How many pits are there for 15.2 kilometers of road to collect 19.9 kilometers of money?

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, September 25 Question: 15.2 kilometers of road charge 19.9 kilometers of money, how many pits are there for driving?

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua View" reporters, Wang Yang and Shao Luwen

  Recently, a post of a new scam on behalf of driving has gone viral through the public security official Weibo and WeChat in many places. According to the police, some personnel pretended to be chauffeurs to send passengers home, took personal information on the way, deliberately created traffic accidents "to make a game", and finally demanded high amounts of money. Many netizens expressed that they have resonated, and they have also been tricked by "black chauffeur".

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that after drunk driving into prison, "drunk looking for a driver" has become a common consumer habit. Statistics show that last year, the national driving industry total orders have exceeded 253 million orders, the total output value of 15.40 billion yuan. At the same time, the management of the driving industry is disorderly, sky-high prices, hit-and-run and other chaos.

  The driver actually invited a drunk, the industry is not standardized, and there are great safety hazards

  Analysys think tank released a report showing that in the first half of 2017, China’s Internet driving market reached 2.965 billion yuan, showing a steady growth trend. At the same time, the unscrupulous behavior of individual practitioners has brought hidden dangers to the industry.

  Mr. Zhong, a resident of Jinan, said that he was going to find a chauffeur to go home after a party, but he did not expect a drunk to come over by the chauffeur’s phone. Mr. Liu, a resident of Beijing, also encountered similar unhappiness. When he left a restaurant after drinking, he chose a chauffeur at the door on the strong recommendation of the waiter. Due to his drunken confusion, Mr. Liu did not notice anything wrong during the journey home, but found that the door of the car was obviously scratched the next day. He contacted the chauffeur, but the other person denied it.

  Liu Ruzhong, a senior partner at Taihe Tai (Beijing) Law Firm, said that there are three main aspects to the current chaos in the driving market: first, the industry threshold is too low, the driving level of practitioners is uneven, and the quality of some personnel is low; second, the fees are arbitrary, and the driver adjusts the price arbitrarily; third, some drivers are indifferent to traffic rules, resulting in many accidents.

  The reporter searched the China Judgment Document Network and found that in the past two years, the number of cases related to driving has increased significantly. Since 2016, there have been 1,078 such court verdicts, including 402 involving traffic accidents, 244 liability compensation, 228 personal injury compensation, and 118 mental damage.

  "The surrogate driving market is growing rapidly, but under the circumstance of imperfect industry norms, the safety hazards are also increasing. Hit-and-run accidents, theft of property, illegal driving, etc., make consumers pay a heavy price for one-time surrogate driving," said Zhang Shili, head of the Auto Club branch of the China Automobile Dealers Association.

  The reporter personally experienced: "Black driving" charges 19.9 kilometers for 15.2 kilometers of road, and it is difficult for regular driving drivers to grab the order

  Recently, the reporter experienced the whole process of the service of multiple chauffeurs in Jinan. At around 9 pm on the 14th, the reporter came out of a hotel in Jinan and found that there were many chauffeurs waiting at the door. A chauffeur who came forward to collect work said that he could choose two ways: "report the order" and "do not report the order".

  It turns out that the so-called "declaration" is a company behavior, and the driver needs to pay 20% of the income to the company; not "declaration" means that the driver himself takes "private work" under the banner of the company, and the insurance and other guarantees provided by the company for passengers become the driver’s private income. The driver told reporters that doing "private work" is good, and now the most chaotic market is "black driving".

  According to clues, the reporter experienced a "black driver" service on the evening of the 21st. From the Jinan Olympic Sports Center, he called the driver to drive to the vicinity of the reporter’s residence. The map shows that the distance is 15.2 kilometers, and the estimated cost of e-driver and Didi driver and other platforms is about 80 yuan. However, the software carried by the "black driver" shows that the mileage is 19.9 kilometers, and the final settlement fee is 99 yuan.

  The "black driver" charges 59 yuan for 10 kilometers. When the reporter asked how to charge for more than 10 kilometers and whether it was still charged according to this standard, the driver did not respond positively.

  Master Zhang, a full-time driver who has been working on a driving platform for five years, told reporters that in addition to asking for random prices, some "black driving" may also bring safety problems. In Jinan, there are many "black driving", and it is difficult for regular drivers to grab orders.

  Zhang Shili said that at present, there is a lack of mandatory standards in the driving industry, resulting in too low a threshold for personnel and no code of conduct.

  The person in charge of Didi’s driving said, "On the Internet driving platform, in addition to requiring no bad records such as crime, alcoholism, and traffic violations, drivers have to undergo strict training and written tests, interviews, and other assessments before they can be hired." According to the reporter’s investigation, many small driving companies do not require driver training in accordance with industry standards and specifications, nor do they have insurance for driver liability insurance.

  "Since 2015, the Automobile Dealers Association and several major driving companies have initiated industry self-discipline, calling on all employees to take a third-party practice test for certification, and after passing the test, obtain a driving training certificate. At present, the number of people with certificates in the industry has accounted for 37.5%." Zhang Shili said.

  Who will take care of these "black drivers"?

  The reporter’s investigation found that at present, the driving company is a company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau to engage in "non-operating vehicle driving services", and the supervision subject is not clear.

  The Shandong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce said that the industry and commerce department is mainly responsible for the registration of driving companies in accordance with the company law and relevant laws and regulations, in accordance with the principle of market access.

  According to the interviewed traffic police department, the traffic police mainly investigate and deal with violations in the process of driving. Driving services are essentially different from operating driving services. Without clear jurisdiction, the traffic control department cannot supervise the driving industry.

  Wang Xinliang, director of Shandong Xinliang Law Firm, believes that it is crucial to rectify the chaos in the driving industry and clarify the supervision of the driving market.

  "The price department can guide the driving industry to formulate clear charging standards, and the charging standards of the driving company should be publicized or registered for the record. This can not only ensure the free pricing of the market, but also accept social supervision to prevent enterprises or individuals from changing the standards at will," said lawyer Chen Zhiwei, a partner in the Shanghai branch of Beijing Zhongzi Law Firm.