Before taking antibiotics, ask the doctor these 12 questions.

  Before you leave the doctor’s office or pharmacy, getting the answers to the following questions can make the antibiotics you take as effective as possible.

  Why should I take this medicine?

  Norman Tomaka, a spokesman for the American Pharmacists Association, believes that every patient should confirm and understand why doctors prescribe antibiotics for them. According to the research results published in the journal of the American Medical Association by researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2010 to 2011, nearly one-third of oral antibiotic treatment prescriptions in the United States were wrongly prescribed by doctors. Taking unnecessary antibiotics will make bacteria resistant to drugs, so have an open discussion with your doctor to make sure your prescription is the best choice.

  When should I take the medicine?

  Antibiotics have to reach a certain concentration in the blood to take effect, so take the medicine on time. Taking medicine when you wake up in the morning, before lunch and before going to sleep can ensure that you will not forget to take medicine to the greatest extent.

  Can antibiotics be taken with food?

  Eating while taking medicine will affect the way drugs are absorbed in the body, but it can also prevent nausea caused by drugs that may irritate the stomach. If the drug instructions state that you should take it on an empty stomach, follow the instructions, because food may hinder the absorption of the drug in the blood.

  Do you want to avoid eating certain foods when taking medicine?

  Some drugs may have adverse reactions to certain foods. For example, dairy products will reduce the efficacy of tetracycline, because calcium in food combines with antibiotics, resulting in a decrease in the body’s absorption. Make sure you are aware of any food that may hinder your recovery.

  Do you want to drink a large glass of water when taking the medicine?

  Water can dilute the contents of the stomach and help you absorb the effective components of antibiotics before the stomach is stimulated. While drinking enough water can help prevent nausea caused by most drugs, some antibiotics need to drink a whole glass of water to be completely absorbed. Antibiotics in capsule form can prevent it from being dissolved prematurely until it enters the stomach; Drinking more water will help these antibiotics to be completely absorbed.

  6 Do you want to eat probiotics while taking antibiotics?

  Not all bacteria in your body will make you sick. Some bacteria in your stomach are essential to keep your intestines or reproductive system healthy. However, antibiotics do not know which bacteria are good and which bacteria are bad; They will kill all bacteria, including those that are good for human health. When drugs attack good bacteria, you may have gastrointestinal discomfort, urinary tract infection or yeast infection. To prevent these side effects, the doctor may suggest that you eat yogurt rich in probiotics or take probiotic supplements.

  7 what should I do if I miss the medicine?

  Theoretically speaking, there is a fixed time interval for each medication. In real life, you may forget to take the medicine or take it late. If you miss the medication time, it’s important to know what to do in advance, so that you won’t look around for information in the dead of night. Some drugs should be taken in time after missing the correct time, while others should be taken normally next time when they are forgotten, so read the drug instructions carefully.

  When should I feel better after taking medicine?

  You should take the medicine completely as long as the doctor prescribes it, instead of stopping taking it once the symptoms disappear, because the bacteria in your body may still be at an unsafe level. However, it is important to know how soon you can recover. Generally speaking, if you don’t get better after taking the medicine for three days, you need to see a doctor again, because at this time, either the drug choice is incorrect or something else has happened.

  9 What side effects are expected from the antibiotics I take?

  Although only a small proportion of people have side effects after taking antibiotics, you need to know what adverse reactions your body will have. Some drugs may cause shortness of breath, while others may cause urticaria. If there are suspected side effects, you should consult your doctor whether to continue treatment or switch to another treatment.

  Can I crush the pills?

  If you have difficulty swallowing pills, consult your doctor before you plan to crush them, because antibiotics in pill form are absorbed in a different way from capsules. Some antibiotics are made in liquid form, which may be a better choice for some patients.

  Will this antibiotic interact with other drugs I take?

  The doctor may ask you what other drugs you have taken to avoid adverse reactions, but don’t forget birth control pills or over-the-counter supplements and vitamins easily. Some antibiotics may reduce the contraceptive effect, which means you may need to take another contraceptive method. In addition, iron-containing supplements combine with some antibiotics, making the latter unable to be absorbed.

  What should I do if I have a history of antibiotic allergy?

  Being allergic to an antibiotic not only means that you must avoid this drug, but also beware of other related drugs belonging to the same family. Therefore, after taking the medicine, you should observe it carefully, stop taking it immediately and ask the doctor for help if there is an allergic reaction. (Compile/Guo Shaofeng)

Does domestic OA software enter the 3.0 era? Huatian Power OA system has already released its 4.0 advantage.

OA office system plays an important role in modern enterprise operation. With the change of market and the diversification of office demand, OA office system is facing the challenge of experience upgrade. Insiders pointed out that the domestic OA software industry has now entered the 3.0 era, and OA vendors are "shuffling" in the fierce competition. However, market observation found that the requirements for OA software in the 3.0 era are not high, and brands such as Huatian Power have already released the advantages of 4.0.
3.0 era cooperated with OA to realize the integration of technology and demand.
"The OA system in the period of 1.0 is only a concept, mainly based on the application of reports and documents. In those years of 2.0, the OA system solved the basic cooperative office problems of enterprises. Nowadays, in the era of 3.0, multi-party system integration and data fusion are pursued, and the mobile office mode is realized. The pressure on manufacturers is not small, and a large number of cooperative management OA system brands at the low end of technology will be eliminated in the process."
The opinions of the insiders have been affirmed by some people, and it can be seen that the popular collaborative management OA system brand has indeed reached the 3.0 standard. Taking Huatian Power Collaborative OA System as an example, the system uses EAI technology to establish application interface layer, application integration layer, process integration layer and user interaction layer. When a document is filled in the collaborative management OA system, it will automatically flow to the ERP system to extract the required data, and then it will be approved in the collaborative management OA system, and then it will flow to the ERP system for processing, thus realizing data integration with CRM, ERP, HRM, SCM and financial software.
However, as far as Huatian Power Collaborative OA system is concerned, the requirement of collaborative management OA system in the 3.0 era is not a challenge. The system allows users to upgrade their software systems independently and flexibly, and at the same time, obtaining service guarantee is the key to breakthrough development.
Huatian Power Collaborative OA System Releases the Efficiency of 4.0 Era
Huatian Power OA believes that whether it is big data or cloud office, for operators, these interconnected technologies support office efficiency, but the enterprise user experience lies in whether a set of collaborative management OA system can be used for a long time at a reasonable or even reduced cost, which requires the flexibility and independent upgrading strength of collaborative management OA system.
"Huatian Power Collaborative OA System is currently able to surpass the above-mentioned experience needs of the 3.0 era system."
Huatian Power Collaborative OA System adopts J2EE+SOA+MVC+WebService technology, and forms "Rubik’s Cube Architecture" with framework+component system. Users can build personalized business modules by themselves, realize dynamic deployment, upgrade and expansion without code-level operation, and realize on-demand management.
In addition, the pages developed by Huatian Power Collaborative OA System based on interfaces are separated from the complex page logic of the old framework by refining the interfaces, and the calling relationship between each page module is well sorted out, which combines the approval process with the process management. It is an open business modeling tool and realizes the unified management and continuous optimization of office processes and business processes.
Huatian Power goes deep into service to enhance user experience.
Consumption upgrading is being reflected in all walks of life, and users are pursuing consumption quality, which also means that product quality is guaranteed and services should be in place in time. In this regard, Huatian Power, which entered the 4.0 era, made in-depth innovation in service.
Among the specific services, Huatian Power provides "six service contents", such as customized service, which can analyze the logical changes of data according to the specific office mode of customers and help users organize them into practical, personal and low-cost solutions for free; And "upgrade service" is the advanced product that Huatian Power and OA system can achieve, so that customers can enjoy the upgraded service with the system upgrade; Other services such as "secondary development", "consultation" and "tracking" are all aimed at ensuring the in-depth service of users, so that the collaborative management OA system project application can really land. If there is still demand, Huatian Power can cooperate with users at a higher level, not only becoming a supplier of customers, but also becoming a strategic partner that customers can trust.
It is not difficult to see that Huatian Power Collaborative OA not only meets the system standards of the 3.0 era, but also has gradually released the office efficiency of the 4.0 era from the aspects of operation upgrade and service experience, and users have the right to speak in their own upgrade operations. Perhaps this is the important reason why Huatian Power Collaborative OA has been favored by enterprise users in recent years.

The case of "Shanghai elderly people giving property to fruit stall owners" fell: the houses involved belonged to fruit stall owners.

  The latest progress has been made in the case of "Shanghai elderly people giving 3 million real estate to fruit stall owners"

  On December 15th, The Paper reporter learned from the lawyer team of Gao Mingyue, the agent ad litem of the fruit stall owner, that on December 14th, the team received the Civil Judgment from the Baoshan District People’s Court. The judgment of the first instance shows that the house involved and the property in the house belong to the plaintiff (fruit stall owner Liu).

  Civil Judgment of Shanghai Baoshan District People’s Court provided by Gao Mingyue’s team of lawyers.

  Earlier, according to many media reports, the wife and son of an old man in Baoshan District of Shanghai have passed away, and he lives alone, and he is taken care of by Liu, a fruit stall owner in the community. After that, the old man decided to entrust his old age and legacy to Liu, including his own property worth 3 million yuan, and the relevant support agreement was notarized. On December 31, 2021, the old man died, and his sister and other family members objected to the distribution of the estate, and the two sides went to court.

  The two sides signed an agreement, and the legacy of the old man was given to the fruit stall owner after his death.

  The Paper learned that the plaintiff in this case was Liu, a fruit vendor, and the defendants were the sister and nephew of the old man. The plaintiff’s main claims are as follows: 1. Request to order a real estate in Baoshan District of Shanghai and the property in the house to be owned by the plaintiff; 2. Request that the balance of bank deposits and fruits in the old man’s name be owned by the plaintiff.

  The defendant disagreed with the original request.

  The elder’s sister argued that before 2017, his elder brother had mental disorder and his capacity should be limited. When he was hospitalized in July 2017, the old man was diagnosed with cerebral infarction and Alzheimer’s disease. Later, because Liu took the old man away, he could not be further diagnosed. When the old man signed the Legacy Support Agreement, he did not have full capacity for civil conduct, and the signing of the agreement was invalid.

  The court found that in August 2017, the elderly (Party A, the legatee and the dependents) and Liu (Party B, the donee and the dependents) signed the Legacy Support Agreement.

  As stipulated in the above agreement, Party A is willing to bequeath all personal property in Article 1 of the agreement to Party B, and Party B shall bear the obligation to support Party A; Party B is willing to undertake the obligation to support Party A and accept the property bequeathed by Party A..

  According to the agreement, the property of the elderly includes a set of real estate in Baoshan District, deposits and property in the house. Liu is responsible for the elderly’s support obligations such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, medical care and old-age care, which means taking care of life, giving financial help and giving spiritual comfort.

  With regard to the transfer of the ownership of the bequest property, Party B shall not transfer or dispose of Party A’s personal property before Party A’s death, and Party B shall go through the ownership transfer formalities of the bequest property within 30 days after Party A’s death.

  On March 12, 2019, Shanghai Putuo Notary Office notarized the Legacy Support Agreement and issued a Notarial Certificate.

  The contents of the Notary Certificate show that, after investigation, in August 2017, when the Legacy Maintenance Agreement was concluded, both parties had the legal capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct, and the meaning was true.

  For the audio and video recording of notarization of bequest and maintenance agreement, the plaintiff thinks that it can reflect the true meaning of the old man, while the defendant thinks that the old man has many expressions in the audio and video recording that are logically confused and inconsistent with the facts.

  During the trial, the original and the defendant confirmed that the disputed house belonged to the personal property of the elderly, with a value of 3.3 million.

  How was the old man’s physical condition before his death?

  The verdict shows that the old man was hospitalized for pneumonia in July 2017. The course record showed that the patient had intermittent gibberish attacks, so he applied for a consultation in neurology. The consultation opinion record is: "The patient has intermittent gibberish, clear mind, pertinent answers, senile dementia, and no special treatment for the time being." In June 2020, the old man was admitted to hospital because of a fall.

  In April 2021, the Institute of Forensic Science issued the Judicial Appraisal Opinion, and the appraisal opinion was: "Suffering from organic mental disorder, it should be assessed as having no capacity for civil conduct at present." In May 2021, the old man was declared as a person with no capacity for civil conduct by the court.

  Previously, the court also entrusted the Judicial Appraisal Institute of Shanghai Mental Health Center, the Institute of Judicial Appraisal Science, the Judicial Appraisal Center of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, and the Shanghai Fenglin Judicial Appraisal Center to appraise the civil capacity of the elderly in March 2019, all of which were rejected because they exceeded the capacity of the appraisal institution or the required materials were insufficient.

  Regarding the status of the elderly at the time of notarization, the investigation record of the notary public showed: "When I notarized, I reviewed the status of the elderly at the time of notarization, and whether the ability of the elderly to express their will was sufficient and true. This elderly man had a cerebral infarction in 2017, and the agreement was signed in 2017. I contacted him in 2019. The old man recovered well and his speech was very clear. Why do you want notarization, why do you do it, and why do you want to support and monitor Mr. Liu and his wife? It is clear and firm to whom to entrust the sick and the sick, and the property will not be given to their relatives ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  The court ruled that the house of the elderly and the property in the house belong to the fruit stall owner.

  The Baoshan District People’s Court of Shanghai held that after the beginning of inheritance, it should be handled according to legal inheritance, and if there is a will, it should be handled according to the will inheritance or bequest; If there is a legacy support agreement, it shall be handled in accordance with the agreement. A citizen may sign a legacy and support agreement with his/her supporter, who shall bear the obligation of living, supporting and burying the citizen, and enjoy the right to be bequeathed. The legacy and maintenance agreement is a legal act of both parties. The content of the legacy and maintenance agreement involved in this case is legal, and the legacy and maintenance agreement has also been notarized in the notary office, and its external formal requirements are in line with the law.

  The court pointed out that although the old man was declared as a person with no capacity for civil conduct in May 2021, there was no evidence to prove that he was already in a state of limited capacity for civil conduct or no capacity for civil conduct during the signing of the bequest and maintenance agreement. Therefore, the agreement is the true expression of both parties and is legally binding. The evidence provided by the defendant, such as the diagnosis of medical treatment and hospitalization, can’t draw the conclusion that the elderly have limited capacity when signing the bequest and maintenance agreement, and there is no evidence to prove that the bequest and maintenance agreement is not the true expression of the elderly.

  The court said that the existing evidence cited by the defendant could not meet the proof standard of the probability of civil evidence advantage and should bear the adverse consequences of proof. The court rejected the defendant’s opinion that the legacy and maintenance agreement was invalid, and held that the will of the decedent and his right to dispose of property should be respected, and the validity of the legacy and maintenance agreement involved should be recognized.

  On December 12, 2023, the court ruled in the first instance that the old man’s house, the property in the house and the balance of funds and fruits in three accounts under his name belonged to the plaintiff Liu.

  Lawyer Gao Mingyue said that the guardianship agreement was valid, and the fruit stall owner assumed the responsibility of guardian. The legacy support agreement was valid, and the fruit stall owner fulfilled the obligation of living, raising and burying.

  In his view, the elderly in Shanghai have legal awareness, and they have prepared legal arrangements for their intentional guardianship and bequest, defended their freedom and dignity, and realized the intentional inheritance of their wealth. Moreover, notarized documents have withstood severe doubts and challenges. The highly antagonistic judicial practice of family affairs fully shows that it is best to present both the intentional guardianship documents and the intentional inheritance documents (such as wills, bequest and support agreements, trust agreements, etc.) by means of notarized documents, which is the most responsible suggestion for the parties.

What changes have been made in insisting on running?

First of all, declare:I am not a fat man, and I don’t want to consult about my body.
Would you like to ask if running will help your work and life? In what ways? How much do you need? How long will it take to find the change?

It is best to have personal experience!

Since April of 13, I have been running, not for weight loss or fitness. The starting point is just to do something that makes me feel great and I will be proud when I think about it when I am old.

I have been insisting for two years now, and I can’t say any concrete benefits, but I think running has changed my life:

1. I clearly remember the first time I went to the playground and ran for two laps and 800 meters, and I was tired into a dog;

2. At that time, I ran on the playground every morning. For a long time, I could only run three laps at most, and I couldn’t even finish listening to a song.

3. At that time, I couldn’t imagine what it was like to run for 20 minutes at a time.

4. When a person runs, he is really bored. He keeps stepping and swinging his arms.

5. Run through the morning, run through the night, run through the wind and run through the rain; I feel sweaty under the high temperature of 35 degrees in summer, and I feel that the cold air in winter penetrates the chest through my nostrils;

6. Sometimes I want to cry and ask myself what everything is for!

When I look back, I find that everything is worth it, and every pain gets at least 10 points:

1. Appreciation from others; Every time I run, I will send a circle of friends. Now everyone’s first reaction when they see me is that I am a very persevering person and can keep running.

2. See the pride of your progress; At first, when I thought running 5 kilometers in one breath was the limit, I ran 10 kilometers in March last year; Then I thought that was my limit; This Sunday, I will go to Wuxi to run my first marathon, 42 kilometers;

3. Unbelievable self-confidence; Even running is so difficult and so boring, I insist on it. What can’t I do?

4. Healthy body; The benefits of running are all-round, and I can often feel the vitality of rolling in my body;

5. Curiosity about physical limits; Running has made me break through what I thought I couldn’t do again and again, and made me realize more deeply: most people don’t work hard enough to fight for talent at all;

6. All-round promotion; Both work and life have advanced to a higher level, everything is done in an orderly way, and there is a feeling that everything is under control;

7. Humble mentality; On the playground, on the road and by the West Lake, I will meet many people who are older than me, run faster and farther than me. When running laps, I even met an aunt who set me up twice in 10 kilometers. Whenever I feel great, I will think about them and see my smallness.

Finally, looking back at my original goal, I found that I only wanted to run 5 kilometers, and I ran a marathon unconsciously.

Supplementary answer:

1. Insisting on running has changed my fate that I can only praise others in Zhihu … Finally, there is a question I can answer.

2. Many people ask whether running will hurt them. To borrow that sentence, most people’s exercise intensity is too low to pay attention to injuries. I think it’s not too late to wait until the cumulative running amount of one month is 40 kilometers before considering the injury problem;

3. In the comments, I saw a lot of small partners who run Sima. Come on!

4. Welcome to forward and reprint, please indicate the source;

5. Add another question about running long muscles and good-looking legs: Now my sister never cares if her legs are sexy, but not as sexy as mine …

6. In the last finish medal of Sima, I could only limp after running for 42 kilometers, but I felt a sense of accomplishment.

Say the most intuitive change: last semester, I measured 1KM and ran the second place in the hospital. And no one knows that I was always the last one to cry when I was in junior high school.goFinish 1KM of weak chicken.

It has been two and a half years since the first 10KM of my freshman year, which has brought too many physiological and psychological changes.

1. The first 10KM:

There are many motives for me to choose to start running: losing weight, improving my skin, suddenly being disgusted by the fat meat on my stomach one day, and being obsessed with muscles. Once you have these motives, it seems that it is no longer difficult to take a step. What is difficult is how big a step you can take and how long you can persist.

I had accumulated many 5kms before I ran the first 10KM. Every time I want to go to fun run, I will cheer myself up: I have to run out of 10KM if I have to fight to the death, but I owe too much debt for more than ten years. Every time I finish a 5KM run in 1H, my feet will be like lead, and there are two upward and downward forces tearing at my heart, just as half of the sea water grows into flames, one wants you to go forward regardless of life and the other wants you to stop at once. I remember every 10KM; that gave up halfway silently; I remember the tears and tears that fell from every 10KM halfway-that was real despair, just like Andy Duffy’s experience of breaking the water pipe in The Shawshank Redemption, and he saw not the light, but the despair of a darker sewer; I remember the second day after every 10km of halfway, my feet were too painful to walk.

On the day when the first 10KM really came, there was no sign. I clearly remember that when the Dark Dream record in the earphone was looped to Do It for the second time, I stopped and looked at the distance on the splash: 10.15. The excitement and pleasure brought by this number even make me feel that I have lived in vain for more than ten years, which is the real life.

The stars were bright that night, and I understood for the first time:To get something you never had, you must work hard to do something you never did.

2. Accumulate running amount

After getting into the habit of not running 10KM every time, I began to pay attention to the correct running posture and running equipment and began to enter the gym. There are many answers about these aspects in Zhihu, so I will skip them here. I want to talk about how I found the pleasure of running.

I made a 900 plan for myself at the beginning of 13 years. The terrible thing is that there is only a purpose in this plan, but there is no other substantial reward (no reward is actually because of poverty = =). I don’t know what kind of influence this plan can bring to my running career, but fortunately, I was still a strong executive at that time. As soon as I thought of this plan, I began to implement it, and I wouldn’t give myself too much time to think about other trivial things at all.

It took me three and a half months to complete the first 900 plan, and I didn’t stop except for the occasional emotional attack like my aunt, rain, snow, hail, wind, sand and smog. After completing the first 900 plan, I said two words to myself: Bull * Force.

This is the first time that I admire myself from the bottom of my heart. Before that, I was an extremely inferior person.

This is what keeping running brings me:Learn to identify yourself.

Although I haven’t fully identified myself yet, I understand that this is something I can’t give up all my life.

Up to now, I have completed six 900 plans.

This plan will continue. Until I can’t run anymore. Until the sky is boundless and the sea has no horns.

This is the pleasure that running brings me. This pleasure is directly converted into a ticket to a better life.

I often think that when I am old, sitting in the sunset and listening to Dou Wei, I will recall the great 900 plan of that year, and then silently praise myself for being awesome.

3. Income obtained

I have been running for two and a half years and met many interesting strangers.

A girl panting heavily.

A boy with only one arm.

The boy standing in the middle of the playground singing My Sun.

Couples cheering each other up.

Long-legged sister who laughs like a flower.

Looks like Joseph Chang’s junior.

I drink red bull every time I finish running.

Senior sister in a long skirt.

A senior in leather shoes.

Every boy who can box on Fridays.

And gay people kissing behind fences.

These lovely people came into my eyes when I was running, and then left.

This is the change that running has brought me:Feel the most ordinary beauty in life.

I have been talking to people for two and a half years. It also made a relationship.

Although it is a thing of the past, I have seen the loveliest side of this world: it will bring you hope from time to time, even if it is only a little bit.

This is the change that running has brought me:From an inferiority complex sensitive person to falling in love with the world.Although anti-social can’t escape in his bones.

I have been running for two and a half years, and my figure has changed a lot.

From a sickly fat man to a thin man who lost his fat, and now he is still satisfied with his body, the changes brought by carving the body and the pleasure brought by this change made me unexpected.

It never occurred to me that there are such things in the world that can make people feel emotional climax. You watched your belly disappear, you watched your once disgusting fat disappear, and you watched yourself have abdominal muscles that felt like a washboard. This is a pleasure, isn’t it?

Now, although I will be unwilling to run, exercise and eat and drink because of the influence of emotions, I have already felt the great happiness brought by running for a long time.

This kind of happiness reaches its climax when the world is so quiet that you can only hear your own breathing after running for 10KM.

I hope that this kind of happiness will accompany me all my life. This climax will never be low.

Remember, to get this kind of happiness, it is important.[Persistence].

As Lao Luo said, "there is only one kind of failure, and that is to give up halfway."

As Haruki Murakami said, "I don’t want to run today, so I just run. This is the way of thinking of long runners."

Start running, start running and keep running, and you will know what will change for yourself.

There is no explosion.

There is only one true story.

In college, I was extremely decadent. Seven days a week, I spend more than half my time playing online games on bread nights.

The rest of the time, either catch up on sleep in the dormitory, or post it or watch people vomit.

I’m a mess in my professional courses, and I’m weak.

What is more frightening is that I have completely lost my confidence in the future.

At that time, I even thought that I was grateful enough to find a job after graduating from college, no matter how low the salary was, where I worked and what I did.

About the next semester of my junior year, one day I suddenly decided to change this life, and more importantly, to change my fate after college.

I resolutely frozen the game number and began to try to study in the library every day.

However, both physically and mentally, there is a feeling of recovery from a serious illness, and an indescribable sense of powerlessness will strike from time to time.

I remembered that when I was sprinting in the third grade, there was a time when I went to the playground with my classmates every night after studying at night.

So I searched for a night, quietly touched the school playground and tried to run on the runway that no one saw.

However, these years of continuous decadent life, eating instant noodles and playing games all night, upside down day and night, have already eroded my body, and I can’t hold on breathlessly after only running for more than one lap.

More importantly, after a long period of decadence, my willpower has become extremely fragile. I still remember my truest thought at that time: since I can’t run, that’s it. I can’t do it. I’m not who I was.

If I gave up at that time, it would be really difficult to get out of decadence later.

I don’t want to run today, so I just run. This is the way of thinking of long-distance runners. -Haruki Murakami

After a short rest of more than ten minutes, I forced myself to run again.

Together, it didn’t run for a kilometer, but it ran for more than ten minutes.

The next night, enduring the pain all over, I came to the edge of the playground again.

Cheer yourself up and say: Tonight, I just need to run half a lap more than yesterday. Just half a lap.

Then, when I took the first step, I knew I couldn’t do it. Yesterday, some pulled leg muscles had a tearing pain.

I took a big breath and endured the pain. After running for more than a lap, I began to be out of breath again. I felt that I might be out of breath at any time, and my ribs hurt a little bit.

Relying on the ferocity of "die or run", I finally insisted on running a kilometer and almost collapsed on the runway.

But from that day on, on the eve of college graduation, I limped and started running every night.

Run a little farther every day than the day before.

Magical things happened. About a week later, my legs were not so painful when I was running, and I was not so uncomfortable when I was breathing.

After half a month, I can run five laps in one breath on the playground, each lap is 400 meters.

Running gives me very timely positive feedback, which makes me clearly know that I can always make progress every day compared with the previous day. Either I run half a lap more, or I am a little faster, or this "one more day" will make me feel that I can always be more "amazing" than the past as long as I work hard.

Running has become a way for me to get rid of decadence, and it has also become a witness of my "unbreakable".

Haruki Murakami is also a long-distance runner. He once said in a book about running:

In this way, for a quarter of a century, I kept running every day, and all kinds of thoughts surged from my heart. -"What am I talking about when I run"

When you really start running, you will find that running is actually the most relaxing time for a person’s mind.

As long as you keep your legs moving forward at a constant speed and wave your hands back and forth rhythmically, your brain can daydream freely.

After work, after I put on my headphones and run every day, I sometimes think about what I have done this day and what I have neglected.








During that time, every day when I went to work, I wanted to lift the table when I met the leader’s criticism of the slow progress of my work. When I saw my subordinate’s "innocent face" to report his work, I wanted to punch him in the face.

During that time, if I hadn’t kept running, I probably wouldn’t have made it, both psychologically and physically.

In order to calm down the depressed and impetuous mood when I get home at night, I force myself to run for a long time every day

When the weather is good, run outside the residential area, and when the weather is bad, go to the gym.

I vent all my anger and sadness on running. I run as far as I can, until I am exhausted and weak. Then I take a shower and sleep. I don’t think about any other problems. I just stick to the present, do things one by one and deal with problems one by one.

As a result, by the end of the year, I not only completed all the assigned tasks, but also won all the honors that the company could give me at the annual meeting.

The only regret is probably that I tried harder and didn’t keep my father.

Somerset Mao Mu once wrote, "Any razor has its own philosophy."

That is to say, no matter how trivial the action is, as long as it is persisted day by day, something similar to the concept will always emerge from it.

The same is true for running. When you stick to it day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year, you will find that it brings you more than just a healthy body, a positive mood and a good attitude.

It is also the most rare time to be alone.

All the traffic, all the lights, all the crowds and all the noise you pass by are just pieces of light in your running steps.

Between heaven and earth, only you and yourself are talking, and only your never-ending steps are eternal.

Running is running, not for other reasons.

Thank you for reading, and encourage all those who are willing to change and are changing.

Wow, I haven’t been to Zhihu for a long time, and suddenly I found that so many people are commenting on me. Thank you. Update the recent status. During the epidemic, I was at home, and I didn’t run systematically, maintaining a running volume of about 150 per month.

Do some simple strength exercises every day, stretch, and have a light diet. I also want to eat spicy food, but I feel uncomfortable after eating my stomach. I am probably used to it.

Now that it’s been a long time, I think everything should be based on happiness. Whether it’s sports or life. I hope that my friends can stick to it! I’m really sorry that I can’t reply in time. If there is a private message, comment on it and I’ll try my best to answer it ~ (PS, I’ll update the photo, the abdominal muscles are still there, hahaha)

About long-distance running-I want to say

I, a contemporary college student, hated running like all my classmates when I was a freshman. Don’t say that running three kilometers or five kilometers, running 800 meters will kill me. Of course, just like all stories have a turning point. The beginning of the story is to lose weight, and the motivation is simple.

There is no doubt that I dedicated the first long-distance running in my life to my university. When I was a freshman, I felt that I should make some changes. I couldn’t hesitate and eat and drink every day. Therefore, I decided to change myself. I set myself a goal, and I must insist on running 3 kilometers for the first time. In this way, I ran around the playground for eight times. At that time, I felt I could do better. Therefore, it was from that time that I started the sport of "long-distance running". From the first 8 laps to the next 10 laps, 15 laps, 20 laps … it has been slowly increasing, and now I can run 20 kilometers, and I am confident that I can run further and longer. In this way, I ran for three years. Many students around me will admire me: "How do you keep exercising, exercising and running regularly?" In fact, I just regard them as a part of my life and my living habits. To be honest, I don’t think running has anything to do with the lofty word willpower. For me, I insist on running at first because I don’t want to exercise in the depressing environment of the gym, I don’t need special equipment and special places, I don’t need the company of my friends, I just need to change my running equipment and choose a good day to start running.

I am not those fanatical marathon enthusiasts, not to constantly challenge the limits like athletes, to fight for speed and distance. I just regard running as a sport that can give me fun. Therefore, running, which I hate and dislike most, has become my favorite and long-term persistent sport.

The motive force of running-losing weight.

I, when I was a freshman, weighed 125 kg, and now I weigh 90 kg. If you ask me, where did this 35 Jin go? I can tell you very clearly and directly that it evaporated in sweat. Lose weight first, and running as an aerobic exercise is the best choice to lose fat. Of course, we should also cooperate with proper anaerobic exercise to enhance muscle strength. I can also run longer distances for myself and lay a solid foundation. However, running should not be blind. Because your body will send you a signal. Everything is too much, according to your physical condition. It is very important for beginners to make a plan for themselves. Many students around me insisted on it several times because of various things and reasons, such as lack of time, such as knee pain and so on. But as long as you make a total arrangement and look up some dry goods and knowledge of running on the Internet, it is a good thing to make a scientific and reasonable "running plan" for yourself. Fortunately, I persisted, and with a reasonable diet and proper anaerobic exercise, my efforts were rewarded-my weight really came down.

In the eyes of other students, it is silly and boring to run around the playground in circles every day. But this is not the case. If losing weight is the initial motivation for me to start running. Then as time goes by, you will find that running has become an indispensable part of your life, and it has nothing to do with losing weight.

What did running give me?

Although running is a "lonely" sport, running gives me an opportunity to think alone. Of course, I am a relatively independent girl. Running will hardly "team up" with others. Whenever I encounter something very unsatisfactory in my life, I will choose to go to the playground, to the park and to run in the street.

Although I am traveling through the crowd, my mind and body belong to me more than ever. Once I run, my relationship with the outside world becomes subtle, both closed and open. I don’t need to talk to anyone, and no one will come to talk to me. At the same time, I am staring at the changes in the surrounding scenery, and I can feel the wind and grass around me without paying attention. In addition, when I run, I will stroke all my unhappiness, and then I will think of solutions one by one and how to deal with them next. When the running is over, all my unhappiness will fly away with sweat. Of course, when you run, you will empty yourself and give yourself a mental relaxation in your busy life.

Of course, because of running, I met a group of lovely runners. I am the youngest in this group of running friends, but this is not a problem. Sometimes we will meet to run together, travel together, have dinner together and organize some activities. Of course, as the youngest "trotting scum" in the group, my uncles and aunts in the group also take special care of me. Moreover, from them, they not only gain some running experience and knowledge, but also understand the significance of "horse racing". In them, what I see is the persistence and fanaticism of this sport. Of course, they will also teach me some experience in dealing with people, as well as the attitude towards sports and life. In my eyes, it is running that brings us together, regardless of age, occupation or status. Therefore, I am very lucky and happy. I have gained a group of such lovely friends during my four years in college.

Any positive thing, if it can be done for a long time, will definitely have a positive impact on life. The same is true of running, which gives an extremely precious thing-self-discipline. It is almost no exaggeration to say that I exercise every day in college life unless there are special circumstances. In the morning, I am the first one to get up in the corridor. In order to finish all the planned exercises before class, I will get up on time at 5:00 every day. The same is true on weekends. Everyone is lazy, and I am no exception. Of course, I also have a good solution. In order to get up early, I put my mobile phone on the desk under the bed. Every morning when the bell rings, I have to climb out of bed and turn it off. Otherwise, I don’t want to be scolded by my roommates. In this way, I get up reluctantly every day, but once I start exercising, I feel that getting up early is a very good thing. Every day, I will do morning exercises with my grandparents on the playground, and rush in to buy a hot boiled egg as soon as the canteen opens. This regular life feels great. From daily exercise and running, punch in on time. Early to bed and early to rise. Stick to eating vegetables and fruits. Don’t eat high-calorie and high-sugar food, don’t eat after dinner (I admit, it really makes life less fun, but anyway, everything has to pay a certain price). Later, you will find that this "self-discipline" will gradually penetrate into all aspects of your life. I will insist on reading a book every week and taking notes when my lessons are not heavy, and I will insist on learning French, memorizing words and practicing listening every day.

For me, running is far beyond the level of physical exercise, and it brings me spiritual victories one after another. As Haruki Murakami said: "I am not a great runner, but at an extremely ordinary level, but this question is not important at all." I have surpassed myself yesterday, even a little bit, which is more important. "

A little advice for beginners of the same age

Some time ago, I just finished my last physical examination in college. Running 800 is no longer a problem for me. However, for most students who don’t exercise regularly … this is … very … difficult …

Therefore, I launched a small survey in the circle of friends. What are you thinking when you don’t exercise often, when you run 800 or long-distance running? Everyone’s answer can be described as … "Voice" …

In fact, if you exercise more at ordinary times, probably everything will become less difficult. You don’t need to run much, step by step, two or three times a week, just as you relax after school; You must run scientifically and correctly. It is very important to find the right method. If you run blindly, you will suffer. Listen to some favorite music and move with the rhythm and rhythm when running; Insist on recording your own sports data and sports status, and form a habit. So, give yourself a reason to move. Any act of doing something with the help of external incentives will not last long. Only if you are willing to take the initiative will you stick to it.

Running has changed me in terms of body shape, face value, temperament and attitude towards life. It really changed me as a person and really benefited me a lot.

Let’s take a wave of my comparison photos first:

The following is me before I entered the university. At the heaviest, I weighed nearly 120 kilograms, which was almost inhuman.

In February 2015, during the winter vacation of senior three, my weight peaked at 118kg.
In August 2015, the swimming ring on the belly was clearly visible.
In September 2015, when I first came to college.

Here is me in my senior year:

March 2019
May 2018 stadium photo

4.5 update

Recently, I want to make some new friends. The epidemic has been confined at home for half a month. It’s so boring.

If you want to know me, you can add my WeChat 15951611775 to chat with me. Welcome to visit me.

Shanghai friends give priority to beauty and want to see beauty (laughing to death)

Next, I went from fat to thin, and insisted on running, and the changes that running brought me:

I still remember that when I was in high school, I was under great academic pressure. Only by letting myself eat a lot of things can I learn more happily. At that time, I didn’t have any idea about my figure at all. I was a fat man who lived in Buddhism and was happy. I had to add two or three meals to fast food at night, and my aunt in the canteen poured halogen seeds into the rice so that I could eat it well (now I think back that all I ate was oil, and one bite of oil was equal to the heat of two meals); What is your favorite snack at ordinary times?WallaceThe fried fast food restaurant like KFC is full of memories of high school, and now it is still drooling when passing by.Spicy potato chips instant noodle beverageThese cheap and high-calorie snacks are also eaten (tired, expensive); Go out to dinner with friends and choose all of them.buffet….. Eat like this, it’s all high-calorie food, I’m really not fat!

In this way, I weighed 118 kilograms in the summer vacation of senior three, which was the peak of my weight at that time …

Until my sophomore year, my lifestyle didn’t change much, and my weight remained stable at around 110kg. In May of 16, I was still like this, and one person occupied nearly half of the positions taken by four people:

This width contrast is clearly visible.

I vaguely remember some small details of me before I made up my mind to lose weight: my waist circumference was more than one foot, and I began to breathe heavily after several sit-ups, and I couldn’t do a standard push-up; I can’t see my toes in the shower, so I can only sit in a chair and straighten my feet. It’s really embarrassing.

That was in November of 2016. I was once in the dormitory. Because I was too fat, I almost pulled my lumbar spine by doing a simple bending motion. At that time, I was scared when I thought about it, and I couldn’t describe it. I only remembered that I couldn’t stand up when I was lying on the ground in the dormitory. I only had one thought in my heart: "If I don’t do something, I don’t think I can even live in college." When I was carried to bed by several roommates, I really made up my mind to lose weight.

So I chose the simplest, the most cliche, and the most testing way to lose weight-running.

One night in November, I embarked on a journey to the school playground, and this walk has come to the present.

I remember those first nights, which were unbearable. The hardest thing to form a good habit was the first time. Nanjing’s late autumn is not warmer than any other place. At 9 o’clock in the evening, the Pujiang playground, the demon wind in late autumn and winter, blows on my face and slaps me. At first, I pulled many friends to run with me (of course, most of them were not as fat as me, but now many of them are much fatter than me), but most of them were frozen after running for a few days and refused to come out again. It’s no wonder that the near-zero weather, coupled with the demon wind on Nanjing Mountain, can’t make the average person hold on.

But my head is iron, and if I don’t run, I feel that I can’t be happy anymore. I really dare not be empty! Because I played basketball when I was a child and had a good sports foundation, I insisted on running eight laps for the first time, but the speed was very slow, and I was sweating and panting after running; Later, one lap was added every two days, and then one lap was added every day. After more than a month, fun run, which is five or six kilometers a night, has become a common occurrence. Warm-up and stretching must be done properly. I did this well, so I didn’t get any injuries at that time.

Really, any small progress, multiplied by a period of persistence, will have great gains.The first change of running for me is to hone my will, so that I can change from a Buddhist life to persistence and perseverance, and finally I can persist in doing something meaningful to myself. And running, like other good things, really benefited me a lot.

After running for more than a month, my diet has also been controlled. My weight has dropped rapidly and my figure has become better.

This second change, of course, is the change of my own body shape and physical quality. I have become thinner and stronger, and my body has become better and better.

After running for a long time, I found that I was most afraid of running in physical education class, and what I like best now is the running lap at the beginning of physical education class’s class, because I was originally behind the team, and now I can rush to the front; I found that I can run within three and a half minutes at 1000 meters and within seven seconds at 50 meters during physical examination, which I never dared to think about before.

I remember that in April of 17, after nearly half a year’s exercise, my weight had been reduced to about 85 kilograms. At that time, our school sports meeting was short of people, so I tried to represent the college and participate in the 5000-meter run of the school sports meeting, hoping to take this opportunity to challenge myself.

So I bravely stood on the 5000-meter running track and finished the whole course in the afternoon sun. It was an unforgettable memory!

The 5,000-meter run in the afternoon is not quite the same as that in fun run. After all, the sun is shining, which makes my throat smoke as I run.
After running, I lay in my brother’s arms, very tired, but very satisfied. At that time, I felt really awesome.

Later, I participated in the campus marathon in my school. I participated in the 7-kilometer mini marathon in my junior year and the 14-kilometer mini marathon in my senior year, and finally I successfully completed the challenge.

In my junior year, I participated in the 7-kilometer group, with a total of 1500 participants. At that time, I also won the 95th place, which was a good result!

Welcome to Nanjing University of Technology and experience a school that can run marathons.

On the occasion of last year’s senior year’s postgraduate entrance examination, when I had 50 days left to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, I chose to go despite the hard work of reviewing for the postgraduate entrance examination.Participated in the last year’s 14-kilometer marathon, fulfilling a dream in my university!I always wanted to take part in a 14-kilometer marathon, but it finally came true in the last year.

On Saturday afternoon, I took part in the marathon. I didn’t have much rest at night, so I went back to the postgraduate entrance examination classroom to review. This is a photo I took in the classroom at night.
I was particularly ugly when I took the postgraduate entrance examination, and my hair was particularly long, so I didn’t have time to take care of myself. …

On my favorite basketball court, I also found that I could only play inside, and I couldn’t run down at all. Because I insisted on running and exercising, my physical fitness was greatly improved. When I played the whole game, I could also play fast break like a defender, and I wouldn’t be tired after playing the whole high-intensity game.

Because of running, my health has improved, and I have played basketball much better. In every field of sports, I have become more powerful!

Stadium photo
Champion of the school all-star three-point contest

?Next, the third change brought by running is to let me see a brand-new world, let me really have a brand-new and positive attitude towards life, and I learned to love life and embrace it.

Running let me out of the dormitory, to the playground, to the bigger world. Inside and outside the dormitory are really two completely different worlds, and the world outside the dormitory is real and more worthy of our experience.

I remember the night when I first walked out of the dormitory and walked to the playground. Once upon a time, I just fought and killed in the virtual world of Summoner’s Canyon every night, but when I came to the playground, I saw something I had never seen before.

It was a scene full of vitality. There were countless people who were running hard. They were all working hard for themselves. Their bodies were full of vitality. That night, I was completely attracted by that vitality. I think that’s what people should live. I joined them without hesitation and became one of them.

Therefore, because of running, my life is no longer like before, playing games and watching variety shows in the dormitory, and I am no longer confined to the small world of the dormitory; I began to learn to really face life, to embrace life and enjoy the bigger world.

?I’ve made some friends who are completely different from before. In the process of running, I met many people who have a positive attitude towards life, and they are completely different from the people I used to get along with. By constantly learning their attitude towards life and being positively influenced by them, I have the determination to persist in making myself better.

There is a saying that you are who you get along with, and the influence of the environment on a person is enormous. Once upon a time, in the dormitory, my vision could only be those classmates who played games and watched live broadcasts; Walking out of the dormitory to the playground, those friends on the playground are running for themselves. I can see them, full of vitality.

Being able to keep running must be a person who wants to become better. In the past two years when I keep running, I have met many such people. Some of them have become my role models, some are my close friends, and some have become my apprentices ….. I am very lucky to know them, support each other and make progress together, and work hard for a better self. This is what life should look like!

In my sophomore year, after I started running, I was taught oral English by a foreign teacher.

?After leaving the dormitory, I saw more beauty and fun in the world. I loved life more and had more hobbies and pursuits.I used to only play games in the dormitory. I didn’t have any special skills. After I left the dormitory, I was deeply attracted by music, fascinated by musical instruments, and made up my mind to learn trombone with the band in the university. Later, during my four years in college, I also represented the school’s band and had many performances, which expanded my achievements in the music field!

A photo of our trombone voice.
Group photo of the school band.

?I also fell in love with traveling and experiencing more new things.When I was a child, because I liked playing games, I seldom went out to travel. I played games at home every winter and summer vacation, and I wasted all the time I should have gone out to see more. …

But since I walked out of the dormitory because of running and saw more possibilities of life, I thought about going out of my own little world and enjoying the beauty of life while I was young. After losing weight in my sophomore year, I signed up for an international volunteer in Bali that summer vacation. I had never been on a plane before, and when I got on the plane for the first time, I flew abroad alone to be an international volunteer. The two-week volunteer trip was short but unforgettable. I felt the exotic customs and experienced the life I had never seen before!

Since then, I have been to many places, and I prefer to spread my footprints all over the country, hoping to see a wider world and more possibilities of life.

Because of running, I can feel the beauty of so many lives!

Because of running, the fat house I used to be has disappeared. Instead, I am the one who loves life more, is willing to broaden my horizons and is more optimistic.

?The fourth change that running brings to me can benefit me for life, that is, I really develop the good habit of self-discipline and persistence, so that I can constantly jump out of my comfort zone and work hard to meet myself better.

Running has taught me to strive for a better self, and this pursuit of a better self will never stop.

Let’s talk about sports and figure. After I lost weight by running in my sophomore year, although my figure became better, my body fat rate has not dropped very low, which is far from my real good figure. And my diet is not completely scientific, and sometimes I still can’t regulate my diet well. ……

So I spent a winter vacation in my junior year studying, studied a lot of knowledge about healthy diet and exercise, and made a detailed study on the principles of weight loss and the calories of food, making notes and turning them into my own knowledge, and applying them to my daily life.

Now I am not satisfied with running, but on the basis of running, I add many types of aerobic exercise, such as skipping rope, HIIT, swimming and so on, and the anaerobic exercise in the gym has become a place I must go; In terms of diet, I have kept the diet habit of low oil and low sugar to this day, and I am still constantly improving and researching.

It’s been two years since I lost weight, but my figure is getting better and better, and my knowledge about health is getting richer.

Some friends said, aren’t you tired of studying these things and controlling your diet? I told them that I am not tired at all, because it has become my habit and a part of my life to make myself better. I really want to thank running, because it can help me develop countless good habits, improve myself countless times and make myself better.

Notes from my weight loss knowledge notebook

The fifth point is that running has brought me the most important change. That is to let me stop being afraid of loneliness and thinking about getting along with people around me. Because I insist on running, I understand that I am different from the people around me. I can have my own life and my own way to go.

Running makes me more confident, and I am determined to be my true self and follow my own life path.

I used to be a person who was afraid of loneliness. I used to do many things to have a common topic with my roommates, such as playing mobile games and watching some variety shows, but looking back, those were not what I really liked.

In other words, I had little sense of autonomy before and had no life of my own. But by losing weight, running, good work and rest and eating habits,I found that I don’t have to live like the people around me. I can have my own way of life and do what I really like and want to do. For my own love, I won’t be lonely. Why do things you don’t like just to fit in?

Because of losing weight, I have my own life. I tell myself to listen to my heart, to be true to myself, to do what I like and to pursue my dreams. I began to face up to my own preciousness, I began to have the courage to be myself, and I chose to be that unique self.

From then on, I will never think about getting along with others, but spend more time on what I like, and I have achieved success after success in my own field.

It can be said that losing weight made me realize for the first time that I can choose my own life, and I really found my own treasure.I think this is the biggest gain of losing weight, that is, I will no longer be an ordinary person like the people around me, and I choose to be myself.

So I made a decision in the winter vacation of my junior year, that is, I chose to take a cross-disciplinary examination and study, and cross-examine the sports news of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education from the automation major of this science. Being a sports person was my childhood dream. Later, I once lost it, but last year, I bravely got it back. In order to recover my childhood dream and be myself, I embarked on the road of interdisciplinary examination and research.

From engineering to liberal arts, this road is very bitter and difficult. Most of the students who take the postgraduate entrance examination around me take this major. There are no comrades around me who take the same cross-examination road as me. I am alone, but I never want to give up. Because I know that I am fighting for myself, and I am moving in the direction of my dreams. Dreams are like a beam of light, which guides me. In countless painful and sad nights, I gritted my teeth and persisted.

After a year of hard work, I got this postgraduate entrance examination result.The first test scored 410 points and ranked third, and the second test and total score ranked first.

A year’s efforts to make yourself have 400+ postgraduate entrance examination results.

All this stems from my decision to run. It is running that brings me the true self and the courage and confidence to be brave.

This is my own personal experience of running, this is the real change that running has brought me, and this is the story of running in my college.

If it weren’t for the night when I walked out of the dormitory and went to the playground, how could I change from that 120 kg fat man to what I am now?

Without that running time, how could I explore those brand-new hobbies in my life and become myself now?

If I don’t persist day by day, how can I become different from the people around me and use the spirit of persisting in running on my other things;

If I didn’t run, my physical condition wouldn’t get better and better, and I wouldn’t make progress on the basketball court.

If I didn’t run, how could I get all the results now? I am one of the top ten outstanding young people, a role model for my classmates, the leader of the hot search list in Weibo, and the first test of postgraduate entrance examination is among the best. ……

Because of running, my life trajectory has completely changed, and I have found my own direction; Because of running, I found my true self, and I have the courage to be myself, keeping those spirits and beliefs that belong to me to this day.

Everyone can do these things, as long as you are willing to run and change yourself.

The change of your life may begin at the moment you start running.

Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of these words, so don’t stay in the dormitory, set foot on the runway once and take your first step, and you will understand everything I said.

For yourself, try a good habit and try to change yourself. You will really benefit a lot.

Attached a short paragraph, keep running, and brought me some extra small gains:

Last semester, our school selected the top ten outstanding young stars on campus. I brought my own story of running and losing weight, and impressed the judges with my self-discipline and persistence. I stood with many outstanding students and was successfully selected as a "diligent and inspirational" young star (among those students, there were national competitions and imagine cup gold medals, overseas students, college students who had attended the legal report column, and even athletes who represented China in the World Track and Field Grand Prix, and suddenly felt like thieves! )

The diligent and inspirational young stars in the school.

Later, because I insisted on running and losing weight, WeChat official account, an official who went to school once, was interviewed by a local newspaper reporter in Nanjing and boarded a hot search in Weibo.

Promoted by the school teacher as an example, he boarded the official micro-WeChat official account.

I was interviewed by a local newspaper reporter in Nanjing and boarded a hot search in Weibo, the peak of my life in June last year.

The same man who fucked Weibo.

I didn’t expect to be interviewed after running, and I can also go to Weibo for hot search. It smells good.

After 11 years of running, I have these six insights.

The longer you run, the more you can feel. Running can make people feel free and liberated, release the pressure and tension of the body, and make people’s emotions relaxed and relaxed.

In the process of running, people canThinking and reflectionThis is one of the reasons why many runners love running. Running can make people jump out of the daily chores, precipitate their thinking, and meditate on their own life, work, interpersonal relationships and other issues. Especially in the process of running for a long time, the body will enter an automatic state, and the brain will have more space to reflect and think.

It has been about eleven or twelve years since I started running. With the increase of running time, running not only changes my body, but also slowly I find that many concepts are changing, and many concepts are even quite different from those when I started running.

Enjoy the running process more and more

Running, like any other skill, takes time and experience to master. It’s true that I just started the ordeal of running, and I can’t talk about enjoying it.

But when you keep running, you will gradually improve your skill level, so that you can more easily enter the state of "enjoying" loudly and experience more fun and sense of accomplishment.

In addition, the positive impact of running on physical and mental health also makes meEnjoy running more.. For example, running can release chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine, which can improve mood and happiness.

Running is an exercise with long-term benefits. When we insist on running, we will enjoy this process better and get more sense of accomplishment and motivation from it, which will make you stronger, healthier and more confident.

Patience is very important in running.

First of all, in running, it is difficult to see rapid and significant progress in a short time. However, if you can persist and be patient and gradually adapt to running, you will find that your skills and physical fitness are slowly improving. Since running is a long-term exercise form, when you accumulate experience and persist,Patience becomes one of the keys to success..

Secondly, some difficulties need to be overcome in running, such as external environment, climate change and personal fatigue. When you can be patient and solve difficulties, your self-confidence and perseverance will be significantly improved.

Patience is also needed in training and competition, which includes full preparation, planning your own plan and keeping calm. If you are anxious and lack rational thinking, you may be mobilized too early in the competition or training, and you will not achieve your best performance. Maintaining a patient, stable and positive attitude is the key to achieving the best results.

In a word, running needs long-term investment, hard training and high self-discipline. On the road of running, having patience can help you stick to it and overcome unexpected things and difficulties.

The process of running is as important as the result.

When you start running, you will pay more attention to the process objectives of running, such as your skills, posture and breathing during running, and optimize your performance according to these. By improving your running skills, you can improve your running efficiency and make running more relaxed and comfortable. By paying attention to the process goal, you can enjoy the running process and feel happy during the exercise.

Beginners usually set some goals in order to persist in running, such as completing a 5-kilometer running plan. Running distance is one of the easiest criteria for beginners to measure their progress. They will gradually improve their endurance and running speed, and constantly challenge longer distances and higher difficulties.

When you have some running experience, you will pay more attention to the result goal.For example, they will pursue higher speed and better performance, and pay attention to quantitative indicators such as competitive ranking or running performance. Will pay more attention to their own skills and training methods in order to achieve better performance and higher ranking, such as participating in marathons or other competitive exercise programs.

Although it is very important to achieve these goals, paying too much attention to the outcome goals will make you ignore many successful experiences in the process and lead to excessive anxiety and loss.

Runners at each stage have different concerns in running, because their goals and experience levels are different. When running, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they complement each other.

When you gradually optimize your performance by paying attention to the process goal and achieve the result goal, you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment and motivation, so that you can keep exercising for a longer time.

Therefore, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they should be balanced during running.

I prefer jogging now.

When you run for a long time or have formed a stable habit, you will prefer jogging.

As you get older and run longer,More and more people will find that jogging is a good way to relieve fatigue and restore physical strength.. In addition, jogging can also reduce the risk of injury and make sports healthier and safer.

An important benefit of jogging is that you can easily keep your training plan when you are easily tired or tired. When I run at a jogging speed, I have time to clear my mind, which is closely related, and I am immersed in the deep experience because of the abundant oxygen supply.

To a certain extent, slow running is really not as exciting as fast running. However, the most important thing in running is to enjoy the process and stick to it. No matter what form you insist on running, you can achieve the goal of pursuing exercise and health.

Therefore, if you like jogging and can keep the habit of running, it is a good choice to continue jogging.

Pay attention to the quality of running rather than the quantity.

In modern society, with the enhancement of people’s health awareness, running has become a widely popular fitness method. However, for many people, running is not only for health, but also a manifestation of competition and pursuit of higher achievements. Therefore, many people are obsessed with the quantity and speed of running and ignore the importance of running quality.

In fact, the quality of running includes not only the posture, breathing and rhythm of running, but also the meaning and purpose of running. Running should not only exist to achieve a certain goal, but should become a way of life and a way to enjoy life.

If we blindly pursue the quantity and speed of running, then we will easily fall into the burden of running and lose the happiness and pleasure brought by running itself. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running.Let running become a way to enjoy life, not a pressure and burden..

In the process of running, we can appropriately slow down the speed, slow down the breathing, and adapt our body and mind to the running process. At the same time, we can also pay more attention to the posture and breathing mode of running, so that running can become a process of relaxation and enjoyment.

Experienced runners will not run at all costs for the amount of running, nor will they force themselves to complete the 30-kilometer long-distance training under the condition of physical fatigue. Instead, they should suspend training when their state declines.

In a word, running should not be a burden, but a way to enjoy life. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running and make running a pleasant and happy lifestyle.

Running makes people more stable.

Running can not only exercise the body, but also exercise willpower and self-control. In the process of running, people need to overcome fatigue and discomfort and persist in completing the whole exercise process. This persistent spirit and self-control ability will also play an active role in daily life, making people more stable and firm.

Modern people have a fast pace of life and often feel pressure and anxiety. butRunning is a kind of exercise that can help people relieve stress and anxiety.. Through running, people can release the negative emotions accumulated in the body, and at the same time, they can promote the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine in the body, thus helping to improve their emotional state and mental health.

Running can make people feel physical strength and self-confidence, which helps to improve people’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Through running, people can gradually improve their running performance and enjoy the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction brought by sports, thus becoming more calm and confident psychologically.

In a word, running can improve people’s physical health, mental health and emotion. Long-term running can make people reflect and think better, gain a deeper understanding and improve their self-awareness and self-management ability.

What do you feel after running? Welcome to share!

China Women’s Volleyball Team is a heroic group. Lang Ping once said: This senior volleyball player from Shanghai should not be forgotten!

Under the epidemic situation, after nearly 580 days of waiting, China women’s volleyball team finally ushered in its first official match. On May 1st, China women’s volleyball team will take part in the test match of Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan, against the host team Japan. This is the first time that China women’s volleyball team has participated in the official competition since September 2019.

Before going to Japan, China women’s volleyball team had a 50-day special training at Zhangzhou Sports Training Base in Fujian. In the south area of the base, next to the No.1 Hall of China Women’s Volleyball Team, which is full of the flavor of the 1980s, a tombstone stood quietly for 30 years accompanied by two junipers. The tombstone reads: A pioneer of volleyball in China is buried here.

The deceased was Jiaxiang Qian, a famous Shanghai volleyball player, who had been focusing on volleyball all his life and was called "volleyball money". He is also the third head coach in the history of women’s volleyball in China, and has served as the director of the Volleyball Department of the State Sports Commission, the secretary-general and vice-chairman of the China Volleyball Association.

In 1970s, Jiaxiang Qian was appointed by the State Sports Commission at that time to choose Zhangzhou as the volleyball training ground, and transferred his team to this "national training". Therefore, Zhangzhou base not only helped women volleyball team to stage the glory of "five consecutive championships", but also witnessed the great cause of "ten champions" in the future, and became the eternal "mother’s family" of China women volleyball team.

Golden bamboo shed

"The leaders attach importance to it, the masses love it, the products are rich and the climate is pleasant. This is the superior condition for Zhangzhou to build a volleyball base." Zhong Jiaqi, the old director of Fujian Zhangzhou Sports Training Base, remembered these 16 words clearly. He is 87 years old and still has a loud voice and clear logic. Zhong Jiaqi, a Shanghainese, came to Fujian with the South Service Group in his early years. At the age of 25, he became the first director of Zhangzhou Sports Commission, and worked as the head of the base for 17 years, working with Jiaxiang Qian for many years.

At that time, Premier Zhou Enlai proposed that "sports should be revived". Wang Meng, then director of the State Sports Commission, recalled Zhang Zhihuai, Jiaxiang Qian and other "professionals" from the cadre school.

At that time, the Japanese women’s volleyball team, known as the "Oriental Witch", dominated the women’s volleyball world. In November, 1964, Hirofumi Komatsu visited China for the first time and was received twice by Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister of the State Council, China. On April 21, 1965, at the invitation of Premier Zhou Enlai, Dasongbowen came to Shanghai for a one-month special training for China women’s volleyball team, accompanied by Jiaxiang Qian. The "Devil Training" of Dasong Bowen instilled the concept of "being strict, being difficult, starting from actual combat and training with a large amount of exercise" into China women’s volleyball girls, which was like an awakening for China women’s volleyball team that started from scratch at that time.

After that, the State Sports Commission decided to build a volleyball training base, and Jiaxiang Qian, who was the director of the volleyball department, went to the south to inspect and choose a place to build the base. At the time of the "Cultural Revolution", some local leaders paid attention to it, but it was "congenitally deficient"; In some places, the natural conditions meet, but the leaders know little about volleyball. Some officials even ask: "Is it beneficial to build a base for agriculture and industry?"

Caption: The "Bamboo Shed Pavilion" was built in 1972, from which the China women’s volleyball team worked hard and practiced their skills, and the China women’s volleyball team stepped onto the podium of the world champion.

Zhang Ran, former vice captain of China Men’s Volleyball Team, recommended his hometown-Zhangzhou, Fujian to Jiaxiang Qian. The average annual temperature here is 21 degrees Celsius, and it is not cold in winter, which is beneficial for athletes to recover their physical fitness after high-intensity training. Volleyball is also very popular in the local area. After the founding of New China, there were 800 amateur men’s and women’s volleyball teams here at the same time, which is the "hometown of volleyball". After reporting to the State Sports Commission and obtaining approval, Jiaxiang Qian decided to make a field trip.

The news that "the volleyball team should choose a base" was sent back to Fujian. Yu Kezhao, then commander of Longxi Military Division, member of the Standing Committee of Zhangzhou District Committee and director of the Sports Commission, was in command. The local finance allocated 30,000 yuan and decided to "make a look" before the inspectors of the State Sports Commission arrived. According to the introduction of people who have participated in the construction of bamboo shed, Yu Kezhao asked his people to mobilize thousands of militiamen, cut down tens of thousands of bamboo to build bamboo shed in Nanjing mountain area of Zhangzhou, and finally built a shed covering six volleyball courts with local bamboo.

After arriving in Zhangzhou, Jiaxiang Qian was tempted after visiting the bamboo shed. During reporting the plan to build a volleyball base in Zhangzhou, he transferred 12 young men’s and women’s volleyball teams to Zhangzhou in the name of the Volleyball Department of the State Sports Commission to start experimental training. Zhong Jiaqi remembers that in December 1972, 12 national volleyball teams gathered in Zhangzhou, and the first national youth volleyball winter training was held in the "bamboo shed" with simple conditions. The purpose of this training is to revitalize China volleyball and focus on training excellent sports teams. At that time, all kinds of statistical tables and notices were posted at the entrance of the station, and the average time of intensive practice for each team exceeded 7 hours every day.

Caption: Jiaxiang Qian and Zhang Ran were both members of the first national volleyball training team in winter. (Source: China Women’s Volleyball Tengfei Memorial Hall)

Once it is found that some teams have good training effects, Jiaxiang Qian will convene a meeting of coaches of all teams in the evening to impart good experiences to all teams in time. "This is our advantage at that time, the national chess game, you chase me, you learn from me, there is no secret between each other. I taught him my good method, and I learned his good method, and everyone made progress together. " Speaking of the enthusiasm of training in those days, Zhong Jiaqi’s eyes were bright and his tone rose several times. "Old money is an expert. He is grasping real things, not shouting empty slogans. It is useless to shout slogans, and training can solve problems. "

Jiaxiang Qian is an expert in technology and well-known in management. On Women’s Day in 1973, the team leader of Heilongjiang Women’s Volleyball Team gave the girls a half-day holiday, but I didn’t expect Jiaxiang Qian to "inspect the post". Under his rebuke, the team leader panicked: "We will make up for this half-day in the evening." That night, the girls returned to the stadium, tumbling and fighting, and practiced until 2 o’clock the next morning, when Jiaxiang Qian came into the gym-he came to check the make-up lessons. The Heilongjiang Women’s Volleyball Team, which took more than half a day off, stayed up all night and practiced until the East was white, which deeply touched the athletes of other teams and put them into intense training.

Caption: Zhong Jiaqi (first from the right) is the old director of the base, and Jiaxiang Qian is a good partner. "Training lasts for three months every year, and we discuss our work together every day."

Zhong Jiaqi remembers very clearly that in the first year of Zhangzhou training, the Bayi team and the Shanghai team with excellent conditions did not participate. After the training, the Liaoning team went home and passed by Beijing for a game, and the Bayi team was completely defeated; Similarly, the Shanghai team also lost to the passing Jiangsu team and Zhejiang team. In the second year of national training, Bayi team and Shanghai team volunteered to participate.

The first national training camp was successful, and the training atmosphere of hard struggle formed during it was called "bamboo shed spirit" by the sports community.

Open the door and train.

After the completion of Zhangzhou base, the national volleyball team "opened the door to train" here. As soon as the weekend arrives, the small gymnasium in the south area of the base is full of people, which is as lively as Chinese New Year. The audience who came to watch the volleyball match helped the old and took care of the young, sitting on the floor, including the PLA, workers and farmers. A wonderful spike, an effective block, can attract applause from the scene, and it is enjoyable.

Caption: The women’s volleyball team trained in that year entered various counties and cities in Zhangzhou to experience the feeling of actual combat.

In the 1970s, it was undoubtedly a blessing for ordinary people to watch high-level volleyball matches on the spot without TV sets. In addition to Zhangzhou City, Jiaxiang Qian also led a team to Zhangpu County and Longhai County to play games. Once I went to Fotan town, there was an open-air basketball court in the town, surrounded by private houses. During the game, the upstairs and downstairs were full of people, and the audience was crowded with people, and the cheers were like the tide. That competition left a photo, which was a picture of the crowd waving and encouraging to the athletes.

In summing up the growth law of players and teams, Jiaxiang Qian once had a judgment: national players "take three years to form, five years to become useful, and eight years to become useful", three years to lay the foundation and become qualified provincial athletes, five years to become the main force of the national first-class team, and after eight years of tempering, they become candidates for the national team. For a team, to be effective, it is necessary to play more than 200 domestic games and more than 100 international games every year.

Where did so many competitions come from? Jiaxiang Qian’s answer is: practice is the competition, and competition promotes practice. So every weekend, he organizes open-door competitions and training. At the same time, it is also to make young players less arrogant and arrogant. With more audiences, athletes will practice harder.

In the era of planned economy, the meat, rice and eggs in the base need to be allocated. There is another consideration in open training, which is to solve the problem of feeding the trainees. Also invited to watch the training were the heads of supply and marketing cooperatives in Zhangzhou counties and other units. Watching the ball flying all over the court, the players dived and tumbled again and again, and sweat, blood and concrete mixed together. Those responsible persons were all moved by the hard work of the women’s volleyball girls and said, "Let me know what the training team lacks."

In Zhong Jiaqi’s view, "the effect of this kind of open-door training for old money is very good. The atmosphere of the competition has been greatly improved. Everyone is chasing after me, not giving up, making rapid progress, and talents are thus selected. " After four years of winter training in Zhangzhou, the technical and tactical level of volleyball in China has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the opportunity to re-establish the national women’s volleyball team is ripe. In the spring of 1976, Yuan Weimin, the coach of the national women’s volleyball team, came to Zhangzhou base to choose a general, and Jiaxiang Qian mobilized all teams to actively train talents for the national team. Cao Huiying, Chen Zhaodi, Yang Xi and others participated in the first batch of training in Zhangzhou.

In 1979, in order to rush out of Asia, China women’s volleyball team took the Japanese and South Korean teams as catch-up targets. Jiaxiang Qian hung the slogan "Fight hard for three to five years and defeat Japan and South Korea" on the wall of the training hall.

Caption: In those days, China women’s volleyball players practiced their skills in the bamboo shed.

Japan has noticed the progress of China women’s volleyball team. In 1980, Shigeo Yamada, Minister of Strengthening Department of Japan Volleyball Association, led the second Japanese team to visit China and came to Zhangzhou. He said to Jiaxiang Qian, "Mr. Qian, you are very good at choosing a site. It is the same latitude as Cuba, and 25 degrees north latitude is the golden climate ecological belt. Training here can improve the bounce."

Jiaxiang Qian didn’t expect this at all, but the progress of volleyball in China proved that the location of Zhangzhou base was correct. The State Sports Commission mobilized six first-class teams to face the Japanese second team. In the first six games, the China team won all the games, and finally 17 wins and 7 losses. Shigeo Yamada commented at that time: As far as the base facilities are concerned, it is only the level of Japan in the 1950s, but the practice of centralized team training and national chess competition for sending players is the first in the world.

Zhong Jiaqi said with emotion: "Through the national training at the base, six teams in China have reached or even surpassed the level of the Japanese national second team. Do you think the level of the China women’s volleyball national team can be low at this time?"

On November 16th, 1981, China women’s volleyball team won the third Women’s Volleyball World Cup, achieving a breakthrough in China’s three goals. At this time, the Zhangzhou base, which was established for 9 years, gradually became known to outsiders, and foreign media called it a "secret base". Subsequently, China Women’s Volleyball Team began the journey of "five consecutive championships", and several generations of China women’s volleyball team made it a well-deserved "cradle of champions".

Loyal souls stay in the cradle

In June 1978, Zhong Jiaqi, who had been away from the Sports Commission for 14 years, was given high hopes and returned to Zhangzhou Sports Training Base as the director. At that time, China women’s volleyball team had just been reorganized for more than a year.

"How to ensure that athletes can have sufficient nutrition when they receive large-scale training, so that they can eat well, eat satisfactorily, and practice better?" Zhong Jiaqi and Jiaxiang Qian, who have been athletes, hit it off: We must do a good job in ensuring the life service of athletes.

During the early training period, there were hard-trained teams dragging their seats, and as a result, they could only eat cold leftovers when they returned to the cafeteria. "Jiaxiang Qian was very angry at the time and made it clear to me that the last sports team that finished training should not only eat hot dishes and hot meals, but also eat better than the team that finished training early!" Zhong Jiaqi introduced that by strengthening the management of canteens, all teams are also guided to train hard.

Jiaxiang Qian also took the chef to the training ground and let the chef watch the team members’ hard training. "Once it was close to dinner, I watched the China women’s volleyball training at the venue, and Lang Ping was hungry and wanted to hit 100 good shots. Eat after practice, and eat after class if you don’t practice well. Not only her, but every member of the China Women’s Volleyball Team is so hard. " Yan Wenzhong, an old chef, recalled that by approaching the women’s volleyball players, the base staff had a sense of responsibility as a "family member". "As long as the team is still training, our chef will never rush and never leave early." Today, Zhangzhou base still has the tradition of letting the team that finishes class at the latest eat the best meals.

Caption: Before retiring, Yan Wenzhong was the head chef of the base, and once specially launched the "China Women’s Volleyball Recipe" to ensure that the soldiers could "eat" after hard training.

"When Lang Ping was a team member, the women’s volleyball team had mung bean soup at noon and longan porridge at night. Just after exercise, you can drink sour plum soup to appetize, and nutritious things can be eaten." Yan Wenzhong said that under the influence of Jiaxiang Qian, he will also take the initiative to observe the eating habits of athletes and keep them in mind silently: Yuan Weimin loves seafood, Zheng Meizhu and Hou Yuzhu are used to sweet and sour taste, Lang Ping is the most appetizing to eat tomatoes mixed with sugar, Chen Yaqiong is the most fascinated by oyster frying, Lai Yawen and Su Huijuan have a preference for grouper and stewed pigeon soup …

When the conditions in Zhangzhou base were difficult, many homesick women volleyball girls would secretly shed tears during the Spring Festival. Jiaxiang Qian arranged recreational activities while doing the girls’ ideological work with the coaches. At the Spring Festival party, the girls wrote and performed their own programs, and Lao Qian also performed on the stage, which made the girls laugh. For 13 Spring Festival holidays, Jiaxiang Qian spent the holidays with the team at the base.

In the spring of 1990, Zhangzhou began to welcome the winter training of the first-class national women’s volleyball team. The staff had already made the bed for Jiaxiang Qian and waited for him to command the national training again. Unexpectedly, the bad news came suddenly: 64-year-old Jiaxiang Qian died unexpectedly in Beijing. On his deathbed, he told me to scatter half of his ashes in Zhangzhou Sports Training Base.

Wang Jiawei, the former coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, greatly admired his predecessor Jiaxiang Qian. In 1998, he led all the men’s volleyball soldiers to pay homage to Jiaxiang Qian’s tomb. This China Men’s Volleyball Team led the team to regain the Asian Championship after 18 years’ absence, successfully defended its title in the Asian Championship in 1999, and won the Asian Championship in 1998, winning the triple crown in Asia. Wang Jiawei also funded the renovation of Qian Lao’s tombstone in the base.

Caption: Wang Jiawei (first from left), former head coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, reveres his predecessor Jiaxiang Qian.

Lang Ping is also in Zhangzhou base, "Xiao He just showed his sharp corner". Lang Ping’s Autobiography published in 1999 has such a passage on page 82: "There is also our old-timer Comrade Jiaxiang Qian, who did a lot of work for the take-off of the women’s volleyball team, and he was still running for the cause of the women’s volleyball team until he died of serious illness. Therefore, as long as I have the ability, I have to contribute everything I can to the China women’s volleyball team. "

Wang Erkang, a former honorary team leader of China Men’s Volleyball Team, said: "China Women’s Volleyball Team is a heroic group, especially in the low valley, there are still a group of people who work silently without paying back. It is because of their silent efforts that China women’s volleyball team has achieved today. In my impression, Jiaxiang Qian is a predecessor who should not be easily forgotten. "

This spring, flowers are sent to Jiaxiang Qian’s grave from time to time, and evergreen cypress trees are flourishing, which is as endless as the spirit of women’s volleyball.

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Hua

Author: Liu Xueyan Chen Hua Shi Jiani

Text Editor: Chen Hua

Title source: Haishar

Chinese billiards "walking on two legs" with both internationalization and popularization in mind

China News Service, Yushan, Jiangxi, December 10 (Wang Zumin, Jiang Tao) The 6th China Billiards Association (CBSA) Chinese Billiards World Championships is being held in Yushan County, Jiangxi Province. The reporter learned here that as a billiards project with independent intellectual property rights in China, the future development of Chinese billiards will not only continue to accelerate the process of internationalization, but also be more grounded and cultivate its future development soil with popularization.
Chinese billiards became popular rapidly in China after it came out in 1980s. In 2012, China’s State Sports General Administration and China Billiards Association named this new type of billiards as "Chinese Billiards", and the Chinese billiards movement was on the right track.
The CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship, initiated by China Billiards Association in 2015, is the largest and highest-level Chinese billiards tournament in the world. The success of this event has accelerated the internationalization of Chinese billiards.
A total of 496 players from 41 countries and regions participated in this Chinese billiards World Championships, and the scale of participation reached a new high, with a total prize of 10.43 million yuan (RMB, the same below).
Wang Xiaojiong, executive deputy secretary-general of China Billiards Association, said in an interview with China News Service that billiards associations and players in various countries and regions around the world are increasingly favoring Chinese billiards, and the expansion of the prize money scale of this competition also shows the market’s love for this project.
In addition to the World Championships, the Chinese billiards international professional league came into being in 2022. The event includes China Open, International Classic, International Grand Prix and International Open. From November 2022 to October 2023, more than 1,000 players from dozens of countries experienced the charm and fun of Chinese billiards in international professional leagues.
Going abroad is another big step in the internationalization of Chinese billiards.
Since the international grand prix, Star Brand has cooperated with some overseas billiards organizations to hold overseas trials of Chinese billiards international professional league. At present, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, Australia and other countries have held overseas trials, further expanding the international influence of Chinese billiards.
It is reported that after the completion of Yushan International Billiards College, billiards associations in many countries and regions contacted China Billiards Association, hoping to send players or referees to the college for training. More and more countries and regions began to incorporate Chinese billiards into the local billiards sports system, and Chinese billiards became an important part of the world billiards sports.
While accelerating the internationalization of Chinese billiards, China Billiards Association will also promote the popularization of Chinese billiards. Wang Xiaotong said that in the future, the China-Taiwan Association will hold some amateur events or activities so that people who love Chinese billiards can participate in them. On the one hand, it will help promote national fitness, on the other hand, it will also cultivate the soil for the future development of Chinese billiards.
According to Wang Xiaotong, starting from 2024, the system of Chinese billiards professional events will be more perfect, and the China-Taiwan Association will further strengthen cooperation with relevant institutions and enterprises. It is estimated that there will be no less than 8 events in the whole year, and the total prize money will be from 1 million yuan to more than 10 million yuan. (End)

Duotu | It’s snowing in Chongqing! Snow scenes from all over the country let you see enough at once.

Affected by the cold wave, the temperature in many places dropped sharply. Last night and this morning, snow fell in Geleshan, Tieshanping and Mudong in the central city of Chongqing. The picture shows that today (15th), Ruixue is floating in Tongluoshan Mine Park in Yubei District.
According to the forecast of Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, from the night of 14th to 16th, there will be low temperature rain and snow in Chongqing, with sleet in most areas, light snow to medium snow in areas above 500 meters above sea level, local heavy snow to blizzard, and gusts of 4~6 in Yamaguchi Valley, and the lowest temperature in most areas will drop to -5℃. During the day on the 17th, most parts of Chongqing gradually turned cloudy. The picture shows Jinyun Mountain in Beibei District today.
The first ruixue this year fell in Jinyun Mountain, Beibei District.
The mountain fire isolation belt in Beibei District has been covered with snow.
Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan, if there is snow, make a snowman!
In the university town, the subway shuttles through the dancing snowflakes.
In the university town, snowfall adds a unique aesthetic feeling to the city.
Children paint on a snow-covered car in chongqing nanshan.
In Jinyun Mountain, Beibei District, children are excited to play with adults in the snow.
Jinyun mountain in beibei district.
In Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in University Town, children go out to feel the snowflakes in Chongqing.
In the Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in the University Town, the snowflakes in the main city of Chongqing are dancing, and the citizens’ travel life is poised.
Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in University Town, walking in the snow.
An aunt took a photo in the snow in Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in University Town.
Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan District, in the snow, everyone has endless pleasures.
Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan District.
Incense burner peak in the snow and fog of Jinyun Mountain in Beibei.
Beibei Jinyun Mountain.
Tieshanping, a little snow everywhere, will attract the infinite interest of friends of all sizes.
Tieshanping, have a happy photo.
Tongluoshan Mine Park, Yubei District.
There is snow on the roof of the small train in Tongluoshan Mine Park, Yubei District.
It snowed in Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan this morning.
Wansheng Economic Development Zone has a tourist ring road with beautiful rime.
Wansheng Economic Development Zone tourist ring road, beautiful snow scene.
Gao Peng Agricultural Park, Maguan Town, Zhongxian County.
Longevity Dongshan, snowy.
Longevity Dongshan, photographers shoot beautiful snow scenes.
The Xuefeng Mountain Scenic Area located in Tongle Town, Fuling District also experienced heavy snow.
The car is full of Chongqing people’s love for snow.
Xuefeng mountain, the scene is wrapped in white. The vegetables in the vegetable field are covered with white snow. The roof is covered with thick snow. Step on the ground and make a rustling sound.
There are also many tourists coming to the Ant Temple camping base to enjoy the snow, some with sledges, some with skateboards, some children having snowball fights, and some taking photos, which is a harmonious picture.
Upstream News Special Photography Shen Shengcai Qin Tingfu Sun Kaifang Emperor Wen of Sui Liu Zhitao li ke Xin Huang Yang Rong Wang Luzhou Zhou Bin Cui Jingyin Zhao Jun Yellow River Zhang Songdong Photo Report
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Editor: Wu Shan
Editor: Ran Wen
Audit: Feng Fei

"Warm management" of Beijing Sports Lottery Store warms people’s hearts.

In the cold winter, Beijing is freezing. In order to provide a warm haven and resting place for lottery buyers and pedestrians who travel in the cold, Beijing Sports Lottery stores have started "warm management" one after another, helping everyone dispel the cold and protect their health with warm environment layout and enthusiastic service.

Sphygmomanometer plays a big role

"Small seeks you this incredibly have a sphygmomanometer? Then I have to test it. " Another lottery buyer who walked into the 36245 Sports Lottery Store in Haidian District in the cold wind quickly found the electronic sphygmomanometer specially placed in a conspicuous position by the agent Mr. Mou, and took the initiative to ask for blood pressure measurement.

In September 2023, Beijing Sports Lottery launched the "Healthy China Healthy Sports Lottery" activity, and established the Beijing Sports Lottery Health Benefit Station through the form of "Sports Lottery+Medical Care". Beijing Sports Lottery has equipped the first batch of 80 health benefit stations with electronic sphygmomanometer, oximeter and body fat scale as convenience facilities in the sports lottery health benefit station for use in the store. This winter, these health facilities played a big role. Mr. Mou told reporters: "Our store has an electronic sphygmomanometer sent by Beijing Sports Lottery Center, and my wife has a nurse qualification certificate. She is very concerned about the health of lottery buyers on weekdays and has been thinking about how to serve everyone as much as possible."

"Cold weather is very unfriendly to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. After Beijing cooled down this year, I put the sphygmomanometer in a conspicuous position in the store, which is convenient for the lottery buyers to test themselves. For older people, as well as tourists from the south, I will take the initiative to persuade them to measure their blood pressure and pay attention to their health. " Mr. Yan said.

Hot ginger soup to create a warm haven

No matter how windy and slippery the road is, there are always some people who have to go out. The Beijing Sports Lottery Store with sufficient heating and hot water can be their warm haven. "The people in this store are very good. I am actually waiting for someone nearby. The little girl said to let me come in to warm up and have a cup of hot water. It’s still warm in the house, but the enthusiasm of sports lottery is warmer and warmer in my heart. " In the 43276 Sports Lottery Store in Yongledian Town, Tongzhou District, an uncle praised the salesman Li Hongyan.

"There is no heating in the sports lottery store, but I turn on the air conditioner every day. The store is as warm as spring, and many people who go to the market will come to my store to rest." Li Hongyan said, I am warm to every guest who comes in, even if they are not here to buy lottery tickets, but just to take shelter, drink water or borrow a pump.

There are many sports lottery shops in Beijing, like Li Hongyan, which prepare hot water in their shops to provide a safe haven for their guests. Others specially cooked ginger soup at home and took it to the store in a thermos. "It is said that drinking ginger soup can better drive away the cold and prevent colds, so I have prepared some for people in need. It is not easy for people to go out in cold weather, and good health is very important. " Li Yong, a consignment agent in Tongzhou District, said.

Warm service can drive away the cold.

A cup of hot water can warm your hands, a warm room can warm your body, and a warm word can warm your heart. When it snowed before, many Beijing Sports Lottery people not only swept away the snow and ice in front of the door, but also swept the road at the door together with the snow in the nearby community, and laid anti-skid mats in the store, posted anti-skid tips, and used warm words and temperature service to drive away the cold for the guests who entered the door; In Yanqing District, which is colder than the urban area of Beijing, when it was found that heating and air conditioning could not effectively raise the temperature in the store, the Sports Lottery Store No.48022 decided to temporarily add a salesperson to reduce the waiting time of lottery buyers. There are also physical stores that strive to consider the possible needs of lottery buyers and prepare facilities in place. For example, umbrellas, chargers with various interfaces, band-AIDS, cold medicine, shoe polish and brush, disposable handbags, newspapers and magazines, chewing gum, etc. are always available.

It’s warmer in Leng Qing, and the cold wind can’t blow away the light and heat of sports lottery. In the new year, Beijing Sports Lottery and the respectable and lovely Beijing Sports Lottery people will continue to send more true feelings and warmth to the lottery buyers and the society. (From January 30th, China Sports Daily, 08 edition) 

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Guide | Where to eat for the Wuhan Youth League Banquet? Rescuing selection difficulties

The best meal in a year should be the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner.
In the twelfth lunar month, parents started planning, cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle, and curing fish and bacon. China parents, who are not good at expressing their love, used a big dinner on New Year’s Eve to show their concern for their families.
A sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner bears the most abundant feelings of China people. It divides the old year and the new year, soothes the homeless and celebrates the time of reunion.
But my parents are old, and they are reluctant to let them work hard. Finding a suitable restaurant and having a happy reunion dinner has become the most important thing before the new year.
Near the end of the year, you may not be able to screen carefully because of your busy work. Don’t panic, Wu Lvjun traveled all over Wuhan and found these high-quality restaurants. The New Year’s reunion dinner has its own characteristics, and you will be satisfied if you need to sit down.
* ranking in no particular order, sorted in pinyin order.
starred hotel
Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel
Write Spring Festival couplets after dinner.
During the Spring Festival, Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel has prepared a lot of annual activities. For example, on February 5 (New Year’s Day), four lively and festive lions will appear at the entrance of the hotel, stepping on plum blossom piles and passing on New Year’s greetings.
△//Old Shanghai smoked small yellow croaker
In addition, during the whole Spring Festival, guests who enjoy the New Year’s Eve in the hotel can use the pen, ink, paper and inkstone provided on the spot to write down the Spring Festival couplets and take them home for the whole family to enjoy.
△//Braised mandarin fish larvae with Shaoshan flavor
At present, the Chinese restaurant in the hotel offers five kinds of New Year’s Eve menus, starting from 2688 yuan, which you can choose according to the number of guests.
The group annual banquet is available at the price of 2688/2888/3988/5988/12988, which can meet the different needs of 10-20 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: Sheraton Caiyuexuan Chinese Restaurant, No.80 Fanhu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-63601978
The westin fuli hotel
Dining in 180 River View
Adjacent to Wuchang River Beach, the hotel dining adds a sense of ceremony. There are 7 kinds of meals available for the group annual banquet, and the price ranges from 3688 yuan to 10,000 yuan, meeting the dining needs of all grades.
There are three must-order dishes: signature dried Kun fish head, hot and sour plum ginseng, and black sesame bean curd with pine needles.
The signature Gankun fish head is about 7 kg of Tianmu Lake male fish, which is cooked with slow fire. Under the fish head, there are crisp handmade shepherd’s purse dumplings, bamboo shoots and prawns, all of which are mixed with delicacies.
Hot and sour plum ginseng is a secret seasoning that cuts plum ginseng and drenches it with hot and sour and refreshing. It tastes smooth and Q-bomb, and it is spicy to eat seafood, which is just in line with Wuhan people’s preferences.
The method of keeping fit with pine needles and black sesame bean curd is novel. The bean curd is wrapped with fine black sesame powder and immersed in golden pumpkin juice, which is fresh and sweet.
The group annual banquet is available at 3688/4688/5688/8088/12888/16888, which can meet the different needs of 10-28 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: The Westin R&F Hotel, No.96 Linjiang Avenue, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88168888
Kyle won Ro Hotel.
The whole roast pig was served on the table.
Kyle Ro Hotel launched the "Lucky Golden Pig" this year, following the cooking tips recorded by the Qing Dynasty culinary expert Yuan Mei in the "Suiyuan Food List". "First, roast the meat inside and make the ointment enter the skin, then the skin will be crispy and the taste will not go."
In the roasting process, pine, white wine and maltose are also added to make the pork exude a rich aroma from the inside out.
The rare seafood in the group annual banquet package is the highlight. After a table, you can taste fresh flavors all over the country.
Throughout the year, eat a big meal and start a new year full of blessings.
In addition to the meal fee, 10% service charge and 6% government value-added tax are added to each table. There are three packages of 2888/3888/4688 yuan to choose from, and you need to make an appointment in advance for meals.
Restaurant information
Address: Shangdu Taoyuan Chinese Restaurant, 2nd floor, Ro Hotel, Kyle, No.159, yanjiang road, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-82778888 to 8920
Shimao Hilton Hotel
Chef’s customized New Year’s Eve dinner
Hilton Shimao Hotel is located on the bank of Hanyang River. Through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic glass window, you can see a touch of red on the Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge.
Zhang Youbin, the chef of Jiu Chinese restaurant in the hotel, has been in business for nearly 30 years.This year’s New Year’s dinner package focuses on his specially made authentic Hubei cuisine, and there are also Cantonese and Sichuan dishes to choose from.
The three must-order specialties are hand-torn beef, Kyoto mutton soup and Mende chicken. In addition, Wuhan specialty Jiang Xian, Cai Tai, Nihao and lotus root ribs soup are all good choices.
There is no fixed menu for the group annual banquet, so it is a feature of this family to order whatever you want.
You need to make an appointment in advance for the Spring Festival meal, and customize the menu according to your needs.
Restaurant information
Address: Jiu Restaurant on the second floor of Shimao Hilton Hotel, No.190 Binjiang Avenue, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59402740
Wanda Ruihua Hotel
Luxury choice on the street of Chuhehan
If there are distinguished guests coming from afar during the Spring Festival, it is recommended here.
Wuhan Wanda Ruihua Hotel has a high-quality Huaiyang cuisine restaurant in Wuhan, and exquisite Jiangnan dishes such as Huaiyang boiled dried silk, crab powder tofu pot and crab powder lion head can be eaten here.
Besides, if guests want to experience the authentic local flavor, there are typical Hubei dishes such as bacon, vegetable moss and pork ribs and lotus root soup in restaurants.
After dinner, it is a very good travel experience to take new friends and old friends to the Han Street in Chuhe for a walk, or to take a cruise on Han Street to the East Lake.
Dining needs to be reserved one week in advance. The group annual banquet has five grades of 5288/6888/8888/9999/19999, which can be enjoyed by 10-26 people, and each table includes drinks. In addition to the meal fee, 6% value-added tax is added.
Restaurant information
Address: Banquet Yipin Huaiyang Chinese Restaurant, 6th Floor, Wanda Ruihua Hotel, No.138 Donghu Road, Shuiguohu Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59599999 to 6160
Shangri-La Hotel
The annual flavor of old Wuhan
Shangri-la leaves this yearSimple and people-friendly styleOn New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s Eve party brought the old Wuhan scene back to life. Wuhan traditional snacks are made on the spot, fried meatballs, lotus root clips, fried dumplings and popcorn, which are full of year-round flavor.
The dishes are all common dishes on Wuhan people’s New Year’s Eve dinner table, made by star chefs, and the appearance is naturally refined.
In addition to the New Year’s Eve dinner, there are various annual activities during the seven days of the Spring Festival, such as making dumplings, tying lanterns, cutting window flowers, and even playing mahjong to win the buffet free of charge. You can have a one-stop meal, eat, drink and have fun, and you can have a Chinese New Year with great excitement.
The New Year’s Eve banquet is only provided on New Year’s Eve, with a price of 3288/2288 yuan. The opening time is 18:00, and reservations are required.
Restaurant information
Address: Grand Ballroom on the second floor of Shangri-La Hotel, No.700 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85806868 to 6320
Characteristic restaurant
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store
Authentic Beijing roast duck roasted on site
This restaurant, which specializes in roast duck, chooses Beijing stuffed duck, which grows on the bank of Yanqi Lake. The duck blank is dried for 3 days to discharge acid, and baked on the spot for 50 minutes by traditional oven hanging technique.It is the orthodox craft of Beijing roast duck.
Sliced duck master’s on-site slice cutting and loading trayIt is divided into three parts: duck skin, duck breast and duck leg.
Duck skin with blueberry sauce and pop rocks, duck breast dipped in yellow mustard sauce, seems to be a "dark dish", but it tastes amazing.
The duck leg meat follows the traditional eating method of Beijing roast duck. The fat and thin duck meat, with all kinds of small ingredients and dipping sauce in the eight-treasure box, is rolled up with lotus leaf cakes.
The duck rack with sliced meat is not wasted. You can choose to make duck soup, add tofu and Chinese cabbage, which is light, fresh and sweet, and balance the greasy taste of oil.
In addition to roast duck, there are various famous northern dishes in the annual meal package, which can taste the strong flavor of the year from Beijing.
The New Year’s Eve dinner package has three options: 1888 yuan (8 people) /2388 yuan (10 people) /2578 yuan (12 people), all of which include freshly roasted roast duck. Private rooms have 8-14 room types to choose from, and the margin is small. There is also a big table, and an appointment is required.
Restaurant information
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Hanjie Branch)
Address: No.9, the first block of Chuhehan Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87268216/87268219
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Yifang Branch)
Address: Floor 5, Yifang Shopping Center, No.1515 Zhongshan Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-82301899/82302899
Dayin art restaurant
Wangjiangchi fish
A restaurant under tiemenguan in Hanyang has a view of the river beach. The hall is decorated with Chinese flower arrangements, and the sound of guqin is the background, which is full of ancient charm.
The recommended dishes are braised pork, Wuchang fish, Dali wrapped black tofu and Guanyin duck, which are not only unique in Hubei, but also blend the flavors from all over the country.
The restaurant is close to Qingchuan Pavilion. After dinner, it is comfortable and beautiful to go for a walk in Qingchuan Pavilion.
The annual meal package has a price of 2999 yuan, and there is an additional 10% service charge for meals. The restaurant is open from 10: 00 a.m. to 14: 00 a.m. and from 16: 00 p.m. to 21: 00 p.m., and it is closed from the first day to the sixth day. A small number of private rooms can be reserved for dining before the New Year.
Restaurant information
Address:No. D70 Ximachang Street, Hanyang, Wuhan
Tel: 027-65021677
Rice Field; the fragrance of rice
Hong Kong-style potted dishes, lively New Year.
Daoxiang, a Hong Kong brand that has been stationed in Wuhan for many years, is most famous for its stable quality morning and evening tea. During the Spring Festival, its family also has a new year’s dinner to book.
The menu is the same as the daily banquet menu, and the Hong Kong style is rather light. I am used to eating thick oil red sauce on weekdays, so I can try something fresh for a change.
The representative dishes of Hong Kong-style New Year’s dinner areready-to-cook dishStack all kinds of ingredients in a big pot, which means that the pot is full and the harvest is reunion.
Pot dishes can have as many as nine floors, which are basically cooked vegetarian dishes, with miscellaneous materials in the middle, and precious ingredients such as shrimp, scallop, abalone and sea cucumber all over the top of the pot, which has both ornamental and taste functions.
A large basin was served on the table, steaming hot, and a family shared a treasure hunt. The atmosphere immediately became lively and the taste of the year was even more sufficient.
Potted vegetables can be eaten in the hall or taken away in gift boxes, but they must be booked 7 days in advance. The reunion dinner has three price points: 1988/2388/2888 yuan. There are private rooms and large tables, and you need to make an appointment.
Restaurant information
Daoxiang seafood hotpot restaurant (Hanjie branch)
Address: Floor 3-5, No.1 Hanjie, Shuiguohu, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87829595
Hong Kong Daoxiang Seafood Dim Sum Restaurant (Qiaokou Branch)
Address: Room 4003-4004, 4th Floor, Zone A, Yuexiu Xinghui Victoria Harbour Shopping Center, No.1 Zhongshan Avenue, Qiaokou District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-59808899
Daoxiang Seafood Hotpot Restaurant (moore city Branch)
Address: Floor 1, Building C, moore city, Wuhan, No.6 Longyang Avenue, Wangjiawan, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-84516767
Hankou privacy kitchen
Happy time in the old villa
The brand of coarse tea and light rice is positioned as a private-owned official dish.It is a typical taste of Hubei.
Lion’s head, tofu balls,Fish head king, glutinous rice ribs, beef bean skinWait for the characteristics, while retaining the local characteristics, make a little innovation and improvement, and eat comfortably like home cooking.
Restaurant decoration takes a retro route.It’s like walking into a husband’s pavilion in the last century, with typewriters, phonographs and other antique furniture on display in the corridor.
It is also very special to take a family photo after dinner.
There are 14 private rooms in the restaurant, which can meet the dining needs of 4-16 people, all with separate toilets. Reservations are required in advance for private rooms for annual meals.
Restaurant information
Address: No.977 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan (opposite to Wuhan Evening News)
Tel: 027-82776007
Hubin guest house
View from the lake, comfortable and comfortable.
In the old restaurant near the East Lake, every private room can overlook the lake, and the environment is perfect.
In winter, it is very suitable to order a stew of firewood and lotus root, and choose a seven-hole lotus root specially used for simmering soup to simmer slowly, so that the bones of firewood and fish will melt, and a bowl will warm the heart and stomach.
The fish head of Tangxun Lake is also the signature here. The fish round is soft and tender, with a little shadow of Jiang Mo, but the taste is not strong, but it adds a little fragrance.
As the boss is from Zhejiang, hangzhou dishes has become a major feature.
Shaoxing fragrant carved chicken is fine-tuned according to the taste of Hubei people. The native chicken and pig’s feet in western Hubei are selected and stewed with Shaoxing carved wine, which is salty and fresh in one bite and full of wine.
Booking a private dining room, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the East Lake in the afternoon and dining near the lake in the evening may be the most pleasant way to open the New Year’s Eve.
The annual meal package is available at the price of 3880/4880/5380 yuan. Reservation is required for dining, and the menu can be customized according to the taste of the guests.
Restaurant information
Address: East Lake Tingtao Scenic Area, No.78 Huangli Road, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88166666
Tian yi ju cha life
Drinking tea, catching up with the past and watching the lake.
A very elegant tea and food restaurant by the northwest lake. The small door is not conspicuous in the garden road business circle.But there are floor-to-ceiling glass windows facing the northwest lake, and the scenery is good.
The whole meal tastes light, and most cooking methods add tea elements.Rice is also cooked with tea soup.In addition to the original taste of rice, it adds a hint of tea fragrance.
The restaurant has an elegant environment, and the menus are all written in calligraphy. In the afternoon, make an appointment with friends and relatives, first have tea to catch up with the past, and then have a leisurely tea meal with the lake view, which can be regarded as a kind of life enjoyment.
There are three price options for the annual meal package, 888/1288/1688, all of which include a tea. You need to make an appointment for dinner. When you book the annual meal package, you will be given a special menu of writing brush and calligraphy.
Restaurant information
Address: Downstairs of Marriott International, No.8 Xibeihu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85780089
Year after year
The reunion dinner is steaming.
Simplicity or decency are nothing but skins.
The family sat round and round at the table.
Talk about this year’s life
Enjoy each other’s company
Is the most precious thing.
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Where will you eat this year’s reunion dinner?
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