharing billing standard, provide ride-sharing services more than the specified number of times, and provide online car-hailing business services in the name of private passenger car-sharing shall be punished in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and rules of the state and this city for illegal passenger transportation.

Create a good market environment

(14) Improve service facilities. Further increase the planning and construction of comprehensive taxi service areas, dispatching stations, recruitment stations, waiting parking spaces, charging infrastructure and other service facilities. It is necessary to set up cruise bus dispatching stations or waiting areas in large public places and large residential areas such as airports, railway stations, public transportation hubs, commercial areas, hotels, hospitals, etc., and scientifically guide taxi operations to provide convenient services for passengers’ daily travel, especially in special circumstances such as bad weather.

(15) Strengthen the construction of the credit system. It is necessary to implement the service quality credit assessment system and the driver qualification management system, formulate taxi service standards, credit management system for operators and employees, and clarify the basic requirements for operating in accordance with the law and providing honest services. Actively use the Internet, big data, cloud computing and other technologies to establish an evaluation system for taxi operators and drivers, and strengthen the records of information such as violations and dishonesty, complaints and reports, and passenger service evaluation. As an important basis for taxi operators and employees to enter and exit, and incorporate it into the city’s credit information sharing platform and enterprise credit information publicity system. Taxi industry associations should continue to improve industry self-discipline, smooth communication channels between drivers and enterprises, take the initiative to commit to service standards to the society, and promote the improvement of industry service capabilities and integrity levels.

(16) Strengthen market supervision. It is necessary to innovate supervision methods, simplify licensing procedures, strengthen the use of information technology means, and promote online processing to further improve the transparency of the management of the taxi industry. Establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism and a joint punishment and exit mechanism for the participation and linkage of the Municipal Transportation Commission, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, the Municipal State Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, the Municipal Communications Administration, the People’s Bank of China Business Management Department, the Municipal Network Information Office, and the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau. Establish an integrated information sharing platform, strengthen real-time supervision of law enforcement throughout the process, investigate and punish acts that hinder fair competition in the market and various price violations in accordance with the law, and severely crack down on illegal operations, gathering crowds to disrupt social order, or inciting organizations to disrupt operational order and damage public interests. Regularly carry out taxi service quality assessments and release them Handle complaints about service quality issues in a timely manner, promptly expose serious violations of laws and regulations, and protect the interests of passengers.

(17) Strengthen the legal system and organizational guarantee. Accelerate the revision of laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Vehicles in Beijing to provide better legal guarantee for deepening reform and promoting the healthy development of the taxi industry. Strengthen organizational leadership, establish a leading group for deepening the reform of taxis in this city, and be responsible for coordinating and promoting various reform work. Strengthen social communication, smooth the channels for interest appeals, take the initiative to disclose information, respond to social concerns, build consensus on reform, and create a good public opinion environment. Major policy-making in reform should carry out social stability threat and risk assessment, improve emergency response plans, prevent and resolve various contradictions, and maintain social stability.

From the date of issuance of this implementation opinion, online car-hailing platform companies, drivers and vehicles that have already started online car-hailing business in this city will be given a five-month transition period.

General Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government

Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission cooperates with map companies to promote an integrated service platform for green travel

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 5th (reporter, Ding Jing) What time does the next bus arrive? Is the subway station crowded now? When should I get off? Passengers can enjoy these smart services when traveling in Beijing. Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Autonavi Map on the 4th. The two sides will share traffic big data and launch more abundant transportation services within Beijing.

The two parties will build an integrated service platform for green transportation in Beijing – MaaS (Mobility as a Service, Mobility as a Service). The idea of the platform is to enable travelers to transform from owning vehicles to owning transportation services, and improve the public travel experience through one-stop service of various transportation methods. The platform is based on the Autonavi map APP, which connects to big data from various transportation industries such as Beijing’s public transportation, subway, suburban railways, online car-hailing, and long-distance buses. At present, real-time public transportation has covered more than 95% of bus lines in Beijing, and the accuracy rate of real-time information matching exceeds 97%. Passengers can also check the current congestion situation of all subway stations in Beijing through this platform. The Beijing MaaS platform has pioneered the "bus/subway ride companion card", which can display services such as route planning, transfer guidance, and get off reminders in real time according to the user’s location.