[Fujian Finance Empowers Tea Industry] "Tea Finance+Science and Technology Specialist" Promotes the Green Development of Tea Economy

  Cctv news The system of "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology" (hereinafter referred to as "Special Commissioner for Science and Technology") originated in Nanping, Fujian, aiming at assisting the development of advantageous industries and the construction of agricultural science and technology parks through the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and helping rural revitalization. However, the problem that science and technology commissioners often encounter in the process of serving tea farmers and tea enterprises is the problem of funds.

  According to the introduction of the local financial supervision bureau of Fujian Province, the relevant financial institutions in Fujian have innovated the "tea industry finance+specialized" model, provided comprehensive financial services in the areas of "financing and intelligence, industrial support, knowledge popularization and ecological construction", and promoted the tea industry to become a dominant industry in Fujian together with the "Fucha. com" platform.

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

Lin Jie, president of Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, went to tea enterprises for guidance and set up a "workstation for financial technology commissioners".

  The Nanping Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China strengthened the cooperation between government, banks and enterprises, and guided financial institutions to launch various models such as "tea finance+Kurt loan" and "technology+finance+tea industry" to organically integrate the policy of benefiting farmers with financial products. At the same time, it instructed financial institutions to set up a "workstation for financial science and technology commissioners", and provided support to 634 tea enterprises and farmers in industrial support and precise poverty alleviation.

  Bank of China Nanping Branch designed and launched the "Cote Loan" liquidity product, and Nanping Finance Bureau invested 2 million yuan to establish a credit enhancement fund pool as the government risk compensation for the credit enhancement fund loans of enterprises led, founded and served by Nanping Science and Technology Commissioner. When the credit enhancement project loans suffered losses, the loan losses were supplemented by 50% of the credit enhancement part. The bank also plays the role of precise drip irrigation of tea finance, promotes the coordinated development of tea industry, tea culture and tea technology, and makes tea economy a magic weapon for rural revitalization and a benchmark for green development.

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

The staff of Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank visited to understand the credit demand of customers. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

  Nanping Branch of Postal Savings Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Nanping Science and Technology Bureau, set up a service team of financial science and technology commissioners, and jointly launched the "Kurt Loan", which mainly provided credit financial support for enterprises founded, led or served by science and technology commissioners; Open up green approval channels and give preferential interest rates. With the guidance of the science and technology task force and the blessing of financial resources, the capital needs of tea enterprises for production, processing and technology upgrading have been effectively met.

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

Science and technology commissioners went to Zhenghe County tea enterprises to provide technical services. (Photo by Wang Feng)

  In Zhenghe County, Fujian Province, it was not easy to evaluate the value of local tea due to the variety of tea and the influence of tea production technology and tea producing area, which also made tea enterprises encounter difficulties in financing. Nowadays, through the combination of tea financial services and the special system, the problem of value evaluation that plagues local tea financial services has been effectively solved.

  With the assistance of the special workstation, the county broke the financing bottleneck of tea warehouse receipt pledge due to value evaluation, quality certification and other issues. At present, more than 8,000 boxes of white tea have entered the high-standard intelligent management, with a total value of more than 30 million yuan, and it is estimated that more than 18 million yuan can be raised. (Wei Ju)