Sweet photo exposure with Nicholas Tse, Faye Wong smiles shy as a girl

In 2014, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse staged the "Great Reunion of the Century", and their more dramatic love story than the movie is still talked about.

Both of them know that they are the topic of conversation, so they have kept a low profile for nearly six years.

Except for only a few "inadvertent" photos taken in the same frame, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse rarely talk about each other, so there are often news that their feelings have changed.

A few days ago, some netizens said that they met Wang Fei and Nicholas Tse at the Japanese airport. Fei looked very young, but Xiao Xie was a bit fierce, which scared the netizens into not taking pictures.

Although there is no photo to prove that Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse are together, Faye Wong was photographed alone at the airport on January 30, confirming her claim of traveling.

At the same time, Nicholas Tse and his good friends, including Eason Chan and his wife, Guo Weiliang and others, went skiing in Japan during the Spring Festival holiday, and they frequently uploaded travel photos on social networks.

Fans speculated that since Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse appeared at the Japanese airport, she should also be in the "Friends Ski Group", so everyone picked up the magnifying glass to find her figure.

The back photo of Nicholas Tse and his friends sitting on the ski lift was initially misunderstood as him and Faye Wong. After some excitement, fans discovered that the other party turned out to be Eason Chan, which was ironic.

Some people also analyze from the clothes that the two photos are not the same person, and it is also possible that one is Faye Wong and the other is Eason Chan?

What the truth is, only the parties concerned are clear.

However, don’t be too disappointed. As long as CP is still around, there will be "sugar" one day.

Recently, some netizens uploaded an intimate photo of Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, with their heads next to each other, looking like they were taking selfies.

Faye Wong, whose image has always been high and cold, snuggled up beside her boyfriend and smiled sweetly and shyly. Nicholas Tse’s "Cool Gai" nature did not change, and his appearance was a little serious. The expressions of the two were contrasting and cute.

Faye Wong’s cute appearance looks like a peer with Nicholas Tse. Maybe Xiao Xie likes to pretend to be old in front of his girlfriend to shorten the age gap?

Although the photo was a bit dark, it could still be seen that Nicholas Tse was wearing a cold hat, a black coat, and the hat was orange. Faye Wong was also wearing a black hooded coat, and she wore the hat on her head when taking the photo. It was reasonable to assume that they should be in a relatively cold place.

The clothes of the two in the photo are very suitable for the current season. Could it be a freshly baked photo?

This photo also "alarmed" some fans. Some people left a message urging netizens to delete the picture, and some people questioned whether this could be an old photo?

Although the picture label had the words "2014", it did not mean that it was a photo from 2014, because the online user who uploaded the photo was also called 2014.

However, since some fans have commented that this photo is rarely circulated, it means that it should be an old photo, but I don’t know when it was taken.

After six years of compounding, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong have rarely been found in the same frame. In addition to the two deliberately keeping a low profile, it may also be related to the protection of their fans.

Even if Faye Wong has been semi-retired for a long time, her popularity and appeal are still quite amazing. Fans understand the reason why she and Nicholas Tse have a low-key relationship, because no one wants their feelings to become the topic of conversation.

This also shows that Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse are still doing well, and fans are quite relieved.