Cai Xukun finally spoke out in person! In response to the pregnancy abortion incident, the truth turned out to be this?

You may have heard of Cai Xukun, a young and promising singer and producer who has participated in talent shows such as "Idol Trainee" and "Youth With You" and has a large number of fans and followers. But what you may not know is that he was recently involved in a sensational pregnancy abortion incident, accused of having a one-night stand with a girl surnamed C who caused her to become pregnant and was monitored and compensated by her mother.

How did this incident happen? What is the truth? How did Cai Xukun respond? Let’s take a look!

The cause of this incident was on June 26, when a user, "Mr. C, don’t be too brave," broke the news on Weibo that on May 20, 2021, Cai Xukun and a girl surnamed C met through a friend’s introduction at a KTV in Chaoyang District, Beijing. After the party, the two had sex in the early morning of the 21st. After a month, Ms. C went to the hospital for examination and revealed that she was pregnant, and Cai Xukun’s reaction was "abortion"; on July 5, Ms. C went to the hospital alone to have an abortion.

The online user also provided some evidence, including Ms. C’s ID card, hospital checklist, abortion surgery list, WeChat chat records, etc. He also said that after Cai Xukun’s mother learned about the incident, she suspected that Ms. C deliberately set up a plan to blackmail her son, and asked private detectives to follow Ms. C and illegally install pinhole cameras in front of her house.

The revelation drew widespread attention and discussion online. Some questioned the motives of the whistleblower and the authenticity of the evidence. Some criticized Cai Xukun for being irresponsible and disrespectful to women. Some called for respect for the privacy and rights of the parties involved. Cai Xukun and his studio did not immediately respond.

Until July 3, Cai Xukun himself responded to the incident in a post on Weibo, saying, "I was single two years ago and had a relationship with Ms. C. The personal matters between the two parties have been properly resolved in 2021, and there is no further entanglement with each other."

He also clarified some rumors and apologized to the public and the media. He said: "What needs to be clarified to everyone and the media is that my interactions with Ms. C were consensual, and there was neither the situation of’the woman was underage ‘nor the so-called’forced abortion’, and there was no illegal act. I implore the relevant self-media not to spread rumors or believe rumors. This lesson has been a painful one for me, and in the past two years, I have also been feeling remorse and remorse. Once again, I apologize to the fans who have always supported and trusted me, and to the media friends who have been following my development and growth."

He also asked everyone to respect and protect the personal privacy of the parties, especially Ms. C, and expressed that he would strictly restrain his words and deeds in the future and accept public and social supervision.

Cai Xukun’s response caused different reactions from netizens. Some people thought he was excusing himself, some thought he was taking responsibility, and some thought he was sincerely apologizing. Cai Xukun’s fans were shouting in support of his idol, saying they would go all the way with him.

"I believe in you! You are a responsible, responsible and charismatic person! You don’t need to explain to anyone, you just need to be yourself! We will always support you and love you!" one fan commented.

"You don’t have to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong. You are a normal adult with your own private life. Your matter with Ms. C has been resolved, don’t be disturbed by others. We will always be with you and protect you!" another fan commented.

What exactly happened in this incident? What is the truth? We have no way of knowing. But we can see that Cai Xukun, as a public figure, chose to bravely stand up and respond in the face of such negative public opinion, and took corresponding responsibilities. He also expressed respect and apology to the parties and the public, and expressed his reflection and improvement on himself.

Such an attitude deserves our affirmation and respect. We also hope that this incident can be put to rest as soon as possible, so that the parties can live in peace. At the same time, we also hope that netizens can view this incident rationally, do not spread or believe false information, do not violate or attack the privacy and rights of the parties, and do not cause more harm to them.

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