An Conghui: Traffic is not the only indicator of a car company’s success. Extreme Krypton needs to be a product benchmark for market segments

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  withThe launch of 009 Glory has gradually revealed its technological advantages in creating market-specific benchmark products.

  "At present, we are still focusing on the pure electric field, and strive to create the ultimate, luxurious and good products that meet the travel needs of high-end people in the pure electric market." An Conghui, president of Geely Holding Group and CEO of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, recently told media reporters including China Business News that the concept of Extreme Krypton product development is to make one product into one, and "to make a product will become the benchmark of this market segment".

  According to relevant information, Extreme Krypton recently released its four ultra-high-performance vehiclesThe flagship MPV product, Krypton 009 Brilliance, can be used for both commercial and domestic use, said Xu Yun, vice-president of Krypton Intelligent Technology. "With the application of Himalayan rough stone material to create a comfortable atmosphere like home, and the super soft wool carpet, I hope that users can quickly enter the relaxation and home mode during the trip."

  According to the official data of Extreme Krypton, this year’s Quarter 1, Extreme Krypton delivered a total of 33,059 units, an increase of 117% year-on-year. At the same time, the fifth model of Extreme Krypton is also about to be launched. According to the official data of Extreme Krypton, the fifth model of Extreme Krypton has been officially named Extreme Krypton MIX, and will be dedicated to creating a new family travel lifestyle and creating a future home

  Sales still have room to be released

  To make the product a benchmark in the market segment, there is still room for growth in terms of sales.

  According to relevant information, as a four-seat super flagship, JK009 Glory has been "full" in terms of safety and intelligent driving experience. Specifically, JK009 Glory has an integrated die-cast "C ring seat" and the world’s first accompanying airbag, which can provide effective protection for the safety of second-row passengers. In terms of air quality in the car, it has three lines of defense: PM2.5 monitoring system, anti virus filter element, and negative ion generator.

  In addition to safety, intelligent driving is also a major feature of Extreme Krypton 009 Brilliance. Extreme Krypton 009 Brilliance is the only smart car in the world with dual 8295 intelligent cockpit computing chips, providing independent computing power support for the front and rear cabins. Regardless of the cockpit system response speed, graphics, video processing capabilities, or AI large-scale model computing, it is currently the industry’s ceiling level.

  Currently domesticThe MPV market is rising rapidly. According to the data of the Passenger Federation, the domestic MPV sales in 2023 exceeded 240,000 units, compared with the sales of 88,000 units in the previous year, an increase of 177.3% year-on-year. Among them, the sales of plug-in hybrid MPV reached 164,000 units, an increase of more than 430% year-on-year.

  open sourceAccording to the analysis of relevant research reports, withThe improved battery life, charging efficiency, and cost have gradually eased consumers’ concerns about MPVs, and the cost of superimposed new energy MPVs is significantly lower than that of fuel vehicles. Therefore, since 2021, new energy MPVs, especially plug-in hybrid MPVs, have accelerated their penetration into the market.

  In this regard, An Conghui said that for Extreme Krypton, it is necessary to seize the current opportunity and strive to perform better in the pure electricity market, further increase the market share, and enable the brand to further improve. "This is what Extreme Krypton needs to do."

  It is understood that in 2024, the global sales target of polar krypton is 230,000. An Conghui is confident: "Every product developed by the company has become a benchmark for the market segment. This year, the company’s products will be introduced to the global market, which is very helpful for the annual sales."

  Lin Jinwen, vice president of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology, also said that there is still a lot of room for Extreme Krypton’s sales to be released. This year, it will accelerate the layout of sinking channels, which is a great increase for Extreme Krypton. "As of the end of last year, Extreme Krypton only cultivated in first- and second-tier cities. This year, it will add more than 100 service networks in sinking channels, accounting for 30% of the entire sales and service network. Before the end of last year, almost 90% of the service networks were in first- and

  The smart driving team is still expanding

  Behind the setting of global sales targets is the technological capital and differentiated development path owned by JK.

  "Extreme Krypton was established relatively late compared to other new forces, so it has strategically decided to start from the most difficult place, start from the high end, and take a differentiated route. This is the strategy that my team and I have repeatedly studied at the beginning of the establishment of the whole brand, and finally decided." An Conghui said that so far, Extreme Krypton has basically achieved its original goal.

  It is understood that previously in JK 001, JK combined the advantages of SUVs, sedans, and sports cars. "The space, passability, comfort of cars, and driving control of sports cars of SUVs have been combined. Combining the advantages of the three categories in one car must be the most difficult to develop, but we made it, and 001 has been recognized by users. We have turned a niche market into a mass market." An Conghui said.

  However, on whether JK will follow the traffic route of the current car company head’s live broadcast, An Conghui said that traffic cannot be the only way for a brand or a company to succeed. "As the CEO of a company, time and energy are limited, and I want to focus more time and energy on products, technologies and users."

  In the future, Extreme Krypton will also adhere to the strategy of starting from high-end luxury and taking a differentiated route. An Conghui further said that the company will use this strategy to promote in the future. "The development of enterprise products is to meet the needs of users, and the challenge is very large. But for Extreme Krypton, why can’t it create demand for users? The greatest and most successful companies create demand, so Extreme Krypton strives to create demand in the new energy vehicle industry."

  Taking the raw stone material in the car of JK 009 Glory as an example, An Conghui said that other companies also thought about it but did not choose to do it, and JK did it. "This reflects the ability of JK to innovate, and to differentiate, you must have the ability to innovate."

  This is also reflected in the technical accumulation of JK. According to Jiang Jun, vice president of JK Intelligent Technology, JK’s dynamic distributed architecture is very advanced in software industry technology, and the core is that it can improve the performance of the same chip by 20% in computing power. "This is also the reason why JK is the first to apply virtualization technology to cars. We introduced this ability into the third-party app through JK Extreme Extreme Extreme, which is the embodiment of the entire computing power and technical architecture capabilities."

  In Jiang Jun’s opinion, in terms of future computing power layout, Extreme Krypton is in a very leading state. "What you see may be the part above the iceberg, and the accumulation of technology under the iceberg is the strongest’moat ‘of Extreme Krypton."

  "Cabin driving integration is a technical route, and the industry is exploring this direction. It is moving faster in the low-end market. The user experience in the high-end field is very important. Various chip manufacturers have launched high-end chips, hoping to promote the trend of cabin driving integration as soon as possible." Jiang Jun further said that at present, although the progress is not as fast as expected. Extreme Krypton will definitely explore on this path, but in essence, technology serves the experience. How to bring the best cockpit experience and the best smart driving experience to users is the core of Extreme Krypton.

  The reporter noticed that the current JK Smart Driving team is still expanding. Chen Qi, vice president of JK Smart Technology, said in an interview that the JK Smart Driving team is growing rapidly. "The resources of the whole team are tilted towards JK, and the most important thing is to launch the best products for everyone. Our entire JK Smart Driving team is accelerating its pace, stepping up to win more with less, and winning slowly with fast. According to this strategy, it has been advancing."