Samuel Hung established a film studio, and Jackie Chan was ridiculed for being late

    1905 movie network news On June 13, Hongjinbao Film Studio was officially established in Shanghai. Many action actors and directors from the Hong Kong film industry came to the scene. Yuan Hua, Qian Jiale, Qian Xiaohao, Li Rengang, Ye Weixin and others gathered together. Zeng Zhiwei and Wu Jing also came to join the audience. Andy Lau, Guo Fucheng, Huang Xiaoming, Han Geng and others also sent blessing videos. However, the biggest surprise of the day was Jackie Chan, who arrived late, and was ridiculed by Hong Jinbao as soon as he took the stage.

Hong Jinbao established a film studio and contributed money to promote young people

    As Hong Jinbao’s adopted son, Peng Yuyan made a cameo appearance as a host, and almost fell when he came on stage. When he introduced himself, he was interrupted by Hong Jinbao’s son Hong Tianming, "I am Hong Jinbao’s adopted son and his apprentice Peng Yuyan…" Hong Tianming said, "You are the guest, and I am the real son." While chatting and laughing, the two invited Hong Jinbao to the stage.

    Hong Jinbao said that when he was a child, he was also a little fresh meat. Later, he became a martial artist and worked hard for 50 years, which can be regarded as "making a name for himself." "The most important thing in making a movie is that I am not happy, and the audience is happy when they see it, but now there is no one to follow." Next, Hong Jinbao announced the official establishment of his film studio. "The original intention of establishing this studio is to promote young people and make movies with them seriously and vigorously. If I meet good talents, I will help you build a team. I have also established the Hong Jinbao Film Fund, which will invest in good ideas."

The late establishment was ridiculed, and Peng Yuyan "gave up making money" guest hosted

    When all the guests took a group photo, Jackie Chan appeared silently. After Hong Jinbao found out, he invited him to the stage. The two began to tease each other. Hong Jinbao complained first: "Didn’t you come to make money?" Jackie Chan counterattacked: "You didn’t invite me, I came by myself." Hong Jinbao was not to be outdone, "Uninvited! Do I want to invite you? Really."

    The two of them fought for a while, and then entered the photo session. Hong Jinbao still refused to let Jackie Chan go, asking him if he knew the colleagues sitting in the audience, "Do you know Director Li Rengang? Don’t blame him, he doesn’t even know me."

    In the end, Hong Jinbao also thanked Peng Yuyan, and he didn’t forget to laugh, "He is my adopted son, he came in his busy schedule, and he makes money every second. It is my honor not to make money to be my guest, so I will not thank you."